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Radio Ranch with Roger Sayles


2h 14m
Broadcast on:
10 Jul 2024
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Welcome to the Radio Ranch with Roger Sales will be getting started in just a moment. This mirrors stream on the Global Voice Radio Network is brought to you in part by for support of the mitochondria like never before. Also, Brand new products still in pre-launch. Check it out. It's also brought to you by and the Prive International iTerraCare Terahertz Frequency Wand. Here's more info about that. The iTerraCare device has the ability to awaken dormant stem cells in the bone marrow. Yes, we have slipping stem cells in our bone marrow. As you keep blowing this on your spine, you're activating the stem cells. And guess what? You're going to create brand new lungs, brand new kidneys. Eventually, as you keep using this over time, you will have brand new organs, glands, and tissues in your bodies. And that's a great news. You have to keep blowing this on your spine because this is what the great Hippocrates said. There's a way to hit the bones then all diseases can be treated. Activate that, awaken that stem cells in your bone marrow. Hit the bones using the future of medicine, which is frequency. This is your time. Grab your wand device right now. For more information on the iTerraCare Classic Terahertz Frequency Wand, go to That's Forward moving and focused on freedom, you're listening to the Global Voice Radio Network. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Yep, morning, morning, morning. So, would we, another chance to do that here on July the 10th, the Wednesday, in the month of July, here early on, somewhat. Roger says your host, Radio Ranch, the name of our little get together, that we all share these two hours together, and glad you're with us. Thanks for taking time and out of your schedule to be here, see if we can uncover some more scorpions. And we're together partnered with a bunch of other little platforms, and we want to make sure that they get the proper credit. So, get after it, Mr. Bienner. All right, I will do that very thing. Thank you. We are on, of course,, our flagship station, thanks to Pastor Eli James. He's the driving force behind that. We're also on Global Voice Radio Network, my pet project, in the links to both of those platforms, are on or Two different addresses, same place. We're on 106.9 WBOU FM in Chicago, thanks to WDRN Productions in Fort Collins, Colorado. And we're also on home, channel HN4, and Go and Those four platforms also, thanks to WDRN Productions. They're big, they're big, and they're doing really fun and exciting things. So, I can't wait to see their listenership numbers continue to climb. The conference is in open mode. You can press star six to make a comment. You can raise your hand if you have a question or a topic that is differing from the current conversation. So, we know we can wrap up one conversation and get started on the brand new topic. That's about it. That's all I've got. Okay. Oh, if you want to join us live. If you want to join us live, go to, the FCC link and the Zoom link are right there. You can pick which one you want to join us. FCC is easier because you don't have to wait for a moderator to let you in. But the links are right there, so. All right. Well, we continue to grow as evidence by this week. We had a calmer in Kommar and Leland on yesterday. New people say I'm on Monday with his news about getting a nice little pile of funds back from the individuals representing Satan. And it really is what they are. I picked that up. We had a patriot, a good guy. Been in the movement a few years by the time I got in there. I'm not sure how many, but that was his line and I thought it was particularly snappy. So, you said over all these years, it's just too damn accurate. Boy, they're an interesting bunch at IRS bunch, aren't they? Because you go in. You're out there and you want to fight them and try to do some study. And then you're trying to go through all that gobbledygook. I've told the story about IRS regulations before. May tell it again in a minute. But you go in and spend all this time looking at all that stuff. You think you get your arms around all this confusing and ambiguous language, antiquated and burdensome as Woodrow Wilson put it back a little over a hundred years ago. And you go in there and you're all schooled up and you're nervous as hell and your knees are knocked. And then it's not a fun experience. It's hard to get used to. Because they have really effectively done their intimidation very well. And you say, "But it says it right here this." Or you start challenging the agents that are interviewed with regulations. Hell, they don't know. They don't know nothing. All they know is they have the real strong desire to reach down, grab you by the pant legs, pick you upside down and shake you just as hard as they can to get everything in your pockets plus out of there. Now I was saying about these IRS regulations. I mentioned this before on the show. And Paul, I think you and I have had a... You being Paul, being the technical wizard, you know? Like pinball wizard or somebody ought to rhyme the technical wizard and we'll parallel knock off that song for you. Do you remember a program called Gram Attack? Some in the audience will remember it back in the real early days of PCs in the 90s as they were developing. You know, all the word processors didn't have everything bundled in it like they do today. Excuse me. And so I heard at one point, I don't know that this is true, but I kind of figured it might be. This was a Gram Attack program. It was written on a government grant. It would make a lot of sense. And what it was was once you wrote something on your word processor, you'd go over and you had a lot of options to run it through this Gram Attack program. You could run it both directions and it could correct your spelling and your grammar and all that kind of stuff. But one of the aspects of the program, I said, you could run it both ways. You could run it forward through there and then you could basically run it backward in the respect that you could run things through it. And it would tell you the grade level. It was written pretty interesting. The newspapers are written for like the third grade level or something. It used to be a hundred years ago, it was the seventh, sixth and seventh grade maybe, and now it's even lower. So somebody, the three sections of the Internal Revenue Code that they did deal with when you start really getting in the dance with them, is 6-0-0-1, 6-0-1-1 and 6-0-1-2. That's in the regulations. We'll zip coffee here, Paul. Let's say 6-0-1-1, just a wag on the grade level that that regulation was written out when it was run through Gram Attack. I think you've shared this before. I have for 33rd. 31 of them was 33 and one of them was 31. So you're sitting there trying to read these regulations that are written in a 31 grade level. The other story that revolves around this was a senator named Barkley who was very, very effective. I guess, popular senator back in the late 40s, they considered running him for VP under, I think, Truman, whatever. Anyway, for some reason, he got disgusted and left the Senate. His popularity was so much that every senator signed a letter they wrote to him asking him to come back, and he did. It's not Charles Barkley, he's a basketball player in the athlete, but I don't remember Senator Barkley's first name, you can look him up. But at the Senate at that time, they had a Ways and Means Committee. The Ways and Means Committee, remember who was the guy so powerful, who was actually from Chicago, that headed the Ways and Means Committee. It's a very powerful committee because that's the committee where all the spending originates. And so, quite powerful. And Senator Barkley, the Senate must have had a Ways and Means Committee. They don't anymore. There's one in the house, and to my knowledge, there's not one in the Senate. But when there was one, he was the head of it. And so, Johnny Glenn found this when they were researching for the textbook. And Barkley said, "You know, every year, we bring the folks over here from Treasury, and we try and impress upon them how they need to simplify and reduce the tax code." And he said, "And every year, they return from Treasury with documents and changes that only Solomon and all of his wise men could interpret." And now, I'll say the early one that I did again, and you're going to start to see a pattern here. I hope you already have, which was the repudiation of dollar diplomacy from Woodrow Wilson when they were trying to make this loan. To China, $100 million, and the bankers came to him and said, "We want you to underwrite this loan." That was very early in his presidency, I believe. And at least they hadn't totally corrupted him whenever this happened. They didn't have the hooks in real firmly, because he turned down that offer for him to co-sign the loan of $100 million to the Chinese. Well, it was very well thought out by the Rothschilds and the bankers, because to this day, with the exception of the English investors, they've never paid one penny on that loan, and there were, I think, 20,000 American investors in that. So they went ahead and did the loan, okay, but they've never paid back a penny. They paid back all the English investors, no doubt the Rothschilds and the semi-rog buddies, because they did it and got it done when they gave Hong Kong back to China. Part of the requirements was that they replay the English investors on this loan segment from 100 years ago. Now, when this all came out, a few years back, I was seeing this on the Epoch Times. I used to watch China today a lot, YouTube is kind of screwing with them now, and they went after one of the guys that owns the Epoch Times newspaper for some kind of crap. Anybody that's telling the truth, they're going to try and come after you, just look around, okay, except us, it's funny, isn't it? They leave us alone, I'll be darned. But anyway, in that, I'm getting off track here, about like Alex. As they were doing all this, and this information I came across by watching China today was the fact that they'd never replayed the any American investor to these big conglomerates loan, $100 million, a lot of money, 100 years ago. And so the Wilson administration stopped it, and they gave the reasons you go look at it. We've talked about it and read it here on the year before. It's called repudiation of dollar diplomacy, and it's in a collection of historical documents, legal documents. I founded it at the library in Cobb County, Georgia. Right when I got started in this, it was the first significant document that I ever found that's still significant today. Anyway, what they call the IRS was part of the reason that he did not cosign this loan, and because of the tax system that was proposed was antiquated and burdensome. And I think that key sections being written at a 31, 33 grade level may be were burdensome and antiquated. Paul says, I don't like those two. My correlate does to me. And then the tagline on that was administered by foreign agents. So anybody that would be on board with that would be a guilty of treason. Oh, I guess so. It depends on how specific you want to get into the definition of treason and ask Britain about that on Friday. It's very specific. You got to actually be at war and this and the other. And we are a war. It's just not a traditional kind of war, you know. So yeah, I mean, we all would agree with that, for sure. I don't know the legal legal resistance that might mean if it got into court, but regardless. That's who they are. They're foreign agents. And if you've heard that before, it's dead letter correction. How do I know? Well, several ways from that little Wilson piece. There's a very strong indicator. Oh, excuse me. And then the fact that you can go to the 28 USC United States code and go in there and. There's a list of all the agencies that are under treasury. And it ain't there. And it's run by the secretary of the treasury who, if you go into the same aforementioned title 28. And I wish I knew the section. I saw it years ago. But there's just one sentence there. And it says, the secretary of treasury is the governor of the fund. Oh, wow. What's that though? Is that the old, old veterans fund or what fund might that be? Well, it's the international monetary fund who were, were in a bankruptcy. She's the receiver. She yelling that total idiot. I mean, she. She comes across so bad. So anyway, all, all of that wrapped up shows you that they are foreign agents. And there's certain way to tell from their ID cards to that I were investigating this 20 something years ago. But regardless, it's pretty well established that's who they are. Then, of course, the reason we got so much trouble with with legal stuff and all this crap has been going on poor Trump all this. What there's over over a thousand people in jail now serving terms up to 30 and 40 years for this absolute false flag. They tried to pull off on January six. So the reason that's there is because if you're going to control a country in bankruptcy, you're going to have to control the money and you're going to have to control the law. Well, there's your answer. Okay. Yep. So that's what's going on and you can take this little IRS thread. We've been talking about right here and just about unwind the whole thing if you know where to go. But anyway, that's what we're dealing with. So if you've come through our process and sent your paperwork in dutifully, you're out of that. So you're welcome. Okay. You're welcome. Hey, Rod. Yeah. Brent may have a differing school of opinion on this, but we've been in a state of declared war since Lincoln. We've been declared enemies of the state since 1933 when they rewrote the trading with the enemy act. And every single year, they declare a war on something, war on drugs, war on illiteracy, war on poverty, war on this one. White war on white eggs. Well, that's the new one. That's the new one. But we have been in a perpetual state of declared war since Lincoln. So, okay. I'm the table, dude. I'm just a glass hopper. Okay. Glass hopper. Be very glad that you've gotten out all that. And isn't it ridiculously easy? I mean, it's ridiculously easy. I, Paul Beener, do solemnly swear to be a national and not a citizen United States. I mean, how damn difficult is that? You don't need to go to law school. You don't even need to go to high school. So this is, and that tells you a lot about our enemy right there, how slick they are, how they've covered that up, how they've intimidated all of us all our lives. So they're this power, always the powerful wizard of Oz. And a little toto goes up and pulls the curtain back and there's that shriveled up old piece of crap pulling some levers. And he looks over his shoulder and goes, go away, go away. You can't get the curtain close, he's having to mess with all these levels and buttons and pedals and pretty soon they walk over to him and confront him. One of these days, don't know when we're going to get that opportunity with these pieces of crap and they know it. Okay, yeah, they know why is there going to be some hell to pay. So we went just a. They function with impunity. They now, well. Everyone, that's because our troops hadn't been working hard enough. If we'd been working hard enough and spreading this further and faster to more people, that wouldn't be the case, would it? Because it's only when they got this little whimsical, fraudulent, very simple way of getting you to give them your power that they can do that. Otherwise they can't. And they know that you don't see them coming after any of us, do you? Never. It's been one incident. Let me just say if there's anybody new listening. I've been doing this over 13 years and understanding it myself better by teaching it and explaining it to you guys. Okay, it just has helped me over the years tremendously. But over all that, and I would have to suggest, I would suggest that probably just from my efforts, they've received 2 million of these things. Okay, I've got a very good reason that I say that. When Glenn was, Glenn and John were going through their trials after Glenn got out and we could talk better, you know. He told me this. He said, "The U.S. Attorney," now that tells you something right there. It wasn't a tax attorney that was prosecuting them in Salt Lake at the District Court. It was the U.S. Attorney. See, if it was any kind to do with tax or anything, they'd bring tax specialists in from D.C. to do those cases. Believe me, I confronted one of them. Okay? And in the middle of the trial, as they're talking about the original affidavit, the 5-page affidavit that we, that John and Glenn, unfortunately, misdirected us to file them at the property records office, because that's the best they could come up with. Public notice is in your local area, but it's not doing the job. It's got to be done with this one, a certain guy, the lord of the manner that deals with all matters concerning citizenship. And man, I'll bet John wishes he would have looked into that, because I've said this numerous times on the year. If that would have happened, and they would have had this piece of information here, we very well may live in a different world. Certainly a different country. Okay? That's how important this is. They didn't have it, so they came down on and shut the operation down. But Glenn said, in court, they brought up the affidavit, okay? And the U.S. Attorney said the IRS had received over 100,000 of them. Yeah. Now, there wasn't very many people around 32 years doing this ago, and they only were in operation for six months. But the impact in the Patriot community, of course, many of our folks don't have two nickels to rub together, because they've been having to hide, thinking, hiding, to get them away from these monsters, and have, oh, I got to do everything in postal money, oh, I got it. And I did that, I'm not putting people down, I did it too, okay? I got a PO box, I don't have an address, and all of these different things. And so, consequently, when something comes along, they think they might help, they all duplicate it. Well, there you go, okay? From their humble efforts, 1200 people, 32 years ago, 13 years of my efforts here, have had to have produced equivalent, I think, more of a ratio there. So, just from my efforts, I conservatively estimate they've got two million of these, okay? All right, so anyway, we need numbers. That's only that there's only one thing that scares these people. I got to take that back to, and actually they're kind of the same. In some respects, and that is, they're scared hell of our God, and they're scared hell of numbers of God's people coming after them, knowing what they've done. And that's us, all we got to do is spread it. Now, I know it's hard, people don't see it, and they're all screwed up to hell of a time. Everybody's like the bull in the circle. Do you ever play bull in the circle when you're a kid, Paul? Paul, you must have gone off to pet the cat. Bull in a circle is that childhood game you play where all the kids in the neighborhood line up in a circle, and you put one person in the middle, and then people just start running at him, one at a time from whatever direction usually is back, and he's spinning around getting dizzy and trying to fight off these people coming at him, and all that, and that's kind of the way you feel, you know? Isn't that chicken in the middle? Well, it could be, it depends on what you called it in your neck of the woods. Yeah, well, we were from up north, you know, the cold stuff, weird stuff. Yeah, must go on. Yeah, must go on, must go on, a must go on in the middle. Might be what it was called, up at your butt. Yeah, yeah, something like that. No, I was here, I just had to switch systems, so I was having an issue with it. You're doing something important, you know? So anyway, that's kind of my oratory here to get us started this morning. I pick these things as we just come up on the air, I don't usually think them through or have them set up. There's really very little on this program, this can't, okay? I mean, I don't have notes, I never work from notes, I work strictly for memory. I don't do all that show prep crap, I get on here and open up the mic and we just roll, and today we rolled out with all this IRS stuff. So just for maybe there's some newer people out there, all this established history, you can go look at it, you can confront them, they won't say anything. They're just real chicken, ship high and transits when they don't have this power over you that you've given them. Was that somebody trying to say something there, Paul? I believe it was, who was that? Who was that? Come on. Yeah, it was something. Good morning. Wednesday. Good morning, guys. Hey, hey, hey, hey. Yeah. It's everybody's Sam. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, Roger. Hey, Paul. How you doing, guys? Yeah. We played in the same game, but it was a little different. We were like in the middle and everybody kind of held hands and you had to break through a link. Oh, okay. So you held as much as you. Yeah. Oh, stop. You were trying to get out. Yeah. Go ahead, Sam. No, no, no. Yeah. You tried to get through them because they surrounded you kind of like the IRS. Like you talked about them. You guys have a welcome knowledge. I'm telling you. So, Joe Banister, you watched that guy. I watched the documentary years ago. I'm betting. I'm an IRS agent. Oh, you remember? I'm betting. I'm betting. Okay. Awesome. I'm going to go try to see him. He was something in Wisconsin. He had a lawyer in Wisconsin or something. He had all his family was in law and whatnot, officers all the way down. And, you know, someone had mentioned something to him about the IRS being illegal. And he challenged them. And he's just a straight shooter. Gee. I watched like 36 boxes of information. And I guess some people said, well, you know, they voted. They judge in his favor because he was honest. But again, as I start to look at some of this stuff too, you mentioned something about positive law. And I think number 26, there's no asterisks to that in a couple of different documents. It's not positive law. Right. So, I think, and here's my mindset, Roger. I'm going to try to help other people. Everybody, you know, for the most part, we're, I'm a Christian and I think everybody wants to do what's right. And if you owe something, you'd pay it. There's no two ways around it. But if you don't, you know, you also have to fight for yourself to say, hey, no, this is wrong. You know, this is my heavenly father and wife, he says, listen, if it's, if this, you got to pay it, pay it. But if you don't, it don't allow the wrong to be done to you, be an example for others, I guess. I don't know what to tell you. I, I'm so happy that I got the, the one year tax return. I could have got three, we have a no problem, but I'm so glad and you know what, I'm in, you know, guys, I'm in Illinois and these guys are terrible and I'm, I have no problem with these people. Nobody's in front of me, nothing. Go ahead. Oh, yeah. And Chicago is one of the most corrupt, I guess tax agency state in the country, obviously, from Bill Benson's experience and his work. I wanted to go back and just add a couple, a little color to your commentary on Joe Bannister because I have met him. I met many of these people, Sherry Jackson Peele, of course, was in Atlanta. We had her come talk to our Patriot group one, one Tuesday night, whatever night we met on and nice lady, okay, I haven't met some of the other ones that are out there, but those two I have met, I met Joe Bannister and Expo out in Denver right before we went into Y2K stuff and he was a CID agent, for those of you who may not know this, that's criminal investigation division, they carry guns, okay. And he was one of those guys and in his day-to-day activities, he would listen to a talk show host in San Francisco, he was based in San Francisco, I don't remember the guy's name, but he was one of these kind of guys on the radio early on back then that was talking about this stuff and he started saying that the banister was going, well that guy's full of crap, okay. And so he went back and he started, here's where you get them, they start researching and they find that they can't find anything like, where's the law, okay. That was the big, that was the big battle cry back then, the Patriots, where's the law? And as I've mentioned, it was Debbie Kidd and I'm sure Bcraft is involved in that banister and Sherry Jackson Peel and they somehow came up with enough money to buy a full-page ad in the New York Times, it would offer you a reward, $50,000 if you can show us the law. I wish I'd been sharp or back then I'd have been a little bit richer because I can damn sure show them the law, okay. And so nobody else has ever found it and identified it as that, but we know it is in the IRS, agrees with this, okay. But regardless, so that tells you, that's a very interesting question, why hasn't anybody been able to find what we talk about pretty regularly on here? Let's see, don't look in the clothes. Well, was there a guy in New Mexico or Vegas who put out the ad, the $50,000? Oh, there was this, I got a group of people, it was a group of people, banister and Peel and they probably had an investor because you don't get those full-page ad in that piece of trash cheap. Anyway, they weren't looking in the regulations, they weren't looking in the regulations, it's right there on the first page, they were all looking in the statutes. Well, let me ask you Roger, you know, corporations have to pay taxes, is that correct? They've never paid taxes. They've forwarded to the people, the consumer, right? They just pass it on to their good product or service, I mean they may symbolically pay it, but it ain't coming off their bottom line. Okay, so again, I'm still not with this, like I said, I'm still researching, but from what I understand, and maybe Brent would know more, if corporations have to pay taxes and they make you property or a corporation, that's probably the whole they have on people. I don't know, again, corporations can't make you anything, they're just, they're a person just like you, okay? Even as a surf, but they always pass, I mean they're just going to pass it on, it's just like all the sales tax laws, where you pay sales tax, well the sales tax law is on the business, it's not on you to pay it, they just pass it along to you and you willingly pay it. Okay, okay, so there was something I was snagging at me, I was going to go into here, maybe it'll come back, but yeah, it's a sticky wicket, oh banister and those guys, banister is a very nice guy, I think he's a Christian guy, if I remember writing, he was just pleasant to talk with, I mean we didn't sit down and you know having dinner with each other, but I met him in the expo hall there and just shake your hand and of course I didn't, there was no time, it wasn't the place to go into this, and besides hell I can't get any of these people to listen to me, there will be crafts going around the country when he's asked about what we do, he goes oh no that didn't work, okay Larry no problem, you may be one of these days before you die you'll be able to think outside the box, I hope so, but maybe not, who knows, no it worked, it worked, it worked, it worked, but these people can't think outside the box, they went through their law schools, their dental schools, their medical schools like Leeland yesterday, how much time did you get in all your medical training on vitamins and minerals and food, stuff he goes, not one single minute, okay, in the same way that the dentist, now same here in Chicago, you know I had a very good friend, I met down here in South America, he was a real big time dentist up there, he's dead now unfortunately, his name was Dennis Malloy, and he was a Catholic, he had gone through all the, I believe in the big Catholic University, the Jesuit University Loyola up there, I don't know, I'm Christian, I don't know anything about this, well they purport to be Christians, but isn't the big Jesuit Catholic college in Chicago, what are the big Catholic universities in Chicago area, Sam do you know, Loyola, I can't, Loyola, okay well all I know, I met him, we, I'll tell you the story, because it's really a cool story, I was sequestered in Argentina after the accident, until the trial cleared it up years later, I couldn't leave the country, but I could travel inside the country, and so you've never heard of Doug Casey, Sam? No, he's a pretty pretty famous guy, well he's pretty famous in some circles, he's a jet set guy, independent financiers, written a bunch of books, made a bunch of money on Wall Street, he's got quite a following, and his sidekick is a guy named Bill Bonner, have you ever heard of him? No, he's has an operation called international living, it's still around, a lot of people in Ecuador here, because they have he had quite a presence here, and him and Casey both had a real presence in Argentina, Casey had lived in 25 different countries, and in his lifetime he said Argentina is my favorite, you know why? He said because of bureaucracy, can't find his butt with both hands, he's pretty true, he's really pretty true, okay, so anyway he's got a big estanche country up there in North Argentina, it's called Caffeetti, or if you're from Buenos Aires Caffeetti, and it's a little tourist town, it's not a big town, maybe 12, 15,000 people live there, but they've got several nice restaurants, because of the tourist aspect, and Casey and an Argentinian guy, who used to smuggle cocaine in from Bolivia, I'm told, put together this big estancia up there, it's a lovely spot, it's about 5,000 feet up in the Andes, it's big valley, it's very, the air is very pure, and it's just lovely, okay, and so it's beautiful, so what he does to try and get people up there, he has an open house, I don't know if he's still doing, he probably is, but back then he was having an open house for all these jet setters around the world, and so I'm just some fascinating people, so I went up there for a week, and I went up there as the book was released to try and show them that this financial system that they've all put their careers in life and to, and where it comes from and how it operates, because none of them know, okay, and I never obviously could get their attention, but we're up there for a week, and they had brought foreign chefs in, the food was just fantastic, we had to pay for our meals, pretty inexpensive, but then they'd have meal at a different place, location every day, like we had, we got a real, a couple of vineyards of a really interesting white grape up there, I can't remember the name of it, but we were out in the vineyards under some trees and stuff one time for lunch, and just, it was neat, you know, I mean, I had interesting people, cool little place, so anyway, I go up there, and the very first day, they got a square, just like all these towns do down here in South America, and of course, the Catholic Church has at least one side of the square, maybe more, but regardless, we were in there and they had the square, and they had a little artisan place for trade, people do their own trades to sell them, you know, sweaters or paintings or whatever, and so that's where the registration place was, and it was slightly above the square, you had to walk up a few steps, and it was maybe, I don't know, four, three to four feet above the square, and the square is right in front of you, so I went in and registered and paid for my meals and got all my stuff, and they give you a little name tag, and so, I got my little name tag on, and I walk out, I'm on the platform that the stairs led up to, and I'm overlooking this scene of, well, I don't know, maybe 40, 50 people there mulling around, and all of a sudden, I hear this voice, this is one of those real funny stories, you know, I hear this voice, this loud voice goes, "Ride your sails, I heard you on the power hour!" Well, that was Dennis, and we just became instant friends, you know, and we hung around together the whole week, and he'd just a joy to be around, and so he was from Chicago, he was a big-time dentist up there, Bill V, the guy that used to own the Blackhawks, was one of his customers, and he was just a great guy, you know, and so we got to be friends, he used to come call into the show all the time, listen all the time, and he had, when he retired, he'd gone around the world, because he got really, as he got turned on to this stuff, he got really interested in the Jesuit, because he was raised Catholic in that environment and went through whatever college that is up there, and he had gone and spent a month right outside of the Vatican in Rome, so he could get into their archives and do all kinds of research there, and so that was his orientation, and he was just such a great guy to be around, so he told me, this is the point of giving you the background story, one of his sons went through that same university to be a dentist, and he told his dad that they would not give them their diploma until they signed an oath. Pardon me? He was saying, okay, well he said they would not give them their diploma until they signed an oath to not say anything bad about fluoride or mercury. So there's your Jesuit control into this whole thing, and how they continued to do all these different things to keep us dumbed down stupid, and just, they're bad actors, okay? I don't care what you think, sorry if you Catholic, but these people, this whole Catholic bunch is in this deal over their eyeballs. I personally have come to the conclusion, many years of thought and study, that they are actually behind it more so than the Jews. I think they put the Jews up front to catch the heat and to take on their traditional, the reason people hate them and stuff, so that they don't get the attention and the blame, but I truly believe that the Vatican is behind an awful lot of this stuff, and I'll tell you, the one thing that cinched it for me, I need Tupper Sausi and new briefly and read his book, "Rulers of Evil", which if you want to know about the Catholic history, that's the book you need to acquire, okay? Tupper Sausi is children still maintain the website, it's not available in a paperback, it's only in a coffee table style big book, it is a masterpiece, he spent years researching it, and you read it and you go, wow, even if you never considered that, you can't help but have your thinking swayed by it, but then I'm listening on our show one, y'all hold on just a second, I'm listening on a show one night and they're talking about say Cardinal Rat Singer and this other cardinal were the two top guys at the Code of Federal Regular at the Council on Foreign Relations, folks, they don't let people that aren't running the show in those positions, okay? That was the piece of information that solidified my thinking, Joe, is that you trying to say something? Yes it was Roger, remember here a couple years ago there was a big confab of the various emergence of the world, and that was all held at the Vatican and the Pope resided over the whole proceedings. Yeah, well is it the old Pope or the newer Pope, Bergoglio from Argentina, because he is a, he is not a good man, I was Francis before him, okay? Bergoglio, if you don't know in the whole history, how long has the Catholic Church been around? 1500 years, something like that, Joe? It was 538 AD. Okay, so at least 700 years, okay? He is the very first Jesuit Pope in the history of the Catholic Church. I said 538, not 1538. Okay. Anyway, it was the first Pope, 1100, wasn't it? May have been, okay. Very well may have been, I'm not steep in Catholic history, okay? But I do know that Bergoglio, who's from Buenos Aires, and was very involved when they had the, oh, the Kissinger and Chicago School of Economics, Operation Concord, down here in Argentina and Chile, where they went in and knocked off Pinochet, one of them, over there in Chile, and then they instituted a military hunt in Argentina. And Bergoglio was very instrumental in sending a lot of very patriot Argentinians to their deaths. Evidently, they would, in fact, one of the guys I knew down there was about 18 and had been in the military when all that was going on, and he saw some of that stuff. They commandeered an old navy yard or something there, and that's where they'd go get these people and take them all to be tortured or whatever they did to them. And then, then what they do is they chain them all, they handcuff them. I don't know if they chain them all together, just handcuffed them, but they take them out in a C-130, out over the Atlantic and dump them out of the back of the plain handcuffed at whatever thousand. Oh, yeah, there's 10s of thousands of them. They did that too. And some of the mothers that are still alive, have every day, on a certain day of the week, I forgot, they get out and they go and protest that and bang hands and wear white handkerchiefs and all kinds of stuff. So that's still lingers. All right, another con, it was called Operation Condor. Yes, sir, Joe. Bergoglio is involved in that. Yeah, you know, they're getting old works in mysterious ways. You've heard it said many times. Were it not for the Muslims? We would probably all be Catholic because King Charles of France had amassed his armies to exterminate and annihilate all protesters for Protestants. And he had assembled his armies to start that movement in France and move all through Europe. But, lo and behold, the Muslims invaded southeastern Europe. Right. He had to divert his armies there. To take care of that. That's correct. Or else could all be. Hey, on Mary. Well, it's just history is so darn interesting. And we see and have the information knowledge and insight that we have. And you look back at, say, William the Conqueror. And that story that I've told numerous times where he's fighting a herald there at the battle listings. He's losing it. One of his archers has one arrow left in his quiver and he arbitrarily fires it into the air. And it comes down in Harold's eye, kills him on the spot. Even though he's winning his troops see him fall, they run. And the world changed on an arbitrary list of one arrow into the air. Now, what in the? What are the friggin chances of that? I mean, it's astounding. It's astounding, really to me. So anyway, that's Brigaleo. And he's not the guy he, I think, claims to be. And even though they love him down there and pop up, pop us what they call him. And sorry for your Catholics. You know, John, a lot of you raise that way, John, because Sarah, your friend, a very Catholic and all that. We've got other folks and we're your your information. It's just like people call in America, the Great Satan. Well, it ain't us. It's these people that have hijacked the country and are doing all this stuff. And the same thing bears for the Catholic Church. I don't agree with their philosophies. I don't think there's any intermediary between me and my God. And I sure ain't going to go confess a bunch of stuff to him behind a little veil where he can write it down in a book and blackmail me with it. Okay. All the different crap that they do, it's just, I don't have any desire to be involved with it, even though where I live is predominantly Catholic, this whole continent is, but I don't have to interact with him too much. Yes. To break into this story, which you talked about with the arrow, for example, and not to toot your horn, but just to say that, you know, Roger, you turn around and you shot an arrow, right? Think about this. You had to be guided by somebody, right? And now if you took a shot, so you know what, now look what happened. You know, well, well, Sam, you know, it's all for years as I was, I just knew there was something of great substance here. And what really keyed me, honestly, for a lot of years was that substitution of national with non-resident alien in the tax code. And that just kept bugging me. You know, I thought, man, they really went to a lot of trouble to do this. It's got to be really important, you know, and I just kept digging at it. And that was the motivation, honestly. And as I became more enlightened and had differing thoughts on it before I had concrete leads. I try and say, whether it's on the top of the barn, get that some bitch. I would go and try and explain this to people when nobody could understand it first of all. And I was trying to give it a boy, don't you want to see about this? Look at this, I'm trying to give it to somebody else, right? And nobody, they did not, not only did they not want it, they didn't understand it. Okay. And I couldn't explain it very well back then either, by the way. So anyway, that was a real driving force for me, Joe, and just for years and years and years. And finally, it got to the point where I said, look, I know this is of great importance and nobody's interested, but I'm going to carry it on because I understand that there's something really big here. And it was as if that God put, you know, out there on the farm when they get a bull and they put a ring in his nose. Well, it's like God put a gold ring in my nose. And any for a fashion that fashion didn't tighten it real good. And he tied a rope to it. And he said, Come here, kid, you're following me. And that's what I've been doing ever since. Yeah, I've gone through it. Right, I've gone through a lot of stages with this and tried to cram it down people's throat and all you do is generally make enemies. It's not worth it. They're never going to respond. You're wasting a relationship basically. So then I've come to the understanding. That's the only thing you can do is just throw a little piece of bait out in front of a book or something shiny over here. You know, and you got to attract people to it that are the right people that want to know. Because those are the only ones that are going to make the commitment to look into it and make the sacrifices to learn and have command of the information. And if you don't do that, you really might as well not even do it. I know there's exceptions, but that's kind of the way it is and the reason is because my goal as you folks know is not to charge it for money. I don't want to make this into a business. I want to affect change in this world. I want to totally show these people for who and what they are. And I want to affect change. And the only way we affect change is when we get numbers. And the only way we get numbers is to get the right people that are interested in it that will do what it takes to get command of it. And so it's kind of the philosophy of how I do this. Joe has been a trial and error in many respects over a lot of years about almost half of my lifetime. I've been spent doing this. It's been without a doubt in my major accomplishment in my life, even though I've accomplished some pretty cool things. You know, if you look back on a gauge, I've been successful in every business I've ever been in, not every time, but at least once. I've done some things and met people all and gone a different piece of the world that most people haven't. And I've accomplished all that, but yet all of those things as substantial as they might have appeared back then, pale to this. And the deeper I get into it, the worse the world gets, the more this thing develops, the more important I see it is. And so don't know what it's going to happen. But, but I know one of these days God's going to open the door on this to the, to the people. And boy, are these bastards in big trouble then. You better have a, you better have a flight on it. You might have a, a flight on a trip over there to Satan Sandbox. You pieces of crap. Because when you get exposed, that's about the only place you're going to be able to run. Come on in there, Mr. Mark and straw man. Hang on, hang on. I've been waiting for a break here. We've got a hand raised that's been up for over a half hour. Oh, well, come on. We need to get in here to get Amber on the show. Amber, if, if it's quick. Okay, let's talk to Amber. Let's talk to Amber. We need a little female interaction here. Hi, Amber. Roger, Roger, if you look at your screen, you'll see a yellow hand raised on, on zoom. Okay, if that hand goes up, that means we've got hands in the other conference that are up. So, okay, good. That's a nice little technique. You've been busy. Hi, Amber. Bye, Amber. Star six. There you go. Like get these guys are never going to recognize me. I'm going to go out and go to the chickens. Are you there, Amber? I got her now. Amber. Hello. Amber, come back. I think she must have got disgusted with this, Paul. I'm sorry. You know, at times I get on a train of thought here, and it's like I took an X-lax and hiccuped and I got diarrhea in the mouth and I got all this stuff that I want to string together and show you these things and prove it to you. And I just get off in another world. So, if you're in a situation like Amber, please take that into consideration. Don't call me ugly names and stuff. Oh, I don't think she would do that anyway. Okay. Well, while we're waiting for her, Amber, if you're not going to go once going twice, Mark and straw man will leave you on the board. And if you get back, of course, you might not be here in this anyway, say something, we'll include you because we want to entertain what you got to say. But we're not going to have dead air. So, now's your time if you're not trying to come back later. Amber, you're there. Going once. Going twice for Amber, it sure is a really pretty thing, Amber, and that's when it comes out of the nature with like old prehistoric bugs in it or something. Come on, Amber. Yes, it's like the raised hand is almost an amber color. Amber, you might be muted locally on your phone. Just make sure that you're not muted there. Okay, I'll just read it on the board. Okay. All right, we're going to leave in the background. Okay, we're going to go see Mark and straw man. Mark, how you doing this morning? Was that Amber? Is that Amber? I don't know who that was or what they said. Amber, if that was you, you got a terrible connection. No, I think that was somebody else. Okay. Hey, Mark, we're going to get to you eventually, man. Just just be patient. Yeah, come on in. Come on in, Mark. We'll, we'll pick up Amber after the top of the hour. We've only got two or three minutes before the BOU sign off. Anyway, as I'm just thinking, I know, I know exactly how that brass ring fills in the nose because here I am. Yeah. Yeah, there you go. It got you to see all of a sudden, yeah, you're seeing it. You turn your back on it and look what I did. So your fault. Well, let me tell you all, folks, I am so tickled to see our progress and have quality people like Mark on here to help with the heavy lifting and Paul and all of you that are contributing, Merkin, everybody else bring Dave and Kay, everybody that's bringing something to the table here. I just appreciate you because I was carrying this torch for a long time by myself. Okay. Yeah. It gets heavy. It gets very heavy and the lightning of the load is much appreciated. Go ahead, Mark. Speaking of Dave and Kay, you know, they built a wonderful website for, you know, self-paced learning. It's just awesome. But everybody who's, you know, listening and have an interest in this, I cannot recommend highly enough to get Devon's National Citizenship Handbook. And all you got to do is go to That's And in the search box, you'll see a magnet. If you scroll down the page, you'll see a big magnifying glass on the right hand side. Type in handbook. That's all you got to do, handbook. And in the search results, you'll see the National Citizenship Handbook. Highly recommend that you download that. That is one of my top go-to references for all things national. And you can work your way through that book alone and have a really firm grasp of what Roger is teaching. So I just want to-- And how merge or what makes sure that you get that downloaded? How negligent of me to not mention Devon in that list. And all the other folks that are out there, and I just can't. I don't know what you're doing, and I might even not know you very well or at all. But I appreciate what you're doing, and we're all working together and many hands make light work. And if we get enough hands on our side, we can pull this bunch of lion, murder, and thieves into the mud pit. Okay? Well, it's coming. We're scared. We're very close to being able to get a large number of people. Yes, we are. Okay, we're going to-- That's right. That means Chicago land. We're bidding a due to you, and we let Paul Beaner do that. All right. If you want to follow us into the second hour, please go to or and just click on either the free conference call, the Zoom link, or the two live streams that are there. There's and Global Voice Radio Network. Catch us here Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Central Time, 11 to noon Eastern. Thanks so much for joining us. We'll see you on the next slide. There's no telling what you might learn. Right. So Amber, we got you back, yeah? She's still there. She's still got her hand up. She's still on the board. Well, you got us. You got us titillated here, Amber. Yeah. Okay. Well, where else can we go this morning? You heard a bunch of my IRS stuff I put together over the years. I put that-- Mark, I'll tell you what, if we find somebody that comes to us that's on the front end of doing the dance with the individuals representing Satan, I would love for us to try and do some sort of an administrative appeal with them on the fact that all of the regulations are interpretive and see where that goes. Yeah, I'd like to-- I think Ralph and one of his last opuses on the Mooney case from Minnesota, I think they're from Minneapolis, he-- that was one of his big arguments. So I'd like to dig through that a little bit and see if I can pull that out because he really does. Well, it's the basis of everything they do and now that they-- now that we've had the Chevron decision, the deference overturned, they got less room to hide and the Administrative Procedures Act has more teeth even though they're only a quasi-government agency, but I would love for somebody to start throwing that defense at them and see how they react. I'd hate to see you have to go to court on it but because of the things that are involved but in Administrative Appeal, Appeal and we'll work with you, okay, that would be a great little testing ground to see how they react to that. Yeah. That's my-- my thing is always see how they react to something, okay. That's what the tell is, how they react, okay? Absolutely. You know, earlier we're talking about the newspaper ad that see, I think, B-Craft, D.V. Kid, Al Thompson, Dick Simcannon, who I've met, all of those guys and-- but the business owners that were part of that, Al Thompson, Dick Simcannon, they all went to jail and both of them. I don't remember who the other business people were, but all of them, some of them, D.V. Kid and B-Craft, all of them, all the others went to jail to the best of my knowledge, but they didn't know what we-- they didn't-- and see the bad thing is they've been exposed to it and Larry, B-Craft, Larry, I like you personally, man, you're a nice guy, okay. But he couldn't think outside the box and he never gave this any validity. I think I told you that after John and Glenn got out of jail and they had-- they'd done all the research, they'd gotten hold all those old English books on the ex-checker, they understood the process, they'd spent couple of years together at Petersburg where every afternoon they could go out in the-- have a soccer field or an exercise field, there's a minimum security deal, and they'd spent four hours together every afternoon they could out under a big tree at the end of one of the fields there talking about this stuff and hammer it out, and that's where that tax book came from, okay. Because I helped them, because they would-- they didn't have a Glenn-- Glenn, they were having a hand write that out and they'd send it to me and I'm pretty good typer and I'd type it all back and send it to them. At some point, Glenn's grounds to typewriter, which is absolutely verboten and had it in there and they could do their own typing, but I've been involved in this project so long and so integrally, you know, in these different facets of it and-- but yeah, that's what happened, they'd get together. The fickle finger of fate, Mark, because Glenn had been sent to a Minnesota minimum security place and they sent John to Petersburg, here's an 80-something-year-old man in poor health, they sent him to one of the only unconditioned facilities in the whole Bureau of Prisms and he wouldn't want to directly kill him or anything, I'm sure. And so Glenn wanted to-- Glenn's very spiritual, you know, hyper-spiritual, if you will, and so he wanted to join this Bureau of Prisons past-- ministerial or pastoral project, reteach his stuff, I guess. And so he applied for it and one of the places that taught it was Petersburg, Virginia and some bureaucrat with his fickle finger of fate sent John to Glenn to be with John. And that's where all this came from, where all of it's-- where all attack-- I mean, isn't one of those things, you know? Well, who do you attribute that to? Well, thanks, big guy. That's my intervention. Are you betcha? And that's why I tell-- You know, when I talk to people about it and they'll say, "Wow, that's really spiritual, you know, some event or something we're talking about." I go, "This whole project has been like that." I can go back through and give you four or five or six different examples of not only them, but me, 'cause I should never have lived in that accident I caused in Argentina. And it's just by a miracle that I had a seatbelt on that day. I never wear seatbelts that day I'd put one on and that saved my life, okay? And I think I've told the audience, "Well, you can probably see a picture of the car on the internet still. A little rental car, you know, poor air conditioning, hot middle of the summer in the high desert Argentina. We'd just eaten lunch and I just dozed off, you know? Just dozed off for a nanosecond. BAM! You know, it happened." But that car, a picture of that car, I'm told, ran on the front cover of every newspaper in the country of Argentina above the fold, where it's laying there with the picture there on the top of the newsstand. And the headline was, "It's a miracle this guy's alive." It was. And the miracle was, 'cause I could do this, because it wasn't out yet. And it was through that accident and the repercussions from that that I finally got on with Bennett over on RBN. And as I was discussing this when I met, went back to the States that last time, about six years ago, and spent a little day, a couple of days up in the mountains there, and had lunch with Dr. Flick. And we were sitting there talking about that. And he said, "Tragedies are new beginnings." Tragedies are often new beginnings. That's what they symbolize. And that definitely was the case here. And had I been killed in that accident, none of you little former serfs would be free, and you'd still be serfs and fight in the machine. Instead of being able to go over the wing, patriot, mythology, and get thrown in jail or killed by some SWAT team or something. Okay, now all you have to do is go over and flip a switch, like a light switch on the wall, and the machine ceases working against you. And let me listen, like I know, Ollie, you're welcome. Okay, it's selfish. Thank you, Rod. I'm trying to protect myself because I know that the only way I can protect my liberty is to help all of you folks protect yours. It's also a biblical duty of the watchmen on the wall from the Old Testament, which I'm fulfilling. I never tell anybody to do this, never forced anybody to do this. I've just told you about it. And if you're the right person, you'll react. And if you're not, you'll go on and try and maybe you'll react later. I don't know. I just know all I can do is like fishing. You throw the bait out there and see who rises to the occasion. So I'm glad you heard it. I'm glad it resonated with you. I'm glad you're part of our team here. And whatever point you are in your learning and understanding, but every time we get a person, that's why I get so excited about these new people, man, because I know we're growing. Otherwise, I don't know because it happens off distant from me. And they don't clap. Hey, Roger, listen, I got a guy who's interested. I don't hear that, you know. I hear the people that come to the show. And otherwise, I know the things working out there. And I know you all are talking to people. I know we're getting people like Leland, Dr. Leland yesterday, and Connor yesterday, and as the new folks come on. And isn't it interesting to see somebody come on, like a baby, you know, they come on, they got no knowledge. They're floundering around, all that stuff. And then we see them here on the show grow. Look at Sam. Look at Merka. It's just wonderful to see you grow into the truth. And no, internally, that I had something to do with it. It makes me, it gives me a warm fussy. Okay. Here you go. I still want to see if we can get Amber in here. So Amber, call her out every 10 minutes or so. Amber, you're there yet. Free Freeman calling Amber. Uh, nope. Are you looking for the 608 number? It's actually Brady. I think the name's wrong. Oh, 608? Okay. Ready? 608. That's what we call it. Yeah. It's Brady. I've been gone for a while. I came back. I just wanted to give you guys update on the NFA suppressor stuff. Okay. So, so far, I've been able to get suppressors and firearms with no problems, but I do get through with the clerks at the stores to do the tax exempt version. So, I have had to submit them regularly, but they've all been approved. I did one, two with my trust, all my firearms on my passport card, and I did two individual suppressor forms recently, and I'll let you know when those come back approved. So, instead of doing it through a trust, which is a different entity, but I am doing the research now trying to figure out how to do the tax exempt side of it. But so far, they wouldn't take a form 5 because they call it a relic or a curio or something like that, which in their E forms doesn't apply. So, you know, you guys, I don't know if you remember, we've got to work in the firearms industry. I've had no issues. IRS hasn't given me any problems. My wife hasn't had any problems with medical industry. It's been really great the last six months, just my baby daughters, nuts. So, I've been super busy and having to do a lot with the firearm stuff, but everything that has gone through, approved right away, no delay. So, if anybody's worried about that, you can do the normal process and they don't give you any issues. I did put the ATF and the DOJ, FBI, and the state firearms unit in Wisconsin, all on notice, never heard of peeps. Everything's good to go, and so I'll yield back. Thank you. Hey, thanks, Brady. We hadn't heard from you in a long time. So, thanks for checking in. It took me a minute to remember who you were and good work, and thanks for the report. Let us know as it progresses. Mark, did you have something for Brady? I was going to ask him, did he use the passport for his exemption? And Mike Nail would like to hear whatever he's talking about, I'm sure. So, I did use the passport. They do let it go, but they want to have something with an address on it. And so, I have a renewal coming up for my driver's license for the state of Wisconsin, and I'm going to try a different method with that. They tell me that they get problems with the state IDs, which I'm going to get one of those also, but I've been able to do it the normal way with my passport card. Yes, the NFA items with the ATF, the form force, I've had to give the clerk my driver's license. Brady, here's one of the listeners, was a shop and tried to use his passport card to buy some kind of firearm item, and they wouldn't get take it because of exactly what you said. It doesn't have an address on it, and they've got to have an address now. So, he went to the other counter and got a fishing license that came back with it, and they sold it to it. That's funny. In our shop, when you can do the NCIS check, and I see us check with the FBI for firearm, and the passport card is an option in the e-forms on the electronic site. Now, that's for long guns. For handguns, because Wisconsin has a different unit, they want an address, so that's why I'm going to try to get the state ID without the photo. Since the passport card has the photo, I shouldn't have to get them both. I'm trying that method. But I have enough information on that, so I don't want to speak on it too much. Please come back and-- Well, when you get to go through some of these things, bring it back to us if you would, because to my understanding, if you've got a Wisconsin driver's license, they won't issue you an ID because the driver's license acts as an ID. But come back and let us know. Okay. Roger that. That's the question. Okay. Good question. As national, should we be calling these things firearms? So, I'll speak on that a little bit, and here's why. When you have the forms, that's what it says on the forms. And it does actually say on some of the forms, it says national on some of the forms. But the problem is, you're interfacing with someone on the other side of the counter that has to follow those rules. So, if you're trying to buy a regular shop, they are bound by the stuff that CFR and Title 18 and all that stuff does. We may not be, but what the method right now is to do it the normal way until we figure out the constitutional way. So, I understand what you're saying and agree with you, but I don't know the answer yet. However, you've got to think about the guy on the other side of the counter that's got to deal with those federal regulations. Well, here's the constitutional way at this point, you go to a gun show and find somebody who's got something you want and do a private sale. Remember, that's like the guy who wants to drill me well, right? I says, well, I don't want to permit. He says, well, if I don't get a permit, they'll, if they catch me, they'll take my license. Yep, trying. Yep, license permission to do something which is otherwise illegal, blacks law dictionary. Okay, we've got another hand up. Okay, well, thank you so much. Okay, please come back and let us know how some of that evolves. We've got another hand up. Look, we started something, Paul, I think. Who might that be? Carl. Carl. We're in here, Carl. Hey, Carl. Can you hear me? Okay. Yeah, we'll let go. I apologize. I'm not the best area, but the gentleman that's called brought up a trust. Is there a special type of trust, like a private trust or anything that we need to use for not just firearms, but also for businesses? Well, Carl, let me ask you a question. If I could, I'm going to try and open a door here. How many trusts are there? I don't know. There's over a hundred different types of trusts. And some of them are highly specialized. Now we've got Mark on with us and Mark writes trust, you know, a little bit about it. Mark, what would your answer be to that question about the different types of trusts that you use for this, that, the other, and whatever else you feel is important? Well, you know, like a private trust, if you're really trying to make something solid, you really want something that is a, a, a irrevocable trust, which means once it's set in place, it can't be changed. Most people want, most people do any, a revocable trust, because in a revocable trust, if you are the person creating the trust, which is commonly known as a grantor or a settler, then you can also be the trustee. But that's not always the, I mean, it can be attacked pretty easily. Ideally, you want a irrevocable trust, you create the trust, and then you have a different trustee that is, is going to handle the affairs of the trust as written in the trust document, which is also referred to as a constitution sometimes. So it just really depends on how you're wanting to set this up. Are you going to be, are you going to be transferring ownership different guns in and out of that trust, you know, that type of thing? Or are you going to have like maybe fully auto weapons be held in that trust? And really the first thing you want to do is take your own personal properties, you know, outside of like guns and cars and boats and motorcycles, things that have titles on them. You want to make sure that you have your own stuff in a separate trust so that if somebody were to sue you or one of your other trusts, they can't reach your primary residence. To me, that's the best game plan is to start with your primary residence, put it in a trust by itself. And now you can handle your other property. However, you want to do that. But one of the strongest trust, one of the strongest trust is known as a express private trust. And that is an irrevocable trust. And very difficult to break. One of the cases that I share with people is an enray bomb. It's out of the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver. And a bomb had a bankruptcy, but he had get property held in a trust known as an express private trust. And the bankruptcy trustee was trying to go after that property that had been put in that trust. He's trying to bust the trust and take the property because of the bankruptcy. And the trustee of the trust had kind of like borrowed some money from the trust. And I'm reading through this, you know, the first glance, I'm like, Oh, this don't look good. Because I don't know the outcome of this case yet. As I'm reading through the decision of the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, it gets down to the end. And the, you know, the judge is going, Well, the, you know, the trustee did this, and that and that, but nonetheless, it means all six elements of the trust. And therefore, no, you're not going to bust the trust. And the US bankruptcy trustee is not going to take any property out of that trust. It's a legitimate trust. And I was like, Wow. So anyway, that's a very powerful trust. And there's six elements that that need to be met. And that's probably one of my preferred simplest trusts that a person put together. But the struggle most people have is, who am I going to name as the trustee? Who can I trust? Literally. And now I know two things, and I've seen this happen repeatedly. And I, you know, you don't want an attorney as your trustee, and you don't want a banker as a trustee. Usually you want to find somebody who you could trust with your life, you know, and they're going to be there for you. So it could be potentially a distant family member. Even potentially, if you have a pastor that would be willing to do that. And there's provisions so that if something happens to the trustee, like my common joke is, don't pick a trustee that's older than you. You want to try to find somebody that's a little younger than you. That's hopefully is still going to be around when you pass away. And they can execute the trust and distribute the property to the beneficiaries as it should be, you know, as it's written in the trust document. Yep. Trust didn't trust start in Rome when the generals would go off on the campaign and they'd put their property in trust while they were gone. I've heard that. I wouldn't surprise me that would sound about right. Now, also, we've got an expert on trust, and that would be Brent Winters. He's a, that's a large component of what he specializes in in his law practice now. If you'd like to write your own, Carl, or find out and learn more about him, anyone in the audience, Brent did a one of his series of things with, I don't know if Narlief was with him, but on how to write your own trust. I'm sure there's a lot of education in that series. I'm not sure how many programs it encapsulates, but you can find it over on, no doubt. Trust can be misused when I first got into this. A lot of people were using the charlatans going around the country because they could, they could get a pile of money. Yeah, you know, David Strayt sells trust. You know that? Mark? No. Well, you know how much you sell to a tool? $2,400, and the guy that told me about it said, no. Okay. My prices are going up. And the people that wanted to use them in the 90s wanted to use them as a tax vehicle. See, everybody's trying to get unencumbered by the IRS. Let me tell you this right now. And Mark will agree with me. I'm sure a trust is not a tax vehicle. It's not a tax vehicle. Exactly. They've, the IRS started recreating the trust as a person and going after them back in the 90s when all that stuff started and people lost stuff. Okay. So be careful what it is. It's got some legitimate uses. It works fine. And, but you got to do things correctly. For instance, you get a trustee, you got to have a meeting once a year, don't you? Yes. Okay. So there's requirements like that. And if they come in and want to question your trust and you haven't dotted all your eyes and crossed all your keys, well, you may not be in the position you thought you were in. Okay. So be careful about it. It's a wonderful vehicle. Mark writes them. Brent specializes in them. And for the right purpose, their wonderful vehicle for the wrong purpose, you might ought to reconsider. Now, is there somebody trying to say something there a minute ago? Roger, let me ask one more question. I apologize. So for a business doing business is that I mean, for sole proprietors, but is there something different like a private membership association that we get? That's an option. That's certainly a possibility. DBAs, I think, are very valid, especially if you're a national and you're just doing business basically as a sole proprietor cutting all that other crap out that would involve the IRS. Mark, you got any observations on that? I didn't quite catch it. I didn't quite catch the question. Would you please question, Carl? Yeah. Yeah. So for business, for working, I've got a couple businesses that I run right now and they're LLCs under a trust. And I'm going to have to play with this. And one of the questions that I have is, as I become a national, which I just put my paperwork in yesterday to the Secretary of State. Congratulations. But thank you. And so when I get this done, I've got to kind of dissolve some things and move stuff around with business. What's the best way to go about it? And I really am concerned about doing sole proprietor because I do have, I mean, I'm doing weed and pest control. So spraying chemicals, I don't want my information out there. It's more than I have to. But what would be the best option? Well, I like the use of an LLC, but unfortunately, most people had that tied to being an S corporation. As an S corp, you can't really be an S corp without being a U.S. citizen. That's one of the requirements. But you can revoke your election to file as an S corp for your LLC. Does that make sense? Yeah. Like most people that have an LLC, they were told they didn't know any better. And what they would do is they, their accountant would say, well, if you got an LLC, you need to sign up. You need to file your taxes as an S corp. So they would register, they would buy their first tax returns from the LLC as an S corp using the LLC's own unique tax identification number. And then they would pay themselves from the S corp. The sole proprietor would pay themselves like an employee, which in the past is a, you know, it's a great way of doing it. The S corp is designed and all corporations are designed to reduce your taxes as much as possible. It's all about write-offs. And then anything left over and profit is paid to the sole proprietor as an income almost like an employee. And so then the sole proprietor turns around and files a 1040 for whatever income they receive. And that's after all the deductions were taken out by the corporation, the LLC slash S corp. Does that make sense? So what some nationals are doing now is they are seeing that since their tax exempt, they're revoking the election to file as an S corp. And you can dissolve that if you want. And then there on out, you just file a 1040 and it would be a 1040 NR and it would be zero income. And remember, the only income as a national that's taxable is if you are paid interest off of a bond from a domestic corporation or if you're paid dividends from stocks that are from a domestic corporation, those are the only two sources of income that are taxable as a national. Or if you're expatriated, which we're not doing, obviously, and we'll never do. Well, Barnes says... Oh, go ahead. Oh, go ahead, Roger. Barnes says, "Well, I'm just saying stock. Barnes is like AEA half-hut and EF-hut and when he talks, I'll listen." Well, he says that that's totally bogus. There's no law, there's no precedent, nothing for you to pay exit tax if you're renouncing your U.S. citizenship and leaving the country. Well, hold on. Are you doing the expatriation because it would tax burden you, then there's some kind of repercussion, such as the State Department and this happened January 1st. I don't remember how many years ago, not many, but if you've got a tax obligation in collections, I think that's the qualifier, in collections over $50,000. They will not issue you a passport and if you've got a passport, they will revoke it, which they did on one day to 250,000 Americans around the globe. There, Ironman? One of my favorite YouTube channels. Hold on. Go ahead, Mark. Let's finish this up and we'll get to Ferris. Go ahead. No, no, no. One of my favorite YouTube channels is Nomad Capitalist by Andrew Henderson. He primarily grew up in the Phoenix, Arizona area and he calls himself Mr. Goody Tushu's of the tax world and so forth. He left the United States, renounces U.S. citizenship and he had to pay a tax, leave it, and he just held many private taxes. Okay, well, that's that that's that section right there for whatever reason. I don't know. I just know that's one of them and the others, the other. So, there have been a lot of people that left the country because of taxes. Ferris. Ferris, do me a favor. Sure. If you're going to come on here and do well, I don't want to phrase this properly. Roger, may I? And talk. Let me say my piece first. May I get my piece first and then you go second? Well, it's your it's your piece at times that we're talking about here. So, let me hear what Paul's got. Now, I'm talking about LLCs. The topic is LLC. Okay, well, that's okay. Okay. All right. Well, let's hear what Paul's got. One of the challenges, but there's no there's there's a precedent that has to be seen. Can I can I talk about LLCs? Wait, you can't answer it. May I talk and then listen to no. Okay, you may not talk, you will listen first. I spent a good amount of time this morning answering emails because of the last time you were on the show. So, there are certain things that you were not going to talk about, any personal entertainment that you have going on, any demonization of women, or blaming them for the fault of the world. None of those things are going to be discussed. They're never going to come out of your mouth again on this life program. Well, now listen, we can't, you know, every Paul, everybody's got their opinion. I don't want to stifle their opinion. And, and even though that appears to be a broad brush, I don't think he's talking about our gals. Okay, doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Well, it does. We're in open for off. Okay. Fairs, we want to hear what you got to say. Okay. Here's what my solution to this is going to be. If you're going to come on there and talk about the gals and stuff, first of all, it's not all that fares, please, because you stirred up a bunch of crap. Okay. So, it's not our gals that we're talking about. There's more of our gals here than there are guys, because most of the guys don't have any damn balls anymore. Okay. At least they got vegetables. Okay. But I understand what you're talking about along the whole lot of the average of females in the species. Okay. But this is what I propose as a solution. If you're going to do that, and I don't want to stifle you from doing that because I don't want to, yeah, everybody's got an opinion. Okay. But if you're going to do that, what I think you ought to do first is to give out your email. So you have to field all the emails and not Paul and I. Okay. Sure. Okay. Is that fair? I think it's fair. Hear me now. Yes, we can hear you now. I think that's fair. Is that fair with you? Is that fair for you? Oh, always. It's not fair to fair us. Check you in from my opinion to say a couple things on LLCs. Then they have anything to do with your, what are they called? I'll think of it later. LLCs, the most common barrier to communication is a misunderstanding of the LLC abbreviation and the words for which that abbreviation stands. Paul, what would you say LLC is? Limited liability corporation. And it's not. It's limited liability company. Look it up. That's the duty. It's not a corporation. See, it's backward to get it upside down. And furthermore, I resent the attack prior to allowing me to get my broadcast of the day because it doesn't apply. You think it's I'm a one-trick pony and I'm not. I'm a wide source of information on a variety of important topics. So if you let me get it out first, I would respect you. All right, go ahead, sir. Yeah, go ahead. Simply, you got to know it's not a corporation. It's not LLC, Paul. It's limited liability company. They're in the company. You need the LLC. Okay. Exactly. So go straight because we've got a lot of chute holes in our footsteps here. The only caveat I see about it really is that if you're, I guess it's just sub-chapter S, not LLC. But if you're sub-chapter S, you can't be registered as an officer of the company corporation, whichever, and be the recipient also. So you're going to have to find somebody at my work fine, but you're going to have to find somebody that's going to be registered as the officer, not you, if you want to be a national. LLC has no officers. There are no officers in LLCs. There are officers in corporations. There are zero officers in LLCs. There are members. Mark, there are only members. Mark, what do you know about this? Okay. Well, then members, if you're a member of the LLC, you can't be a national is my understanding. But just hold on, Ferris. Let's query Mark here. Today's probably dealt with these more than I have. Mark, what do you know here? Oh, absolutely. No. But Ferris is saying is absolutely correct. There's not officers. It is limited liability company, and I get so tired of hearing people follow the corporation. But for whatever reason, they've got that stuck in their head. But Ferris is right, it's limited liability company. And it can have members. Most of the time, LLC is a sole proprietorship. And you don't have to, I mean, you can be a national and have an LLC. There's no requirement to be any particular status. But if you're going to use a, if you're going to follow your tax return as a S corporation, okay, then that's what most accountants do. I don't know why, but that's what they do. Then you cannot file a tax return as an S corporation and not be a U.S. citizen. Do you have that? Yes, you may. Yes. You do not permit the do not permit the females and the girly men to drive me away from this classroom. Well, we're not trying to do that, Ferris. We're just trying to make sure everybody doesn't get their feathers ruffled. Although, sometimes getting your feathers ruffled is not a bad deal. I would remind the audience and the gals in the audience that Ferris is here at the behest of Lady Linda. Lady Linda is the one that turned you on to us. Is that correct? Of course, it's correct. That's why you've got the, you've got the big money there. And you, that's right, because I get the big bucks here. So you and Linda are like buddies. Do you see each other? Are you involved in any kind of organizations together to see each other walking on the beach or what? All of you both. Okay. Well, see gals here. I don't hear Linda bitching about it and she's the one that sent it to us. Now, let's go back and look at some of the things like biblically that I've experienced here on this subject. Women will rule over you and children will be your oppressors. That's out of the Bible. I don't know what verse it is, but it's in there. Okay. Now I live that. I lived for eight years under Christina Kirschner in Argentina. Okay. And that's exactly what that was. Women will rule over you. And she did not do a very good job. Hillary Clinton. Look at Pamela Harris, who's the vice president who doesn't even qualify to be in that position, much less the presidency should something happen to old dipshit Joe. Okay. She is not a natural born citizen. Her parent, one of her parents is Indian or mother and one of her parents. The father is from Jamaica, I believe. She's not a natural born citizen. She doesn't even have the quality and the requirements to be in the position she's in. So I look at the amount of women in Congress that some of them are very good. I heard some Marjorie Taylor green stuff last night in this morning. She's excellent Luna Paloma. It's fantastic. Okay. But I don't think it's a broad brush that we're painting here with. And we're not painting any of that to our gals who have stepped forth when there never used to be any women that weren't unattached at the Patriot movement. Okay. Very, very rarely. That whole situation has changed. Many of the men have been demasculated. I understand it. Okay. So I just trying to even out the sides and some of the observations, observations, no matter how abrasive they may seem that Ferris puts forward or true, to my experience in this. You and I, you and I, you and I would both gladly give up Marjorie Taylor green and all the females on the conservative side to get rid of all the women that are there screwing this thing up. Well, and it's like Brent says, Brent's very accurate. Behind all these women you're talking about, there's always a strong man. They're just using them as cover. Okay. So Ferris, if you're going to get on and do those spills, please say, look, this is my email because Paul and I are the ones that catch all the heat from that. Okay. And I'm ready to not say that, that, that everybody shouldn't have a voice. I, and I might not agree with what you got to say, but I do agree with your right to say it. Okay. So please understand that your tightrope work in here. Here it comes. Get your girls, yours, get your pencils and papers, I think. Go ahead. Ferris and friends at Is that an ampersand or A and D? It cannot, it's impossible to be an ampersand. That's the question that I did not expect from you. Okay. Well, I didn't know if you can put that and sign in there or not. Okay. But you can't, but you can't. Okay. Well, now I know. Okay. So Parris, Ferris, A and D friends at, right? Fire away. Okay. So if you got, if you got upset over any of that, or you got something that you'd like for him to know, please. So that's Ferris and friends at So is that a fair way to handle this? Is that a fair way to handle this? That's fair to fair. Well, okay. Paul, is that all right with you? Yeah. Okay. Gals. If you get Ben out of shape, there's where to direct your comments. Okay. That's Joan. Right? Yeah. Actually, actually, actually, what we can do is, is people continue to send me emails, and I will forward them to Ferris and friends, because I don't think that the ladies that are on the board would actually want him to know their return email address. So it'd be true. Send it to me. Why? I haven't forward it to you. Okay. So if they've got a reply, do they send their reply to you, and then you'll forward to Ferris, we'll put another little duty on you here. I'm fixing to set up an auto responder that automatically forwards to a certain email, and it'd land right in his inbox. Okay. Well, these are hot topics. I understand. I understand Ferris is to some extent, and and I understand the gals to some extent. I think the determining factor here is those comments are in a general overview, and they're not directed our gals here, who are right at the front line fight in the good fight in this battle where they can stay at home and fight it. They don't have to go over in the trenches across the water. Okay. Hopefully because that's no place for a female either. You go put a female in the front line of an army. What are all the guys going to do? They're all going to start paying attention to protecting the female because that's their nature. They're over there fighting to protect the female and the children. Okay. Yes. Roger, this is this is Nancy. Hi, Nancy. Hi. So let me be clear. I, as a member of this community, do not appreciate nor do I want to hear about Ferris's love life. It's inappropriate comment contribution to our our our foe here, and I don't want to hear his comments about denigrating women, especially in a sexual way. Is there anything unclear about that, Ferris? Hey, Ferris or Roger, because you're encouraging him to do that, Roger. I am not in his opinion. I was on TV. Well, everybody's got an opinion, and I don't think it's my right to stifle it because there may be some valid in there, but it's not. You're not thinking about it. They're about his sexuality and denigrating women and their sexuality. There is nothing, nothing that is valuable, nothing, and it smears you. You are complicit. Your silence, your silence. One second, Nancy. I've been smeared before. I got tough skin. I'm sorry to fence people. I know it's a delicate subject. Okay, but some of that stuff is true. Okay, I just gave you an example of eight years under a president who ran that country into the ground. What, Marka? What does it have to do with national status when he speaks about that? That's what I'm asking. Well, what is some of the what are some of the other things we talk about here have to do with national status? Roger, clarify something. Yes, Paul. Yes. You absolutely do not have the right to keep him from speaking, but you absolutely have no obligation to provide a global platform for him to do it with. If he wants to talk crap, he can get his own radio show and his own conference system, and he can talk until he's blue in the face. Ferris, you shoot from, you started the monkeys up here, buddy. I think he hung up. If I may. Yeah. I regained his line to Anand, and that dropped off the conference, but there are three other anonymous callers. He might be one of them. Okay. And it does that sometimes. Okay, well, he's a sneaky guy. Well, yes, Samuel. Yeah, Roger, I, you know, I, I tend to believe in a more patriotic society, but the only addition I've seen Ferris make to this group is discontent and aggravation, and he needs to be throttled a little bit more. Yeah, don't cut him off, maybe, but when he's out of hand, he's out of hand, and it's not contributing to the group, in my opinion. I, yeah. Okay. John, what are you saying? Hi. Yeah. Hello. Can you hear me? I, I am into free speech, and just because he said lovemaking or something like that, you know, they changed. It has other meaning. And so maybe he didn't mean sexually or even if he did. And then also, I wanted to ask him, I mean, he has some hot topics, which are hot. And I was just wanting to ask, how does he spell, does his spell his name, F-A-R-R-I-S? Probably F-F-E-R-R-I-S is my guess, but I don't know, like Ferris wheel. Yeah. And now, gals, you know, Nancy, you're excoriating me there for, I guess insinuating my complicity. This is an open form. Anybody want to talk about it? Okay. Hold on just second, boy. I guess just second, boy. And, I lost my thoughts. Anyway, I'm a kind of a moderator here. You know how often I come on here and praise our women? I do it all the time. Okay. All right. So, I don't see complicity there when I turn around to do just the opposite on a regular basis. And have before Ferris even start coming around and hanging out here. Okay. So don't hang that whole thing on me when I'm a guy that's a constitutionalist kind of guy, trying to get you back to those protections, one of which is the very first article of the Bill of Rights. They're trying to totally squash right now. Okay. All right. Hold it. We got bored first. Boy, we haven't heard for being a long time where you've been. Hey, Ryan, nice to hear from you. I'm not talking much, but you know, I'm going to comment because, you know, that's the problem that we got. We're fighting for freedom of speech, freedom of, you know, our freedom, but we have to start, you know, everybody don't think like you, you know, and everybody got their own opinions. And we have to start to respect all those opinions because he heard you, but that's his opinion, and you have to respect him. Maybe you don't like him, but that's how he thinks. Well, it's just I don't, I don't agree with him. No, you know, you, but all the people, you know, but what he's saying is not, it's not, it's not a lie. He's saying the true woman shouldn't be in the front line fighting for freedom or fighting for nothing. The men supposed to be fighting for the woman. And that's how society has made us that we get to censor ourselves, don't talk about reality, what's going on in life. And what he's saying is true. Women shouldn't be in position that it's supposed to be only for men. And that's the only thing I have to say, and nice to hear from you. I'm here. I'm here. Yeah. Well, we go back to biblical principles here. The woman is underneath the man. That's biblical. That's God's way of doing things. And the reason we're having this discussion is because our enemy has come in and upset that relationship intentionally to overturn the society. And this is a backlash of that. Okay. Yes, who else somebody try and say something? Yeah. Hey, Roger. Roger. Well, there's Wayne. Roger. Okay. Well, Wayne was first. Just hold on. Wayne, he was clearly first. Yes. Yeah, just real quick. Yeah, just real quick. I just wanted to say that I treat these two hours is like almost a business meeting. And what that idiot comes in talking about his backroom stuff. And he messed up a real good role Mark was on too. I think a lot of people were looking to get more information from Mark. But this moron comes in starts talking all his crap. And then all of a sudden the whole so it's just that's the only thing that I see real bad here. He wants to talk afterwards. Okay. Good to me after so. Okay. Thank you, Wayne. Now who was that Nancy there? Joe was trying to. Yeah. Yeah. Look, okay. Well, Roger, since you addressed me, I appreciate and yes, I do hold you somewhat responsible. I don't miss I don't agree with the position about the biblical perspective in how it's being presented here. However, but my main objection is the divergent and savory manner, a demeanor and topic that he brings that's disruptive. It has nothing to do. It's demeaning to the whole it has nothing to do with the national status. I'm specifically talking about sexual innuendo. So I'm not going to debate the issues around. But it seems and I will say this one thing though, the whole argument that seems to be put forth about women and men seems very much like the biblical scapegoating that Adam engaged in. The woman Val gave us me did tell me and I did eat. So, so men, why don't you so the last last last thing to say is consider being men truly and then men women will not have to step forward into the vacuum. Oh, I don't and I don't disagree with you one bit. That's why I compliment you gals all the time. If I was waiting on the guys to be here, we'd be a pretty damn small group. Well, and I appreciate you, Roger, and you do have the power to decide what the tone and tender is. I don't want to squelch any discussions. But anyway, well, I've thought of some of those comments that Ferris makes you for a little off color and out of place. Okay, but you're in a conversation that they just come out and you know, if you could find Brent and I have discussed this a lot and you say that what I said wasn't biblical. Well, we've had a whole two hour shows on all that and it is. Okay, look, you go you gals have got your role and by gosh, I want you to have it. We none of us to be here without you. Okay, you're the reason men go to war, supposedly, not to go secure world's resources, but to go protect the family, sit back home. Okay, so all these things I understand very well and I'm sorry if it ruffled anybody's feathers. I also have got the other side of that. I'm really part of what we do is go back and adhere to the Constitution. The very first thing in there in the Bill writes his free speech. You can see our enemies trying to quash it right now with all the crap they're doing. So I'm kind of trying to walk a tightrope and I get an email from Nancy like dressing me down and shame, shame on you and all this stuff. Well, you know, look, I'm trying to do a radio show. I'm far from perfect. I do the very best job I can. And if I disappointed you, I'm sorry. Well, we have to learn to act. We have to learn to act like adults that we're going to have our freedom. We have the responsibility to be responsible in that too. So that's all right. I appreciate you Roger. Well, lady Linda's the one that brought him. She's I don't see her coming up into here, but obviously they're friends and and she knows him personally and it might not must not offend her. And she's a very religious spiritual gal and pretty solid on her own feet. She does not appreciate. She does not appreciate those comments by him. Whether she chooses to pick up in this form, I don't choose to usually speak up unless something Galvin I does me to do so or a positive contribution that's on topic. But thank you anyway. I appreciate anyone else. Thank you. Well, you're welcome. You know, again, I'm going to say I do the best I can. Okay. So the best I can do here today is another couple of minutes. So if anybody's got anything they want to add or they want to come out and say something else, that's fine. Well, let's get that covered and sweep this under the rug if we could please. Joe come on. Joe is next. It's a it's taken up. It's taken up almost 30 minutes of a two-hour show here today. Yeah. Joe from Oklahoma was waiting anything. Yeah, he's muted at the moment. Joe, come on in here. Joe. Yeah, I'd make I'd make a comment. I'm not trying to take sides here. But I can remember back over 50 years ago when I was going through basic training. The means that the drill sergeant she used to denigrate the troops and demean them and insult them was to call call them a farmer. And you talk about really PO and somebody that got my crawl real bad because I was a farmer and still am a farmer. But what it amounts to is we must learn to rise above that and that while those insults were had some truth in them because there are farmers that are hex, if you will, but I don't consider myself one of them because I have tried very hard to rise above that stature. And I think this is what Roger is trying to say that women should try to rise above what those people that Ferris is referring to. Yes. And I haven't heard Ferris's N.U.N. knows or whatever. I've just not been in on the call when those have happened. But rise above those things and learn that there are don't I'll say this speak this to the to the women in this call. Don't lower yourself to the stature that Ferris is ascribing to them not you and not you and not you. Thank you for your time. Could I give another Bible quote here is we're hearing the music and going out hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Yes. Really quick. All I wanted to say I respect you and I appreciate what you share. And Ferris, you know, I don't disagree with some of the stuff that he shares. But all I wanted to say is like, you know, we should be respectful and honorable and try to communicate and learn together. You know, make this platform, you know, um, something that people want to come to. So you know, that's all I'm going to say. I want to say 30 seconds. Okay. Isaiah three, 12 was your reference that last one was not in the Bible. Okay. Last 30 seconds. Lady Linda had her hand up. Come on in here. Oh, there she is. Hey. I ignore Ferris when he gets on these rants right now. He's like jumping for joy that he sabotaged the show because it's all about him. He's a real baby. He wants it all to be about him. And I just ignore the guy. So, you know, and Judge Deborah, she told the soldier, if I go with you to war, a woman's going to get the credit. And JL took the peg and put it in the temple and brought a boom by the being after she got the king to sleep with one milk. She killed him and she got the the glory for winning the battle. So yes, women are vital pieces of this equation. And there are very bad women out there, just like there's very bad men. But at the upside, I want, I want to share that Dave and Kay are going to be on the Republic call July 23rd with a demonstration on how to use the National Status Dot Info. Oh, how nice. Wonderful. Wonderful. Thank you, Linda. We got to meet together and we secured the date. And I'm very excited with the synergy of having the organic Republic, the radio ranch and the National Status Dot Info. It's a great triple graded chord in IU. Thank you, Linda. I think we're off. I think the music's gone. And we're probably off by now. Right Paul, you had something to add here and it's been a spirited discussion. Here's the last part of the program today. Well, I'm still letting the archive recording run until you duck out. But yeah, it's just the thing that I'm thinking is, no, I don't have the right to tell him what not to say, but I am under no obligation moral or otherwise to provide a platform for him to say it. If he wants a platform, he can get it himself. Roger, you know, he was, I mean, Lady Linda probably is right. He's probably just got that bad pH personality. But the result is if he was a plant, he would be achieving the same goal. Yeah. Okay, he didn't blow answer. No, this is a real thing. Here's what I want. Roger, hell hath no theory like a woman scorned instant idiom that is adapted from a line in William Congrief's play The Morning Bride that's MOU are in 1697. The line from which it came is heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned nor hell a fury like woman scorned. Just so you know. Okay. Okay. Well, thank you. For my life experience is true and so much. So listen, we're finished with the day. Does anybody have anything for me on on our regular topics and not all this? Wayne, good to hear you. Go ahead. Yeah, let me, I just want to add here. Do the women come in and blame the sodomites? You know, I mean, we could be doing that. We could be blaming the Satanists, but this just takes up time. The women here aren't doing what he's blaming women for doing so stop doing it. No, we're not you're. Yeah, I mean, I agree. Mer. What a way, but you don't you don't get burning emails with accusations and things to you. So if he gets into that mute him. Okay. You know, let me say something. I think he has a problem with society. There's no question. Roger, you've been very respectful to the women. Everybody's pulling in one direction. This guy comes along and pulls the line in a different direction. Hey, the sky is blue. Don't change the subject guy. Let's stay on point. People want to know about the national status and how to get out of the government control. Well, I don't want to let this guy get it. No, I just screwed up. But I get it. I don't remember the specific discussions and events. I remember some of those conversations, some of them and part of them. I just try and well, hell, I want us to all get along. Okay. No, I think you're very. I mean, I feel like I feel like, you know, who's Rodney King or him or him Sam? Why can't we all just get along? I mean, we've got more of a reason to get along than any group other people. Right. Let's stay on point. Let's not mighty the waters. Let's stay on point and that came up. Go ahead. Here's what I'm going to tell you. Here's what I'm going to tell you. Do your best. I can. If that's not good enough, I appreciate it. Good enough. It's very important. This is one of the drawbacks of this forum, which is otherwise so wonderful and beneficial. Okay. One more comment, Roger. Okay, Joe. One more comment, Roger. Love you, Roger, love you, Paul, love you, Margaret. Hey, we've got something real special going here, folks. If you hadn't ascertained that yet, there's nobody in the world that's got this information on our side. Nobody. When I first came on here and it wasn't on this this forum, there were about five regular people and many of them had been with you for like, Brent 30 years, right? And Lisa, every every outlet you've been at, you know, and it was respectful. When Ferris came on here, he had more than one sign on and he is just determined to cause trouble this way. So he just needs to be muted when he starts. Whatever else he has, good to say gets lost. You can't appreciate it because he does it in this other stuff. And what I wanted to say about the Bible, Adam and Eve, God held Adam responsible. Remember talking about this with Brent winners? Because he the men are next to God. And no matter he blamed Eve, you know, God held him responsible. So they're they've worked on the men as much as the women. So to bring up the women, well, what's the men first? Turn him into sodomites, right? And how about the Satanists? That's below it. And you know, the foundation for all of it. So we can be bringing that up all the time too, but we don't because we're respectful of each other. Ferris. Well, comment, please. Yes, ma'am. May I, I just want to say Adam blamed God. Adam said they have father, the woman you gave me. Yes. But then, but then, but then God turned it God turned it around and blamed him. Hold it. It was his rib that created her. Well, it wasn't a ribbon. He didn't, he didn't agree to it. That was God's doing. You know, I, I gave, I gave you a ribbon. I'm going to collect. That's in charge. Don't worry. It's on his hands. And it's been a blown of convention ever since. That's exactly right. In no pun intended, I'm sure. Simba asked our sister. May I? Okay. Oh, sure. Why not? It's a pile of power. Here we go. Okay. I, I just, I just want to bring off that Ferris himself has, has repeatedly said that he has been removed from other platforms for this very same behavior. Okay. So he is well aware that what he is doing is disruptive. Whether he is contained, whatever. It's contentious. It's very contentious. And what, and what does it say there in Isaiah three, 12, before talks about being ruled by women, you'll be oppressed by children. I think he's one of those children. Well, I'm telling you, I saw that in Argentina. Okay. I saw that. I saw Christina Kirschner get in, try and give all the students in the country, a little laptop computer, and then try and get the voting age lower to 16. And then on the phones, they had a government app on the phones, where if they went into any of these evil retailers that were trying, raising their prices to try and stay in business, they could take a snap of the picture of the price that would automatically send it to the Argentine government. Okay. Women will rule over you and children will be your oppressors. Yeah, they're working on their own. They have men behind them, like you said. Well, I don't think I don't think she did, but I don't know for sure, because her husband had died. That's how she got in the gig. So anyway, listen, kids, a spirited discussion, everybody's got an opinion on it. We're going to do I'm going to continue to do the best I can. And maybe we'll bring some limitations into that. I don't like it either. I love women. I mean, that's the way my mother raised me. You know, you're walking down the sidewalk, you walk on the outside, you know, all that kind of, you open the door for the woman. And I think what Farris is talking about is you go to open the door for a woman. She says, what the hell are you doing? Open the door for me. That's the kind of stuff he's talking about. Okay. And that happens. Don't you think it doesn't? So anyway, I'm going to get out of here. I don't want any of them. Okay. Well, if anybody's got anything for me, you got one shot on Wednesday the 10th. And it's right now. Roger, I would like to entertain a subject for future. We talk about it every day, but we never mentioned the term really. And I think it's an important word that needs to be discussed. I looked in my 1934 BoVA's dictionary back in 1934. There were four pages on the definition of equity. And it's the biggest horn that the new world order is blowing. Yet we never discuss equity and what it means to us. You occasionally pass into the future. Okay. All right. Yeah. I thought you were going to say anti-disestablishment area, materialism. So anyway, I will see you guys tomorrow. Okay. That's mouthful. Have a good day, Roger. Thank you. It's the longest word in the dictionary. I'll see you tomorrow. Ciao, guys. Go powder your noses, guys. See you. Okay. All right. I think we've pretty much done that dirty deed for a Wednesday. This is the Radio Ranch with Roger Sales on and We're also on a bunch of other platforms. And we go through those at the beginning of the show. So I don't think I need to go through them at the end of the show. For more information on the topics discussed, please go to,, the matrix stocks or nationals only. Just depend upon which one you know how to spell and which one you want to type out. It's all good. You can join us on the show either on Zoom or free conference call. The links are right there on that page. There's a new student section with a video on trading with the enemy act. And there's also downloadables including Devin's book, the citizenship guide for nationals. It's right down there in the download section right there at the bottom. That's it for me. I'm out of here. Got some things to do. So have a great day. Lasting the voice of Freedom Worldwide, you're listening to the Global Voice Radio Network. Bye bye boy. Have fun storming the castle. [MUSIC]