Global Voice Radio Network's tracks

Radio Ranch with Roger Sayles


1h 13m
Broadcast on:
15 Jul 2024
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This mirror stream on the Global Voice Radio Network is brought to you in part by for support of the mitochondria like never before. So, brand new products still in pre-launch. Check it out, Ph.A.T., It's also brought to you by and the PRife International iTerraCare Terahertz Frequency Wand. Here's more info about that. The iTerraCare device has the ability to awaken dormant stem cells in the bone marrow. Yes, we have slipping stem cells in our bone marrow. As you keep blowing this on your spine, you're activating the stem cells. And guess what? You're going to create brand new lungs, brand new kidneys. Eventually, as you keep using this over time, you will have brand new organs, glands and tissues in your body. And that's a great news. You have to keep blowing this on your spine because this is what the great Hippocrates said. There's a way to hit the bones, then all diseases can be treated. Activate that, awaken that stem cells in your bone marrow. Hit the bones using the future of medicine, which is frequency. This is your time. Grab your wand device right now. For more information on the iTerraCare Classic Terahertz Frequency Wand, go to Forward moving and focused on freedom, you're listening to the Global Voice Radio Network. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] Oh, yes, well, have no doubt the world is changing, and we got a good example of it just this past weekend now, didn't we? Yes. Oh, no doubt. We'll discuss that along with everybody else all day, you know, today and foreseeable couple of days, I'm sure, and if you didn't know what happened Saturday afternoon, you've been in a cave somewhere. Roger Sales here, your host on the Monday, of birthday week for me, couple of birthdays this week for me, I'll explain in a minute, and it is July the 15th, and we are the radio ranch, and we've got Paul Beener with us, and we've also got John Gazera, who's our, hey, might as well call you the regular Monday first-hour co-host. Can you put that on a business card? So, anyway, Paul's here to, he probably can't get all the platforms we're on on a business card in all actuality. Paul keeps up with him, he gives them proper credit here at the start of each program. Would you do that for us, please, Paul? Yes, I can do that, good morning, everyone. We're of course on and on Global Voice Radio Network,, it's the flagship station, thanks to Pastory Light, James, and we're also on 106.9 WBO UFM in Chicago, Monday through Friday for the first-hour. We're on and, thanks to WDRN Productions, Fort Collins, Colorado, lots of exciting things going on there, and we're also on Go Live TV and Stream Life.Tube for the entire two hours, not a little longer, I think. For more information on the topics discussed, please go to, You can also go to and that'll get you there, you'll find links to Eurofolkradio, Global Voice Radio, and the links for FCC and Zoom, so you can actually join us live on the show, if you like. There's news, student resources, downloads, interviews, lots of fun stuff. Pack a lunch, stay the day. Warner Raj, how you doing? Hey, Paul. I guess I heard John come in there right as the curtain was going up, so good morning, John. Good morning. Good morning. Happy birthday, too. Well, I got two birthdays this week, you want to go into that a little bit, my real one is Saturday, I'll be 76 years old, unbelievable, and the other one is tomorrow, and that one is my Patriot birthday, and that was the night that Bill Clinton had his first acceptance speech, played the saxophone, where the thing was two hours long, and I had, oh, I don't know, 30, 45 minutes before he started. I had started looking at a video by a guy named Al Carter out of Utah. He was a PA Y-Treat, and he basically had ripped off all of Phil Marsh's material and was out there trying to make profit off of it, and probably both of those names are unfamiliar to a large part of our audience, or some of the old timers that have paved the way, good or bad, and when the speech came up, I decided to, because I wanted to watch it, I was pretty intrigued with Mr. Clinton, and so I figured I'd be 15, 20, 30 minutes long, and I'd go back and finish that video, and as you may know or remember, it was two hours long, long time ago, and I didn't get back to it until Saturday morning, and I woke up, it was one of those mornings you wake up, and you don't even need a cup of coffee, you're just out right, you're awake, and I bounded down the stairs and stuck that video in the recorder and got the second half of that video, I was already intrigued, you know, he was telling stuff like, "Oh, the lean statute is from the back," if you read it, notice the leanness for federal employees, all that kind of stuff, titillating, and so when I got finished watching the second half of it, that morning, I said to myself, "If they can screw us this bad without us knowing about it, what the hell else is going on," and that was the start of my quest, that morning, that incident, that exact scenario, and that will be commemorated tomorrow in some way, so anyway, that's important to me, and the reason I could tag that was just to go back to the net and find out the night of Bill Clinton's acceptance speech, so I know exactly what date it was, and man, now we got all this bundle of worms this morning, thank God, I mean, this is divine intervention, if you, if any of you, I know a lot about that, oh, there's a question about a lot of stuff, okay, but I said no question about divine intervention, oh, oh, oh, okay, I missed the no, if you don't believe in God, you saw it Saturday afternoon, okay, that bill that all it needed was just a slight, I don't even know how much, a millimeter, two millimeters, to the right, and it was in his brain, and he's gone, and now, with the way things have worked out, they've got to continue to try and kill him, because after what happened Saturday, he is basically the stew in for the election, okay, I just heard this morning, I knew there were some other people that were behind him, that were killed, there's two people killed, I believe in a couple winded, one of them was a pull, one of them was a police chief who got in front of his daughter and his wife to stop the bullets, and he took the bullets and it killed him, I think it's pillar, yes, pillar of the community, all that just, it just makes me sick, folks, and the confusion on the, who who was supposed to be in control over there, I mean, it was absolute, dereliction of duty, it appears to be that way, we'll find out as we go forward what, here, you know, fire chief gets me here, hold on a second, Ferris, if you would please because it's like John's hour, yeah, okay, fire chief, it was a fire chief, right, what kills me is, here we are, and, okay, there echo is it quit, okay, here we are with this answer that they got no answer for, I mean, we just flat beat them right here, okay, and we can't get frigging people to listen to where we can get enough people to be effective to stop crap like that that happens Saturday, that's what upsets me, hmm, yeah, so, anyway, I know we'll talk about it, it's going to be the topic of conversation, obviously, but this is John's time with the one, John, you got any comments or anything, you know, I, you know, you want to get on with the talking about this stuff today, I mean, let's do it because it's really significant, and we can do the one thing anytime, that's not a big deal, but this is really important to have discussions among people because the information that's coming out is just quite amazing about the feds not having responsibility for the whole control of the area, the fact that they knew the guy was even up there, there's a report that was an officer actually engaged with him, but he went back down because the guy pointed a rifle at him, I mean, there's just so much stuff coming out right now, plus the political ramifications of Judge Cannon canceling Jack Smith, I mean, the world's coming along. Well, I haven't even heard that. I haven't even heard that. What was that? Judge Cannon, Florida judge. Yep. She just dismissed the case, said that he was unlawfully appointed, that he was receiving funds, he was not authorized to receive. Yep. And in the case, these guys are done, folks, they're done. Can you can you see it? And they are absolutely desperate, as we saw Saturday, and they're going to get more desperate as it goes forward because they got no answers. They're caught in red handed and just on the stuff they're doing in the agenda, not what we have. Man, if we could get this information out to the nation, can you even fathom what the repercussions would be? Well, initially, they're not going to want to do that because they're going to want to vote the federal election. Oh, they're motivated to vote for sure. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, Raj, you never ever ever imagined in your life that the information that you've got at this particular point in time would actually be the least of their worries right now with everything else blowing up in their faces. Well, that's probably true, Paul. That's probably true. No, go ahead, John, if you will. Well, it's just more you've got all this business about Joe Biden's statement that he needed a bullseye on the Trump, right? Quickly trying to retract that statement. They're casting up like a like crawfish, man. Yeah, no kidding. No kidding. I think it's absolutely amazing the way this whole thing happened. And then they've got the goal, these people have the goal out there to say that this was all faked. I know it wasn't fake. I can tell you how I know it wasn't fake as a guy who has been in the situation where you have a lot of incoming rounds coming at you, like in Vietnam. You learn real quick when you get hit. But see, they trying to say Trump knew about this thing. I can tell you how I absolutely know he didn't know anything about it because Trump acted like a new guy in the combat unit. In other words, when you have a first contact with a new guy, he doesn't know what's happening. Trump, if he had been attuned to what was happening with these shots going through there, the little tinge on his ear, he would have hit the ground. All right, I may instead, he didn't, he turned and he put his hand up there to feel what that what got done. And he, when he went down, he went down slowly, he did not go, he didn't pancake. If I was up there and that round came through, I would have been flat on that bit on the ground in an instant. I mean, you wouldn't even have seen me move. He didn't know anything about this. And for them to say that this was all faked. I mean, come on, come on, quit trying to cover your tracks. I hear some of the most ridiculous theories out of people on him, him being involved with them and all this stuff. It's just ridiculous. Okay. I mean, I know they play intrigue and do all that kind of stuff, but not to this level. Okay. And I always go back to the old Middle Eastern saying the enemy of my enemy is my friend. He's never wrong. Okay. So what do you want to do? I don't, I don't, I don't know this create. I don't know that this creates a real progress. Yes, it does. Because they have been inactive. Yeah, with the rhinos in charge for so long, and now we've got a little bunch of very spirited Republicans, it's going to be very interesting to see what comes this whole week is going to be really interesting. What the Democrat, the Republicans convention starts in Milwaukee next week, this weekend. Oh yeah, this weekend. Yeah, I think so. Yeah. And the mayor Milwaukee's going, ah, we don't need any insecurity. We got this. Do you all want to talk about this for two hours? Because I don't know if I can. I'm so blasted up that about it. Well, let's go ahead and play the price thing and go for one. And we, there's an hour to talk about it in the after the next hour. And I mean, I'm just upset. Let me ask that there's the audit. You want to go this way this morning and get your mind off of this crap for a little bit. Yeah, we don't hear any calls. So I'm going to say that's an affirmative. Go ahead and let's get this, get the price thing started and use that time of that. We had, we have plenty of time to discuss this. We don't even know everything that's come out yet. Uh, et cetera, et cetera. So let's do this and stay on a routine. Yeah, we don't know that. Absolutely. Um, I think I have all the right buttons pressed. But we'll know within five seconds of this. Yeah, we'd like to stay on it for two hours because the voice of the people will bring up the James on. And, um, we are very, very excited about today's live stream. Um, because we have wonderful stories as always. All right. And first of all, uh, before we introduce the two guests, I guess sometimes in life, it takes a turn and we just don't know what to do with it. And it's not something that we asked for or wish for, but it happens to us. And sometimes, unfortunately, a lot of people just give up, but those who persevere and keep an open mind, um, they recover from whatever problems that they have. And today, both these stories will reveal exactly just that nothing more, nothing less is something that happened to them that completely change their vocation, something that they have love and practice and breathe and everything for years. And something happened and it just changed that. So, uh, the first story that we are going to cover is a man born in France, but now he's in Belgium, a very colorful personality full of life, full of life. And, uh, can we please welcome all the way from Belgium, Mr. Bruno Trombini, otherwise known as Iron Man. That's why I kept his name there as Iron Man. How are you Bruno? Hey, hey, doctor. I'm good. I'm good. I'm great. I'm great. Now, um, let's get on with your story. And, um, I'm sure it's going to touch the lives of many people who will be watching even after this live stream because it's recorded. And, um, the reason why you came to our live stream is because you just want to help someone, right? Hopefully when they review this video and they can feel that, um, there is hope, right? For whatever situation, whatever problem they may have, um, if they're just going to give it a shot and, uh, try this wonderful magical one, but to start off with your story, can I have your permission to share, uh, your photo? Because I think that speaks volume. It just goes to show what kind of person personality character that you are. All right. Full of life. You are full of life indeed. So this is the, um, wonderful, uh, photo. Look at him. Full of life, isn't it? I mean, this photo speaks volume, right? So tell us about your, your, your passion, your love, and everything before anything happened. You know, tell us about it. Yeah. My question, my love is, you know, I'm, I'm 25 years in network marketing. My passion, our people, you know, and the day of today, I think, uh, we need to focus on people and not anymore on money. We need to help all those people who are in need. There is a lot of doing on this word right now. Uh, difficult time, the COVID, uh, people losing jobs. Um, oh, we, we can talk about it for hours, but my focus is on people helping each other. And also, you know, um, this is my mission, you know, when I, and, and you know, more so, more so now because of what you have gone through in life and you appreciate every day. And, uh, if I may share the next one, which is this particular incident that you had a near-death experience. Tell us about it. Yeah. In 1997, I was, uh, with a group of, uh, children, uh, to teach them how to ski and, um, I lost control and I fall into, uh, an abyss and I heard my back on the rock in the water and I went out. The light went out. So, and I wake up in a tunnel of light for the people who doesn't know what the tunnel of light is is, um, you die and you go to the light and I need Jesus there and he sent me back for a reason. And when I woke up, I was like, you know, I was like, what is going on here? Where am I? Yeah. And they brought me with the helicopter, um, to the hospital. I couldn't work for a year. I have to wear, you know, a corset. And, um, yeah, I was very bad. Very, very bad. I can just imagine, I can just imagine. And, um, not only that, um, you experienced something else a few years later. And if I may share this one, you had colon cancer. Tell us about it. Yeah. So, um, I was, um, doing the, the floor here in my house and in once I collapse, I collapse. And, uh, my intestines just blew up in my belly and they are to, to bring me to the hospital and then they saw that I was like dying because all the intestines, I was, you know, poisoning myself and these also that I had cancer. I went into a coma for two months and I lost so many kilos. I went from 100 kilo to 42 kilo. So I was really, really bad. The photo on the left, on the knee, I was just awake from that coma. So, um, I have three stoma back over 40 years of time. They have been doing like 38 calloscopy. They have been putting a stench in me. I have been having so hard time to crawl back to the top bed. I never give up. I never give up. This is my, my strength, my mindset is stronger than my body. At that moment, I was not a man anymore. I was like, yeah. And, and over the years, because of your experiences in life, you are also a life coach, you are training, you inspire people, people with all kinds of problems, you give them hope, you help them. Tell us about that. Um, you know, what you have done for people around you. Oh, yeah. What, what I have done for people, it's incredible, you know, but, you know, I'm passionate about what I do. And when you have the passion, yeah, I don't care. I work like between 15, 16, 18 hours a day. And, and when people need me, I'm always there. When they call me, I always on the phone. When they send me a message, they get the direct answer. And why? Because people, they need me to solve their problems. If I can do that, I feel happy. I love to our people getting a smile on their face. For me, it's important because if they are happy, I'm happy. And then you can share that knowledge to them. So they can pass on that knowledge to others. So, you know, life is giving. When you give to people, you receive and, you know, love, love is important. Peace, love is so important. But unity, I think unity is also important. When you bring people together and you help each other. Yeah, because guys, the day of today, you need to be like that. Yeah, it's good for everyone, good for everyone. And, you know, as if that wasn't everything a few months ago, you were repairing your fans and you had a fall and the all injuries got aggravated. And tell us what happened. You couldn't walk. And yeah, listen, I think four, five years ago, I fell from my roof and I cut three tens. And I fell on my, so I was very hurting. They repaired that. They upgrade me. But I'm not the guy we've given up. So I was going and going and going. And when the horse died, we have to break down the fence. And I was too, I think I'm 20 years in my head. So I forced my body. I see it. You know, I forced my body and what is coming up. And I had a torn on my biceps. And also my shoulder was almost dislocated. And on my back, I had also a torn on my trapezium muscle. So I couldn't move on my arm anymore. I couldn't do nothing. And then, you know, two ladies I knew from New Zealand, a good friend of mine, my big sister, Janice Smith from New Zealand, she couldn't take a look at me like that in so much pain. And she sent me a wand. She said, you have to do it. Follow the protocol, drink the water, warn yourself every day. But at that moment, I had a problem with sciatics. And I couldn't walk for five weeks. So imagine you cannot walk your charter. You cannot do nothing. You lie down in the bed. The when came my wife started wanting me and after three, four, five days, not going to lie to you, I think four days, I was coming out of my bed and walking again. One month later, I couldn't shake with that arm. No more pain, no more trapezil, no more guffinac, no more painkillers. I'm pain totally pain free. My back pain free. I do everything. I sport again. I'm still boarding again. Yes. Yes. I'm still boarding again. Can I share? Can I share the video of you snowboarding again? That's the most recent one. That's the current one. That's amazing. I'll just share this one. All right, guys, just watch this. Look at this man go. Few days ago, I'm 58, guys. Having a ball of a time. Can I still have it? Oh, yeah. You still have it for sure. It's nice to be able to do what you love. Thank you, President National. I try to feel my back. No more pain. I feel reborn again. Oh, I love that. I love that post. Super cool, man. Super cool. Love your story, you know. Yeah, and you know coming from a background, you know, in network marketing and this product works now. So I guess there's no stopping you right? Your passion, your belief level to help you. Yeah, don't forget. I'm the iron man. You cannot stop me. Yeah, tell us. Why do they call you the iron man? I mean, they've been known as. Yeah, why do they call you iron man? Because listen, it comes back when I divorce and I lost my money, my, my, my own, my marriage, my kids, and I have been living on the street for one year and a half. A lot of people doesn't know that. And it was very confronting. And I'm very, I became a very art person because what doesn't kill you, make you stronger. And I have learned that no pain, no gain. So me, I never give up on my pain. Every single day, I move forward. And that's my message for you guys. If you have that kind of mentality, you will always succeed on your dream. It's just about mindset. Okay. And that product has been helping me to get back my mindset and optimize my mindset. So I'm very grateful for that. And the eye terracare, it's just, wow, it just moved my life in the right direction. So thank you, thank you, Dr. James. Thank you. Thank you, Bruno. Very touching. And I wish you all the best. And personally, I hope to meet you one day. Okay. Absolutely. And don't forget, why they call me the eye on man? I got a titanium. You have metal titanium iron. That's why. Okay. So have a nice day. Thank you very much for inviting me. Anyway, thank you, Bruno. Thank you for sharing. Have a nice day. All right. So there you guys have heard it amazing testimony from a wonderful guy, full of life, full of life. And in his journey right now, I think he has an additional purpose. And that is to help share this wonderful device with anyone he knows, because it has helped him a lot. Now, we are very fortunate and blessed because we have another wonderful guest. But this time is from New Jersey, USA. And can we please give a warm welcome to Courtney Rebecca. All right. And yes, you have to unmute yourself, Courtney. And welcome. Welcome to Pride International's live stream. Hi. Hi. Good morning to you. Good morning. Oh, it's our pleasure. It's when I saw your story on Facebook group, I said, I definitely have to connect with this lady, because she has a wonderful story to share. Now, for our viewers, who may not know of Courtney's background, she has been a fitness instructor for more than 30 years, teaching many things, right? So maybe you can tell us what was it that you were teaching for more than 30 years? And what happened to you? Okay. So I started, I started my career in Deperobic. So that's how long ago I have been teaching. Wow. I can't even remember a step Arabic. That was a long time ago. Yeah. Yes. And I'm still teaching step. So we're keeping it alive. But I transitioned a lot into programs that were created by a gentleman and less knows. So I do body pump, body attack. Yes. Very, very, very strange, very high intensity workout, isn't it? Yes. Yes. You must be super fit. I mean, to be able to do that, especially your doctor, right? You know, yes, I like to think so until my until my voice started getting bigger than me. And then I just said, you know what, I should probably. And that's what brings me here, which I'm so blessed about was, you know, our son, who is now six, 430 pounds. Wow. Wow. Just turns 17 years old, and he's a big football player, absolutely. You must be absolutely proud of him. And something happened to him, right? And you bought the magical one for him, actually, not so much for you. So maybe you can tell us more about what his problem was. And can I have the opportunity to share what you send to me? Absolutely. Yeah. So that you can, you can talk about it. Okay. All right. Let me see. Okay. Here we go. So this is a medical report. And you see here, the two different dates, September 9, 2022. And just a few weeks later, September 23, 2022. And his problem just carries us through. What was his problem? So unfortunately, he ended up getting mono. And I'm not sure how familiar everybody is with mono. I was familiar with mono, but I didn't know how it really truly affected the organs in your body. And one of the organs that it affects is your spleen. And when if you have an enlarged spleen and you play a contact sport at my son's age, and I think even adults, there's people in the NFL that have actually had their spleen removed. But if you have an enlarged spleen at his age in high school, they won't let you participate in any contact sport, because if you get hit in the spleen, you will bleed out. It's potential that you could bleed out. Right. So you use the, you know, eye therapy device and you tell us what did you do for him. And because the report here shows that the spleen is smaller compared to prior exam. Yes. So we are pretty healthy family. We've been on this journey now for about 10 years. And we've been taking something that has supported our immune system and fruits and vegetables. And so he got over the symptoms of mono, that tiredness constant, you know, can't get their head off the pillow. He got over that pretty quickly. But the spleen, the doctor just said, there's really nothing that you can give him. There's nothing that you can do in order to get that spleen down. It's just a matter of time, you know, you can come back and get another ultrasound. At six four and, you know, being in football in a game, I mean, that's like on the way to superstar, you know, I mean, to have the doctors saying that they can't do anything with the spleen problem, that must have come crashing down. Yeah, I think I took it harder than he did. Yeah. Yeah. So nevertheless, you kept an open mind, you must have heard it from someone. And then you bought the, the, the eye tara care device. And then you, how did you use it on him? Like once or twice a day, how did you do it? Tell us. So I do want to backtrack. So in my mind, being in the fitness space and being in the wellness space, I said there has to be something. So I'm here to tell you when, you know, doctors are wonderful, but you need to be your own advocate and you need to take control of your health as best as you can. And so I went searching actually for something for my son, because I knew that there was something out there that could help him. Wow. Amazing. You use, you did your own research. You look for something else. Wow. Yes. And during my research, I'll pop something in my inbox of a gal that was in my networking group. And she was sharing this wand. Amazing. And I looked into it and I said, the science makes sense. I have a, I was a chem bio major in college. So I love science. And yes. And so when I saw the science about how the vibration of the water molecule taking it from a polymeric form and cluster form into a linear form, that completely made sense to me. Wow. So at the end of the day, I just said, you know what, what do I have to lose? Yeah. Let me give this to try what, you know, I was in a pretty desperate place because we were pretty well into the football season. I know I can understand. I can feel you, you know. And so now he's right on track, right? So he's back on again after a couple of weeks. And the medical report shows that his clean size is smaller than previous exam. So wow. Congratulations. Now, tell us about your situation, about how you got injured because of your yoga post. Tell us about it. Yes. So unfortunately, I've been in the fitness doing, you know, all different high intensity classes. But I thought at my age, I better start doing more yoga. You know, it's just to help the bones, the ligaments, everything. I thought it was just a good idea. And being an athlete and thinking to myself, oh, I can do that. Like, and so unfortunately, I did oppose that. Probably what happened was it triggered the issue in my low, in my low back. And it basically was the straw that broke the camel's back for a second. There may have been some kind of weakness there. And it was just that one movement that just threw me over the edge. And it really impacted me that I just was lying on the floor crying tears saying this, this is horrible. That's what happens. Because when you're so active and you're into sport, and you can't do the things that you absolutely love that bring you joy and that you can help when you help people that way in the fitness space, it's really trying. So, I know, emotionally and everything, you know, because it's something that you love doing and it's your passion. And that is now affected. So can I show your medical report about what, you know, your hernia. Yes. So this is yours. And here it talks about the situation you have with your L5 and also your L4, right? So your L5 S1, there's a mild disc height loss, etc. I think people can read it. So, and then your L4 to L5, there is a disc bulge with mild bilateral. Yeah, I can't really read it. It's too small for me. Yes. Anyway. Yes. And I did and they did reference the first MRI that I had back in October of 2019, which is when the incident actually happened. And I thought I had Berlotti syndrome. And that's what made the doctor say, okay, I need you to go for another MRI. So that second MRI in December 12th. Yeah. What was this? I mean, the pain level. I mean, like, how did you cope with it? You know, holding myself up as I walked around, like my kitchen, just lying down on the floor and the hardwood floor was probably the best position for me. Well, it was pretty sad. My mindset, and I'm a pretty strong mindset. Like Bruno says, you know, you just and I didn't really share a whole lot because I'm not a negative type person. But it really, it really affected me because I just so enjoy working out and teaching classes. And I just thought, this is it. Like, this is it for me, you know, you hear people get these herniated discs. They can't do the things that they want. And so I just kind of put myself in that space. And then I thought to myself, court, you just need to get over yourself. You really, like, this is really not life-ending. Like, there are so many people that are worse off than you. You just really need to get a hold in yourself. And so I did this. You know what? I'm going to do whatever I can to get better, and no matter what it is. And so I done physical therapy. I done all of that. And that was very, very helpful. As long as I stayed on top of it. So you saw how the Itara ke work for your son. So you decided to give it a shot, right? And you tried it. Yes, I thought to myself, I was reading all these stories and what happened with my son. I was like, yeah, wow, this is incredible. I'm just going to start drinking the water, wanting my body. And I actually went through a healing crisis. I didn't know it at the time. But my pain was always on my right side. Came back. Yeah. And now in the pain left and transferred to my left side. That's right. It was so bad. Dr. It was so bad. Wow. So you slow down a bit, right? You have to, because when you have a healing process, you're supposed to back off of it, you know, go slow. Yes. And I thought to myself, wow, this is really intense. And I did just that. I backed off. Drank the water did very, you know, little wanding until I got through that. And my pain was gone. Wow. I, I can't even tell you like, I was, I was so blown away. And the stuff that I can do in my classes again, this is so amazing. Oh, I love it. I honestly, I don't know if I would believe it if I was hearing it. But I know, I know, you probably be thinking, Oh, too good to be true. You know, like what most people would be. Yes. When they hear something like this, right? Yeah. Wow. It's amazing. I mean, what more can you say? And right now you are fitness instructor, you're doing amazing. Taking from my hip, extension. Yeah, you know, just it's unbelievable. Like, I don't, I don't have pain when I sit anymore. Like in my car was horrible. Wow. So, thank God you kept an open mind. And everything is about the mind, isn't it? If you want to stay defeated and get depressed about situations, you can. That's your choice. That's your right, your right. No, that's not wrong. It's just your choice. But if you choose to be positive, open-minded, healing yourself, finding all kinds of methods to get better, you can and your right also. So this is really an amazing story, Connie. Thank you so much for coming forward to share your two incidents, one for your son. And I'm so happy that I'm also your Facebook friend, so I can see your son and that, wow, big guy, you know, good looking guy. And I really pray and hope for the best for his career and also for you to be able to continue teaching for as long as you want, right? So age is only about the number, isn't it? Yes. I just want to add one more thing. You know, when this happened with our son, I was devastated. But something that was so devastating ended up to be the biggest blessing in his life, in my life, and now so many others. So I'm just, I'm so grateful that I took a look at this and I found this. It's really just been a true blessing. So when you have things in your life that go wrong, you need to just know that there is a reason why that this is happening. We just don't know it at the time. I know. I feel you. And I also believe that in our journey, sometimes we have to go through this, because if we didn't go through it, we would not know, right? So we have to go through it and then just like in the case of Bruno. So thank you so much, Connie. And I wish you all the very best to you and your family. And thank you. Thank you so much. You're welcome. Thank you for having me. Right. Sometimes life just takes a turn and we can either lose hope or we maintain our positive fighting spirit as some people will call it and find solution. And yeah, sometimes it's all about frequency, you know. So it goes back to the secret, the law of attraction. And if you just have positive, you know, mindset, positive frequency, you attract, but in this case, itara care. That's what you both have attracted itara care into your life. And that has completely changed your lives. So for those of you who are watching this, and if you have any kind of situation, condition, don't give up. Keep an open mind. You never know. Thank you, Connie. And thank you, Bruno, all the very best to both of you. Right. So thank you so much, everybody, for watching these wonderful live stream stories and see you again next week. Bye. Hey, medical disclaimers, ITERRA classic and ITERRA pro are not medical devices. The information provided is for educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. He's consult a medical professional or health care provider if you are seeking medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. And as Dr. Hong would say, there you have it. John had to step away for a moment to take some things. Yeah, I'm here. Okay. I'm back. Boy, those are two pretty astounding testimonials, especially Bruno. Yeah. Yeah. Another one for the for the for the volt. Yeah. You know, if you want to get a wine, guys, it's on the upper right hand corner of the matrix docs. That's the one that supports the show on Roger. And then I know that Paul is also offering the wand. And I think Merc is offering the wand as well. But I'm available for questions. My phone number and everything, email, everything is up there in the upper right hand corner. So I support everybody in the program. And many of you, and I know you've had good results because I've spoken to you personally, you need to come on and talk about, you know, what your issues are and what happened to you and Christmas is coming. There's going to be specials. And there's been specials all along special offerings in the program. And you can get all that access information up there from the upper right hand corner. Also, Paul, I think you're offering something called mighto pro something like that. Any mighto or something? Yeah. Oh, I've got I've got more mighto. I've got a number of things. But I've got one that's really, really, really exciting that as of Saturday was still in pre launch, absolutely nothing like it anywhere in the world. And I need to talk to you about it because I think that if we add that to the radio ranch, I think we could do really well with it. So I don't think there's any doubt about that because you're using the one actually enhances the use of the supplements that you're taking. It's really an amazing tool. Fantastic. Yesterday at our meeting in Pasadena, we had James Roguski back about the WHO, which is unbelievable what's going on there. I'm going to have him on the Jim's show following Rogers. And also, we had Dr. Yoho back, the guy that wrote butchered by medicine and Judas dentistry and stuff. All those books are available for free on their websites. It's just unbelievable. The information needs guys have been putting out. Dr. Yoho himself has got Parkinson's disease as a result of his dental issues. And we're going to be introducing the one to him. And that's going to be a big boost for everybody here too. So you can't make a mistake by buying the one. A lot of people bought it because they just should have it. And then all of a sudden, the friend needed some help. And it was there. The thing is, is that we're coming into tough times. I know I keep saying this, but if the dollar goes down, prices go up. And at the same time, the ability to get these things is not going to be forever. You want to get these things in your hands as fast as you can. Any comments? Yeah, there's a rumor. There's a rumor, I saw Cliff High video on it, that tomorrow the 15th or the early the 16th, depending on the way the world time zones work. There's supposed to be a catastrophic financial cash. And the way Cliff described is like a big pipeline. And all of a sudden it breaks. And that's the pipeline that's carrying the cash. So it probably goes back to the basic fact that this whole financial thing is leading to a credit seize up or lock up. And just heads up, don't know whether that's real or not. But that's how close we are. Okay, if it's not tomorrow, it ain't too far off. And now with the complications of Trump and the fact that this guy is like, you just can't kill him. You can't deter him. You can't kill him. You can't get on top of him. They can't do anything. And they got to be freaking out. That's one of their biggest tools. As Trump has said himself, whether they'll do it before the election or after. But we're right facing all that stuff that we've been talking about literally for years. We're here. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And if you're looking at Ireland and you're looking at what's going on in England over there, Muslims are openly attacking people gathering to watch games by gangs. The Irish guys are getting together. They're never attacking the buildings and stuff the government is trying to put in to put in immigrants. I mean, you're you're France is coming on glued. Yeah. They're going around the England knocking off the cameras. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Well, you know what they were doing was they were they were putting bat boxes on top of the cameras. And according to the law over there, once a bat box is up there, you can't remove it. So they're covering up all the cameras with bat boxes. Well, they're getting more backlash than they ever dreamed they'd get, I think. And it's just a heck of a time, folks. I mean, it's really a heck of a time. This thing Saturday upset me, it just upset me for a lot of reasons. You know, I think thank God Trump lived through it. And it was in divine intervention. There's just no question about it. I don't know if you want to argue with that, go argue with somebody else. I think that box thing is that box thing. I think that was a natural outcome. The bat box thing covering up the cameras. I think that was a natural outcome of the age old saying, if you're trying to hide a body, bury it under an endangered species, because nobody will have the nerve to dig it up. Okay. And it's along the same lines as that. All right. Yeah, absolutely. There was another comment floating around right then that I wanted to grab on. Do you remember what you're going to say? Yeah, I was asking if Glenn was attacking you. He's talking about God, you know, I got Trump, you know, Glenn has always been a real spiritual guy back when I first met him, he was still seeking, you know, he'd go over the Mormon church and that didn't satisfy him. And he's continued to seek. And I guess he's finalized on the way he wants to view that. And yeah, he's, he does send out a lot of very spiritual stuff. Glenn's very spiritual guy. Yeah. Well, he couldn't do what he was, but he's doing it. It wasn't. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So get your ones now, people get your ones now as soon as you can. I don't, I don't think that's a false sense of urgency. Okay. I think things are important to you, you ought to get all you can now, because there's no telling how these people are going to react to this, folks. There's just no telling. I mean, the bad guys, because they failed again, Trump beat him again. Are they going to try and poison him next, get somebody into Marginal Argo, whatever of their many, many means of accomplishing things like this. They, as we've known for a long time, there, there's nothing they won't resort to. They got too much at stake. They've been working towards this for hundreds, if not longer, of years. And it's right in their grasp. And here's Trump. And they can't do anything that harms him. Everything they do that they think is going to harm him only increases his popularity, even to the people that hated him. Yesterday, when right about four o'clock in the afternoon, when I was first made aware of this, over in the PPN radio chat, I made a post also that there were more than one shooter. Again, part of my part of my training is is being able to discern that because when you're in combat, you need to know where the rounds are coming from, what kind of round is coming at you and stuff. And the FBI was saying there was only one shooter, but there's a report from an independent forensics investigation from over in Colorado that just said, and I posted it in the PPN chat, there were as many as three shooters. Okay, I said there were two. Now we see the guy on the roof was shooting an AR-15. It sounded like it. It looked like it. I, I, I, it was a small caliber weapon. It was a supersonic weapon. That's why I'm saying that this little thing that you see the bullet going by, you know, that's, I don't think the framerate of the camera was fast enough to catch a supersonic weapon. The other thing is that distinct, there were two distinct rounds and the way I could tell was because they sound different and they overlapped. That had to be a second shooter. And I don't know about the third. The other, the third could have been a police, but there was more than one shooter there. Well, we're going to find out more as we go forward. We'll probably have stuff out by the end of the program today. And obviously it'll be the topic on every show. So anyway, that's, that's come out finally in the Kennedy assassination that there was more than one shooter. Yes, yes. Okay, you want to open it up? Do you want to put anything else on the wand, John? You want to promote again, go to If you're not familiar with this and new, there's a section up on the top right that's got John's phone, phone, email, all that information. And if you don't have one and you're still skeptical of this, I'd encourage you not to be. Roger, yes. The thing, the thing just flat works. Yeah, Paul. Go ahead and get yourself a wand and get at least a 1500 watt pure sign. P-U-R-E-S-I-N-E inverter, because you can hook that up to your car battery with the engine running and you can wand yourself right in front of the hood. Whether there's power or not, but it's got a pure sign 1500 watt inverter. And they're not expensive. Put that up on your, start selling, Paul. So, John, you got anything else you want to add on the wand here, so we're running out of time a little bit? No, there's only five minutes left. We're done. I don't think there's anything else to say. I think what's going to happen this next week and this convention is going to be amazing. It should be. I want to see the mood of the people all over the country to this, even the detractors as we go forward through this week. Just an amazing occurrence. We all knew that if they didn't get him by law fair and they didn't get him by all these other things, they're going to have to resort to assassination and now we have that. And they're probably going to try again, if not multiple times. There was a tremendous speech by Steve Bannon just about that very fact. He says that they can't beat him at the ballot box. They can't beat him in court and the only thing left is they're going to have to try to assassinate him. Yep, and there we go that quick. I wonder if they're going to call Biden out on the carpet for saying that there needs to be a target on Trump's head for inciting violence. If that would have come out of Trump's mouth, they would have already had it in leg irons. Let me tell you, there ain't no telling what's going to come out of all this and boy have that one little group in the house. If they don't have plenty ammunition now, whoo. Don, you were going to say something? The term was bullseye that they scrubbed it off the internet real fast. But of course, the good old patriots have got it. They copied it and all that kind of stuff. Yeah, that was Biden's direct statement. Well, I know I was having lunch with Walt yesterday and he's on Facebook and he said the negative comments on how could the sun bitch miss or whatever. All that kind of stuff was on their Saturday night and Sunday it was all scrubbed by Facebook. Oh, interesting. Wow. Yep. They're still controlling speech. Yeah, comments like that can end the political careers and I hope they do. Oh, boy, it's just biting. Let me just ask you. Are you all like, I'm upset. I'm just upset in my stomach to all this stuff. And I where we got to dump out of Chicago, Paul dumped the sound of W. D. I. U. I think and W. U. F. M. Chicago, where we're with you guys for the first hour, 10 to 11 a.m. Central time. For more information or to join us in the second hour, go to You can use the FCC link and zoom link and join us live or you can catch the streams up there a folk or global voice. Thank you, Chicago. And I don't want to think Chicago. See you all tomorrow. Go ahead, John. One one of the thing to add, I'll be playing the meeting yet from yesterday with James Roguski. James Roguski has been very effective at getting the nation motivated against this W. H. O. He of everybody had clarified what the truth is because you're hearing all over the country. We beat it. We won, you know, that kind of stuff. And he says, no, no, no, no, no. And he went into great detail talking about that. I'm going to play that on Jim Show today. They never quit. Folks, they don't quit. That's why I'm saying there's only one remedy is it's either them or us. Go ahead, John. Sorry. Yeah. And then Dr. Yoho was on again following up on his books and information, which is you can get all of his books for free from his website and stuff. You guys need to hear this stuff about dentistry and medicine. This guy is a very famous doctor, plastic surgeon, and he's done a number of other things. And he is, he's actually pissed because he ended up with Parkinson's disease because of the amalgams in his, in his blood. And he's gone through and done a tremendous analysis on, on the dentistry industry. And it is firmly bad and designed to destroy our bodies. Yep. That's his conclusion. And then he's going to be on there with Jim Show too. So you guys should come over there after Roger Show and listen in. Okay, there you go. Well, John, thank you so much. And look, we, I'm not opposed to having some of those guys on here. You know, of course, all right. So we'll talk about it. You give me a shout. All right. And all right. All right. All right. Thank you, John, so much. Bye bye. Old friend, old friend, John Cosarra. You're really one of the good guys, folks. Okay. Now we can launch off. Ferris, what did you think about Iron Man on, on the wand protocol with the same name? We're, we're duplicating, I guess. Oh, no, you can't ever duplicate Ferris. Interesting to say the least. Well, audience, I'm not going to sit here and pontificate for an hour on this. We're going to have to have some discussion and interaction. I'm just not going to sit here and talk about this assassination for an hour. So low. Okay. So if you want to have a discussion about it, please, let's do it. Or anything else, God forbid, I'd love to have a discussion on what we normally do. Hopefully there'll be a new student or somebody in the audience here today that has questions or comments, but we can do what we normally do. I don't want to talk about that today. You're going to hear it everywhere else all day and probably most of the week. Okay. And it's, it upsets me. It's sickening. It makes me so damn mad because we got the answer to bring these bastards down. And I can't get people's attention in any kind of numbers. And it absolutely aggravates the hell out of me. This is why I've been so, so geared up for all these years on, you know, timing, timing, timing. This is important. It's important. Please listen. And just within the last few years, things have gotten bad enough that people are wanting to look for answers and some of you are finding us. Okay. I can name a handful of you on here right off the top of my head. But we still hadn't been able to reach out yet. And therefore, all this other stuff's going on. And nobody's gotten any way to beat them but us. Okay. All right. All right. That I know of anyway. Well, I know that Tom D and Thor just joined the, joined the meeting a couple of minutes ago. I don't know if Peter one of those have a topic that they wanted to talk about. I'm sure we can come up with something. So we just don't dwell on something that's going to be saturating the news cycle for days. I mean, you know, I already want to get away from it, you know, except that you want to see what's going to come out. I guess you heard the FBI is taking over the investigation. That means that means cover up and lies and obfuscation and anything else that they can do. That means bury the evidence. Bear. You know, great FBI. Geez, oh, mighty. So, well, anyway, just a heck. Oh, you're talking about the federal Bureau of incompetence, right? I guess so. I don't know that it's incompetence. I think it's a lot of its plans. I mean, you know, that was one of the things, you know, Cleon's class, a scousin was Paul. No, he was the assistant head of the FBI under Hoover, you know, Mormon. What's the Joel scousin? You hear him a lot these days sometimes? That's his grandson, I think. Cleon wrote a book called The Naked Communist Back in the 50s. It was excerpts of their agenda were posted by some congressmen put in the in the federal record. And one of the things in their 50 things to do was to get control the FBI. But that was from back in the 30s, 40s and 50s. So they obviously they've gotten that done a long time ago. Does anybody have anything they'd like to say? Yes. Hey, yeah, it's Tom. I guess, uh, Hey, Tom, you guys, you guys are spying on me. Hey, you know, when I go on, I go on, well, I don't know. I get notifications. I see everything that goes on. So we got spies too, Tom. Yeah, no. Um, you heard that. He was here. I know you said, I think I had just come in when all I heard was you didn't want to talk about something. It's gonna be all over the place after soon. That's the assassination attempt, right? Well, I was I was speaking of me sitting here alone doing a soliloquy on it. We can talk about it. I want some of you to engage this also. I don't want to sit here and talk about it solo all day. Yeah, no, um, I was just going to say that, uh, they dismissed his case in Florida on the, uh, uh, yeah, that's what my documents case that was started out this morning. Right. It's what John told us. And I didn't look around. She said, I haven't worked around long for so many years that when I look at this, uh, the shooting incident, the, I mean, this is either completely major incompetence or this was this was all allowed to happen. Um, you know, it's, it's, it's like a Costello or Evan Costello, you know, comedy. And it's, it's luckily that, uh, he turned his head. He must have had an ink on his shoulder. That's all I can say. Well, that was divine intervention. I don't think anybody can argue that. Yeah, but, um, for you, for that guy to be able to walk through a neighborhood, and I don't know if he had a weapon that would break down or not, but to walk through a neighborhood, uh, with a, with a rifle, um, and then go through and climb up on a building and you got people screaming that, hey, there's a guy on the roof with a gun and the shooter. I mean, I know the rules of engagement have changed a lot over the years, but where they can't, they can't do anything unless they're either a shot at first or they are given a permission to shoot. Uh, that's ridiculous. They, they could have put a couple of bullets in that roof and scared that guy and distracted him enough to get him, uh, to try to shoot back at them or something or at least distract them enough to where gunfire would get the secret service to get him off the stage. It's just, it's just too weird, too weird. Um, Tom, I was watching the Harrison a little bit this morning before we went on and, uh, he was playing an edited video that someone had sent in or are set up side by side and they had Trump speaking on one side and the other side was another camera off a cell phone. Uh, and for two minutes, they counted it two minutes. These people are telling the police, there's a guy on the roof. There's a guy on the roof. There's a guy on the roof. Two minutes. He also evidently got through a metal detector somehow. Like I said, you know, the protected area. He was outside the perimeter, uh, the, the area. He was over on a building and, uh, they said, I think a couple hundred yards away. So, right. You know, that building should have definitely been, uh, guarded. I mean, that's a perfect opportunity you're, if you have an elementary position, geez, you're getting done. Yep. Yep. Um, well, as I said, we're going to find out more about this tidbits will come in more facts will come in as we as the days go by and it's, it's going to absolutely override everything else for a couple of days, maybe the whole week. I don't know, but I just wish we didn't have to deal with them. Thank God Trump got through it. Uh, I mean, hey, you know, we're, I have people even on this show going Trump this. He never did anything. Hey, folks, they're scared as hell with this guy. And if you don't see that by now, you are not looking very closely or correctly. My, my thesis, the country completely, it may be, maybe less, maybe less. Okay. Yes. Samuel. Oh, you also took a bullet to the chest, but it looked like he had a bullet for somebody who showed a picture of a hole in his jacket, but you can't tell if it's in a jacket or not. You know, there's so much people saying it's, uh, it's a staged event, you know, home, macro, you know, I don't want to hear that. Uh, if you think this is a staged event and Trump was in on it, you're, you're, you're thinking something, something's wrong. You're, I, you're reading too much conspiracy into events. Okay. Now into the whole situation. I mean, people, people telling you to hear people say, well, Trump's in cahoots with them in the background. Well, that's just an absolute ton of crap. Okay. Sorry. Samuel, what do you got, man? You know, what this reminds me of is, uh, is, uh, uh, a assassination attempt on Andrew Jackson. He got two, um, uh, guns stuck in that, and the trigger pulled and neither of them fired. And they were examined that fact and there was nothing wrong with the weapons. Yeah. There you go. For the charge. What about, uh, what about Teddy Roosevelt? What about Teddy Roosevelt? He's up in Buffalo, I think. Yeah, a speech. I think it was up in Buffalo, New York. And, uh, he smokes the cars and he had his speech folded up in his, uh, in his inside shirt, uh, coat pocket and the bullet hit there. And I think it still wounded him and went into the skin, but old Teddy Roosevelt got up and gave that speech. 45 minute speech or something with a bullet in him. Yeah. That bullet was lodged in a way of near his heart. And he wore that bullet the rest of his life. Yeah. That whole thing with, with it being Jackson, though, wouldn't it be something if, uh, Trump killed the bank? [BLANK_AUDIO]