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Radio Ranch Sabado Edition

3h 1m
Broadcast on:
13 Jul 2024
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Welcome to the Radio Ranch with Roger Sales, the Sabado Edition. This mirror stream on the Global Voice Radio Network is brought to you in part by for support of the mitochondria like never before. Also,, brand new product still in pre-launch. Check it out, p-h-a-t, It's also brought to you by and the Prime International iTerraCare Terahertz Frequency Wand. Here's more info about that. The iTerraCare device has the ability to awaken dormant stem cells in the bone marrow. Yes, we have slipping stem cells in our bone marrow as you keep blowing this on your spine. You're activating the stem cells and guess what? You're going to create brand new lungs, brand new kidneys. Eventually, as you keep using this over time, you will have brand new organs, glands and tissues in your bodies and that's the great news. You have to keep blowing this on your spine because this is what the great Hippocrates said. There's a way to hit the bones that all diseases can be treated. Eat that, awaken that stem cells in your bone marrow, hit the bones using the future of medicine which is frequency. This is your time. Grab your wand device right now. For more information on the iTerraCare Classic Terahertz Frequency Wand, go to That's Forward Moving and Focused on Freedom, you're listening to the Global Voice Radio Network. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Boy, boy would we too and we are a little bit, I don't know how quantitative it is, but we're trying and we do it on a, excuse me, six day a week basis, sorry, you got to hear there at the start that I was genuinely wanding my coffee. So, there you go. You know I do use, I do use that, I terra wand. So, Roger Sails, your host today is the, Saturday the 13th. We missed it by a day, is that right? Yeah, we're not going to be so lucky what, next month? I don't know, I don't know. We've had a few of these Friday the 13th things with Brent, you know, and discussed the reasons for it and the history of it, all that's quite interesting. Roger here, your host today, Saba Doe, Saturday on the, on a solo show here this morning on the 12th of July, who is creeping towards my birthday fall. And we are on some of abbreviated amount of platforms today. I'm not sure the amount of the abbreviation, but Mr. Beaner is. Actually, yeah, it's kind of drastically abbreviated today. We're on Global Voice Radio Network. We're on We're on And, well, that's pretty much it. Yes, you also abbreviated. Well, we come in and out, you know, everybody's got different things going on. You can't blame them. So, oh, that's what I need right there. So, anyway, how you doing this morning, Mr. Paul? I'm doing good. I'm doing good. I had a network issue. I woke up to half of my systems being offline, but they're back now. Okay. And I'm at least halfway through my first pot of coffee and I fed the cat and she's happy and sleeping somewhere. There's. Oh, yeah. Yeah. All right. I'm going to step up for food. Do you want her food? I don't want her food, but I want her daily. And she has lost a considerable amount of weight. She's actually getting to the point where she actually feels kind of bony. So, I'm going to have to step up the food a little bit because when I was living in, I was living in a minivan for a winter and I was living in a mobile home with no heat, lighter water for, oh, six, eight months. And she was with me during the whole time. And I figured if we were going to be in a hazardous place, she was going to have plenty to eat. Well, it turned her into a little too done tabby. So, I've been using the last couple of years trying to lean her up a little bit. And it's finally working. Yeah. Was she ratting? Was she ratting? Is that what was happening? No, I just made sure that her bowl was full all the time and she'd get bored and she'd just eat. And then, of course, I was feeding her like the macro cat foods, which are really not good for them, you know, the stuff that's on sale at the store and because that's what I could afford at the time. So, now she gets blue wilderness tasteful and if anybody's got cats out there, I can tell you my finicky cat loves them. Okay. Well, no paid endorsement there. No paid endorsement. Yes, we're now. We haven't bowed to the great God of commercialism. There's only one God we bow to here. Yeah, she'll look around there and get some ratting and give her a little exercise, too. All right, well, it's the Saturday edition, as I'm sure everybody knows here. We originally kicked this in, I don't know, a year or so ago, for the people that did have jobs and were not able to join the program and ask their questions or participate if they'd like. So, we edged this one day out, I dropped all my Sunday shows and we put this Saturday show in so that we could accommodate those kind of folks, anticipating that there'd be a number of them. There hasn't been necessarily, there's been a few. So, it ends up, not all the time, but sometimes going into a nice teaching or discussion program on some element and we've cranked out some real good ones in that mode. So, let me ask first, if there's anyone here today that is, here, due to the circumstances, I just went over and we'd love to entertain whatever you've got the question or comment on. And, Paul, why don't you go over how to, because they may be new on how to access everything, the 9/4 star or whatever, all that whole process? Yeah. Well, the conferences in muted mode, but you can unmute yourself if you like. You can press star 6. Just press star 6, the conference will tell you that you're unmuted and then you just speak up and say, "Hey, Raj!" or something and then wait until you're acknowledged, don't just say, "Hey, Raj!" and start going into a dissertation. Joe Tango Prigunta, C, Senora. Can I... See? Can I finish the... Hello. Hang on one second. One second. One second. One second. We've got a train wreck already. If you want to ask a question or bring up a subject that is different than the current conversation, and it's going to be a diversion and not just a quick comment, please raise your hand by dialing 941, and put your hand back down by 9/4 star. Okay. Okay. Now that I got all the things... All that out of the way. We have a respondent. Yes, ma'am. Good morning. Hey, Sandra. Oh, boy, is that something or am I...? Yep. Of course. Well, what did it allow? Okay, let's deal with the first one. All right. Can I deal with the first? Okay. Go ahead. Well, nah, okay. Yes, well, it is national status, is getting out of the emergency, and you know, Gene Schroeder, I don't know if you've gotten to the end of it yet, that Dr. Schroeder says, "Well, all we have to do is get a president in and sign away the emergency." They have to renew it every seven years, evidently, like a lean almost, and that's why you get the war on this, the war on that. You know, we reignited the emergency with COVID because they put the emergency powers in. They had to get rid of hydrochloroquine and Ivermectin because you can't declare an emergency in this drug area if there's other drugs or compounds that will help the problem. And so what they did was outlawed those and came in and declared the emergency so they could bring in all these emergency powers to do that. I heard the other day, as a matter of fact, they paid Walgreens and CVS, I think, $2 billion not to sell Ivermectin and hydrochloroquine, that's B with a B, billion. So yes, that's why the war on all these wars and these emergency things over the years, what they're doing is refiring up and supporting that first one. If they go too long, it'll go away, okay? So that was the question on the emergency. It allows them to have special powers, by the way. And of course, you were asking about how does it affect being a national? Well, as Dr. Schroeder said, you can have a president that can sign it away. That's one way. It's the only way that he and his people understood. And what we do is we do and remove ourselves from one person at a time. So when you file that affidavit, you're removing yourselves from that situation. Does that answer your questions, Danny? It's, it's, it's pretty incredible. There was, there was eight people that did that research, it wasn't just him. He was a spokesperson. There was eight people behind that. Yep. Well, well, that's by elect and a president who would sign it away, you know, that's what he says at the very end there. But see, Dr. Schroeder and his team did not know what we know that this is the feudal system and you can do this individually one at a time. Now, you know, Joe, our listener, Joe from Oklahoma, longtime good guy, knows Dr. Schroeder. He put me in touch with him. I tried to get him on the program back earlier this year and it was when that big blizzard hit in late January, early February and it just knocked his schedule for a loop. And then of course, it's like springtime and it's planting and he's a, he's got a working ranch and he's a veterinarian in his career. Nice guy. I'd love to get him back on the air. I haven't tried since we might could see him, but see, they didn't know what we know. So that's why, can you see why I tell early people that are just getting into this to watch that video, Sandy? Sure, and proves it, and proves it with a number of exhibits and that it's like you're sitting down, I'm going to watch this and all of a sudden, it's like open and day of dove season, you know, they're coming at you from every angle there, tons of credibility. And the reason I asked the newer people to watch that specifically, with the exception of the Civil War and the status of the United States and what it is, this is the foundation of what they did. And when you get on top of your knowledge a little bit, you can see in what Dr. Schroder presents, you can see the switchover like right in the middle when they, after March the 9th and the agriculture department made people in the wholesale, I believe, of farm products, they had to get a license. See, they never had to do that before. And that shows you go to a black's law dictionary license is permission to do something which is otherwise illegal. Well, they didn't have to do it before and they got to do it now. There's the change of the system, okay? But if you don't understand, and that's when they brought in everybody under cover as citizens of the United States, the position they'd created after the war, they were sitting there ready to do this because that's why they did it all. And they just moved everybody in the surety. Here's another reason they have to recognize your affidavit. They can't move you in the surety in a property object of theirs without giving you some notice so there wasn't any kind of disclosure. So it's fraud and it's all initiated. And that's why they recognize your affidavit, one of the reasons. There's so many layers of fraud here is scary, okay? So they have to recognize it because we're in a contract, even though most people would never know it or recognize it or even be aware of it. But you're in that contract and it negates that contract where they put you in as a surety for this hypothecated bankruptcy. Have you read the Colonel House paper Sandy that was found in Woodrow Wilson's possessions after he passed, House was his handler and was involved in setting this up. And it's not too lengthy, but I can't remember all of it. But if somebody, Paul, you've got that on the website, don't you? If you could dig that up and read that to the audience, the Woodrow Wilson bit, and I'll give Sandy a little background if you can, it's okay, no big pressure. But it's very, because this was written back in the teens, okay? And it lays this out exactly, and he says, we will make them sure that he's by invoking the ancient pledge. What's the ancient pledge? That's the oath of fealty where you volunteered in feudalism, okay? And then he goes down and talks about more of it, and then at the end, he says, well, if anybody ever figures it out, we've got plausible deniability. If one or two people figured out, I think that's what he said, we've got plausible deniability. Well, a lot more than one or two people know about it, and old dead Colonel House and his progeny, no, you don't have any plausible deniability, you're lying, murder, and slavers. And that alone should dictate the remedy. So, a Wendell, I think, house, H-O-U-S-E, I think it was Wendell House. He was for Texas, his father was a merchant there, and he got in with this bunch, and when they, Mandell House, and when they got Wilson elect, okay, there you go, thank you, Dave. When they got Wilson in there, they attached him as his handler, oh gosh, I wish I could drag a good example out, but they've always got their person right there and attached to these important officials so they can tell them what to do and suggest things. So, Paul, did you come up with that if you didn't, it's all right, but it's very eloquent 20 years earlier than what they did and what they were going to do. So, you usually sketch had it one day. If you can't find it, it's not important. It's not all that important, but it is very precise on what they did, Sandy. Go ahead, Paul. I have multiple copies of that, Edward Mandell House PDF right there. All right. Multiple copies of it. Okay, I got them all over. Okay, well, I'd like everybody to hear it if they've not been familiar with themselves with it. If possible, if not, I would try to do a very try. He said in a letter to President Woodrow Wilson, 1913 to 1921, very soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a national system designed to keep track of the people and that will offer you to the ancient system of pledging. Pledging. That's your social security number, sorry for interrupting, go ahead, Paul. By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will affect our security as a chargeback for our fiat paper currency. Every American will be forced to register or suffer, not being able to work and earn a living. They will be our chattel and we will hold the security interest over them forever. By operation of the law merchant, under the scheme of secured transactions, Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us, rendered bankrupt and insolvent forever to remain economic slaves through taxation secured by their pledges. They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and if by accident one or two would figure it out. We have, in our arsenal, plausible deniability. After all, this is the only logical way to fund a government by floating liens in debt to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges. This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor to this fraud, which we will call social insurance or SSI. Without realizing it, every American will ensure for us for any loss we may incur and in this manner every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption and we will employ the high office of the president of our dummy corporation to foment this plot against America. He says it all. It touches all the key bases right there and that was in at least 12 years before the bankruptcy. We don't know when he wrote Wilson, I don't think there was a date on that, was there? Wilson was in office from 13 to 21, that's the date that was specified now, just to let everybody know, full disclosure here, snopes does say that that is false so we know it's true. Yep. Yep. Also, it was in the fruits of a poisonous tree, that book from a former judge prosecutor. Bcraft, yeah, I had that in my book and Bcraft said, "Ah, it's a patriot mythology, no Larry is not, nobody could have written that that succinctly as exactly what has happened and it be mythology." Everything he said has happened, we've proved it, yeah. Everything he said has happened over and over. So sorry Larry, another can't think outside the box example of Mr. Bcraft. But that is an exceptionally insightful little piece of writing from Colonel House there. Sandy, you can find it on the website or around and about, but somebody that if it's a mythology, nobody could have written that accurately as to what was going on, that we even have not proven, by the way. So there you go, okay, you're welcome, yeah, good deal. So that's another good thing to have in your arsenal right there. And you see that, I don't think that was in Dr. Schroeder's piece, was it? No, I don't believe it was. Well, it would have been a good one for them to have put in there. But maybe one of these days we can get Dr. Gene on here, he's a really nice guy, when I talked to him briefly, and he said, I think the country, I think it's too far gone, and I said, well, you don't know about this, and we don't know whether it's going to work or not, or whatever effects it can have. I know if we could get the right circumstances put together, we could do some real damage on these guys with this information to the right audience from the right platform. But the one thing that we're lacking right now is numbers. And we're getting those slowly now. But there's an exponentiality factor here, and so the more the folks we get, like you Sandy and others that are learning the material, familiarizing yourself with it and getting in command of it, and you go out and start talking to other people, well, you start multiplying that on the number of people around the country that we've trained and brought into this realm. The numbers get real exponential real fast. So it's a frustration to me because I would have thought this would have happened a long time ago. I mean, really. The first time I was on Joyce Riley's show with this back in about 2011, I just figured it would explode and go like wildfire. Well, we did get some traction on that, for sure. But also, I couldn't explain it real well back then. I understood it. I just didn't have the explanation factor, and it was still confusing. Now we've gotten all that stuff straightened out, I think. And when the next opportunity comes, I believe we'll be a little more succinct with it and a lot more effective. So it frustrates me that we haven't had it happen already because I really want to confront these lion thief and murder and pieces of slave and garbage with it and see the effect it would have and how their reaction would be because up to this time, man, they don't do nothing with it. It stands mute. They're scared to touch it. It's like the Thomas Jefferson quote about slavery, which is probably apropos here. And then he says that slavery is like holding a wolf by both ears. Have you ever heard this, Sandy? Slavery is like holding a wolf by both ears. You can't afford to hold him, and you can't afford to let him go. Yep, and it's very accurate as to what the position they're in with this. They don't know what to do. They can't deny it. They can't rebut it, and they can't stand to let it out and give it any leg. So all they can do is stand mute, which they know damn well, convict them. I mean, I think that you could convict these guys off of the fact, just the fact that they can't answer this half of David, because that indict, they indict themselves by standing mute. I mean, there's no, I have not found anybody in history in the history of the world dealing with these bastards, and that goes back thousands of years that have ever had them in this position. That's what we got here. They're scared. Yes. Yep, yep, yep, yep. Well, yeah, well, you accuse them of fraud. And you're lending your house because there was no money, and the bank didn't loan you anything, and you confront them with that. After this is exposed on a more mass basis, oh, man, I don't know what will happen, honestly, but I've got my ideas more than more times than not. My ideas are a little too grandeur. But I know one thing, this is really powerful mojo right here. Basically, we stole their mojo, okay. Yeah, okay. I saw he stole his birth right back through this trick, and now we've exposed their fraud on how they did it, and we got it back now. We got the power now, but it's hard for people to understand that, because they've never had the power. They've never envisioned themselves to have the power. They've always attributed this to the federal government, and all they did was steal it. So interesting situation, isn't it? I do know this, Sandy. The worse and more heated this situation becomes, the bigger effect this'll have when we can break it. And see, we don't need everybody. I mean, they won the Revolutionary War with only three or four percent of the population beat one to fight King George. The rest of them wanted to stay with the old booger. Okay? Well, we got a hell of a lot more than three percent right now, okay? Yeah. So we have a couple of hands up. Okay, well, I want to get to, and I would just say that all we do is get here day after day after day, put one front in front and one foot in front of the other, and hope we get somebody that's like Alex's cousin or something, Rob Doo's second nephew removed, whatever. One of those kind of guys can go, "Hey now, you need to really look at this." And all those guys are really busy. They've got flocks of doves coming in on them daily, and it's hard to get them, and all of you know this, is you got to kind of get silent for a minute and not have any distractions when you're looking at this and thinking about it, because otherwise you just do like, "Oh, and did that night," and just brush right past it when it's put right in front of you. I would add the old Winston Churchill quote, "You know, once in the life of every man he stumbles on the truth, most men pick themselves up and dust themselves off and go about their way." Which is what happens here. Okay? Yes, hold on, let me just say, did that get you? Okay, I think that was Joan right there. Joan, is that you? You've got no -- well, I know -- oh, I don't know of anything like that, but I do know of people that got -- I went through the whole thing here. There was no mandates, except when you're leaving or entering the country. I've got a friend here that is half Ecuadorian and half U.S., and I think maybe British, too. He's got several different. He's kind of a mutt guy, but he was in -- he's got a flower business. He does things around special holidays up there, Veterans Day, Memorial Day, et cetera. Excuse me, my stomach's acting up here, Joan, and because he was a U.S. citizen, they didn't require him to get jabbed to get into the U.S., but he's Ecuadorian, and they required him to get a jabbed to get back into Ecuadorian. He's been -- he's had five hard operations. He was a big athlete. He was on the Ecuadorian squash team, traveled all over the world, and all went great shape and all that stuff, and that one shot messed him up with a capital F, okay? And I didn't do anything, of course I was illegal at the time, but I wasn't taking their shot. I have a friend, Pat McEwan, the retired Delta pilot, and he and his wife were living in Thailand at that time, and they decided to take a trip to France, and they got caught in France for a long time. He couldn't come back to the -- I don't mean -- he ended up coming back to the U.S. because he couldn't get back into Thailand. He's moved out of there since he's moved back to the U.S. list down in the Florida Panhandle. So different people had different experiences, but I don't know if anybody that wrote their governors and nationals said, "Get me back," because they probably couldn't. But what you would tell the geeks, if they came around, just say, "It doesn't apply to me. I'm a national. I'm not a citizen of the United States. Those are the only people that you can jab." Citizens of the United States and residents -- I'm neither. See you later. Go on down the block. Jump down there. Okay. You're welcome. All right. Who's next? You said there's a bunch of hands up. That's good. Mark. Not Mark. Mark. Hey, Mark. Hey, man. Sure. No, you're all right. Oh, no, you're up up too. Uh-oh. Okay. Let's see you. Where would that drop out to you? You're up up too. You're up up too. You're in Woodlide problem. Thanks for letting me know that. You're up. All right. We'll do it. We'll do it. Yeah. Yeah. What I have to do is because there's like a noise or discussion prior to the show. When I set up the show, the streams are on. They're active a minute or two before the show. So I have to shut off the audio feeds to those streams. And sometimes I forget to turn those audio feeds back on once the show starts, so that's what happened. Can you? I can shut those feeds off. Uh-huh. Can you train a treaty? Can you train a treaty? Not to talk? No, no. No. You can train a treaty for a show time? You could. Can you train the kitty to come in and remind you of that? Um, I don't know. Probably not. Probably. Or maybe if maybe if we could like not be not having active conversations like right up to zero hour, like maybe that would be helpful. I'd leave those. I was open. I'm the guilty. I'm the guilty guy. It's not just you, Raj. It's you. It's you. It's me. It's everybody. We talk. We had quiet two minutes before the top of the hour. All right. We got a new protocol. It would be a protocol. Pre-show protocol. Well, no. I mean, I could just continue to shut those feeds off and occasionally the, uh, I mean, um, what's what's going to happen now is the entire first 30 minutes of all of the recordings and all of the streams, um, everybody else, but you are missing. So, and that's for global voice. That's for Eurofolk. That's for the archives. That's for everything. So everything that was said by anybody bought you is gone. Paper. Oh, dad. Okay. Well, I'm sorry about that. Yeah. I'm in the future of the archives, but, uh, we're learning. Okay. So. All right. Now we had more. Well, I have a lot of buttons to push when the show starts. I mean, I've got two streams, I've got three rooms. And, um, I've got multiple multiple feed channels, multiple bumpers, um, multiple recordings to start and stop. I've, I've got at least a dozen buttons that I have to push in the last 120 seconds prior to the start of the show. And sometimes I missed two. And today I did. Okay. Well, it's, it's easily, uh, it's easily understandable. We got the heads up. It seems to be, uh, corrected and we will judiciously move forward. Mr. Mark and straw man. Boyness. Boyness. Thank you so much for letting me know it was screwed up. Good morning, Mark. Yeah. Yeah. It's, it's good to have people give that have your back, you know, it's a lot to keep up with him. We appreciate Paul. Yeah, he does. Oh, let me tell you what, it takes a special guy. It takes a special guy who special knowledge should do what Paul does. Okay. And don't you think otherwise? Go ahead, Mark. Please. Absolutely. Yeah. This is mark all caps because your name in all capital letters is not conveyed jurisdiction. So Roger, one of your students, uh, emailed me at that's strawman at mark M-A-R-K-A-L-L-C-A-P-S dot com. And that does not have to be capitalized. And his question was, his uncle is very interested in becoming a national, but he's concerned that it would affect his veteran benefits. And so I don't know if you could just take a moment and share the why this doesn't affect like your Social Security and your Medicare, Medicaid and your, your veteran benefits and so forth. Well, the reason why, the way I understand it is you're welcome. It goes back to fraud because what they had to do to overcome the, the Jim Crow laws separate but equal was they had to make both people equal and then hide the national or the old state citizen underneath the federal citizen. And that way they can only ask you one half of the facts. Are you a citizen of the United States not? Are you a citizen of the United States or a national? And they can erroneously and fraudulently ask you. I think that's called a lack of, a lack of trying on the tip of my tongue, a lack of disclosure and a supremely fraudulent leading question, wouldn't you agree, Mark? And that's the problem you had. Well, Mark, when you agree with that conclusion, yes, but you also have somewhat of a contract with them. I mean, you, you just have to serve duty and in return, you're supposed to be getting no. No, no, no, he's absolutely right. Well, it is a contract with him, but go ahead. No, Roger, you're not, the contract he's talking about is the contract that you sign when you join the service. You contract with the service to provide your service in return for certain benefits. And as long as that contract was duly signed, entered into and completed, then they owe you the duty. That's it. Okay. Well, it's all fraud because underneath is a national. And when you signed up, they didn't ask you if you were a citizen or a national. They just asked you if you're a citizen, they used this leading thing, but yet they come back in the INA and tell us that all U.S. citizens are U.S. nationals. Well, why didn't you mention that before? Okay. So it's this act of hiding one of those statuses under the other that goes both ways. You know, they'll make a statement. It says in the United States, well, they don't mention national in there, but it's there and they're the same thing and one's hidden under the other. So you can use that way of understanding in a lot of situations, I think, but for the dad, no, it's never affected any body that we've been informed about. And why is that again, because a U.S. national is a U.S. citizen. So if they discriminated against you by changing status in them, holding up your retirement, they'd be totally discrimination. It'd be totally discriminatory, wouldn't it? Yeah. And Roger, where do we show people that a national is a U.S. citizen? From that secretary of state form, the notice of non-citizen nationality, certificate of non-citizen nationality, and it says it blatantly right in there in the second or third paragraph, it starts it out, whichever edition you're looking at of that document. But it also tells you that it comes from legislation, the Immigration and Naturalization Act, according to the I.N.A. One ringy dingy. Hold on to see who's calling us. Hello. Oh, that was me. Sorry. Okay. All right. So that gets you, Mark. Yeah. Hold on. We'll get you home. Mark does that. Yeah. I think so. That'll put me in the right direction to actually be able to put the information in front of them. And then also, I know we have nationals here like Brent in Las Vegas, who is a veteran. And he hasn't had any problems. So, but I think the key to that is, you know, that the nationals are also a U.S. citizen and I can go look that up. Right. And enjoy the questions. Yeah. And that's, that's the whole deal is a lot of it falls back on them on discrimination. If they tried to do that, national is technically a citizen of the United States of America, isn't he? Well, how could they disqualify you? Correct. Right. I can't. Roger. One quick point. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Hold on. Yes, Paul. Well, you get Paul. We'll get you. Sherry. Paul. Okay. The military service contract is exactly the same as the Social Security contract. You are agreeing to open a Social Security account and agreeing to work for 40 quarters. And if you do, then you are fully vested and you receive benefits thereof. It is a contract that is separate from any matter involving citizenship, but for all intents and purposes, the military service contract is exactly the same. You agreed to give them your body for two or four years. And they agreed to give you benefits on successful completion of that term. As long as that term is successfully completed, you completed your obligation to that contract. Now it's their turn to make theirs. It's completely the business contract law. And your, and your benefit is now you can be homeless and sleep on the street and not get any care. Okay. I think that was Sherry. It was trying to get away. Oh, by the way, on the, on the other side of that, you don't have to be a citizen of the United States to apply for Social Security. You can be any nationality in the world. Was that Kathleen or was that Sherry? Yes. Yes. Okay. Good morning. Good morning. Yeah. No, it's still morning. I have a question because I have a friend that a veteran and he actually, he knows about the whole movement, but he's apprehensive to join until he gets his full disability from the VA to be broken back twice. And it's hard enough for him to be able to even get it, you know, they keep trying to find a reason not to pay him more disability. So he's concerned about becoming a national before he gets his full disability that he made. Again, again, there, there's never been one incident, a backlash reported to me from the VA on any of these instances and Harvey was going through my friend Harvey, a bunch of trying to get disability because he was genuinely injured in Vietnam and he'd never applied for it before and he let everything lapse. Okay. And he went do all that stuff and get it all. I don't know exactly how much he's gotten, but then the, the state department said, well, we got one of those rare letters that we need six more pieces of identification. And Harvey has a brother there in Chattanooga who has 15 children and something like 45 grandchildren, probably more by now. And so Harvey took the picture that he was going to send in for, send in with his passport application and he went to a printer and I had a bunch of sheets printed up with that picture and then some verbiage of this is boom. I've known him since boom and he sent him 30 something of those and they promptly sent him his passport. So I just never heard, I've never heard a gotten report of any backlash from the federal government on any agency on anybody that ever filed this affidavit. Now that's over a 13 year period. That's a pretty good length of time. And I believe it's a pretty commendable to track record actually. So you can tell him that he can believe it or not and he can handle his own way on that. But again, I've never had one backlash reported to me from any quarter of anybody that went through this process that got blow back from the federal government. Never one. None. Noca. Zilch. Well, I don't know about those. Well, that's not a denial of some sort of beneficial rights that you've acquired. That's just a bullshit letter. Yeah, it's a head fake. Well, you know, again, that we recently had a student that received one of those and they reached out to me a draw man at and asked me about it and I said, oh, yeah, we hadn't seen one of these in a while, but this is your head fake letter. And then they recalled you talking about it, you know, several months ago. My gosh. How long has that been, Rogers? You talked about this is a Roberts. It'll be about two years in November, I believe, when we started seeing those. And this is the point I'd like to make about the Mrs. Robinson letter. For those of you who may have gotten one, I want you to consider this. That piece of crap is the best defense they've gotten. Yeah. Can I explain what that really is? Yeah. Go ahead. Go ahead. No, no. I'll just give it a little bit to wrap my, yeah, it took me a little bit to wrap my mind around it. That is a head fake letter because for people that stumble across your information and they go, oh, well, I'll throw in my affidavit and they never study the material. Yeah. And they were studying. They just run across somebody and it may not have been directly Roger, but it could have been other people talking about being a national and they stumble across Rogers' information. It's a simple one-page affidavit that anybody can understand and they mail it in. And then maybe about a month later, they get this letter from a Kelly Robinson talking about sending in information with your passport, which some of them never have even signed up for their passport yet. Correct. They're a head fake letter because if you don't understand what this is about and what being a national means, and you get a letter like that, you'll just throw your hands up and go, well, I guess that didn't work and you just go on down the road and you never change. So that's why, you know, we recommend that you study this information until you have that epiphany in your mind. You have this mindset that changes that, oh, this is a separate entity. I'm a national now and I'm not this US citizen's way that's beholden to federal government. So that's all it is, it's just a head fake letter and that's really, you know, since I've been on here and talking with everybody as that's really the only letter I've ever seen come back except for the people, the Pennsylvania where Maryland had the gun license and she notified. Oh, Kentucky. Kentucky. Well, there is one, there is one more example, but that there is one more example mark of the, and we haven't seen very many of these lately is probably why you haven't seen it. And it's from the passport people. Well, I don't know how many we've seen over the years, not many eight or 10, maybe, maybe a little more, but it always starts out with the very same first paragraph and then the others, because they can cut and paste through here evidently. The others are different and depending on which letter it is, I never have to read past the first paragraph. And when people call in with one of these letters, I can generally almost recite it to you. It says it appears by what you have submitted that you're a citizen of the United States and then it quotes the 14th amendment first clause. And then it says this cannot be waived unilaterally, yada, yada, yada, yada, yada, except by operation of the law. Say that's a tricky little add on that they've gotten a lot of stuff and they've been using that for quite some time, because we found it in SR 92, I think, or 192, which is the Senate resolution that was passed about a month after the bankruptcy in 33, and they go into the first paragraph saying, well, now everything is owned by the federal government, yada, yada, yada, except by operation of law. And so usually we just throw back the tell quote, every man has to write a personal political self-determination and you write something like, is this operable enough for you? I will say that everyone that's ever gotten one of those has objected to it and everyone to my knowledge has gotten their documents. But it's just all exactly, you said what exactly is going on is they're trying to see how much you know. And that's what that guy was doing from the passport office that called Jerry's wife, and then got ahold of Jerry and went through all that rigmarole and said, well, we're going to, you want me to send you this money and your application back and all that, and Jerry's quick thinking to try another approach, yeah, I want you to send it to me. And then the guy sends him the passport and the passport card. It's all a bluff to see how much you know. That's really interesting to the other hand, the conversation today is starting. Go ahead. Go ahead. I'll go ahead. I'll just say in there. There's another hand. Finish up. Yeah. Let's get your comment. Okay. Real real quick, you're going over the emergency act with Dr. Eugene Schroeder and Sandra had brought that up at the beginning of the show. I found it interesting because, you know, they're talking about you're going to record your biological data, right? Well, yeah, in 1902 is when the United States started doing the birth certificates. And to me, that's where your biological data is being recorded initially. Was it that early? I thought it was in the 20 or 21 that's according to the American Bar Association. That's what's interesting where this information comes from. And it said it's part of the one of the census is when they started it. Okay. Could have. And then even more interesting, they even make a note that in the United Kingdom, they started the federal or the national collection of birth data in 1853. And then you see rolling out of the bankruptcy afterwards. So I mean, it's like all of this is kind of set in place beforehand like they knew what was. Of course. You know, see, what I'm from the 14th amendment, what I've found Mark is being an old salesman, you know, I'm in with some pretty good sales training courses and they want you to visualize everything that you're going to say before you go in, see. And so what they've done here is they've set this is one of the things I noticed early on is that everything is backwards, you know, not only the dialectical nature, but when they set something up, it's all backwards. And that's so when they come in, they just press the front domino and all the domino is falling place and everything they want to accomplish is accomplished because it was set up ahead of time to work that way. So that's how they're doing this. All right. Well, okay, you're welcome. Mark, we'll get back to this. There's probably a lot more we could discuss there. Was that the hand up, Athlean? Was that you? Nope. Nope. Area code 734. Got to maintain protocol. Okay. Go ahead. Yes. I was just saying that that's how the Illuminati works. They do everything. Oh, yeah. Well, they have to because they want it to go the opposite way, so they got to set it up in reverse ahead of time. And just like the antichrist, he'll be from a supposed version and be supposedly this grand complete opposite of Christ, but he emulates Christ. This is why they do everything the opposite. Yes, and they're very, very good at creating illusions. Now, let's catch hold on. We got somebody that had a hand up. We're talking all over them and I'm trying to maintain protocol here. Who had their hand up that wanted to say something? So this is from area code 734. Can you hear me? Yes, ma'am. A little bit. Yes. Okay. I'm trying to, well, good morning. I just wanted to thank you. My name is Catherine and I share my time between Michigan and South Carolina. And I listened to you backwards. I listened to Monday through Saturday on Saturday, so that's the first opportunity I've had to call in. Thank you for having your shows. You're welcome. So my question is I've had an argument not only with myself because they run multiple companies between Michigan and South Carolina, but also other people who have, of course, they're two cents that they know it's never going to work. So I filed my affidavit in January, my IRS in April, but how does it relate to statuses of being on a board, being president of corporations, nonprofits? I don't think, well, I don't think it should have any bearing on that. We've never had a report or a backlash of that because you've got to remember, first of all, what you are is your choice. If it's their choice, telling you what you are, then they're tyrants. So it has to be your choice, okay? They're very well aware of that. And the second thing is, is because a national is the same as a U.S. citizen the way they've set this up, then it would be discrimination if they were doing anything like that to you in that capacity, wouldn't it? I agree, but I had, you know, you hear people say certain, it's just for clarification I just wanted to ask. All I can tell you is it shouldn't have anything to do with it, hold on just a second, it shouldn't have anything to do with it, and if they try and do anything about it, it should give you a clear-cut avenue to a discrimination lawsuit. And see, they don't want that because then that means this information gets to come in an open court setting, doesn't it? Correct. Do you think they want this information, hold it, hold it, hold it, do you think they want this information in any visible from the public scenario? No. No. No. No, I was just going to say that's a big thing that people don't think about. This totally strips them of everything. They're not going to overtly come at you and risk bringing this information in some sign of a public forum where there's credibility, they're scared as hell of this. I appreciate that, thank you. It sends them to the gallows. They know it. We don't. We're still scared of them. Little fraudulent bastards. I concur. So now what else can we help you with? Did I get your name, by the way? Catherine? Catherine, okay, good. I think you said it at first, I just didn't get it. We got Kathleen's and Catherine's and everybody else here. Well, so how, you've been around here for a while, you've got your affidavit in and you've severed your relationship with the individual representing Satan, so good for you. I would invite you to. I don't know if you're traveling during the week or whatever, but as you get questions or comments or whatever, you feel free to join us, okay, Catherine? I do and I appreciate it and sometimes on Saturday, it's kind of intimidating since I've missed Monday through Friday already, I need to head south and see if you've answered my question. Well, we had a really good week of this week of shows. There were several really good brisk shows, some of them have to do with IRS returns, education of election. I think we got into the male/female thing, time or two, and it's been a good week of shows, I thought. So you just feel free to join us, okay? Yeah, it doesn't matter if we've answered it before, you can come back and ask it. There's other people that probably didn't get here the first time around either, okay? And as all of our folks here will, I think, resonate. You can't hear this information enough, especially on this basic stuff. You just can't hear it enough. No, repetition is the mother of learning. Okay, so thank you, Catherine. Nice to meet you. Glad you're born, okay? You know all the resources, the Merckas Telegram channel and Dave and Kay, so website, national and Merckas is national status freedom, telegram three separate words and our website. And there's a lot of resources there for folks like yourself, okay? Thank you. And the straw man's email. Yeah, and straw man, if you got any of those questions, you can shoot Mercka email. I've been in this thing a long time, 20 plus years, I've gotten real aggregated, aggravated with all the BS and walked away from it and then got back and found out it was the feudal system and the world opened up to him. Okay, so who else Paul, somebody else with their hand up? I hear somebody talk. Yeah, Kathleen, if your line is still open and you got people in the room talking, can you please mute? And now we've got Dave and the sun, Dave, Dave. Hey, hi everybody, hi Roger, hi, can you hear me? Yeah, babe. Hello? Am I muted? Yes, we got you. We got you. Okay. So last night I was on a conference call that I'd been getting on since 2015. And one of the guys was telling us another guy we know was in Europe. And he changed his status online, filled out one page form and became a national. And it was a spot on the one page questionnaire for the Department of State about national. And he said it in and they sent it back because he forgot to notarize it and he got it notarized and they said when he flew back home from Europe, they said at the airport, oh, so you're a national. And I tried to tell him, look, that is a non-citizen American national. The national hidden behind that, that's for Americans, Samoans and Swains, Islanders. Oh, no, the UN declaration of human rights, blah, blah, blah, and I'm like, okay, anyway, am I wrong or is there a new form, one page that you can be a national? Well, I've never heard of it before and I don't know if that's what it is, if it deals with Americans or whatever, even if I was that guy, when I got back and could get a piece of paper, I'd write an affidavit and submit it, okay, just to make sure because I wouldn't trust the forms, but whatever, I've never heard of it before. Right. I agree, Roger. I wouldn't. I wouldn't let one crack open up with these little slimmers could slime or through. Yes, who's the Roger there? Hello. Roger, I'm here too. Okay. Abram is with us again, I'll be darned. Yes, who's the guy very faintly said, hey, Roger, there? Hey, Roger, I just wanted to say I agree with you about the forms that you don't trust the forms in the United States. You have to do your own equity, but I want to make it clear cut, no wiggle room and send it to the absolute right guy and then follow up and get a passport of some sort with it. Then you're covered. Okay. Who's the guy said? Hey, Roger, they're gonna go and we can't get him back. So you want to come back? Yeah, Abram is in there and Otis has a comment. Okay. It might have been Otis. Otis, you want to come forward here? Oh, yes, sure, thanks. I want to read national out of Black's fifth, the term national in all our case as used in the phrase national of the United States is broader than the term citizen. Yep. And it said, "Bracer v. Biddle." Okay. Do you see somebody? Mark, what's that case again, Bracer d. Mark, do you want to follow up on this? Just give us that style again, yeah, could you spell it out, Otis, please? Sure, B-R-A-S-S-E-R-T-V-B-I-D-D-L-E. Bailey Banks and Biddle. They were some people very involved in the founding of the country too, the Biddle. So go ahead. Well, that's a B as a boy, not a V. Great. Well, I didn't say B, I said B, Biddle. There's a clothing store, there's a clothing store, a chain called Bailey Banks and Biddle. They were also bankers at the beginning of the country. It's kind of an unusual name, it's still around. So is there any other information, a site on there, like such and such, US, whatever? Yeah, it says D-period, DC, and then CLNN, I'm not sure if that's Connecticut or if that's something else, but it also says, okay, then it says 59F, stuff. Yeah, Federal's up, 457, 462. Okay, repeat the last part, it also was appealed, it looked like. Okay, I didn't research it, but that expansion, it's kind of back to something what Mark was saying a while back, is a citizen, you have some rights, and then as your national, you have more. You got all... No, you got all. I read that. You're all. It's not the world. You got all. Okay. Okay, now you got God given rights. So yeah, well that's interesting that would be back in the Black's fifth. Good fine, Otis. Yeah, I just happened on to it. It was something I've been thinking around in that thing, trying to find stuff and there's not much in there, go figure. Well, at least they gave you that one. Oh, again. That's a mighty big one. Right. And I recommend this book enough is Devon put together the National Citizenship Handbook. And I cannot recommend that book enough. It's become my reference book and you can search it by keywords and you can go to national, that national and if you scroll down a little bit, you'll see that magnifying glass, it's a search box and just put handbook in there and boom, on the next page, you'll see the national citizenship handbook and you can download that. It's a great reference. Go ahead. It's also the download section on the Matrix talks. It's on the Matrix talks, it's halfway down the page in the download section and do the same thing. Press F3 type national and hit enter and it'll go straight to it. Now here you've got somebody that had no been around here all that long, Devon, you're not an old timer. But he obviously is a bright young man and he got real motivated and he put this book together. He's got two editions. He really polished it up on the second one. And to the point where here Mark is a 20 something year paralegal and that's the book he's using the research some first, that says an awful lot right there. One of the listeners emailed me a case that they're referencing and like, wow, look at what this says. And I remember what it was, but I was like, man, I know I was seeing that case somewhere. Where did he come up with this? And I thought, well, I wonder if that citation is over in Devon's book and I happen to pull that up and I did a quick little search and boom, there that case was, it showed up under a definition. I was like, oh, that's where he got that. So this person that emailed me has been going through Devon's book apparently and they're taking the time to study that and it's only 73, 74 pages, right? So it's not like a big opus, so it's not a big huge law book, but and this is a beauty of it. It just kind of incrementally, step by step, walk you through and if you don't understand something, stop and get somebody to help you with it and and if you just totally reject it, you're like, oh, that can't be right and you just know way that you're going to wrap your mind around it and then just put the book down and go about your life. But I tell you, that has quickly been just one of my favorite resources when it comes to all things of being a national, I cannot recommend it enough. Well, and I often neglect not intentionally giving Devon the credit for accomplishing writing that and putting it out to this degree that it is effective, okay? And I told we talked about Dave and Kay and Merka and the other people, but that little piece of research and publication, oh, it's pretty important, folks, okay? And again, examples of everyone here working as a team, the information is motivating you. What we're trying to accomplish motivates you, you see something where you can contribute and you go out and do these things and I just really appreciate it. That's how we're going to be effective is working as a team. Can I bring up another resource? Sure. Yes, of course, I'll just please. I encourage people to go back and listen to your show on June 18th, I believe. Yeah. It was when you were over US national, non-citizen national. I've got a timestamp of about 20 minutes where it gets going. I think it's another one that Paul put in as the radio ranch one. Okay, Paul, I was going to say Paul, take note here. I think he already did do it, that's what I'm saying. Okay, good deal. But what another thing to keep in mind, at least from what I've found, is anytime you're trying to research US national, they're basically pushing you towards non-citizen US national. And I think you go over that real well in that show as to when they're leading you astray and when they're being honest, which again, if you pay attention when you're trying to find US national stuff, almost everything. Even that INA statement is obviously about everything other than that one sentence is completely and totally about non-citizen US national, not US national. And that one sentence there at the first is not even sentence, it's just part of a sentence. That is probably the most honest you will ever see these slaving bastards. And the only reason they've got to be honest is because they're trying to cover up the lie with the rest of it, with Maryland non-citizen national. So it's a really important sentence. The first day I saw that, I was just reading the document on the air, you know? And I hit that sentence and I almost had to go clean my britches, okay? I've never seen those bastards being that honest except right there. Otherwise, it's all kind of slimy crap, you know, fool you, throw you off to stretch. Hey, look over there, all that. So it was very important, a little fine, and I have to thank the late Chris Cave for that. I had seen it previously, but I never really read it carefully and I didn't know it as much as I, of course, knew later on. And that came up and we got on the air and started reading it and boom, right there. Well, I'll be darned. Now that little discovery of them both being the same is what led me back to Brown versus Board of Education. How could they have overcomeplessy to make them the same, boom, Brown? And there you go. So it's really something when you start uncovering what these guys have done to get this little agenda to this point over all these years and nobody else has ever seen it. I mean, seen. Hey, Roger. Yes, sir. There's the citation that Otis was talking about in the Brassert versus Biddle. This is in the district court for the District of Connecticut. And the court cited that the court held that the act of 1944. So the court held that the act of 1940 authorizing a judgment declaring a plaintiff to be a national of the United States does not confer upon district court jurisdiction to declare a plaintiff a citizen since the term national is broader than citizen. Yes. So the district court is declare a plaintiff to be a citizen. Check that out. Listen to that. The district court, I'm at the federal, the federal district court cannot declare a plaintiff a citizen since the term national is broader than citizen. Right. And that can't declare it. Why? Because you've got to declare it yourself because everything has to be voluntary. Yeah. Hey, Roger. So yes, it's a tricky little minefield, isn't it? And there's our old friend Abram. Hey, Abram. So you know, this is interesting that this was brought up in this context, okay? Because they're really trying to spell it out. And they're saying the national of the United States is broader than the citizen of the United States, right? We agree with that, right? And they say all citizens, all U.S. citizens are U.S. nationals, right? Right. Okay. So here we have eight USC 1101, okay, a 22. So we're definition 22 and it says, so this is a matter of definition, okay, this is exactly what these terms mean. The term quote national of the United States, end quote, mean a a citizen of the United States, or be a person who though not a citizen in the United States owes permanent allegiance to the United States. So when they say the term quote national of the United States means a citizen of the United States. Because they're both the same because they because a citizen of the United States is by my very definition, one in the same of the United States. So it is. So if you tell someone you're a national of the United States, you're telling them to be of the same status as a citizen. But you've made the choice, remember they don't ask you, are you a national? They ask you, are you a citizen of the United States and a resident, they don't ask you if you're a national in there. So that's where you by your ignorance and performance over road, the fact that you have access to a national, you volunteered into the other status, they're both the same. Yeah. Yeah. So, but even if you if they recognize that you're a national United States, okay, if they recognize that they still can turn around and say, well, although you're not a citizen, you owe permanent allegiance to the United States. That's not right. No, because I'm a citizen of the United States of America. I'm not a citizen of the United States as a national. Well, so, but if you say you're a national of the United States as a matter of definition, definition 22, it says that you owe permanent allegiance. So definition 21 is the personal. Abram, you're off on a rabbit trail here, you're not correct. But that's why you that's why you specify those things in your affidavit. There is no wiggle room from them on that. Right. So what what Abram is saying, Roger, is then there's two definitions. Number 21, where that was the reason to them to the smallest state is number 21, and 22 on that is where they confuse people and trap people. Right. You are a citizen, you're a citizen of the United States, and you're a national of the United States, which includes the U.S. person. Right. That's because. Yeah. Yes, it does. Unincorporated. American Samoan. American Samoan. Correct. Right. So they put those two definitions in there, so they differentiate the national, who is the American national. But the Samoan, and that's number 21, and number 22, is the citizen and the national of the United States. So they're telling you right there, you're claiming to be a United States person, a United States, you owe your allegiance to United States in that definition. Yes. That's what they're saying. Yes. And that's American Samoa. Right. Your affidavit separates that when you put the national only, no U.S. national, just national. You can even put the definition in your affidavit if you need to. So you're trying to say again that U.S. National is American Samoan, and I disagree with you. The sentence on that document from the State Department says, "All U.S. citizens are U.S. nationals, but some are nationals and not citizens." Yes. U.S. national or national are the same. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. I understand. But hear me out again. Fully enclosed within, and then the broader definition, national of the United States, also owes allegiance to the United States, both, okay? And then you have this other one, which would be its own circle outside of this national United States venn diagram where you have a person own allegiance to a state. So if you, and to default it up, if you look at 8 U.S.C. 1401, it says nationals and citizens of the United States at birth. So, and that says, "The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States ever." So there's a distinction there. It doesn't say nationals, or nationals of the United States and United States citizens. So what they've done is they've made U.S. citizen by very definition is a national. But if you change to just a national of the United States, you're still using everybody in the audience, okay? You know, I can clear it up. There's three definitions in that sentence, not just two. It's all U.S. citizens are U.S. nationals. That's definition one and two, but not all nationals are U.S. citizens. That's number three. That's right. There's three definitions in that sentence. They're trying to say that, they're trying to say that U.S. national is an American symbol and that that's not true. I mean, it could be true, but it's not always true, okay? Or else they wouldn't say that it's the same thing according to the Immigration Naturalization Act. Well, they say the same thing because they both owe permanent allegiance to the United States. No, that's not true. That's just not true, Abram. If all U.S. citizens are U.S. nationals, that U.S. national owes total allegiance to a small less state, not the U.S. No, the U.S. national is the national of the United States, right? Ironman. I think it's, I think it's viewing the state national from inside the federal enclave. That's how I think they're using that, but it's not. It's not an American Samoan, to my understanding, okay? Roger, when they're saying the citizens in the national of the United States, they're trying to give you a picture or definition, even though it's confusing. They're trying to tell you they are U.S. persons. They owe allegiance to the United States in the definition, that's correct. That's correct. And that is a U.S. person who owes allegiance to the United States and a U.S. national is not that. The United States is the U.S. national, or the United States is the U.S. citizen. Okay. Can we agree that they've done a real good job setting this up in total absolute obfuscation and confusion? Yes. Okay. Ironman. What did you have to say? Roger, I can finish this out. So I can clarify this, so the last detail is we have this 8 U.S.C. 1502, and in there it references American national, okay? So we have the U.S. portion of it has been eliminated, okay? And when you click on that, that national, it takes you to definition 21. So the American national is what you want to be. If you're a U.S. national, then you might as well be a citizen. And we've seen, well, you might be, but you've differentiated that with your affidavit in specificity, okay? All right. Yeah. Yeah. The affidavit. Ironman. Save us the day. Ironman. I couldn't reply. Paul cut off my phone. He's censoring my... Oh, I did not. Access to this. I did not. I did not. I went muted. That question. Question, what is the single best website? Can you hear me now? What is the single best website to access yesterday's classroom? Yesterday's recording. What is the one website that would be best to access yesterday's class? Well, there's only one that's got it now. I'll go you and tell him how Paul. What is it? Can you give it to me? Paul. Yeah, I can't, but Paul can't. Paul. Oh, good. Go to the matrix docs. Go to the matrix And click on the global voice radio link. And then that will bring up the list of archives. Just go to the archive free yesterday. Thank you. Are you? Thank you. Yep. And as soon as we can get this archive situation, go ahead Paul. The matrix or nationals Just go to the global voice radio network link just below the Eurofolk link. And that will bring up the list of archives. It'll also bring up the live show if we're on the air at the time. OK. Perfect. Did you get that? I'm sorry, this is probably my fault it was certainly in the book, but OK, thank you. But we'll get it straightened out when we can and try to get everything over on one. The problem is the cast box has all the damn descriptions of the programs. And you can't download those when you download those. It shows. So anyway, we're working on it. It'll get better. Now, who else? Don't forget, Abram, they're in the way they use this and I am very confusing. And because necessarily an IRS is not only a quasi-governmental agency, and it's not a information gathering request, they could put in, like, publication 519, they could make this statement, a national as total allegiance to the US. Well, that's just not true. That's another head fake and another layer of obfuscation and confusion like we dealt with a few minutes ago on this area. If you want to go dig in through the code and try and do all this stuff, I promote people doing it conceptually. There's only two statuses, you're either free or you're a slave, et cetera, and approaching it that way. But if you go into those codes, even if you know a lot, you're going to run into that confusing crap we just went over a minute ago. Right, Roger, a lot of people are putting in an affidavit to become a non-citizen national because that's all they see. Well, they haven't done their homework, they haven't done their homework, they don't know what they're talking about and shame on them. And what they risk is they risk screwing something up for everybody here, I don't know how, but they certainly risk screwing it up for themselves. So please don't rush into this. People see something and that's why this isn't laid out in a step here, step here, step there because I don't want you doing that and throwing this paperwork in when you don't know what you're doing. Roger? Yes. Roger. This is Sam in Illinois. Paul just exactly read exactly what you said and nobody caught it. Instead it's, read it again, Paul, not a US citizen, a US national, okay. They're the same, I'm sorry. They're the same. They had to make them the same so that they could get Jim Crow each separate but equal out of the way and ask you that leading question. Let me make it again. Paul say, let me clarify it one more time, let me clarify it one more time. There's three definitions in that one sentence. Yes. There is US citizen. All US citizens are US nationals. Those who are each US citizen, US national, but not all nationals are US citizens. That is a third definition. That's right. And there's only one political status left. What's the other political status that isn't mentioned in that little grouping right there, Paul? I don't know. Presidence. Residence. Green president. Residence. Okay. But it's a real form to cover right there. Right. But people get confused. When they say US citizen, US national and then Paul said national without saying US and people hear the US and that's why the confusion is and they do that on purpose. Well, of course, is everything's done here on purpose. But I believe either US national or national applies to us. I believe you can use them interchangeably. If you want to be extra safe, just use national. Yes, Mark. Right. Right. Because anything, United States is part of the corporation. We're not no longer part of that corporation. So we don't want to be calling ourselves United States. We're not US national. Well, you are. If you're looking at it from inside the federal government, you are. Because that means you're a state citizen. And we can use that against them, okay? We can use that against them, but for our definition is just national, not US or national or the United States. We are not. I'll repeat. United States. I'll repeat again when a person from American Samoa applies for a passport. When they receive the passport on the first page of the visa section, it's a big stamp. It says this person is not a citizen of the United States. Right. On your passport, they don't do that, do they? No. But so here, let me add one other. So we need to look at the entire paragraph as it's described in certificates of non-citizen nationality on the state. So it says, as defined by the INA, okay, as defined, US citizens are US nationals, okay? But only a relatively small number of persons acquire US nationality without becoming US citizens. Okay. So it's saying, and here's the head fake. So it just says this national. Section 101A, 21 of the INA defines the term national as a person owned permanent allegiance to a state, okay? And then it says section 101A, 22. The term national of the United States includes all US citizens as well as persons, though not citizens of the United States, owned permanent allegiance to the United States. And then it has the, in fact, in parentheses, non-citizen nationals. So it only includes two. It says number 200, number 22, citizens and non-citizen nationals. That's under 22. That's US citizen. US national. Those are the ones that are allegiance to the US. And then the first one, 21, is the term national owes permanent allegiance to a state. And if you go to 8, USC, 1401, I think 14th Amendment, section one, clause one, okay? 1401, 14th Amendment, section one, clause one, okay? So 1401A, okay, that would section one, clause one. A person warning, or, the following should be a national and a citizen of the United States of birth, okay? So it only says national doesn't say anything but US national. And then it says a person born in the United States, okay? That's your national. You're born here and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, that's the citizen, the subject to the jurisdiction. So you have the two distinct, you have 21, the first part, a person born in the United States, okay? Your state citizen equivalent. And then after that, the citizen of the United States and that's subject to the jurisdiction thereof. So within that, they're including 21 and 22. So when you say you're a national in the United States, so you're jumping maybe out of the citizen basket, but you're jumping into the US national basket. Well, Abe, why do you have to come on here and confuse everything so much? Because we can clarify very simply by just using national. Just national. Just don't do state national. Don't do US national. Don't do national. Don't do national. The United States. Not national. The United States of America. Not national. Anything. Just national. Period. There's no such thing as a state national, okay? Roger, they'll pull you with the words if you don't learn them. And if you don't understand the definition, words mean things and you can get yourself in trouble. Okay? So is a US national? Does the U.S. America? Does the U.S. national total allegiance to a small estate? No, to a capital state. It's a capital at the United States. I just I just disagree with you guys totally. So, you know, if you go do it the way you want to, I disagree with you. Okay. Roger, it's definition 22. That's what it says. Yeah, but it says born in the United States. So you get a birth certificate and your parents basically made you a U.S. citizen. Had they never got a birth certificate, you're not born in that and have that jurisdiction over you. The birth certificate has nothing to do with it. Well it does because it solidifies the presumption that you're born into the condition and the birth certificate represents that. So I totally disagree with you there too. Yeah. If you had a birth certificate, if you don't have a birth certificate, how do they have jurisdiction over you? They don't. That's all. That's all. Right. Sam, that's Sam. That's not right. Tom Shreem's kid was born at home, had a certificate alive birth and they did not consider that to be a birth certificate. But he was registered at the vital statistics of Georgia because that was a census year and the census guy picked him up. He didn't have a birth certificate but the State Department presumed that he did and was under their dream. I think he had a birth certificate. But he got a registration, but they registered him, they registered him. Sam, did former slaves have birth certificates? They would have, well they were considered proper and there had to be something on them right here. No. Okay. Did they have a tag on them? What did they have? Okay. Nothing. Were they granted? They were born into the industry. Yeah. They had black skin. They were branded. Okay. They were branded. There you go. So there's some kind of. Damn. Yeah. Go ahead. The main thing is, is that the United States corporation is going to presume you are a U.S. citizen and a U.S. national. Because you connect that yourself in the state of the D.C. Secretary of State with your affidavit. Right. Which makes it very simple. You're telling them who you are. But people really need to understand is that the legal, the legal words that they're using are made to equivocate whatever is happening and make them believe that the United States is the main country or the main source and it's not. You're just being, you're consenting by verbally agreeing or signing consenting to whatever it is that they're asking you or the contract. Or when they say something, right? Resident or United States, U.S. citizen is what they ask you. They don't even ask you if you're a state citizen or a national. And they used to ask that before. But the side part is very important. They're basing this on the reside as well, heavily. That's why it's in the fortnite. That's in it. Yep. At the end of the day, if you add U.S., U.S. is in the picture, then you're a U.S. person. That's all there is to us. If you add U.S. to your U.S. person, to the extent that that is removed from language and doesn't get, it finds a way to do nothing that can be used against you, you benefit. So I guess that was the reason I brought it up. The main thing is we don't want to be U.S. people. You don't want to be a U.S. person. Right. That's just wondering, did Roger leave? No, I'm just sitting here listening to my head spinning and I'm sitting here thinking if there's any new people. Sorry, Ryan. You're sorry. They're twisting like a friggin tornado, okay? May I add something? Yes. This is Bill on Florida. I'm just curious, who of us in our earlier years before we did any after Davids, who of us here was actually born in Washington, D.C.? Probably not. It's a geographic in the States. Yeah. It's all, if no one is born in Washington, D.C., then it really is a 14th amendment actually applied to us. Yes. It does 100%. 100% because you told them you were a resident and that means the laws of Washington, D.C. control you. Well, there's two definitions of the United States, okay? There's the political definition and then the geographic. And so if you're born in the geographic and you don't, you know, notify the State Department that you're not a citizen, then, you know, the presumption stands. So, anyone that doesn't feel that they can submit an affidavit saying they're a national and not a U.S. citizen, they just simply need to be cognizant of the fact that they were not born in Washington, D.C. And they might alleviate whatever doubts that they have just just thrown that out there. They're probably utilizing the bankruptcy in this and taking into consideration that all those states are now political subdivisions due to the bankruptcy and using that in that form would be my guess, okay, Bill? Roger, I see that part too. Thank you, Roger. Yeah. Roger, I have a few parents. Okay. Hold on. Two or three people. I'm going to take the guy that answered that stood in there first. Who was that? Oh, maybe I think. Danny and Tennessee. Yeah. Hey, Danny. I've been thinking along some of those same lines saying that I've got the original certificate of live birth signed by the doctor himself and it just says, Tennessee, anything about the United States. So, anybody wants to stick in the United States and they got to make some inference from something else. So, just going by the bankruptcy, the bankruptcy started with the bankruptcy would be my guess. So, bring it up, put it on the record, say that's what you're doing. But I'll say, I wasn't boring. I want to say, I want you to, I want you to send the son of a bitch, an affidavit up there at Secretary of State, get your arms around the information where you can defend that position and go on about your way. It doesn't matter if people are digging into stuff like Abram has here today and brought it to the ear, but it is really confusing to a lot of people. Well, including, I know, there's some documentation to use. If you have that, still. Okay. Who is next? Okay. That's it. Okay. Thank you, Danny. There's a female and a male there. Who's the female? Sandy. Who's that you? Kathleen. Kathleen. I was wondering. Oh, talk right in your phone, you're blinking out a little bit. Kathleen. Yes, we want to hear what you got to say. Okay. My mother was born in Washington, D.C. Does that affect me at all as her daughter? No. No. Not to my knowledge. Okay, who's the other guy there? I don't think it was me, but let me just say, this is Sam again, Roger. Let me just say this. You made it very simple. You just send in the deaf affidavit. You declare you're not a U.S. citizen. You're declaring you're a national. That's it. They have to accept that. It's really that simple. It doesn't need to be compensated. Yep. I agree. It's so simple. It's so simple. It's unbelievable. It's to a point where people probably go, "There is no way." I'm telling you, we know I did the revocation of election. Right. And I've had people over the years say that very same thing. They say, "It can't be that simple." Well, it is. Yes. And that's who you're dealing with or the conditions. It is so... And you made it simple. All you guys did really, you know, that affidavit at one sentence is who I am, guy. Well, your name is Frank. You're this or that. No. You made a mistake. This is who I am. Okay. Have a nice day. That's it. That's all of it. I'm going to tell you. And if you don't... And if you don't... And you don't say anything, right? All of it. Yep. I agree. Go ahead. Roger. Okay. We just say, if you don't think that's who I am, you write an affidavit trumping my facts, sign it under penalty of perjury and let's talk. Yes. Right. Right. And then... Yeah. One of the best illustrations I think you don't use enough, really. I wish you would go to it more often. Is your three-sided corral and shows you how we got locked into this mess. Yep. Yep. Well, that is the Holy Grail. And that's what the conclusion I've come to. Okay. We got a little future. I wish you would read you that. More often. Okay. Well, you should... All right. Well, you know, when I do, I get... I got an email from someone who says, "You shouldn't use that as soon as you can discredit you or some shit." So I can do it again. Who... Anybody else got discussion on here today? Nobody? Got the obeying in the borders down a minute. Bill. Bill in Florida again. Yeah, Bill. I was listening to... I don't know how I got on this kind of telegram chat thing. But I was listening to some guy using the US or the national versus US citizen thing talking with the notorious Carl Lentz. And Carl Lentz is like thrashing the whole idea of national, saying that if you claim you're a national, you've just lowered your status from that of man. Man has the highest level of authority on the planet here. Well, that's what a national is, Lentz, is a man. He's got God to give it to the United States. Yeah, so you say you're a national, you lower your status is what he was saying. Well, that's what Mr. Lentz doesn't know what the shit he's talking about, quite frankly. Yeah. I mean, he has made many claims, but yeah, about seven, eight years ago, he was talking about how Billy Thornton from, he used his things, he's talked about quarter record, you know, having where the tribunal is independent of the magistrate and such and that. And then this phone conversation he recorded with this guy about the national, he says, that stuff bullshit now, he's, I mean, that's crap now. And I'm thinking, when did he get this epiphany because he was touting it, I mean, his email address is quarter record at So he seems to have changed his whatever he's saying. I mean, yeah, he did spend like about six months in the slammer waiting for a trial. So he seems to change somewhat. I don't know what exactly it is and I don't really feel like getting him on the phone because he's he likes insulting people that don't agree with him. So he came in here on the show one day and piped in there. I thought he was another guy and he may be good in the courtroom. I don't know. But on this topic here, he doesn't know what the hell he's talking about, quite frankly. Yeah, he's supposedly is really good. He likes to hold on a second, Paul. That's where we are. We want you to stay out of the courtroom. We don't want to get you in there and have a lot of expertise because we don't belong in there. Paul. Right. And he's got Kevlar basically holding his internal organs together. So he was a fighter when he was very young, his first half of his adult life was spent fighting. And now he says he doesn't want to fight. He just says, if you give me an order or if you want something, just put it in the form of an order and I'll do it whatever you want and I'll send you the bill, but I'll do whatever you want. So then that would seem like he would be very open-minded to this because they stand mute. They never fight you. But he'll learn that yet, so good luck to him. Yeah, so that is his stand now. And another phone call I heard last week that I just happened to click on because it was a short one. He mentions about how the thing that he can't seem to get around is resolved as the fact that these entities, these government entities do not respect domestic authority. They think that they can walk into your land and your private property and do whatever they want. You can't seem to figure out how to stop that because that's why you ended up in the slammer. Someone got on his land and they claimed that he was abusing animals and starving them and such. And so he, they had felony accounts of animal abuse and so he's complaining on that. And I guess I'm in the similar dilemma here of not knowing what to do with these states. I mean, yes, I agree we have, we have control with the national status issue with the feds. But how do we get these subdivisions on estates to behave? Because I got a letter from the Florida DMV saying that, you know, that I'm still subject to these laws. And I'm thinking subject. You realize what you just said? Subject? Yeah. If there's a subject that means there's a, you know, an overlord. And so that's, and so I'm in a fight with the state of Florida on this. Okay. Well, you know, recently a couple of months ago, it hit me one day. We've discussed it a bit on the formula for jurisdiction is protection for allegiance, allegiance for protection. They can't argue that that's a thousand, a thousand years old, okay. I'm recognized and established. So when you're under the 14th amendment, you give your allegiance to them and the federal government gives you protection supposedly, right? Okay. Go on. Well, when you get, file your affidavit, you switch, you're, you're not giving them allegiance anymore. And that's why that thing that we came up a second ago, a national owes total allegiance to a small less state. So that brings the jurisdictional formula in, in on your side on allegiance. Well, that automatically invokes the protection from the state. They don't have any choice. It's a duty. Okay. And the protection would be if the Georgians were coming down there and invading, they would have a duty to protect you from the Georgians. They'd have to call out the militia, et cetera. But now you're being invaded, not by Georgia. You might be invaded by the Haitians and whatnot, but you're, you're still getting their protection from invaders like traffic laws and that control the DMV. Because they're supposed to not prosecute you. They're supposed to protect you from those because you're not a resident anymore. And all those regulations are written for residents. Yeah. So the protection, well, the, you know, and the judge in Birmingham said they wouldn't recognize Michael's affidavit either. So the female magistrate and I wanted to say, well, excuse me, miss magistrate tyrant. What other court testimony don't you recognize? Are you just arbitrary in this? You recognize some and you don't recognize the others. How are you overturning over 200 years of law back to hotels, law of nations that every man has the right of personal political self-determination? I get to decide what settled laws I live under. And I've done that in this half of David and I don't live under state of Florida laws. I live under Florida state laws and you owe me damn protection and you're not giving it to me. I don't think it's a terrific argument. But will they respect it? I mean, I don't think you probably don't even, hey, Bill, I don't know. You're, see, here's my problem with this driving crap. You probably see it varies from municipality to municipality because of local fiefdoms and people that think they've got all this power over you that they don't have and they don't want to hear those arguments because it takes away their power. And that's why we don't deal with traffic stuff on here because there is no clear cut solution when you go from some place to recognize to someplace like Irondale, Alabama, where you got some nepotent themistic appointed magistrate, this female, no telling what damn correspondence class law school she went to and she just arbitrarily says, well, I'm a tyrant. I'm overturning and ignoring Vitell's law of nations. I'm ignoring this 1835 court case about what documentation is in the possession of the secretary is the higher and better law. I told you this was filed with them. I'm all this stuff here. You're just arbitrarily throwing it out the window. Miss madam magistrate, tyrant. Okay. All right, we still have work to do in the and then the appellate level when he tried to appeal it because Mike's not some attorney. He got it in right at the last of when it was still open. So now the appellate level to dodge this issue says, up, you didn't return. You didn't reply in time back to the magistrate. They do not want to face this issue. I can speak on that too. Bill, I don't have an answer for that. This is where you got a, this is why I say people, you got to get command of this information. You get letters like that from the DMV. Now the verdict shifts to you and you got to be a belligerent claimant. Okay. I did write to the governor about the state attorney in Pinellas County saying he refuses to talk to me. Two of the lawyers there say that my affidavit's told no legal value. You, I was saying to Ronnie, Ronnie DeSantis, I mean, you're the chief executive officer of the state of Florida. You're responsible to protect me, secure my liberty. And I, I require that this state attorney tell, state attorney tell me what he's going to do when I exercise my rights as recognized by the state of Florida Constitution. And he said, well, when this prosecutor there, the one that DeSantis kicked out that they reinstated. That was across, that was across the Bay, that was Hillsborough. And that is an excellent point that I want to bring up because like I got an email back after 27 days, after filing this thing online, just, just a couple of days ago saying that the state attorney's office operates independently of the governor. I'm thinking, well, this is written by some guy I'm saying, really? Well, tell me about that attorney there in Hillsborough that Ronnie kicked out. Tell me about that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So they're, they're, they're picking and choosing what they want to do. Where you've got these people that are denying this, there's some good court cases we've stumbled on that talk about the national. I don't remember them all, but I bet Mark does. Why don't you drop Mark an email and see if he could send you back, if he can recall some of those? Cause we've talked about them on here. I just forgot them. Okay. But there's several court cases that will fly right in the face of that bullshit they're telling you. Okay. Thank, thank you, Roger. And thank you, Mark. Okay. I'll get with you on that. Okay. And just, I mean, listen, man, I never told, I never promised you a rose garden here. Okay. For most people, it is. All right. But in these, some of these local jurisdictions, you run into these creeps and, you know, they've gone through U S law schools. They think they're tyrants and they're not. And they've just got to be shown the way. And it may be that you got to take them to court. Sometimes with some of this stuff and the proof we've got, there's a bunch of proof from some of these former court cases about it. I mean, slaughterhouse cases, you know, a lot of that stuff. So are you can ask them what on the 14th amendment, all persons born and naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, who are the people that are born and are not and not subject to the jurisdiction thereof? Who are they? Mr. Knows everything, who are they, what do they call it, what's their life? They don't, they don't even want to talk to me. And so that's, that's what that's really well, why do you refuse to talk? Why do you think they don't want to talk? Well, I'm sure there's myriad of reasons that they don't really have a legal lawful leg to stand on, but that they feel like they're insulated to the point where they do not have to answer to their constituents. This guy here is, is elected and, and I said, and I said to his secretary says, look, he's elected, you know, I'm one of the quote unquote constituents, you know, he needs to answer to the people, he was electors and this is, no, he's too busy and even, even the lawyers in this office are too busy, they won't talk to me and no uncertain terms. So that's why I'm going to the government saying, listen, this guy's not behaving, you know, we need to do something about this. Well, I don't, I was go ahead and contact DeSantis and do what you think and we can give you suggestions or whatnot. But here's why I tell all you people that are new that you may or may not run into this situation. I don't know, but I do know that you can't defend your position. If you don't understand the information, and if you don't defend your position and be a belligerent claimant, they're going to do everything they can to run over you, which is what they did to Michael now, they're bombing him. Okay. I mean, off that all that crap, the appellate level comes back, well, he goes and talks to a couple of lawyers. They don't understand what he's talking about and the only other thing is to go back and try and I guess he went to the appellate level and tried to see if we could do a little date thing straighten down. But then the only other option he's got is to go to the Alabama Supreme Court. Have you done how much that costs? You got to find somebody to represent you, pay a lot of costs, and people like Michael can't, so they back him down with all this crap. Roger. All right. Hold on. Samuel. Go ahead, Samuel. Oh, something practical before the show ends. Like Genesis Gold Group is supplying the first minted in the United States. It's minted in Nevada, a wallet, size, gold, actually it's a silver, it's the first one, silver, breakable down. I think it's quarter ounces, 10th ounces and 8th ounces. They're supplying those and if you use true news, there's a 10% discount. And I think they were going to release the gold one this weekend. So that's out there. It's cheaper because it doesn't have any import/export duty because it's done here in the US. Okay. And you can separate this down in the grams and stuff. It's a good idea. And thank you, Samuel. Paul, what did you have here? I guess we're at the end of the program. What'd you have, Paul? The whole thing about traffic court is it's a contract court. When you filled out an application to get a registration for your vehicle, it's just like a job application at McDonald's. You sign the application and they accept the application by giving you license plates and stickers. Well, he didn't. And when they give you license plates and stickers, then there are other codes of conduct that you have to adhere to. With McDonald's, it's you have to punt in on time and be in uniform. With the DMV, you have to follow the regulations in the motor vehicle code. Right. But it's all on driver's license. He didn't have a tag. That's why they pulled him over. Somebody had stolen his homemade tag. He didn't have that crap. They screwed me on the presumption that they had authority and he got a no. Who got pulled over without plates? My turn. Michael Nail. This has been going on for a long time. Sam. I'm kidding. I'm not sure about it. Well, what an easy for him. Well, I'm bad. They tried that. She wouldn't. She wouldn't recognize his affidavit. Well, then it gets title 18. It's criminal. That's color of law. Of course. She's a tyrant. But the Alabama appeals courts backing her up and he can't do anything because he's not in a position to she's in an open time with them to well, you should both of them then. Oh, well, I don't disagree with you. He's two forty one and two forty two color. You can't bring you can't bring you can't bring title 18 charges against somebody. Those are criminal only the federal government or the state government can do that. Well, yes, federal charges against them. Absolutely. That's their job to protect your life as a national as a as an American period. That's the only job they have. I would definitely go into them. Well, Mike hadn't been able to yet. So that's what it is. Okay. Anybody else got anything because we're over for today. Yeah, we're out of here. I've got. Oh, oh, by the way, Roger, do you still want me to do you still want me to excerpt that for radio ranch one on one? Do you still want what this today? Yeah. He is. He doesn't tell us your day. Thank you. There's a guy that's trying to talk about it. Good. It's good. Are no longer just going to take somebody this is that's new and it's good. It's just going to confuse the hell out of them. Yes. Are. Hey, Roger, this is Mark, you know, we talked about allegiance and protection. And I think Bill was talking about, you know, how do I get the state to protect me? That type of thing. There's a great case I stumbled across called minor and I N O R versus half or set. It's H A, he is in Papa, he is in Papa, he is an echo, ours and Roger S, he is an echo, he is in tango, he is in tango, minor versus half or set. And listen to this. I want to read this. I was like, Oh, this is what Roger and I've been looking for says there cannot be a nation without a people. The very idea of a political community such as a nation is implies an association of persons for the promotion of their general welfare period. Each one of the persons associated becomes a member of the nation formed by the association. He owes it allegiance and is entitled to its protection. Allegiance and protection are in the connection, reciprocal obligations. The one is a compensation for the other, allegiance for protection and protection for allegiance. Roger. Yeah. Well, okay, there's somebody wanting to say two people a male and female want to say something. Please get it out. I think regarding Edward Mendel House, one of the last sentences says that the bad guys will get huge profits for themselves leaving Americans contributors to their fraud, which they call SSI social insurance. Now I wanted to ask that's totally different from the social security paybacks that people are getting right or is that nobody's getting. I don't know of anybody that's getting Social Security paybacks, John. I mean, Social Security, whatever you call it, you know, when you get yours, it's very important what you call it, okay, so security insurance is not IRS, IRS is where you're getting money sent back, not Social Security. Right. But it's also two different things, Joan, Joan, it's two different things. There is an SSI, SSI is a welfare benefit at the federal level. Social Security SS is the retirement that you opt into and you agree to and you work 40 quarters, but SSI is a government welfare benefit under 800 bucks, whatever that the government gives you if you don't have 40 quarters, if you did not complete that obligation for social for full-blown social security. So they were talking about a different thing in that letter. But that thing still exists. There's SSI and then there's SSDI, which is Social Security Disability Insurance. So there's three different classifications and there's actually a couple more. I think what House was alluding to was pulling the gold standard and changing commerce. That was the big deal. Yeah. Well, they didn't do that for, okay. Okay. 33. All right. Yeah, this sketch, I want to apologize for adding to the confusion when Sandra mentioned turning things upside down that they like to do. I mentioned 180 degrees. And also, you mentioned that an affidavit, but it is, in fact, blah. I encourage everyone to look at a chat of Baron David Ward. He put on notice the crown and the state about the presumption of law and that there's no substance or material Paul mentioned about the presumption today. So I think it's very important that we noodle on who to write a affidavit do in the government, the state, and get an unrebudded affidavit stating they have no authority at all. And I appreciate your time today very much. And I will ring the bell when I think you're ready to leave. Okay, that may not be, that may not be too long today. I'm sorry, right. Paul, Paul, are you there? Is that you? It's me. I'm lurking. I just thought I'd get my own back. Paul, she's always lurking on my show, so I wanted to look. It's really quite nice, isn't it? Okay. Nebraska, we sure were looking for you yesterday when Brent was with us. Let me just add this here. Mark, what's that document you said where you can file in court asking for their opinion? I wonder if Bill could take that and do that down there in Tampa and then go to the prosecutor and show him what the court said about it. Yeah, it would be called a petition for declaratory judgment. You're not suing for money, you're just asking the court to make a decision on whatever legal issue that you have. I think that may be, that may be, if I control the money supply, I don't give a damn what laws you write. Now, Bill, that may be a way to approach these guys is to file one of these death from where definition statement or PJ they call them. Okay. Yeah, file that file that where you could get a tremendous case put together behind it with all. We got tons of court sites for God knows with all this stuff in it and then go shove it up their ass. Okay. So there's another option that you have whoever's trying to, can I please just have this conversation with Bill for a second. So if you'll get that done, you can shove it up their barracks bag, I would think, pretty easily. Well, would you do that in state court or federal court, Mark? Well, whichever one you're challenging, well, that's a good question. Now, the rule of thumb is if you're trying to battle the state, you usually ask the federal court for that decision. Okay. So that hopefully that it's not biased and then the flip goes the other way. If you're battling the jury, you know, the federal courts, then you typically take it into the state court and that's where their decision. Thank you. That would be super simple because title 18 in the US code defines motor vehicles strictly for commercial use and so, yeah, I could get that, that would be a very simple DJ. I just never done anything in federal court. So that would be a learning process for me. Yep. Well, why don't you noodle on that? And if you've got questions on it, come back and we can discuss it, okay? Thank you. Well, that might, I think that may be the simplest remedy for you against these assistants that won't talk to you and don't know what they're talking about. Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't mince words, they're tyrants. Okay. Yeah. Well, they are. Now, ignorant or intentional is, you know, can be separated, but they are tyrants nonetheless because they can't tell you what you are. That's tyranny. Paul, welcome. Roger. Samuel, welcome. Roger, when we were talking about Mr. House, I wanted to throw this in here. It's important because it is the underlying, one of the, one of the corral up sides in, in my opinion, says here, an executive order issued on April 5th, 1933 paved the way. For the withdrawal of all voted in the United States. Representative Louis T. McFadden brought formal charges on May 23rd, 1933, against the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank System, the Comptroller of the Currency, and the Secretary of the United States Treasury, and it's in the congressional record in 1933. These charges are still not acted upon and are still in committee. Yep. So this is where we need to focus on these bastards because they're one of the corrals of defense. Yeah. There's no doubt about it. Uh, Paul. Yeah. Anybody else have something before I try and talk to Paul here? You know what? I'm hoping that you guys will be able to have a nice, calm, enjoyable, intelligent conversation without it evolving into chaos. So you guys have had it. Paul? Paul, we don't, we don't have chaotic conversations, do we? No, but I can give it a go if you like. I don't know. I don't think they need it. I, I was trying to get back in time for the start of the show because, and yesterday, I just can't, my, my domestic situation is a bit challenging to them. And my wife's in hospital. I've got a, she's good. She's doing well. She's doing well. So, um, and I'm very encouraged by what's happening. But, uh, yeah, I've just sort of taken out of the loop every now and again. And it's very odd because I've got all this spare time now at home. Right. It's just weird. It's so weird. Yeah. I don't know what to do with it. I'm just out there whistling all day long. So, but now I was trying to, uh, be, uh, put it in the hospital, Paul. Uh, she had a lot of seizures on Monday, like five in one day and normally it's one. So, um, but she's looking a lot better and, um, yeah, so it's okay. I'm not here to play my violin on that front. It's my life. I've got to deal with it. But that's kind of what's going on and, uh, it's all encouraging at the moment. So, uh, we'll see and she's just happy and smiling and laughing down there and they all can't understand why she does that, but I just said that that's the way she is. She is. She's just that way. So it's good. It's not too bad. And I'm going back again in a couple of hours, um, hopefully to cause a bit more trouble in the rest of the ward. That's kind of good. I was, I was passing out dates to everybody today and they're going, what's this? I'm going, it's a date. Don't you want to, um, module dates. I don't know if you ever eaten. They're absolutely fantastic. Oh, I don't normally, I don't normally like dates, but these are just, they're amazing. And, uh, so, yeah, so one, one old deer, 96, right? Lovely lady. She's a date. She said, is it Christmas? Cause dates, you know, it's like a Christmas gift. Right. And if you want it to be here, have one, whatever you like. It doesn't matter. Christmas. If you like. So that was sure. Yeah. They're always appreciative when you drop by and pay us a visit. And, uh, uh, we like to find out, uh, what's going on. Who did they, uh, elect his prime minister over there? I have no idea. Okay. Nigel. No, I do. I do. I'm being facetious. I'm trying to cause trouble. I was expected it to be Nigel Farage, and I saw some picture of him with, with Biden. Uh, today, this morning, actually, it wasn't Nigel, so I just curious, I'm kept up with it. Yeah. Well, it's not him. Um, but it's been a very interesting, I, it's kind of galvanized me in a, in a funny sort of way because, um, it's obviously a joke, the, the election, it's, uh, and it's such a joke, this one, that huge numbers of people that probably never ever would have used the word joke in relation to an election are now beginning to, I think it's probably wooshful thinking in my part, but probably, you know, think of it in that way. Um, I mean, just to give you an example, uh, the, the party that won the Labour party have been out of power for 14 years and obviously are already meaning to make up for that by wrecking the country even faster than under the previous governments. They've already started keenly on that. Um, they got something like 10.2 million votes across the whole nation. That's what they got, which is slightly less than what they got in 2017 when they got thrashed, just to give you an idea. Now, for those 10.2 million votes, they landed something like 414 seats. There's about 650, 600 plus available in the houses of parliament. So they're boss and by a mile, they can do whatever they want really, uh, because even if all the other parties were able to even agree on anything, they wouldn't be able to oppose them in any votes, if you see what I'm saying. So it's kind of worrying. Um, so 10 million votes, 414 seats, Nigel Farridge, the man in the garage, his party, the reform party, they got 4.2 million votes and they got four seats for, not 40 or right. Now, I'm not, I'm not a fan of Farridge either. It doesn't really matter to me, but also what's into this, another party called the liberal democrats who are as wet as their name would indicate, right? And they poll, they got less votes than the reform party. They're like 3.5 million, but they got 72 seats. Oh, work it out. So you can see it's mad, it's mad, but the reason why I'm mildly encouraged, um, although I don't know how to fully harness this is that the biggest group of all the people that cast votes or whatever, the biggest block that agreed on one thing were the non voters. The non voters are accounted for 42% of all the, the electorate 42%, which is about 16 million people, right now. So the question is, how can I get them all to come around to my house next week and we can get things sorted out because that's a lot of people that are completely disinterested in this. So we will see, we will see, and I'm grasping at straws and being sort of like Ronnie optimist about the whole thing, but it is encouraging, in a way, there's a massive, um, a loathing of the political class, it's going up the scale, it's loathing and it's intensifying. And this is good. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. This is really, really good. Um, so, um, yeah, it is. Yeah, it's not too bad. Um, so, uh, there's that and, uh, I thought, well, where are all these people going to meet Roger? And I've just been, I may have mentioned it here before, we've got these things called parishes over here, you know, we've talked about this word before, like this 12 and a half. Yeah. It's 12 and a half thousand of them in the UK. I found the church of England map with them all on. It's quite interesting. It's got all the churches in England and all that and I'm thinking maybe we need to invade the church of England and do a sort of reverse buyout or if you want to call it because that as an organization is completely crippled. It's complete joke of a, of a, yet they've got all this land. They've got all these churches. And this morning I was also looking at village halls and there are 10,000 plus village halls in the UK, 10,000 plus. These are fantastic meeting places. They really are brilliant. And most of them were effectively sort of entrenched in the land after World War one, um, that existed in previous forms, coach houses and this, that and the other, but they've all become village halls and I, I did a quick search here. I've got about six within two miles of where I lived. Is that many UK? Yeah. So I'm thinking money to get the village hall network. I don't know what we're going to do, but we've got to get people to not spend all their time on the screen and to get out and have a cup of tea or whatever they want and start to congregate. I'm just thinking in very basic terms, but, but we've got to light a fire under people. Now in the States, libraries have extra rooms in this. You can go get access to them if you're dealing with things that are civic, you know, right? Can you do the same thing with these? Yeah. You can. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, there's a hiring fee, but it's generally pretty low. It's not very expensive. And if you've got a little team that are sharing the costs or whatever, you can do it. So I might got an embarrassed myself in a few weeks time and literally go around and knock on the doors here with the people that I lived with and see if they want to rock up to a meeting one evening for a cup of tea and a chat, you know, sort of like happy about the way things are being managed. Feel optimistic about the future of the nation. What do you think? You know, I'd pretty know what we're going to get back. So you could probably put some cheap advertisements. If there's local newspapers, you can go get flyers and put them in businesses or put them up around the town or whatever. Because I try and encourage our people to do that all the time. I used to do that. Yeah. But yeah, there's, there's a path. Yeah. I think. Oh, yeah. It's just. Hi. Who's that? Hi. The name and the thumb here. If you pass out pitchforks and torches, I'll bet you have a 42% of those people would come out and visit you. All right. So rock up to the meeting free pitch for everybody that attends. Is that what you're saying? I like that. Yeah. You get in, you get in free if you bring a pitchfork and a flaming something. Yeah. Absolutely. Well, you know, those, you know, those torches, I don't know what they're made out, you know, the naked. I mean, there's a place down here on the South Coast called Lewis, L E W E S. It's pronounced Lewis, not Lewis, but Lewis all. And every November the fifth they have this massive torch lip, it's huge. This thousands all rock up, yeah, you need to get a sashade up with that guy. Yeah, no, it's because they burn effigies of the pope and politicians and these effigies are huge. Have you ever seen it? You should go and do a search and seem they're absolutely brilliant. These sort of curricatures 30 feet high and then they just set fire to them and I'm going, I think it's time we really got the matches out lads. I think it's just burning all because. Well, make, make them all in a Frankenstein body with the head of whoever you're going after. You, why don't you come and move over here? You all these good ideas. You're wasted over there. Get on a bow. Get over here. Get sorted out. Come on. Come on. There's a female. Hold it. There's, there's a female trying to say something we, we defer to the females. Am I right, are you trying to say something? I thought it was a female. It was trying to say something there. Kathleen is trying to say something. Yes. It's. No shares first. The irony of the election in England this year was on our Independence Day. November. Yeah. That you're going to fire up that torch is our election day this year. That's right. That's right. I know I mentioned that before you're absolutely spot on them. Why did they pick the Fourth of July? It's ridiculous. It really, there's, I think there's some weird reason for doing it, right? And then. I'm sure there is. Oh, there is. And then it just so happens. So your elections take place on the first Thursday, is it, of, of November? Something like that. It's always Tuesday. It's always Tuesday. Well, okay. So it turns out that the first Tuesday of November, this year is November the 5th. In November the 5th is synonymous with a chap called Guy Fawkes or Guido Fawkes, as it was pronounced, who, like me, came from Yorkshire. So we're all like this. He's the guy that cocked it up and didn't blow up the houses of Parliament because they got ratted out, okay? And so it's really a job that's been waiting to be completed now for about 350 years. And you know, so we need to sort of bring that back and hit Fawkes is the guy. You know, that character. What's that film? Oh, I can't. What's that film? The one where they're there. The one where they're there. Yeah. That's him. It's that mask and everything is a caricature of the way that Fawkes and the gang looked at the time with the big hats and those fabulous little beards and whiskers everywhere. They were all like that. And yeah, so it really does need to be completed that job. And I think most people, if they could cast a vote and you couldn't tell who it was, would say, yes, please do get them with it. Might as well. Paul, we were talking about Guy Fawkes the other day, I think, with Brent either this past Friday or Friday before and drawing the parallels there. And he said something I did not know is when they busted the plot, the guy was about ready to light the fuse. Oh, he was literally, he'd been down there for days. Yeah, he was hot. He was lurking in the cellar for three or four days surrounded by something like five. I don't know what it was, two thousand pounds of dynamite, something in weight. They would have blown the whole thing, a blunt half a London apart. There was much in there. There were two or three hundred casts of gunpowder all in there that they'd smuggled in. Difficult to do that these days, apparently they've got security now, which is very boring, isn't it? But unless you're Israeli, if you're Israeli, you can get it, it's pretty easy. Oh, you're so cynical, I agree with you. Okay. All right, my boy. I don't know. I mean, look at the King David Hotel, Paul, I mean, come on. All right. Okay. We're modeling this attack on the King David Hotel attack. So, you know, don't take it out on us, but yeah, I mean, he was when they caught him, of course, they tortured him a lot. It was, it would have been pretty unpleasant and he was found guilty, of course, which he was. And most of the other plottas were all caught and came to a pretty grizzly end. Box was a sentence to be hung, drawn and quartered, which I'm assuming most people know what that means. It's an extremely vicious way. It's yeah, they half hang you, then they take you down while you're still conscious and they cut you into four pieces while she's still alive. You see, so it's a bit, you know, I'm looking back on England and you go, and bloody hell, it's a bit much really. Always. Anyway, you know, I always heard they tied an extremity to a horse and let him go. Well, that's another one. That's not this one. There's probably quite a few, there's probably quite a few. But just to let you know, he cheated that, he cheated it because he, on the scaffold, knowing what was coming, he jumped off the scaffold, broke his neck was dead. That still didn't stop them hanging him, drawing him, quartering him, even though he was dead by then, they still went ahead and did that. Yeah. I think the crowd have come to see some blood and guts loss, so let's give it to them. Oh, that's England for you. Yeah, I'm going to go in the night in a few minutes. Sorry. Sorry, what are you going to have? Don't have a bloody steak. Well, I don't know. I might have some intestines of some. Sorry. Yeah, lovely. That'd be great. Some of them. Some of them are onions. Yeah. You're not. Yeah. Mm. Uh, recommendation for the English gentleman. You can always get a door prize instead of all the pitchforks. Do a door prize and have a company donate some items to get people to go and then, you know, put a flyer or something up on their, you know, a banner about their business so they're getting advertising and you get free items and that'll help bring people to your gathering. I like that. There's a reason you check into this show, buddy. Yeah. There is. Well, I just, we've got to keep the connections going, don't we? And bumbling around us and all that kind of stuff. Hi. Yeah. Yes. I have put a rifle scope on my pitchfork. I use that kind of a pitchfork. You've probably got a more sophisticated pitchfork than we've got. The thing is, it's actually, I wish it were just about pitchforks, but it unfortunately or anything like that, it's not really about that. The problem is, is the first thing that's got to be set on fire are the English. They've really got to be set on fire. They absolutely do because if they don't get set on fire about things, it's just going to continue to be the slow or ever increasing inexorable ruin of everything that we've got here. Yeah. And there's not much of it left. It's got ridiculous. This guy, Sir Keir Starmer did, the Friday afterwards, is he halved all the prison sentences for pedophiles. Oh, God. Yeah. Now, you know what, you know, most people here will probably know what they did in the Bolshevik Revolution. They released all the murderers and rapists into the streets to add to the mayhem. And that's really what they're doing here. It's the same old battle plan, it's what they did in the French Revolution. They're doing it again. The crazies are going to be released from the prisons and decent people who don't know what to do. They will not know what to do. Well, we've got them coming in from every country around the world right now. We're in the, and what they're proffering here is the period of escalating violence. And that's according to the communist white papers in 1929 when they were ratified. And it's the third stage before going into the final takeover stage. And that's what they're doing. That's why Soros is in there letting all of the felons loose the next day and all the low shoplifting stuff, it's a period of escalating violence. So what is it? I've not heard anybody say that. And I wouldn't know that if it wasn't for General Benton partner, okay, but I've never ever contemporary anybody say this is where we are and why this is all going on. It's unfortunate that that isn't known more widely. And I dare you to go to the web and try and find it now. It's scraped. Well, I will have a look after this. Maybe we'll see what I can come up with, but you're right, Roger, you're right. Yes. It's either the working white papers of 1929 communist international or the white papers of 1929, 1919, 1929. They were proposed in the first meeting of the communist international, I believe in Basil Switzerland in 1919. And they were ratified in 1929. And as General Parton told me, they've used it in every country they've taken over since. So that's what we're dealing with. Well, have you used it even before that? I mean, it's the same playbook for the French Revolution and it's the same for the English so-called civil war. Yep. You know, I've mentioned it before in the east end of London in 1650, whatever it was, there was a rabble that had been built 10 to 15,000 armed insurrectionists. Where did they come from? And even back then with the limited printing press, they printed something like 10,000 pamphlets. I mean, different ones, not a print run of 10,000, 10,000 different pamphlets and in the French Revolution, about 35,000. So this, you know, and probably there's something similar with the, you know, ruin of Rome and the ruin of Byzantium and, you know, Constantinople and all this kind of stuff. It's the same old thing. So there's a plan to, you know, destabilize the incumbent population and it works. So we can't really oppose things on a national level because I don't really believe in centralized national government. That is the problem. We've got, it's got too much power, but we might be able to create a structure of like local strength, almost like little cells, every, if we can find enough people to make us ungovernable by their governance, we're going to be good with that means we have to be governed by our own governance and we have to repel them and find ways to do that. So I mean, a lot of people over here will correctly and truthfully say, but we've got all these pieces of paper that are supposed to stop this happening. Like there is an English constitution, like denizens are not allowed to occupy any positions of power for 20 generations. A denizen is anybody that's come in here, 20 generations is what, or is it 10 generations, like 200 years. So this is why I've said, you know, when I've been on here before, Sadiq Khan is not the mayor of London. But it's like asinine for me to say it because in reality, unfortunately, the vast majority of people will go will and do go along with this and create a sort of situation of actually listening to these people who have got no right to speak in our halls, none. And I'm thinking, well, how do we oppose that? Well, maybe some very simple, rapid education could help. But the first thing is to set people on fire because there's no point given a presentation to a group of people that are just thinking about going home to the pub, also watch football again. And realistically, that's kind of what's going to happen, although maybe not as much as it used to, because hopefully people have got a little bit cross, as we say over here. Yeah. I hope you're getting a bit cross, you know, yeah, they're waking up there. There's a wake up factor, and it's happening almost exponentially, I would think now. And I see these, I think these guys over on our side here, they've lost, man. This whole Biden fiasco is just talk about civil war. You got a civil war inside the Democratic Party right now. That's probably happened before, but I don't know when, okay? They've always worked in solidarity, even though they have different factions that are very opposed to each other. That's the difference between them and us. We have different factions, and as God said, we're a stiff neck people, and we can't even look at each other's deal because of that, just like Bill was mentioned in this guy, Lentz right before the end of the show. So, and others, you know, I mean, I could sit here and reel off a handful of them. So that's why we cater to this, our little small and growing audience, and try and make sure they have as good a command of the information as possible, because they're the ones that are going to spread our message throughout the population. I agree. And I think, you know, the line that you're taking is something that I'm probably going to come back to you on over the next couple of months, because I've got more time now to do the, so I haven't had that sort of time for the last two or three years, just haven't had it. And my day over the last three or four years has not been anything like it used to be in the run up to 2020 was a different sort of, my last four or five years has been very different. But things are changing. And I'm sort of drawing up lists of all the things that we've got to address. We've got people over here who do know their stuff, and they're all in little flourishing pockets, which then stop growing. This is the thing I keep looking at. Why do they get to a certain size? You said the radio stuff. I've done a lot of, a lot of radio stuff, as you know, with all sorts of little things. And yeah, I keep looking at it and going, it doesn't grow, and they're useful in the sense that they pull together very rapidly, like a good chunky cluster of people. I know Paul's working on this all the time with all these other conduits into your show and everything. And this is good stuff. It has to be done. And yeah, I sense that there's something missing, literally like gunpowder, to blow the thing up much more to a much more substantial size. Well, it can't be done, though, if most of the people are just completely out to lunch and the complacency of the English is the main thing that we've got to overcome at the moment. Well, what we've been doing is building an underground and just foundational, if you will, and knowing that once you get to a point, it's like the hockey stick curve, you go through that, there's a word for it, where the thing turns up critical mass, and it just turns straight up. And I think you build the foundation, which is what we're doing, and I get frustrated because it seems to be happening slow. But with this, you don't know what's happening because it's away from you. Unless the people come to the show and this, that and the other, and I'll show up, I don't really have an idea of how fast we're going, but yet I know we are. And what I think we need is to build that foundation as solidly as possible. And at some point, it's going to lead us to the step up, the big step up to one of these next big platforms, don't know which one it's going to be, if it could be any of them even over to SGT report, that could trigger the rest of them, you know, but when we get that situation of getting on a large platform, remember, it was only 3% of us over here that wanted to fight you and King George. The rest of the people were perfectly happy and wanted to go along with it. So we don't need huge numbers, but we need numbers, okay? And the other thing is with our deal, once you get, go through the process, you pull yourself out of the taxing mechanism, and that's key to the whole deal. That's their Achilles to heal, is that taxing mechanism. And you start peeling people out of it where they're not contributing anymore on a withholding basis. And now we got this revocation of election, which I don't know if you know about. But it's what John and Glenn started their company on 30 something years ago. And because they didn't know what I know about the Secretary of State, they were able to come back on them. But now that we know that, and that is proof, now we're going in and pulling three years back of what you've paid in out of the IRS fund that pays the bondholders. Now we get that going enough, and I mean, one of the guys here pulled out a staggering amount. It's staggering that somebody paid taxes to that amount, okay? But it was over medium six figures, right? You start getting people pulling stuff out and then not contributing also. I mean, what do these people love? They love money. Money's their God. So now they're having to eat their own bonds because they're having to buy all the other bonds in the world, that the countries are dumping to keep the bond market level. So they get money coming in, even though it's a shortage, they've got to pay the legitimate bondholders first. Or again, the bond market goes upside down, which leaves them eating their own fraudulent paper. And I like it because I know they can't stand it. Yeah, we like anything that they can't stand, I suppose, and rightly so. I mean, there's still some major sorts of emotional things that have got to be got across to people. We've got this situation here tomorrow where there's a football team called England, that's how I refer to it, and they're playing tomorrow. They're called England because these guys all put on shirts that the English national team, but it's not the English national side because half of the team are not English. And of course, this is a really toxic topic to bring up, which is why I just love to bring it up. Maybe not toxic with you, but it is around here, right? And even just now, I was in the ward and these people say, "Oh, all the ladies are looking forward to watching." Because it's a ladies one, obviously, I'm just this sort of token bloke. Actually, there was another bloke in there as well, visiting. And one of them was saying that she was really looking forward to, she wanted to watch the match tomorrow night, you see, which is about 8 o'clock UK time. And I carefully chimed in that I'm supporting Spain, but this didn't go down too well, so I just left it there, but Spain are the other team because it's going to be used against us if our so-called national team wins, because there's an underlying subtext, which is, "Look, you've got all these people of African descent playing for England, so immigration is a good thing." That's what it's being used for, right? This is a good thing, you see. It's not a good thing. It's a terrible thing. And until this is another key thing, apart from people being set on fire, they've got to be set on fire in the right way. This is not about actually having a scrap with these other people. That's just ludicrous. I wouldn't even think about that. It's that until the English go back to batting for their own team, they're finished. It's over. And I have to keep banging on about this, even though it's really boring, it's even boring me to bits as well. But we haven't got an English national side. And I saw this, I was mentioning this on Thursday. They had to play the Netherlands, I think it was, you know, Holland on Wednesday. And then someone sent a picture of all the Dutch, because the Dutch obviously lost, and of the Dutch fans in wherever it was Amsterdam or somewhere, wrecking a restaurant after the result had been finalized, they were very, very upset that their team or what they think is their team had lost. But the comment was, Dutch people wreck a restaurant because their Africans had lost to the English Africans. And it's true. It's absolutely true. And so it's a very funny sort of situation. And a lot of people have pointed this out that it's being used to effectively hammer us over their head. How could you possibly object to immigration? Look, look at the benefits you wouldn't have footballed. Well, we haven't won anything because we are not on the pitch. And I also mentioned on Thursday, I was involved in a Twitter exchange. I'm not normally that, but there was a guy of African descent started to exchange a few ideas with me in this little Twitter thread. It was very useful. It was great. Because at one point, I had to, he said, no, no, he said it's not about that. He said, these people represent England. It's an English national side and it represents England. And I wrote back, I said, they don't represent England. The national side doesn't represent England. It is England. And if it isn't England, it's not the national side. And I gave him the definition of nation. And you'd be quite pleased, actually. I found an online, not that anybody can easily find this, but there's a Webster. There were several, but I actually quite a bit from Webster's and Chambers dictionary. I found one from Webster's 1913, proper dictionaries, you know, before they'd asked about with all the language. And I just sent him over the definition of nation. Now it wasn't an argument that we were having because it was conduct. I don't do that. It's just pointless. He said, oh, this is interesting what he said, but I'd like to know what your source is. I said, oh, it's called a dictionary. You might want to look it up. Here it is. And of course it applies to everyone. It applies to every single national who's in a nation. And I just keep pointing out to people, there is no inter nation football taking place. There are any nations on the pitch. You want to get back to it. So that's the reason why I bang on about it, because in my view, the English have got to understand and the Scots and the Welsh and the Irish that they haven't got any representation. They haven't got a team in it, because it's not them. And this is something I think to do with an extension of this understanding of family. If you're looking at your own family is your own people. Well, your country, your nation is just a lot of families like you, all the same race, same tribe. And it's cool. It's absolutely brilliant. And I heard some on the other day, I mean, normally in the past, if we go back say 30 years, which I guess is a bit of a way, even though they had one or two Africans playing fun, we hadn't really caught on to it all by then. And so it was predominantly still felt absolutely like an English national team, even though obviously specifically wasn't, but the whole country, literally everybody would watch it because it was our people, our lads as it were out on the pitch and we used to lose all the time. It doesn't matter. But that's what that was what was going on. And now no one's interested. There's literally not there's nothing going on. It's dead. The whole thing's dead. And it's going to be used as a political football to say you better have more migrants coming in and this, that and the other see the more we have football tournament she can with. May I? Lady went to Louise, may I? Yes, ma'am. May I? Yes, ma'am. Yes. Paul, you are familiar with Mr. Bates versus the post office in Britain. Yes, yes, I am. Yes. Well, there were 900 sub postmasters that were accused of theft and it was, and 555 got together. I don't know if they got together in one of those little establishments that you were talking about, but they finally prevailed May 24, 2024. It took them from, the case was from 2019 to 2015. And those are the people that would probably hear what you have to say, in my opinion. Your thoughts, I yield. Yeah, no, that was a very tough case for those people. They were one guy committed suicide over it. I mean, it's kind of tangent, but you're right in terms of what they did, but they had to go through everything. So I don't know if you're familiar with it, but basically the post office over here, they installed some, hang on just a minute, they installed some, they installed some software, account software that was completely cocked up. And all these postmasters were getting done for apparently filing wrong invoices and wrong reports and wrong returns and everything. And we're being fined for this, that and the other. And they very early answered, there's something wrong with this software and the post office went, no, there isn't. It's absolutely perfect. You know, we've spent years researching all this and blah, blah, blah, blah. Well, it turned out that it was faulty. One guy committed suicide over it because he had his business completely destroyed. You see, post offices over here are owned by the people that run them as kind of franchise. Oh, yeah. And they've been a sort of staple of English life for a long time. Now the post office now is owned by some American corporation, I think. So there's nothing royal mail about it at all, not that I'm running this way or that. Everything's sort of getting disintegrated. But it was a very, very bad case and they had a lot of, they had a lot of it on TV in the spring this year when they were going through cross examining people, particularly the guy that had put it all together. So he successfully managed to combat this misjudgment. And they're now in course, on course for getting recompense for the troubles they've had, although the guy that's dead, he's not going to get his life back because they just put so much pressure on them. Yeah, it's bankrupt them and ruin everything because we're right and you're wrong, all that kind of stuff. So, yeah. And they had a false call of something, I forget her last name, began with a V. And she was one of the vicars also, and she lied in court. And so she was finally disgraced, but it took from, I don't know, 20 years, I think, a longer to get this case realized and get these 555 people who went forward because 900 subpostmasters were disgraced and let go for something they never did, you know. And that, you know, it's not, the comparison here is with the traffic pirates on the road over here and how Roger just reminded us of Michael's judge who went against him. She was retiring and said that our effort is worthless and it doesn't matter. And these people are in these positions and it's the 555 and Mr. Bates, who was the leader of this, who just continued to persevere. So, if Roger is going to speak of our state, you know, it is a law. It's not a sprint, it's a marathon. It's a long marathon. It is. And she was wrestling, right? And Linda, she imported it to the people rising up to save the day. And now it's our turn in 2020 for NIU. Well, we better or else the future, 30 damn grim, I'm telling you, the female down there in Irondale was a, was a magistrate, not a judge. Judges are elected, magistrates are appointed. She was somebody's favorite niece or daughter or something, they got that job. And all she said was we don't recognize your affidavit. So that's why I said Mike's, I told Mike to come back on her and say, well, what other court testimony don't you arbitrarily and capriciously accept? You get a nice blank stare. But everyone had to step down except for that magistrate's name and retired by now. But, yeah, the magistrate was the real, um, fly in the ointment. He was the one that pursued this to the bitter end and he never lost his foot. Yeah, you're right. And John, John's response to her would have been madam. Are you an independent trier of facts or are you a party to the action? And that kind of silence is what you get. Listen, kids, I got somebody coming by to pick me up in about 12 minutes supposedly. So I'm going to hang a little bit, Paul, but I just, you know, always, you know, we can wrap up. It's great. It was just good to drop off. No, no, you don't have to wrap up you guys. No, no. I guess I kind of do. It's coming up to seven o'clock in the evening here. And I've just realized that I probably got to eat some food too, not lunch, but, you know, aren't you going to the hospital, but the point just made there about perseverance is absolutely bang on it. It's incredibly important there. They actually turned that case into a TV series, which of course highlights it much more effectively on that run last year. And it's just it drew it. It was a kind of a, you know, a drama documentary type thing about the whole situation. The thing that's encouraging about it is all that, as I'm here, you know, going through it just then is that we can, I'm getting, it's taking me a long time to get convinced about this. Very close to being totally convinced about it, that the mustering people on a local level to become ungovernable has got tremendous power to it. Yeah. In other words, I want their representatives locally when they come at us locally to be basically crapping their pants. I want them to not sleep at night. I want them to have nervous breakdowns. I want them to realize that they're not going to do this. And if we stop it at a local level, it doesn't matter what they say. You're not implementing these things on the ground where I live, and the people up the road. You're not implementing it earlier. There's something in that. There's something really strong in that. All politics is local. Who it is. Some to say. Is that Abram or somebody has something to say right there? Yep. Yes. I was going to ask, you know, in all ages, the ruling class never identify with the actual local people, right? And so the SAC COVID-Gotha is these allegedly German rulers that are running England right now. And is this something where it's understood by most people in England that you know, these allegedly German royals? And the other, I also had a comment. What do you think about our question about Prince William and his similarity to Jacob Rothschild? I've, you know, they look oddly similar. So I'm wondering if maybe there's a change of the guard genetically within the royal house. Well, there could be. I don't know if it's a change in the guard. It might be just becoming more obvious, really. I mean, there's sort of, there's sort of two, well, there's probably more than two, but I'm thinking of sort of two emotional responses that the English have to all that. One is lots of really good-natured middle-aged ladies just love the Queen or when she was alive, right? And they would buy tea towels and tea pots and all this kind of stuff. And it was part of the kind of branding operation of the royal family. And that began really got souped up round about the time of the Russian Revolution. It wasn't a problem with Queen Victoria. She, you know, we were just busy being sent off all over the world to blow it up. I suppose I'll build it or whatever during the 1800s. There was a lot of that going on. But when the Russian Revolution hit, most of the royal, well, all of the royal families across Europe went, oh, crap. They killed the Tsar, you know, it was the cousin of the Queen or the king at the time. So this, you know, they are all connected that way and they're going, am I next? So all sorts of deals have been done. Why was England left untouched? Because they'd established the city of London with the Bank of England in 1694. And so the city, of course, is nothing to do with the rest of us. I mean, people do criticize Britain. It's the Brits and they go, well, I have to sort of, you know, have a conditioner on that, which is I understand exactly what you mean. And I know which types of so-called Brits you're talking about, but they're not the 99% of the people that live here. They're not and it's the same everywhere, but you're right about a disconnect between them and us. So there's the little old ladies that have always loved the royal family and there's still a lot of that in the newspapers, which was part of their great PR campaign to make them cherished above and beyond so that no one would come and cut their heads off or shoot them in a cellar, which kind of makes sense from a certain point of view, I can see it. But there's another bit where there's always been a massive class divide here in this country, which has just been amplified and amplified ever since the Normans arrived a thousand years ago. It sounds mad to say that, but it's true because when that Normans arrived, you know, they created this, they brought the Jews with them. They create attack, the world's first tax database to literally tax you for being alive. That's what happened. This situation matures, it ends up, we end up with the peasants revolt in 1381, which is the only genuine uprising of the people in our entire history. Everything else has been orchestrated by, you know, third parties at the top. The civil war, the English Civil War is completely organized and orchestrated, just like the French Revolution, the so-called US Civil War. It's all part of that with the banking and write up everybody's ass, sorting it all out. And the British, where I come from, which is sort of working class people up in the north of England, they didn't give a crap about the royal family. They all thought that there were a bunch of parasites and sponges and everybody's talked like that my entire life around me. And it's just a very strange thing. William is lined up to just be the next muppet. He's lined up. And I knew someone, I might mention this before right, she's very late on in years and she's unwell and she's seen at her final day. So I'm unlikely to have a speech to it again, but lovely lady, very knowledgeable about scripture. Her daughter set up a kind of Christian mission here in England, somewhere in the home counties. I can't remember quite now. And the Queen Mother had a guy, an equity or something that was in the local area, and he used to come to these meetings where this woman's daughter was talking about aspects of biblical study and the faith and whatever. I haven't heard any of them, but the accounts seemed that they were very interesting. Anyway, this equity or whatever he was was so impressed that he tipped off the Queen Mother. That's the mother of the Queen that's just died. And she started to go to this little house in somewhere to go to these meetings. And then other members of the royal family would turn up and through it, this woman's daughter ended up being very close with William, the guy that's lined up. And one of the conversations she relayed to me, this would be about five or six years ago, was that he used to confide in her daughter because they'd connected through these Christian meetings or whatever it was with regards to Kate, the woman that he subsequently went on and married and who has been missing in public for a long time and has apparently got cancer and who many are speculating has been bumped off, which wouldn't be the first time that they've bumped off members of their supposedly their own family, right? This is, yeah. And what he said to her at the time was, you would not believe the amount of pressure I am under to marry this woman Kate, you could read into that what you want, right? They've got children together, apparently Kate is, of course, of Jewish descent. Just as Princess Diana was, that didn't stop them killing Diana. It might, it won't stop them, this, there's a lot of weirdos in there. It's weird. Everything is all about family is circumcised by a rabbi, they're all circumcised by a rabbi. No. Yeah, they're nothing to do, they're basically interlopers, like they're part of a user patient process that's been going on for a long time. And what's his name, can't remember his name, I used to go drinking with a guy that wrote Hitler was a British agent, Greg Hallott, see if I said that, Greg Hallott used to drink a few beers with Greg about five or six years ago. One of his narratives, let's call it that, is that the Rothschilds paid for breeding rights with Queen Victoria. This would not surprise me, right? So that you're talking about the similarity visually of physiological wise with the Rothschilds, well that would kind of explain it, wouldn't it? And so what happened here in this country is that the aristocracy, which at one point was good, it must have been, you know, they weren't all bad and terrible. But during the 19th and 19th centuries, Paul talk, please, all right, I got people coming, I got to go. Paul, come back and visit us, I hate to dunk out of this, this is fascinating. We'll talk to you soon. Okay. Cool, man. Have a great lunch, Roger. Thank you very much. Give me over a good place or one of these days. I will. I mentioned it to Paul and I said, we'll have you back pretty soon, Roger. Okay. So I want to have you back. All right. Okay. We'll see all the all Monday. Paul, hopefully we'll see you again soon. Okay. Thank you. Thanks, Roger. Ciao. Ciao. Paul, what do you want to do? Do you want me to just finish up this sentence and then we can, you can wrap it up or something? Is that what you want to do? Or is it, was he gone too? This guy's care. All I was going to say, just to finish off that idea with, with what's been happening over here is that the, the era stock, the landed classes over here, many of whom had descended from Norman families when they seized the land from all the Anglo-Saxon the Thenes and this, that and the other, they slowly but surely produced ever more frivolous offspring who pissed away much of their land and their money and everything. And to recover it, they interbred with the daughters and the sons of Jewish banking dynasty families over here. And this is how the whole thing got interwoven during the 1800s. It's why you got Disraeli as the Jewish prime minister and all this, that and the other. It's why you get church or working for them, although we're all supposed to pretend it's all British and this, that and the other, but it's a kind of corrupted, corroded Britishness. It's not actually British at all. And so using flags, you know, they've given you the star spangled banner and we got the Union Jack and all this kind of stuff, everybody runs around dying for a bloody flag and they're just laughing their asses off. And that's been going on, unfortunately, for a long time, but the English know this instinctively, particularly the working classes who have viewed a scum or have been traditionally by