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Radio Ranch with Roger Sayles and Brent Winters


2h 19m
Broadcast on:
12 Jul 2024
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Grab your wand device right now. For more information on the iTerraCare Classic Terahertz Frequency Wand, go to That's Forward moving and focused on freedom. You're listening to the Global Voice Radio Network. [Music] [Music] [Music] All right, coming in right under the wire here. [Music] Roger Sails, your host, Brent, our co-host today. Well, Brent may or may not join us, and that's still up in the air. We're going to find out as we go forward and we'd hate not to have him, but we surge on to confront and defeat our traditional enemy. And it is the 11th in that right? Is it the 11th today or the 12th? It's 12th. Okay, all right. Well, I'm a little like the butcher. I'm a little behind in my work there. So today is the 12th. It's Friday, and we're on a number of platforms. I just got finished putting my dinner breakfast up there, so sorry. And Paul Beener is the keeper of the platforms. That's a nice title. Could you put that on the card, keeper of the platforms? And he's going to inform us as to which ones they are, so that we can give them proper credit for joining in our little project here of freedom. Thank all of you. All right. Yeah, let's do that. Thursday's and Fridays were on radio, so the new project for our friend, Paul, who may be joining us today. We don't know. An invitation has been sent, and if he's available, he'll probably step by and say hello. We're also on, our flagship station that brought to us by Pastor Eli James, and we're very thankful to him for that. We're on Global Voice Radio Network. The and Global Voice Radio links are on That's D-O-C-S. Or if it's easier, just type, and you can get in there. We're on terrestrial radio this morning with 106.9 WBO U-F-M in Chicago for the first hour, from 10 to 11 central, and we're also on,, GoLiveTV and Those platforms are brought to us by WDRN Productions in Fort Collins, Colorado. For more information on the topics discussed, you can go to or nationalsonly. You can also find links to free conference call and zoom and actually join us live on the show. We've got room for about 1,500 of you, minus a couple of feeds for audio feeds and guests and host moderators, but we've got room for about 1,495 of you. So come on down. Anyways, more on Raj. Happy Friday. Thank you, Francine, who joins us on Fridays is there, but Brent is struggling with a broken computer. As a Mac man, if I'm not incorrect, and so when his Macs went down, huh? He's going to drag another one out and try and see if he can beat it up on top of things and then have to get with us and we'll see if that happens. There he is. Oh, he joined us. Well, great. Hey, Brent. Glad you made it, buddy. Never know what challenges are going to confront us one day to the next, do we? Well, there's Francine's picture. He's still messing with something to get straight. I would love it. Yeah, yes, the chance to drop by too. That'd be great. Brent, Brent has connected his audio, but we're not getting any microphone level from him. So, Brent, if you can hear us, the problem is probably your microphone settings locally. Zoom. It's always something. Yeah, Zoom thinks you're there. We're Luddites in this area here. Yeah. Okay, we'll see. He'll come booming in here in a minute, hopefully. And it'd be lovely if we had Paul and him here at the same time. So, it's been an interesting week. We had a couple of real brisk shows earlier in the week. And yesterday, I think, tailed off on a pretty brisk day. And so, we'll see about today. Of course, the main thing on everywhere is the election and all these things that are happening. Now, I was just watching, finally, I'm about to get caught up. I was watching yesterday's Owen. So, and he's got a really, really brilliant, let's say, insight into what these people may be doing. Because they've been in confusion for, well, they've been in confusion for a long time, but especially here lately. And the split within the party, first of all, Paul, do you know who's the acting chief of staff for Mr. Biden? Oh, I think I heard him in there. Brand, is that you? I hope it was. I heard somebody, some kind of noise. How about 100? Got it. There's Brent. There's Brent doing something. No, no, that was Andy. I just promoted him to co-host and it unmuted him. So, I got that taken care of. All right. Yes. It appears that Hunter Biden is the new chief of staff. You think he's going into the meeting room there and laying out lines of cocaine for all the participants? Or maybe he'd get some hookers before the meeting. So, this shows you to me, the guy that was chief of staff. There was another guy in there for the first couple of years and I don't remember his name, but they replaced him with a guy named Ron Clang, obviously a nice, a nice sabotean guy. And it looks like they're ousting him, so he's representing the money power. The most powerful person in the White House is the chief of staff. He's the one that decides who the president sees. And so he's been marginalized and I think that indicates the split between the money powers and their representative and person at the point there internally. And now he brings Hunter Biden in who he feels like he can trust more than anybody else. You know, this is like at Tsubrute, you know. This one, 76 people are stabbing you, you know. And so they've gathered around the old man in the family to say, no, no, I've got to stay in there. It's my ego. It's my whatever drives this maniac. Okay. And now after the family meeting at Camp David here a couple of weeks ago where they decided that he was going to stay in. And now that's the internal split. So even Chuck E. Schumer is coming out against him who probably runs the country for the massage, if the truth be known or he's the front man of the massage. So that's working into a very interesting situation. And they only got 111 days or something for the election. It's a pretty short time in that big of undertaking to saddle up a new person and get them in there. And the other one is everybody hates Biden so much if they leave him in there, it's automatic, no matter how many damn migrants vote. Okay. So this is what Owen says. And of course, now remember Roger Stone has been saying for three years or more that the next candidate for president for the DIMS was Big Mike. Michelle. Okay. He was saying that years ago and Roger Stone's very reselled him wrong. Okay. And so, but she hates public life and wants nothing to do with it. Okay. But and she's been laying low. You haven't seen her anywhere on the news for quite a while, almost since that guy drowned in three foot of water out behind their house up in Massachusetts on Cape Cod or wherever it is, global warming, you know, so all that's going on. So this yesterday, there was the U.S. basketball team, I guess, for the Summer Olympics. They had a game or something. So Obama and Kamala Harris were both there. And so what Owen thinks is going on is that they're going to highlight Obama and keep her low light and then tag her on to Kamala Harris, which is a whole nether can of worms because she's not qualified to be president or vice president. Okay. So, but they're gonna have to raise her up to the top position and then they'll slip Michelle Obama in as VP and on the ticket, it'll say Harris Obama and a lot of the dumb Democrats will fall for that being Barack and vote for him. Okay. Now, they have not heard that brought up by anybody. I got a hand to Owen. That's a very innovative, creative thinking way of looking and thinking like these people do. Man, that may happen right there. Okay. I just heard him talking about it a few minutes ago, so it's new to me too. But I thought this, that'd be exactly like these bastards. I mean, what did they do? They create illusions. Okay. That's another one right there. So I thought that was kind of interesting worth talking about and bringing up, especially to Brent, because I know he's still in a sense, keeps up with some of this political stuff. Did you get your mic fix? I don't know. Yes, you did. Great. Got her done. Good. What'd you think of that, man? What'd you think of that little scenario? Well, about Michelle or Michael or whatever its name is. Yes. Yes. VP. Yeah. I don't know. I suppose I'm just like everybody else. I just can't believe that the rest of the world hasn't attacked us militarily. It seems how buffooner it seems to have their fingers on the levers of power. And I can't imagine what the Joint Chiefs of Staff have decided to do at this point. And I know they're all sorts of theories and things floating around on the internet. But there's no evidence of any of it. It's just people talking like me talking now. I come up with ideas that are great, even fascinating. But I am pretty convinced just because I know how things work that the military establishment in the United States are getting together and preparing for anything at this point because obviously there's no one that's dependable or patriotic or loyal to the country that holds any power in the country. Now, these military generals, they're just bureaucrats to the ultimate hilt. They're there to obey orders unless things get out of hand, which they have. Now, there are standing orders that presidents always deliver always. Without question, in case something happened, military armed forces were under standing orders to do this, in case of this, and do that, in case of that. And that no direct orders are given at the time. Now, the first president to not do that, by the way, was Bill Clinton. He issued when he became president, he issued no standing orders. And so, if something did happen that required immediate response, there's an energy of what to do. And that's not a good situation. You know, it doesn't make any difference. How smart you are, or how patriotic, or how loyal. Every one of us needs orders. And a soldier, a sailor without orders, is not a soldier or a sailor, period. We all need orders, and they need it worse than anybody. They're trained to do what they're told. They don't know what to do otherwise. And if you turn over the country to the military, military established, but it will go down. It won't work. Utterly. We've been very careful to avoid all the, you know, we're a few countries in the world. We have never allowed, or the one, the man, the place to man their military forces. We've never allowed him, and he never has tried to don a military uniform. That's not even true in England. You know, the executive branch officials like the king, or whatever. They like to put on their military uniforms, and of course, they're filled with medals and ribbons. Of course, they've never been in combat, but they look like they're important as before. We've never done that here. And God help us if we ever do. I mean, I think Harry Truman was on the wrong side of the most every thing, but he's one of those kind of fellows. Well, anybody in political office, you can't help but like them. How's they going to get there? They're going to get there by making sure people hate them. No, that's not going to happen. They're going to get into office by doing all they can to get people to like them. And some of the most dangerous people in Congress, the most bloodthirsty are that way. They're nice people to be around. Well, Harry Truman, I don't know. He was a nice fellow. And Harry, back in those days, of course, you had to keep up appearances. You didn't even have to do that today. You could be a transvestite being the presidency or an insane senile man who can't, you know, the other day that Biden was calling, he was referring to Donald Trump as Vice President Trump and referring to fluency or fluency or whatever that fellow's name is over there. They call him poos, I mean, the system, the man, the lights on, but no, he'd buy the bats and the bell. Did you hear? Well, he's too rich. I have a love. Did you hear Biden say he was the first black female president? Brett, did you hear Biden say he was the first black female president? No, but that doesn't know he's insane. He's gone. He never was there to start with. I really believe that. I don't believe he's been in touch with reality for several decades. And that's what happens when you get in politics. When you're in politics, you're in law, law, land. And when you get your name on the ballot, you automatically lose approximately 40 IQ points. And you don't have you if you're in office. I say that from personal experience. And I mean it when I say it. And the reason I say it is that because once you, your name gets on the ballot, only one thing matters. And if that one thing does not matter, you won't make it into office. And even if it does matter, and you put your life on the line and spend every dime you got and mortgage your house to get there, what you need to do. People won't believe you care. We want it bad enough if you don't do that. And when you do that, your focus becomes 175, 190% to use Democrat arithmetic. 190% focused on getting into office. That means getting people to like you. And you spend hundreds of thousands of millions of dollars to get people to do that. Because that's the way you get into office. That's the majority principle. The legislative branch is well, once you start doing that, once you get into office, you can't stop campaigning. As Morton Blackwell said, and this is not just a saying, it's a fact again, in spades. Good campaigning is good office holding and good office holding is good campaigning. You can't be a fella in public office that ever stops campaigning anymore than Coca-Cola. Ever stop keeping that Coca-Cola emblem out there all over the world. You know, one thing you learn in marketing is that you can't stop marketing. Coca-Cola has never stopped massive amounts of money getting that Coca-Cola emblem out in the world. If they ever stopped, then they would go under financially. They go broke. They go into bankruptcy. Well, the same thing is true in politics. You've got to keep your name out there. You've got to be campaigning all the time. So if you're campaigning all the time, that means you don't have time to read a book. You don't have time to get up in the morning and spend a half hour with yourself trying to think things over. That ain't going to happen. And it doesn't happen. Every second of your day, if you're president, of course, if you're a congressman, other people too, but a president, you've got other people handling him and every minute of every day is orchestrate and he doesn't have time, he's nothing but a stagnant pool. Nothing but at the best. He's not given any information, anything that comes out of a running stream of fresh water. That ain't going to happen. He is what he is and what he is when he gets in the office is what you give. And it's going to stay away. And Joe Biden, here's the point I'm making, when Joe Biden got in the presidency, he was a stagnant pool and had been for many decades. There's nothing there. Lights on, nobody's home. DJ Trump was not a stagnant pool when he got into office. He had never been in political office. Had we ever had that happen before? I don't know when, but we had it happen then and it was refreshing, not because he's a good man or he's a Christian man, whether he is or not, who knows? I just know that he came in like a newborn babe and he frankly didn't have a clue what he was doing. One thing he didn't understand and you can see it. I'm sorry, Roger. Go ahead. No, I was just going to say, did you know that before he was elected president, he'd never even spent the night in Washington, D.C.? I believe it. And you know what happens to people like that when they try to get into high office? I'll tell you what happens to them. They get criminally indicted. How do I know? Because I was a guy that walked into the clerk's office in that little town or that little town in the county where I lived and I asked his tail cousin who happened to be the county clerk. I said, how do you run for Congress? He said, I don't know. He said, and I had a pair of bib overalls on this true story. I've been working. And he said, and he said, gee, Brent, I don't know. You know, somebody wants to run, you know? I said, well, yeah, I want to run. He said, you do? I said, yeah. And he's a Democrat, by the way. And his granddad was a doctor down there. He was a horse doctor around there. And a horse doctor used to be a big deal. You know, not so much. I know. But he was now a doctor down. He was a he got shot in France with machine guns and stuff. And named hit him in the leg. And he lays out this this story. We always knew about Dr. Downey. Everybody liked Dr. Downey. He went. He signed up to go to World War I with Billy Attkin and Billy. He lived across from what we call the Attkin Place, which used to be his. And we farmed it. Well, I knew Billy and I knew Dr. Downey because he was kind of a short tail cousin going way back through the letter. He got machine gun and he laid out in no man's land for, I think it was two weeks before they got into the hospital. They finally got him. He told me this personally. They got him. And he was a veterinarian. You know, he went to school after he got back. But he went to the hospital. Leg was gangrene. And of course, the old thing you do is cut the blasted thing off at that point. But his French doctors said to him, said, you got two choices and whatever you want to do, we'll do. We can just go ahead and chop your leg off. Or we can put maggots in it. If we chop your leg off, you'll probably live. Good chances. If we put maggots in it, about a 50/50 chance, but you may save your leg. The maggots can do that as long as they don't give you some of them back then. You know, now they got maggots that they're raising a sterile environment. And there are maggot farmers out there that sell maggots to hospitals. Because nothing will eat the infection out of a wound better than a maggot, which is a larvae of a fly, as you know. Well, yeah, they got them now. They're in sterile environments and eat people make big money. I think the biggest maggots farm in the country is out in California. They sell maggots to hospitals all over the country. They had a wound center. What they call a wound center there in terra-hote where they're trying to study wounds that don't heal. What's going on? You know, they have maggots and all that. Well, Doc Downey opted for the maggots. Of course, he's young. He thought he'd live forever no matter what. And he could live through a maggots. So he knew what maggots were. He grew up down there on the farm. Well, they put the maggots in there and he lived and he kept his leg, but he always had a limp. And he always, that wound never healed. It wept, as they say at home, it wept the rest of his life and he had to dress it the rest of his life. And he carried that limp because it was in the area that he messed up. Apparently, probably I never asked in details about that. But that was Doc Downey. Well, he was granddad to this fellow that was clerk. And I, of course, didn't know what I was doing. My family had never been in politics. I mean, this wouldn't let us go to the county fair. That's a true story. The only way I went to the county fair was I had to sneak over there. Well, the Martinville fair. It was kind of like the county fair. He didn't have any hog cholera or some other blow fly disease for cattle home. So he didn't let us go to the county fair and stomping around in those barns and those people that show the cattle don't care about anything except trying to win ribbons and goofy stuff like that. And they weren't interested really in raising cattle that much and selling them on the market. They're interested in fancy breeding stock, you know, and stuff like that. So we didn't, we didn't even go to the county fair much less know anything about politics. And, of course, I got in. Now, the family had always been, I had my mother's side of the family were Democrats because they were Kentucky and my father's side of the family. Well, his side of the family was C, but two generations before. And not only that, East Tennessee don't forget has never been Democrat ever. And all of East Tennessee was union during the Civil War. And even they even had up, but down at Pigeon Ford, not too long ago and we ate the big restaurant down there and it's called the mill or something like that. And it's a giant mill there on Pigeon Creek. Been there since before the horrible war in the northern and the southern states. And inside of that, inside of that mill was a massive industry of producing war materials for the Union Army. That's in Tennessee now in the mountains there, which is now, of course, Pigeon Ford's a famous place for Dolly Parton as her, all her baloney and other people like that. But dad's family was from East Tennessee. The Douglas is in the winter and they came up to Indiana and then, or my mom's family though, they were Democrats from East Kentucky. And so I ran as a Republican. Again, naivety. Of course, thinking that Republicans, well, at least I could read there. I could read the Republicans, what do you call it, the platform. And it looks good. It's like going to a church and reading the Bible. You guys, you believe this book? Yeah. Well, I like, you believe, I believe this book. I'll go to church here. Then you find out that even though it's in the book, you know, that's the way the Republican Party is now. They have a nice platform. They just don't know what's in it, no care. That's the way it usually goes with those kind of organizations. Now, if anybody here thinks I'm being cynical, I'm going to slap some sense into you, I'm not being cynical. I'm just telling you, there's nothing good in men. There's nothing good in men. But there is a lot of good in God and he guides crooked men to do good things. For example, DJ Trump, I'm fully convinced that DJ Trump obviously is a crooked stick and there's nobody that isn't. I mean, his granddad, the way I got the story was, well, he was, he made a lot of money doing things that I wouldn't want to get close to, put it that way. That's what I read. But you only know what to read on the Internet like we used to only know what we read in the papers. I just know this. DJ went in and what happened to him, he got indicted and they tried to send him to prison and it may not be over. That's what happens when you go in naive and you cannot know what goes on in politics unless you get inside and run for office. You don't have a clue and you never will. You're on the outside. No, you're insulated from the evil and the evil is over the top beyond belief, like most things in life, I suppose, as we grow older. No, if they can't, if they got somebody there they don't like, they'll try to ruin the reputation. If that doesn't work, they'll try to kill them. And if they can't get them killed, they'll try to keep trying until they get the job done. That's the way it works. Most people are smart enough, they're inside politics, not to get killed and they'll conform. That's the way that works. Nobody wants to lose their life, you have enough. And you think, and when you're in office, people think that, oh, well, I can do some good. If I just compromise here and give them this, then I can get this over here. That is the standard mindset, the conservative politician. It is not true, but that's not the standard mindset. You deal with these people, you cannot satiate them. No, the Bible makes it clear, you don't do deals with the devil. And if you do, you're going to be destroyed. I can't tell you, and again, when I was in there, I would can't tell you, ramming around how many, well, I thought were otherwise good men. Whatever that is, good, right-headed, I like to say right-headed men in politics. And their families, oh, I saw death. It's that bad. I had a, I had a sinner. Remember the sinner, he was from Illinois, his name was Percy. He had two, they get back in the 60s. Yeah, they are vaguely, I remember. Yeah, he, very influential, I mean, he was model senator. He had a look, you know, everything about him, he was just beautiful. And he had two twin daughters, both of them, or, you know, teenagers. And no bonus to this day of what happened, but somebody snuck into his house and bludgeoned both of those girls to death, and they're dead. Oh, and that was the end of that. And that happens quite a bit, those kinds of things. I remember there was a governor back there and he was the, he ran for president two or three times. I think his name was Adelai Stevenson. Yeah, Adelai Stevenson. And he was the, yeah, he was the third, I think Adelai Stevenson the third. He was also, he never made the presidency, he ran three times as a Democrat. And he ended up being, somebody pointed him as our representative to the United Nations, I forget who it was. Who would be? But when he was governor of Illinois, he was governor of Illinois and he said, he lost his family entirely. I mean, like Hunter Biden, the whole, you know, well, he lost all his children with that kind of madness. And his wife, I mean, all went down the tubes. And he said, and I heard him say it, he said, I have failed as a father and a husband. But I will not fail as governor. Well, that's normal. That's not abnormal. And men, what they do is they lose their families in those situations or lose part of it or they suffer horrible setbacks. But they're so dependent. Didn't he, didn't he run against Eisenhower? I think he did. Yeah, I think that's probably right, Roger, but I think it was Eisenhower once. You never got in, but I just use him as an example of what happens to people in politics. And I liked Ike. I liked Ike. And a lot of people liked Ike. Now, people say that Ike was an evil man during World War II. I don't doubt that a bit. I don't say it was. I don't say it wasn't. I mean, the indications are that he did things he had not had to do. And he lived his whole life protecting himself and his career. That came first. He made a point, his whole military career, I forget. I'm never doing anything that would make any waves anywhere. He was just the opposite of General Patton, just the opposite. That's why his career just kept rising because he knew he had a political way of knowing how to make his career work. But on the other hand, he's the only president of the United States. That applies as a Christian wall president. He grew up on the Kansas frontier. And his mother was a Jehovah Witness, and you can't get more ugly than that. I mean, just for being false. I mean, there's a lot of false doctrine out there and false points of view. That's another masterpiece. And he said this after that happened. When I was growing up on the Kansas frontier, of course, that's out on the edge of the world in those days. He said, "I never knew anybody that didn't go to church." He said it didn't exist, even out there. Churches were formed, and men took their families and went to church. And I don't know what persuaded him to Christianity. It's just the madness of the war and the carnage of politics. You know, war is nothing but politics with bloodshed. That's all it is. Politics or bloodshed. But it takes that different form at some point. And of course, bloodthirsty people like Democrats, they love that. I know a lot of Democrats don't think they're bloodthirsty, but don't kid yourself if you are. The people that are pulling the levers of power are bloodthirsty. They love war, and they invite it constantly. They're inviting it as we speak to have this kind of buffoonery and weakness as Commander-in-Chief is to invite attacks. That's what happened in World War II. Don't think those japs attack Pearl Harbor because they thought that they couldn't whoop us. No, they thought they could. Why did they think that? Well, they thought that because we had a Communist in the White House who had reduced our milksters to broomsticks. And that's not an exaggeration. They were drilling with broomsticks. All the money that came in was being put into a slush bun for his political advancement and all the other on his party. There's no question about that. We can see that clearly. And of course, they attacked. I can say that other people perceive you as weak for going to attack because that's what men do. That's what countries do. They're sovereign. They want what they want. And the only way to ultimately get it from another country is war. That's the way that works. That's why it's important that we are an armed people. And I don't mean armed forces. I mean that every man out there doesn't have an option. He has a duty to carry a gun. That's what our law in America demands. And says, "We ignore it. We talk around it. We demonize it. Oh, the militiamen this and that." And listen, freedom is dangerous, friends. Freedom is dangerous. And if people have guns, of course, there's danger. But the alternative is not dangerous. It is death. Period. So let's have freedom. And let's deal with the problems we have and deal with what it means to be safe and to be reserved and learn men. We need to learn how to deliver violence when the law demands it. It takes a mindset. And it's not something that we're at that point. Look at us. What are the armed forces going to do? They're filled with transvestites. People I know that have graduated from our one-time honorable military academies won't have anything to do with West Point and Annapolis anymore. These were men that went through when there was a little bit of a semblance of the appearance of honor and love of country. That does not exist. What are we to do? Well, I say you're being pessimistic, no I'm not. When the clouds appear, it forebodes a heavy atmosphere. That's true. And when misfortune shows herself, just remember Lady Fortune is close behind. We're there. And when things look so bad, is when God decides to move and he moves among his people and his people will be invigorated with the gumption breath of God. That will happen. I believe it will fall apart. I see that happening right now, Brent. I think I do some too. But let's quit talking childish and stupid and trying to conform to bozos like what you see in the White House. And that mindset that the people that support him have and it covers at least half the country. What's going to happen? I don't know. But the law demands the law, our law, our Constitution of the United States is an expression of our common law. And our common law demands responsibility. What is responsibility? Well, the Anglo-Saxon word is right. Responding to who? Responding to our maker and the law he has delivered to us. He delivers his will to us. The will of the sovereign, his law. He's delivered it to us. And two volumes. William Blackstone says in his commentaries, and this is put in our Declaration of 76, the law is the neighbor. That's volume number one. The laws of nature, he says, are lex non-scripta, unwritten. That's volume number one. We call it our common law. We call it the law of the land. We call it due process. Those are all synonyms. What is the law of the land? It is due process. What is our common law? It is due process. What is due process? The process that is due and owing to all concern. To slow the machinery down. To do this or that, it's how do we go about doing what is obvious to be done and right? How do we go about doing it? We just taught the militia class on the four militia clauses, Sheriff Darlife and I. And we, every class and throughout the classes, an hour and a half a piece, we said every militiamen at every point is always under lawful authority. Every militiamen, every able-bodied male in America is always under lawful authority. They are lawful authority when he's full-blown, but unless should be. And there are only options. The sheriff here at county, the governor of your state or the president of the United States and whoever calls you out first has jurisdiction over you. We must revitalize our fundamental law. And the way to do that is to accept your responsibility, men. You're responsible to not only be armed, but to be proficient and safe in the use of firearms. That's the law in America. It's not an option. A right is not an option. Right. It says our constitution reinforces it. You have a right to keep and carry a loaded firearm. That word right is an old Anglo word, an old Anglo-Dane word. And it means duty. Duty. Duty's arise from law, not from contract. Law is from the law giver. Well, that's the first volume. The second volume is the laws of nature's God. That's in our Declaration of 76, the laws of nature's God. William Blackstone tells us 11 years before that document was signed. The Declaration of 76, 11 years before. In the year 1765 he delivered his lectures at Oxford concerning contrasting our common law, the land with all the city. And he said that the laws of nature's God is the Bible. The laws of nature's God is the Bible. A man in a Christian country, England at that time, 1765. That's what those words mean. Do we give any credence to the idea that we think that the original intent of those that drafted our laws is what the law means? Let's wake up and smell. That's what Justice Scalia, of course, always said. And it's always been true. When I approach the Bible, I don't say, "Well, what does it mean to me now?" I don't know. I say, "What did the author intend? What did it mean according to the tongue he used in the people that he talked to?" It's really easy. Clearly, the context here is this. You know, you can figure that stuff out. It takes work. You can't just throw signs on by itself and say what it means. And you've got to get the big picture of the document or the collection of writings, for example, if you're talking about the Bible, or a Constitution of the United States, which is the laws. Mmm, breaks dropping out a little bit. Which is gov. Brent, your internet connection is real spotty and it's weak. I'm in law hall. You get the sweep on the flow of it. And in both hall, how do you go about doing it? And the way you go about all points. No man has authority of him. What? What, Roger? Roger? You're breaking up a little bit. Paul said your internet is very weak. Are you using Wi-Fi on this second computer? No, I shouldn't have the same internet I've always had. But who knows what's going on, Roger? Okay, well the truth is all sorts of things happen. Right, well you're just cutting out. We all want to hear what you've got to say. So I just wanted to find out if you were using Wi-Fi, you might could move closer to the router. But if you're not, then we'll just deal with what comes. I appreciate the advice and it's always good and remind me to do that. Am I better now? Yeah, it sounds like a little more solid. Well, I hope I am. Well, we've got, I don't even remember where I left off except to say the laws of nature's God and those two volumes. The laws of nature and the laws of nature's God are common law tradition, which is unwritten by the way. It's the way things are and they're going to change. It is due process. And then the laws of nature, that's the laws of nature. The laws of nature's God might have said that backwards. The laws of nature's God is, as Blackstone said, revealed religion, the Bible itself, written. And it is the final court, the last resort, if there's any apparent inconsistencies between those two volumes. And that, by the way, is the doctrine of our common law, the Bible is final. And it takes work to find out what it says. Never man must decide. Well, when a people, of course, when a people finds themselves in a crisis, as we now have, clearly, in vanity, they instinctively, said some famous philosopher, they instinctively turn their eyes toward their origins and look there for a sign. The prophet and the Bible, he had a showdown with the devil himself. He had a showdown with the priest of Baal and Mount Carmel, who were there in that place on the other side of the Mediterranean. And he said to the people of Israel, Israelites, he said, "I'm tired of the foolishness. You worship Baal, Baal. By the way, Baal means husband. Husband, it's a context-dependent word. The feminine of Baal, Baal, we say, is "bula." And Israelites have always, well, in the Old Testament, they call their land "bula land." Yeah, "bula," and the reason is, because, pardon? Go ahead. Our family house was on "bula avenue." Our family home was on "bula avenue." Yeah, "bula" is a Hebrew word. It's the feminine of Baal. Well, "bail" is not a bad word, but it is used in a bad context, but "bail" means husband. And it's even used. The word is used for people who husband to God's land, you say. But "bail," that means to take care of. Have we lost that concept to take care of our wives, take care of our land? That's called husbanding and husbandry. Well, anyway, Baal is the Hebrew word, but the devil is a clever S.O.B., a clever son of Baalil. And so he used that word to name a demon god named Baal. And then that demon god said, "I am husband" to the Israelite people. And they said, "Yeah, you do." Like a ready whore, they fall down before Baal. And that's what they were doing. So the prophets said, Elijah said, "Listen, I've had enough of this. About 800 and 900 of you priests to Baal." And they were all, by the way it says, they were all bureaucrats on the public dole of Jezebel. She was the old foreign whore that married the king of Israel. And they have. And she ran everything. She was analogous to Hillary Clinton, the kind of thing. You know, sexually confused and would do anything. Anyway, so she had all these priests on the public. And they were priests to Baal. And Elijah said, "Alright, time's up. Let's have a showdown upon Mount Carmel and the god who answers with fire. Let him be lawgiver. Let him be final arbiter of right and wrong." And, of course, he was talking about Yahohal. Some people say Jehovah. That's the proper in that it has three syllables. But it would Germanize. And those are Baal letters in the Hebrew term. And it's probably Yahohal. Some people mistakenly, in my studied opinion, say Yahweh. Well, that's the way of saying it without any consonants. That's right. But there are three syllables. Like Tyndale said, Jehovah, but Yahohah. And Yahohah means he happens. He's the sovereign god that makes all things happen, allows all things to happen. He's the first mover. He's the prime mover. He's sovereign. He said, "Let Yahohah be lawgiver or let Baal be lawgiver." And one of them, if either one of them answers with fire, then that's the lawgiver of Israel. They said, OK, all the massive amounts of people gathered around the altar upon Mount Carmel. The altar's made with stone, heavy, big altar. So where they all get up there in the priest of Baal were there. And Elijah just said, "Don't take four, put a sacrifice on the altar." And the god that answered with fire and consumed the sacrifice would be the winner. So he said to pour four barrels of water on the sacrifice. Now pour four barrels of water on the altar. And pour four barrels of water in the dug and ditched around the altar. And just pour it all around on the ground and let it stay in the ditch there. And just fill the place with this soak-it saturated drench it with water. Just to make sure that whoever answered with fire was going to have to come down serious heat. And he said, "OK, now, just because I'm a nice guy and I want to have due process and fight according to the rules, I'll let you priest of Baal go first." So they went first. I forget if it was 800, it might have been 900, but there were a lot of them, and there was just Elijah. And they, of course, been screaming out the Baal, and then they went through all the rituals. They were dancing around, and they did this for hours. And no fire came, and Elijah said, "Maybe you're not screaming loud enough. Maybe he's asleep, or maybe the man's on a vacation." Whatever the case, you're not able to rouse him. They said, "No, no, we'll rouse." So then they took sharp rocks and razors, and they cut their skin, and they were bleeding out of their bodies and dancing like pagans do. You know, bones their noses probably, tattoos on their bodies, all that stuff. I don't know about that part, but I know they were cutting themselves because it says so. Slicing themselves and bleeding and dancing and screaming out. Finally, they did it so many hours, and, of course, Elijah just sat and watched, and they exhausted themselves and gave up. And then he said, "Okay, in my turn, okay, here's the rules." As you said, you know, the law-giver that answers with fire let him be law-giver. So he just prayed and said, "If you are a law-giver, you've got a whole lot of Israel." Answer with fire. And fire came down from the sky and consumed, it disappeared, vaporized the sacrifice, vaporized the large stone altar, scorched all the ground, licked up all the water, dryer in a bone, ate up everything, heat everywhere. And then the fire went away and nothing was left, it was all gone. Now, if that would have happened to you or me, and we were standing there watching, I would say probably everybody would have their nostrils in the dirt. I almost said something else which would have been inappropriate. But they would all be on our faces, if that really did happen, and we really saw it with our eyes. And that is what happened. They were all on their faces, groveling and screaming, "Yahoha, he is law-giver." "Yahoha, he is law-giver." They were scared. Out of the woods, which is a normal reaction, of course. And then Elijah, by what kind of strength, maybe these priests were just all played out and used up, but he took a sword and the text says, the record says, he chopped off the heads of every one of them. Now that would mean, I can't believe that they would have stood still and allowed it unless there was something else going on. But it doesn't say whether or not he had help, maybe he did. But it indicates that he did it himself. He beheaded every one of the priests of Baal. By a strength, maybe, of that akin to Samson, when he whooped, killed. Approximately, it says, it doesn't say approximately, it says 1000 Philistine soldiers with the jawbone of the ass. Of course, in that case, it tells us clearly that the Gumption Breath, the person, the Spirit of God inhabited his body and used him like a hand coming up inside of a glove to slaughter the Philistines. Well, maybe that's what happened here. No, because the text does not give us the evidence to speak, but we do have evidence of what happened as far as I've spoken. Now, if you don't think I'm telling the truth, or you think I'm elaborating the truth, or you think adding details that aren't there, then all you've got to do is go to text and find it and read it. And you may find that I've made some minor mistake, but I don't think you'll find I've made any substantial mistake about the sweep and the flow of what the evidence says that happened. Well, after he had, of course, slaughtered with all these priests of Baal. By the way, by the time you get to the New Testament, Jesus Christ confronts this priest, or this God, this log falls longer. And, and some other people call him not Baal, but they call him Baal's above, Baal's above. Well, Baal is Baal, that means husband. But the zebub means flies, and not just any flies. We're talking about where I come from, we call them bluetail flies. Those are the ones that eat feces, manure. And that's the fly that Baal's above is the lord of the butterflies. That's what that means, to put it roughly, loosely, rough and ready, in a rough and ready way, what it means. Same, same filthy stupid stuff, and the Old Testament. Well, after he did all this, and all these priests are laying dead and blood all over, of course, their heads severed from the bodies. And, of course, the Israelites watched the whole kaboodle. They watched what Yahohah did to the sacrifice and the altar, and they watched what Yahohah did through Elijah. And then Elijah, like Samson, lost spirit. After Samson had whooped, killed a thousand Philistines with a jawbone of an ass that he found laying there. He laid down and thought he was going to die, that the spirit of God, the Epson breath of God had used him so vigorously for so long, that when the spirit of God dropped and fell down, he couldn't get up. He was dying of thirst and famished and weak. And, of course, God preserved his life, and you can read how he did that. But that's what happened to Elijah. I just know he didn't have any spirit left, and he was scared out of his wits. He all of a sudden, after doing all that, he was struck with fear. Fear of what? That old whore, Jezebel. He had just slaughtered hundreds of her priests. After all those men, he killed them. He's scared of this old whore. I can imagine why. There's a lot of old Jezebel. The spirit of Jezebel has not died. The spirit of Jezebel is here. What is it? It's contrary to the spirit of Elijah. Remember when John the Baptist came, he came in the spirit of who? He was the forerunner of Jesus Christ, because of the Jesus Christ. Five months older than Jesus Christ, and it says that he came in the spirit of Elijah. The Old Testament says he'd come in the spirit of Elijah. He did come in the spirit of Elijah. He was a man that was out in the wilderness, bellowing. It doesn't say he was crying out, that's the king's name. The word really means to be a bull. He wore a garment of camel hair. I remember writing the camel hair. He dressed like a mountain man. He put it in more modern terms. He ate locust and honey, certain kinds that were lawful. He was that voice bellowing in the wilderness. He was rough. That's the spirit of Elijah. The spirit of Elijah is still with us too, and the spirit of Jezebel. The spirit of Jezebel infects men and women, women and men. It's everywhere. You can see it. I mentioned Fleury Clinton. It's a spirit that hates masculinity. It hates men. It wants to abuse men. It wants to destroy manhood because it destroyed manhood. It's destroyed the press settlement of God that he has with his people. But back to Elijah. He got rabid in his blood. He got scared. There's a rabbit being chased by a hound. He ran and ran. I mean a foot. He ran from Mount Carmel up in Israel all the way to the Sinai Peninsula and kept running. I don't know how he did, doesn't say, ran to Mount Sinai. Like that philosopher says, yes. Go ahead. We've got about just under three minutes and we're going to be leaving WBOU. Let's talk about for a little bit. We'll get back to him. We'll get back to him running. He made it to Mount Sinai because he turned his eyes toward the origins of his nation. He went there to look for a sign and he found it. By the way, I'll tell him the other side of this. Turn your eyes toward your origins and look there for a sign. That's why I say laws of nature and laws of nature is God. Go to the website. Thank you Paul. Go to the website,, Take advantage of what's there. The translation of the Bible, a common lawyer, translates and annotates from the original tongues, 35 over 35,000 foot notes, 100 over 175 of a pen to the seeds. Tracing your theme through the warp and the wolf, the text of the context of the Bible. Also there, you can take the law courses at Winter's Inn, the law school. There's a lot of people in the can, audio and visual, lots of courses there. I try to teach courses that were taught in law school and they were good. Then I try to teach courses that I should have been taught in law school and I wasn't. We're coming up. We just finished the course. Sheriff Darley from Barry County, Michigan teaches with me. He's agreed to teach another course. Coming up here pretty quick. Go to the website. Find it and join the course and that helps us. But the course is on the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights and the rights are duties. Fashion, by the way, after the English Bill of Rights, our Bill of Rights is, it wasn't created in a vacuum. It wasn't a brainchild that came out of nowhere. What are rights? They are duties. Duties arise out of law, not out of contract, not out of contract. We're going to talk about our rights. That means our duties. That means we had a free man. We had the duty of discernment to decide when to use them, when to use violence and when not. You better never use violence if it's not lawful. And if you don't know when it's lawful, you're part of the problem. And you better know how to deliver it when the time comes. That's what God demands of his people. There are three kinds of men God needs to have a country that works well and is prosperous for his glory and our benefit. There are kinds of men. I'm going to quote a very well-known man, King Alfred the Great of England. You need working men. You need praying men. And you need fighting men. Men that are willing to fight and to fight according to God's law. This is Brent Allen Winter's Common Lawyer dot com. Go to the website commonlawyer dot com. Take advantage of the things that are there. The book Excellence of the Common Law, which is Excellence of the Common Law. Comparative law text 700, 958 pictures. Comparative and contrasting our law of the land. New process or common law. Comparing and contrasting that with the law of the city. That's what Blackstone did. Four volumes recorded his lectures comparing our law of the land, our common law. New process. The way we go about doing things, the processes. Comparing that with the law of the city. Our law of the land is oriented toward process. How we go about doing things. The law of the city, which governs every country and the world. The cannons and all the church are home, they go to Justin and the little empire of Rome. Yeah, thank you very much Paul. Paul, tell us how to stay on the rest of the show. Go to or and look for the link to Eurofolk radio, global voice radio, zoom or free conference call and you can join us into the second hour. One of the 6.9 WBOU FM in Chicago and radio Thank you for being here. Yep. See you all both next week. I don't know what was going on with the with the Whistler. It was overdue and I had to adjust the volume and unmute it. It's one of the technical here. You have any follow up? I was going to open the audience up and see if there's anybody had any questions or comments. You've given us quite a bit of background historical information here. I think you left it at looking to where your origins were or something. It made us that way. All right. Hold on. Let him finish up and we'll do that. Okay. Let's see. We turn our eyes toward our origins and look there for a sign that wants us to do right now and our origins are the laws of nature and the laws of nature's God. That's true volume. That's what common is all about. That's why Roger and I are here because we think we need to do that. I see a lot of people trying to do that because it's natural. People are quoting all sorts of organic documents, but I discover there's no, I discover in most cases, I see people doing things that are just silly. Talk to a fellow yesterday and then we'll open it up, Roger. That's a great idea. I talked to a fellow yesterday and I've known about him for a long time. He fastened out as a lawyer and he's not licensed to practice law anywhere. That doesn't mean he can't law and assert the law. But he's deep in, deep in, not in the greatest distractions of the Patriot community has been for, been in and around it for decades. One of the greatest distractions is this distraction that says that bar attorneys are loaded to the monarch of England and all that. It's absolute utter at who he and it destroys people. It's no matter what you say to people. I got on the inside, I got on the inside and I said, "I'm going to become a lawyer." And is this really true? And I found out it's not true. It's all alive from start to finish and it is a distraction of the devil himself and you're in that. Get out of it before it destroys you and wastes your life. Yep. I heard Robert Barnes come in the same thing, feel same as you do and quote all the stuff. It's like the all cap letters and the gold friends around the flag. And once somebody hears that stuff and they're new and impressionable. But it takes 20 mule team borocks to pull it out of there. And that might not even do it. Yeah. You and Darryl had a big discussion on that one day and he just refused to understand or believe that. What about a female commander in chief, Brent? What about a female commander in chief? What about a female commander in chief, Brent? Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, okay. What about a female commander in chief? All right. Hold on. All right. Hold on. Yeah. Who am I talking to? Well, yeah, I don't think you've ever spoken with Ferris. He's one of our more infamous listeners here as of late. So did you get his question? Is he a friendly? Is he a friendly Roger? Well, I think so, but some people are not agreeing with me. Oh, okay. Well, you brought the subject up. I don't mind saying it. Listen, listen, I'll respond. Thank you for the quote. If you were upstairs when you're in your bedroom and you and your wife just settled in the bed. It's been a hard day and you're anxious. You just lay down and get in the covers and relax. And it goes off after maybe talking a little. And all of a sudden you hear a large crash downstairs. And obviously it sounded like somebody just busted the sliding door out on the back porch. And you feel the hair go up on the back of your neck, which is a normal and a good reaction. And you say to your turn to your wife and say, "Honey, get the pistol. Please and go downstairs and see what that is." Only a Craven Coward would do that. Only a Craven Coward would think it's great that his daughter is niece. It's a member of Armed Forces of the United States. Only a Craven Coward therefore also would say, "Honey, you go or my daughter or my niece, you go. My son doesn't have to go." Or like one of the Marines that I had served with, and I'm not a Marine. I'm not a Marine, but I had served with him. He got mad at me when I said things like this and said, "Damn, Brent, do we have to do all the bleeding?" And what's the answer? Yes. Men have to do all the bleeding anymore. They do their share. And anybody who says, "Honey, I'm sorry, Roger, go ahead." They do their share. They do their share of bleeding. Go ahead. Yeah, they've got their time, but I don't want that. But without them, back home, there's no reason to go to war. And if you send them the war, it turns God's law upside down. The only people point to things in the Bible, and the chief thing they point to is a prophetess named Debora in the Bible, Debora. Debra, we say Debra in English, Debbie. And Debbie got credit for winning a battle, but of course, she never went to the battlefield, that's not pointed out. And we also know from the Bible, Roger and I quoted this, that when that happens, God is judging men. And he says that. And that passage, "Men are not going to be used to this battle." Even though Debora didn't go to battle, she's going to get the credit. That's the way God judges men, and when you see these things happening, which we're looking at now, you see these things happening, that's God judging our country. Women and children rule over us. That's what it says in Isaiah, that's the judgment of God, you're watching it. What are we to do in the meantime? So commander in chief, well, of course, that'd be President of the United States. Can anybody honestly argue with a straight face that the men that drafted the Constitution of the United States even had remotely in their minds that women would ever vote? No, of course not. That's actualmatic. We the people of the United States is the militia, the militia are men, the people. They're the ones that put this government place. Not the founders, not the drafters, no, the ratifiers. The militia of the several states of the 13 colonies are the ones that said, yes, finally, to our Constitution of the United States. And they had authority to do that from God himself. When they established our, what we call our general government in Washington, D.C. Do you think it's any accident that now that we have men under the command of females that our armed forces are filled with transvestites, queers, sodomites, lesbians, it is? It all goes together. You can't have, you can't switch roles between men and women and expect the abuse of men and women, or abuse of women and children to not increase. Abuse of children has never been greater in America than it is right now. And it will get worse as we continue to switch roles. Somebody, they, man, I think they said a man, I hope they. Yes. One of our philosophers. One. Let's return our eyes. Roger. Roger. Are you there? Roger. I'm here. I was cat. That was Kathleen. Why don't you go? Yeah, I'm here. Can you not hear me? Well, because there's a little bit of pain. Well, yes. I don't know, somehow slow, I think. I mean, I did move Roger at your advice, but when I can't, when I think it's a little confusion, I just want to hear you, Roger, and then maybe if I can't bring over, you can. Why don't you go into a little bit, and we've had this discussion in the past, biblically, the relationship of the man to the woman, because this was discussed a bit on our show this week, it's been a little bit of a, some of this has been a little bit of points of contention. So, and I was thinking about you and those broadcasts when that was happening. So if you could just give us kind of the brief biblical relationship between the man and the woman and what roles are and how they interact. Oh, that's really, that's a, honestly, that, this is my testimony from study of the Bible in many decades, and I mean intense study. I don't apologize about it, I just say it. I'm not the one that decides whether or not you'll accept what I say about saying. I've been, I've had my head in that book and I've been a translator for a long time. I can give you my experience and what I think I've discovered. I've discovered that the relationship between men and the woman is the foundation of all government among men. And that's why the first narrative in the Bible is about the relationship between a man and a woman, how it broke down. And there's nothing you can add to that. It's all there, but the Bible pays out the rest of it, nonstop. Governments among men, government in America will never be right and it'll, it'll only be as good as marriages are in America and marriages in America don't amount to dried almen or, as you know, they're all just wrong, they're gone. Yeah, but to understand that and we're here, God's men got men here at the bottom line. Men are responsible ultimately for what, for the problem, not the women. The Bible is written primarily first, first audience, men. When I talk, I talk to men. Women, yes, I like it when women, I love them. I got five daughters, I got a wife, I've heard for near 50 years, I got a mother, I was born with four or five, how many grandmothers, quite a few going back, generations. And I realized what I realized their power. I'm fully cognizant of their danger, their dangerous creatures if they want to be. And for reasons God has put in them on and on and on. I could go on about the female of a species, Roger, and I, the female species is more dangerous, more deadly, no more dead than the male by far. Can you, can you recite that, can you recite that poem, because I'll bet most of these people have not heard that. And this is a masterpiece right here. If you can do it, I'd appreciate it. I'm here and Roger and I didn't plan this, but I'll tell you for sure, when somebody asked me to recite that poem and he's talking about the poem called the female of the species, I'd jump at the chance just because I like the poem, I think, captures the biblical point of view about the female as respects to male. When this poem was written, it was, it was, it was an immediate hit. It first appeared in Ladies Home Journal in 1915, that's a long time ago, but in 1915 and they say it was written in 1911, but it appeared in 1915 and the author is Rudyard Kipling, Rudyard Kipling, very famous man, he's the man that wrote the jungle book and a lot of other, a lot of poetry, oh, like Gungadinn, you may talk of Jim and Bear when you're cordless out here, when you're sent to penny shots, it's an elder shot it, but when it comes to water. No, but when I haven't quoted this in a while, let me try that again. But when it comes to slaughter, you'll do your work on water and you'll kiss the bloom boots of M. that's got it. What a poem about him, an Indian man, did the uniform before it was nothing much before and hardly less than half of that behind for a piece of twisty rag and a goat skin was all the field equipment he could find. He describes the water boy that would be with him in battle, and when we, if we charge broker cut, you can put your bloomin nut, he'd be standing 50 paces right flank rear, he was always there in the battle, making sure all the British soldiers had a drink of water and he ended up giving his life, he got drilled and at the end of the poem he says, you're a better man than I am, I'm going to get in, I'm going to get in, well, that was Rudyard Kipling, he grew up a son of Christian missionaries in India, he knows India, so when he wrote he wrote a lot about India, a jungle book, of course, about India, but the poem, the female of the species, is a, it's a biblical insight on the difference between women. He is one of the, I mean let me stop you for a second, Brent, yeah, but I want to put something, it is one of the most brilliantly written poems or pieces that I've ever heard. That, you know, I mean your older, older guys will go, wow, that ain't, that's the truth, you know, like that, and I think some of the ladies do, I found the older ladies do too, but in the 1930s it was considered to be miso-genistic, miso-genistic, that means the heat and the heat, yeah, and that continued until the 1990s, and I told one of my friends, daughters about it, she taught it in a small college there, and she taught English, and she said, wow, now here's an English, English major who is an English teacher who got a degree in English, she said, I've never heard of that, one of the great master, Rudyard Kipling of course, he wrote the master pieces of English literature, but they don't even teach that, English literature any more, they say they do, they don't, let me, let me go, let me ask, let me ask one more thing, Ferris, have you ever heard of this poem, the female, the species? Ferris, you're not there? Okay, well, we'll roll on anyway. Folks, if you've not heard of this, this is just brilliant, it's just brilliant, okay, so I'll shut up and let Brent go on and play Wayne's flying overhead, and all kinds of stuff, so go on Brent, oh, okay, I hope my computer holds out, here goes, the female, the species, when the him play in peasant meets the he bear in his pride, he shouts to scare the monster who will often turn aside, but she bear thus accussed, but rins the peasant to the nail, for the female of the species is more deadly than the male, when nag the basking cobra, here's the careless foot of man, he will often sometimes wriggle sideways if he can, but his mate makes no such motion, where she camps beside the trail, for the female of the species is more deadly than the male, when the early Jesuit fathers preached to herons and chalk calls, they prayed to be the little vengeance of the squalls, 'twas the women, not the warriors, turned those stark enthusiasts to pale, for the female of the species is more deadly than the male, man's timid heart is bursting, this is the part of rilling to me, but heart is bursting with the things he must not say, for the woman that God gave him is not his to give away, but when hunter meets with husband, each confirms the other's tale, the female of the species is more deadly than the male, one a better in most relations, worm and savage otherwise, man propels negotiations, man accepts the compromise, is very rarely will he squarely push the logic of a fact to its ultimate conclusion in unmitigated act, fear or foolishness impels him, air he lay the wicked low, to concede some form of trial, even to his fiercest hope, mirth obscene diverts his anger, doubt and pity off perplex him in dealing with an issue to the scandal of his sex, but the woman that God gave him, every fiber of her frame, proves her launched, for one so is you, armed and engined for the same, and to serve that single issue lest the generations fail, the female of the species must be deadlier than the male, she who faces death by torture for each life beneath her breast may not deal in doubt or pity, must not swerve for fact or jest, for the woman, these be purely male diversions, not in these her honor dwells, she, the other law we live by, is that law and nothing else, she can bring them more to live in than the powers that make her great, as the mother of the infant and the mistress of her mate, and when babe and man are lacking, and she strides, unclaimed, unchanging, claimed, her right as femme and baron, her equipment is the same, she is wedded to convictions, the fault of gross ties, her contentions are her children, heaven help him who denies, he will meet no swab, but the instant white-hot, wild, wakened female of the species warring, as for spouse and child, unprovoked, and then he comes back around to the animals, unprovoked and awful, she charges, even so she bear fights, cleats that drips, corrodes and poisons, even so the cobra bites, scientific vivisication of one nerve, till it is raw, and the victim rhes in anguish, like the jess wood with the squall, so it comes that man the coward, when he gathers to confer with his fellow braves in counsel, dare not leave a place for her, while war with life and conscience, he uplifts his erring hands to some god of abstractness which no woman understands, and man knows it, knows moreover that the woman that God gave him must command, but may not govern, must enthrall, but not enslave him, and she knows because she warms him, and her instincts never fail, the female of the species is more deadly than the male, now I've recited that to some people, some men and women makes them incensed, I find in this abuse, I find also that more mature women listen to that and smile, because they do see the difference, and they do know who they are, they've learned over the years, and they've learned to accept the power of their role as women, and ladies, young ladies out there are even older, if you leave your role as a woman, you will sacrifice your power, I was going into a small mall in a small town yesterday, because my computer went down, I had to take it to the mall and find a computer place to fix it, and it was a double door going in, because it keeps the cold out in the wintertime, you know, you go through one door into a breezeway, then another door, I went in the first one, I tried to get there, there was another lady coming, she was my age, or probably she was older, probably ten years younger than me, but she was older, and I tried to get there to open the door for her, but I didn't make it, she opened the door, and then I came in and she started to grab for the handle the second, where I said, "Don't!" You know, I kind of tried this, and she looked up at me and I said, "Let me do that." She said, "Why?" I said, "Because it's the chivalrous thing to do," and she kind of backed up and opened the door and she went through, and she said, as we were walking, had to gather down that hallway at the end of the mall, she said, "You know, I'm a liberal, and I mean real liberal." I said, "Okay." But she said, "The chivalrous or rough shit, whatever that stuff was," she said, "I like that stuff." I said, "I'm going to talk about you on the public platform this weekend and hear the opportunity came." And I said, "I won't say your name," and she said, "You can say my name," but there were a lot of noise and I couldn't, and she walked away. But men were responsible for what goes on in this world, even, if we're foolish enough to just back up and let women take care of everything. Now, why is it that I've gone into churches all my life and the women run things? Why is it that we look at Congress now and the women are in control? Why is it that we look all around us? And men don't, men cower and they do not deal with women. Why is that? Well, that's because, because women, for example, going into church, women are loyal and they're faithful and they're hardworking and they look around and they say, "Look, if we don't do something, there's going to be done." And so they do and they take over. That's axiomatic. And once women take over and once they start talking, what do men do? They back off and argue with women. No, they won't do it. And they'll learn not doing time. Why? Because women are wired to do certain things and God made them dangerous in certain ways for that reason. And he, as it says in the poem, "Fear and foolishness distract the man, wherever he lay the wicked low, to concede some form of trial even to his fiercest foe. Mirth, obscene, he diverts his anger, doubt and pity perplexes him in dealing with an issue to the scandal of his sex." But the woman that God gave him, no, no, no. No, she's mama bear, as we sometimes say. That's not taken out of the, just grabbed out of the sky. No, you don't give between a mama bear and her cubs. And if you do it inadvertently, she'll still kill you. She's not worried about motives. And there are a lot of things that women don't worry about that men do and women and men are diverted. But in the final analysis, I'm speaking from a biblical point of view here, the man is responsible for all the evil that goes on the world. That's why the Bible is written with a target audience to the male of the species. All the women are supposed to get all they can out of it, and they can get everything the man can get, yes. But the target audiences men pray to begin. And in God's said, "Dark or grandpa, Adam, why did you do that?" Yes. What did he say? Home say, it kind of plays on those words. Our grandpa said it was session. And he was good, and it was likely to make us feel good. It was good. Well, lust of flesh, lust of the eyes, being glory of life, lust of the flesh. It was good for food. Lust of the eyes. It was a beautiful piece of food. Vainting the glory of life. It would make us wise to be like the gods, the devil, the devil himself in the form of the reptile. Horns smuggled our grandma. But when she came to her husband, what was his job? His job was to put his foot down and say, "No, he didn't do it." And the Bible says he knew exactly what he was doing wrong. And he knew the standard of God. He knew what God had told him. And the Bible says, "Boint blank, Eve did not know because the women of the species lacks that kind of discernment compared to man." That's what the Bible says. That's why men were responsible. We don't have any excuse. We don't have any excuse. That's the way the Bible starts, and all the Bible is about the kingdom of God, and all the kingdom of God in the kingdom has about the law of God, the will of God. And Jesus Christ came to redeem men from the penalties of the law to save the mouthfuls of the law, so God would give them a new heart, a new mind, and women, of course, to give them a new heart and a new mind that they would want to do his law, to follow his law. That's the fundamental purpose of the sweep and the flow of the Bible. We get to the New Testament. What happens there? Paul the Apostle says, Peter, chapter three, what's that other one? Timothy isn't. First Timothy? I'm trying to think. Peter three, I was thinking of when you mentioned it, I'll leave his first Timothy where it says that, "I do not, Paul the Apostle speaking, says that I do not allow a woman to speak in the assembly. I do not allow it." And he says, people say, "Well, that's just culture." Well, right before that, he cites the narrative, the evidence of Adam and Eve. So that's not culture. That's the very beginning, the very beginning, the very beginning of the Bible. He cites to that, and he says, this is before culture. I'm telling you how God says, Ephesians chapter five, verse 22. There's one in 1 Peter. Let me read this as a fun one, fun, because it's intriguing, and it's the one people go to most often to try to criticize, though, that say there's a difference between men and women. And they say, "Well, that's not what Paul meant there, plus he was a woman hater, and all and all they go about it." But in that passage, Paul says, "I do not allow a woman." He says, "Wives," I'm back on it. "Wives, arrange yourself under your own husbands. Wives, arrange yourself under your own husbands." The King James translation says, "Wives, submit your own husbands." Well, does it mean that? Well, yes, but not really. Really the purpose or the word there doesn't mean submit as much as it means to arrange yourself under. And it's a word taken from the Greek world, and a military word applies to Roman legions. "Arrange yourself under" doesn't always mean to exactly what you're told, but that's a good start, I suppose. But the point is to show respect, that's what the word means, show respect to your husband. Husbands, love your wives. Wives, respect your husbands. That's what it all means. You can't get married without those two things happening, and that's what that means there. And by the way, it says, ladies, very emphatic in the Greek text, it says, "Wives, arrange yourself under your own husbands." The word idios, it stresses that you're not to arrange yourself under any body else's husband. And we started talking about women working outside of the home, which became very popular. I remember when I first arose in America in a really intense way, and that was in the sixties, the late sixties especially. And what we had and what we still have today is a lot of women arranged themselves under other people's husbands. Women go into court as lawyers, what do they do? Well, they arrange themselves under the judge. If he's a man, if he's a man, if he's a woman, well, that's different, but if he's a man, they arrange themselves under him. If they go into business, into the corporate world, they arrange themselves under powerful men. When you see women like Hillary Clinton doing the things she's doing, don't kid yourself. She's doing the bidding of powerful men. She's not her own gal. Sarah Palin, same thing. She was doing the bidding of powerful men. I remember when that started, that hasn't been but 30 years ago. Women, women were, we became popular starting 30 years ago, and it's increased. If a woman runs for office in America, she'll get elected. And I remember when it started in little town near where I was from, there was a lady in town, everybody liked, and the powerful businessmen got together, and they wanted a woman in office so that she would do their bidding, and they knew that this she was an elderly woman. She probably in her 70s, and they made her a mayor because they wanted certain things done, and they couldn't control a man in office. She said, they couldn't control him. They could control her, and they did. And you see all these gaddles in Congress and this, what's this? They call her the vice president, whatever, her name is Camellia, or Camellia, or something. No, she's got powerful men, and pulling her string. She's doing the bidding of powerful men. The Bible says, ladies, do not arrange yourself under other men. Don't do that. That's what we see in page two. If you arrange yourself under other men, you're not arranging yourself under your own husband. It's a Greek word idios. We used to laugh and say, well, what it says, the word is idios. We get our word idiot from that word. We'd say, well, it says they'll arrange yourself under your idiot husband. Well, some people, of course, think that about their husbands, but it doesn't mean idiot. Of course, idiot is a medical term, a medical term of art, and what it means is to yourself, to your own, privately. We have people that are mentally challenged and mentally retarded. Medically, the term used to be, it's become derogatory term now. The term used to be idios, or idiot. Our Greek terms, or medical terms, are from the Greek world, because that's where the medicine kind of began in this modern form. But the word idiot referred to a man who was, we call it today, special. Special. Well, that's not a, that's a pretty, that carries the idea of idiot. So we have the special Olympics for children that are mentally challenged. Well, when the Bible says, arrange yourself under your idios husband translated on, it means him or nobody else. It means especially him, nobody else. And to take the woman outside of the home is to not have a home guard. Peter Dipalsal says in the Bible, wives be keepers at home. Is it Peter? Well, you can look it up, but it says wives be keepers at home. That word translated keepers at home, that's the meaning of those English words that change. What it means is, it's the word terrello, and Greek, it means home guard to the point of violence if necessary. Yes, the women are the home guard. Without the women, there is no home guard. And though if the women have left the home, the home is empty of a guard. Anything goes. And don't tell me that's not what's happening in spades now. People say, Oh, but I have there have to be two incomes in the home. Well, the devil's clever. He's worked it that way, hasn't he? Yeah, it's hard to firm an amendment, make a living in America. Men can have families and raise them. They don't have any money. And then they got to send their woman, their woman, their wife out so they can try to have enough money. That's not enough either. It doesn't work friends. The thing to do, to turn your eyes towards your origins, look there for a sign, ladies, you try to take on the role of man, you're going to sacrifice your power. And men, if you if you encourage your wife to do that, and I know it's a temptation, you're going to sacrifice the power of your marriage together. It's got to be together. There have to be two, and they must both know their roles. And I know it's a struggle. It's not like I have been married a long time and tried it. No, it's struggle. It's a struggle to have money. It's a struggle to not give in to the culture. It's not a struggle not to give into the economics. But I say this, to obey God requires that you trust Him. And if there is no trust in your obedience to God, then you're sinning. And there are a lot of people that are trying to crank it out and just do what God says. And it's easy to do. You know, it's easy to trust God if you got money, right? It's easy to trust God and say, well, my wife doesn't work out in the big deal. But are you really trusting God or are you trusting all this money you have so your wife doesn't have to work? I'm a metal lady with a group of lawyers. Most lawyers, by the way, are starving. Most lawyers are starving. But there are those that aren't. I was with a group of lawyers as a disfella. And he had a successful practice. And he introduced me to his wife. And she was an attractive lady in a middle age. That's been 30 some years ago. And I said, and what do you do? She says, I play tennis a lot and I golf. And she laughed. I said, hey, and your husband makes enough money that you can just go do that. She said, that's exactly right. Well, that does happen a lot. Is there any trust of God in that? Well, I don't know. I don't know another man's heart, but I didn't know this. It's almost impossible to trust God when you got a lot of money. The Bible says that Jesus Christ said that. It's harder for a man than anybody. You got a lot of money. It's easier to go through the eye of a needle. He says, of course, there's a lot of discussion upon what that is. Now, from my studies, my personal view that the eye of the needle is a little door in the bottom of the city gates. And in the case of emergency and military threat, the gates were closed, of course, they were heavy iron barred, heavy wood, etc. But they're a little door at the bottom where if somebody come running and had to get in, so he wouldn't get killed, they could open that door and had ways to open it so that he'd let somebody in. And they say, they used to call that the eye of the needle. That's a red. And if that's true for a camel, easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, then for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven, the kingdom of heaven, by the way, that's right here on earth. That would mean the camel would have, and they did this, the camel would get down on his knees, which animals are easily trained in. And they'd unload all the cargo off the camel and the camel could scoot through there and camels can do that. So the analogy fits a camel to go through the eye of the needle, that little door at the bottom of the gate, you got to strip him of all of his wealth and cargo, and then he can get in. And if you get in, if you enter the kingdom of God by the new earth, you come in as a newborn babe, by the will of God, not by your will. And when you come in, you come in naked as a jaybird, as they say in the wall bash valley, naked as a jaybird, you come in without anything. Of course, you'll go out the same way. But you cannot enter the kingdom of God. A rich man, he's going to have to shed everything at some point. It's no longer his. He doesn't take right in it. He may be able to control it and keep the control of it. Yes, I understand that. But it becomes nothing to him. It becomes brutal for God's purposes at that point. Well, wives obey your husband, says King Jimmy's or one of them, as as in the same, that Greek preposition, both means in the same way as, close, in the same way as you obey the Lord himself. Wives obey your husbands. He feasts in 5, 22, 24. All I can do is read the Bible. It's not my job to make you do all this or even can agree with me, but I will say it. The husband, verse 23, is head of the wife, just as Christ, his head of the church. The husband is head of the wife. Is Christ Lord? Are we bound to obey him? Well, we suffer if we don't, yes. Well, the same wife is to obey the husband. What about if the husband wants you to make him with this felony? Well, does that ever happen? Sure happens. Things like that happen. I practice long, long enough to see, even see it happen and watch it play out court. All those things happen. What does he mean here then? Well, what he means here is there is a rule of law. So why be loyal and faithful and obey their husbands? If I say to you, you should obey government. Well, is that true? Well, of course, the laws of government. Are there exceptions? Well, of course, there are. Are there times government tells you to do things that are unlawful? Yes. What are you supposed to do in our common law tradition? You're not supposed to obey those laws. That's why. Now, that's a subject that's very important that I like to talk about and how we do that and how we decide what to do. But the mark of a free man is he has discernment to decide for himself what laws are lawful. He has to. He's going to have to and he's going to answer to God for it. But wives, it says verse 24 should obey their husbands and everything. Just as he repeats it again, just as the church people, the people of God's people should obey Jesus Christ. Now, should they? Well, he'll get out of them. Now, this is the general principle of law. This is the general principle of law. The Bible says you're not to bear false witness. Does that mean that there's not a time to lie? No, there is a time to lie. Is there an exception to that rule? You bet there is. The Bible say there is. You bet it does. I could go over those. I won't do them now. I'm just making a point. Why is the rule is? Why? It's obey husbands. Are there exceptions? Yes, there are. No Bible well enough to know what they are. Well, if you don't, you better be finding out that the rule is obey your husbands, the exceptions. And don't let them call the rule. That's a temptation of our flip. We do. That's what the Bible says. No getting around it. You can't say it's a cultural thing because Paul also even even was says these things at one point he says before he says that he says, I have authority to say what I'm about to say. And then he says, he says this kind of thing about why husbands. Then he says, because Adam and Eve, so it's not cultural. It's before culture was ever prevented, this is the example he uses. And he says that it's analogous to the obedience of God's people to Jesus Christ. Now, you've heard him say it. I'm repeating what the Bible says. So you want to argue with about it? You can argue with me. I want to argue. Period. It's too clear. I've been at the pet this long time. I know what it says. Yes, I've come at it from every angle. There's no question that this is what it means. But what it says, Roger, if you want to open it up or you want to say something, I'll take a breather. We've got area code 951 that's unmuted and it sounds like they're chopping wood or something. Do you have a comment, 951? Nope. It's probably an accidental and I'm going to take care of that. Brent. There we go. Brent. Brent is here. Can you hear me? Yeah, I'm here. I just want to say amen to everything you said. You were right on cue. And I think a lot of what's happening at this country, why we are crumbling, is because of exactly what you're talking about today. I mean, women are ruling the men. I mean, in relationships and everything. I mean, it's just absolutely despicable. And it is not natural. Yes. And I'm a strong woman. But, you know, I agree that, you know, we need to submit to our husband the way God created us. It's the theme in the animal species world. I mean, it's very consistent everywhere. And yet it's not being followed. And this is why our country is crumbling because men are not standing up. And do it. It takes a strong man to submit to the Lord. It takes a strong woman to submit to the Lord and do what he says. And what he says to do is to arrange yourself under that show respect. That's the foremost command. And ladies, the hardest thing, and again, just from personal experience, the hardest thing that I've had women even say this to me, the hardest thing that I have to do as a Christian woman is to keep my mouth shut when I know I'm right. To keep my mouth shut when I know I'm right. Listen, I'm in court. I keep my mouth shut when I know even though I know I'm right when it's time to do so. That's called respect. And it cannot happen, my friends, by the Gumption breath of God, you cannot do it yourself. The order that God has given us, an order always wins. And we're talking here about the order of the family. And if you don't have it, if this order isn't there, the family will fail and the whole country will fall apart and our enemies will crush us. Period. No, you may not like Abe Lincoln. Abe Lincoln said, well, it's true whether or not he did him, I'll let you decide. But he did make the point once that our country will never be invaded by a foreign power. No foreign soldier will ever make a track on the Allegheny's or drink, take a drink from the Ohio River unless we are first decayed from within. Once we're decayed from within, then a foreign enemy will crush us. We're being decayed from within. That is true. And here's what the Bible says. The only way to avoid that is, what is it, second chronicle, second and fourth, and you can look it up. You look it up yourself. The computer makes it easy, but it says this in substance. It says if my people were called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, I will heal them. Is that what it says? I was hoping somebody would be thinking, no, that's not what it says. Well, that's not what it says. Heal their land. It says if my people were called by my name. Is that Roger? I will heal their land. Well, humble themselves and pray. I will heal their land. Right. He will heal their land. That's the first thing I noticed. Second thing I noticed is it's not talking to women. If all the women in America got on their faces before God and prayed, it wouldn't change anything. Because that's not what it says. It says the men, my people. That's the Hebrew word alm. And the first person possessed him on me. That means the militiamen. My militiamen. My men. Why? Because men are the problem. If you have prayer chains, do men have prayer chains or women? I'm going to let you answer the question. Men are the problem. Do men go to church and take charge or do women and all the worship and all the who does that now? I'm telling you friends, it won't work. I don't care how good it feels and how people think they're doing the right thing and men just want to let the women. It won't work. Because God is established in order. In order, I don't even care if it's for evil. If it's in order and the order is kept and the consistency is kept, whoever keeps the order will win. And God's by order, by the way has a word for his order of authority. His chains of command is called shalom. That's exactly what shalom means. It doesn't mean absence of war. It means presence of order. And men that have shalom and the Old Testament were, it says, they were men in battle. Well, the shalom of the battle said King David to Johab, the general officer of the army. How's the shalom of the war? You see what I'm saying? We're just, words, corn swaddled into destruction because Roger and I have been saying this for years because words lose their meanings and we want to make them mean something else. And they don't. And it doesn't help. And that's why Bible exposition so important. Bible is written words. It takes work to feather, ferret them out and find out what they mean. And I'm telling you friends, God wants us to have it to enjoy our Christian life. And you can't do it when you don't follow his order and his most fundamental order. And by the way, you get this stuff straight with husbands and wives and mother, respect and father and mother, wives to respect a husband. Well, what about my husband respected me? Bible says that your husband is to love you, demands him. I hear an important point about that too. Your love for your wife, man, does not depend upon her showing you respect. If it does, then it ain't love at all. Period. And don't tell me, ladies, if you've been married, a lot of you, don't tell me that you've not, if you've been married, that you have not disrespected your husband and shown disrespect. Of course you have. And don't tell me, man, that you have always loved your wife without fail. And that's an action, by the way. It's not a feeling. No, you haven't. We all fail. But when one of us fail in a marriage, that does not excuse the other one to just walk away and say, they've reached the contract. I'm out of here. It's not a contract, friends. It's not a contract. Your vows are not to each feather if you did it in a Christian way. Your vows are straight to God. And you're responsible direct to him, ladies, that you respect your husband. And men, you're responsible direct to him, that you love your wives and reach on either side, doesn't relieve the in contract law that relieves the other party from following through with her and the deal. That's marriage. Marriage is not a contract. It's a relationship for sure. It's a relationship who puts it together. Well, the Bible says God puts together. We've inhabited our ancient creed from Olah that fell his name and wrote that in the common brook of prayer in England. But we have that famous phrase, "What God has put together, let no man tear us under, what God has put together." Is that biblical? He puts men and women together in marriage. You think you did it? Well, he used you to do it. But the Bible says he did it. And if he did it, then you, it's not a contract and that no, it's not. Oh, my wife, she did this or that. Now, is there a limit to marriage? Is there a time for, yes, the Bible talks about all that, but it lays it out specifically. We don't have to guess about it. Law of God in the New Testament. The law of God is the will of sovereign. There it is. It's all there. Yes. And that says a lot of things. Right now I'm just coming to the fundamentals. You want to have a decent marriage. When you get, let's say your marriage fails or has failed or it does fail. I don't want you to look back and say, if I don't try this, if I don't only try that, don't try things. Just do what God says. And if your marriage does fail, you won't suffer the guilt. You will otherwise suffer and be inhabited the way you would otherwise be hampered. Well, if you're a Christian, you don't, God's taken away your guilt. I talked to a lady just yesterday, a dear friend. And she divorced. Married to another friend of mine. They've been married for seven or eight years. They lost their marriages after they raised their children. Both of them. And I like talking to her, but she levels with me. Well, we're older now. She can do that. And you just said, you know, I've had people try to tell me or when I had blown through my divorce, as over in Indiana, she said, I had a close friend that kept saying to me, saying to me, you're beating yourself up. You're beating what? Well, I, but I did this. That doesn't make any difference. You're a Christian woman. God says he's removed all of your guilt. Either it's gone or it isn't. And if you're not, if you're beating yourself up over this and saying it was partially your fault or that, that all may be true, but you're not guilty for it anymore. Because Jesus Christ paid the penalty for whatever you did. And if you're not accepting of that and still feeling guilty, then you're sinning and you're spitting in God's face. Oh, you can acknowledge you did the wrong thing. And by the way, she acknowledges I did the wrong thing. And then she said, but I know that God has taken away all my guilt and by taking my, forget what forgiveness is. Perinsically, he takes it all away. And she's a productive good gal. And she's married to her husband. They're both holding together and they're, they're sick. And I wonder, they've been married in number of years. They were not going but this one ballpark. Well, that's a good thing. And there's a lot more to it than that, but just fundamentally her idea of saying, well, I know I did the wrong thing, but I'm not bothered by that. That's not because I'm a good person because Jesus Christ is a good person. That's what she told me. Well, refreshing to my ears. Now, all of us that are Christians are in that position. For many things, you know, everybody's a sinner. You're going to, you're born that way. You're born to that imperfection. Your problem isn't that you commit sins, plural. Your real problem is you are a sinner. The one fellow said to me, my problem isn't sins, plural. My problem is sin. It's just who I am. I'm a problem. And God won't accept me in this condition. That's exactly right. God will not accept you in that condition. That's why he gives you the new birth and throws all the rest of that away. Well, the only way, if you are born above, and I'm talking to people that are born above, I'm not being an evangelist here trying to be. Maybe I am, but I'm not trying. I'm saying to you, God has said to you, now that I've birthed you, I'm a perfect father, and I ain't going to let you go. You got two choices. Either do what your father says or suffer the consequences. That's why we're talking about this here. And of course, I want to see our land healed. Land is important to God. This is the justice and property of his trust settlement, his trust agreement. We are the beneficiaries. And we're here to take care of his land that he'd be queen to us as beneficiaries. We're to enjoy the land. It's not we don't hold legal title to it, hold beneficial title. And he's given us land. Everybody's been given a land. Oh, how beautiful it is. And ever has there been any people in the history of Adams race that has been given land to such as America, Americans, and it's become had so much wealth and prosperity arise from it never. And there are countries in the world that have more natural resources than us, by the way, Russia being one of them by far and away. People been starving over there for decades. Well, that's my what I've got to say about what the Bible says about the good book or what it says about men and women. There's a lot more to it than that. Hey, Brent. But middles. Yeah, somebody's saying something. Hey, Brent, you are big on land. Thank goodness. And so what do you think about big on the land? The land is important. Yeah, yeah, right. Uh huh. That's right. Uh huh. And so I want to ask what do you what do you think about people having to pay property tax? And do you pay property tax? Thank you. Well, property taxes are have been part of our common law tradition almost forever. And property taxes were aimed at in the beginning, as far back as we can look, aimed at national defense. In other words, they were there for national defense. And if you own land, or had control of land, and land was seen as entrusted in the English-speaking world, so they had beneficial use of it. And they were called uses. The ill word for a trust was a use. Still use sometimes in our court. Used. The used is a trust. People use land. And they produced, there was no money, but they produced the fundamental, the fundamental unit was called the night's fee, K-N-I-G-H-T-S, night. And if you had so much land, a certain amount, and they were measured in what's called hides, then you were obligated to produce for the king of England one night, fully armored and fully trained and mounted on a war horse, one night for at least 40 days per year. That was the tax. It was called the night's fee. And if you had more land, you'd be required to produce more land. It started big. The king of England was over all of England. He had responsibilities, commander-in-chief to ensure that there were no invasions, and it were, he was supposed to deal with it. And then there were about 200 at the Norman invasion, about 200 men that he'd parcel the land out to. And he said, okay, you can have the profits from this 1/200th of England. And then all you have to produce is this many nights, fully trained and mounted for battle, equipped for at least for his year, but you've got this much land, so you have to produce this much nights. So those 200 men, each parcel of the land out, to probably a few hundred more, you have to go look at the records, and they said to them, okay, for this area, I need this many nights, you've got to produce two nights or one night or whatever, fully trained and mounted for battle. And then as well as they parcel the land out to other people, and it got smaller and smaller, and each person, as they parcel it out, had to produce something till it got down to each fires. You know, a hundred acres, a thousand acres, a hundred acres, five acres, and the five of the men that produce something for battle had to produce something that helped equip these nights. We have, we find records of men that their only job was to produce, and make sure they produced a helmet for a sword. Our strums for a sound fella had a small amount of land for a strip. Yeah, anything to help that night, or to make sure that the train was done. But I just, one curious I read about this one fella, his only job, his only job in contribution, his bit as they say in England, was to be with the night that he was assigned to if he returned across the channel from the company during that time, and help him. Well, thank you, Roger. This is Brent Allen-Mitterstam and and lawyer on the website. Take the course. We're about to please take the course. It helps us on the Bill of Rights. Sign up for it. It helps. Roger, go ahead. They take that course. It helps everybody. Okay. Brent, thank you, Banks, just for you to get your regular computer back. Hold on, we'll carry this over, and we'll see Brent next Friday, probably with his regular computer back. Was that Kathleen trying to ask a question there real quick as we dart out? Brent, I also wanted to add, the leadership you're referring to with the men in the home, and in the workforce, the military, that also goes into the church's. When the female clergy started coming into effect, look what happened to a lot of these churches. They started falling apart. I'm in the Eastern Orthodox Church, and they're trying to go. Female clergy, but in our altar, the altar is sacred in the Eastern Orthodox Church, and only Christ's blood is allowed out of the altar. There's no female altar children. It's only male because they're hoping that some of these altar boys will eventually become priests and deacons. A woman can be very strong, extremely effective in many capacities, and I don't mean to put a woman as a lesser equal. I mean, man is supposed to love his wife as God loves the church, but a woman is supposed to be obedient, and her husband should be leading the family, and he's responsible to God for his wife and children. I mean, a lot of respond to the men, and we've just made these men weak by allowing the woman to take over. It's just disgusting. They're starting to get it, Roger. They're starting to get it, Brent. Oh, I've had my whole life. I was raised right for one. Well, the beginning of Sautomites and lesbianism, Sautomian lesbianism, according to the Bible, Romans chapter 1, is, and I'm quoting the woman leaving her womanly role. It's not, this is no small matter, friends. It destroys every woman. Why? Because the little boys, the little girls, then get confused. That's why you can't expect, and I just mentioned somebody, oh, I knew it was, one of my friend's sons, he's 18. And he said to me, you know, it looks to me like the more we have women, newscasters, women up in up from positions, the more effeminate men will talk because that's all they're going to hear is women talk. Well, that's absolutely correct. And I hear it. Eight men, 18. Increasingly talk. He was 18, huh? He could see it. Pretty astute. Many, increasingly. Yeah, it was astute. And I can say he's an astute young man, by the way. But we will talk according to what we hear. And just one little thing, it's not the big thing, but it is true. And the more more confusing it creates among young people, they just can't sort this out when women first leave their role. And who's responsible? Men. They're the ones that encourage it and like it. Who's encouraging draft of women? Who puts those bills in women? No, men. They are, they should be. Oh my, what, what, what a cravenly cowardly bunch of men Americans have become land of the free and home of the day. Yeah, great. Give me a break. You as Marines saying they believe like a come on. Yeah, I can't tell you. I can't tell you how many times hold on just a second Murr, hold on. Hey, I can't tell you how many times I've commented on the show here that 30 years ago, when I first got into this rodeo, the only women you'd see at a Patriot meeting were wives, occasionally there'd be some unattached females, not often. But look at what's going on on the show here. I mean, it's all these type of alliances that are coming to the message. There's a few men, but it's overwhelmingly these women and it just astounds me because I've lived through the change. And we, of course, we like it that the ladies are sensitive to all the things in the Bible. It's wonderful, but understand it's the way God works. It results in the judgment of our country. Yeah, ladies. Now, is that Murr? You got another book, ladies. You got another book. Watch that. Well, I was trying to, there was a female trying to say something that I stepped on her and I didn't want to be the one to make that point. So always trying to go back to him. Kathleen, was that you or Murr or who? For such a perfect gentleman, Roger. I, you know, you, I wish there was you were in this country. I might, you know, have you ever heard of a written piece called the true gentleman? No. Paul, while we're going on, could you look that up? If you're not busy, the true gentleman, I'd like to read it. This is when I was in college in the fraternity, I was in, made us learn this and recite it or else we couldn't ever go further. And so it's, it's quite well written and I think it's a good creed to live by. So go ahead and maybe Paul can dig that up or somebody can't read it. Okay. So I just finished with this. You know, I know a lot of people are single and a lot of males are attracted to like these Asian women. Why? Because these, a lot of these Asian women are still being female, you know, like God created. And they look like men from other countries. They're men. They're real men. I mean, I want a man stronger than me. It's hard to find a God-fearing man that will take the reins if we're in a restaurant and something's wrong with the dish. I don't want to be the one to say something. That's a man's job and a man should be courting a female. I mean, this is just natural and I taught top my daughter. I mean, I ended up getting divorced early on and I raised my daughter. I was a male and a female and I had to come to bat where a lot of things her dad should have been there, but he was in Greece. He would move back to Greece. But I taught my daughter about being a lady and she's a very, very attractive young lady and I told her, you know, beauty skin deep. You know, you can get used what not just because of the way you look. I said, but you always be a lady. You always maintain your integrity. And I said, when you approach a door and there's a male around, I said, you let that male open the door. I said, unless it's an older male or somebody that's handicapped or a child. I said, otherwise you stay and let the male open the door. She said, well, mommy, what if they don't open the door? And I said, well, if you stand there long enough, sweetheart, they'll eventually open the door. I said, unfortunately, these moms and dads have not taught their children. What my mom used to say, Kathleen, my mom used to say, pretty is as pretty does. Right. But unfortunately, a lot of really attractive people can be very shallow because they don't have to work on the inside. And I was very, very diligent. I mean, my daughter's like a Sophia Lorentai. I mean, she's literally gorgeous. And I can say that because she looks a lot like her dad, you know, she's long and lean and to her right place, very pretty. But, you know, I raised her in the church to be God-fearing and to always put God first. And I'd always tell her who loves you the most, sweetheart. She said, God, and she's the nice man who like she said, mommy and daddy. You know, so I always taught her, you know, about being a God-fearing woman and to never settle for anything. And she still doesn't have a boyfriend, but she said it's so hard to find somebody that, you know, just doesn't rate for marriage and to, you know, that just likes me for the way I look. Yep. Yep. Well, good for her. And yes, you may. Oh, thank you. I've since I was being invoked here. Well, I couldn't tell sometimes. I know. And I appreciate that. I'm glad you think about me. Who could forget murder? Yeah, right. Thorne in the side. Yeah. But like Kathleen's saying, that's quite, quite, quite a chore. And if you stand there long enough, the first thing that came to my mind, and it might have been why Brent was laughing, is just pretend you're a Jew on Sabbath, right? No, open the book. But I also wanted to say about the Bible verse, I didn't hear the middle part, 2 Chronicles 7, 14, the most important part, and turn from their wicked ways. Then, when I hear about heaven, I will forgive their sin and we go to their land. You pray on your mind, but he keep doing the same stuff. You can forget it. Yep. That's true. That's true. Paul, were you able to find that? True gentlemen? Oh, good. Let Paul read this. This is what we had to recite in the fraternity. I mean, if you missed a lick, because they do it at dinner time when everybody's in the dining room, and they make you get up in front of everybody, stand on a chair and recite this. And if you missed one lick or a jiddle on here, they'd shoot you down. You had to come back and do it another time. So, would you read this for us, Paul? This is a brilliant piece of writing right here. And for guys, this is a hell of a mantra to live by. Go ahead, Paul. I'm going to try and get through it. The only thing I was able to find is an obscure photo of a plaque. Because, of course, you can't find the text anywhere. All you can find is people on Etsy selling it. They've wiped it from the web. Go ahead. Yeah. The true gentleman. The true gentleman is the man whose conduct proceeds from good will and an acute sense of propriety, and whose self-control is equal to all emergencies, who does not make the poor man conscious of his poverty, the obscure man of his obscurity, or any man of his inferiority or deformity, who is himself humbled if necessity compels him to humble another, who does not flatter wealth, cringe before power, or boast of his own possessions or achievements, who speaks with frankness, but always with sincerity and sympathy, whose deed follows his word, who thinks of the rights and feelings of others, rather than his own, and who appears well in any company, a man with whom honor is sacred and virtue safe by John Walter Whelan. Isn't that nice? I mean, that's a nice piece, okay. And it's a hell of a standard to aspire to live by. Yeah. Just came to mind. Just came to mind. So any of the other folks out there got to come in on what we've gone over today? Okay. I thought some of that stuff would, would arouse a comment or two concerning, especially the last week, but I guess not. So that's okay. Brent, I know you got a busy schedule and we appreciate you taking time out of it to be with us on Fridays and hopefully your laptop gets fixed in the next few days and we'll get you back and see you back next week. Well, I want to make comment about that piece that he just read. Yes. If I'm being over here. Yeah. The only way you said nobody made any comments and it kind of surprised you the way that people people would make comments about that is only if they commented it. That's why I foresee it because I read it too. And it takes you have to memorize it to and go over to your mind, you begin to appreciate what he's saying. That's not something just to read like a balloon pops in your, the sound of a balloon pops in your mind and it sounds pleasant. That's not what this is. There's a lot there. And that tells me something about your background and what happened to you when you were in college down there in Louisiana. That's a beautiful piece, Roger. And we've talked about it before, of course. Yeah, it needs to be memorized and it needs to be contemplated. It's that good. Yes. So now you know what? After all these years, I still flash back to that occasionally. Sure. That's why they may remember. Yeah. No. That was the, that was the SAEs, by the way. Um, so anybody else got anything to add here or I guess we're going to go about our separate ways. Mighty quiet audience today, Paul. I very unlike this, very unlike this bunch here. Yeah, it's a Friday. They're saving up their energy for the weekend. I guess so. Now, was that Joan again? Joan, is that you? Yes, I could ask Brent something if he's still available. And that is, yeah. And, and that is, yes, two wives to respect husbands. And, well, when you mentioned that the men want women in political office, because the men can tell the woman what to do. And, but, and you said, because it cannot tell a man what to do. And, but what about all the Congress members who listen to their Jew, AIPAC people and all the presidents, don't they, aren't they controlled by handlers? And so isn't that an example of men telling men what to do and the men that are told what to do. They do it. What they're just handlers. JD Vance is one of the considerations for vice president. It's probably the one that would be one of the best. And he came out and talked about he doesn't the other congressmen and senators have their AIPAC handlers in their office. That was a public statement just recently. So yes, they do. Have you ever heard Cynthia McKinney story, Joan, the black congresswoman? Yeah, when she talks about, well, well, have you signed the pledge? Have you signed the pledge? And, and it's a pledge to support Israel. And she had not done it. And so what they did was they went in and set up a big fundraising form. Of course, fundraising is real important to these folks. And then they keep calling and say, well, have you signed the pledge? No, then they canceled the fundraiser because she hadn't signed the pledge. So they use all these little leverage tactics on everybody. It's their, it's their what stock in trade. Is that the phrase I'm looking for? I'm sure he does. I'll tell you one thing Brent learned is that the AIPAC people don't like him very much. I'm sorry to laugh at all that, Brent, but it's pretty true. They're losing, folks. They're losing. Well, the only time, the only time that the the normal condition of a woman not being able to tell a man wants to do, the only time that doesn't work is if she's a member of a lady's auxiliary and you happen to be a mayor because women's auxiliaries put the fear of God in any mayor or anybody in politics in small town. You get women together and unstoppable. They are a force. So Brent, thanks a lot, man. I know you probably got things to do. I do you also. And so we'll see you next week. Thank you, Brent. Bommus. He's still here. He's muted. Okay. Well, then I'm going to Bommus because this might be quiet crowd today and I expected more triviality here. I'll see you all tomorrow on the Saturday show. Thank you, Paul, for all that you do, too. See you guys in Galz manana in La manana. Ciao. Thank you, Roger. Take care. We're looking forward to the 7-0 edition of the Radio Ranch with Roger Sales. For more information on the topics discussed, please go to or You can get to see your Monday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Eastern time, if not a little longer or not a little more. If you're looking for archives of recent shows, we're having a little hiccup with Castbox. But the last three years of archives, every show, including other shows that Global Voice Radio Network does, are all accessible through the Global Voice Radio Link on the Matrix Docs and That is, I'm Paul I'm out of here. Have yourselves a great day. Thank you so much for joining us. If you want to join us on the show, you will also find links for free conference call or zoom on the website. There is where you go. Thanks so much for being here. Bye now. Blasting the voice of Freedom Worldwide, you're listening to the Global Voice Radio Network. Bye bye boy. Have fun storming the castle. ♪ And I know we're gonna change ♪