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USA Organic Republic Health Call

1h 47m
Broadcast on:
12 Jul 2024
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I welcome to the Global Voice Radio Network in the mirror stream of the USA organic republic Thursday call. Kat's going to be with us again. She's going to be talking about amazing things. So if you don't have a pen and a piece of paper right now, I mean like this minute because we're getting started right now. If you need to get that, go ahead, I'll wait. The recording has started. This is Health and Wellness Radio, spiritually, physically and emotionally. You're listening to the Global Voice Radio Network. Evening, Phyllis, jaker dine. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Republic Education call for the United States of America and our Republic Reform as self-governance or July 11, 24, 30 p.m. Eastern. I'm Phyllis Marie and I will start this call with a devotional from Exodus 20, verse 4 to 5, and 2 Samuel, verse 22 to 29. Worship me only, idolatry has always been the downfall of my people. I make no secrets about being a jealous God. Current idols are more subtle than ancient ones because today's false gods are often outside the field of religion. People of prison status and self-aggrandizement are some of the most popularities today. Beware of them down before these things, but also never satisfy, instead they lust for more and more. We meet me instead of the world's idols you experience, or in peace. These vegetables slay the thirst of your soul, providing deep satisfaction. The glitter of the world is tight and temporal. The light of my presence is brilliant and everlasting. Walk in the light with me, thus you become a beacon, whom others are drawn to. We, the people of the Republic, are peaceful, and private, and our declaration says, "When in the court of events it becomes necessary for one to meet the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them. A decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impels them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unleanable rights, that among these are life's liberty and pursuit of happiness, that to secure these rights governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." And with that, Daryl, I'll turn it over to you. Okay, thank you, fellas, and Paul. This is the health call for Thursday night for the Republic, and down on the bottom is an attachment, this is what I've got up on the screen, biochemistry is the chemistry of life, with a lot of information that Yakutrina, our special guest, she's back and I put an emphasis on special as she has been willing to share the knowledge that the Lord has restored and given her, so she'll be explaining this year's heart and how it applies. If you want to go back to the last one that she did for anybody new on the call, where she talked about your amazing liver, this is a follow-up on that, that was recording number 227. And then after that, Valerie corpora was on and she was talking about healing herbs and how it applies and the different and how to make the tinctures, and that one was recording number 229, and there's also an update on the current event videos on the bottom. So there's a lot of information attached to here, and I left several of the last presentations that Kat has done, they're attached on the bottom, so you can go back on and view the information. So with that Kat, if you want to take it away, you got the floor. May I, Daryl? Yes. One and a half. I'll set the conference room. All participants are muted, and they can unmute themselves. And if you don't have the attachments, if you didn't get the invitation and you want to follow along, go to your web browser and type in docs, Look for the document in there with today's date, and it will have all of the links, the resources, and the names of all the attachments, and the attachments are also in that same folder. Go hunting and have a ball. Thank you, Daryl. You're welcome. Okay, Kat, it's all yours. All right, thank you. I would actually like to do a pulse balancing exercise before we jump into the handout. So this pulse balancing helps to synchronize the various pulses in your body. Yes, you've got multiple, and they don't all beat on the same beat, but we want them to. So this is great to do right before you fall asleep. And in fact, you might fall asleep before you complete the exercise. So just find a comfortable position, you can be seated, you can be lying down, you can be standing. We're going to start with our left hand. We're going to find our aortic pulse. So you're going to start at your navel and move up the center line, maybe a half an inch, and press in. You might have to kind of move your intestines out of the way until you find a pulse. So I'm going to give you a moment to find a pulse, maybe on your wrist. No, no, you're on your navel, so you're right above the navel. You slide about a half an inch, maybe one inch above the navel on the center line, and you might have to kind of press little to the right or a little to the left, so you're finding your aortic pulse. And you can close your eyes, probably to help you focus in on that pulse. So once you have that aortic pulse, your left hand is going to stay. Now I use four fingertips when I hold the aortic pulse, but it's up to you. If you found it with two fingers, you can hold it with two fingers. So you're holding the aortic pulse with your left hand. The right hand is free, you're going to find your carotid pulse. So on the side of your left neck, you're going to find your carotid pulse, and you're going to see if the two pulses beat in sync. If they do not, just hold them and observe them, and eventually they will synchronize. And if you are like me, and you're having a hard time finding the carotid pulse, I actually drop down right into the clavicle, so right where the clavicle in the neck meet, and I find my pulse there. So that's another option here. And again, with the aortic pulse with your left hand, you might have to press deeper into the abdomen in order to find it, just taking some deep breaths. It's in the center, but you might have to go a little right or a little left depending on what your intestines are doing in the moment. And so let's say mine have now synchronized, so I'm keeping my left hand on the aortic pulse, just maybe a half an inch to an inch above the navel, and I'm going to move my right hand inside my left armpit and find the pulse there. And you're just listening for any misalignment of the pulses, and as you hold them, they will synchronize. My pulse is half synchronized. If you're subnot, feel free to stay just a little longer. Our right hand is now going to move to the left elbow, the inside of the left elbow, and find your pulse there. And close your eyes, take some deep breaths, and sometimes you have to do a little bit of digging around in the area in order to find the pulse, and that's perfectly fine, especially if you have low blood pressure. So listening to your pulses, especially as you settle in for the night, is actually quite soothing. I think it reminds the body of being in the mother's womb and having the mother's heartbeat, so it's a very soothing rhythmic song, if you will, that can lull your right to sleep. So sometimes I don't even make my way all around, I fall right to sleep. So now we're going to take our right hand, and you can wrap it around your left wrist to find the pulse at the wrist. Again, you're just holding until the two pulses synchronize, or as long as it feels nice to stay. Sometimes you may want to stay for a few extra breaths after you've got the pulses to sync up. Okay, now the right hand is going to move to the crease of your leg, to where your leg attaches, so in the inguinal region, on the left, so the left, kind of above the left thigh, so with left leg comes into the body, you're going to find a pulse there. And sometimes if you're lying down, it may be helpful to bend your knee to help find that pulse. So if you're not in the center of the thigh, if you will, you're more towards the inside of the thigh as you're finding that pulse, so on the inside of the thigh and that inguinal area, there are a lot of lymph nodes there as well. This is your femoral pulse actually, and again just listening for the two pulses to synchronize, taking some nice relaxing breaths, you can't do the throng, so nothing to worry about, and let's say minor synchronize now, so I'm going to move my right hand and put it into the pit of the knee and find the pulse of the knee. And if you can't find your pulse, don't worry about it, I have low blood pressure, so frequently I have a hard time fighting my pulse in any one location, so sometimes I just dig a little deeper, and if I don't find it, I just hold the two positions even without feeling the pulse, and then when I intuit, this location is synchronized, I move on to the next one. And finally we're going to move our right hand, and we're going to, you can wrap it around the ankle from the back, or you could go from the front, but you're finding the pulse on the inside of your ankle. Okay. I've got these. These two synced up, so I'm going to go ahead and relax both hands. So we would repeat on the other side, we would now hold the aortyl pulse above the navel with the right hand, and we would repeat all the positions with the left hand on the right side of the body. So I will repeat the positions on the right side of the body, you can either go to the parotid on the side of your neck, or you can drop down into the clavicle and take your pulse there, then you go to the inside of your armpit, and find that pulse. Then you go to the inside of the elbow, then you go to the wrist, then you go to the inguinal area where the thigh attaches to the torso, right on the side of that pubic bone. So you're in the soft tissue, you're not on the bone itself. Then you go to the knee pit, and finally the inside ankle. So the second time around, your right hand stays on the aortic pulse, and your left hand travels on the right side of the body. So we start with the left hand in the navel, and right hand traveling on the left side of the body, and then we go to the right hand holding and left hand traveling, the right side of the body. So give that a try tonight, and see if it helps you fall asleep. Now what are some of the benefits of synchronizing our pulses, other than having this calming and soothing effect? Well, think of your body as an orchestra, right, and I don't know if any of you actually felt the differences in the pulses, and eventually they synchronize. So we're tuning the orchestra, we're tuning all the cells to play the same music. And it helps bring blood to all of the areas of the body, and it actually helps your heart work less hard when everything is synchronized. Okay so that is the pulse synchronization, and it actually comes to us from a Taoist tradition. So let's jump into the chemistry of life. So there are 12 inorganic mineral salts, which are all essential for proper growth development of every part of the organism, and if a deficiency occurs in one or more of these workers, then some abnormality, or what we might call a disease condition arises. And accordingly, they manifest in different ways and in different parts of the body, and they have been given various names. Every disease which afflicts humanity reveals a lack of one or more of these inorganic cell cells. Health and strength can be maintained only so long as the system is properly supplied with these cell workers, or tissue builders. The inorganic substances in the blood and tissues are sufficient to heal all disease which are curable at all. Now that is a quote from Dr. Fusler. Dr. Fusler was a German physician, and in the 1800s, he discovered that when a human cell is reduced down to ashes, it exhibits 12 minerals. He then proceeded to use the 12 minerals and map out their utility, their specific function and what they support in the body. And he named his system biochemistry, bio, meaning life, and chemistry, meaning the knowledge of the elements, and the laws governing their combination and behavior. So, I'd like to introduce you to the 12 cell salts. Now, a salt used to be actually the term for earth or mineral, so they're called salt, but they're not actually salt per se. These are before we actually dive into them extremely safe. You can give them to babies, you can give them to your pets. You cannot overdose on them. Now, how are they different from like regular minerals? So, one of the cell salts we encounter later on as we go through the handout is megphos, which is magnesium phosphate. Now, how is that different from the magnesium, like chloride or sulfate that you might take in supplement form? Well, this particular form of magnesium phosphate is, it's not the rock salt, it's the salt in the form that is inside the plant that is most absorbable by the body. Right? So, there are some schools of thought they say that you can't actually absorb your minerals from a tail. You have to absorb your minerals from your food. Now, the way that these salts are prepared, they are prepared in a homeopathic way, but they're not homeopathic per se. So, in homeopathy, a substance such as an herb or a mineral, let's say we take nine parts water and one part substance, we mix it together and we vigorously shake or pound it in the container to imprint the substance into the water. Then the resulting solution, we take one part of that to nine parts water and we repeat the same process. And then we do it the third time where we take one part of the resulting solution to ten parts water and we do that vigorous shaking to imprint. And so, there is chemically little of the actual element left, yet magically the salts work on the body as if you are supplying the proper minerals. So, when you get these salts from various compounding pharmacies or vendors, so highlands is one company in the U.S. that provides the cell salt. There is a German company called Rekoweg and there are many private labels as well that you can find. Now, traditionally that solution that we've created after vigorously shaking and diluting three times, it's put onto a lactose pill, a little milk sugar pill, but there are options that are dairy free out there as well if you have an intolerance to dairy. And the bottle will usually say three X and so three stands for how many rounds you did the dilution and the shaking and X stands for ten times, ten dilution, so one to ten, so you put ten parts into it. So, that's how these substances are prepared. So, the first one and the way that they appear in your handout is actually how they are numbered in the U.S. system, the European system numbers are slightly different, but in the U.S., the first cell salt is called calc-flur. Now, calc-flur is a calcium fluoride. And as you can see the function, it supports elasticity, flexibility, toning, strength, and resiliency of your muscles, as well as your mental faculties, right? So if you are indecisive, perhaps you could use some calc-flur. It's excellent combined with other tissue salts due to its toning ability, so it's really of great importance for treating any skin ailment or circulatory problem. And it's actually invaluable both for growing children and aging adults. Any sort of fracture or even rheumatism and gout can be treated with calc-flur. The teeth, any sort of dental decay, this is the tissue salt to retort or sensitivity in the teeth. If you have cataracts, then the salt will quickly help correct the focus and help dissolve. It's not the only salt to use. There are some combinations for cataracts, but this is one of the salt, which can help, as well as some of the nervous tick or pains in the eyes. If you have varicose veins or hemorrhoids, this is the salt because it will restore elasticity to those tissues. If you have chapped skin, or maybe like fishes around the fingernails, lips, heels, palms of the hands, or eczema, or weeping skin, even scars that remain prominent, calc-flur can help soften, especially when combined with filletheia, which is salt number 12, which we'll get to. Now if you have hiccups, and I have actually seen this work, it never amazes me how powerful these very simple and expensive remedies are. If you have hiccups, it will help. Nothing else. This salt salt actually will calm the hiccups. It's great for indigestion, and if you're vomiting on digested food, and it actually just aids any sort of spasms in the digestive system. For the female flow, it helps when you have too thick or large, dark clots. It is wonderful and comforting to the respiratory system, especially in a productive cough scenario. Or if you have a long-standing cold that just will not go away, accompanied with like an irritating cough, nasal drip, maybe middle ear infections, you can combine calc-flur with filletheia. Now usually, the extremity would be indicated if your symptoms are associated with like bed weather, cold, damp, chilly, drought, you know, gray days. So some people kind of feel like their symptoms are worse on those days. So this is definitely the cell salt that's indicated. And it could even help if you've got irritation, you know, negative personality, depression, etc. This bumps under the skin, fibroids in the uterus, and any odd growth. This is the cell salt to reach for. Hyadis hernia can be helpful with the salt. And even constipation due to the loss of tissue elasticity. Now just like the intestines, it can help the bladder, it can comfort and soothe the tissues and tone and strengthen them, particularly on the aged. So for that, you would take two tablets of calc-flur three times a day. And this treatment is also recommended for a large prostate. And if you have fearful, frightening flea or nightmares or disturbing dreams, calc-flur is the remedy to reach for, so keep that one next to you, Ben. Now I've given you some herbs and foods that are rich in this particular mineral salt. And of course, we know that in modern day agricultural practices, our soils are really leached of their life sustaining minerals. But perhaps, you know, some of the wild harvested herbs, or if you're growing your own and you're composting and you're really building your soil, then your foods will contain, you know, quantities of these minerals. So garlic, parsley, sage, winter savory, chickweed, mustard greens, chives, lemon and lemon pith are all herbs that are high in calc-flur. And the foods that are high in calc-flur are grapes, oranges, pumpkins, squashes, cabbage, onions and rye bread. Anybody have any questions before I move on to our second cell salt? Oh, I've actually also listed a constitutional tissue. So if you were born between, gosh, I don't know my, my horse broke very well, under the sign of cancer. So sometime, I guess late June or early July, this is the cell salt that you, that is most helpful to you. So Dr. George W. Carey actually mapped what, you know, based on people's birth and Zodiac sign, he mapped what ailments they have a tendency towards and therefore which cell salt is most helpful for them. So people in the, under the sign of cancer can definitely be held by calc-flur more than, than others. I mean, it's a wonderful remedy for, for all but especially for those born under the sign of cancer. Can't. This is Phyllis. Yes. Where did you see that you can purchase these? So in the U.S. the company name is Hyland's, H-Y-L-A-N-D apostrophe F. Okay. Highlanders? Highlands. No landers. H-Y-L-A-N-D apostrophe Fs. Okay. Are there many other companies to order it from or is this a, I would say in the U.S. it's probably the most accessible because I mean you can find it on Amazon, you can find it directly through their website. You can find it through other, like, you know, Vitacost or vitamin shop, like those sorts of places. Dr. Rekoweg's remedies are made by a German homeopathic company. They are of high quality and they actually have a number of combinations already pre-made. Like they would have a skin combination or teeth combination or menstrual cramp combination or digestive combination, which is a combination of various of these 12 solves. You can get that through a website called United Remedies or you can find them on Amazon sometimes, but they typically ship from India because India is actually really big on homeopathic medicine. They have homeopathic hospitals and so these German remedies are to the U.S. they come from India. Excuse me, Kat? Yes. I have not had very good luck with Vitacost. Well, I actually know Vitacost not bad, but now nutrition. I've had pretty bad luck with them. I got some like completely non-GMO organic alfalfa and when it was delivered. There was a sticker on the back of it that said this product contains lead. Oh no. Yeah. Oh my gosh. And it didn't say anything about it on the website, so now nutrition, well, maybe that one's for later. Maybe. But I mean, honestly, I would go to the source, so if you go to, they often have deals that like you buy to get one free or discounts, etc. And a remedy can be like $10 for like a hundred tablets. It lasts. It's very, very reasonably priced. And I just I want to make sure that I'm clear that I'm just not picking on a company for the sake of picking on a company. I can prove that that sticker is on the container. I still have. So come and get me, USDA. I'm sure USDA is also happy to have lead in the organic powder, so they would not be so happy about me talking about it anyway. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt. Well, please speak to your doctor about starting any remedy. Oh, should I do it? Should I do a disclaimer just for safety sake? Sure. Yeah. Of course. This program, this program on the USA Organic Republic Thursday call and the Global Voice Radio Network is not intended to treat, diagnose, prevent, or cure any disease and should not be considered medical advice. As always, listeners are urged to consult their own local health professional provided they can find one before acting on any information present at the air. Thank you. Thank you. Okay. Any other questions or should we move on to our second cell cell? Just to comment on the paper that we attached to the notice, the spelling on that first one is not correct. It's F-L-L-U-I-C. Oh, I see that. I see that. I see that. Yeah, when you were seeing it, I had an L in it and I thought, well, good catch. Of course, four is an accurate word. I spell checked it, but it didn't catch it. Okay. Yes. Please insert an L. So, Calc Flur, which is calcium fluoride. Okay. Or you can just search for number one, so cell salt number one and it will come up in the U.S. as Calc Flur. Yeah. Okay. So, number two is Calc Fos, which is calcium phosphate or phosphate of lime, as it used to be known. So, this cell salt is a cell builder and proliferator. It supports growth and development. It's a conifying salt. It helps with recuperation, restoration. It helps to build teeth, bones, and nails. It intensifies the effects of other cell salt and it's one of the ones to take when you feel low, both in spirit and energy levels, because it can help give you both an emotional lift and promote healthy cellular activity while restoring tone to the whole system. And it's actually been named the body's chief building material. So, it's great for treating growing pains, rickets, and green stick fractures, as well as shin splints, and for brittle bones and backgink. Combined with Calc Flur in adequate amounts, Calc Fos can help with dental carees and it can help the development of the mouth in children and delayed dentition, or as well as like teething pains, or you know, fretfulness in babies when they teeth. It can help inflames and bleeding gums. And so for that, you just take one or two tablets of Calc Flur and Calc Fos, about two or three times a day. And what I typically do is it is the little lactose pill, so it's sweet, so I put it right under the tongue. My dog loves them. So like, I give you one of the remedies later on, which is actually a combination of old files called bioplasma. So that's a good one to have just as a general maintenance. So my dog and I take it every day. And my kids, well, when they're willing to, sometimes they don't want to, but it definitely doesn't taste bad and it's not a large pill to swallow. You just put it under the tongue and it'll melt right along. So now, yes, that Calc Flur, is that FLOUR or FLOR? Oh, oh, you are. Oh, you are. Okay, thank you. Actually sorry. Well, it could be FLUOR as well, depending on whether it's the old spelling or new spelling. So let me see if I have a bottle near me to tell you for sure how they spell it on the bottle. My number one, FLUOR. Yep, and yes, now when you get these bottles right from from Highlands, they have to put something. I'm not sure what kind of a related, but so the bottle itself that's cold, hemorrhoids and chapped skin. But of course, it's not just for these indications, right? It's for much, much more as we've covered. Okay, the back to Calc Flour. So if you have a sensitivity to light, or maybe you have some twitching eyes or you have conjunctivitis, this is the cell cell to reach for. And also in the prevention and slowing of the progress of cataracts. This is great for the circulatory system. So if you have numbness, cold hands and feet, maybe cramps in your cold lens, you know, chilliness, kind of like these winter ills especially, Calc Floss can help alleviate some of that. It's also great for clammy hands and if you feel pins and needles. This is also great for the digestive system, especially children with poor appetite can benefit from this. It can, in combination with some other cell cells such as nat-foss, make-foss and Calc-foss will help ease some burning indigestion, bloating and flatulence. So if you have spasms of the digestive tract, keep Calc-foss and make-foss on hand for that, especially like if you have a late dinner or maybe spicy food that might not agree with you, so these two are great to take. And if you experience acidity, then you combine Calc-foss with nat-foss instead of make-foss. Calc-foss can actually ease irritable bowel syndrome when it's taken with Cali-foss and that's all. I know I'm throwing a lot at you, but as we go through them, you'll become familiar with them and you have the handout to refer to them. And yes. Yeah, okay, I got a friend that she's got scoriosis and stuff, but she's got, like, she said her feet when she walks, it feels like she's walking on pins and needles. Would this be the possible remedy or some help to deal with that this year? Yeah, because I suspect it's, you know, hindered circulation, right, to her, to her feet. So yes, of course, this could definitely help. How strong of her, how much would a guy suggest to start with and to try to take? Well, she could start with one, so I have the old version, which has tiny tablets. So in the old version, I take four small tablets, and the new version, they're larger tablets. I just take one tablet, so you would take one tablet three times a day, under the tongue. Now, that would be like for chronic conditions. If you have something acute and there are some remedies, which I do take four acute conditions, then you would take it more frequently. And when we get to them, I can call it out. Comment? Yes. Carol, quick question. Do you have an eye tear wand? I don't. You don't. Okay. You don't have anybody who has one. Yeah, but not close to me. Okay. Well, one of the things that the eye tear wand does is it tightens muscles, and you can feel them tighten up. If you can get your hands on an eye tear wand or get one to your friend, you see eye tear wand and treat the outside of the curvature that will cause attention in those muscles and it will straighten the spine over time. Anyway, that was my comment. Thank you. Okay. Thank you, Paul. Yep. And I would apply magnesium especially to the other side, which is tight, right, to have the opposite effect. Okay. So, um, irritable bowel syndrome can be helped by kelefoss if we take it with caliphoss and that's solved. And also you can take it if you have constant cravings, especially for salty and savory foods. You can combine kelefoss with net salt. Now, menstrual cramps can also be helped by taking kelefoss in combination with megphoss, which is magnesium phoss, and it actually is very helpful in counteracting side effects of the pill, right? So if you know any young women who are on a contraceptive pill, the side effects that they suffer, which might be weight gain, weight loss, you know, thyroid problems, um, emotional theta, caliphoss is the great remedy for that. And then if you catch a cold easily or are prone to recurring bronchitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis, chronic cough, or nasal cotard, or mucus, then caliphoss is also, um, dissolved through each form. If you have enlarged tonsils, adenoids, or constant post-nasal drip, or frequent ear nose and throat infections, um, this is also the cell salt. So in this case, you would take, um, you know, that one tablet three or four times a day or quicker late, uh, calphoss will help ease a sore, swollen throat, although it's not the main remedy for sore throat. But when it's too painful, like when it's too painful to swallow and breathing feels tight and uncomfortable, um, you can crush six tablets of kelefoss in half a glass of more water, um, and you can also add, um, like three tablets of kelefoss, um, or if you have a liquid form, like sometimes you can get liquid form, although it's much harder to find in the U.S. you can, you can use the liquid form in water and just sip that very slowly and let it just trickle down and coach your throat. Uh, breathlessly bedwetting, it can be resolved by kelefoss, uh, growing pains and sore joints, lighter and kidney stones that are composed of calcium compounds respond very well to kelefoss. Uh, if you have poor concentration, moodiness, anger, aggressiveness, um, this is, this is the salt you reach for. Headaches with coldness, sharp, damping pain in the head, uh, especially those that come from exposure to cold air or aching sinuses, um, pregnancy, high extuboidy, high aches, ear aches, um, that occur following exposure to cold can all be held by kelefoss. Now, if there is a calcium deficiency and your complexion looks pasty, pimply or unhealthy, um, that's when you need the calcium to make the skin glow, so kelefoss is of the right combination of kelefium to take. Uh, it also helps with, um, hair loss and flaking of the scalp. Okay, so herbs that contain this cell builder include comfrey, chamomile, alfalfa, borgi, and ultra. And from the foods, you want to include lots of green leafy vegetables, carrots, lentils, strawberries, mulberries, raspberry, cranberries, figs, plums, whole grains, plain yogurt, unsweetened cottage cheese and eggs, all those contain kelefoss. And this is the cell salt for Capricorn, I'm a Capricorn, this is my cell salt, and I find life, I will take it for everything. And in fact, Dr. George Kerry, who mapped the constitutional, um, you know, signs of the zodiac to the tissue thoughts, what he had observed is that because you only spend nine months in the womb, you get only nine cell salts in ample quantities, which means you are deficient in the three that you didn't receive. So you're most deficient in the one in your birth month. And then what you want to do is you want to take the two next to it. So like for me, for Capricorn, I would want to take, I think the one prior to that is Caerius, which is Cilicea, and the one after that, I think it's Pisces, I don't know, it's either Pisces or Caerius, like I said, I don't know my astrology very well. So those are the three that I would want to take on a kind of on a regular basis to bring myself back into balance. And in fact, Dr. Kerry used to actually treat babies with the cell salts in this, the fashion. So when you're born, you're deficient in three cell salts that you didn't get while you were in the womb. So then you would take it in this form. Okay, any questions here? I think we need to speed it up. I think I'm going too slow. We're running out of time, potentially. Okay. So cell salt number three is Calc salt. So this is calcium sulfate or sulfate of lime. It is also known as plaster of Paris, because actually plaster and plaster of the tears to build cast contains this mineral. It is a blood cleanser and purifier. So any sort of preparation or inflammation, it will reduce and eliminate. It is found in the blood and in the connective tissue, in the bile, in the liver, and in the epithelial cells in the skin. It's very rejuvenating. It literally cleans out the body. It destroys old cells, and you have normal discharge, so lipase, chronic infection, and it can hasten healing of the wounds, like an ulcers and inflammation. And when it's combined with psiliceia, which is cell salt number 12, it's actually been called the biochemical surgeon. You usually take psiliceia first, and then you take Calc salt after, because psiliceia actually promotes the postformation of the healing process, and then Calc salt will clear away the possum. Let's see, well, for the eyes, it can help, again, with cleansing the eyes, such as pink eye. It's very helpful. For the skin, it will treat, like I said, oils, cut. It will low healing ulcers, and preparations, insect bites, scratches, you know, any type of wound like that can be helped by Calc salt. And you could actually make an external application. I think if you could find a liquid form of the cell salt, it would be better, but if you didn't, if you just had the tablets, you can actually crush them up and mix them with some sort of a lotion or allogel and apply topically as well. And so Calc salt is great for applying topically to preventing any infections. If you have mucus and blockage in the ears, ringing in the ears, you know, wack accumulation, persistent ear ache, you can take Calc salt to help remediate. And you can take a tablet up to six times a day. And you could also dissolve it in some warm water and apply it with a cotton slob or gloss to clean the ears and, you know, kind of wash around the outer ear. Leading guns and painful mouth ulcers, you could take, crush up some tablets and some warm water and you can use it as a mouthwash. It will quickly soothe that pain. And you can also take it in tablet form as well under the tongue. If you have persistent and recurrent sore throat and tonsillitis, you can combine Calc salt with Cali salt, which is potassium sulfate. And if you have a coated tongue, this helps here as well. Blocked nasal passages and sinuses, late stages of bronchitis, when you have thick and yellow mucus, and in fact, you can combine it with psilicea. And you can take it for constipation and diarrhea, especially in chronic conditions. Insomnia can be helped by taking all of the phosphate. So the phosphate in mineral form is cell salt number two. Number four, number six, number eight, and number ten, but Calc salt is also very helpful. So this is really great for the liver. It has an affinity for the liver and it helps clean out worn out and disease cells and supports the detoxification process of the liver. So a few weeks back, we talked about the liver, so this is a great cell salt to support the liver. Interestingly, if you have a burning sensation under the feet combined with some aching lins, this is the cell cell to reach for as well. And because this cell salt is such a strong cleanser and detoxifier, it actually may help with irritability and headache-y, kind of like if someone is being liver-ish in their attitude, then this is the cell salt they can help because they're most likely depleted. Oh, also Calc salt number three. S-U-L-P-H. Yes. Okay. Calcium sulfate. And in fact, if someone has an acidic condition because they're eating a very acidifying diet, what the body needs to do is it takes the calcium sulfate out of the bone in order to neutralize the acid. And then the calcium becomes free-floating, and that's what causes kidney stone. So in fact, increasing your Calc salt in the diet or through supplementation can not only keep you more alkaline, but also minimize, you know, occurrences of those kidney stones. So kidney soreness, muscular aches and pains, double vision, which are actually in Chinese medicine all related to kidneys, can help. You can take Calc salts three or four times a day with several days. And interestingly, if you are taking any cold tar medication like aspirin or some other painkillers, Calc salt is a good remedy to include because it counteracts some of the bedside effects that you might get from these because they do put strain on the liver as we learned in a liver discussion a few weeks ago. So the herbs that are high in Calc salt are stinging nettle, red clover and warm wood. And for foods, we want to include onions, right? So the sulfate group, onions, garlic, leek, radishes, watercress, asparagus, cauliflower, figs, prunes, celery, parsley, fennel, green salads and barley water. Now in order to prepare barley water, you actually take some organic barley and you soak it in the water. And then you strain and you drink the barley water. So that's where you get a lot of Calc salt. And I will get those proportions too because actually barley water comes up again for some of the other cell salt. So it seems like, what did they say that the Roman army used to get paid in barley, their wage in barley because it's so highly nutritious. And so this cell salt is especially useful for those who are born on the sign of the Scorpio. Now cell salt number four, pherom foss, is one that I always, that we'd always have extra of because it is any sign of inflammation that's the first cell salt to reach for. Now pherom, of course, means iron. So this is an iron phosphate mineral. And of course the iron is, you know, is in the hemoglobin of the blood and all of the cells in the body, except nerve cells, will depend on hemoglobin. So if there is a lightest infection, it could be a cold coming on, it could be a cut that got inflamed, just any sort of, even like a spraining, any inflammation in the body, I reach for pherom foss, and it has anti-infection and anti-inflammatory properties and can dramatically ease the condition. So you think of it as your primary first aid remedy. Now taking over a period or kind of not in an emergency, just its usual action is strengthening the walls of the blood vessels, especially the main arteries. It obviously supports the distribution and delivery of oxygen-rich blood to the cell. However if you have anemia, it's not just pherom floss alone that you would reach for. There are other cell salts, I believe one of the calcium is one that we would bring in as well. If you have a tax of dizziness, fainting, fever, flush face, nosebleeds, throbbing headaches, high temperature, feeling of congestion, congestive headaches, over exertion of the brain, this remedy will bring relief and you just take two tablets on the tongue and take two more half hour later until the symptoms ease. So I have literally put a stop to a sore throat in my children with just a pherom foss. So I would give them every 15 minutes and then after about an hour, no more sore throat. So it's especially useful in the early stages of infection and again 15 to 30 minutes for a couple of hours and then after that you go to an hourly until the symptoms subside. If you have inflamed eyes, burning sensation, or bloodshot eyes, or feeling of like sand in the eyes, then I guess it could mean that conjunctivitis is incoming. So taking pherom fossil health, ear aches, especially if you have inflamed and throbbing out of ear. So great for children, inflamed fallen gums, ulcers on the gums around the tongue will also respond to this remedy. So I already mentioned sore throat, but in other respiratory respects, shortness of breath, that is associated with cold, bronchitis, tonsillitis. If you have initial clear amicus coming from your nose, as the cold begins, that's when you want to take pherom foss and you might want to add kelsel and kelley salt, so like every 20 minutes. And then if it's a 8th stage remedy, then we reach for kelk, kelk salt and kelk sauce. If you have palpitations or rapid pulse, painful beating of the heart, rush of the blood to the head, slash face, maybe fever from overheating, tendency to bleeding nose, and even hemophilia, pherom plus is very essential for you. So bleeding in an injury or per circulation, cold hands and feet, and either blood in the stool, also pherom foss is important just to take. One of the best digestive remedies, especially for nausea, diarrhea, and digestive stool, and it can actually help with multiple food allergies or intolerances in children. For irregular menstruation and excessive bleeding, this is a great remedy. And it does alleviate symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes, swollen feet and hands, water retention, nice sweat, vertigo, you can take two tablets four to eight times a day. Stiff shoulders, sore back, creeping rheumatism, especially in cold weather, inflammation of the muscles, joints, your urgently take pherom foss to help you. You can take it for sprains and strains and stiffness. And at the first line of a bladder infection, you definitely want to reach for pherom foss combined with netfoss every 15 minutes. For high blood pressure, pherom foss can be combined with caliphoss, food tablets two to three times a day. However, as we gave a medical disclaimer, don't try to treat your hypertension yourself. Make sure you get medical help. Now if you feel forgetful, irritable, dizzy, depressed, tired, maybe you have breathless sleep or maybe nights without sleep, frightening dreams, panic attacks, insomnia, shortness of breath on exertion, this is also the cellphone for you. Now herbs that contain pherom foss or cellphone number four are parsley, which is very rich in iron and should be included in the diet frequently. In fact, you will see that parsley appears almost in every category. So what a humble, humble little herb, and so easy, just to sprinkle on, you know, into your salads or cooked dishes. So we also have here singing nettle, yarrow, and kelp. And then foods that are rich in pherom foss are spinach, lentils, radishes, onions, walnuts, strawberries, apples, all the lettuce varieties, almonds, sesame seeds, leeks, and garlic. The ver, of course, animal liver, is rich in iron. And fresh lemon juice actually, also, with the stimulation. And this is the constitutional cell cell for Pisces. Any questions? Hopefully this is making sense and not too overwhelming, and you guys have the handout to refer to. Yeah, this is, this is Darryl. Like when you, I guess you can't overdo eating of the herbs or cells on any of these, your body or just pass out what you don't use, is that a correct statement? I would say yes, that is a correct statement. What is, Barbara, I need to say, God gave herbs for the service of men. So there's definitely, definitely not overdoing it. I mean, certainly there might be some controversial herbs, like comfrey, for instance, right, which appeared in kelp foss. I think, I think there were maybe some mice that, no, were given an exorbitant amount of comfrey, and then they, you know, died, but actually comfrey's been shown as a protector of the liver. I think I heard Barbara O'Neill talk about a gentleman who bought an old cow, and he, you know, she was, wasn't good for anything, wasn't giving milk, and so he fed her nothing but comfrey, and it just, life and death started, you know, like kind of jumping around the paddock and actually started to give milk. So comfrey helped her, helped to count. Also Susan Weed is a, is a known herbalist, and she, she recommends infusion, and comfrey is one of the infusions that she does recommend. So she's big on singing nettle infusion, and comfrey infusion, and ripe clover infusion. And so an infusion, is when you take, let's say, take a mason jar, probably 32 ounce. You could, you could go for 64 ounce, but you fill it one third with herb, and the rest of the way with boiling water, and you let it sit overnight. And then you strain the herb, and you can reheat it, or you can drink it cool, right? You can dilute it further if you want, you can even, if you drink coffee, you can use it as a base to make your coffee. You can add it to your soup, but you take that infusion as your water during the day, and you're getting all the minerals ground from the herb that way. Okay, so any other questions, or should we move on? You might have to do like a part two next week. If there's anybody who wants to ask a question, make sure you press star six, and just ask for the floor, and ask you, and then we'll ask you a question. So it's star six to unmute, I yield. All right, so let's move on to Cali Muir, which is number five. So this is a chloride of potash, or potassium chloride. Now this is my number two first aid remedy, and in fact if we skip ahead in the handout for prevention and seasonal illness, so as a preventative in the winter, you would take pherom falls, which is number four in the morning, and Cali Muir, which is number five in the evening, and you would do the same thing in the fall. Now in spring, because the conditions are different, you are taking pherom falls in the morning, but you are taking kelp falls in the evening, and in the heat of the summer, you take Cali Muir in the morning, and that falls in the evening. So you see that Cali Muir and pherom falls are very important, and they appear in a lot of your seasonal illness prevention, and this is another first aid remedy that I reach for anytime a cold or flu comes on. So this tissue salt is a decongestant, it is a blood and lymph cleanser, and it is a waste eliminator, so any second stage of inflammation can be helped by Cali Muir, so pherom falls this first stage of inflammation, Cali Muir is second stage of inflammation. So this mineral joins with albumin in the body to form a fibrin, which is a nitrogenous protein fiber that forms a part of every single body tissue, including nerves, muscles, and blood. So everything except for bone. So where there is a lack of potassium chloride, the release of albumin can occur, and you will see like a thick and, you know, Hawaiian consistency that is difficult to expel from the body. So it could be a mucus discharge from the lungs, but it could be also from other parts of the body. So in order to keep, I guess, the discharge to a minimum, but also flowing, we would reach for Cali Muir. White flaky dancer can be held by Cali Muir. Now the flakiness can increase initially because the cleansing needs to take place, right, as the way cycle runs through. It's also ideal for a sick headache, so like when you have a nausea, maybe from overeating or maybe car sickness, this would be a useful remedy. So any thick white mucus, crusts forming, maybe corners of the eyes, retinal discharge, so Cali Muir is your mineral to go to. In large length glands, you could be in the neck, it could be behind the ears, it could be in the inguinal in the groin area, it could be in the armpits, so any enlarged lymph nodes can be held by Cali Muir. Also tonsils and adenoids, if they're swollen or even covered with white bumps, they will respond very well to Cali Muir, and you would take it every 20 minutes over about a period of two hours. Now if you have thrush in the mouth, this is the first remedy to reach for. If you have overloaded your digestive system, maybe overindulged a little bit, this is the remedy, it also helps us sluggish liver and jaundice, where we need a lot of fatty foods or like pastries that can cause heartburn and sour belching. And so Cali Muir can actually thin the blood, so that's why it kind of helps the overloaded is sluggish liver. Or even if someone is a heavy drinker of alcohol, it beverages, this is a vitally important salt for them to help with the liver. And you can judge it in the pelvic area, such as bloated feeling, menstrual cramps, dark clotting, this salt can help. It is the best cell cell to treat prostate gland when you have enlargement, especially when it's soft and spongy. If it becomes hard, then you reach for psilicea and kelplur to use the congestion. In the respiratory, any second stage, the second stage of bronchitis, when you have a lot of flat coming out, maybe ulcer group, a pneumonia, a plursi, you can reach for Cali Muir. And structural, you know, the skeletal system responds very well to Cali Muir, so any chronic aches in the joints, stiffness, something that might get labeled as either rheumatism or arthritis can be held by Cali Muir, it's very soothing. And you can combine it with pheromphos. Okay, some other things that Cali Muir can help is peeling up the skin, gastric fever, peeling of weariness and heaviness of the limbs, snoring, warts, long-term lymphatic congestion, immune system deficiency, ongoing inflammatory conditions, reoccurring infections such as ear infections, or dry cough with expulsion of bic mucus, common-fold sinusitis, block sinuses, chronic ache fever, you can combine with that mirror for that, stiff hand, succulent, itchy blisters, minor burns, bursitis, especially on the elbow rehab, candida and vascular eczema. And emotionally, if you are hanging on, you know, two recycled rubbish, Cali Muir is your fault to reach for, too, you can hang on if some psychological and emotional rubbish. Okay, so herbs that contain Cali Muir are violet, yarrow, mullen, ginger, fennel, basil, porridge leaves, and sage. And the foods that are rich in Cali Muir are green beans, carrots, beets, squash, cauliflower, kale, asparagus, celery, peaches, apricots, pineapples, lemons, plums, yeah, so aim to eat maybe eight of these fruits and vegetables a day. And those born under the sign of the Gemini are most deficient typically in the salt and effort can be mostly helped by this particular salt. Lying right along. Now, what time do we usually end? Because doing a time check, we've got 945 on the clock. Do we have time for six more or should we, should we maybe save, save part two for next time? Well, that's what I was wondering if we wanted to try to cover it because it's going to probably take a little quite a bit longer to get it completely finished through it all. What would you feel comfortable with maybe we could go another 10, 15 minutes and maybe we could do it again next week? Would that be possible and maybe do a little bit of a summary or review on what we covered so far? Sure. And I can also bring different combinations for different ailments more next time. So I'll cover Kelly Fos, which is number six. So this is potassium phosphate. This is a great mental tonic. So anyone suffering from depression, insomnia, nervous tension, it's a great nerve tonic. It actually, you know, it's considered like a brain and nerve, you know, nutrient. It promotes the feeling of well-being because it calms, but also a plus. It is a constituent of all the fluids in the body, so it helps relieve your day-to-day pressures, you know, caused by tension, stress, you know, jangled nerves. It just helps you cope and keep calm. It does have an antiseptic action. It slows down or stops decay of body tissue. So if we're thinking about legangrene, this might be a great, great self to reach for. Or paralysis or nerve degeneration. So anywhere where you have deficient nerve supply to a part of the body with restricted mobility, especially, you want to reach for Kelly Fos. So sufferers of depression, insomnia, nervous tension, as I mentioned, this is a great, great tonic. So this is like the number one emotional remedy. It is a natural tranquilizer, so you can definitely calm an irritable temper, diminish, you know, over worry, over excitement, over anxiety. And if you have a blinding headache, especially at the back of your head, with dizziness or confusion, this is also the self to reach for. You can take two tablets under the tongue, about, you know, every 10 minutes. Also for epilepsy, exhaustion and inability to think, or a nervous headache from loss of sleep or too much work, this is your remedy, and you can combine it with make-bought. It's actually a very helpful in treating bells palsy and there is some scientific evidence for that, especially where it's due to sudden infection in the facial nerves. It can be beneficial in treating stroke or cerebral vascular accidents. For that, you would take it every hour for the first 10 or so hours, and then after that four to six times a day. Blurred or weakening vision, flesh of color before the eyes were on the periphery, cuddly fat skin health there. So any distortion of the vision or halo effect can also be helped. A stigmatism, dry sensation in the eyes or even clocomac can be helped. Also, I fatigue and buzzing in the ears, so, tenitis, also, if there is swelling, pulsing or twitching in the ears, this is the remedy. This is also a great remedy for aging. Especially worries related to aging. So if you are lacking cally faus, you might experience food cravings even after eating a large meal, so this is a great remedy to reach for. It helps to eliminate the bitter taste in the mouth. If you have butterflies in the stomach, especially before an event, or, you know, something important coming up, cally faus can help calm that. And potassium phosphate is extremely important in the process of metabolism and digestion of fat. So it does have also a cleansing and of beautification condition, so, like, an overloaded gassy bowel, you know, maybe a bad smelling stool, acute infections in the gastric tract, anything like that can be helped with cally faus. Cally faus has also been used to treat hypertension in conjunction with pherom paus, taken three to five times a day. And then if you have slow or insufficient blood flow to the brain, accompanied by dizziness, vertigo or faintness, you can take two tablets of cally faus. And so asthma, especially nervous asthma, tyke coughs, obstruct its well and nose, allergic case fever can all be treated by cally faus. We can help ease painful period pain, and it is very helpful in PMS. And it's also found to be a great remedy to help with impotent, especially if it's due to stress, burnout or mental fatigue. Exima or itchy rashes can be helped by this remedy, as well as alopecia, especially if it's related to stress. So there are actually doctors who are seriously considering the use of potassium as a protective and preventative factor in cancer treatment, especially in Europe, including some fluid doctors who absolutely use this tissue salt. And they have a belief that cancer is caused by a lack of potassium or deficiency in potassium or in imbalance. So they prescribe cally faus because it is so easily, you know, an easily assimilated form of potassium. And excessive body water, I think we already, yeah, we already mentioned gangrene. Okay, so herbs that contain cally faus are St. John's wort, injured, mustard, horseradish, clover, thyme, chives, and garlic. And so the foods that are rich in cally faus are lettuce and whole green leafy vegetables such as spinach, beet, tops, beet greens, amaranth, radish leaves, but also radishes themselves, olive, oats, green mustard, onions, garlic walnuts, cauliflower, broccoli, lentils, green beans, potatoes, tomatoes, lemons, cherries, apple, dates. So I think we're starting to see a pattern in terms of the foods that contain all the minerals, lots of green leafy vegetables, and parsley. Okay, so if you were to try something this week, I know we haven't gotten through all the cell cells, but maybe you can try bioplasma. The bioplasma is a unique combination of old 12 salts of the blood combined in a proportion necessary to create healthy or chemically perfect blood. And bioplasma was actually developed by Dr. George Kerry in the 1900s. And so I'm going to leave you with a quote from Dr. George Kerry here, "A shadow cannot be removed by chemicals, neither can disease be removed by poison. There is nothing, no thing to be removed in either case. There is a deficiency to be supplied, the shadow may be removed by supplying light to the space covered by the shadow." So symptoms called disease disappear or cease to manifest when the food called for is furnished. The cell cells are found in older foods and thus carried into the blood where they carry on the process of life. And by the law of chemical affinity, keep the human form, bodily functions materialized. And deficiency occurs in any of these workers through a non assimilation of food, poor action of the liver or digestive process, dematerialization of the body commences. So disease is a deficiency in some of the chemical constituents that carry on the chemistry of life. Kat, this is Phyllis. Again, I have a question concerning the zodiac signs. What is the significance that only one zodiac sign goes with each salt that you describe? So it goes back to you only spending nine months in the womb. So you are most efficient in the 12th one that you didn't get, but you're also somewhat deficient in salt, month 10 and 11. In fact, they do say that babies, all babies are born premature. If the mother had the hips to carry them full term, they should be carried probably for two years, but yes, so we are deficient. And so Dr. George Kerry is the one who mapped. In fact, I know there are studies of medical astrology where they say people born under a certain planetary or zodiac sign, and those influences are susceptible to specific elements that are common to, for instance, people under Capricorn might have knee problems or joint problems in general or teeth problems. And so the cell salts that help those conditions have been mapped to that sign. So I think it came from medical astrology. I'm not sure how Dr. Kerry mapped it out, but I definitely find in affinity. So I know people who are born under the sign of Aries for Kelly Fos, and they're really helped because they're just a mental case, always nervous tension, always just emotions out of control, and Kelly faucets their salt, and it helps them. And for me, under Capricorn, it's kelpha, so I definitely find that it helps me more than any other, except for in those conditions where I reach for number four and number five. Okay, so you're saying that based on the, like I was born on Scorpio, so you're saying that those items that are in there are usually the ones that I'm missing? Yes, or you have a tendency to be deficient in that particular mineral because you didn't get it during gestation. Okay, okay. I follow you, thank you. Is there anybody else that got a question or comment they'd like to make? If you're muted, you got a press star stick. Kat, this is very enlightening information, and I really want to thank you for putting this together and presenting it. It is very helpful. I've got a pile of notes here. And these are just so accessible, so inexpensive. I really encourage you to try, if you're going to try just one thing, try the bioplasma, which is a combination of those 12, as just your daily maintenance. And shared with your pets. I think with a cat, you might have to dissolve it in water. I don't have cats, so I don't know, but my dog loves it. It's been used to treat horses and other animals as well. Well, great information, thank you. Yes, I just had a question. He said something would help a Gemini. What's normal with that? Gemini? Yes, ma'am. I should say that's my name. Yep. Kelly Muir, so number five. Okay, Kelly is potassium. Okay, now, you have all this listed in the email or whatever I can fill with. Thank you for sending all that in the email there. So I can look that up in the handout there. Yes, and next week, I can actually include links to some of the vendors where you can purchase these from. Just to add to that, if you, I don't know who I'm speaking to here, but if you go to that Highlands website,, if you look up any of those, go under the Adult tab and look up any of these that she has already gone through, you can click on there and click on the box that shows up, and it will break down, it's got details, ingredients and directions, so it gives you some more information. I don't know that it's exactly what Kat was reading or giving us, but there's additional information that you can read through, just as FMI. Yeah, yeah, this is John from New Jersey, I'm sorry, I didn't identify myself there. I appreciate that goes there. But yeah, we're all trying to balance out, and it's a very hard thing to do in an unbalanced world, so if we're well and we feed the body the correct minerals and foods here, I try to do more foods than supplements, but it seems like I ended up taking some magnesium and potassium, some kelp and what else, it seems like if I don't do that, I have a tendency when I sweat or whatever, I can get some leg cramps or whatever, so I think that's the magnesium deficiency right there, and potassium too, potassium for leg cramps, for cats. Yeah, well that's what I would do, soon as I would start doing that, I would take some potassium, and it might not be the, you know, I mean I try to do the best I can, but I take some potassium, magnesium, some kelp, and kelp's got a lot of minerals in it, but if I do that, you know, I don't have any leg cramps, but if I slack off on that, and if I do some, you know, it's been extremely hot, and you know, I'm just like soaking wet most of the day there and bringing the shirt out, so I try to stay hydrated, and I try to keep the sea salt in me, you know what I mean, so that's, that's sort of half the battle, you know, try to keep the liver flushed out, and yeah, and try to keep, try to get some good food in me there, organic food there, one that's available on what you've got going in the garden area, you know, absolutely, yeah, yeah, well, I have a form that's not too far around here, but you know, it's all grown outdoors, but the guy tries, he does everything with compost, and you know, it's, he used to go on to a CSA, if you know what that is, and they're no longer part of the CSA, but they still have much of stuff that's better than what you would buy at a grocery store, you know, and yeah, well, it's all, you know, I look at the forms around here, and, and like Hamilton, New Jersey, and stuff like that, and the soil, it looks like deep sand, it's got no compost, it's got nothing, but if you go over to this organic form, or I look in my garden, you dig it, it's like black, it's like, it's like, cold, you know what I mean, because yeah, you feed the worms, the worms, eat the, eat the, you know, whatever, that's their job, and then you got, and whatever comes out of the worms is fertilized for the plants, so it's like, everybody has their little pork to play there, and yeah, we need to respect them little creatures that help our little plants that help us, and feed us, and we help them, they help us, you know, you know, it's like, it's all part of the chain link there, you know, but yeah, I'm going to investigate, I never heard any of this stuff before, this is all, it's all new to me there, you know. Well, it's definitely not new, it was discovered in the 1800s, and used quite widely, especially by the homeopathic physicians of old, of course until the Flexner Report and AMA tried to stamp out all of this information. Yeah, the Rockefeller Crocodile, as I call them, they, yeah, they put their cold floor around medicines, and yeah, they didn't want anybody, you know, they put in a monopolized, that's what we got now, it's all monopolized, and they make everybody think that, you know, you don't have any options, you know, well, you got a bad knee, well, we got a titanium one, we can fit in there, well, I'm not a robot, I like God's material, I like OEM equipment there, you know, so we try to do the best we can, but yeah, leafy greens, yeah, they're good. Sometimes we just can't chew them all, and I throw them in the Vitamix and grind them up with some cauliflower or onions, or I made some cauliflower carrots and beets, and it's like real creamy, it was good, you know, it's like, you know, it just fills the tank up there, it gives you a good fuel for the day there, but yeah, I appreciate you coming on there, it's very good stuff, I need to research here, like taking a drink out of a fire hose again there, you know, the light, I yield, yeah, hi Daryl, how you doing there? Good, is there anybody else with a question, or anything, anybody want clarity on anything that we've discussed so far, if you're muted, you gotta press star six to unmute, Kat, I got a question, you know, the human-phobic complex, does that have a lot of these here, like the califos and things also in it? I actually wouldn't, no, I know they say it has a lot of the trace minerals, but I don't believe it's derived from plants, right, so plants is what contains the most observable form, right, the specific biochemical formula of these minerals, because it's not just potassium, it's not just magnesium, it's a specific form of potassium or magnesium or calcium, that has a different function in the body, so I'm actually not familiar, I can't really speak on the thephobic minerals. Okay, what about Celtic gray salt or like your redman salt, does that have any of this, the benefits of the, you know, some of these here? Again, I know that the Celtic salt contains about 82 different minerals, so it definitely contains more than just these, and perhaps they are in, or they're in a form that the body can quickly combine, right, in these proper combinations for its use. I mean, I definitely keep a bag next to me, and I take granules several times a day with my water. Yeah, well, I think the good salt is important, you know, to use rather than the, like, your Morton or stuff like that, that, you know, they say there's a lot of this here, like the plastics, stuff like that, that also gets mixed into it. Is there anybody else with a question or comment before we close? No, be bashful. Okay, well, Kat, I want to thank you for bringing this, this is very good information, and I sure appreciate you bringing it. We'll look forward to maybe continuing this next Thursday, Lord willing, okay, and we'll elaborate on it a little bit more, so, if there's anybody in reminder, I urge you to try the pulse balancing, the pulse synchronization exercise. Hopefully we didn't forget about it. Yeah, I've never heard of that, and but it is probably something that is very beneficial, you know, to its body kind of tuned up, so to speak. So, well, that technique was very interesting, I've never even heard of it doing that before, and so, it'll be another one that a guy could also practice along with the one where you tap the head and, you know, with your heart, the cortices technique, yes. Yep, so I find the pulse synchronization is really good, as I settle in for the night, because like I said, I don't even make all the way around. I just settle into a particular pair of pulses, and it's just that rhythmic beating when they synchronize, and it's just well, you're right to sleep, though. Well, I must be out of tune, because I've been having a hard time sleeping, but anyway. Okay, with that, if there's no other questions, we'll go ahead and close, so if there's anybody that's new on the call, that does not receive the notices for the two Thursday night calls and would like to receive them. You can send Phyllis an email, she'll want your first name, your state, who invited you to the call and a phone number. We do not share any of your contact information, but if there's somebody that would want to reach out to you, they will send Phyllis an email, and she will forward it on to you, and then it'll be up to you to reach out to them at your convenience. So, Phyllis, you want to give out your email? Yes, I will. It's Blue Ridge, 1-1-2-1, at, Blue Ridge, 1-1-2-1, at, and if you're not getting the notices right now, just send me an email and ask to be added, and there will just give you all the details there. It gives you the attachments that we put on the notice, and gives you a lot of linkage to other things that we've talked about in the past. So, I yield. Okay, with that, I guess we can close in a word of prayer, unless there's anybody with the last minute question. Don't forget the prayer call. Okay, yes. So, if there's anybody that got a last minute question, just speak up, and tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. Eastern time, we meet for a prayer call at 605-313-5583 with the access code of 768-918-pound, and that is at 9 a.m. Eastern time, and we usually meet for about an hour or so. So, you're all welcome to join, and we know that this country has neglected, you know, bring your burdens unto the Lord, and we know this country has a lot of burdens to bear, and we need to get back on track and return back to the good way, which was the principles God gives to follow. So, with that, Heavenly Father, we come before you to thank you, Lord, for the information that was shared this evening, some of the many things that you have provided for us naturally in nature that are readily available, that are the tiff for hands, if we know what we're looking for, and we just thank you, Lord, for the knowledge that was shared this evening. We thank you, Lord, for Cat and for willingness to present this and share this with each of us, that we may be able to be able to self-govern by taking care of ourself and not be dependent on another, as we just many times have the things that are tiff or fingertips, but just don't understand how to apply it, and we just thank you for the information that was shared, and we just ask you, Lord, to continue to draw us closer to you each day, we ask you to prepare the way before us, just guide and direct our steps and help us to have the desire to seek truth and apply it, and to effectively live a more healthy life for your glory in the name of Yeshua, we commit all things into your hands, amen. This session is no longer being recorded. Well, thank you, Cat, again, you're a real true blessing, and we appreciate your information again, so I can't say it enough, so Lord, be with you. My pleasure, blessings to all. Good night, everyone. Good night. Good night, all. Good bye. 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