Global Voice Radio Network's tracks

Radio Ranch with Roger Sayles


3h 1m
Broadcast on:
03 Jul 2024
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Good morning, welcome to the radio rant with Rogers Hills. We'll be getting started in a couple minutes. So much for joining us. Presentation of this Mirror Stream on Global Voice Radio Network is funded in part by for the quality, ultra-mito, and more Mito line of products. It's also funded in part by for the natural action quality line of water structuring devices. It's also funded in part by and the Price International Terrehertz Frequency Lawn, the ITERRA Care Classic. For more information, please stay tuned. We'll be getting started in just a moment. The ITERRA Care device has the ability to awaken dormant stem cells in the bone marrow. Yes, we have slipping stem cells in our bone marrow. As you keep blowing this under spine, you're activating these stem cells. And guess what? You're going to create brand new lungs, brand new kidneys. Eventually, as you keep using this over time, you will have brand new organs, glands, and tissues in your bodies. And that's a great news. You have to keep blowing this on your spine because this is what the great Hippocrates said. There's a way to hit the bones that all diseases can be treated. Activate that, awaken that stem cells in your bone marrow. Hit the bones using the future of medicine, which is frequency. Using the bones using frequency medicine, yes, guys, we have decoded the secret to forever young and healthy body. This is your time. Grab your wand device right now. For more information on the ITERRA Care Classic Terrehertz Frequency Lawn, go to That's I-T-E-R-A [MUSIC] That's the ridge, feed the pole, tell her I know, the ridge no more. [MUSIC] I have to choose to go. Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, so would we. It's changing. We're helping guide it in a little bit of a direction. I don't know how much impact we're having. You never know. You just go out and plow the row every day, Paul, so you get out there and do what you're supposed to be doing. That is what we do, and it is the radio ranch that you're tuned into here on this Wednesday, July the 3rd, one day from the big day, and Roger Sails, your host, Paul Beener, along as the guy that keeps everything together and sets a lot of stuff up too. So here we go, Paul. You want to give credit to all these platforms that you've coordinated with and got carrying our message far and wide, please? Oh, I can certainly do that. Thank you, Roger. Chief of Book and Bottle Watcher, I think that's probably my title these days. We're on 106.9 WBOU FM in Chicago, terrestrial radio, thank you, Chicago land. We'll be with you for the first hour. Go to the matrix stocks or, and then you can grab the links to follow us into the second hour. Or you can just do that right now, whatever works. We're on, thanks to Pastor Eli James. You're also on Global Voice Radio Network. The links to those two platforms are also on We're also on and That is thanks to the efforts of WDRN Productions, Fort Collins, Colorado, and that is also the avenue that will be adding the local, the low-powered, the small terrestrial radio stations peppered, literally peppered across the nation. And that's in the works. We're on golivetv and, and we're very, very pleased to have those platforms on because they literally have listeners in the six digits. And the message is getting out there, it's getting out there. The conference room is in mute mode, but anybody that wants to join us on the show, make a comment or ask a question, just press star six, and you call it yourself. Or have a conversation with Sandy on yesterday, quite the conversation on the, that's where she came in, I believe. And also, if you have a conversation that you want to discuss, or if you have a question that could turn into a rather in-depth discussion, please spell 941 to raise your hand. So, otherwise, if you just have a comment, just do star six and say, "Hey, Raj!" And then we'll mingle and mix those two approaches here. Okay. Any others, Paul? Is that all? Or have we got some in the back? No, that's it. Paul is about tomorrow and Friday. The first hour is also on radio soapbox, thanks to our friend, Paul, across the mud. Yeah. And Thursday and Friday, radio soapbox, that's great. And tomorrow at 3 p.m. Eastern, we'll be Paul English Live, and that will also be streamed on Global Voice Network and in the VPN Radio Ranch chat rooms. Oh. Okay. We've got all kinds of exciting things going on. Well, you're going to have a little bit of a lighter day tomorrow because I really have decided to just play, if we can get our hands on that Glen Amort July 4 show from Good, good, well, we're going to play that tomorrow then, and for those of you who are new and have not been introduced to Mr. Amort and he doesn't come around too awful much, he's kind of washed his hands of all this stuff and turned it over to me and is off doing other things. For those of you who haven't been introduced to Glen, you'll get a chance that tomorrow he's a really interesting fellow, very, very bright, and you will talk about John and I don't remember everything we talked about on that show, but you'll enjoy it. And then one of the reasons is we've got a big 4th of July get together. You know, I've come to the conclusion, Paul, that Jack, our dear friend Jack, in a previous life, he was a social director somewhere. And so that comes back out in his current life and he's always whipping us up into some kind of a meeting for something celebratory-wise, and of course the 4th is about the biggest one of the year, really. And so we're going to have a get together out at a friend of ours hotel by the airport and as I've got to get out there early because Walt is, Walt's going to, you know, are professional jazz trumpet player, internationally known, and he's going to play the Star Spangled Banner and some other stuff, and another one of our friends is going to read the Declaration of Independence. So you've got to get out there and set up some speaker stuff and all that kind of stuff a little early. So, and I'm riding with him because it's about, it's at least an eight or ten dollar taxi ride out there. So each way. So anyway, that's what we're going to do tomorrow. I'm going to take a shorter day off and I encourage you to also spend it with your family, maybe some of you can get out and help spread our message on such an important day that it relates to totally and completely, and hopefully it'll be a good day and be back Friday and get into the regular routine and our schedule that we hold. So anyway, that's what it looks like. Paul, did you happen to locate that little clip? Someone sent me this. I was glad they did. Yes they did. I talked about it briefly, and I'm sure that some of you have not heard this, and that's the reason I was thinking last night I needed to get it to you. It's pretty short. It's very profound. And what it is is on a part of a Q&A session that took place. I'm not sure what city he was in. I think maybe, I don't know if it's Perth or Sydney or Melbourne, on Tucker's little saucering down to Australia. He didn't know, he didn't know at a time that Julian Assange was going to be released, and I think Assange is now in Australia, and I'll bet you, Tucker probably has gotten into a place where he can interview him while he's down there and how serendipitous that was. So anyway, this is the response at the end of one of his earlier talks down there, and I'm sure some of you saw it, but they went to the question and answer session at last. And the first guy was from the Melbourne Morning Sun, I think, and Tucker just put him down immediately, and he was saying, this what he did, and he was in there demonizing Putin, "Oh, you like Putin and all this," and he's such a killer. And then he comes back and takes a Putin quote, and applies it to the current situation. And Tucker stops him and goes, "Well, hold it, you're just demonizing Mike Hell, and you're coming back and using one of his quotes to buttress your argument." Well, it shut that guy down immediately, okay? Then they had a gal that came up, and I'm not sure which of the rags down there she was associated with, but that's this clip. And if you haven't heard it, you're going to see Tucker shine here, and the audience applause is like wild when he confronts some of this stuff. So I thought that you'd enjoy it, and it's an interesting technique that Tucker kind of used his confrontation, and he didn't let her get a single inch. And you'll see it at the front, and she says something about your white supremacists, because you're talking about replacement theories for white. Well, he stopped her right there, okay? And it's a little bit of a contentious exchange, but the audience loved Tucker's side, and well, I'll let you hear it. It's a couple of minutes long, I think, and if you have not heard this, listen closely. Yeah. And speaking of clips, we do have the clip for tomorrow queued, Andy, the rock star, even though I really don't want him embarrassed, and Andy, the rock star, had that clip to me, had that link to me literally minutes after. After that, you were considering playing it. So it's been, you know, since then. Well, good. Okay. Well, let's wrap it up for the audience that did not get a chance to listen to this. And boy, if you if you weren't a Tucker Carson Carlson fan, you will be after you hear this. I think most of us are because we know he's he's a la prima vera in the journalists worldwide without it out. So whip it on. The way you talk about it, Tucker Carlson, what a nice, what a nice, I mean, he's just a nice guy. You can just tell from all of his conversation, his lifestyle and what we know about what he does. All around, good guy, you know, he wouldn't he wouldn't be on the on the TV or doing all this. He'd be out hunting and fishing somewhere. Right. Okay. Let's launch this. If there's a hiccup, it's because I'm using a different system to play it. Let's see how it works. I could Carlson, who's here right now, there was a reporter who tried a gotcha question with him and she was comprehensively embarrassed by the former Fox News host. In the past, you've talked about how white Australians, Americans, Europeans are being replaced by non white immigrants in what is often referred to as the great replacement theory. This is the same. Have I said that whites are being replaced? Well, I don't think I said that. Well, it's been mentioned on your show 4,000 times and really when did I say that? I said whites are being replaced? You have said that before, yeah, I would challenge you to cite that because I'm pretty sure I haven't said that. I said native born Americans have are being replaced, including blacks native born Americans Americans who like black Americans have been African Americans have been in the United States for in many cases, their families over 400 years and their concerns are every bit as real and valid and alive to me as the concerns of white people whose families have been there 400 years. So I've never said that whites are being replaced. Not one time and you can't cite it. We just met, but when our relationship starts with a lie, it makes it tough to be friends. So let's pull that back. I mean, have to explain what I do. You actually can't say it because I didn't say it and I don't believe it and I'm telling you that to your face. So why don't you just accept me at face value. My concern is that the people who are born in the country are on the main responsibility of its leaders. And as noted earlier, when those leaders shift their concern from the people whose responsibility is to take care of to people around the world to put their priorities above that of their own citizens, that's immoral. And they are being replaced in my country. People were born in the United States and the birth rate tells the whole story. They are not at replacement rate and so the U.S. population is growing because we're importing people from other countries and my view is that happy people have children and a functioning economy allows them to do that and we don't have that and so you need to fix the economy and fix the culture and make it so that people who want to have kids can. You don't just go for the quick sugar fix of importing new people. Like that's my position and if you think that's racist, that's your problem. I never called you a racist. But of course you are suggesting and I must say one of the reasons people don't like people like you in the media is that you never say exactly what you mean. Your slurs are all by implication and you're about to tell me the great replacement theory is racist or anti-Semitic, whatever. The whole point of your question was to be like you're a scary racist and my response is no I'm not. Okay well how about no more lying in your questions and then I'll answer it. Okay well this is the same theory or as you say idea that has inspired the New York Buffalo shooting wearing 11 underwear. Oh god come on. You know what I mean? It's okay. It's not. First of all it's inspired the worst the one of the worst Australian guys. How do they get it? The whole time. It's stupid in the media. I guess it doesn't pay well. Look I I'm sorry I've lived among people like you for too long and I I don't mean to call you call you stupid maybe you're just pretending to be but oh dear kosher if you're going to show up and make outrageous claims and try to connect Tucker Carlson to mass killers then I don't know perhaps go to the trouble of sighting a source have a direct quote from the man so otherwise you're going to look like an absolute fool. She really came across as someone who couldn't think on her feet over there she yet again this is another example of what we just talked about with the previous topic with the ABC and MTG of this adversarial style that it doesn't sound like these reporters have any experience in at all and I would layer on top of that the Socratic method which is what Tucker was doing which is of course where the professor which in this case clearly came across to be Tucker is asking the student this reporter questions that exposed us the weakness in their own arguments and she just completely fell down on that and didn't give up. I watched that whole clip till its end and she kept throwing his pre-rehears sort of canned things that she had prepared questions that she had prepared at Tucker and just wasn't able to think on her feet and respond to what he was actually saying so I think she was definitely showing up on that one Tucker is a free agent right now as well so he's really free to hit hard and he certainly didn't hold back there. Okay so that is the only part of it they played it was longer than that I thought it was the whole clip. Oh it still was great. Well yeah it's actually still playing I just have a delay I have a lag because I'm remote controlling the system that's playing that and okay it's not anyway it's not like anyway if the rest of this there you get a better idea but I think the audience if you haven't heard it got the idea you ought to be stimulated a little bit maybe to go back and search that speech up and go listen the whole speech was great by the way and then this set of questions after a while and the way the audience reacted was just classic man so I'd bless Tucker Carlson he is one of the better journalists I've ever seen really I mean he is in my eyes a few years of broadcasting under my belt he's he's Dom Perium if you will okay let me let me try and get the second half of that look from a difference we're gonna have a girl talk there I can do that here the speech yeah well yeah it's you know I thought that the girl talk was was wrapped up there let me get to the point. I see live radio folks. Yep almost to the end of the girl talk and I think that's that's the other one there we go this one and push two buttons and then we got it this one here we go okay well I don't think you have or any kind of responsibility for these hate crimes I'm sorry I'm trying to be charitable I'm trying to be charitable I was like maybe you're just pretending to be dumb now I don't think it's an act. Actually I love it I just feel sorry I mean because I got here in the country so unbelievably beautiful and the people are so cheerful and fun and cool and smart I'm like your media has got to be better than ours it can't just be a bunch of castrated robots reading questions from the boss and then it turns out is exactly the same maybe even a tiny bit dumber interesting time for the data we always I love getting your insights thank you so much for your time this evening okay I think that's the end of it right listen that whole thing is worth watching it and I mean it really is and what a what a treasure Tucker is and you know used to be used to be just kind of Alex you know there are other people inside but didn't have his high profile and reach if you will and then after his friendship then all of a sudden a broken moves to Austin and so they get to be their friends otherwise before that but all of a sudden he gets to live in the same town with him spend time with him about once a week I think they go out to eat and in doctor not indoctrinating show him the truth and put it in front of him enough or even see it so now we got Joe Rogan with this huge audience and now we got Tucker Carlson getting written off from stupid Fox and this is the New World Order's problem they come in and do something like January 6 they lie it up and line it up for their agenda and then it starts getting exposed and their lives getting exposed by this guy with 5 million a night listeners and viewers most popular host on Fox and so they come back in a knee jerk reaction when he's about to expose the film and make some concrete statements about things he's discovered about the hypocrisy of that day and how it's being used and so they firing so now instead of 5 million a night he's got like 50 to 100 million looking at his stuff so again how they how the snake eats its tail and these guys become their own worst enemies because they've got to continue to lie to cover up all the lies in the shenanigans they've pulled and at some point your lives start getting exposed and then just like this Biden thing man I mean what a circus okay and that's what's always happened throughout history and I dare say it shapes up that it's happening to him again yeah Tucker is going to win out yeah just for his dwarfing he's literally dwarfing Fox news numbers oh it's ridiculous the Fox news what about CNN he gets more in one view than see it in just in a week so quite interesting I wanted to play that and I didn't have anything else on the agenda there and so our maybe we've got some new students I really enjoyed Sandy coming on yesterday and especially in the capacity of being a national spokesperson for this organization they've got set up and maybe maybe this is one of those reverse deals where all of a sudden they find out wow we hadn't been doing things right and we didn't know that and wow is that important and and and approach our message over a existing group okay so we'll see it's I've always viewed this as an individual thing because man I can get enough people interested to ever even think about a group deal okay and I understand the dialectical principles of this much more so than certainly new people and realizing I understand why them and and and the other people have gone after groups but this is an individual thing we can't have a group until we got a lot of strong individuals because everybody's got to have some sort of a command of these elements of the truth here or else you're all talking against each other and you don't know what the other person's saying because you don't understand how they've put screwy definitions in on these words and all the other repercussions that come from that approach so I've always been an individual at a time knowing that at some point should we continue to be successful on the individual level that will have enough people something will happen to springboard us into that type of a situation and so I'm always open and that's one of the reasons Sandy wanted to have a you know a chat with me on the side and I said why don't you bring it to the air I want this stuff on the air I want everybody to listen in here and I want you all participating in some shape or form okay so anyway I was pleased and Sandy obviously is a bright gal and got a lot going for her and and I was tickled to death to talk with her and have all this meter and hopefully she's back today don't know if she is or not we'll find out I guess we go forward but what I try and get everybody to do so go back to the basics go back and have someone listen to one of these interviews whichever one you think is the one that you like or they'll like or whatever and let's get them with some sort of a foundation before you bring them on the air or point them to hear because if they stepped into the middle of that show yesterday well their head would have been spinning okay and so well anyway that's kind of some of the protocol I guess come up with as we go along we learn so is there anybody that had any calm any calm Paul's gonna comment go ahead Paul I have a comment this country started on the on individuals and individual sovereign the government got initial authority from the people the government by and for people of the United States and in order to to pull this thing back on to the rails we're gonna have to put the put the sovereign authority back at the people and that's one of the time see here's the reason really is there's people that do not want to be free it's just like that HL Minken quote okay they're danger they're incredibly uncomfortable when free I mean that what Minken said he's right okay so that's the painful lesson I've had to learn over all these years because I thought everybody wanted to be free and they don't okay but the good part of that the dialectical part of that is we don't need everybody all we need is got if we had 10% or even a little more this is doable he may be even a little less okay and I think we've got that now quite frankly and probably above that but all we need what we need is a small well educated dedicated minority who as was one of the founders said lighting brush fires in the mines of men that's what we're doing okay and at some point we'll get the proper amount of people I believe but the other problem is what are we going to do with the people that want to stay in the bubble the pink clouds if they understand this and see it and it's put in front of them they'll choose to continue to be a slave I've seen it because over again because because they were trained to do so they were trained that when they have a problem seek out a professional seek out an expert and if they want to expose themselves to potential liability against other people get insurance it's it's all the model the molly coddling that that people have been trained to accept as the norm personal responsibility has not been taught since the 20s no no so or critic probably critical thinking either um no so anyway that's the condition we find ourselves in and that's why I tell y'all so often how important you are to me because man I have gone through a whole bunch of fecal matter to find you or have you find us okay and fortunately all that hard work is starting to pay off we're getting to a point where you know in the graph with the hockey stick curve that they call critical mass and we get enough people for critical mass and the situation gets continues to get worse where even the people who are post turtles you know uh they're starting to pay attention and look for answers you know what a post turtle is don't you Paul no well that's where you come along and you're you know going down a road and there's a row a row of fence there bar bar whatever and up on top of one of the posts is the turtle and you ask yourself how the hell did he get up there a post put him up there okay well just like this somebody put these people into the pink cloud and they liked it because man everything was taken care of they just suck off the government tit they get money back at the end of the tax year or so they think and and oh man the regulatory geysers the feds are just the greatest thing they're really in my corner they're giving me that protection that I'm supposed to get because I give them my allegiance oh they're protecting you all right they're protecting you just as long as they can until they get you into one of these concentration camps they're being built and planned in all 50 states and all over the world by the way okay and those of course are for your protection oh yeah of course of course yeah oh they're for migrants they're for migrants and stuff yeah right okay uh so anyway I did it on that line did you see that that uh whistle blower on Alex yesterday the third hour oh I did not oh I did not okay tell us about it's worth watching she's been in the bond bid thing for for projects for 25 years and knows all the Indians and outs and all that and how it works and she's decided to blow the whistles she's been about an hour or third hour with Alex yesterday and reading the documents and showing where they're hiding all the stuff and core converting it over to acronyms and different things that you wouldn't understand but they internally understand and how that's going out that those are uh have been bid and opened up in all 50 states so uh that's worth watching if you haven't want to learn them yes okay yeah 29 you give a bid you put your bid in if it's accepted you get twenty nine million dollars for five years uh building maintaining setting up the systems and guard towers and all the other stuff so uh they're rolling right ahead with their agenda um and uh uh I would uh suggest that you go list I can't remember that gal same but she's very straightforward and very articulate and most amazing thing Paul it was amazing to me Alex let her talk and didn't interrupt but maybe one time in like 45 minutes or an hour that is unusual that that is a well it's a phenomena I think you know and I remember John saying you know Paul if you're walking through the woods and you came upon a clear spot and there was a bear sitting there that wouldn't be a phenomena but if you were walking through the forest and you came upon a clear spot and there was a bear sitting in the spot eating a daisy that's a phenomena so uh it's somewhat of a phenomena uh so there's an advice so you go to listen to if you got time I don't have time to listen to everything watch you more than seem like well there is Lisa right there hi Lisa hi I believe that people that uh listen to cue that type of programming you know I think I think they're being told that the concentration camps are going to be for the people that just can't wake up and see what's really going on so don't worry about anything okay I like the key people follow the plan okay can can I get the plan I'm supposed to follow no just follow it trust the plan follow the plan I mean it's just anybody that is out on a limb on the cue limb and I feel sorry for your good luck sorta um anybody that buys anonymous sources in this game you need to be checked for fever you don't know the enemy very well okay so uh some of my armstrong's latest I'm gonna say in the last month or so videos out there kind of implies that in his it shocks me what about cue yeah yeah well I mean I got shocked I'd go over there and take my stun day to spend two hours with Thumper and Brent was wanting to get me involved in Patriots soapbox he had been since the start of it and I told him originally when he asked me I said oh hell I'm doing 12 hours of live radio a week and I don't want to go over there and why I can't ask the audience I can't take calls and all that and it's just me talking I didn't want to particularly do that and so then down the line we got on there with Thumper and and uh I get on with Thumper and he all he wants to do is talk this cue crap I mean I'm taking two hours of my Sunday to go over there and listen to that garbage and no I'm just not gonna do it so anyway that was one of the main Iron Man's I decided to vacate that and yes sir Mr. Iron Man comment please good day Iron Man checking in from as has been you to say that the two hours of your Sunday is two hours of your life the word you use instead of Sunday would be life people think that when someone asked him can they have 10 minutes of your time what they're really saying is can they have 10 minutes of your life because your time and your life are inseparable wouldn't we great true so so when you when you ask for someone's to have someone for an hour or two hours or two years or fifty years you know could I have 10 minutes of your life and then they might consider more heavily whether to give you the 10 minutes because it's really of your life not of your time but I would mention this about Alex Jones interruptions all people in conversion talk radio and podcasts and everything else interrupt in different ways Alex Jones has has has incurred your wrath for the times in which he interrupts the the guest in order to go on and on with what he has to offer on that topic Roger sales however interruption consists of little tidbits of noise or words or or or wisdom whatever it might be that are less that are less substantial in time but nevertheless still constitute interruptions now I call to say ask if Lisa is new you mentioned a Lisa there's a female man yes there's a she now she was I love your shoes just talking yes she was just talking and yeah she's been about what at least what how many years new have you been about 12th 11 something like that price on something like that yeah okay she's followed me from about a leaf watch who who was would be the several days new I encountered her on Saturday and can I encounter at least on Saturday and I turned around to you see what what are these noises that you make oh I'm trying to say a couple words in a row I'm kind of grunting I think trying to grasp I love you grunge but I don't interrupt people until generally I try to I think I'm I may be incorrect because it's very subjective but I try and interrupt I'll give you an example yesterday with with Sandy and I knew a little bit about her when she came on I was glad she was with us and she started to tell us about her organization and yes you're very smart and very bright gal and she mentioned state nationals I go well hold on you're gonna tell us about this organization you're the spokesman for and you you don't even know the right label for it for the status well I need to interrupt you tell you that that's just I'm just flat out you know I'll interrupt say that's just wrong see and that's a an example of the disinformation that's floating around unfortunately from people like straight and they're in there and lies your greater value they're in lies your greater value because most people treat their hosts or their guests or their caller now keep in mind as you pointed out she's not a guest she's not a guest she's a caller broadcaster on your show she is not however a guest broadcaster remember someone observed that you know they mentioned they referred to her as the guest and you said she's not the guest broadcaster she's a caller broadcaster like all us other lowly rooms you know so you are are very valuable because you don't take it when when you see the the truth being obviated by anyone who comes on to your airwaves you're quick to put them in their place regardless and that's why well persona like Conan the gramarian would be a good one because what what Laura Ingram used to do with that before she turned it over to me is she would flat out immediately correct her caller broadcasters when they came to her talk radio show and misspoke or use the wrong word or mispronunciation or put the app the accent on the wrong syllable from a gay promo gay yes yes um well you know ferris one of my um by the way were you jealous the other day when that guy on a terra was said he called himself the iron man you didn't take Umbridge to that did you I miss that can you can you shine with the light on that for me I I'm unaware of that well it was a part of the testimonials was was one of them on Monday you know and I terra one cycle there that we have and the first person on the recorded that we played was like from Saipan or someplace over there in her english wasn't great and she was telling her story and her brother had had a stroke or something and it had an accident had a bunch of metal in his lower uh body and so he called himself iron man and I I wondered wow I missed this oh hell I wonder if Phyllis is like offended or jealous or whatever you know well um I mentioned here today I sometimes get involved I sometimes get involved with love making activities during the show and I miss some parts of it and but but with me it's it's worth it well I think that I know whether it's just don't listen Monday morning for the first hour because they know about the wand and uh and examples like that one we played uh the first one when it's a little hard to understand and all that kind of stuff so I understand that okay uh but uh what I was gonna ask I almost forgot here um what I wanted to say was this the battle I've been fighting for many years even way before I got on the year was uh the uh Patriot mythology uh battle of all this oh all caps gives on you know the gold friend flag uh all that stuff uh zip code and you can't write your name this is the way you've always done it and all that kind of garbage and I have been very conscious of trying to combat that and get that out of people's minds now what I've learned Ferris is once they've got that instilled in your brain through this technique condition response she's almost impossible to get that crap out of there I mean it is difficult okay and so that's been a real frustration of mine and that's another reason that I interject in these conversations when somebody's got one of these things wrong or trying to bring it forth as a fact and it's just not so uh it's been a big deal mind for a long time so much that keeps you appreciate that that's why the show has such great value to people with brains now Jesse Ventura deserved some kudos for first exposing in my life anyway first exposing those uh what are called residential facilities where you're going to go as soon as you get in that box car and and how many years ago was it that on true tv Jesse Ventura took you with his cameramen and showed you these buildings newly constructed fully staffed waiting to receive people or I should say approximately yes approximately 30 approximately 30 was in the early 90s that he had that show and we're not too far away from 30 years of that so yeah it's uh and yikes you know it's such an overwhelming situation but the good news is you can look at the half glass full people are waking up these people are making mistakes they're getting exposed in all their agenda we're getting stronger uh nobody wants to watch an establishment media anymore and the alternative media's uh good spots have gotten huge huge increases in their uh leadership and it's uh heading in a well what would look like a good direction but again one never knows so um too bad we can't uh too bad we can't expect a change in the uh the commander-in-chief of the United States America because the next election outcome will be the same if there is another election it will be the democrat who is victorious they make no mistake about it there is no way under under under the sun that Donald a day trump builder developer of New York City is going to be re-elected president that's that I have amazed at all the sheeple who walk around saying that boy well I'm gonna win I'm I'm gonna maintain nothing to correct the election bringing well they have done a bunch of stuff to correct it well they no that's not true they have done some stuff well we'll see you know it may be that his popularity and their exposure work together to do that I'm going to keep an open mind on that and do a half-glass full approach uh because I find that when you're not when you're votes not when your vote for your guy counts as 18 for the other guy depending upon what that computer program calls for in that particular jurisdiction well it would be better for you to stay home because your vote for your guy counts as 18 for the other guy well I don't care I don't vote at all so uh that's not gonna apply to me but I'm just I'm gonna remain I'm I understand I'm gonna remain in a half-glass full position with this and see uh because I always like to be optimistic it just makes me happier you know not that I don't prepare for the other side should it come down inevitably but I'm gonna try and remain as as optimistic as possible that's just my nature sorry Ferris I'm addicted yeah you're sorry but I'm addicted to this see I'm addicted to this because I I'm I get to talk not to the host I care very little about the broadcaster well I care about it for listeners and and uh you're welcome that's what that's what we care about too you know and all I want to do is put the truth out there and find that segment of the culture and society that if I can touch them that will resonate with this message and grow and increase our ranks and as that grows you get into remember the CIA's three-click rule uh Ferris I do not okay they come up with something about 30 years ago that with with the mouse that within three clicks you can get to anybody in the world okay and so I like to take that and take this one at a time method and try and encourage you guys to spread the word and you are doing that number of you and we are finding new people through that and that at one of these points we're gonna get to somebody that like oh I'm related to Alex Jones or I know this guy important guy or I know Glenn Beck or whatever and that's gonna be the connection that gets us on the platform that really opens us up now Sandy and her group may be that opportunity I don't know we don't know yet okay but they've already got an established group but they're running on fumes because they're running on bad information okay so they can't be effective no matter how many positions they put surfs in or whatever else they get our stuff under their belt they can take all that energy and what they've done and maybe make it really effective so that may be a perfect example don't know we'll see okay but my family has been for some time yeah yes funny you should mention well I was just getting some of them this morning and I thought of you because it was something he said that uh that echoed some of your stuff but I will say that your method of bloating or what I started to talk about the different ways in which host broadcasters interrupt their listeners and their guests and their callers unlike Alex Jones the way he does it is one thing but you are identical to a guy in my life whose name is Jimmy Prophet of all things from DeHanna, Ohio let the record show that DeHanna is the word for hell and I had the fortune of the fortune of opportunity to meet him work with him and then get screwed by him in a way that was so great uh in genius a full circle a full circle relationship DeHanna is the same way as you would because someone would try to get a word in you know he was in say he used to sell a product for the construction industry it was a financial financial benefit to construction contractors who were working non-union but had to pay for failing wages that is union wages for those in the north who know that you have to pay union scale even if your guys are non-union and Jimmy came into my life one way the other and screwed the living hell out of me and my son but you you talk it will say his delivery is the same as yours that's who I was trying to think of but I've enjoyed it mentally I'm going to listen to the rest of the bill no I have to go make love oh you okay well I would never want to impede you from doing that um but I would say in parting that DeHanna you said means hell it was there's three different words in the bible they translated into hell DeHanna was one of them DeHanna was the trash dump outside of Jerusalem outside of Jerusalem in the old days this is going to be in Ohio a suburb of Columbus well it may be hell too I don't know but that's uh the translators okay with the trains the translators of the team James he's probably listening to the show well oh well I don't know Jimmy hi uh don't screw me uh and there was three different words in the original manuscript that they turned into hell DeHanna being one of them uh James Bruggem and my old preacher when I was in Atlanta knew like Brent Greek and Hebrew and he's the one that brought that up now I would tell you um that uh myself and another guy in the congregation he came to town once a month we both used the Farar Fenton Bible are you familiar with the Farar Fenton Bible Ironman I am not familiar with that well you might want to familiarize yourself with it it's a fascinating story and uh Farar Fenton was an atheist and he went through Oxford and he came to the decision that the reason that England was going so astray was because they were all into that King James the King James and all that beautiful as Brent says eloquent language that is a dialect of England in fact there's a still a small section over there somewhere that they speak that dialect of the King James but relatively small and so what he decided to do was to rewrite the and translate the Bible in plain English so that the people could read it and understand it it was a lifetime endeavor of his um he was a very successful businessman in about five different businesses that he owned but yet he continued to work on this translation his whole life and got it finished right before he passed I believe but part in those days was when he came to any of the confusion like this word hell or Gehenna or whatever the other ones are he would write to every Greek scholar in the world and he would not go forward with his translation until he got every answer back so I might want to look into it it's online for our Fenton the introduction of the background I'll almost bring you to tears really but it's a it's an excellent Bible and so in those meetings with Bruggaman James Bruggaman our pastor and he'd go into these situations like Gehenna and that's the one I particularly remember it's interesting you'd bring that up today but he'd go well it means this over here and it's translated this over here and it looks like it's probably this and Arden and I my friend never once was the Ferraar Fenton Bible wrong never once and and he'd give the right answer and we'd look at each other across the room and smile so you might want to go check that out it's quite a work he switched the chapters around a little bit and did some stuff but for any of you who really you know like looking at different Bibles that one of the ink that it's just plain English okay and it's quite good and it's I carry one with me here and have for the actually you know that it's yesterday the second of July was my 16th year anniversary in South America so anyway for whatever that's worth but you're looking for our Fenton yeah okay well good pro-creator whatever you're doing okay so having a good time making mom a smile whatever okay see you Ferris now who else have we got out here we must have stimulated someone well whoever we must have stimulated someone to respond and want to inject something into our continuing rolling conversation here don't you I got a fever I got a fever it's called cowbell just for what I got a fever the only prescription is more cowbell that's what people need they need more cowbell cowbell yeah haven't you haven't you seen that that SNF oh if you haven't seen the SNL skit cowbell I have to something I have no I've never seen it's a moral imperative yeah okay I stop I stop watching that stuff decades ago but anyway send it to me if you want I thought you were alluding to something of Mississippi State University you know that's their big deal down there and well the town that's come to be known as Stark Vegas well you was talking about people having like they must have a fever or something because they're they're not thinking right so well I'd I suggest you put a mirror under their nose and see if they can damn frost it actually but that's just me that's just me i think they can thaw the mirror our brethren there well they're a little misguided they're a little misguided Paul they've been they've been fed up they've been fed a load of CRAP is there anybody in the forum with their hands up or got a comment or any of that no nobody's got their hands up person oh come on people come on five minutes we got about five weeks Chicago we've got a say goodbye to WBOU there's Jones Jones she's the exception she's the exception house close to Rico today Joan very nice honey a lot of greenery a lot of uh humidity yeah well you keep that i'll let y'all y'all let y'all keep that uh so how you doing Joan have you you're doing pretty good today yeah yeah yeah i wanted to add a question about the supremacy clause in the uh constitution article six paragraph two you know i mean do you you know how i mean i'm learning that the supremacy clause can overrule everybody and and laws and it can overrule the constitution and the amendments the bill of rights and they can't really you don't know you can you got it no if you got it right there it's your fingertips you could read it to us i'm not real fluent oh oh okay no i don't i just um because i just have well okay i'm just gonna go ahead and ask my question which is uh all right so no well knowing knowing at least i learned at least at least i heard that part everything that i just told you that it overruled the supremacy clause article six paragraph two where'd you where'd you hear that uh from a history class i'm in okay are you sure they're correct um well i think they are and but okay so well okay let me say part that was part one part two is so if that is true then would the supremacy clause also overrule nationals i shouldn't i mean right well i i know no no no how could it overrule it how could it overrule it when it doesn't give you those the god gives you those the constitution gives you protections i venture to say i've listened to a lot of people and classes over the years and my finding was people are saying stuff like this and they just flat-ass don't know what they're talking about in many instances so i just say i'm not i'm not saying they don't i'm just telling you my experience with others okay there's a lot of people in our movement that's about crap out there that just ain't right you know remember the mark twain thing it ain't what i know that's killing me it's what i know that ain't so it's that okay well i'm glad to hear you say all that well how could they override something they didn't give you here's how they can override it the constitution can override it when you answer those two questions yes and sign something because you voluntarily did that they can't go in and take that stuff away or it's it's tyrannical hey someone answer roger okay that you know i had that feeling of that i mean i that's what i that's what i thought from all your teaching that i've listened to and but then um i just want to make sure i mean i just want to hear you say it again that's all yeah well i mean again how can the constitution didn't give you those rights there's the misnomer of everybody using the phrase constitutional rights they do give you civil rights as a federal citizen but they don't give you your god given rights is presumed that everyone's born with that so how could they go in and take them away without being tyrants well they can't they got to get you to volunteer them away which they've done so when that happens if somebody doesn't know what's going on there they can easily take away a false impression can't they yep well i think that's what's going on with whoever your source is here thanks john you talk right in your phone you get and we're getting a little snippet or something okay i'm sorry uh about that uh can you hear me better now i can uh huh yes no no we hear you you got a voice you know you got a voice kind of like thoris you know you and thoris voices resemble each other in a sense so um anyway well i would say uh i would say go back and uh uh press your your legal course on how that happens exactly and give us some examples okay because i think they don't understand well listen that's not a slight on them hell nobody understood this stuff before i brought it out nobody even my own teachers so there's the whistle or paul do your best to bid i do to our chicago land audience if you would sir thank you w v o u f m chicago 106.9 if you want to follow us into the second hour go to grab the links right there you can join us in zoom free conference call or global voice radio network we'll see you back tomorrow little cowboy babies in the old corral that's an old harry kneelson song i thought it fit perfectly in with our radio ranch theme and all you wonderful cowboys and cowgirls and ranch hands out there so that's where that came from very little we do here has not been thought through folks all right jon did we get you taken care of yes dear thank you all right so we will go have a coconut or something okay okay happy to laugh or would you would you believe how expensive coconut milk is up here not milk but the stuff you cook with i would thought coconut oil they don't have they don't have any processing plants and the stuff is like incredibly expensive so uh anyway that's uh part of our little deal here i tell you what we did sunday that was pretty cool paul and of course one of the things we are the best ad in the world is cacao okay uh we furnish much of the world's chocolate and uh are you very familiar with with chocolate very much paul um that's not a trick question no i'm not really except for uh profound love of it okay well here's what happens it grows down close to the coast and it comes in a fruit good it's a fruit that's fairly like uh not as big as a football although some can be but about maybe a third of the size of a football and you cut that open and inside are the beans and stuff and that's where cocoa cocoa comes from cacao they call it and um so uh grows on the coast and once a year they have a big coke coke chocolate exhibit up here i've never known about it before but we found out about it this year and so we went over there on sunday one of the big mauls up where we are and there's like 40 or 40 or more of cocoa cocoa chocolate vendors of all kinds of stuff paul paul you say you like chocolate right you think you'd like chocolate champagne um i have to believe that um yes i i do believe well they make well they make chocolate champagne a guy had had a booth there makes it two varieties since 50 dollars a bottle uh and uh they just all this stuff they do with chocolate and were represented now the problem was that they were showing a movie on how it's processed and everything and the young people that were running the audio on the video console and all that well they decided to turn up the dam at PA systems allowed that if you were in a booth you were at a booth trying to talk somebody you and the other person couldn't talk it was a damn loud that eventually drove us to leave but it was very cool all the different varieties is chocolate things they'd done with it now are you familiar with chocolate nips they called nips um i think and i b s okay yeah yeah those those are like kind of like a chocolate covered like toffee bean right like uh well it's kind of like a jelly bean it's the part after they've processed the cacao out of the beans and there's no sugar anything in it it's just raw okay and they it comes in these little pieces and not equal size and shape and and so i knew about them Joyce used to sell them and and uh talked about them along on the power hour so i knew they're loaded with vitamins just loaded with vitamins and minerals before they further processed which evidently stripped some of that now well one of the booths were sitting there and we go up and of course all these people speak in spanish you know and uh so it was the chocolate nibs booth and they would take them showing us they're got a you stainless steel apparatus so you pour stuff in at the top and it'd go through a liquifier kind of tube and then it would come out as liquid on the bottom in a bowl you know and it just looks man you see it and you go oh wow look at that chocolate and you've got that connection in your mind right so you look at it and you're you're like Pavlov's dog your mouth salivating a little bit and so the guy gives you this stick and you go wow something one of our guys didn't know about it and you put that stick down there and put a big piece of that in your mouth and the first thing that happens it sucks every bit of water out of your mouth just just gone and it's real bitter okay and our our friends just about just about fainted he you know he wasn't expecting that at all but that was very cool they're really good for you health-wise uh so anyway it was just a interesting afternoon i would love to spend more time in there everybody had samples so we had but we had fifty dollars worth of samples chocolate you know on top of whatever they make and produce was generally sold at a little little discount but it was quite an experience i just wish the guy had not had that music up so loud because it was it was definitely to the point of and now here's wealth of you know international jazz musician with me and the other guys with us and we're going we got to get the hell out of here you know i guess louder than a uh than a springsteen concert for god's sakes so uh anyway that's what we did sunday's pretty interesting uh i'm feeling the time because none of our audience wants to say anything they don't have any questions we've educated them way too well and uh so they just fall back on me they fall on me to give this a little quiz now there's one right there we raised somebody up good morning again sketch so in the United States to understand i'm sure there's other countries they have something called the cannabis cup where they rate the quality of the cannabis i'm wondering if they have a cocoa cup in Ecuador not to my knowledge well not to my knowledge not to my knowledge sketch but that cannabis one sounds like fun well of course of course um well um is there any news or i will i will dive into a subject that is dear to our hearts oh god don't tell me you're gonna bring the traffic issue up again well actually no um i'm going to bring up adhesion contracts okay now um i think i suggested to you a while back a publication that's been around for a lot of years called silent contracts i believe it's what it was called and i think you went and looked that up didn't you oh look up what there was a book back that's been around since i've been in this thing called silent contracts i believe that was a title of it might want to throw it in a search engine see what comes up i think that's uh well there's all kinds of different contracts see when you say contract we automatically think of one well this is what it is both parties have to be aware and all this kind of stuff and uh but not all contracts fit those definitions well like the one that we're most people are in right now a silent contract that runs generationally now who if you had a long list of lawyer friends well first of all i'd check you for fever but if you had a long list of lawyer friends you could go to them and say we're you know what are silent concepts is there a silent contract that runs generationally how many of them you think you know about this not very damn many i'm gonna tell you so let's talk about these adhesion contracts that sketch wants to jump off the your plank on here they're considered they're considered quasi contracts and they're uh they're designed uh they they disregard the constitution and uh they were developed uh once you know the commercial agreements you know uh well merchants and it was it was so and also for uniformity they brought them about uh to make them uniform uh so people could use them in different uh commercial contracts um like drivers now it's the government loves them because you know the driver's license is so security card the voter registration they're all adhesion contracts yeah but they don't they don't they don't they don't add adhesion develop hold on that sketch they don't adhesion to any nexus the the the so security card the other ones you mentioned they don't make you a slave no they volunteer but it's all voluntary i agree totally well it doesn't matter you you're volunteering into the contract but that those contracts don't make you a slave what makes you a slave is you answer the two are you assisting the United States or you're a resident you sign something that's the operable agreement into the servitude the other ones you mentioned don't have that effect no i agree totally but uh you know the adhesion contracts are are developed so the person who develops and had most most bargaining power not the person signing them right how about that you can how about that you can change the terms of any contract you can change the terms of these two most people don't know about that and don't do it but we use the example for the audience i saw this guy on youtube years ago that was uh proffering this and he was correct he'd get the credit card invitations right hey we do you have enough cards here we get to this credit card and so down in the fine print where they say twenty five six percent APR well he scratched that out and put two percent and then he'd send it signed and send it back in and they didn't catch that in the processing and he got to hold their feet to the fire and only was charged two percent interest on his credit card they agreed to it they didn't have to be aware of it right um okay so there's a lot of things you can do with contracts it's a very wide field and there's a number of them we mentioned sometimes the um uh confirmatory writing which uh john always thought was that very first letter you get from IRS when you haven't filed uh if we uh dear dear sketch we haven't received your tax return for 21 and 22 if you've already put those in sketch don't worry about it this letter this correspondence but if you haven't we may ask you to come in and bring some of your books and records uh john always thought that was a confirmatory writing well what's a confirmatory writing it's a specialty contract over in the UCC along in the same section it's 1040 form okay and it's a contract between merchants where and if they've got his property i guess they could continue could consider you a merchant in the loose way they define and pro and proffer some of these concepts so uh if there's a letter what do most of our patriots do they throw it in the track and screw those guys pump well now if you don't expressly deny it within 10 days then you're deemed to have accepted it and so now they've got you in a voluntary system where you've agreed to a contract on the front end because you didn't understand the contract and the way it works so there's a lot of different kind of contracts in my point here um i have not been able to find anything under silent contracts there is a book silence agreements um i wish i could remember the name of that book there's silence agreements out of pre or relationships of unoakened expectations no this is specifically silent contracts it might not have been that exact title but that's what it was about all this stuff and that's what we're in we're in a silent contract we weren't given a full disclosure when they ask you those two questions in fact there's the fraud because to complete their scandal and their agenda they had to overcome plessy versus Ferguson separate but equal and they made both of them equal in brown versus board of education so now they can ask you are you a citizen the united states they don't have to ask you although they should this is the fraud a lack of full full disclosure they should ask you are you a citizen the united states or a national and the only place we find found that thanks to mike i was on a 43 44 73 BATF form and they asked that question just like that are you a citizen united states or national that's the only place we found it posed that way okay okay sketch i'm talking around it a lot around i'm dancing around a bunch around your ad-easy contracts is that sherry right there there's got something to add here yes john casera the other day brought to my attention this group and when i was watching the video um he did hold up the book silent contracts i thought we did okay so i just wanted to confirm your okay thank you remember correct there is such a thing okay well it hadn't been around a long time and it had been around for a few years when i first got into this 30 something years ago but there is a contract out there a book out there on that subject silent contracts i thought we talked about it one day and i thought it was with you sketch and i thought you went out and found it yes so yeah i do i i do have it i do have it i'm looking for it right now it's uh i can tell paul that it's under uh you look up silent contracts educated in law and it'll come up uh i'll look for it here for a second but i also wanted to point out that uh do you know anything about uh non a sunset and i've heard the term i yeah i don't remember what it means i remember the term okay um well it that's fine um i was just wondering if you knew anything about that um but you know i probably by sketch i probably do know something about it but i've probably long forgotten it in my old age so go look it up and you can find it non a sunset it has something to do with contracts i just don't remember what no other book it's called invisible contracts that's what it is right there invisible contracts yep thank you lisa um so like uh when so tell me if you buy software and you have the terms of service and you have an agreement with them how how would you change that roger well it's a little more different because you're doing software and it's on the computer and you'd have to i don't know you'd have to somehow get it in writing because i don't think you could go in there and make those kind of alterations on on the computer right i might be wrong i just don't know how would you do it at the GMV well the same thing i think most of those terminals are are all digitalized now all right so we're in a conundrum they're well kind of they like to stick in these conundrums you know yes they can be they can be very difficult to extract yourself from if you have a notice yes i'm going to yield to eight six oh eight six oh eight thanks so much all right okay sketch i'm sorry this little you listen man i don't know everything and yeah once you pair legal school uh 20 20 something five six years ago and all that stuff but uh you know you just forget some of that stuff all right i do you know i appreciate roger i just figure you didn't want to talk about traffic but gosh adhesion contracts are very important to this all right look before we go to before we go to x eight six hold on sketch before we go to eight six oh we're leaving everybody hanging here on adhesion contracts so let's at least hear from you what you've stumbled on and and and explain those to us from your understanding if you would please adhesion contracts well they're they're basically a one-sided contract that are voluntary i mean they have the power the person that is producing the contract it's uniform okay so they have all the ins and outs already uh uh you know uh scoped out so they they gonna they are going to benefit and you're going to get uh up up the stream chain you know uh yeah okay well even though it's voluntary you're voluntary getting it up the stream chain to be able to um you know um uh do live your life and uh do what you like to do and i understand it's voluntary but it it it uh it definitely is uh one-sided i would say even though it's voluntary and uh yeah and people aren't educated so that's why i brought it up but we need to get educated on the people contracts and silence whatever you might call you know these these are some things you might want to address to brin on friday but i don't personally like things up my shinshing i don't know about you uh but do you consider what we're in right now a adhesion contract where you weren't given full disclosure you're asked two questions again not given full disclosure and you sign something and it adheses to you and makes you a slave so is this little deal worrying uh a type of adhesion uh contract i would say yes because there's no full disclosure and you know a lot of people don't read the fine print and they just find a way so it's it's really shows you how important it is to what read the fine print before you start well how well there's no fine print when you've been asked those two questions and in a document somewhere financing thing applying for a loan they put it in a number of different uh things but they're asking are you a citizen united states or a resident and you use to answer yes there is no fine print right well you have to know the law very well in the constitution and history okay of slavery and feudalism just like we teach here okay so when you sign those things it's voluntary they don't give you full disclosure on a number of different levels but again this comes back to what i try and get you guys to understand is you can't look at this and think like we think because if you do that you'll be one of the ones that didn't get it okay you've got to understand that our enemies think different than we we're not interested in bringing millions of people into the country we're not interested in killing babies we're not interested in in trafficking children uh we're not interested in usury and theft and all that and that's their whole game and that's the way they think to achieve those things so they're the ones that wrote this program and and manage it so you got to be able to think like they think you know i had this discussion with britte i told y'all it took us like five years to drag him over the line here and doing a derelict work on him and and chris had work on him sometimes we all gang up on him you know and and brent's just so stubborn and he just could not admit that he's been tricked by old scratch i think he just had a hell of a hard time admitting that okay but once we got him over the line it's been a little more open and i i forgot where i was going with that so anyway uh oh no here's where i was going well i when we're trying to explain it to brent and i'd say brent i remember this one instance i said brent you've got to be able to think like they do and he said but i don't want to think like they do and i said you don't have to think like they do but you have to know how they think those are two different things okay and i think that landed with him so anyway somebody say sketch or something there somebody stepped in now you you don't want to admit it all right sketch did we cover you enough and you maybe ask brent if you want to on friday you bet you appreciate your conversation i just think it's very important as for understand well all this stuff is because people they say well i can't be in a contract i never sat down with these people and went over all this stuff and signed it well it's not the kind of contract you're in you're in a generational contract that silently runs to the generations right and and it's the route that we really need to you know tackle and i think it's going to contract the invisible contract is you know the route and well now here let's discuss it more okay all right let's see here let's delve into that so when you when you're a great great grandfather who volunteered in the servitude and it gets down to you and you inherit that don't you because your parents were born from him and he was in a in a conditioned servitude thing where people had a property right on him when they had your father then your father was born in the same condition but nobody ever informed him of it and so when he had you you were born into the same condition because it carried down through this contractual structure okay but yes all of a sudden you start learning that oh i've got an option here they didn't tell me about you were at heased into it with and with fraud of not like a full disclosure but now that you know what's happening you can just get yourself right out of there real quick and easy so up to that point it kind of was an adhesion contract wouldn't you agree from your great great grandfather to your father to you the servitude that ran generationally was that an adhesion contract yes but it was a fraudulent one yeah because they never gave you a full disclosure of what they were asking you in the agreement phase because that's what happens when you sign those sign answer those two questions yes and sign something official you've agreed to their contract terms that you didn't know about because they didn't give you again full disclosure so in a sense i guess that could be an adhesion contract hold on a second to you right now okay did that cover it for you sketch yep and and the author of invisible contracts is george mercer mercier all right right mercer that's right now is this mercer mercer maybe mercy a bastier okay thank you sketch thank you so much for the conversation okay well i think i heard a female voice there come in was was that a female that wanted to say something yes maybe we want to have a yes okay well gosh i got two females at the same time what the hell do you do now a cathalean wait a second let's deal with lady linda here thank you um sir roger i wanted to share that it was a reasonable contract by george mercer and lisa was gracious to hear that i had text that to pull out so he could put it in here you know somewhere in the chat i'm on the phone the other thing is sketch um if you know the eight elements of a contract which i'm going to recite but then you won't be duped into a physical contract whenever someone says you like it a damn beat okay go ahead there go ahead oh i was going to say i'd like i'd like to see let me take a stab at how many of them i can get before you read them to us so go ahead oh do you want me to go first okay i want to do no i want you to finish what you were saying and then before you read us those eight i'd like to see if we can get them out of myself in the audience without having them read to us because there are there's eight different things that make up a contract so go ahead all right with the dmb what i did for your information is i took a photograph of every single prompt and then so like if it said um you are a registered voter i took a prompt you know i took a photo of it and i rebutted it and so now i took a photo copy of it because it's on my phone and then it's written down but john could see her from i think i'm pronouncing this name correctly from california said you can ask the dmb you want that in writing and they are supposed to give it to you in writing what you just signed with this prompt i'm sure that i'm sure that well i'm sure john's probably correct on that they probably don't get that request often because everybody wants convenience as much more suggestions i would have done that but since i didn't have that wisdom i just took the initiatives and took photographs of everything that they were forcing me pretty much agreeing with otherwise the next prompt wouldn't come up so that's that's the trickery of it all so i want to see a different solution and um if you want to share the eight elements of the contract i will yield to you and then i can discuss it more thoroughly one thing that everything needs to be uh agreed to there needs to be consideration there needs to be i'm sure i'm sure that i know the other ones are there i just can't remember what they are maybe y'all want to play that game you want to see if we can get the eight of them out of the audience and paul and myself here now that's a standard contract remember there are other types of contracts and you know there's a whole class in law school on contract and where did it come from y'all going to george murrathier gave an example in 1984 of a guy named almonds who um could have gotten out of his predicament had he called george murrathier and got his advice and in the word it says there is wisdom in the multitude of godly counselors so it does be move us of the people and that's why this forum is so fantastic and when it comes to Sandra our our caller yesterday her group has contacted the organic republic so um my biggest beef with that situation is i am firmly i firmly resolve that if you're not a national right at the grassroots level that the group that they're organizing are going to be candy camp mean they mean they mean nothing and they have a no effect and the perfect example is citizens grand juries that all started after the oklahoma city bombing that none of them have ever gotten one thing accomplished why not because they don't know this and they're all serfs so basically you're getting a bunch of serfs together to try and say you're going to overthrow the lord of the manor and lady linda i don't know if that even happened in a thousand years of the funeral session okay so that's why those have never been effective but you can't get those people to listen well hopefully you're going to select to at least listen and she's going through all of the burial yeah and um you know call it call being or in the background uh he and i have had many a conversation so i i know the um the uh weaknesses of our organic republic and the major weakness is every single one of us has to be a national before we move forward otherwise we're going to be limping along and going nowhere but let's get back and make elements upon me okay yes man number one the number one is the meeting of the mind so they're going to determine have to be happy and have a meeting of the mind number two is the term of the contract you have to know what the terms are number three are the conditions of the contract number four is full disclosure number five is honest disclosure number six is my wet ink signature bluing preferred critical then you need we have blue ink signature because without the uh blue ink signature this contract is uh can be voided without reservation and not a well privity of contract if i may you know the privity of a contract with a common law principle and um this is where you can um do arbitration and mediation and a family will love this piece and those of us that are nationals if we know the eight elements of the contract and we really know it in my case i'm the president of a condo association and all the unit owners voted on um this uh electric company to come on in they were the liaison of the major company which is ever source and this particular pad of New England and i obtained because i had not read the contract and once i read the contract i realized they wanted us to put up almost eight hundred dollars down now no one mentioned that at the meeting so i crossed it out with my red pen i uh initialed it and i notarized it i had my notary notarized it and i hand delivered it to the company because i wanted their bluing signature they gave me a black ink signature and um they didn't come out to greet me they didn't ask me any questions it's just like that example you gave with a two percent with the credit card they just processed it and nobody paid attention and then a couple of weeks later i get a call from the company and they said oh you crossed out this and you crossed out that and i said yeah i said you did not give me full disclosure well it's in the car well yeah but everyone allegedly read the contract but they didn't read the contract that's the point because they would have discussed the eight hundred dollars that we had to put down so i said so you weren't honest with me and i'm not going to um the contract is is valid at this point and um i'm not going to change it and so they had this big big rigmarole and long story shot the president got involved his chief financial officer got involved and i was the only girl sitting there with all these big wigs and i said i want the president's bluing signature or the contract is going to stay status quo and i want a letter saying that you're going to pay the eight hundred dollars for this down payment with his bluing signature and i think it's certified now and they were very very um accommodating and you know my husband and i are the big fish in the small ponds over here most most people don't have meat and face-to-face but when you have um my husband's a bobber and he's a very sweet lovable man and everybody knows in the military they serve for 22 years the police the fire department everyone knows my my jerry and uh they they tend to think he's a pushover but they know i'm the winded as means and uh they they can't push me around because i simply know the rules to the scheme and you feel the deal for me roger with this national status and i will ever be so grateful to you and that's why sandra and her group if they don't get it together and realize the importance of being a national first they're going to fall flat and so i don't have any else to stay they're putting all these people in these offices all these states and is that the other and they're all serves right they're all free measure yeah i was the delegate of connecticut and then i find out they have the governor and they have everything and i said in our conversation because you know that we have private conversations i said where are the leaders in connecticut so i could connect with them i just want to be the wind that they're wings i don't need to be a delegate i don't need to have a leadership position i just want to be able to support you and if you folks don't realize the importance of being a national on on the very first level we're not going anywhere it's just going to be busy work so i would never right me too i was choosing charming to talk with and that's why i've never really talked about those time of concepts except preface by when we get enough people because you can't go into those types of citizen grand juries and this and the other things they're talking about as a serf you got no effectiveness they're never going to tell you that we all have to be on the same page is with um i was telling people go ahead mr i'm sorry interruption no that's okay um i was telling uh i was talking to linda louise and another lady about this um that we all have to be nationals of not nothing's going to change you can't be a US citizen and do this you know and i try to explain that to them so i don't know if i mean we didn't hear a lot of people coming in to learn and change our corrector status to national um so we were doing it and i just figured you know they probably just kept moving on without it no mr and they're on nationals i can testify that those of us in the organic republic and maybe Raquel of Idaho had some questions a couple of weeks ago because i thought she put in her paperwork way before and she had this little asshole now anybody who's listened to the organic republican who even gets a notice it's really clear every time fill a sense out an invitation it's very clear we we direct people to the roger fields radial ranch it's very clear on the invitation paul beaner it can testify to this and we make it very clear the national status is critical it's very loud and clear awesome. Sandra came on yesterday I was yes but I had not met her in my personal private conversation so I didn't even know she existed as the liaison at the national level that was never discussed in our private conversations and she wasn't part of the conversation so when I heard her yesterday I was delighted to hear that she's open and that she's really going to look into this so mr be at peace just because they might not have gone on your telegram channel does not mean they did not move forward. I want to make that clear and reveal. She works pretty closely with the gal that works with Todd Callender because their name came up yesterday and she's the one work of contact a couple of years ago at trying to get our message to her and she said oh we know all about that national stuff. Well it's come clear that they don't know all about that national stuff and should you meet one of those people and have into a discussion with them I think here's the question you asked them okay you're a national what does that do for you because I bet you they don't have an answer for that. Oh I'm sure they don't because see I have I showed Paul in the beginning of our relationship with the Radio Ranch I sent him my identification that they clearly I am a national and I had no clue even what that meant. I was just listening to my mentor who was just full of naturalism and ego and the Holy Spirit brought me full circle so I stand very strongly that this national status must be number one priority number one yeah I'll tell you that let me tell you another example of that same thing with the really guy that if he would have been more open-minded to it it make it a really changed law and that was when Annie went down to south Florida to that resurging America to her whatever it is and got a chance to talk to General Mike Flynn and started to tell him about the national and that is his response oh we know all about that. No you don't General sorry. Yes Mike you do. When it comes to Mike Flynn I at my turn is in my cheek I'm not a real fan of Mike Flynn so especially and you feel the deal right now when he says oh I know all about I've met more people that are so full of themselves they know X Y and Z and they don't know the adherence from their elbows I'm very polite I just let people talk and when I know that they don't know what they're talking about there's no way that I'm going to turn the Titanic around and you know if they don't go to your site and they don't start educating themselves there's not much I can do for them you know and this is for a remnant of people a remnant of people right well you can pray for them. I can pray for them and with its fine but I can't and what would be W says you can make a horse you know you can leave the horse to water but you can't make them drink but you can give them oaths and make them thirsty and y'all just want this is a little bit can I can I give you my turn on that one you can eat a horse of water but you can't you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him think. That's right that's right so that being said you know I know that I'm glad Merck I could you know correct your thought life when it came to the organic republic we have been very very faithful with helping people to get that national status and to get and many have listened to the aftershoots and so on and so forth so and we pray we have a prayer meeting every Friday morning and Sherry's a part of that prayer meeting they're really part of that prayer meeting and for those of us who are believers yes well just prayer is the ultimate bottom line for me and those of us that are in this movement without without I have a release I have a we're gonna be lost. Well we sure be in a mellow of a head so I can tell you that uh okay anybody got something to add to this discussion any points you'd like to make any comments you have there's one right there hey Dave hey how you doing brother all right this morning good well you mentioned Mike Flynn and I just recently heard I don't know if it's true I can't back fact check it but it seems plausible to me that he's not even a real general member Colonel Mandel House he wasn't a colonel either just like Colonel Sanders well except that he served in the millet he served in the military and Colonel Sanders and Colonel House didn't. Again I'm gonna defer to the glass half full and I'm gonna look at Trump loves him they hate him they tried to convict him Trump give him a pardon they don't like him and if they don't like him he's all right in my book so you take that at your own face values yes who's that Larry no it isn't sketching I was corrected on this very program by our wonderful listener Brent Bachman that it is major general butler okay butler Rhett Butler I thought we were talking about Michael Flynn I know he talked about um major Colonel Mandel House of Colonel Sanders oh I'm sorry I thought you're talking about Smithly butler no oh no I know he was a three star general major general he's the only person in the history of the country that's received two or three metals of honor right yep y'all know that when somebody receives the Medal of Honor that if they're walking down the street the president has to salute him all the congressman have to salute him all that that's uh what that carries with it okay anybody else got something to add we got uh yeah of course 20 minutes good morning is that Sam hello yes hey Roger how are you doing hi guys oh i'm good saying what's uh oh I just uh you have a question about the he's in contracts when when you're a US citizen obviously you can join all their little programs but once you become a national okay does any of their if he any of their contracts become valid or you know sure and then security they're valid social social security okay that because that stays valid what about the selective service well you still want to go volunteer you can but you got two sons they're in that age bracket don't you that that's the question i'm having see so uh my one son was gonna go in the military and and i'm so glad Sandy came on yesterday and talked about how they did a jabber and now they don't even have records of it and that was the one third dominant kid from the get go okay so okay now my other son sent a letter as a national that he no longer uh wants to be in there he needs the ready uh to well we are responding here let me just read it we are responding to your recent letter concerning cancellation and registration with the selected service once the registration is when filed with the SSS the military selective service act contains no provision for for withdrawing it i don't think that well i don't know if that's well it doesn't matter he doesn't have he doesn't hold it he doesn't have to withdraw him making registering for all kinds of stuff but he didn't have to participate and so what the half of david is says is okay you go ahead and register me but you can't draft me because then it's involuntary servitude and that's unconstitutional it's outlawed in the 13th amendment well that's that's what it is thank you that could go ahead sorry Roger if i may go ahead yeah Dave yeah first first sam uh hey sam if hey Dave if you haven't seen it already check out joise riley and uh dog rocky made a documentary and it's called beyond treason sit on with your boys and watch that it's on the internet it's okay beyond treason joy some good beyond treason beyond treason joise riley captain joe riley i don't know what rank um gog rocky was but uh they're both dead um now and Doug just died i think last year and joise dried four years ago now about eight about eight days is it eight wow at least yeah see that's i know they said an anniversary but anyway yeah check it out beyond treason and i yield yes okay so then there's really nothing they could do because again that's that's forced indentured servitude there's no two ways around it especially when he says he's not part of their group he's not a u_s citizen he's not an employee so sam yes i i got a buddy he's left 75 now he was in vietnam he was drafted and he said when when they had pulled bus there right in that little room they were in whatever and uh they were all standing in rows in attention or whatever and they the whoever the commanding officer told them all to take one step forward yep and then that's one of the volunteers yeah he was drunk the guy who was drunk was that was a one guy did not do that step and they they put through his ass back out the bus and shipped them home yes he was not a mother was you know my friend said he he you know he just realized when he was about 70 he gets on a lot of these calls where i met him and he said that he had just realized that he volunteered to you know to join the army when he got drafted they have to do that or else it's involuntary servitude they have to put that right trick in there and that story came from john benson and i've told it on here a number of times uh because that i didn't step forward and they threw him back on the bus and sent him home then they dug sent him another letter said report to wherever city and this time he'd not been drinking all night and he leaned up against the wall and he stepped forward and he ended up at four door it was all voluntary yep is all listen that's the biggest that's the biggest lesson here everything has got to be voluntary and my lesson with that was when i went to the post office the first time after discovering myth and seeing what it was and i did not want to present a driver's license as a picture id because i knew that the driver's license was residency proof so i use the instructions and in the instructions there's a section that says if you don't have a picture id they can uh you can bring someone with you who does have one that's known you for two years and that will suffice and that's why i brought that bond with me when i went to do that and the guy when i we got to that section and he turned around because he didn't like me in the first place and uh he got this big three ring binder one of those three inches the biggest ones they got and pulled it down from a top shelf there behind him and it was so heavy full of paper that when it hit the the desk it was a marble kind of thing old post office built during WPA in the 30s it's beautiful and uh the thing was so heavy when it hit that marble desk it plopped you know the counter plop it made a noise and so he started scanning through there and he running his finger all over the place and uh he said uh well it says right here that i don't have to accept that and i can make you go get one and i'm gonna make you go get one just that snotty and so millennia turned next to me and she said why don't we go get a floor to state id i just got my kids one two weeks ago i said well let's go said the play is real close to the post office couple blocks they're in sleepy little panomosity and uh by the time we got to the driver's license division i also had my original affidavit with me the copy i was going to include which is stamped by the clerk clerk of the court and is filed in that jurisdiction in bay county and so there's a gatekeeper there to make sure you've got all your paper work right before they let you back to the clerks that do driver's license and then there's a couple of clerks that do IDs and so he said okay he sees that and sees the birth certificate and and he goes okay going through and so we go down to the uh id yell and the first thing i did was take this is a five-page affidavit now the original one that we had and i plopped it up on the counter didn't say anything i just put it on the counter well she didn't say anything she just started grabbed she grabbed it and started a scan and those five pages in and it was to the leftovers so she turned her her chair a little bit to the side and and lift the lid and switch pages and in between she's asking me the questions and so she goes okay mr sales use is in the united states i said no she said are you a resident i said no she said what's your address i said the family home address i gave her all the stuff and she's turning the pages and at the end she goes well okay mr sales that'll be four dollars stand over there get your picture taken and what you just said is exactly what hit my mind there was a very first real seminal moment i had in this whole journey okay because i said i'll be damned it's just what john said it's all got to be voluntary remember you're talking about absolutely but there's another thing i was going to tell you guys because first of all you cannot have a driver's license if you're now you a citizen but it cuts even better so i was looking online and i found this guy called james love it and i've talked in for a while way back and what he did was he found that uh he's in Wisconsin and oh and i can't find it for Illinois yet i've been looking but i kind of was kind of just dabbling through but i'm going to do this and it's the ucc well one dash uh three or eight or one dash three or eight but anyways what it is is every uh government agency has their own filing papers on how to and here it is it says voluntary temporary surrender of license and they asked a series of questions and it goes uh i voluntary surrender and then check mark cls classes and endorsements and it goes all the way down endorsement only financial responsibility s s r 22 medical reason is and then it says other and then he wrote down loss of residency no longer resident national so you can revoke your license or surrender it and put in a ucc one dash three or eight on your plate and i guess what he did was he also put his vehicle in a trust man so you don't go ahead go ahead that's smart go ahead beep these these forms are out there and you just have to find them and i it got see it took a number of pictures on them the other one was because i know everybody's interested and i'm doing the same thing i guess why i let my place lapse oh even my son got pulled over with the expired place and once they ran them they gave them a warning and they were like two months expired and that day was done on purpose um this form here for wisconsin is uh um see with wisconsin um voluntary temporary surrender of license uh wisconsin department of transportation now it says mary victor three five eight one five day five slash two thousand seventeen um and then it's just a form i guess um as point three four three point two five five one wisconsin state and again you just kind of look this up and you'll find it again illinois i was going to call him to find out why i can't find it for illinois you know most the the best state in illinois ever well well the traffic laws are all uniform the traffic laws are all uniform so they can control from the top down so generally if it's in wisconsin it's got to be in the other states too yes exactly exactly and there was some court case where someone actually went to court and he's got it on his website where they it was silent it's not even shown but the guy um beat the system basically or or i should say verify that he could travel unencumbered you have a right and see they're not like they're not going to come out and they're not going to come out like with your son and tell you that they're going to take another move where they save face and they don't have to admit that stuff but it lets you off the hook and them too they issued a warning instead of a ticket yeah that was the other thing that blew me away that was another thing that blew me well that's what they're doing they're saving face they know they can't come out and tell you they probably don't understand it but they know they don't have the right to screw with you so they just do something like right your warning okay okay good boy patch on you be good and don't do this again or whatever you know oh yeah they tried they tried i'll tell you some roger they're afraid to come on my property they one time the guy came up there said no no again yeah we understand no no we get it i said can we talk these okay i'll search more well no gosh even i said don't i said unless you want a contract i thought unless you want a contract i have my payment schedule on file no no no we're okay have a nice day yeah yeah it's right buddy we're done i don't you don't own me and i was it's the one thing roger i so appreciate you you know stepping out and taking the time out and everybody again i can't i think you guys enough i mean this is the answer i was looking forward to i was i couldn't figure out how they had my honor is to god 100 i know he's real another quick thing i just want to say and i'll end with this you know everybody talks about us coming from apes there's still apes around number one but number two if we came from one cell and kept replicating ourselves and i know i'm going off topic and and and you know we kept repeating ourselves and became a human where did the female come from why is it every single species nobody asked that question right yeah okay i'll end with that yeah i know that was our copy okay thank you sam that's okay okay we got a couple of minutes left somebody Kathleen we left you on the back burner minutes ago and i'm so sorry you can say i'm gonna defer to Kathleen okay sorry Kathleen absolutely thank you now i was gonna make a joke but it's the timing's off now so it won't go ahead go ahead all right samuel samuel but anyway sam just is an alternative way of looking at this uh the gentleman by the name of Terry Lee who i guess is up in washington what he did with the dmv is he went in there with some paperwork that said well i need this and this and this changed on here because it doesn't work with me and then they said well we can't do that sir and he said well then i'm going to voluntarily give you back this but what i need from you is a certificate a certification that says i voluntarily gave it up to you and that's what he did so okay instead of using their paperwork you know i don't know we as nationals whether we want to use their paperwork to do what we want to do are you gonna fit on half a day there well you can do it in half an hour depends on what they've got in their paperwork you know like the i-9 or where they hiding it alien permitted to work okay yeah you don't know what's in their paperwork but if you understand your own and you file it then you know where you stand yeah you get pretty precise too well that's the end of today's show i was hoping Sandy would be back with us and don't i don't think she's back today maybe she's off study and i hope uh otherwise uh tomorrow is Thursday so we're not going to have a show but if you're new and you are not familiar with Glenn my one remaining teacher that he and i do that whole show we talk about john we talk about if i remember right the process of how this whole thing is developed so you may want to tune into that otherwise if you don't have a nice 4th of july remember what it's for and how over the target we are and we'll see you on friday with Brent so see you and also talked about the the um the the per get we're not the parking the um the forms for driving and the ticketing that'd be nice to either give demerca or to put on the website yeah yeah my son just texted me i if she calls me yes she can hear my number no problem yeah i'll tell her exactly what i found and i'm sure how to get there out of class yes okay because we feel correct from their system well does anybody else have anything for me ask them esta dia may i yes ma'am um in regards to what lady linda was uh talking about earlier those groups are springing up around here too to to start these committees and and and and i don't think that they're all they're kind of mixed matching who they're speaking with and they're they're not all nationals right but right but they're pushing people to sign these forms and to sign up and to to take action and get on these committees and they're like we have to put people in these feet otherwise the deep state's gonna put people in these seats and we won't know who they are and and it's just not um it doesn't sound right if you if you even studied a little bit they don't use the right terminology they they you know and and it almost does sound like they're trying to set people up for treason yes well they um roger i was telling um miss louise linda louise and some of the people that i've been talking to they all have to be on the same page they all have to understand what they're doing they have to be nationals in order to do this in order to make a difference or an impact on what they're doing if you don't you're so mixture of things we have to all understand it you're you're urinating straight into a north wind that's what you're doing right i agree and and for the uh blue ink signature on the contracts with them pushing everything on mine i've run into a couple of these things myself and uh at first because i wanted to put my um tax withholdings with my employer as exempt and they would not allow me to do the state form as exempt and it forces you it says um because they won't accept the paper form it's all online so it says on the bottom electronically signed so there is no blue ink signature um so that would kind of null and void the whole i'm signing under perjury correct i'm sorry you know um i the state that won't accept your exemption that's a that's a relatively new one it's the payroll um service company right right they force you to put it online and they're they blacked it so like the option is there but it's grayed out so you can't even select it well you may have to let them i'm not you may have to let them just you may have to just let them take that out and apply for it to get it back next year i it's an anti i just don't have an answer for this one okay well uh you could ask them you know you could maybe go back and ask the state but you're dealing with ADP you need to go back to the state taxing authority and ask them if you could have uh an administrative appeal something to that effect and say i'm i'm never gonna owe federal taxes and what i owe the state is determined by what i owe the feds i'm never gonna owe the feds again explain to them right here right yes the state had this the state actually did uh reply to my notification uh it'd be something formally saying that they would not debate my affidavit on a point-by-point basis and when i filled out my 1040 on our this year for last year they they sent the funds back right away no no education it's the employer and ADP that is um pushing it now i was able to put in some of my federal just not the states well i would think that you could you could uh they say they don't want to debate your affidavit on a point-by-point basis and you say affidavits are not up for debate on a point-by-point basis if there's anything here that's not true to your knowledge you have to write another affidavit disprovening my facts and if you can't do that my affidavit stands there's no debate can i jump in for a second i guess isn't it illegal isn't it illegal for them to not contract and that what you mentioned before isn't it illegal you can't indeed the ability to contract yes that's in the Constitution they're denying her ability they're denying her ability to contract yes you're trying to get out of the contract she's trying to get out of the contract right but they're trying to put her in one so she has a right to not contract that which makes it a contract does that make sense however you want to handle it okay if they sent you the money back usually states pretty minimal if if they refuse to cooperate with you go about your business that way okay that's best i can tell you probably okay okay is that somebody wanting to add something or is that somebody commenting this this is Larry i wanted to add something is that news yes yeah are you trying to fill out a form a no an electronic form on ADP yes is it the w4 uh yes for the state of michigan the federal one they accepted somebody did something to my file behind the scenes and they made it so that i could put exempt on the federal just not the state yeah i thought you're talking about the federal because what you got to do on the ADP website is you have to choose u.s citizen and then you can mark exempt and because the the commissioner uh for the irs already has your affidavit they even if the the employer reports uh that you are exempt you know you're covered because your affidavit's on file so at least on the on on the on the ADP website as far as the w2 is concerned you can do that so is this a different form yeah this was for the state this the my because i had the fed somebody did something to my file behind the scenes to allow me to claim exempt but when i tried to do the same thing on the state form even though i collect u.s citizen the exempt button it shows that it's there but it's grayed out so it won't let you select it all of the other like buttons below you know i've never i'm not did no taxes last year i don't expect those are all there and it doesn't matter if you click them all it will not light up and let you go to the next until you click the button that says i'm declaring i'm not claiming exempt well yeah i don't know how how you can address that you know anyway that was much too since i caught the fear of this state maybe address the state uh hold on maybe address the state taxing division and authority directly muse and bypass the computerized stuff dave is that you you're michigan or you got an answer here i missed the question that was sketch oh sketch i'm sorry go ahead i'm going to change the subject so if you want to continue on this please but otherwise i'll change subject okay i just i i raised my think the nine with holdings and and and thought that it would print me something else i could i could submit but it submitted it for me and then it said that i electronically signed it so i told i called up HR and i complained that they forced me to lie on a government form because they would not let me click on the exempt and it was a good approach that's right and i can't and now i can't get it back and there's you know and so i said i want to send you something that says you know i'm just doing this for payment or so i can you know get paid and but they said oh that doesn't go into the ADP file oh it's it i i don't and you can't back it out once it's in there this i don't know what to do about it i'd go to the state uh taxing authority directly and submit your situation to them and see how they respond okay okay thank you may i may i think you're welcome thank you uh roger that suggestion that you made roger is point on point because i know in canada get i spent a lot of time and the department of revenue state and they were very very accommodating and you're going to get results that's my my um belief going directly to them at the state level and explaining that to them and that will resolve the ideal yeah well they're the ones that put the stupid computerized stuff in there so go straight to them and see what they say okay all right now yeah all right sketchy we're trying to change the subject what have you got well um i was going to ask you have you are you and have you ever been a member of the y-h-p-a your heritage protection agency i'm not only oh i never been a member i've never even heard of them it's though it was the largest uh tax protesting organization during the 70s and 80s they had 30 000 members and it was involved with uh george arm arm and condo and george never heard him huh you've heard of him arm and i've never heard of him now george mercier was the one that wrote that book invisible contracts right yeah yeah he he uh he put that letter from arm and condo in his book because of the contract he had with george mercier and uh he took him to court and because condo had an invisible contract with george mercier i didn't know if you were aware of the your heritage protection agency because i figured you were involved with the the tax process sitting back then i'm surprised you never heard it i yield well we weren't protesting we were just trying to show them their frauds and they almost did and i will maintain again that if john and glenn would have known 30 years ago what we know here today we may live in a different world totally right now that's how important this is yeah yeah okay so thank you thank you thank you uh anyone else have anything for me yes um when we're filling out affidavit and whatnot what i'm doing today today's the big day um good do you use blue ink well yeah well you could use blue ink and you could get five or ten of them done at the same time or you could make a copy of your original with blue ink signature and send it to them we've never had any kind of flack not one time from that happening so rest your your weary little mind Kathleen on that little fine point i don't think it makes any difference because i i've read something about blue and black ink in the past i just don't remember the particulars well they want well they want a live ink signature and if it's blue ink green ink red ink any other color they know that you signed it with that if it comes back as a copy it's always black so what they're trying to do is see if there's a live signature on that document and so at times it's required but if it's not required copies are available for evidence in court and which one should be original besides the secretary of state i've again i've never made any difference in the 13 years i've been doing this okay nobody's ever brought that up not one time go go go get go get go get ten go get ten i'd send the original to your passport application because you don't know what happens to them when you just send them to the secretary of state make it we know they get processed and put in your file if it's in a passport application so if that's really a sticky point for you that's where i'd use it yeah okay do you have any problem with that no i might need to do part of it like you could you could send all of them originals go get ten done at the same time you know i did that the first time i got ten of them yeah the only thing is i go you go make sure it's a laser printer that you don't do it at a library or a lot of home printers or soy based ink and soy based ink will start crumbling over time and disappear okay well we can't do that well just then i want y'all to do it this and this procedure what makes you feel good so if you're apprehensive about them not getting an original blue ink signature then you go do it that way okay but because they're as long as you get the declaration to them or affidavit i i've maintained you could write it on toilet paper with a crayon and they've got it accepted okay thank you all right so uh who's next are you able to download the jose on cast box now roger you anybody can download them on cast box you got to put the app on your phone and there's a download there's you miss you misunderstood my question are you able to put today's or yesterday's show no no no you got to go follow paul's paul's uh well paul's uh addition on on on the global voice networks you get them but you can download the old shows uh if you've got the cast box app on your phone you can download them that way i don't think you can download them from the website okay thank you and without our without our without rss okay what sketch yep uh i'm just going to ask fall before uh he stops recording to explain uh how to how to get the recording because i talked to Richard in alabama last time he was having problems uh finding any recording right now so he can fly he can listen to the archives live on um spreaker on global voice network just go to the matrix tux and click on the global voice network link and then you can listen to any episode live but in order to download episodes from spreaker you have to sign up for account for an account like them and that's um that's another another reason why um i have a lot of archives to move i have to create an account for the radio ranch to replace cast box and upload eight hundred uh fourteen hundred episodes to another podcasting platform and then i've got eight hundred and global voice network that i have to upload and then the problem is that all those yeah the problem is all those older ones will not have a show a show description the show description cast box i don't think you got that in your rss download no unless um ai processes the uploads and actually um creates descriptions for the shows they mean they may not be entirely correct but there will be a rudimentary description for the show it's ai generated and transcripts okay so you can read them all right not any other question not a perfect plan you know i two months ago tell him two or three months ago i really really really wanted to get hooked up with the cast box uh so i could do the um the rss feed and figure that out and i would have had the user meme and password for for cast box at that time if we would have been able to get to it but roger had other things going on in his life and that was not a priority at that time so now we're playing catch up we'll get there i i'm very interested to hold on paul if rich wanted to access the archives that are posted what does he have to just forget download okay what is what he's going to do is to access them just go to the just go to the matrix docs click on the global voice network link and scroll down the list looking for the archive you want to listen to and just click play okay let's play it live he cannot download it okay okay good enough so uh if you've got a particular go ahead i want to make a comment for kep lean can you guys hear me yeah yes sir okay the only thing i see she will have a regret the regret will be that she didn't do this sooner okay did you warn her about that roger well i didn't but uh i didn't everything in god's perfect timing i guess you know um telling you okay all right anybody else so anything for me um bing bing there's a distress ringy way and i'm uploading today's okay right now we'll make it through it so uh i'll see y'all uh friday with brent so i have a having a fourth of july enjoy the fireworks if you got them remember what day it's is and what day it represents and uh we continue to trudge on we will re-trudge on friday so i'll see y'all then okay and i sent you um let's see yeah that's seven three um i sent you the more cowbell s&l skit that um that is has been recorded in history as the s&l gag that destroyed it christopher walkin's life so okay well i don't know christopher walkin so anyway i'll see y'all for walkin friday echo dark no idea that yes what about echo okay well they don't fall it's not the it's not fourth in their independence today they celebrated that back in may they got two independent states here and then they got a bunch of many independence days so no they don't celebrate the fourth year why why don't you live in the states anymore you may have mentioned it when they represent well isn't it isn't it apparent but your family and your friends are out here well don't have brother left that's only one of my family i can talk to my friends on the phone and zoom and everything else why will i want to live up there with ramping inflation and all the crap they've spooned and twenty thirty million immigrants and price is going up uh unbelievably in a a bunch of communists in control why would i want to live up no and it's a fun language i i guess we know what time it is roger yes well it's same language but a lot of people speak english down here and but besides i get to learn spanish i i'm not real good at it but i at least have some command of two languages now they say if you uh no spanish in english you can go anywhere in the world and are you allowed to come back to the state legally well of course of course why you know they're the same thing why would they not me allow me to that would be discrimination well no i mean i don't know if they've got their eye on you well i'm doing all i'm doing is to teach in the teaching the law and history and stuff out of their own statutes and regulations that's all i'm doing you got to get this fear of these people out of your mind Kathleen you'll be a lot further down the path when you can do that okay they're just paper tigers i'm telling you no nobody said boo to me i've been back one time one time in 16 years for two weeks nobody ever said boo to me the guy at the at the airport when i flew in in atlanta said what were you doing in equator and i said i live there and he went okay and they didn't not met national was never mentioned and you don't miss it here at all not really considering some of the things i can get up there uh you know i mean i could go order stuff and have it in my hands in two days instead i have to worry about stuff but in all honesty what's going on now is your your inflation has made it where i don't save much money doing that anymore it's easier for me to buy it here in a vitamin store the other thing is i couldn't i couldn't i could not live in the u.s on my social security i couldn't even probably rent an apartment i can't probably couldn't even rent an apartment tell you truth and down here i i can have a very nice apartment and i've i've got hundreds of dollars left over to live a real good life because equidores on the dollar but they don't have the printing presses they've got to borrow the dollars that circulate from the federal reserve so if you're in that situation are you going to borrow more than you need no okay so our prices aren't skyrocketing and i mean they're getting pressure from the overall global inflation underneath but we don't have any inflation at all i can hop a bus walk a half a mile get on a bus that comes regularly and uh go all the way to keto for 17 cents what yeah i pay 17 cents for the bus i don't need it there's no way he could afford to live in the united states and have the same quality of life that he has and there will be no way and the food's a lot safer that's a food's greatest volcanic soil you got most of the people are poor they can't afford fertilizers they can't afford round up and all that crap and i can walk down on the street and walk down the street and there's all these little old women sitting there with all kinds of fresh vegetables and stuff they sell right on the street get four avocados for a dollar how about that wow five years of corn white corn not yellow corn all yellow corn is gmo we get white corn i can get four years of corn for dollar the question is why aren't we all in Ecuador right i think that is i think that is i think that is the question lisa who then so uh yes i i mean you know it's my country but see i'm attached to my country through these principles that we teach and we teach people how to go over and get under god's laws and all that i don't have to be in the united states to live those principles but he does miss that good old southern cooking and southern season i had the restaurants pretty i'm uh food there but yeah the food's fantastic all the americans that come down here lose weight because they're eating real food you know uh the restaurants are prolific and uh yeah we that's what we do all the time is just go and find all these new restaurants we didn't know about and go eat so that's what i do almost every day after the not new restaurants necessarily but this is july you know it's uh my birthdays this month waltz birthday my friends that is is the eighth next week and so we get it together and go out and have birthday dinner and all the guests pay for the birthday guy third girl and so uh we're going to go for waltz to this wonderful i would consider the five-star restaurant anywhere in the world really uh and it's Italian the ambiance is fantastic the food is just wonderful and it's i don't know thirteen fifteen dollars a dish something like that uh but it's just lovely uh so i'll look forward to going to one of those this month and having my meal paid for uh but i can tell you this uh we've got a pretty good extended group expats 50 plus easy and everybody loves living here all of them exclusively okay that's pretty unusual and they're pretty uh i mean they like americans there yes we don't have any bug back on americans no it's certainly like you know i i i experienced that one time in argentina at a a weekend fair type deal where you're waiting in line to go get some food and i i didn't know the language at all and at least minimal and so i'm trying to get with the person running the booth to get what i want and some argentinian behind me started raising hell about it and uh the other argentinians in the line jumped his ass and shut him up that's the only time it's ever happened to me roger yes roger this is happy it's him jesse oh hey jesse you know it's funny because most people here don't like american theory usa if you act with you you act with the real principles they don't like you you're neighbors you're family members and most people in those countries at least they smile yeah they smile they're friendly they'll help you see most of it across the street right and we know what's gone go ahead jesse i just can say most of these people still have the old vision of america that all the streets are paved with gold that all this good stuff and you're free and they've bought in all that stuff and been conditioned to them that's why they're coming up there by the millions now and this the problem we have you have real food you have real authentic people and what i mean by the most are non-medicated around you yes you have to learn a different culture and they have certainty they're not used to it but uh but uh what culture this is not america no more do american people are in this this group here and we're very few in between i i'd agree with jesse anyway i i was moving to south america has been one of the most beneficial decisions i've ever made in my life Kathleen and as of yesterday i've been here 16 years so for whatever that's worth the only thing i'm coming up go ahead pardon me oh i'm coming out for a visit at some point but what's the best time of year to go out there uh now now we're into the fall uh we've got a great place for you to stay twenty dollars a night it's an old doctor's compound and he's turned it into an air a b&b uh that includes breakfast by the way and a view of the valley below that will just knock your socks off every morning and uh uh so if things are just relatively inexpensive here you know uh taxis are relic inexpensive i wouldn't buy and have a car for anything here the transportation is good uh the bus system is subsidized for the poor there's a lot of poor and like i said it's real cheap now it would be it would be thirty five cents if you were not hubilato and hubilato means retired so uh it's just like that chocolate thing we walked up it was a four dollar ticket to get into it and what went up he said uh we're all uh hubilato and so it was two dollars a piece okay so what do they what do they could retire it out there oh well you know we're 65 i guess long as you look old all you have to say is hubilato they'll recognize it you know in that interesting here's the word for retired in spanish is hubilato which would equate to jubilee wouldn't so when you're retired is kind of a jubilee and you don't have to be fluent in spanish yeah let me tell you what they all recognize pointing i'll s to s to uno you know that one and you point at it and they all recognize that but it's been a wonderful experience for me and i doubt that i'll ever leave i don't believe there's a better place to be in the entire world than here right now and i i virtually love everything about it there's very few things that i don't like about Ecuador where i could maybe imagine about our i could you well that's the potential we oh by the way i meant to mention we had an earthquake uh sunday night uh i had kind of fallen asleep in my chair uh listening to something and i i kind of woke up and was ready to go to bed in this little 4.2 earthquake roll through for five seconds something seven seconds something like that but it's the biggest one we've had since i've been here so no big deal no big reports of panic or anything occasionally i i forget how many volcanoes we got in the country you got a number of them none of them are hardly active occasionally one will spout up uh but that doesn't seem to be very common either so uh every place has got a pitfall except your Uruguay Uruguay is is one of the few countries in the world where there's no natural disasters but you better like humidity puzzle accordingly a nice little country Uruguay is so who else all right i'm going to have the fun at the airporto hotel hotel porto oh yeah don yeah it's pretty cool one of our americans is a real hustler and this was a private land and he leases it and it's real close do i mean right next to the airport and it's a lovely spot he has a has a hotel you know and so that's where we'll be tomorrow that's a nice hotel i mean not like a stifle one like you're thinking of it's a big grounds and a couple of hectares and parking and tennis and other facilities and it's very nice actually so that's where we'll spend tomorrow so you guys i hope you have a great 4th of july and uh maybe you'll get together with some folks and be able to tell them about what we do and uh if not regardless of what happens unless there's something major uh we'll see on friday with brent okay when's your first thing Roger what day 20th 20th okay pretty unusual my father my grandfather and myself we're all born in the same week three generations i've got to think that's unusual so anyway kids i'm off into the whatever for the clouds now uh and uh go chase up some lunch and enjoy getting ready to enjoy by one day unusual during the middle of the day uh little day off and again i'll see y'all on friday all righty thank you thank you well i can drive your pay have a great smudge have a great 4th we'll get together again two days see ya bye thank you all you're welcome thank you love love knowing all and be in part of your lives uh and help catch that like it's in skype i will okay thank you and you got to thank you for that b&b in uh Ecuador that uh roger is talking about is it the Casa del Sol? I yield him okay so and murk are you still there? nope she popped out she popped out okay i want to thank her for popping in today yeah she can call me i have no problem with that at all she can get my number i don't i just wanted to let her know what i'm sure to call me hey pog are you there yeah whoever's plunging the toilet please stop i just want to say thank you because i i really i really understand that uh the infrastructure of this uh free conference and all you put your work on it and and now you have to change the platform most people don't get how many little details and 24 hours you're always there you're better than 7-11 must be way you're always ready for us so i i really appreciate it i think most of you commerce or the old timers and doesn't get it this falls apart with all you being there so i really appreciate it so i always pray for you because no it wouldn't fall apart we would go back to uh 25 people on skype and only eurofolk radio and that's what that's what i'm trying to say you know many of us were not me because i don't have the knowledge about that but uh we'll step up but then knowledge that you have gained how to put everything together and the electronics and the and the radios and everything you do not learn that in three days it takes a long time experience knowledge and that's how i know that you love us and you love what you're doing love and knowledge uh makes you sometimes suffer but it also makes you have a goal in your life thank you thank you Jesse appreciate that now i actually it could probably be done it could probably be done with zoom but there would have to be a different account because the zoom account we're using is my personal zoom account and i wouldn't want to let go of that um so all we'd need would be another zoom account um that roder had access to and instead of just showing up a couple of minutes before showed time um he would have to open the room and he'd have to be there or have people there to grant people access to be able to get in um but there you know there'd be room for at least a hundred people and a eurofolk radio stream which uh does fail um two out of every three days oh there's a good thing global voice network is there otherwise um listening online would be difficult or would be a challenge thank you paul hey i have a question we just we just do what we do because it's necessary you know we do what's needed uh yeah sherry i was just wondering what was the first thought that went through your mind when roger asked you if you've ever heard of chocolate champagne yeah i thought ice cream first thing i went through my mind the first thing i went honestly the first thing that went through my god uh my god is that a thing is that it where can i get some and then i thought of your ice cream maker all right so i heard you speak about the ice cream maker you got on amazon i couldn't help myself i had to get anyone yeah so yeah oh really yeah you get did you get did you get the like the teal blue one yes that's all in color they had okay so as teal blue it was like 30 bucks right correct okay let me give you the secret the secret is you got to put the bowl in the freezer in the coldest part of the freezer and you have to pre-chill your ingredients you don't put the ingredients in the bowl at room temperature because then it really doesn't work but as long as you use um uh heavy cream and you follow the recipes somewhat and you chill your ingredients first uh other than that it's just following directions for the thing you put the lid on it and you turn on the motors so the little paddles moving before you pour in the ingredients and then you just let it run for like 30 40 minutes and um when the motors start straining you just pull the lid off you put the the whole damn bowl back in the freezer you can put like uh you can put like um like a plastic wrap over it or whatever to cover it um just to keep the like the top of the ice cream from getting freezer burned or drying out and it's just it's sweet as hell i made um i made lime margaritas and now i've got uh cafe mocha um with tequila and it's sure sure i'm taking more fruit but well okay well obviously we have our priority in different places and sharing i think i'm taking what you go to Paul's house he he he he's going to be serving um screwdriver orange julius at the next national picnic and he will service all his wonderful ice cream screwdriver orange julius thank you Paul well i'll have to burn my ice cream maker down so we have two of them going because it only makes it work no no i will no i will i would definitely need to obtain a much larger ice cream maker i'm just saying i'm saying i can crank one and pass it around to where everybody has to crank it for a few minutes so they get two hours i've wanted to just i want to just go to win kalen paid 350 for half a gallon of blue bell ice cream yeah okay so have you read the ingredients yeah i don't care it's 350 for a half gallon i got five or five nothing like a little yeah but the flame retardant in your ice cream yeah but the but the beauty but the beauty of this is um i can actually make a tequila ice cream or a um a margarita ice cream that actually tastes like a frozen margarita it's just creamy um i can make like a kaluwa mocha ice cream that actually tastes like um kaluwa um i can make uh oh i could know what's good um it's uh it's a coffee liquor it's 15 percent alcohol by volume uh coffee liquor heavy cream no added sugar it's not necessary and um oh five or six ounces of tequila and that gives it the kick and it's all good you know it's just i i don't have the time to make wine because i'm moving all right and i'm out of wine i drank it all so i got to do something else and and um wine ice cream was the that was the most reasonable alternative so that's what it did well yeah i'm told i'm gonna i'm gonna change the subject back to what jessie was saying thank you so much for what you do uh last night i talked to Richard from Alabama and he said you know that Paul he really you know he could go get a job anywhere especially in the government i'm going okay uh i think what he lives for is helping us he didn't want to get a job he could get a job but uh we really appreciate you and uh thanks for the info on trying to get the uh recordings you are yeah yeah what he said a vision i want it what i what i want to do is i want to add another streaming platform that is not only linked to a podcast archive but also a live website um that has to do with all things relating to the radio show um and um it'll uh it'll be a 24 7 24 7 radio station where it'll do radio ranch um every time it's aired the other programs that i do and the rest of the time will be a pod uh podcast rotation so you'll actually be able to listen to bloody hell radio 24 7 365 and is and every six days the um it would take you six days to hear the same show over again because the rotation will be a 20 hour rotation which will shift four hours every day so after the sixth day the rotation will equal and then the whole 20 hour um and show will be replaced with other episodes so it'll be all good i just have to set it up which i can actually get paid no it won't be it won't have anything to do with cast box and it probably won't even have anything to do with spreaker because it'll be a completely different global voice network stream right and and um all the archives will be there the stream will be there and uh and a dynamic website will be there right but you mentioned yeah but you mentioned uh you know getting the downloads and you were going to use the ai is that correct well what ai will do is it'll analyze the uh the programs as they're uploaded and added to the added to the podcast archive right ai will actually go through it'll generate a transcript for the show and it will um it will actually um pull out what the topics of discussion were right right and even a couple of even even a couple of names of people that took part right and i wanted to approach you you have a large volume of books now this will take much more capacity that you probably have now but um i came across a person who uses chat app 0.4.0 and it summarizes books and it also will time you can ask questions of the from the summary and it will delve into the book itself and you can also do a timeline you can ask them at at a timeline please put this in chronological order when you ask a question and i'm just thinking if if we had a timeline of how they implemented this feudal system with all the books you have i know it's going to be i know you don't have time now but i'm saying in the future and you could uh use that chat app to uh uh do that process it would it would it would uh it would be a force multiplier in what we do here and i think it's in the future we should talk about it and maybe you know getting you some more funds to be able to do that because if you could have a chronological order of how this was implemented in a summarized version it would be a force multiplier and i yield i appreciate your time thank you thank you sketch yeah we can do that i also have um um i also have a computer that's earmarked as a scanning and printing station so when we do get together there will be uh there will be um probably a spiral bound um copies of printed ebooks so are you oh i have the printer i have the printer i have the toner cartridge um i have some paper i would need to get more and i have the computer um i do need to get a better scanner because the scanner i've i've got doesn't do i enough resolution to be able to do character recognition on the result but i will be doing ocr on the on the um on any books that are scanned physical books that are scanned so they'll be searchable searchable and pdf form so right right um what i need is um i actually need a month on a beach or something like that so i can just like yeah stick my toes in the sand um put a cool or a corona next to the chair and just sit there with a laptop and just do all this stuff all right paul we're moving soon joy joy moving to georgia georgia georgia okay okay which which means i'll have lots of time to hide in the house from the heat yeah um again paul you are awesome buddy if you want to go sit on the beach chubby island is maybe three hours away oh cool that's that i do i do actually definitely need a boat i do need a boat i'm just saying it's a moral imperative well you don't need a boat to go to the beach but you can drive in yeah or you can buy it part right next to happiness yeah i would like to go to an island just a boat and go to an island because if there's going to be asked when georgia has lost a island you're able to hear a jackal island down there paul but they all have bridges you know you just drive across the bridge to go to the island you want a remote no no no i want an island that there's no bridge going to you got to get there by boat so if the assholes come i want to hear them splash they say jackal island a real nice island yeah right okay hey i have a i have a suggestion for you or anybody else there is a browser called reader view and you can customize your reading experience on the browser reader view i yield okay all right sounds like fun um there's um uh dave you still got your hand up and so does lady linda louise do you guys have anything to add yes i do if i may i apologize i was unmuted i was putting water in my birdbox oh that's okay i was blunge it right it really did sound like you were flat it sounded like you were plunging a toilet i'm just saying i recorded water in the blob i have five bird box but anyway how do i put my hand down um dial nine four star nine four star okay thank you yeah nine four star is it the same way you put it up paul no nine four one is how you put it up nine four star cancels it and davis hand is down linda's is still up let's see till up paul i know what country you go and spend half of your whatever your bill costs monthly you can stay there three months and you could come back are refreshed and uh and you save money and you're really good and you're able to do your tobacco and you're able to do your one what country is that i agree with you it's in central america's underrated nobody talks about it i'm not saying Costa Rica is not bad or well it's pretty good okay well okay well we're still streaming so don't don't say it on the air otherwise by the time i get around to getting there the place will be overpopulated why do you think i'm holding um and um yeah and there's a climate low you're able i call it like the the small Texas of the latin world there's a lot of meat for all those meatlovers and the population's low you might be able to have a