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Ed George Coaching Session


1h 53m
Broadcast on:
13 Jul 2024
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This is Paul from Global Voice Radio Network, and this is the mirror stream of the Edmund George coaching call on We're just about ready to get started, and we can't wait to share with you all the information that's going to be offered tonight. Make sure that you bring a pen and paper because you are, I don't want to take notes. We're getting started right now. You're listening to the Global Voice Radio Network. Good evening, Edmund. Good evening. Are we live? Yep, we are live. We're not even Memorex. Well, we are live and we're Memorex, but the Memorex comes later. Well, welcome, everyone. My name is Evan George. I am your host tonight, and this is coaching session number 99. Today's date is Saturday, July 13, 2024. Before I get started, let me state for the record this coaching session is for information purposes only. It is not intended for any legal advice. I also share this information each week to help wake up others to what is going on in the world. In hopes that other like-minded people will pick up on this information and share it with others. I want to emphasize that I am not perfect. Sometimes I may make mistakes, however, I do my best to do diligence and research prior to sharing any information. Tonight we're going to be discussing the battlefield case that's spelled P-A-D-E-L-F-O-R-D, Pride and Company, versus the mayor of Savannah. The importance in that case is the corporate constitution since 1863 has taken your sovereignty away. And here's what the court said in that case. You cannot use the United States Constitution to defend yourself because you are not a party to it, the battlefield case that the citation for that is 14 Georgia or 38 to 520. We're also going to discuss the incorporation doctrine. This is what they did to that corporate charter called Constitution. Incorporation doctrine took your sovereignty and your rights away. The incorporation doctrine is a constitutional doctrine through what parts of the first ten amendments of the United States Constitution, known as the Bill of Rights, are made apopical to the states through the due process clause of the 14th Amendment. That's a significant state. It says prior to the doctrine and the 14th Amendment existence, the Supreme Court found the Bill of Rights to only apply to federal government and federal court cases. As a note, the 9th Amendment and the 10th Amendment have not been incorporated and it is unlikely they will ever do so. I'm going to go through the amendments that were incorporated and the ones that were not. Incorporated amendments, the 5th Amendment, the right to an indictment by a grand jury has not been incorporated. So there you can fit the amendment. You don't have a right to a grand jury indictment. The 3rd Amendment and the 2nd Amendments were not fully incorporated only partially. The 6th Amendment, the right to a trial selected from residents of the crime location has not been incorporated. What does that mean it has not been incorporated? It's not included as a protection from you, protecting your rights. The 1st Amendment fully incorporated, the 2nd Amendment fully incorporated, the 3rd Amendment not incorporated, the 4th Amendment fully incorporated, the 5th Amendment partially incorporated, the 6th Amendment partially incorporated, the 7th Amendment not incorporated, the 8th Amendment protection against success of bail, only partially incorporated. When the Bill of Rights were ratified, the courts held its protection extended only to actions of the federal government and the Bill of Rights did not place limitations on the authority of the states and local governments. That's also in the Pedeville case and is also in the Supreme Court. So the solution, let me go on before I say the solution. So if you are still a U.S. citizen or a state citizen, all of the states or subcorporations of the United States at this point in time. So if you are operating in any of those capacities, you do not have constitutional protection. You have to declare your declaration of status of who you are, your status standing authority and jurisdiction until you do that, you will be treated much differently. You have to go back to the organic constitution and become one of we, the people, then you have standing, then you have constitutional protected rights. So let's move on to the solution. The solution by correcting your status as a sovereign man called an American national. An American national is either one, naturally born on the land and soil of the American states, all lower case, such as Wisconsin, or two. After being naturalized as a United States citizen is a foreign born man or woman who voluntarily accepts and publicly declares the adoption of a specific American state as their permanent home and domicile. American national is not acting as a citizen of any government, and there is no obligation to government beyond keeping the peace and reporting crimes whose rights come from their career as in God and taking dominion over the land, air and water jurisdiction. Now when I say jurisdiction, that is two separate words, juris-instiction, we will get into that in a minute here. Dominion definition, dominion is perfect control in right of ownership. The word implies both title and possession and requires a complete retention of control over any disposition. Sovereignty as the dominion of the sea or over a territory, a right of governing and controlling sovereign authority, a fifth edition page 436, further definition of what dominion means. But as dominion means, authority, jurisdiction, control, command, dominion means the right to govern and rule or determine. Webster's dictionary. Let's look at the word domicile in law, domicile in law and conflicts of law, domicile is relevant to an individual's personal property, which includes the law that governs a person's status and their property with, that's where that information comes from. So we're going to go over the third part tonight, which is part three of the mini seminar series on taking your sovereignty back. This seminar is for information purposes only. It is not intended for any legal advice. We start off with the difference between driver versus traveler and are you a taxpayer, citizen. Driver versus traveler as in the right to travel. Are you a driver, question mark, driver, the definition of a driver? One employed in conducting a coach, carriage wagon or other vehicle. Well, the age law dictionary 1914 edition at page 940. Notice that this definition includes one who is employed in conducting a vehicle. It should be self-evident that the individual could not be traveling on a journey but is using the road as a place of business. Back in law, all state DMV vehicle statutes clearly classifies motor vehicles used for commercial purposes and profit on the roads only giving your state wide law enforcement officers statutory authority to regulate commercial use of the roads only. Not one exercising their private right to travel personal use of the roads. Let's look at the corporate laws, why do I call them corporate laws because they are corporate laws, statutes, regulations called statutes definition of motor vehicle is this is American mutual liberty insurance company versus chapter 60 American reporter second edition at 118 and 18 U.S.C part one chapter two section 31 definitions at six it says motor vehicle the term motor vehicle means every description of carriage or other conveyances propelled or drawn by mechanical power and use for commercial purposes on the highways. In ten of that statute says the term used for commercial purposes means the carriage of persons or property for any fair fee rate charge or other consideration or directly or indirectly in connection with any business endeavor for other undertaking for profit packet versus bank as the district attorney in and for the county of New York at all United States Supreme Court at 264 U.S. 140 Mr. Justice Scotland delivered the opinion of the court this is a suit to an injunction excuse me from enforcing the statute of New York laws at 922 chapter 12 page 1566 goes on to say quote the statute requires every person et cetera engage in the business of carrying passengers for higher in any motor vehicle though they said for higher state of New York Albany's office now yeah this people some people have been saying it's a little outdated it's from July 21st 1909 back then the secretary of states were the DMV the secretary of state sent to the attorney general for clarification and back then they called them chauffeur's licenses and the question with what was presented it says right here dear sir your favor of July 13th 1909 duly received an answer to your inquiry as to whether or not it is necessary for various members of a family who owned an automobile to procure a chauffeur's license in the event that different members of the family operate the automobile I am of the opinion that no such that I am of the opinion that such license is not necessary there is no provisions of law that I am aware of requiring the owner of a motor car or any member of his family to procure a chauffeur's license to run such machine subsection 5 of section 280 of chapter 30 of the consolidated laws defines the word chauffeur as follows chauffeur means any person operating a motor vehicle as a mechanic employee or for hire section 283 provides for the registration of such motor vehicle at page 323 there is no requirement that the owner of a motor vehicle shall procure a license to run the same nor is there any requirement that any other person do so unless he proposes to become a chauffeur or one using the roads for hire and profit very true yours Edward R Manali attorney general moving on privately owned businesses not engaged for hire transportation are outside the jurisdiction of the division of motor vehicles enforcement this is North Carolina general statutes article 17 at chapter 20 and 58 North Carolina attorney general opinion it follows that those citizens are not engaged in the extraordinary use of the highways for profit or gain are likewise outside the jurisdiction of the division of motor vehicles it's the sale of personal property is not required to be evidence by any written instrument in order to be valid it has been held in North Carolina that there there may be a transfer of title to an automobile without complying with the regulation statutes which require a transfer and delivery of a certificate of title North Carolina North Carolina law review volume 32 at page 545 and Carolina discount corporation versus Linda's motor company 190 North Carolina at 157. So these are quotes coming right out of four cases and their statutes let's look at Maryland I'm only going to cover a few I'm not going to cover them all I have hundreds of them North Carolina Maryland statute 1977 through 2006 Maryland statute 16-102 persons exempt from licensing requirements Maryland transportation code 16-102 here's what it says exempt as provided for in section 8 of this title the vehicle is not a commercial motor vehicle section 8 the licensing requirement of this title does not apply that comes right out of a very famous case that's Christopher Sullivan versus the state of Maryland 64 September term 2008 decided on March 9 2009 so it's a fairly new case let's look at the state of Florida attorney general opinion state of Florida office of attorney general Florida advisory legal opinion number AGO 76.179 August 25 1976 quote how so good and personal effects under 3b article 6 state constitution when used for personal purposes and not for commercial purposes by the owners the use approach relies on the legislative definition of motor vehicle in household goods 192.001 - 11 are not held for commercial purposes or resale says in view of the rule of statutory provisions that a supervising official may exempt such persons when the transportation is not on a commercial basis means they must exempt them state versus Johnson to 43 Pacific reporter at 1073 goes on to say further in state versus Johnson this court held that the word may above is to be held to mean must in other words that transportation of persons or property by a motor vehicle in royal communities when not done on a commercial basis is not subject to the provisions of the statute now this is for people in different states you're going to hear this argument all the time by judges oh well that's a California case you're in New York that doesn't apply here okay did they take a note of office to the United States Constitution absolutely so they're bound and here's what it says United States Constitution article four section one the full-facing credit shall be given to each state to the public acts records and judicial proceedings of every other state the meaning of article four section one ensures that states respect and honor the state laws and court orders of other states even when their own laws are different so any time you are yes um give me just a moment we've got a bunch of lines that are unmuted and they're they're kind of interfering with you so I'm going to mute them okay right now and also would it be possible for you to send what what you're referring to to me so I can put it up in the Docs folder so people can follow along if they like all right thank you all participants are muted and they can unmute themselves okay Edmund back to you thank you okay well it's time for questioning just press star 6 to unmute yourself and we'll answer questions we're we're almost done here all right so anytime you are exercising your right to travel upon the roads any public any police officer stops you for no license registration insurance and issues you a traffic ticket they have just violated your rights under color of law unlawful criminal conversion of rights liberty and identity in violation of 18 USC 666A1A and 18 USC uh 241 and 242 operating under color of law let's move into the next section are you a taxpayer citizen now this is the core case out of a Washington state it's an in-ring case and it is I'll spell it it's BOL ENS I've mentioned this before 1912 135 Northwest Reporter 164 Washington Supreme Court and I quote every taxpayer is a citizen to trust having significant interest in the preventing abuse of the trust to be recognized in the field of this court's prerogative jurisdiction as relation to the proceedings to set sovereign authority in motion by action note the few words in the case every taxpayer is a citizen you trust well citizen you trust only exists in name only on a piece of paper so the question is are you a person let's look at color of law the words person and who whomever include corporations companies associations firms partnerships societies and going to stop companies as well as individuals that's one united states code one second definition of color of law person means an individual firm partnership association or corporation texas transportation code section 541.001 part four person includes corporations organizations corporate governments governmental subdivisions or agencies business trusts trusts partnerships associations and any other legal entity Texas government code 311.005.2 so we have to look at what the word includes me the legal definition of include include or the practical form thereof is defined to compose within to hold within to contain enclose that comes from martella salt versus utah to 21 us or 55 goes on further to find the word include to confine within to hold to contain as the shell of a nut includes the kernels a particle is included in a shell so we could see by those definitions when they use the word include in a statue and then they list everything that's included they have not talking about anything else they haven't spoken about or written about for example the word person includes foreign partnerships association for corporations that's it that's the end of it so that includes that nowhere in these statues does it talk about men women people so they're not included according to their own statutes move on here what happened chapter 854 an act to establish a code of law for the district of Columbia the legal estate to be in cities to trust chapter 56 in section 16 17 at 31 stat 1432 I'm sorry a citizen of the united states is a civilly dead entity operating as a co-trustee and co-beneficiaries of the public charitable trust pct for short the construed of cities to trust of us eight under the 14th amendment what upholds the debt of the united states and the u.s. ink congressional record june 13 1967 page 15641 through 15646 that's right in the congressional records i read that already hold up third the word person shall be held to imply to partnerships and corporations only emphasis added can't get much clearer than that u.s. citizen the term individual means a citizen of the united states or an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residency five u.s.c. 552 a part two and part 13 of that same statute the term federal personnel means officers and employees of the government of the united states members of the uniform services includes members of the reserve components individuals entitled to receive immediate or deferred retirement benefits under any retirement program of the government of the united states including survivor benefits five u.s.c. 552 a part 13 moving on are you a sovereign man or woman this is the big question for tonight well let's look at a couple court cases here this is chism versus yorka u.s. juvenile or 19 to 454 and leasing versus smith or wheaten nine new york 1829 and what it says quote in these cases is this was a case about a man declaring his sovereignty in georgia also here in new york and this is what the courts have said the sovereignty dissolved on the people they are the sovereigns without subjects and have none to govern but themselves and people versus hirconer or crown new york 345 348 that says the people or the sovereigns are not bound by the gentle words in statutes restrictive or prerogative rights title or interest unless expressively named in the statute oh now much clear you get to that i don't know about you but i have never seen my name listed in any statute of any kind whether that be the local county state better or whatever all right we're going to get into some classifications property classifications and definitions now this might help some people that want to deal with a quote property tax issue which has included my packet did you know that property classifications industrial commercial and residential are all commercial terms example you do not own your house the state does and they could do anything they want with it you know why the counties came along and created departments and they stole your property from you or the state and you did not correct the error in order to correct the error you must have a superior title that's called a lodial title the legal definition of the word citizen is a municipal servant the same thing as a public servant example where is the state of new york located answer 44 northwest congress avenue Washington d.c. and that goes for any state state of New Jersey state of Pennsylvania state of Ohio they're all located in Washington d.c. especially when they use that so-called abbreviation like NY and JCA etc it is not even in New York example New York is a foreign nation to the state of New York which is a private for profit entity listed on Dunand Bradstreet with a DUNS number and Dunand Bradstreet is a credit reporting agency for corporations much like individual people they want to look to credit score up that's what a DUNS number is you find out what the corporation's credit score is and people cannot be listed on Dunand Bradstreet only corporations they're moving on. Tax consent that's spelled T-A-C-I-T when you refer to someone's tax agreement or approval you mean they are agreeing to something or approving it without actually saying so what is the definition of resident answer someone that is temporarily doing business example when you use a zip code on your letters you just told the United States Postal Service and what are the courts post offices and the banks are post offices you just told the postal service that you live in Washington D.C. and you are just temporarily in example Guilford New York to do business person definition color of law the words person and whomever include corporations companies associations firm partnerships societies and joint stock companies as well as individuals again that is one United States code one let's look at the domestic mail manual here 608 DMM 2 0 domestic mail 2.1 definition of domestic you'll see that on certified mail it'll say domestic mail only I don't recommend using that but if you do cross the word domestic out domestic mail is mail transmitted within among and between the United States its territories and possessions any post offices APOs fleet ports offices FPOs diplomatic post offices DPO and the United Nations in NY for this standard the term territories and possessions composes of the following american Simone maintenance islands swan islands turret I'm not pronouncing that right territory that's spelled T-U-T-U-I-L-A islands wam northern marine islands commonwealth of reach islands spain islands Puerto Rico commonwealth of us virgin islands john's island st. Thomas island woke alton woke island okay that's the whole list so they said that's all it includes in domestic mail they are corporate territories we talked about that previously about the buck act they created these federal districts federal areas with the use of two letter abbreviations and five digits zip codes all they did is take a clear piece of plastic put it over a geographical map and said we're going to create these districts so nowhere in here does it talk about say New York the land New Jersey the land Delaware and the land etc nowhere 2.2 mail treated as domestic mail operating in the United States its territories and possessions APOs FPOs DPOs and the United States of United Nations sorry and why for delivery in a freely associated upper lower case states there's your corporate state and mail operating in a freely associated states for delivery within and among and between the freely associated states and the united states its territories and possessions now let's not confuse the word state spelled in all lower case which is your geographical republic states the word state spelled with a capital s and all small letters remaining is your corporate state so moving on here it even goes on it says to term freely associated states comprise and compose of the following so they're telling you exactly what the freely associated states are Marshall's island Republic of a by island Cajun island Missouri island Federated states of the chunk tank island Colsey island Philippine island Yup island Poland Republic of courier island period so they're telling you exactly what the freely associated states are and it only includes them it doesn't talk about New York New Jersey notice there is nothing in the code about states such as New York New Jersey Delaware Pennsylvania etc United States legal meeting United States code 28 USC 3002 part 15 definitions of United States means federal corporation that's section a section b an agency department of commission board or other entity of the United States or c and its dimensionality of the United States well that's what your corporate states are with spelled with a capital s once you have corrected your status and taken dominion over the land air and water jurisdiction that's jurisdiction to separate words law the corporate courts have nothing to adjudicate they cannot bring a sovereign man or woman into their course this is done through combined knowledge and a series of paperwork that I have created to assist one in declaring their status standing dominion I will get into this paperwork in part four so let's uh well we'll do that let me just take this I did this process back in 2017 I have had no issues whatsoever in fact recently about two months ago back on state highway eight they call it here in New York just outside of Sydney they had a roadblock they were checking everybody's credentials well just to test this I took my seat belt off and pulled on through this so-called checkpoint there was a young rookie cop there and says oh you're not wearing a seat belt pull over here I looked at him and smiled I said bring your superior officer here right now do you hear what I said he says to me I said no I said bring your superior officer over here right now he did the superior officer works over there and he said what's the problem the young cop says well he's not wearing a seat belt the superior officer knew me he says letting through the superior the young cop says but he ain't wearing his seat belt he said what did I just say let him through but he did so they know me up here they know I'm a sovereign they know I'm not subject to their corporate statutes so let's open this up for questions comments suggestions this is part three that we've just concluded here I hope there's lots of questions because I got answers just press star six to unmute yourself Rick has his hand up hold up let me look here just press star six and unmute your line um am I good yeah yep you're good you're golden excellent thank you so much yes I am who's speaking this is Rick hello Rick how are you I'm so happy to be here I know you're good thank you um I just have a question about the beginning of this conversation because while we're taking responsibility I understand that we have lost responsibility with the government over time in whatever manner so and now taking back that responsibility requires a certain communication with the government but when you're doing all that and you talk about the 14th amendment and the 14th amendment is fraud so why aren't and it's not ratified so why are we not attacking that angle like we're not even going to use this because this isn't true why are we just getting rid of this amendment excellent question the answer to that is in the declaration of status that created addresses that issue fully it talks about the Congress never lawfully ratified it and it challenges their authority to even use it yeah well that should be the the angle right that's the most powerful angle to me that we could take is just deny this that and a level that pushes them much deeper into this whole thing I think I feel like it prevents so many more things yeah the the declaration that I created is called declaration of standing status and authority it's a 16 page document and it goes to very very in-depth see when you do a declaration you can't just say I'm separating myself from this corporation you have to state your reasons why where your authority comes from your authority comes from you were born as a sovereign you have God given rights or whatever name you want to put on it some people call it Yahweh some people call it Yahshua that's a personal choice now just so I get a better understanding is in my mind I do not but I understand if we're the authority like you know the last few tickets I got and I just sent them a letter and said this is I'm not doing this I'm not going to talk to you anymore and I understand you're going to try to contact me numerous times but you're you know basically trying to take my jurisdiction under fraud and of course I don't get any dismissals but I don't have any warrants and you know of course if I have a warrant I better be wet signed and blah blah blah but what I'm looking for now is what there needs to be or not let's say this is me talking for myself in my own mind there needs to be something I'm leaning on that I do not have to over explain to them who I am and why I am what I am I don't like and I maybe I just want more understanding but inside I do not like even giving them that much of a discussion so I'm I want the feeling inside that that's who I am in the least possible words that I have to give out in order to hold that position does that make sense absolutely and here's what I've done I've done this process back in 2017 and what I've accomplished is being put on what they call the bluest in the state department that's the national database if I ever get pulled over this happened like three years ago now I did get pulled over for so-called speeding 50 and a 30 all I did is hand that cop my passport ID card I simply told him before we go any further you need to go back and run that name in your computer took a little talking but he finally did it he comes back hands me my ID card back and he says I'm really sorry to bother you have a nice day I asked him point blank what did it say in your computer he said your name was flagged I said could you clarify that he said yeah it said flagged no jurisdiction no authority do not retain do not arrest so once you accomplish getting that status in the blue being put on the blue list as a sovereign they will not bother you anymore once they run your name so it took a whole last three minutes on the side of the road I didn't have to explain anything to the cop they go by whatever's in their computer systems right and so tell me the document the 17 page thing where do I find that or what what this is my first time on here so I'm not sure exactly everything works okay it's a series of documents that created it's not just that one either you have to nullify the informant signature from your mother on the birth certificate application so it's a series of documents if you want those send me an email directly at leading edge eight at that's spelled L E A D I N G E D G E number eight at put in the subject line documents for correcting your status I will send you the information on that. Grace do we have that? Oh Grace that she already has and now I just found out thank you. Oh if you already have it great yeah she's in the other room so I don't know what she has but she's hiding out on me okay thank you I will look at that and I will I'm sure I'll have more questions after that thank you. Yeah let me yeah you're welcome let me add to that you also gain personal access to be one-on-one coaching over the phone in that package yeah you and me are going to be tired look forward to talking to you thank you all right okay we go welcome any other questions and I had a question relating to what I'm sorry okay I think can't let's first let him go all the way up okay I have several questions that go ahead and take the rest of it first okay okay I know you originally completed a paperwork specifically for travel around 2017 at that time I think you said where you were still utilizing the DOT number however they're basing it all yet they pull up from your name that's on the that's on the passport my question is this especially for football might have an issue and getting one of the DOT numbers right now since it's under the name is there any reason you can't put together your own point whether it be I don't know if this private property or whatever or you're something that you registered use the registration number since something to yourself and then use that number on the tag as long as you inform everyone properly is there any reason you could not do that in lieu of that number that you have as a tag or would that be an issue you think no it's not an issue there is an alternative uh we did let me pull it up here I'm going by memory it's called regulation z remedy and it's in the uniform commercial code I think it's nine dash one on nine let me pull it up here yes you create your own tag with your own unique number all you don't refer to it as a tag refer to it as a sign if there's something you can put where normally a license plate would be or you have to put it somewhere else on the car now put it right where they corporate states say you put the license plate that's it okay let's see here regulation z here we go I have heard that there are people in California when I saw that have not tags from the state that will regulate and see plates or plays a place yes uh I actually know someone who did that they are now in Tennessee but Tennessee is not recognizing them for some reason so I don't know what they did whether they corrected their status properly so I don't have that information but anyhow the equivalent to the non-commercial dot tags actually it's an attack it's a number you get a number then I had my tag made up somebody out in the I don't but yeah the quittle is the regulation z remedy tag it's under uniform commercial code nine dash one on nine and that talks about consumer property is exempt from the division of motor vehicles okay now let me add this we have there's five of us together as plaintiffs we have a current case going on in the United States court of federal claims against five states now since the Chevron case was overturned that nullifies all three letter agencies coach statutes and regulations because they were not ratified by congress into law they were not ratified by the legislators of the states a constitution elected official so there's going to be new show lawsuits starting to happen that would just be a big child protected services that's another one that's the biggest corrupt criminals going right thank you what was that other one the the written opinion on that was that it would only apply two cases going forward and that it would not retroactively apply and two cases prior to overturning that decision so they're still going to try and keep the the skull doggery that they have in place at the moment oh of course but it's going to take lawsuits to to really nail them to the wall and that's why we're going to push forward with this case we got going thank you because it's not just for the five of us it's for future people and it applies to all states right now the court's just sitting on it they don't know what to do with it okay so does that help you a little bit with your questions yes yes anything else i'll i'm okay i knew anyway so let me let Kent jump in here but i know he had some questions he wanted to ask you okay uh go ahead ken okay i had several questions number one could you go over that list of amendments again as to not incorporated incorporated or partially incorporated because when you said it the first time and then repeated it there were some conflicts in what you said for example you said the fifth is not incorporated the first time but then you later said but it's partially incorporated so i'm not clear which ones are which yeah that was my mistake the uh right to and indictment by a grand jury has not been incorporated the remainder of the fifth amendment was incorporated so the grand jury is the one that is the part that's not incorporated correct now might be that's the corporate that's the corporate constitution the constitution of the united states not the constitution for the united states right and when you correct your status you gain access to that you bring yourself back to the common law you bring yourself back to the republic okay now both times you said the third is not fully incorporated it well no you said the first time the third is not fully incorporated then when you went down the whole list you said the third is not incorporated so what is the story on the third the third amendment is not incorporated in its entirety correct okay the second first set is not fully incorporated then said it was fully incorporated along with the first yeah the first and second amendment were fully incorporated yes okay and the sixth you said in the beginning was not incorporated but then on the entire list you said was partially incorporated now the sixth amendment is partially incorporated and what is the part that is not incorporated the right to a jury selected from residents of the state and the district where the crime occurred not incorporated okay so that's the only part that would be remain unincorporated then correct okay thank you for that clarification second question when we're talking about your status so when we look back to what stated late 1960s when Vietnam was on and the draft was in place and the draft may come around again we don't really know if one had declared themselves as a national at that point in time rather than all those who ran off to Canada or whatever else they might have done not to go to Vietnam or not to join a regular army you'd be drafted that would have that would have been adequate to stop one from being drafted correct I believe so yes okay all right I just wanted to clarify that now do you think it's the third question do you think it's the obligation of the state you were just talking with Brian about the issue of the California and Tennessee to use two examples do you think that because this is being talked about in Florida now with a group of people do you think that the state has an obligation the corporate state as it now exists has an obligation to issue a plate to someone who has corrected the paperwork about any mis presumptions about their status and to do so at no charge absolutely it's right in our federal lawsuit we've quoted their statutes right but you don't expect realistically you don't expect this or know this being done voluntarily by any state at this point in time except what we said about California which maybe it's a possibility well let's put it this way they're not going to go away quietly because they've got a massive massive business there okay now taking into consideration all of this and I'm not you know challenging anything you've said about the status because you know my take on it and you know what Rick said personal last questions about he doesn't feel like he has to explain to them you know my position on that also since we've discussed that but as far as those regardless of whether they're citizens of the US whether they consider themselves to be non-resonnailings nationals state citizens regardless of what they consider themselves to be or what the assumptions might be in place for any of this actually if they're not in commerce none of that that I just mentioned prior should matter at all should it it's a simple issue of you're not in commerce and it's any more complicated than that now I'm not trying to oversimplify it by asking that question but just to clear it up in people's mind so there's no cross-chatter about this that should be enough to clear the issue up correct not who you are but you're not in commerce or do you disagree with that well that's the simple short straightforward answer yeah but are they going to under that not likely so you have to put it in the record and when I say these documents once you record them in your county records they've become a court and record now there's nothing to adjudicate because your county clerks are also the clerk in the court so once it's in the record it's already been adjudicated okay all right now number five could you go back to the section where you were talking about you talked faster than I do sometimes it's hard to catch everything you're saying and I thought there was a couple of keywords in here you talked about a violation of rights under color law and then you referred to 18 USC triple six A1A and then section 241 and 242 of 18 USC but you gave another couple of keywords in there a wall with the word rights would you mind repeating them from me please I only find that second here and then I got a couple other sections I want to clarify also did you send it out yet no I'm working on the computer here I will though let's see let's see give me time to find that can't go ahead your next question oh okay the next question is shortly after that within about five minutes seven minutes of that you talked about the citizens of the US as being civilly dead entities and that disappeared in the congressional record I'd like you to go over that part again if you could where you started with the citizen of the US is a civil civilly dead entity and then you moved on to some things about the congressional records but I couldn't catch all of that so if you can find that section also I'd appreciate it okay and if you want me to continue with continuing with my third question while you're looking for that I will there'll be a second here okay okay here we are says the legal estate to be in city's Q use chapter 56 section 1617 at 31 staff 1432 quote a US citizen or a citizen of the United States is a civilly dead entity operating as a co-trustee and co-beneficiary of the PCT public charitable trust and construed him city's Q Trust of the United States Inc under the 14th amendment which upholds the debt of the United States Inc congressional record June 13 1967 at page 15641 15641 okay thank you yeah and the other one still looking for that one hang on okay that was just a few minutes before this one yeah I'm looking for that code I remember saying it here we go all right right liberty and identity all right 18 USC 66 A1 is about identity theft of identity and 18 USC 241 and 242 is violation of rights under color of law okay is that clarifies that thank you all right the next question is let me moment here you were talking about done in Bradstreet and the fact that men women and people did not be on done in Bradstreet because it's corporate nature would get one get the all caps name on done in Bradstreet and get a credit rating for it as a person oh absolutely my entity name on the birth certificate is listed on done in Bradstreet okay they got the name through the secretary of state in Minnesota so would you suggest or think that everybody that has a birth certificate is listed on done in Bradstreet or they just happen to pick up certain people or the probably no I'm not suggesting everybody with a birth certificate has it what I'm saying is when you do the Minnesota filing most likely that's when they do it okay they get that information through the secretary of state in Minnesota once you do the assumed name filing okay so that triggers that triggers that putting in on the done in Bradstreet in other words I'm assuming that I don't have concrete evidence on that but that's the only logical conclusion I can come to because I never filed with the done in Bradstreet never did prior to doing the Minnesota assuming filing back in 2017 I've looked on the Bradstreet couldn't find it so after that happened yeah it's up there now well I was thinking that the way people might have ended up on there or someone with a wall caps name might ended up on there is for example if they ran a business a business enterprise and they used their own name while they wouldn't have been necessarily required to register that as a trade name with the county or the state somebody might have picked that up and put it on done in Bradstreet so I was trying to get an idea from you if you knew who might have not done there and how they got there and I guess you qualify that by saying you think that it probably came from Minnesota in your case from Minnesota file well yeah that's my thoughts on it now I don't have any concrete evidence that that's how it was done but it's kind of odd that prior to me doing the Minnesota filing it never was there afterwards yeah it's there so we're quite coincidential so one might want to check before doing the Minnesota filing and see if they're actually listed there and then go back and check again after they do the Minnesota filing correct okay any last question then I have one comment the where you were reading the part about the different entities not the actual 50 states but the entities of the islands you broke that down in the two sections and when you were reading the first ones you said something about the Commonwealth of the U.S. and then I believe you said Puerto Rico or Puerto Rico before the Commonwealth of the U.S. I thought that that was one entity Puerto Rico being a Commonwealth of the U.S. but I also thought some of the islands were that so in what you were reading what was the punctuation as far as the Commonwealth of the U.S. was that a separate entity or did that go with Puerto Rico or one of the Iler Islands you were reading? No it's actually not the Commonwealth of the U.S. it's actually the Commonwealth of the Rito Islands. Oh I okay I misheard you then it wasn't the Commonwealth of the U.S. No okay important here's where here's where I think you might have misheard I said the common wealth of the U.S. Virgin Islands okay so the U.S. Virgin Islands are considered a common wealth just like Puerto Rico yes but Puerto Rico was not listed as a common wealth when you read off the war there right it was just Puerto Rico it's just Puerto Rico Puerto Rico that's it okay that's all my questions I thank you to the answers when do you want to handle the handle of barbecue or I don't know clown will probably tell me to do it so yeah give me a few minutes we'll give a few more questions in here that is found in the domestic mail manual at two dot zero two dot one definition of domestic that's where that's found that's where it comes from okay thank you may I yes go ahead who's speaking this is Christian I have two questions the first question is would you please repeat the code you mentioned for identity theft just before the one you mentioned for deprivation of right I didn't get that one second here okay that is 18 U.S.C. 666 A1 and then thank you Ed and my other question is you know Joseph was supposed to get the get your flash drive but he didn't so can I send you a check because I don't have any way of doing no or PayPal can I send you a check at this address you put in the email uh yeah I guess so send me an email I'll give you instructions how to do that okay thank you Ed I yield okay are there any other questions I got a couple it's got it New York but it's got it 25 minutes into the show you read something from the full faith and credit that when I was mentioning to John Hirschberger about that you could use the Chicago bill of towing bill of rights by using full he said no that's not that he said I think he said it was the ninth of that forget what he said so what you read was exactly on point that the full faith and credit act does provide that any law in any state any statute can be used in any state including New York did you read is that in the read if you send that to to pull I'll be able to read that because I couldn't take notes fast enough when you when you read that yes when I get off the call here I will email this to Paul it's a written transcript of what I just discussed here yeah really powerful information I really appreciate you really bring a lot of stuff to the table that adds up with other stuff that we're working on now earlier a little before that that was 25 minutes into the show you mentioned about somebody with some some other case that you can't use the consultation the Constitution because you're not a party to it when in fact they're the ones that have to follow it we're not a party we're not good involved in commerce either but they're putting all the stuff on so that seems like something that would be really fun to take apart and show them that their lives so is that case I know you read the names of the case but is that case there to read also yes it is that sounds like fun thing to pick the real problem is that the Constitution is a public document and during a private proceeding so that's why you can't bring it up but that's like some BS that they made from a case that they made it into their reality so that seems like a really weak weak link in the chain because all you have to do is obtain a certified copy and accept it and then you could bring in and have some fun with them so anyway I appreciate that well one more question there was a hold on let me open it it's called the public contract certificate I think it was like 13 pages is that your document public what let me open it hold on it's titled public contract trickery non waiver dot docs was that your is that your document did that come from somewhere else so this is one that doesn't sound familiar to me okay I yield then thank you yeah um the reason I brought that case up it's called the pedophile Friday company case versus the mayor of Samantha Georgia in that case the guy was trying to claim the sovereignty but he was using the United States corporate Constitution you cannot use it that's what's in place right now and told our republic is fully put into the public and enforced into the public when it's restored fully then we will have that right back but you also have to you know you have to separate yourself from that United States corporation and that's the reason I wrote it so they also put in the incorporation doctrine in that corporate United States Constitution so they took away a lot of the rights were in that Constitution and say well this doesn't apply here this don't apply there and oh well this applies partially here so they could pretty much take whatever they want so they set a precedent for what they want because the guy is using the wrong Constitution correct exactly what that is that's why I brought that up tonight well that's with vapor money theory and the redemption theory they let someone that didn't know enough about it bring it to court and then they struck it like it's not real so that's that's how they go run us so it's called it's called bathing people to mess up and then they roll right over them these judges are trained in that you know and I'm not saying there are eight people out there that can't go in and use the Constitution defendant but you got to know what you're doing and you've got to realize when they bait and switch jurisdictions and law forms because they will do that one more clarification you mentioned the small state state word is the actual land the actual real land and with the capital s it's the de facto the uh but you didn't say anything about the full caps state that would be the same thing as the capital s with the small rest of the word correct same thing same thing yeah I just want that that applies in your counties when it's written in all lower case you're talking about the geographical land your towns when it's written in all lower case your cities all lower case they're talking about the referral of the land mass jurisdiction and now would be the same thing for the city of New York correct exactly okay thanks just wanted to clear that up yep anybody else got questions please hello George yes hello okay hello yes again for me oh thank you for your calls they're great hey um I have an active report from one case in the county and I want to know what impact uh uh uh what it will have but the status papers were into the uh county the quarters right now you have an active case against the county recorder is that what you said oh no I'm sorry there's an active case against me with revolting in an arrest warrant against me I can't say I've done think I've put papers in but in in as a special appearance and they will not shut that down I would do the uh 3949a and form it through the IRS I've already done that about two months ago nothing has happened um uh send me an email I just created a new document this week that uh might help you okay so in other words um there would be no result uh for status papers being put in that would result from the status papers being in to shut that uh arrest warrant down then right uh well without knowing all the particulars about it uh I don't know but this this new document clearly uh challenges their their authority and jurisdiction okay very good well thank you for the answer I appreciate it you're quite welcome thank you bye thanks thanks you before bye bye you welcome any other questions yeah hi Ed hey don't john some uh New Jersey jobs that we doing job all right yeah just updating on you I did uh send that uh truck rental agreement and I did get one green card from the tone company back and uh so what that has to sit uh for about 30 days and then finally federal law soup and against them for non-payment or I got a default them or send them an invoice not much so yeah you got a set of a bill clearly send a bill yeah well that would be an invoice of course an invoice is a commercial term right yeah no uh you said they true bill not an invoice okay just right on there true bill right uh send me an email I have a uh a sample here oh okay yeah I did get that sent out and uh I did send that actually I noticed uh actually the Pico to try to straighten out my electric meter uh with this uh smart meter stuff there so we're kind of off the grid right now so and uh yeah I did probably uh well way back in 2012 I did follow and after David in my county uh records it wasn't here at the day because I I didn't know you at that time it was actually Rod yourself the original uh four four page thing and after that I never got a a tax bill for property or anything but I did have some issues on some other properties now I don't know why that is I think I didn't do my notices right well I'll get some depth there and uh you know and we're digging in deep there so that's why I listen more than I talk there okay okay yeah I have a sample of a true bill you want to send that out yeah yeah I could send an email and uh yes yeah I you have to do everything uh the right way there they're just going to pull you solvences and and uh grant them some reg judgment and uh yeah and uh cases uh yeah or opinion the judge will give us opinion on that don't you like that it's a judge by opinion it's not a decision from a jury uh uh jury trial they just give you a decision uh uh opinion or opinion says we're closing your case you know if you look back far enough especially in the supreme court you will see like in the uh late 1700s early 1800s when the court makes an order it says it is the order of the court by law it doesn't say opinion it's opinion the court well opinion that's just somebody's opinion of something yeah yeah well I got that back they said uh yeah your your case is closed uh as of this date under our opinion that's what they say or they'll say well when I did call them out uh using the Constitution for the United States not of the United States that's it that's another trick or two there and then I told them I said well you know you you're an officer and you give an oath under the article six there uh to that Constitution and you're not uh you're not you're not a bane that you know I mean it says on there no capitation tax that's taxes to the head there you know I mean if you're going to buy something and you got to pay the sales tax well that's an indirect tax so that was how the how our country was set up but yeah well they made everything a commercial entity and they want to make everything a commercial activity you know you get married it's commercial activity you want to have a dog uh it's commercial activity if you want to you know everything's under commerce and uh yeah they're sending you a bill for everything they think it's under commerce you know it's a it's a big racket you know right it is it's all business it's all commercial yeah well yeah well I mean uh yeah they they try to make everything sound like everything you know when I actually the police officer called me and I said well you're not giving me you're not returning my vehicle and and he I sent him papers to him and then he he didn't they didn't call me back right away they called me he said well okay well you know you know they they don't even want to send me a bill for me to pay them they just called me on the phone and said well you come in and you you pay the tone company $3,200 we'll give you a truck back well he sent me a bill or anything he just said it on the phone I said well why is that he says well we have an ordinance around here I said what's an ordinance an ordinance into a commercial term and yeah he just you know what to say he didn't want to give me his name or anything you know he was kind of like I said well you got mine for David and you oh yeah we received after David you know so you know you you know what the score is so why you hold me accountable for something that doesn't pertain to me there you know see yeah they're they're trying to you know you know well you know what they're trying to do you're not you know look I just want to be you know be on my way and do what I need to do and not be bothered and not harm nobody and and live under nature's wall or whatever but they want to keep pleasing you all the time you know they're always looking for something there to send you a bill to you know go ahead I'm listening yeah well I mean that's that's how they make their money that you know originally Washington DC was supposed to be for employees of Washington it wasn't supposed to be for that the people lived in their separate states there you know and but that's how they extended their jurisdiction there you know well I mean it was hoisted on us as birth there you know I mean we didn't know that what we were we were signed up for this stuff since the beginning you know as our political status there as we're finding out now that political status there yeah exactly yeah I mean actually the only way I would ever know anything which actually Roger spoke I read it back in 2012 and and it kind of changed my direction and I read that was it Pied Piper is a Babylon and then now all the Stanford's proof from Impoison's tree and then you start realizing like Charles Lindbergh said yeah they created a big trust you know that's what they did when they claimed the bankruptcy in 1933 they made a big trust and yeah it's a it's a public trust and it's called that public policy it's not it's not a law it's public policy no absolutely correct that's all we have to identify the problem to fix the problem you know that's why you know I'm glad there's you know look I got a lot to learn my show that's why I always listen and and believe me you bring a lot to the table I'm thankful that there are people that are are trying to make this a republic so we can actually grow and you know prosper a little bit you know we're just being hampered down you know we're just being drugged down you know it's like the Titanic the Titanic the Ants playing and they're serving drinks and music playing but the ship's going down you know exactly exactly and you know you're just going to either have to get a lifeboat or get off of that or it's you're they're going to take you down with them you know I mean it's it can it can sustain itself it's no you know you know I'm saying it crumbly it's crumbly right before our eyes does any question did I answer your question yeah I want to drag one I got a couple of other things I'm fighting there but I'm trying to do one thing at a time there and yeah it gets it gets overwhelming you not me well you got to go with your own you got to go with your own pace don't don't overload yourself but you got to go with your own pace and this this is why I teach this process I know it works I've done it myself and it's to simplify and streamline this process so you don't have to wind up in these corporate courts arguing with the statutes the codes the Constitution and all that yet there's some people that are really good at that and I commend them for that there are some people that can really do that myself I could do that however as time goes on I'll give you a perfect example when I was living in New Jersey I had 12 simultaneously court cases going on for the right to travel that will wear anybody down that whole system is designed to wear you down so yeah you can go in there and fight but there comes a point in time in your life where you get tired of going in there and arguing and fighting well yeah well you're just trying to settle what they you know they they attacked you you didn't attack them you know they came to you and summoned you into their into their court you know I'm saying when they if you don't answer then it gets you for people what if you do answer then you got a defendant you don't have a choice you know they you know they came to me now I don't have nobody bothering me here I mean I'm pretty safe here but that doesn't mean who knows what happens tomorrow but but I'm trying to settle the things that happened before and you know I'm trying to get my truck back at it you know the tickets never went anywhere I mean I just read read across them I don't accept this offer the contract and I don't consent these proceedings very very across the ticket and dropped it off in the and the manel envelope and the lady when I went to the window the lady didn't want to take this stuff I saw because this pertains to the case always this your insurance or whatever it says yeah well it's all the documents I need that needs to go to the court before I make an appearance and she's stolen one of the actual up you need to bring you superior and then she got to bring this you know bull dyke tattooed looking thing and choose kind of nice look you know I'm I'm leaving this in your hands you need to have this there and and she did take it and you know when I went into court and never went anything I didn't say a damn thing and the whole thing just kind of fell through and then I actually followed lawsuit against them trying to you know hold down the count just trying to get my truck back or whatever and they said yeah we'll we'll give you a truck back and then they said well we got assessed in pounding fees or whatever so you know you know I mean it's all good you know when I I waste the whole year all right but like my whole my whole thing here is when you get to the point where your status is corrected and listed in the national database on the blue list you don't get bothered you might encounter a minor being pulled over for a few minutes okay no big deal once they know who you are they leave you alone that's where I want to help people yet yeah well that's where we want to be I mean I've been driving with private plates on my truck for since 2012 and you know they don't really bother me and that try in fact I had a cop pull up beside me and he said yeah you're running lights ain't working and you need what your blankets on and I rolled down so well thank you officer I appreciate that and I will get that fixed and you know I just played the guy I don't like to be rude to anybody you know and I wouldn't think of driving in my truck without tail lights not working but I didn't know they weren't working it you know it was just a relay and I replaced a relay and yeah well you got to operate your truck in a safe manner that's just common sense there you know right and you don't want cause trouble you know one word of a voice take the work driver out of your vocabulary yeah traveler yeah yeah you're absolutely right there well it's yeah it's been ingrained in us you know I mean I mean we've been literally with it yeah it's like playing Simon says you know Simon says talk to you know it's about your ears and they say touch it but Simon didn't tell you well they trained us to be like Simon said it there you know and it and you know I catch myself also I mean it's it's no they they they they bring this with this stuff this it's untruthful you know and yeah we always absolutely right there I do apologize saying that we're driver driver yeah show further there yeah I like to travel there peacefully with me to be there and you know get there safely and observe the speed limits and put my turn signals on you know let you know just be play driver and usually don't have any trouble there but you're not inviting trouble there right now I got that so have I answered your question yeah so I'll send an email and I appreciate that sample there because I guess we'll have to let that sit for 30 days and they don't if they don't answer during 30 days then you know they're they're accepting my offer there show me exactly we got we got the door we got the door cracked open there you know so I that's the best idea I mean I just uh yeah I'm thankful I didn't I didn't think of that idea there that's why I that's why I like to take my time and listen to this because it's a is a valuable information right and they also put it in written for me Paul puts it up on the public platform there um so with that said I don't mean to be rude or anything but I want to move on to get other people's questions in here yeah no problem thank thank you Ed I appreciate all your time and your effort there you're welcome any other questions you know yeah and I have a further comment question go ahead before you speak in the wildest call a 9-0-1 please mute out you're giving background noise for quite a while so Ed can you hear me yes okay okay there was a woman that came on didn't get her name she came on after Scotty and before John in New Jersey or on New Jersey she was talking about 39 49a hadn't worked etc etc and you were saying to contact you what about the negative environment and the counterclaim that Daryl has worked on which on Hershberger recently and filed in his Colorado case you think that would have some validity if you know anything about what they did I looked at that document it's a decent document I'm not sure it's going to work do you think that's something that she might you know give a try to or would you want to put her in touch with Daryl if she wants to sure okay well I don't know who she is and I don't know how we'd follow up we don't want to give out information on the tape obviously so does somebody have a number four that you can get in touch with her or some way to get in touch with her or Paul have that number just so she's going to email me she'll be emailing me so I'll uh I'll give her Daryl's email address okay and then the other issue I wanted to raise was when you're talking to people about sending a true bill not an invoice uh they're still using the US mail to do that or it's presumed they're using the US mail depending on how they send it do you think that that could create any problem if they haven't done the right process and the other side maintains that they don't have a right to send this invoice or bill or you know they slip up somewhere do you think it's a good idea to do that through what is considered to be the US mail or do you see that there could be some potential problems with that just like we would flip around on them when they use the US mail to send the bill that they have no authority to send trying to collect something that they have no authority to collect they always refer to it as the post office not the US mail okay and you can do that on the private side okay I just felt that that needed clarification no and then my other comment is uh you were talking about your affidavit multi-page affidavit and having to give the reasons etc there's many people that are filing one or two lines sentence after David's or a couple paragraph after David's very short and they seem to be working also so I wanted to ask you what was your foundation basically in law for the need for a complicated or more detailed after David giving all the reasons because if we as we've discussed before if you have to slip up and say something you know the more you say the more they might throw back it at some point in time so I just be interested in your general comments on it well my opinion on that the short little affidavit I've seen some of them I don't know the other ones you're referring to but uh the ones I've seen they're very weak I don't I don't see how they're working if they're working great okay well they seem to be working from you know people that are reporting back so yeah if they're working fantastic but the ones I've seen and they've come from people that are actually not working so uh I don't know if they're the same as the ones you're referring to uh there weren't there's many of them out there's many many of them out there yeah there is there's a lot of are you coming to the bar between next week or not unfortunately I have a conflict with schedule I have to work that day so I'm no I will not be coming okay so should we broadcast your program at the barbeque I don't know if Paul will go along with this book yeah sure I'll be happy to if you do that yes okay let me know when you're ready for the announcement thank you okay um well let's see if there's any other questions any other questions out there okay it's not if you want to make the announcement uh okay go ahead all right let me ask Carl the person's call still there he's still here okay can he unmute yeah just press star six let me go for a look here hang up i guess yeah he's on beauty i want to ask you a question based on the fact that isn't going to be able to attend next week because of a conflict he's going to continue to do his program on saturday night uh what do you think of the idea of broadcasting the program for people who want to listen to it okay i guess i'll take that as a note i mean he was there the two i mean he was there the two who was what's that he was there just a minute ago come here i'm in okay i'm here what you what do you think of that idea you're asking Carl yeah asking you yeah i i don't think it's a good idea only from the attraction well at night seven to nine um okay i don't think it's you know uh takes away take it'll be too much confusion i believe okay do you want to make me an announcement or do you want me to do it no you would please can't okay thank you you do ahead of me uh well i don't know about that but anyway next saturday july 20th rain date from d july 21st starting at noon and ending at nine ten o'clock at night whatever addresses 14 ray lane fifth town long island new york 14 ray lane midtown long island new york there'll be a free barbecue there'll be several hundred people it crossed through there during the day and into the evening not four or five hundred people at one time but several hundred people during the day and this year calves been kind enough he's one of the founders of the americans for legal reform and you can find further information or information about what that group does on americans that's plural with an s for the digital for the number four legal reform dot com americans for legal reform dot com he's been kind enough this year to say that we can use this as a networking event so people from other groups from conference calls etc are being invited to come there and work with other people and bring some other ideas i think it's very kind of this group does that because as we know some groups want to stay within their own group they want to do just what they do and they're not really interested in mixing with other groups so this group has a different idea about that as a different theory different goals different missions on how to accomplish this so i think we should take advantage of this opportunity so again next saturday july 20th starting at noon 14 ray lane smithtown new york and bring your friends or if you know other people who have other groups that are like-minded and on the same track you can also bring literature to give out you can bring books to sell you can be clothing now all of these things if you're going to sell something obviously have to be related to the greater thing here about better governance restoring the constitutional republic etc so we'd be happy for you to attend next week saturday july 20th any questions you can look at the website and you'll find numbers to call a couple numbers on long island if you have any questions beyond that thank you very much thank you ed thank you paul thank you carl thank you kent well thank you um yeah i'm really sorry about that i did originally want to come to that but i do have a conflict i have a customer's house that they have to clean on that day so unfortunately i won't be able to make it uh also can't uh i don't see darryl on here do you want to mention uh the uh republic called numbers uh yeah i could do that if you hold on a minute so folks again on tuesday nights and tursday nights tuesday night being a law call tursday night being a health call it's called the republic call and so there's no confusion because there's a lot of uh different groups associated with the name republic in it it's r e p u b l i c k that call is on tuesday nights and tursday nights at 8 30 eastern time and the number for that call is 425 436 620 repeat 425 436 280 the code to enter that call is 695 623 pound again 695 623 pound 830 on tuesday now this coming tuesday at 830 ed george the gentleman that's hosting this call will be on that paul he's basically on every other week and the alternate weeks is generally john hirschberger from indiana who works with constitutional law and handles cases using constitutional law uh he is going in for some surgery so the following tuesday the alternate tuesday not this one we're at george is here but the following tuesday instead of john hirschberger there'll be a gentleman by the name of david spring i believe who deals with the status standing and capacity issue and he will be there that will be i believe a one-time call only at this point in time where that gentleman will take the place of john while he's recuperating from his surgery so again those calls are tuesday and thursday night the thursday night is a health call and do you want me to say anything about the union call that they can also listen to in lieu of going to that health call but that's only on certain nights or do you want to leave that off of here oh that's up to you i'm trying with it i'll announce this also then so on uh thursday nights generally the first and third thursday so that'll be coming this thursday night eight thirty p.m. eastern time it's called the union call it's hosted by two gentlemen bill and brad bill out of navada and brad out of massachusetts and they talk about numerous issues some of them overlapping to what we're talking about and some of them slightly different to get into that call on the first or third thursday eight thirty p.m. eastern time called the union call you would dial six six seven seven seven zero one two nine seven repeat six six seven seven zero one two nine seven and the access code is eight one one three seven eight pound access code eight one one three seven eight pound just to add there are many many calls available today some of them specialized some of them brought in nature some of them having been around for a long time and some of them just coming on the scenes and sorting out where they are but breaking this down into basically two issues who you are and declaring your status and number two re-establishment of the constitutional republican short that's an oversimplification but that's a short summation of it thank you back to you ed thank you Ken. I want to say this also too all these different groups that are doing these calls and on different platforms and stuff the sole purpose of this is to unite together to help people now they may have slightly different processes and everybody has to choose what's best for them my process is teaching people how to get out of the system be put on the blue list so you're not bothered anymore others are they want to go into the court and fight that's fine everybody has their own unique talent and i'm glad that there's other like-minded people out there doing so i have to chose to work with several groups that are like-minded and i'm going to continue to do that and that's the sole purpose and i hope this thing grows and other groups will come along so with that said is there any other questions that anybody has okay no questions let me close with this statement here for those that want more information on my process and stuff you can contact me at leading edge eight at gmail dot com put in the subject uh... line correcting your status you can also access my coaching sessions at rumble dot com account ed george forty four that's rumble dot com account ed george forty four i have over two years worth of video coaching on there i also have specific videos that i've done on specific subjects the conference call what you're on now is every Saturday at 7 p.m. eastern time the dial-in number is eight four five three eight five nine five zero three again eight four five three eight five nine five zero three the access code is four zero one seven three six seven four one seven three six seven uh there is a way you can access through line i do post that on my telegram and signal candles every single week i also send out email to certain people every single week where you could go directly in online so with that said i hope i've answered everybody's question uh we're going to wrap it up for tonight uh see you guys again next week uh if i haven't gotten to your question i'm sorry hopefully we can get that next week um a quick point um all of the information that you just gave all the links um schedule and also the access link to the documents folder um on google drive that's on edgeorge forty four dot com so just yeah use a web browser go to edgeorge forty four dot com and all that information is right there and you can also share that uh web address to people and invite people on to the call that's it thank you Paul well everybody have a great night a great week we'll see you again next week thank you thank you thank you this session is no longer being recorded and i do believe that is it for the edgeorge uh coaching call for the thirteenth july thirteenth saturday catch us here every saturday evening seven p.m. eastern time thank you so much for joining us we can't wait to see you back here next time don't forget these mithtown long island meeting you can find more information about that on edgeorge forty four dot com or americans the numeral for legal reform dot com thanks i'm out of here have a great night and a great weekend forward moving and focused on freedom goodbye you're listening to the global voice radio network. 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