Global Voice Radio Network's tracks

Radio Ranch with Roger Sayles


1h 9m
Broadcast on:
15 Jul 2024
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the action got a picture of him in his office in the old office when he was in there and that's what i'm sorry we have to fight pattern but he's definitely known for it what he killed the bank what's on the same show decide to put on it the gap that's on his grave stone yep well you know maybe i should take on the story and go into uh... old john uh... typical new in tyler to john tyler uh... that i heard a historian on rinske of one night uh... have uh... have y'all heard that i told that about a year so go have you ever heard any that samuel do you remember that story samuel i guess not okay does anybody have any objection we're looking for you john tyler uh... i don't have any objection to you telling it uh... just an update uh... the speaker stream global waste network hiccup uh... and that stream has been reset and it's back up euro folk radio is up and solid and so is g_v_t_v_ dot net so if you're trying to find a stream that's working all three of them are back up now all right little hiccup maybe you know as we go forward and get some of these things get a little cash flow coming in we're gonna get paul you know some better equipment to work with so that some of these little hiccup like that doesn't happen which i like to hear this john tyler story it's a fascinating story is accurate okay so i'm going to assume that you did all right and we don't have to sit here dwell on this trump stuff all day but it does kind of interchange here uh... john tyler was the president right before the civil war he ran with a guy named tip a canoe that wasn't his name it was his nickname he was a general that one of the battle of tip a canoe harrison i think was his name and he was a political animal okay and uh... he came to chose john tyler because of what i'm going to tell you here have you have you heard this story paul this is fascinating really no i have not and i can't ask that it's just fascinating really john tyler was a junior his father was john tyler senior and his father was thomas jefferson's roommate at college they were dear dear friends till the day they died and as young john tyler was being raised because of their closeness in proximity evidently uh... area they spent time together with each other's families quite a bit and so uh... as uh... as john tyler was growing up it was like uh uncle t_j_ you know because he was always around and so one night at the dinner table they were eating dinner together and john tyler jr asked thomas jefferson he said what are your biggest fears and he said the the banking monopoly or whatever and the fact that we might not have enough good men in government to stand up and for their efforts and john tyler remembered that okay so uh... as he got older thomas jefferson died and they ask his father because of his closeness to thomas jefferson to give uh... uh... a eulogy at this big meeting in washington d_c and he accepted and so when the day came he was he was so stricken with grief because of the death of his friend that he couldn't give the speech and so he tapped john tyler jr just spontaneously get up and give the speech of of thomas jefferson's eulogy pretty heavy on the spot hey paul you're gonna go stand up and talk to the nation you know that kind of thing well and so uh... tyler jr was uh... not a great oratory guy um he hated politics um but he liked studying greece and rome and uh ancient stuff okay so he's quite uh the student in those areas and so when his father couldn't give the speech and he tapped jr to go up there and give it he got up and gave this 30-minute or more incredible oratory all these things about siss or oh and rome and all this other kind of stuff and it it was there's somebody's moving something if you could not be very distracting thank you um so the speech and it went not the speech speech but the rendition of people talking about it just went like wildfire through the nation i guess okay from what this guy said and so there was an election at that time and Harrison was running for president he was a a political animal as i said and so um john tyler he asked him to be his vice president and reluctantly he accepted okay even though like i said he hated politics and so he accepted figured he'd be just a vice president well a month into the office and the term Harrison died of a heart attack in office he's one of the few presidents that's ever died in office of a of a heart attack and so all of a sudden now he's the president and so they were trying to pass another bank act and they loaded up all the republicans and the democrats and they got the bill passed and he when it got to his desk remembering those comments from Thomas Jefferson vetoed the bill this is why you never hear anything about john tyler okay because they write him out of the history books well they had saturated the congress so much and the newspapers they controlled of course and they got the whole damn town of washington d_c_ just whipped up into a furor there was no guards at the white house tyler and his family were the only ones in there and the and the butler and all of a sudden they got these thousands thousands of people that stormed the white house and it was just the butler and john tyler and his family uh cower and in a bedroom trying to protect themselves okay and so even his own party turned against him i think he was republican his own party turned against him and kicked him out of the party okay so all these ramifications riots in washington several nights in a row all around the white house and all that stuff and that's why you don't hear about john tyler and they didn't try to get another bank in until the federal reserve i just thought that was a fascinating story when i heard it i'm probably forgetting an element or two but uh it was a heck of a story that guy told one night i'd never heard any of this i remember from history tippy remember that the cry of the election was typical new and tyler too okay yeah and uh it's just a very interesting story and the the power of the bankers and the lack of good men to oppose them and that's where we are folks and there's another man of john tyler's statutes that is opposing them threatening them while their whole financial system is about to go under they've been keeping on life support since 2008 okay all those things to this moment right here oh i had never heard of tyler never heard of him that's why it was because he was successful at shutting down the bank and they write him out of the history books yeah so rather it actually shows to go yeah who's actually in control of the world yeah Bruce you had some jane trod jane trod or i'll tell you a lot of that no i'm talking about it yeah okay we need to get on the show well i need to probably reach out for me again is that you jean trodder oh sure oh i propped it open i just went down there to you know i'm headed on there okay i do more deeper inspection i'm gonna have to remove that person oh sorry you didn't mike oh yeah this is probably had structural stuff uh they do have some stuff to say i mean you're it's john and chorja oh okay okay next john all right well let me remove please okay well no problem it might have triggered or something might have something to say whatever does anybody have uh uh anything to address on that or say anything else or uh or what here this morning on this uh somewhat awkward monday morning well we're talking about jean trodder and i can't wait to get him on the show so we should well i've just i haven't reached out to him again because now it's past spring it's not winter he's in the full blow of the summer and i don't know if he'd have time now or not so i just hadn't followed up on that quite frankly i'd love to have a conversation with him and with the heat that uh is being experienced in the country i mean even in washington up in the mountains is triple digits for at least the next 21 days what with the heat oh yeah washing it 50 degree temperature spread in washington up in the mountain yeah washington state 50 i have 50s in the 50s at night and hundreds during the day with uh with a high of i think 113 expected on the 20 Kathleen Kathleen are you on with the shelving sheldon up there up there in washington uh he's up in a mountain and okay they're cooking but i think jean trodder's probably uh running his tail off watering animals keeping them cool i'm sure he is Kathleen tell us about this heat situation up there is it hot where you are uh yes it's just it's actually cooler today but on the western side of the passgades we actually are a little cooler than the central part of the state in spokan like uh what's his name um we're just talking to him yesterday he killed him he's pretty hot above spokan they've got you know some hills some mountainous not quite as mountainous as the cascades but yeah it's been really hot in the hundreds you know just over the cascades on the other side of literally in the cascade mountains they've been getting in the hundreds but we've been like uh we got like 95 96 early in the week 94 there was about three or four days in the mid 90s which is really hot throughout here because and we don't have to plan yeah yes it's not like it was in june of 2021 when we got 110 here and i've earned my tree my yard and it basically emancipated my blueberries and i watered them before but they you know can't tolerate that type of heat and it you know it's this harp that there wasn't a modification they're doing they're destroying okay environment i remember canada was like that western canada had that hot stuff a year or two ago i remember vaguely and so now you've got it does uh is that uh also affecting like Idaho and Oregon and other parts of the northwest or is it just you guys no they've been getting the heat as well so it's just traveling eastward Idaho gets pretty warm anyway i think they get a little warmer than western westward but eastern one that mid in the central area they oftentimes get in the mid to 90s to you know 105 you know this time of year because they're but they're like almost a desert okay well i know it's not hot temperature wise but they've got a lot of garbage going on up in core to lane upper Idaho one of the great patriot enclaves in the country and they've been invaded they got all these woke people in controlling their city commission and now they've got like woke parades or or fag parades sodomite parades and all kinds of crap right there in the stronghold of of uh patreon geography up there in northern Idaho i was kind of shocked that they have infiltrated them and decided to go after our movement if you will right at the heart of where at least the the not the actual heart but the uh there's an awful lot of good patriots up there in northern Idaho we had several that are listeners you know uh so that's going on attention of smoke like the city it's almost one continuous city into Idaho of spoken yes yes well of course i was or um you know i you may not Kathleen is some of the audience i was on uh i was on patriot soapbox there for gosh i don't know year year and a half whatever with thumper who thought follows uh follows Brent and uh thumpers in spocaine spocaine how are you saying uh so i knew a little bit about it from the things i'd heard him say it's unfortunate thumper's mindset or i'd probably still be over there we uh we definitely touched some people out of that slot several of our regular listeners came from that slot and uh but thumper's just thumper's just can't see right in front of him quite frankly stuck on cue i mean anybody that turns their back on Alex Jones because he's got so many commercials not realizing that he also has 80 employees and follows cue well that's not somebody i'm i'm going to be on the air with starring who would who would have thought that being on cue would be a bad thing i don't get it oh guess what guess what i mean this is an unrelated issue but it is kind of related to uh patriot soapbox and uh roger sales and thumper show um i just three days ago got a channel strike on youtube apparently for violating community guidelines on the show that i streamed with you you and thumper so i've been on there in a year i know i know i just they don't care they don't care if if they're targeting you they will go back into history and they will they will scrub your videos and find something i'm quite surprised that we haven't been a bigger target to this point and i don't know whether it's could be several reasons one of course is uh because we're relatively small it's not because we're not deadly we're just very small uh they got plenty of other things to pay attention to or whether they know that it's uh it's small because it's only gonna be a certain small segment of people that respond to the message i don't know uh i don't know if they're scared of doing of pokiness uh because of what we've gotten what that might bring uh or because they realize that the audience is the american audience is not going to take this very quickly i don't know what the reason it might be a combination of all of them but they have relatively left us alone which is surprising well the popularity of this program is inversely proportional to the viewership numbers of the major television networks there's there's definitely a correlation between the people that are brainwashed by their tube and the people that are actually receptive to this yeah uh somebody was trying to say something there who was that hello roger hello good morning who who are you this is hi there this this is david from dasen ohio dave yeah hey dave you know when talk yeah yeah you're the one that got this right so the other night where she's the one related kind of this is okay i was going to say weren't you the one that had the letter returned from the attorney general up there from his constituent services or something that's the same no that's not me roger okay okay no problem go ahead anyway so the other night i was uh this is kind of fun but it's related also uh the other night i was thinking that uh if they were going to yank biden out and and uh throw uh michelle obama in as as a substitute and i go that's interesting and i thought uh well maybe we should call on tulsi gathered to take one for the team and go into the locker room with michelle and let us know that michelle is actually michelle and uh instead of mike and uh so i started looking up tulsi gathered on the internet and on her wicked pdf page you know she's she's been voiced about being vice presidential candidate also with uh Trump but on her Wikipedia page it shows her place of birth do you know where that is? uh i know she came out of hawaii but i think she's gotten is she Hindu or something? no she was born in american samoa oh you know what it seems like i knew that somehow okay well good good information that's really interesting i happen to think tulsi would make a real good vice president and and uh uh we'll find out i guess we'll find out this week who it is going to be uh but i hope it's either the doctor the black doctor or jd vance or her would be my choices i've always liked tulsi gabbard i know she was a democrat and i know they've got her up as one of the oh the wefs young leaders or something but she came out and said look they just put me in that i didn't do that and i believe her okay but i think she'd make a great vice president myself uh but i would prefer i think jd vance is the uh for my uh opinion is the considered vice presidential candidate i'd like to see him nominate we'll probably see this week i did hear this morning that trump has rewritten his entire speech for next whenever at the convention oh yeah i i can imagine so did you have a question dave question are you yeah yeah do you think uh if fulsi gabbard is from american samoa would that may occur constitutionally uh able to be president of the united states i think it is i think she could be she's natural well it doesn't matter no it would well we don't know where her parents were born if they were american samoa and it would probably mean she is natural born but uh kath uh harris has been there for four years and she's definitely not natural born and that applies to that office also and i don't know why nobody said anything about that all right yeah i just thought it was very interesting because the way american samoa plays in in in with all of this and uh that would bring a big light on this whole issue well it seems like i knew you want i don't think they want american samoa in the news yeah yeah i don't think so did you say that kamala harris wasn't born in the us no i didn't say she was born in the us she's a birthright citizen her parents were students here one of them is from jamaican the others from india so her parents she's not natural born she's birthright citizenship and maybe we need to go into this again because i hope that we're going to see this issue get a whole bunch of legs as we go forward there's one guy that's calling in to info wars a bunch uh he he calls into harris and mostly but he got into alix or oh in the other day and uh talking about this now we talked about it last week uh we might need to talk about it again huh iran yes um we've we've got where we're talking to dave we've got abraman deck and john had his mic open uh i don't know if he actually had something he wanted to say but i wanted to unmute him and give him an opportunity if you use it uh yeah well you still have the same conversation it still doesn't talk it still doesn't sound like he's talking us it might have you know you yourself when it's full sometimes they do it no no no no mute on head let go ahead mute him again all right but okay i want to go on record to say and i tried to get him in here yeah you did you did okay now let's go back to dave and we got abraman the wings and kathleen asking questions about camel hair to be a natural born citizen uh so dave did you have anything else you want you want to add thanks for bringing it that's our attention i think i knew that but it wasn't in the forefront of my mind okay but that is extremely interesting isn't it um did you have anything to follow up over there i thought it was a curveball throw at him i don't know you know i don't think she's definitely in the federal united states um boy i wonder if she knows any of this stuff we know probably not uh but what the real crux of the matter is i have a question from one of my friends down here the other day on this it's not where she was born it's where the parents were born that's the accent okay there in other words uh when when the when the constitution was written in what 1770 five four six eight whatever 1770s and they wrote in there it was written in the right okay well whenever it was written at that time there was only one status of state citizenship up until after the civil war in the 1860s but they wrote that into the constitution from its origin because they didn't want anybody coming into those positions which had potential foreign attachments i.e. Kamala Harris is a birthright citizen i don't remember what she was not only she was born here but she's raised in Canada okay so her parents the uh the dad is Jamaican and the mother is indian so she literally today while holding office as the vice president could go to Jamaica and run for their congress or one of their chief executive committee uh are the positions she could do that today well that's exactly what the founders didn't want to happen okay so when they said natural born citizen in the constitution there wasn't a birthright citizenship there wasn't another option to look at there was only one and your parents both had to be born in the united states as well as you to put a check and balance against any foreign influence from within the position okay and why people can understand hold on a minute dave can i finish i cannot understand why people do not see this but boy they just don't even barns hard barns go off on some cock away me them uh uh oratory on this one night it's very simple there was no birthright citizenship when those were written in the constitution so your parents both had another word and that pardon me hold on is just a second let me finish and we'll open this up for discussion i'm a natural born Floridian my mother was born in Panama City my father was born in Port Pierce all two generations are Floridians i can't be another state loyalist or whatever so that's what they were trying to accomplish and that's the was the big problem with obama that they had to overcome because he too was a natural born citizen but they didn't want people to know his father was a black communist okay so they dreamed up to Kenya story so that's the background of this hopefully it's going to come out and get some legs with camel Harris it appears that it is there's some articles showing up and other publications this guy has been spearheading it i've heard him calling into info works on it for a couple of years you know and i go wow there's somebody there and he doesn't understand the way as thoroughly as we do but he's got a pretty good grasp of it i think Harrison's going to have him on here uh one day for uh at least a 45 minutes or an hour discussing this okay now i'm going to go to dave first roger yes but dave was the one that initiated the conversation Abrams waiting dave in the thumbs waiting and you may be waiting too let's try and go in that order dave in ohio do you have anything else to add besides the addition and the good piece of information that um that uh she was dabbard was okay i'll just say that i find it very persuasive for my friends when i talk to them about this issue it's to start off by saying that citizenship idea and how if you were born in the district of columbia you cannot be a citizen of the united states of america that's correct that's correct that's correct and it wasn't mine it let them think outside the box those people were stateless up until the passage of the 14th amendment they were stateless they had no state that gave them rights and no state they owe to do these two but a whole bunch of people probably some from dc probably some from the states that had gone there to help with that master government they would have rights and duties but the others didn't to my understanding and you know what's interesting dave i've never heard anybody comment on that never okay so kind of interesting thanks for bringing up tolcy uh abram you're next hey roger um i uh it's interesting this tolcy everything because uh it wasn't george washington born in england right so his children wouldn't quite be you know national natural born were they well but that was at the start of the country and those things were taken into consideration in a line with that george washington didn't have the but the next generation the next generation would have been since they weren't his parents weren't natural born then you know by the same logic then they would be ineligible to run from president well that's the way they set up the country to run even though some of them might have not have fit into them all at that point because it was the beginning okay okay uh who is next dave in the thumbnails uh we got more of a wait no no no oh hey i drive something else to say i i called for a different reason uh the president is protected by the secret service right supposedly wasn't too much saturday right and uh the secret service they they do mostly counterfeiting and things like that they work under the treasury department right where the treasury secretary is the governor of the fund i don't think so i think now i've had some uh indications that they've been transferred over to homeland security and meorkus is overseeing all this that's why they had those rather chubby young ladies they couldn't even get their guns into the holsters when they were trying to protect trump right you know uh isn't their duty to immediately drag him to safety uh again there is at least two of these almost overweight young women that have been put in there under all this dei crap from meorkus sir but they're supposed to do normally and well hey from what they're supposed to have been done normally and historically to this administration and the way those things are carved out you can't always connect those able not these days these people have they've messed up the entire federal the federal government was messed up they've extintuated that with a capital f okay right well as you know to the extent of the the governments messed up at least a bodyguard you know they're they're prime i guess uh duties to primary duties to make sure that whatever individual or uh you know ask that they're protecting uh that they get them out of the harm's way immediately and that's one thing that i guess i think they gave them well quite well well well they did just quick as one could get up there from the audience he jumped on stage and then some others came out of nowhere i think there was at least two of these uh pleasantly plump young women that mayorkus is hired that literally you can see in the video they can't even get their pistol in their friggin holes okay and instead of jumping in front of trump they jumped behind him okay and remember these discussions we had on this male female thing a couple of weeks ago they got everybody's uh underwear and a wad well you know this may be a perfect example of what was being talked about that in those days okay what on a woman will protect i know my life is going to be a tactical thing right because to the extent that you put more we'll say ballistic jelly in front of a target it's safer right okay i don't think that's nice okay okay yeah i guess it's monday okay all right so this yeah i know okay hey bring me got anything else to add here we're trying to get several other people i want to talk and we're getting along in the show here so anything else good to hear from you all right uh dave in the thumb i believe was next right thanks roger yep so i got three things so first of all i heard a guy talking this morning i'm pretty sure he's right has a sick service both i have at least four guys up there on that stage bigger than trump and their job is to take a bullet for him okay dave it wasn't anybody up there protecting him uh second um Tulsi gabbard i've heard it come out of her own moat she wants our guns and now third thing there's a caveat to that natural born american not only do your parents have to be born here and you have to be born here but you got to live here for seven years a full seven years in order to run for president obama his parents i think were both in hawaii but he didn't live here seven years he went to indonesia and turned into a muslim before he was seven years old and uh hairless her mother when her and her parents got divorced and i know they weren't neither one of them were born here but her mother took her to Canada before she was seven years old and she lived here up until she was like 19 or 20 so well you don't know if you have to live i don't know that you'd have to live your first step first seven years in the country you may have had to live seven years in the country uh and they're applying that now uh actually to people for instance if you vary somebody i'm talking about obama and hairless these constitutional experts when they first came on the scenes you know to be uh considered for president and that's what they came up with that you know if your first seven years is what i was hurt what i was called so okay well could be i there there's other things where it doesn't have to be your first of your life but you have to live those years in the states to do things like who was hairless by the way amala come on oh here okay here okay come on okay um roger yes morka i just i when i hear you guys talk about this and people getting all into it all i see is the election of a primary resident for the white house and their talent show because it's all of an act it's all a movie for their use services well that always helps me okay versus 33 um well you threw me with the hairless thing Dave um for instance um somebody american comes down here marries an Ecuadorian gal uh he dies she can she asked the first of all i think they have to be married for 10 years and then she has to move to the states and live in the states for seven or ten years or the spouse has to before they can get that social security payment um i am one of my friend okay just second ferris uh one of my friends here's the chiropractor and has two daughters and uh they they were born here in Ecuador to two american parents and even they have to go live in the states for seven years before they can fully be citizens which i found astounding quite frankly i i didn't know it was that way okay ferris what do you got ferris good day all my friends when you yes can you hear me now can you hear me down affirmative affirmative i'm trying to get through oh affirmative the females are killing us and they almost killed trump the the this lady uh kimberly cheetah who is director of secret services the dei hire she is the l_i_c_ which is a lady lesbian and charged whatever and she wants to her goal her only goal is to hire more women in the secret service with your four and a half feet tall not to not nowhere near as tall as as the principal trump so we're starting to get it that it's the females who are killing us in our country and our and our real men and i'm impressed by the progress of this amen amen ferris let me just tell let me girls our girls here we're not talking about you so don't don't please don't take that from these conversations and i'm sorry to tell you ferris is right and if you don't get if you don't believe it go watch that video again when they took him off the stage down to the limousine to get him out of there it's hard to get him out of there that they couldn't get their guns in their holsters and they hid behind him instead in front of him to protect him that's right there on the video from saturday afternoon okay we're not talking about you we're talking about them we're talking about the woman that's in charge of the secret service that ferris alluded to and what is what did britain say behind every powerful woman there's a powerful man and there's somebody behind him named meorkus putting this dei hire in charge of the secret service i trust my case i yield woman are in unnatural roles it's just absolutely and i'm a woman yeah and and listen you heard brent we got into it on on friday i wanted to intentionally score because we've had that conversation before that's not the first time brent and i've talked about that and he brings in all those legal and and and and biblical references and i didn't hear anybody raising the hell that day he was a hot can i insert here yes who is who's the instructor um this is allen uh i i want to clarify something here you can go out and find a woman that is round and can hardly get out of the chair and do you bought the only thing that she's good for is yelling at the kids at the right time etc so forth or whatever position she may have in the uh family however you can also go out and find women bodybuilders that are six to two hundred ten pounds and still have a thirty-two waist so i i don't want to i i i i i want a different differentiate between that but yes it is a softer woman with a round bottom that's making these decisions and then hiring exactly the wrong people for the wrong job yep and then evidently miss assigning them to assignments because that's what happens saturday it appears at this stage was that you first want to say something that i was me right he was in Illinois okay sam allen thank you i agree with you and i think everybody else does too okay go play sam titties okay see you i agree with the last caller what people don't realize is when you're going in for heart surgery you don't really care what the person looks like you want to qualify amen male or female not exactly or a pilot oh there's no no no no discussion there but then now oh we got to be inclusive in all these weird weird psycho all equality bullshit is what it is no i want the guy to be able to fly i don't be able to work on my heart i don't care what you are that's right that's right that's right uh and and this is more i want to off lease officers that give out traffic tickets in order to be restricted to using um easy go instead of the cop cars and and we'll we'll increase our our tickets that way this is actually just hiring the wrong people for the right job that's all i agree yep i agree well that's the whole way the marxist uh marxist crap attorney the whole society upside down you know demonizing the men escalating the women to fill those positions even though they're not qualified even though they don't have the right emotional uh uh composition to do that job they're still up there and the reason is to turn the whole society and culture upside down and they've done a damn good job of it i'm playing higher the reason and let me let me let me give kafara a compliment here part of the reason it's happened is because it was oh no we can't talk about that oh no you can't say that okay there are there are people that are being hired for positions that are critical for the security of this nation purely because they fit the inclusion demographic how about air traffic controllers have you seen all the near misses did you see that near miss last week or one jet taken off in another one landing missed each other by 700 feet i'm seven hundred three credit they're not being hired uh and they're incompetent they're being hired because they are performously incompetent in order to destroy it absolutely the one hundred percent intentional outside the home men make much of their leaders hey right yes i agree yeah well there is our girl hello how are you uh i just wanted to say i'm not sure if you have the right girl or not but i just want to jump yeah yeah i when i first walked by the tv i never watched tv but i was walking by a tv and i saw you know these uh secret service people uh hovering around trump and the first thing i saw was that the what i said oh yeah they make sure and put a woman front and center even though she doesn't belong up there and so i mean can we agree that at least that part was scripted to get a woman center could be i mean she at front and centers where she belongs i mean whoever's the secret service agent is supposed to take a bullet for the president there was i think there was two females there and one of them was behind trump okay so uh if if she was in the front she was kind of doing her job the way i understand it jones was that like a trump sandwich hey roger yeah was a trump it was a trump sandwich hold the pickles hold the lettuce special orders don't upset us yes yeah hey good day this is sketch uh i have two statements that you'd like to make a comment after that's fine and then i have one question uh at this moment november seems to like a distant place and time and they pulled biden's ad they're pulling biden's ad right now with comparing trump the hitler i wonder if you have any comments on those well i think that it may uh in a in a real unusual backlash it may hold their their dogged comments back a little bit they kind of kind of can't come out with that stuff anymore so it's funny their own action would put a put kind of a hold on them that's an interesting comment sketch uh yeah what was somebody was saying i wish so i heard somebody saying that trump should have a whole bunch of ads and i forgot the theme but they have them running absolutely starting today and i wish i could remember the theme it was a brilliant suggestion go ahead sketch right and uh the question is uh did you buy a chance get to see uh viva fry uh he had well i didn't sniper sniper trainer talking about uh uh brain bucket ballistics and very informative and pretty good interview with him in the first half and a good discussion afterwards and i i hope i don't see it i yield thanks so much well i hope i get to see it if i can find it rumble it and post in the dern things and they use rumble as their master platform so there's two times recently i can't find it it's not even the 30-minute segments aren't posted over on bit shoot or wherever i'll get marked to shoot me the link from uh from uh locals but yeah just hacks me off you know i'm looking all night for that it one of the high points of my week and i they're not posting it i don't know why so anyway i'll get to it thanks sketch for telling me it's a good one um who else is rumble rumble rumble is i just want to let you know rumble is starting to scrub stuff there are things that i've watched that you can no longer find i yield well hell man barns wrote their policies and procedures fries one of their belly ba ba ba Canadians so i don't know why they use the platform at rumble to do the whole show because he's bringing in the little rumble office things here and trying them lately so why it wouldn't be on there i've no idea but it's i'll find it somewhere uh there's our whistler so uh thanks sketch um if anybody's got anything else to bring up on this topic you better do it quick cuddling does um i didn't come in until just after nine but um for the after the first hour you know do you have any thoughts on the possibility of this being a tie up because the blood did not look at natural natural bloodlines no i no i can't no no trumpet trumpet and co-operating with these people one of the scenes i did talk about that and i just don't i don't believe that okay if you want to believe that you go ahead i don't think so so all right anybody else got something there's somebody going normally yeah Roger that trump sandwich they tried to put swiss cheese on it i thought they wanted some right yeah to fish in there in the middle there dave yes there probably was yeah Roger yes you know Roger you know these people is boring is boring we all know these people being lying to us for the longest you know and we are falling for it it did all made up this stage uh you know the work is not working we all players you know and don't know who's part of the club it was we crowd to us about yes about we had to get the vaccine and that's just my personal opinion okay okay well i don't agree with you so for that on the record we're about to end the show tomorrow we'll be back tomorrow on the sixteenth my uh patriot birthday and maybe we'll have some other things to talk about but probably not see you then okay i'm gonna go get a glass of water oh yeah i'll be back are you leaving are you leaving Roger i had one thing to say oh well now he's not leaving yet he's gonna go get a drink of water and he'll be back and uh he'll get back in a minute um don't know how long he's gonna hang around well this has been a really really really interesting show lots of lots of uh lots of colleagues you know here's what i don't understand here's what i'm not getting a lot of a lot of media is saying whatever they want to say obviously there's six of them that control everything yet they're not being held accountable for it no no where is there nobody to hold them accountable Sam the Smith modern modernization act that was passed by obama that was pushed through by obama basically uh neutered any regulations that required them to tell the truth so they can okay in the speech right you don't want it you don't want to get that freedom of speech 100 but also be able to to kind of put the same thing out that they hey look this is a call to action i was just watching i watch these people that's all they do let them be accountable for it okay well all right let's not have freedom of speech then then let google be accountable because youtube struck my channel on a video that mentioned the covid vaccine and that is after Pfizer has paid billions of dollars in damages that's where all of the myocarditis and and the the clotting and all that all of the people that have actually come out some of which on mainstream media that have said that the vaccines were problematic yet youtube censored one of my videos just this week just this last week we need a class action lawsuit against oh that's ob's well google is definitely complicit okay go ahead go ahead no go ahead Sam okay all i'm saying is you got a reporter saying this or this call them out say hey look keep saying that and maybe the people should go after you that's where our problem is the media is starting all this and people are going nuts hey guy you're you're saying this it's a lot no no let's go after you throw a rock a bottle and i'm not saying i don't want to be a call to action you know throw a water bottle at the guy or whatever but let's put them out there let's let's say hey no let's fight that can say no let's let's go after the people who are telling the stories who are not accountable or or telling the truth there's no they're not actually true they're just putting that narrative out there to stir the people up well that's where our problem is let's go after what the problem is how do we go after it well we have so much media that everybody does is able to speak obviously you know uh but again you know if if if if someone's selling a product okay and and you know and everybody's buying and all the suns everybody stops buying it you think the manger that he's going to continue to buy it because they can't sell it they have to they have to eliminate it people are giving their votes by watching this crap don't do it you know yeah exactly but but they're still out there and people are still buying it hey hey wait a minute they look how much they lost because they're the message yeah but they don't care they didn't care about that i think there was some big controversy on how how much business they did lose bringing out this freak of nature hey i think the vote counts i mean that's what they want is the vote don't give them the vote stop watching cnf you know put it out i wonder what's your pay heart that today yes be interesting to see you at well nobody watches and we'll get extra so what they say but unfortunately there are a few people that watch them and unfortunately even even more they agree with them so uh geez almighty you can't be more than a hundred though roger oh no across the country can i know for yourself Dave i know i'm joking but but i don't watch it but i i hear it almost every day what these scumbags in the media are saying and they're all saying to kill trump i wonder what she said one more well well i'm sure somebody will have that well it's supposedly unless you're a democrat if you're republican it is but if you're a democrat it's not they let it slide because they don't prosecute it that's why we got to get these bastards out of there that's why we got to get this goddamn thing exposed man the control of the money and the laws are all because of what we've uncovered here it'd be oh yeah no no maybe we can call the democrats the septicons okay i gotta switch over guys trump i have a friend trump roger i have a question pardon okay yeah let's get some con for eat or i'm going off yes kathleen please really unrelated um and i don't remember if i asked you or someone else my mother was born in washington dc that change anything with my status or how i go about anything or do no in washington dc no no no no just send it in don't worry about it unless somebody confronts you with it i'm not planning on running for president or vice president or any political position but i just wanted to know what the national status yes no i don't think it has anything to do with that at all okay anybody else got something for me or novel or whatever so we're going to hear the we're going to hear this assassination stuff for the rest of the day and probably the rest of the week and some people said to you all right go at kathleen hold on your phone cuts in and out a little bit so could say again what you're going to say yes um so the um the green card because i i sent it via certified mail but we were talking yesterday um and that some people were talking about that i may not get the green card right away but it may be well you might not you might not get it at all or i might not get it for a month one and a half yeah you might not get it at all kathleen that's a one cheetah thing it goes to how many pieces of mail are processed in the country today it's staggering and suppose that that little one little flat thing gets stuck in a newspaper or magazine or something else and it goes off somewhere else and you never get it so what you do is you take the number and you go to the internet and you go to the united states post office and track it on the internet if it's been received there print that and put it in your folder it doesn't really matter if you get the green card or use certified in our system when you put it into the mail system it's considered received right i remember you saying that i just want to be assured that you know i that things that you did and when i start attending notice all right go go to go the go the internet and check put the number in and check and if they've uh received it forget about it the green card may or may not come print that if you're if you're uh real neurotic about it print that off of the screen and uh stick in your folder you'll be fine okay there's nothing that you can do wrong really here okay uh it's one quick thing yes and and i just want to let people know that um to be careful of some of the inks that are used in these printers particularly at libraries and home computers make sure that they're not a soy based ink because soy based ink actually starts crumbling over time and if it's a form you need to keep in your file as a permanent document make sure that it's an actual laser printer with the proper toner well then the other second way you overcome this is you go and apply for a passport card and it'll be in their files there too as a backup should be the primary one really okay okay and how long do you think i should wait before sending notices elsewhere i'm sure you should probably get on as soon as as soon as possible as soon as i see the number that's it's been received on the computer okay if you if that's why you want to do it do it that way well i know i'm going to ask you your advice because i don't want to well my advice is that you don't even need to have certified return receipt requests and you can just put it in the mail but other people you guys don't believe that so you want all these other layers of confirmation and that's fine with me it'll help you sleep better now you do it that way oh man i mean i get it i get all these guys i get i only got three stars on my passport card hell they won't tell me why they won't do this i mean you know please people you you're so damn anal i understand why i'm not criticizing you but that's very anal okay well does that mean we're anal retained if otherwise just curious well if you're if you're that there that probably feeds over the rest of your life wouldn't you think yeah i just wanted to say uh kind of bolster your assurance there is uh i sent my affidavit in on the very same day that i sent to who is going to be needing to be affected by it and i receive you know received a response from who needed to be affected by it but i never received a green card and i only send in one sentence okay you can always take a picture with your phone yeah rudge one thing one thing about the whole trump and the shooting and whatever um you're going to hear about it all day long just make sure that you're not allowing that to completely um control your focus keep an eye on the other things the government's doing right about now because they're probably hiding something using this well they're very good at that they're very good at all very good about it all yeah since 1933 in the bankruptcy these are agencies and they like dave said you know they control the money that's that's how a uh harrow wallace rosenthal right first they had to control the money so they could have international conquest through propaganda and this propaganda is over the top about killing trump and and tds the trump derangement syndrome so i sent an email to you rudge the first two hours of john more show with um sam andrew she's a weapons expert and it was very very interesting to hear his take on it you know okay you might you might enjoy that all right thank you because everything else is more he loves the freaking keys so i'm not real big on him well i'm talking about this expert that he has on and you know so that's kind of well worth listening to but the thing i have to keep in mind too is um different things they have pulled and now he was down with uh you know he had all the particulars but he was really down with that white settlement thing which was a staged event he said why did the guy wear a trench coat well you know why did he say him because he was a player and that's how they identified him you know so there's there's all these mixtures of things there i was just found uh prophecy a guy on march 14 said that trump would be shot in the right ear who knows yikes wow well i guess one thing he didn't have to go get his ear pierced now does he yeah paul romantic sort of does it humorously right and he said that's all where someone had posted i didn't listen to very much of it but the title was uh something about uh okay no no more about the arrangement or the um dementia you know about joe now it's just trump goes ear pierced that's right okay anybody else got something for me today or are we going to go off on our separate ways here roger this is robbie from north carolina hello robbie hi robbie i i listened to a conference call once a week and i heard a couple very interesting things one was an interview with jim willie and david nino ronriguez and jim willie said that the bronson case has been won however it's not going to come out because the justices have to be guarded uh and protected and so that's something in the works i just wanted to put that bug in your ear secondly uh secondly another interview well actually it was a taping with geroam pal and the black congressman it might have been tim scott not sure and he asked geroam pal point blank would it be best for the economic security of our country to get rid of the fed and geroam pal said yes now i'm trying to get ahold of those links where people can hear them themselves but i thought that was pretty big news and finally i grew up with um a girlfriend whose father was in the secret service and her older sister became a presidential secret service uh guard whatever whatever and though i'm with with everyone on this i if i had a choice between a man or woman guarding me this was one of those really large built women very smart very well trained and she's still in demand today even though she's semi-retired she's guarded many of the presidents and she told me some juicy things but anyway that's what i have and i love your roger i hope you're feeling better today and uh blessings to all thank you uh thank you and we're not doing we're not dissing we're not dissing women they're capable women and there are a lot of incapable women unfortunately these people always want to use the incapable women that they can manage their emotions or manipulate them if you will uh and uh that's the way it is so anybody else yeah that was the first thing that stood out to me looking at that was why is a woman there and a five foot four woman you know but i wondered if it wasn't so you could see trump you know they're if there's some staging involved here right and um like this andrew says uh you know they do need women in these agencies to uh collect information and whatever else you know be able to go in the ladies room and you know whatever hear everything right so that's important but it's like like women in anything it's different you shouldn't be protecting a large male body you know because you can't cover it nope okay all right nobody else got anything for me today one more thing before you run away i'm going to send you is the bronson thing from the uh good lion films and i'll post it in the chats too it was done a while ago and what robbie's talking about this is important because uh they are kind of keeping keeping it close to their chest and some of the justices actually helped bronson loy bronson is the one in particular he just had a real affinity for law and um you know yeah all right well i hope it's true okay so we'll see uh otherwise in that i'll be back uh tomorrow with you on my gosh what what is it 30 second 30 second patriot birthday wow that's almost almost half of my lifetime i've been spending this right here okay that's a birthday well we'll see tomorrow okay all right well otherwise i'll see y'all then and have a great day and we'll all keep up and reject it all right thank you for everything tidbits you're welcome for us thank you very much i appreciate you too and we'll be back tomorrow bring some tidbits of what you hear and we'll no doubt have the discussion again tomorrow yep thank you paul okay i'll see y'all tomorrow ciao all right take it easy and that was the roger stills radio ranch for monday first hour we had john casseriv on talking about that i terra wand it's uh uh or really the deal it is go to the matrix the upper right hand corner little blue box you can find john casseriv's contact information he takes care of that for the radio ranch you'll find his email address you'll find his phone number you can reach out to him and uh talk to him about it um we're here monday through saturday 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. eastern time on numerous platforms and i don't need to go through them again now i do them at the beginning of every show for more information on topics discussed please go to you can also go to nationals only dot com and uh it goes to the same place it's like a front door to back door on the same house you know you're gonna get it that's it for me i'm out of here and i want everybody to have a great day today and a better day tomorrow until we see you right back here 11 a.m. eastern on the radio ranch with roger sales by now blasting the voice of freedom worldwide you're listening to the global voice radio network bye bye boy have fun storming the castle