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Radio Ranch Sabado Edition

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13 Jul 2024
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That was enough back then to win the one battle because, and there's a lot to it, the English been up in York, my hometown, eight days prior to that battle fighting another battle at a place called Stamford Bridge, which they won to repel the days. I think it might have been Eric, a guy with the name of Eric Bloodaxe, which we all liked when we went to school. Everybody talk about Eric Bloodaxe because it's such a cool name, right? And then they get wind that the Normans are crossing over to reclaim, William says, this is my throne, it's the old part of these disputations between these families about who's going to be boss, you see. So they get wind that is coming over and they walk from the north of England to the south of England in a week, they walk that way, I can't remember, the map maybe 40-50,000 of them, they walked all the way down, it took them eight days to do it, getting fed by the people of the landers they went down there, and they would have won the battle if they'd not come off the hill, this is all sort of if buts and maybes, but they were on the high ground, but they thought they were winning the battle, they ran to the bottom of that, I've been there, I've been to battle, it's not, you think, oh, it's relatively small, it is, but on such, by today's standards, on such pivotal things, so much history changed, and of course they lost on that day, and that was it, because the, I mean in Sussex where I am, and out towards Kent, once the Normans had won that battle, they decimated the Saxons, they just slaughtered them, got rid of them, within the immediate area, there was massive sort of bloodletting, then they managed to build all these castles and everything, and you've got this intertwining, but they were kind of a cruel people, or they noted for it, and they were, it was very vicious times, and they were vicious in part because Charlemagne, I think it's about 858, or sometimes in the 800s, had battled with the Normans, or you know, which were, they were based in Northwest France, Brittany in places like that, and those people, they called the Normans because they came from Sweden, Scandinavian countries, and have been in that part of France, it's all a bit weird really, but it's true, and yeah, they've been having a lot of battles, and Charlemagne invited them to a peace conference, and told them to come unarmed, so they did, about 5,000 of them, at which point Charlemagne killed all of them, and these were the best people they had, you know, these were the leaders of this tribe, and from that point on, the ones that escaped and got away from it went, so that's how it works is it, and they became as more vicious than the vicious things that had been dealt to them, that's certainly a part of it, so a kind of ruthless streak, and when they came to England, they carried on, unfortunately, in the same way, you know? Paul, as you mentioned, the Normans took over, right, and they did not identify with English people, right, and then you have the situation where, you know, the street routes that came from the Middle East, you know, went to Ukraine, went to Caesarea, you know, and so my speculation is that there's influence, you know, into the Norman regions, where they, you know, had, you know, some unscrupulous methods, and they kind of top that to this other group that they had dominated, and set these guys as their fighting force, you know, to take over, well, did the Normans take over France? Charlemagne was a little bit different, wasn't it, he was from there, right, he forced conversion to Catholicism, right, that was his main thing, is that, you know, he basically butchered anyone that went to Catholic Church. There's a bit of butchery going on, you're absolutely right, quite a bit, yeah. Yeah, there is. I mean, the Normans didn't take over the whole of France, now they were basically in the northwest part, what's known as Brittany now, or is known as Brittany even then, really, and the reason it was known as Brittany goes back to about 500 AD, 560 AD, when a comet, I don't know, I'm sorry, a comet ran down the whole length of England, split into three parts and decimated these islands, about 560 AD, and it melted, this thing was so hot, it melted certain hilltops in Scotland, you can go them, they're like marble, they're like glass, they were melted by the heat of this thing coming over, there are no records of it in England, because everybody that kept records was killed by it, but there is a record from Norway, I think it is, where the monks there actually saw it and recorded it, it was that bright, and one bit went over the English channel and this, that, and the other, anyway, the king, seeing that the land was ruined, there was no food, took his nights over to France, about 5000 of them, and that's why it became known as Brittany, because the Britons arrived, or the king brought his court and everybody else that he could find over there, and that's how that happened, but I mean, yeah, one thing leads on to another, the other thing as well is that London was the end of the Silk Road, as a big sort of commercial exchange point, right across Europe, a lot of that trade going through Germany, Germany's kind of locked in, it's one of the reasons why Germany's recently had a lot of problems in the last century, it's all part of it, a kind of residual echo of trade routes, and in the end it always comes down to dominating trade and being boss and this, that and the other, but yeah, the Normans weren't weren't particularly good, and from my point of being a northerner, even though I wasn't around a thousand years ago, but we were raised at school to just talk about the Normans as if they'd just done it and we hated their goods, it seems ridiculous, right? Bloody Normans, everybody used to say, oh, that's all right, I don't know why I said it, it was 14 or 15, yeah, we don't like the Normans, and bloody Southerners, because there's a North-South divide in England, or there was then, and one of the reasons for it, I suspect, is that about four years after 1069, so three or four years afterwards, after 1066, they came up, the Normans came up from the South after they'd sort of built a few castles or whatever, and there's a thing called the the withering of the North, or the harrowing of the North, and they killed everything, I mean, they killed everything, animals, horses, cows, sheep, human beings, the law, there were parts of England where you could go 50 miles and not find a living thing, and this was made, and it put, I think, this is just a guess, I think it puts some sort of psychological wound into these islands, which is why Southerners often refer to northerners as being thick, and northerners often refer to Southerners as being pansies and puffs, neither of which are true, by the way, but that's how it all happened, so yeah, I mean, the history of these islands is just one bloody battle after another, really, right through to the Tudor times, and all that kind of stuff, there's just hundreds of years of people just chopping each other's heads off, it just never stands. The one consistent theme is that the ruling class does not identify with the public, that's what never changes, they couldn't give a shit about us, but they've got a great PR department to show that they do, apparently, some people believe it, but they don't, and I think this is really what we're facing across everything, all of this, that class, and they're all the same, it doesn't matter which nation you go to or what region of the world, that's what they've got in common with one another, is the techniques that they've all employed, which ancient, you know, thousands of years old, which they're to basically subdue, corral, deceive the people that they govern, and to plunder them, and to effectively, you know, goims good, they do treat us as taxable cows, and so I'm okay with that, because if it riles people up, let's recall that then, you know, so what? Yeah, on this screen, well, I'm not a fan of that term, but, you know, no meaning, but if it riles people up, they get cross about it, I think it's good. Exactly, yeah, and then it helps them understand that there is a difference, that there's a certain population that is, you know, calls the rest of humanity beasts, and you know, they're robbed and so on. I think so, and it's why, you know, they're counting and seeing the idea of throwing a round of World War 3, or whatever they're going to call it, and moving missiles around and doing things, and there's think odd things happening here in England, only yesterday or two days ago, down in Torquay, which is down to a lot of troops are doing exercise, and people go, what the bloody hell's going on? And something, we're not in control, this is what, you know, we had this guy over here, some British general guy, about 18 months ago on TV said, we're going to be at war with Russia in 20 years time, so we need to really beef up the military, and my response was, what you and your wife are going to be at war, because I'm not, you know, we're not going to do anything for the likes of you, and that's what they get paranoid about, they must remain in control no matter what, so I think from their point of view, not only must they win, but we must also lose, it's absolutely vital, because them, to them, yeah, yeah, yeah, what was that saying? One second, one second, Abraham, I've got something to add to that, who was it that said, it's not enough that I succeed, all others must fail, that's the moniker that they live by? It is, it is, it is, and you can hear it, you can hear it in the language of some of these people at the WEF and these other ship bag organizations, these people like us, they will never hear what we say, they can't, it's not even a matter of logic or decency, they cannot hear what we say, literally they cannot hear it, we, in their worldview, that's just literally impossible, they do view themselves as an elite that somehow is gifted with the most tremendous things, they're not, they're just the recipients of a control system down through the ages, and they're just as crap as all their other predecessors, and they're, you know, they're willing to slaughter people to maintain that position, so I think it's now becoming clear, that's why I was saying about the UK election, it's encouraging, because people are beginning to see, not as just a turn of phrase, but that the government is literally their enemy, it literally is, it's not even a turn of phrase, it's not euphemism, the bloody government or whatever, it really is, it's a bloody government, there's going to be a lot of blood flying, because this government is in the, you know, enthralled to even higher forces on the earth, and they don't want to lose their position, and they get terrified, and I understand why they get terrified as well, it doesn't necessarily mean that we're going to win, we've got to be, I think, you know, fully awake all the time, but we were talking about this the other, it's like the control thing, you know, when they send their bullies out to beat you up, the bullies think, "Oh, great, I'm on the right side, it's not going to affect me, if I beat these people up, because this guy higher up the food chain or something to do it, I'm okay." Now, they aren't thoughty through, because they then become witnesses to all this crime that they were ordered to do by their higher ups, the higher ups know this, the higher ups know that their minions are aware that they gave the order, so the next phase is the first wave of minions is killed off by the next wave of minions, all the bullies get killed by another server, it never stops, it never stops. Yeah, exactly, yeah, every foreign spy that both of us had, they slotted them all when they came back, because, you know, first off, they would be the first ones to recognize that they were all betrayed, that this was not what we had planned on, this was not what we agreed to, right, and so, you know, they're the first ones to go, that's the same things that happen with all these groups right now that are stirring up all these problems is once, you know, the bankers will consolidate power, they'll take, they'll exos guys first, because those guys are actual revolutionaries, actual, and have actually gone in and done the work and know the tactics, and they'll recognize their betrayal, and they will, they'll take care of them, they always do. Yeah, they always do, I can't see why they can't work this out, but they can't, they get, you know, it's a Yuri Bismnoff still is stuff with Ed Griffin from 30 years ago, remains permanently relevant, you know, what did he say? He said, you can show them stuff, you can tell them, you can tell them all the truth, they still won't see it, they'll only get it when they get a big boot in their big fat bottoms, and they view them as useless idiots, all right, we've used you up, thanks very much for killing all those people off, we're now going to kill you off, that's how it works, and we can't, I've you running around telling everybody how evil I am, you know, so they kill them off that way, yeah, it should do. Well, that's the way they treat the military. Hi, yeah, another voice out there, sorry. Yeah, another voice out there, that kind of sounds like Joan, but that's the way they treat the military, what they do is they take all these men, men, okay, let's, I'm not making any nuances to sexism here or anything like that, but they take them, they make them trained killers, they poison them before they deploy them, and then when they come back, the VA continues to poison them because now they know too much, they're trained on how to use weaponry, they're trained in tactics of war, and they are a threat on the local soil that has the ability to either act against evil or train people to act against evil, so they must be taken out. Now, we had somebody on the show today, they asked, you know, what, what effect does national status have on veterans benefits, okay, well, the only veterans benefit I would want would be the dollars and says at the end of the month, I don't want the VA, I wouldn't go to the VA for any reason whatsoever, I would take, take responsibility for my own health decisions and obtaining my own health coverage and my own medical treatment, I wouldn't go to the VA if they literally paid me to do it when I walked in the door. Anyway, that was my comment, was that Joan? Joan, come on in here, that was you. Yes, Paul, who do you think is at the top of the food chain, do you think it's the Catholic hierarchy or the Jews or who, the meanest, toughest, most horrible group? I don't know, should we get a chart? We need to get a chart and have a call. Who do you think's worse? Is it the Jesuits? Is it the pilgrims' societies, the Fabians? No, what is it? Is the Catholic Church as a whole? I doubt it. Maybe it's the Church of England, I don't know, Mormons? Who knows? My take on it is, I think the Catholic Church, I think aspects of the corrupted Catholic Church have a huge role to play in this. But then you say, well, who are their bankers? But the thing is, it must be like a Mexican standoff up there, because they've all been around each other for hundreds of years. They all understand that if someone is intent on killing you from another group, you have to let them know that if they do that, they are going to die. So it isn't like a Mexican standoff. So they've all formed these unions because to some a greater or lesser degree. I mean, I've seen one theory, which holds quite a lot of water, you know, that certainly since Henry VIII, that the real force of contention in the world has been between the Church of England, i.e. those that left the Church of Rome and the Roman Catholic Church. Well, maybe there's certainly an aspect to that. And if you sort of look at the Jesuit oath, it's not particularly encouraging, you know, that ought to stab, kill, poison, do all these sorts of other things. In fact, it's a dreadful thing and dreadful doesn't even cover it. It's just sick. At yet you look at who formed the Jesuit order, a guy called Loyola, who said, I'm a converted Jew. Really? Okay, I don't believe you, Loyola. Stick it up your bum. And, you know, the Jesuits are often classed as being the Jewish wing of the Catholic Church, whatever that might mean. But I think there's all sorts of groups. And I think, I think maybe they all started off great. They would do you wouldn't form a thing about God that was supposed to be evil, but they've all become corrupted. All of them, they're all corrupted and at a loss. I don't know. I mean, there's a we know of the white pope from the black pope, don't we? Yeah, you know the black pope from the Jesuit order, but there's also a gray pope. And I've heard because I spoke to an ex-US military guy, he works at... Where's that place? Richmond, is it? Langley, he works there. As a linguistics guy, I spoke to him about four or five years ago, very interesting guy. And we got talking about the gray pope. The gray pope just flies in his plane up and down Italy, wherever it is, talking and doing things. And you have got these photographs, we had a lot of world leaders at the Vatican, at Catholic ceremonies and things like this. It's difficult to say, I think even if we knew, like we say, it's that black, that black, these mates down the road, that'd be odd all of it. What could we do about it? In other words, I'm not trying to be defeatist. I'm just saying, how do you deal with a group of people who are seasoned killers and manipulators and have influence on a scale that we are not going to have? I don't think you can deal with it by going up against them directly. But like I was saying earlier, for us, you have to sort of play your cards. And if we can become ungovernable on a local level, that seems to me to be a good use of time. It may, in retrospect, turn out to be a really dumb decision, but that's the best I can think of right now today. I can't think of anything better than that. And if someone does, I'm always trying to listen and hear something that will be better. And I feel we have to champion the law. We have to champion the laws of God. And all of these, all of these agencies are basically saying, no, we know better than God. And we're saying, you don't, you blokes, I don't care how clever you are, how much money you've got, you don't, no one ever has. I can't tell you, I can't tell you who it is, Joan. Okay, I can't tell you who it is. But I can tell you who it isn't, who it isn't, is anyone you have ever heard of, anyone you've ever heard from or interacted with, because the real ones that are pulling the strings are behind many, many, many, many layers of secrecy and protection. And you have never, ever heard their names uttered. That's who's in charge. I was just want, I didn't want to call out the Jews if they were, if it was the Catholic hierarchy, I just, I wanted to at least just maybe don't know them, but know what named the group them in. Right. Well, they work together, right? It's like the fasheye. The fasheye is the symbol of, of, power throughout history. It's the, it's a, an axe, right, with a strong shaft in the middle, and then a bundle of rods around it. And they wrap that bundle around it. And, you know, you, it's, it's nearly unbreakable, this axe. And so, you know, they, they, they use this fasheye as a symbol for fascism, because, uh, you know, if they, they realize the ruling class throughout all countries in all areas, if they stand together, then they can defeat the public, who they always see as their enemy. So every country, every leader is more afraid of his people than they are of the neighboring countries. Yeah. And I think this is why wars are, they organize wars between them to defray these things and to kill a lot of their enemies under the cover of warfare. You know, you can, in, in armies, people are picked out, like that you would call it friendly fire. No, it's intentional friendly fire. Stick, stick this bunch of guys in that division and make sure it gets blown up. Will you? Well, I just do that. Yeah. And it happens. It happens. Well, Paul. Yeah. I just want to mention this. I wanted to ask a question about your neighborhood. Seeing Stanford Bridge was your neighborhood. Um, and I don't know the one in London, not the Stanford, not the Stanford Bridge in London. Okay. There's one up in Yorkshire. Yeah. And in 1066, um, do you think from all the, if you run about the subject, do you think there was any collusion between the Danes and the Normans? Don't know. They'd need some pretty fast horses to do it. Um, maybe there was. I don't really know. You mean to what a week in the sanctuary. Yeah. So could be, I mean, it just could be, we have not really looked into it. Do you have to march that far and, and, you know, twice? Well, you know, you've got New York, you've got the Danes to thank for, for New York being called New York because York is a Danish word. It's your Vic J. O. R. V. I. K. was what it was named because we had influxes of Danes and Vikings for a long time, even though Alfred defeated them, 900, not 80. God bloody hell, but he did. Uh, we got, they got fed up on the south coast here, have just basically been robbed, raped and pillaged. They got a bit bored with it after a couple of years. So Alfred stopped all that, defeated the Danes and then invited them the day after or whatever to a big celebratory feast, which they couldn't believe. And they all became Christians then, which they were anyway because of the race of the Christian people. So, and then there was a big influx of Danish and Scandinavian people into Yorkshire and northern part of England, where I come from in the 15 and 1600s. And it's why you get, certainly when I was young, a lot of blonde head people up in the, in the north of England, in that particular region, a lot. In fact, my sister's blonde and I was blonde for about a week when I got born and then went all sort of, you know, dark and swarthy or whatever. I don't know. So there's that aspect of it. But, yeah, that's why it's called York after your Vic and everything sort of settled down after a bit once they decided to stop chopping each other up. But it could well have been that. I mean, fact, what we call monarchical things were basically massive family disputes. And the war of the roses over here, which went on for donkey's years, is just terrific. You know, these are members of the old family, but they all want to be king. And they're going to kill you to get it. So that's kind of part of the mentality. Well, Eric, the bloody didn't have a claim to the throne. That's why he was there. Probably did. Even if he didn't, he would have said he had, I haven't studied that too much because I've got a claim to the throne and says my wife or whatever. Yeah, they probably had sort of reasons to say, no, it's mine. You promised me this and all right, I'm coming over with an army. We're going to kill you. And that's how they used to sell things back then. I'll try to, I guess. So, yeah. Yeah, I just want to say the origin of evil families in the world, all originate from king in the Bible. However, they've changed names and they do this intentionally so we can't keep tabs on who they are. But there's a lot of half reads too that do a lot of their global dirty work. And probably George Soros is one of them. Obama, Clinton's, that they're supposedly part related, I think, to the Rothschilds. Obama doesn't. Doesn't Charles Richardson self-active Latvian Taylor? I don't know, does he? I mean, Latvian Taylor, didn't he stop Islam, sort of, you know, rollicking through that. I mean, the whole thing with vampires and blood, the impeller is always quite interesting. I've always thought that vampires really was sort of like a European fairy tale for warning children against a certain tribe of people. But that's another topic altogether. I have to go now. So Paul, it's now your show now that I muscled in and took it over for a hour. Sorry about that. Thank you for your contribution, Paul. English, Paul. Been a lot. Yeah, it's been fun. I just, I want to say one more thing, Paul. This is David in the thumb. What I tell people here is if you have questions, just ask your favorite relatives, Uncle Sam, an anti-Semite, Uncle Ben, and Antifa, they will tell you it is not real. It's Israel and it is all by design. Yeah. And these are things he thinks about when he's home alone and there's no radio program to listen to. I know. I don't want to say anything. I'm glad you said that, Paul. This is, I'm glad you said it, Paul. It would have been wrong. That's a great, great breakdown of Israel. The country is real. I've never heard that before. Is it real or isn't it? Is it live or is it memorize? Well, it's about to be memorized. As soon as Paul drops off because I'm going to as well. Yeah, I got to go. I got to go. Brilliant, Paul. Thanks for bringing me in today and everything and all that kind of stuff. And it's just been fun. And maybe I'll make one of the shows during the week. I'm afraid at some point soon. So there we go. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You have an open invitation and I will continue sending you them until you show up. Okay. That's cool. Well, I need to get this status thing rolling in here in the UK. We need a look at that. I've got a whole list of things like just a big list of stuff about doing something on the ground in like common law, village halls, birth certificates, status, you know, trial by jury, the English constitution. It needs to be and there are people that know this stuff, but we need a we need a boiled down simple version that I can use to possibly set a fire underneath our people. I'd like to carry on being English in England, but it's looking more and more doubtful with each passing day. And I think it would be shameful if it comes to that, but it will come to that if people don't don't want it. And that's the main thing. Do they want it? And I've got to make them want it or something or maybe let the enemy make them want it by making things so bad, but they've got to want it. So anyway, cool. All right, brilliant. Well, look, have a wonderful weekend, everybody, the rest of it. And I'll speak to you soon, Paul. And thanks for having me on and I'll be in touch, mate. Brilliant. Thanks, everyone. Yeah, lovely. I hope your way feels quickly. Thank you. This has been the Radio Ranch Sabato edition with Roger Sales and special guest in the 11th hour, Paul from our, well, our friend Paul from across the pond catches here Monday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Eastern time, you can catch us on 106.9 WBOU FM in Chicago. The first hour anyway, Monday through Friday, you can also catch us on radio on Thursdays and Fridays for the first hour. You can catch us on and global voice from 11 to 1. If not longer on global voice, you can also catch us on home and freedom We're on channel inch and four on home and the main channel on freedom We're also on go live TV and stream life that too. Those are all great platforms. You should really check them out and bookmark them. You know, stop by next time you're bored and you want something intelligent and thought provoking to listen to. That's it for me. I'm out of here. Have a great day and a great weekend for the rest of it. This is the global voice radio network saying bye for now. Blasting the voice of freedom worldwide, you're listening to the global voice radio network. Bye bye boy. Have fun storming the castle. ♪ I know I'm breaking the chains ♪