Global Voice Radio Network's tracks

USA Organic Republic Tuesday

1h 21m
Broadcast on:
17 Jul 2024
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It don't necessarily just hold it on there, you know, and wand that spot on my thigh, but it seems to be diminishing. Some, not as quickly as what I thought, but it doesn't protrude out of the skin. You know, I can feel it, but you can't. It's not visual. - Yeah, that's how mine are. I can feel it and the massage people can feel it under the skin. And they just, you know, when they're massaging, they just put on that and roll it around and push on it and whatever, and they go away. And I just marked it up to like stress or, you know, whatever, you know, maybe it's my chair. Maybe it's, you know, how I put my hands on my desk. You know, I really think about it, but. - Well, I can tell you I was using, it was a lawn chair and it had, oh, elastic, so to speak, which weaved the, what you set on to the side of the chair. And so we had like these little. - You formed the edge of the chair. - Yes, my thigh went, you know, into the same spot 'cause I always set towards my left side and would put my right foot up on the chair. And so all my weight was on that side. And when I noticed that that was happening, I put a pillow there. - Yes. - So not to make it worse. But by then it had already formed. - Right, right, no, I can totally, I can see that. - So I'm more careful, you know, but like I said, I've lost some weight, don't know if I can attribute that to that pocket being a little bit smaller. I don't know. It's just, and then my dog does have one on the back of his neck. So. - For the dog, I had asked because when I got my dog tipped, my last dog, because I was taking them out places, so I had both of them chipped. They both got a fatty tumor where they had been chipped. And other people that I know that had chipped their dogs also got fatty tumors where they had been chipped. And that's why I had asked if the other gentleman's dog had been chipped. - Oh my. See, he's actually my daughter's dog and he was a runaway bunny. She left him at the pound the last time he ran away and I went and got him. And I wonder if the pound put a chip in the desk was costed. I'll have to ask her. Thank you for that. - Yeah. - And I had asked the vet or the people, you know, that were doing chipping to remove the chip. And I was told that they could not remove the chip because they migrate. And I looked down, I said, well, if they migrate, how can you scan to get the information up the chip? They couldn't answer me, but. That was a little upset. - Of course, you think you're doing something, you know, it's a great thing and you're not given full disclosure and it's possible that they don't have the information to give you, but that makes it even worse. - I'm almost positive they don't have the information to give you because if they were fully informed, they would not be doing what they're doing. - And it's all about the money. - Yeah. - And if they're a 5013C, you have to do what you're told in order to keep getting that money. - Yeah, the only information they're real clear on is how much they get paid. - Yeah. - Right. - You know, speaking of vaccinations, I did vaccinate my children. I didn't know any better. I thought that's what you needed to do, but, and it never occurred to me that those wellness clinics were at the church. - It never, it didn't seem odd to me. I thought, well, they're being helpful, you know. - Mm-hmm, yeah, I got my son vaccinated too and, and of course, I got on mine and, you know, he thought we were doing the right thing. - Mm-hmm. - And then when you learned differently, it was when my children started having children. - Yes. - And, but by then, how you raised them, it's like, well, what now, Mom? - You gave us ours, you know, and I gave my daughter-in-law a book about vaccine injury. My son brought it back to me and he said she was in tears, couldn't finish reading it, but they don't vaccinate their children. So, I'm glad about that. Except for their firstborn. And I was there and they gave her a vitamin K, but they refused hepatitis B and all that. But when they stuck, and how do you know that that was the vitamin K, that's what the nurse said? - Yes, and I will tell you, I have noticed with the dogs that my last dog that I had vaccinated all the time and my current dog when I had her babies shot done, right? I'd noticed with the other one, these black spots on her tongue, she did not always have these black spots. And then all of a sudden, she developed these black spots on her tongue. And my current dog did not have black spots on her tongue until after I got her her baby shot. And I had asked the vet what the black spots were. And the black spots, 'cause there's certain breeds of dogs that do have black spots on her tongue. - Mm-hmm, and oh, I can't remember what they, I keep thinking Bouvier, but it's not Bouvier, but it's an aggressive kind of like a keto, like keto, right? They said that's what the black spots, so they're mixing the DNA in there, which is causing the dogs to get these black spots. And maybe that's to mark them, to say, "Hey, I know they had their rabies shots," or "Didn't have their rabies shots, I don't know." But, you know, like you said, you don't know what's in the shots they're giving you. And you really can't be faulted for what you didn't know before, but now that you do know, if you're making, you know, as long as you're making the attempt to do the right thing with the new knowledge versus ignoring the new knowledge, to cling to, you know, so you don't feel guilty about what you did before. - My dog, Ruger, let's see, he'll be 10 towards the end of this year. He's never had one, no one needle. - Oh, okay. - It's been fixed. - Yes. - Oh. - My current, my first one now, she had her puffy shots, and then we got the two rabies shots, and now we just get the tiders. And she's an alter also. - Oh, it's the chow that gets the blue spots, the chow, yeah. - Yes, you're right. Sorry, I didn't mean they were wrapped, it just came to my mind. - But you're right, it was the chow. And my puffy now, 'cause I took 'em right away to the holistic vet, they said, you know, they wanted to wait a period of time, 'cause they just had their beginner puffy shots, they wanted to do all the tiders before they do any other shots to see if they need any other shots. And she's not gonna be altered either, if I don't have to, that's why I got two girls, so that I don't have to do anything either whole. And I'm coming across more people. - Oh, what? (laughs) - But I'm not understanding what you're saying that they have to. - They have to do what? - Well, she's too early to be turned out. - No, you said that they had to do some kind of test or something to see if they needed the other shots. I wasn't clear on what that word was, it started with a T. - Yeah, the tiders are, - Yeah, T-E-R. - Yeah, those are like level testing, they're testing for their levels. And if they're in their, if they're in the needed levels for their system to be sufficiently protected, then they don't have to have any shots because their system is. And if you're around other dogs that have already been vaccinated, right, those other dogs shed the stuff. So readers only actually have to, they vaccinate one dog and it shares the immunity with all the other dogs. And it shows up on a titer test. And my vet writes me a paper for any place that I want to go that needs shots. My vet writes me a paper saying that they're protected and their levels are at acceptable rates. So I can go to dog training classes, I can hear them forwarded, I can play in stays, I can, anything that eats shots, I can show them that far. - And those organizations, you know, except that document from your vet. - Yeah. - Well, interesting to know. - I remember when I first started to consider, you know, alternative ideas to what the norm was and comes to healthcare. And I had to listen to Dr. Tim Fanniequod a bit about vaccination. So pretty much none of them are any good. So I had that in my idea in my head and I went back and I wasn't getting anything. I think I allowed, since my childhood vaccinations, I think I've allowed one tetanus shot from an injury, which was just bullshit. I should have never gotten that. But anyway, I asked my mom, I said, "Hey mom, you know what shots did I have as a child?" 'Cause those are the only ones that I would have had 'cause I didn't pile on. And she said, "Oh, you got all of them." We made sure she was very proud of herself that we were up to date and everything. I said, "Okay, mom, thanks." I just wanted to know. - Yeah, well, that's what they pushed. That's what they promoted, right? You were only a good parent if you were fully up to date. You're killing people if you don't get your jab. - Yep, not much has changed. - And I don't know why people don't stop and think if you've got your jab and you're supposed to be protected, how can me not having a jab do anything to you because you're already protected against me? - But that logic somehow, I don't know if it's 'cause it's not in common core math that they don't get it or I don't know why it doesn't compute. - That's why I'm so skeptical in these days 'cause everything I consider that comes from the system is got some kind of a taint on it and it should be owner b-boy art, right? - Yes, yes. - If the government says it's good for you. - It's problem. - Well, maybe it's not. - That's why, you know, back in the day, they were saying eggs are bad for you, salt's bad for you, whatever. And I had listened to the whole dead doctors don't like audio talks. And there was a period of time that I was on like, I couldn't find enough of his talks, like his in-person talks. And he is all like, yeah, you got this. You wanna eat a gazillion eggs a day and you wanna make sure you have salt. And being that you need the salt for the electrical conductivity, it made perfectly good sense to me that you need salt. So the whole non-salt thing, you know, started, I started to question that. And then I was seeing things of where, if you wanna go on a spiritual journey, right with these spirit guides and whatever, you know, and you wanna take the drugs and whatever they are to go do this, they make you like do a fast and cleanse and get the salt out of your diet 'cause it like salt is grounding. So you're not grounded. And you watch all these movies and what are they doing with the salt? They put it around you to protect you from evil spirits or, you know, whatever. And then I started hearing people talk about, yeah, they put the salt around their house to protect the house. And so, and possessions are up. So I'm like, well, that makes total sense. If you're taking the salt, you're protected. And now it's been a mainstay of the mankind diet since I've been able to research history, right? Every, you wanna have your salt, you gotta have your salt. And the eggs. - The blood has the same salt content as the ocean. - Yeah. And it makes perfectly good sense to me that your body, you need the cholesterol 'cause your brain is what, 90% cholesterol or something? And then you're seeing all these health crazy body builders just drinking a, you know, a carton of eggs a day. And I don't know, I don't know about you guys, but I ate a lot of cookie dough and the cookie dough all had raw eggs in it and I never had an issue. I just like, okay. - Yeah, I remember as a kid, I was wanting to get mom's cookie dough. It was verboten, but, you know, try as you may. - Yes, that is one of the problems of being an adult in your own book is you have the, you have that control over whether you cook the cookies or you just eat the dough. Not that I'm advocating for people to go eat the cookie dough, it's just a thing. (silence) - Dave in the thumb mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I was looking for some information about something. You sort of mentioned that, you know, Wallach's not doing as good as he should, and he did take two vaxes, I guess, and boy, about two weeks after the conversation, I heard him on coast to coast. And wow, this is not the sharp man that he used to be. I mean, he usually just, like a machine, gonna rattle off what you take for this thing, that thing, and the other thing. - Yes. - And he was misspeaking and fumbling and it was, I mean, when George Nori is trying to help you out on a subject like that, that's pretty sad. - I'm really surprised that he has not been able to bring himself to some form of detox. And maybe he's tried and it's just nothing working. I don't know. He had a lot of really good information on eating this for that or taking these vitamins, and you need those vitamins. And I didn't find anything that he said to be wrong. I just, now that other people are controlling the company, and they've changed the formulations of some of the products, if not all of them, and they've brought in other products that are not to the standards. I'm not. - I think the standards are still probably good, but from the little knowledge I have about it, I've seen them reduce things in the formulas. And you know, they're trying to sell it for a certain profit, right? That's sort of where it's going, the way it looks to me. I just did a lot of research on iodine, and taking more of it and how to support that with the other critical things, like selenium and zinc and what have you. - I just mean to you guys talk about the iodine and the selenium, what was it, three weeks back, I think? - Could be. - That meant a little bit more. 'Cause I do have iodine. I got, was it Dr. Berg's or? Oh, I forget what brand. It's either Dr. Berg or it's like something health. I have their detoxidine, iodine, and it's supposed to be really good iodine. And so then I increase that in the selenium. 'Cause I know the selenium helps with age points, too. - The one thing, when I did the reading on the iodine and realized that selenium was important, otherwise the iodine could be still producing toxic substances if it doesn't have the support of selenium, but it's a key later of mercury, selenium is. - Okay. - Well, how much are you taking? - The bottle has a little eyedropper thing in it, and let me go look at it. 'Cause I was taking one eyedropper, and then I increased it to two, and-- - Well, from what I see, somewhere is between one and 400 micrograms a day is probably all you need. Regardless of whether you're taking one, two, or 50 milligrams of iodine. - Okay, this iodine per per drum droplet dropper thing, it says it is a thousand MGs or whatever it is. MGs are a real small, I can't read it. And the selenium-- - You have doctor groups, you said you talked to them, but that's doctor group group, okay, yeah. I got the same product, but I'm talking-- - So three drops of that is about a milligram, it's like a thousand micrograms. - Oh, well, I'm talking a whole dropper. I'm not-- - So each drop is about a milligram, even though each three drops of that is about a milligram. - Okay. - I'm taking six right now, but I still haven't gotten my selenium and to support more, which I need to get to, but I do have it in wallics products. So I'm getting some. - I don't know how many drops is in a one of the-- 'cause I just fill up the tube and I take whatever that is. And now I'm taking two of those. And I have my selenium. My selenium, I was taking 1, 200 MCG, and so now I'm taking 400 MCG. - Yeah, that's about the higher end of what I've seen recommended. But if you're actually trying to get mercury out of your body, that's why I think I'm gonna go to that higher dose. Because of the amalgams in my teeth, I would say it would be the main place that I would be getting mercury from, to try to remove that. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Basically, every time you chew a meal, those amalgams are releasing mercury. - I had mine removed back in the day. And I thought I was having the good porcelain ones put in, but I come to find out that Dennis said, "Hey, I was trying to save you some money, "so I gave you the not-so-good ones "that only last five years." - No, geez. - I said, "Gee, thanks, thanks." And I started using a silver toothpaste. I got this toothpaste that is, it's called, oh, fresh mouth, but it's got nano silver tooth, it's nano silver in it. And that's supposed to help with any toxins, and it's supposed to help you rebuild your teeth. - So I haven't produced my first tube, so... - Part of that book on the DMSO, he uses a silver, collodial silver, but it's done with very high voltage, like a Tesla coil, is how they produce it. And he says it's a much more effective collodial silver, so you can mix your DSMO with that, like, and drive it into any area with an infection or an ailment, and that's what he's recommending. I can't wait to get the book and tube it's all in there, but that was one of the things he covered in the interview. - What I found with the DMSO is, if you have any kidney or liver, like you haven't detoxed them or whatever, that because it helps things absorb in, it also affects those. So just kind of keep that in mind when you're using it. - I'm not gonna take it internally until I read that book for sure, so... - Yeah. - Yeah, I used it for a little while, and then I... And then I stopped using it, but it is possible, 'cause I was stepping it up. And 'cause I was doing the at... Was it the water purification stuff with the DMSO? And I stepped it up, and I had a reaction to the detox, so then I had to step it down, and then I just stopped using the DMSO and just kept using the fluoride stuff, but... - Yeah, the things that I found with the DMSO, yeah, the things that I found out when I was doing the iodine research to support, taking the iodine is... Number one was solenium, the magnesium, vitamin C, zinc, copper, B2 and B3, with the iodine is pretty much what I found out. And then, of course, the type of product you get, and that's where the young Jeavity shines, they had all of the more absorbable types of the magnesium and the zinc and the copper, et cetera, and the solenium in their products. They didn't necessarily have high enough amounts for what other people were talking about, but... - I noticed when I was taking my zinc, 'cause I got Zilinko's, Zilink, whatever, pill with the different things in it. Since I've been taking that, and I had stopped taking it for a while, and I think I had mentioned down here that I had had a reaction to this fun, because of the medication that I'm taking, when I started taking the zinc again, my sun reaction to, or we'll say my vitamin D reaction, it's not reactive like that, as long as I'm taking the zinc. So that has helped me to stabilize, to get more vitamin D, without having to do sun black or anything, and then increasing my iodine and my solenium on top of that, right? So everything like you're saying. Now, maybe I'm taking a little much iodine, but... Yeah. - Yeah, I definitely didn't want to increase it until I had the solenium to support it from what I read it. You know, and I haven't done that yet. I had a bunch of other unexpected bills in my supplement out going, got slashed a little bit, which I never do, but I just felt I wanted something else instead, so. - And I tried, that talked about that water or whatever that's supposed to be a cure-all. 'Cause somebody had said something about like water, with this purified water, whatever was sugar in it, or what, and it was supposed to be a cure-all for it. - Oh, you're talking about the nano-soma? - Yeah. - Are you talking about the diacolm? - Yeah, I've been taking that. - Yeah, and I've been taking that too. - Yeah. - According to that Dr. Presser interview on that product, that stuff also normalizes cells and turns on the cellular nuclear markers. Supposedly, if you're taking that, you're now producing your own vitamin C and D3. - Well, that's good. I don't know 'cause I haven't tested, so I still take what, but I was avoiding the sun for the longest time because I had such a severe reaction, but I was not taking extra vitamin D3 for anything, so I was a bit on the deficient side. And I didn't realize it when I run ahead and they were saying, you know, make sure you take your zinc and stuff, I started taking that real heavy and I did not pay attention to, I was going out in the sun again, I was not having the same reaction, and I wasn't using sunscreen. And I didn't notice it until I stopped taking this thing, and then I had the reaction the one day, and I was like, well, this is... - Have you ever heard of Dr. Bob Marshall? - No, I don't think so. - He was a PhD in nutrition. And he started a company down in I think it's Austin, Texas, called the Quantum Nutrition Labs. - Okay. - And the reason he started the company is because he was an athlete and he was using some of the building body products, and one of them almost killed them because of what one of the ingredients were. So he decided, well, not too good to be using things that, you know, like that. So he started his own company, and I think he had it for about 40 years before he passed. But he used to have a radio show on every Saturday and you could call in, it was all across the country, and ask questions. And at the time, this is probably 20 years ago or so, I called in and I asked them and I said, "Well, you've got hundreds, maybe a thousand products there." And I said, "Of all these products, which one if you had almost no budget and you needed to buy one supplement, let's say, which one would you recommend?" And he says, "The HCL with pepsin in every meal." He says, "That's how important it is to have enough stomach acid when you're eating a meal." - Yes. - And the pepsin, of course, supports the pancreas. - I will attest to that. I did, when I started listening to Dr. Walling, I got the pH script and my pH at the paper was black, right? So I thought, oh, I need to fix my pH balance. So I started taking something to fix that. And when I did that, it threw everything out of whack. And it's just not, it hasn't been the same since. So I kind of got to watch it. So I keep the apple cider vinegar on hand for when things just sit there and do not, they're not doing anything. - Okay. - Not to say that the, if being black was healthy, it's just maybe I didn't, the products maybe I used didn't correct it correctly or, it just, I'm going to assume it was user error, 'cause I didn't know what I was doing when I was trying to fix it. - Well, I started using, it's probably over 20 years ago, HCL when I started to get acid reflux. And as soon as I took the HCL, of course, you know, the doctors want to tell you again, just the opposite, right? - Yeah. - You got too much stomach acid, and we're going to throw something in there to neutralize it when the fact is you don't have enough stomach acid, and it's turning into a rotting mess down there and creating a lactic acid, and that's what you're belching up. - Yes. - Yes. - So as soon as I did that, it was gone immediately. I mean, same day, right? - Yeah. - Oh, doesn't it be? - It's nice to have proof like that when you're taking a supplement, right? - Oh, yeah. - You're reassured immediately that you're doing the right thing. - Yeah, it's my, and maybe the apple cider vinegar isn't what I get the, the immediately, the relieving of things just sitting there, not digesting, or the acid-reflect stuff, it, I mean, immediately goes away and it's good. But if I take too much of it, then the, because I'm not, my body's not creating the buffer to protect me from the acid, then I start to feel the acid in my saliva, even if I keep, or it comes out of my sweat, or, so that's kind of where I've got, like, walk, walk, maybe balance. - When I first started taking the HCLM pepsin, Dr. Marshall also said that it keeps your mouth clean, and if your stomach's doing well, and I'll be darned, you know, I had plaque on my teeth, but I couldn't feel it because it was perfectly laid on there, and, you know, when you brush it, it gets nice and shiny, so it feels like you've got clean teeth, right? - Right. - But months after I started to take the pepsin and HCL, I started to feel my teeth get rougher and rougher and rougher, and what was happening is all the plaque was being broken up and coming off of my teeth. - So is the, 'cause you're not talking about the pepsin, the pink pepsin that they tell you to take as the... - Oh, no, no, peps, no, pep till bizball, no. - Okay. - Bated, I get my HCL, it's really reasonable off of Amazon. It's made by NutraCost, and it's got seven, each cap has 790 milligrams of DHCL and about 240 of pepsin, and the pepsin just is what your pancreas needs to function at a high level, and, of course, the acid is just to help consume your food best and get the most nutrition out of it. - Okay, so it's those two things in one pill. - Yes. - Okay. - Some people sell it without the pepsin, but Marshall sold it as two separate products that you took together, and it was a bit more expensive, so for budgetary reasons, I moved to this product, and it's, I think you can get several months to apply for 20 bucks, so it's not an expensive product. - Okay. - But I take that, especially if I'm eating a high protein or meat meal or something like that, you know, I'll take two of those caps with that meal after that meal, and at least once a day, if I have another heavy meal, I'll probably take it again, but I try to get in at least once a day, a good heavy dose of it, and I've hadn't had any acid reflux. Oh, like I said, over 20 years now. - Okay, that's good to know. - Taking the HCL. - Yeah, I know, and I don't know if it's Dr. Wolek that said it, 'cause I don't remember where I heard it, but it was something about the plaque, if you got the plaque on your teeth, then it's because you're lacking like calcium in your body, and I'm sure it's something that goes with the calcium, and then it causes it to deposit on your teeth, so the more calcium you take, then that goes away. - I see. And I've found that to be true, unless, of course, my plaque is smooth, so I'm not really feeling it, but I've noticed that I don't have the deposit build up. Now, is the HCL something that is in the calcium supplements that I'm taking that I don't know, I have full blood? - No. - I'm sure it's not in large amount. - I've never seen it in any supplement. It usually stands alone. 'Cause you're taking it basically after the meal, after the meal is what Dr. Marshall recommended. I mean, he was so adamant about it, he said, "If I go out to a restaurant, "and I forget my HCL, he says, 'I won't eat the meal.'" - Well, you know, if it works, it works. It's like, yeah, and if you become dependent upon it, then yeah, you're pretty much not going to, 'cause it will be painful. - He used to have some really great products that just a little bit on the expensive side sometimes, and I veered away, but he used to have some awesome aloe vera juice that he had done in remote regions of South America and had it chipped up here. Oh, that stuff was good. Pick the leaf at a time by people, you know, so they could select the ones that were time to harvest and then he would have it chipped up here to the United States and I got off of it for a while because he didn't have any inventory on it and it was months had gone by and I said, "Hey, what's up with the aloe vera juice?" And he says, "Well, there was," he says, "Everything that comes into this facility, "we test to make sure that it's where it's supposed to be." And he said, "We had like 50, 55 gallon drum shipped up "from Mexico and the whole batch tested bad." So he said that we were in the process to tracing what happened to it and what I was told happened to it is it got radiated. - Ah, yes, 'cause they radiate anything that comes in from outside the country. - So he used to have a channel where they didn't do that and that's the other thing I learned from him that I wish young Jeveny would get into is he would not ship anything to you back up to Marshall. Other than UPS, he says, because the mail radiates everything. UPS doesn't. And if you have a product that you don't like and you return it to him, he says, "That's fine." He says, "You'll get your money back "if you don't like the product, "but you have to ship it back UPS." If it comes back by mail, we won't offer it. (laughs) - Oh, wow. - So he was really strict about that too, which I sort of liked. - Yeah, that whole radiating everything is good. - Well, he says that since 9/11 and the anthrax thing that the US mail irradiates everything. I don't know how you prove anything like that, but. - Without working there in the facility, I don't know, I really, I don't know. But I know they radiate everything that comes in from outside of the country, except for bananas, because bananas are naturally radioactive. And I think that too came from Dr. Wallett, I think. - Well, Marshall, back in the day, must have had a different mechanism of bringing it in. Or they changed the policy. You know, I haven't looked on his site to see if it's still available or not, but, or maybe he had to start raising it in the country somewhere. But what he liked about getting it from South America, he says it was in this pristine area that there was no pollution or anything going on, and that's why he picked that site. - Right. - But that stuff was good. Oh, that stuff was just like melted into your skin when you drank it, you know? So I guess your only other alternative is to grow it yourself. - Yeah. - Yeah, I was buying like the gallon jumps of the leaf, whatever. And I could drink that. It wasn't a problem. It didn't taste bad or anything. I just, I didn't, I didn't keep up with it. I didn't do it all the time. And I didn't know that you're supposed to drink it like three times a day either. And I don't know. - Looking forward to this week, I'll be getting my DMSO book. So once I get that read, I'll chime in and let you guys know what I found out in there. - Yeah, and check out those websites I put in the chat. Those are really good telegram channels. - I can't pull down chat. I'm on the phone and it doesn't work that way for me. Unfortunately. - Well. - No computer in my world since about '93. - Do you have access to telegram on your phone? - I used to, but I have, I don't know. I'm anti-technology, I guess. - Oh, and I'm not gonna say there's anything wrong with that. I am not in any way or form. - But this stupid phone goes wherever I go. So I'm sort of a hypocrite in that regard. - Yeah, there's some, you put in ivermectin or dirt road and that brings up the ivermectin channel on telegram. And then the, it's MMS. - Miracle minimal supplement. - Yeah, MMS, drinking buddy. And they talk about the DMSO on that channel. And if you want something for the animals on the ivermectin channel, you just ask for the, the ant of the pet cares of the pet and then the lady that runs it, she has to invite you into the channel. - Okay. Well, I figure if it's good for a pet, it's good for us and vice versa. - Right, and like they said, if they're gonna give it to a $50 million racehorse or the cattle, right, it's probably good for us 'cause they're maimled too. - Yeah, the biggest consumers of the PSMO in the past were athletes. - Yeah. And they use it to preserve organs for transplant. Oh, you know. - I didn't know that. That's interesting. - Yeah. - So it must hold that cell in suspension some way, I would think. - Yeah, whatever it's like they said, if you have nail polish on when you're using it, when you're pouring it, make sure you have your hands covered or whatever. You don't wanna have plastic on you. Now, it doesn't absorb the plastic from the bottle. I don't know if it's fucked the plastic off of your hand, but I know if it gets on your nail polish, it'll suck the nail polish into your nail bed. And that freaked me out so bad, I was not willing to try to see if it would permanently nail polish your nail or not, but this, you know, be very careful. You don't wanna, your hands are clean when you use it. Because it sucked, everything it touches, it sucks into yourselves. - Yeah, that's one thing they said on that interview, make sure things are clean when you get it on you, because it's gonna take whatever's in your surface of your skin and pull it in, so. - Yes. - The other thing I'm thinking of extreme, I've had real good luck with putting castor oil on areas and then driving it in with the wand, with the terahertz wand. And so now I'm thinking with the D.S. Mo, I could probably get good results by combining that as well. - Just see how you do with the D.A., 'cause it's powerful, the D.M.S.O. is powerful, so just-- - Well, I've been putting it on my back on this thing for weeks now and it likes, that lump likes it, because it's just been a lump with no pain there for the longest time and I just thought it was one of those injuries that were like when I told you about hitting the piece of steel and just creating a, like, a conclusion that took years to go away, right? - But this thing started to get sore on me and I figured, "Oh, and it got bigger and higher." And so when I put the iodine and the D.S.M.O. on it, it sucked it down right away and made fuel a whole lot better, so all the pain went away. So it's definitely going the right direction with that, so. They're trying to do that several times a day. - Yeah, yeah, it's a castor oil. - I've had good-- I just limit just using a piece of flannel and plastic wrap aside from getting the oil on my clothing and stuff, so it's kind of a learning experience for application. But just using the castor oil, I had really good success. I mean, just a couple times I had really good success and I don't know how it works or why it works like it does. That stuff's amazing. - Yeah, Edward Casey's main go-to in all of his treatments is that was the most prescribed thing in his treatments. - Yes. - Well, I don't believe in it so much. I wonder whether he was maybe on the wrong side of the spiritual world, but he looked like he did a lot of good, so. I was a fan there for a long time, and I used to live close by to that part of Virginia, so I checked him out pretty good. But I sure have had good-- I mean, I had a friend who really messed up his back, and I was trying to help-- and this is quite a while ago. - I tried everything to help him get back to function, and we just weren't getting anywhere. He just couldn't walk or function properly at all. For like about 30 days. So finally, I had gotten involved in listening to this guy on near infrared. This is like maybe 20 years ago. So I built this 1,000 watt near infrared lamp array, and I started using that on his back, and that really started to help him. And then I remembered my experience with what Casey had done, and I was like, well, what if I drove-- I used that, because it's supposed to penetrate your tissue six inches or so, right? - That's right. - That wavelength. So I said, well, what if I put cast oil on there? So what I did is I got the flannel, and I made a huge patch for his back, and then I wrapped him in saran wrap like a burrito, and I baked the crap out of him with the near infrared for about 30 minutes. And when I got done, the next day, I had a totally different person. - Oh, that is awesome. - Totally healed his back. - Dead. Wow. - And then we just did some follow-ups. Never stayed on or did anything, but yeah, I was just-- And you know, that frequency is very close to what the one's frequency is. - Right? So I think using both of those is always a good thing to try for people who are trying to get relief in joints and arthritis and pain and what have you. But now I'm thinking also trying to mix some DSMO in there to even get more penetration and stuff might be good. So anyway, just-- - Yeah, my only drawback was the-- I always really-- I made a mess with the oil. - Yeah. - So that was my only-- I either have to use less of it, so it doesn't disperse out so much, or I have to use more saran wrap. - Yes, I was going to say the saran wrap was my solution to that. And you could leave it on and go to bed, you know? You wouldn't have to worry about getting it all over your bedding and stuff. - Yes, yes. That was my only drawback to that, because when I did use it, noticed right away a huge difference. And I only used it a handful, maybe three times in a row, and then I went a long time, and then I used it again. Yeah, it was a huge difference. Huge difference, I was-- - I've tried so many things over 40 years. I forget about some of them, you know? But some of them are turning into staples the way it looks. - So... - That, you know, it's a very-- it's good to know that you try stuff, you've had success with it, and you've been using it for a long time, and then you can share that with others who it personally is, you know, and they have good success with it. - And... - Well, that's why I was so enamored about that 95-year-old with 30 years of experience with the DMSO as being my guide into that journey a little deeper, you know? - Mm-hmm. Yes. - And he's also a PhD. They didn't say in what? I know it's not medicine, but he's no stupid man, you know? Okay, all right. You know, the only thing I had done was from this channel and this channel on Telegram. There was supposed to be a doctor. He's overseas. Him and his family went to this foreign country to do-- to be a doctor and help people back in the woods and whatever, and they ran out of meds to give people so all they had was this mixture to clear the clean water and the DMSO, and so they started using that, and they were having such profound results with it that his children are out of the three or four. Some of them came back to the states and they arrested them and they're currently sitting in jail in Florida, and they have been there for a while now. And I think they've got him under a house to rust or something in Uruguay, Uruguay. But he called-- - And what this guy was saying about the DMSO is it's so universal, a cure-all that nobody ever believed it. It was just too fantastic, right? That's basically what he said in that interview. - Right. - And in that interview, he says his wife had a stroke and it interrupted her speech and that she got immediate results from taking it, and then within a month, she had absolutely no repercussions from the stroke. - Oh, that's amazing. - So, you know, I'm curious to see what's in that book. Really, yeah, I'm kind of curious if that-- the information you're getting, because I got a quote somewhere here on the DMSO, and I got the one cure, both two, I just don't think what I do with it. - Are you familiar with the Dukeens contractor or however you say it? - No. - Some people will call a mild version of that trigger finger where your finger closes and it locks. - Okay. - That would sort of be trigger finger, and when you straighten it back out and it's not a big deal, well, I used to get those once in a while. I worked pretty hard with my hands, and it's supposedly-- there's a spool that the tendons in your joints go through that they sort of ride on, they call them pulleys. And the tendon gets snagged on that, and then it can pull a finger down, like, stick down to the palm of your hand and freeze there. - Okay. - And it's almost impossible to pull it back. Well, I've only got one of those that-- [ Pause ] Thank you for joining us for the Radio Ranch Conference System. Press star six to mute or unmute, and if your line is locked, dial 941 to raise your hand. Thanks for joining us. - There are 15 participants in the conference. If you let things slide, like, if you don't do your dishes one day, pretty soon you got a pile of dishes, right? So I kept working it and working it and working it, and I got it where there's absolutely no pain in it anymore. It's not swollen anymore, but I still don't have the-- I could stick it-- the finger on my other hand, you know, 9 degrees to the back of my hand, where this one doesn't want to go there easily. It can't go there, so I'm working on that, too. But at some point, I haven't gotten into driving stuff in there with the DSMO. So that should be a good experiment, too, to see if I can get that full muscle movement back. So, anyways, I got to go. I got to call. - The book I got is by Jim Hubble. - Yeah, I know Jim. I've had his book for a long time. - Yeah, that's the book I got with him. - Before you go-- excuse me. Before you go, can you share the name of that book and the name of the product that you're talking about? - Yeah, but I really-- it's an emergency. I'll get back in a few minutes and see what's going on. Thank you. - Okay. The book I got is MMS Health Recovery Guidebook by Jim. - Can you spell that, "M" is in Mary? - Yep. - Can you spell that, "M" is in Mary, go on? - "M" - "M" - Yeah, let's do it this way. "M" is in Mary, and then follow form, if you would? - To Mary's and a Sam. Mary Mary-- - And what comes after the M.F.? Yes. What comes after the two Mary's and a Sam? - Health. - Health. - Health. - H-A-L-T-H. - Yes. - Yes. - Recovery. - Is that the title of a book? - Yes, it's that's the-- - Is that the title of a book? That's the title of a book. The book title is MMS Health, and who's the author? - Jim. J-I-M. - Yup. - Humble. - Humble is in Humble, H-U-M-B-L-E. - Humble, and what's the name of the product that this fellow was espousing? - D is in David. - Yes. - M is in Mary, S is in Sam, O is in October. - Is there any more to the name than the four letters? - No, it's just, that's what it's called, it's just D-M-S-O. - Yes. - Does those letters stand for anything? - I'm sure they do. The product is sold under D-M-S-O. - It's dimethyl sulfoxide. - Dymethyl? - Yes, sulfoxide. - Sulfoxide. Anything for the N and the O. - That's the whole thing, dye for the methyl, for the M-S-O, for S. Well, yes, so far, yes, and then oxide, D-M-S-O. - Got it, thank you. Hey, is Sherry around? - I am. - Good day, Sherry. - Hello, how are you? In scale, I went to 10, about 13 and a half. I wanted to tell you that we found the definition I was talking about, for Fela, talking about your voice being syrenic, melodious, or luring. - Right, the sirens were... - Like a siren. - Right, the sirens were being... - The sirens in mythology, honey. - I get that. - Okay, and you resent that, did you react negatively when I told you he described your voice as syrenic? You thought he was talking about like a siren on a cop car? - No, I was thinking sirens of the deep, that let the... - And what... - How could you infer something negative from that? - I don't know, 'cause you're prickly. - Prickly. - And you tend to have double entendres when you speak. - I shave frequently. - No, it's not, physically, and your personality. - Oh, I see. - You know. - All right, well, I hope that it has not been a net negative to you. - Well, it isn't now, and thank you for that. - Oh. - So... - The sirens are the rumors that led the fishermen to their death in the deep water... - Yeah. - That's how I took it yesterday, so... - Yeah, I know, you know, fishermen are on your top ten list of careers and professions that you enjoy or... - No, no, it is products out there. - It is products out there. - One of the dangerous ones. - Hey, a lot of cattlemen use it for their cattle, so that's how I found out about it. - And the order of letters is D-M-S-O. It was mentioned earlier, I wrote down D-S-M-O, but clarifying, it's D-M-S-O, dimethyl. - Yeah, I always say it backwards. - I was gonna say that's it, I'm also... - It's dimethyl. - It's dimethyl, I do this a lot, I'm a pattern builder and a mold builder, so I look backwards at a lot of stuff, so... - A little dyslexia, hey, how about this contraction thing? I've got a theory that I'm seeing and hearing so much about this, that this might be one of those Nuvo ailments that's coming through the chemtrails. We don't know what's, you know, I mean, we know some of the things are coming out of the chemtrails, COVID, cancer, Parkinson's... - Well, from people say nanobot, and nanobot crystals that end up in your stomach, and when you hit the stomach acid, they start building transmissions and receivers. - Boy, are we screwed or what? - Well, you know what the cure for that is, Ferris? - What is that? - Supposedly, Borac. - Borac? - Yeah. - Supposedly mule team? - A group? - A group? - 20 mule team... - Yeah. - Is that very one? - 20 mule team. - Yeah. - It'll be fine. - All right. - I'll try it. - Supposedly out of trying hundreds of different types of substances, this was the only one that kept the nanobots from assembling. - I was going to go right to bleach. - And it's an antifungal antibacterial product. It really helped my feet immediately when it came to fungus on the feet, kind of the thing. - Borac is good for antifungal on the toenails. - It's... - Topically soaking your feet in it, you mean? - I do both. I take it internally. And that's the way you take it for the nanobots. And it also kills the fungus that's riding on your bloodstream. - I must say, Samuel, I mixed me up a bottle of that to give me a headache. I can break myself to drink it anymore. - Oh. - So as I do, it's put maybe an eighth of a teaspoon in a quarter water. - I know. That's what I did. It also gave me a headache. - Really? Okay. Well, maybe you need to cut it down. And this could be a detox effect. I was going to remember when you take a new supplement, if you get a negative reaction like that, it's very possible that it's killing something off that's in your bloodstream and making you feel bad or giving you a headache. - That could be... - He mentioned that... - But I couldn't bring myself to drink it anymore because it hurt. - Sorry. I'm just saying... - What I'm saying... - Well, you might want to consider... - No. - Cherry, would you consider taking it with this? I just got a shipment of Jay's juice from Spokesdale, North Carolina, which is basically various flavors of hooch a.k.a. moonshine. And boy, is this smooth? Would you consider a jar of that as kind of an olive branch? - Oh, no, that's okay. I just remember getting to see clearly method many years ago because I have a stigmatism. And my doctor said I had very good muscle control. And so I thought, "Well, I just need to... I exercise this. I'm telling you I got such a throbbing headache. I couldn't bring myself to do the exercises again." So things that tend to hurt, we tend to gravitate from. And it was the same thing with that borax, Samuel. I'm not... - I get that means... - I'm not going to... - It means... - It means more normal shine for me if you don't want the shipment, that means more for me, I guess. - That's right, that it does. So... Enjoy. - It is smooth. Thank you very much. - They told... They told... Listen. The core pain is weakness, leaving the body. - Really? - There, did you want the name of that book? - Yes, please. - D-M-S-O, dimethyl sulfoxide for humans, recipes and treatments. - And the subtitle is remedies and treatments. - Recipes and treatments. - Okay. - Thank you for that. - Where is the author here? Let me get his name for you, make sure you got the right one. Herb Roy... - I was given... - I was given Jim Humble. What is the name you have? - Well, Jim Humble and this guy are Herb Roy Richards, they're pretty tight. If you go to Herb Roy's website, you see all of the MMS books and products there. So these guys know each other well. - Herb Roy Richards, got it. Yeah, these are new names to me, to learning experience. - Herb Roy is this 95-year-old PhD that I listened to an interview on, and he's been using the D-M-S-O for 30 years, but he said nobody ever told anybody how to use it, so that's why he wrote the book. - Excellent. Who do I thank? What is your name again? - I'm Samuel. - Oh, yes, Samuel, I've heard you before. - Yeah, this says here, he's also a Reiki master. - Yeah. - Yeah. 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