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Radio Ranch with Roger Sayles


2h 24m
Broadcast on:
11 Jul 2024
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Activate that, awaken that stem cells in your bone marrow, hit the bones, using the future of medicine, which is frequency. This is your time. Grab your wand device right now. For more information on the iTerraCare Classic Terahertz Frequency Wand, go to That's If you're moving and focused on freedom, you're listening to the Global Voice Radio Network. ♪ ♪ ♪ Touch the ridge, feed the pole, tell her I know rich no more ♪ Yes, we do. We would love to change the world. Roger, step away from the microphone for just a moment, and he'll probably realize that it's 10 o'clock straight up central time. Welcome to the Radio Ranch with Roger Sales 4. Uh, let's see, we've got Thursday, July 11th, all day today, I guess. And let's see, make sure everything else is working, yeah, it appears to be. We're on a number of platforms. We're on and We're also on 106.9WBOUFM in Chicago, and because it's Thursday, we're also on It's thanks to our buddy across the pond. We're also on home, channel hn4, streamline,, golivetv and streamlife.tubes, that is thanks to WDRN Productions, Fort Collins, Colorado. Check out those websites, particularly home, lots of fun stuff going on there. More Roger. Morning, Paul. Sorry, I got a little behind in my work there, evidently. Welcome. Yeah, a little more, probably in more ways than one. So here we go on the old radio ranch. We've had some quite spirited shows this week, haven't we? So let's see, how do we start here today? Wow, it's just so much happening, you know, let's start here. I've been talking about this for years, and so has another guy, and I've heard him call in a couple of times and get through to Harrison, at least, and maybe others, but he had definitely been Harrison in the morning there, and railing about what's her damn name, Harris, this vice president. How do you pronounce your name name? Kamala. Kamala, excuse me. Sorry, Kamala, and I brought this up back when they had the election, you know, and that is this issue of natural born citizens. Kamala Harris is not a natural born citizen. In the constitution, it's a requirement. President vice president, you got to be a natural born citizen. He has brought it up through the whole four years they've been on, except this guy. I've heard call in a couple of times, Alex Jones, he's pretty well grounded, not Alex Harrison. He's got a lot of facts, not tight, like we do, but he's got a lot of those facts, and he kind of understands what's going on, he understands definitely with her. But it's in the constitution, the president and the vice president have to be natural born citizens. They're considering people that are birthright citizens because they're born in the United States to be natural born citizens, and that's just not true. And it's not true on the face of the constitution, if only from this line of reasoning. The constitution was written in the 1770s, back then, right? And that's when that was put in there. There was no birthright, Susan, for another almost hundred years. It could only have meant one thing, therefore, and they were very conscious of people having foreign allegiances, and they didn't want someone in those positions who didn't have a total allegiance to the country through the birthright of both of their parents being born there, and then them being born there. That's a natural born citizen. Barnes doesn't even have this correct, because I've heard him talk about it a while back. And so from the origin of the constitution all the way up to the birthright citizenship, there was only one status for them to be, and that was a state citizen. And natural born citizens, therefore, could only mean that their parents had to be born in the country, and they had to be born in the country, so there was no foreign attachment or potential alliance. Now here's the dialectic of that, Kathleen Harris, why is her name blank on me all of a sudden? Good Lord Kamala Harris, Kamala Harris, their, her parents, her mother was Indian and her father was Jamaican, and they were here, not as American citizens. They weren't even naturalized, they were here at school. And obviously between breaks, they had extra-curricular activity, and Kamala was born, okay? Sleep. It must have been during study hall or something, you know? And must have been. So, I mean, here's the difference in what I set up right there. Kamala Harris could go to Jamaica today, where her family owned slaves, by the way. That's true, and she could run for office down there in the legislature, or even I guess president of Jamaica. So do you want someone sitting in either one of those positions that could go to another country that she's got firm attachments to through to Redmond, and run for office there? Well, you don't want that. And so, this guy, okay, well this guy called in again to Harrison, I've heard him call in a couple of times, and the nice thing about Harrison is he'll let a caller run. He won't interrupt, like Alex, and he just let them run until they're finished, you know? That's why I think maybe if we were ever going to get a shot on there, it's get to Harrison, because he'll listen, okay? And so this guy's called in there a couple of times, and he got in, I'm still behind on my listening, so I'm just now listening to yesterday's programs over there. But I think it was like Monday, and he gets in there, and Harrison lets him talk, and he goes, "Well, it's a, you know, I'm just a one trick pony, and I'm going to go over this again." And he goes over it. Now, Harrison stops him, and he says, "This is coming up in other places." So for the first time, evidently, in some of the other platforms, people, and I don't remember which ones, are coming out and talking about this, okay, important ones. And so thank God it's being raised, and Harrison said, "You've really got my interest now," so he told him to hold, and the producer's going to take his information, and they're going to schedule him on there for an extended segment here, what, next seven days sometime. So look, you want to talk about taking the legs right out from under the Democrats? Get this information spreadin' around, let's get it some legs. Now they got nothing to fall back on. They can't even let Biden stay in and get elected, and then assassinate him or kill him or something, and then ordinarily, she'd rise up, and they want to bring Hillary Clinton in, and then they knock her off and Hillary Clinton's the president. Roger, I have a question. If that doesn't make you like a shiver like a dog passing a persimmon seed, there's something wrong with you. Hey, Sherry, good morning. How do you do? Hi. Hi. I'm well. There's already been a precedent set. Wasn't Biden under, had an operation, and Kamala served as president for a day or so? Well, may have been, I'm not sure, but she's not qualified. That's why they're not qualified to be in the vice president's situation either, 'cause something like that, and then all of a sudden, they're presidency. But she is not qualified to be there, her or anybody else, that's the birthright citizen. Well, you know, we had, in the Trump election, we had Ted Cruz, the senator from Texas that was running. He's a Canadian, folks. He's not even natural born, I don't believe, okay? Even birthright citizenship. So hopefully, this issue, which is incredibly important, especially as an advantage to the freedom side right now, because she's sitting firmly in that seat that she's been in for almost four years, which she's not qualified to be in, period, okay? So we'll see as this mess goes forward, but this, and this new world order bunch, they have painted themselves into a hell of a corner, okay? I bet you absolutely don't know which way to turn, and every way to turn is almost less desirable than sticking with poopy pants here. Yes, Paul. And according to the incorporation doctrine, where they literally filleted the Constitution and brought over what they wanted and chucked the rest, I wonder if the birthright, the natural born citizen clause is in the corporate charter that they're using as a constitution. It may not be there, but if it's not there, if it's not, then the way to address this would be to take the original Republic Constitution and the actual incorporation doctrine document and show the differences. And then that would be great. And I would assume that they still have that in the Constitution because it was brought up with Obama, if you'll remember. And what happened with them, with Obama, was he was a natural born citizen, but they couldn't let it out because his father was an avowed communist jazz writer in Chicago. Frank Lloyd Davis, I think, was his name. If you've ever seen that movie that came out during the Obama years that somebody put together about this very topic, if you see a picture with Frank Lloyd Davis next to Obama, I mean, man, there's a bit of an image. They're like Hillary and Chelsea, okay? She looks like Webb Hubble, and I'm sure she's where Hubble's daughter, okay? And where did Obama start his political career as a community organizer in Chicago? Well, in Chicago, of course. And what happened to that, evidently, is he was pretty active in the Communist Party, and they sent him to Hawaii to organize labor unions in protest and stuff. And the mother's father was a CIA agent that worked in a furniture store in Seattle or somewhere out there in the Northwest, and the CIA, seeing the buildup of the communist activity in Hawaii, sent him out there to oversee it and see what was happening. And that's where they met. Ryan. Okay, so they couldn't say, hold on, they couldn't say he was a natural born citizen because of his father, so that's how they conjured up this whole Kenya deal. But you see, if he was Kenya, they're saying he's born in Kenya and stuff, okay? But this one with Kamala Harris, this is going to pop up. But I've been wondering for four years why the Republicans hadn't been dinging around this, okay? I mean, really, no, I've never heard anybody in the establishment up there even bring this up about her, okay? But it's true, and it may come to the forefront more. It evidently is getting some legs, and, you know, for my lifts to God's ear, maybe we get some traction on this because you want to think they're screwed up now, boy, you throw this little wild card in there, sketch, do you have something to say? Yeah. Do you think that one second sketch, do you think that the Republicans haven't said anything about this and haven't jumped all over Kamala is because they're two wings of the same bird Republican Democrat? I mean, why hasn't this been brought up by Trump and his team or anybody over there on that side of the line? It just doesn't make sense. But I've never heard it brought up, and that may have been I didn't hear it, okay? But I've never, that I can remember, and I remember I'm old, but I've never heard it brought up by anybody on the other side as, "Hey, Kamala shouldn't and can't be there, and let's bring this up, and let's take this to Congress, or let's take this to the courts." Okay, sketch. Yes, it's interesting, before the show, I put in a, in the chat, a article link to Howard Kunsler stating a nightmare scenario where Biden takes out Kamala and put in Obama as vice president, "Wow, what a nightmare that would be." That's an interesting theory, Obama could run the country. I think Obama's been running the country partially, evidently from all this stuff I've been hearing, somebody who was saying that, a stenographer that was Biden's stenographer from 2011, and then he did a stint with Trump, and he said, "Biden's absolutely totally evil, and Trump's a real good guy, and is exactly what he portrays himself as being." But he was saying that Biden has something on Obama, and the question was what is about his homosexuality, and the guy said, "Yeah, I think that's what it was." So Obama evidently has something on Biden, no, Biden has something on Obama, so it's a real mess, okay, and these guys with all their lives and all their contortions and all the crap they've been doing, they have really painted themselves in quite a corner here, and every day that goes by that they don't do something, it gets more critical for him. Yes, good morning, has that Tom, is that Tom D there that I hear? Yeah, that's me. Yeah, circle back to sketch, though, he's got something to add. Oh, yeah, go ahead and finish up a bit. I just wanted to say, you know, Chicago, Macoste, and those for a, you know- Oh, of course. Absolutely, absolutely. Hey, Tom, how are you doing, my friend? Alrighty, man. Listen, who are you doing? Obama's father? I think his name is Frank Lloyd Davis. Frank Marshall Davis. Oh, there's somebody. Frank Marshall, anyway, I got two out of three. Frank Marshall Davis. No, that's okay. Yeah, because I wasn't sure, because if you take a picture and you put Obama Jr. in the middle of Obama's, supposedly, Obama's Sr. on the left, and Frank Marshall Davis on the right. And you look, you'll see that he's almost a spit damage of Frank Marshall Davis. I mean- And that's what the whole birth certificate issue was. It was a smoke screen. Correct. You get everybody so screwed up that he was a Kenyan that they weren't going to look over here and see, oh, wait a minute, Frank Marshall Davis, he's got a phone book file about the FBI on communism and all the other crap. So, yep, yep, yep. Oh, they see though, they keep doing this stuff and they just keep digging themselves deeper. And they may be at the end of the hole here. It's going to be real interesting to see how they handle it. The whole internal parties evidently in disarray. There's all kinds of splits in there. A bunch of the donors are going away saying we're not giving any more money. And so it's just real interesting. Keep your finger on the pulse. I think this camel hair is not being a natural born citizen thing is going to come up. So, we'll see. Okay. But anyway, I was gratified that some guy was on the same page with me for all these years. And one lone voice in the forest calling Indian for wars. And now that's that and whatever caused the other people to get some traction on this issue. And maybe with Harrison having him on and exposing this to that audience. It'll generate some more press and talk. And let's just paint him a little tighter in that corner. Oh, who else? If they don't have her, there's hardly anybody else. She'll are used to spies all over the country. Gavin Newsom, who they're already kind of floating a little bit, finding back East to do interviews after the debate. And said he did some sort of a speech on Pennsylvania or something recently, poorly attended. Those best shots they got, folks. And Biden, Biden, I think they said Biden is more beatable, is less beatable than Hillary and all the others in 12 swing states. So it's going to be interesting. Let's say recycle. What's his name? The guy that got these out of it when Biden took her Hillary. Remember the, I can't think of his name. He's from like, Massachusetts or Connecticut. No, he's talking about a commie boy. Bernie Bernie Sanders, you know. Yeah. Yeah, you heard to drag him into there. Yeah. Did you see his T-shirts that he had made up before the election back then? Tom says, when I'm elected the first day, I'm going to plant all the trees where all the free stuff is going to come from. Yeah, I know. It's crazy. You know, these people remember when they had the, remember when was it Alex that did the Obama lady, Obama phone lady, and they're asking like, Oh, yeah. Where's Obama? Where's the old money come from? Obama's stash. You got a stash. He's got a stash. Boy, does he have a stash? Yeah. He was a community organizer. It's the only, only job he's ever had. And now he's got waterfront houses in Martha's Vineyard in Hawaii. Go figure. Who's the bartender? AOC. She was a broke bark and her Nazi's worth millions. Oh, my Lord. Okay. Well. He's also filed articles and impeachment against Alito and Thomas. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Right. Well, somebody came to the bottom against her. Amen. Oh, maybe her constituency will file it against her. So that's enough. That was on my mind. I just kind of thought we'd open up the program with it, get a little conversation going. It's going to be very important. I hope and thank down the line as this mess they've gotten themselves into, uh, uploads. So anybody else got anything to say on that issue? Anybody in the audience there? It just doesn't get any weird in the house. It's a three ring, sir, just every day. Yeah. And I mean, you know, it really, it doesn't really affect us. It does affect us somewhat. And it's just damn interesting, you know, really. And so much is weighing on it. And to see these guys backed into a corner in these moves they're having to make. Uh, and to see them fighting each other internally. It's just fantastic. And you notice the whole time this has really been breaking the last, what? Four or five days over the weekend, last weekend? She hadn't heard a peep from Trump. He just sitting back and letting him go through the hair pulling contest. Smart guy. Okay. Well, where else can we go? Look, we've had brisk shows this week. Yes, sir. Never interrupt your opponent. Enemy when he's in the process of destroying himself. Absolutely. And I think Trump has seasoned a bit in this political game, too, over the years. And should he get in? And hopefully it will. There's going to be a big battle over that. I mean, it's just unbelievable, man. What these creeps are doing, especially with these migrants in four months after entering the country, they've got a social security card, et cetera, et cetera. With other people, it takes years to get that. Yeah. Okay. Has tracked the citizenship. Yeah. Fast track to being able to vote and see if they can scam Biden in again. So anyway, does anybody else have any comments on that? There's somebody. Okay. Hold on. Okay. We'll talk right in your phone. You're a little skinny. You got any phones. So talk right into it, please. Oh, it's Sherry Roger. Can you know hear me? Yes, I can now. But when you're talking off to the side of the phone, it's very tinny. Okay. The SAVAC passed the house. The what is? The SAVAC where illegals cannot vote. Oh, yeah. Well, it's not going to go through the center to be signed by Biden, even if it does. So it's just a symbolic passage. Right. So included in that was the state had to purge their voting roles as well. Well, it's a little late for them to start. If they haven't done it already, there's been some efforts by some organizations that have gone around the country and tried to be working on that last couple of years and have had some success. How much success? I'm just not sure. Right. I agree. Roger. Bruce. Hello, Bruce. Good morning. It's a good morning. I'll just hope a lot going on. It's all a play. Trump's still president. And he's doing what he's got to do. And then this is going to turn out to be a revert to your country. Okay. Well, from your lips to God's ears, Bruce. Okay. Anybody else got something to chime in on here? Way in. You want to weigh in this morning? We can only hope that's the way it's going to shake out of. Yeah. Yeah. So nobody's got anything to weigh in. We got a mighty quiet on. They've been very active the last couple of days. What happened? Have you, have you been discussing the chevron decision a lot? I missed the estimate. It's been mentioned. I don't know that we've been discussing a lot. It's wonderful. We did have a little discussion about it on Tuesday. When we had our new guy, Dr. Leeland, on from Naples, and he brought it up, I thought that's pretty interesting that a doctor was aware of it. And I heard the name of the company that brought the suit. It was a small fishing company, and for those of you who didn't get in on this, it's really important decision. They came down with some really important decisions in the Supreme Court this time. And of course, they're out of session now. Clarence Thomas is probably in his RV driving somewhere around middle America. That's how he likes to spend his vacation. How would you like to be in a RV camp somewhere and Clarence Thomas pulls into the space next to you? Oh, hey, man. Gosh. Aren't you Clarence Thomas? Yeah, sure. I'm going to be able to sit there and talk to that guy one on one. One of the, oh, certainly in modern times, one of the great Supreme Court justices has never hit the court. Okay. So anyway, that's. I hope he finds a good one because for the last few years, before we got our house here, my wife and I were living in different parks in our motorhome. And it was miserable. I mean, these people were rude, obnoxious, you know, they just trashed into place. I mean, we rode around and looked at a dozen different RV parks that tried it. Oh, it's, you know what? That's what I wanted to do. I wanted to travel and, you know, my wife's sick of traveling because she'd been doing it since she was born. She sounds like me. How she probably, she probably moved 55 times since she was born. Yep. Being in the, you know, being a military brat and then in the military and then with the military with me and then doing government contracts and working nuclear power and traveling all over the dam country. Yep. Yep. You know, I thought, okay, I want to take her, I want to take her to like, you know, the road forest and all over the place. Yeah. We don't want to go. We live, well, it's, yeah, but you know, the experiences we had in RV parks is just, I mean, we have people, they'll be right next to us and they'd be, you know, the one guy, he, he pours a, he must pour a whole court bottle of starter fluid on his barbecue grill. And it just chokes us out of ours because we got the window shut. And, and, you know, you, you'd call the management and they go like, Oh, well, did you shut your windows? Yeah. No, I left them open. Don't ask. I mean, you know, just, just so rude. Um, you know, just, I don't know. I'm a driver. I just never do it again. I don't know. Well, I don't know if I should break into this, but it's one of the great stories from our family. The one that we, when, when we used to have Christmas and stuff together and every year they go, Roger, tell the story, tell the story. And, uh, okay, well, I'll, let me, let me deviate for a little bit. Maybe so. I told it on the air one time a while back with probably most people in here. So we were in Alaska. Of course, your wife was born on Elmendorf, right? Yeah. That's right. I'll ask it was territory, but Elmendorf and outside Anchorage, they've got two really big facilities, Elmendorf Air Force Base and Fort Richardson, a army base, which is a huge base for rich, just in the land that they appropriated with the base. Yeah, let me do something here just second. Y'all hold on just a second. Morning, Tom. How you doing? Hey, yeah, you know, they changed, they changed the name of Fort Hood now down here. And, uh, for, it's now a Cabalas, Fort Cabalas or something. But all the street signs, you know, for hoodry, they're still there, you know. So, I don't know. People still call it Fort Hood, but they, um, you know, they've, they've changed in the names of everything that we've been seeing them doing in the big road signs. You know, you're approaching Fort Cabalas, like what? Right. Yeah. Yeah, they didn't want any of the anything related to any Confederate general and all their crap. I don't names it. Renames everything when he gets back in and maybe even puts up some of those statutes. Anyway, we were up there in high school. We used to take the whole month off. You get a month off for vacation there in the summer in a big fishing family. And so we'd go fishing for a month and we'd go for two weeks around the Keeneye Lake, kind of inland a little bit. And there's a wonderful, beautiful two rivers called Russian River, Upper Russian River, Lower Russian River. It's all glacial fed. And those feed into this really fast moving river called the Keeneye River. I mean, it's fast. Okay. The big volume of water and these Russian rivers kind of feed in as a tributary to that below the lake aways. And in that river, the red salmon run, you know, there's about seven different varieties of salmon and the most prized, the one you're going to spend the most money for in the store, is called Sakai. And that's this red salmon. It's the best of all of them. And so we'd go there for two weeks and we'd have to hike into this, the minimum hike was a mile. The other hike was three miles. They had longer ones in there, but we'd hike a mile, mom, dad, and me. And generally, and we'd go in there, I think the limit was three per day. And we'd, you'd get them and lash them onto a backpack and walk a mile out, which is a lot, a long way with that much weight on your back when you're a kid. And I generally had to do the backpacking, you know, as things are in families. And so we would take then those reds, we'd freeze them, some of them, a lot of them, and take them down in the fall, another two-week trip in the fall down into the Kenai Peninsula and down just above the stunning city of Homer, Alaska, which we've talked about before on here, one of the most beautiful places I've ever been. And we'd fish for another variety of salmon called a silver salmon. And we'd pull our trailer down there and all that stuff and hang for two weeks and we had a guide down there and he became good friends and we had a smoke house and a canning operation and we'd smoke some of them, can, some of them, smoke and can, some of them, all that stuff. Just fantastic fresh salmon smoked, that red salmon smoked in a can for, I don't remember how many days and can't. And we ate off that stuff for ten years after we came home from Alaska. And those ones had been sitting there for ten years curing. Man, that's just, it just sends you to heaven with one bite. So anyway, we're down there and pulling in for the August trip down in a place called Anker River. Now that river was named after Captain Cook because right off of the river mouth it's where he threw anchor down for the first time when he was exploring in Cook Hillland discovering that whole area. And so Anker River and the silvers run there. All these different varieties of salmon run at different times of the summer. Okay. So the reds ran more in the middle part and the silvers run more in the hinge. And so we're down there catching those things and stuff. So when we pulled in the first day and pulled off the road by this bridge and went down a little ways and there was a campground there. It wasn't a fancy campground, Tom, like you're talking about. This is in the 60s in Alaska. It was pretty basic, you know. And so we pulled in with our little trailer and my grandmother was up there visiting. That's the other person that was along. So we pull in and there's a really nice air stream is the only other trailer in there. And air streams are expensive. I would say most of you know what they are. They're silver. They're curved on both ends. They're expensive. They're very luxurious. And so there's this big air stream in there and the people were out eating in front of them. And so we pulled our trailer in and we're getting set up camp and all that. And there was a, they put the trash in a 55 gallon drum trash can with a top cutout. And so the trash can was full. My dad was trying to put some stuff in there and it was full. And now remember he's Air Force officer. So everything's got to be done just the right way and it's very meticulous and all that kind of stuff. And so when we drive down, Tom, he would take Jerry cans. You know what a Jerry can is some of the audience might not, but it says five gallon. They're metal and they got a little slope corner on the top. And you can, because he could go on base and buy gas and he wouldn't have to stop in the interior of Alaska and pay the higher prices and the taxes and everything else. She didn't have taxes on gas. I don't believe on base. So anyway, and then we'd stop halfway when we needed gas and daddy get out and put the little money in it and fill up the gas tank and we'd just travel on. Well, there's always a little gas left in that can. If you've ever messed with these things, you know what I'm talking about. It's like there's always a little bit of milk left in the bottle of milk harder than that kind of thing. And so what dad did was he grabbed one of these Jerry cans and he went over to this full trash barrel and he dumped some gasoline in there to kind of, because he's going to burn that trash. Well, it had a little too much gas in it and he probably put a little too much gas in it. And so as the gas filtered down through all the trash, it got caught in pockets and was vaporizing. Okay. So he goes up and stands back and throws a match in that thing. You could have heard the explosion miles away and all of a sudden, here's all this trash from all this explosive activity going up in the air, right? Well, what we didn't know was that they've been using a porta potty over there in that air stream and they've been putting their disposal bags in the trash. And when that fire hit them, they melted. So all of a sudden we're sitting there and it was the day we refer to it as the day the shit fell from the sky. Because all of a sudden, here's all these plastic blop blop blop. It's full of fecal matter and my dad got incredibly humiliated. Okay. And the other people were out there feeding and they got up from their table and got in the air stream and packed it up and they left, okay? And my mother and grandmother and I were known and Dad see in the harder we left, the more humiliated and POD got. Okay. And we just sat there. I mean, this is one of those things you couldn't help but laugh, okay? And it was just really one of the highlights of funny stories of our whole family's upbringing. This is the day the fecal matter came from the fell from the sky, Paul. And some of the bags were being plastic. They caught on fire and so not only is the crap falling from the sky, but the bag is on fire at the same time. So it's like the 4th of July, man. So anyway, enough of the travels. I promise you that is a true story, okay? And my father, oh, he was humiliated. And don't talk to me. Don't talk to me. We couldn't even laugh and look at his direction. So we had to go behind the trailer or the door and just belly laugh, you know? But boy, it was a funny thing happening there. That's a true story. That's like a real crappy day. It was, it was. You never did that again. Hopefully, you know, but it was like a short shower, you know, a long thunderstorm. And I will bet he never ever did that again. Oh, of course not. But I mean, listen, the sound was so loud, the explosion was so loud. They heard it up at the store at the bridge about a, you know, half a mile away, man. And those people hauled butt boys real quick. I had no telling where they went. So anyway, we can sit here and talk about family stories and whatever and funny stuff or we can entertain some serious questions from the audience if there's any. We might have some new people on today. What's your favorite family story? Well, let's see. What have we not talked about for a while? Oh, we. Hey, can I butt in here a second? Sure. Hello. We've been begging for people. Yeah. You want to kiss an eye buddy and I've been begging for. Go ahead. Tom's story would trigger that story. Just before you were supposed to go on Fetch's show and I was hoping you were going to tell that on Fetch's show. But you can just imagine it a little slower the first time I heard it. Yeah. Right. All those things. But boy, it was a funny incident, man. And we laughed about it for. Well, we laughed about it. I'm going to think about it. Flaming bag. But you know what really made it even more what even made it funnier. You'd have to know my father and how he reacted because man was he humiliated. And the more humiliated he got the funnier he got. And just a wonderful story. Great memory. And the people who said trailer was for the bags of crap left, right? They all that real quick. They couldn't wait to get out of there. Oh my gosh. Hey, Roger. Yeah. Yeah, Tom. Let me tell you a story about my dad. What happened once and now this is kind of the reverse. We moved from New York to down of Pompano Beach when I was a kid. And we moved in and he worked for the phone company. He got transferred down there. And after a little while, this one supervised his boss was a real he was a real rebel. You know, he didn't like my dad because he was, you know, a Yankee and all that crap. So my father had fallen when we were living in New York. He fell two stories and basically screwed up his ankle, broke his ankle and pulled a bunch of plays. So he always had a little trouble with it. And he really couldn't use pole climbers anymore because of his ankle. So he's in. We're in. I think we had moved out to a. Margie at that time and he was working and he had a and back then they used these wooden oak ladders. I mean, really heavy summer gun ladders and because I couldn't lift them 13 14. I couldn't pick them up. They were so heavy. So he asks his other, I guess somebody in between my father and this big supervisor. You say, Hey, you know, my ladder's got a bad rung on. I'm going to go off that other truck. And, you know, until they can replace it, that guy's on vacation. He had no problem. So he's walking across part of a lot. He's got the ladder and he's and the big boss comes out and he goes like, what are you doing with that ladder? He says, well, mine's got a broken lung. And you just want it to be. He says, well, you got to use your climber because he knew my dad had a bad leg. And he uses climbers was really hard for him. And so he they got in with some big argument about it. And so he put the ladder back, put his back on and took off. So from what he told me was a couple hours later, he called in the office and talked to him. He says, I need somebody bringing me a ladder. I told you to use your climbers. He said, yeah, but I'm having a tough time at this area. He says, it's almost really hard. You know, so he says, you wait right there. And the guy dries out there. It's like an hour and a half. And he was back in the swamp area of this, of that, that part of the city, I guess, where it was. So he comes up and he says, all right, well, where's this pole? You can't use your climbers on it. He pointed over as a concrete telephone pole. And the guy was so mad. He said, my father, he was going to have a heart attack right there on the spot. And just, you know, and he just smiled all the way back. He just followed me. Good try. And Peter. That's it. Corporate. That's it. Yeah, corporate employment. Sure is fun. Trying to see who can climb the corporate ladder of the fastest and best. Okay. So audiences, we can continue. If you're new or something, you got questions or comments. We can continue to do old family stories and stuff where we can answer your questions, which is why you're taking time out of your day to be here. Hey, Roger. Well, there's Dave right there. He doesn't usually have a question, but he might have a comment. Hi, Dave. Hi. I do have a comment. Hey, Tom. You know, I lived when I graduated from high school. I lived in Pompano Beach on the corner of Northeast 14th Street, Causeway in 1977 to '79. It was pretty cool there. But they call Fort Hood now Fort Kavossels. And, you know, there's an old saying, you can take a Texanada, Texas, but you can't take a Mexicanada, Fort Kavossels. Especially if they're illegal men, being housed there. That's a pretty big army base Fort Hood too, isn't it? Yeah. It's the largest military base in the free world. This is the way my buddy who was based there, how he explained it. The one that I've heard that it was the biggest in the system is Eggland Air Force Base in the Panhandle. And that's because they claimed the Gulf of Mexico as part of the base so they can do all that weapons testing and stuff. Don't know a comparison between the two, but that one's a big one too. So we got any, yeah, go ahead. Real quick, Dave. I lived at 7th Avenue and 33rd Street from 69 to 71, I think. And then we moved out to Margate. And that's when the, I don't know if you ever heard of Coral Springs, but back then, Coral Springs was a dirt road and a billboard. And now it's a huge metropolis. Oh, yeah. I went back in like, in the 80s. I can't remember when, but my God, between 79 to, you know, 80, you know, four. I can't remember when the heck it was, but what a difference. Oh, my God. I can't remember what it would be like now. Send me an email with your phone. I'd like to talk to you some more. I don't want to tie up the show. Tom at Republic Broadcasting dot org. Dave in the thumb. You got my number. Oh, Dave the thumb. Yeah. Oh, oh, oh, that's you. Yeah. Oh, okay. I don't, I don't, I have a hard time unless I see people face-to-face, I have a hard time sometimes putting them together with their name. Oh, okay, never mind. I'll have to, I didn't know you lived down there. So, all right, I'll give you a call these days. Okay. I don't believe you. Sorry, Roger. Tom, you were either talking to Dave or his evil twin, but I think they share a phone. We're just quilting the quilts around here today. Um, so is there any listeners with questions or comments? New ones preferably might have some new ones today. We've had a couple of new folks this week. That's always wonderful. Nope. Nobody. We've talked about revocation of elections. Oh, I got questions. I got lots of questions. Good. Well, who are you? I have. Are. There's a different microphone. Oh, hey, hey. This is Mark, all caps because your name in all capital letters does not convey jurisdiction. Uh, yeah, Roger has, I've been going through the revocation of election and trying to pair it down from a 13 page opus. Memorandum of law to something that's more manageable. Um, notice there's a mindset and even for myself, it's a tricky. It's a tricky phrase that people need to be aware of. And that is when you run across the words within the United States. Oh, yes. You become a national. And trust me, you're going to win. This is like the, the, you know, you buy your car and all of a sudden you see it all over the road. Right. It's like, oh, there's a car like mine. Oh, there's another car. Yeah, right. Yeah. Have I never noticed they were out here before? Right. Yeah. So this, this phrase, I would, I would really appreciate it. If you kind of explain it, uh, the differences of within the United States and how that applies to us being nationals. Well, the first time that I ever heard the phrase within and without was early on as we covered it in the slaughterhouse cases. And in the finding of the slaughterhouse cases from 1871, first benchmark case, first case, first impression, et cetera, several different ways to identify them. It was the first Supreme Court case that had anything to do with the recently passed for ratified 14th amendment. And so if you don't know about that case, it may help to make the point to give you a little background on the case. Louisiana. Louisiana has been really important in this. There've been a lot. Unless he was out of Louisiana slaughterhouse cases was out of Louisiana. It's been quite prevalent in the development of this. I don't know why necessarily. But, um, around New Orleans, you got, of course, there's a lot of French influence down there. Okay. Bought it from France and all that, Lafayette, all that stuff. And so what was happening was a lot of Frenchmen had come over there and established plantations. Do you know about this, Mark? No, I don't think so. Okay. It was very interesting because the slaughterhouse case. Slaughterhouse cases, right. And so what was happening was the French being the French. Well, they were on their plantations and they were butchering their animals and they'd take the meat off and everything they wanted. And they just go down to the river and throw the remainder in the river. Well, it was going down the Mississippi River and enough of them were doing it. And those carcasses would get caught around the water intake valve because they pulled the water and drinking water from New Orleans out of the Mississippi River. And so, uh, yeah, you can make sure you go. All right. And, uh, the frogs again, right? And so Louisiana passed a law under the public health, the auspices of their powers. And they said, you can't slaughter your animals at your, uh, at your place anymore. We're going to set up these slaughterhouses around the state. And now you got to travel to the slaughterhouse and slaughter your animals there and they will get rid of the remnants. Well, if some of those people, it took them a long time to get to the slaughterhouse and back and probably cost them money and stuff. And so they started filing suits in the, in the Louisiana courts there all over the place. And they, there were so many of them that that's why it's called the slaughterhouse cases plural because they lumped them all together. And it went up the system and it went up to the Supreme Court. And as I said, it was the case of first impression, first time they had anything to do with the recently falsely ratified 14th amendment. And so in the decision, they're kind of talking to the French butchers and they said, look, we empathize with you and we sympathize with you. But you're white butcher, you're white, uh, French and America butchers here. And this amendment, because they brought it up under the privileges and immunities clause of the 14th amendment. And they said, well, this amendment is clearly written for black former slaves. You're white butchers come back to us and bring it to some grounds which we could consider. And your position is without the United States and not within the United States. So that's the first time I had heard the within and without. And then later on in my Patriot Act path here, we came upon somewhere, somebody pointed out title 28 section 1746. You're familiar with that, Mark, I would have said. Yeah, go ahead, Roger. Well, that's treasury 28 and there's a section that section 1746 is on jurats. Those are penalties perjury. And if you'll go to the United States code, you'll see the two different penalties of perjury. And one is labeled within the United States and the other is labeled without the United States. And the one that's labeled within the United States says exactly the same thing as the one without the United States except for this. And without it says United States of America. And everything is truly correct. Well, the other one without is the United States of America. So there's your difference is pretty clear. One's a state citizen or anything done without the federal government on the outside and the other is within the federal government and leaves off of America. Now, for those of you who filed in half a day, but you may not have noticed, but intentionally in the sample half a day, we've got up, it uses the without jurat. Okay. So there's the difference. There's two forms of government. It's just like go to title 42 in 1983 and 1986, the privileges of the immunities of the citizens of the United States are equivalent to those of the white citizens. Well, there it is again. Okay, different labels, but, but there's the two different governments right there again. It's when you know what you're looking for, you can find it all over the place. But just like we were saying with the white cars a minute ago, if you're, you can read those statutes to your blue in the face. And if you're not aware of what's going on, you're probably not going to catch it. Ironman. Yes, Ferris. Good morning. Greetings from math is then. I just wanted to mention before we get too far from it. That one of the major military installations on the East Coast at its forebrag where I was made into a man from a boy by the eighty second airport paratrooper trainers. That his name of course has been changed also, is all of them have. It's a typical marks of revolution. That is now for sure. Can you imagine forebrag who was named after men with white skin, and any white skin man is gone now in favor of the word liberty. Which of course was a compromise. They wanted to name it after one of these, you know, Biden, Brown, invasion people who came in and of course real men sort of. The 82nd Airborne went to him and said, "We ain't following this after any of Brown's kids illegally fader." We're going to call it after the word liberty. Because they knew the white skin man's name had to go, right? Because why we laid down on the job for 50 years and let it screw up and corn hole us in ways that you could never imagine. And now we're done, right? Now we're toast, but now we're nationals. So we're sitting in the dock of the bank watching the sky. Well, we have quite an advantage because our enemies still recognize that, which just amazes some people. I spent many trips up there to Fayette-Nom. Fayette-Nom, North Carolina, who are for liberties, is now located. So I empathize with you. Okay. FLB, WFLB was the local AM radio station there, I believe. So thank you, Ferris. Joe, Joe, did you have something to add? I know you're muted. We got some kind of interference there. He's bouncing around in the truck. Yeah, bounce on with some background noise. Joe, what you got? That's okay, man. We're not shaming you. Well, I just didn't know if he had a comment to make or not. He had waited for a place to get in there. Joe might be driving around on those gay John Deere tractors. Gay? I haven't. John Deere tractors. Little inside joke. I got your email, Joe. So, Mark, what else is happening besides the within and without? That's pretty clear explanation, wasn't it? Two good examples. Yeah, it is. I just want to bring that out to people because if you start looking at regulations and law, this is what I love about what you brought to the world, Roger, is right up front with the 26 CFR 1.1-1. It quickly separates the national from all that junk. It gets to the nitty gritty real quick of the tax that you are liable for. But as you read through any of this other stuff, if you happen to be glancing through it, it's easy to think that, "Oh, that applies to me." And they're talking about the United States. If it says the semi-United States, it does not apply to the national. That's correct. Paul, a bid I do to our Chicago crew. Yes, 106.9 WBOU FM Chicago. And radio Thank you so much for joining us for the first hour of the show. If you want to follow us into the second hour, please switch to or and you can grab the other live stream links, or Global Voice Radio Network, or you can join us on the show via Zoom or FCC. Those links are there too. Thank you, Chicago, and thank you, Radio soapbox. Yep, if you guys want to come on over, there may be some more good family stories in the second half. There might be, "Hey, join us and bring some of your own." Mark, let's get serious here. And I'm glad you joined us. I don't know if I can get serious, so I'll get some more confidence. Okay, well, maybe I'll go get one, a cup, that is. The reason I say that is because I had an urgent request for a private consult last night from some established students, part of our family down in Georgia, Mike and Stacy. And I got on the phone with them, and it was an IRS situation, and I've never been confronted with this one before. Okay. And let's see, last time he filed was 2019, and he filed his affidavit in '22, I believe. So he was so p-o'd at him, and Joe blasted anxious to get out of it that he probably maybe skipped a step or two, 'cause he had 20 and 21 where his accountant had filed extensions, and it's just been hanging right there as extensions. So he gets a letter from a guy, very interesting. Stacy did some work on this guy, I won't use this, I couldn't remember his name, actually. Anyway, she did some research on the guy, they exchanged a letter to, you know, got one from him, answered it back, got another one back, okay. And so the wife is looking him up, and this guy makes 187,000 a year for the IRS. He lives in Atlanta, but he's stationed out of the Austin Service Center. Interesting. And so he's writing them, and he's going, "Look, we've got somebody who filed returns here with your name, and we're wanting to know if you filed them." And so Mike, the husband, was freaked out thinking that they might be setting him up for something, and he's all nervous, and they're going to come after me and grab me. I said, "I don't know, they're not going to do that. They got a due process, it takes a long time, they just don't come out and grab stuff, and you're in the early stages of something here." So have you ever heard of that before? Then writing somebody and say, "We got returns filed in your name, and we're trying to verify that it was you." No, I haven't. Well, be either, okay. So we're going to learn, well, we're going to learn on this one together, and as a group too, as it goes forth, their reply is due on the 25th or 27th of this month. So we talked about it, and they told me the situation, and I said, "Well, let's play cat and mouse with a guy a little bit," and writing back and giving, they requested his ID and stuff, and he said, "Well, I'll send them both the passport and book and the passport card." And then we discussed a couple of things, and I said, "Why don't you?" Because he was going to write back and say, "Well, he's got one for 2019, they wanted a copy of the last year he'd filed." And I didn't want him to send the 19, because that shows that he hadn't filed in 2020 yet. So I said, "Well, why don't you just write him back and just say that you're under your account, and it's filed for extensions, and it hasn't moved forward." He shouldn't be obligated at all for one of them, 22, I think, because he filed the affidavit in 22, I believe. And so, is Stacy's issue? No, that's true, it's for the year. Okay, well, I'm pretty sure that he didn't file in 22, which means he wouldn't be liable to pay in 23, and certainly not now, because he had his affidavit and he put him on notice. So I just suggested that the write back send him what he requested, the copies of the ID stuff, and maybe include another copy, because he sent on these which applies. He's been sent, and a copy of his affidavit included in it, and put a copy of the affidavit in there again. And then asked him, said, "Well, looks, and I'm kind of concerned that somebody's been filing in my name. Could you please send me copies of those returns that have been filed in my name?" And I think that's what they're going to do and sent him at the end of the month, so we'll see how the volleys get back and forth. But isn't that an interesting situation? I mean, I thought I'd just about been presented with every IRS situation under the sun all these years, but boy, here's a new one come down the left field. What do you think? That is interesting. It makes me a little leery, you know, if they're trying to get him to confirm that he did file. I don't know. But I do know something, if he filed his affidavit in 2022, then it looks like the farthest he could go back potentially would have been, you know, 2020. So if he's got tax issues with 2019 and even possibly 2020 at this point, he's going to be kind of stuck with us. Right. And I mean, I feel like they've got the money if it comes out to it. Just pay it if you owe it. And here's somebody that really didn't, he was so anxious to get out of the system. And I'm not shaming Mike. They're really nice people. But here's one place that if you're in that caught in that little deal, are you out and filed and you want to do this, go back and pay that stuff and get the slate clean. And then there's no potential of stuff like this happened. See. And so it may be that that's. I'm sorry. Yeah, go ahead. What did you say, Mark? Well, that's what I like about working with our students. Most of them have had with helping or with holdings. So they're not owing a big tax amount for the most part. Right. And so it's the safest position to be in is if you've already, you know, had withholding or paid the tax in, you can always go back and amend your tax return as a national and go for a refund. So that's the safest place to be the people that really get in trouble. When they haven't had any withholdings, they haven't paid a tax that might elect that they owe. And then they get in trouble, you know, and they get penalties and interest filed on that. And then the amounts even bigger. So, and I didn't think of that last night. Hold on, Mark, I didn't think of that last night when I was talking to him. But should this guy, so the first question is, why would this big high power guy dealing in this specialized thing of identity or something? There was some specialized unit he was in that makes 187,000 years pretty good paycheck, isn't it? I mean, I know I hadn't been gone that long. And even in inflationary times, that's a pretty good stick of money on an annual basis, excuse me, currency. And so why would they stick him on this? Is question A and I did not think about the revocation of election. So if it ever gets into any problem, he can just go ahead and come out of pocket, take the penalties and interest they're going to add on to that because he hadn't finished it up and paid those one or two years. Send them the funds and then turn around and do a revocation of election. Yeah, absolutely. When you're talking about the 187,000, you're talking about what the IRS agent makes. In other words, he's a high level IRS agent. I don't want anybody to use. No, it's for the IRS agent. That must be a highly paid agent. Anyway, is there something special about him being on this case? I can't imagine him making this much of a flit over two years of not paid back taxes for somebody that owns a body repair shop. So anyway, it's going to be interesting to see is that one develops and I said, let's get him with what he asked, getting the passport IDs, the IDs. They're looking for this, a question of identification, according to the initiator of this, this IRS guy. And then let's ask him for the documents and let's just volley with him for a while and see if we can drag him out to what they're trying to get here. Yeah, I like that. I always like asking questions. I think they're getting desperate because a lot of people are not filing anymore, but I think it was a safe thing that you told them to ask for the information, go on the passport and see who filed those refunds or the returns. I mean, Mr. IRS agent, this is gigantic fraud. If somebody is filing 1040 forms in my name with my information on it to the point where your question, if it was me or not, can you please send me a copy of that? And I can tell you right off the bat, whether I filed it or not. So you kind of continuing to back him up, give him a little bit of what he wants and back them into a corner and let's see what they're after. And even if they do have to file, they can do the 1040 X and 1040 NR to get their money back. No. Well, you didn't pay the money in. That's the easy. He's got it. If questionable years, 20 and 21, he's going to have to pay that in before he can go back and claim to get it back. It's not sitting there. Well, it may be. He could do a 1040 NR. If you haven't already filed a 1040, then you can do a straight up 1040 NR without the 1040 X and, and, you know, all that. You see, there's two years he was, he was, he was still a citizen in the United States. He wasn't a national back in those two years. See, that's the problem. Well, but if he files his revocation of election, you should be able to file a regular 1040 NR for those, those two years. Okay. Well, listen, it's still speculation here at this point, but what we'll do, and I, I imagine Mike and Stacy are listening. What we'll do is just wait and see how this plays out and worst case scenario, they're going to come after him and say, pay the money. And so he goes ahead and does the filing and then turns around does a replication of election for it because those would be the latest ones to go three years back and he could probably put 19 in there too. So he did follow this. Yeah. So, well, anyway, I want to run that. Right. I want to run past use. I'm glad you're here. I've been, as I said, exposed to it. And I want to tell the audience. Anybody else gets anything like this, let us know because this is a, this is a purple unicorn. Roger, another thing that's important. Yeah. Another thing that's important for Stacy and Mike to include a copy of the affidavit, no matter what, even if because if they filed their affidavit in 22 to include it in there so they know that they are messing with. Right. Not a US citizen anymore or resident, it's a national. So, well, he's got it on file with this. Right. He did his original notification in the first volley that he sent back. He sent one letter and response back that got this other third, a second response and he included it with that too. And I told him to include it with this also, you know. Yeah. So, just to let him know, and it'll be interesting. I'll keep y'all informed as we get further down the path on this course that we've kind of set out. I think they would, I think they would be twice or even more than that, seeing that affidavit there. Well, it's funny because we usually don't get anything from them back to anybody that's got an affidavit on file. Over all of these years, you know, so this one is unusual. And it's just going to be interesting to see how it pans out and I wanted to let you know about it, Mark. And could might drag you into this and let the audience know about it so they could keep a heads up on something like this happening. Usually, if you're new and still quizzical and apprehensive about this, we just usually don't hear from these people. Might say, you know, we've received your correspondence days and so and so and we're going to go back and review your file for 60 days and then you never hear from them again. Do they, in the current notice or correspondence that they got from the IRS that they say that they acknowledge the non-resident alien that they are non-resident alien? They did not. No, no, didn't acknowledge it or anything, just asking about these returns that were filed and they were questionable to the IRS supposedly and they were inquiring. So, if I remember, that's about all we've got at this stage, so it'll be interesting. I'll keep you all abreast. Does anybody have any comments or anything on that? Sorry for the jet flying over. We're in the landing pattern today. If not, it may be very beneficial for the audience. Just second, Dave, for the audience to go over the IRS procedure as they contemplate these sorts of things of dealing with you delinquent taxpayers. Yes, Dave. So, I'm wondering how well he knows his accountant because if the IRS agent isn't lying and somebody did file, who could have done it but his accountant? I don't know. Don't know. We'll find out more as we go along. So, here's what goes on with the IRS. They get in a situation maybe like this one. They throw out that he's a national. So, they get into a failure to file a situation. And so, they start sending you the little letters. If you haven't filed this one, you'll see that, and I don't remember, unfortunately, the number of it. There's a series of four of them. You know, there's a little booklet. Have you ever seen that booklet marked? It has every form letter that they send out. I don't remember if it's just IRS or it's the federal government at all. And they've all got a number, okay, in what type the letter is and saw it on this IRS stuff. The first one that you'll usually receive is this, oh, Mark, well, we haven't received your tax returns for 19, 20, 21, and 22. If you've already filed those, please disregard this correspondence. But if you haven't, we might have to ask you to come in with some of your books and records. You've seen those, right? I'm sure there's plenty of a number of people in the audience that may have seen those over the course of their adult lifetime. Well, what John always thought was that that was a commercial document under the commercial code called the confirmatory writing. Are you familiar with those Mark confirmatory writings? I've never heard of that confirmatory. Well, it's a contract and it's over in specialty contracts in the UCC along with the 1040 form called the statute staple. And what it is is a specialty contract that where the merchants, it's a merchant to merchant contract and the merchants are both apprised to know the contents of the writing. And if you don't expressly deny it within 10 days, it's considered accepted and you're in the contract. And that's what John always thought they were doing at this front end here because it is a voluntary system. But yet they got to get you in some sort of a contract. And what do most patriots do when they see that come in the mail? Well, they go, well, I ain't volunteering and they throw it in the trash can. Well, and then it's to them 10 days later, they're in a contract at the front end. It's just one of these tricky merchant folks. This is why they use the merchant code are things like this right here. Okay. So for anybody that is still under the illusion that it's Admiralty or maritime we're dealing with dispel that because it's not correct. And this example I'm giving you here absolutely proves it because this goes to process. Okay. And the Admiralty law has no process and maritime law process is very defined. And so anyway, that's what John always thought. There's no way to prove it. You know, I had a guy call in, write me an email. I said, well, look, I want to differ with you a little bit because I went and looked this up. And that sure doesn't sound like what it is to me. And I said, well, if you can differ with me, all you want. I'm doing is telling you what John Benson gave us the information and he he's the one. I've never seen John in any of these speculative things in all these years. I've never seen him wrong. Okay. So that's the one I'm going to put my satellites over there. Okay. So regardless, I asked the guy said, maybe you could enlighten me. How else do you get somebody into a contractual agreement in a voluntary system? Well, I never heard back from him, obviously. So that's what John thought. I'll be glad to tell you that's where this came from and that's what's behind it. But if you throw in the trash can, now you're in this contract. Mark, you might want to go back and do a little reading on confirmatory writings is what they're called. Okay. I think the cross my mind with Mike and Stacy is if they're asking them, did you file and they say, yes, then they basically have elected to file. And it just seems because it's funny because you're bringing this up after I've been really digging it through the revocation of election research. And when you look at the election, there's there's a lot about electing to pay and what you have to do to to revoke that election. It's not difficult, but it's it's interesting we get down into that law and there's a lot of references of electing making the election to file a tax return. So I'm kind of curious, you know, where this guy is kind of the IRS agent where he's coming from, by asking them, did you file returns? Well, I'm not out. I'm not sure how quickly we're going to find out about that. So don't let your curiosity get the best out of you. I have a thought on Daisy Mike. You know how they're asking them if they filed her, you know, if, you know, they want them to respond. But why wouldn't they? I mean, they could use the case US versus later. Unless the person can prove that they're not a citizen, the IRS has a right to inquire. Okay, we're not even to that point yet. We're still trying to elicit what they're trying to get. So we'll inform people as it goes along and develops a little bit. I think that it probably won't be until sometime in August, late August when we get a response. I just wanted to talk about it a little bit today. So back to this. Yes, Paul. Yes, Paul. Mark, is there a way that language can be put in either the affidavit or the court? Well, the affidavit that is sent for a revocation of election. Can there be language put in that affidavit affidavit that that supersedes and remains in effect. Irrespective of any action or presumption in the future, unless that affidavit itself is amended. I don't know that that's really necessary. Well, if you have an affidavit that that claims from that day, right? But it doesn't necessarily claim an adorable fashion that that does apply now and it will always apply in the future. Well, if you do something and they can make a case that under presumption, you made an act that puts you back in the system, they can make a case to nullify the affidavit. They can't nullify the affidavit. The only way they can nullify the affidavit is if they write one themselves, they disprove your facts in yours and they sign it under penalty of perjury and presents a proper authority. That's the only way it can be overturned, Paul. Or if you lied, of course, that's the process that's the process they used to prove that you lied. And if you did, that would trump yours. That's why I tell you, people don't lie to these people. Just don't lie to them. Don't lie to them in the passport application, especially. And some of those things, just be careful because that's the one thing that can trip you up. Okay. So let's go back to this process. Yes. Hey, sorry. I had to drop out for like 10 minutes, because we'll call. But when you were talking about the fellow who said that the IRS wrote them and called them, whatever, and said that they filed a return, it wasn't possibly a substitute for return, was it? Ace just said that I remember, and he read me the letter last night, that we have a return file from you that we're questioning. Did you file this? That's all I remember. And though at this point, okay, that's why I'm saying we're trying to smoke out. Mark, we got, we're trying to smoke out what they're really looking for and tried to give them a very cagey reply, yet an adequate reply in many respects from what he asked and requested. Okay. So this little cat and mouse is going on here. Now, what did you need? Roger. Now between between you and Mark, you probably, I'm not. This is just something that hit me in the head here. That happens a lot. You know, I've got lumps over. Anyway, the now, when you file your affidavit and you're stating from this point on, I'm a national. And I'm, you know, I'm not involved with the, with the foreign country called DC or any of their subsidiaries. And from this point forward, I'm not going to be required to file taxes. I can go back two years and file substitute for returns or whatever 1040 X is. But if they try to come back after you for like some way back or something, you know, even, even three or four years before you file the affidavit. Now, if you, if you have a bank account and they're charging everybody, all these fees for things that they should have been charging and five years later, they figure out, hey, they were defrauding me. They shouldn't have been charging me. And then they get, they get all that money back. Now, in my thinking is the IRS or the, or the government has been hiding this information from us. So wouldn't that kind of fall into the area of fraud? Well, well, when they hadn't been hiding it from me, you don't should get up every morning and read 26 CFR. He's right there. Yeah, I know. But, you know, there's, I'm just, I'm just, just don't, you know, thinking about, you know, how could we, for anybody that's had problems like this guy maybe had problems beyond the, the statute that they can try to come after him for couldn't, you know, it's got to be a way to try to attack them for under fraud for. There is a right. And that's one of the, well, there is. And that's one of the things as this develops that we may can use. Okay. And that's the fact that all regulations that IRS promulgates evidently are interpretive or only apply interagency. And we've never had anybody test this at IRS in either an administrative or a formal court setting. Because none of the lawyers are going to do it. If they're going to do it, they won't be lawyer in too long. So it's going to have to be a pro say thing. And I believe we could shut them down in the administrative appeal. Don't you think so under those circumstances, Mark? So that's another reason I'm interested in. Especially with the Chevron decision too. Exactly. Okay. So anyway, that this case could have some implications. And that's why I'm kind of wanting to know, and I want to tell you all about it and I'll let you notice we find out more information and how it proceeds. And I wanted to also know if any folks out there have seen anything like this because neither Mark nor myself and there's 50 years together doing this have ever seen or heard of one of these things. Okay. Go ahead. I was an Abram. Was Abram there a minute ago? Yep. Abram's all that. He's the political son. Welcome back. Hey, thanks. So, I think, you know, you included as an exhibit a fantastic response to this. And what it is is the US v. Slater case on federal court from 1982, and it says, unless the defendant can prove he is not a citizen of the United States. The IRS has the right to inquire a German attack liability. So you can improve upon that though, and what you do is you'd use brackets, right? And you say, unless this is the defendant can prove he is a national. And, and then, you know, but that part in brackets, not a citizen of the United States. The IRS has a right to determine or inquire and determine tax liability. So that would just set it down. Well, see that the years in question, he was not a national. He was still a citizen of the United States. But can they prove it, Roger, is what I was going to say right now? Well, yeah. So, David, so the presumption is in effect. Yeah. He had not followed David for the two years that they're still open on an extension request. But don't you think that if we put that case in there as a response and have them respond? Can you prove that? Yes. You don't have to prove how did they prove those two folks that got thrown in jail up in New Hampshire 25 years ago, and they came in there, Jack and something. I can't remember their name, so I'm sorry. But how did the U.S. Attorney or the tax U.S. tax attorney prove that they weren't citizens of the United States? You got any idea? They had no idea how to defend themselves. And as a national, you wouldn't have that in question. They didn't know about the nation, Roger. Yes. It was the Browns. Thank you, Lisa. How did the U.S. Attorney, tax attorney, go in and prove they were citizens of the United States? Mark, you got a guess? Anybody? First of the good. He went back and got their application. He went back and got their passport application. That'll do it. Well, the thing about this. This attacks their ability to inquire and determine a tax liability. So you say, well, you know, if I'm challenging you're in the legitimacy of you coming in in front of me about this right now. So right here it says, unless you can prove and I have proven that I'm not a citizen, the IRA does not have a right. Well, they can prove that. They can prove that. I'm pretty sure they had passports before this one. Okay, so the two years that I'm concerned with, he had not filed an affidavit until 22. That's 20 and 21. The last day he filed was 19. So it doesn't have anything to do with that case. They were clearly still citizens of the United States. Okay. So we're trying to figure that. The thing is, like, okay, we're wasn't it. Is there a case that brought by non disclosure? Don't know what it is. We don't know what we're dealing with yet. Okay. Yeah, but I think what he's getting at Roger is, if the IRS comes to you and says, Hey, we think your taxes. Are you a citizen of the United States or are you a national? You know, why are we not being asked that? I mean, you know, if you, if, you know, I'm trying to think of a corollary, but I'm just asking him why did you miss part of the you miss part of the. He's just saying, we've got a return that's been filed that we think is questionable in your name. Was this you? That's where we're at. Yeah, no, I wasn't, I wasn't questioning that part. I'm just talking in general. You know, if the IRS comes and you send you letters, Hey, we haven't got your tax return. Are you a United States citizen or are you a national? You know, that's what they're not going to. They're not going to. They're not going to. They wouldn't ask you if you were a national because that's not what you're identified as in the IRS. They would ask you if you're a non resident alien. Okay. Well, they never asked that either. Of course not. I think they're going to take out the main thing to the linchpin of the whole system and throw it in front of you. Well, that's what I think the other gentleman was talking about for non disclosure. Yeah. Well, you guys have taken this example. I was giving you way off into the weeds. Okay. It's about 20 and 21. He was absolutely a citizen in the United States. The accountant filed, put in for extensions and left it right there. Now, for new people, the lesson you need to take away from this. If you've got any years that you didn't file when you were in that surf status, go back if possible and either negotiate a settlement with them or pay it all off. If you pay it all off, then you can file your affidavit, do a return a revocation of election and get it back. Roger, I agree with the refund, paying it and then getting a refund, a return on it. Why give the IRS your passport number if they don't have it? Because they requested identification and he wants to send them the passport because he got it with the affidavit. Roger. Social security is a recommendation for their IRS forms. They wanted a driver's license, et cetera, with a picture and stuff. Right. They want to trap them with their driver's license. We don't know, Merka, we don't know what they're trying to do yet. Can I get that across? I've tried to about five times. Roger, this is Larry. Hey, Larry. Hey, Roger, I suggest they send a notice and request for more information. Isn't that what the IRS does to us? Well, that's what they're doing in responding to this. We're just doing it in a cat in a mouse way. Okay, I must have missed that. I know you're doing that. Yeah, that's what we advise them to reply to this guy by the 25th or 27th of July. They've got a time date on a reply and we should hear something back from him in August, probably late August, but I don't know. I'm just trying to open this up to show you all this unusual. I've never seen it before. Mark's never seen it before. We're trying to deal with it judiciously, okay? So, but that's the approach I suggested with them. I don't want them to go and beat the guy up or try and do anything else. Let's just follow their stream and what they're trying to do and see what they're after. We don't really know what they're after yet. Question. Okay, yes. So a national who owns a stock that has been incorporated in the United States. How do we overcome the jurat at the end of the form where it asks are you a citizen on IRS form? Yeah, no, no, you're not a U.S. citizen. So they don't give you an option to put national there. So how would one, well, then you put no and you put a copy of it with the paperwork and send it back to him. Okay, thank you so much. I appreciate it. Okay. All right. So a specific detail about this. So, you know, the last phrase of that quote, it says the IRS has the right to inquire and determine a tax liability. And that's predicated upon a person being a citizen in the United States, right? Correct. So when you're no longer a student of the United States, do they no longer have the right to inquire and determine a tax liability? They do. Well, they do. If you, if you're, they're requiring about years when you weren't a non-resident alien, yes, because you're a citizen of the United States. Right. But this court doesn't say that, you know, this court says, you know, so at this point, now that you're a, you know, we're splitting hairs here, but it comes down to that. Where are you reading that quote, if I was that case later on copper, copper moonshine still, you know, if you, if you say case. 82. Okay. Because I was thinking of the most recent one because IRS can get information from third parties. I don't know if that was what you're referring to. I just stepped back. So. But that only applies to US citizens. Yeah. Folks, if you've got years where you didn't file before you file the half a day that my suggestion is you take care of them, or you might end up in a condition and situation like we're talking about today. That's all I'm saying, trying to, that's one of the things I'm trying to prove to you about this, this situation we found out about last night. Okay. If you got back years where your ass is hanging out, go take care of them. If you want to sleep well at night, now, you know what, you might file and they, you may never hear from them. Don't know. But if you want to really sleep well at night, pay the devil's due, you've caught him, you've exited it, go make up that money another way where you don't have to pay taxes on it. But if you've got stuff that's hanging out there open, my suggestion is to take care of it. Okay. Now, are there any other comments on this or can I go back to what I was going to do? I'm assuming that means I can. Okay. So you don't file, you get this letter, this 2018, whatever the letter is, there's four of them, I think, in that series. And you throw it in the trash can, now they've got you in a contract. They'll never tell you that's what it is. Okay. And you never figured out, certainly, if you didn't have the direction of the research of John Benson. But now they're going to go along and they're going to go down a path and there gets to a point in the path where they've got to decide how to deal with you. They're either going to go after you, certainly, lean levy garnishment, seizure, self help, or they're going to go after you criminally on failure to file, which is much more involved, because that's criminal. And that means that if they take you to trial and they are the moving party here, that they've got to have the. Without a shadow of a doubt. Okay. So preponderance, not the preponderance of the evidence, it's a shadow of a doubt. I can't remember the exact verbiage mark if you'll help me out if you can. So, and the reason they don't do that very often and they come to this position is because now they've got to take you to court and they've got the burden of proof because they're the moving party. Okay. And they want anything but bringing somebody into court, not tax court or this wouldn't even be tax court because tax court it defers that. Okay. But it's criminal. And if you if they lose that case, it's egg all over their face because they use those cases to scare people into filing. You'll notice who was the Leona Helmsley. Is that name Ringabelle with anybody? Leona Helmsley? Who is the rental demon up there in New York that they got for fire failure. If I remember. Oh, taxes are for little people. Remember that? Yeah. Um, and then the one that it really got them. They don't lose many. Okay. Because they've done all this prep work and they got you in in a position you don't understand and they got you dead rights. All right. The other one was cheek US versus cheek. And that was in the 90s and that cheek was an airline pilot. I believe for United, who was in Chicago, I believe, and they came after him for failure to file. And that's where we he conjured up a defense called the willfulness defense. Excuse me. The reason for that is because it is willful failure to file. Not just failure to file. Willfulness was an element. And he brought that up that his research had shown that he didn't have to file. And he won. Okay. And that gave the IRS big problems because all of a sudden, willfulness defense started popping up out of attorneys all over the country. I would imagine it's still used occasionally. Maybe. Okay. Probably. Uh, so you go back. Yeah, but they didn't really win the case. See, that's the problem. All these guys go around the country and they, you know, you know, I've been doing this since the 80s. That all these people, they would win willful failure to file case. And they didn't really win the BT IRS. They just proved to a jury that they didn't, they're non filing wasn't willful. They were just mistaken or confused. That's why I've always told people, if you're going to do this stuff, you know, back in the day, not now, is every time the IRS sends you a letter or whatever, an inquiry, you send them three back, three letters back, asking a bunch of questions. They'll never respond. So when you ask a drag, you bring this stack of paper. Well, here's all here. I asked them, you know, how am I required? What's that about to answer me? And then, and then they, um, you know, there, but unless they have a 95% chance of conviction, they won't tag drag you into a criminal court. They may be higher than that. Okay. Cause they can't stand to lose those cases. It leaves them exactly the opposite of what they're trying to accomplish is to scare the hell out of you by making an example out of these people. Okay. So, so, yeah. All right. What's that Mark? Well, the willfulness or good faith argument keeps you out of the criminal realm is what that's about, not whether you owe a tax or not. It has to do with criminality. And that goes back to Richard, one, his, in his correspondence with the IRS, he would say it's not now nor had it ever been my intent to avoid paying attacks that I love. Correct. And so if they're going to take Richard or somebody that set this up correctly and ask a bunch of questions, they won't take you to criminal court. Because those questions are in your administrative file in their possession. And if they've got it in that file, they could be admitted in as evidence and they bypass the rules of evidence because they're in the government's possession. Hey, Mr. government, why didn't you answer these questions? You know, Aladask, and I think we've got him on the website somewhere. Aladask. Yep, he's got a got something from IRS and he wrote him back 66 questions and never heard from them again. And if you want to see how astute some of those questions are that documents on the website. Yeah, it's in the download section. So, right. Anyway, yes, do bad. We didn't have plans to go fishing later because you open can of worms with this one. Well, I did. I was begging for some territory. You certainly got it here. Didn't. Okay, so the chances are you're never going to get taken. Yes. I'm sorry to interrupt this Larry again. So, I think the Slater case would work in a letter draft it. Because that's exactly what I used in the IRS left me alone. So, I filed my affidavit with the Secretary of State in February of 2023. But I waited until late December to file my notice to the IRS and include my affidavit. Well, in early December, I got a letter from the IRS that I failed to file my 21 taxes. And so, I sent my notice to the IRS and included a copy of my affidavit. And on the notice, I quoted the Slater case and the other case 1835 case where you're whatever is considered in the possession of the Secretary of State is considered the higher and better evidence. I used those as two footnotes and I wrote them a notice. And here it is July and they left me alone. I never got another letter from them from the IRS. And see, that's what we don't know. How are they going to go back in a situation like that? Do they want to risk bringing that up and somehow in some kind of a forum, you're affidavit and filing with the Secretary of State comes up. And see, these are things I just don't know. All we can do is piece together what we get back or what we see and try and figure it out. But I do know if you would have waited till December to put that notice in that that exempts you evidently from what we've heard from other people, it exempts you for that whole year, even if you file it in December. Okay. Right. Right. All right. Yeah, that's correct. So that's why I filed a 1040 NR for that entire year, which I'm still waiting on, by the way. Well, okay. I think you might have to. I don't know. Okay. Just confusing on that for me there. These are shades of gray, little questions that when we dig dig real deep like this. We just don't have answers for generally. Okay. But let's go back to the procedure, if I could, because I'm trying to educate all of you on how their process works. And it's the one thing you might want to do to defend yourself if you do have open ears in the back is send them questions. Okay. See, they've got anything you send them, they got to put in your administrative file and anything that you're in your administrative file can be entered into any court, and it bypasses the rules of evidence because it's already in their possession. And you start asking them these direct questions that they don't want to or can't answer. They're not going to proceed with you. It's insurance. It's cheap insurance. Okay. So if it's not criminal and it's not failure to file, it's a question over audits or amounts at that fork in the road is when they go civil, because they don't want to bring that out. And they're going to try and come in and start using the civil remedies of lean lever garnishment and seize yourself help. And so that's when a prudent thing is if you're in that position I'm not telling you all to do this. This is where you what's called cover your assets. Okay. And you go out and you don't have anything in your name. You go to mark and you get the car put in a trust and you cover any other assets. So they can't come grab them. It's just you and you got nothing in your name. Okay. So those are the two paths. And that's the way the IRS determines they come to that fork in the road. And they go, is this guy are now a good example where we can make an example and scare everybody with them and hang them publicly kind of. Or if we got precautions there, we're going to have to go to the civil route and go in and figure a way to do self help remedies on them. So that's the whole process. Now, what happens evidently is in the collections department when they got agents and they got a guy that's over them, you know, and so they assign you open files. And so you've got a bunch of files there on your desk and your your your supervisors going, I want that stack shortened. You need to start taking care of some of these right. And then they're going to go through them and go after who the low hanging fruit. Okay. So the object there is not to be a low hanging fruit. But I heard a story years ago, Mark, I don't know if I've ever told you this. You know, IRS doesn't, you'll never find an IRS office in a government building. They always rent their facilities. Okay. All right. And so there was one of these facilities and the, you know, the ceilings that you hang. A little frame and you put little things in them, you know, yeah, drop the ceiling. Yeah, drop the ceiling. Yeah. And the ceiling fell out of the roof. And what had happened was these IRS agents were taking their files. They didn't want anything to do with and sticking them up in the drop ceiling. They got so heavy. It crashed the ceiling. Where the turns dropped ceiling came from? Well, I don't know, but that's a true story about an IRS office somewhere. I heard years ago. I thought it was funny to mention. At all, right? Well, so I had enough. So anyway, that's, yeah. Roger. I had an uncle that would sandbag the IRS. He was a farmer rancher here in Obama. And he said, he told me when I was just a kid, he said, "Always leave a couple of deductions off of my tax return." And because I know someday they're going to come knocking on my door and want to audit me and I'll go, "Oh, well, what about this?" And he'll bring out those deductions, right? So sure enough, they came around, they audited him, and he pulled out these additional deductions that he had not put in his original tax return. And the agent wrote him a check as he left. Next year, this happened three years in a row, and they never bothered him again because each and every time the IRS was writing him a check. And so he said he figured they put a flag on his file and said, "Whatever you do, do not audit this guy because you're going to write a check to him." So I thought that was pretty interesting. Procautionary things you can do. Borts used to, if he owed him $2,500, he'd write him a check for $3,000. He said, "That's just audit insurance." Another one example here recently is they've been going after Jones so much. And he consulted with Barnes, who's got his own law firm on taxes. And Barnes looks at his stuff over all quickly and says, "They owe you money." And he went in with an audit with them. You know how much they stroked him a check for? $4.5 million. Whoa, $4.5 million. To Alex Jones. He was getting another accountant. Yep, that might have after that point. You may have just been playing it cautiously. I don't know. Anyway, and that was when he got it. It was really in bad monetary situation a year or two ago, and he took that $4 million and put it right to the network. So, okay, well, there's some IRS stuff for y'all to chew on. Does anybody in the audience have any questions or comments on that? We got a brief discussion about it. Everybody wants to stick their foot in there, but if you haven't yet, we'd love to see how big your foot size is. We have about six minutes left. Well, I tell you, we must be good teachers. Well, thank you for the compliment then. Don't know what's going to happen here today. There's so much stuff swirling. You know, the NATO meeting is up there. They're having a big 75th anniversary commemoration of the founding of NATO. And I was going on right now in DC about Biden. Did you hear Biden slip on who's the who's the head of a NATO show and slacking burger or something? And Biden got up yesterday and said that he'd been stuck in his wife. In front of the whole crowd. They got laughs out of the crowd on it. It says something about, well, I service your wife or something like that. So, when I say there's, there's no telling what's coming up. There's a perfect example right there. Oh my goodness. You'll see clips and Alex was playing them both in bird. Pardon me? Yes. Say something again. Salton bird. Salton bird. Secretary General of NATO. Yeah, that's the one. So, I see what else that's on my mind. That's about all I got. Folks, I'm just about out of gas here at the end of the show today. So why don't you give us a little gas? There's some gas. Yeah, you'd be careful. I might give you some gas. Okay. So, see, nobody's got anything. There's a mighty quiet audience today. A sketch was a sketch head as Mike opened a couple minutes ago. No, it started with a sketch head, something bad or not. You are. Sketch, what were you trying to do? Again, be bad or something? I was bad. I was unmuted. No, I'm not calling you out for it. I just wanted to know if you had a comment or anything like that. You have a contribution. What kind of development is determined to take? French toast. Oh, French toast. And, okay, I'll ask it. I got real maple syrup on it. You got real maple syrup on it? Yes. Yes, organic. So, I have filed with IRS and I did not do what you told me to do. I think I should just leave it at that and not say I made a mistake or should I write them and say I made a mistake. Sketch, I'm not going to tell you what to do if you messed up and got past that. I don't want you. Roger told me. So, I'm going to leave that decision in your lap. You're a pretty educated guy. You asked some real deep questions so you can go in there and roll the dice, okay? Yeah. What years were neglected? I think two years after I became a national, I still had a file jointly. And I marked, yes, I'm a, you know, I marked out. I was a US citizen. I didn't. Okay. Well, then, well, then you volunteered. Yep. Okay. Okay. Hey, Roger, you did it consciously. You volunteered. Yes. He was a Roger there. Yes, Dave. So Vince Finelli, he said every time he got audited, he would take a bunch of little kids with them, like grandkids and, you know, neighborhood kids and feed them a bunch of sugar. And the agent would freak out, you know, and the city would always say, okay, we're done here. Yeah. Couldn't get him out of there quick enough, could they? Yep. Yeah. Well, I was trying to think of some. Some IRS stories here. In Atlanta, the Irish building. Okay, go ahead, Mark. Well, I just, you know, kind of back to the Wilpleness and good faith argument. Ralph Winter road was very upset with Larry B. Craft because Larry B. Craft was continuing, continuing to hang on to that argument accurate already been overcome by the IRS. So yeah, Ralph was really upset. And then Larry wouldn't listen to Ralph about the about the regulations not applying to to the average citizen. You know, well, Larry, Larry B. Craft is a great guy. He's got a wonderful personality. He's very personable. He's fun to be around, but he cannot think outside the box. He's had more examples of that than Carter's got live bills. Yeah. And I learned a couple of things off of, off of Larry that I, they didn't talk about in Moscow at all. So, you know, I was like, oh, I would have never thought about that. So he's a very wide researcher. But, but like you said, he's been luring too long. You just had to look out. Yeah. And consequently, they still don't know where the law is, do they? No, they don't. I wonder if I can collect on that. Is that stuff or still open? Are those people still alive? Oh, wow. Oh, well. Oh, well. All right. Just a pit. Some pain. It isn't. Yeah. Oh, I hear the 50 grand by a lot of stories in. We got through the, the show here today and we did have some good discussion and some good storytelling time. And we'll be back tomorrow with Brent, who is another storyteller, probably tell us a bunch of stories. We'll see what gets developed. If you've got any law questions on things like trust or anything that we haven't answered for you, you may want to query with Brent tomorrow. And otherwise in that, I've got a dental appointment this afternoon, not just a look, see, see how everything's healing and everything, I guess. Not too intimidating. And otherwise in that, the afternoon is pretty clear and we will see y'all tomorrow with Brent. Anybody else got any closing comments? The streams, the stream, one stream or two streams were a little hiccupy. GVTV reset once. Radio soapbox was dark for a while, but all signs point to the spreaker feed being solid all the way through the show, which is where the archive for today's show will be on radio dot global voice radio dot net. Mike was asking me last night, he said, one of the cash box going to be back up. I said, well, those are archives are being posted now. Go to the matrix docs and go to Paul's global voice deal that are all there, and we're going to get something together on that as we are able. So, otherwise between now and then we're going to lay our body down, just like Crosby, Stills and Nash are suggesting and we will be back tomorrow. See you then. We will. And one second to the recording. I'm not hauling ass right off here today because I'm, I've got to stay at my dental appointment is at three. And I don't want to go out and eat because I wouldn't be able to brush my teeth before I go see him. I don't want to go see my dentist without brushing my teeth. So I'm just going to hang home and run over there about three and do some other stuff afterwards. Roger sounds to me like a liquid lutches on the menu. But no, but also Roger. Yes, Lisa. Remember, you're going to a dentist office. They usually have toothbrushes. So if you would want to go eat before and you could go on there and say, I want to have a toothbrush. I could use because I just had lunch. Yeah, I could do that, but I prefer probably not to. Anyway, but you probably right. Well, I, well, I will, but I'll be able to brush my teeth before I go. So anyway, hang around here. Talk, talk out of the deal. Pardon me. Do what now? You might get, you might get a free toothbrush out of the deal. Yeah, I'll be charged as you. Oh, yeah. I don't know. I'll ask. So anyway, hopefully I think the thing healing pretty well. I get the next step is probably wait another couple of months and set the implants in and then they're going to have a few months and then go through the tooth attachment process and all that. But after that, I got to get the lower jaw done, and that's the one where they got to pull all the teeth except for the implants that are already there. Most of them were pretty loose anyway, but there's one or two that are still solid. So I have to go through it again. We'll see. And otherwise, and that everything's going pretty well. You know, I'm having some backlash from that operation there. There's a, you know, is right a few days for my mother passed away. So I was still dealing with that because it was a pretty involved implant set up where they, you know, that that instrument, Paul, that tool where you take a door and take for you. The doors handles are going to fit on drill that circle. Well, they, they do the same thing with your gum. And then they pack it full of cadaver bone. And it go and then puts membranes over it. And then that hardens and gives them enough bone to be able to put the implant in there. So I had two of those done. And it was a couple of days of, well, wasn't real pleasant, I tell you. And that's exactly when my mother passed away right at that point in time. And after that operation, he gave me, he's a real good dentist. And he said, well, you got to get on antibiotics. You know, we don't have any affection and all that. So I hate taking antibiotics, but I went ahead and got these pills that were about as big as a damn baby blimp. And I took that whole series of those. And of course, when you take antibiotics, it kills all of the bacteria, not just the bad stuff. And so with the middle of mom and the estate and all that crap, I didn't get the flora and stuff back into my guts. And so that evidently had some effect on the hydrogen pumps that pump the acid into your stomach for digestion. And so for the number of months, I've been having, well, you know, weird bowel movements just for adults here and a lot of painful gas and stuff in my stomach. And so I'm trying to deal with that now. And on top of a prostate problem. So that's been kind of throwing me for fits a little bit. But I hope to get past that here pretty quick. So there's a lot of stuff about me. I will be at the ready with an archive. Okay. You'll be ready with an archive. Kathleen. Yes, dear. I'd like to give you some recommendations for all your dental work. First of all, I would. Do you have access to borox out there? Oh, yeah, I'm sure we do. I think we've got it at the grocery store in the laundry department. Right. It's actually not a chemical. It's borox. It's actually one molecule of boron, one molecule of oxygen. But you have to make sure you get the right one that doesn't have additive. If they have 20 mule teams by chance by the dial operation, it's your borox. But otherwise you can call the company if that's not, if you don't have that brand in your area and just if they add in, if they say, oh, you're not supposed to consume this because it happened to me. I checked periodically to make sure they haven't added anything. And, oh, no, no, I'm just, I make my own laundry detergent and I want to make sure it's not going to, you know, have any chemical reaction. So anyway, you, for males, adult males, you should take an, and everybody should be doing this always. But you take an eighth of a teaspoon for male, I'm sorry, a quarter of a teaspoon for males, an eighth of a teaspoon for females. And you put it in one liter of water and you just drink that throughout the day. It's also very spicy, but it's better if you can put it in glass because, you know, there's a lot of minerals that react with metals and drink that throughout the day. You can also do oil pulling, which I would highly recommend. This is on And you, you know, the best I found is that the meat oil, like a really high grade, low, or an unfiltered Stephanie oil. And you put that, I mean, you could put like a teaspoon, tablespoon in your mouth. I never measure. And you just put that around for about 20 minutes. Yeah. And then rinse it, you spit it out in the toilet. And then you rinse it with salt water, you know, put a little boat in some water. You'll be amazed, just like clean your toilet before you start doing this, you're going to start seeing black all around your toilet bowl. This is the bacteria that's coming out of your gums. Anybody, even if you don't have dental work, you're doing it because we all have bacteria in our gums. And this is what causes a lot of this stuff to go on underneath, you know, with the roots of whatnot. But with all the work that you're doing, Roger, I would highly recommend that you're on that moron to alkalize yourself. And also I would be taking a probiotic. If you're taking an antibiotic, I never, I would even take a better alternative. Well, I would get in for a while, but I didn't initially, but I have been taken, taken probiotics. I've done a little pulling years ago. And the moron king around here is our buddy in California. I would check a health food store or something other than the 20 mule team. There isn't anything essentially wrong with the product, except for it absorbs all of the perfumes and moisture from that aisle. And I wouldn't want to take that. Well, this next part on the lower jaw is probably not going to happen for a hell pretty good while. Anyway, I wanted to keep your brain, because you've had a lot of work and a lot of exposure. You know, not only the probiotics, but the other thing I would do in lieu of it, I would get off antibiotics if this was me, like completely. And I'm not on them. I'm not on them. I just did a series after for him. And then the complications were that my mother died and all that shit came up and additional stress and distraction. And I didn't straighten any of that stuff out. So I've been dealing with this hot stomach for, well, since March, you know, and all the repercussions that come from that. But I'm trying to get it under control, Kathleen. Well, I just want to put out there just for future reference for you and anyone else. You can take oil of oregano and the absolute best brand you can buy is North American. It's wild handpicked from the Mediterranean in that they use a high quality olive carrier oil with it. And so I would recommend that you just take some drops on your tongue. I mean, I had not been sick for 16 years, not even a cold or a flu. And I'm around me putting something sick. And, you know, if I start getting symptoms, I did for those 16 years, maybe four times. And I took oil of oregano right away and it knocked it out of my system before it went through the kidneys and liver. Right. It's pretty potent stuff. I have to, I had some bottles, little bottles of it and got lost in the move or something. I hadn't seen them. So anyway, and don't forget, I just can't sashay down to the store or order something and have it delivered to all kinds of. Well, no, it doesn't hurt you, but it just doesn't have the effectiveness. So you just take it, you know, like, if you've got something going on, you can take it for like five days. But usually I just only take mine two to three times a day to two to three drops under the tongue, two to three drops of back in the throat. Let it sit there because none of the time goes directly to the bloodstream. And then you only do that for you two days. But if you've got something going on or you're exposed to somebody with highly contagious, take maybe five days or seven and then take, you know, take a break and then you can get back on again. But it's extremely effective. I never use antibiotics. I use antibiotics. I had my gallbladder out. I didn't use any of that. I used oil of oregano and I didn't take the painkillers. I just had morphine when I was there, the gas, because that's one of the cleaner painkillers. And then for your stomach, sorry, I was the pre-meth major in school. I had all the class in to go to medical school and then I was having too much money to see out with my 20s when I moved here and didn't end up going and I studied natural health and healing. For, you know, 30 years since college. So anyway, but for your stomach, I have a great, great remedy. This will help GERD. This will help acid reflux, any kind of intestinal issues. If you take aloe vera and the best brand out there, you can buy at least in this country is lily of the desert to think of flour in the desert, L-A-L-Y of the desert. And you take a half a cup of that and I would take the inner fillet because people have more sensitive stomachs may be more sensitive to the whole leaf. It doesn't hurt you. It's just my upset your stomach a little bit. And then you take that with, you know, like maybe a half a cup of juice, a very juice of the best. I wouldn't do the high sugar juices because that's going to counteract the effectiveness. And you take that two, three times a day. I'm not kidding. Your stomach problems will be over. Right. Well, you're doing it in the country. And some cultures do need to be put in their food. Right. We do have a lot of aloe vera down here in the store. So, in fact, I've got some of them. Yeah, if you get the freshness that's just peeled off the skin or you can put it and then put it in a blender, a little bit of juice, you'll be amazed. And some cultures still eat, you know, as part of their diet. It's a medicinal cat and you could put it on several cuts. Right. Right. Well, I mean, I got some growing outside somewhere. So, anyway, what I've been using for my stomachs, just by carbonosota. But the kind we get here isn't anywhere near as good as 20 as Arm and Hammer. So I bring some down. Yes. Make sure if you're doing, if you're doing baking soda, make sure that it's fully dissolved. And you do no more than a teaspoon in a full glass of water and just drink it down because if, I mean, a friend of mine, she used to take a spoonful of the bicarb and then wash it down with a bottle of water and it just collected in her stomach and it caused all kinds of problems. Yeah. So make sure it's fully dissolved before you drink it down. It's nasty. It's disgusting. I know that. No, I don't think so at all. And I don't know how you fully dissolve it. I put some in the glass and then I stir it every time that I drink it. But anyway, those are the things I'm working through these days, folks. So just another another good thing that might help would be kombucha and cider vinegar. Well, I've got apple cider vinegar. They sell brags down here. Although, you know, Bill Gates bought brags. Yeah. And he's going to start using his apples in it. But we have it. And I got the other stuff you mentioned to apple cider vinegar is actually really, really good for acid reflux. Yes, I know. It's really good for it. Yeah, it'll shut it down. That lemon too. Yes, lemon too. And we've certainly got those and I should be using more lemon in my regular. Do I, Kathleen? Well, the aloe vera will not only help with that, you know, it's as the other than I would agree with Paul and all these other remedies. But with the aloe vera, it's an anti-inflammatory and to work as well, but you want to get the cumin, which is the active ingredient. In to work, you know, most people don't get enough to do as much effectiveness as they need. But that aloe vera will heal the body from the inside out, you know, heal your intestinal system, your inflammation from all your dental work. So that when you go and even have your new implants, that you are not going to be as apt to get any kind of infection or reactions. Okay. Well, all in all, I think for somebody 76, I'm in pretty good shape. So just these things have come on lately and hopefully I can get them straighten around the process. The prostate is the one that just aggravates the hell out of you. So, of course, you ladies don't have to deal with that. But anyway, so, well, the green, the green fail help with that. The green tea. No, green clay, Montemor when I clay. Yes, well, I don't know. I don't think we've got that down here. I'm after order. So I used to have somebody got lost in the move. So, if you can order from an American company, if they'll ship it out there, I don't know if they will. Well, no, no, they don't. That's the problem. That's the problem right there. They can. But then I've got to go to Adawana, which is customs and go through all kinds of crap to get it. Okay. And that's a pain in the ass. So what we do is we either wait till someone's coming or we have people here called mules that make a business out of going up there and coming back and they charge it $8, $9, $10 a pound, whatever they bring back for you. Okay. So that's one of the downsides living here. Somebody couldn't set it to you? No, I just told you anything that's regularly sent has to go through Adawana, customs. No, they might throw away a clay. No, but it's ridiculous. I had some my birds and. It depends on the way and the value and they don't want anybody to screw them out of taxes and all that's just a pain in the ass and right on top of that I'm not legal right now I'm here illegally. So, just the one of the things you live with here, you know, you gain a lot and you lose a couple of things and these kind of things, although Amazon and there's some other people that'll ship in here under a certain dollar amount. I just never do all that stuff. So some of the guys do. Anyway, if I need it, I can get it down here. We just might have to wait a little while. Well, when I come down there, hopefully, sooner than later. That's something major. If anyone plans a trip down here, let me know as soon as possible. And so I can get you some stuff to bring. Okay. No, but what happens is like Cody calls is well, Suzanne is coming down like two days. Well, I don't have time to get or anything. See. So anyway, it works out. It works out. I may do. When you take care of all of us, we want to make sure we take care of you. Well, that's good. I'm in pretty good shape. I got a few years left in me. So, but I'm not sure I got much time. Pardon me. Oh, it's a community effort. Just like raising a child, even as adults as nationals. We should be looking ourselves as brothers and sisters, not only in Christ, which is first. But also, nationals help support one another as many. Well, you certainly could use that. So anybody else got anything for me today? It doesn't sound like it. Okay. Well, I'm going to go off on my afternoon here and I will see you all tomorrow with Mr. Brent. Okay. All right. Okay. It's like dropping. It's like dropping a rock in a well. Yeah. Was that you, Mark? That's me, Tom. Oh, Tom. Yeah. I guess I just had done having a, having a bridge put in about a year or so ago, three, three tooth bridge and then the other side of the back, back rear tooth that was had a little crack. So they, so they just cut it down and put a crown on it. So it's been, you know, pretty good. Very lucky. Yeah. So well, you must have, you must have brushed your teeth when you were a kid. So that's what I didn't do. Take care of my teeth. I don't remember hardly remember going to the dentist when I was a kid. All right. Thank you. Fortunately. Yeah. Happy taking good. There you go. Well, that's a good answer. Young people ask me, well, what can I give me some advice as I take care of your teeth. And that's it for the radio ranch with Roger sales. Thank you so much for joining us today on and Please join us here Monday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Eastern time. Yeah. We're on 106.9 WBOU FM in Chicago. We're on radio Thursday's and Friday's for the first hour., global voice radio, network, home, freedom, go live tv, We're literally just about everywhere. For more information on the topics discussed please go to or There is yet another web address you can use to get to the matrix stocks and that is You know, kind of like farmers only, but not for farmers, for nationals. Anyways, I'm Paul from Global Voice Network. It's time for me to wrap up retool and reconfigure for Paul English Live. That will be coming up at 3 p.m. Eastern time. That's Paul English Live from 3 to 5 p.m. Eastern on and You can also catch him on Rumble on the Paul English Live channel. Join the live chat during the live stream. It's audio lonely, but there's lots of people in the chat to keep you occupied and engaged. That's it for me. I'm out of here. Thank you so much for joining us today. We'll be right back here tomorrow with Brent Allen Winters and Roger Sales for the Friday edition of the Radio Ranch with Roger Sales. Blasting the voice of freedom worldwide, you're listening to the Global Voice Radio Network. Bye-bye, boys! Have fun storming the castle! ♪ Land of freedom at peace ♪ [BLANK_AUDIO]