Global Voice Radio Network's tracks

USA Organic Republic Tuesday

3h 1m
Broadcast on:
17 Jul 2024
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Good morning. This mirror stream on the Global Voice Radio Network is brought to you in part by for support of the mitochondria like never before. Also,, brand new product still in pre-launch. Check it out, It's also brought to you by, and the Prime International iTerraCare Terahertz Frequency Wand. Here's more info about that. The iTerraCare device has the ability to awaken dormant stem cells in the bone marrow. Yes, we have slipping stem cells in our bone marrow. As you keep blowing this under spine, you're activating the stem cells. And guess what? You're going to create brand new lungs, brand new kidneys. Eventually, as you keep using this over time, you will have brand new organs, glands, and tissues in your bodies. And that's a great news. You have to keep blowing this on your spine because this is what the great Hippocrates said. There's a way to hit the bones that all diseases can be treated. Activate that, awaken that stem cells in your bone marrow. Hit the bones using the future of medicine, which is frequency. This is your time. Grab your wand device right now. For more information on the iTerraCare Classic Terahertz Frequency Wand, go to That's Forward Moving and Focused on Freedom, you're listening to the Global Voice Radio Network. [Music] Clats the ridge, feed the pole, tell the rhino, bridge no more. [Music] The world is certainly changing. I'm not sure how much of it. We are responsible for at this stage, but we got a little bit of it in our hands. Good morning. I think Wednesday edition Radio Ranch Rogers Sales, your host, and it is the 17th of July, which was my father's birthday. So, anyway, we are on a number of platforms to help carry our message to the masses. Come on, masses! And Powell is the keeper of such platforms, and because he knows them well, and we want to give them proper credit for helping us. And join us, and we let in, turning loose, we open the gate of the corral and let him out to buck around here for a few minutes. Yeah, yeah, let's do that. Okay, full disclosure, the Spreaker Stream is branded USA Organic Republic Tuesday. Sorry, I missed that. And then to reset the branding, I've had some errors, some failures, some things going on. And I'm amazed that the show is actually happening today. So, that being said, 106.9 WBO UFM in Chicago, welcome to the first hour of the program. If you want to follow us into the second hour, go to or go to I got another report that the Matrix Docs is not responding. But the server is up, and I don't know what GoDaddy is doing. Let's see, we're on That is thanks to Pastor Eli James. We thank him very much for his energy efforts and stuff. We're on Global Voice Radio Network. Check that stream yet, but I will fix it if it has a problem. Home on channel, GoLiveTV and Now, because this is Thursday, we are also on It's Wednesday. It's Wednesday. Excuse me, it's Wednesday. Okay, well, you see, I'm a day ahead of myself. You got bad problems. I've been there for more. I literally had a 60-second power failure yesterday afternoon. It completely reset Studio C that is the core of the show. It fried the power supply of Studio E and completely reset Studio E. It caused a disc array failure on Studio A because that array powered down, but the laptop didn't. I have literally been forehead deep in technological problems. Those aren't your problems or my problems. Better you than me. I'm glad to be here. I'm glad to be here. I guess so, look at how you get challenged and tested. Is that what you call it? Well, you've got to be grateful for these things, Paul. Oh, yeah, yeah. It keeps me sharp. It keeps me sharp. Well, remember, the only way we learn is when something goes wrong. If everything's going right, you don't learn. So you've got to have that feedback loop. So, you know, let's make chicken soup out of chicken poop here. Okay. Well, let me tell you. Hear this? Hear this? Hear that? Yes. That is a fork tapping on an espresso martini bottle that's 15% alcohol, and I was really, really tempted to start my day with a coffee. To start our breakfast, that little breakfast. I was really, really tempted. Probably not a good idea. Yeah, probably not a good idea. Well, we don't need it. Good morning. We don't need it five o'clock in the technical area. So anyway, Paul, without all the explanation that none of us understand, it is Wednesday. Look, I've gotten on here and given the wrong date and stuff before. Sometimes the wrong day. So it's no big deal. It's not that it hadn't happened before. Okay. Well, I'm just letting everybody know that the show on Spreaker until the end of the show will be branded USA Organic Republic Tuesdays. I don't think they're going to mind. They probably didn't even see it. But thanks for letting them know. Okay, is that all? We're not on soapbox Liberty over there today. No, that happens Thursday and Friday. Thursday and Friday. We're on radio soapbox for the first time. I sense a lot of confusion today. Now, who was that that was saying hello in the middle of all this? Was that Bruce? No, Mike. Hey, Mike, how you been? All right. I wanted to clarify something you said yesterday. Uh oh. Okay. The reason that even the M15 was jamming, the original 223 powder was called a fall. It burned hotter faster. Right. It didn't leave the residue because the red impingement, that's the way it's designed. Well, the contractors, which is a stick, which is longer, burns slower and is dirty. Uh huh. Well, that's what I was trying to say, but I didn't know all the exact stuff. I know the original contractors put the wrong powder in there and it was jamming the rifles. And unfortunately, everybody was blaming the impingement. The stick ammo was burning so slow and dirty that it was jamming up the ball. Right. I mean, I can get Harvey on here to talk about it. He was over there. He was one of the guys that was experiencing that. But it was direct instrument work. Hold on, Mike. Hold on. Your phone's really terrible. Can you try and talk right into it or get off that Bluetooth or something so we can understand you? Am I clear now? Much better. Thank you. All right, the way direct impingement works is the bullet goes down the barrel, goes to the gas port, the gas dumps back into the ejection port and it ejects the carrier group. Well, if the powder hasn't burned all the way, it leaves a lot of residue and gets gunky and they're like 22 ammo. And when the boat goes back forward, it won't go in, it won't speak. And that's why they had to put the forward ejection on there. That's all it was. Oh, yeah. Okay. Yeah, but I mean, I've heard from Harvey that people were throwing them things away over there in Vietnam. Give me that M1 car behind back, you know, and it was all because of one contractor that put in a different type of ammunition that doesn't work very well with, I guess, hypersonic rounds. Is that basically correct? I'm sure, okay, I know it is. So anyway, well, good Mike. Thanks for clarifying that up. Yes, I just don't know the technicalities of all this stuff. So thanks for enlightening us. And it's an excellent weapon. I mean, I had a nice little arsenal when I was in the States and I had that nice Matt was so accurate and it's just fun to shoot. I mean, it's just flat fun to shoot, you know, and then I had a, oh, it's the NATO weapon, the 308 and you used to goodbye a kit and put them together. And we did that a friend of mine who was a real good enthusiast, helped me do that and it was 308. Okay. Can y'all hear that noise right there? Hold on. Sure. Damn 14 is for the 308 round came from 7, 6, 2, 15, 51. Construction zone again. NATO. Geez, oh mighty. Okay. I forgot the brand. It was about the Belgium rifle. You'd probably know what it is. I just can't remember. Anyway, FNFA. Yeah, Fintel. Yeah, Fintel. Yeah, Fintel. Yeah, Fintel. Yeah, Fintel. Good weapon. That was a very good weapon. I really liked it. It's 308. It's got substantially more, more kick to it. It's much larger round. So anyway, that I had to sell those, unfortunately, hated to see them go. But you know, this gun thing, now here's a good question because since I've been on the air and living down here, I've had a lot of Americans call into the show, you know, and say, what about guns? What about guns down there? What about guns? I would tell you that in 16 years living down here, I've never been in one situation where I ever even thought about needing a weapon, okay, just the way it is. I know we're oriented differently, but that's the way it is down here in these countries and outside of the little -- except for the little bastard in Buenos Aires that yanked my gold coin off my neck, and I would have never used a firearm. I had him as he ran across five lane one-way street with my gold coin and chain and dangling in his hands. I would love to have done that, but there were people on the other side of the street who was a marked it over there in his Saturday, and it was just jam-packed with people. So I would have never risked that, but I sure did want to get my hands on that little bastard. Anyway, that's the only time that I'd even entertained a thought of needing a weapon. So these people down here, they're just -- well, I'm sure there's others that I hadn't come in contact with, but they're just not like that, you know, particularly -- But Roger? Yes. But every time I go out my back door or front door, whatever door, I'm needing possession of a firearm because of the rattlesnakes, because of the armadillo. Yeah, yeah. And when I attack you, the armadillo's don't attack you. I'll tell you what, if you ever had one digging in your front yard or a home, a foundation or your house, you had one statue. And you'd want to dispatch him home, I can understand that. But up here, where I am at 8,000 feet, that's one of the nice things about where we are here, we don't have any snakes. We don't have mosquitoes because the altitude's too high, or very few of them anyway. And that's what makes this spot particularly nice now in Argentina. And you can get guns here, but you got to go through all kinds of hoops to do it, okay? And Jack and the guys are going through all that right now. In fact, he was late for lunch yesterday because he was caught in the bureaucracy somewhere involved in that. There's a range here that you can join, cost you, I don't know how much, but there's just no threat that I've seen, okay, and I've been here seven years. In Argentina, you could bring your weapons down, you had to declare them, you had to go through the residency thing. If you got down there and you tried to go through those processes, you could acquire a weapon, but in Argentina, they give you the license for the weapon, and then they give you the license to buy the ammunition that fits that weapon. You got to use it when you buy ammo. So that's the way they handle it down there. But yeah, you can acquire weapons here. Quite the hoop, cost a little bit of money, I don't know what these people are doing. So anyway, that's the story on the guns, that's the way we're going to kick off the show today. But they don't have the fact that I've met my day there. No, they don't, of course not, of course not, okay, I mean, you know, Brent's right to some extent about all these countries down here, law of the city countries. But you know what's interesting, they still incorporate the common law into it. Here in Ecuador, they passed a law a while back on common law marriages. So they've incorporated the common law over into the law of the city on this common law marriage thing. I don't know what other stuff may apply like that, but anyway, that's what the story is on guns down here. And I'm sure if I was down on the coast and all that, all of that drug related activity that's down there that you'd probably want one. But we're not. We're up here in the nice mountains high, the Mandy's and it's a nice spot. So anyway, I wouldn't plan to start the show that way, but thank you, Mike, and thank you, Joe. I mean, look, I love weapons, okay? I just really love shooting guns. And I did quite a bit of it in the States, pretty good shot for an old fart. And I kind of miss it, but it doesn't, I don't slay wake at night and worry about it. So that's the way that is. And you know, the other thing about being here is, you know, those gringos are a little bit taller. I'm six feet, approximately. And most of these equidorians are about five, five and a half, maybe five, seven or something. So you're almost always kind of towering over them. Anyway, I was watching as we went on to the program, I finally got to yesterday's AJ show. And there's a bunch of stuff coming out as we predicted and it goes right back to the deep state setting this up. Turns out the guy was, he was, I wish I could remember all the facts, something about 26 minutes, the building he was on on the top. The security detail from, I think, the, I don't remember if his Secret Service and local police was underneath him in the building for 20, 30 minutes, they had him in inside the building instead on the roof for 30 minutes. So there's a lot of things coming out, almost can't keep up with it all. Those are some of the things I've heard right now. So what we have, what they're trying to do, of course, is now they can trace that back who gave that order and they can trace that back if they can get in a congressional hearing or something, which I'm sure will happen before the recess, probably. So anyway, that's developing and they're getting more exposed. And of course, as we sit on here for a long time, that makes them much more dangerous. The more they're exposed, the more dangerous they are. And they will continue to, I, interesting, I saw a short clip of Noel Harari, you know, that little sodomite, Geobaster, that's the, the, the sage of the world economic forum. And the short clip said, well, if Trump gets in, he's going to destroy the new world order. So that tells you how weak they are right now, coming from Marari himself. So that's interesting, look for more pressure on possibly trying to get him again, blow up his plane, do a truck bomb, poison, no, no telling what all these people have a myriad of options at their disposal. So gonna be interesting, lots of stuff happening, lots of stuff happening. Okay, so let me just open this up as we're at the start of the show kind of, is there anybody in the audience, any new people or any folks we want to address anything to do with our program, how we do things, why and any of those little nuances that confuse people. If there's any of you there now, now is your time, do the star six and come on out and just say, Hey, Roger, and we'll address that, whatever you got. So is there anybody like that in the audience on the board at this point this morning? Okay, doesn't seem to be, where else can we go this morning? I know somebody's got something they want to say or whatever, we had great lunch yesterday. It was really spectacular and then we went up the hill to a clinic, is this somebody with their mic open? You want to say something? I have my mic open, okay, all right, all right, we're going to get you just a second, Bruce is first, clearly you're going to get to the, okay, just hold on, all right, Bruce, what do you got, buddy? Well, you know, in the modern technology we have, and they've got satellites, so being down, lighting fires on houses are important, I want to say you don't want to say anything, yeah, I don't know, I don't know that after tracking and getting some pretty exact coordinates and all that to get that done in that manner, I would suspect, okay, don't know, we don't know what's coming, anything is possible from these guys, they've got unlimited funds and unlimited technology and all kinds of technology, we probably don't even know about, okay, they've got all that in their quiver, so there's no telling, okay, now who is the female there? Ma'am? Hi. Hi. Hello. Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Yes, ma'am. I can. All right. Thank you, ma'am, thank you, ma'am, thank you, ma'am, thank you. Thank you, ma'am, thank you. Thank you. Thank you, ma'am, thank you. Thank you, ma'am, thank you, ma'am, thank you, ma'am, thank you. Thank you, ma'am, thank you, ma'am, thank you, ma'am, thank you. Thank you, ma'am, thank you, ma'am, thank you, ma'am, thank you. Thank you, ma'am, thank you, ma'am, thank you. Thank you, ma'am, thank you, ma'am, thank you, ma'am, thank you. All right, thank you, ma'am, thank you, ma'am, thank you, ma'am, thank you. All right, thank you, ma'am, thank you. Thank you, ma'am, thank you. Thank you, ma'am, thank you, ma'am, thank you, ma'am. Thank you, ma'am, thank you, ma'am, thank you, ma'am, thank you. So even though you sounds to me like even though you haven't been working in the last couple or two level of full-time employment, then you could probably go back and draw on those. But if you get a pencil and paper, I'll give you his email address and you can drop him an email and find out a little more specifically. Okay. My questions are specific to the IRS processes. We've filed jointly, obviously, and I haven't done the process. I don't know about that. I would scrap that and not even follow up on it at that point because I don't know how to handle somebody's been filing jointly when one person's changed and the other hasn't. So I don't have an answer for you. I doubt if you can do that because of that combination. But if you decide to go through the process at some point, you may be able to. So if that's the case, when that happens, call back in and we'll give you a marks email or you can find it is on people will talk about it occasionally on here and give it out. But let's go on. So I put that on the back burner right now until you make your decision. Okay. Thank you. That's the only question. No. Yes, Janet, we spoke with you earlier. I would like to get a firearm. So do you need to, how do you register since you're a national do not have to register? And where would I go? Oh, John, I'll tell you brought it up. Hold on, please. Okay. You're in that Berry County, Michigan with Sheriff Darff. Sheriff Darff has been on our show before, by the way. And he's on. He's on every every week with Brent, of course, on what they do. And he's been on our show at least once. But, Janet, please let me finish. Okay. He's been on my show at least once. And I did get a chance to explain to him about this. He had never heard of it before. Okay. And so I haven't spoken with him since, but he is aware of it from that one incident. So one of the things, as you've started this process that you will want to do now is notify all your local people. The, the process. I have done all that. I did all that. I have my path. I did all the steps. Okay. Well, then you've put Sheriff Darff on notice then, right? Yeah. Yeah, it was my first one. I have feedback. Okay. Well, he, he is aware of this. So on your firearm thing, what was your question? Janet, please, I have a hard time understanding you were not connecting very well here. And I want to make sure I get you correct information. Could you stop interrupting me, please? And let me finish. Your question was about firearms a second ago. Yeah. What was your question again, please? Okay. Do you need to register your firearm to purchase a firearm? No. Can you go to the Dunham and show that you are a national and able to purchase a firearm? When, when you go to purchase a firearm, I believe the form is a 44, 96 or 76 or something. We got an expert online with us here, Mike, who was talking earlier. Okay. So on that form, the question is, are you a citizen of the United States or a national? You check national. The best thing to do if you want to purchase something, honestly, is if you have gun shows and stuff you can go to, is go and purchase one in a private sale with another individual and you don't have to go through an FFL dealer. If you do click national, they'll call into the FBI check and they'll okay the purchase of your weapon. Okay. That's our experience. Okay. All right. With my passport. So, first they made me say, sent me a letter saying I needed to add my social security. So I didn't have that on their correct. Then I filed originally with all the papers and I'm just sharing. February 11th and my passport stated July 11th. And then that they've never, they've never cashed my check. Check you mail the renewal of your passport. Okay. I don't have. Well, I was here and all right. I thank you. Okay. Well, I don't know about it. I don't know about it. I can't even get an answer out without you interrupting me. Can we have a, can we please have a normal conversation? You're talking, not talking into the phone. You got your head turned. I can't really understand you. I try and answer and you interrupt to me. Can we get back on the same track here? Please, please. Okay. All right. All right. That you're welcome. I think. Okay. Wow. Okay. Well, congratulations on your freedom, Janet. Stay tuned to the program. There's tons of archives and you can go back in and fill all the gaps in. And you're very, very fortunate to live in Barry County, Michigan. What's the town? What's the main town in that county? That's a woman I can't, I'm unable to have a conversation with. Okay. So, all right. We'll move on. Anybody else in the audience has got something to ask. Do you need any better? And Bruce, because you're side conversations are feeding over under the program. I think what does she do? Star, Star six, mute you back, Paul. I'm going to go back to bed. I think it's probably a good morning for me to go back under the covers. Don't you think? Hey, Karumba. Bruce, is that you? I think I was talking to you a second ago. You there? Good Lord of mercy. Is anybody there? Yeah, we're here. Hey, there's the Mark Guy in the strong hand. Only Karumba is right. What we have here is a failure to communicate. All right. Hold on. There's Mark and there's Joe and he has a question, but Mark was first. We'll get to you in a second. Or Mark or I'll answer. I'm going to go a week lunch or something. I was just chiming in. Is it going to be one of those weeks or what? I think it's going to be one of those days for sure. I think you're having a day like I had yesterday. Okay. Okay. Well, we might shut the gate on the little ranch early today. Joe, Joe, what was your since Mark's hanging? He just want to say hello. We'll get back to him in a minute. I'm sure. Joe, what was your question? I think that was Joe said. Yeah, I have a question. Yeah, it's kind of a question a comment and I brought it up in the pre show. I got to thinking about this yesterday evening where all these politicians are clamoring for this body to investigate or that body to investigate, but they're all agencies or administrations of the federal government. Now, instead of instead of the investigators investigating themselves, why don't we have or convene a grand jury to do the investigation. If I had all the political BS and have it as a citizen investigation, I think that's a great idea. Can you tell me where we got all those people in one place that will volunteer to go in and do that and sacrifice their time and all that stuff. See, that's the problem. I think there's a multitude of people that would do that, Roger. So just beyond that of getting them later to convene the grand jury. And that that's where I see the problem. I don't see participants being a problem. It's getting the process moving. It's well, it's a multi. Well, it's a multi day thing and I don't know if you've got if we've got 12 people in one area where they don't have to fly back and forth or stay for a week or two weeks. How long would this investigation insert? I think Mark, I think Mark and all cats and myself would serve in Oklahoma. If it were convened in Oklahoma and I think I can come up with several that will do that. Okay, Mark. Well, I'll throw it to Mark. There was somebody trying to inter interject something here. Who was that? I'd like to bring the attention that even though there is a civilian act of grand jury that this mythology was used in Colorado, it was in the headlines nationwide about seven years ago. And Eric Brandt is one of those that was involved in that he was the only survivor. He is now in jail, but he was the only survivor of the prosecutions and stuff that actually occurred then. And what they had done is they actually produced the grand jury. They actually was successful in the grand jury, but then they tried to execute it themselves and forwarding that to a proper authority to show that a civilian authority came to this conclusion. Now, there's a couple of things that you need to look up. One is civilian authority as a normal person. You have authority because you are the government. It is your responsibility to check it. And that authority is very, very fluffy, ridiculous. Okay, it's there, but there's so many bullet holes have been put in it that it's not usable. Now, out of the paper trip seven, as I said, six of them went to jail almost immediately afterwards. The only survivor was Eric Brandt. You can look this up as paper trip seven in Colorado. Alan, do you know that you know if they had half a Davis on file? They had, you mean as a national? Yes, yeah. Unlikely, unlikely. Okay, well then, why do you think they didn't succeed? The reason why they did not succeed is because they want to block any criminal charges to be launched by a civilian. That's it. They weren't civilians. They were serfs. My point. They don't have any authority to do that. Their property of the federal government. The serfs don't rise up against the manner. Actually, that was the authority. The authority was not the issue. Well, they might not have been the stated issue, but it was the underlying issue. Being able to get a grand jury to get an indictment, whether it be civilian or governmental grand jury, and then forward that to the proper enforcement. That is the actual problem. And that is where they actually got arrested. There was fraud charges and everything in there, but they never looked at the actual indictment that they created. Now, the reason, now I found a way around being a civilian and not being able to charge a official, let alone another civilian. You cannot charge your next door neighbor with criminal acts if he came over with a wife and there's no law enforcement there. There's actually no mechanism for you to actually file a criminal complaint. Now, in the 70s, that was different, but today they have blocked the ability to do that. And there is a way around it. It's core rule for B. If an affidavit purporting a crime appears before a magistrate or judge that the judge must issue a warrant for that individual. If a state requests that the individual not be arrested with a warrant, then the judge must issue a summons. Now, this is the bullet hole they've been trying to get rid of, but this is something that is so fundamental. That if an affidavit appears in front of a judge, it says that there's a crime been committed, they cannot turn away from it. They have, and you can hold it to them, rather than a grand jury submit an affidavit through the FBI. The FBI are the only ones that have the authority arrest authority to arrest an official. Now, in Ferguson, we had 2,500 arrests. Out of the 2,500 arrests, only eight people filed a lawsuit. Out of those eight people, only five, I believe, went to the FBI and made a formal complaint. That formal complaint later, combined with their lawsuit, went before a St. Louis County judge and 2,500 arrests were overturned with a single swing of the gavel. That is how powerful this criminal court rule 4B is, because this can be presented at any general court. They'll try to claim, "Oh, no, we're a civil court. It's the wrong court." Wrong answer. You're a general court, and if you can hold someone in contempt, then you have a rust power in your court, and you're now obliged to follow criminal court rule 4. I yield. Okay. My suspicion is the people that tried that in Colorado were serfs, even though that wasn't brought out in how they were rebuked. I don't even believe in the entire 1,000-year history of the feudal system. Allen was there a chance where the serfs up over upros and overturned the lard of the manor. That's really what we're dealing with here, in my opinion. We certainly, as nationals, do have the power to go out. Here's this website, Civil Disabedience or something. These guys that are trying to set up basically common law grand juries in every state. Do you know the one I'm talking about, the ones that reprinted the history of the grand juries book? They're on the web. Originated with the paper trips up, and again, you can find this. It was about seven or eight years ago, and you can follow them. Can't hear you, Allen. Their work was good all the way up until the time that they had to execute the warrant. They issued their own warrant. That's where they actually went wrong. They actually tried to enforce it themselves. I was trying to get out the point, Allen, that that website is specializing in trying to do this. I think it's Civil Disabedience or Civil something. According to them, you can't have a grand jury unless you get permission from the state supreme court. There's a lot here. We're not real fluent on it. I know a little bit about it. We're striving to try and get enough people where we could do this. I don't believe we've got that amount of people yet in one area, but we may. Can I please finish? Please? Please? We're trying to do this systematically, but we've got to get enough people and get a little organized, in my own mind, before we can pull that off, and I don't think we're there yet. I may be wrong, but that's just my opinion. Nobody's ever tried this as nationals. They've all tried this. That's why none of your common law grand juries since Oklahoma City have ever. What have they ever done? What have they ever accomplished to all the people since the mid-90s that tried to do this common law grand jury and the national common law grand jury and all that? What have they accomplished? Yeah, that's exactly what they've accomplished, because there's nothing. And jury supply, what do they give? What is it that a grand jury determines and gives to the court? A true bill. How about an affidavit of findings? A true bill is what a grand jury issues. The affidavit of finding engages court rule 4B. So a civilian grand jury finding a cause for a judge can form a committee. They create an affidavit through the committee and submit that. That engages the criminal, but it will no longer be a civilian act. It has to be forwarded to, let's say, the FBI, or in Colorado, it would be the CBC if you submitted that to a local court. So if there's anyone that actually wants to follow up on that, I do have quite a bit of research that I've done. I was privileged in order to interview Eric Brant on this same topic. Again, he was the only one that didn't wind up arrested. And if there's anybody out there that wants to follow through on this, we have to be very careful in order to provide publicly known acts of crimes. A lot of these acts of crimes are admitted to by these officials unknowingly or knowingly. They're in the public record confessing to crimes. So yes, this is a project I've been working on for a long time. So if there's anyone else that wants to work with me, can I go ahead and give an email? Absolutely, yeah, no. Hold on, Marka. Yeah, go ahead and give it out, Alan. Okay, it's wicked development. What a wicked development would be to my enemies if they found out my success at Wicked development at, regular English spelling, no underscore. If you do want to, this year is an ongoing project for the last three years for me. So that's primarily why I want to get the ability in order to arrest these people that are in the public record admitting to absolute crimes. And we have to pick and choose the topic and person and the crime very carefully. Go ahead. Marka? No, I was ahead of Marka. Oh, you're okay. I have a comment. I have a comment, and there's other ways of convening a grand jury, at least in the state of Oklahoma. And it can be done by petition. And you don't have to have the national status. You don't have to have the U.S. status. You don't have to have any status other than a registered voter can sign that petition to convene a grand jury. And I dare say, if it were in the proper hands, and I think Mark and all caps would agree with this, that when the proper hands, that petition could be circulated and get enough signatories for that to happen. And if you did it in one, two, or a half a dozen states, that would be a big deal. I'd like to answer that. Please go ahead. Your right to petition the government is. We can't allen. We can't allen. Alan, you've got to get a handle on your mic game. The right in order to petition your government is what you're referring to, and it's a completely different process. But it can be cross-purposed in order to create the same thing. The problem is anybody signing the petition has not reviewed the evidence to come to a determination. That's the reason why there's a huge separation between a petition and an actual affidavit. And we've already covered how powerful an affidavit is. But don't forget, you are responsible for the claims in that affidavit as well. So, again, this has to be done with kit gloves. You can't have any opens in what they refer to as a contract or the accusation. You can't have what is referred to as an open. So, again, if you want to follow up on this, let's not get distracted with the difference of petitioning the government to actually filing a complaint. No, you're not. You're not complaining. A complaint goes right next to the hand grenade that says "pull pen for next service." A claim that this happened is completely different legal status. So, we're working with an affidavit that purports a claim of a crime under Court Rule 4. Go ahead. Joe, Merka, I don't have anything to add. I don't think you can do this without being a national and be effective. You are correct. You are correct. I was going to ask you what you were going to say because I know that you were trying to explain it and you were getting interrupted. And there is a common law grand jury compared to a federal. So, people really need to understand what that means and what you're doing before you start doing that because you will get in trouble. Alan, are you working with this civil disobedience or that whole website that's dedicated to doing what you're talking about? Not at all. There's so much dogma out there concerning this that I try not to get distracted. Unless it's actually in the book itself, I'm really not paying attention to other people's research unless I'm working with them. I worked with Eric Brant for about six months for him in order to explain what had happened and what went wrong. But basically it was a collateral attack. Most of these people were found guilty on frivolous charges and rhetoric, not actual crimes. But I guarantee you they are seeing a federal prison for over 20 years. Just for daring to stand up. Well, there's surfs. You're putting them in some category of having some independence and they're surfs. They're objects of the federal government's property rights and they're the ones that agreed to that. And now they're turning around saying, "No, that doesn't apply. We're going after these guys." And I don't believe they have the ability to do that as a citizen in the United States. That's my personal opinion here for this situation. That's why I harp on trying to get people because the more people we get, the more feasibility and possibility it is of us doing this on this new approach. And let me say this carefully that has never been attempted before. I agree, Roger, with our affidavit of citizenship evidence and removing ourselves from the United States system, you do not want to participate in the United States federal court. We are not part of that. We are common law jurisdiction. Well, well, that's right. But we still have the ability to bring things to the court and bring a sort of petition. But one last thing in order to add. You're right. Let him finish talking. It's a lot more powerful with our affidavit of citizenship evidence. I just don't believe the other people. Again, on all the common law grand jury since the mid 90s in the Oklahoma City Murrow building bombing, what have any of them accomplished? One thing, please. Somebody tell me one thing. Chaos? Chasing them. They're chasing their tails. They don't have any. Sure. The serfs are going to get up, get together, and overthrow the Lord of the manor. Again, I don't believe that ever happened in a thousand years of president in the feudal system. One of the things that is within this feudal system and it's embedded there due to religious reasons, and they actually used the rules that is for this particular act in the indictment of President Trump, meaning that they had an all income free. Everybody comes in for free, all all income free, in order to confess to whatever crimes they had committed that they would not be able to be prosecuted for. This is what happened on the tarmac with Hillary. She confessed to all her crimes as fast as she could, and there was nothing the FBI could do. Why? It was done under something called the rules of remonstrance. Now, the rules of remonstrance is in the Mason's manual and would probably be more effective with less risk than creating a grand jury. The rules of remonstrance do have to have a sponsor of an official in order to walk that on to the house floor. This converts the house into a courtroom. Immediately upon walking it into the floor, there's three to five senators or house members that are assigned to research and verify the information and the remonstrance, and that is a court setting. That is an actual court that's being held. Again, under the rules of remonstrance, nothing except what is in that claim of remonstrance can be investigated. Any collateral crimes and stuff like that is instantly forgiven if they actually come forward. I yield. Roger? All right. This discussion is like completely far and away from what we normally talk about. I have had two dates for the amount of time that we have to devote. This is for new students. This program is for new students. If anybody's new listening to this, we ain't going to have them all around very long, in my opinion. Okay, so it's nobody's ever done what we do here before. Not with this exactness and preciseness, and that is confirmed by the federal government, actually. So normally this program is for new students to get questions answered. There don't appear to be any of those here today because I asked for them already, and we can get into other stuff, but this is way deep for most folks here. Roger? Yes, Samuel. Yes, it's my understanding. I can't pull it up anymore, but suppose we had to went to Congress to get a charter for the FBI, and then they refused to give it to us. So they potentially have absolutely no power to do anything other than what they claim. Would you honestly, would you honestly think anything you put in the FBI's hands that benefited us would get acted upon and not sabotage. If you think that you're living in a dream world, Sherry, what do you got? Sherry, you were trying to interrupt once he was talking a second ago. What do you have? I'll tell you what, I need to go back. Who was trying to interrupt right there? No, I spoke up. That's what I'm asking. I hear you now. Can you hear me? No, Sherry, Sherry, hang up and call back. Roger, your program. Sherry, Sherry, there's some room with your phone, hang up and call back. And usually it's not an issue. I wonder if there's some kind of delay today that's called? There's some, I think, mercury's in retrograde. Yeah, well, mercury's something. Sherry, hang up and call back. I don't know what the deal is, but... Okay, Raj, back to you. Boy, I don't know. Don't throw it back to me. I hung up on my, now I'm just on my laptop. Can you hear me? Yes, can you hear us? I wouldn't agree with you, Roger, is that... Go ahead. Your program is for all your students. But the progression of what you have brought forward sends us to dealing with the tyrants that we live amongst. And so that has to be addressed. And maybe Alan got on to a more deeper subject, but that is something that we are all dealing with. And I would just say this, what is the point of having that notice on file and stating who you are if you cannot wield that document to your local people and hold them to account? Okay, you gave an example when Alan was talking, he said you can do this and present it to any of us on sign of a crime to any magistrate or judge. Well, Michael Nail presented his affidavit to a magistrate down there in Irondale, Alabama. And I guess you could consider this a crime because they've tricked us with fraud into this condition of servitude. And what did the magistrate do? She said they don't recognize that affidavit. So there's the practical reaction to what's in these books and stuff. Because as we've learned, they just don't follow the law. They don't do what they're supposed to. They don't follow the law. They bend it. Okay, none of them have a valid oath of office on file. How much of the law you think they're going to follow after they don't even do that? I agree. So what to do next? What we're going to continue to do is trying to find people that want to know about this information and try and educate them until we get enough people in one area to do this and get organized enough. See, we're not even organized to do this. It's a good goal. It's certainly something to aspire to. But in my opinion, we're not there yet. Yes, Morris. Ryan, hey, how are you, Ryan? I have a comment frustrating as hell right now. Hey, Ryan. Why are we losing their courts when their courts are private? We're not part of the society. That's right. Oh, that's what I say. I'm biased by our law. Please, whoever brought this up, can we scrap this subject, please? Well, Ryan, did you tell me their courts are not private? They're public? It's public policy. They're instituting. So from that response, no. They're going to dump us out of Chicago, please, Paul. I can do that. 106.9 WBO UFM Chicago. If you want to follow us into the second hour, God knows why you would. Go to or and pick us up on the other side using either Global Voice Radio Network or what the hell is dialing either FDC or Zoom and join the fray. Why not? Have a great Wednesday. We'll catch you back here tomorrow. Wednesday revisited tomorrow. Yeah, right. Yeah. It's the way I've been doing it. I've been a day behind the times. Hey, Paul, hold it. Hold it. It's a full man. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That about does it. I've heard and I firmly believe that since the 1930s, there was no actual law anywhere. It's all administrative procedure. It's contract and it's passing out sentences based on contract violations. That's what you actually get charged with. If you don't break a law, if your license plate is covered or obscured or you don't have one, that's a violation of public policy. And that is where they hang you. It's not a court of law. It's an administrative process. That's all it is. It's a violation of regulations by promulgated by some agency that are labeled public policy. We're not public anymore. We're private. Those don't apply to us. We do now have some tools at our disposal that a regular guy would not have. But I've never. I don't know about forming grand juries or any of that stuff. I've asked a couple of people. If you get that book from this website, I'm referring to civil disobedience or whatever it was on the history of the grand jury. So we could find out some of those answers, but to my knowledge, no one's ordered that book. I think a couple of you've ordered it, but nobody's gotten back with us with any specifics on it. I would suggest that that would probably be the best place to start because it would be the history of these things that would preclude the March the 9th of 1933 illegal fraudulent bankruptcy that these same bastards had tried to shoot Trump on Saturday and have instituted upon us. So you got it. You can't just jump into the middle of the corral. Hey, people, come on. We got a grand jury. You don't know what to do. You don't know what the precedents are. You don't know any of that stuff. So it seems a bit premature to me. Okay. But it is a goal that long range that I mentioned on the show here before that we can do that sort of thing. We can have grand juries. We can have these things, but I don't believe we're in a position to do that yet. I'm certainly not. You may be. Roger. I would just like to remind everybody that historically before the FBI was the Pinkerton's and these guys were basically thugs for hire for the government to bust union to go after bank robbers and things like that. And about the, the Leadville, Holden, Samuel, go back and read about the Leadville incident in Colorado when the rock feller brought the Pinkerton's in and the people they killed and the things that went on there. Go back and investigate that. Right. And they come in when there was budget restriction still on this so-called federal government. But after you get into the 30s, all this starts to change. So they have some money and now they want to create their own thugs and call them the FBI and started by a cross dresser on top of it. You know, I mean, yep. You're going to go for that as a national to get authority to do some kind of action. I don't know. The guys can't go there. The guys that, the guys that couldn't unlock the shooter's phone and then they've unlocked it and they don't want to give you any information. And you mean those guys? Yeah. The first step is Roger is people understanding what a national is, a private individual. Because we are no longer like we said. We've said often and we're not public anymore. We're not U.S. citizens. So it's a completely different picture, different thing to do under natural law. Yeah. So. It's a good idea. I'm not willing or able to be involved in it at this point. If some of you want to start investigating it, Mark, you and Joe want to start investigating it a little bit there. It's fine with me. Okay. I don't have any objection to that. I just don't think we're at a point to pull the trigger on it. Okay. Comment. Part of the part of the fun. Yes, sir. I think you missed my point. Well, I might have. I can easily understand where I might have this thing got clear off in the weeds from what I originally hoped it would go to. Because there are a few, not everyone in our government is compromised. True. Not everyone. Most are. I would agree with that. And all I'm saying was hoping to bring forth if we could seek out one or several of those non-compromised individuals to bring forth from them a federal grand jury. To which Josh Burkine from he's the only Oklahoma delegate to our Congress that I have any confidence in. But he has been on the opposite side of the fence of our whole Oklahoma delegation on virtually everything. And our Oklahoma delegation with exception of him or a bunch of horses as far as I'm concerned. And I was hoping that we could get maybe approach people like him because he is he is heading a congressional investigation into the sacred service and he's going to have cheat on or whatever name is on the hot seat come Monday. But if we could get someone in his capacity to lead a grand jury federal grand jury possibly not say it would happen but possibly it would raise the awareness of the public enough that you would get some public support. Don't know about that. That's all I was trying to bring or okay and no. The common law grand jury isn't going to go anywhere. I saw that happen back in the 90s here in Oklahoma. I saw people go to prison over there. They were all serves. But Roger it makes no difference because they they're going to take you out whether you have a national status or not if you get in their way. All I'm saying is if you can get a congressional person to lead that grand jury and you say nothing came of the Oklahoma deal. Yes, there was Charles help me mark who was Charles. He's he's Charlie keys. He made enough noise on that grand jury that it at least a raised raised the awareness of many many Oklahomans. Was it successful? No, but there's a lot of people learning awful lot about the credibility of their government as a result of Charles keys. So it didn't good. Joe, I got a question. Joe, you may or may not know that I know Charlie keys personally from the Oklahoma City days. And he is a fabulous individual. That's all I can say. And I agree, but he stood his ground and he made a difference and he made a different charger. Yeah, I know he did Joe. Oh, hold on. Yeah, go ahead. Yeah, Joe, I'm looking at it this way. I'm not disagreeing with you. I'm throwing stuff out for consideration. Now, if we as nationals want to claim our countries as our states, yet we allow federal organization like the FBI to come into our states and take over an investigation. A thing that happened in a country called Pennsylvania shouldn't people Pennsylvania be investigating this? That's my point. That is my exact point. So it would have to come from Pennsylvania is my point. Let it happen. Okay. Just want to throw it out there. Okay, no intention of this thing going off in the weeds like it did. But I really honestly feel this is something that should be discussed in a several manner. I didn't throw this out to try to cause a ruckus or anything. But ask Michael Nail what his national status did for him in court. Oh, yeah, they have magistrate wouldn't wouldn't recognize the evidence. That's my point. That's my point. That's my point, Roger. So why not? Why not? Consider at least. And try to try to massage this thing to where a federal official and I'm not talking to federal congressional official, not a three letter agency had oversee a grand jury. Well, I imagine you said that you're a guy from. Yes, there must be a delay. Yes, please, Sherry. Go ahead. I did mean to interrupt you, Roger, when I first started speaking, there was a pause. There are two points to make and one being we do not know the process. And so we need. To learn it ourselves, and I would say Robert's rules is what controls. Also that finding a trusted official. Okay, what they do when I learned this working at the IRS, you're a little peon. You stumble across some information. They promote you, which is called a bribe. And that's exactly what they did with Chris Switzer, the attorney general in Missouri. Now he's a senator. So I'm just saying we have to learn the process. And Roger, that's no different than the foundation that you have laid out for us. Of course. And we say that. Somebody needs to get that book, the history of the grand jury and find out the history of the grand jury and how they did things. Do you know of a better resource? Does anybody have a better resource than that to start learning how these things work? Do you mean tactical civics? Yes, tactical civics. They're the ones that reprinted that book. I think Brent Brent wanted to know about it. I told him about it when we found out the website. I don't know if he's ever ordered it. I don't know if he's read it. If somebody else wanted, I think Daryl wanted it. I don't know because we hadn't heard from him since old blue is a pup, so I don't know. But I would say that that's the history of the grand jury is probably the place to start, wouldn't you? If you don't know anything about it, it seemed like the place to start. So somebody acquire that and read it and come give us some information. Then you've got a track record and a source, okay? Until then, we're all like chasing windmills, like Don Quixote. That would be a good book to put on the website. Pardon me? That would be a good book to put on. Okay, is the site that's got the book. They reprinted it, okay? So I'm not sure that would be a good thing to put on our website. I just don't know. But regardless, I think that's the place to start. Otherwise, it's a tool in our toolbox. I believe once we get enough people and all of the prerequisite things set that we might could move forward on that. But in my opinion, we need a lot more people. Even if with the amount of people we had right now, even if they came out with a true bill, you don't have any way to enforce it. Look around the disability. These guys pull the fast one on us. It's brilliant. They've stuck you in a condition of servitude and trick you into volunteer to agree with it, okay? That gives them whether you believe it and we don't think like that. They do. You're an object of their property rights. You've got to shed that before you do anything. It's the way I understand this, okay? So do you've got a different understanding? Go chase it. I don't believe you'll be successful, okay? We know this works. It works against the biggest, baddest son of a bitches that have ever walked the face of the earth and their little Satanist minions, the IRS. Anybody had anything seized from the IRS since we started this? No. You even get an answer from them when you get sent this to them? No. They're the baddest some bitches. They're the ones that make people pee in their pants when they get a letter from them. They don't do anything after they've been informed by this. Yes, I hear you. Can you wait a minute? They have done nothing, okay? Now who's clearing their voice and wanting to say something? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to clear my voice. I didn't know you can hear me right. This is Sam in Illinois. Paul mentioned something earlier about contracts. Obviously they get a son. Statutes and ordinances, right? No, no. You're in a contract, Sam. Oh. That's not the contract. Sam, hold on. That's not the contract. The contract is when you answered those two questions, yes, and agreed to their fraud and gave them consent to govern you in that capacity. That's the contract. No, no. I agree with you. I agree with you. National is definitely getting out of their system. 100%. You're 100% right. I pray for your patience, Roger. I know you had a rough morning. But what I wanted to say was this, in 1776, we had adopted a contract when that judge decided that the constitution wasn't part of her contract. She could be removed. I don't understand how she can get away with that. Me neither. That's the contract. That's not a follow to contract. That was an affidavit. That is court testimony. She, as a sitting magistrate, said, well, we don't recognize a true court authority because the Secretary of State had okayed it. This, she had gotten passports with it. She overturned laws back hundreds of years. All the weight of the tells law nations that Supreme Court case in 1835. All those things she just threw out the friggin window. Okay. And yeah, she only should have been taken off the bench. She ought to be tired and feathered. Yes. No, that's actually, that's treason against the constitution. That doesn't make sense to me. She doesn't have a job without it. That's all there is to it. Yes. It's against the road. Okay. Well, what about the appellate court? Back ass handedly. And this is why this stuff is complex. You know, I said, Mike, you're going to appeal this. Yes. Okay. Mike, you go out and do the research. He's got a job. He's got other things in his life. He's trying to do this on his own. He draws up an appeal and sends it into the last day or something like that. So now the appellate level says, oh, you didn't get it in on time. Okay. So what do you do? Mike, you're right. Well, right. Well, you can't find any lawyers that'll agree with him and he doesn't have the money to do that. So what does he do now? Yeah, exactly. I wouldn't give up. I would not give up, Roger. He doesn't have any other avenues. Okay. Why is any petition to Supreme Court to hear the case? Because that cost money. And you can't. Well, they did. Didn't they try to do that in California? Supra? I think it was against California. They tried to take a land because of. Yeah. Yeah. They tried to pick someone's land and it was settled. A settled law about land. And that's kind of what it is. Okay. I'm going back to bed. Oh, Roger. Oh, Roger. Go. Please. Don't go. Well, I say things and people don't listen. They don't understand. Okay. Mike's a little guy. He's got a job at a like a lumber yard. Okay. That's why he comes on here with he's driving the dam forklift. All right. He doesn't have the money to do that. He can't find any lawyers that don't call him crazy. You know, Sam, you can. If you've never done this legal stuff and writing these papers and submitting them and doing everything correctly, not in every eye and crossing every key, you don't know what a nightmare it is. Do they mark? I agree. I agree. I agree with you. Please cancel. Have you ever written a phrase to the Supreme Court of your state? No, I haven't. Let me say this. Let me say this. You're right, Roger. I haven't gone through that. But you know what? Every time someone does something, someone learns something. Even if it's a loss, it's a win. Okay. He doesn't have the money or the fortitude or the knowledge as I don't either. But you know, the only way you're going to learn is by being in a fire. I don't know if I could put it to you. Okay. He did this. Okay. I'm going to look into this. I mean, this is, I'm sure I'm going to be confronted with this. They don't stop on me. They haven't messed with me since I, it's shocking. It's shocking as hell. How I got my money back from the IRS, how they don't even come in my direction. They don't even follow me anymore. I don't get it. They went after me quite a while. And I've been in court for 11 months. Yes. Yeah. Hey, let's go. You know, let's see what happens. That's all I could say. You know, and again, don't take me the wrong way. I'm for him. Thank you. Rogers, just tried to say something three times. I'm freaking speechless. Okay. The way this show's gone today. I just want to walk away from it and let you guys argue all this shit. Okay. Okay. All right. Mark. Let's let's let's see if Mark has any any tidbits. You know, Sam, that's what everybody asked me. What happens when this doesn't work? And what was my answer? Well, I guess we all know what time it is then, don't we? Yep. I don't know if Mark is here. He was a minute ago. I wouldn't I wouldn't blame him at all if he left. Maybe maybe we can get the strongman to speak up. Oh, there he is. Okay, Mark. Well, I really don't have a whole lot other than just the recent events that happened, you know, I'm trying to think of some things that I don't know if you want to open up this subject. You know, we talked about like the trust people putting property held it in trust. And a lot of people that they want to control their trust. And the only way that you can be the person putting property over into that trust and be a trustee is using what's called a a revocable trust. And unfortunately, you're really taking a risk when you use a revocable trust because that trust can go be changed afterwards. And this is one of the toughest parts about about putting a trust together is having a trustee that you can quote trust. And unfortunately, I recently had somebody reach out to me. And they, they're, excuse me, their mother had written up a trust. And prior to her passing, another family member went in and had them change. And basically this family member had all the property given to them. So they went in and trust. Go ahead Roger. I'm sorry to interrupt you Mark. They went in and put themselves as the beneficiary somehow. Yeah, they had all the property that is in the trust. And they cut everybody else out. You know, the mother's children that were, you know, and what was amazing is they all had copies of that trust. So it wasn't like they didn't know that there was a trust that existed. And years ago, I represented somebody in arbitration who was from Tulsa and their parents were wealthy. And his dad was loyal. And they were, they were multi millionaires. And so, and there was three, three children out of the, out of the marriage. And a cousin who was a banker in Tulsa had, after the father passed away and went to the mother and had her write out all the kids. And put him in as a beneficiary. And so he had a cousin who ended up taking everything that he had a right to. He fought that in court. I don't think he ever won. But, you know, it's just when you have a revocable trust that you can change. You have that risk of that happening. And so, if you have an irrevocable trust and the beneficiaries have copies of it, that's solid. That's locked in solid. You cannot go and change it. So this is the reason why I talked about using irrevocable trust. But the problem that most people have is somebody else has to be the trustee. You can't be the person who creates the trust and also the trustee if it's irrevocable. Right. I think that person's called a grantor, I think. Grantor or sometimes you'll see him referred to as a set mode. Settler. Yes, I've heard that. Yeah. Do you know on the on the trust thing while we're talking about this and this is kind of having to do with what you're talking about in their mark. The state that has become the king of the trust. You know what that state is these days? No, I don't. South Dakota. South Dakota. South Dakota has really become people from all over the world are going there to set up trust. Okay. I recently heard about a guy who had used South Dakota trust and there was a loophole in their legislation there. And that was someone that was the grantor of the trust could change the trustee without informing them of the change. And the case was a guy who was him and his wife had been married. He had a built they built they built a very successful company. And so I don't remember before the divorce or after, but anyway, he said everything up in trust and he made her the trustee. And then he got a new girlfriend and without telling her puts her someone else in as the trustee. And so then they go something happened. They went to close on it or whatever find out about it. And the and the problem arose that came to light that there's a loophole in this the way they do things there. Anyway, that's about as much as I remember a couple years ago. I heard about it. But South Dakota is the number one state for trust now in the U.S. and literally from many places around the world people are going there to get that done. May I? May I? Because what you just spoke about would prevent what Mark spoke about the irrevocable trust that could not have happened in an irrevocable trust. Correct. And I don't know any really. Sherri, I don't know any of the specifics more than I've told you. I thought the story was kind of horrible. The ex wife helped him build the business. He set this up for went behind her back and changed the trustee. And because of the state rules, here's the hitch. They didn't have to identify her. She'd been changed. Right. I just wanted to put forward the caveat that you brought forward and what Mark brought forward on an irrevocable. It's set in stone. That brings up. All right. Hold on. Several people are wanting to talk there who is one was overriding in your audio who who was trying to say something there. That brings up an interesting question. If you were a national, where does the trust naturally lie? Is that with the state them? I don't know, Alan. If you're a national and I there's over a hundred types of trust. Okay. And they're just a whole bunch of them with different little nuances. The way I understand it. A long way from my area of expertise, but there's a lot of different kinds of trust that can do a lot of different kinds of things. I'm sorry. I'm being really distracted by this damn construction out here. Also, y'all can't hear it. I don't know, but I sure as hell can. So, Mark, do you have any idea about that? I think you'd write what's called a Massachusetts trust or a common law trust. Right. Well, like you said, Roger, it depends on the trust. But typically, what I refer to is what would be known as an express private trust because we're not registering it with anybody. We don't have to register it with the state or the county or the feds. So it's private would be more known as a common law trust. Yeah, there it is. Isn't that called a Massachusetts trust? And that also called the Massachusetts trust? I'm not familiar with that term. Now, there's several things I need to know. Well, now hold it, Alan. You're back. Alan, you're trying to talk again in your way in the distance and you're not right here with us in your audio. So you want to try and repeat that. Alan, this is just one, I guess, is it a full moon? Paul, is that what's called? Yeah, it is. Not yet. Roger. Yes. My feeling on this, from a biblical standpoint, you either stand with the Lord or you stand with men. When you start to limit your liability, I think that is going against having the protection of your creator. And I think as a national, that's the first time in this country since they pulled this crap, that you have the ability to stand with your creator and make that stance only through the national status and not through trust and things that limit liability. You know, it passed the first limited liability act in 1851. And the first thing that churches did was incorporate under it so that you couldn't do your pastor when you knew he was a piece of crap. It went to the corporation. And that's what, I think, that's where I come from on it. We have to learn how to stand well as nationals and as creators or creations of the creator of our Heavenly Father. And because that, in doing that act from the stuff that I read, Congress was basically saying we're no longer going to be a Christian country. We're going to be more humanitarian. And I think it's a mistake to not just stay with our national status as our protection and live a life outside this system as much as we can. I yield. Okay. May I please? Please. Roger, I heard what you said about this book coming from a website. I heard you want to make that clear. However, I've found a PDF for free that says the early history of the grand jury, and I can give that one side out if you'd like. Well, that may be the book that they reprinted. Okay. I don't know. I just know it was something to do with the history of the grand jury. I heard the guy that runs that site on AJ one time with a couple other people talking about it. Okay. It may be. Sure. Give the website out. Somebody put it in and put it in the chat, please. Okay. Yeah, because it isn't exactly as you word it, but it's simpler. It's simple enough and it's free. It's J-S-T-O-R dot org. The early history of the grand jury and the canon law. I'm done. Thank you, sir. Have a better one. Okay. Thank you very much. I think that should better get better. Thank you very much for that. And somebody put that in the chat and people look at it and read it and come back and give us a report. Fair enough? Yeah, I think stuff like that, Roger, is really good because my belief that the more I look at the common law, and it's got its problems too, but this is as close as man has come to running a society under biblical law. Yes, under some type of logical due process where the process is accentuated. That's the difference. In the law, the city, as Brent calls it, the object is concentrated on what they want to achieve. Here, whatever, if you use the right process, just follow diligently, whatever result they get will be correct. Okay. And the other one's just the opposite. So, yeah, okay. Somebody get the book, read it and see, it's a great tool for us down the road, but we got a lot of road before we get there to me. Okay. That's my observation. One thing I remember from reading some history is when the Hatfields and McCoy went to court. They were both armed to the teeth. They came voluntarily, but they also knew their right to be able to bear arms, not firearms, and to see to it that nobody got harmed when they were there. Imagine that today. It's hard to imagine, actually. Yes, it is. So, I don't know what to say. You know, we're kind of in the middle of this fallout from this attempt to the assassination and all the questions that go with that and they're starting to arise from the information that's coming out now. It's just clearly a deep state event. I thought, Joe, Joe, did you say they're going to start having hearings next week on this attempt to the assassination? Did I understand you to say that? Yes, Congressman Josh Brakeem is supposed to have Keto or whatever her name is on the hot seat. All right. Okay. Well, he is, he, as I understand it, he is at the forefront of congressional hearings. Okay. Do we know the investigation into this? Do we know what committee? I don't know that I can't answer that, Roger. I can not answer that, but I did see just what the ticker on the news, and it says. Oh, crap. Who is it from Iowa? Senator from Iowa helped me. I don't know. Who's a holly holly? No, he's from Missouri. Is that a female? Yes, from Missouri. No, he's male. He's old time. He's been there forever. But Senator from Iowa is going to. You're not talking about grass. You're not talking about grassy, are you? Yes. He's going to have investigations as well. So, you know, what I was hoping we could maybe approach this in, in if we could contact. And, you know, Brakeem is not in my district in Oklahoma. But I fully intend today to contact his office to try to. Okay. Entice him into form a federal grand jury and him heading it. You've got your mix in metaphors here. You say your guy from Oklahoma is in the house. Grassley's in the Senate. I know, but Grassley has come up. There's two different investment congressional investigations here, one in the house. I hope so. There might be others. But I just saw on the ticker that Grassley is going to head up an investigation of his, his own. Okay, good. Well, I mean, I've been back. Brakeem from Oklahoma is going to do one himself. Brakeem is an outlaw amongst the Oklahoma congressional delegation. Okay. Well, I'm sure he's good. He votes against everything the others vote for. And I'm not too proud of what the rest of the vote for. But Brakeem does the job. Well, I've not heard his name before is one thing. He's probably over there with Mary Mary, M G J T and Gates and the other levels in the house. Okay. Good deal. Like that strength. Well, and the more that these things happen like this and the further that gets down this road, I think the more you're going to see some of those people coming across and crossing the line that may not have been there before. J D Vance was a good example. He used to be. He was for a lot of years against Trump and four vaccines and a whole lot of things in the old days. I think his through events, I believe his opinions have changed dramatically to the opposite side. If you care to receive it, Roger, I'll send you a real short news clip with a one minute video in it. About J D Vance, if you care to look at it, I will send it to you personally. Nobody else. You can do that. Okay. Well, you know, if, but I give everybody the power to the ability to change to just because they saw one way 10 or 15 years ago doesn't mean as they get older in their life and more good in their thought and events might happen that might influence those opinions. They can't change their opinion and their ways. There's a lot of them that have happened to that, including myself. Okay. So you got to give somebody that limit, that little bit of leeway there for whatever it's worth and you know, as well as anyone, there's lots of BS circulating about this, that and everything else. But I did read one comment this morning that, you know, that about the conversation between Trump and RFK, you're familiar with that. No. And I don't know who the Institute of the phone call, I think it was Trump, but one of RFK's underlings, and I think it was one of these family took a video of him talking to Trump. And with the audio on, and this clip has been publicized. And what it was is Trump offered RFK, Jr. a cabinet position. If he would bow out and give him Trump his support. Okay. And RFK has publicly apologized for that slip. Now, with that said, I saw another commentary that this morning that Trump was given an ultimatum by the deep state CIA NSA Secret Service and all that whole bunch of. Bad actors that you pick JD Vance or one or two others. It's them or you don't win the election. Now, is that true? I don't know. But these are things that people need to pay attention to because much of that is BS, but not all of it is. There's a grain of truth in most all of this stuff. Well, there's no ways for us to discern which is which. That's the unfortunate part. I wouldn't doubt that somebody in the Kennedy family stuck it up his ass because they're all the entire family. To my understanding is on the other side of the fence with the deep state. So I would disagree with you. I would not disagree with you at all. But I have all the confidence in the world and Congressman Joshua came from state, Oklahoma, second district. Okay. And you look and Roger, you look what Marjorie Taylor Greene did in the first week of her becoming a Congresswoman. Oh, she's a monster. She is. And they can't knock her down and we need to support those people as best we can. Do you know that she's the single largest recipient of five and $10 contributions in the Congress? People from all over the country are supporting you. Yeah, she's hugely popular. Yeah. Answer this for me if you can, please. Caring me this Batman had a very big presence for a while. Yeah. And that's he's he's spoken at the Republican National Convention, but she gets no press anymore. Why is that? Why did she just fall off the radar? Well, because I think she refused any overtures to get involved with the Trump campaign on the federal level and really wants the senator position in Arizona and has been standing on that. And standing on that decision would would be my observations first response. I don't know any other things. She's a great one. She would have made up. Excuse me, Ferris. She would have made a really good VP pick for Trump if she wanted to. I agree. I agree. I agree. But she could do more with the senator. Well, that's right. And so anyway, that's as much as I know about that. And I hope she wins and and I hope they were able to through all of these events that are bringing us to all these conclusions and people all over the country in the world are seeing what's really happening. Who's pulling the strings that we're about to go through some real significant changes in the governance. Okay. Let's hope so. Roger. Roger. I heard this Republican, you know, a couple of weeks ago. Sorry. A couple of weeks ago, you know, Trump was going to be at the convention and be a felon. Maybe in jail, right? Right. So I heard that he was told that if you want the support of the Republican party, you're going to pick Rubio. And Rubio is, I mean, yes, he did the obligatory whaling wall. He's all mandatory stuff or you may may be wishing seeing a wife, you know, but I he is a lot less old than the tooth in all these matters. And I think he's a fresh start. I'm glad it wasn't Rubio say that because that's the total time. I was a total militarist and a former bubble boy as Trump called him. Well, at the amazing thing to me, I learned it. Listened to a show yesterday, I think Vance isn't even 40 years old yet. Iron man. Iron man. Did that hear my name? Yes. Well, you heard an echo. Right. MTG, not a woman, not a female. She's a man trapped in a woman's body. See, there are many of the females, many of which are in this particular sandbox we have here. Call the classroom. Are in fact men trapped in women's bodies. It's a simple fact of psychiatry and psychology. And my choice for VP was MTG. Because can you imagine, see, we have no hope, no chance of ever winning anything in November. The globalists have the software and the hardware, those little black boxes. Go to, repeat And study why, when they have the control of the little black boxes, you have no hope to ever have a Republican elected to any significant office ever in your future. You are screw it. Okay? So, let us hear what Marjorie Taylor Greene has to say during the campaign along with Trump. And then you have a chance to develop the spirit in a nation that can lead men to civil war and to take this back. You see, because that's the only way you're going to take it back. You ain't going to take it back by voting. What did Mark Twain say? If voting was all it's cracked up to be, they wouldn't let us do it. Right? What did Stalin say? It's not who votes that counts you fools. It's who counts the votes that really matters, I yield. Roger. Yes, Bruce. No, this is Larry. Jacksonville. Oh, Larry, sorry, yeah, Larry. Yeah, I'd like to remind you and offer some words of wisdom from your former teacher, John Benson. And he says in his book, and this is to go with the overall tone of the discussion today, because I know you're getting a little bit annoyed and frustrated. Like, what can we do? And look how the courts have treated Mike in Alabama. And look how they've treated this person. And that's, let me interrupt you. That's a solo example. We haven't had that happen to anybody else. Okay, that's just not, there's other people that have recognized it really nicely. So she's a real exception, but that happened. Okay. Right. Well, you know, there's nothing new under the sun and listen to what John Benson wrote back in 1994. The problem with our system of law today is that the agents who are meant to protect our rights have become their worst violators. The judges have also become part of the abuse. There simply is nowhere to escape the gaping jaws of government. I have racked my brain trying to discern an effective method by which to respond to this clear and present danger. The only two that I have come up with are, number one, to learn the law and have such learning spread as far and wide as possible. And number two, to arrange your assets in so far as possible so that you are effectively invisible to the government. So I just wanted to offer that. Okay. Well, that was back before we knew what we know now, you know. And see, John didn't know you could just simply send one sentence to the Secretary of State and remove yourself from that burden. What was the key word you used there that he wrote agents? Well, if they're agents, they're dealing with public policy, they're not dealing with you. So, yes, I agree with him to largely, but the landscape has changed since John wrote that. We know how to get out of our system and they recognize it. That is the most important part right there. They recognize it. They stand mute. Right, but we're still dealing with the government and the courts. It's all around us just like, you know, the name of your website. Okay. All right. Okay. Okay. What brought that up? Larry, what brought that up? Mike, press in the envelope, driving with private plates and no driver's license. That's what initiated this twice. Okay. That's why I tell you, if you want to do that. I'm not going to tell you not to. I appreciate people pressing the envelope like that and having that kind of fire in their belly. But if you do, you better be ready in a contingency to deal with situations like Mike said now. I agree that his place had everything right, driving because he doesn't have too far to drive to work. Okay. And if you've done that, he would have never been pulled over and this would have never been initiated. He was pressing the envelope. I don't mind you pressing the envelope. I'm not going to tell you not to, but I'm going to give you every caveat in the world that this could happen to you. So if it does, be prepared. Go in with your eyes open. Right. And respectfully, Mike was doing everything right, but also what messed him all up was the fact that he did not file the motion in time. He was a day late. That's correct. And so he kind of shot himself in the foot too. Well, I mean, these are the caveats that you get into in this complex legal maneuverings and actions that you got to know. You got to know and you got to adhere to them. And that's why I tell you, if you're going to do something like this, you've got to put your life on the back burner and sit down and learn all of this crap. So is that and the sacrifice of your time worth whatever the fine would be of paying the fine and going on about your life? Okay. She might have ruled against him there in this instance, but Mike's out of the IRS, none of the federal agencies apply to him. This is why I hate this traffic stuff because there's no consistency in it. And I don't have a dog in the fight because I have to have a commercial driver license to do my job. So it's not a big deal to me, you know, so. And I just drive carefully when I'm driving in the private, make sure my car is maintained, make sure there's not a tail light out so that someone would have an excuse to stop me, make sure you come to a complete stop, you know, go to speed on it. And pretty much everyone in the red light, you know, absolutely. That's my point. You just hit my point squarely on the head with a 10 pound ball peen hammer. Yep. Okay. Thank you. Okay. You're welcome, Larry. I got your email, by the way. Don't worry about it. So where else can we go in this very. Temptuous, confusing day here on the 17th. I have a way to simplify it with a very elevated question. Please. As a national. Um, that many of us are including myself. Should there be a certain way that we sign our signature on any kind of legal document, which is where we're putting our source. Not, not to my knowledge, you can, you can if you want, but I don't think it's necessary. Does Mark have a recommendation or a mask, Mark, if you've got a recommendation on that. Is Mark with us? You know, there's given, given straw man a massage or something. I'm sure he'd probably agree with me. If you want to put TDC or one dash three, oh, eight. Well, okay. Now you've got your rights and you filed your affidavit, right? Well, what do you, they've recognized the state department. What are you reserving? You've got access to them. They don't argue with you. What are you reserving? If you're going to put some UCC disclaimer on there. Well, I'm just talking about like a new, like say you get somebody buys a house. As a national and it requires so security number. I went otter, people and even taking out new questions. A car loan, that type of thing. Well, I don't know about that. You might have, I don't know if you might not have problems acquiring a loan here. I don't know. Same else. Do you have something to add here? Yeah. On the signature, the first place the government tells you how to do your signature is on the W-2, right? It's first, middle, initial, last name. Well, you just created a new entity by doing that. And that's way of been signing my name all my life. So now as a national and a common law entity, what I'm doing. And I'm putting this in my notice to the local authorities that my new common law signature is going to be my first middle and last name completely spelled out. An upper and lower case. Sorry Mark. No, I mean, if the government wanted us to do middle initial with the period. Yeah. According to the book of the hundredth and stamper, you just created a new trust. Anytime you change the entity with a period lettering anything, you capitalization, it's a new trust. And that's what they were getting you to do according to him. And the book of the hundredth, you were changing the trust by doing what they were telling you to do. Wouldn't it be better than to use no cap even for the first letter of our names? First of all? Well, that's not normal now. I'm a normal grammar. So we want to stick to that as well. Doing what? Having no capital. No, you would capitalize your first name and your last name and your middle. Just like we have done for centuries. Okay, because when I send in my paperwork, the secretary of state, I spelled out my whole name. My my middle name spelled out. It's wrong that I did it. No, it's not wrong. Please, please, y'all, please quit thinking like something you're going to do. It's going to negate what you've done. Roger, what's in that? Samuel, my point is you just start acting differently. What? Right. What trust are stamper in the book of the hundredth talking about Samuel? If you had a document and you, a trust document and you put whatever on that document you want to say is the entity that you're dealing with. If you change anything in that document in regards to who it's talking about, you've changed the trust. It doesn't matter. That's just universal. What? You didn't answer my question. The trust that the federal government, the authority has over the citizen in you. It's not a trust. It's a voluntary servitude. I mean, you talk about this case of their state trust. Well, you can't handle all those people talking about it. No, I'm not talking about it anyway. I'm just talking about trust law, just playing an awful word. Find your name the way you've always signed it and go on. Nobody's going to confront you. It's not going to do anything. You don't have to put anything on top of it. All that was taken care of with your affidavit, which was accepted by the Secretary of State, to my knowledge. Okay? Capiche? Just tell me what I'm doing, Roger. Okay. I'm going to do whatever they want to. That's exactly right. Okay. If you want to believe in that trust and all that stuff, you go do that. Okay. I've never seen any evidence of it. I've never seen any mention of it anywhere. Anywhere. Okay. Great. Okay. Great. Don't do that. Okay. I think we're. Thank God. We're about to hear the Whistler here in a second. We're going to get out of this disaster of a show today. Okay. So. Anybody's gotten. Yeah. Anything. Anybody they want to add? You better add it quick. I would like. I would like to add something. I would like to add something. If anybody in the group is part. You know, like tracks and monitors the moon phases. If you could send me a list of every full moon from now until 20 years from now. And we'll just plan on doing archives on those days. One of. One of absolutely the most counterproductive shows I believe we've ever done here today. Roger. Roger. We love you. We love you. Don't. Don't give up on us. Don't forget us. I was going to say Roger. I agree with you. And just keep it simple. I always tell the students. I'm going to keep it simple. What you normally do and everything is reserved. Your rights are reserved with your affidavit. Don't worry about it. Absolutely. Don't do it. No patriot mythology verbiage on your paperwork. You don't need it. I agree with Marka. Oh. Well, for whatever it's worth. It's a lovely day in Ecuador. And I can probably go find some nice lunch somewhere. I think you should go for a nice walk. I think I should do something like it. God, it's like the UV's got to be 18 or 20 here today. So anyway, we'll look. We'll be back and stab at it again tomorrow. Maybe we'll have some new students or some new information or something. And we try and concentrate on the basics here, folks. I agree. It'll be great and whenever we can get that way, have enough people we can investigate it, but we're not there yet. In my opinion, that's my opinion. I'll see you all tomorrow and have a great day. Okay. Thank you, Paul. Thank you. We love you, Rod. All right. Bye-bye. Okay. We're off a year of folk. We're still on global voice and I split the record. Let me split the recording. Wow. What a mess. I still say you were having a premonition at the beginning, Paul. You had a premonition. You just wanted to skip today. Yeah. Yeah, I did. Yeah, I did. It was. Oh, a Merka left too. Doesn't take her very long to bail. I don't know if she thinks we bite her or what. Anyway. And. Jeremy Jack just joined us. Here we go in a private chat room. Joe. I don't know if you've got something to say. Just letting you know. Yes. Yes. I do. I was just waiting for it to clear. If I may speak, I would like to apologize to everyone if I caused all the Discomotion today. But. My take early on. That Roger called for newcomers. And newcomers and newcomers. And. Well, it looks like it's going to be another one of those boring days. So I. Posed the deal about. Cause it all would get. Going off in the weeds. So. It wasn't. I think good things were covered, Joe. I think good things were covered. Well, it wasn't my intention to. Cause. Disruption. But it certainly went that way. So. And. I was just trying to get. Some thought process going. Right. Joe, I don't think you have any. I don't, I don't think you have anything to apologize for. And you had no way of knowing that that topic was going to go so. Horribly off the rails. You're fine. Well, thank you. But you're all good. Pear shaped. Yeah. Pear shaped. Yes. Egg shaped. And. Hey, you come here. Can you hear me? Yeah. Hey, I had a quick question. One might have a snap. Yeah. And I was wondering, is it okay to put this street address on the cover letter. Your street address. Yeah. You know, like where I signed the cover letter. Yeah, you could do that. I know I'm a social number. Yeah, you're only used to last four of your social. What I did with my cover letter. What I did with my cover letter is I put my birth state. My birth county. And my birth date and the last four of my social security number. If they can figure out who I was with, with those pieces of information, you need different jobs, perhaps something in the food service or hospitality industry. So birth state, birth county, birth date and last four. Yep. Last four of the social. And if you want to put in your address. If you want to put in your address, what I would do is I would. I would air on the side of caution and integrate as much patriot mythology into your document as you possibly can by doing. Here of. Your surname. At your address. Spell the state out. Don't use the two letter abbreviation and close the zip code in brackets. That just kind of all the patriot mythology together and. All right. I don't care about that. I just want to make sure it kind of you were right. Right. I did not put the county. You did what, Kathleen? I did not put the. What your birth county. All right, I just put the date. You write out birth county birth state or just. What I did was I did. And then my date of birth. So be state of birth. The county. They can't figure that out. Like I said, they need. They need new jobs. Perhaps McDonald's. Remada in. Maybe red roof. But you don't need to use county. Well, it depends on how common your name is. Yeah, mine's not very common. We still don't need a county. Whatever. Okay, yeah. They've got the four last numbers of your social security. Are you trying to chime in here? Hello. Well, your mic's open. Time for another quick question background. Okay. Another quick question. Yeah, I got a friend that's a Canadian citizen, but he's been living here for a while with a green card. Can he naturalize here as a U.S. citizen and then just drop the U.S. citizen and be a national or you have to be born here. No, you can. No, you can naturalize. Naturalize and then following after David. It's going to take some time to go through the naturalization process. Right. Can we get your name? So we can address know who we're talking with. First name is fine. Who is the new guy with the new questions? Hey, this is Paul from Michigan. Oh, okay. Hi, Paul from Michigan, Paul from New York. My brother turned me on you guys. Probably listening. Well, Nick. Well, I have to thank him for doing that. Yeah, help send in my affidavit and be free. Who's your brother? What's his name? His name's Nick. He's called in before. Oh, cool. Okay, Nick from from from Michigan. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, we live in Metro Detroit area. Yeah. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Well, I guess that's better than Ann Arbor. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, there's a lot of that going around. Do you live over by the cone? No, not very close. I'm in Wayne County. I actually just, I mean, I work in Oakland County. I'm not paying the west side. Oh, okay. I'm on the east side. Oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah, I live in Northville and work in Farmington. Oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah, it's great. No one learning all this. I knew all, you know, all my life. Some didn't seem right. You know, I'm not having a constitutional right. Right. You don't have a constitutional right. Yeah. You don't have constitutional rights. Right. Exactly. Natural rights. Yeah. Not civil rights. They're God-given rights. They'll let them fool you. Yep. So I'm going to have to make that correction on my cover letter. And then I'll get that copy and note rights and sign in. They want you to think they're God, see? Have you found any other groups over by you? Because there's little, like, in person groups everywhere. No, I haven't. Just you guys so far. Oh, okay. Yeah, there is. There's in person groups. And if you, well, Paul could probably put you in touch with somebody that's maybe more over on your side. Oh, okay. Yeah, because there's people all over the place. Well, that's good. Yeah, it's good to have a lot of support. I should really get me one of those, like, huge pull down maps of the United States so I can put pushpins in the map where we have people. I should do that. Well, you'd have to do individual state maps so that, you know, you could get more than one pin in an area. I'm up near Midland, Michigan. Jimmy's southwest of Lansing. No, southeast of Lansing. He's in the thumb. He's in the thumb. He's in the crook of the thumb. Yeah, he's not actually too far from me. I'm getting. Your cyber organ. Yeah, I'll move to the window. I didn't get the Ann Arbor joke. I only work there. Oh, well, how are you doing, Rich? Good. I'm feeling good. My dog just spent three hours at the doggy's bath. Actually, it wasn't a spot with just some random lady that loves dogs and she only charged 30 bucks to brush and bathe my dog for the last three hours. Oh, that's a $200 job, man. I wanted to give her more and she won't take it. She thought I gave her back to her. Okay. Let's see, buddy. See you. So what you found was an actual dog lover that kind of understands dogs instead of the last one that almost had a nervous breakdown because she tried to brush your dog. Well, you know, Rich, good deal. Oh, yeah. Well, I think a part of the problem with the last dog is this lady saw how my dog was protective of me and won't leave my side and she said, "Can I take the leash from her and walk her?" and she walked her around the yard. Then when she went in the room, she had like a little entranceway that she uses for her grooming. She's got a smart floor, a drain in it. She don't have no special tub. She tries putting big dogs in. She's got a little tub, three little dogs in. She spent probably 20 minutes trying, and I noticed it yesterday, but she had a clump of look like tree sap from a pine tree. And the pad of her foot. And I don't know where she got it from. I don't think it was there a week ago when we went to the other groomer. But, oh, my God, my dog looks like a completely different dog. As long as your dog says that is awesome. Well, make sure you make sure you put some mirrors up so your dog can see how pretty. Put some mirrors up down below on the floor so your dog can see how pretty she looks. So next time she isn't such a problem when you say, "Want brushes?" Well, you know what? I'm taking her back to this girl. And it helps. She had a four-year-old and a five-year-old son, and they kept coming. She had a half door, because this little entranceway was like three steps down from her house. And the little boys kept coming, and the ones got a stand on a stippy toes, and he could barely see, so he kept opening the door. And my dog sees toddler. She gets all excited. I want to play. Aw. Well, I'm glad you finally found somebody to tame the mutt. Oh, Matt, she'll let you brush her now, Rich, too. It should be much easier to kind of maintain her till next time. Right, yeah. Well, I know she's going back to this girl in the springtime when she needs shedding and getting that undercoat out of her. Don't they shed a little bit in the fall, too, because they shed the summer coat? Yeah, that's what I was going to say. And, like, with you, like me in Ohio, when you're going through those, you know, coming into and you get where it'll get cold again, or in the fall, it gets warmer. And it seems like they shed more, like, "Well, Michael, don't know what to do, because look at the weather outside. If you don't know what to do." Well, when you have a golden retriever, they continuously shed. You get a vacuum three or four or five or seven days a week. Kind of like a shepherd. Oh, it's worse than a shepherd, I think. I've had shepherds. But it is. It's worth their pricing ball to get a good groomer that your dog likes. That is awesome. Yeah, it is. Oh. But now she wants to chew on her feet. She's never, she said, "I've never heard the dog with so much anxiety as this one." You know what helps with the anxiety is fish oil? I will have to try that. You know what else helps with it? A tiny, tiny piece of marijuana. What kind of oil did you say, Miss? Fish oil, like, pad liver oil? Oh, fish. Yeah. It's really good. And it makes their hair kind of shiny, too. It's good for their skin. But it's like lubricant for their brain, and it helps them really process more smoothly and have less anxiety. How much do you give them, and how often? I might give her, and I don't give her a whole lot. I just give her, like, a little couple dribbles, because I have a bottle of it. And I just pour out a little bit in her, in her dry food. And I give her that. You need me every other day or every two days. I will have to look into doing that, because I have some pad liver oil. What you might want to do, also, is you might want to bring her back to that groomer two more times within the next month, and get her used to that groomer. And then that will, it'll get to the point where she actually enjoys going there. So, yeah, no bath. Sorry. I took her. And I started taking her to the groomer. Every week we go to the groomer, and then we go out and get her. And she is now to the point where I have to hold her back from the counter, because if she gets too close to the counter, she jumps on her back. She jumps on top of the counter, and then off the other side, and puts herself on the table. What? It's in it. It makes me so happy to have her be happy to go get her imposed butt or bath. Right. Yeah, because it's a struggle for me. She don't like her toes till now it's clipped. And my grandson used to, I used to babysit him weekly. So, he would get her on her back. He was only like four years old then. He would lay on her back, and he would put a wrestling move on her and hold her down, so all four feet in the air. And she went move when he was laying on her. And I could trim off four of her nails while she's in heaven with my grandson on her, because she loves toddlers. And ever since he don't come over to babysit all the time, I don't get to trim her nails because I can get one foot down maybe, and okay, you're not touching my other feet. We're going to fight you. Yes. Yeah. And I personally have put her chin post. Oh. Yeah. Right. But if I'm going every week, how much of they are right? Right. My only thought here now is better seeing this lifetime job otherwise I don't know what I'm going to do. Yeah, I didn't know what I was going to do if she didn't, because my dog is very not new people friendly. But I know she's made two adult men correct their pants before. Yeah. You just got to tell people they got to have beef. You got to, if you want her to be nice to you, you got to make me a nice roast beef. Yeah. My boss at work, she has to meditate her dog for two days. And she insists on taking her dog to the vet to get her nails done. But it's such a traumatic experience that they have to, you know, give them drugs and not them out. My dog, yeah. My vet had to sedate this dog. I mean, the last time I took her a year ago, she needed x-rays because she had, well, she's got arthritis in her front legs. And I noticed when she's getting off, she's struggling. Well, I give her, I give her natural, oh, there's some pretty healthy cortis, not cortisone. The same thing people would take for their joints. Right. Well, that's right. And what Lisa just said. And they got an estimate, and there are all three ingredients. I think I even, we talked about this in the last couple weeks because I. Yes, we did. We did. I put a, I put a one in the, in ever since I hadn't given her them, she don't have any issues. But I got to start giving them to her every day because. She's getting old. You know what else is really good from? If you get some like sardines, like frozen sardines, like the real one. Oh, yeah. And just give her a sardine every other day or whatever. She'll be in heaven. I got, I got these Kipper snacks at the health food store. And I always share them with her. She loves them. I opened the can and she can smell it. She's right there saying, where's my boy? Where's my boy? Yeah, if I, I got my hook done peppers and cucumbers and stuff is just like filler food. It's not like sustainable food. It's just like, so when I eat it, she's like right there. That's where this dog is strange. She does a math like fruit or vegetables very often. She, she likes strawberries. But if you dehydrate a strawberry or freeze a blueberry, she thinks it's green. But she don't like raw vegetables. Nope. I want them cooked. I want butter and them. She'll eat them without butter, but if they're cooked, she'll eat them if they're raw. Nope. And she doesn't like her. She don't like what? Water. You don't like water? She'll get, she'll go until her belly hairs start getting wet. And that's deep enough. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. My, my shepherd, she loves to jump as a sprinkler. But she, and she'll run in the water, but she don't want to swim in the water. Yeah. I'm really been, I've been watching these people with these paddle boards. And I don't know if I'm going to get myself to the point where I do it. But they're putting their dogs on the paddle boards and they're like going down the river. Oh, yeah. And, and I'm thinking, wow, you know, that would be something cool. Cool to do. I just got to figure out how to get back to the car afterwards, but if I could get them to where they go in a canoe or something, that would be really cool. Yeah. I think that for me, this one probably would because she's got to be at my side. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It just seems to me like that would be really a lot of fun to do. And at the dog park, I've been talking with these other, um, dog owners. And there's a lot of people there that do that. I've done it before with the other dog. Yeah. We'll snap this one. Do it in the canoe or did you do the paddle board? It was in a canoe. Okay. Yeah, cause then you could take them to bed and you could do. You do all kinds of stuff. Yeah. Anybody tried to use the terahertz unit to remove those fatty lumps on your doggies? I used my terahertz and it's made my dog's hair grow like you wouldn't believe. Really? Yeah. Even this groomer couldn't believe how long her hair is. That's, that's just unreal. Yeah, I was wondering if anybody had any experience with, you know, those lumps that we normally take them to the vet and haven't cut off. Whether they tried it on those. No, I, I didn't, I didn't try it on there. I don't have any lumps on them. Yeah, mine don't have any. Well, mine has a tumor on her foot, but she don't have them lumps or gross like other dogs. But don't they call those lymphomas, those fatty lymphomas or whatever? I don't know. Is, is your dog with the fatty lymphoma? Is she, um, chipped? No. Okay. I'm wondering if the Ivermectin, like if you rub the Ivermectin tumor, if that would make it go away. Well, I just listened to that, that guy that John introduced us to, who wrote that book on D.S.M.O. and I should have it at my PO box when I go to town next time. And he says, a lot of people have used D.S.M.O. over the years. He said, he never knew anybody who told you how to use it. So his whole book is about how to use it. And he says you could pretty much replace a, a needle with it because it drives things deep into the flesh. And into the organ, et cetera. So if you put something with it, let's say you think there's an infection where you could put an iodine or silver or something and mix it with the D.S.M.O. and he's saying that's how you get a result. And he says that I've used D.S.M.O. not a lot, maybe. I think I had a 16 ounce bottle for over five years. And I just didn't seem to see much use to it. But what he said in that interview is, well, it's not nearly as effective until you cut it with a little water. And he says then it becomes water hungry and then it goes into the flesh so much better. So that's why I bought the book, I insights like that and how they take it internally as well, which I didn't know you could do. Yes, there's a whole channel on Telegram just specifically for that. It is called, hold on, let me open it up and I'll tell you what it's called. But they have one for people and then they've got another one for pet. Why wouldn't you use fembend at all? You can use fembends at all and Ivermectin, but if you're going to use the DMSO to help pull in the Ivermectin or the fembendazole into the cell, you could do that. Well, the interesting thing, if you watch that interview, there's a 70-year-old guy interviewing a 95-year-old guy who was riding his motorcycles a month ago. And he's the guy who wrote the book on the DMSO and he says one thing that it doesn't. I never heard this before either. Is it normal life cells that are going astray? He also said in that interview that his wife experienced symptoms of a stroke where she was trying to speak and her words weren't coming out right. And she took the DMSO internally and within a month she got all her speech and had no side effects from the stroke. I don't know, just sharing what I've heard out there lately on something that I've had around a long time, but I don't think I've ever realized how much benefit there might be by using it. Because all cancer is cells that have gone crazy and he says it tries to normalize them. So, but I guess one question if I could have given it to him, there's 99.99% DMSO and there's 99.995. DMSO and I'm thinking I'm ordered the five because I didn't know because it's a little bit more purity, but I was just wondering if anybody knows if there's really a difference between the two. They don't know, but one of these channels would be the ones that I put in the chat would be the one to ask somebody on there. I just went and purchased the DMSO from the -- I didn't know there was multiple different kinds. Well, it's a hundred -- it's five hundredths of a percent difference between the 99.99.995. And taking it internally, I just -- and I didn't know, so I just ordered the other -- I didn't really see a difference in price, so it doesn't hurt to get it where they're stating it's completely pure. Right? But he really was -- he's saying that he's got like 30 years experience with it. And so I figured this -- and then the guy who was interviewing him said that he had read four other books on DMSO. He liked his the most. He says because it wasn't so technical. It was easy to understand. It was written so that you could read it quickly and understand what was being said. So it sounded like a good book to me. Especially you get 30 years experience of actually using it instead of some academic reading studies, you know, like sort of like that. Right? I got a quick question. What kind of oil did you say? I'm having a brain fart. For the dog, it was the fish oil. It was the cod liver oil. Okay, that's what I thought you said. I just wanted to open up a webpage before I totally forgot. Thank you. I'm -- I first -- I went to the vital store and I just got Carlson's wild Norwegian cod liver oil. It was the Ivermectin head cancer -- telegram channel. You have to ask for an invite on the Ivermectin channel because they don't have a -- unless you're invited, you can't get into the pet one. One thing that Dr. Wallach mentions about oils that he -- his belief is that they go rancid quickly and that's not good for us or animals. So if you could get one that's been sparged, that would be good. Sparging is when they're like, say, bottling wine. They put them through a sparger, and the sparger is a tube that goes inside the wine bottle when it's been filled. And it puts a nitrogen blanket on top of the -- the wine to help preserve it before it's corked. So if you could get an oil that was made and quickly bottled and sparged, that would probably be the best way to go. And then after you open it, you would have to get one of those cans with dry nitrogen and cap it every time you opened it so that you would be keeping the oxygen from oxidizing it. Mine, I just keep it in the fridge, and I give it to them until the bottle runs out, and they seem to be doing really well on it. And then I got the frozen fish, and so now I give her a real -- just the frozen sardine periodically for a tree, and she really likes that. They do make the -- do they do make the EFA gel caps? That's what I take from -- as a supplement, is -- it -- young Jevity bought the company, but the company name that's on there is different. I could hook it up. But that way you're always sure -- it's sort of convenient, too. You can travel with it, whatever, if you're out with the doggy during the day or whatever. Yes. Yeah, it's just the -- I can't always get the dog to eat the pills, but I can -- if I put the oil on the food, they take it down. I do try to get the natural flavor in that, like, any additives or flavorings or, you know, some of them add flavor to it for people that are taking it. Oh, yeah, you can always break the tablet, though, and just put it on the food. Yeah. Yeah. It has made a difference, though. They're the top gel tablets from here. Hardin? Yeah. Yeah. Are you still there? Yes. The brand I've been getting that young Jevity brought out was Pro-Joba, P-R-O-G-O, or J-O-B-A. E-R-O-G-O-G-O-G-O-G-O-B-A. Yeah. Almost 1,400 milligrams of E-F-A per cap. And they're reasonably priced. What do you take that for? I lost part of the conversation, Wallace. Well, we were talking about four animals, but, you know, any oil ransifies, and that's not good for you, so he puts it in these caps so that it stays fresh. And E-F-A's are essential fatty acids for a reason, they're essential. And getting them in your diet can be difficult unless you're eating a lot of fish or something with the oils in it. I found that high D-H-A, which is part of the fish oil, is really kind of the key thing that I shoot for. And the cod liver oil has a lot of it, so that's why I kind of shot for that. It also has a lot of vitamin A in it, which is good for their eyes and stuff. Yeah. And it's been working. I just keep it in the fridge. And, you know, it's made a huge difference that everybody's noticed in her anxiety. Her hair is very kind of soft and shiny now. I'm giving it to the new puppy, too, with her stuff, and same thing. Her hair is nice and soft and shiny, and she's chill for a puppy. Yeah. Samuel, I don't know if you've heard of ratfish liver oil, but it's very, very beneficial, and it is pure ratfish. Liver oil from Norway. And I can get a link here in a minute if you're interested, but it's very beneficial. And supposedly, if you use this ratfish liver oil, you'll never have to go to the dentist again. I yield. Thank you, Samuel. I never even heard of a ratfish. I know. No, I'm not aware of it at all. What is the benefit in the... I will put a link. I will put a link with all the benefits and everything. Just give me a minute. Thank you. What do you think catfish eat? It's a little deeper than catfish. I think live. It is a deep-bodding, bottom-dweller fish. Oh. Well, that's a deep-bodding benefit. Does it have fins and scales? In the cold water of Norway. I don't know. I'm going to put a link in the chat. You can find out. The joke was good, though. I'd like to share. I just seen that ratfish oil when I was looking for the cat liver oil. Samuel, do you know... I've heard both. The cat is clean and then I've heard it's unclean. Do you know? Do they have fins and scales? Well, that's why I tried to go with wallet because I trust him to put together a product that has some purity and validity. So, maybe Dave could chime on the reason for the EFA's. Well, the essential fatty acid, Omega 3, 6, and 9, you know, what it mostly does, it keeps your blood slippery. Instead of thin, our blood's not supposed to be thin. It's sticky blood causes blood clots. And when your blood is slippery, it can't stick together. So, it prevents blood clots. It's so beneficial for the brain, for the joints, for so much. All your organs, you know, I can't give you the exact specifics. But if you read docs, any of docs books will break down why the EFA's are part of this 90 essential nutrients. So, the body makes 9 if you give it the right amount of 3 and 6. But everybody doesn't get the right amount of 3 and 6 unless they're taken wallet stuff. And so, he throws the 9 in for just for good measure. Now, those halbas, it's just Omega 3. And it's not -- there's a company out there that tests fish oil and Omega's for toxicity, you know, especially ocean water. You know, there's a lot of toxins in there. And they test every batch of young gevities except the halbas. Those are not tested, but they come from the same company that provides his other fatty acids. So, they're pretty safe, I would say, but again, they're not -- they don't test those batches. And so, you pay a little bit more for the tested stuff. And again, the company that provides those, Omega's -- it's a nitrogenite facility. There's no oxygen in the building. So, you have to wear, you know, special suits, all the employees. So, not only do they take the oxygen out of the air, they bathe the bottles that they put the capsules in with nitrogen, and they bathe the gel caps before they fill them, or as they're filling them. So, they're guaranteed pretty much that, you know, they're going to last longer than the shelf life before they go rancid. Well, I have a question. You can't tell when fish oil is rancid. So, I -- And I would say with any oil, but Dave may ask you this question. As soon as you open that bottle, doesn't that change everything? Yep. Well, the -- Rolex caps -- they're gel caps. So, they're protected. The oil in the gel cap is protected, but they bathe the bottle for good measure. Now, then they're not clear bottles, and, you know, that company that Muse mentioned, they do provide, you know, just liquid omegas in a bottle, but -- and I believe it's nitrogenized, but again, like Samuel mentioned about the wine, as soon as you open it, the nitrogen comes out, and when light or oxygen touch that oil, it oxidizes, you know, pretty quickly within 30 minutes. So, you know, I don't know what we're talking about, Samuel, to, you know, what you do to protect that, but I would say that, you know, if your oil is not in a gel cap, it's subject to that oxidation. Go ahead, Sherry. Sherry, are you? Yes. My next question about Joel Ballock stuff, does he use Leviticus with his EFA's? Are they clean fish? Yes. Yeah. Oh, good. See, that's good to know. Thank you. May I? Yeah. You're waiting? Yep. It is -- it is the link is in the chat. It's You did it, ratfish. You killed my brother. Yep. Dave, check it out, and then report back to us if it's okay with you. I'll do my best. Did you get that address? Thank you. Thank you. I yield. It's kind of crazy. I've never heard of ratfish ever like. Well, I was listening to a long time ago, Camelot interview with the scientist, and he said, "This was taken off the market in the '40s, because if it had been spread, Dennis would have been put out of business." Don't know if it's true, but that's what this scientist said. So you haven't used it? No, it's expensive. It's expensive. I'm just sharing the information. I would like to see what the claim is on the dental side of things, because, hey, if you can stay out of the dentist chair, I think you've more than paid for the oil. Yeah, yeah. That's for sure. Yeah, I'm not going to claim that the kind of liver oil has done anything for the dog's teeth at all. I still brush them and stop, but... Her calmness and her hair. Yeah. [silence] Dave, are you still here? Yeah, what's up? What about these fatty lumps under the skin? What are those? Is there a method to get rid of those? Well, I've never heard doc really talk about those specifically, but there are... You know who Dr. Conway is? There's a product that's not... It's through young Jevity, but young Jevity didn't create it. It's... What the heck is it called? It's a liver. I mean, it's a kidney bladder product. It's a capsule, and it's supposed to drain your... like toxicity out of the lymphatic system down the kidney meridians on both sides of the body. You know, that's like from the ear down to the feet, and it's supposed to be very helpful with tumors and stuff, and those really are considered tumors or cysts, and... Hang on, hang on a second. I'd still think the Ivermectin would help with that. It hasn't helped with mine. No? How are you taking the Ivermectin? Do you apply it drastically or take it internally? Internally. May I ask how you got that? Do you know? Are you aware? You know, I've got one of those mechanical back massagers, and I have a tendency, like if I find a sore spot, I'm really barren. I kill these machines because they break because I push them into me so hard. And I think I created like a... probably like an injury first, and then I think it got filled in. And I know I'm detoxing more than I was here in the past, I think, because of some other things I'm doing, so... But the one thing that really seems to keep it under control and release, and I'm still waiting for that book, of course, is I've started putting iodine and DSMO on it, and that seems to help it out a lot. Really? The iodine? Interesting. Well, I'll tell you how I got mine, and it's a little embarrassing. Has he taken this off recording yet? I have no idea. Oh, okay. Well, it... just as you said, Samuel, when you use an instrument, so to speak, whether it be a chair, a back massager, you lay in the same position, and there are certain lumps and bumps that... yeah. And so that's what caused mine on my thigh. It was a chair. Sitting in the same position, not for... I mean, it was my smoke chair. So, yes, okay. So I sat out there, you know, for 10, 15 minutes at a time, over and over again. So it wasn't like it was 24 hours a day, but it did form, because I sat the same way, which was comfortable. And I had one form. But I'm going to try the iodine now, so thank you. In the... in the past... and the DSMO, but... I don't have any of that, so... Or DMSO, I keep reversing things, but... I... in the past... and I figured that all this was, and it still might be. I've been working and stuff like that. I've snagged myself on objects that ain't moving like a piece of steel or something like that, right? Right. And I would get that kind of lump formation from that, and it would take literally years to go away. I've had, like, lumps when I go to the massage people, right? And they tell me, you know, hey, I got these lumps, and they push really hard, and they make them go away. That's the only way I go. Oh. I was just going to a massager and having them rub on them. I don't understand. This thing... Yeah, mine just gets more aggravated, as I try to push on it at all. And it did hurt. I'm not going to lie. It did hurt when they first started working on me, but... And I haven't been back in a while, and I am noticing some of them, like, in my arms and stuff, coming back, but, oh, I did so appreciate it. And I did, like, what you said. I had to push hard, because otherwise it was, like, brushing me with a feather, but it didn't affect me. Yeah, I didn't... I almost tried to land at the other day and see what would happen, but it's in such a difficult place to look at.