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Radio Ranch Sabado Edition

1h 22m
Broadcast on:
06 Jul 2024
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I'm cooling off. I'm chilling out on the caffeine sketch. When you sign up for a Chitango account, you are not logging into a specific Chitango chat room. You are logging into Chitango as a whole. And because Chitango and literally tens of thousands of chat rooms they have going on globally, it's likely to assume that the name Sketch would have been used by somebody at some time since Chitango's inception. So when you're logging in, you're not just logging in as Sketch to the radio ranch, you're logging in as Sketch on Chitango. Okay, I'm paranoid and I'm schizophrenic. I apologize. Hey, with schizophrenia, you're never going to learn. So, if I may, so Sketch, you've already logged in as Sketch at a different Chitango? No. Oh, you never did? No. I thought you've put stuff in the chat before. If you're schizophrenic, if you're schizophrenic, how do you know? Well, I can tell you that I've never registered and my chats are in there as Sketch, so I'm going where there must be coming from here and it somehow got registered. I don't know. I have an idea. How about putting the handle Sketch on phrenic? I want to try that. Sketch, when you put in a message, Sketch, when you're logged into into FCC as Sketch and you put a chat message in FCC, if that message is copied and transported over to Chitango, it's going to look like it came from you, but if you look at the line right above that, you will see the actual identity of the person that put it in there. And it was probably Mer. Okay. So, yeah, your name is in there because your name was part of the body of the message that was pasted in there. Doesn't mean you have an account. All right. I got you. Well, I'm going to be the Sketch. Hopefully, I can get that one. Hey, before you do that, Sketch, you're saying you never recalled signing up with Chitango in the past? Never. I know I haven't. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Like Paul said, there's a chance that somebody else is taking that username. Yeah, I didn't realize that it was worldwide. I thought it was just that individual. Don't you have a copy right? Then you're he's got your straw main copyright sketch. He's got to be very, very clear. And he's got a use the name real sketch because the other guy is an imposter. All right. Hey, Sketch. There's another acronym that a lot of the podcasters use and they use IRL on the end, which stands for in real life. So, you could also be Sketch IRL. Or like Paul said, you could do real sketch or real sketchy. That'd be good. Yep. And Joe and just put in for me. What about Steven Sketch/Steven, which I didn't try, so I'll try that one. You may not be able to put a slash in there in your username, but okay. Thank you, guys. You're welcome, Sketch. Kathleen, you were back on the insurance. Right. So, what happens to people's insurance policies? Their life insurance? Well, if your insurance company stays stable, you know, and they don't fail, then I imagine your policy will continue on. Digitally? Sure. Whatever they change the currency to at the time. I think we should be putting our money, our cash money in BlackRock, if they have any banks they own. Well, it's hard for me to want to support BlackRock or Vanguard, or was it state capitals in the corner? State street. State street. Yeah, state street. Thank you. It's really hard for me to knowingly put money into groups like that. And hopefully, they were passing. 401 at work was, you know, Vanguard was in there. Oh, that's true. It's not in their portfolio. They deliberately destroy companies also, looking at what they do with Remy and Marlon. Right. Whoever they don't like. Yeah. Well, it's not necessarily who they don't like, but they want to do their Woke thing, you know, whether it makes it, whether it makes money or not, you're trying to implement this Wokeism in CRT. Soros bought Remington to put it into bankruptcy. Then surprise me. Along with Marlon, H&R, and a few others, Ithaca. That's why you don't see those out there anymore. Rockefeller said competition is a crime. It's a sin, he said. And then he makes medicine. But he kept his naturopathic or whatever doctor. Well, I thought his dad was his doctor with just giving him that laudenum, the snake oil, opium and alcohol. You know, I wish all these states, I wish all these states would start paralleling everything. Have their own parallel medical system, their own parallel banking system. Looked in North Dakota, years ago, they came up with their own state bank to fund farmers and businessmen that were in the state. I shouldn't say businessmen, businesses. All the states were offered that at that time, Mark. All the states were offered that. Well, why can't they do it now? They do it now with my state in 2008 with the crisis. We're going to really look into that way. So that's very interesting. Call us back and call back in a couple of weeks and I had their names. It's just up. Well, Tennessee is doing it. I don't know about their state bank. They already have a state bank, but it's not being utilized. I forgot what the name of their state senator is. I think it's nice or nicely and they're implementing. I think Tennessee actually said you could buy Ivermectin over the counter without a prescription. So they've been rocketed and Katherine Austin fits. I guess that's considered her home base, even though she mostly stays in Europe right now, which I can't understand. Anyway, she's given lots of reports on what they're doing in Tennessee. I've just been really impressed and they're trying now to do a state repository of gold and silver to start their own banking system. And I think Texas is looking at doing the same thing. I mean, they're actually taking steps towards that. So there are a few states that they're looking at that and seems to be most of them are conservative, except for I don't know how maybe North Dakota was different back when they implemented that. Mark, I think Texas already implemented that. But I think they opened up it. It's a private holding storage facility. To my understanding, Missouri signed some type of legislation, Alabama signed some legislation that recognizes gold and silver as money or, quote, legal tender. But I don't know what it seems to me like the people out there don't know how to make the connection or don't understand how to, I guess, barter maybe is one of them. One time I had I finished a meal in a private public dining facility in Missouri back in 2010, I think it was. I didn't have a lot of money in my bank account using the card, but I did have a silver dollar. And I asked the waitress if she could ask the owner if they would accept the silver dollar for the meal because it was about the price, the going price, spot price of silver at the time. And the girl went and asked, I guess, and came back and she said no. So I'm like, okay, I'll just use my plastic. Well, it's almost as bad as the guy going around and offering, I think, what was it? 10 ounce bar of silver compared to a bar of chocolate and people were taking the chocolate. Yeah, I was marked dice. Yeah, unbelievable. Yeah, he was standing right and he was standing right next to a pawn job where they cut it back. Yeah, you kind of cut off, Brent. He was standing next to a pawn shop where they could have assayed it. Okay, by the way, Brent, I did send you an email about a week ago and never got a response. So I know you've been busy. I just want to give you a heads up. Yeah, we took a look and I'm not with you. All right, no worries. Just if you hadn't seen it, I just bring it to your attention. All right, cool. Hey, Mark. Yes. Yesterday, I went to the bank and I left my current driver's license in the vehicle and there was a young lady behind the glass counter and I wanted to, you know, I told her my account number and I showed her a couple of IDs which were expired and I told her I said, you know, here's my account number. I rattled it off to her and I said, all I want to do is transfer from one account to another and she said, I can't do it because I got to have a current driver's license that's not expired. And I told her, I said, well, I've got an expired passport out of my vehicle and that's the highest form of identification in the United States that there is, even though it's expired, it's still verified that it's me. Now, if you're telling me I'm expired, well, you know, I'll go out and get the, quote, updated one, but I'm just thinking to myself that, you know, this is going to, this is a, this is a, trying to stop commerce in reality because all these, all these expired identifications are saying who I am, but they won't accept it and they're just, everybody's just trained to say no and, you know, brainwash, whatever you want to call it and I don't know, I think Paul was saying a couple three or four days ago made the statement that they might get to a point where we're going to have to start, you know, bringing lawsuits against these banks or organizations or gas stations because they did it a couple of days before at a gas station and they explained to me and I actually, I asked to see their regulations or their books that the gas stations were running off of and what it, apparently what it is is the most current drivers license and IDs and stuff have a barcode and they have to, they have to ask for your ID and they scan that, that ID so that you can verify that it's you and you can go on your merry way and, you know, buy whatever controlled item that you're trying to get but so I, there was one night I didn't buy any, any controlled items so I came back a couple days later and I explained it to them and, and they said yeah, the, the state has come down on us as workers and owners of these small businesses and gas stations and stuff, if you come in and you want to buy a six bag of air, you have to have an ID card with a dead gun barcode on it so that it can be scanned, you know, and what, you know, the latest ID you can't use because I was, I had a 20-year-old Alabama driver's license and back then 20 years ago they were putting your social security number on the driver's license and, um, I brought somebody in 10-20 years ago and they, they took that, they took that, somehow that wound up going to the state and they, uh, they turned around and changed that policy and said no more social security numbers on driver's licenses but, uh, yeah everybody's conditioned I think to, uh, basically say I'm sorry but if you don't have a current driver's license I can't accept this trend. There's, there's a place that doesn't apply and that's at the, um, the voter polls, you do not need ID to vote so there you go. Is that the real, is that, is that natural or is that just individual states that are blue or what? I, you know, I don't know, I haven't voted in such a long time I can tell you. Wow, okay. Um, yeah, that whole black, the whole Blackrock thing that, that you all were talking about a little bit earlier. I hope that before you continue about the ID for voting Missouri was required and that was the red state. Oh, okay. So it looks like the state by state then. Yeah, well, they were upset with me because I had, um, Blackmark through the back about donating organs and so it wasn't scanable after that. They had to do it manually. Found that interesting. What do you mean Blackmark? Yeah, they got a bit out of shape and I tried to know Blackmark that organ donation. She drew a Blackmark through the barcode so that it couldn't just scan it. Awesome. You can, you can draw a Blackmark if you do it properly through us, through a barcode and it can't be scanned. Yeah, because I got a new license just to use. I got it before I sent my letter to the secretary of state, my affidavit, but I used to be an organ donor, but I've heard that they will literally let people die or whatnot. Yeah, you're worse, you're worse, more dead than alive to them at that point. Wait a minute, let me talk to Kathleen. You're not dead. You keep you alive and they give you paralytic drugs and you are alive and you feel everything and the last organ they take is your heart and you are alive. They let you feel all the pain while you're, they're taking your organs. Yeah, they do. Oh my gosh. So why did you put the Blackmark through the organ? Did you used to be an organ donor? No, I just didn't want them to be able to forge it. Oh, maybe I should do that on my even, though it doesn't show organ donor. Yes, look at that. All I can do is speak to Missouri's license and they had, it was like a sticker or a form on the flip side, the back side, for organ donation that you could fill out. All I did was blackout through the whole thing, so it could not be forged. That's a good idea. You know, if you don't want them to use a barcode on your driver's license, turn your generator on and run it by the magnet part of the generator a few times. For a super heavy-duty magnet, it will erase that barcode. The barcode of what? Your driver's license. Oh, not just the organ donation, just the whole barcode in itself? Yeah, well, if you're worried about them scanning your driver's license. But that's a way that they, but you're going to need them a microwave. I don't have a microwave. I don't use one. Okay. Well, I guess there is one in my camper, but it's going by by soon. How about the passport pass? Or the port pass? Then the police get mad at you and they got to type your name and info in it. Do the same with the port pass? Passport? I don't know, sketched. I have no clue on that one. Mark, talking about Tennessee, they also pass the law. I think it starts in August 1. No more chemtrail. And yeah, it's supported in doing a lot of good things in Tennessee. Hopefully it's true. Tennessee. So they're going to make a big wall now. So the chemtrail from Kentucky or North Carolina doesn't pass through. That's a good one, Jesse. I like that. I heard that per capita, Memphis has the highest crime and murder rate in the country, even beats out Chicago. Wow. It's two different world that is compared to the west. But the east is a TVA, Tennessee Valley authority. So most people there that live from the nuclear plants and so most of that area is more high-end, more especially Knoxville area all the way to Johnson City. So it's just two different classes. I've been passing through there and I see a lot of California plates compared to before. Another thing about talking about cash, I know a lot of young people are 25, 23, 28 and they've never had cash. They have been brought up with those apps and paying Venmo and cash apps and all that. And I know a high executive that I know he makes six bigger, very high, six bigger for maybe seven and he never have cash. He does everything. So that's the biggest problem. The older generation goes away. Many of them, as today of many of us, never staying gold before 64, I mean silver, many of them, they've never even seen the rotary telephone or cash in their hand. So that's one of the biggest problems we have. They're just a little bit of nudging and getting the newer population ready for do everything digital as Mark just explained. They're already doing in many forms. Yeah, they want you to move forward in progress, but they don't want you to go back. And never straight, always forward. And Tennessee, Tennessee, there is no place. I'd rather be. I've got family in Tennessee and it's not much crime out there in the rural. Everybody cares again. It's a different breed. With that militia course that we had a couple of months back, that your beauty is to be armed. Right. Plus, it is equals remedy. Either way, I want to mention something when I went and got my license a week ago, renewed, which is my last renewal ever, and I was able to do the eight year. I have a mailbox where I get all my mail and I put it before, but they in the past had asked me to provide my physical address and I never did and eventually the letters went away. This time, my mailbox company has moved down the road and the woman said, "Oh, I can't put this in." She said, "It's showing as a commercial address." I said, "Well, that's where I get all my mail." And she's like, "Well," she said, "We have to have where you're living." And I said, "Yes, that's where I'm living." And she said, "Okay." So, she was able to put it through. But actually, I had already struck up a conversation with her, but I may not have been able to get my license if I had not or if I didn't give them my physical address. So any of you that want to get a license just to have something to show around, I would get a mailbox, though it doesn't have your address on there. And then, of course, sent an affidavit saying that you signed under a address. Do you mean a PO box? Well, mine's not a PO box. It was a mailbox, etc., at one time and they merged with the UPS store. So it shows a physical address, but when it puts, and it does, I don't ever put a box, I just put my number in. It's 8a-423, my box is 423, but I don't put a box anywhere in the address. And it's technically sweet. So some companies that I do business with, like my electric company, they put sweet, or my bank. There's companies that have to put in sweet. But I just try to be generic and just not put anything. I don't put a box that I don't put unit. Location might be a better term than address. That is a commercial service. No. And for whoever happens on your UPS store box, you can't use the word box because that is a patent name by the United States Post Office box. That's why the UPS store does not call it a box. Because I had one of them last week. I use unit, but a lot of time to put that number on there, but the people at my UPS store know me. So they said you'll get your mail if you forget to put it on there. I said, oh, cool. Unit. Okay. And actually, there's another word that that's what that's supposed to spit today. And I didn't know what when I first started saying that neither did the person that waited on me. But there's some places change my word unit to three letters and I don't remember what it is. EMB. That could be. I don't remember. There stands for Post mail box. That's what I used to put. What was that? Patriot mythology stuff about rural route or something similar to that? Well, I don't know if it's Patriot mythology or not, but 50 years ago, when we first moved to rural route two, that's what we used for address. You need to use your sturried address. They did a new overlay back in 2003 to 2005 to where the postal service mandatory made all rural routes switch to a physical address so that 911 addressing could find them. I think it was a ploy to take away the rural free delivery, just rural route number, to force them to have the fake overlay of an actual physical address. Retired postmaster. Rural free delivery. That was the original. And then it went, I think, to rural route. And now I hear that, yeah, it's what you're just describing as an actual number. Yeah, rural free delivery. That was the first original rural post routing system. Maybe by RFB. I would say that, Samuel. Thank you. And, you know, they want your address just like they want you as a citizen. A citizen of the DC area. And in the book of the hundreds, it says the reason that you put in care of domestic is because domestic is all considered routed through Washington. So it's non-domestic. If it's not being routed through Washington, is it? And to say that they're not doing this for the reasons of having jurisdiction, I stretch for me, I believe that. They want dominion over us and they can't have it. I won't allow it. They're not going to have dominion over me. Melody, maybe you can speak to this. I found out recently that even local mail around here has to be routed through Little Rock. Does that have something to do with the stake capitals? They knew that because of what they claim is better service because the carrier doesn't have to stand at the case and case mail for an hour and a half. It's what they call delivery point sequence because back in '85 when I was a letter carrier, I would walk in and there would be stacks and stacks of magazines and flyers and newspapers and that was measured in feet on the floor and sometimes I would have 16 to 18 feet of mail and then they would throw my letters on the case and they would measure those and then I stood there hand sorting each one. Now, when I got promoted to Postmaster in '98, they kept saying that we wouldn't be casing hardly any mail because they wanted it all to go to the sorting facility for delivery point sequence where we would just walk in, grab our mail and go. Well, when I retired in 2016, it still wasn't that way. They still had some raw mail that they had to hand sort but it's for control. In the book of the hundreds, they make the statement that the free delivery was set up so that the government can look at it as you're taking a benefit and that's where you're getting your benefit from is where you owe your duty, the free delivery. I got a question about the post office. Last fall, I bought a camper and a vehicle and I never got the titles and some, oh, my plate renewal from my vehicle. I never got it and I contacted the post office and they said, oh, you got sent back to the state of Michigan and I said, why did that happen? And they said, because you put a change of address in three years ago and we didn't know where to send your mail so we didn't want to send it to a house to change an address in and I got that statement. Well, I got the plate renewal the year before at my physical address so why did all of a sudden a year later they change it without me changing an address over three years ago? Well, there might have been a glitch in their computer system to where it renewed or read wrong what your change of address was but if you had a change of address from that physical location that you were mailing it to still on file and they had a new clerk looking through the change of address cards and I don't know there's there's so much human error. It was just weird because even though I get put a change of address and that was over three years ago but see I put a change of address into a post office box originally and then I found the UPS store was almost half of the price of the post office so I switched but I never put a change of address and that way all my junk mail got left behind. So did you ever get to cash from the actual state that you were? Yeah, but it cost me because I waited more than three months to figure out why I didn't receive my certificate of titles and since I waited so long they charged me to get a physical copy of in it's now it's does it's a duplicate copy instead of the original copy. Well I had a I had a carrier lose a title and it was going to the customer certified mail and it cost that carrier $100 so that the customer was raising so much cane with me as the postmaster and I told the carrier I said if you want him to back off and you don't want to lose your job because you're in your 90 day probation you better come up with $100 so that he can get his duplicate certificate a title it kind of forked up the money and apologized to him and I just let the block let the blumish fly. I've still got the open question where does the postal money order what is do they have their own bank is it is it that their treasury who who backs the money order is it is it federal reserve or not? That I don't know for sure but what Joe Lustica explained to me was that when the postal service was a first established that gold and silver was taken to I get the universal postal the universal postal whatever over in Switzerland or something some somewhere is the way Joe Lustica made it sound like to me as people kept asking me as a retired postmaster I think I silver and gold and I'm like you have to take fiat dollars and how is it going to be backed by silver and gold? Yeah the reason I raised this question is that Lee Brose says if you want to stay out of once you're not a 14th amendment citizen he says the way you stay out of commerce is one you have an interest free bank account and two if you do any transaction over state lines it needs to be a postal money order so there's something unique in his mind about it yet he doesn't explain it so and I don't know if well the postal money order is guaranteed by the US Postal Service and that is in Washington DC so if you don't have a bank account transferring from one state to another then yes I would I would suggest a postal money order because it's in Washington DC. Do you have access to the old postal books where you can ask a question and find out where those you can you can look you can look in the archives of the postal bulletin at they'll let you read the archived articles but a lot of the manuals have gone away because when I was first a postmaster in 1998 the the POM and the ASM the post office operating manual and the administrative manual I haven't been able to find them online and so I don't know if they absolved them or if they just took them out of print or what but I have a question a lot of the small numbers lost as much. During the Great Depression a lot of people lost their trust in banks and the post office was the bank for many people in this country because of lack of trust in the Federal Reserve System. I have a question. Where is the USP-O headquartered? Is that still in Philadelphia because I believe that Philly was the original republic seat of the nation? Well that that that is what Antibon Wright still claims is that our capitalist Philadelphia. Okay but is the US Postal is the is the United States Post Office still in Philadelphia? He claims for son is a postmaster at an office in Philadelphia. I keep trying to find out from people that are close to Ana where exactly this office is and no one has been able to provide me with any information because I said I would travel to Philadelphia and talk to the man face to face because I would like to have some answers and question him. Now when I had my office in the neighboring town the plaque said the United States Post Office. The safe said the United States Post Office but the sign above the windows said USPS. It was all taking a post office. I have an old post office here. The building is like a hundred years old and as far as I know it is a post office and it always was a post office. There's two windows. They say one is for mail and one is for parcels but there are two windows and they look off to get their ear. I know that my office too and I only always open just the one. Yeah but there was but there's two windows and these windows are open however there's never anyone at the other window. I'm wondering if that other window is the original United States Post Office. It could be Paul but they taught me as a postmaster as 17 and a half years nothing about the UPU only what I would read in the international mail manual on international mail. Okay anyway I'm done with my questions. I'm sorry for interrupting. [silence] Go ahead Shane. I broke. I broke it. I interrupted and I broke it. Damn it. I hate it when I did that. Well it looks it's pretty clear to me they're hiding something. Yeah. I'd love to know if that old institution is still drawing off a different like to say the treasury or it has. I've heard often that the bank or the U.S. Post Office or the United States Post Office has its own bank. Not that I'm aware of. I'm aware of my retirement comes from the OPM and that as part of the IMF and it clearly says the OPM is part of the IMF. Take a look at the chat once. I don't have access to a chat. I don't think. I just typed into a search bar where is the United States Post Office. Under the explanation the last sentence is United States federal by start back further. Post Post up here. United States Postal Service USPS is known as the Post Office, U.S. mail or postal service. It is an independent agency of the executive branch of the United States federal government responsible for providing postal service in the United States, comma it's in similar areas and it's associated states. No lie in everybody because it's not part of the United States federal government. It is it's a corporation. Why the United States corporation? Yeah but they have to go to Congress and get the Congress to say yay and nay over the price increases which are happening this this this Sunday and again yep going up to 70 73 or 78 I forget which. I was more looking at the United States it's in similar areas and it's associated states smallest. A lot of piece of paper and a filing cabinet. Yeah I think I get what you're what you're getting at Andy. It's associated states is a small S state. It's insular areas and it's associated states associated how. So the United States Postal Service USPS also known as the Post Office, U.S. mail or postal service is an independent agency of the executive branch of the United States federal government and United States is not in all caps. United States is in name case but federal government is all in lower case responsible for providing postal service in the United States name case is it's insular areas and it's associated states that I believe is a statement of the republic of the United States of America they just omitted of America. Maybe we should invite that Harold S. Gould dude on and he can explain it all. Russell J. Gould and no. I'm joking. Let's not let's not and say we did. So my wife and I changed our address. We dropped our address. We have a non-domestic mail stop with sign on our mailbox on the street with a rural route and our street, you know, the number of the house and it's in the postal code. One of our friends, you know, he trains on that and he taught us what to do and we did it and we get our mail. We don't have a zip code anymore. Dave, did you change your house number to something else and rename the actual location of your land to something else? Because what I'm doing is the easement is their address. Everything inside of my plat map survey I'm re-changing and I've changed mine to a peel box in care of peel box. I have no access to a mailbox facility added on that. They actually have directions in the postal code on how to change to remove your address and have a non-domestic mail stop. So I don't know, you know, I don't know how I couldn't tell you how we did it but I know we got those directions. He showed us right in the manual. I don't know what manual but, you know, where it was. What? Okay, you learned it on rumble. Was that from Lustika? So Joel Lustika has this process on his rumble channel on how to get a non-domestic mail stop. I'm pretty sure that's what it's called. Non-commercial non-domestic and there's no zip code anymore. The zip code is a trademark phrase. Yeah, that's why you use the postal code. I haven't taken down my address yet but when I put up a new trespass sign on my main gate, I put on there that this is part of original land patent and then the patent number. So if anybody got in industrious, they'd have to go down to the county and look me up and find out that land patent number and find out where I sit in it. That sounds good. But I still have there on a corrupt for me too but I think after I file the new land patent and allodial rights, I am going to pull those down. I suppose we could put our meats and bounds right on the box out front without any numbers or anything, right? Yes, you could do that. I just figured that if they look up the land patent and they have my name, that's the only way they're going to be able to find the meats and bounds. I actually know they could go to... I'm sure the county survey has it because it does. Yes, so they wouldn't have to go quite maybe that far but it's just actually my need. My deed, we have a covenant deed and it doesn't say that we're tenants and it says we can leave our property to our heirs and assigns and it has our meats and bounds on it and that is recorded at the county. Yeah, all do we need is more time with governors like Whitmer and Newsom to keep breaking this stuff. We need to start to go in the other direction with it and yeah meats and bounds would be a good way or the original land patents. Just put that up front and I've also heard that trespassing is not probably the proper term in common law. It was trespassing. Stuff like that. They're devious factors. I learned that from Chris Cave change. If you've got an ING on your side, black it out. Right. My understanding takes it from a misdemeanor to a felony. That's correct. Yeah, it's criminal trespass. Yeah, the other thing I'm going to be adding to my paperwork for the allodial title is taking the inheritance through Jesus Christ as a Christian and as a national and see how that flies with him. But ultimately, if I can figure out the postal money order and I can prove that I discharged my debt, now I don't have the color of the money involved, the color of titles gone. So there's really nothing left at some point. My name, et cetera, all that stuff, if I take care of all of that, I don't see where if I make the claim that I do not own a property tax, I don't know what kind of ground they could stand on to say that I do. Because all of it's color of law. That's why they've changed all this stuff. I'm sorry, Samuel. Joe Listica did a TikTok recently about the word land versus property. He says a lot of people don't understand that their property. But then again, when you look at the original term that they wanted us to be able to own property in the Constitution, right? But the plant maps. I think the property is what you have on your land. It's all encompassing. Is the property you don't own? I have a definition of land in my quick claim deed for my paperwork for the allodial title, which is quick claiming it from Samuel the citizen to Samuel the national. And in there it describes what land is. And it's a description that it's a bit ethereal, but it's taken from real law. Because technically this thing goes indefinitely into the ground and into the air. And if you brought a D8 out and you scooped up all the dirt and took it away, it's still there. Yeah, I was looking up this morning fee simple because my property, when I go to the appraiser's plant stuff and looked at it and said that the ownership is in fee simple. I was like, fee simple, what does that mean? Yep, you don't own anything to anybody. But if you want a good definition of land, there's one in the book of the hundreds in the definition area. If I may? Well, it means. If we had property would be something that we would create, that would be what we've created. I would believe that would be our property. I can't make land. I know that's God given, but we are to create a yield. And that's right to fend off the CPS. You tell them that your children are your property and they pretty much leave you alone. I'm sorry. Can I jump in here? Absolutely jump on in. One of the guests that I have and one of the people that will be promoting their show is Carl Lentz, did you read that and follow Carl Lentz in order to learn that? No, I learned that from Hartford Van Dyke. But I do know who Carl Lentz is. This is Alan, right? Yeah, you bet. Yeah, I know Carl Lentz. I don't really, you know, I haven't really followed his work. Well, I can tell you how, I can tell you how he bumped into it because it was kind of the establishment of his realization of having a dual class or dual citizen or dual meanings and puns within the law. And the purpose is exactly what everyone's been talking about. The purpose is to be able to abuse the law. But nonetheless, how he had found out is children were taken away. I can't tell you exactly what ongoing chronic illness one of them had. But basically that was the reason why CPS ever got involved to begin with. Eventually, they took the children claiming the best or claiming that. And he finally went into court and he asked them, whose children was that? And sure enough, they fought for it. They said, your children, you mean what's proper to me. And the word proper to me is property. You get it? It was a fascinating story. It was a fascinating story. And basically, he is speaking of the original rights. You can invoke these without having invoked being a national. And they call that common law. In other words, what has before is now again, okay? And basically, he has applied the rule of principle to the common law and then applied that to statutory law, basically effectively creating a national status while maintaining his citizenship. So, it's a very interesting approach. But there is more than one way of skidding a rabbit. I'll allow you to. Samuel, I'm wondering if you'll endeavor the land, patent, and organ. The organ treaty was in an agreement between Britain and the United States. It came into force on the 15th of June, 1846. It formalized the border between the United States and the British North America, west of the Rocky Mountains. That extended the border along the 49th parallel to the Pacific Ocean and down the middle of the channel that separates Vancouver Island and the mainland. The treaty resolved the important dispute between the two nations. And I mentioned that because I think if you're going to be involved with land patents, you might look into that and how it affects your land patent. And I know that Ron Gibson said that he set precedent when he got his last led land patent. And that you could not get a lat land patent in the 13 colonies that are still there today, but for states now. Because that was given to by Britain to the United States. Not the other territories. I hope that helps. Well, that's why I ultimately want Jesus Christ as my inheritance of the land, because that supersedes all men's bullshit when it comes to their treaties and what they think they are, and what they, you know, I mean, ultimately, that's your best protection. If anybody's interested, I will be putting it in the chat and the chat tango. And Samuel, just to add to that, it's the blood inheritance. Thank you. And all these treaties and et cetera, et cetera, these are pretty much right by what the king was saying, as well as might. I also read that one of the reasons that property was dropped from the Constitution is because the older gentlemen decided that that was not something that there were even about to discuss because it was so important to them that it wasn't even becoming up in the document because it was considered an absolute. So it wasn't up for debate. That's why they dropped property. Jimmy, you're making an echo? Oh, sir. See, I mean, I thought it was because of slavery that they dropped the word property. That it would be codifying it. I'm sure that may have something to do with it as well. But when you're looking at the original 13 colonies, there's not that much going on with slavery adjust yet, even though there are some indentured servants and stuff in these new established groups that came here. But a lot of that was biblical. There's rules to slavery. They're in the Bible. If you have an indentured servant or a slave, a lot of times that's an agreement, and it's a contract, just like our citizenship, and not much different. But happiness, I'm going to make the statement in my stuff that my happiness is my land. How can a man be happy without a thing that produces everything that we know in the physical world? That's really the thing that we came away from in this country is land ownership. It was really the key to everything. Changing it to happiness is a way of keeping it out of the argument, yet still protecting it. At least, it seems plausible for me. It could also be extended to your right to travel. I'm pursuing my happiness. Exactly. Samuel, I don't know if you're aware of a guy that lived in California, Charlie Sprinkle, who served the great governor, not the great governor, the horrible governor, the corrupt governor, Ronald Reagan, and his wife to let him be and let him enjoy his God-given rights for traveling, and he got a black limousine in front of his house, stating that the state will no longer bother you. Some black men in black came from Ronald Reagan and told him, "We will no longer bother you." He immediately got in his car and passed a highway patrolman at 100 miles an hour as he was going probably 65. The CHP pulled him over and asked him, "Is there anything we can do for you today, Mr. Charlie Sprinkle?" He has lots of info how he served the governor. You can look up Charlie Sprinkle info on the web, and it has all his documents. They might be helpful to you as far as serving the governor, I yield. It is very true. When you go to another country, especially those third world countries, we call them very poor people. I have done evangelism and all that, and most of them did a two or three generation. We have a great, great grandfathers, man, and yes, they don't have the latest car or don't have a car, or don't have a certain furniture or they live in a very humble dwelling. They have everything they need, but we come from the western nice country, and we think they are struggling and suffering, and they really are unsubsistance, but you see them smiling more, they gather at the evening, around the land with their kids or many kids and their animals. They were a little uptick for us that were used to more modern things. We could be happy too, but I see most people don't have their own land, and they don't know even how to function in the top of the land, and they're looking for happiness and something else, and we have lost our way in so many ways, but I have a different perspective now when I see those third roads. I haven't been for many years, but in many ways they're better shaping us, not so much in the material things, but having their own property, they do what they want with their kids, they do whatever they want, they want to build a dog house, or they want to do anything, or have a cornfield, a cattle, they don't have to ask permission for nobody, even when they have a semi-detater or little tyrant in that small country, they still are more free in many aspects, more than us. [silence] [silence] [silence] [silence] [silence] [silence] Earlier, Mark was discouraging the word elite, and I have to completely agree. God definitely doesn't look at him as elites. [silence] If you break down that word elite, E-L, God, and the I-T-E-S is the description of the people, like the Moabites, besides so elite, they are playing God here. [silence] [silence] [silence] Samuel, have you named her land, or asked the creator her name? [silence] Don't have it. Good idea. Does it think about that, or pray about that, better? Yes, lift it up to him. Yeah. [silence] And do please bring forward when he names it for you. That'd be lovely. Thank you. Did you get that info on Charlie Springville? Yeah. I'm working. I'm out here in the 100, whatever we got today. It seems worse than yesterday, but it's not even as warm as yesterday yet. Yeah. 104. We're at 104. Well, in the shares. Oh, just think God it ain't 110 in the shape you have to sing the song. Well, give it time. It's only 12, 14 here. [laughter] Usually peaks around four. Three to four. Seems like it's been peaking earlier than normal. I don't quite get that. It's a little different when it's just hot. [silence] [silence] [silence] Oh, geez. It's a bondo challenging situation to mix bondo in this heat. [silence] [silence] [silence] [silence] [silence] [silence] It's 75 in this shade here, and I wish I had a hammock. I had to put it up under the trees, and I could take a nap outside. [silence] [silence] [silence] [silence] Hey, did anybody take the time to watch that DMSO video? I got out there. [silence] [silence] [silence] [silence] [silence] [silence] [silence]