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Radio Ranch Aftershow

Broadcast on:
01 Jul 2024
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dream is resetting and there we go we're back for the after show discussion on the radio ranch with roger sales thank you ladies hey muse i just uh i don't know how many months i don't know how many months ago it was but it was a big rally it could have been it could have been six months ago i i just don't remember but uh even six months ago uh he it was a big round a lot of people he was up there on the stage and something i only saw like maybe one minute of it so i don't know what we said before and what we said after but all i remember is something about the vaccination came up and he said yeah the vaccination is is good go get it and everybody in the whole all that whole big audience out there on the ground that you know that was standing there watching him that you do know that everyone in his rallies is is like his way of pulling what people think right and so you know you can put stuff like that out there and and have everybody do it because they're not for it and then have have that replay for other other people right and that's kind of like a feedback for him of saying hey the people aren't for it so um also i have to say but move move he said no he said okay yeah you can say that but i'm saying it's good uh go get your vats i'm okay i know his his baron i believe is is vaccine damage i don't think he's pro vaccine no i don't think so either and uh the contract that he we walked with the with those companies right he's now got them for violation of the contract because they promised one thing and delivered something else so now they've lost their cloak of immunity and he can you know after them what you know lawfully for for damages and stuff but if he would not have what if he was said no to the vaccines early on a the people that were brainwashed would have ripped him to the ass and the media would have gone after him for what a horrible individual he was for denying the people this life-saving thing right which would have just crucified him he he tried to come out and say to get vitamin d take the ivermectin do this and and and what did they do oh they're drinking chlorine water they're they're taking a horse pace they're doing this they're doing that and they still demonized him so the only thing he could do for those vaccines was speed it up so fast that there was mistakes made and they could write it in that it was not mandatory because it it i think originally he did talk about hydrochloroquine and a lot of people were thankful that he did i don't think it's for the vax i don't know i can't tell you but uh the last thing i got to say is you soon we got a bite you soon we got a bite we got to get this guy out trump is the guy try to get all the information because they lie so you know if you heard him say that i doubt it but try to get the right information i don't believe he would say that i i try to listen to him when he's speaking publicly like the rallies and not so much these weird clipped replays that people put out because yeah they clip it and they they leave stuff out and um they make it sound like they want to push their gender i found that i'm gonna put it in the chatroom i don't know what context he said it but he said that in the rally in uh in the alabama is uh one minute clip and he does say uh you should take or something like that well they said that you know to storm the capital too so again they do clip things and you know i take it with a grain of salt i think they just they constantly change his wording his comments so but he says he's such a hardcore yeah he he says verbally i have to see the whole content but he says verbally you should take it yeah i've been saying it sarcastically too and they said oh see he said it yeah they take it out of context i don't i don't believe it but i gotta go i got okay i'm just saying if you if you see it in the clip you can see he's not being sarcastic okay okay well maybe he's trying to you know help people too just some degree i can't see him saying it now though there's a way to me lawsuits they see the amount of damage it's doing you know he thinks that he's poor by default every all the orange man bad or never trumper people are against right so there's a lot of times when he'll say something to get them to oppose it well if he's a poor vaccine or something and they hate him so much you know maybe some of them will be like he's poor enough not doing it there's a lot of well this clip now that look at yeah this clip now they look at it is two years ago so it was not one month ago so it might be right they there you go yeah this is yeah it's that room but it's two years ago at least whatever that when they upload it to you oh yeah yeah that's why i don't watch the media guys it okay i'm gonna let you guys i've enjoyed this conversation we'll talk again tomorrow guys see you though even even Bannon right now is looking forward to them putting him in jail because this is a setup they put him in jail and then they can turn around and use what they use against Bannon against other people so Bannon's out there going don't write me no letters don't write i don't don't i'm not gonna respond to you i'm just gonna be working well maybe they don't want you he doesn't want you writing letters because he's you know not really gonna be there or something i don't know but it's always a setup what they do for him he turned around and uses against them always okay thanks and there was somebody there was a group here in Michigan this last weekend i didn't go but it was that butts guy that hosted it and they brought in all these speakers and they were taught i guess they were talking about we already have it did is your government set up to take over and they're talking about minting our own coins and stuff so they they had quite a few speakers that are so i don't know how valid that is or not but i had i knew people that went do you know the names of any of the speakers oh there oh i i can ask i can get oh wait a minute i think somebody sent me a link hold on um okay hold on oh they did not put the the link i have to ask they had there was some there was some attorneys uh eric dingus david monk davey robert's davey robert's is that the dude from ohio uh it could be it says he's chief continental marcho yeah whatever he works for anna okay those people are a fraud this we don't we do not want a disjure government set up by any attorneys okay i mean that's the last thing we want they're not even allowed in our assembly if you've been an attorney you have to be uh disbarred and not practicing for over 10 years in order to join our assembly okay i i told i well i told them because of the bad experience that i had had with the but in the anabon rice dude he brought in to speak i didn't i didn't want to go but they went and so they were listening to these speed and they're like oh this is great this is great you know and like i don't know any of these people i haven't heard of any of these people who's giving them authority to do anything and but they that went on this last weekend how can they have a disjure government set up if if they haven't invited the people to join it i don't know why you don't know and they're all they're all bar card attorneys that don't make any sense to me that's what we're fighting right well that makes that makes me feel better that i did not that i did not go so and they know how to work a room you know your friends they might be mesmerized by these people because they you know they know the right lingo oh yeah and i i kept hearing there was a guy there that looked like jesus there was a guy there that looked like jesus right well they must be disjure so you know it it but yeah that went on this week so there are the this that group is working its way in in michigan and um there was some people i guess that were referencing that they had worked with the other group who had been infiltrated like ten years ago that had been mentioned here i think by gave him a thumb i think brought it up that they said okay okay they they um she was saying that there was a guy that was part of that that was also speaking and i'm like i don't know because like i said i had mentioned that that you'd said that it was um it had been infiltrated and i wanted to ask you about it so i'm glad i brought it up yeah so who did did you get the name of the guy that that was speaking that was from that group that got infiltrated um no okay no and i don't think she knew a lot of the speakers either try to get that name okay okay have you gotten any of the emails i sent you i'm my wife hasn't mentioned it so i don't know probably not if she didn't tell me who's it coming from uh probably be under it's probably one of your spam mail because it was dash dash t dash yeah oh that's who it's from yeah okay i'll have her look this Dave Roberts was on Gavin's channel two Saturdays ago and he came on with the same spiel about we're starting in Ohio and we're moving to Michigan and they were going to we've already got our own senators and representatives lined up and all this and i don't have the box on now but their website has the word republic in it republic dot whatever it's an organization and uh he made all these big promises he's quite the white shoe salesman there so it's a good thing you didn't go because the other people in Gavin's group we talked afterwards and go we said yet we hear this all the time people are going to walk in and change things and you know that's just the flavor of the week so i checked into this Dave Roberts guy and i'm not going to say he's an out and out fraud but he's just been reading some material and he just regurgitates what he hears that's all and i'm done yeah these uh the anavon rice people have been at that mike buntz came to a couple of our meetings and the one meeting he had he said oh yeah we're having these constitutional sheriffs come to speak at our meeting so i went to that meeting but all it was with this guy from Ohio pushing the uh committees of safety and they passed around a sheet and they got everybody's names and and at you know email addresses and whatnot and they they they told you oh we pray for two hours before every meeting and then and then we watched this about you know the flag and and you know all emotional responses and i'm like uh i'm not i'm not taking part of that and then we got all the way through and the sheriff was the guy's running for sheriff they were tipped because they thought they were going to be speaking and then once this guy starts feet they're like i don't want to be tied to this in any way i'm glad you mentioned that that was part of his dissertation they have their own flag and he's got this page of like three or four flags and the new flag they want is the stars and stripes but with all these stars in the center making a big circle it's one of the funniest ones i've seen yet and uh yeah that's the same guy then i'm done yeah yeah this is um they're up to no good but he's they came to a couple of our different meetings and they had the one lady had her own ID and he said that he was the local organizer for anavan mice and they're like oh yeah you put all of your your thumbprint your notification all your documents on her website under national status freedom or whatever they call the national something and um then you have a little scanning code and you can just hand your ID to the police and they can scan it and they'll leave you alone and i'm like uh no who owns that website and she didn't want to tell me at first i'm like somebody else has all your information and if they want to use it for something else you have no say over it you know and it just it was it made me not want to go to any more of those meetings because i just don't feel safe yeah it's summer you have gardening to do right yep so you mentioned committees of safety here are they having a a weekend seminar about committees of safety they that was also discussed at this two-day seminar or two-day meeting or whatever they had it at mike butts house okay because one of one of our guys in our assembly he's he's pretty sharp and he just got invited by a new guy he met in his county and to go to that you know weekend seminar uh and he knows Dave Roberts so oh i hope Dave is there when he goes that'll be great okay thanks okay i just i just sent you the the uh flyer that that they sent me with the guys names on it and it was in Bruce Township okay thanks oh and of course they said reservations are required and absolutely no walk ins allowed because they want everybody's information well i better call Andrew and let him know that because he don't do that in advance reservation stuff so yeah i need to call him thanks yes yes okay so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so [BLANK_AUDIO]