Global Voice Radio Network's tracks

Radio Ranch with Roger Sayles


2h 9m
Broadcast on:
16 Jul 2024
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This mirror stream on the Global Voice Radio Network is brought to you in part by for support of the mitochondria like never before. So, brand new product still in pre-launch, check it out, It's also brought to you by and the Prime International iTerraCare Terahertz Frequency Wand. Here's more info about that. The iTerraCare device has the ability to awaken dormant stem cells in the bone marrow. Yes, we have slipping stem cells in our bone marrow. As you keep blowing this on your spine, you're activating the stem cells. And guess what? You're going to create brand new lungs, brand new kidneys. Eventually, as you keep using this over time, you will have brand new organs, glands and tissues in your body. And that's a great news. You have to keep blowing this on your spine because this is what the great Hippocrates said. It's a way to hit the bones, then all diseases can be treated. Activate that, awaken that stem cells in your bone marrow. Hit the bones using the future of medicine, which is frequency. This is your time. Grab your wand device right now. For more information on the iTerraCare Classic Terahertz Frequency Wand, go to Forward-moving and focused on freedom, you're listening to the Global Voice Radio Network. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] There you go. So will we, Alvin. We're trying. Another day of it and an important day, at least for me, and not necessarily for you guys, but it's interesting when you can look back and- Happy birthday. Thank you very much. [MUSIC] Two, 32 years ago today, this evening, was the first time I stumbled into this information and on a periphery, mainly having to do with taxes and, wow, 32 years later. Here we are. I'll comment more on it. In a second, we've got to give our platforms who participate and help to spread our powerful message here, a little credit that they deserve and are doing, doing and owing. And so we'd like to do that, but we appoint Mr. Beener to take that responsibility. We're in delegated down to him and he's pretty adept at it, aren't you? Well, I don't know. I do what I can. We are on 106.9 WBOU FM in Chicago, good morning, Chicago land. We're also on, thanks to Pastor Eli James, driving force behind that network. We're on the Global Voice Radio Network. That is a mirror stream that actually extends into the after show, sometimes, not all the time, but sometimes. And it's also the keeper of the archives. So if you want an archive show, go to, click on the Global Voice Radio link, and you will have the list of not only any live shows that are currently there and archives as well. We're on home and, and that's thanks to WDRN Productions. And we're also on Go Live TV and Right now the conference room is in muted mode. You can press star six to mute and unmute. And we ask that if you have a change of topic or a in-depth question that is a diversion from the current topic that you dial 941 and raise your hand, that way we can wrap up with one topic before we go to the next. There you go. I think that's about it. Okay. So if you wanted to know, this concerns me because it's off routine and we hadn't been able to get back on track with the archives. Not that they're not being posted, it's just that they're not under the archives link. So for people that aren't listening or haven't been able to find the archives here since that just grew up happened, you go to the Global Voice Radio link to find them, correct? Not the matrix, not the archives. You think you could maybe stick a link when you get a minute, I know you don't have too many spares but if you could go in there and stick a link over to Global Voice Radio under the archives button that might help steer some people and point them towards where they're temporarily being housed as we are in this little transitionary stage with archives. What I can do is I can change the label because the cast box archives are historically, they go back farther and some of the earlier shows were amazing and I don't want to change that link but I can change the link to Global Voice Radio Network and archives. I can change the label. Okay. Maybe put a little note up there temporarily, our archives are stored at something like that. But it's just an idea and I don't want any of these orphan folks or neuro folks that are going back on having a conversation either night with a listener and he goes, "Man, when there's a pass box, you get back up," you know, hadn't heard this as a transitionary position. Anyway, that's where we are collectively and if you are looking for current archives, you go to Global Voice Radio and if you're looking for older ones, you go ahead and go to the Cast Box link and apologize, you know, it's just some of this technical crap that's running our lives now and when you get in one of these positions, there's just not much you can do about it. I cannot affect Cast Box to reinstate that link and I'm not sure quite why but anyway, you just kind of make the change and go on about our business here of helping to free the nation. A lot to talk about today, let me just start out my saying, it was 32 years ago today, Sergeant Pepper taught the boy to get free, you know, something like that and it's interesting as I look back on it because you take these kind of moments to reflect and to look back on the circumstances and how this happened, I felt like I was very guided and have been advanced and the way it unfolded and developed and man, I remember the first weekend that I sat down with John Inland and went through that long weekend course and my head, just just like you guys except it was almost more intense because you got the whole legal stuff and all the rest of the stuff in one weekend, you guys get a little piecemeal daily or as much as you want to engage with recorded shows but I just remember my head was just totally spinning so don't think that I don't understand with some of the newer folks that stumble on this information and get impacted by it, excuse me what it does to you and of course as I say to you guys, especially the new ones, the world doesn't change when you go through this, I mean nothing's gonna change, the world's gonna rotate, the sun's gonna slide and it's rising set and people aren't gonna come up to you and patch on the back, you don't have a neon sign, a blanket on your forehead, I'm free and you're not, you know any of that stuff and so consequently if there's gonna be change which is what we're set our goal as here, I guess now it's a question of degree but when you go through this you've got to be the change and other people may sense it you know and you out there talking to people about this, trying to tell them about it and they cast and I may challenge you, may say no I'm scared or whatever the excuse may be, our information I guess by experience is only for a certain genre of people, it resonates with some people, sometimes the least expected person's gonna want to be the one to respond here, so you just keep trying, we keep growing it someday, I hope that the situation gets where what we've got catches up with what people are looking for and if that moment arrives or arises we're gonna have a lot of hay to make, so anyway it's great being free isn't it, I mean for those of you if you're new, if you're new you may not even realize it yet because it really takes a little time, you know, to unwind all that stuff that's been pumped in your head and the condition in your brain for so many years and decades of your life and I mean it's pretty startling to wake up at 60 years old, 50 years old and realize you've been lied to your whole life, okay, and the whole thing you've been living is a lie, it's a lie based on currency is money and you're free, the whole thing revolves on those two points and it's quite interesting, so anyway today, 32 years ago this evening, my life changed, it's the way that this information has changed many of your lives and I get that, I get that comment back from you, you know, and you hear it on the air, thank God for changing my life and all that stuff and I understand because boys it changed mine, okay, and here I look at John W. Benson as my second father because I look back on reflectively and I see two lives, you know, one life when I was blissfully ignorant and the other where I'm incredibly enlightened and pointed and understand exactly what reality is and many of you are going through that or have gone through it, so anyway that's about my commentary on that, I can't remember too much I mentioned a little bit of the story yesterday and how it unfolded and wow, it's almost like Trump turning his head missing that bullet by, I mean just fractions of an inch, okay, centimeters, okay, that too, okay, and I look back to 32 years ago, what were the chances of me crossing paths with John and Glenn? Well, it was your buddy who called you on the phone going, Roger, that's a tax beating in tone. Unfortunately, unfortunately Stan Robbie is gone and he was a Jewish guy, just a fantastic guy, his wife was fantastic, I just really loved them a lot and I do credit Stan Robbie with a lot of art direction, okay, but the chance that a Jew would turn me on to these guys who got the ultimate answer, how about that, okay, yeah, really, so anyway, I remember Stan boy, he was a good guy, I've said this before, he was the best recruiter in networking, I've ever seen, I mean he was a psychiatrist, so he could talk to anybody, you know, and man was he good, so it was a real honor to know him and have him affect my life and is secondarily affecting all your lives because of it, so on top of that not only was this Jew Paul, he's a Russian Jew, I mean here's a guy, he comes over and emigrates from Russia over to here, he had for those of you getting heard the story, he had been given a hospital in a little bitty town there with you know cobwebs and cockroaches and turned it into a model facility and so they gave him another one in a larger town, he did the same thing and they were, excuse me, slated to send him to St. Petersburg, which is big town, okay, important town and that's when he got to emigrate, so emigrated to New York City, didn't speak a word of English, lost all of the psychiatric credentials when he left, they didn't honor him in the US and went and started driving a cab in New York City, so and the funniest thing was he had a lovely wife, she was just really lovely, I mean not spirit and personality but physically and they were set up with a blind date and stand, propose to her the first night and they were married the rest of their lives, so really unusual, yeah, yeah, really unusual guy and he was very dear to me and anyway it was him, he'd call us a Roger, Roger, there's a tax meeting in town that said who is it, who is it because I knew a little bit at that point and I said I don't know, some guy named Benson, I go god it must be Bill Benson from Chicago and I couldn't wait to get over there and see him on that Friday night and hell, I walked into the, he was an insurance office with a little waiting, you know, an office in a kind of waiting room with a couch outside and a bigger office and I walked right past the guy, this little, like I said, dominion to kind of pleasantly plump guy sitting on a couch and going, well, you know, I didn't even notice him, right? And Glenn came up and introduced the whole, the meeting and all that stuff and started and they turned over John and and man, here comes this little plump guy and I swear, you know, you ripped off his shirt, there's a big super ass on his, on his chest, he was quite the knowledgeable guy and a wonderful teacher. So you guys have the beneficiaries to that. And so that story is very relevant to you, even though it happened to me, like so many years ago, almost half my lifetime has been spent in dogged determination of chasing this and finding any answer and lord of mercy, who would have guessed that it took me 15 years to do that. And it was when I was told to leave the country by some voice twice and I decided on Argentina and went to get a passport application and they're in the passport application on the top of the first page is the answer I've been doggedly searching for for 15 years, I'm not kidding you. Okay. So anyway, here we are. They've taken another 15 approximately to get in there and scull it all out and draw all the schematics and understand the roles of the players and how they maintain and what they do and how they edge presumption forward and all of those things. And boy, is it been a life changer and blessing for me. Okay. And I hope it's the same for you. So Paul, that's enough on that. A lot of stuff going on, of course, on the assassination. I got to watch. Well, thanks to Mark. I got the barn show last night. I guess it's posted. I think the reason it wasn't posted is he's on the road and he's up in Canada in in the boonies or something out in the country and they're going back. And I think he's going to meet Barnes today in Milwaukee, where the Republican National Convention commences this weekend. But they had the first half of that show almost almost first half with this guy that teaches snipers. He was a big time sniper in the army in Fallujah in a couple of places. And he went over a lot of the technical stuff. I didn't stick with all of that. I kind of fast forwarded through after I'd gotten the gist of what he's saying. But very impressive. Have you heard that the FBI can't answer? Can't open his phone. Paul. I did hear about that. All right. I heard of it. I didn't hear about it. Well, that that should be a red line. That should be if you don't think this is a government backed our deep state backed operation. You just look at that point right there. They can open any phone. Don't you kid yourself. Okay. So that, what else? I heard there were explosives in his car. They found his car and they were explosives in it. Just all kinds of these little tells, you know. And we'll see. They got to continue to try and kill him. So are they going to try like truck bombs or, you know, they're no telling what they're going to poison, et cetera, et cetera. So we'll see. I imagine Mr. Trump. You don't think it was real? Okay. Well, you think it was like a bad movie. Okay. Okay. Well, believe me, it was real. Okay. I don't think he wanted to get his ears pierced that way. So literally centimeters away from the melon part of his brain. Everybody would have been watching had that bullet had he not turned his head. The, the target was correct. And had he not turned his head to look at that graph and pointed out to the audience, it would hit him square in the melon and you'd have seen his head explode right there on national television live because it was a two, two, three round. Do you know about two, two, three rounds, Merka? No, what is that? Well, two, two, three is a sophisticated 22 rounds, you know, little old 22 bullet. Well, this is the same type of caliber, but this is what feeds the M 16 and, and 15, 14, all those. It's a supersonic round. That's why the bullet hits before you hear the sound. And unfortunately that, that fire engine chief behind him, he didn't think it was staged because he lost his life, covering his daughter and his wife, another great tragedy, a great American taken out by this. And it, what happens, this was the round that was developed in for Vietnam. Okay. And when they first came out with the M 16, they sent it over there to the, the army in, in Vietnam, and, and the thing would jam all the time. And a lot of those guys I've heard would take and throw their M 16 away and go get an old M one carbide. They didn't jam. But what it ended up being, I hear from my friend Harvey, was when they put out the government contract. You've heard this before, Paul? When they put out the government contract for ammunition, that type around them supersonic speed takes a certain type of real hot, clean, powder. And some damn contractor put in a lower explosive powder, not of that high quality. And it was that there was jam in the M 16. It wasn't the gun. Okay. But that, that bullet and that round was designed not as much to kill as to injure. So that you might kill one guy and you take one guy out of the enemy camp, you know, and what happens when the bullet hits flesh or meat, it starts tumbling. And so it could hit somewhere and come out somewhere totally different. And well, it was designed to injure so that it would take more people out of the enemy's troops to get this guy injured back and out of the front lines and back to the hospital and stuff. It's a very interesting round I had in 15, 14, 15, one of them. When I was in Atlanta, it was part of my gun collection that I had to sell unfortunately to move down here. That was the sweetest little gun. I bought it from a private guy private sale outside of a gun show. And I was a member of a really nice gun club up north of Atlanta called Riverbend. River is right on the Chattahoochee River. They're a big plot of land and they had a 600 yard range. There's only two 600 yard ranges on the entire East Coast or the best way it was back then or maybe more now. And you had a shooting bar where you'd get up on it to, you know, start the process. And they had a 200 yard bar, a 400 yard bar, and a 600 yard bar. And you could set targets at any of those three distances. And I don't remember, I don't remember for the 600 yards or not, but the first time I ever went out there with that rifle just in just iron sights. And it might have been a 600 yard bar. We had a big human silhouette target, you know, about size of a real man black silhouette on paper. And I think I hit like 20 or out of 25 rounds in that in that target at 600 yards, never firing the thing before. That's a pretty good shot, you know, and oh, yes, iron men. So long, let me finish this and I'll turn it back over to you. If you're at that 600 yard range, you're communicating with the shooter, your mind and the target, right, and you're communicating with the shooter. And you got one of those targets that they pull down, you know, and if you don't hit it, you put up Maggie's drawers, they call it and all that stuff. And so you either shooting or else we're with walkie talk him and minding that target. And man, you get down behind the burn blood target there. And one of those supersonic rounds like a 308 or something comes in at 600 yards. And it impacts in the burn that a burn behind it to catch the lead. And I'll tell you what, you that goes over you, you just go, Holy crap, what if I was in combat, you know, really freaky or whether the things hit behind you. Yes, Iron Man, what have you got? Wait a minute, wait a minute, Alan, Alan was in there first. Hang on. Oh, I thought. All right. All right, Alan, I thought you were just doing something on the side. What you got, bud? No, you just challenge you gotta think you literally have seconds. There you go. Now you're unmuted. Still no audio on there we go. There we go. Too many meetings. I have an update on the shooter that everyone kind of needs to know about. This guy crooks has nothing to do with. No, there's a there's a double. Yeah, it's not a double. The question is, why did they use the substance used to begin with? And the only reason would be is because the people cooperating with him and gave him the corridor in order to get to that building without security and told him about that is that close to being in trouble. This may be what actually brings down the deep state after all because the only reason why they'd hide that or try to distract from the true studio is in order to hide their previous contact with him. Great. Well, you know, they had previous contact with him. He was in a black rock ad. Did you know that, Alan? No, I hit him. He was in a black rock ad. I had a number of people, extras and stuff, but he was one of them. So for whatever that's worth, as I said yesterday, we'll learn more about this as we go forward. Thanks, Alan. Hey, you're welcome. Hey, thank you so much. Iron Man, bring it on, buddy. With those descriptions of the berms behind the target to bring it back memories, fond memories of what I'm saying to be a killer at Fort Bragg, South Carolina, now called for liberty because the marks realized that if you change the words, excuse me, if you change the words on all the things that we hold dear, and you tell me whether or not Fort Bragg is held dear by some mighty strong men, a second airborne guy. I was trained by him. That's why I became such a great killer. And you don't go changing the name of their heritage from Fort Bragg to Fort Liberty without expecting some consequences. And very soon, and you don't shoot at their guy, right? My question among other things to you is how many do you know anybody that thinks that this shooting was done by a young boy assassin? Or do they realize that it's done the same way everyone is done by the world to one world government using everybody that they need to and buying them off with money from Soros and the others, Rothschilds, you can name them. And they pay these people off and they put these lesbians in charge of the secret service, knowing. Yes. I mean, does anybody doubt what it does when you bring women into an organization? It brings it down. It's just like a attorney. Well, a special lawyer is rent, Alan Williams. Especially in this position with this DEI crap with putting a lesbian in charge of the secret service. Oh, look at the others. How about this one? KJP. Yeah, do you know the name for the lady known as KJP? Uh, no. I think it's a Korean jump here. Hold on tight, right? Oh, yeah. She's the right. Oh, yeah. Let me tell the audience. Here's what happened. Press secretary. She was hired because she was hired because she was a black skinned lesbian with a hair tube that looks so crazy. See, the CIA puts images in front of you to blow your mind. And this woman shows up at the at the White House. What's she called? Press secretary. She looks like a blackface version of that doll. What a raggedy is, right? They put this point on them. You make it crazy. Don't you realize what's been done to you fools? Don't you realize what was done when they hijacked the feminist movement and the Millen feminist took it over? You know it, but the audience needs to hear it every hour of every day until it's sinking. Well, you know, die at the hands of the lesbians. The comparison is I look back to that cute little blonde gal that Trump had as Macanelli or whatever name was who was so sharp. I mean, she was sharp as a tack with that press corps. And now you get first of all as a transition candidate. Something like that. First of all, you get the what's her name that's got her own show now that left the other ragged all little redheaded thing circle back circle back, you know, and then this one and you forgot one of her attributes, Ferris. I need to shame you. I did. Please. I love being shaved. Did you do? She's a black. The others don't understand it. We love being corrected and we love being shamed. You idiots. She's a black immigrant lesbian. You forgot immigrant. I forgot. So, well, well, immigrant, if she went through the process that she come through the eye to the front of an immigrant or an invader. You don't you don't really think I'm going to spend my time trying to find that out. Do you mean, honestly? No, no, I have to say. I know you're the Ted Aet. What are the acts that is? What do you have over the years at a certain flex accent? What is that Ted Aet? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. It doesn't matter. You are. But what your audience needs to care about is to learn about all the women who have brought this place, this thing down and face the truth and then defend against it. We can't keep it from the voting point. You know, I don't think I have a problem with a woman in one of those positions if she's qualified. Okay. I don't have any problem with that. They put in the way. Okay. Okay. Well, I've got to feel that way. I mean, I think that, you know, men and women are different. We think different. We react different. God wired us different and all that stuff. And, you know, if you can't accept that, then you need to go back and start thinking about it. What about women? What about women? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Six inches. No. The guy who's been out in the water for nine months, right? I don't think so. You got the same thing between your legs. What's the difference? It's what they had between your legs, the counts. I don't think I don't think that's a good scenario at all. I don't think any of the women should be in the military, except in some support type background. They shouldn't be on the front line. They shouldn't be in anything active. I'm just sorry. It disrupts the whole reason to have a military. Yes, Marco. I was going to say, it sounds like Ferris is cranking his Ferris wheel. He's starting to get a little hyped up there. Well, well, you know, Ferris has got some thoughts that are very valid. Okay. I can't disagree with them. And neither does Mel Winters, who went over it from a biblical standpoint a little bit last week. Okay. We're not against you, gals. We love you. Okay. But it's not you that we're talking about. You're the responsible women. You're the ones that are ahead of the men here at this little trough of freedom. I would imagine we've got as many women in this from our standpoint as we do men in many respects. Okay. But it's these others that these people are using like these overweight two females that were on Trump security guard last Saturday, Marco, that couldn't even get their gun in the holster who didn't get in front of the president like you're supposed to to take. Marco, please let me finish. A fat woman in front of Trump should have taken a bullet the man would have if he was Secret Service. And one of them did get in front of the other one got behind him. Okay. You're using Trump to protect her. So I mean, this is just fine. That's why I thought it was kind of like a movie like a bad movie. And don't they usually have a shield for people, you know, at the rallies, you know, like the press, you know, the elected prime, you know, resident. Well, they were all they were all around. You saw him jump up on the stage pretty quickly from the audience. The others came from the sides. They surrounded him. He was holding his fist up going fight, fight, fight. He had to reach down to get a shoe that seems like it must have come off. And then they hustled him off the stage. Well, that's kind of the way it's supposed to be. Now, but here's what was lacking on that. They're supposed to be incredible social security detail of days before the incident on every key spot that could affect anybody. And this kid climbs up on a side roof. The cop actually comes up and talks to him. And he says something to him in the cop leaves. I mean, that's where the failure was. Okay, that's where the well comedy, if you want to call it, that was. But anyway, regardless, Ferris, you get your piece out. Yeah, and I would invite him to just take of a broader subsection of topics because every single time he yells at these demonizing women and listen, we don't need one trick ponies here. We have a lot of stuff. He's not demonizing women in general. He's demonizing these ones that are the hype feminists that are in there doing all this dirty work for the New World Order and the deep state. And I appreciate what he's saying because many, many of the things he says, I agree with. Okay. So we've heard it and have for years. Oh, I know. I know. But that's his deal, Paul. I mean, you've heard all this. Well, how many times do we have to read the same thing? It's it's it's it's getting ridiculous. Drill practice rehearse. He's drilling into people's minds. And I noticed when Brent talked about it from the biblical standpoint, we didn't have anybody objecting. Okay. So anyway, we can move on. It's fine. I don't want to dwell on that. You know, as I said the other day, I'm into free speech. It's part of what we are. Okay. And you might not like what Ferris is saying, but you got to give him the right to say it. Speech is not what you like or dislike. You know, he's not on here saying fire in a crowded theater. All right. He's in here giving pretty proven facts and history. And a lot of our problem is that they've destroyed the family and they've done that by reversing the roles at the basic level. And a lot of these things are just the outgrowth and offshoot of that. So I mean, that's the way I see it, Paul and Ferris and everybody else. Okay. We're not here to dwell on that issue again today. There's other important things to talk about. So if Ferris is done and all that's behind us, then let's open up the audience and see if there's any comments from the audience on on what all is going on or their thoughts on that and all that stuff. I got a comment right. Yeah. Okay. It occurs to me, some people are saying that there was a dummy on the roof and that they shot at the mannequin return fire. I'd go. Was it a mannequin? How about how about it's a clone military clone has no civil rights or any other rights. So killing it is not a problem. And instead of opening his phone, they may have opened it, but it could well benefit encrypted to the point where they can't get any information off of it. I don't know why because the massage can do even an apple phone and get anything in there. So, I mean, I don't know. I'm just telling you speculating, making a kind of a overview comment on their comment. I think that's a good question. I guess so. Okay. First of all, the FBI, Matt, yeah, our cell phone system in order to claim that they were completely, you know, bulletproof. And it turned out to be nothing more than a Trojan horse or all these people in order to go out and buy that phone. So the FBI and CIA can monitor them. Apple phones were breakable from first day. The only reason why there was any question about the phone being broken is because they had a copyright and patent on even repairing one, replacing the screen. You couldn't do it. None of these repair shops. We all know that. We all know the whole problem is here. This is the real experience. Samuel, Samuel, hold it, both of them. There is no protocol. Have you not learned that yet? You both can't talk at the same time. Is this Alan is talking? Yes. Alan, you've seen your piece, Samuel, you can address it. Don't try and interrupt him over. Nobody can understand it. We can't do duplexing. Go ahead, Alan. Okay. There's only a few prototypes that they actually use for communication, after which it is encrypted for your phone. The interface between the encryption and your actual communication is not encoded. Secondly, a lot of people sit there and use, you know, unlisted for a number. This is not unlisted. It is replaced by the word unlisted. There is more than one entry point for what you can see as a user to where as a technician can see. I could see not only everything that you ever called when I was doing troubleshooting. Okay, but it was always in one of three different formats. NFT, there was a, and that's a different reference. There was voiceover protocols, and then there was text protocols. And these are the only three that are being used on the main trunk. Therefore, even if you encode, it is recoded into these three primary codes, which travel along the main trunk. It can be intercepted. Now, I just recently had an incident where I was interviewing a guy that's very, very hot. His name is Robert Potter. He is hosting a UFO conference here. And after the phone call, I actually got a Verizon wireless message that my telephone number had been intercepted and recorded. Wow. There's only two ways that that's going to happen. One, an inexperienced operator tapping into Robert Potter's phone, or two, an experienced operator that wanted me to know about it. Yeah, let me ask you a question. What do you think of the FBI's comment that they can't open his phone? It's complete bullshit. That's so cool. The reason why is it's not going to show any activity. Okay, that would lead up to him doing this. He didn't wake up in the morning, smoke a joint, decide that, you know, he's a he's a valor Victorian. Okay, he's getting $500 in high school for, you know, exemplary math skills. And this is not a normal thing. This is this is a valor Victorian. And following all the rules and getting a's, that's mean following the rules, not necessarily passing the exams. So, you know, the actual shooter is the one that they're scared of because they had to have had plenty of contact with him. You do not draw your outer perimeter through the middle of an open field. Your outer perimeter is dictated by the terrain you're on, not the other way around. Oh, well, what's convenient for us? No, they deliberately left the entire left flank unguarded. Someone had to know that prior to it weeks prior to it. They also had to sit there and inform this kid where to park what avenue to walk to this building. The fact that there was a ladder against this building that they want to confuse is a tree. No, this is all prepared. Yeah. And they do not want that information getting out. And that's the reason why they have substituted the real shooter. Go ahead. Even a government employee knows a difference between a ladder and a tree. Okay, Samuel, your piece? Yeah. Well, I agree with all of that anomalies there that are bullshit. So, but if it's the deep state, they've got the technology that we won't see for 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 years. Okay, probably. Now, if that's the case, then that's a possibility as a drone or a clone. Because we gave up a dolly of the sheep, right? Now, they didn't stop. But listen, encryption is a real thing. And there's guys who talk about encryption that say the same thing. But you're going to have to open it. They're not going to do something like this unless they've got all their bases covered up ahead. And they didn't cover them. They didn't cover them. They didn't cover them. Well, that maybe part of the soil is to make you look where it doesn't make any sense to look, right? Can I put this in here? 40 years ago, no, let's go 100 years ago. Little Johnny was in town with his friends, okay, and broke the old lady's window. The kid would get home. It would be a month before his father would go into town, discover it, because he went into town for supplies and stuff for all the animals. Okay, as soon as the telephone was invented, little Johnny didn't have a chance of that delay before dad found out. The moment that he sat there and was found out, the phone rang, his mom was waiting with a switch, and he knew that, and he was going to run away for a couple of days, giving him that time, that cool down time. Today, whether you're an official or not, those primary initial reports are so important. And yet, every single one of them is lost, because that is the raw data. Right now, we're sitting on the raw data of everything that's happening with Trump. We're finding out beforehand the propaganda and able to fight us the first time we've been ahead of the curve. And they lost that curve. That's what's going on. And there is no way of hiding this. It's like Ness coming out and saying, Hey, listen, thermite cannot cut metal. National Institute for Science is saying that when we've been cutting metal since the 1800s using thermite on the railroad, we cut metal and we weld metal, we melt it back together and then sand it down so it doesn't derail the train. But they forgot all of that history. National Geographic came out and says how thermite can't sit there and cut metal when they have how many documentaries on the 1800s driving the Golden Steak. That's ridiculous. Okay. So the problem is current education overrun. I yield. Yeah, I would hope that you're right that the public is headed to the curve and our media is picking up these mistakes. But I have to really think that you know, their whole intent here is to make our government look stupid. And I'll tell you what, they're doing a good job of it. But I think people at the real pinnacle of things are just laughing at us all the time. Okay. Well, it seems to me that what they're trying to do is take out their opponent that they can't beat, intimidate, get a law fair enough and all the other stuff, you know, this Trump is this Trump guy. Okay. They're scared. I mean, I mean, look, he's like, he's like, I mean, almost, he's like, Jesus, I can't kill him, you know, in that respect. One of the biggest problems that we have is double ed. Oh, oh, oh, oh, spirited discussion. Two or three people wanting to inject. We can't do it. Alan, what's your comment? The biggest problem that we have right now is we're not dealing with the right scale. We keep trying to compare this to America. This is not America that we're dealing with. This is more influence. And get this, China is financing Biden in order to get him elected. These people are able in order to influence our officials. But who are they? It is not China. China is small potatoes. Wait a minute. US is small potatoes. Wait a second. The UK is small potatoes. Why? Because we're working on a global scale. It is America. And what we stand for and the fact that you can tell the truth in America that they're fighting because they cannot otherwise over the globe. We are the only thing standing in front of them. And it is not a Russian conspiracy. It's not a Chinese conspiracy. It is a global corporate conspiracy. And they say, yes, it's not Trump is the one that is representing us. And I just can't say enough about the man. I've always been a fan of his. I know a lot of people even Samuel going, I ain't ever to Gary. He never did. Has anybody heard about Gary? By the way, Gary's condition. I'm assuming it's better because we haven't heard otherwise. Yeah. Okay, that's good news. Thank you very much. I've been wondering about it. We'll give him our blessings if you speak with him or connect with him. But it's this whole movement. It's the whole galvanization of everything. It's the whole fact that everything they're doing is a backfire and exploding in their face and being exposed. Excuse me. Well, it's a hell of a time for our our enemies. I guarantee they're freaking out. Okay. They can't do anything to this guy. They can't demonize him. It makes him more popular. They can't sue him. It makes him more popular. They can't threaten him with jail. It makes him more popular in the black community and everyone else. It's an incredible scenario. Okay. I don't believe they've well, they face somebody like this before dare I say thousands of years ago, but they've never faced a modern political figure like Trump. I mean, the guy's just got a gift. Okay. And even he is attributing that bullet miss to a divine intervention. By the way, one was move on from this a little bit. He did appoint his vice president yesterday. I assume everyone heard that. And that would be JD Vance. He seems to be the consensus pick out of all the good ones. Ben Carson and who's our female from Hawaii name escapes me. But those are the three other ones in the did eventually pick JD Vance and see they tried this assassination before the convention and before he had a vice president pick. And of course, it's the week of the convention. But like the next day, Trump comes out and names his VP guy. JD Vance, as I said, I don't know much about him. I'm sure we're going to find out more. He's a senator of the deep skates, state scared as hell of him. I believe he's self made wealth wise and a real good choice. So we'll see. All right. Was that's? Are you say I'm talking about them? Hold on, Samuel. Paul, could you could you mute her, please? Okay, thank you. Samuel, find her first. I was. I was happy with Vance and not Romeo because Rubio is a total no, total Zionist total military. Yeah. You know, and that at least, I think is Trump a little more protection because Trump is more pro Zionist than he's going to be. He's just Trump an awful lot of protection evidently from what I've heard. Like I said, I've heard his name. I've never seen much about him in all of this work type stuff. I do know that he's adversarial with the Zionist lobby. So that's a good point. And he doesn't give him a little bit of protection. He gives him a lot of protection. So because he could he's from Ohio and in 2016, I believe it was he wrote a book called He'll Billy Elegy. He's from Southern Ohio right at the Kentucky border, but he went to Yale. Okay. But Ron Howard decided to make a movie about that book. So if you want, I guess, learn a little bit. I don't remember watching it. My husband does and he said, we should all go watch it again to get a brush up on who the VP is going to be. Well, well, that's that's true. And the people that called JD Vance hit it right on the head. And that's another positive step. I guess if you watch much of the convention this week, upcoming weekend, you'll probably see some of him and about him. So we'll find out together, good choice, good timing. And man, I, you know, this, this attempt of assassination is just going to propel Trump into the presidency, unless they win, which they probably will do, continue to try and kill him. Okay. They can't stand losing power. Should they get exposed and get him in there? Remember, this is Trump's second term. He doesn't have to worry about running for reelection. He can flat on Lisa and his belt and let things fly. Yes, who, yes, Lisa, that you or someone else? No, it's Sherry. Sherry. Before JD Vance became political, 2015, he was another trumper. What does that say? Where was his change of mind? Well, well, it says that people can change their minds and we can all change our minds. I'm not going to hold that against him. I believe if that was a sincere belief, he'd never gotten appointed to this VP spot. So well, my question about changing your mind, should you bring forward what prompted your change of heart and mind? Well, I don't know. I've never heard that before, Sherry, but we'll find out as we go forward, I guess. It seems like he would might address it, but we'll see. I don't think Trump is making a bad decision this time around. He will scrutinize the pointees and things like that much closer than he did the first time. And of course, that was his eventual backlash the first time as he was surrounded by deep staters. Hey, Joe, good morning. Good morning. With regard to Vance, I don't know a whole lot about it, but with what was explained this morning, as I understood it, is that things have been so bad for him, Andrew Obama, and they were so much better under Trump for his economic status and those where he grew up. And he grew up a poor boy. I mean, dirt pours and all that kind of step. But that's where he had his change of heart. And, you know, be that as it may. And I'd like to throw something else out for you all's consideration. We're talking about Trump, but we still have the election to deal with. And has anyone ever heard of Stan's Berry research? I have. They're a patriot folks, aren't they? Well, pretty much. You know, they do economic research and I don't follow them closely, but I've been aware of them for well over 20 years. They've been around since the 90s. Right. Well, I have a friend sent me a deal that some of their material that I found very interesting and very plausible who Biden's running mates going to be. And it isn't going to be Kamala and it's going to be Big Mike. It's going to be possibly, possibly the Barack Obama. And this hinges, this hinges on the, I think it's a 22nd amendment. And it says that a president can only be elected to two terms. Then say he can't serve three. If, if they named Obama as Biden's running mate, move Kamala out of the way, it improves Biden's chances of winning the election. When's the election? The installment office, he immediately resigns. Obama becomes a third term president. Very positive. Not so it's going to happen. Right now, very interesting scenario. I heard, oh, and Troy are talking about them bringing Big Mike in and putting him behind Kamala Harris, but the ticket would read, you know, the yard side would read Harris and Obama. And a lot of people you got to admit in our country are so stupid, they wouldn't go back to find out it was, it was Mrs. Obama or whatever Obama, instead of Barack. So there's a lot of these things floating around out there's going to be quite interesting the next what about 105 days, something like that. If you can retrieve that, stands very research on that. It's a very interesting read, very interesting. And I say it's quite plausible myself. No, anything's plausible right now. Yeah, that that is that would be a devastating move for them to make because I think that could win. I mean, the people in this country are so stupid. Well, I certainly could win with their cheating help pushing it from behind. You know, the West constant, the West constant Supreme Court put in a female Jew Pissinski ski or something real long, like a Polish name Polish Jew. And she swung the West constant Supreme Court to liberal and they just okay drop boxes again last week. You've got what happened in Michigan with grevin which Whitner, which I'm a witch, whatever, Whitner, Whitmer, I think, she has repealed or changed the law on accounting for ballots and authority to do what and basically she's okayed fraud in Michigan. And it was passed by the legislature, somebody who's running has got to get a lawsuit in quick. Maybe I wonder if Sheriff Darlief had entertained that thought. Somebody in Michigan's got to get a lawsuit in quick on that. So you've got them pivoting with especially the swing states, those two key ones. There's just no telling what's going to happen. This is where politics is just damn interesting, you know, and I hear people say, I don't like politics. You know, I said, well, you may not like politics, but politics sure like to you. Okay, so quite entertaining here to have this kind of com camaraderie and BS happening right in front of us, and we got a platform to discuss it on. Let's see what else happened yesterday, the Southern Florida female attorney. She was appointed by Trump in the judge. She was appointed by Trump. I'm not sure if she was a clerk, where the rest of her roots came from. She was a Trump appointee. She is real sharp and evidently very judicial minded. And she threw out Jack Smith's case yesterday on Martin of the Lawgo and he ruled that he is not eligible to be doing what he's doing. He never had a presidential appointment. He never got confirmed by the Senate. All of the money he's been spending has been illegitimate. He doesn't have access to it. And they just booted his ass right out of there yesterday. So a fair said a fair judge that was Judge Eileen Cannon, Roger. Okay. And she wrote and she wrote her opinion based on what Justice Clarence Thomas wrote. Yeah. In the Chevron case. Oh, did she? Okay. Well, fair on his writings. Okay, Ferris, I want to remind you, she's a female in the judge position, which is normally a male's position who's doing the right thing. So it's not an exclusive thing we're talking about there. There's a glaring exception as well as the other female judge who was a Clarence Thomas clerk. And I do not know her name up in the middle district of Florida Orlando area that threw the mass case out. So there are some good examples of females in these positions and we're not painting with a broad brush there. Okay. But the majority of them are not in that John Ray would be my thoughts. So anybody else in the audience got something they want to chime in on all this? We're about to dump out a Chicago, aren't we? Paul, maybe we better reserve that. And let Paul get ready to dump us out of Chicago and say goodbye to Chicago lands for another day. Thank you. Thank you for giving me that lead in ahead to sneeze. Oh, good. And there we are. That's it for 106.9 WBOU FM in Chicago. If you want to follow us into the second hour, considering how the first hours went, I have no idea how the second hour is going to go. But I got a feeling you're not going to want to miss it. Go to, click on either the link or the global voice radio link or use the FCT or Zoom link and actually dial in. Join us on the show and we'll make your voice heard. Why not? Everybody else has so far this morning. I'm Paul from Global Voice Network. Thank you for being here. We'll see you right back here tomorrow 10 a.m. Central 11 a.m. Eastern. Yeah. Thanks. I can whistle. That guy can whistle, Kenny. Okay. Now, is there anybody in the audience? You know, we love to interact with you guys. And we're off on this because it's a very topical topic and everything that surrounds it. But if there is, by chance, any new people in the audience that would like to investigate and get answers to some of the things that we normally do around here when it's not an election year and presidents don't almost get assassinated and all that stuff. We'd love to hear from you. So please, if you're that person, don't think you're changing the topic or anything else. Just come in and we'll get off on your questions because you may be the most important person in the room. Okay. So I issue that out. Otherwise, if anybody's got any comments or observations on what we've talked about, we'd love to hear from you. I do. Okay. Well, there's Murr. Yeah. Two things about names, Vance's name. He was born of James Donald Bowman. And apparently, along with being poor, he was really kind of mad about some of his background from what I understand. I've been read the book, but just from some different reviews and things. Maths or drugs or something involved and and Appalachia and stuff. And he's Provax. I see in the chat room, Jack said. And he's Provax. Yeah, I guess. And maybe it's good for business, you know. The other name is Jack Smith. And you may remember Trump sort of snidely said, I wonder what his name was or his real name was or whatever. And it turns out it's Abby Howerman. And he, uh, let me see. He's a special counsel. No, no, no. United Nations officer working in the Hague. And interned with the ADL. Okay. So he's really under underneath. He's just another one of these damn saw, uh, pometic Jews, right? Satanist. Okay. Satanist. And it will do the minute. So. Yeah. Just one. All right. Well, I didn't know that. And it would, it would figure that he pick up a common American name like that. Okay. Just another one of those guys. You're all going to get exposed. I don't know if we can get all of you, but I believe we'll get some of you. Okay. And maybe that some that we will be able to get our little hands on will be an illustration to the rest of the ones. So we'll see. As I've said so many times before, it's the only remedy they understand because of their pometic teachings and the fact that they can lie, cheat and steal, and they're so great. And all the rest of this, you, you can't do anything to them. You can't compromise with them. You can't believe them. You just, it's just like they said in Europe, you just don't deal with them. Okay. That's the way you win with these people. And because they have dictated the remedy, not us, with their actions and the way they handle things in the past, they have dictated this remedy. And I'm sorry they need to be taken out of the gene pool. That's my feelings. Right. Roger. Yes. The earlier gentleman, was that Alan? I mean, I hope he's right. I hope he's right that we're ahead of the curve on him. But you got to think about this. Killing Trump is like a 9/11 event or a Kennedy event. Okay. Well, yes. They're going to pull out. They're going to pull out their greatest technology. They have to pull out and to get the job done. And if it's, if this went down, I'm, I mean, the guy with open sights is doing this. I just feel that there was probably another shooter. But, you know, we're not going to find out a lot of stuff. It usually takes about two weeks for things to really settle out. That's true. I'm still concerned about back at 9/11. I mean, the seismic record shows that building didn't hit the ground. So that means we've got technology to remove matter. Yes. So, or just turned it all into that. Well, it turned it all into dust. Sublimation. Okay. We're solid. Skip the liquid and go right to vapor. So, you got to figure they're pulling out that kind of technology to do something that's devastating to the country. Well, you know, I could, the five shots, you know, you can almost with your ear if you've been around gunfire, kind of locate the sound. It sounded to me like all those shots came from that rifle. But I may be wrong. Okay. Yeah. Well, there were shots that came from the snipers that the placement purposely unsecured. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. I don't know if you listened to what I sent you there from Sam Andrews who really breaks it down. Yeah. Well, very good. And clarifying the cardinal directions Trump was facing West. So East behind him. This shooter was to the North and over in a different area. And the roof was sloped away. So the people that saw him and told the police, they were just like the guy didn't pay any attention. But then as soon as the, you know, the shots rang out, they hit him in the picture. They show up him is kind of blocked by the roof line. So it didn't blow his head off. You know, you can see blood and you can see his head still attached. But yeah, he was in an advertisement for Blackrock, you know, one of the unpaid students. Right. Right. Right. And I thought that was interesting. Someone said he was like a valedictorian in math. And think of it. Those are the kind of kids they like to identify young and bring into the fold when they're young. Who had the hand up George? George, George, Eric, it's not my brother. Okay. That's not my brother. Yes. Good morning, George. Got your hand up. Star sixes, man. Sorry. Right now, man. Are you, are you on George? You identify yourself as George? Can you hear me now? Hello? Yes, sure can. Hi. We call you a whore. Yeah, back from below the equator is Georgie in Portuguese. It's Jorge in Spanish. So hey, George, how are you doing? It's my brother's name, by the way. How are you doing this morning? Are we spoken before? We have. Yeah. Yeah. It's been a while though. So I was. Yeah, I just had to hand up, but actually, Merle mentioned it about the the name of Bo going or whatever his his real name was. Why he changed his name? I don't know. But I think he's married to an Indian. This is a JD. Yes. Yeah. And all his kids are named after Indian names, I guess. So that's the management class movement, right? Well, the tech companies. The Hindi mafia. We've got several different mafias going on. Yeah. So anyway, just a different point, but it was interesting being down in in Brazil, and seeing that country again, I hadn't been there for 10 years. So let me back into the country with the, I'm not sure if it's a national passport or what, it's got four stars on the card, whatever that means. But I appreciate all your, all your work and research and all that. And it's been good being in touch with straw man. Oh, Marc. Yeah. And appreciate it. All the, you know, to be back on the calls was different. It was difficult for me down there. I couldn't really connect, you know, so really. Anyway, just one. So we're part of. Great. Thank you, Torade. What part of Brazil were you in? We were in a mean estate. It's a, it's pretty much a big coffee state and agricultural state mining state. After the war, the soldiers, in the 1940s, late 40s, built the rail lines in from the Atlantic to get at the iron ore. Yep. And that became a, kind of a back and forth between the U.S. and Brazil for that state. But it's kind of sandwiched between Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. So. Oh, okay. Beautiful, beautiful people, beautiful country. Great. And definitely not as militaristic, you know, not as as a U.S. They have federal police down there. They don't have counties. So it was interesting. But, you know, a lot of homeless on the street, I got begged a few times. And of course they see me as the cringo. So yeah, well, yeah, down here, let me tell you a little bit. If you're, if you're, if you're a gringo down here, you're rich. That's how they see you. And really compared to most of their situations, you are, you know, in many, many respects. I did not get to Brazil. I have not been over there yet. I tried one time. And this was back when they had the reciprocity deal going. What happened years ago, the U.S. started making them get visas to come to the U.S. and you had to go to the embassy. You could, you couldn't set an appointment from wherever you are in the country. Maybe the furthest parts of the jungle. You got to travel to where's the embassy, Sao Paulo or Rio? Do you know, one of those two probably Sao Paulo. Anyway, you have to travel Sao Paulo, go in and stand in line, get into the embassy, wait to see your term. You have to pay them $130. Then they interview you. And if they turn you down, they keep your $130 and don't give you the visa. And those countries down here got really peyote at that, which you can, I think, understand. And so they started causing people that want to get into their country to go through some sort of a similar regime. Brazil, for example, you have to have a visa at a time like you do in the U.S., you can't just fly in. And one of the things they want is a requirement to get the visa. Did you have to go through this, George? Did you have to give them copies of your bank account? You used to have to do that because they don't want you. Yeah, first time, yeah, and then they changed the, they changed the rules. So actually right before the left, they changed their back to where you didn't need a visa. I think because the new president, they were trying to shake down some more funds. But then that got repealed. So I was kind of lucky. I didn't have to get, I didn't have to have it at this time. So you mean, right, you're there when Lila got voted, got beaten, you voted, and he got shoehorned in, right? Yeah. Yeah. And he's a 100% died in the world communist who was in jail for previous scandals when Bolsonaro was in there. And the head, the Supreme Court judge, the Supreme Court's got a lot of power down there. And this guy, if you look at him in his dress, he's just a pure Satanist. You probably agree with that. You saw some pictures of it. And so he's the one, they released Lila from jail so he could run against Bolsonaro. They could rig the election like they did against Trump in 2020. It's ugly, ugly CIA scene, unfortunately. So anything else you want to tell us about Brazil, it's a really fascinating country. Yes. Yeah. It was, it was interesting in the face of all the changing demographics of the United States. I've been following some of the demographics. There's a white papers Institute. I don't know if anybody knows about them. They're trying to just make awareness about, you know, the possibilities of that situation. And, you know, quelling the internationalization of the United States, not necessarily about Brazil, but like the recent Haitian thing that's been happening. There's no airports evidently open in Haiti. They even fly people back. But with the trick of hand that they're using at the executive level, they're actually able to let all these Haitians in. And they're doing it legally through executive order. So Aaron, man. Yes, sir. That's all. You got some. Hold on, George, let's see. My Iron Man might bring some Brazil topics up. What you got? Only a fool would think that Trump could be elected in the next election. When these people have the software and hardware to friggin election, then the word is frigging FRIG. I gave it to limbo one day. Election frigging. It's a combination of fraud and rigging, which he loved by repeating it. And what that means is that they have 69 different ways to fraud and rig. Keep in mind, rigging is not fraud. Most rigging is legal. So you have to include fraud and rigging in election crigging. And they got it. And they're not going to give it back. And only a fool would think that it's not going to be a deal. Do you think it is going to be elected? Of course. Over. Who? Who? Are you just going to be elected? Who's going to be elected? A D. The D wins no matter who it is. Don't you see how it works? It doesn't matter who votes. It's who counts the votes. Well, we'll see. I'm not sure I agree with you on this, Ferris. I understand where you're coming from. But this is an exceptional situation. It may not fit all those parameters. But we'll find out. We'll find out. Excuse me. I'm not finished, young lady. Is there a female there trying to rub me? I'm looking at a flag that's inverted on a neighbor's house here at Mahasvenian. And he's flying the inverted flag in his flagpole on the house. This is not a vertical flagpole. This is one that is attached to the house. Many people have them. And it is inverted. And knowing who that is, I'm surprised to see it. I got my high-powered binoculars and my high-powered telescope out. And sure enough, and people call it upside down. It's not an upside-down flag, folks, who cheaple. It's inverted. It's a sign of distress when you fire American flag upside down. Blue striped flags and orange striped flag. And the police flags and firemen flags, you idiots. You're dividing yourself into separate groups. Don't you get it, don't you get it? Trump said one flag is a big part. And I was interrupted by the female again. What is it about females that they try to interrupt so much? It's their nature, Ferris. You have to live with them. Isn't it true? Okay, we got Merkah. We got the two Merkah Merkah. I had two more names for you. I had two more names for you. Y'all are almost not manageable. Go ahead. Jill Judas-Karovski is the Jewish judge in Wisconsin. There's another one sitting on the inch-two Dalit and another Jewish woman judge. And the other name is Glenn Greenwald in Brazil, who helped tremendously. And I've talked about this before. This is the duplicitousness of many Jews. He's all so good in the intercept. They throw him out of his own site that he tried to start. And for him to go and find, you know, with his little crew, go find snowed in when 17 intel agencies couldn't. I mean, you've got to think about it. But the main thing he was doing in Brazil was bringing in all this queerness. Okay, his husband of 37 years died, you know, supposedly whatever made up, you know. But Bolsonaro said he said we need less of this. We can't have, you know, this is the main thing. They have to bring in all this amorality and stupid sexuality that breaks up families or make some never form at all. So it's eugenics too. But he's a big part of that. So I yield. Yep. Yep. I don't don't disagree with that. America. Hold on. Marco was in there too. Marco, we'll hear you. We'll go the mail there. Go ahead. I just wanted to I wanted to hear what Mer was going to say because she was in there trying to share something. And there was going in a different direction. So, I don't know. Someone else is that? Yes, there's a mail right there. So Roger, who's that? I recognize the voice. You're going to come back? Did you get offended? Oh, yeah. Whoever was just saying something right there. I think it's Tom. Tom. Yeah, that's me. Hey, Tom. The fellow who was talking about the flag, where did he see that? Where? Where was that? I'm approximately. Somewhere up on Martha's. Martha's Vineyard. That's the way I got mine. It's it's eight footer and it's it's I don't have a flagpole. I just got a pin to the outside of the house and it's upside down, been upside down for a while now. Good. Good work, Tom. How you doing today? You got any tidbits for us? No, I've just been listening. You say that kid used a rifle with open sight. Supposedly? Yeah. No scope. That's that's that's tough. That's hard to me. That's hard to believe. My wife says it's hard to fathom and she grew up around an armory. Well, don't know. We'll find out more of the facts as they come out, but to that's what I believe I've heard that he was using iron scopes. And when I was able to hit that silhouette target at 600 yards, I was using iron scopes too. That that little M16 or M15 or whatever it is these days, the civilian model, is a very accurate little piece. Now this one was competition, champion, and something else. It had three designations on the side of it, but that was a great piece. My favorite gun I've ever owned, I think. Well, I think five five six equivalents two two three, isn't it? No, almost. You can use ten two three and a five five six, but you know, nothing's pretty round, obviously. Okay. Well, they're very close. There's so much. There's so much going around, it's just, and it was seven. Yeah, right in the seven six two equivalent to three oh eight. I think it's either the same or real close. Yeah, about like two, two, three oh eight. I like eight. That is correct Roger. 308 762. 762 millimeters is the same as 0.30. 556 is 556 millimeters is 2.2 2 3. Right. Well, I tell you that two two three round, it's a baby compared to that three oh eight round. Okay, I mean, both of them will kill you, but three oh three oh eight's a hell of a round. Yeah, yeah. Okay, well, welcome, Tom. I'm glad to have you on the show. And we're glad you hang around here with us, man. Yeah, well, we like you hang around. Yeah, well, I started to get called and I got to jump off and it makes me mad because, you know, calls that I have to take will come right in when something important. So then I got a market down. Well, of course. Yeah, of course. Okay. Well, that's great. We're glad you graze over here a bit. So anybody else in the audience got something today? We got any. Let's go back to really shy. George, we got George. George, you're still with us? I thought it was done. Let's go back. Let's go back to George because you were talking to George when Iron Man jumped off. And then, okay, then it is a fan. Okay, then it all went sideways, right? Okay, we'll get George back. George, you're still with us? You want to tell us any more about Brazil? How's the food down? I'll tell you one thing. They got some beautiful women down there. Well, are you are you there? Still can you hear me? Yeah, we hear you fine. Great. Yeah. No, they don't have my father in law before he passed a few years ago. He had noticed how everybody was getting big. So they've got the same dietary kind of issues in the city. Yeah. You know, the role is, I'm not sure about, but. Right. And they use a lot of wound up down there. You know, wound up is their, their Rs are pronounced like an H. So, but they use a lot of round up. So. Oh, hold it. Yeah. In Portuguese, the Rs are Hs. Correct. Oh, man. Oh, Lord. Yeah. So a shoe, a shoe hospital is a, would be like a barbecue. So, okay. But it's in the middle of the, the huff there, the shoe, that's those are two Rs. Is your wife's Brazilian? Is your wife Brazilian or so? Okay. Correct. Yeah. Yeah. Well, it's just one of the ones, uh, there's several down here I haven't gotten to Bolivia and I did land at the airport in Peru, but I never did get to Brazil. I was going to get over there. And I didn't know I was, I have a dear friend from Atlanta. She's got an international business on these Indian air candles, you know, you know, what those are, the kind of that little long cylinder you put in your ear and burn it and supposedly suck stuff out of your inner ear. And she got into that when it was just came around in the 90s. And she's developed an international business out of it, man. And so she was having a booth down there at the big South American health fair and she couldn't go. And I was in Argentina and she said, would you go over there and do my booth? And I said, sure, be glad you want to get to Brazil. I didn't, I didn't know they needed these. I got down to a boy and sorry to take the flight over and go, where's your visa? Oh, you go to the embassy, maybe you can get one in three days. Well, I just never made it, basically. And, but it's very interesting. Who would have liked to be in some of that. I was right, right. And that tail ended that day. They kind of had a visa war back and forth between State Department here in Brazil. So that's kind of why I think things go off again. But with the, with the back and forth there, I think they're trying to make the Western Hemisphere all one kind of one market, if you will. And I don't know if you caught what I was telling before we were kind of interrupted by the by the other gentleman on the other topic, I was talking about the Haitian issue. I don't know if they've been following that. Not really. Yeah. Hey, he's got gold. Did you know that? Hey, he's got gold. I don't think the Dominican the other side of the island does. But hey, he definitely does. Yes, who owns all the rights to it? Bill Clinton. Hillary's brother. Well, there you go. Wow, the Dominican Republic has the third largest producing gold mine in the world. Oh, do they? Okay. Well, if you could got to figure if it's on one side of the island, it's on the other two. But the Haiti thing is the guy that's over all of it is Hillary's Rotom, some Rotom. But anyway, that's how things go, right? Well, the Dominican has been reporting. They built a wall. Here's the Dominican Republic. What are they known for? You know, a couple of casinos or whatever. And those ball players, and they can keep, they could deploy it to Haitians. Fine. Yeah, they get a wall. They got drones surveillance and everything. So, but I was trying to get a word in about white papers, institutes. It's a good worthwhile subscription, but a free subscription like a sub stack or whatever. And you get the demographic, different demographic issues that are happening. And they break it down by states, by countries as well. So, real, real enlightening. Cool. Anyway, I'm one of our guys here, but thanks. Good to be back. One of our guys, I'll see him at lunch here is Canadian. We got some Canucks down here. Good guy, grew up in Windsor, you know, right across the river from Detroit. And he's going, him and his Ecuadorian girlfriend are going over to Rio here in another month or two to go see Eric Clapton. By the way, does anybody see the thing in Canada with Mick Jagger the other day? I mean, here's Mick Jagger on a world tour. Hell, his sucker's in his 70s. He's probably older than I am. Okay. And he's out there dancing around on the stage like a spring chicken. It's the most unbelievable thing. I'm sure some of you saw that. And he, he mentioned something about Trudeau and the whole place starts booing. And he's kind of taken back, you know. And so he switches over and he was, Oh, good. Congratulations on your Canada soccer team making the semifinals. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. But pretty unusual, man. I think what Paul McCartney is doing a world tour. I mean, these guys are ancient. They're like, I am. Okay. So anyway, very interesting. But yeah, he's going to go. I wanted to say I've seen Eric Clapton. Eric Clapton is nothing to see because he doesn't do anything. He doesn't interact with the audience must. He just plays like a banshee, you know. But anyway, they're going over there to Rio see that. So good, good on him. Okay. Well, thank you, George. Nice to talk with you again. Glad you're back. And so you got roots in Brazil. If you ever get the inside information on that, let us know if you would please. So where else can we go this morning? See, I got George up. We got him chummed up a minute ago. Who's next? God, I'd love to hear from some new voices. Do we have any new folks? I just Bruce wants. Hey, Bruce, well, you're not new, but we like your voice. Anyway. Hey, man. Oh, okay. Well, thank you. Oh, sounds like South Carolina better than guys, you know. Anyway, we did a world tour every day, except Sunday. Yeah, true. But I sit and I don't get out and dance around on stage like I'm 16 years old. I mean, I was watching him dance around that stage up there, Toronto, where I'm just going. That's jagger. Holy smokes. Good on him. When I graduated from college, when I graduated from college, they would make jagger for those sons of doing tour, the wheels tour, and they came to, let's see, New Orleans. Super Bowl. Yeah. Okay. And so, me and three other guys, one was from, anyway, he lived there, and he was showing us around and everything. And we spent the night, and then the next morning on Saturday, that's when they'd be coming. And they had all kind of, and if we got there, 130, that's when the place opened up. And we were there all night, too. And they came on. They played, I know, at least three hours, almost three hours. They came back on stage, you know, back and forth. Well, we got out of there about two o'clock in the morning. And they played Jimi Hendrix because they'd make jagger. And most of the guys named it was Half the Rising Sun. They both discovered him in that little place he was playing over in London. Well, they set fireworks off to start, bang a banner by Jimi Hendrix. And they were firing these things off in the dome. And you were just saying they can't do this or they can't do that they were. And it was unbelievable. Everybody walked out of that place just after that. Yeah. Yeah. And that was a shock. I got to see him once in Atlanta, when they were doing the small venue tour. And I got to see the stones at the Fox Theatre in Atlanta, which is one of the greatest venues left in the country, really. It was quite a story and an ordeal, but I really enjoyed it. So good. Bruce, what else did you have to say? You want to talk music stuff, or you got something else to add to all this conversation we've had today? Mick Jagger is acting. Mick Jagger is acting. What, Joan? Mick Jagger is acting years old. Holy shit. Maybe old lizard. I guess. Unbelievable him dancing around that stage in Toronto. I was just going, holy smokes. So, okay, good on him, you know. So what else, Bruce? Did you have something besides music oriented stuff for? No, that's it. I just want to let you know that you do a work here every day, except for Sunday. You accept. I don't dance around. You do something to do. Yeah, you know, good on Satanists. All right. I don't think so. Well, I mean, I'm a music guy. I used to like him. I understand what you're saying, but you don't know the inside of his head or heart. So anyway, well, I know he, you know, the stones perform for hill to be 60th birthday. Okay, well, they may be bad guys, but they make some pretty good music. Sorry. So that's my opinion. So where else can we go here this morning? I've got about 30 minutes left in the program here together. 30 minutes left together on my Patriot birthday. Ola, be in vanitas. Okay, I guess it's on me. What else are we going to talk about? I don't know. You want me to tell you about my stone's experiences? Those are pretty cool. Yeah, do it. All right. Well, I'll tell you one about my first wife's stones experience. I'm married a girl from Muscle Shoals. You know, Muscle Shoals is Mer. Yeah, but tell us. Yeah, tell us. Well, it's a big recording area that was real hot. You know, recording areas have different, they say a bunch of people get on one and all the rest of them follow. And then they'll, because all of them are there now, they'll go find another one. Well, for a time back in the 70s, it was Muscle Shoals. Now Muscle Shoals is part of the TVA network. It's right up in Northwest Alabama. And it's very close to the Tennessee line. In fact, murders Buford Pusser ring a bell with you. Does that name ring a bell with you? Yes, it does. You remember that's the guy that was well, he was the sheriff up at the what's called the line. They made a movie of it. It was called The Line. It was about 20 miles above where the Muscle Shoals area is. And it was wet. And Muscle Shoals, I think, is still dry. Okay. So everybody had drive up to the line there. And that was what Buford Pusser went through and wailed on people with a baseball bat. But anyway, that was the part of the country it's in. And my wife came from a very alcoholic family, her brothers and her mother died, they think of alcohol withdrawals. But regardless, they were the unexpected baby and happened to be, they were twins, not identical, but fraternal. And my wife's name was Jenny and her twin's name was Peggy. And so Jenny was the little head cheerleader there at the school and all that stuff and little Miss Goodie issues. And Peggy was kind of the bad girl, you know. And so they'd go to school and they'd drive through the car to school. And so one day they'd go to school and Peggy's driving and she's pills over and says, "Get out." She said, "Well, you're on the park." She said, "No, I'm going off." She didn't tell her what. And so Jenny went into school. And so the next morning, they come down the stairs to breakfast. And the father is sitting there with the newspaper, and on the front page of the newspaper is Mick Jagger and Keith Richards with her arms around Peggy. And the father didn't take too kindly to it. And they raised a bunch of hell, but she's not going to hang out with the boys all day. So that was one. The other one was in this, when I got to see them there in Atlanta at the small, the Fox Theater used to be a whole series of theaters. I don't know if they've torn them all down or not, but they were an architectural marvel when they were built, I guess, back in the '20s or something. You know, the ceiling with the sky on it and the stars and just brilliantly designed is a wonderful place to see any type of performance, really. Long, long upper deck balcony that swooped down at an angle where you were almost over the stage, right, if you were sitting in the front of that balcony. Just a spectacular place. The local promoter there in Atlanta, Alex Cooley, who promoted most of the shows that came to town, they were going to Southern Bell was going to buy that building and tear it down and build their Southern Bell Plaza there. And Alex Cooley drafted a local uprising, if you will, and contributions. And they saved the Fox Theater as a architectural relic. I mean, it's just spectacular. I've been through it because I had access to bands and backstage and stuff. I've been down in the basement. There's like six or seven floors under it upstairs in the rooms, which are all in an Egyptian motif. And it's just a lovely, lovely theater. And so they announced that tour. And because of the limited seats available, and Alex Cooley not wanting to cause mayhem, he said, well, what we're going to do is we're going to announce it spontaneously and do it that way. And then you can get your tickets. So because I was in the music industry, I had a connection with them. And I knew one of the gals that worked in there. And I said, can you any way you can let me know when that's going to happen a little ahead of time or whatever? Because I really wanted to see that. And she goes, sure. And so I'm in bed one night, two o'clock in the morning, and the phone rings. I live out in Marietta about 30 minutes away, 20 maybe, if there's no traffic. And so I sleep and like a baby, bring the phone ring. She says, they go on sale at the Civic Center in 30 minutes by bam, hunk's going on. Well, I jump out of bed and throw my pants on and go out and have a little Z car and hit the Z car on on 75. And so I get down to the kind of close to the center of town where the Civic Center is. And if those of you familiar with Atlanta, they've got some one way streets right there. Piedmont, a big street in Atlanta is six or eight lanes. And it's going beside it, but it's one way. Okay. And you didn't want to have to go into the rigmarole to get on that and get back to the Civic Center. And so I was, I was in the right direction. But as I got close to the Civic Center, there's cars coming the wrong way on this one way street and people just converging on the Civic Center that had been up and got the news or somebody called them. And so I got in line and I got up there and the gal gave, sold me two seats. Roger, Roger. And she sold me two seats that were six rows back from the stage, seven rows back from this dead center. And so that's how I got to see the show. After it, I kind of wished me was good, but I kind of wished I had sold the tickets because man, those things were gone for five, seven hundred dollars or whatever. But that was the time I saw the stones right there in Atlanta in the Fox Theater, quite a venue and quite a memory. So those are my two stone stories there, Mark. Never got to meet them or any of that kind of stuff. Let me unmute here. Yeah, I accidentally clicked myself off. So I missed a little chunk there, but I got back in pretty quick, darn it. Yeah. So those are my two stone stories. They're pretty nice memories, you know. But boy, I can just see Jenny's dad that morning with the front page that he's paper with those two with their arms around his daughter. I'm sure I'm sure you I'm sure you almost popped a chord really. Really? Yeah, I never saw many any concerts, but I did see I was with Dylan at the spectrum in Philly. It was the band. It was just the band. Oh, the band. The band's fabulous musicians. Those guys are one of my favorite bands, all the time, really. They're fantastic. So I love this. Yeah, I fleet with Mac and 75 at the it was in trend. And I forget it was armory or something. I don't know. It was pretty. Yeah, probably. Yeah, we can talk about cooking and other cookies and everybody else looking to get high on the on the break and we're just sitting there eating our cookies. All right, well, good time. So see audience, but because you're a non participation, we've degenerated into record business memories. Can anybody get us out of the gutter here? I feel like that's where I was living for a number of those years. Yeah, I talked about it. You know, fed the moralization, right? Well, that's a lot of it. But you know, it was the same thing they did in the Weimar Republic, but they learned their lesson and waited. Okay, because it was only 14 years after World War I, when they hit Germany with all this crazy, you know, and there's enough people alive that knew better. And so the prize is the third right, you know, so but they waited a little longer here in the 60s to really bring it down on us. They love any of these industries where they can manipulate society, television, of course, movies, music industry, publishing, all that stuff, anything where they can manipulate you and help to create this little illusion that they love so much. They really like this. They have to destroy the family and then the people are just get crazier and crazier and they know that. I think they need to be destroyed and taken out of the gene pool and we can get back to something where they have some sort of respect for us and they realize, you know, I think they said the Byzantine Empire that made a deal with them. They said, if you don't come in and corrupt our culture, we won't come kill you. And they recognize that deal for a long time. Okay. And that is basically what needs to happen again. We need some examples. Okay, if you do that, this is what's going to happen to you. All right, regardless. One of, you know, one, go ahead. I'm just going to see these parasites. So they just wait everybody out, let them die off and get the next generation just like they're doing now. But that's what they do, right? They took them, took them out of any political office, any education, and especially out of finance. Yep. Yep, because that's the way they control everything is through controlling the money. So, and that's what we've gotten by the gonads on quite frankly. But we just can't get many people to listen. Maybe that's the way it's supposed to be. Maybe it's going to change. We don't know. But I do know that when this information does get out, should it? That the worst things are the better for us impact it's going to have. And one of the Canadian gals, who we were talking about this lunch one day, and she said, okay, no, I suggested something. She said, no, that's not the way it's done. You take their children up there, and you hang them, then you hang the spouse, and then you hang them. And the main perpetrator has been watching it all. And I know that sounds harsh. Okay, but I reiterate, it's the only thing these, whatever they are, understand. They don't understand anything else. They're book. They're both teeth. Yes, they're book teaches them. No, you can lie to them. No, you can steal from them. No, you can murder them. No, you can do enslave them. You can do all this stuff. And they believe that. Okay. And that's what's got that right there. That connection's got to be cut. And they've got to come to some realization that it ain't the world ain't going to work that way. And if it does, this is what's going to happen to you. Okay. And you can't get back out and get all weepy and big hearted and all that stuff. You got to remember who you're dealing with their history, what they've done proven historically, how they've treated and killed. I mean, well, how many have they killed over a hundred million, a 35 million just with a shot? Okay. So that's their track record. That's got to be addressed. And they've got to realize how heinous that is. And that should they do that again, they're going to pay a price. And I hope you're listening to pieces of crap. Okay. Because that's what needs to happen to you, whether it will or not remains to be seen. But that's the remedy that needs to be executed, if you will, legal term. Right on Roger. I mean, I'm sorry. I've been fooling with them for 32 years, the only conclusion. It's the only thing they understand. We want them to understand the world will not put up with your scum, with your crap, with your lies, with your murdering, with your enriching yourselves, your little trickeries, and it's slaving everybody and enriching yourself at the same time. There's no more. Okay. That's the lesson that needs to be really demonstrated to them. And you do that to a couple of these bloodlines, and they'll get the message pretty quick. I think reverse Romanov's. Okay. I know. I know. Yes. Who's this? Yeah, this is Thomas, South Florida. Oh, hey, Thomas. We hadn't heard from you in a while. Yeah, no, I listen, I just don't contribute. Okay. Well, that's okay. Just what I bring, bring everyone's attention to the fact that I think reds last night was doing a thing on this guy, Vance. And apparently, he's only about 39 years old. Yeah, you're 44. 44. 44. Oh, yes. Oh, okay, whatever. He's still relatively young. Let's put that way. Yeah, apparently. I'm reason an article about him right now. Sorry to interrupt you, but it's not starting line. Okay, go ahead, Thomas. He went seven times to the Bilderberger conferences. He also was employed by this wealthy Jew named Peter Steele, T-H-I-E-L. As well as, there's a picture of him with his head bowed at the wall with his yumica, his hand up over on the wall. Like, I mean, you know, the stance in total reverence of where he's at. So I don't see how we're going to get much further ahead if he becomes our vice president. Well, well, at least that's Talmudic and not, I mean, Torah and not Talmudic, you know, the Zionists go to those people at the whaling wall and throw bags of feces at them. So I don't know what that meant. So we'll just have to wait. See, I'll tell you one thing, Thomas, he is the from people like Barnes and all the other commentators. He is the consensus choice. And he's a major. So we'll, we'll see. Lisa's right. He turns 40 on October, on August 2nd. Yeah. So he is pretty narrow. Hold it. Hold it. Hold it. We've got a, we've got a special moment at the show. Murr, you were wrong? Um, well, a lot of times I don't know if I know. Well, okay. Okay. Okay. So, are you going to be 40? Yes. Yes. The other thing I was going to say is, um, as far as the shooting goes, I mean, just without getting too complicated, it looks like it's kind of a jiffy version of the JFK assassination. I mean, I, I, for what I, you know, hey, what do I know? But, you know, they, we have the lone gunman, you know, Lee Harvey. He kills President, and then the next day he gets killed by Jack Rubenstein. Well, this is a very hurried up version where they allowed them to get the three shots off. They were supposed to go through Trump's head, at least one of them. And then they were, then the second later they would have, they killed the guy who did it. So, which is kind of like, I see an abbreviated version of JFK. I mean, it's the same game plan out of the same book. And I think this is an inside deal. I think, I think, I think there's big people involved. JFK wasn't what we were told either, but we won't get into that now. And I think this is real. And somebody had said, well, you know, he's a real deal and somebody else said it's a sigh up and I'm saying, well, why can't it be both? Yeah, but even the very fact that, like you said, he's using iron sights to shoot. That's silly. Anyone who's ever done any shooting knows if you zero in your scope, you will not miss it. I'm not saying everything is accurate. Everything in this report may not be accurate, you know. Thomas, if Trump, if Trump wouldn't have turned his head, it would have been targeted correctly. He was interning on his head at that last second. But who would take a chair to open iron scope? Iron sights when you could have a scope zeroed in, which, I mean, you can, is that, is that range? Yeah, you know, you can't miss. So no, he definitely turned his head. I think he turned his head and it was like a golden moment that that saved his life. But the whole thing is very fishy. It wasn't just that. It was the gust of wind that God sent. You need to listen to Sam Andrews from yesterday in the second hour on more shows. Pretty good. Pretty good. I mean, he really gets into analyzing it and how the wind was like two miles an hour and then suddenly it was gust to eight miles an hour, you know. And that, that messes, he's, he's an expert, you know, in firearms and stuff and that messes with your shot, as well as Trump turning everything you watch. Watch the first half of Barnes last Sunday night from that guy that that teaches snipers. Okay. So he was talking about wind ditch and all that stuff. Very, very viable. Now, Thomas, did you know, and I heard somebody comment on this? The public did not know there was any live footage of the JFK assassination for two weeks till they bought this a Pruder film and edit it and let it out. So back in those days. Those 12 years. Well, according to who I listened to last night and there's a Pruder film was announced that it was out pretty quickly after the assassination if I remember right. So one 12 years is a couple of weeks, according to my memory, and according to who this person I heard talking about last night. So, okay, whatever, it was a delayed release. Okay. So very interesting times here we are. We'll see how it goes as it goes forward. Trump's already in Milwaukee. He flew up there yesterday and I guess Vance is probably there to already and that conventions this weekend. And it should be a a heck of a convention with all this additional consciousness focused on it. Here's a good question going forward. Just Trump now just start doing virtual meetings or does he continue to go around the country? Are they going to have some of those? But Justin. He was already at Milwaukee the first day of the RNC. He was there. Okay, we'll evidently flew back. Okay. So anyway, all those things are in front of us. It's going to be very interesting to see it unwind. Does Trump just do virtual town hall meetings from now on? Because of this, it's a good reason to. Does he pop in some personal appearances at the last minute? How much is his? Of course, now there's a little different changes. He's going to be the nominee after this weekend. And that shifts his protection to a different level. Okay, as opposed to just a candidate. So we'll see. It's interesting. Hell of a time to be alive. I hope all of you appreciate that. He could probably do. He could probably campaign from his basement. I mean, basement campaigning and speaking in front of 12 people worked for Biden last time. Right. Yeah, plus a lot of other stuff. So, but God bless Mr. Trump. Okay, I mean, I've always liked him. I know some of you don't know a lot of people don't. That's okay. But if you want to really find out the real Trump, go back. He did a hour with what's her name that had the show The Black Gal. We hope for Winfrey. He did an hour with Oprah Winfrey about 30 years ago. Yeah, something like that. Go back and listen to that and watch that and tell me if you're not seeing the same guy today. Okay, I admit he's got some screwy ideas. He's married his kids into Jewish families and all that kind of stuff. You can't build an empire like he's built without dealing with Jewish bankers. Okay, but he's a little guy. Back then with the helicopter. Remember all his people were in the helicopter. Roger Stone pulled him out of there at the last second. Okay. Well, I'd certainly be careful about his planes and any other vehicles that he's traveling in from here on out because he's marked man. Unfortunately, but he appears to have God's protections. They can't beat him. I mean, is there a cleaner guy in the United States, Bruce? He's been through two impeachments. He's been through all of these trials. He's been through all these tribulations and they can't find one thing on him except for his bookkeeper entering a lawyer's bill on a computer with QuickBooks that only has that option. He didn't know anything about it. That's the only thing they've got on him. The 757 is his Achilles heel. Well, it could be more than a rifle to sass him. It could be. You don't have to have a scope to be accurate with the rifle. Unless it's changed recently, you're trained in the military with iron sights. And up until the last few years, the world record for the thousand-yard matches that can't parry was accomplished with iron sights, not stoked sights. Well, you know, like Cinnamon Andrew says, right? There's a water tower there. It's way above everything and they had a catwalk on it. They should have had security stationed up there. Oh, there. There's a lot of inconsistencies in this thing in Pennsylvania plus according to Barnes, Pennsylvania is one of the most corrupt damn states in the union, especially when it comes to the judiciary. His, he's got horror stories about it. He's defending several people up there right now. One of them, they're trying to, it's a female, they're trying to send to prison for recording the court proceedings because she noticed inconsistencies in the transcripts. And because she was recording her own court proceedings, they want to send her to prison. A bunch of other things. I don't see how Trump can even trust his own security detail for not making sure that everything was copacetic before he spoke there. Well, you know, I don't know. You think he had his own detail, but there should have been a lot more people there now. They're partially blaming it on budgeting, which seems to be pretty bogus to me. One of the things that I know about that was Jill Biden was speaking in Pittsburgh, and supposedly some of Trump's secret service report from them to send her. Excuse me. Sure. But Majoras refused coverage of him. Okay. Same thing with R. K. Jr. Yeah. Oh, no, my George, he had his three best fat little women on him. I've seen where the assassination attempt J or R. F. K. Jr. has gotten secret service coverage. Wow. I can imagine. That would be one of the first ones. I'd have walked the plank. Is that Majora? Some bitch. That is the most arrogant. What was the best piece of crap you I've ever seen? Is that Majora? Is one piece of work? What? What's it? Majora and peached in the house, and the Senate refused to do a trial? Of course. What are they? They're not going against the kosher noster man. They don't want targets on him. Okay, but especially their little fair hair boy. Do you know what he did before he got appointed to this position, Sherry? Remind me, please. There's this big Jewish organization, Highness or something. And he was the head of that before he got this. Are you talking about Highness? He grew immigrant age. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yep. Yep. He was the chairman of the board or whatever. That one. That's a recording of court stuff. Sorry. Tina Peters out of Colorado. She and she's not she didn't even record it. So I understand what and I feel bad for the woman in Pennsylvania who's being prosecuted for recording something that should be able to be recorded. Yeah. Because you can't trust the recording instruments that are there. But Tina Peters is being prosecuted and she didn't even record it. I mean, this justice system is so out of control. Oh, is it really? Well, you know, can I go back? Can I go back to Edward Gibbons for you? Remember him? Guy that wrote the rise and fall of the Roman Empire? The first engine of tyranny is a corrupt judiciary. That's perfect. I don't like Vance. He and his wife are both lawyers. And Roger, the key word in that judiciary is chew. Okay. Bye that. Lisa will find out how he turns. He is the consensus candidate. So we'll find out. Okay. Otherwise in that, I'm through with you guys and girls here on my Patriot Birthday. And I'll see you tomorrow in the 33rd year here in a minute. And I hope you have a good day. We'll stay attention and on all the things that are breaking and developing. And if it's important, you can bet one of our guys or girls are going to bring it up. Okay. So we'll do all that tomorrow though. And I'm going to go see if I can get me a cake with 32 candles on it. Paul, how about that? There you go. Sounds like a plan. With those candles, you can't blow out, you know. Because you can't blow out, you can't blow out the fire when it when this information grabs you. Go ahead. The fire of freedom. You cannot blow out the fire of freedom. True truth. You sparklers. Just don't get too close to them. No fires in the minds of men. That's right. That's what we're doing. Well, I think that's an encompassing term that means both. But it goes to show the emphasis is on the men at the founding of the country. And we were the militia and that's the guard and all that kind of good stuff. We'll talk about it. Mara and see you then. Have a great day. Ciao. Bye bye, Roger. All right. Well, I'm going to go do this birthday thing. Man, this is a spectacular day in Ecuador today. I do not see one single cloud anywhere in the sky, almost at noon. And it looks like we're finally into our summer here and boy here at eight thousand feet in the afternoon when there's no clouds. It can get really hot and really ultraviolet rate danger territory. We had one day about a week or so ago. Walt told me he got an alert says going to be 17 and the scale only goes to 12th. Yeah. So gives you some indication of it. So anyway, I guess I'll trudge off into the into the Tuesday lunch bunch and I will see all tomorrow unless anybody's got something for me that you didn't bring up when I asked repeatedly. Roger. See that. Yes. Yes, I hope you're doing another day. Happy 30 seconds. Thank you. Yes, there is another you brought up consensus and there is another word for consensus and it's called group thing. And that was a very dangerous thing in our history. But I'll be reaching their conclusion. I'll reach in their sketch. They're all reaching their conclusions independently. They're not getting together and doing group thing. You're talking about people like barns is pretty free thinker. Okay, you watch the shows, you know, yes. Yeah, but it is consensus is group thing. And we have we are humans and we have group things here. We have group things there. We have group things everywhere. Okay, I'm not a human. Okay, a beam. Okay, what are you a turtle? Are you a turtle that climbed into a human skin? Has your turtle showed back up? No. No, no, she's gone to a nice big light again. Okay, sorry to hear that. All right, somebody's wind chimes going off there. That would be their minds. Sketch, if you're a human, what color men are you? I'm spiritual being just like Merced. What you are you? Translucent is a human man. Okay, this is a close to patriot mythology itself. Get you man is color of man and not the actual man. You're a man sketch. Live with it. Okay, so when they have consensus, they have group things. I don't like that. I don't like that label. But whatever. Well, it's a mass hypnosis. Yeah, but it is consensus is a type of group thing. I'm sorry, you don't like it. I just bring it it up and you can tell that. I don't like it because because yes, because it insinuates that they're getting their opinion through a group and they're arriving at their opinions independently and that way they become a group because of their opinion is the way I'd rather look at it. Joe, what do you got? Well, I hardly think that we have arrived at any consensus here, except maybe on one or two issues. There's lots of sparring, lots of debate and lots of people, P.O. Okay, so, you know, it's far from group think, except on maybe one or two issues. That's probably true. All right, who wants to talk in an echo chamber? I sure don't. Nope, me either. I mean, I'm always everybody that was jumping. Okay, well, I've got one comment. Group think is everybody jumping up and down going, "Yay, we got change. We got change. We got hope. We got hope." Yeah, hope and change. Hope and change. What they didn't tell anybody was after the election, we would have no hope and all we'd be left with was change. And a change you don't want and you're seeing it right now because all that's from a loose change. Group say continue waits that you don't have any thoughts of your own. Yes, I agree with that. All right, I'm going to see y'all tomorrow. Okay, I'm going to let you settle these differences here. Enjoy your day, Roger. Thank you. It should be a good one. I'll see y'all tomorrow on the 17th, which was, I believe my father's birthday. See, they're my grandfather's or my father's. I used to get him mixed up. Anyway, see y'all tomorrow. I told you July is very important month for me. I'll see y'all tomorrow. Have a great day and we'll see what develops should be interesting. Ciao Ciao. Well, your birthday is what, the 22nd? Is it Saturday? Yeah. And you'll be a lucky 77 and 76. And I was 21 in Alaska where they supposedly got live TV for the first time when the men supposedly walked on the moon. I'll see y'all tomorrow. Ciao. Thank you sketch for the bell. Bye. Bye. That does it. That does it for the radio ranch with Roger Sales on and global voice radio network. For more information on the topics discussed, please go to or You can also go to You can go to if my aunt was, if my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle. That goes there too. And, well, I don't know, half a dozen other web addresses that I completely forgot. So that's it for today. See us here Monday through Saturday 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Eastern. And, well, keep your powder dry, keep your eyes open, keep your head down. What else could be said? By now, blasting the voice of freedom worldwide, you're listening to the global voice radio network. Bye, bye, boy. Have fun storming the castle. ♪ And I know we're gonna change ♪