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Radio Ranch with Roger Sayles


3h 1m
Broadcast on:
02 Jul 2024
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Welcome to the Radio Ranch, with Roger Sales, we'll be getting started momentarily, hold tight. Pre-limtation of this mirror stream on Global Voice Radio Network is funded in part by for the quality, ultramitoe and more MyMito line of products. It's also funded in part by for the natural action quality line of water structuring devices. It's also funded in part by and the Price International Terahertz Frequency Wand, the ITerraCare Classic. For more information, please stay tuned, we'll be getting started in just a moment. The ITerraCare device has the ability to awaken dormant stem cells in the bone marrow. Yes, we have slipping stem cells in our bone marrow. As you keep blowing this on your spine, you're activating these stem cells and guess what? You're going to create brand new lungs, brand new kidneys. Eventually, as you keep using this over time, you will have brand new organs, glands and tissues in your bodies. And that's a great news. You have to keep blowing this on your spine because this is what the great Hippocrates said. There's a way to hit the bones that all diseases can be treated. Activate that, awaken that stem cells in your bone marrow, hit the bones using the future of medicine, which is frequency. Using the bones, using frequency medicine, yes, guys, we have decoded the secret to forever young and healthy body. This is your time. Grab your wand device right now. For more information on the ITerraCare Classic Terahertz Frequency Wand, go to That's I-T-E-R-A [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] Good morning. We're trying day at a time, a pedal here, a step forward there, possibly a step backward, but we don't have too many of those. So anyway, we'll get started again on another one of these two-hour sessions of your freedom because that's what we're here for. And it would be at the Radio Ranch, Roger Sales, your host right here, and we are date stamped to July the 2nd into the month of July, a very important month to me anyway. And we're on a number of different platforms, and the guy that keeps up with all that is one Mr. Beaner that keeps up with everything you're in overseas with his technical wand, the wizard, Gandalf, if you will, good morning, Gandalf, you want to give us these platforms that help enlarge our reach and our very powerful message. >> I'm a little too tired to be any kind of a wizard today, but Gandalf never tires. >> Come on. >> Yeah, right. Well, veils have come. >> Gandalf. >> Gandalf under the stairs. So. >> Gandalf, the gray. >> Yeah. All right. Okay. Here we go. Yes, we're on a number of platforms. Awesome, awesome people help us spread the message. 106.9 WBOU FM Chicago terrestrial radio. It's the first station of many that are coming, like I mentioned yesterday. Our flagship station, thanks to Pastor Eli James, is, that stream appears to be up and healthy. At a global voice radio network, that stream appears to be functioning, okey-doke. We're on and, thanks to WDRN Productions in Fort Collins, Colorado. Check them out, good stuff going on, good stuff. And we're also on co-livetv and Now, because I burned up like the first 10 minutes of the program yesterday, I'm going to abbreviate today. Go to and if that doesn't work, go to and you can grab the links to join us either in Zoom or free conference call. And that's about it, folks. So I provoked you from much of that yesterday, so don't give the audience the wrong impression here about our page. We kind of have to get in the groove here at the start, you know, a little bantering. It doesn't hurt and so good morning to everybody. We got no first hour of anything today. We got two hours of discussion, explanation, question answering, observation, fine-tuned thinking on different specific important points and anything else you'd like to throw in there that might help everybody. I'll use a little freedom of seekers. We've got some of the freedom seekers on here, they've had their freedom for quite some time. We've got, I said, some other folks that may be kind of new and they're apprehensive and they think, are these guys really for real? Could this really be true? Yes, we're for real and yes, it's true. And if you don't believe that, ask Merrick Garland and any other previous Attorney General for the last 13 years, because none of them have ever come after any of our people. And you could query the Secretary of State and say, "Why don't you respond and put these wackos in jail, they're making these outlandish claims," none of them have done anything. So it appears from yesterday and the day before, let's see, actually we had two yesterday. Jack, who got a FOIA back with some interesting things, and Dave, who got a ROE back of five digits. So from the Internal Revenue Service, or better yet, as I like to moniker them, the individuals representing Satan, much more accurate. What, Paul? Well, I did set up a Radio Ranch 101, RR101, of the FOIA evidence proof that the app David works. I did do that, and I uploaded that to Spreaker yesterday, and I'll be putting that on Podbean or I'll be dropping Podbean and moving to Podhome, I think that might be a better place for us. Okay, on Pod, whichever, could you put a section of the archives and then put a section of testimonial, for example, and have Jack, and Sarah, and Lisa, and the other ones that are so important that we've had and started calling those out, too, and putting them in a place where the folks that are skeptical can go, "Well, here's some of the results of people doing this," and point them over there, maybe put them over on David Case, National, I got the tail of the domain, right? Can we do some of them? I think we could, probably, right? Yeah, I think I can set up, well, I know I can do multiple shows on Spreaker, multiple podcasts, under, you know, like there's global voice radio, and then there could be like radio ranch testimonials. And it's just two separate stations, really, and I'd like to do that, where we could give them some of these cuts on, "Oh, the one we haven't done yet on the feudal system and the other ones we did a week before last, last week, I get confused," on these important foundational concepts, you know, and just not have to have them weighed through copious hours of pre-recorded shows to get that and make it all in one spot might help, yet some of the newer folks up to speed with specific, with specificity, Paul. So anyway, can we look for, shoot for, will agenda stuff? I did want to mention something about it yesterday. Okay, well, let's mention it, please, if I could. Yesterday it was brought up that the core of what we study and what we focus on is national status, filing the affidavit, making that declaration, making the decision to change your life and accept responsibility for your own personal and political self-determination, okay? And that's what we're all about, but what we also do is some of us delve into things a little bit deeper, like, you know, the whole traffic issue, I mean, that's not, that doesn't particularly have to do with national status, however, that is the one thing where the long arm of the law will reach out and touch you and drag you into their endeavor. It's the long arm of the fraud. Yeah, okay, the long arm of the fraud, they will actually reach out and grab you and drag you into their theater. And if you don't know the rules, when they drag you in there, they will eat you for lunch. So I understand that we do administrative process and we do the national status declaration and we do all these things, but we also need to be conscious of how the enemy plays their game so we can counter their volley. And the best way to explain that is, in the 13 colonies, there were two very, very, very popular books. The two most popular books in the colonies, number one was the Bible. And number two was Blackstone's commentaries. The common man knew the common law. And that is how the common man was able to protect themselves and defend their position. I was just saying, Georgia statement, he said, I can't beat them. They know the law too well. That's because they were reading Blackstone. I'm not opposed to that, but let's go back to the serenity prayer guide, Grammy, the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. We can't change these extraterritorial, jurisdictional hogs that think they're boss hog and Judge DeRoy Bean. And we've run into that. Michael Nail is on the call with us this morning. He ran into that, frustrates the e-woddling out of me. It's just incredible to me that, but it does tell us where we are. We're right on the virtual terenity because it's happening in some of the outlying jurisdictions like your state and your town. The answer to this is because we don't know how they're going to react. Even if you put the goods right in front of them like Michael did, you still can't get your point across. That's something that I don't know that we can change. What we can change is we can start driving responsibly, not speed, being conscious. Which is what we're doing. And you'll alleviate most of those conditions in those situations. Now, I understand some of you like to get, oh, embrazoned with your newfound knowledge and go out and test the system. And if you want to do that, I can't tell you not to. I'm not going to tell you not to, but I'm just going to tell you to be prepared that you may very well be in one of these situations, these restrictions that are like that. And once you get into court and you start really, first of all, if you're going to do that, you've got to be fully committed. You've got to take it as far as it'll go and be willing to do that, okay? If you're not, don't do it at all in the first place, okay? And if you're going to make that commitment, you've got to know that if you're going to fight these guys, most of us don't know or procedures and all this stuff internally. And so you've got to learn it if you're going to go do that battle. So you've got to put your whole damn life on the back burner to go do that, okay? And then there's no sure chance you're going to win. So I just say, as an old patriot told me years ago, only fight the battles you know you can win, okay? We know who can win with the secretary of state. There's never been a question or even an equivocation. There's been some very soft, morick attempts at to see in what you know and trying to throw a bluff and a bury up in front of you. But every one of those to my knowledge has been overcome. And the recent situation with Jerry boy, I'd like to get that the clip of Jerry coming on and talking about what they went through with the passport guy. So that's why I say that and I try and concentrate. My deal is to let you know about the scam, show you how to get out of it, explain all the nuances and the complexities to you, patch on the fanny, say, you know, wag your tail and go off down the path, all right? And I can't dictate to you what to do, what to say, how to handle this information. I can make some suggestions. And I try and keep most people out of these stressful situations, maintain your sanity, get your reempowerment and all those things and those are all very positive. And when you run into these traffic things, it's just not positive, maybe at the end, but initially it's not positive because we don't know how they're reacting and we know that we're right on the fringe, a total tyranny. They don't know it. That female magistrate that was handling Mike's case, we don't recognize your affidavit. Oh, okay. Well, excuse me, Madam magistrate, what other court testimony do you choose and dictate to recognize or not recognize? Could you please tell me that? Could you please tell me how a magistrate in Irondale, Alabama is overturning all the established law back to the 1700s and hotels law nations? Can you tell me how you can take my choice as to my freedom of what set of laws I want to live under and simply discard them and say you're not going to recognize them? How you doing all that, Miss Miss Superman? Yeah, well, that's not what I'm talking about, though. I'm not what I'm, that's not what I'm talking about, though, because whenever you have an experience for any kind of an interaction with a cop, no matter how innocent it is, I mean, you might, you may have done everything picture perfect and he had absolutely no reason to accost you. He's still going to do it because as far as he's concerned, you're the enemy and the power. When you broke a law, he just doesn't know what it was yet. And he's going to, and he's going to do an interrogation, he's going to call it an interview or an investigation, he's going to find something to hang on you. All this. You have to know how to ask. I just don't want, I don't want one of those situations coming and taking over the entire program of crap. We can't do anything about for two hours. Okay. It's not in my valley wick and, and what we do here. So if you guys want to get into that traffic stuff, go form your own little group and go do it. It's okay with me. Somebody becoming expert in it. Maybe you can help because I don't drive, I, I, I haven't in 15 years. Okay. And it gets me real frustrated to have to deal with the ignorance up there in the United States. Uh, anyway, that's just my comment on it. Okay. Are we live with it every day? Are there's Mr. Argh, Mr. Argh might start a traffic, uh, then you somewhere mightn't you? No. No, I will not. Well, I just want to point out, and, and people think that they have to get a ticket and get involved that way, and I really would try to, you know, persuade you not to go that avenue. We want to challenge. It's not what I'm saying. It'll let you understand, understand what you're saying, Paul. Misunderstanding Paul, evidently. I like Mark's idea here of going and putting in a, what, uh, an inquiry type filing in your local county. Yeah. What do you call it? Declarity judgment. Okay. So now you're a little bit more on even ground. You're not, you didn't, you didn't get a traffic ticket. You didn't get fined. You don't have a summons, and you're a little bit more on level playing ground. You're not asking for money. You're just asking for the court to determine whether, uh, as a national, are you required to have a driver's license as a national? Are you, are you required for this? You don't, and you can, whatever your issues are with the quote, traveling versus driving, you can pose those questions to a judge in a, in a court of conflict jurisdiction and have them make the determination of what the law really says. That's one way of doing it. I think you're not under the judge and you're not trying to beat it. I think it's, I gotta tell you, I think that is a brilliant way to approach this and for all of us and come back and ask the court, hold it. Maybe that's where we incorporate this mark, hold it. For now, according to these statutes and national owes total allegiance to a small estate, meaning the U.O.M.E. total protection, these are intrusions from a corrupt fraudulent federal government. How are, why are you not protecting me and are prosecuting me? Right. I have a state of care about the gauge. All right. Hold on. Hold on. Go ahead, Mark. Mr. Dabbler, John Casarab was talking about somebody that was having success with some handling traffic tickets and I would recommend getting ahold of John and, and finding out who that person is, that resource, if you're, you know, going to go down that avenue. Maybe, maybe if the guys amenable, we'd get him on the program and maybe he would want to spend off of us and set up one of those things where people could query him if he's been successful. Now, someone was saying they had something to say a minute ago, who was. Yes. I just want to point out there is a procedural difference when you go into court. If you're expecting to use this argument in court, you're going to wind up in a different court and you have to file that inquiry that you're referring to, a show of causes and another one, but it is a constitutional challenge or question to the court. So therefore, a magistrate is not going to be able to sit there. You will wind up having a couple or more court cases. Don't be surprised that you have to transfer the case from the traffic court to another court though. That's the point I wanted to make because a lot of people are lost in some of the clag mire. That's one of them. Yes. A magistrate's for a point of judges are elected, so your point is very valid. It is a much bigger question than this traffic stop that you had and there's just so many elements and so unpredictable and that's not my ballywick particularly understand and it doesn't happen often. It's not like it's, you know, an everyday occurrence. We've had a few cases of it, not many, Joe, Judy down there in Georgia years ago who got everything dropped in an adjacent county and we haven't heard back from Judy, but I believe if she'd heard from the state of Georgia in that adjacent county, we'd heard from her and we haven't in a while. But like I said, we get one of these issues and it comes on and it just takes over the whole friggin show. And so it's not one of my favorite things and anything we can do to help folks alleviate that stuff, like Mark suggested is good. And I'd love to see the people that are interested because I understand it's, you know, you guys live up there in a society where the most part, you got to have a vehicle, okay? And so I understand your concern and all that in people's situations and if you want to do that, I'd really encourage folks to set up an alternate little program strictly for traffic, but I hate to have it infringe on what we're doing over here because it just takes over the whole forum, you know? Anyway, that's my feelings on it. So yes, Paul, you want to have the thing? I'm not specifically talking about people that are going out intentionally poking the bear. I'm talking about people that are just doing what they need to do to conduct their own life and follow the rules as best they can. And the barrel will reach out and take a bite out of their butt, whether they did anything wrong or not, because that's the way this system is built. It is built to make criminals out of everyone. You were a criminal right there. And they're also hungry for revenue, man. I mean, you know, it's the easiest way for them to skim right off the top is to go, okay, you were going one mile of the speed limit, I'm going to write you up, okay. So regardless, it's just not my favorite thing. I don't like the show to go in that direction, period, right? It is my people. People should be knowledgeable enough about the law to be able to protect themselves. We may not cover it here, but they do need to do that. It's not just a matter of you're going to wave a magic piece of paper in the air and they're suddenly going to back down. No, they're not. You want to be free. You want to be personally responsible, act personally responsible, pay attention to all the speeding laws of whatever they are, Dave. What do you got? See, I even hate mister this time, I'm just crap today, go ahead, Dave. Your good friend of mine in Kansas, he's 84 years old is a retired colonel. He said every time he gets pulled over, he says, you know, he exchanges. You know, nice pleasantries with the officer, and then he says, officer, are you pulling me over regarding traffic? And the officer always says yes. And then he says, well, are you trying to engage me in a commercial contract? And the officer says, thank you, have a nice day because the definition of traffic is commerce. I yield. Yeah. Well, that's a good approach. I mean, any of those things you want to try them, see if you can get master them and they work great. Okay. I've got one more. Do you see? Do you see how this issue takes over a whole entire program? Roger. I have one more thing. Go ahead. 18 USC 31 is your definitions, and some of the states may have redefined it afterwards, but driving is in there, and it describes it as a commercial operation. Okay. Somebody answer your Skype, I don't think that's mine this time. Okay. It's not mine. Mine said to do not disturb somebody. They got it. Oh, 18 USC section 31 definitions. Okay, Marka, I was going to say it's a continued education. We have to continue educating ourselves to understand what we're doing and what we're dealing with. So learning about the traffic laws, it's all for residents and U.S. citizens, and we should know the definitions and what's in it to understand what they're saying and then rebut it. Okay. I'm not opposed to any of that. I really don't want all that stuff on our program. All right. What Mike? There is some employment lawyers that are pissed off that the Supreme Court overturned Chevron, because they said that they rely on the agency to give them guidelines. And you said now that you're relying on the court, now it's going to be a crapshoot of any phone. No, they go back and rely on expert people in the field, and the bureaucrats are not experts in the field. I don't care what they tell you. So yeah, we'll let them be pissed off better, a couple of damn ambulance chasers get pissed off rather than send the whole ship to the bottom the way they've been doing it, given these guys free ride to interpret anything the way they want to interpret it, whatever moves them that day. So I applaud the Chevron overturned. Okay, the second thing is I was, I listened to Eddie Craig a lot, you know, the guy from Texas. Yeah, the guy that, the guy that, the guy that thinks what we're doing is a bunch of, the guy that thinks what we're doing is a bunch of crap, that guy. Yeah. Well, anyways, I was on his YouTube page with this towel wall, and he has a two hour zoom meeting with all these people, and he, you know, he said what allegiance means. He said the losses, allegiance means you will not commit war against the statement. That's it. Okay. Well, Eddie Craig doesn't have a grasp on anything seems like to me. Yeah. He's saying, he's saying being a natural change in your status is a bunch of crap, and it does not support law. So what he said, well, he doesn't know what he's talking about. I can't help that. If you're going to go listen to him, know that you're going to listen to somebody that didn't know what they're talking about in the basics. Well, you can go on and split our YouTube page and listen to the two dollar conversation yourself and listen to all the crap you're stealing them. You just like, you just like been addicted or something. It's like me going and listening to two hours at David's Strait or Antebon rights. I'm just not going to go waste my time. Roger, Roger. Yeah. Hi, I just want to say that we mostly keep the traffic to after hours when the show was ended to be respectful of you and your platform here. But may I say who, John, it was Tony Pellegrino. And you can listen to the archive from your DIY health from yesterday to hear that story. Did you listen to it? No, I've got it keyed up, but I started to, but I got late last night. Okay. I did. Okay. Yeah. I'm the same situation with Barnes. Well, all right. Who listened to it? That's Samuel. Okay. I heard Pellegrino probably cute 10 years ago. And he's still, I mean, he's a great, I don't agree with him because number one, he doesn't know about the national status. But John does say that. Well, he does. And that's important. Yeah, he does now. He's got an inclination of it now. So we'll see how that impacts him. Go ahead. So that's all good, but I see anybody thinks they're going into court and going to prevail. And they say that he does, of course, is mistaken. Once you're a national, I don't think you belong there. And I think Brent Allen Winter said, Mark says you asked the court the question is a national, you know, you're supposed to have a driver's license, well, I think anything you ask a court and Brent said this, you don't ask questions because they'll lie. And I think that's true. And I think in the statement process, you don't have to go to the court and you can tell them what your status is and lay it all out, that you don't belong there, et cetera, as a national. And stick to that, maybe, and try this instead of trying to engage them on their playing field. A yield. Okay. So, anyway, it just, and you've seen examples, if you've been around here, when this comes up in Michael's situation and Joe's situation, and it just, it invokes craziness to me. We lose total control and we get chaotic. And the reason that I've come to understand it at least is because we can't predict an outcome. I can predict an outcome with the feds every time. It's never failed. Oh, we've had a couple of obstacles they attempt to throw out, but in the end it's never failed. But these things right here, they're unpredictable, but just unpredictable, okay. So the best, it seems to me, the best advice that I can give you in this area is you want to be personally responsible and you want to be free, then be personally responsible and at least realize the danger here for you, potentially, and stay out and mind the traffic laws. Do a stop. Don't do half-assed stops. Try and maintain a one mile under the speed limit. You know, be careful and conscious when you're driving. That's my suggestion to you and that'll alleviate a lot of problems, okay. And if you do get stopped for something, this even relatively minor, hell, I would tell you to pay the fine and go on about your life, okay. But that's your decision, all right. So you see here this morning, it's taken up almost 30 minutes of this show in this traffic discussion since the start. Gotcha? Okay. What we're interested in is your freedom first. What you do with it after that's up to you, those are your decisions you need to figure in potential consequences and make them, those are up to you, all right. But my Ballywick is helping people understand this very complex and most of you will agree it takes a little bit of time and some hurdles and a little bit of learning things you didn't know before and a little bit of thinking and getting your brain working again and getting all those things working together for your success of your freedom. That's what we're here for, period, okay. Helping somebody overcome a traffic situation isn't going to change the country. We get this other stuff out there enough of a broad spread, we can change the country and we could actually almost possibly change the world with this information. That's what I concentrate on. That's what I want to concentrate on. That's what the show is about, okay. So that's the way I feel about it. Anybody else got anything they disagree with? That's fine. But I would prefer the wrong. I would like to somebody go off and start on their own traffic group, tell you the truth. You could pull some of these experts, the people that are interested in this, et cetera, et cetera. And possibly do some good, I don't want it interfering with what we do here. Yes, Samuel. Yeah. What I said, Roger, didn't particularly pertain to traffic, it would be universal for anything that we're dealing with with these characters and my big concern is property rights and protecting that. And the traffic, I think I have a solution for traffic, but it's just theoretical, you know. But I don't know, I don't, I take, I take Brent, that is his word, he's been in those courts longer than anybody else, he probably has been ours-wise and he says you don't ask him questions because they'll lie to you. Pretty cut and dried, you know. Okay, well, and I don't question him either, Samuel. So anyway, all right, can we go? Is there anybody, any new students or anything? See how this crap box everything down? It's such a small little area, not very many of you. Is there anybody new with anything else besides all this traffic crap today, please? Yes. Yes. I have something. Okay. Good. Let's hear that. Can you talk right in your microphone? Yeah. This is Annie from California. Annie. Yes, ma'am. I am. How's everybody doing? All right. I get so nervous when I have to talk to you guys, it's just a phone call. Annie. It's just us girls. I did some research this weekend there. There's a lady who's in that Patriot movement called Mary Crowley, I don't know if you've heard of her, but she's done a film on child trafficking. She was in the movie, the film industry, and then she realized what was going on and started her own studios and things, but she came out with a film this weekend. She was actually in San Diego area. She had a couple of people on that that are Patriots and a couple of pastors. One is SG and on, if anybody's heard of him. Anyhow, there was this guy there who helped sponsor her gig there. He's from Iran and he has a restore freedom. His name of this thing is freedom law school and our Parahani or whatever his name is. He'd been around a long time. Yeah. So I went to that to just see what he had to say because it was free if you attended the conference because he kind of co-sponsored it. It looks like he charges the last thing, it's 100% guaranteed that you won't go to jail or anything for filing your taxes and that you get a reward, you un-referral reward for each American you help to legally and safely stop voluntary of paying taxes, but you get a reward because it's a plan, if you join his plan, so you go from one slave state to another one. Because you're being him. Right. Right. You know, I told a couple of people, I gave the information, I had that little brochure who gave a couple of people the information on and national status freedom. So, but I just thought it was interesting. I was there for two and a half hours and you didn't really say anything, but it gives some laws and it was so boring that I had to leave, I just couldn't wait till the end. No. They have been aware of him for years, he's been around since the 90s, I believe. The 1990s, I guess, here, yeah. Yeah. And I saw him, he was on Alex here a while back for a while and he put up, let me bring it up on my phone, he put up a slide that said the most common baseless legal theories of the Patriot mythologies and one of them is he put anything having to do with uniform commercial codes, sovereign national or state citizenship theories, 14th amendment related theories, straw man, redemption, expatriate, revocation of election, all of these things are missed, common law versus statutory admiralty, jurisdiction, yellow fringe flag, I'm not using your zip code, objecting to your name in all caps. So, he had all those and some of those things are legitimate. Yes they are, yeah, obviously he doesn't, well, obviously he doesn't, he says anything to do with the uniform commercial code, he deals in, he deals in IRS, right? Yeah, I think that's all he does. What the hell do you think the IRS uses, lean levy garnishment and seizure? Hey, Mon, I know he was so boring, I thought, I wish Roger was here. Well, you know, the advantage I've got is because John Benson was taught me those basics in law that obviously this guy hadn't been exposed to, okay? I don't think he's a lawyer. No, he's not, I don't believe so either, but anyway, I see if he's having success, good luck with him, but he's missing a whole lot as he goes along his path, so I'm not going to criticize the guy, he just doesn't have all the information, quite frankly, simply by that one statement of saying that it has to do with the UCC, well, hell, the UCC is what they use to collect everything for people in what you're doing, now why don't you see the connection? I know, it was the night, see, this is what frustrates me, to his stuff, because there's money involved, do you see why I don't charge for what we do? Because I don't want that stigma. I appreciate that, and everybody else does too, and my job is to pass on the information. So I have one comment, I kind of talked to Mirko about this, when I go on these things on the weekends, when I meet people on the weekends, and I tell them you can listen, the first thing they hear is, and I love the ITER, and I love John Casserab, but first thing they hear for an hour is like a, it sounds like a camera. I know that, so what I do, don't tell people to come to the show first, tell them to listen to some of the interviews, then if they don't know the interviews in the background, and they step into the middle of this show, you're going to lose them, because they don't have the background, and you're not going to pick up the main points from this program. The program is to straighten you out after you've listened to it and have questions. So just reverse what you're doing, and don't steer them to the show first, steer them to some of the information first, then they can absorb a little bit better, and they won't be, what are these crazy nuts talking about, you know? So Lord knows we don't want to drive anybody away, but this is very complex information. Look, they fool the whole damn world with this. I know. It's been right in front of you, your whole face, your whole life. You couldn't see it. It was right there. You just never saw it. Even people like Robert Barnes, the accomplished notorious attorney, he still doesn't see it. These people are slick, folks. They're slick, I'm telling you. Okay? They are. Well, thank you. Well, thank you. Oh, thank you, Andy. Don't get nervous when you come and talk to us. Okay. Who's got something else this morning? We don't have Sandy on this morning, do we? If this gal that wants to tell us about something? You do. Because I told, oh, we do, and there you are, right? Well, I'm sorry you had to suffer through the first part of this. Oh, no worries. I always like to listen before I start talking on these kinds of chats. Yes. Well, let's give a little background. I heard from this lady here in California, right, Sandy? No, actually, my phone number is still in California, just because I got such a sweet phone number. I didn't want to change it after I moved, so it's the Oakland Berkeley area number comes from. Oh, my Lord, you lived in Oakland? No, I actually lived in Berkeley, which is, of course, okay, one is one is black radicals and the other is communist radicals, right? Well, it's just, you know, the whole area just has a liberal there, a liberal field. Anyway, so yeah, I was certainly in order to work on my PhD, so that's why I moved on. Okay, and you just got finished with some pleadings that you filed and you wanted to get out of the way before you came on the program, because you want to tell us a little bit about that in your background. And where are you now, by the way, when you vacated California, where did you land? So I went to Berkeley to get my PhD in particle physics, well, physics in general, and it ended up being particle physics just by choice, and that was in order to get a degree so that I could teach physics at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. And so, God is plant, I mean, he led me on that whole path and I ended up with the job. I was there teaching happily until COVID came, and then that was the day I woke up. March 13th of 2020, when we sent all of our cadets home for the flu, and I knew something was very wrong, and I couldn't figure it out. So then I did the deep dive, you know, with particle physics, background, valedictorian, yada, yada, you got it all up, I have a research brain, I can absorb a great deal of information and process. And so that's what I did. I did the deep dive into COVID and everything, and of course that led to a whole bunch of rabbit holes, and I fully explored all of them as much as I could, and realized that I have been very asleep for a long time, kind of a choice. I knew our government was corrupt and everything, but I didn't realize how bad, because I had never fully investigated that, because I kind of didn't want to know. As long as there's enough money for the bridges and taking care of the people, then I know there's going to be a lot of feeling, and lying, and whatever. So that's my whole journey, and that led me to Patriot groups, which led me to other Patriot groups, which led me to talking to a gentleman who identified himself, I guess you want me to go into the lawsuit first, let me do that first. Well, I'm enjoying finding out about you. Obviously, you're very one of the brighter bulbs in the drawer. We're always happy to have that, and most of our students and participants here are that way. And we're tickled to death you found us, and we'd like to know a little bit, or at least I would, about that path, and we get to know you a little bit better, because I think with your natural abilities that you're going to jump right in the deep end of this pool, and I think you'll be real glad you found us. Go ahead, if you would Sandy. It's Sandy, right? Sure. Sure. It is. And so we'll back up, so COVID. As a scientist, I start writing research papers, because I'm finding out that the reason we've never had a coronavirus vaccine before is because it's killed people in the past. It's killed all the lab animals in the past, they don't work. So I wrote this paper, well, three pages with about 20 citations, and I ended up to chain the commands, and I got no response, and I thought, "Okay, that's another data point of what's going on here." So I was being very vocal, I was telling people, "This is going to be very dangerous. Don't do it." And that started to get me into some trouble, because when the man found, they were saying, "Well, you now have to follow orders." And I'm like, "That's not true, because if you give me an order to do something illegal or unlawful, I must disobey, and I must report it appropriately." And that's the way I approached it. They didn't like that. Oh, they did not like that. Now I'm a civilian, now I'm retired military, I was in the Air Force, active duty as a pilot and test pilot for 20 years. And I was injured by a vaccine myself around the 1993 timeframe during the first Gulf War. It was actually Gulf War I, part two, but we won't go into those details. And I'm sure I asked, "What is this vaccine?" And they told me, "Okay." And years later, what I realized that my health started to deteriorate from that point forward. I went back to my medical records and couldn't find any record of that shot and where. So I have no idea what I got, and I have no idea what the final result is going to be. So my health was sliding downhill, and I had to retire at 20, even though I had the grand plan for, you know, female, four star, you know, blah, blah, and all that. So I had to find a non-flying job teaching something that came naturally to me. And so physics professors seemed to be a good job when I was kind of doing the analysis, and that's how I ended up at the academy. So there's very, I'm going to interrupt you for a second. It's a reason I'm here and we're having this conversation. Teaching, which I did for 10 years professionally myself, was the single most satisfying endeavor professionally that I've had in my life. So and I just really enjoy it. I enjoy touching out with this information, particularly, and changing people's lives like yours, and it's going to change your life. So go ahead. It's a wonderful thing to do is to be able to teach. Yeah, I agree with you 100%. I've had the additional blessing of being the oldest of three children. And my younger sister was a year and a half younger, and my brother was six years younger, and so when I'm reading a book, he's two, I'm eight, and he goes, "What are you doing?" And I said, "I'm reading." And he says, "How do you do that?" Well, there you go. So I'm, you know, either three or four years old, or I'm eight, and I'm teaching my brothers and sisters, you know, how to read and write and numbers and everything. So that's how I got my early start. Cool. So anyway, so now I'm getting in trouble because the students, the cadets, are coming to me, and they know my opinion because they've asked it, and I've told them. And so now they say, "Man, I don't want to get these shots. I know something's wrong with them, I can feel it in my bones," you know. And I go, "What are your supervisors telling you?" Well, either get the shots or get out. Oh, well, there's a few other things in the regulations that they are denying you do process under the law here, not like I had studied this already or was already working with an attorney off-base. Now, this attorney is a retired army jag, so, and a very Christian man. So he knows that the bar attorney thing is not a good thing overall, but it also gives him access to a court where he can do a lot of good. So he's so far hanging on to it, and he is actually my lead attorney now in the lawsuit. So you do not have to join a bar to be able to go into court, and we've got an attorney on every Friday for 20 years, and Brent's never been in the bar. So that's an appearance, that's not a requirement. I agree. And in fact, the only option, well, anyway, I can make the story really short by saying they didn't like the fact that I was helping the students with their religious exemptions. They started to accuse me of coercing the students, and I'm like, "Oh, you mean the thing that you're doing?" I mean, the typical thing, yeah, yeah, that was, and my reply, too, was laughing my butt off. But anyway, so now they give me an order to stop helping the students with their rights under the law. Now, that's not the words they said. They said, "Stop mentoring and counseling." Anyways, I'm getting into too many details, so I knew they couldn't give me that order, either. They couldn't tell me to take shots. They couldn't tell me to take tests. Everything's emergency use authorized, which means experimental. And if anyone has ever heard of the Nureberg trial that came out of that as the Nuremberg Code, and there's 10 basic principles there about medical experimentation and how it is completely against international law. So I knew all this, and of course I knew everything about vaccines, because I had to learn for myself to treat my own medical issues, because MD doctors, from most of them, forever, are useless. So I had to learn natural medicine on my own, whole other story. So now these court cases start coming out. They start coming after me with disciplinary action. These court cases start coming out and are saying, "You can't mandate a civilian to take any shots. There's no nothing. There's no UCC, there's no law, there's no anything." And I'm telling them how fine. I'm like, "You guys are not listening to me. There is. You cannot tell me to do this, and I am not doing this. I am standing up for everyone at this point, which I think I might have been the only one that approached it this way. We were still trying to figure that out." So when they lost their firepower for the vaccine, quote unquote, because there was no way to mandate it, the civilian, they had to start coming after me for other reasons. Here they come. You ready? Sandy wants to bring her gun on campus. Andy has a bunker in Texas. Andy said she wants to kill Democrats. Ooh, there's a good idea. Now, whether or not they're good ideas, or whether I actually said them, so that's what they have. So they had to literally lie in order to fire me, for conduct and trying to paint. If you have a bunker in Texas, it's a very nice farm, in fact, I live there now. Anyway, so they eventually fired me under those principles. So this is the lawsuit where you've been filing responses until, I guess, this weekend, right? So a federal civilian fired under these kinds of circumstances as what's called the rights under the Merit System Protection Board, or MSPB, and it is a special branch of the U.S. District Court. That's it. I don't have any other option. So it was that or do nothing, and I'm like, "Oh, God didn't make me do all that just to have do nothing." But because I am the complainant, I don't have to worry about the status stuff, because I do know a whole all about that. I already have the corrected password and all that. I've gone through the process. So the end result is that the regulations say that these kinds of cases should be finished in about six months, 22 months later, were finally at the closing argument phase. And of course, it was kind of a comedy of errors on all sides in terms of why the delays have occurring, or at least that's what it appears to be. It wasn't necessarily law fair, which we all know they do to try to drain you of funds, and they've almost done it. And luckily, God did not put on my heart to buy boats and jet skis and whatever. And so I had a lot of savings, and that's where it all went. Anyway. Unfortunate. Yeah. So at this point, the hearing was the first week of May, and the closing arguments were due last Friday, and we finally got everything. So it's now in, you know, the ball isn't going to be close. Right. Well, there's in the delay along the way, it was on the delay on your side. It would seem like a lot of additional evidence has come up. You could bring to bear, because you've got the burden of proof being the moving party here. And you say you've already gone through, and whose process did you follow on your passport and national quest here? So what's interesting is there's an expert in Colorado Springs, that's a good friend of mine, that does the state national very, very excellent. Well, no, I'm going to stop you. Okay, I'm going to stop you right there. We're very persnickety around here about words. There is no such thing as a state national. There's a U.S. national, there's a regular national, there's a state citizen, but there's no state national in any regulation, any code, or any court decision. So I want you, if you're going to join our little bunch here, I want you to be very specific with these words, and therefore your understandings. And one of the reasons for that is because the words we use create a reality. So I don't want any of us creating a false reality, we've all been raised in a false reality. I'm trying to straighten that out. 100% agree with you. This is what he calls us, and I should have him come on your show because you guys would have a really interesting discussion about that. Well, he's certainly welcome to join us as is anyone else, you know, and we'll have any kind of discussion that is viable and good, and hopefully doesn't get out of hand. That's some do, occasionally. No, please have a question. Nice. Thank you, Roger. Okay, Sandy. This is Merka, one of our good students. There's got a telegram group to help new people, and she's got a question for you, I think. So Merka, meet Sandy. Hi. Morning, Sandy. I'm wondering about your, did you do an affidavit or the declaration and how many pages was it? Yeah. What did he have? You do. Sure, so that was the process I was about to start until I discovered a different organization that does state citizen and sets up the religious foundation where you can put all your belongings into it. Okay. And that's the one I ended up doing only because they had the combination of the state citizen and the foundation. So I can do everything simultaneously. If I had been interested in doing that for quite a while. When you change status, theoretically, they can't come take into your stuff because you've moved out of that. This is something else I was going to tell you also. Brent Winters is our attorney. This is him and I've been doing shows here for over 10 years on Fridays. And Brent is a very interesting fellow. He's been working on his own Bible translation for 40 years. He's an attorney, has nine children, they all home schools, just a really exceptional American. And I'll plug his website for you because you may want to go look into it., And even though we've never met, we've become good friends. Well, he was telling us one day one of his law school professors was in the head of Army JAG when Nuremberg happened. And he was on the forward team that went over there to set up the whole Nuremberg trials. And the first thing is only because he had him as a teacher in law school that we know this. And virtually nobody else knows that I've never heard anybody else say it. When the forward team went over there, they had to set the type of law they were going to use at Nuremberg against the Germans because I was just following orders as a legal defense under the law of the city. And so I'm going to do this for Chicago. So they switched the law basis to the common law so they could try and convict all the Germans. Let Paul dump us out of Chicago here, Sandy. Go ahead, Paul. Thank you for joining us for the first hour today. Go to 6.9 WBOU FM Chicago to follow us into the second hour and continue this riveting conversation. Go to, you'll find the links to the live streams or you can join us on Zoom or free conference call that's or Thank you. Thank you, Paul. Thank you, Chicago. See you tomorrow. So the Nuremberg trials were all under the common law. I don't think hardly anybody knows that. And we wouldn't know it if it wouldn't been for Brent experiences. So if they're talking about having to go to Nuremberg too, they're going to have to go to the common law if it's going to be accurate because we don't want these guys getting out on. I was just following orders either. Right. Just a kid there, Sandy. Okay. All right. Go ahead, Nuremberg. On the affidavit that we use is pretty simple. And I went into, I know, her mentioning state national, a lot of groups and sites and groups want to use patron mythology and patriot written verbiage that is not needed in if she would like, I have a copy on the national studies freedom and we can guide her on completing it. It's pretty simple though. Okay. Well, this all you need and it needs to go straight to Secretary of State of DC. Correct. The simplest one we've found is on the State Department policy document. Sandy, I don't know if you've heard in your listening of our stuff this mentioned. It's on and it is called a certificate of non-citizen nationality. Do you know about the American Samoaans yet? Well, I know of them. I don't know if there's anything specific with regards to citizens. Well, yeah, it is. They use them to hide this because Samoa, American Samoa is the only unincorporated territory in the federal system, therefore they don't have the intrusion of all the federal laws and they left them with their natural laws. For instance, they own their own land over there. Whoever owns the most land is the leader and leaders in the legislature. If you had an abortion in American Samoa, they could charge you with murder. So they're still under natural laws because they're unincorporated. And what they call them is non-citizen nationals because they're only nationals and they're not birthright citizens or citizens of the United States. They come to the U.S. and try and they've got glass ceilings they hit and they can't go any further because they're not federal citizens and to become a federal citizen even though they're born in the U.S. system, they've got to naturalize. And so they did that intentionally to take the state citizen and change it to national and hide it behind them. So that's what's going on there. But at the bottom of that page, there's a one sentence. This as simple as it is, "I, Sandy, do solemnly swear my intent to be a national and not a citizen of the United States. Either send that in after signed or go get it notarized and send it in and you're out of their system." That's on that page, by the way. A one sentence declaration to get out. Well I went through a six, about eight months process of affidavit essentially sworn affidavit that it was a three-step process. So it was the notice of disagreement or whatever and then the opportunity to cure and then the final determination because of lack of quant. Easier than due process. With the security IRS, you know, all that. So there's a couple of different ways of doing it. Well the problem is none of those are the nexus to the system. The nexus is the Secretary of State. And the reason he's got that authority is because he's always been the cabinet office that issued passports. A passport under the law of nations introduces you to a foreign country and to do that properly and legally and lawfully he's got to know what your legal personality is. So see that's where they hid all this. He's the only one. The rest of them don't mean boo, I'll give you a court case, Mark dug it up the other day with the style. We found it on another website, Copper Moonshine, still I don't know if you're familiar with them. The EES have some court sites on there and this one is particularly provocative and it says unless the person can prove they're not a citizen of the United States, the IRS can move on to assessment and collection, something of that effect. The key part of that, how do you prove you're not a citizen of the United States? You can only do it through the Secretary of State. Okay. Well I'm going to research all this. I'm writing it down and of course, I expected you. Okay well we've got a great court site on the website there, it's from 1835 and that's back when there was only one status. There wasn't a secondary federal status at that point and it says, it's called Oobu22VDRC is the style of it. It's hard, I've never been able to pronounce it correctly, a listener sent it to me early on and it basically says that, it says if it's a matter of citizenship, it doesn't have to do with the passports, that's an ex parte document. If it has to do with citizenship, it only depends on what paperwork is in the possession of the Secretary, if it's missable in a court of law, that's why we suggest affidavits should be the higher and better evidence. So that's from 1835, it still stands. Okay. So that's kind of in a nutshell, my background. Okay, I've got a comment here, Sandy, hold on, we've got somebody who wants to comment. Yes, go ahead. Hey, Rogers Tom. Oh Tom. Hey. Let's just let her guess. Hey, hey, how's everybody doing? Listen, for a new guest, if she's, you know, I can tell that she's taking notes because, you know, she's asking questions again, that she can always listen to the archives of the show in case she didn't know that this is archives, she can come back and listen again so that she doesn't have to be too distracted by taking notes and listening more to what you're telling her. Right. Right. Tom is a Tom, when Tom and I cross paths, he got in a possession where you alluded to the point that you're in Texas, he's in Texas, also just north of Austin and Round Rock. And he kind of oversees a radio network called Republic Broadcasting Network, RBN, that's been around since old blue was a pup. And Tom got thrust into that position when the guy that was the original guy died suddenly. So he's been studying this for 40 years. And when he finally, we got his attention, we could sit down and talk, he goes, I've been looking for this for 40 years. So that's the kind of responses we've got for people who've been in the trenches a long time, Sandy. And I want you to know, it's not just me, okay, what you're being exposed to as a result of over 100 years of legal and historical research by three men. Okay. Absolutely. And I'm very grateful. Interesting. It's the Republic broadcast news because it's the Republic that I really wanted to talk to you about today, if I have time. Yeah, if we have time or we can do it tomorrow, don't big deal, I mean, we're pretty free ranging here. And I was interested in it. And let me explain this because I didn't go into this in our email exchange. I see this and it's had to be this way. This is the necessity that this just doesn't touch very many people. It touches a small percentage, okay. And so therefore I've had to not rely on trying to set up an organization where we can take back the country like Antibon writes. I don't see this as a group activity. I see it as an individual activity. And when we get enough individuals, then we can have a group. But you can't put the heart cart before the horse here and educate a group. You got to educate them individually first, so they're all on the same page. That's my feelings on it anyway. But that's one of the reasons I was open to what you said because we're getting a sizable number of people. Now, they're not all on the show. They're working or whatever and they don't always come around or they were here before and absorbed it and went off about their lives or whatever. But we've touched a lot of people. I've been doing this for 13 years. Yeah, so to hit the highlights on this subject, because you might want to have me come back another time. Well, you can come back and join us any day, sweetie. We don't have guests here. We have people who are looking for answers and for freedom. And if you're one of those, you come back as much as you want. Some of these folks have been with me on these shows for over 10 years, okay. They've followed me from radio gig to radio gig, you know. I call them ex-wives from one ex-wife to the next and finally landed here. And I think we've got a good, secure, established home now. With no notice, there's no commercial interruptions. And so we can get into these very detailed and oftentimes confusing topics and subjects without losing your attention by three minutes of me selling your ears. So I can pay bills, God sent us this, where we can do this on a shoestring. And I try and take full advantage of it of not having these interruptions. Got it. So the story goes, Patriots, just like us, we're trying to figure out what in the world was going on with our country back in the 2000 to 2010 timeframe. And they realized that a corporation had taken over our government, hijacked it actually. So we really don't have a government. And I think you've probably all talked about that before. And so the big question was, well, what happened to the original republic that our founding fathers gave us? So they went back to all the original documents, national archives and all the rest and scoured them, looking to find anything that said that they had actually deleted the republic that they didn't. It had only been abandoned and not evolved. Yeah. They don't have that power. They don't have that power. Yeah. It was just, well, we'll get to that part of the story. So it was just sitting there with empty seats. They literally had moved all of the positions from the republic, one big swoop into the corporation and then these, you know, imagined this empty chair to the republic. March, March 9th, March, Sandy, March the 9th of 1933 was when that happened. It was actually started during Lincoln. It was in the 1861, the whole war time and that solidified the organic act of 1871. Well, I'm going to hear what you got to say, but that we don't look at it that way. Do you know that it was unincorporated in 1874? Okay. We'll have to have that chat then because I have to look that up. Well, there's a whole lot. We can go to Larry B. Craig. I can show you all that stuff and when they incorporated and then when they unincorporated three years later, why didn't they take the 14th amendment out because it says subject to the jurisdiction there of singular. But if it was unincorporated, they left that in, so what is it? Okay. Go ahead. We could have these discussions. Yeah. Yeah. Well, we were a corporation at least at in the year 2000. We still are, actually. So these people figured out these patriots that all they really needed to do was to reseat those empty seats in the republic. So they were like, okay, how should we do this and all that? And that's when the military, good guys, approached them and said, we need you to hurry. We've been listening to your radio shows and all that and we know that you're on the right track. We need you to hurry because Bush Senior put in an executive order, which we all know on this podcast doesn't mean anything unless it's within the military under certain limitations. It's cabinet level stuff. Well, yeah, cabinet or military as commander in chief. So anyway, the, oh, shoot, I'm sorry, it'll come back to me in a second, it was on a really good track. That's okay. Okay. So the military comes to them and they said, yeah, Bush Senior signed this executive order that says if by X date and I'm going to, I think, I can't remember, I think it was like April 15th of 2010, if the United States Republic has not been reseated by then, then it will be considered gone abandoned and the UN will move in and take over the country. That was essentially what the executive order said. Now, I have not looked up the executive order. I have to go read it and find it and all that, but this is how the story goes. And so the Patriots immediately kicked into hide here. They started recruiting as fast as they could. They started filling the positions and by, and they met the deadline. So they had reseeded enough of the republic that there was no way that it could be abolished and the UN could move in. By November of 2010, they had such a huge interest in what was going on, that they actually had reseeded all the lower corporations, your states and your counties as well, with volunteers, because of course they weren't holding elections yet, but volunteers to hold the open positions in order to preserve them. And so they had a quorum of states, they met in Utah, they had kind of like a convention of states, but not really, and they wrote and signed something called the Declaration of Sovereign Intent, which kind of reestablished the republic in the international world. And they sent that declaration and they also signed a proclamation of sovereign intent, getting us wrong, claim and interest, proclamation of claim and interest in like the 2012 timeframe. And all of that went to the Hague, the Universal Postal Union, all the places that have to go in order to, you know, like if Zimbabwe changes their name and their flag, you know, they got to go do all the same stuff in international law. So that was all done. So we have right now the republic for the United States of America, that is our actual no kidding government that's been reseeded, and we have this fake corporates thing that's pretending to be our government and has tricked us all this time. So the republic is just waiting for the collapse or the removal of this corporation because the military, good guys again, has told them, tell the republic that they will not act without a civil authority, because then it would be a military coup, they would never do that because they would be violating all of their oaths of office and they know this. They don't have oaths of office, they don't have oaths of office, not one person in the Biden administration hierarchy has a valid oath of office that was proven by an attorney Todd Callender who's an attorney out of Colorado actually. So the whole thing is totally lawless. 100%. You see, we don't, we, I was actually, Todd's worker, which is a health, Lisa McGee is the one who was doing yes, right, right. That's correct. All the heavy lifting there. Yeah. And I got, I got the folks that are also invalid. I'm sorry to say I had a wonderful two hour conversation with Todd that one of the students set up, fortunately, and I went over everything and he just flat didn't get it. I'm sending and partially, I think nothing, nothing against Todd, I've got it on, you know, I like him, got all the admiration for him. I just think he was too new. And you see here is what you go to Lisa and go, well, here's this national thing, we know all about that. Well, you don't, because you know what anavon rights is teaching. And if that's what your reference is, you don't, you don't know nothing quite frankly. Right. So it doesn't come from the corporation thing. It doesn't come from the corporation thing, in my opinion. It comes from March the 9th of 1933, which is when the international bankers bankrupted the country and switched the system. That's when Roosevelt confiscated all the gold. That's the system change. And everything else is we've been a bankrupt nation under the leadership and tutelage, if you will, of the international monetary fund with the secretary of treasury, and this is in the United States code, is the governor of the fund? Well, what fund? The international monetary fund. So you got that and they got the DOJ through treaty. And I don't remember. I don't know which treaty it was, but there's another excellent Colorado researcher that came up with this 30 years ago, John Nelson, I don't know if you've heard him or not, he's been keeping a low profile for years, but that went through treaty. And that's why you got all the shenanigans going on with DOJ and then the control of the money through the treasury and the secretary of the treasury IRS sits directly under her. So anyway, that's the way we kind of see it. And I think we got all the proof in the world. There's a video you probably should watch if you've not become familiar with it. Just by another Colorado, a veterinarian named Dr. Gene Schroeder, who did a him and eight other researchers did a opus type research project in the 90s called the Emergency War Powers Act. Have you been familiar with that at all? Not with that video, but I'm definitely going to be looking that one up too. Okay. Well, I can tell you exactly where to find it on our web page. Go to the new student section and Paul went through and cleaned up all the audio because it was shaky and we got that increased and he shows all of the proofs that he talks about on the, it's an hour and 45 minute video and it is excellent and you need to familiarize yourself with that because that's the basis of what we do. We pick up from what he shows you they did to that date and show you what the repercussions are and how to get out of it. And you see you're saying your folks are putting in seating these offices, but you don't have, they don't have any citizens. They don't have anybody to oversee because you got it because all the rest of the people are citizens of the United States for the most part. So and I'll prove to you where you can find, yeah, I'm just kind of giving you a few things that have come to mind while you've been talking. If you go to book number one in the organic statutes at large, those are the original statutes of the country, you know, there's three sets of law books in the law library. That's one of them. It's the one with the dust on the top of the books because nobody ever goes over there. And if you take volume one and open up the front cover, you find the declaration of independence, the articles of confederation, the Northwest territory, and the Constitution, that's right at the front of that whole set of books. So you see the what you're saying is correct. This is that's government still there. It's just nobody is all of these rep people are wearing two hats after the bankruptcy. They're wearing the bankruptcy hat by the international bankers and then they've got access to the old hat that they used to wear previous to that. But most of them don't know it or don't want to wear it and don't even can't recognize it. But those two positions for the governor of Colorado is the governor of Colorado, state of Colorado, and the governor of Colorado state. And those are not the same. All right, now we agree on that. You can discuss it some more. They actually gave notice to all 50 governors that a does your government had been stood up around the 20 final frame. And that was actually in the newspaper, of course, they ignored it. So then that's when they started to recruit more, I guess. It was a whole big effort. Then the Obama and the three letter agencies came in and infiltrated. We think Anna Von Rice was part of that because she was actually in the republic at the time and then she started making wild accusations and then actually just left the republic without actually debating the folks about what she was saying. Anyways, so we don't believe in her stuff either. So the next step was arrest of the president. So he was appointed as the interim president of the republic, James Timothy Turner and very godly man, very smart on this kind of stuff as well. He still helps people to this day with the same kind of things that I hear on your podcast. And arrested on no charges. He was tried and found guilty of justice, the potential to commit future crimes. That was when he was killed. And so it was set up from the beginning. The judge was completely 100% cabal or whatever and so he went to jail. Now he's a very godly man and he realized that. And he was there. God was using him for several different things. He had some medical issues a year ago and was fortunate to get out on the CARES Act. Now he's with the ankle bracelet house arrest stuff and so but now he's actually recovering health line. In the interim, because of the infiltration, the vice president ended up being an enemy and et cetera, et cetera. So it was president pro tem of the senate that ended up being the acting president who then with the remaining states because everybody fled. But in the trial of Timothy Turner, the FBI. Oh, Tim Turner? Tim Turner? Yeah. Okay. Go ahead. So he was, they said that there were 22 million followers of the Republic at the time of the trial. So that's how many people were at least following, you know, paying attention on the broadcast, you know, listening in and the rest of it and then there were thousands of people all over the country who had re-inhabited the states, started to re-inhabit the counties. That's what we call it, re-inhabit. And had actually set up state grand juries and that was the reason why they had to be infiltrated and taken down. And they were almost, a remnant remained, President Geiger and some of the governors and a few, you know, scattered around. And then ever since that point, they were kind of underground for a while, kind of laying low until kind of things blew over and then they started to try to recruit again and get the word out. But the shadow banning, beyond shadow banning of everything that they were doing. So now fast forward to today, I'm involved and I'm kind of like a spokesman for the Republic where I pass on this information. And I tell people, everyone says, say the Republic, say the Republic, and like we already did, we've done all the heavy lifting. We've got all the papers filed, we've got everything, all we need are people. We just need the bodies to re-inhabit to receipt these empty seats because we had done everything. We had a first Congress, we had a second Congress, we had all these things. Everything was going on, you know, in parallel. And so now everyone feels it, especially after the Trump trial, all of a sudden we've got this massive influx of new people and they're all stepping in and taking over the governors and the county clerks and the whatever that we need to do because the number one priority, if when however this is going to happen, whether it's a military, a martial law that's declared, the corporation is all arrested and the Republic is put in place as the lawful civil authority because again the military won't act without it. Then the number one priority of the Republic is within 120 days holding free and fair elections paper only known machines to actually get no kidding lawful representatives in all those positions. And about 90% of all the governments will be gone because of course that's all total fluff, it's nothing that's actually doing any good, it's actually hurting the people. So that's in a nutshell what the Republic for the United States of America is about. And they have a website, all of the founding docs around their declaration, the proclamation, all the stuff that I just mentioned, their history. That's all honest, a very long website name, it's actually the name Republic for the United States of And you go there and you can read everything you want to know, you'll learn about Tim Turner, you'll learn about James Buchanan Geiger, who is our new and acting president until we can hold actual elections, but just in the last month or so we went from having about 10 states with some representation to now having like 30 or 35 states. It just flipped, like someone flipped a switch. It's like, this is God in motion, we're pretty sure. And so now my job is to sell the people to get the word out because battle banning is not going to work if you're getting it out on dozens of different methods and communications. So that's what I was hoping to talk about and to tell the story. So I appreciate you letting me have that talk. We take a little different twist because I think you've got to get people and you're talking about all these people and all these organizations for one thing, I'm quite familiar with Tim Turner because if people try and go to some jurisdictions to the property records office to file their affidavit, which some people like to do, okay, many times they get confronted with the sheriff or are you one of those sovereign citizens and they call the FBI sovereign citizen squad on you because Ted Turner screwed that whole thing up, okay? And he was having his people go in and file copious amounts of UCC one forms and all kinds of other things. Well, that doesn't give you your freedom. You got to do it through the secretary of state. All that does is cloud the whole title and so that's my complaint with Mr. Turner's I've had to overcome his crap for many years, okay? Because of what he didn't know and what he was teaching to people. But unless everybody understands kind of what we do here, let me tell you what one of my teachers said, I got one that's still alive. His name is Glenn Amboard. He was an Annapolis guy, tutor, Roger, star back to the Heisman Trophy back then and all that got involved with Jim, the legal teacher here, John, and they they had a lot of hard road to go over, okay? But what Glenn says and everybody agrees to the most part, unless you know you're dealing with the feudal system, you'll never do anything but shadow box with it because you don't understand how it works. And then if you do understand the feudal system, you understand the remedy so easily because the only way you can be in it is voluntarily because voluntary servitude is the only type of slavery that's constitutionally lawful and legal, okay? And so if you don't know those things and how this works, I don't want to build a group of people until we get a bunch of solid, well-educated, well-informed individuals. And that's why we've always concentrated on it. Hell, I never have been able to hardly get people to listen to me, Sandy. I mean, like I said, I've been doing this on the air for 13 years, okay? Called every name out of the book. But our stuff works, okay? Here's the problem. Our people want to think like we've always thought. And we don't think like our enemies think. But our enemies know exactly how we think so they can pull this crap over on us. But we can't see what they've done for the majority of people because we don't know how they think. You can't imagine thinking of smuggling young children over the border and selling them into sex slavery, can you? Well, that's the way these people think, okay? So unless you understand that, you generally are not going to see what they've done. And all these people, Anne of Enright, David Straight, all these people, were continuously getting refugees from these programs and people that have been involved in it, you know? And they find this and they go, well, damn, yours is so simple. I go, well, it is simple. It's a bait and switch. They had one status. They had to cause the war to bring in the second status. And then they tricked everybody into it. And they got your voluntarily agreement by asking you two questions your whole life for you, a citizen of the United States, are you a resident? Every time they ask you that, previous to your awakening, I guarantee you, you said yes, and you signed something. So you volunteered to their fraud. Fragulently, yes. So unless you understand these things, I don't want people in a bunch of groups because you're not going to understand what they've done. So that's kind of my position on this. I would love to connect you with Tim Turner so you can have a phone call because, you know, just you've been doing about the same amount of time. Well, I've been doing it for over 32 years. It's just on the air for 13. I got to do this in 1992, okay? So what I would suggest is that why don't you pick a couple and I could give you some suggestions of the better interviews and send them to Mr. Turner and see if he'll listen to them. If he wants to listen to them and have a discussion, I guess I'm open to that. I've just been having to fight so much of his crap for so many years that it is a bit of an obstacle for me, but I'm open to it. Roger? Yeah. Samuel. Okay. Well, Samuel, this one was a good statement to say, Mark. Yes. Go ahead. Well, she's not a guest. She's just on by this committee. All right. Go ahead. The 22 million that you're saying probably existed at one point. Would you estimate of those, how many of those were nationals or were they citizens? That that's actually a point that I've been trying to bring up as well as some others that are also in the, you know, the category of removing your, or I'm going to say, correcting your status, right? Because that's really the way we're doing. Well, that's exactly what it is. Not that many of them, because I think they either were led to believe or believed that once the republic was put in place, there would be no problem with the status. Well, they're wrong. And so they're only holding the peace temporarily, and that's it. There's a, there's a feeling and an understanding and, you know, maybe it's even more qualified that, and it's sort of in the title of Lee Brough's book. You know, USA, the republic, the house that nobody lives in, can you have a club, you know, without members? Can you do any of these things without nationals occupying those spaces? And why should the government have offices that have no people who fit under their rulership? You know, that the government is sort of in this place from even what you're saying that they'll act if this goes to a certain point. And even Trump, I think, said something to that when he was inaugurated. But I think that you really could benefit what you're trying to do by moving more nationals into those positions of importance. If they don't, here's the deal. If you're a federal citizen, you answered those questions yet and you haven't corrected that, then you have man-made rights called civil rights that come under the 14th amendment, okay? And you agreed to it now. Once you go through the status change, excuse me, you move over to God-given rights, constitutional protections. Then it all applies to you, and only partially applies to you as a federal citizen. So look at the second amendment. Yeah, you've got to write the bare arms, as long as you can go to a licensed dealer and buy it and pass the background check and all that. We have our people go in. Well, let me tell you a story, Marilyn, from Kentucky, one of our students. She sent out all her notices and how we instruct people to do stuff and basically set up your change in status with your local officials, put the state and all your local people on notice, which she did, and the local's up in Kentucky, Frankfurt, Kentucky, and the local police chief sent them a letter and says, "You've got to come turn it since you're not a citizen of the United States anymore and you've expatriated. You need to come turn it in your concealed carry license." And she called into the show and said, "Well, what's all this about?" Okay, and so the letter further told her to contact the FBI, which she did, she couldn't get a return phone call, she finally got a return correspondence from sent them a letter and they go, "We don't have anything to do with this." And so finally the police department figured it out and said, "Well, because what they're accusing her of is expatriation and see, we don't expatriate. We repatriate to our original status. Extatriate means giving up your passport and going through a long state department procedure and paying about $5,000." So finally the police department realized what they'd done and I guess they got with some attorneys there on the city and they said, "Well, just send us a little affidavit and then you can keep your license." And I told Marilyn, I said, "Why don't you write them back and say, 'I don't need your stinking license.'" Okay? So, there's a misconception. Well, that's right, okay? So anyway, that's one, we've had a number of different incidents. In fact, one of them, pretty dramatic. Somebody should tell Sandy, Bird Dog Sandy to Sarah's testimonial about her rebellious daughter and it happened outside of Denver and even Robert Barnes says CPS is the nastiest agency of the 600 plus federal agencies. Well, they got ahold of her daughter. They got ahold of her daughter overnight. She snuck out of the house, they were visiting Colorado. She went to a neighbor's house folder, she'd taken a bunch of pills, they called the cops. The cops came and got her, turned her over to CPS middle of the night. Call Sarah and I said, "We've got your daughter." So next morning they end up at Denver Children's Hospital or something. And at that point, the CPS gal, a Russian psychiatrist, had already got her to sign a bunch of documents. So when they went in, she's beam, because she gets a commission off this, is beam, she's already signed these documents and Sarah says, "Well, she can't sign them. She's underage and she's a national." And she had copies of all of their affidavits with them. They went into a meeting with three attorneys, three attorneys, the administrator of the hospital and this CPS agent. She laid out the affidavits on the table. They said, "Live the room for five minutes." They came out and said, "You and your daughter are free to leave." Have you ever heard of anybody else getting out of CPS's grasp? Yes. After they have a signature? Well, they're not very many. All right, I heard that Mark is saying something, Paul has wanted to say something, okay. But this is the effectiveness from testimonials that we've done. And I don't want to get anybody in a group until they're really well steeped in our information, because it's right, it's correct, and it works. Right. Now, this is not a one street. But by any means, I gather info and bring it back to the republic because I am a military officer. You know, I want to be thorough. I want to be 100% absolutely sure we're doing it. And so if there's something we need to fix, we're going to fix it, but we've got to fix it one at a time. And when you get enough people that have done it, then we can start having groups and then we can get more people. And then we can have legitimate grand juries and legitimate efforts under our new political status that's operable to go after these stinkin' lion, thieven, murder, and bastards. Slaving too. I think I forgot slaving. All right, hold on. A couple of people want to say something. Bye-bye. Let's go to Marka. Marka? First, Sandy, with Sarah says she told them that they have exceeded their jurisdiction. And this episode is on Taskbox, Radio Ranch, December 4th, 22. Okay. Thank you. All right, Paul. As a citizen of the United States, you're a federal citizen and your status is in rebellion to your sovereign state, the nation state of whatever state you were born in. You are an enemy combatant to your state, so you don't have a status that enables you to have any authority over that state, sovereign, or otherwise. Correct. And are the federal-- You don't have authority either. Unless you are a national state citizen in good standing, you have no more right to overthrow the government or set up a parallel government than Kunta Kinte would have, kicking the Lord of the Manner out of his cushy, easy chair and putting his feet up on his desk. What you'll find if you would listen to that Gene Schroeder, Opus, Sandy, is what they did in 1933 on March the 9th, was they flipped the systems. They bankrupted the country in the bond market, okay? And then they flipped the systems. And in doing so, they took a piece of legislation called the Trading with the Enemies Act. Are you familiar with that? I've heard of it, yes. It was in 1917 in World War I, and the stated enemy was the Germans. And in 1933, when they bankrupted the country, they took that exact document legislation verbatim and moved it up, and they took out Germans and put in citizens of the United States. That's why they can do all this COVID stuff and all the rest of it. You're their enemy. Okay, that's our proven. Roger Pivey. That's Pivey in the Gene Schroeder thing. So yes, Dave? Yeah, thanks. Hi, Sandy. I'd like to ask her a question. Sandy, I heard you say that you are a state citizen. Do you know why the term sovereign citizen is an oxymoron? Well, as long as the citizen is capitalized with a capital C, then yes, but if it's little C, then it's actually contradictory. Well, if I may, that's antivan rights, garbage. A citizen is a slave and a sovereign is a king, and you can't be a king, a king slave. So a citizen capitalized or lower case, it doesn't matter. A citizen is a slave to the city. So I yield. Thank you. I did not get it because I don't believe in anything she says, but I get it from the two copies of the Constitution, the original one and the corporate one, so those are different. And again, back to the beginning, you know, those men overthrew the Articles of Confederation, and they wanted to be king. And that's why Patrick Henry did not go to that constitutional convention because he said I smell a rat leaning towards a monarchy, and that's exactly what we got. I yield. That's what they've developed it into. There's no question. Sandy, I don't know how, and I know you've been involved in this returning your case and all that stuff. I don't know if you've had a chance to really listen to some of those interviews that are on the Matrix. For one thing, I couldn't get you over there till the other day because of all the screw ups with GoDaddy that we've been experiencing here lately, but it seems to be straightened out. But listen to it. There's a couple of interviews on there that are particularly good because they cover all the bases in this. And one of them is with that guy that was talking a minute ago, Tom D. And the other one is a gal that used to be on RBN, Deanna Spengola. Used to, although a bit dated, are both very good because they cover all the bases, all the way back to the bonds and what the birth certificate is and all that kind of stuff. And then there was another one I did last December with, there's a fellow that's on Infowars occasionally called Badass Uncle Sam, I don't know if you're familiar with him or not. I love that one. He's into Orleans. Do you like Badass? I love the name. Well, that's a... Yeah, I do. Well, I did a good interview with him. I approached it a little differently and just because I tried to do that, see what's more effective. And that one is particularly good also. So those are the three that I would recommend that John B. Wells interviews are good because I approached that one a little differently from the matrix idea. But any of those, and listen to those a little bit and get a real feel for what we've got. And then you can take the knowledge that you know, that you've told us about here today, and you can put some really accurate stuff because, man, our stuff is absolutely, totally right on. Okay. The reason that we've got this is because my teacher, John Benson, is the guy that came up and found a revocation of election, by the way, where you apply to the IRS after you've done your change and you get up to three years' money back. And we've had several people that have done that and we're doing it now for students. But that's what he discovered only because he studied the law his whole life, because he loved it. In the study of that law school, he studied the old law that they've changed and don't teach in our law schools anymore because they've controlled the masters called the American Association of Colleges and Law Schools. It's an organization that's been around for at least a hundred years or more. And they have taken that over and they control the curriculums in law schools. For instance, let me just ask you a question. This is my litmus test question for patriots, okay? And it's what I'd asked Tim Turner if I had a conversation with him. Or David Strait or Antibon rights. Can you give me the legal concept behind the meaning of the word "person"? Well, it's definitely not a living man or woman. It's a corporation as far as I understand. There's a couple of... You answered it. Well, you answered it exactly like every patriot researcher I've ever asked answered it. It's a corporate fiction. But that's not true. It is true that it is. But there are other things that are too. And you said not a living man. Well, a person can be a human being. It is dependent on where you get your rights and to whom you owe your duties. See ya, here's the definition from the guy that's originated, claimed with the origination of the law in Rome was a guy named Gaius, G-A-I-U-S. He wrote a group of books called "Gaius' Institutes" and the whole first part of book one. Good boy. Excuse me? Pardon me? Parents, someone's talking to their dog. Okay, so that's one of the holes in our situation. Here's that happens with people. So the whole first part of Gaius' Institutes is all on the word person. Do you think it might be important? Okay, here's the definition of person, an entity to whom the law ascribes rights and duties. In other words, if you're a federal citizen, you get 14th Amendment rights, civil rights under the 14th Amendment, and you owe the correlative duties. If you filed your paperwork with the Secretary of State, you're not that slave person anymore. You're still a person. They call you an individual in the law, by the way. And the reason is because you're getting your rights and your duties from God. You owe your duties to God, you get your rights from God, you got constitutional protections. And now that's your legal personality, and the reason they call it individuals in the law is because those two qualities, the rights of the duties, are contained in the same entity. And the word individual is the root word of the word indivisible, because both of those rights and duties are in the same entity. Now take your corporation. Your corporation gets rights, it's a person, a corporate person, but you can't go put a corporation in jail, can you? So you see, it can pay a fine, but its duties are limited. Now the way they remedy that, if it's an egregious enough situation, like the Bhopal incident in China, India, or whatever, with a union carbide, if it's an egregious enough situation, like Borga, from Pfizer, giving you these jabs that killed everybody. If it's an egregious enough situation, the court can pierce the corporate veil and go after the Borga directors. So in a corporation, the duties and the rights are separate. The corporation's got the rights, but the Borga directors ultimately got the duties, okay? So a person can be a human, it can be a partnership, it can be a trust, it can be a corporation, it can probably be other things, but it's not exclusively a corporation. And if you don't have that knowledge, with the majority of statutes being written for persons, persons, things or actions, the majority for persons, and our attorneys have never been exposed in law schools to the meaning of the concept behind the word of person. You want to know why we're so screwed up? Because people won't have the accurate information. Roger. Yes, Paul, we have about six minutes left of the show. When we have a minute, we have a couple of hands up, we've got David and we've got sketch. Okay. Okay. Well, I'm sorry to put you guys on the back burner, David, come on first. Your first. Go ahead. What you got? Is this Dave, Dave and Kay? Yeah, it is. Hey, Roger. Hey, Dave. Okay. Good. Thank you for bringing up the success and the start of the show with the IRS. It was pretty funny. I picked up the check on Friday from our PO box at the post office and when I was young, I could have done a backflip, but at this age I can, but I was pretty excited. And the young lady at the post office was laughing, I guess. I hadn't even opened the envelope, but you can tell it was a check from the go, from the treasury, but yeah, it was in addition to the voting registration success, but really it's not a success for a KRI, it's really a success for all and hopefully it will help others do the same. So just wanted to really say thank you to you for your inspiration. And I just wanted to say it was just the 2023 that they returned the full withholding. And that was, I had submitted the NR with a copy of my W2, which had come out by that point and it was, at that point, it was almost full year of withholding. So yeah, it's pretty cool still waiting on 2122. So David, I have a question for you for your return or your refund. So you used the 1040 and are not an ROE, right? So the ROE was part of the overall process. It's part of the return, a revocation election, and acts also, go ahead, Dave. Yeah, I'm sorry. Yeah, it's part of the overall process. So really the process started and back in May, not this May, but previous May, giving notice to the IRS with the affidavit and then proceeding with the forms with my employer, stopping the withholding. And just interestingly enough, Roger, there was one correspondence from the IRS. Between submitting the NR and their approval. And that was their request to, they wanted to know a country, treaty country, and treaty article. And I started thinking about that and really that was addressed on the W8BN with my employer. And I realized that that form probably had never gone out of their hands to the IRS. So I filled that out with, not applicable. And I used that opportunity to resubmit all the documentation that I had previously sent to the IRS including copy of the ROE and everything else. So really they had no way out to say that they hadn't received any of that because I included copies of the certified mail receipts. So I kind of cornered them, you might say, and that was all she wrote, they sent me a check even though they had my account number, they could have done it that way because that's how we had normally submitted in the past, our returns. But they sent me this check, so I keep staring at it, so I need to deposit it. Are you going to deposit it or frame it? Well, I've scanned it and I was, and I redacted it, I wanted to post it on national status. I didn't know for all those maybe who have disbelief of this, yeah, it is redacted. But yes, it does work, the process works, they didn't dispute anything other than wanting their dish automation about treaty country, yeah, and you know, to your effort, you and Mark's effort, I think that's a great idea because it's a ton of work, putting it all together and time and devils in the detail, right? So there will be a lot of people who want to do this, and to Paul's point, it's really subsequent to all the foundational stuff, including learning the concepts, at the day that the notices, the passport, all that has to be done prior to. So it's a ton of work, and for y'all to offer that service with the IRS piece, I think is a great service because a lot of people don't have the time to do it, but do you want to do it? Sorry. And you mentioned the interest too, right, they gave you interest too? Yeah, no, yeah, right, is that a joke? No, look at the bottom of the, look at the bottom of your check, it's a good show interest. It doesn't know, okay, it's the exact amount of withholding amount, federal tax withholding from my W-2, it's nothing more than that. I don't really, when you file something like that, they pay you interest too on the money. Maybe you'll get that on the 2020 and 2021. Maybe so. We'll see. I doubt it, who, listen, I was happy enough to just get out of their grasp. You guys have gone back and requested some of your money back that you're entitled to through this approach, and they send you anything back. I'd take it and run like a bandit, okay? I'll let them proceed again about the voting. Quickly, we've got scotch waiting. He says that there was success on the voting registration, but has it been confirmed? There's two questions. Has it been confirmed that he's done as a national? And does he understand that he's voting and participating with the United States Corporation? So confirmation that they approved me by my registration as a national, yes, I have documentation of that from the Secretary of State of Alabama. The head attorney in the state of Alabama over the election, whole election thing is the one that registered me, Marcia, okay? What they, what I don't have, yes, he had all the paperwork. And what I don't have from them is an exact explanation as why of how they can allow me to vote if I'm not a U.S. citizen. So they don't want to go in there, and I'm thinking of a way to get that out of them. Anyway, go ahead. Yes, you registered me in what capacity? That's the question that's unanswered yet. We're about ready in the show officially. Hold on a minute. We're about ready to end the show in a minute. We're going to be off the air. You can have these conversations after we get off, but right now we're under what they call a hard break because it's like the end of the program, computer operated. So Sandy, thank you for coming on. I hope we see a lot of you around and ask a lot of questions. And everybody else, I hope maybe if you're new and sitting out there, you learned a little something today, and we'll be back tomorrow through Saturday this week. And we're here six days a week, as most of you guys know, and we added the Saturday show about a year and a half ago, two years ago, maybe for the people that are still gamefully employed that want to come and join us, but they can't get under in their work. So we added Saturday for you, okay? So that's where we are. And listen, man, we've been doing this for 13 years with the biggest, baddest son of a bitch in government that's ever walked the face of the earth and they've agreed with us every time. They stand mute, folks. They stand mute and silence Dean's consent. So thank everybody and lay our bodies down and go seek some more people looking for their freedom. See you tomorrow. Go to or for more information. All right. Now we're going to pick that up, but I'm going to go run a little errand real quick. So you guys pick up the conversation. I'll be back in a second. Two hours. Quickups of coffee. All right. Can we let? I'm going to let Sketch get in here because he's had his hand up for some time. Sketch, come on in here. What you got? Yes. I hope I'm not stepping on Brent Bachman's toes here. He's one of the longest listeners and has known Roger the longest. If you have any questions in the after show, we are here till about 12 o'clock Pacific time. And we have a naked affidavit in, Sandy. If you want to read it, it's very short and it's very perfect. I yield and thank you so much for coming today. And thanks Paul for coming today and being a facilitator of all this beautiful discussion. I yield. Have a blessed day. So that 12 o'clock, if I may barge in, I'm sorry, but that 12 o'clock he's referring to is midnight. Midnight. Okay. Not noon because that's noon now. So, but I wanted to ask Dave, I heard Dave talking about the articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union as compared to the United States Constitution. And that is going to be the topic on Sunday, the 7th on my show. So I want to plug it because we've been looking forward to this. We're going to have two gentlemen that are very well versed in it and we're going to discuss it. And I'll put the links, I'll put them in a two radio There's three links in particular, the National Archives with the articles and also the Constitution and then a very good article, reinterpretation of the Constitution with the, of the articles with a Merrill Jensen. So those three articles will be in, in that chat room rather than put them in the conference call chat room. I don't know who all can see it in here, but uh, yeah, so please join us. All right. That's 2 to 4 p.m. central on republic Thank you very much. Thank you, Mer. Okay. Emil in here. Yeah. You know what, I'm thinking that what would be maybe interesting information is when you get a check back like that, like Dave Scott versus a general return for overpayment, scrutinize those checks and see if they're drawn on different places and look at them closely with them, with the magnifying glass to see if there's any micro print on them, especially underneath the signature line, um, we might find things that's SOP, you know, micro printers, comparing the two different ones, Paul is, I think what I'm getting at and want to make a real point on. So if you get a standard return from the IRS check versus these checks would be my point. Yeah. That would be interesting. Okay. Um, Kathleen has her wound up now. Kathleen, another one of our relatively new students, Sandy, Kathleen. Hi. Um, so I've got two different questions. Uh, first of the questions, my daughter is very interested in becoming a national, but she is concerned, and I know I've mentioned this before, but she's, um, in the process of trying to get dual citizenship. Her father is born and resides in Greece, and so she is concerned that that might mess up the process. Should she wait and get up now at first? I don't think it's going to mess up the process, but if she wants to see her, her questioning mind, get that first and then go back and change yours afterwards. Okay, and then she's, how close is she achieving that, Kathleen? Um, I don't know if she sent some paperwork. That's all she said. She was, uh, hurrying off the phone right after that, but I was trying to get more information, but all I know is she said she sent some paperwork, but, um, I, you know, I think it's probably early on in the process. Yeah. I might take a while, don't know how the Greek bureaucracy works. No, they're like 50 years behind, especially. I'm sure. I don't know. Yeah, I mean, getting child support was like just the next possible. So anyway, um, the other thing that, um, she is concerned about is she's planning on doing a lot of international traveling and possibly has no effect, has no effect, has no effect on any kind of international traveling. Even if she lives in, she's thinking about living, moving to Australia for a year, I'm trying to talk her out of it and then, then make any difference. I don't want anybody wanting to do that. You know, our own people don't know the difference in the national and it says the United States that people in Australia certainly don't. Queensland, Queensland. She wants to go to Queensland. Why on earth would anybody want to do that? I hope she doesn't want to go to Melbourne. It's the whole test city for the whole damn global operation here. Yeah. Well, I mean, I, I, when I went to the Holy Land a year and a half ago, two different families were from Australia. Two family moved just because of the corruption during COVID. If you left your house, you would literally get arrested. If you didn't have a full time to leave your house and I told my daughter, I said, you go over there. I said, there's another. She's like, Oh, COVID's over. And I said, no. And I said, they're planning on the next one. And I said, and if you're over there, I said, you may not be able to get home. No, I said people couldn't lose certainly things to contemplate. But she's 20. You knows everything. Well, of course, you know everything when you're in your early twenties, so that's right. You're, you know, it's the old saying, it's amazing how smart my old man gets the older I get. So you got all those situations. All right. Yes. Hold on. Good. Yes. And my next topic is, so I'm going to go and try to, I've gotten all my, my license, my tabs all renewed. And I know I didn't need to. I just felt more comfortable doing that. So I don't have to deal with the law. I don't want to be in and out of court before having a very good working knowledge of how to what to say, what not to say. And I don't want to deal with going to court. So I did all that stuff and now today, possibly tomorrow, if I can't do it one day, I am going to send my affidavit to the secretary of state. So can I just do that today or do I need to do other things at the same time or the best to wait? No, you just don't just go take your affidavit, write a short little cover letter and pop it off to Mr. Blanken and then wait a few days, you know, there's reasons we say this. I'm not going to go into it now, wait a couple of days. You're not going to get any objections, you're a law-abiding lady. You shouldn't even have to do it this way, but this is the way we've kind of progressed to. So you send it to him just the affidavit to cover letter, wait 20 days and then apply for your passports, okay, for me a suggestion, you don't have to do it that way. Okay, yeah, and I mean, my passport's good for like another five years, I think. But well, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter on your passport book. You can take the affidavit and apply for a passport card and put the affidavit in there or you can do both if you want to. But you do not need a book. All you're trying to do is to let the highest form of government ID know that you've changed statuses and they'll send you that card. And as you may have heard here, there's a number of people, that's what they use for ID. That's the only ID they carry is their passport card where the affidavit has been submitted. All that's up to you, okay? Yeah, and I do have a passport card as well, so just get a new one, okay. And but don't you need the passport book when you go to another country so they can stamp it or is that more for well, they do, but that's not, but they don't know about nationals. I mean, generally they don't understand all this stuff, but yeah, you got to have a book to travel to every country except Mexico, the Caribbean and Canada, you can travel to those countries on your passport card, okay. But if you're going to go to say come down here to Ecuador and look around, they're going to want to stamp your passport book with a visa stamp when you enter the country and when you leave, they'll stamp it with the visa stamp that you left. So there'll be a permanent record in your passport book of all the international travel that you've done with the exception of Mexico, Canada, the Caribbean and they won't accept a passport book. Okay. Well, and I know those rules that the thing that I'm wondering is, isn't going to be a different number, the passport that I have now, if I go and go under a different status of being a national and get a national card, isn't that a different number? I might be, it might not be, I don't have any idea. All I know is it should and probably will reflect that you submitted your affidavit and you've got a different political status. You're a different legal person now when that happens. Okay. And then what about, yeah, and I might just do the passport book as well. I just, I don't want there to be problems where they say, oh, well, this is a passport book and you're showing a human citizen. Well, then you'll have two, then you'll have two separate open passport books. One will be on one legal personality and the other one will be on, on your other, your new legal personality. Oh, can you have two? I've never seen that they would close the one. Oh, no, no, no, no, they'll send it right back to you. You'll have to include it in the package, but they'll send that right back to you. It'll take a little while for them to process the new one and then they'll send you that one. I'm thinking to put like a hold it, see, you're, you're, there's where you're, here's where you're confused. You'll be a different legal person on one than you are on the other. Your legal personality will be different. No, I understand that, but when I send my passport to, to get my new one under national status, aren't thinking a whole punch. My old one, no, even though it's not, no, because it's not expired. Then why would I need to send it anyway? Because they insist on it, or it takes longer, I think, if you can't, if you've lost yours. Look, I don't know all the reasons they formulated all that stuff. I just know how it works, okay? If you've got an open, or even a recently expired passport, you've got to send it in with the application. If you're using the renewal form, they'll send your old expired one back and it'll have three holes punched in it that it's expired. And then when they process the new one, they'll send you the new one. So even if it's expired, you got to send it in. Right, I know that, but if it's not expired, I'm thinking they might do a whole punch anyway because they're going to say that's a different thing. Well, no, because you paid and contracted with them for that, and it's not expired yet. They'll only three hole punch it when it's expired. You'll have two different passports that are both active. Which one do you want to travel on? You can have, if you're like your daughter and she gets her Greek passport and she's got her US passport, she can use either one. It's which one does she want to travel under? We've got people here that have US passports and Ecuadorian passports, and sometimes they'll travel on the Ecuadorian passport rather than the US one. It just depends. There's a lot of variables here, or so many way. But there's no problem with any of what I suggested you do. And then the other thing, since I just got my license this last week, when I sent the letter to the Department of Licensing, then I wait until I get my license first, or it's not going to mess up me getting my license in a timely manner. I have no idea. I don't think it makes any difference. You've got to send in your federal affidavit to Secretary of State, then you're going to go back and notify everybody. You could wait a little while. See, I don't know that there are exact answers to any of these questions you're asking, generally. And I don't know the bureaucracy in the state of Washington works. It's pretty bad, but I mean, I'm just anxious to get my national status changed. Well, I can tell you. Well, I think you're anxious in general, because you're still a lot of apprehension there, although I know you've got your arms around the information. Go ahead and get that naked one into the Secretary of State. You got that step out of the way, and let's worry about the other ones after that's done. By the way, the minute you put it in the postal system, it's considered received. But if you want to put a certificate and a return request, return receipt thing, do that, okay? A lot of this boils down to, you've heard me ask this question, Kathleen. How well do you like to sleep at night? No, and I believe me, I don't have any apprehension of becoming a national. I just have apprehension of doing the right order. I don't want to mess up my license because I've got a temporary license, you know, right now, and I want to put it in the right process, and I've been paying taxes since the beginning of the year, and I don't know if I did the right form on that, so I might redo that because I was going to a different group at the time. Yes, well, if you've been still paying taxes since the first of the year and you want to stop and forgive them a W-8-B-E-N and all that, well, then you can go back under your filing rules and file for what you paid in this year. Right, and I wanted three years. Well, yeah, you want three years. You probably want to get three complete years instead of one partial one, but, okay, let's get the first things done and then we can worry about the other ones, okay? Okay, I'm just glad that I can just follow up with the other ones. I don't have to do it like either all in one day or, you know, so I just want to get that license so I don't have to deal with the police. I mean, I haven't had a ticket for 21 years, but, you know, God forbid I get pulled over. I just don't want to have to deal with the police officer that doesn't know anything about the next movement. Well, then sign the ticket, do it under duress coercion, TDC, threat duress coercion, and you don't want to go to court, pay them the damn money or get saved by signing that arrest. TDC, you could put TDC above your signature, but I'm under duress because today is Tuesday and I got a group lunch and all this other stuff. And so I want to see if we can hit the high points here of the other people. There's a number of other people who've got something to ask or say and then I'm going to bid you a do and you guys can sit around and discuss that stuff. Who else has got your, you're very welcome, Kathleen. Who else has got something, I know that it was Sherry, Sherry a minute, 10 minutes ago wanted to say something. And she's female. We go, Sherry. Okay. I don't know. It was on the expired passport that I sent in to get my renewal. It came back. No hole touches in it. I just. Okay. Well, okay. Well, the ones I've always gotten back have holes punched in them. So I don't know, I don't know the internal bureaucracy working to the state department. Okay. So yeah, who was the guy that was trying to say something there? That's Larry. Hey Larry. It's. Hey. I just wanted to correct something Dave said earlier when you were talking to the new lady. He said that the citizen means slaves and I disagree with that because Thomas Jefferson used a capital C citizen in the second generation of independence. That's correct. That's correct. So there's nothing wrong. He also used a capital D for duty, a capital R for rights and a capital G for God. Exactly. So there's nothing wrong with that word. And this thing about sovereign citizen being an oxymoron that comes from David Lester straight and his teachings. So that's all I want to say. And well, they came up with sovereign citizen after Tim Turner's ex scapades. I don't know if you knew that or not Sandy and all these other people have picked it up. What they did was use that phrase to set up for all men that will Buffalo people that don't know exactly what they're doing. Which is why we teach what the basics are exactly and how to deal with them. Okay. So. Strong man. Somebody say strong man. Strong man. Drag that sucker up. Hey, Mark. He just woke up. He heard his name. He heard his name. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. The strong man lives on. You're so clever. Okay. Does anybody else have anything for me or Sandy Sandy? Are you still with us? Or did we aggravate you and you ran off? I. Run. Run. Run. There's a dinner bell. I heard it. I hope Sandy's still with us. Sandy, come back. Go listen to some of our information. Let's get you on the exact page. If you're a spokesman for all these people wanting to do this, let's get you properly educated first, okay? I hope she's still here. Yes. Yes. Question. So, I'm just curious about, you know, these tolls that they are setting up with a lot of, I mean, our state has like a bridge toll, one of them and a toll on some of the three ways. If you choose to be in a quicker lane, is there any way to get out of that as a national or not? I don't, I don't have any idea quite frankly, and I don't, I, I just don't know. And yeah, they're setting up, you know, they're wanting to charge you by the mile now what you drive in California. Well, really? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah, they're pushing this carbon thing, you know, you know, because they don't want people to have cars, they want everybody be on their public transit. They don't want people, they don't want people to have life, much less cars. So yes, your carbon too, all right, anybody else got anything for me today? We're almost 30 minutes into the after show, 20 minutes, anybody, these people stick around here for hours, Sandy. So if you got questions, you can stick around and they'll answer your questions generally, okay? I hope correctly. We resemble. We resemble. We resemble that remark, I know. So, okay, anybody else got anything for Roger here besides sketches, dinner bell? And blessings. All right. Thank you. We'll be back tomorrow. Same time, same list of stations. Yeah. And we're glad you spent two hours with us out of your day today. And thank you very much. And hope you learned something about it and we'll drag out the pinata and beat it again tomorrow. Okay. What? What about the Fourth of July? Has that been covered here yet on Thursday? You know, and I'm kind of torn. You know what I'd like to do on that day is on the Fourth of July, two or three years ago, Paul, we had Glenn on and I kind of would like to replay that because Glenn doesn't come around. He had a big hearing of some sort today. Glenn doesn't come around and, but occasionally anymore and he's very important and he's one hell of a sharp guy and for the newer people I'd like for you to get experienced of Glenn a little bit. So if we could do that, it would be all right with it. We're having a big Fourth of July thing here on Thursday. So, but I think that'd be a good idea to replay the Glenn when if we can get ahold of it. Okay. We talk about John, a lot in there and these are just two really exceptional people. John Benson now deceased and Glenn Ambord still with us in his 80s and sharp is a friggin tack. Okay. And I like how he talks about keeping the Sabbath. Remember to keep the Sabbath day holy. What was that that you said? I didn't understand that it was garbling from the 10 Commandments. You know, he says it's the only one. It says remember to keep the Sabbath day holy. So he keeps the Sabbath day, holy now. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Awesome. Yeah. I love it. Yeah. Okay. All right. Does anybody else have any questions for me? Yeah. One louder. All right. We'll be back tomorrow. Sandy, I hope you come back. Maybe try and listen to a couple of those and come back with questions. If you've got them tomorrow and we're here normally six days a week and except for the traffic situations, there's not too many subjects that are off off ground. So who was trying to say something there guy? Gatch. Yes. Just a question. TJ Turner, he's the one who went to all the states traveling and got people to do the with the court clerks. Is that the same Turner? Yes. It wasn't the court clerks. It was the property records. Sandy, do you know, is he out of federal prison yet? She's not here, I don't think. Okay. He was in prison. She said he was released on house. House. House. Of his health issues. All right. All right. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. They just got to see for his medical care. I'll see y'all tomorrow. Okay. Have a fabulous, fabulous day. Ciao. Roger. Roger. Howdy. Howdy. Ciao. Ciao. Adios. Muchacho. Okay. I'm going to leave Global Voice now. Work up for another 34 minutes. We'll take it down once the stream gets to three hours. So knock yourselves out. Let the mayhem begin. Should the declaration of sovereign intent be changed to declaration for sovereign intent? I'm just asking for a friend. You know not to use that word. Can you follow something in the chat for you? Which word, friend? It's not narvo, capillary, or lexicon. See, I didn't even hear it. I deleted it that much. Sketch. This is what John from Indiana says, and it makes sense. What comes after of is the possessor. So United States of America possesses the United States. Does that make sense? Yes, Constitution for what comes before for possesses. So the Constitution is what governs the United States of America. Now, is that clear? Yes. So which would you prefer? Well, that's not my preference, but when you say declaration for, the declaration controls the intent. And if you say, ah, then the intent controls the declaration. And I would say the intent should be what is foremost. That's my thinking. Yeah. So it should be a. OK. I appreciate that. Thank you. You're welcome. In regards to the driving, traveling traffic stop issue thing. The other day, I was out traveling, I actually stopped at a light. And an officer came up behind me. And I'm looking in my rear view mirror, and they're talking on their little, they picked up her, it was a lady, she picked up her little walkie talkie, she was talking on that and typing stuff. And I'm like, you've got to be kidding me. You're sitting behind me running my plate. I wasn't doing nothing. I didn't want anything. They've got to make quota. Yes, that's what I'm assuming because after I, I pulled out really super slow and because I still wad, I could have pulled out real slow and she eventually went around me. And there was enough space, so she went around, got in front of me, and then got up behind somebody else and was doing it to them. I'm like, so there was no, there was no probable cause. There was just quota. She was fishing. Yeah. She was fishing. It was supposed to be illegal. And you know what they made illegal in a lot of the states, including here in Wisconsin, was flashing your high beams to somebody to warn them of a speed trap. Oh. And what was funny, I was going by and saw, and it was a woman cop and parked back in there. And so I went along and, you know, there was car coming the other way. It appeared to me to be going a little over probably the limit. And so I flashed the high beams, but I had just gotten that vehicle not long before. So when I went to turn them off, I somehow was keeping them on again because she follows me then for, I don't know, she just happened to be going the same way. So I'm playing with the high beams as if, you know, I didn't know how to turn them off, which I didn't. So, you know, you know what, I just got a new car and in this new car that I got, it's not new now. It's a few years old, but the high beams go on and off by themselves. Nice. Right. It senses another car coming at you, they shut off. And I got a wonder if it's to impede that. Probably some sort of overreach. Yes. Yes. Universal signal. The universal signal, the universal signal that there is a cop ahead of somebody is flashing your lights off and then back on. Well, yeah, and if you're right, right, so that's why I'm saying if you already have them on, then you hit the high beam, right? Right. Yes. I used to be able to do that. But now they come out and go off by themselves. But you're right, Paul. If it's daytime and you don't have them on, but so many cars now have at least some part of the light already on all the time. Yeah. Yeah. You go from, you go from, you go from, you go from lights on to markers only and then lights back on again. If you flash high beams, you run the risk of blinding the person that's coming at you. You don't want to do that. Well, that is the signal. Yeah. If you flash your high beams, that is the signal that they have their high beams on. Well, it's lights off and then back on. It's understood whether you flash the lights or flash the high beam, either one. If the lights flash, you've got, you know, yeah, I mean, we did that all the time in New Jersey, you know, and another big thing they're doing up here is with the map quest or whatever. If you're using your mapping, they're putting like speed watch, speed watch, right? So if you tap it and turn it off, because there's nobody there, they watch for it to go off and they turn it back on. There's just all kinds of some, you know, but I don't have, I'm paying attention to what I'm driving. I don't have the time to fiddle with the map thing to tell it to shut, you know, turn off and stop doing that. Yeah, that's why I was saying that thing that I did because apparently I just kept riding with the high beams on because I couldn't get them off. So I guess the cop just said, oh, well, never mind, but he didn't follow me for a very long time. Yeah, I was just, I was very, I was ticked that she, you know, she pulled up behind me and she, you know, I saw her pick up her little walkie-talkie thing and talk on it and look at her computer and I'm like, you've got to be freaking kidding me. I'm not even moving, you just drove up behind me at the stoplight and then she went around to me because the person in front, you know, the next lane over and then she followed them around the, you know, I'm just like, yeah, so she has to probably make it up for quote of her last one, yeah, yes, yes, yes. Do you know that little squiggly line in your lacing plate here in Michigan? I have not paid attention to a little squiggly line. What about? You can see it in the, the Winter Wonderland plates. I don't know if you can see it in the dark blue plates, but that line is so the cop's computer can pick up your lacing plate number. They don't have to physically call it in on their microphone. Their computer, within so many feet of you, their computer knows who you are. It's on their screen without them doing a thing. Then when did that come out? I haven't replaced my, I was forced to the last time. They meet, they meet me, but I have not gotten new plates in, in a while. I think it's when they switched from the light blue plate to the bridge plates. Okay, I'm going to go look at some of what I got. So probably 20 years ago. Two things real quick, not that it matters, but in Washington state, one written rule is lights on and off three times means danger ahead. And you wouldn't believe how quickly you see red lights in your rear. These people slow down immediately. But if the cops see you using that for them, yes, they will give you a ticket. And Sherry, if you're still here, there was some interference and I got dropped. You were saying something about following of is possession or possessor. Could you, if you're still here, could you please reiterate? I'm done. Yes, I'm still here. A word proceeding for is possessive. So Constitution for the United States of America and what comes after of is possessed. So that means Constitution is in control of America who possesses the United States. Does that make sense? Yep. And the Constitution is designed to protect the government from the people. Thank you. You're welcome. Let me clarify, let me clarify the emergency signal, the urgent danger ahead signal. That can be danger for anything else. So if a cop pulls you over because you flashed your emergency signal, you just tell him that there was a hazard behind you and you were warning the people ahead. And if the cop asks you if he was the hazard, you were worried, you were telling them about, you ask a question with a question and say, what makes you think that you're a hazard? That's pretty good. Well, it was a deer or a skunk or something. I couldn't see you see off the dirt. No, you don't lie. No, you don't lie. You don't lie. You just answer a question with a question. What makes you think you're a hazard? Is there something I should know about? Should I be concerned for my safety right here? Should I be calling 911? And the children just said there was a would be the reply, at least you thought, all right, smart ass, you're getting it. You don't want to lie. You don't want to lie ever because he's going to, he's going to move on to presumption. So anything you say, Ken, it will be used against you in a court of law and he could be completely mistaken. He could be pulling words right out of his own butt, literally, out of his own butt. She wants you to answer a question with a question. Just answer a question with a question. You'll always be safe and do it in a way as if you really want to know I'm not being a smart guy. Yeah, well, lights off and then on. Make sure you don't cycle the markers because if the cop is behind you or if there's another cop behind you and your taillights go out and then come back on, then they know you turned your lights off. Now if your headlights flicker, that could be anything, that could be an electrical connection problem. It could be anything. But if your taillights go out too, then it's likely that you turned them off and then back on again. Well, do the taillights, taillights are off if your headlights are off. If you just hit the, no, no, because the taillights are markers, the taillights come on with the first click of the headlight switch, the second click of the headlight switch only turns on the headlights, but the markers and running lights turn on with the first click. Well, I mean, no clicks. You know, we're high beam. You just pull the lever or whatever you got there. Yeah. So, and I can't pull the lever and look at the taillights. Okay. Okay, Murr, I'm going to defer to the expert, even though I have a half million logged safe miles in a truck long, probably as long as you're home. I'm just asking, I said, I can't see the taillights. I can't see if the taillights are on while I'm pushing the lever. I'm asking anybody ever check this with somebody else watching. And now, if you're back up next to something reflective, you'll be able to do that and see in your, the high, the high beam switch has no effect on the taillights state or the marker light state. None. I don't know. Okay. Thank you very much. That would be why you would use it then. Yeah. Right. But if you have your lights all the way off, you will have daytime running lights, which are white lights in the front of the car. So if you turn your headlights off completely, it'll switch to daytime running lights and you will still have white light in front of the car. And the oncoming car may not notice it, but the daytime running lights turn off when you turn on your marker lights. So you will go from lights in the front to no lights in the front and then lights in the front again. Yeah. My car has to go around the headlight. There's no headlight on, but all these little lights around it. You can easily check that if you do this procedure after dark. Yes, thank you. Back up to a white building. Yeah. I also want to chime in that when you're slowing down because you see or you notice them, or you somebody's splashing at you, they watch for the brake lights. Yeah. Yeah. Just slow down. Take your foot off the gas. Or down shift, or if you've got crews on, push the crews down really quick. Yeah. Yeah. Don't use the brakes. Right. That's like a dead giveaway, like, yeah, you caught me. I would use the brakes. It's like a game. I would use the brakes because I would ask the cop, am I correct in assuming that you are writing me a ticket for use of emergency equipment with an oncoming threat? Again, you're right to them being correct. It depends on if you want to push it for a challenge. When you do that, Paul, please report back to us. Thank you. Oh, I will certainly do. I've done it. I've done it. I have oncoming traffic on a two lane road. I hit my brakes to slow down. To continue to operate safely. Are you telling me you're going to write me a ticket for slowing down when a threat is coming my direction? Is that what you're telling me? You gave me back my paperwork and my logbook, and he said, "Have a nice day." Good. Good. Yep. It's a game they play, and it's all about money, like everything else. They have to get this revenue. They're revenuers. It is a game, and I just don't even want to bother to have a conversation with them, so I just either downshift or if I've got crews on, I start lowering it quickly. But yeah, even if I'm not doing anything, and I'm totally in the right. Everything, it's so ingrained into me that I see of my foot instantly comes off the gas. Right. That's what happens with me. I just don't even think about it, just one night. Yep. Yep. Actually, that's a good response, because the safest and most expedient way to release a cruise control is to tap the brake pedal. So, if the cop jumps on your shit about tapping your brake pedal, you just tell him, "I had my cruise control on." The safest, most expedient way to release cruise control is to tap the brake pedal, and the most important way, the safest way to proceed is under full manual control and not cruise. Crew. It's all safety related. Every answer is safety related. Am I to understand that you are... Am I to understand you are writing me a ticket for safe operation? I like to see one better. Are you calling me over for something traffic related? And are you trying to engage me in a commercial contract? Yeah. That's genius. So, Brent used to drive a truck with your input, Brent. Brent still drives a bus. Yeah. I don't think he's on here. I don't see him on here. Yeah, I'm on here. Yeah. I saw him. Oh, there you are. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No comment. I did go see the squiggly line on the license plate, so I don't know what she was doing, but she wasn't on the little walkie-talkie thing until she pulled up and got behind me, because I watched her pick it up and start talking on it, so I don't know. She might have been getting some info from somewhere else, too, not just talking about you and that's why she went around and went after somebody else. It's totally, yeah, but she didn't take off in a hurry. She was, you know, just kind of continued and then went around me slowly and, you know, and got more, because I was going, I was deliberately being slow, so she got out around me and then got into another lane and never turned her lights on didn't feed anywhere, didn't he? And didn't look at me either when I pulled up a lost sight or a game. Right. Whoever was asking about the trucks and lights, most 18 wheelers of older age, I don't know about the real night modalums, but the markers, clearance, and hagnites are all on separate switches and circuits, so you can flash your hagnites without affecting any of the others. And there's a momentary switch, so you can flash your tail lights to thank somebody for letting you in. Yes, sir, I'm just saying they're all on separate circuits. And I don't know, too, flash the lights to let a truck get over the light, you know, let them know I'm staying back so they can get over. That is turn the light off and then back on, because if you flash your high beams in his side mirror, it's just going to piss him off. Oh, why was trying to be nice? Lights off and then back on. Okay. I had separate circuits on my peat, and it was a 2006. I had four different freight liners, and they were all separate circuits. And just to clarify, you don't do that danger thing until you get at least halfway around the curve so that the cut behind you can't see that. I'm done. Especially at night. Well, I'll change the subject. There are a bunch of the Littards now saying that the decision for a community of the president is Joe, the opportunity to earn a live Trump, in their space. What? He does what he did, he gives Biden the whatever to, on the line Trump. In a live Trump, a live Trump, I don't understand, on a live Trump. Hmm, I'm thinking that because he's not a legitimate president anyways. If Trump cannot be disqualified in another way, it gives the deep state license in their eyes to unalive him. Well, he've only tried to unalive him like 70 sometimes already, but, you know, Obama unalived quite a few people in his, in his term. So I think they're going for, they can't, that's not what they're saying, because that it's going to come back on Obama that he did things that he was not authorized to do in the course of two duties. Yeah, what they're doing to Trump though, makes it then legal, whether all four or not, to go after any president. Yep, yep, so Obama Tuesday was his day, he loved it. They would let him go and pick somebody to bomb somebody to kill. Yeah, did you hear that on the update, there was three different, um, Brandon's on there. I wouldn't be at all surprised, it's, it's all, and, and since when do they have a debate before the conventions, well, never, it's a, it's a show, it's all a show to show you, like, ha, ha, we're laughing in your face, well, I think, I think there's three different, three different, you know, guys, one way had a ball chin, one had a kind of bold, some place else and one had the, uh, mismatched ears, they're, I mean, they're, like, putting it right in your face, well, you know, the black icing cracks me up, he has blue eyes or did, I think he's probably dead, and I think Jill's playing her part. There's a lot of parts being played and, and the idea with, um, law of war that they may be practicing white male instead of black male, you know, where people are redeeming themselves by doing what they should have done to begin with, but we're, we're strained from that. And that rattle trap 1776 country singer guy, Derek, Derek Johnson, he explained it all out. He's like, if you go back and watch the video that the three brands, the three buttons, right, they, they have different eye colors in addition to the different facial structures. Well, the black eyes thing, I think is a prosthesis. It's some sort of controlling mechanism, you know, contact lenses of some sort, but, but yeah. And they can do the voices, you know, it can be totally robotic or AI or whatever. But yeah, he went through all of that and people want to just count it. But some of them are saying, well, I don't believe it as of now, in other words, if they see something else, you know, but that Nick Alveer film, Good Lion films on RBN, Rumble. Anyway, has an RBN in there, right in Rumble. Yeah. The greatest store, the greatest show on earth. That's it. The greatest show on earth. Yeah. I talked about that on one of my shows and, and yeah, I took it up. Yeah, there's a, you can find a clip where Trump says that over and over again, where they put that together. They're dropping clues for us all over the place. I think, you know, there's, there's a lot of evil. You've got the Luciferian brotherhood, like Jesse's motor has come out of and, and they haven't replaced her part, apparently, that she was, she was to be the head of the five mothers of darkness or whatever, the crone. But there's people coming out of it now and they can't hold back. We can't hold back the truth. That's all. You know, it will come out, you know, and, and so I think that portion, they're trying to let down the country easy so we don't have, you know, bloodshed, which is what the bankers want. Yes. They want it to go hot. They want it, they do want it to go hot and they are trying to de unscrew the, they screwed up masses and let us down easily so people's brains don't explode, you know, and the ones they can't, I, I think the, the, the woke military people, like they're going to round all those people up. But I think they're going to use the draft for that to, to, you guys can't get on through. You're going to get re-educated. Yeah. We'll see what happens. Yeah, but there's, there's a couple things here, the, the rainbow flag is the noahide flag. And those seven laws include not all this, you know, be killed for doing all this perverse stuff that they've actually got people into doing. So if they get their whole way, you know, they'll kill them off. Oh, yeah. You know, but that's why they have this rainbow flag everywhere. They're basically bragging that the noahide laws, they've conquered us with that. And they hope to put that in effect. Now people don't want to say Jew and it is the Jews, not all the Jews, but it is the Jews. I see Michael Jones says, because they're the ones that control the currency. Yeah. Yeah. May I? Mer. Please. Hey, mute. They're not re-education camps. They're death camps. They're not going to re-educate you. Not us. When they, when they put in the draft and they're, and they're going to draft in all of these, these kids that, you know, went through the indoctrination colleges or whatever the he-she-her was, isn't in burbies, right? Nobody's going to, nobody is going to draft those people into any kind of real war unless they're just cannon fodder. You wouldn't, you're not going to do that. And if, and I just, I kind of believe, because this is where my heart is, that it's really, the good guys are, are pushing this to wake people up and get people to say, hey, I'm a, I'm not for that, and b, if you get drawn into that, they're going to, you know, give you a taste of real life and, and make you march to a different tuning, get you to wake up. Yep. That's it for the Radio Ranch with Roger Sales on Global Voice Radio Network, For more information on the topics discussed, please go to thematrixdocs, or or Catch us here Monday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Eastern, and you can also catch other programs on Global Voice Network, the Paul English Live Show on Thursdays from 3 to 5 p.m. Eastern. You can also catch the USA Organic Republic calls on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8 30 p.m. Eastern. You can also catch's HealthTalk Fridays, 9 p.m. Eastern. That's it for me. I'm Paul on Global Voice Network. Thank you for joining us. We'll catch you right back here next time.