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Radio Ranch with Roger Sayles


2h 2m
Broadcast on:
04 Jul 2024
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Welcome to the Radio Ranch with Roger Sales. We'll be doing an archive today from July 4th, 2023, with special guest Glenn Ambort, Roger and Glenn discuss all kinds of fun things. Enjoy this show. Free representation of this mirror stream on Global Voice Radio Network is funded in part by for the quality, ultra-mito and more mito line of products. It's also funded in part by for the natural action quality line of water structuring devices. It's also funded in part by and the Price International Terahertz frequency wand, the ITerraCare Classic. For more information, please stay tuned. We'll be getting started in just a moment. The ITerraCare device has the ability to awaken dormant stem cells in the bone marrow. Yes, we have slipping stem cells in our bone marrow. As you keep blowing this under spine, you're activating these stem cells and guess what? You're going to create brand new lungs, brand new kidneys. Eventually, as you keep using this over time, you will have brand new organs, glands and tissues in your bodies. And that's a great news. You have to keep blowing this on your spine because this is what the great Hippocrates said. There's a way to hit the bones then all diseases can be treated. Activate that, awaken that stem cells in your bone marrow. Hit the bones using the future of medicine, which is frequency. Hit the bones using frequency medicine. Yes, guys, we have decoded the secret to for every young and healthy body. This is your time. Grab your wand device right now. For more information on the ITerraCare Classic Terahertz frequency wand, go to That's Thanks the rich, feed the poor, tell her I know rich no more. Yes, we'd love to change the world and we are trying. We're giving it our best shot. Welcome to the Radio Ranch with Projorsales on and Global Voice Radio Network among other platforms. Today, we're going to be doing an archive of July 4th, 2023. Rogers, longtime friend, mentor and teacher, Glenn Amboard, joins him on the show today. It was such an enjoyable show. We decided to do it again. The platforms we're on are of course Thanks to Pastor Eli James, Global Voice Radio Network, of course, those links are available on That is the matrix docs or It's the same place. We're also on radio soapbox from Europe and we're on 106.9 WBOU FM in Chicago. We're also on and Those are thanks to our relationship with WDRN productions in Fort Collins, Colorado. We're also on GoLiveTV and StreamLife.Tube. It's GoLiveTV and StreamLife.Tube. StreamLife incidentally has, I believe it's 120 or 150,000 listeners a day, maybe? I'm not sure. Big number, big number. For more information on the topics discussed, please go to That is the or You can also find a link to join us during a live show, which is not today. This is an archive, but you can find the links to join us on free conference call or on Zoom. You'll find those right on That being said, let's get on with the archive on the radio ranch. We're connected. We're connected. We're going to do a little music, a little lullaby, a little little lullaby. We're connected. We're connected. We're connected. We're connected. We're connected. We're connected. We're connected. We're connected. We're connected. We're connected. We're connected. We're connected. We're connected. We're connected. We're connected. Oh, have caused this. Oh, who can answer at the throne of God? The kings and the nobles of the land have done it. Here at Not Heaven, thy ministers have done it. Yes, they have. All the above. Okay, as Lorena tails out, I'll say good morning and Roger sails the absence yesterday, but present today and accounted for, I guess I used to say that present accounted for. Had a little snafu in the electrical deal. It wasn't a snafu. I think it was planned. They must have needed to do something of substation or something like that. Maybe new construction. Heck, who knows? Anyway, the end of the story was I had no juice until after 12. I hung around until 12 thinking it might come back on early, you know, and after that, I took off for lunch and by the time I got back later in the afternoon, it was back on. So here we are. No harm, no foul. And I knew when it happened that a bunch of you guys, you know, always think the worst that the massage is coming visited me or something. But no, no, no such thing. Just a little common electrical outage. Of course, we could have a tornado, you know, not a tornado volcano or earthquake or any of the things that, you know, potentially could happen down here. But it was not the case. There you go. Give us a whole bunch of other stuff. Yeah, well, well, next time you'll have some options, you know. So anyway, I was I was listening, of course, we're on the radio ranch. It is July the 4th. And we're on who knows where all this morning. Paul can probably tell us I was supposed to have Glenn with us. I don't know if he showed up yet or not. Is he? All right. Well, big glens here. Well, that's good. Always always a real pleasure. You know, I was, you guys send me, you know, so much stuff, most about it. I can't get to quite frankly. But one of you sent me a YouTube video on Mark Twain sayings. I was listening to that here this morning. And I thought one of them was particularly good. He said, eat a raw frog first thing in the morning. And then nothing else worse can happen to you all day, which has a ring to it. Yesterday, I was real P. out. Hey, Glenn, welcome aboard, buddy. I was real P. out yesterday because there was a whole bunch of stuff I wanted to talk about. Of course, we got John with the one testimonials and all that stuff on Monday. But I was really wanting to talk about some of these things that happened last week with the Supreme Court and Robert Barnes. And some of you had seen the Clarence Thomas auto biographer auto biographical documentary, I guess is how you label that. And all those things. We can talk about it later as we get on the week today. Being July the 4th, I've got my old friend, dear friend Glenn Ambort with us. And happy to get him on the show. We don't have that opportunity very often. And we want to kind of do a bit of a commemoration here on top of letting you guys get to meet Glenn. A commemoration because today was the I what do you say you commemorate is an anniversary. It's a remembrance, I think maybe better word of the guy that without him, none of us would be here. Okay. And that was John W. Benson both Glenn and my teacher who had such a dramatic impact on I guess both of us I'm sure Glenn say same thing. Glenn, welcome aboard my friend to hit your mute off. And let me say hello to you here publicly, if you could. There's a little mute. There you are. Hey, man. Okay, can you hear me? Loud and clear. Loud and clear. This is the ninth, ninth memorial for John passing on July 4th, the same day or date on which Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, the two early presidents of our nation died on the same date. So it's fitting that John would choose to or the Lord would choose to take John on the same day as those two great patriots. Glenn and I have talked about it over the years. And I think both of us feel that he willed himself to die on that day. He was obviously very aware of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams in that situation. And what a very meek and mild mannered man that has, you know, potentially such a huge impact because of his dedication through his life. You know, Glenn, I've thought about this a number of times as the chance that we're here. Okay. And a lot of people on our conversations here, we've talked about the spiritual mild posts along this entire journey, starting all the way back to when John was a young man in his patriarchal blessing. But as I thought about it one day, I was thinking, you know, back in 1992, there's probably about 300 million people in the country. Does that sound right? Yeah, it sounds right to me. Okay. Well, in the six months you were teaching, you had 1200 students, I believe you told me. And something like 1000 to 1200, I'm not sure exactly the number but the IRS kept good number. Well, out of those 1200 in that six months, I was the only one that took this further. And I'm not patting myself on the back. I don't really know how this has all happened, quite frankly. But if it wouldn't have been for that, this message wouldn't be out there, folks. That's true. Okay. That's true. So there's your, there's your percentages. I'm not the mathematician type. But if you want to go back and apply those numbers and come up with some sort of a chance or whatever, it's pretty darn slim. Okay. And so I'm very grateful. I feel like I've been guided along that. And you know, really, of course, John being the progenitor, both the teacher of Glenn and myself. And but without Glenn, John's information would have ended up thrown into the trash out of a closet when he passed away. Okay. Because he was not the promoter and he wasn't the get out. And he was great at what he did. But those weren't some of his strong points. And it's just all of these little factors that work into and play into the very slim chance that we know this information on much less to have a platform to teach it from. And Glenn, one of my goals here is to make sure this information is never lost them to get it as indelibly in people's minds all over the world as the numbers will allow. And for this information to continue to be exposed and understood so that we too, you know, this whole thing's based on dialectics. So you can get like a jujitsu master with them, you know, really. And the one that always comes to mind for me is never again. Never again. Okay. So audience, I wanted you to meet Glenn. We don't even he comes on the air occasionally, not too often. It's kind of gone off in other directions and whatnot. But today's special significance, I was able to leverage him under the shower. And I'm always pleased to do a show with you, my old friend. Well, it's a pleasure, my pleasure to be here. So what would you like to talk about this morning? Well, I suppose that it's a, it's meeting the same old, old song. But how I came to meet John was very significant for me because I wasn't looking to learn anything about taxes or freedom or anything like that. I was a Mormon at the time that was in 1991. I was living in Bullhead City, Arizona, which is a very, very hot place. And when I say hot, I'm talking about temperature wise. I remember one, one summer I was there. There were over a hundred days in a row where the lowest temperature day or night was above a hundred. So we were baking it. And that Fourth of July, I was on the Nevada side of the Colorado River because Bullhead City is right on the cusp of Arizona and Nevada. And we were over, a bunch of us were over on the river, you know, trying to keep cool and it was 124 degrees in the shade that way. So when I say it was a hot old time with John, I mean that in the literal sense, the purest of senses. Yeah. So I was down in Bullhead City and I had become a Mormon. I don't know that I was ever a very good Mormon, but I was such as I was, I was a Mormon at the time. And I wanted to go to the temple. In fact, I had gone to the temple and the Mormons are a temple going kind of the people. And I went to the temple. And one of the things you have to do when you when you want to go to the temple and if you're a Mormon is you have to go through, get it what they call a temple recommend. It's a little card about the size of a credit card or debit card. And you have to be interviewed by your bishop, which is like your local priest in your local congregation. He's your bishop there. And he asked you a number of questions. And one of the questions he asked, are you current with all your legal obligations to the taxing authorities? Have you paid all your taxes? And that was a tough one for me. I thought I was because, but I wanted to make sure because so when when John when I had occasion to meet John, I asked John, which was in about September of 1991, I said, John, do you know anything about taxes, income taxes? He says, Oh, a little he says, I'll send you a 30 page brief, a little, which I'm going to get you a copy of. Okay. Well, by the way, as it as Yahweh, my term for God, the father Yahweh would have, I obtained a copy of our first workbook. You remember our workbook for the tabs? Yeah, I didn't know if Darryl found one or not. I thought I had sent him one and a couple in those boxes of books. I sent him and then he couldn't find it. So maybe he did find it. No, Darryl didn't find it. But I was sitting in my lazy boy chair where I do my scripture reading. I read, you know, I read the Bible in a digital form. You know, I don't have an actual paper Bible. And the thought came to me to call one of my friends down in Arizona in, you know, when they when they get to be almost 84, they they mix up the state. So I mixed up Florida and Arizona, but my friend, my friend lives in in Florida. So I called him, my friend in Florida says, you know, I got the impression. Did John or I or Roger or anybody ever send you a copy of our workbook? He says, yeah, I've got a scanned into my computer. Oh, my Lord. So he sent me the scan. You need, you need to get that to me. Because you know who wants that is Josh Wall builder to put on SEDM. Okay, I'll do that. And I know in the boy, I really will mix up this name all the time. But I hope she'll forgive me. Ms. Dasha. Yes. Say it again, honey. It's Ms. Dasha. She's here again. Hi, Glenn. Good morning. Okay. I got interrupted. So everybody stay off the line for a second while you pronounce that name. So I get it's Nastasha Nastasha Nastasha is that is that that's a Slavic name like like a Russian or something like that. It is. Yeah, it's a beautiful name. And just so I put my biases on this, I happen to favor Russia and this Ukraine war. So if you're right, man, I do the same. You know, Glenn, I heard a real big. Oh, X NSA commentator on AJ a couple of weeks ago, very skilled guy, very knowledgeable. And he made the statement in his talk. He said, I think Putin is the finest statesmen and world politician in the last 100 years. And I totally agree with him. Well, you know, war is not fun. And we know even, you know, I'm I'm old enough to be in the Vietnam era. And we had our the, you know, the my lie massacre where we hid all those stories. And I don't want to go into that. But the point I'm trying to make is war is not fun. And when you get into a situation where men or women are given free reign to take their guns out and shoot murder and well, in war, they don't call it murder. But seems like it's a legal distinction that is missed on me. The the when you let men and women lose like that and their their emotions get, you know, to the surface, many are oftentimes they will do, you know, terrible, terrible things on all sides. So I'm sure that the Russians have done some things in this war that that Putin would not like them to have done. And and the Ukraine's have done the same thing. And and we have done it in all war war is a nasty business. And so I don't wish anything. I don't wish that war to go on. But and I don't want to get sidetracked into that. But but it's a beautiful name, Nastasha. And if I can remember to pronounce it right, I hope you'll forgive me if I mess up sometimes. We we turn we've turned Nastasha into law library rat. Well, she would she would be a law library rat in any law school. I can tell you that I absolutely love my first entry into the law library at UCLA law school where I went to school for a year. And I'm kidding. But the law library is a is a is a beautiful thing if you use property and a dreadful thing if it's used improperly with sir. It's what what is going on today. So the point is that I when John sent me a 30 page brief, which we labeled later the Thomas Jefferson brief, because he he had written it for a guy who had been convicted of or pled guilty. I'm not sure which to a failure to file his tax returns up. I've been connected as I recall. And he got in touch with John. John lived in Aurora, Colorado, I was going to say Aurora Illinois, there I go with my strengths again. Over Colorado in a very inexpensive apartment in the what you would call the ghetto part of town because he couldn't afford much of a rent because he lived on donations only because he had quit. He used to be an accountant at the Air Force Base in in Provo, you know, it's a probably or Ogden, Utah, whatever that Air Force Base is up there. I've forgotten the name of it now. Hill, I think it's Hill Air Force Base. Is that right? Some of you who know those things. And he ended up being hired by one of the army suppliers because he was saving so much money for the army that the that the supplier said, it's cheaper for me to hire you. It's a need you with the army because it's costing me so much in your audits working for him. And then when he got involved in this trying to find out the truth about income taxes, he needed so much time to do his study, the quitting his job and living in a in a warehouse, a carpet warehouse is sleeping on a, you know, roll or not a roll, but a bunch of carpets put together and working in the researching in the Denver Law School Law Library. Glenn, I tell that story to try and get across to people, the sacrifices that have been made along the path here. And John, if I remember right, lived in that warehouse, one of his buddies had a carpet company at a warehouse there in the Denver area. And what 16 months? I think he said he lived in that 16 months. And for 14, 12, 14 hours a day would read court cases when his eyesight was so bad that he had to use a magnifying glass as thick as the bottom of a Coke bottle. Absolutely. That is that is absolutely true. So anyway, he sent me that 30 page Thomas Jefferson brief. And I read it and it was astounded at the information in it. And like it like you said, we need to make that available now that I've got a hold of it. And the other thing I was going to make available somehow, as you know, each year, I file a request for a determination of taxes with the General Counsel of the Internal Revenue Service in Washington, D.C. And of course, as you would probably guess, it's a little bit unusual. It's not your standard run of the mill 1040, I can assure you. And I've been hesitant to publicize that or make it available to people. Because as sure as you use that to file, some adventure, some irisation is going to challenge you. And if you don't know how to defend against, you know, defend the thing that I file. And and I do, thanks to, thanks to John, and a little bit of study on my own. A little, a little, a little bit. And, and a good Lord. And, and I want to get into that a little bit. I don't want this to be a Bible thumping session and so forth. But I can tell you that that the stuff that has been delivered to me into my brain or my mind or whatever it is that's left up there comes from the spirit of, of Yahweh and his son Yeshua. So I can't tell you how many dramatic things, really miracles, you know, people say, you sometimes the day of miracles is gone. I used to think so too. I don't think that anymore, Roger. I don't either go in. The miracles come, but they come individually. They don't come, you know, we don't have a Yahshua walking around healing people here in the public. But it does come personally. Anyway, I got that, that material. And so I wanted to be able to go to my bishop and the stake president, the stake president is the president over maybe four or five bishops. So you kind of have a little bit of a hierarchy there. You have to get them to sign off. And each one of them, you have to say, sort of under the penalty of perjury before God, that you're up to date on your taxes. And so I was able to say that after I had studied with John with much more conviction than I was before, before I thought I was. But the truth of the matter is, I hadn't filed returns. The IRS said in my court case since 1975. And this was 1991. So I was a little bit out of date. But I never let it bother me too much. So that's how I came to know John. And the first time, have you, have you told that story about how I called him up? Well, I don't know that I have, I probably have, but I'm sure they'd rather hear it from you. Well, I was helping this guy out. I was, I was the second assistant or the assistant in what they call the elders core, which is a group of men in the Mormon church in that little parish there, if you will, they don't call it a parish. They call it a, I forget even what they call it, the ward. I'm getting to be 84. So I can remember what that what happened, you know, 50 years ago, but I don't know what I had for breakfast sometimes. A live, a live frog. I may have had it. And it wouldn't have been made my day bad because I would have forgotten I had it. But anyway, anyway, getting down to the nub here, I was able to tell the, the, the state president and the bishop that I, that I was current with my tax obligations. I didn't say I was current with my tax returns, because they would expect what showed me your return returns and didn't have returns to give them because the tax code is a marvelous piece of absolute fraud from beginning to end. And, you know, there's so much truth hidden in it that you'd never, you'd never find it if you didn't know what you were looking for. Very true. It took a guy like John to be able to help me to sort all that out. Now, John was the, the legal researcher who would research all the substantive law and by substantive law, I mean this, there's two kinds of laws in the courts. One is substance law, that's the real law, what the law is requires you to do and not do and so forth and so on. And then there's procedural law, procedural law is how you litigate the substantive law in the courts. And today, it's all about procedural law. The substantive law has gone by the boards. We don't have any substantive law anymore. I mean, we have a substantive law which says you can't come into the country unless you come in a certain, certain way. But does anybody who's in full possession of all their mental faculties believe that people obey those laws anymore? No one does. So the substantive law for people coming into the country is absolutely ignored. And we have these little procedures. Well, when they come in, you have to do this and this and this. And then I was watching a commentary the other day by Trucker Carlson, who's absolutely great. Oh, fabulous. About the 50 people that Governor DeSantis sent from aliens on documented aliens up from Florida to Martha's Vineyard. And there were 50 people if he chartered or some people chartered a plane and sent it up there. And that landed at Martha's Vineyard. And I guess within 48 hours, they had been relocated to a military base into the brig, what we call the prison, but it's a brig. And so this is this is probably the liberalest, whitest, richest area in the United States. Martha's Vineyard. And you know, they have all these signs, you know, all people, all, you know, black lives matter and this that and there's an absolutely black lives do matter as to white white lives and red red lives and yellow lives and everybody else's lives. But all these welcoming signs and all that sort of thing, but within 48 hours, those those 50 people, you know, they had because it was off season, they had over a thousand beds available. And they said, we don't have room to house these people. They had over a thousand vacant beds. You got to listen to Tucker Carlson. It's just he's just fabulous his presentation. And within 48 hours, they were in a military base on Cape Cod in the brig in in the well, I don't know if they were in the brig, but they were in confinement. And so so it's it's an absolute lie. We Biden allows them in. And then you you bring them to somewhere like this, and you find out that they don't want them there. They want them in the poor section, the poor states, where they where they won't where they won't, you know, make a fuss about them. And what Martha's Vineyard, a sanctuary city? Well, I don't you you you probably know more about that than I do. And I may have, I may have forgotten that along with my my frog breakfast. It seems like it was that I heard that in that commentary. Well, it may well have been it may it may well have been the Pope's residence for all I know it was a brilliant you got it you got to tip your hat to the Santos. That was a brilliant political stroke. It was. But anyway, I think I've got just a little bit away from topic. No, not you. You'd never do that. Well, there's so many there's so many little side roads here when you talk about this. When they're 83 and a half, they have so many alleys and back alleys and streams and so forth that they've gone down that they can't. There isn't enough time left in their life to tell all the stories they've got piled up in their brain. That's why I get the radio show. I guess. But anyway, that that that Thomas Jefferson brief caused me, you know, on occasion, I'll drift back to the topic. It caused me to go to the law library for the County of San Luis Vista, California, where I was raised as a kid. And I spent Christmas of 1991. Every day of the week, I think they're only open five days a week. Every day of the week, eight or 10 hours, however many hours it was open, searching all that John had given me, you know, in that 30 page brief. And at the end of that, that vacation I called up John, I said, John, why aren't you teaching this to all the world? He says, well, I don't know how to promote it. He he had been helping people for 15 years and he'd help you know, eight or 10 or 15 people a year who would come to him and so forth. And I says, you ought to teach this. And he says, do you know how to promote it? I says, I don't know how to promote it, but I know a buddy of mine who is. And that was Dominic Nader up in, you you heard of Dominic, didn't you, Roger? You know, Glenn, I don't know that I've heard that name before. Well, Dominic Nader, if it weren't for Dominic Nader, you should have him on the on the on the show sometime. I'll give you his emails, if you'll remind me. I notice I don't say I'll do it. I'll just remind me. If I say I'll do it, it'll go along with the frog. Dominic Nader lives up in Oregon. It's a wonderful, wonderful young. Well, he was a young man there, I guess. Let's see how old is Rob Dominic now. I guess he's in his 50s. But Dominic, do you remember Roger these? I don't know whether to call bag phones or something like that. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. No, I remember those. Yeah. This little machine and you talk and you could you could talk all over the world without paying the telephone company. Yeah, he had one of those. And that's how I'd met him. I'd met him at a convention of some kind. And he was, he is a master promoter. So I said, I'll get a hold of him. And so I got a hold of him. Anyway, the three of us made kind of a union. And Dominic started promoting that John, John Seminar. We scheduled a seminar for February of 1992 in Dallas, Texas. And we had 50 people at that seminar. And John gave the seminar there. Do you know, Glenn, I've had people that were at that seminar that have come on the show. Oh, have you? Yes. Is that right? Well, I gave an introductory meeting the night before at the hotel, a free seminar, you know, and invited every IRS agents was there or anybody knew an IRS agent to come to our seminars. And so we did it quite openly. Anyway, from that, that spread across the country, we gave for six months, we gave seminars. When I say we gave, we charged $1,500 at the time. So we didn't give. You paid the $1,500. I assume, Roger. I did. You know, I got a story about that too. But I'll let you finish. No time like the president to give it. Well, I was, you know, strange for me, because I'm just in the 60s. So you're talking about Vietnam when when we were young. And I just always knew something was wrong. See, and I never knew what it was. I'd yell at the television that the news guys and all that. And that went on through the 70s and through the 80s. Until I cross paths with you guys indirectly at a network marketing meeting fund. And some got buddy, one of these three brothers I worked with came up to me and said, income taxes illegal. And I went, Oh, yeah, sure. No, we got a tape, we got a tape. And I said, Well, I'm open minded. I'll certainly watch it. And it took them, it was in Virginia, and took them about two weeks to get that tape down there. I remember the night I watched it July 16th, 1992. Okay, that's how I met you guys. And that was a tape by a whole guy. You'll remember Al Carter, who had sponged off a Phil Marsh's information. He was a PA Y triad. But he had as Glenn's is fun to say. And everybody's got some pieces of the puzzle. And so it was July 16th of 92, a Thursday night when I watched that, I watched half of it, because that was the night of Bill Clinton's first inaugural acceptance speech. And I wanted to watch that. And I figured it'd be 20 or 30 minutes. And I'd go back and watch the tape. Well, if you'll remember, that's the longest acceptance speech by anybody in the history of American politics, you got up there and played a saxophone and all that crap for two hours. And I must not have been able I must have had something going on Friday night. This is a Thursday night, because I didn't get a chance to watch that until Saturday morning. And it's one of those mornings when you know you wake up, you don't need coffee, you bound out of bed, right? And I jumped down the stairs and I threw that tape in and watched the second half. And at the end of it, I said, if they can screw us this bad without us knowing that what else is going on. And that's where I started. And it was about two or three weeks I saw Phil Marsh, he just happened to be in Atlanta, very close to my house. And I went in, saw Phil Marsh, got some of his information, started following into it. And it was about two weeks later. So it must have been in August, early August to middle August that my deceased Jewish Russian psychiatrist friend, who was well aware of all this stuff and was trying to guide us to it, you know, and Stan Brawie was his name. And he had that Russian accent need. He goes, Brother, Roger, there's a tax meeting in town. I said, Who isn't? Who isn't? He said, I don't know. It's this guy named Benson. And I thought it was Bill Benson. And I came over there that night, Glenn got up and did the Friday night presentation and anybody that wanted to go through the seminar. And I remember you said, you said, Okay, is this seminar? And it's $1,500 with a money back guarantee, no questions asked. And I got to tell you, my intent was because I didn't have a bunch of money, but I had $1,500. And my intent was to go in there and listen and request my money back. And at the end of that Sunday night, there was no way in hell that I could request that money back. Well, you remember, it was in it was in an insurance, a Mormon guy's insurance company's office right out there by what's affectionately known in Atlanta. Many of you that have been through there have experienced this called spaghetti junction, where 285 the perimeter meets 85 that goes on up the East Coast. And that office is called the Coger Center. And it was right next to that intersection. I know exactly where that Coger Center was because I used to teach silver mind control across the street. Okay, right. Right. Glenn lived in Atlanta for a little while. Yeah, for about 10. So that's how our paths cross man. Yeah. But anyway, that's what started our teaching. And we taught for six months, and then he shut us down. They raided us and with guns. That was about in October, wasn't it? October of that year. They raided us in November. November? Okay. Yeah. Yeah, they raided us in November. And they said that we had taught 1,000 or 1,200 people. I think I think it's 1,200. Okay. You know, that that may again be a case of the frog. Anyway, we taught them and we taught people how to file the taxes that they were required to file by the IRS. So in other words, no funny business. Just file your good old 1040. And then if you genuinely had a beef, you complained about something that you didn't like or you thought it was wrong or whatever you're thinking might be, you had a right to do an administrative claim for refund, which is required. You know, whenever you deal with government agencies and you want to sue them, which is quite often these days, you have to do an administrative claim first, what they call exhaustion administrative remedies. And the reason for that is to give that administrative agency the opportunity to correct their error if they made an error. Now, 99% of the time they won't admit to an error, but you have to go through that process anyway. So the IRS, you do administrative claim by filing a refund claim, telling them how much you want back, why and what the reasons are and so forth and so on. And then if they don't give it back or they don't answer your your your your administrative claim for refund within six months, it's considered to have been denied. And you have the right then to go into the United States District Court and litigate your issue with the with the with the courts. That's exactly what we taught. But they said, well, that's a that's a crime to teach people to challenge attaches after they paid him. You know, the label that's missing here is revocation of election, but go ahead. They, you know, it's like, why bother have to have the administrative claim for refund if you're if if it's a claim, if it's a crime to use it, you know, but we did that. And they then said we were filing false and fraudulent claims. We said, what was Russell false and fraudulent? Well, I won't go into all the mishmash back and forth about false and fraudulent, but I was convicted of of of aiding and assisting people for filing false tax returns for for doing that doing the very thing that we were teaching them. Um, and when I was sentenced, when you're sentenced, they they have what they call a, um, um, judgment and judgment and commitment order. That is the court. The judge gives gives you a judgment that you're guilty. Okay. And a commitment order is a commitment committing you to the Bureau of Prisons, United States Bureau of Prisons. So that's why it's called the judgment and commitment order. So, um, when you look at the judgment and commitment order, if the person has defrauded the government of a bunch of money, guess what? They're going to have something on there called restitution and restitution is a is a biggie. And, uh, in my case, you know, and the restitution is the amount of taxes that the government lost or would have lost if you would have been successful in your venture. Well, if we're successful in our venture, they would have lost millions of dollars. You know what the restitution was for me? No, I've never heard you tell this before. And the restitution for me was zero. You know why it didn't lose anybody because everybody paid the taxes. It wasn't about, it wasn't about defrauding the government of taxes. It was, go ahead. It was to get you boys off the street. Well, um, I don't know that somebody said that exactly exactly the way you just mentioned, but, but, um, uh, we figured that if they didn't get us off the streets, we would have shut shut it shut the IRS down with so much paperwork they would have now that wasn't our intention. Our intention was to get the real message about the taxes out to the public. The income tax is perfectly legitimate on on people who make, um, income and profits. Now, income is defined as profits and gains, gains like you buy a stock at 20 and you sell it at 100 and you made $80 profit. That is taxable. That's gains. But when, when a, when a woman, um, knits, um, uh, bed spreads and sells them for $20 to the neighborhood, you can't do that anymore, but they used to be able to do that. Glenn, let me ask you a question. I want to interrupt you for a second because you left out a real important part. One of the reasons that I think they came after you guys is after the raid. You moved from Las Vegas back to Salt Lake and got out and John started running against Orrin Hatch and you started running against whoever the House of Representatives, uh, is in that area. And you guys were out on the campaign trail talking this tax stuff. Well, we were, we were, we were out of the campaign trail. That, that is certainly true. Um, I, I didn't leave that out. Uh, I didn't, you know, let me know. There's some of this come up around here because it's a, uh, uh, we discuss it because it's a way we can take on offense. You know, I figured filing the affidavit level levels, the playing field. Okay. But then you can take offensive measures. All right. Like pulling yourself out of the tax system. Um, but, uh, you guys went in before you did that. I remember you telling me years ago, you went into the supervisor of elections office and changed your voting status to electors. Do you remember that? I remember going into the, uh, to that office because there was, there was such a, it's, it's like going into a chicken coop where there were just feathers flying all over the place and they didn't have to do it. Well, we did, we did, we did do something in there and I don't remember exactly what it was now. Well, see, I'm trying to get our people to press the envelope on that. Well, what you, the point you bring up is, is, is, is, is very valid. John and I were not, were not, um, wallflowers. We didn't, we didn't just, we didn't go quietly into the night. Uh, we said, Hey, we didn't do anything wrong. Let's take it to him. So we did. And, uh, and, uh, and as you say, John is a meek and mild person. I, I have, you know, I graduated from Africa as a military and I have a little bit more at that point more than I do now, but, uh, this military thing, let's, let's go after him, John. So, so, I was, I was, when, when we came to sentencing on our taxes, I was sentenced as a ringleader because they all figured if John was left alone, he'd, he'd still be, you know, out there in Aurora doing nothing, but you, you bring Glenn along and look what happened. Things happen. Well, uh, you know, if I were, and I'm not saying this to the argumentative or anything like that, but if I were involved in, in the stuff that you're doing today and I'm not, I'm, I'm, as you said earlier in the, in the, in the introduction, God has kind of taken me in a different direction. In fact, the whole purpose of getting me into that tax movement from the, from the spiritual point of view had nothing to do with taxes and everything to do with getting me in prison to where God could talk some sense into me. And it took prison to do it. Um, because, um, you know, I guess I'm not. Well, I think half Cherokee and half Swiss. So tremendous combination. Didn't they have you 90 charges up against you? I was sentenced for, um, 69 felonies for aiding assisting in one, one felony conspiracy. So I've got 70 felony charges on my record badge of honor. Well, I'm, I'm a very bad person. Well, at least that's the way the IRS, I hope the Lord doesn't see it that way. Sounds like they might have been scared to hell of you. Well, it could be. They never, they never bothered to tell me. Of course not. Um, you know what I come to understand, Glenn, and I've, I've really come to a lot of understandings teaching this stuff really, you know, for so long. Uh, this income tax thing, it's the absolute total Achilles hail of these guys. Well, it may be, um, the, uh, John used to say, and I, and I agreed with me, says, I don't give a flip. He didn't use the, the, um, the words that we usually associate with that phrase. Um, he says, I don't give a flip whether anybody saves one dollar and income taxes. And that's not why I went into this. I went into this to find out what the truth was about the income taxes. And if it so happens that you're entitled to refunds, that's all the better, but that's not what, that's not what my purpose was. My purpose was to reveal the truth to people. And, and, and his deal, his deals, Glenn, I'm going to interrupt you again. I'm sorry. His deal was to expose people to the tax system so they could see the bigger picture of liberty. I remember him saying that. Okay. Absolutely. And that's, and that's, and that's my goal. My goal, you know, and I'm trying to carry on John's goal because John passed, and I, I believe, as you said earlier in the, uh, in the, uh, the, um, meeting that, uh, that John had, um, uh, ulterior motives, you know, at work here, he really wanted to, to do the work that God sent him to do. He was a very, very devout spiritual man. He was. Much more. I am. Um, so humble and meek and mild. Uh, yeah, really. Not, not, not much like you and me. No. No. Um, but anyway, they said we taught 1,200 people in six months, and we taught them how they could, they could, uh, mend their returns for three years and go back and make their claims, and you use the, um, the information that they had learned as the basis for their, uh, for their claim for refund. And so they, so they did that. Um, and they sent in a thousand of those from our, from our, um, from our students or 1,200, but the IRS said a trial that they had over 100,000 of those. That's right. Of the, what, let me tell the audience what they're talking about, the affidavit that they had received over 100,000 of them when John and Glenn taught 1,200. There's a Patriot community right there. Yeah, Rod. Hold on. Marka. Yeah. Didn't you say that you had some IRS agents in their two learning with you guys? No, no, they gave it. Well, I like Glenn. We offered them to come in. I'm not sure if any of them ever came in, my dear, to be honest with you, I just don't know the answer to that. I cannot, I cannot believe that they didn't have some people in filtered in there, but we offer, we offered all of our materials for them free of charge. And, and I had my office manager, Todd Grannas up in, um, Grants Pass, Oregon, called the IRS office, and I myself called the IRS office and spoke with the, uh, one of the, uh, assistance in the commissioner of internal revenue services office and offered to have them come out to our seminars and where we taught our teachers and all that sort of thing. And, um, they, um, said, well, we'll refer this to our education department. Boy, I never got it. I never got a visit from the education department. Yeah. Oh, no, you did. No, you did. I let them, I let them. They raided my offices in my own great hours with guns, fraud, and all that sort of thing. That was meant to give me an education. Exactly. So, so the, so as, as Roger just said, the whole system is corrupt. It's not because we have a corrupt system. We have as wonderful a system as mankind could have for government, civil government in our country, if it would be put into practice. But men are such that they, that they, when I say men, I'm using that in the Hebrew sense of or men included men and women. But when you said women, it don't include women. So I'm, I'm speaking as a Hebrew here, um, that when men get a hold of things and they, they can see a way to profit from it personally, guess what? Many of them will be honest and won't do it, but it only takes one to start doing it and others will see him do it. They'll fall in line. And what do we have in Congress today? If you, if you've read anything about BlackRock, you know that they're the, I think the wealthiest corporation in the world, there's, there's a whistleblower from inside BlackRock said, we can, we can buy and sell senators in Congress all day. The secret to buy them without them know, you know, without them specifically knowing they're being bought. And so that they'll do what you want them to do. So what do we have in the Congress today? You know, we, we have a Congress that, that allows, look, Congress could stop this, this border thing if they wanted to, but there are too many people being, being rewarded, right, paid, paid, or whatever it is that is going on there, that our Congress, you know, you got Trump and Trump has a lot of baggage. Don't get me wrong. We don't have any saints running for office that I can see. And certainly, um, Brother Trump, it's not a saint, but he's the, he's the least of the devils that we got to choose from. At least there's no slave owners in his background. Well, yeah, not that we found yet anyway. Who knows? Who knows? And he, and he brought this, this, this dreadful, uh, vaccine on us, you know, the warp speed and all that for the, yes, you know, now I heard Barnes and Barnes litigated the case of the Pfizer whistleblower down in Texas, and he saw the contract. And it was Pfizer that reneged on the contract. The contract he signed had all this will to be safe. It'll be delivered to be all these stipulations. And they didn't adhere to any of them. And that information outside of here in Robert Barnes, who saw the contract say it. I haven't heard anybody else mentioned. Oh, no, they won't mention it, Roger, because as, you know, the whole point of this program is that it isn't about it's about, it's about finding the truth today. And the truth is a, is a very, very rare commodity. It's elusive. I love John so much because John was a man who stood for truth. Whatever it cost, if we had to go, he said, if we have to go to prison for, for, for exposing the truth, then I'm willing to go. I never thought that would happen because I believe that that time I was, what, how old was I in 1992? Let's see for it. I was, uh, in your fifties? Well, I was born in 40 and it was 1992. So what was I 50? Somebody knew the math 52. Um, Uh, that's it for 106.9 WBOU FM Chicago. Thank you for joining us for this archive. Go to the for more information on how to follow us into the second hour. So I was, uh, you know, I still believe even at that, at that age, I still believe that if a man was innocent or a woman, a man or one was that they would never go to prison in our nation for, for, for something. Right. But that's not true today. That's not true today. Look, look at these, these, these, um, January six people, Jay six people that are in prison, so forth. Many of them, they were just peacefully marching there. But, but what have they done? They've turned that into a grand conspiracy that they, that Trump was trying to take over the capital and do away with the election and so on. You know what they really did here? You know what they really did there? They use that as a pivot point to pivot all of the after 9/11 stuff for foreign terrorists to pivot that domestically. That was the purpose of that. That's why they're adhering to it. So tenaciously. Well, you probably know a great deal more about that than I could you keep up on those things. And I, and I accept that what you say is correct. But I know that it's, it's that the country. Like I said, I'm 83 and a half years old. I never would have been my wildest dreams ever believed that the country would come to what it is today. No, this was most the country that I grew up in. And I'm not, I'm, I want to live till the Savior comes back again. Okay, so I'm, I'm not eager to die. But I got to tell you the country that we live in today, people, it's not even close to what, what, what I grew up in. No, it was a beautiful country. It's a wonderful country. Maybe it was wonderful because we didn't see all, you know, all the things that were going on. And maybe there was a lot more going on than, than we know. But I know that I loved my country at the time. The country that I see today, I love it because I love the people in it. I'm an American and I'm loving Americans. But I know that it's a sad day. That's why I could not celebrate the 4th of July. You know what I, the way I look at it, Glenn, is I, and I agree with you 100% is I fall back on the principles upon what you was founded upon. And I can always adhere and live up to those. Oh, yeah, I love, I love that the principles that are, that our country was founded on. If only we would live by them. Yes. But it's, it's not, but, but I'm not here to be mown everything in the world. And there are lots of good things about, about our country. There are good people everywhere. There are good Russians. There are good Ukrainians. There's good, everywhere. But. And consequently, the dialectic applies. Well, yeah, that's something you know a great deal about and I don't. But I do know this, that, that we're shown away. Like I said, the first reason that John and I, the first reason that I got involved in this was to make sure that I was doing right by my temple recommend, I wanted to make sure that I was not lying when I said that I'm in compliance with with your tax obligations. Yeah, that I that I was indeed in compliance and so forth. But I wanted to know for sure. And if I wasn't, I was willing to go back and file every single document that I ever was ever required to do that I didn't do at the time. Because to me, the truth was more important than, than saving a couple dollars on taxes. And, and, and John felt that too. And I love that about John. John was a saintly man. He was not a tax dodger or anything like that. He was a man who was seeking the truth. And, and truth today, we didn't, John and I didn't had no idea how difficult it was to find. But truth today, it's more more precious than pearls. Well, you know what I tell the listeners is there's no pure stream of truth in this program right here on the face of the planet. Mm hmm. Yeah. And, and, and that's what we, that's what we were all about. And, and so I, I've, I've thought of, I mentioned earlier, and like I said, I will weave back into some of the streams that I started. I thought about, you know, the fact that I have not shared what I, what I file because people, you know, might run a muck. We got a lot simpler. We got a lot simpler way to do it these days. Well, and, and so maybe you don't need myself and, and maybe mine is no good. I know, no, you're, you know, yours is very, yours is very good. I don't have any qualms with that. It's just this, yours is not for the masses. Put it that way. Ours can be applied to the masses. Well, leaving, leaving that aside, I, I thought as I was coming onto this program that what I'm probably open to doing, and probably will do if, if it's something that you guys want to do is, you know, that book, um, um, I saw so many purchase at the end of, you know, a day or two ago. Taxation by misrepresentation. Oh, yeah. Right. I thought about taking that book and adding my, um, tax thing to the back end of it as a, you know, just an appendix and, you know, add an appendix and so forth. And that way anybody who, who saw it would see, would happen, would be forced to, well, you, you never will be forced to read, but at least you'll have the opportunity to read what it was based upon by reading the taxation by misrepresentation. And then you'll have a basis for, for fighting that if you do come across the, the Nazis, the, the FBI and all that sort of thing. So I think that I'm going to do that. I'm going to, I'm going to make that available. I don't care whether people buy it. I don't care whether there's $15 or $2 or zero, you know, whatever you decide. I'll leave that up to the group because I don't want to do something that, that, that hurts. Um, your, your, your business and, um, anyway, so I'm giving, I'm giving some thought to that because that would be a way that you could have it. If you wanted it, if you wanted to use it, you could. If you don't want to use it, that's fine too. But, but I think I need to get that information out. I think John would want it out. And so I'm going to do it. What would please, John, listen, we don't have our businesses helping people understand how to get free. And I don't charge anybody for this. I've never thought I should charge anybody for freedom. Okay. And, uh, and I didn't want anybody coming back and using that as some sort of, uh, oh, and he's charging for that, you know, the PA Y Triad deal. And that took that, I took that, uh, objection right out from under him. Okay. So whatever, um, um, I'm going to make, going to make that available in format that, uh, is, you know, works for you guys. And, um, then, if people read that, uh, ahead of time, pardon me, if people read that ahead of time, and then they choose to do it, then at least they will have a basis upon which to do it. Um, Glenn, you know what really has driven me. Uh, and I've thought about it many times over all these years. And what drove me from the very start was 26 CFR 1.1 dash one a, and non resident alien and to the links they went through to put that in there. And that hooked me from that first weekend. And it drove me to where we are today. That's great. Um, so anyway, uh, those are some, some, some of my thoughts along deadline. Um, yeah, Paul, this is Paul Glenn. He's one of a, you know, it's funny. The worst interview I've ever done got the most response. Okay. How's that? Uh, and Paul came from that and we're damn glad to have him. Paul, what do you got? And I only saw part three of the worst. The parts wanted. Well, you might not have been here. Have you seen one? I have no idea. Uh, Nastasha wanted, wanted Glenn to talk about something. She wanted him to clarify something. I think she wants him to go over her proceed, his procedure on what he does with the general counsel on the IRS. Is that right, Nastasha? Um, yes, because I really value, what, I mean, I, I've read, and I'm in this process of rereading the United Slays of America. I'm going through it bit by bit. And while I'm at the law library, I'm researching. Um, and I have some of the books that are referenced in there, but I'm researching everything as I go along, including the case law that John brings up. And then also the taxation by misrepresentation. I've read that thoroughly. And I, and I love the, um, Glenn, what you wrote in the beginning, the Sun Su letter. I would, I mean, I would absolutely value, um, to, to have that information, to learn that information that you're seeking to make available. Um, I think it's vital. And so, um, I would appreciate that. Well, you could go back to also you were, you were explaining, um, I'm looking for my notes, but you were going back into talking about the difference between, um, you know, the woman knitting the blanket, um, in regards to, um, profit versus let me add some for you launch off into that, Glenn. The Supreme Court has accepted certiary on the 16th amendment case. They'll hear it the next term. Okay. On exactly what nostalgia just said on defining income. I heard Barnes talking about it at the end of this show Sunday. Okay. Um, I'm just looking through my, um, my files are okay. 2021. I think she's referring to the difference between profit versus equal exchange for a labor. Right. Well, to understand our tax laws today, you can't go to American law because that's not what our tax law is based upon. Our tax laws are based upon the, the procedures used by the, the, the crown or the king of England, queen of England, um, uh, from time immemorial to gather their taxes. And that was, that was based upon the old Jewish guitar, which is a, Roger, you probably talked about that. How we talk about it a bunch. Yeah. So that came, that came, way back in the day that the Jewish people were not allowed into England. And then, but after a while, the king realized that he had a need for them because you couldn't charge interest in England, but the Jewish merchants could charge interest. So the, the king imported them in there and they set up a separate court. They called it, it was the Jewish court of the ex checker. They then had an, had an English court of the ex checker too. And the ex checker name came from a, basically a tablecloth that, you know, they didn't have cars and all that sort of thing way back in the day that rode horses. So the, the, um, the officials of the ex checker, the, the king's accounting house would ride out and horses and pack mules and so forth and pack their books and records and, you know, to see how much land you owed and cause the taxes were based a lot on land at that point. Um, and they would hold, they would hold court out in the open or in halls or something like that. And they'd set up their tables and they'd put a tablecloth over him, you know, and it was, it had checkered spots. I think it was red, uh, black and white, but you know, um, uh, so that's where it was called. That's what, that's why people called it the court of the ex checker because the common people didn't know all the fancy names, but they could see that there was a court being held out here and they had this tablecloth that was checkered. And that's how it's got its name. Court of the ex checker. You think the court, the ex checker means something very high and fast. Well, it doesn't mean anything. It just means that the tablecloth you were identifying. Um, so that in 1856, there was a Supreme Court case called Murray's lessee versus Hoboken land and improvement company. And without going into all the details, this was a guy who was a, um, a tax collector in, uh, by the way, some of you see, some of you follow that, uh, series on TV called the chosen about the life of Christ, but way back when I haven't. Oh, you know, it's the greatest, greatest TV show I've ever seen in my life. It's about the life of Christ and it's not preachy or anything like that. It's so wonderful. But anyway, the, the tax collector in there is Matthew. Of course, Matthew was the tax collector in Jesus time, good old Matthew. He's a tax collector. Um, but the, um, this, this ex checker guy, uh, was, was the tax collector in the port of New York and he would collect the taxes coming in to the, uh, the country. Impost, imposed excise. Yeah. And, um, they used to do what they call farm the taxes and the, the, the, the, the, the predecessor of the IRS would, would estimate how many taxes we're going to come into the port of New York over the next year. And you would bid on that. Maybe they were going to have a hundred million dollars. So you would bid, you'd bid, um, just like you would auctions land, you know, in business land. So you'd bid 90 million dollars. So you, you, you'd agree to pay 90 million dollars of that, a hundred million dollars. And then anything you collected above that 90 million was yours. So they call that farming the tax. Yep. Just like they would farm a field or something like that. And you'd bid on it. Now I don't know that the numbers are accurate, but that's how they did that. They called in that in Egypt too. Oh yeah, they did that, they did that all, all over the Middle East. So anyway, this guy had gotten behind, he'd gypped the company out of the country out of three million dollars in taxes. Now remember this is in, I think it started in 1820. So that it got up to the spring port in 1856. So that's 30 years later. So imagine what three million dollars in 1820 was worth compared to today. What would that be? 300 million, it'd be a lot of money. Probably more than that. Maybe more than that. So they said, you know, they were litigating this case and whether I'm not going to go into the whole case, you can read it yourself. It's available to anybody on the internet. But what they said was we went back and we looked at the Constitution and so forth. There's nothing in there about how these laws are to be, these tax laws. The due process of tax collection. Yeah, we don't know, certainly any collection of taxes has to be done under due process of law, but what laws are they following? Well, there's nothing in the Constitution. So we looked at due process and what does due process mean? Due process means the process that was due at the time the Constitution was ratified in 1789. And then 1791, the Bill of Rights and so forth. So they said, so the processes do in taxes when the government chooses to collect taxes by non-judicial remedies, in other words, they're not going to go into court to collect it. They're going to do it administratively. Has to be the process that was due in 1789. Well, what was due in 1789? Well, we have to go back and look, look, look, look, look, look, and they cite a number of treatises, which I have read and because John had me read them. And what those treatises say on taxes, those treatises were written, some of them before, before they founded the Constitution. And they describe the English process used by the court of the Exchequer to collect their taxes. Well, getting back to the woman knitting the the scarf or the the bedspread or whatever she was knitting, the king never collected taxes from people making their livings. In other words, a servant or something like that who made so much wages or whatever from his master and he got a little silver or gold or whatever he got paid in. The the king never taxed those. The only thing he taxed was profits or imposts, you know, imports coming in and do that sort of thing or businesses who would tax them and so forth. So the the point, if you go back to the to the our own tax laws, now, now I'm segueing into what I file. I file what I call request for determination of 2022 income tax liability and for redress of grievance. That's what I titled it. And I say dear chief counsel. And I have my certified number there where I sent it to him. I sent it to the office of chief counsel. 1111 Constitution Avenue Northwest Washington, DC, 20224. And and here let me read the first couple of sentences first couple sentences because you'll you'll see how I approach it. As I understand the requirements for filing a tax return for tax year 2022. IRC's 6012 6012 requires a person to file a return if that person has received quote gross income unquote equal to or in excess of the exemption amount. Treasury regulation 1.61 dash one states gross income means all income from whatever source derived and listen to these next four words unless excluded by law. Just so you know how my mind works what's left of it. I would I certainly want to know what unless excluded by law meant they still use that they still use that we get it in bluff letters from the secretary state occasionally. Okay, so then I go to treasury regulation section 1.312 dash six B notes that there exist at least some items of quote income not taxable by the federal government under the Constitution. Hmm. Are your ears perked up yet? Ladies and gentlemen, you mean the Constitution prevents the government from taxing certain kinds of income? Wow. I don't think they taught you that in your your tax law at Harvard or civics class when they used to have it. Treasury regulation 1.262 1.265 dash one D provides and I'm not going to read it because it's a long sentence but basically what it says if you've got some of this kind of income that's not taxable and you got some income that is taxable you got to separate your you got to separate that out and tell us which is our our taxable and which are taxable and then you've got to allocate your expenses to the class of income that is taxable and the class of income that's not taxable. You've got to do that. So when you file a tax return if you think some of your income is not taxable and I think there I think your living wage income is not taxable you've got to separate that out from income that is taxable maybe you made some profits in the stock of stock market that is taxable but your your twenty thousand dollars or fifty thousand or hundred fifty thousand you made as an employee is not taxable okay they won't tell you that. So I go on and say you've got to separate that out so I said during tax year 2022 I received the following receipts. I don't say income because what would that say oh if it's income he ought to know what he's got he's got income vote and that's taxable. I said I received the following receipts and it's so so much from Social Security so much from book sales that's all the income I had by the way the income I have is under the poverty level enemy. So then I say it appears that IRC 60 65 may require that any return required to be made must be executed under penalties of perjury. I can find no reference in this provision of the intern revenue service within 26 CFR part one. Now I go into 2026 code of federal regulations part one. Congress passes all kinds of tax laws okay but they don't put them into effect. Guess who puts them into effect? The Treasury Department and the into effect by the Treasury Department can't pass laws but it passes regulations and those are contained in a body of books called the code of federal regulations CFR code of federal regulation 26 is title 26 that's the income tax code so 26 CFR is the income tax regulations part one are the regulations that pertain to income taxes because they got a whole bunch of parts one, two, three, four, five that that that 301 that are on and on and on six oh one etc. Yeah so you got to know all these things to do this and that's why I say I've hesitated to put this out there because how many people know even what what I'm talking about so far they don't even know what the code of federal regulations is not operates. Yeah so some of your people may because they're they're they're very intelligent they're educated by your your training and and some of them do it on their own also and so so I continue with my sentence so I do not know for certain whether or not this requirement applies to income a person receives from a class of income exempt under the Constitution from a part one tax and then parentheses by part one tax I always mean the graduated income tax imposed at IRC section one so I'm packing a lot of information in that that that the general counsel member I addressed this to the general counsel the general counsel will understand perfectly what I'm talking about and he will also know that I'm I'm person who who's read more than the first couple pages of the of the income tax code so I'm telegraphing to him look I and I know what you guys are doing I've telegrap that to without saying a word about it I didn't say oh I'm so bright I'm so bright I know everything done I didn't say that but what I did is I conveyed that by using terminology that they would know very few civilians would know okay so the next sense is taking this the information above into consideration together with my understanding of the laws and regulations cited I firmly believe that I'm not able to file a true complete and accurate tax return for the tax year 2022 unless I can include a statement in detail as to either receipts listed above that may not be taxable by the federal government under the Constitution so you see the problem I've got and that was my that last part was my my my my commentary that was not in the letter after investing a substantial amount of time in trying to come to a correct understanding of the tax laws remember I'm not telling this guy I don't know taxes I'm not I'm not confronting him but I'm leading him into into a blind alley you're being wise as a serpent and meek as a doves what you're doing after investing it's a substantial amount of time and trying to come to a correct understanding of the tax laws I have no idea whether any of the receipts listed above are or are not taxable by the federal government under the Constitution because part one of 26 CFR that's the income tax part of the code of federal regulation does not have any reference to 26 USC 6201 that's the assessment authority it appears to me that it does not apply to any 26 CFR part one kind of tax let me unpack that the assessment authority for the income taxes is that 6201 of the internal revenue service of the intern revenue code it says something to the effect the secretary meaning the secretary the treasury is hereby authorized and required to make all inquiries determinations and assessment of taxes imposed by this title okay that's the authority now remember he's got the assessment authority but he's also got the the authority and required to do all inquiries and determinations so if you want to know what what something in the internal revenue code means or you got to get a determination what it means who should you go to to find out well the secretary of the treasury okay but interestingly enough the regulations that would be put out under 6201 would be 26 CFR 1.6201 dash 1 what that would mean is 26 code of federal regulations for income taxes and we know it's it's income taxes because the one 1.6201 26 CFR 1.6201 one says income taxes 6201 says assessment authority dash one would be the first regulation well guess what folks there is not a single regulation in 26 CFR 1.6201 there is no regulation now why do you think they don't have a regulation for the assessment authority of income taxes in the in the code of federal regulations could it be that there is no authority to assess income taxes on people as we understand it 26 CFR it appears to me that does not apply to 26 CFR part one contacts however 26 USC 6201 however under 6201 it may be that the secretary or or his delegate is the only person authorized and required to make determinations as to whether or not the items above are or are not taxable by the federal government of the constitution so what I just told the guys look I don't know whether my income is taxable or not taxable but I got a file a return that separates out the two and I got to do that in friendly perjury well I'm not going to do that unless I know for sure so I'm coming to the guy who has the authority to do that so what have I what have I done I've led him into the just like leading a cow into a you know into the one of those things where you put him on load him onto the truck to take him to the slaughterhouse that's what I'm doing I'm loading him into the truck and and and therefore this is so disingenuous of me but let me read it to you therefore because I do not wish wish to make any mistakes poor old innocent me therefore because I do not wish to make any mistakes with regard to these important matters I request that the secretary or his authorized delegate make and send to me a determination in writing setting forth what part if any of the receipts cited above is taxable by the federal government and what part if any is not taxable by the federal government under the constitution I am aware that the government has stated clearly unequivocally before the u.s. supreme court in gm lease incorporation versus united states then I give this citation 429 us 338 1977 that all quote standard service procedures unquote are based upon the standard set forth by the supreme court and murries let's see versus hobo can land an improvement company blah blah blah okay and then I go I sort of marched them down I marched them through the course I think I think my my my my uh my uh my uh doo dad is uh well it says 10-10 page doesn't i'll bet you know more than the general counsel knows well I know what john taught me and and some so let me see what page 10 is oh no I didn't think was sent but I have the um I have the tracking numbers and where I tracked it because I never get a I used to send them certified males with a green card yeah I don't bother anymore how many years you've been doing this since 2012 and how many responses have you gotten back zero I didn't file for all years you know I'm I'm a non-filer Roger yeah me too join the crowd we got a bunch of them around here um but um but uh so anyway what I do is I think I think my my thing is about um fine page let me see five let me go to page five and see what's yeah page five sincerely blah blah blah dated April 18th 2023 and it puts in parentheses tax day 2023 closed parentheses sincerely blah blah blah blah blah blah blah in my so secure number one so I I marched them through the course and then asked them tell me what is not taxable by the federal government what is taxable by the federal government well you know you now get them to um put in writing what is taxable what is not taxable they don't want to do that they're not nope they're not going to do that now if I made three million dollars and two and a half million of it was from uh stock manipulation and missed that and the other thing and 500,000 was my salary and so forth that might be a different story but so I don't know how useful this will be to people Glenn when you were when you were gambling would that have been taxable or is that speculative gain or what do you ever think about that um I think the um when uh when you when you make a bunch of money at the casinos as I recall and I was going back sometime I think they have you file and they have the sign and they make you pay the tax when you get your receipts I believe well whatever it is yeah for those of you that don't know I know you wouldn't bring this out but I will uh Glenn uh studied game theory for a year and a half and went out professional gambling for two years and in two years he was barred from over 40 casinos from New Jersey throughout the Caribbean yeah I was I was barred from the casinos I hadn't gambled for 10 years and uh because I became a Mormon you know it was trying to be a good person and um and uh I was with a friend of mine um 10 years later up in Carson City Nevada or yeah Carson City Nevada and we went down to uh casino to have breakfast because they you know they have good food some of those right sure do and um then they went up to a table and I'm not sure whether it's blackjack or or craft's table but anyway but I I didn't I didn't go but I was watching what they were doing um and I had a red jacket on and I've become important at some point because I wasn't gambling out because I you know like I said I was a good Mormon um and um but my buddies were gambling but one of my friend the friend who lived in Carson City was sitting back at an empty table because it was morning and Sunday morning and nobody nobody was in there I don't know what the Sunday morning me was Saturday morning um but he um one of the the senior officials picked up a phone and obviously dialed to the the pit that these these people were gambling in and they said whatever you do don't let the guy in red in the red jacket put a dollar on the table that's after 10 years because you know the facial recognition all that you're in the computer and my crime say I'm not welcome at the IRS and I'm not welcome to the she knows I don't know maybe there's a connection there somewhere I don't know but anyway I think I'm going to make this available somehow Roger and I'll work with you on that okay we get Paul put it on the website if you want and one of the things I've been negligent about I just I don't want to put her on the I don't want to put her on the website I only want to put it on where people are are almost forced to read the material before they use it okay what I'm afraid of is they put it out there everybody yes and then they convict people yeah people say oh don't use that right then it's really then it's ruined yeah I understand that yeah I'm very cautious of that here too by the way that's why I preached to these guys learn the information get command of the information your freedom is in your command of the information your ability to be a belligerent claimant now let me uh I can see the time is uh is whipping on and I want to get this message out to you to um I said that I started out meeting John because I wanted to be right by my Mormon faith to um be truthful to my bishop and my stake president so that I could go into the temple which you know good Mormons want to do um I I alluded to the fact that I thought that I hope you'll understand my use of the term Yahweh and Yeshua led me into this not for taxes it was a means to get me inside the prison to slow me down and John and I were in prison together in Petersburg Virginia for about a year and a half and then John was uh sent home he was he got six years I got nine years I was the ring I was the baddie um little spark plug well uh anyway while I was there I we would we would go on Wednesdays we'd have a special time to to go we had a Mormon minister come in and talk to us or Mormon person I don't know if he's minister what he would come in and talk to us and so forth and we would see a movie or a video or we talk or do do read read the Book of Mormon or something like that we wouldn't we wouldn't read the Bible because that isn't what I don't want to say that isn't what Roman Mormons do because I'm sure they do but as a as a as a Mormon I never much read the Bible but read the Book of Mormon so one of the one of the uh they have magazines there and this is in the chapel inside the prison and so I picked up a magazine with some and threw it and I saw an advertisement for a free book that you know explaining the Bible to you and and and I'm a reader as you probably know um and the amount of reading good reading material you got inside the prisons let's say less than adequate um just terrible you you know you have all kinds of you know little pulp back paperbacks and stuff like but no real good reading material so I sent away for it it was called mystery of the ages a great book and I read it and it took about six months to come in I was actually at another institution when it finally came in I was under Lutheran in soda and I read it and it was very very very fascinating uh well maybe fascinating isn't right we're very illuminating and um about the Bible and made me made me more interested in the Bible than I had ever been but as things would go I put it aside and I got out I got out in the beginning of 2011 and um didn't think anything about that book but in 2019 I came across it on the internet and I read a lot on kindle you kindle books you know um you can get them cheaper and quicker and all that sort of thing and you can take notes and copy and paste and do all kinds of things you can't do with the paperback book but a lot of people like reading paper you know having paper in their hands I'm I'm Google I'm well I read Google too but I like the kindle so I saw it on kindle so I got it I think it was 99 cents I think there was a way of I'd try to search down further I could got it for free but I like 99 cents was worth it to have it in that kindle format so I could copy and make make make notes and all that sort of thing so I read it again and it made a profound impact on me one of the things and I'll try to bring this down to Ned real quick um one of the things that he said in there is that you know the ten commandments there's only one of them that says remember and it's the one we always forget and that's the fourth I have to say the fourth amendment the fourth the fourth commandment says remember to keep holy the Sabbath day and you know as as God meant it the seventh day in the other word Saturday from sundown on Friday to sundown on Sunday he says that's that's a test commandment he says if you don't believe anything about the Bible just start keeping the Sabbath day holy as God asked you to do in the Bible and test God out to see if he'll do it if he'll he'll he'll honor his agreements so I remember I said I'd use kindle so I went through the Bible and I put in the word Sabbath to search it out everywhere it appeared in the in the uh Bible in my my my addition of it and I don't remember exactly how many times it appears you can find it out yourself um but probably a couple hundred or whatever it was and I went through and I read every every scripture before and after you know the surrounding context of the word Sabbath through everywhere it appeared in the Bible so that I could get a feel for it was I was doing my legal research if you will I wanted to know what did the Sabbath mean what because Roger I gotta tell you I don't trust anybody anymore because there's so much fraud absolute fraud everywhere now there are some people that I've come to trust as I come to trust you and so forth but in general I don't trust anybody right off the hat I'll be courteous to them listen them and and absorb you know absorb what they what they have to say and do that but so I wanted to know for myself what the Sabbath meant and I prayed to God that he would tell me and what I came to the conclusion was that this was like a commercial contract and I hate to use those words commercial when talking about God but remember God meets people where they are and then leads them to where he wants them to be like you know leading me into the prison leading me here out of the drugs of the music business yeah yeah so I the commercial contract says Glenn you keep the Sabbath for me and this is what I'll do for you I thought well that's that's a contract so I started keeping it and I started praying you know I mean not like a monk in a monastery praying 24 hours a day or something like that but I would you know say my morning and evening prayers and sometimes at noon and you know that sort of thing and um and trying to you know keep it in the spirit with which it was meant and Roger what is your middle name Roger stokes Roger stokes sales I've got to say this in a formal manner I have prayed in my life before not a whole lot not as much as I should but I prayed but I never got answers like I got after I started keeping this Sabbath Roger stokes sales as I live and breathe and as I declare with all my soul miracles happened in my life I'll give you one example because it's one that impresses people it's not necessary the most important one but we were having a pretty dry weather up here and I have part doings with a farming operation with about 4,400 acres and so forth I don't own the 4,400 acres but I try to help them out but we were dry and so I prayed about I said Lord I said I'm keeping this Sabbath and you say that you'll keep you'll reward your people who follow you you I would like you to do something to bring rain to this farm to show people that those who keep the Sabbath you reward and you honor and so forth because everybody knows that I keep the Sabbath because they all try to give me to do things on Saturday I said it's a Sabbath I'm not doing it so I don't go out preaching it but they know a few days later we had storm come through and I have one of these apps that I can look on the phone and the computer and so forth I looked at the app and so forth and those storm clouds were directly over that farm not anywhere else just that farm wow it was stunning to me but there are all kinds of other things I do a lot of legal work in the courts and so forth and a lot of times I'm stumped on things and I will go to my knees and I will pray and I said Lord if you if it's your will and you want me to solve this thing please and Roger I go back to the forgot to say stokes Roger I go back to the computer and I'll come in two or three cases boom the case right there on top of it well I don't want to go on I just sound like I'm bragging it's over I'm not I'm trying to give credit to Yahweh and Joshua the the whole purpose that I was led into it was to try to find truth and that sort of thing and bring it in full circle around it's led me to realize that if you want to know the truth about taxes you want to know the truth about immigration want to know the truth about that you need to know the truth about everything because there's so much fraud there's so much fraud and I can tell you even the biblical scriptures that you read many times I've come to realize that the the Greek translation for me of the New Testament of the Gospels has a whole bunch of very subtle fraud in it to get the truth I had to go to a website called which you can go to Hebrewgospels1 and get the Hebrew translation and compare it with the with the Greek translation into English I hesitate to even say that but even our scriptures mislead us if you want to get back to truth when I read when I read the Old Testament for example I read a version called LSB legacy standard Bible you can get it on the I use the blue letter Bible app on the app because I read that in legacy because they use the word law Yahweh and said Lord they use the real name of God in that in that scriptures and what more important or as important they have a thing where you can click on the side and you can then see the Hebrew and it'll translate the Hebrew word for word and you can go under and do that so I do that so I can find out what God meant and so forth. I'm going too far too long on this so I won't go any further on that. Let me just say let me add something Glenn because this has happened. Okay well in my experience here and it's happened more than once. One I particularly think of is our good student Gary whose work situation changed. You can't join us anymore but they say I got on my knees and I asked God for truth and I stumbled on the length of yours. I've heard that more than once. Now the other thing that's interesting here that you'll really appreciate again I've heard more than once. One guy down here particularly that I get to see occasionally and he said you know Roger I never opened the cover of a Bible my whole life until I got into this information and he said now I'm a devout Christian. I read the Bible every day and I'm teaching my adult children who I neglected to teach this to when they were growing up. I'm teaching them this. And that's very moving to me. I should say so. I should say so. Okay Roger. Yes. Devin from Michigan. Hey Devin. Is that one of our good students here Glenn? Yeah Devin. Hi Devin. I actually want to second that. I went to a Catholic school when I was a kid. Didn't really touch it a whole lot after a whole bunch of crap as a teenager. And but all your studies here Roger brought me back. You know I just want to say that real quick. So you know I'm another case of what you're describing. Yep. Anyways I received. Well you know we had a guy and I don't get on here in preach. I teach you politics and law and the system. And I guide you to that because that's your decision not mine. Same as your freedom. Your spiritual connection is your decision. But everything we study always goes back there. Always. Yeah so that's that's my I think I dropped more than a load of hay today so I'll back up now. Well let me see if anybody's got any questions for you. I would like to say something. There's a lot of people here that are very beholden to you Glenn Airport. Without you I wouldn't be here. Well that's your way and yes you are. I'm I'm I'm nothing. Hey Roger. Hey Dave. Hey good morning everybody. I've got a new student on with me Rod from Oregon. And he's got some questions Rod are you there? Yeah can you can you hear me? Yep. All right. We'll come to my mind. I don't know where I heard this or I heard it a couple of times you're ready a couple of times. But what do you know about something about like there's over 400,000 sealed indictments that are soon going to be and I mean we I don't believe I don't believe a word of it. Okay all right. Now you've been watching you've been watching this and don't bite on this cue thing folks. That is a scyop pure and simple plain as it knows on your face if you know the enemy. So Rod as a new person stay to things you know and you can prove okay and you can't do any of that with cue stuff. Yes was that Marka? Yeah I just wanted to say thank you Glenn for jumping on. I've been looking forward to meeting you on here and I'm so glad that you're here with this because you brought Roger to us too. Well my great pleasure thank you so much for being here. I appreciate everything you guys went through and the studies that you went through it it's very inspiring. As many of you I have learned at some point if you get into this you got to put your whole life on the back burner and that's the beauty of what we do is you still do that to some extent but we've got it whittled down into concepts they're easily explainable and easily understandable that you can piece together. Yeah I'd say the tax code is a beginning process and then you expand from there and Roger is a great. Roger covers an area that John and I didn't cover and he does he does it brilliantly and I get a lot of people who come to me and tell me that they're very glad that he does it and I don't take any credit for it because we didn't we didn't he he did this on his own after the nudge from Rod from John. Well you know Glenn I often think and I've mentioned it on the program here before you and John were so focused on the tax issue and as I look back John John if he wouldn't have been so focused could have figured the Secretary of State thing out he's the one that understood the feudal system okay oh yeah if we would have known to send those affidavits to the Secretary of State first 30 years ago we may live in a different country today that's how powerful that is it could be but we just didn't know it you know yes who's trying to say something Samuel. It's Samuel yeah Glenn I'd like to thank you for coming on and I hope you grace us with your presence more often I wanted to see if you've ever considered the symbolism of that X checker table cover you know one of the most prominent symbols in the Masonic temples is the checkered floor. I wonder if if you and John ever came across any ties in I know I've never put that together for you just said it Samuel. No I know we John and I didn't no we didn't he he may have mentioned the masons once or twice but I don't recall him ever delving into it to be honest with you. Got a couple of minutes left here not many anybody got anything for Glenn. I got one. Hello Glenn. Hello Glenn nice to hear from you today. I wanted to ask how did you I know you turned to John when you were first to find out the tax information but how did you know that John knew about taxes to even ask him about it. I didn't and I asked him he came down to a seminar that we were holding on traffic seminars. I was the one of the leaders of the Mormon men's group in Bullett City and one of our members was driving without a driver's license and getting in trouble with the courts and all that sort of thing so they said Glenn they knew I knew I'd gone to law school they said Glenn would you go over and straighten out so-and-so and so I said sure so I went over there and he says well I'm not doing traffic and so I said oh you got to you got to straighten out and you got to do this you know and I gave him the pitch and he says by the way do you know anything about taxes. So when I said earlier that the Lord led me into this I never asked for any of this I was just doing what they're doing so you can see the hand of the Lord on heavy on me saying hey I want you to go over and help this guy with traffic laws and so forth and really then I'm going to get you in trouble with taxes. Thank you Lord. I got to remember remember I never had a tax problem until I met this guy and then I had one real quick so that that's how I came to know that's how I came to and then and then and then I then I searched around and I and I asked people I said do you know anybody that knows anything about taxes and they said no do you know anything about traffic law because remember it was traffic law that I was doing in the beginning so they said yeah this guy John Benson and Aurora not Illinois which state is it a Colorado and I I saw it called up ring ring ring and the answer comes up hello and I said John Benson there the response came back who wants to know and why. So I said to myself I believe I just found John Benson y'all would have you would have had to have known John to appreciate that story right there who wants to know and why John Glenn there's our Whistler I want to invite you back I know we don't get you too often but if you ever feel motivated or whatever we the audience loves to hear from you know I love to speak with you and you're welcome anytime okay well here's my answer say a prayer to the Lord and maybe he'll leave me. Good answer. I believe that the world that we would be living in the different world would have been if they would have known this information before the IRS would not have been able to lock them up. That's right and yes we will be in a completely different world because they would have been able to share the message for 15 years that they were taken out of circulation. Yep and we'll we continue to talk after the shows over here we're going to bump off the server here just in a couple of seconds Glenn but I got I got a something important to tell you on that. I'll see you all tomorrow Wednesday hopefully no electric failures. Ciao ciao.