Global Voice Radio Network's tracks

Itera Monday on the Radio Ranch with Roger Sayles and John Kacarab

3h 1m
Broadcast on:
08 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

yep good morning welcome to the radio ranch with roger sales we'll be getting started in just a moment old time this mirror stream on the global voice radio network is brought to you in part by my for support of the mitochondria like never before also brand new product still in pre launch check it out p h a t p h it's also brought to you by and the price international i terra care terra care device has the ability to awaken dormant stem cells in the bone marrow yes we have slipping stem cells in our bone marrow as you keep blowing this on your spine you're activating this stem cells and guess what you're going to create brand new lungs brand new kidneys eventually as you keep using this over time you will have brand new organs glands and tissues in your bodies and that's a great news you have to keep blowing this on your spine because this is what the great hypocrisy said there's a way to hit the bones then all diseases can be treated activate that awaken that stem cells in your bone marrow hit the bones using the future of medicine which is frequency this is your time grab your one device right now for more information on the itera care classic terahertz frequency wand go to that's forward moving and focused on freedom you're listening to the global voice radio network [Music] oh yeah we're gonna try again today to do a little bit of that here after the long 4th of July weekend for whole days hope everybody had a good one it's everybody is such a serious holiday and everybody takes so like info wars all four days often whatever and the most the people that are creators and give us stuff to listen to and think about our off doing things so that's behind us now we're gonna get back right into the throws of things here on this Monday the 8th radio range Roger sales and for the first hour anyway our old friend John Kaserab is gonna give us some wand updates and all that stuff but before we launch you know in that direction we got to have mr. beener identify and give proper credit to all the platforms that are helping us to carry the message forward if you care to do that mr. beener we sure appreciate it hope you had a good for my friend I did I did have a pretty good 4th I actually worked on my car a little bit and got it running and I did I did personal things not so much on the 4th but but the but the day after yeah I got that taken care of it was all good we you know we drive you so hard that most of the time you don't have time for that sort of stuff so I'm glad you had the opportunity yeah you know what I'm you know I've been I've been wondering about that you know even on the days that that you take the day off I never get to I know well that's oh well that's not complaining well that's what happens you know yeah that we should sell it we should really recognize well we should celebrate and recognize your your commitment here and doing all this stuff and the audience knows we pay you the big bucks but regardless of that your commitment is very impressive now actually you know with with my impending move and all that people have been very generous and they've been very very helpful in helping me get things done and that would not have happened if it weren't for the radio ranch so my gratitude goes out to everybody love all you guys now let's let's get to the business at hand we do have a 27 minute video that we can play that John sent me over the weekend but we got to talk about the platforms and we're working on getting WBOU in here they're having a little trouble connecting this morning so so but we are on 106.9 WBOU FM in Chicago if we can you know get the get the signal link straightened out on Thursdays and Fridays we're on radio that's from Europe that's from across the pond as they say our flagship station thanks yes so to speak our flagship station thanks to Pastor Eli James is Eurofolk radio dot com that stream appears to be up and healthy or at least the feed to it is we're on global voice network radio dot global voice radio dot not the links to Eurofolk and global voice are both on the matrix docs dot com or nationals only dot com and the links to zoom and free conference call are also on those websites if you want to join us live we've got room for 1,500 of you not to to sell WDRN production short and home network dot TV and freedom nation dot TV we're on channel H and four and I just received notification that there is kind of a celebrity that's going to be taking over the 24 hour scheduling of that program and he's got a huge podcast following he's got a considerable amount of fame in the music industry and he is going to be bringing a following that will probably likely spill over to the radio ranch crowd because we will still have the slot from 11 to 1 and I don't know if I can actually release the name of this guy but he is friggin amazing that being said we're also on go live TV and stream life dot tube we've got tons of listeners that are coming to us from those platforms as well and that's pretty much all I've got so that I'll go back under the stab moth we're not we're not ready to put you under the stairs just yet that hn4 thing that kind of sounds like European call letters to me didn't seems like didn't they recognize their stations like that well yeah I think they do but but they call it hn4 because home network dot TV actually has four channels and I think they're adding a fifth well HN's from home network number four uh-huh good sounds very sophisticated European so that's good we have European sophisticated rock star yeah man don't think John and they used to identify all those some of those European or all of the European stations in that manner with a number and let and call letters seems like they did we had such good stuff in the United States I didn't bother to listen anybody over there did John do you know that we've got a guy down here's up in the States recuperating from heart heart attacking some surgery uh Rockin Ron O'Neill uh and don't know that well I didn't either you know and when I first got down here Jack knows he lives up lives up in Kota Kochi who a lot of other Americans and uh um Jack used to said he said well he's in the Georgia broadcasting Hall of Fame and I said hold on man I was in the music industry up there for 20 years I knew anybody that was anybody in the in the state and I never even heard of this guy so I mean who is this Rockin Ron O'Neill you know he still does a show when he's not in the hospital oh wow well it turns out he was one of the guys off England on the ships that did the pirate radio oh okay okay he's a nice guy about my age I guess and uh uh uh but anyway Rockin Ron O'Neill yeah well they're pirate radio and I don't know well uh pardon me oh the over the 4th I was listening to all the replays of W-A-B-C and CBS in New York uh and and those guys back in 1968 those days music music radio oh yeah wow I mean I missed those shows yeah those those guys were tight they used to really have music back then I hear yeah comparatively and then of course we've got uh you know we've got a European station that we broadcast on over there and seems to me like France and England really needed. Well that was the original original reason for uh Pastore Eli getting I don't know how I've never figured out never heard how he and Paul connected but they connected just as the European migration invasion started and that's what uh the title of the network Eurofolk radio is targeted at and that's our humble beginnings and here we are all these years later and thanks to Eli and and other Paul there crossing paths and being able to start this thing and it's very interesting because Paul over there across the pond had been frustrated and knew something about this because of a house foreclosure he went through and every uh everybody he came in contact with in this uh we're gonna steal your house deal uh happened to be of a certain ethnic variety and so he got real fascinated he'd had a guy that he knew and worked with telling him a little bit about the way the banking system worked and he got busy and he got you know what can I do you know this is a good lesson for everybody in the audience what can I do what can I do what can I do I'm only one person what can I do well Paul look what he's done there's like four or five of these networks now that we can get word out like this where we don't have to load you down with commercial hours because of the way he took a year and a half of looking at freeware software and reading all those manuals and all that stuff to be able to put this together so we can do this and uh he deserves some congratulations for his sacrifice the lesson is for everybody look at me roger i'm only one person what can i do well i've done i've accomplished something here look at what john cassera he's only one person paul look what he's only one person but you know everybody can do something okay and and it's that joint connected teamwork attitude and stepping forward where we're going to accomplish something the worm is turning you see it turning okay we'll talk about that later but you can uh you can see the worm turning and we're going to have an opportunity and you know what's the old cliche strike while the iron is hot i think yeah and uh so prepare to strike troops go ahead john welcome man how was your fourth i was great i mean yeah i didn't notice one day from the next really but i was enjoying all the music and that's that's pretty much what i had planned keeping me and reminding me and trying to hide from all the fireworks because they started on the third maybe even the second and went through the fourth and continued on end of the fifth and sixth yeah so i've had a long fourth of july here yeah well yeah all these guys keep blowing out fireworks well fortunately i'm in Ecuador we didn't have too much cross pollination there so uh but uh we we have a nice fourth and uh uh onward back back to routine maybe that's i like routine i hate it when we leave routine although it's got valid reasons and you can take advantage of it and all that stuff i wonder how many people because it's the biggest holiday well thanksgiving it's the biggest holiday of the year for travel but i guess in july the fourth is probably the second and i wonder with this inflation normally course where i'm from petamaw city uh there's a million plus people in that beach for this weekend this past weekend it's the biggest weekend of the year for the beach and tourism and all that stuff it's got some weird pretty cool things that go on uh as uh oh yeah it's huge huge huge fourth of july destination well my question i wonder how much that was impacted by the economy this year right i don't know there's more more people moving to florida i mean half my high school class from 66 is down in florida well tell them if they're down there in the panhandle there's a house for sale down there they might want to look look at um paul yet so i'm saying yeah i just want to mention something really quick one of the things that i didn't set up was changing the branding on the show so this is the second sebado edition this week so i will rename it after the show goes off there okay so we got two saturday so all right cool um all right well john i'm glad you had a good weekend and uh i'm sure you got some great one stuff for us here this morning start the week out uh yeah we always do um one thing is that pryfe is going to be closed for a few days no if anybody wants to get yeah they're doing a huge upgrade on their uh computer system which is needed because they're growing so fast and uh the the system was getting really slow so i'm i'm looking forward to that okay you know you click on it right how many days are going to be down you know or does it depend on the yeah yeah exactly yeah they listed here it's going to be down um well if i convert it to california time they're going to go down on the ninth of july um we'll be back up on the 11th okay that's not too bad midnight midnight to midnight couple days okay cool yeah that's not bad that that'll give everybody a little bit of break too yeah uh we've got some good testimonials i've been going back and pulling up all these uh doctor on videos and um trying to find ones to save and kind of put into a little library of good testimonials that we can you know refer people to and that's part of the purpose of what we're doing here so uh we're ready to go you know let me tell the audience i want to make this come in if i may i uh the way i found this information this patriot stuff was doing networking companies uh and it's back when i was teaching and they only gave me a couple hours a week really uh and i was part-time had a lot of extra time i could certainly have used some extra money back then and so i was doing networking programs early in that career of mine and uh and uh some uh guys came up that i worked with three brothers and and told me you know income taxes uh uh income taxes are fraud oh yeah okay you know but i've always had that it that in my background in my back of my mind something's wrong and i'm open-minded that's i think most of you know and so i said yeah i'd love to see that and so it took them it was the tape was up in Virginia it took a couple of weeks to get down there and for me to see it but that's what turned me on to this whole patriot stuff you know so when i've done a number of uh networking companies and john and i've worked together on several of them and uh this company is really together okay i mean they hadn't i've never heard them say one thing they were going to do that they didn't do anytime i've uh requested any uh of the uh overrides that i've accumulated it always comes on time they throw you an email uh that this has shipped and all that stuff and they're just a very impressive company they've got a super unique product that virtually everybody should want and they're uh continuing to add on to their product line and grow their service around the world with other companies and stuff i mean other countries so i'm very impressed with price but what i could have gotten that all out of the way and not said but just to give you a little background and uh that i've been in this rodeo for a while and done this with a number of companies and these guys have got their act together from what i can tell john and i know you agree well they've brought us they brought us a marketplace and a tool that everybody needs and i think that the moment was right for it um you know the vaccines hit uh dr blaylock he's a very famous author he puts out a newsletter he went to LSU he's in Mississippi he's uh he's a great one of the most recognized was it neurosurgeons in the country i think he's retired now but yeah he's a really really sharp guy and good guy too he his his whole issue this month is all about the vaccines and the damages and what's going on i mean he just blistering on this thing i'm actually going to copy it the front page of it and put it in our ppn uh radio chat group um okay if people want more information on that i guess like a copy at the senate home but um man he's just they're just straightforward you know well i uh it's for the audience that aren't familiar with dr blaylock he is one of the highest recognized of these people in this field in the country he's a really really good guy yeah he really is so anyway that wan solves a real problem the thing that we have and it's interesting we we got quite a few people that have purchased the wan but they're not networkers they like what they have but they don't tell anybody about um there are a few that are starting to come and say i'd like to start you know referring to other people how do i do that and so i'm i'm always open to that helping people do it but um we're i'm sticking with it because it's it's just a good little way to get out and and meet people and it's a good way to open up conversations i really like wearing the uh negative ion the ion shield that's every time i go out i wear that and i always get to talk to somebody because they'll ask me what it is and then i get to explain negative ions and the price and then and offer the wan another information like that so uh if if anybody needs a way to make additional funds which i don't know who doesn't especially for nationals this is certainly a way to do it i mean it's legitimate and you've got a good company that's growing this is a growth field you remember amylie they're still around now most of these network companies when they get too big you know what they do is they kind of destroy the network a little bit because they start changing some of the compensation things but price is not moving in that direction at all they they want to they want to do massive growth they're trying to find more ways for people to make money in it but um i'm not really offering all those additional products there the brides they're bringing out i'm sticking right with tried and true one oh i wasn't saying that we should offer i'm just saying it's very positive for a company like this to continue to add on products because it shows longevity and it shows you a little bit about how they're thinking of the future oh yeah yeah they're absolutely thinking of the future and i'm and they're going to be bringing more and better products out and upgrades on the wall and things like that that's never going to stop so that that's really appealing to me and of course the other side of that that's very important is one of the downfalls of this industry is most of these companies for whatever reason go under only evolve very small if you make it long term am way you mentioned there's others of course but i just i wanted to make the comment i'm just very impressed with price and the way they handle things i don't interact with them at all you know for say but everything that we've accomplished together uh they've always done what they said they were gonna do and they've always followed through i just like them you know yeah and they're jolly on the spot with sending your cash you know they're not they don't mess around with that you can even get it in crypto if you want it is that right is that right wow okay although i don't it's just one of the dollar base coins that's what it is i think it's uh i don't remember what it is expert p i think it is not sure i'd have to go look at well i i didn't mean to eat up but your time here on monday because you're usually with a specific amount of time but i just wanted to make those comments because i'm just damn impressed with it you know you used to think all the time i do all my liquids uh i use it on my body probably not much as i should have i did over the weekend a time or two for nice little session and uh i just like it you know you got to get into a routine doing it i i'm guilty of that too because i get busy i'm feeling better because i'm not i've got my little aches and pains gone right and so oh why don't need to do that right now i have to do something else well i have to talk to you one of these days about that foot thing because it is you know a single guy i don't have anybody around here to help me when you need it on your back and some of that stuff and i like the uh idea of the foot thing uh though you can just put your feet in for however long and uh so we'll explore that later but i'm very cognizant that that's in the background well those of us that don't have somebody to help us with our back and stuff we we can actually they have a stand and the stand will hold the wand and it'll move it vertically and horizontally and um that's that's the substitute it's not that expensive i think it's a hundred and seventy-five bucks but it handles oh oh oh hold on we got somebody unmuted what's happening here paul got it handled um okay go ahead the mobile app when somebody gets a text message or a phone call for one reason or another it unmutes their channel on fcc i figured it out but it happens occasionally okay are you talking about the speaker app is that the one you're talking about no faith in all the free conference call in okay no i don't use that well anyway let's go ahead and play the video yeah let's get that going feel free to when they're when they're showing pictures or something uh speak up to kind of describe them a little bit what they're talking about there so we don't have dead hair well i think i think the only the only one in this video where they actually showed a picture was um a picture of a destroyed car after an auto accident i was looking for photos to capture or i could pop them into the chat but i haven't really but i didn't see any in this one unless i missed one oh well we're on two platforms where you once we get you a bigger computer you can share the actual video free conference call no that that's one of the things um couple of our uh couple of our people um stepped up and and they uh kind of um went havesies on a monster computer that uh is almost completely configured uh i have one more thing that i have to do and then that will be put in force in studio c will be replaced with something even bigger and then i'll just use studio c the machine that manages all the shows right now i'll use that as a workstation so whoever did that or where it needs whoever did that thank you very much uh yes absolutely thank you very much so you see that's what i that's what i said you know at the at the beginning of the show let me just take one minute and and say that's what i said i mean um uh i don't get paid to do this but um our people our wonderful people step up and help me out when it's needed and i cannot tell you how much i appreciate that so yeah for me out there either yeah i mean you guys you guys are uh absolutely wonderful to me and i want everybody to know that it does not go unnoticed yeah think about it every single day so should we get this video started you found you found a good perch here didn't you that kind of yeah the subject and the people drawn to it are altruistic i mean they're they want to help other people they want to help get things free i mean yeah it's the whole concept of we have to work together to maintain our freedom and we can't do it individually by ourselves so no it's sure just like the hl like the hl men can quote it went one of those people in that situation that's off by themselves they're intolerably lonely yeah well remember garage when you're a microfeck and rbn and in the microfeck you had all these guys out there with these low power fm stations right casting the country right you know we need to get back to that kind of thing work yeah we're already on that with uh out of uh out of home network i believe it is either already into into that or or planning it and i put in an operation so we're headed in that direction yeah we're duplicating the wbou fm model that's a low power station that covers downtown chicago and and like all of lake shore drive and we're duplicating that model in other cities across the country and they'll all be getting the feed from the radio ranch so we're doing it all right we're doing it we're doing it we're doing it cool Roger's gonna become a household name absolutely anyway i think that's a wise way go ahead let's do that bright thing oh hello hello again and good morning good afternoon and good evening my name is Dr James Hong welcome to pryf international live stream the reason why we have this live stream and it's been going on for more than half a year now um it's to string together our community from different parts of the world and today we are very fortunate because we have somebody from the united states and also another wonderful lady from the uk so we'll start off with our first guest um Julia tholly all the way from Idaho from the united states hello Julia how are you oh i think you have to unmute i'm sorry i muted you okay how are you dr on oh i'm great i'm great good to help you today and what time is it now in your part of the world well actually i'm traveling because i'm doing a lot of you know i'm traveling with with my work but i i'm here in the sunny last biggest oh wow they're gonna have the super ball in a while this year wow that's that's nice that's nice well i mean you are in the brink of you're really looking great fabulous i mean compared to the photo that you sent me and um yeah maybe um i can share a photo of you and then you can sort of like take us through what happened is that okay go ahead doctor on okay so you send me a photo of yourself um hang on i mean i'm having a little bit of problem okay we can see it um yeah so this is a photo of you having a car accident which sort of triggered off something um you know something yeah i um you know i'm in the financial services and um you know something happens um i was waiting for the red light to be green and then um i was just hit on my rear by a teenager um i'm not sure you know in Vegas um it's kind of like people drink and then you know they don't know and kind of like oh my gosh and i thought i was there but i kind of like oh my gosh i'm alive so but um but you were you were yeah you your car was uh totally wrecked yeah totally right but hospital and i did not hit him any bruise at all yeah i was just shocked they checked and nothing was wrong with you right at that time no and they sent me home and you're fine just stressed you know they didn't even put half on my neck i don't like those kind of stuff and then yeah um i thought i was fine fine and then um i'm diabetic i was diagnosed in 2000 and i mean you know i i always say diabetes is a disease of lifestyle you don't really get anything um we don't die of it but um these doctors they will start you with um you know something simple like they started with biboride and then come back after three months and uh you know all your it's high so they start to augment forming and they don't even discuss what are the side effects of metforming and then so 500 and then if you're not really careful you're not following so much diet and everything you thought you are you know following but oh okay that's okay i can eat this because i have medication and after three months you go back again with the blood work oh my god it's high again so my doctor was like okay why don't you put on a 500 and then come back one thousand five and the maximum met uh you know milligrams that you can do is five two thousand and they're oh my god i'm gonna put you into uh some kind of insulin and on and on and on and i said okay this is getting really good so uh tell us after the accident and yes your background you're diabetic and something happened to you which got you worried i mean you start the losing weight and tell us yeah i was telling her i said okay uh she put me into big toza okay and then i said okay um after three months or something i said i'm losing i was 120 at that time and she said that's perfect for your uh you know BMI the buzzer bloody muscle index and i came back and i told her i said i am losing 10 pounds and she said okay let's check it out first so you know i'm not not 100 and then wow did that really um stopped the medication and i was 90 pounds since well so from 120 you dropped to 90 pounds can you recall like how long how long it took from 120 to 90 how long did it take i would say in a spread of about six months wow so that must have caused some anxiety in you uh we don't really know me yeah i was so worried what to eat and what not to eat and i kind of like really really i know i know i'm so conscious and and the worst part happened and i started losing my sense of taste smell and then um you know and smell it's like okay what is going on and i discussed it there i said oh maybe um you know this and um my primary doctor said well there are only kind of like three things you have a concussions or you're out of factories are not good or you're side effects of the medication so i went to a new role this um i had an MRI and they kind of like there's nothing wrong with my um you know uh brain i'm still um well and then um my old factory doctor said there's nothing with your nose or ears and yes and then i started um having denitos you can hear jujujujujuju when you're so quiet and it's like all right and then that's uh that's worrying isn't it right i mean right so they had a list of possibilities and then one by one they deleted and still they couldn't find what's wrong with you yeah and and decided you know what you went through you know and it's just you know and then COVID hits and then a lot of people are losing the sense of taste smell every time i go to a place that oh you don't have that oh you have COVID COVID no i said i don't have COVID i had it in 2018 okay so if you don't tell me i have COVID and then all of my friends about COVID recovered and they have the taste of taste and smell but me three and a half years doctor all three that's a long time so how did you get to know about iterate i mean well i'm in the financial services and we have advanced products and we were looking for hedge fund funders because some of our hedge funders didn't go through and somebody said okay uh why don't you talk to this lady um she is into this financial services as well uh you know and i was introduced to Linda Marte and she was talking about this and about that and then i mentioned briefly i i'm diabetic i don't have sense of taste smells and oh my god all you have to do is try this i don't care i'm gonna send you some and you know um i said okay i'm gonna talk about 10 million hedge fund 10 million to something yeah i asked my agent who referred her to me and i said okay is this woman for real because she wants me to do this and i don't know she meant well she just want to help you she had a big heart and i said okay i'm gonna sell my 250 and let's see what happens can just imagine your eyes rolling and like oh my gosh i know i know i know i know i know i know the feeling but but thankfully thankfully you kept an open mind and you you got that yeah you know thankfully so tell us because i'm looking for solutions how to get better yeah so tell us what happened after you got the your device oh well and it's like in a box and i said okay and then i'm ready to go for um you know some kind of a reunion with uh you know on my uh part of time and i went there and i just put it in my side and i didn't even really kind of like care i said okay this is 350 so uh she gonna call me again it's not 10 million it's not 10 million yeah and then um these were kind of like um some San Jose PD retired and they like the trail of the life and they put me on a humby drive and it's like oh my god have you been to magic mountains like boom boom boom and the more we yell this driver is the more she he got excited and like oh my god so after a two year of i mean two day of uh all this thing there we went home and i was like my everybody everything in my body is so sore and i don't know how to cope up with it i'm still trying to get great and being worried and i said let me take a look what this Linda must let's try this product and yeah i opened the box okay okay what is this thing it's like uh so there was there was the first time your body was aching and that was the first time you opened up right and uh i know i kind of like i put she's a go go go and then i said okay i'm a chemist and so i know uh the molecule water molecule is not linear so i said and then go get up some water and charge it and drink it right so i said okay i'm gonna do all this stuff and i you know after a day it's just so amazing i said oh my god i don't have my body aches and everything anymore so i started looking and checking out all this shoot tube because there's not so much brochures that is out there you know it's just yeah what is this two three but i know we're on a digital marketing world and so i watch everybody and then all this stuff so it's like my baby um it's um beside my you know um lampshade and everything and um at that time because of my anxiety and depression they put me to uh grotesque been 7.5 for me to eat to be able to eat and i just blow in the evening and sometimes in the during lunchtime when i'm losing my energy and then uh before i go to bed i i religiously was doing that almost uh August September, October, November, December, December and January and now i'm on the six month and i don't have no thinking back look at you now i mean i mean from what 90 pounder to i don't know oh yeah and out of my really close friends there's like they will call me and pass me and say and i was talking to somebody um the other day and she said uh you know i really thought you're gonna be dead you know so now i'm 130 and i'm seven pounds shy to get my 120 and my doctor said okay your BMI is almost there perfect seven four seven pounds more and my niece was like oh my god tita you're eating like well i still have to gain seven pounds more and it's just and then even my uh some other hey jay you're back and i said i am so you have you have Linda to thank you you know oh yeah i was and that's really serendipity but i know of the lord is watching and i'm surrounded with good people and everybody was saying oh gosh Julie we thought you know i have a friend who would come and say hey this um uh you know the asian uh taste this this i said what is this vinegar maroon corn i said why that labor no it can give your taste and everything and you know and everything that i smell it's like like gasoline and i cannot even use perfume and anything even if i'm doing the laundry you have i'm using this melonukaprotter to improve it it smells like gasoline yeah and it's like oh my god you know and my i cannot stand up so much i have tingling effects neuropathy they're all gone yeah well thank you so much Julia for coming forward to share your story and oh i have to i have to share one last thing because i just got i from my i doctor yeah and um i was supposed to have catarock and i don't want you know catarock surgery so i went in and i read okay it can cure catarock so my vision is not 2020 but i don't even have to use eyeglass as i can buy you know i can use over the counter that's what the doctor said amazing but thank you doctor i just want to share it's anti-aging isn't it you know it's really anti-aging and then i was starting uh having dinner having lunch and they said what are you doing i said i dare care work you know what is i dare care and say okay okay send me one you know anyway thank you so much Julia and thank you and you have a wonderful for me to continue to use the the wonderful device and do share it with people who needs it well every day when i'm saying my prayer who i can help it and the still small voice will point and i think i have help between friends and relatives um maybe about more than a dozen 24 people and they start you know i never sell anything but i said use there because i know you're diabetic you know you're there said but i know that's good it's always good to help people thank you so much all the best Julia well that's just um something amazing that happened to Julia and next we have our wonderful guests all the way from the UK and she's been waiting for a while and let's get her back here and the moment she gets back let me just try to oh yeah she's back okay hi lisbert how are you i'm here and thank you dr jane's hey today okay yeah and uh lisbert please tell us which part of uk are you from i'm in london oh you're london okay that's wonderful i love london beautiful place and um tell us your journey i mean how did you first get to know about this wonderful device um of course you can also tell us about your situation and um yeah you do all you know you do all the talking all right so i mean a friend of mine had one and i had a bad shoulder and i um she was mentioning this um treatment to me so i had just booked um you know a demo really and um actually the thing that happened is um within her uh ten minutes she did ten minutes and sorry but she did this remotely didn't she did this remotely through zoom so here's the thing i mean i have a um some history in body therapy yes and it's a very familiar thing to me so since 2011 i've been receiving remote healing yes through a master that i know who lives in bally who has a very uh world-renowned modality in in body body work so receiving things remotely i'm very attuned to it well she switched this on and i was in agony and i couldn't tell her to stop because she wasn't live with me on zoom we'd ended the call and she was doing it she just said to me lay down and just notice what happens and the shoulder just went into intense heat yeah so you felt you felt you felt you felt the healing uh crisis yeah yeah i felt it immediately and i was actually quite angry and i thought right i forget it you know this was called me clean i didn't sleep that night i had a very busy day the night with clients was not actually very happy with this um yeah but you understood what when you understood what went on anyway right yeah yeah i recognized oh this works this really works because then the pain completely went right after that crisis and um so i think it was a few weeks later i ordered one and i was a little scared of it to be honest because i was like oh i don't know what's going to happen here but i started with the water so it's recommended that you want you treat your water you want your water and you drink it and i'm very familiar with dr emoto the japanese scientist who wrote about water so for first few days i did the water and then i just did two minutes on my palms and my hands and the soles of my feet and i tell you what really i noticed instantly i stopped needing to sleep in the day so um i it just gave me 10 times 20 times the energy so that was just incredible for me and i'll give you some context to that i've been anemic since 17 my body doesn't absorb iron so naturally i'm more tired than maybe an average person but i don't pay much mind to it so what i've noticed as i've gotten closer to menopause is that it's almost like all those health problems that we experience just come together and um so i was having endomino driosis diagnosis one 2014 so that made my cycle very painful and very exhausting so you add that to anemia and it's it's it's hard going so um i would then need to rest a lot during the day throughout the month and i've been going like this for about a year um quite concerned that i no matter what i did no matter how much i tried to take care of myself i didn't seem to be really recovering so when the wand came honestly it just put me back i felt like i was i mean i just had so much energy i felt like i was on top of the world and i still i mean i still do i use it every day i don't need to sleep in the day the pain that i was experiencing in my ovaries that's completely gone i had inflammation at the joints so i'd be very tired from that from all the hormones that happen during that whole menopause perimenopause gone no more pain in my joints and you know it wasn't like i changed my lifestyle radically it wasn't that i did a load of different things with my diet um nothing has changed except you started blowing yourself i started using this wand and i'm like wow um so obviously you know i've introduced it to my family it's helping my sister she's in her 60s and she has a lot of hip pain and it's gone i said i should we had a lot of hip pain because she doesn't have it now um he also uses it every day on her shoulders because she's had very tight stuff you know this kind of thing for all her life and he said really did that okay of crunched up that kind of thing yeah yeah and um and so she's gonna tell your mom right your mom had my mom was using it and you know what my so here's a thing she had a stroke at new years this was a very unexpected situation and um we have the MRI of that stroke and what happened to her is that she stopped being able to speak she could she struggled if she was trying to find the words she couldn't recall the words so in the stroke her processing was affected her recall memory yeah and um and so we started treating her 15 minutes every day with the wand and the water and within ten days she had her speech back she had her recall back and not just that but she she actually couldn't text when she had the stroke people we sent her a text message or even just a phone call and she was like I know saying I like what are they talking about she couldn't read let alone respond yeah and again in the same time frame of ten days she's able to completely understand and text back wow so she's had an incredible bounce back um it's been um yeah it's so nice to hear you know stories like that really um it's just really I'm so happy yeah for you so there's a huge amount that the body can do isn't it when we give it the right environment give it the right um conditions yeah it's a it's a self-healing you know the body is feeling really and we just need it need to give it a boost because we're being bombarded all the time in our environment absolutely it's the pollutants the the toxins the stress and everything else yeah so I I mean I was surprised because I remember thinking at the time of you know I know this works but I was still when I received it thinking you know I don't know you know yeah I can tell it works but it might not work that well and I've been astonished and I also lost weight and also found that I um I have more of a tolerance for food that would usually cause me illness I can tolerate it better but that's not to say that I want to eat those foods because ultimately they're not great for me but yeah it's been it's been really good yeah and I guess um you also did remote healing for others and as well as you know yeah so I started experimenting because I know that space of um uh very well I um I decided to do a treatment on on a few people who are also very sensitive to energy so one person had a foot neuropathy and they're thousands of miles away and after 15 minutes live I decided to keep them on zoom with me they have flexibility in their foot that they haven't had for months well amazing and another friend who had um of a COVID so she was very heavy stuffy feeling you know that the sort of tightness in the head that you get with those symptoms um and we did 30 minutes and it cleared it completely wow so um even people who are working in that space of natural you know frequency healing with them they're you know they can use this device and also I've spoken to a number of friends that I know who are in that space of um healing yeah and they they have said and commented that this device has amplified their abilities absolutely absolutely I think um when we talk about frequencies in in in healing um if the frequency comes from you to someone else then it's it's coming from you it's not as powerful as something like the terahertz and through your manifestation you direct that energy to that person and we all know how good terahertz works on on the body uh it's definitely definitely much more effective and yeah I'm glad you tried it because um well it works it works for you it works for them right so yeah I mean I I'm still noticing changes um and I'm really interested to see you know in six months time what will be the case because I've only had it for two months I've only been using it for two months so I'm really looking forward to if I now I'm planning to make some changes to my diet because I feel like it really amplifies what we give it so if we're giving good food to the body the frequency can work more with with good stuff so absolutely yeah and also you know a lot of energy healers do share with them you know tell them your experience and maybe the word will get around so that more energy healers will use our device to heal others remotely yeah it's fantastic alright thank you so much Elizabeth for coming forward to share your story and um all the very best to you thank you you too all right take care thank wow so we have two wonderful stories from two wonderful ladies from different parts of the world but nevertheless um it just goes to show that this wonderful device works and for those of you who have similar kind of problems with with these ladies to give it a try and I'm sure it'll work for you as well thank you so much for watching and see you next week medical disclaimers iTERRA classic and iTERRA pro are not medical devices the information provided is for educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice please consult a medical professional or health care provider if you are seeking medical advice diagnosis or treatment oh there you go um you know i've heard back from listeners that that they don't listen regular listeners that they don't listen the first hour on monday but because they know about the wand and everything but you know the thing about this little wand is we keep hearing stories from people that have these really specific ailments or situations that this wand seems to alleviate and improve and uh if uh if you don't listen you may not hear some of these examples you may know somebody uh that's closer just know them whatever that will have gotten oh i've been having you know you always say how are you oh i've been having this pain or this situation or whatever and if you if you don't listen you you may miss some of those things that this thing really works on that could be helpful to people close to you so i just wanted to add that in or or convince yourself that this is something that you should probably want to offer people i mean it is a network program but it doesn't really operate that way if you want to operate it that way you can but um it's just the kind of thing that you can have uh to make a few bucks on you know what amazes me about this program is that's not the focus of people it's not from what we've heard the focus of the company and the whole thing is just a different perspective on what it is and what it is for you you know uh so anyway so it's a unique little device and it's a unique market and we basically have got a monopoly on it okay and it helps support the program if if you want to get one of these things it's in the upper right-hand corner on the matrix dax d-o-c-s dot com uh the matrix dax dot com and that my name's there the links are there we can ask questions uh i know that um we have paul is also offering the one through his people and so is murkis so uh hang you know go get these things start telling people about it things you're getting tougher folks i i don't know man i can't walk around anywhere somebody is not sick they're all they're way overweight they're having trouble walking they have hard time getting up i mean we're talking even younger people they all have some kind of issue going on lord of mercy they're poisoning us poisoning us from every direction water air food all this stuff they know these things are in there they've known for decades what the fluoride is in the water they've known all this stuff and then they can get you in one of these conditions excuse me word affection of that respect and now what's first thing you do you give it a one of their doctors in that institution to start getting uh pharmaceutical drugs and uh makes it worse and then they start giving you more because they've got side effects so they prescribe another drug for that side effect it's just one it's one slow path to the slaughter house yeah but by all means do share it and do share it with people because if you care about people you care enough to send the very best but don't loan it to them don't give it to them and say try this because one of two things will happen number one they'll never use it they'll leave it on a shelf and they won't even think about it or number two they will use it they will love it and they will not give it back so take a few minutes and go over to where they are and wand them talk to them about like different issues that they have focus on those areas and then take your wand and go home and say if you ever want me to come over again i will give me a call and then when you come back have another wand with you and they will probably buy it from you right then and there could be uh well while you're on the mic why don't you go ahead and uh bid our folks in chicago land uh do all on this monday the end do that thank you raj this has been the radio ranch with roger sales on 106.9 w b o u f m chicago if you want to follow us into the second hour to talk about all things freedom and national status go to or nationals you can find the links to join us uh online the euro folk radio or global voice radio network or you can actually join us on the show in free conference call or zoom the links are all right there and also the link to the i-tara wand up a right hand corner in the blue box that's it there you go john yeah can you hang around you gotta run off no i got to get ready for the um jim show and i've got to get a i got a doctorate appointment this afternoon i got to find some stuff so okay i'm off off and running all right well you uh did y'all have your sunday thing yesterday i didn't get to ask you about that we did yesterday was one of the days that we don't have a speaker and in those days we end up kind of around robin at about you know promoting the group and uh focusing the attention of it we're noticing our come drop off of people coming to the meeting and i'm i'm just saying you know that's more about uh weather you know summertime people on vacations oh yeah yeah always distracted a lot of stuff like that yep it always gets into a discussion of focus and and where things are going with it and um i uh you know these guys were involved in in a real massive scottop and yet they they're not focusing on where this thing seems to be going nobody's really paying close attention to the people that are coming in the country they're not looking at europe and seeing what's being overrun by all of these foreign people and the muslims work so i i you know there's there's an education process going on here and i don't i don't think that people are going to really wake up until they see the end of it i was doing tactical civics going through their programs some more listening to their program they really want to change things and they've got a lot of people that are involved in the program and it's impressive what they're doing but you know what they don't know yep they don't know what we know and not only that when they're when they're presented with it they kind of diss it and turn the back on it they don't want to hear it they don't i mean they don't even want to talk about they're not even open to listening to other ideas well good luck to them then huh yeah listen you're not going to change the system from working inside the system necessarily okay so because it's a photo market really i mean you know if you get in there and start they're doing a lot of good things they're motivated people they're getting people that are interested and you know slowly as they get to know you one-on-one you can start talking about these other things but you got to treat it just like uh like i say like a virus do you know one is that a change it's a complement to our enemies which i hate to do but they've set this up brilliantly where we get reactions like this when you lay the truth in front of people they don't want to hear it they want to go back in their pink cloud again that hlmen can quote is so apropos well they think they're going to change the system when they don't have the power to do so because of who they are they really don't know understand who they are they think that they're under the constitutional protection i mean a public constitution and they're not well i'd say that they don't know what the system is that's right they don't use to open their mind to find out how it works on absolute total 100 facts that's all we put there's an attorney of seven a meeting with an attorney uh after one of the meetings that we had fairly large we were in a pretty good-sized restaurant she's a popular attorney does a lot of good work for people um i brought the whole thing up to her and was talking about the fact that she didn't have constitutional protections so the first thing she does is pull out the constitution and say yeah i do here it is right here right there she you know and so the then you asked her well uh so if you've got a right to bear arms why do you have to go and get a check and go to a certain person to buy it right um you know on the uh 14th amendment itself all persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction they're of well who are the people that are born or naturalized in the United States that are and not subject to the jurisdiction they're of who are they you know and you got to get back into the discussion right well i'm just saying this for the audience because we bring that up all the time how do you approach people and everybody gets this reaction uh not everybody but everybody that's out there talking about it to people have gotten that kind of reaction from folks and uh they're just uh there's a few ways you can approach it and yeah okay so you don't get their agreement or their curiosity you've planted a seed well sometimes well even while the seed might not germinate but you planted it yeah that's true okay okay so all right so that's what's going on okay well uh thanks for dropping by and and uh wanting this so to speak and uh we'll go ahead into this thing and get back on more on track and okay buddy we'll have a good day and uh we'll see you next week if we don't talk to you before great bye bye okay all right see you john okay well then we're we're cut loose and we're off on our own here to what we normally do uh so as it's a monday let me please app open the uh thing let's see if there's anybody that's got anything in the audience if they wanted to bring up we got any new people there i know we're expecting some this week and uh if you're uh in that position we'd love to hear from you there's somebody right there's that joe comment somebody say comment but yeah can i make a comment sure morning roger how are you okay is it is it oh hey sam okay i put chicago land yes yes yes it's a beautiful thing i thought we i thought we just got rid of you and now you ain't getting rid of me that is so uh i received i received something roger in the mail you did and uh yes i did and it was from our friends at the iris oh these guys yeah yeah they sent me uh my all my money back did they really yeah yeah i asked only for one year because of my dad's staff i was like in the middle of both of them i guess i he had to pay his half a year and whatnot and then we sent the letter off a revocation of election and yep they sent the right to my bank account so even my son was blown away he's like i can't believe it okay paul notch the not it was paul notch this as a testimonial would you please so maybe even go back sam for the audience it may not know just go back and give a little background here you don't have to go to in-depth and uh and tell us again what happened because i'm sure you were thrilled weren't you uh you know what listen roger it's with me at this point i was like you know i was so intimidated by them for the most part like everybody else and just take pay money pay the money do whatever so when i started listening to you obviously in september i i declared my status and you know and then from there um i heard you guys talk about um it was uh someone who had a large farm you got a lot a large sum back john yes is our listener john gorger yes yes yeah and listen folks he got a substantial check i i'm not at liberty to throw numbers around but i was even a little shocked go ahead sam right right so yeah i remember the story anyways uh i elected to do the same thing and you know first they sent me a letter saying oh no that's not this and then my son wrote back well this is this and went back and forth a few times and you know again like i said at this point i was just like the longer they would just leave me alone i could care less but then exactly yesterday or two days ago yeah a couple days ago um we got the letter yesterday um and then i looked at my account and all the money was there so and it's a decent amount it's not you know and we i opted for one year i should have done all three but like i said i was kind of intermixed with you know um i was paying my watch income tax at the time and and then i had my dad's in the middle and i'm like you know at least i get one year or if they just leave me alone and i have to full amount back so i just i'm so i'm so appreciative that this happened you know uh again i'm out of their system that's the main thing for me but then this is like a big plus on top of it so i just wanted to let the i just wanted to meet that a comment and have a letter right now that's great news i love starting the week this way uh and it goes to show that to people as you get exposed to this and you say things to yourself or out loud it can't be that easy yeah i it's awesome it's unbelievable i want i'll read you the first sentence we changed our 2023 form 1040 NR to match our records of your estimated tax payment credits applied from another tax year and or payments received with the extension to file as a result you are doing refund of and i don't want to tell the amount because it's a decent amount before us all right and uh it's in the bank it's in the bank it's nothing like another guy but you know yeah it's just it's just proof that it works all right if you're new i was saying about new people if you're new this is real and it works and nobody's come with SWAT teams and not Sam's go down none of that's happened he hadn't gotten intimidating visits from agents none of that's happened all that's he got his last three years money back which is in the regulations and uh he separated himself from the system he and his two boys and uh life uh life's gonna be a little bit better for Sam and family in the future as we go forward okay now let me tell you what else are you're feeling empowered now now are you feeling empowered Sam i was once i got out of this system from the get though i was empowered when i knew that after understanding it i'm not there i'm not their property which i kept saying i can't understand how they have this authority and i made it very clear that they make you property and that they can charge you for your labor and i kept saying how is it possible you know if i believe in god god created me there's no way oh well it says it says all this bullshit crap whatever you know yeah and and like i said it took a while and and it's scary roger and i think the most people are afraid and i just totally say it's yeah go ahead they're scared to death yeah just do it just do it just do it it's all you got to do it it's so scary it's so scary i can't stand to think of having my freedom it's so scary oh they're so intimidating oh no i could never do that all all those little excuses that you get back yes uh yes there's a female right there i believe it's it's my friend mr mr good morning good morning um good morning and i just wanted to say like sam it's only been wet sam not that long a year maybe um have you're a little bit over bullshit and uh it's in the power it's in the power it's in the in you the power that you you get from learning the information and you know taking time to absorb it and this is what sam has done yep he's learning to learn everything we have to be our own expert we have to be our own experts we can't depend on you know how they they indoctrinated people to believe that oh we have to ask for permission is this okay can you know can you authorize this can you confirm this yeah we we should know that yep we don't need their authorization and and murca here who is a little mom and housewife uh has uh become super woman okay uh you're helping out a lot of people and you it allows you to take this maternal part of you and help other folks and it's a wonderful feedback for you uh and it's great for them and um you know little murca you know little mom housewife and look at what she's done you know and i keep going back to that i'm only one person what can i do everybody can do something something yeah god bless all of you guys absolutely you know the thing another thing another thing that helped me was because i you know i walked the system i couldn't understand how they had authority to come on my property or tell me what i can cannot do and i kept asking and oh it's a law it's a law you start challenging isn't a law you keep saying it's a law but i don't see it anywhere oh it's an ordinance and it's a statue wait a minute i'm not part of your system i'm not part of the government oh it's an ordinance a statue that's for government employees that's not me but here i'm looking and i'm going f ci n number federal employer index number and then the iris is contribution but wait a minute this doesn't make sense you keep asking the questions they keep lying to you oh it's a law it's an unwritten law all laws are written to them and then you start to ask the question ask the question that's all you got to do get the answer and if you find out that they lie look a little deeper than confront them and you'll notice it go back down yeah and i i don't think the agency they've been brainwashed into this like everybody else all they know is this authority that they've lived within a structured within they think everybody's supposed to be and they don't ask questions about how it came from either uh it's just like the way it always was you know i mean everybody knows right everybody knows this the way it always was well it has been since 1933 but it's all based on fraud and i mean layers of fraud okay oh and it makes someone to expose it like you and america paul everyone i'm like you especially you know roger but it's like if you're going to sit down at the barbershop you're going to get a haircut but if you don't sit down can't get a haircut yeah it's your choice yeah well sam thanks for bringing that information forward everybody here mark is arguing in the background there and i'm sure he's got something to add and we're tickled to death for your rainfall and your courage and uh your determination and all the things that you've done and and you're uh you're a star example of somebody that goes through this program and attacks the world with your newfound empowerment and i i congratulate you okay it's not hard roger it's not hard for people to learn when they have to take in the information and do you know just put themselves to it because it's it's going to absorb you can't be scared you have to do it for yourself yep roger yep that's true and i'm going to get where we're going to make it we're going to make it to everybody here so several people want to say something and uh sam i know everybody's really proud for you and uh i want to let let me bring mark on here because what we have done is uh mainly mark but uh we've started offering this to students because you don't have to go through all that stuff to be able to do this and wonder if it's correct and go do some studying and all that we'll do it for you okay and uh we take a small percentage it's pretty small for money you never thought you'd see again and uh that helps support us and do things like help paul with the things that he needs to make the broadcast uh better and all those things so mark uh what what do you think about samsel's story here oh that's that's awesome we're getting more and more stories like that you know we had david last week uh in alabama david and k he got his refund and um and i uh i don't say i rode shotgun with him but he did get a reply letter from the irs initially on his request for a refund he filed a 1040 NR and so we kind of collaborated on how to respond to that and that was successful that's what triggered his uh for them to release the money and give him a refund and he took he talked about that and um and first off you know congrats sam and people don't realize um if you've already paid in your tax i say your tax if you've already paid in a withholdings you're in the best possible position because you're not trying to abate anything and and you're not going to have fines and penalties and things like that as opposed to back in in the past people would stop withholding and of course they didn't have our information but they'd stop withholding and then they would get hammered the irs would say well you owe this and they wouldn't pay it and they really put themselves in a bad position and with roger's information about being a national and you tie that into 26 CFR 1.1-1 and 871 B as in Baker and 877 B as in Baker if you don't have any income under that which most people don't then uh it's liked out there's really there's no where for them to go really nope and it's just it's just a beautiful thing you know and if you want to if you want to kind of fast track it and i have to study all that we can help you with that and um now it's not a problem or i got people i'm already getting you a little one to help me with that well good because we're really doing double damage now not only are you stopped when you put them on notice of contributing to their little scam but now you're going into the account that pays the bondholders and you're yanking funds out of there right it's a two-prong attack uh mark you've been around this situation long enough where you remember the old show me the law we still hear it occasionally yes show me the law show me the law remember all that i'm 50,000 dollar reward in the New York Times full page out anybody that can show me the law where you're required to pay income tax now what how where's the where's the shortfall there a 50,000 dollar reward national publication all these people in the industry show me the law they'll never answer one way or the other and of course where's the where's the fall short there what happens they looked in the statutes they didn't look in the regulations and they didn't know what they were looking for anyway yeah absolutely i tell you a lot of people like you said earlier a lot of people are afraid they're going to get uh through front door kick down and it doesn't work like that because there's a there's a process you got to go through pretty lengthy process now if you ignore all their letters now i'm saying if if they're saying that you owe money okay most of the time we're dealing with people who have had withholdings already and they're trying to get a refund so they've already they've already had withholding of what might have the attacks that they owed one so they're in the best possible position but there's people out there thinking oh my gosh if i send in this 1040 and are they're going to kick down my door and raid my home and take my stuff and it didn't work like that if they say oh attacks then we started administrative process and it's a long ways to you getting to a point where that could potentially happen but this is just an administrative process it's it's um it's successful if it's done properly and i'm just so excited about it i hear i would go please go ahead the success stories i i would go so far and i've said it before and see this was the missing piece that john and glenn didn't have they had everything else and i i think because john really is new or should have known you know falls under that moniker uh because of his incredible knowledge of all this and uh but it was the one little piece that he did not get and if they would have had what i added here i gotta say we may we may live in a different world now that was 32 years ago if we'd have had this remedy right here 32 years ago but they can't override without being tyrants i mean it could very well could be a different world yep unfortunately that wasn't the way it worked out i was the one that stood on their shoulders i don't take credit for this i'll take credit for the part that i added but i'm never going to take credit for the background because i didn't ever figure this out if it wouldn't have been for john and glenn right i mean it's only that their foundation that i just grabbed a halt of and would not let go like a like a pit bull over years man just commitment and determination and then all of those things happen the the little voice comes to me it says you need to get out i don't act on it it comes again i act on it the second time so now this is the thought that goes through my mind mark was i told to get out so that i'd have to go get a passport and find the answer of this could very well be okay could very well not just to get out of the country but to put on a path where i found the answer and i recognized it i mean immediately okay so those are the things i still toy with don't don't know that we'll ever have the answer for but the lord works in mysterious ways and here we are we're free in people uh we're actually getting funds back from the i'd have to say they're one of the most terrifying groups in the world you know domestically involved in government without saying that you're coming to marines or coming after you or something uh but these people have gone a long way to to have that impression in your mind because the whole thing is so damn simple to get out of they've got to recognize it and they can't do a damn thing about it that's why they put the onus on those people to scare you into where when even you're presented with the truth you go oh no i couldn't do that if you scary i've had people tell me that i think people are i think people are really there's some brainwashing to believe when they're a 14th amendment us citizen not knowing any better and to step out of that status just scares people yeah well they change you know you're challenging authority you're changing there's a couple people trying to say something who was that that said a roger there roger i had a question do do you know where the term revocation of election comes from and it was that no i i think if i think there's something i think there's something in the process that comes with that because that's what john and glenn always called it um and then you know they went off to jail the group just bans uh uh and that's just what stuck with my mind you know and then one day we're on the show you're talking about this stuff and it hits me i go wow if we would have known this and we sever this uh i think it's after we got into that site unless you can prove you're not a citizen the united states iris can move forward well i go well hold it this the only way you can do it it's the only way you can prove you're not a citizen the united states that's the way they got it set up you're like uh lobster in a lobster crap you can get in but boy it's difficult to get out okay and we're talking about that on the air and it just flat hit me out of out of blue sky you know when holy smokes is the answer to that and so we started talking about it on the air i talked about it for a long time really maybe occasionally but not any focus and uh then john garland uh uh comes on one day and says well i did it and i got this uh well he said 60 000 and i would tell you that he he did not want to be uh too revealing or whatever i can't believe somebody paid the amount of tax he got back in three years case truth okay but it was substantial and good for john good for john and so that we kindled all of this so that's a little bit of the background for people that might not have been written back then there was two people there male and female female roger um i know that john from georgia and don uh another student don and then i think mr joe luster got did it too um you know on their own they they learned about it and did it um but uh i was going to say larry was waiting to jump on i don't know if he's still waiting okay well we'll get to him larry you there there was another guy with barca right there i'm trying and you wouldn't bunch of you come on it's hard to separate it but if larry's there and you had something come forward and if not let's hear this other voice uh that was with barca there a second ago this is larry larry okay hey larry hey i was just going to ask if sam is still there and did he um send off a one-page ROE or was it several pages long uh is he working with somebody or did he do all this on his own i'm still here so yes so actually my son did he's in financing right so he goes he was doing all my taxes because i you know like hey hey whatever they want so with mark also because and roger because they'll send bluff letters like you guys like you guys said they say oh well you know this doesn't apply because you're such and such and then i think mark told him um you know i i'd rather you talk to him it's really not hard you send in a letter stating you want your money back basically and then they go back and say no you don't get it because it is and you tell them no this is your own status and then it's actually like one letter i think one letter they blow up this with you know once you once you once you call them on it they're like you know what screw you can't play with this guy he knows the rules we're done gotta send him his money yeah i must do i can get my son to talk to you it's not hard at all what's up dad oh Phil can you jump on and tell them everything please hey Phil yeah uh what's up guys hey hey Phil we're used to Phil Larry Phil how shocked how shocked for you when this happened for your father Roger i was very surprised um and what i think we got the letter last night um it was great to see to be honest with you it was quite amazing okay so now you realize it's all it's nothing but an illusion it's all a scam awesome work Phil yes sure and um to kind of go off i think that was Larry what it was um quote unquote the tiffany process and mark you can kind of correct me if i'm mistaken here because it's been a couple months and i've got a lot of stuff with work and i just kind of sat out real quick here but um basically when we sent in the legal awful notice to the IRS with a cover letter and just their affidavit i believe that kind of acted as the quote unquote revocation election that that's always sent them um there is no two pagers three pagers that was it and then you know when it came back time and this is in 2023 sorry of September and then this year when we came to paying tax in april sorry tax season in april we just filed a 1040 NR all zeros i think there was about 200 dollars i was holding that was actually taken out that had to do with a dividends so we put that on there to get that back plus i think my dad had paid some estimated payments previously for 2023 we threw that on there um basically anything that he paid in and they gave all that back um Paul still i'm sorry so there were dividends included in what you got back no it was withholding but it was uh they withheld some portion from him receiving a small amount of dividends um okay so they withheld that just withholding is what it was yeah they withheld it so that might have been considered 877 or 871b taxes and they withheld that without you having to file it it's what i'm gathering from what you're saying yeah um i think i'll have to double check to see you would you would you go for holding you know for everybody's edification here just because that's a gray area uh and they were dividends from what if you don't mind me asking from stocks or whatever right yes stocks well mark heads it up uh okay cool well thank you so much that's big 7b okay so if you got to go to work and we're yanking you away from that unless you got anything to add we'll cut you loose but thank you so much for coming on and giving us a little more clarification hey rods jackin paularado all right hold on guys we get you so bill thank you very much okay yep thank you roger i appreciate it okay buddy go back i can add one thing quickly yeah go ahead paul i think the crux of the whole matter is the name revocation of election when you elect something is it mandatory or is it voluntary it's voluntary because you have volunteered to file that 1040 and send it to them and you've changed statuses and your rev and your that's a revocation now i think that's the way i read into it right here we go vacation of election yeah that's what they called it it's only reason i know i thought it was somewhere in the in the regulations but i still don't know but you know probably find out if we could ever hook up with glenn but i hate to yank on exchange too much he's off and other doing other things hey roger i know where it comes from okay good tell us and this is jackin paularado so in the state i sent this over to mark actually and the regulations about married filing jointly or or not um it has to do with if you're a foreign national or a green card holder living in the states and you're married to a citizen you actually have the option to elect to elect to pay taxes normally as a citizen so you can get the married filing jointly um uh discount or or benefit so what you can do is you can revoke that election if you decide to go back and just not be married filing jointly and so that's that's where that term comes from you can revoke an election that you made to be taxed in a certain way okay well i guess that's the overall umbrella uh uh description so good thank you jack and one thing i wanted to add um it's interesting to hear sam say there was a few letters back and forth but um i was thinking about it the other day listening to an archive we were talking about title 26 and none of the federal regulations for taxes wherever some they're an unsubstantive i guess they were never submitted for a noticing review so that makes them internal for the IRS interpret the the label is interpret the interpretive right right so if you think about it if they're just for the IRS it's kind of funny to think that if you're an IRS agent your job is to wake up in the morning and go to work in a cube and try to get the guys sitting next to you to pay 30 percent of their income to the IRS and they're all doing that to each other it's they're all just basically collecting taxes internally for the IRS it's kind of weird it seems like i've heard in the past of situations where an IRS agent got dinged for failure to file mark do you recall any of those well uh maybe a good example of that would be sherry peel jackson and and um there you go joseph banister or they were agents i think they stopped paying but they were also out promoting you know words the tax show me the law right but you know no i don't know it's just weird it's just kind of like a snake getting a sale of the IRS rags are just for the IRS they're just taxing each other all day but i just wanted to give an update i uh i called the check on my 2023 1040 and are the other day and they said i submitted it in april but they said in june on june first it had been moved my file had been moved over to the international department and they have 60 days to complete it okay cool that's a nice little insight of information there um that's all i had again for you for anybody that's new they might be listening and i know a lot of this is different to you the first time you get confronted with it it's confusing and all that stuff yes yes yes when you get involved in it it's very simple i mean all they did was what's called a bait and switch you know they fought a war they set up a secondary citizenship status underneath it very cleverly hidden is this is the feudal system they waited about 80 years they did some manipulation in the background bankrupted the country and put everyone in as that status as sureties for that fraudulent no doubt hypothetically dead it's really simple and then they brainwash you and then they ask you see that's instituting the front end of the contract but the thing is you had no information about that okay you were not given any kind of information and the way these guys think and and allow themselves to do things well they just will just ask them hey are you a serf yeah i'm a happy serf yeah where you want me to go fight now uh all that kind of stuff and now you've agreed to this contract and all you're doing here is you're going back and saying look this is fraud and i'm removing myself on your little silly system and they've got to recognize that they don't have a choice the only choice they've got left at this stage is to take off the mask and be totally open tyrants it's the only option they've gotten yes hey this is Larry again another follow-up question for Sam uh did he get back three years or just uh the last the last year before he filed okay so i only got i only asked for one year i i went through a divorce so i was paying her income tax and we were filing jointly which you do get a break because you're married so right he was whoever said that was correct yeah so i didn't want to go and get murky or whatever i says you know what couple things if i can get this whatever i mode you know this last year i'm going to try it and if i inevitably succeed so be it two things happen you get your money back and now you're not in your system where you know it's like like but people don't realize it's like an entrapment so once you sign on let's say and they want to come after you and oh you got uh you got something that you didn't claim oh that's tax evasion you know i don't want to be under the knife i don't want to be under the gun you know there's too so many things that you pull yourself out of you see you feel so free and there's like Roger said there's nothing they can do about it the frauds exposed they don't want nothing to do with you they want to give you your own good give him his money get him out of here he'll be happy we'll leave him alone get out to the next idiot who's enslaved unfortunately it's where he's been good they go but they can't ask you right now i don't want to go to that bro come on yeah so you did get more than the first year you got the other two years back too right no no i i only opted yeah i just okay for the one year and that's what i got okay so that's all you're going to get back damn are you going to get the other two i don't know if he could claim it since he was claiming to file in with his wife i i don't know about that one of those fine points i don't know right see again uh yeah that's exactly what and i was going to tell you that's weird you just said that because after i got this this last year i'm like man i should have got the other ones and so it's like no dad you said one don't go back now i says you know i'm thinking shit i should have got it all but again i had a very different situation like i said i was stabbed with divorce i paid hers yeah my dad passed away he left me something and then i had to pay his half your taxes because of the time he was living so get i didn't want to be too crazy i got what i'm done i don't have a problem sam you know we got an old saying in the south i know you're a chicago guy but what we say in the south is pigs get fat and hogs get slaughtered ah there you go there you go don't be greedy roger i wanted to correct something that jack said yes yeah he said that the uh the agent the iris agency is making laws for themselves almost like uh someone's sitting in a cubicle next to someone else and they're trying to get them to file their their taxes but uh isn't it true that federal employees are also required to file income taxes so the regulation they are required of them as well but it does and what the other thing is is they're writing these interpretive regulations that only apply to them and then they're going out and applying them on you where they don't know and since you don't understand all that stuff you think they've got this authority and you comply that's the difference but yes you're correct and in the civil war when lincoln issued the green backs the only people that were required to pay income tax and that was the first income tax were the federal employees right okay thank you thank you sam can i mention something yeah can i mention can i can i add to that so let's think of course they're doing they're the star today sam you're the you're the star today so go ahead no roger you no no no you mark murca paul you guys are you guys are awesome because there's a support with you guys you guys don't ignore anybody you sit there and you you stick it out which is awesome but my thought pattern is this when you hear stuff like oh even the irs agents had to pay taxes well what chance do i have so they're not like you said they have it all they they have it all figured out my opinion you know what i mark what i'd really like is if somebody comes along that they're after already and it's at the start of the proceedings and we could come back and bring out that all these regulations are only interpretive and see how they react because i'm gonna tell you folks they do not want this information in any kind of open forum no no and keep in mind this really isn't about funding the government it's about control it's about control and we saw a good uh uh example that during obama's administration they were going after a christian conservative organizations and sucking the irs on them and that's true and with their 501 well that that was the lowest learner screwing with all their uh a key party people in 501 c3 apps and all that kind of stuff you know and then when that all blows up what is the lowest learner and say please don't put out our our address we might get intimidated you bitch roger yeah all right mr he was entirely first so go ahead uh this larry again um i have two questions for mark the c uh that has he put together a one page uh or maybe it's several page uh ROE or does he consider the notice that we send out to be um a form of an ROE and also to get this information in on this program mark can you give an example again you did this in the past of how far back you can file by giving a date like say you filed like on a certain date and then you go back three years three years can you get that example again please yeah up until april 15th of this year you could potentially filed i'm sorry may 15th of this year you could potentially have filed back for 2020 uh so like in 2020 you don't file those taxes until the next year right so um i don't know if it would be better to work that way or backwards but so like um in 2020 we were given an extra month to file in 2021 so may 15th 2021 most people filed their 2020 taxes and up until may 15th of this year you could have applied for a refund going back to your 2020 taxes so you just it's three years unlike like today um or this year if you filed your eight on april 15th if you filed for your 2023 taxes on april 15th of 2024 this year you'd have until april 15th of 2027 to ask for a refund or i should say amend your taxes and in our case we're amending the taxes and asking for a full refund so now at this point you know you could go back to your 2021 taxes that you probably didn't file until 2022 right so it's everything's lagging a year so we just now we're had a deadline of of april 15th of 2024 to file our 2023 taxes and in april 15th of 2023 we filed our 2022 taxes so as of right now you should be able to go back for 2023 2022 and 2021 and file for refunds now as far as the cover letter when you first file your notice to the IRS which is just a one-page cover letter and a copy of your affidavit of citizenship evidence which should also be one page if you're following you know Rogers template that is only good for the current year if you want to go back and amend your previous taxes and and ask for a refund using the 1040x process then you need to file a revocation of election now i reduced one down to one page and i've got a student who used that and we're going to see that successful but until we know for sure there's no problem with using the other one i think it's either 10 pages or 13 pages there's a couple different ones floating around there but there's there's one that has been recommended and tested and proven and it works and so i would say use that for the time being to get this other one tested at get you Larry yeah um Roger don't don't you think it's not really necessary to send out multiple pages like quoting all of these regulations and laws because it's just like the declaration that we we send to the secretary of state you've always said it's one sentence on one page to one guy i mean what would it be just as effective to send the irs uh an roe that says i'm doing an roe and they should know what that is you know just have a few sentences well i would i would i wouldn't put the an acronym there i'd spell it out uh if i remember i'm sitting here trying to remember all those years ago because it was not too far from off from this time of year uh and it seems like we had to go through that process for every year we were wanting to get back like mark was saying if it's just one year but if you got multiple years you got to do a 1040x and the nr for each year isn't that right mark yes that's correct you do it you have to do a 1040x which means you're letting know you're amending your taxes then you submit a 1040 nr for that tax year along with a copy of the original tax form that you had previously filed they need all three of those together yeah now i did and i did put together a single page uh revocation of election and you certainly could use it because the way i look at it larry you really only need to tell them you know what gives you the authority to do a revocation of election and that you're doing a revocation of election and that should be it and i've got a one-pager that's one two three basically four five paragraphs that are real brief and um uh have a a colleague who uh have paid a lot of money very very astute legal researcher they paid a lot of money for a revocation of election from um a wife's parents yes and so um they were concerned they thought i was i was you know plagiarizing their revocation of election i said well one i would never do that and uh two i think it's way overboard because i've read it and i think it's way overboard and so like david like david straight 31 page affidavit yeah so when i said i i boiled it down to one page they're like oh you can't do that that'll never work there's no way you did it and i said well let me email it to you you know and and also i wanted to prove that i was not plagiarizing so as soon as we hung up the phone i emailed them my version of the revocation election and they came back and said i stand corrected so they felt like mine they they felt like my one-page revocation of election was sufficient and really because think about it it's just saying i'm this and i'm not that that's that's all the vice-carrison did and i'm very leery of those kind of documents because it paints you into a corner if you make a mistake if there's something wrong with that then you've just painted yourself into a corner that you're going to have to work yourself out with a lot i know you know with a lot of extra effort the more you say the more you say pardon me for interrupting mark miss this important the more you say and some people really want to be verbose here in all these situations okay the more you say the more you give somebody a chance to contradict you on and challenge you yes the less they have a chance to do that yes pointy point across broad john may i yes john hey i i use the we spares documents in 2013 had not filed the national status with them because it's part of it the original document that they did was your revocation of election and your changes status simultaneously statement and nationality that's how the thing got so long to begin with anyway that's been circulated for years now people stripped off the statement of nationality and then it just copied the revocation of election of wheece paris and they've been using that so that's where the impression that he didn't know about the changing status or the national status oh no no agaraj i actually sent it to you before i sent it to the internal revenue service asking your opinion and you wrote me back and said this is very good so i filed i don't remember that well it was 2013 anyway uh project they came back they came back and went after me for penalties for filing frivolous paperwork and just ignored it because i i didn't file these change of status in advance so i i let it sit did they stick you with frivolous filing penalty or just threaten it threatened just threatened okay okay now yeah now i i think the one page is a fantastic idea i mean some believe why not that's why you're the better i think if you look more concise and the shorter it is the better off you are and the one that's the more helping you're not copying everybody else's mark i'll get you in a second and the more helpless they are okay now marca what do you got i was going to say you know um i keep hearing you guys talk about this and the thing is people are accustomed to ask questions and questions themselves and now that we are a private individuals nationals and we know what we're talking about we're doing the learning the information it's not that difficult everything that we have to do is not going to be difficult it's going to be very simple and everything that these new people are getting confronted well everything these people the new folks are getting confronted with here that they've never even are new about before that's when it seems complex because it's new anything you do new it's going to be complex and different for you you got to learn it but once you get past that i'm telling you this is really simple okay i mean they they've tricked us all in volunteering to be jim crow and i want to ask you how damn complex is that it is not complex at all but you don't have all the necessary information to understand it and that information is confusing to you and then people want to go verify everything which is fine with me i want you to you know but it it intimidates folks so don't be intimidated people if you're new this is really simple okay i'm telling you uh how much time left okay go ahead paul um it's the whole thing about painting yourself into a corner if you put all of your eggs in one basket and you do a multiple page thing and you send it off to the IRS you give them all these other points that they can take potshots at it's kind of like painting yourself into the corner on the side of the road when you don't see any problem in answering innocent questions of that guy who's actually interrogating you trying to build a case against you anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law and the IRS is exactly the same way anything you say can and will be used against you when they rebut your paperwork and if you've already given it to them once you can't come back and say oh no that's not the way it is because here it is right here in black and white but you can do that you can volunteer don't just play your whole hand yeah don't don't give them your whole hand right out of the gate if they don't know what a revocation of election is they need a different job because they don't know the one they have they need they need to go back to the training thing so we got a couple of minutes left let me we have a couple of people really dominated the whole conversation that's okay i want to see if there's anybody else that had questions or comments and there was one right there was that Joan yes hi i wanted to ask Sam yes he did not he probably did not include with his ROE he probably did not include a copy of his after David because even nine nationals can do an ROE right no no no you got to change status to be able to go back and get it right great see that's what John Glenn were doing that was what they were running on Joan was that anybody could do this but and we but they used their after David and we filed it at the property records office where we lived or where we were born so that they thought sufficed for changing the status well they John should have realized it was somebody else there's a lord in the manner that's involved that's got all that authority and he just didn't explore that this that far okay or else as i say i believe the world would be a different world if they would have known it those two guys back in 1992 you had a question for sam so so did sam include a copy of the affidavit with his ROE he didn't do an ROE he did not do an ROE he did a cover letter notified the IRS that is his status changed you to that of a national any any provided them a copy of his affidavit of citizenship evidence okay so yeah you want to give all that you all the folks you want to do this and give the IRS notice that you're on file with the secretary of state first fi rst yes okay so he did that he just did in his cover letter he said here's my cover letter i hey our irs here's my cover letter and by the way use it to send me back one year of tax no no i think he included a 1040 on our john yes yes 1040 on it so john think of it like this no think of it like this john think of it like this you say hey i want my money back they look and they go oh jones are you a citizen she's got nothing they look oh jones a national shit we got to listen to her that's how it works yep if you don't get yourself like roger said out of the system you got nothing you got nothing what you changed your status oh this is a whole different person they've been around the world yep the world opens up to you yep big time well let me explain this from a logical standpoint and we do this in court as well we don't leave it up to the court or the judge to do all the research in my document i provide him a snippet of the case in the case citation so the judge doesn't have to go look it up so the same thing here so sam and most everybody should do a cover letter to the irs and i hear the whistlers on them stand by and we'll finish up after the whistle is gone oh because we're in the middle of this if you're listening on the radio it might want to give you incentive to join us because this conversation is going to continue over when you can't hear us so anyway see you tomorrow thanks for being with us we've got a new guy coming on tomorrow with questions that Thor and Ed have tutored and his name is leland so we'll look forward to seeing leland and we might see texas sandy back who knows anyway thanks for joining us we had a good conversation today and paul has something to say yes sir uh very quickly go to either the matrix or go to nationals and you can click on the global voice radio link that stream will continue after the top of the hour so thank you so much for joining us pick us up on the other side on global voice radio network thanks right and and mark has titillated you so go ahead mark it's the cliffhanger that's right so john like like you know think of it this way we send in our cover letter and our apodavis citizenship evidence to the secretary states office and then we start notifying whichever agencies we feel like we want to notice but also including the IRS and of course with the IRS we have a little uh one-page cover letter and we let it be known that this is not to be considered a filing and we say you know my sass has changed to that of being a national yada yada yada here's an attachment of my apodavis it's on file with the u.s. department of state boom that's the first notice to the IRS we like to let that cure i would say at least two weeks and then if you want to follow up for a 2023 tax refund you don't need to do an roe you just notified the IRS that you're national and and you're considered in relationship to the IRS you're considered a non-resident alien right and so from that point then we do a 1040 NR and we put in a copy another cover letter and a copy of our citizenship evidence or apodavis so that the person who's getting that package doesn't have to go look up on a computer i'm giving them all the information right in front of them and and now they may want to go confirm it on the computer to see where you know my status may have changed already by the IRS but at least i'm giving them all the information they need to make the determination whether i qualify for that refund or not and then we also put a couple other things in our letter regarding the tax ability of our income or the non-taxability of our income so that's the basis so that helped Joan yes thank you you're welcome now if you want to go back previous years where you already filed then we have a formal revocation of election document that you can submit and then turn around and file for your previous tax years that you had turned in a 1040 a regular 1040 hope that helps i yield not my ballet wick i never thought i'd be involved in the tax movement doing what i was doing as funny as come full circle i have a question okay it's that Kathleen right yes good morning good afternoon everyone um okay i just filed my paperwork last on the third of july so before i go back to the IRS how long should i wait to send a letter to them and then add my taxes well what when you when you say you sent off your paperwork that it's kind of generic what paperwork are you talking about David you the secretary of state thank you okay i you know i would say as soon as they receive it you know you see that they received it if he is part of the state there's no reason why you can't turn around and go ahead and file it with the IRS we normally like to let it cure for 30 days in case the department state wants to come back and challenge you which we've never had the my knowledge or the rocker's knowledge um so i think he could probably fire fire off your cover letter to the IRS or the copy of your affidavit within two weeks of the u.s. department receiving the u.s. department of state receiving your original affidavit actually picking nits here right in our in our system it's considered received when you put it in the mail last the last Wednesday Thursday whatever that was uh and the reason i i consider the reason i say that is because that's what the IRS does when they can send you correspondence to the last known address you may not have lived there in 15 years but the minute they put it in the mail system it's considered received by you so it depends on you remember we did this one page naked affidavit because of one guy's situation and had some other ramifications i thought i don't think they can see enough of these crossing people's desks up there let them all know that they've been made okay uh and uh it does if anybody is in that situation that they might have something in their background where they then go apply for a passport and the passport uses some regulation to bring up this offense or whatever it was and reject their passport application but that's only happened one time okay so i think you could i think you could take a notice and a one-page thing and put them on notice today Kathleen and you'd be all right there's not gonna be any blowback okay but but there were several other reasons that we used that we progressed and used that way and it wouldn't it would mainly dealt with this guy if he had one of those he did not if he would have had one of those one-page affidavit's on file with the secretary of state already they couldn't have used 27 CFR regulations on these charges to not only reject his current application keep the money that they didn't return and they revoked his open passport if he would have had that one piece of paper on file he at least would have had grounds for administrative appeal it's a whole reason that's like that yeah i can't find i agree with roger i just i like to give this is just my personal preference i just like to give the the u.s. department of state a chance to get it into their system yes and get my status changed before i start notifying everybody else and one way we do that is is through the passport process yes and the next thing we're going to work on is uh putting together a simple FOIA request for a copy of the affidavit that was submitted with the passport documents they're good good we do have a copy from us from the state shown they received your your status change as an action and then you'd sleep really well at night gasoline and i don't suppose as nice a lady as you seem to be that you've got any drunk driving charges that you've avoided or anything in your past none i've been even had a bike moving violation over 20 years okay well that's my point okay but the reason we decided was because of that guy's situation and what happened thinking it through and also that the idea that you know i i don't think they can see enough of these things crossing their desks up there okay go out here i have not if i um let let's get Kathleen and then we'll get with the guy go ahead again start again Kathleen please oh i i was just you know like i'm i'm very conservative and everything that i do and so i just always err on the the safe side that's fine and i think if it's even if i said that's irs you know because it takes them a while to record everything and if they contact of course the secretary of state may be gone through the process of putting my information either in the file or whatnot then they then they can come back and then i just have to deal with more paperwork that's the theory that i got the license because i don't want to do right and i've been in such a liberal area that the police are not going to be on board and you know if they ask for your drivers like i don't want to have to go to court and explain myself you know when a majority of people here are you know completely ignorant i i even call a stupidity because if anybody is still a liberal or democrat after what we've been through the last three and a half years with Biden they're not even ignorant they're just complete idiots well i'd say they deserve i'd i'd say they deserve what they get okay now Kathleen is there's a guy yes very uh well you're not well you're not locking up the back end and you're not going through due process if you don't notice people okay uh okay uh who was the guy that was trying to inject there something america larry larry i mean yes sir yes all right so um if somebody filed their affidavit with the secretary of state and then sent their notice and to the IRS putting them on notice with a cover letter and a copy of the affidavit and then they decide it to um you know file a 1040 NR and get their previous years taxes back and then they thought that's all i want to do like in sam's case but then after a while they thought you know what i've learned about this roe process and i want to go back and try to get a couple of more years back well let's just say the time has passed that they're no longer eligible to get the full three years back and they're only eligible for say two years uh i take it uh that they could still do that and you know there shouldn't be any problems i'm not sure on time frames and statute or limitations and stuff on that you got the insight mark yeah it's three years from the time you filed your return or made the payment so like if you owed a tax and maybe there was delay and you paying it then it's three years from the date that you paid the tax or or if you're uh maybe a a business owner and you didn't have with holdings and you owed the tax whatever and when you paid it then that's when your three year starts to run so it depends on your circumstances but for most people who've had with holdings throughout the year by their employer and they went and filed their 1040 when they filed that 1040 they've got three years to go back and amend it and ask for a refund okay that is your question it matters as a national um if it changes being so i was going to do a little bit of research on that too what now mr mark if you're national speaker hold on let me let me decide for what mr just said there what was your point statement again i wonder if i wonder if as a national because a lot of their um laws and policies don't apply to us if we do the research and and double check in my the timing may not matter but the only thing that they do say or remember i remember hearing is that you get three years fat so i'm wondering you know just i have to double check on this but i'm wondering if it the um the limits on time does not apply to us that's what we need to double check no i don't think so because you're getting that money back all bears on when you change if you've changed your status and from what mark's come with whether it depends on when you filed or when you paid the tax and that sets the timelands is that correct mark that's my understanding that's from from my research and and a recent case that i read with somebody trying to go back i know it was like six years they were trying to get to uh repots for and they said no and only j three right okay are you what you're welcome to do that uh now who was trying who else is trying to say something will larry had a follow-up or go ahead sam i was going to try to i was going to try to clarify something again i had a people thinking oh why don't i go three years and here's my train of thought guys my wife is a u.s citizen my wife okay because i paid her taxes she stayed as a u.s citizen she stayed in the system my dad who passed away he was a u.s citizen when he passed away unfortunately because i couldn't get this information to him because i didn't really know so as them being u.s citizens me pulling myself out i didn't want to have any complications like wait a minute are you trying to be fraud us in any way by intermixing u.s citizens and nationals so that's why i opted for the one year that i knew i could get back because i knew who i was and who i told i was so i didn't want to go and you know go back and then they can say this or that i didn't want none of that that was the whole thing you know and that's really the the reason i didn't go back three years and i was so excited to tell you guys i i put away to it another time but i was when we got the letter last night i was like oh my god you know i just didn't let you guys know i didn't realize it was going to get to this point but i appreciate all you guys doing mark through very informative you're huge you know and so you roger and paul and murk everybody's telling you it's just a port that makes this work because you could say something and if you don't help the person out they're kind of sitting there in loomba what do i do i'm not going to take a chance you guys have been one thousand percent i'm telling you well this is this radio show this radio show is for that support period the new people questions i can see that support and support continuing as we get into these other areas thank you Sam roger i think we do a a national pick a national pickle in the country kind of like almost like well we've been trying to set that up murk and them been working on it just for southern california for a year a year and a half and it hasn't happened yet so it you know it's kind of like we're hurting cats when you're dealing with these national people and plus the economy's bad and a lot of people are in not two desirable situations unfortunately might be called me in the winter get you a second okay well somebody y'all want to start working on it knock yourself out uh who is the male there so it's sammy well uh the reason i asked about revocation of election and where that term comes from and i'm assuming that's glenn and john right uh who did well john got it john got it from somewhere and i don't know where i thought it was in the regulations into some way shape or form but i can't say for sure sam it may have been what i'd like jack to this the reason i'd like to get to the bottom of it is uh maybe potentially as national we could uh potentially use this um regarding property tax if it's not strictly an irf term it's strictly irs sorry do we know that for sure well it comes out of the irish manuals where the regulations are entitled 26 property tax is a whole different animal Samuel well the okay phrase revocation of election is is um you can find that in the cfr's it's all throughout there you can go out to Cornell and type in the search box revocation of election and you'll find that phrase throughout yeah i sent a link to Samuel all right cool but it but you'll see where there's references to electing to do something you're electing to pay a tax you're electing in to you're opting in you're electing in to something and commercial code you can revoke that in most instances so we're revoking that prior voluntary election to be part of whatever that is in this case it's the the payment of taxes we're we're revoking that previous election that we unknowingly made voluntarily because we thought we had there are our tax system is based on voluntary compliance right right so now your status has changed you're revoking that previous election you're out of that system and if you had it you could be added that you paid in you can ask for him that it seems to me that you could do that as well with property tax by saying that you're revoking your election to something that uh uh if you're changed your status etc i don't see it as all that big a difference it has done yes it's a huge difference your IRS stuff is not on the property roles in your county your property is that's what generates the property tax not the IRS it has nothing to do doesn't your federal form get you started for your state form or taxing correct all right yeah well but you don't pay your property tax on it hold on saying no hold on you are i know let me just point this out you don't pay your property tax on your 1044 you write a check to your county or whoever for that yeah i understand i think i i know really the difference i'm just bringing it up to maybe have ourselves consider that there might be some way or there's maybe even a different term for local um just hard to say just want to open it up i love you that's a tax which are property tax your property tax depends upon the evaluation ad valorem of the value of your property it has nothing to do with IRS the only thing it's got in common is the word tax well you know gibson says that there's a federal mean on everything which i don't know that i believe that but you know well i do i do i believe that's correct but that doesn't mean you can ask them and they can tell you the amount okay let me see if i can let me see if i can differentiate this for you your property tax goes to pay firemen policeman and other stuff your income tax goes to pay bondholders i understand roger i'm not making that argument what i'm saying is there's still something locally that may have an opportunity here in revoking a it really something we volunteered into well no you generally no but you did a cut you did a it probably somewhere hidden but when the process of buying the house or the property there's something about them putting it on the property rolls and that that carried through you got put on the property rolls and now they're taxing you it comes off the property rolls they can't tax you anymore well as a citizen i i set that up and i didn't really volunteer but i did right um i can answer that first of all thank you mark i know you got to go can i can i address with is that Samuel yeah yes okay so Samuel you registered your property you have a warranty deed as ron gibson says that warranty deed went over your landpad because i think back in the day they couldn't loan money or they would loan money to farmers and if the crop went bad they couldn't attach anything to it so they made it a warranty deed so now they can attach something to the land we're in the middle of that right now actually my son is calling me i don't know why can you guys still hear me that you registered yeah you gave the authority away that's all it is yeah so it is you gave that authority you got to take that authority back yes that's all it is somewhere in that three inch stack of papers you had to sign when you close from the property is that little clause is getting in and just this is going to get put probably because you're taking out a loan this is going to get put on the property records office because they're all tied into that too but it's just a different system and also remember sam all property law is state law with the exception of what they've done with us all property law is state law and the property being put on the property rules generates state taxes okay there's there's a difference to me go ahead thanks yeah this is dave um so the way i understand it as a as a us citizen when you buy property usually you get a warranty deed but we didn't register our property they did the realtor or the mortgage company they were the ones that actually went down and registered our property and because we were us citizens it was misappropriated as a residential slash agricultural property residential agriculture and commercial are all de facto firms for us citizens as nationals we have private land that is not taxable private property isn't taxable our home and the things the buildings that we have on our land that's the property and it's private if we pay for it and we own it if in our land is our private land that stuff is not taxable but and they they've misappropriated it as because we were us citizens under fraud so i think there's a way out of that um and and revocation of you know we were revoking our our uh that we elected to be a us citizen so there's got to be a way out of that and i yield well yeah but you got to get your property off of the you got to get it all ideal before you pull it off the rolls to my understanding okay and then with samuil's experience he's been trying to do that for a long time still he can't hadn't been able to accomplish it okay well what happened is they have to remain at roger i wish he wouldn't keep saying they got a rename your property what you know and remove it from that agricultural residential or commercial you know uh title okay wish i wouldn't quit saying keep saying what who is was that samuil well that i've been trying since 2010 it uh the only reason i'm really doing it roger is because i didn't i i realized i didn't own anything as a slave because of what you said oh okay well but but not that i haven't been successful it's it's i haven't done the paperwork yet because i'm looking for keys like potentially the revocation of this um contract to have me currently in to moving on forward to and i think i've got it covered i'm just bringing this up to see if we anybody digs anything else up on it that's all i i think i've got it covered well okay well you came on the goal going away was a big the gold is a big thing that went away that was associated with land and that's why i think it's important to find out about postal money orders and where they're drawn on because i paid my property with postal money orders i think that might have been a big key in uh whether i i have color of title or not okay so i don't know and uh so anybody else hey roger i have a little something on this okay hey danny yeah uh another consideration is can you buy anything more from the seller than what the seller owns can you buy anything from us if the seller has less less i think that's why you put the chain of title back to the original land yeah i think yeah i think that's what you'd have to do related to the gold everybody agrees on that that there's land patterns you want that or any if you own any piece of land in this country and you want to prove it you've got to do what the title companies don't you've got to have that chain of title they assume they have it but without it in certified form each document document after document there's no proof and of course when you get back far enough in these land patterns these are state citizens they're not citizens federal citizens all right correct okay i got stuff to do this afternoon does does anybody else have anything for me that i need to be involved in yeah i think roger you open up a can of worms i think uh property cannot own property when you take possession of yourself like we did as nationals you now can own your property i'm in the process of a land pattern too also i've done my chain of title it's already in the works i'm going for that i won't pull it off of the tax rule but when you register it you gave that authority away because they told you oh no you got to do this first and whatnot and you did it not knowing now that you know differently you have to retitle your property back to yourself well ron Gibson is doing a paid charge as a fee i get it but that's what the one of the processes you have to go through to get it pulled off so i think you guys are on the right page and i think i think the key is probably owning yourself your labor your your person your property everything mostly i think it's the key to well i think it's the key to everything okay anybody else got anything for me i'm gonna let y'all talk about property i'll allow you a title in the last month this is happening again um i just want to um reiterate that it's very important i think that we uh learn how to for people to be able to um own their land because what their plans are i mean i've seen black rock and whatnot they're buying up all these properties and these investors cash for land cash for your property so they're going to tax people out of their property then you're not just have you know place to live in so i think we should really get something in um going to where we have a whole process whereas people that were successful in doing it helped put this together for others because it's going to be something we don't want to try to to have to deal with this when you know the tax are already so high and they've made it more difficult i think now is very key for people to be able to learn how to do this to be able to get to ownership of their land okay well then somebody will have the traffic meeting on one night we'll have the a loyal title meeting on another night so whoever wants to run those belly up to the bar and go get it started okay so otherwise in that i'll uh see all uh tomorrow okay listen anybody just got anything for me okay i have a question oh okay i should go ahead you read me okay all right can i ask can i ask who you are because i don't recognize your voice yeah i'm i'm Lee from Missouri okay hi Lee i discussed some things about okay right hi um yeah i'm the one that's uh getting a pension plan an inherited pension plan or in the process um i noticed somebody you did something about a um substitute w4p no i don't use any w's in our status we change status with the secretary of state that might be something with your employer as to how they handle uh your employment but you're talking about an inheritance and i've never heard of a w4p but that doesn't mean nothing that that's uh roger that was me yeah and it's something that we can discuss after you go if you don't mind leave this is sherry thank you roger for today all right Lee right okay i'll see you all tomorrow okay judge how very much buddy okay thank you thank you we got a big birthday dinner wall 70 tonight today so we're having a big birthday dinner tonight too so full schedule see you all tomorrow don't have a birthday yeah i will ciao ciao hi Lee it's sherry i was the one who did the w4p regarding a pension yes now all right deal with i went back to the w4 process back in um what year was it um 2001 with my husband's um who we worked for and we just put on the bottom only submitting in order to be paid and i did the same thing now this pension is going through audit right now so um i haven't heard back on that but i don't foresee any issue with that okay the reason i ask and this is on the w4 or w4p uh let me read you one sentence on here that made me question it says federal laws may require mandatory federal income tax be withheld from your distributions i reckon it's indicate that you are a us person us citizen or us non us citizen and may therefore be subject to federal tax withholding from cash distributions if you claim residents and citizenship outside the united states you must complete form w8 be and instead of this form w4p to certify that your foreign tax tax status to certify your foreign tax status do you see you what i am questioning it i spoke with the pension office regarding this and he told me exactly how to fill it out hold on let me find the document i didn't quite hear you on that oh i spoke please welcome it up and um he told me exactly how to fill that document out to have no withholding so give me just a second and it's in the instructions by the way um he pointed out to me as well just a second so you did the w4p or the w8bn the w4p okay i that's what i'm trying to figure out uh which one's a better one to do okay well the w4p was required for survivor benefits so um yeah so let's see where is it said because it tells you just to write underneath uh 4c no withholding and let me find out on these instructions where he writes to me and i verified it because i have a copy right here um let's see where um choosing not to have income tax withheld you can choose not to have federal income tax withheld from your payments by writing quotes no withholding on form w-4p in this space below step four c then complete step one a b and five generally as a citizen or a resident alien you are not permitted to but see it says generally so but what i did by putting it at the bottom bottom of that w4p only submitting in order to be paid turns it into a compelled document and not a voluntary one compelled documents cannot be used against you okay that sounds good i'd rather do the w4p than the w8bn it's just a little more simple and seems like it's got less uh right now that's what my husband's w4 from april first 2001 until the day he went on disability which was august of 2017 never had an issue with it only submitting in order to be paid and no withholding no federal or state now so security was a different matter and i'm glad we weren't successful with that actually now so yeah i don't care right i can't collect it anyway i'm too old and probably never see a dime of it so i'm not worried about that that's an option like i said uh my survivor benefits to the pension is going through appeal or audit i don't see how that could affect it um just they're making sure that the funds and everything are now you're going to contract you're going to an audit from the IRS or from the pension fund the pension fund oh okay all right my husband funds are underfunded i will disagree there so if they're going to audit that pension fund they may come back and say no uh you know if we're sorry you're you don't you don't have we don't have the funds in there to make a you know a payment you might be have to be on a payment schedule no day what their audit team is to make sure what they stated to me would be my benefits is in keeping with the contract of survivor benefits that's what their audit team okay and medical payments it has nothing to do with the overall pension fund it has to do with my benefits in reference to that pension fund so it's first come first serve then that's away with everything that's pretty much i yield i hope that helps you're welcome yes uh could you um well uh i think could you repeat that on what you put down or not be compelled oh only submitting in order to be paid and then do um initial that because it's under you did you say in order or an order in order to be paid and what what was uh uh being compelled oh that's just no i didn't put anything else but that's what changed it from a um uh voluntary document to a compelled document they are forcing you to file them and by it being a compelled document it cannot be used against you okay mark was on the line he would confirm that it sounds good right and like i said my husband and i did that april first two thousand and one with his employer i hate to use the word employer because of one federal but um yeah never know why that question or anything from that so yeah why didn't you want to use a w8 bn didn't need to okay so all right that sounds good to me uh-huh i thank you very much i appreciate your help you're welcome if i may on that w8 bn no you know that you know a us citizen that the us is washington dc and you live in it in a free and equal uh nation state and that's the foreign country that you live in you don't reside you live there or you you know you domicile or whatever you turn me on use but that's how you fill that out by you yeah i i understand that you know i don't reside nowhere i'd be living right up in here i'd be living don't think i'm a straw man or i'm a dead entity i'd be living right here my ass is living right here ain't no resident that's the truth anyway that was stupid i should have stayed muted i'm sorry i hate it when i do that but we love when you do that no no no no no i'm a pain in the ass i know it mommy told me dad told me that all the time only when you're asleep oh that's true okay thank you for clarifying you're welcome oh let's see we heard worse come out of your mouth that wasn't so bad huh ways what the hell so bad what do you mean that was perfect well i was just like you know that we appreciated it and i guess i didn't say it as clearly and plainly as you did thank you well we love the levity for at least i do thank you thank you very much hey hey i'll be here all week all right hey speaking at elven my aunt told me yesterday somebody was trying to sell the uh uh his mansion there Memphis i can't what's it called great land bracelet and yes and they caught the guy the granddaughter bought it well anyway somebody was trying to do a uh fraudulent sale so i guess i was in bankruptcy or something and his granddaughter um bailed it out and bought it or something or great granddaughter somebody some someone in his you know a relative of his um really anyway yeah we heard that you're like three and i heard that a week or two ago on something i can't remember where we heard it so i heard from a title company that uh broad is uh hugely within the last like four or five months for title theft yeah but we all think it's true they're being shown the ropes the Elvis Presley Trust is where the Graceland estate is held and Lisa Marie's oldest daughter Riley i don't know how you say that c-e-o-u-g-h is the soul trustee so there you go a little little little little fact on Graceland i guess factoids so did she was that was recently in the news wasn't it Lisa something happened with that i have no idea okay i heard it recently in the news that the theft was caught that it was trying to be fraudulently stolen and sold and they confronted them on it and and they backed off yeah thanks for prosecuting that guys oh i'm sure they sure they are yeah the title company here that i was listening to they said they're referring all the cases that they get to the FBI because the local police the FBI huh yeah because yeah the police don't do anything with it but there is a larger reign of property theft that is including attorneys and the court system and judges and i know that's an ongoing thing because there's a few individuals that have been in different groups that i've been in that have had it happen to them and they said that there is a private investigations going on and it's larger than just here in the state they are doing whatever they can to steal as much as they can from as many as they can before the shit hits the fan yes they want as many people destitute broke and bagging for a solution yeah bagging for a solution all that happy who the one is many people with the elderly they're actually helping to uh remove them from the planet and the judges and the attorneys the prosecuting attorneys have a racket with guardianship where they're they're putting people elderly in guardianship whether they need it or not and they're stealing everything and that they the counties are given these judges the properties uh the houses and you know they pick and choose what they want and jim ram did a really great uh series of programs with this gal i can't remember who she was but i know it's in his sub stacker is uh whatever that is where he keeps the shows archived and and if you contact him he'll send you that it it was incredible it was several years ago but it was wow really good stuff are you was really really really good stuff any insight into guardian excuse me uh may i any insight into guardian of light hem uh as a scam pulled off by the corrupt judges which is a hundred percent by the way there are no good judges left a judge is a stinking lawyer that got a road from some corrupt person for some corrupt reason if you have any insight on the guardianship what about guardian of light hem is that a particularly uh heinous uh scam compared to the other guardianships well i'm not sure about that one in arkansas it's called an attorney adl item they have to be attorneys a guardian adl item is somewhat it could be somebody from cps it could be just a plain old social worker aps adult protective services child protective services they're all thieves correct all that question is my question has to do with an attorney yeah i'm thinking you've been attorney i know quite well who had such a gig for a long time until he lost his life and i think it was a scam i think it was a rip-off but i have no insight well i do and according to our law that attorney adl item was supposed to be at every hearing he was not met with my brother for 30 minutes and made his decision it's a scam the only reason that house isn't gone right now already is because the house was in trust they didn't have anything they could grab so he met with him for 30 minutes and all right okay i'm done with him onto the next fish is that probate yes but no telling how much he built throughout the year that he didn't meet with my brother oh i suppose yeah somebody's paying for that i would check and see if there's any liens on the property or liens against the trust or liens on your brother um because if the state is um is supporting him in any way that they will try to circle back and get back every dime they ever gave him or paid anybody in his um interest oh that could be on his right now i was also going to say uh there's so security trust fund how many times was that deemed by the attorney adl item as well right well i'm sure he's an improper billing by an attorney of federal crime if he met with him and he was and he actually accepted him as a client and anything he bills and is uh um okey dokey until challenged the state's never going to challenge the bill submitted they're just going to pay it yeah and if you ever fired on then there's no end date then it could still be going on now yeah follow racket but i'm not talking about the good kind i was going to say and where the ball that the racket keeps beating around true see that's what i was alluding to okay wow there's uh like next to no messages in the chat today is usually 50 or 60 of them no sketch oh is that what it is oh okay i suppose that makes sense much easier to navigate yeah no kidding and look at this pretty much every single chat message is on topic wow go figure uh oh uh oh that that damn uh um that that damn no trolls that s o b he put three pictures in there wow who's he kick him out hey uh dave in the phone are you in here yeah are you going to any of those meetings in the in the area we haven't i know i haven't seen you there um there i guess there haven't another one um tomorrow night and we're supposed to be working on the uh 1099 a the whatever to to get um debts paid taxes paid who's who's sponsoring that is that herald that's herald it is yes yes when is that tomorrow night and i sent you a bunch of emails um and Rebecca's contact for that so if you reach out to her she can you feel unless you can reach out to herald is that in in elmont that meeting tomorrow um i think the one they're doing tomorrow is in all their health oh that's not that was that but dude gonna be there as far as i know no he had his two-day meeting and herald was supposed to speak and i guess herald got bumped and and oh really yeah um i did not go to that meeting because i'm very suspect of that whole thing but um yeah the last meeting i went to butts was not there and it was very is very chill meeting and and we talked about doing this this time and you know bringing uh bills invoices whatever something we want to work on to get so that we can have like a working meeting you know show us all how to fill out the forms and stuff so that we can submit it and get paid so what what is herald's affiliation with with but that all his butts ended up at all of his meetings and didn't you say he kind of was taking them over yes he he he has been at two meetings that i have been at and he just monopolized the whole thing and pretty much nobody could talk or nobody challenged him yeah nobody nobody challenged him and when you when you did he was um you know because i asked him about darlene i you know i questioned him if he's got all this information why wasn't he going to darlene why wasn't he you know and he's just like well darlene doesn't know anything he's making it off he's blah blah blah that's it for the radio ranch with roger sales on radio dot global voice radio dot net join us here at monday through friday monday through saturday actually 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. eastern time on radio dot global voice radio dot net and eurofolk radio dot com among other platforms today was i terra pryfe monday thank you so much for joining us we'll be right back here tomorrow at 11 a.m. eastern time on radio dot global voice radio dot net don't forget to check out for more information on the topics discussed or to find the links to join us on the show i'm paul from global voice network i'm not a year for the day thank you so much for joining us we'll catch you right back here next time on the radio ranch with roger sales blasting the voice of freedom worldwide you're listening to the global voice radio network have fun storming the castle