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USA Organic Republic Tuesday

1h 49m
Broadcast on:
10 Jul 2024
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Hit the bones using the future of medicine, which is frequency. This is your time. Grab your wand device right now. For more information on the ITERRACare Classic Terahertz Frequency Wand, go to Forward-moving and focused on freedom. You're listening to the Global Voice Radio Network. Good evening and welcome to the USA Organic Republic Tuesday on Global Voice Radio Network. Good evening, Phyllis. Are we about ready to get started? I started the intro two minutes ago, so it's all good. [silence] Three, and I will start this call. This is a short reading here. I'll get my page turned. This comes from Deuteronomy 30, verse 20. Genesis 1, verse 27, and Romans 1, verse 2. Stop worrying long enough to hear my voice. My voice is muffled and you hear only white noise. Ask my spirit to quiet your mind so that you can think my thoughts. This ability is an awesome benefit of a child, partnered after my own image. Do not be deafened about the noise of the world or that of your own thinking. Instead, be transformed by the renewing of your mind that quietly in my presence, letting my thoughts reprogram your thinking. I believe that we are peaceful, lawful, and proud. And it's because of the Declaration of Independence, which says in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and whom among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's entitled to them. A decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are creating people, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of this. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men deriving their joys from the consent of the governed. And this evening, we see if we have Sandra, are you on the call? Sandy? There she is. Sandra has Sandra on the phone this evening from Texas, and she would like an announcement. So if you want to hit star six, Sandra, I'll give you the floor. Oh, there we go. That works. I know I had my own mute on there. So I hope everyone's having a good evening. I wanted to come on the call and tell everyone that we in the Republic without the K are being told that things are happening in the background. That indicates the corporation is not going to be with us shortly. Because of that, we are in need of filling the empty seats as fast as we can. Because we don't want the military to wait because we have empty seats. So if there's anyone on here that was sitting on the fence about getting involved with the Republic. Now would be the time to get off the fence. And I'll give you an email address. You can contact me directly. You can either volunteer at that point, or you can ask questions or anything like that. So my email address is Sandy, S-A-N-D-Y, The requirement to hold a formal position as it stands right now, because we're not stood up yet, is to read the two volume series called "Reinhabited" by Jean and David Hurtler. And you can get those books, read about them and all that stuff on a website called For anxiety, about the pound sign. No, was that anything for me? No, I'm not sure what that was. Sorry, that number was not picked up. We had a record number followed by the pound sign. Paul, do you have control? Does it need to be connected to another conference? They're coming up anonymous. Were they coming up as? Anonymous. Of course they are. They look muted now. They look muted now. They look muted now. But now they look muted. Okay. Can everybody hear me? Yes. We can hear you. Sandra. Great. Okay, so I'll repeat the email just in case it didn't come through. It's Sandy S-A-N-D-Y, We are in need of 14 governors. I can do that list if that helps for you guys to know if your state is in need. Real quick, Alaska, Delaware, Indiana. Indiana, I think has one. It mustn't happen in my list. Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Oklahoma. Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Utah. So those are the ones that we need. And actually I just thought I saw somebody signing up for Utah. So maybe I'm wrong on that one. Well, worst case here is even if we have a governor, we still need a house of representatives, two senators and three justices to fill all the seats that are needed in order to be fully manned at the federal level. And then, of course, we need to fill all the counties. We need county clerks. We need county judges. If we can get county clerks and county judges in at least the majority of the counties in the state, we are a good run, good term there. And so those are the main positions that we're looking to fill as quickly as we can. If, for some reason, the republic has stood up before people can finish the books or whatever, we will, of course, immediately appoint people because we're going to need to fill those jobs right away so that there is a civil authority in place before the military can act under their oath to the constitution. So, happy news. A little scary. Sandy. Excuse me, Sandy, would you give the name of those books again? Yes, it's re-inhabited. The website to learn about them is re-inhabited No hyphens or anything. Okay, thank you. And if the cost is a little too extreme, reach out to fill it and we can make some arrangements. Or you can reach out to me either way and we can make some arrangements. If there's an issue with reading for whatever reason, then we can also work out a different arrangement. Are there any questions? Otherwise, I apologize to announce and run. But I was on a couple of podcasts recently. One was Mel Carmine on QFS 1776. Another one was SGT report. And another one coming up this week is Sarge. I don't know who that is. I actually looked at one up and then Friday is SGAnon. Next week, I've got another one. I don't remember the name, but all these podcasters are coming now and wanting to learn about what we've done. And it's just been extraordinary. I think that if you're having second thoughts, I'm not sure if I want to get involved. I'm telling you this is going to be the moment of your life that you'll be talking about for the rest of your life. It's an amazing time right now. The pod is moving. It's beautiful. All of our souls are lit up. All of our brains are in high gear. It's amazing. So with that, I yield. So thank you for the time. You're quite welcome. And thank you. Thank you for coming on and giving us that information. And with that, I'll turn it back over to you. Andy, I want to thank you for kind of taking the lead on this here and kind of letting people know kind of where we stand and what needs to be done because if people don't know where we're at and where we're going, you know, it's hard to be on the same page. But, you know, but if we're going to have a Republican form of self governance, the people have to get involved in their local level and this is very key. And, you know, if you're not sure that you're confident enough to do it, you know, reach out and have somebody maybe help and kind of work together. But we need to work together because we can sharpen each other's countenance as we go. And none of us have established a government in our life. You know, it's the first time, but, you know, if we know where we want to go, we can move in that direction together in unity and help each other because this is a government out for and by the people. So with that, you know, I think status is an important thing to you know, if you're fearful. You know, to maybe, you know, get the false presumption dissolved, you know, by doing the national status. But if you're able to defend it, I mean, that's a good thing too. But anyway, yes, you're welcome. I do want to mention in the past, we have encouraged people to correct their status. We really think we don't have time right now. And I'll just leave it at that. So the focus out on saving the country because once the Republic is stood up, everyone's status is fixed instantly. Right, but, you know, we can, we can move forward because we're all born nationals. We're all born free, but they're trying to hold us under a presumption that we're all born as slaves as their property. And this is, you know, it can be dissolved once, you know, we get the country back under the authority of the people. So, yes, and back to the intent of the four organic laws, but this is, it's a big step, but it's time, the time is at hand. And there's no time to waste anymore. Okay, thanks guys. Thank you, Daryl. Thank you, Phyllis. Yeah, thank God bless. Well, welcome everyone to tonight's call tonight. We want to talk a little bit about what we've been here and to follow up on where we did the negative aburment and the counterclaim. And there's a, there's a sample of that down on the attachment. And what I've got up on the screen is a notice of fault, notice of default and consent to judgment. And there's also a sample of that down on the bottom. And I've got it up on the screen also that, you know, once you give them, you know, 10 or 20 days, whatever it is, you feel is necessary to give them an opportunity to rebut the facts. Because in a negative aburment, that's what you're doing. You're actually establishing your facts and making that in a part of the record. And you're affirming it under the penalties. And then they have to also rebut those facts and come forth. And it's very hard because they are standing outside of their authority and they are under a color of authority that is not constitutional and it's not supported by the laws of this country. So, and then once you do that, here's a sample of a notice of fault and you can adjust it to fit your situation. But this, the way this is written, it also supports where they have a notice of fault. And here it is, this legal awful communication is to inform you that you are in fault of the agreement. And basically that they never responded. So basically what this is doing is giving them an opportunity if they never received the documents and they have not been aware of it, then they have an opportunity to respond within, I believe it's 72 hours or three days. And the guy can be a little Indian on that. Right here it is on the second page. That you have the duty to give those, these parties notice three calendar days in which to provide proof of your non-receit of the notice of said counter-client. So, and then there's a little paragraph in here basically about torture as defined by the United Nations Convention of torture. And which any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on the person for such purposes as obtaining. From him or her, a third person information or confession and punishing him for his or her. I mean, but it's a very good little paragraph that identifies this year physical and psychological torture that they put upon you and your family or maybe your job situation by the harassment of maybe having to go to court and all this kind of stuff. So, and down underneath the notice tonight there's a video by Alfred Dask and with a real powerful message. And it's how they've been identifying us and what he talks about mainly is the code from Texas. And it talks about basically where they are holding us as man and other animals. And this is in like a drug code that they have, but this is how they've been identifying us and justifying doing what is being done where they're holding us no different than an animal. Where they identify you as man and other animals. You know, if they would say man or animals, then it's different man and animals, but or other animals. That makes it, he put you in the same category as an animal. And this is the way they're looking at us as if we're chattel and tradable commodities. So anyway, with that, there's another document that is basically a position for redress of grievances. And there's one, there's another document down attached, which is called the history of the birth certificates. And up on the top it talks about the Colorado Constitution. And you'll see where the state of Colorado, the foundational law, to govern the smallest state of Colorado. But you can see the difference other identifying two separate statuses by the spelling of the upper case state and the lower case state. But these are things that we can study and analyze for ourselves to get this comprehension within our mind how they are using the style manual to identify different statuses. And this is what they've done about time and everybody pretty much is aware of the all capital letters entity. But also attached is a petition for redress of grievances. And John's going to be discussing this here. And we're going to talk about the importance of why certain things are placed in this document. And this brings the point of reference to the first article of the Bill of Rights where we have the right to petition our government for redress of grievances. So John, if you'd want to take the floor. Okay, Bill, should you go say something? Well, I was trying to get Darryl's attention. We're getting an act. Is that right coming from me? You think you might be. Yeah, it is. Okay. If you are you on a phone with a handset or a speaker phone? It's a handset, but it's speaker phone. Okay. Is that any better? Are you using the handset? Yeah, I don't want to sit on the handset. I'm in a small room. It's a speaker phone. It's just easy. It's going to be a hold. Okay. I just turn the speaker volume down. Did that help at all? Yeah. Yes. Actually, it did. I don't hear. Yeah. I don't hear an echo with John, but I don't want to hear him. It's just, well, the echo would be coming from John, so it wouldn't be John echoing. I would be echoing while I'm talking to John. So if you don't hear an echo, then John fixed it. Yeah. What I believe so, what Darryl has to do is Darryl has to turn his speaker phone down like two clicks. Okay. Well, it sounds fabulous now. So if you're using the speaker phone, just try not to have your speaker turn up. And try to remain muted when you're not actually talking. Unless you're like, that's what I want to do. Yeah. Unless you're the speaker or you're part of an active conversation and there's a volley back and forth, you can, you can remain unmuted. But don't unmute yourself and sit there for five minutes waiting for some, for some time to say, hey, you, you know, anyway, I'm sorry, John. Go ahead. Good evening. You're all right. Okay. So where you will start to. Well, just start for start up at the top. Basically, or in order to be resolved, we need it needs to be brought forward and then the decorate. Okay. Well, I was basically trying to explain. When you look at your Bill of Rights article, the first, and you call it the first amendment, you have the right petition. You read your government for regressive grievances. So basically, if you look at here in order for a matter to be resolved, the issue must be brought forward. So you have to let them know what the problem is. And that's what you're going to do on a petition for redress of grievances. And what we've done is, as we started with a declaration of independence, where your rights are unalienable or unalienable, however you want to pronounce it. And what you're actually doing there is you're setting the stage for what you're trying to do. You're trying to prove that the Constitution superior to statute, and yet a code does that and it says it in this document. But what you're doing is you're bringing all matters that you want to address to the forefront. And that's what we were trying to do when writing this and trying to understand why we're doing it. We're setting it up. You set the stage first. You basically tell them what your problem is. And then you basically just back it up by your court cases, or you can back it up with the Constitution, or you can back it up wherever you need to, but prove your point. You don't want to go into a long drawn out eight or ten pages unless you're into a lot higher in the court. But all you're trying to do is get the points across to start with. And once you get the points across, then you have the questions for them. Then once you bring the questions in, then you probably want to try to get ones that they don't want to answer. Because the whole purpose of what you're trying to do is you're trying to prove the point that they are the servants, not the masters. When we got into this, he was talking about Ed Astet, but explaining something. He was talking about where he's explaining man. This is or other animal. Because of the other animal, that's telling you man is the animal. Indiana Codes, when I went looking for it, and I found it, but Indiana Codes was a human being. All this came into play in 1906, from what they're saying. If you're looking at the 1906 timeframe, that's when all crimes became commercial. So when all crimes became commercial, they actually did this in 1906. They implemented it, but they didn't start carrying it out to after the 1930s. They were setting at the stage for everything that we're doing. And if we start backing up on a lot of your Bill of Rights, 1791, your amendments, I believe, 1863 or 1865. And that was under the labor code, and that was under Abraham Lincoln. The Bill of Rights had 13 articles, and my research from home by my member right now, was the Article 13 came in right before the War of 1812. And it never disappeared until they came up with the 13th amendment, which says neither slavery nor involuntary servitude. That is the original amendment, but it's not the original Bill of Rights over the 13th. And everybody we have been listening to talk about, they keep saying the missing 13th amendment. It was never an amendment. So you're listing it wrong, so you're listing the wrong document. Because if you're coming to the conclusion, all these words mean something. And if you can't write down the words and look at what you're looking at, you're not sure where you're going. As we were going through this document, a lot of people are using commas. I'm going to use that for example. You have to remember, if you put three or four commas in a sentence, each part of that comma, from one comma to the next, can be removed. If you put a semicolon, means "and" or "ad", they can't remove it. So if we start doing documents, look at what you're doing. If you can remove it, they will. When they try to interpret it. So you're not going to get your point across. And that's what I'm trying to get you to see to what we're doing when we're doing this. And as we continue to go through and build, you're trying to build what you need them to know. And then give them the opportunities. Here's what we're trying to do on this one. We're trying to get the right to travel back. And then we're forcing them to supply the plates that the police will be notified to leave you alone. Yes, they can be identified to you. That's not a problem. Because you're actually the authority, you're not the servant. And that's the issue you're trying to push. And that's what we're trying to do here. Where else do we go, Daryl? Well, you were covering a lot. Well, there's a lot here in this document that really deals with it. And within every state, their code, it'll talk about basically the man or other animal or human or other animal. And so this document can really be versatile and what you can do, like up on the top of this document, it talks about the Constitution, where that all political power is vested and derived from the people, that all government of right originates from the people and is founded upon their bill only. And then the people of this state have the sole and exclusive right of governing themselves as free and sovereign and independent. Now, each one of the states, like we've got in this document, there's Colorado and there's Indiana. And in Indiana, it says in Indiana code 1-1-2-1, it says the laws governing this state is declared to be colon, the Constitution of the United States and of this state. So this brings it all together, where the authority really goes back to the Constitution and the laws of each state. But each state, state Constitution has to also be in compliance with the federal Constitution as together with all 50 states. So, but we can take in your code in whatever state you're in, you can find that document where it talks about man or other animal and just add that part of it from your state and code and just add it right into this document. And then just leave the rest and the rest of work as a sample for the rest of it. So, we could talk about that a little bit, that the authority is based upon this Constitution. If you want to understand constitutional law, okay, you have the federal Constitution with when this country started, each state was declared to be sovereign. So, if each state is sovereign, then you break it down to the county level. Under the Constitution, under the original jurisdiction, the county government was the highest government there was. The state was subordinate to the county, and the state or the federal was subordinate to the state. That's the sovereign state. When they're doing what they're doing right now, they put the federal at the top. They put the state back in the middle where it is, and they put the county last. So, when they did that, they actually did a flip. So, when she got her here with just a minute ago, we're talking about a seat in the counties, the county seats are going to be the one that's going to be the most important. The county seats are going to be the one that's most powerful. The federal will be the law at least, and the state will be middle. Yes, you do have your Supreme Court's, which if a court goes out of bounds, the Supreme Court and the appellate courts is that room there is there. But the Supreme and the appellate courts are actually going to come out of Article 1 section. 8, actually, it's clause 9 of the U.S. Constitution, where it says Congress can create tribunals in a period to the Supreme Court. So, they're all just supposed to be doing certain things, and they've changed it in what they've done, and how they've done this. And also, I'm trying to just get people to start understanding where and how it applies. Yeah, and I think that judicial power is in Article 3, Section 1 and 2, and that judicial power really ties in with the Northwest Ordinance, where it talks about a trial in the Seventh Amendment, where it talks about a right of a trial by jury. And before anyone can take life, liberty, or property or the pursuit of happiness, you have to have a trial by jury. And the way the system is set up today, they charge you, take the property, and then you're guilty until proven innocent, and in the common law realm, you're innocent until proven guilty. And so, this is where it reverses, reverts the power back to the hands of the people. And I believe that's what the Chevron decision was really all about, is that where they put that legal fiction up in the plaintiff line and coming against your legal fiction. That has to be represented by an attorney or some counsel. And almost all your case law from 1938 to just about the present is going to be disappear. So, well, you want to discuss a little bit more on the Bill of Rights and the Alliance and Confederation and the Bill of Attainer. Okay. Well, your Alliance is not the Bill of Rights. Your Alliance is basically Article 1, Section 10, the U.S. Constitution. Article 1, legislative section 10 is a state that's all prohibited by the states. The states was not allowed to do. And it says, "No state or any treaty, alliance, confederation, grant letters of mark or appraisal, admit bills of credit, queen thing under the gold or silver tender payment of debt, ask no bill of potato, no expost factor law to make no laws impair any obligation to contracts, and no title of nobility." So, if there is no title of the bill, nobody's above you. And that's what I was also explaining to you, Daryl, when you asked about the contract, he said, "You did this, right?" So he denied you your right to contract. When you were stopped. Because when he said you'd box up and that made you a commerce, that's not commerce. That's your right to contract. And your right not to contract is the antithetical. That's the whole point. When he said you did this, he thinks it was a contract when it wasn't. But the Alliance is what they're involved in. And when the state of, which I can't find on the map anywhere, I've looked at three or four atlases. And I haven't found the state of anywhere on any atlas. When you find on the atlas, it says, "Let me know where it's at." I can find Indiana, but I can't find the state of Indiana anywhere. So I almost have to say it would exist. And according to the constitution, it can't exist. From what the research shows. And then you'll pound like to put it over. And then the other will pound like to over it and just make it so. But it's not in the atlas. I know what they've done, but it's not in the atlas. All you could do is look at what you have in front of you and don't show it nowhere. If that's in your mind, it's a belief that they have that it's not true. Well, maybe I could explain it. Maybe I could explain it this way, where the state of is basically a legal fiction. And it's operating at law, which is basically outside the law, on a separate plane above the land. And it is basically done all by the presumption. When you look at a map or atlas, it will always identify a place, a location. It will give it the land description or the boundaries of a state. When like the state of is operating over the land, basically under the presumption of authority. Or but and so this is this is kind of the illusion that they've drug us into that. That's what I showed on the top of that document is called. Basically what is the history of the birth certificate and on the top is a colorado part of the. Colorado talked about the Colorado Constitution when it was originally founded. Where the it talked about the capital estate and then it was created for the lower estate. And you will find this very consistent in other states where they did the same thing. And they're trying to kind of make an illusion. Like the state means state, but they're talking about two different states. When your hands Colorado, even all small, when you're using Colorado, you're still going to be doing with a fiction. And that's what I'm trying to get you to see is that fiction is you can find it in atlas. Even if they put a capital C on it or leave it all small, that fiction could be found on an atlas. But the state of cannot be found in the atlas. That's what I'm trying to explain to you. I can't find it when I'm looking for it. If I'm looking for the state, I go look at an atlas where Colorado would be and Colorado is on the map. Not the state of Colorado. Well, it's in the language that I'm trying to get you to see. When they talk about the state of Colorado, you can use the film process if you need to understand it. If you need to understand it that way, but I go to the atlas and atlas don't show it. Now, I could probably go find an atlas somewhere today if I really start looking and all the states be stayed up in the atlas. Because that's how dirty they are. They will actually go to it and they can atlas just for them. And that's what they'll show you. Because they still have to have a way to prove something otherwise to you. And that's what you're actually asking right now is proof. You backed it up by the Supreme Court. You backed it up by the Constitution. And yeah, I went into the statute and statute says they're superior. So why would you keep saying they're not? Oh, even the cops. Go ahead. No, well, I'm just saying that when the agents when the government agents are acting outside of their authority, outside of their oath of office, because they're only authority is the delegated authority that's granted to them through their oath of office. And when they operate outside that, then we have the right to petition for redress of grievance. And that is also tied in with their oath, which is part of article one and or the First Amendment to the Constitution. Touch on that a little bit. Well, that's what I'm saying. The Bill of Rights is what you will stand on. Because this still belongs to the people. And when you go into this, if you're going to use what you classify as your name, if they turn around and if you have to represent or personate yourself, the self is a trustee. That means they're using your name in a trust situation. You have to understand you are the beneficiary. And if you are the beneficiary of trust law, he has no one has no knowledge of the trust. Trustee has to have knowledge of the trust and not operate it. And that's what most people can't see. When you're dealing with it in a court type situation, you're trying to make you the trustee and to be responsible for something that you even don't exist. And how could you operate it when you're not doing your access to the accounting or the finances? And that's done in the system. Well, how they've done this. So, what is the proper way to present this and then move it for collections or move it for settlements? When you're going through and you look at how we finished out the petition for redress and grievances, you're giving them an option. And I'm going to go one case and the guy's name was Tom Highland. And it was out of Santa Fe on the right to travel. He petitioned the government for redress and grievances. And he did it in such a way he only wanted answers. And the government basically judged her as he would. Yes, you could petition this, but what in your wildest mind would make you think I would give you an answer? Well, you're giving them an option. If they've refused to answer, now they have to know, now they've got to admit that they're not the government. If they refuse to answer, you answer it for them. And they're not going to lie to you if you give, if you know what the truth is. And once you state those answers, he got no other choice. He can't get around it. He can't get around it. When you really know what's going on. That was reading something earlier a day. And they basically said that everybody who's in prisons voluntarily be in their volunteering because they're claiming property is not them. Everyone is what it stages. That means everything's fraud. Let's be a pleasure. It's like compelled, compelled voluntarily. If you don't volunteer, then they drag you in and hold you in a foreign capacity as if you were property of that corporation. And that's one of the questions that on the bottom, I believe it's number two where it talks about when did the people become property of the state of. And you can just fill in your state there. And also the right to travel is the one of the first questions and they use this right to this. They use the share licensing really as a catalyst for jurisdiction and revenue collection and control. And because everybody has the right to movement and they want to take that away. And basically put you under some license, which is basically a form of a contract that you're agreeing to certain rules. So you want to touch a little bit on that Chicago motor coach and when did the people become lose their right to travel. Well, if you look to the Chicago motor coach, we had them here for different times. And look at what it says, it's the only case that I've really seen that does specify the difference between the right to travel versus the commerce action or the equation. And it's the only case that I've ever really seen that will actually address it both ways. And what it states, even the legislator, cannot have anything that violates your right to travel. If you want to ask a cop, do you have the right to travel? He'll probably tell you yes. Because that's what he was taught. The problem is you walk down the road anytime you like, you get nothing about it. And that's not what it means. That's why you need to understand how the definitions apply. And then when you start telling cops what the definition is in the equation or what court case that can go look up. And as soon as they look it up, they find out you're telling the truth and that they realize they've been lied to, and that now creates problems. And that's basically what I was doing for the longest time. And that's why I'm trying to explain certain things right now because I've gotten to leave me alone, like I'm saying, for probably 12 to 15 years, they wouldn't turn the red lights on me no more because of what I've done. But they are the ones that mark the plates, not to be pulled over. So if they can do it that way, they can make a plate that most people will not be aware of, and it's their responsibility to do it. Because they only have authority over commerce, and they're putting you into commerce to give themselves authority. And that's how they pull this form of stun off. And they've done it by claiming you're actually going to hit them all. And now you've got to go back against the religion where Genesis 127 says God created mankind in his image and gave him dominion. Now they have to turn and say that Bible don't exist, and it's even in their King James Bible. And that's the only way I know you can go around and tell them that. If you are an atheist, that's your choice. But your answer is they aren't, and they have to follow it. And that's why you use it. It's not what you're saying. It's what their system says they have to follow. It's where they can't get around it. Well, it really goes back to the Declaration of Independence of the laws of nature and nature of God, which is superior. And if you're not under authority, you have authority over nothing. And this is the principle that the created can never be greater than the Creator. And so this is basically number two where it's talked about that this is right from Genesis where it says God created man in his own image and granted mankind to have dominion over every living thing. And then so we asked the question, but what authority does the government, agent, or agency have the label of mankind in the category of "other animals", which they did. And this is a major trespass. Want to elaborate? No. Anybody have any questions? Anybody got any questions on what's been shared so far? If you're muted, you got to press star six. Nobody got a question? Sounds like it's pretty well comprehended. Clear as mud? Anyway, number three down here is kind of a follow up where we're talking about where they're personating. And so what law did the state of or the federal system of government rely upon to compel the people to worship or practice a religion of the dead? Corpse by personating the living people to be identified as commercial property, legal fiction persons in violation and contrary to the Bill of Rights article one, commonly known as First Amendment. And that goes back to where they are abridging the freedom of speech. And basically the right to peacefully assemble. And basically, there's no law respecting the establishment of religion. And that is basically your belief. And this is what they're trying to do is compel us to basically operate within the land of the dead as everything is legal fiction, basically as the corpse. And that's where they hold their name in all capital letters. The same as on a tombstone. On a tombstone, they always have the name in all capital letters. That identifies one that is civilly dead, has no rights. So this is the capacity that they're holding us in. And that is basically a religion, just like when you walk into a court. The judge walks in and his black robe, all rise. It's like, you know, hail to the king. But, you know, so in their city. That used to be because you walked in with the Bible. And that has, and that has, those, these are major things that have been changed in the last 70, 80 years. So anybody got any questions? If you're muted, you get a press star six. Okay, we go on to just on number four here. When did the people become property of the state of and held in a state of slavery from birth? That's a pretty major question because they're holding us as property because of the registration of the birth certificate. And that entity is not me, but it is an entity, it is my vessel that is used basically to transact business and commerce. And so it appears by the words used in the codes reference below that human being is identified as mankind to be considered as animals. Contrary to my religious beliefs, also in violation of, in contrary to the Bill of Rights article one, commonly known as the First Amendment. And also including the slavery amendment 13 violation. And, you know, when they're holding us in the capacity as property, basically, and used as collateral, you know, from birth. That is really compelled into slavery from birth. And no man has authority over another man. And the parents have a duty over their children. But the doctrine of parents, the tree, you know, where the state becomes the parent of the country. This is the doctrine that they're compelling us, you know, to follow. And I think that's where they're trying to confuse all this stuff with the marriage and break up the family structure. So, can I touch on that a little bit more, John? I'm all right right now. I'm hurting the man right now. Okay. Does anybody got any questions? Okay. You just said, you just made a comment. You said something about children. Yeah. Yes, I did. I think we've got some problems in sometimes in our language. And children, it wouldn't be a proper, proper terminology to use. And I think, correct me if I'm wrong, our progeny should be more appropriate. Or offspring. Offspring, exactly. Posterity. Posterity. Yeah. Because we get in trouble with language as much as anything. Yeah, I agree. And rightfully so, the people are, we are rightful expositors of our own communication. This is where in the older court cases, they had like a glossary of words. And down on the bottom, if there was something that was in question, you'd have a little footnote. And that would explain what that term or statement was really addressing. And so, this has been kind of removed in these chair. The statutory cases that they have today, and they're basically all opinions. And there's none of them cases are ever final. None of them. They're all temporal, even though they may appear to be final. They can all be reviewed because they're really all under color of authority. Under the legislative. So, is there anybody else with a question? Yes. May I? Yes. John, have you run into the, since you've studied the state, you know that the people within the state are in a soda or Reagan's Californians, Missourians. You know, I have, I think that everybody's calling people nationals when, when what we did was we just the state. So, we were, we were born in a particular state. And so, I was wondering what your feeling is on that. You know, are you, do you consider yourself, where are you from? Indiana. I was born in Indiana. So, are you in? If you're going in by the code of federal regulation, I believe it was that. You know, in the way you're talking, the list of Indiana's Hoosiers in that document. And if you get into the code of federal regulations, I just consider myself a people. Okay. Because I realize how the name works. If you look, if you, if you want to break down to understand the name, then you can look up in blast while reading law dictionary. You look up the word name that says copy corporation or trust. Then you break it down further, it will talk about a Christian or a given name. That would be your first middle. Then your last, belongs to King Edwards in his fourth year reign in 1464. And that can be found in Ballotides. So, when you start claiming a name, you have Christ claiming the first middle. And then you've had Jesus claiming this the first. And then you have the England statues claiming the last or family names. So, when I want to, if I'm going to play the game, I'm playing the game as a people. I'm just a beneficiary. Yeah. That's what I believe. Because it helps. Playing yours at all. No, that's just land. Okay. If you want to claim it that way, you can claim America. Because you were born of the continent of America. If you want to do it that way, if you really want to claim America, why don't you, if you want to go back to the Indians, you claim it as Turtle Island. Because that's what the Indians classified as the North American continent. It was Turtle Island. How far back you want to go? So, I'm looking at it as using the people. Because the people are the authorities. You don't know what they've done with the name. So, I can only claim to be the beneficiary, because if you deal with trust law, the only one that can have no knowledge of a trust is a beneficiary. The trustee has to have knowledge of the trust. He has to have the documents to run the trust. And if he doesn't have a document, he can't run the trust. If the court wants to make me a trustee, I'm going to have to throw over the county. I'm going to make it fun. OK, thank you. OK, we have another question. Go ahead. I have something that's a diversion. It's just a piece of information that I need to know. Cheryl, could you mention the name of those concentrated oxygen drops? I'm looking for it. You were talking about it before, and I forget what the name was. They're the ones you use. The concentrated oxygen drops that you use. The liquid oxygen. What is the brand name of that? My brand was just literally called liquid oxygen. But my manufacturer got the FDA claim that you cannot have a product with your calories. Now, let me ask you, when does water have calories? Yeah, right. OK, so is there a brand you recommend very quickly? Pier O2. Pier O2. OK, thank you so much. All right, sorry about that, guys. I've been trying to come across her to ask that question for. I don't know how long. Thanks. Is there anybody else with a question or comments on the topic tonight? On the petition or the notice of default default to apply it. Cheryl, this John takes. Got a question. Yeah, go ahead, John. Oh, the first document put in their fault default. I cannot find that form. Where is that? It's down on the bottom. It's not down on the attachment. I think one on the second roll on the left, I believe. You just just hover over on the bottom there and it will say. No. I can do it here. It is on the attachment, though. OK, it's. It's way on the left on the second roll. It says sample contract via negative a vermin counterclaim. Notice the fault. Notice the default. Night July 2024. Three pages. Do you see it? Yes. It's the seventh attachment on the. It's on the bottom of the notice today. OK, did you find it? Thank you. Is there anyone else that got a question? But these are samples. You can adjust them for your own in that negative a vermin. For any travel issues, you can basically put in your story. The first page, page and a half, and then the rest should all flow. And then do the certificate of service how it needs to be completed. Anybody else got any questions? OK. John, you must be explaining that pretty good. Everybody comprehends this. Until they go to play the game. Or if they just don't know what questions to ask. Yeah, very possible. Well, when did when did forever end? And. And then, well, the next question was, where is where is the state of Colorado or landmass located. Since it is not identified in any map or atlas, and that's what John was bringing up before. It does not exist. You will never find it on a map or atlas, but you'll find it on a notary seal. You'll find it on court documents or any state documents. Well, if you look up. If you look up London to look up the city of London, the city of London is one square. It's one square while in London. But it does list it. But I can't find the state of anywhere. Right. They're basically all all those are like all like county of state of. They're both basically sub corporations of the United States Corporation, basically out of district of Columbia. So any. Are you trying to tell me that alliance? The probabilities. Are you trying to tell me that's alliance, which was prohibited? So I don't acknowledge it. Okay. I can't find it on the map. I have to say don't exist. Right. And this is where they're basically going in from making private and public. Basically operating together, where they're operating outside of their authority. In the private and then trying to operate in the public, you know, under. Under the Constitution and so they formed an alliance. Which is a prohibited act. Scroll me here. Yes. Go ahead, Paul. Quick piece of information, quick snippet. If you didn't get the invitation for tonight's call. Go to Docs, B O C S. Dot, U S A organic. Don't put that in the search bar for Google. Put that in the actual address bar. Docs dot. USA organic And all of the documents that were on that invite. Have been uploaded there to look at you and download. Pretend. Whatever. Thank you, Daryl. Okay. And then the next question was, when did forever. And. And this is from 1816, Indiana Constitution article one, section 24 to guard against any encroachment on the right. We're in retain. We declare that everything in this article is accepted. Of, or is accepted. Our of the, I don't know if that's worded right, of the general powers of the government and shall forever remain inviolatable and viable. It's unviolated and it should never be violated. But that, what they said was that the legislative never had authority over the people. That's what that was basically telling you back when they originally became a state. And it's been amended many times, but yet the original still stands. An altered when it said forever. And then number eight down here, it says, by what authority does the US agent or agency have to personate and war against the people in the name of the all capital letters, the people of the state of. Or the state of United States or United States of America. This is how they're bringing war against the people when they personate. And that definition in, in this own law dictionary in black, it talks about basically. To personate is to basically hold you in the character of another. And basically for the purpose of defrauding and deceiving. And to hold the person, you know, that is counterfeited. So it is really acknowledging a level of fraud that is unprecedented. But that they've gotten away with it for this long without being held accountable is almost imaginable. I guess the deception, you know, where people don't want to risk stepping out and standing up against something because of the forces that, you know, come against you or the intimidation and threats that they impose upon you or your family by basically coming after you or the use of justice system to basically war against you, you know, through statutes and codes by personating you as a legal fiction and property. And that's where they're holding us as other animals. They're looking at no different than an animal and that's even in their own codes, they identified that way. And that's the way it feels when they're attacking. So anybody else got a question? I'm sorry. Yeah, I was going to make a comment, but somebody else didn't enter. Who's speaking? This is John in New Jersey. Good evening. Good, John. Yeah, I noticed one thing when you do a hearing court and you say, I'm here on special appearance. I know that the tune changes with that with the judge there. So you're, you're kind of telling him that you're, you're not that all capital's name there, you know. Well, you'll notice on the bottom of the document where you autograph after your last name, Poland, first middle, we put beneficiary. So that's how we're coming in because you can't even be heard in that court, you know, as the living. So you are basically the beneficiary of that entity that they're bringing the charge against that estate. Yeah, I noticed when I remember when John and from Indiana when he first came on and he was telling us about the titles and nobility and no capitation taxes and article six. So, yeah, I had just a, I sent that I draft up letter and sent it to the judge. And they filed it and everything got quiet and. So, yeah, that information that he put out, man, that just, it almost put a silencer on it. You know, it just got quiet. If you look at the petition for redress of grievances, that will silence them even more. I'm not talking too much tonight because I'll be ready for back surgery and right just tonight I've got a bad night. Oh, that's not good. Yeah, I that pain is can be a very. Not a nice thing there and they can, they can direct direct, you know, ways that you don't like to be there. I know that. So, yeah, right now I came right now I can't even take pain pills because I can't do that because of surgery. I've got to get off all the anything that really removes it. I can't have taken any of that stuff until after surgery now. So, guys, you got to live with what it's doing. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Well, I'm sorry that I know my father had a very bad back and this holds this and all that stuff there. And, yeah, I, I seen how he was. Yeah, he was such in pain that me and my mother had to pick him up and put him in the car and take him, take him to the doctor and try to try to get it. He was so cramped off, he couldn't even function. He was, he was in bad shape. I'm basically three half almost four years from when it should have been. So, that's where I'm at right now. Yeah. Well, you know, I can suggest to people that have issues with pain, whatever I think in this lifetime. We've got to always got to do our detox system. In fact, I'm doing an ionized foot bath right now. And every time I do it, it comes out black. And every time I look in the skyders, brain, we're having metals on it. So, that is where you're one of your aspects of creating pain here in the body there. So, but, yeah, well, you don't want to be in pain and you don't want to, you want to be on the right side of the wall there, you know. So, yeah, I'll tell you, I'll tell you the same thing I told you. Go ahead, John. You said the right side of the law. When the judge turned out, it was, it was asking me for practicing law without a license. And I just became kind of frustrated and said, well, how can you get me for practicing law without a license? We're on the authority of the law. Yeah, yeah, it's like we're living in upside down 180 degrees upside down world there and they flipped everything on its head there. And I did, I listened to Led George's show on Saturday and he gave me a good idea. I've been trying to get my little Volkswagen pickup truck out of the compound yard. And I stewed them and, oh, yeah, I'm a sovereign citizen. And, oh, yeah, they gave him some encouragement. Oh, I said this. Look, I just want my damn truck back. You stole my damn truck, you know. And, oh, yeah, it's just a lawyer and a judge and they just railroad you through and next, you know, you know this. But he gave me a good idea. He said, Senator, in a rental contract, you know, Santa Tom, you force a contract on them. And when they don't object to it in three days, then, you know, then you go through them for not fulfilling their end of the contract, you send them a bill. So either he said he's seen good luck, good results on that. So I'm going to give that a try there. So that's why I like to listen to other people because it gives me ideas. And then, you know, in New Jersey, there's not too many people like yourself on this call here. I mean, they're just, yeah, you start talking anything at this level. You know, they just go away or they just change the subject or you don't have a friend there, you know. Yeah, I'm saying. Been there, done that. Yeah, it's a sad day of affairs. If everybody would take a little initiative and try to pick up the ball, we could probably, this system could be resolved in very short order. Which is more us and lesser than, but they got us south of there, you know, I mean, the public policy system did that, you know. There's a maximum he has the guns asks the questions. Unfortunately. Say it again. There's a maximum he who holds the guy asks the questions. Is that kind of like the gold rule, a rule who has the gold rules. I heard that one. Yeah. Yeah. I don't fall. It's good to hear your voice there. It's great, it's great information there. And, you know. Were you done, John? Yeah. Well, yeah, I don't want to steal the show. I mean, I could talk all night here and I just, I like to listen more and talk because that's where I learned the most there. It was fun talk and I can't learn anything. Well, I can, but, you know. So, I'll try to get ideas of where to go. On that Alfred, a dance video where he talks about man and other animals. It's really, I'd really encourage everybody to listen to that. It's really on point. But one thing he mentioned was 1906. And that number, when you look up, I've got this document up. It's called the history of birth certificates. And how before 1907 or 1908, 1906, that area, the birth certificates were recorded in the county. And then after that, they become basically registered in the state and they set up the vital statistics. And now you look at the scenario of when this was taking place. Okay. And then 1913, they brought in the Federal Reserve. And then they brought us into World War I, which created the major debt. And then they brought in the Shepherd Towner maternity act, which basically mandated that everyone registered their child. And then then 33, they made all them birth-certificated persons. Basically considered property of the state and used as the collateral. And the only way that person can buy, sell or trade is with a license or permit or permission from the system. So, but in this here, it talks about this here history from 1852 to 1907. Physicians are other persons attended a birth or the parents, if no one else was present, were required. So, it was not, though it was widely ignored to file a birth certificate within 30 days with the county register of beads. And you'll see that afterwards, you know, it was done with the state. And I think this is a very significant part. But there's 11 pages of this here, information. And it's quite interesting how it ties into the marriage records, the death records and all these certificates. And we know that all these registrations have been monetized. And, but this is just the way the system has turned, you know, from common law basically over to martial law or martial rule after 1860s. So, anybody else got any questions? Yes. I wanted to correct something or clarify something that John from New Jersey was saying. He was talking about Ed's call on Saturday night and Ed said to send the bill to them. What I understood to actually say, based on not only what he researched with rental car companies, but also with what the fellow in California was doing with multiple numbers of these types of cases where conveyances were seized. He said what you need to do is send them a fee schedule outlining what the fees are going to be. And I believe that was before you would send them any bill and then take them into state or federal court when they don't give the car back or they don't pay the fees. And at that point in time, when you file the lawsuit, having given them a fee schedule and then having been on notice, not just getting the bill, but having been on notice, that's when they will return the car once the lawsuit is filed. That's what I understood to be said, rather than just sending them the bill. Now, I don't know, maybe that's what John, maybe that's what John New Jersey meant to say, but anybody else listening to the call, that wasn't exactly how Ed put it. Thank you. Wasn't this a true bill? Yeah, I guess you said it. I'll stand corrected. Yeah, a true bill is really almost like an indictment when they give an indictment, they call that a true bill. And that becomes what is enforceable. Well, I just didn't want anybody to be left with the impression that you could just send them a bill and say, okay, you owe me so many dollars, because according to Ed, that wasn't, I don't think that was going to work. Okay. Are you going to talk to that? Yes, who is speaking? Yeah, this is John from New Jersey. Yeah, I emailed Ed on that. And yeah, I asked him some questions. And the way he did is you have to send them an agreement, like you rent your car and you're signing, like, say you want to rent your car to your neighbor. And, yeah, so you draw up the contract, you put their names in there, and you put your name is, you know, and you put them in number and, and then you state, you know, they're going to be responsible for damages and you have to put the course per day in there. And they're going to be responsible to pay that amount every day until they return the car. And if there's any damage or dance or whatever, and what you have to do is you're actually setting them up here. You sent them a, you know, this rental agreement. And, and then once they ignore to whatever, then you send them a invoice and say, yeah, well, you owe me this money for this rental from my vehicle. And then, and then you get a private federal lawsuit on him and say, hey, they defaulted on the contract. So this is what, you know, this is, you know, I got the email back from Ed because, you know, I mean, I was, when I was listening, I was underneath an oil tank and I was painting it with a brush and it was kind of getting dark and I had a coveralls and gloves. And, but I really want to listen to that. And then when I heard that, I was like, wow, that's such a great idea there, you know, I wish I was for that, you know. I think that, I think that's, I think that's pretty much what it did say, but yeah, I would never want to stand the codes that I set them up. I mean, I might get out of the way and let them cut themselves up, but I don't think I sort of want to. Well, I would look at, okay, when you're explaining it, there in possession of your car, do you need permission to take it? Yes or no? No, no. It's a green dog. If they're green, they took it. But your permission is stolen property. So yes, you can, you can do it at least agreement and send it to. Yeah, well, the thing is, yeah, I was traveling. I was in operating commerce. Next thing I got the light put on me and I have probably plates on my vehicle, which are actually from the embassy. I have in the church, which I was a member of that and I stole the plates on that. And they were really bothering me. I mean, I had done plates on that truck since 2012. And then all of a sudden this young guy will catch his organ, young guy, young cop, post him over, and he comes to the truck and he says, I need to get out of the car. And I said, well, are you ordering me or whatever? And I said, if you don't get out of the car, next thing he's got two of his other buddies over there and I just got out of the car. And I just gave my, you know, my state ID, which I had my affidavit attached to it from the sector of state and he ran it. And next thing, you know, I said, yeah, they took me to the county. I sat in there for nine days and let me go. And then, of course, they gave me like five tickets. I read on the ticket. I don't accept this offer to contract and I don't consent to these proceedings. And I sent it a day before the court hearing. And then I showed up at the hearing and I took my affidavit in there. And there's a cop in the court, the bailiff was there and there's a cop in there and he called me into the office. I didn't say, Dan, thank you. I just wrote everything on paper. And I said, look, I'm not in your jurisdiction, you know, and basically write everything on paper. And he said, OK, well, I was deep there. The judge will see in a minute. I went up to the judge and he asked me questions. I just shook my head, yes or no. And the only thing he said, well, we'll notify you when you need to appear again or whatever. And he just, and I never heard nothing for it. Nothing ever came about it. Never heard a word after that. They never bothered me after that. And I'm just after about a year. And what was a year in March? It was March 6, 2003. They've had my truck and air. And I said, well, you know, I signed them up for court. I shoot the police in the throwing company. And they don't, they sat on the case for almost a year. They didn't hear it. I think I filled the case out. I think in April and they didn't even hear the case until like the end of November. You know, they just sat on it. You know, I mean, they're unbelievable. I mean, they do everything they can to just make. It just is upside down backwards. You got to fight them on every corner, you know. And that's what we're trying to stop right now, though, by what you think. I'm sorry, John. I didn't catch all that there. That's what we're trying to do with a negative averment. You're finding your impact. But I do not consent to contract is a way you're just trying to remove the contract. The negative averment is basically trying to tell them, then the facts, and you're trying to get something in position that they will leave you alone completely. That's what you're trying for. That's what I'm looking at. They'll try what we're trying to do here. They're the ones that want the right to travel. Okay. To make them provide the entity, the equation, because it's their entity. It's a responsible for it. If you play, if you know how to play it backwards at them. They're entities who want to ask to do it, not you. I have a question. Okay. Uh, is there any other questions? If not, then we'll. I have a question. I have a question, Daryl. Okay, go ahead, Paul. We were talking about the. Yeah, this is Paul from Kentucky. We were talking, you were talking just a few minutes ago about the true bill and I'm working on that myself and I don't want to get into solving the case, but I do have a second case where I didn't even realize it till today I did some investigation. The judge has actually dismissed all liable parties, meaning parties that could be and could be sued. Parties that are non judgment proof that she, they're still in the case, but she's trying to dismiss liable parties, such as banks and big firms and such. And I was wondering, the dismissal came out in April. I guess through investigation, got a copy of it by going down to the courthouse. I was curious, could I go ahead and file a true bill on the hat, even though she dismissed it and yet the biggest issue is no evidence has been put on the table. They filed a motion with their opinion, and she has granted them dismissal on their, what they know evidence has ever been placed in this case from me and or any other party. It's all, it's all hearsay. It's all my word against barrels or barrels word against 10. It's not. There's no facts that are on the table that say, hey, I could not have done this because I was in Paris, France, and here's the evidence to prove that they're just saying, well, we don't believe we should be a part of this for that reason or this reason. And the judge has dismissed them from the K or from the claim on their request, and they're what they put to what they what they wrote up. So my question is, without getting in any more detail, is could I go ahead and file a true claim on that, or do I have to go back and file a motion to reconsider. Well, I think that I think the facts need to be established and to the point where there is no material issues of fact in dispute. And after there's no material issue of fact in dispute and the facts are already on the table, you know, either the other party rebuts it, or they basically acquiesce in silence. And therefore, the facts stand, you know, as evidence in the in for the record. So I would establish your judgment. Thank you. Okay. With that, we're up against the hour. Is there any last questions that anybody would want to ask? Well, I've got to comment for the last guy. And if the judge dismissed somebody from a case without without hearing any facts or evidence, then the judge didn't have any basis in law, certainly under due process to make that determination. So they're in breach of judicial duty or breach of judiciary duty, whatever. First thing you do is have a hang on just a minute. You are correct. And they do that as a standard operating procedure in this county and I you. Okay. Well, then file a bar grievance against that judge and against the, the DA that allowed or or any lawyers that allowed that motion, or had anything to do with it. File bar grievances against all of them. Great. And let me ask this. If I email, can I get your contact information to talk to you at a later date? More extensively. I don't want to take up time on the call. That's, that's really all I know. File a bar grievance judge. And the most important thing you're going to do is you're going to look up that judge's oath of office to see if it's, if, if it's on file with the secretary of state. If it's been recorded, because if that judge's oath of office hasn't been lawfully recorded within 30 days of them taking the bench, then every decision they've ever, ever made is vacated. Gotcha. Okay. Thank you for your input. Also to the gentleman who was talking about his car. I do want to mention, I know a little bit about towing and things of that nature. He may want to make sure his vehicle is still in the impound yard. They're, they're supposed to notice people like that, but many times don't. If it's been that long, that car may have been sold off as always or scrap or whatever. And I've seen that happen many times. And with that, I thank you all. Okay. Well, if there's no other questions, can't do you want to give out the announcement for that picnic there in New York in July 20. I would. Okay. Yes. Okay. Folks on Saturday, July 20, if that's not this coming Saturday, but the Saturday after that, starting around 12 noon and going until nine or 10 o'clock at night, whatever time. There will be a free barbecue on Long Island. It will be in Smithtown. It will be at 14 Ray Lane and it will be sponsored by Americans for legal reform. And their website is Americans. That's plural with an S on it. The number four legal And you could find that same information that I just stated and possibly some additional information regarding that barbecue at that site. The rain date is Sunday, July 21st, the next day. This event will also do to the graciousness and kindness of Americans for legal reform and the founder call. This event will also be used as a networking event where other groups or associations can show up. They can bring their wares. They can bring their literature. They can bring books to sell clothing, whatever as long as as it is related. To the ultimate laws of re establishing the constitutional Republic obtaining good government or good governance and government by the consent of the people. They can bring their wares there. We also may have some small. There's some things that are still in the works. This is the first year. So unfortunately, maybe some might think it should be just a little bit better organized, but we're trying to work on a couple of other things where there'll be many small groups. And if people are interested in what you're representing coming from another group and networking that you can get together with them. So hopefully we'll have tables set up and you can give out your literature. I talked to them today about having a videographer on the site that will maybe make some recordings of people who wish to present something. So even though people come in and out all day and there will be several hundred people wares what they expect based on the past. And based on this networking that at least this will be something that could be put up on their website. They tell me they'll be willing to do that. And so that would kind of be an advertisement. If you will, I'll put that in quotes and advertisement for your association or group. We know that everybody doesn't necessarily agree on the same thing. We appreciate the participation of multiple people. And we need to look for the similarities where we can work together, not harp on the points that are different. Now, obviously, having said that, there has to be some basis and some foundation with other groups. But we're trying this out this year to see how it works. And then possibly next year, the Americans for legal reform. And I said possibly to merge with a couple of other groups on Long Island. And if the networking goes over well, maybe there'll be some other groups that are willing to send people there. And we can build this into something much bigger like a coalition. So we appreciate if you come, again, Saturday, July 20th, rain dates, Sunday, July 21 starting at 12 noon, Smithtown. Well, now in New York, 14 Ray Lane, go to Americans for legal Thank you very much. I appreciate the opportunity to speak to you. Thank you. Okay, thank you can. Well, if there's anyone that's doing a call that does not receive the notices for the Tuesday or Thursday night calls and would like to receive them, you can send fill us an email. She'll give it out here in little bit. She'll want your first name, your state who invited you to the call and a phone number. We do not share any of your contact information, but if there would be somebody that wants to reach out to you, they will send, fill us an email and she will forward it on to you and it'll be up to you to reach out to them at your convenience. So, tell us if you want to give out your email. Yes, it is Blue Ridge 1 1 2 1 at Blue Ridge 1 1 at gmail. And when you want to call folks, if you will, just at least put your name in your state in there. Now, if you have a common name, like we had a question in chat this evening, one name Mary. And I had two Mary's on there. So, at least put your the first initial of your last name on there so that I know who who I'm responding to. Okay, because I may have to respond by email and not by. We also had some chat questions in here. Let me, I don't know if anybody has an answer to this question or not, but someone asked, is there a way that you can change the all capital letters on a headstone with the affidavit or declaration by status. I don't answer to that and who might. So if anybody knows, speak up. Well, that is the all capital letter is basically dog Latin, and that is basically identifying one that is simply dead. And identifying the trust. It's identifying a trust. It goes back biblically. The body is missing. The trustee is missing. The body six feet below. It's how they do the decapitation the headstones becomes the head. So no, the headstones will be all capital. And as far back as I can find them, they're all capital. Because when you die, you have an estate. It's a trust. Upon death, that's a decedent. That's why it is that way. Okay. And then another question by the same individual talking about the state of XYZ. Would that be in the East state of the claims people, in other words, created funds. Is that a good summary? Say that again. Dave, you may want to speak up and explain the question there. And state of XYZ, would that be an estate of the uncalled people? Is that a good summary? I'm not sure. By the way, specifying it, I would probably say yes. Because if you understand what in the state is, it's a cemetery. So when you start looking at the word state, if you put an e in front of it, then it's a state. It's a cemetery. That's how your H-8 does housing organizations, the neighborhood, H-H-O's or whatever you want to call them. That's how they're being run into an estate. If you really think about what your house is, if you look at it, it's called a plot map. And the plot map normally refers back to cemetery. Okay. And there was another comment in here, some maps and railroads. It says, "Has any notice you cannot buy a map with a railroad shown?" The railroad not exists if it cannot be found on a map. And then someone else explained that they believe a trucker's road atlas has because they show the crossings. So just like that, no. And John, I sent you an email with three suggestions in the chat for what you can do for pain in the meantime before your surgery. Okay. I happen to move the wrong way. It felt like a knife when you went back. That's why I read it. It's hard to breathe, but it does it. Yeah, I'm sure. I'm sure. Is that all that you -- and Daryl, I'll just close this out in prayer if it is. Yeah, well, I was going to announce -- I guess we need to keep John in prayer. He's going to be going into surgery next Monday. And it's going to be a three-four-hour surgery on his back. And so we'd appreciate you if you had lifted him up in prayer and that the surgeon's skills will be enhanced as he goes about trying to correct the problems. And this Thursday, we're going to have a yak-a-trainer or cat back, and she can be talking about the kidney liver and the organs, their function, and the importance of each one in what they do. So we'd encourage you to come back on Thursday. And so, Phyllis, if you would want to close out. Thank you for having me. Heavenly Father, we come to you and thank you for the blessings that you give us. And we want to lift up John's prayer. And then at the end of the day, you can tell he has surgery on Monday, too, correct? And if it was his back and father, you are the healer. The surgeon's guidance, every move that they make, because the surgery on the back is very, very, very serious. So, Father, please be withdrawn and his medical team. This so that we can continue to dialogue with him in the future. So with each and everyone who is trying to determine whether they want to hold a seat in this Republic. You're breaking out, Phyllis. Thank you, Lord, for being with us this evening and guiding us through this discussion concerning these documents that can be used to possibly. Stop these people from their overreach. And as we know, there are changes coming and we pray, Lord, that all of this will be dropped. There will be further that we have to do with these courts, that's Bernie's or anything else. So thank you for your blessings and we thank you all in the name of Yeshua. Amen. Phyllis, you cut out there when you send, you know, to encourage anyone that would be willing to fill an office or to, you know, hold a position in this Republic until we have elections. Because this needs to be, if we're going to have a Republican form of self-governance where the people are in control, the people have to step up and take charge. And this has to be, this will be a temporal office or intermediate until we have a final election. So any volunteers would be much appreciated and much needed. So with that, we want to thank everyone for coming on the call. I hope this information is beneficial for everyone. There's a lot of research and information that's put together here that I believe would be very effective to address the overreach that has been implemented in this year system today. So with that, we'll say good night all until we meet again. Is Paul on the phone because I don't see any documents on that page. What did you call them? It's. Oh, yeah, well, there's a bunch of them there. Well, I didn't, I didn't put them in as a date. I just, I just uploaded them and threw them in there. Which document are you looking for? I can get you the name of it. Oh, we don't know because I didn't get the invites. That's all right. Thank you. Okay. Well, do you, do you still have my email address, don't you? I don't know. Cheryl, if you are, you told me if you wanted to keep getting the notices, if you want me to put you back on the distribution list, I will. Yeah. Well, the problem is is that sometimes you're sending too big of a document and my email is always full. And so, so I get a bounce and then I'm asking for it back. You know, you know what I mean? And sometimes. Yeah, that's the only reason I got off the list because you would take me over quota. And then I was either you were bouncing or somebody else was bouncing. And it is just because I get that much email every day and I sometimes it takes me hours to get on and I'm already over quota. Okay. All right. Okay. We'll say good night all and have a blessed rest of the week until we meet again Thursday. And we pray that things will continue moving in the right direction and that we can have this country back in the hands of the people shortly. This session is no longer being recorded. Good bye. Okay. And that's it for the Republic call on. Radio dot global voice radio dot net for more information. To to fair out the documents that they talked about, you can go to docs dot USA organic republic dot com. And you'll find a whole list of them there. A bunch of things. They're kind of scattered and disorganized, but they're there. Give me a break here. Okay. Anyways, I'm Paul from Global Voice Network. Thank you so much for joining us tonight. We'll catch you right back here next time. Bye now. Blasting the voice of freedom worldwide. You're listening to the global voice radio network. Bye bye boy. Have fun storming the castle. ♪ Down on a break in the trees ♪