Global Voice Radio Network's tracks

Radio Ranch with Roger Sayles and John Kacarab

3h 1m
Broadcast on:
01 Jul 2024
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Welcome to the Radio Ranch with Roger Sales. Presentation of this Mirror Stream on Global Voice Radio Network is funded in part by for the quality, ultra-Mito, and more Mito line of products. It's also funded in part by for the natural action quality line of water structuring devices. It's also funded in part by and the Prime International Terrehertz Frequency Wand, the iTerraCare Classic. For more information, please stay tuned, we'll be getting started in just a moment. The iTerraCare device has the ability to awaken dormant stem cells in the bone marrow. Yes, we have slipping stem cells in our bone marrow. As you keep blowing this under spine, you're activating these stem cells. And guess what? You're going to create brand new lungs, brand new kidneys. Eventually, as you keep using this over time, you will have brand new organs, glands, and tissues in your bodies. And that's a great news. You have to keep blowing this on your spine because this is what the great Hippocrates said. There's a way to hit the bones that all diseases can be treated. Activate that, awaken that stem cells in your bone marrow. Hit the bones using the future of medicine, which is frequency. Using the bones, using frequency medicine, yes, guys, we have decoded the secret to for every young and healthy body. This is your time. Grab your wand device right now. For more information on the iTerraCare Classic Terrehertz Frequency Wand, go to That's [MUSIC] That's the ridge. Feed the pole. Tell the rhino. Ridge the pole. [MUSIC] All right, so would we, we try daily six days a week anyway. And if you like, we're making a little bit of progress in those areas, not substantial yet, but growing our foundation much more firmly. Good morning. It's the 1st of July, quite an important month for me, always, and we are, of course, the radio ranch and Roger Sails your host. We got John Casera up here this morning for the 1st hour as our, John, I'll just label you a co-host, man, old friend and happy to work with John. That's what we're going to do is talk about this little iTerra wand. After displace, Spanish Paul, displace, Paul tells us about the planks that are carrying, the platforms that are carrying our little signal in our platform here, in our program. And we're happy to recognize them for their involvement, and I'll let Paul it in a while, because he can keep up with them one heck of a lot better than I can. Maybe we should start calling them partners, because- Partnering planks, yeah, I like that. Well, planks kind of have like a connective connotation with the communist planks, you know. How about the walking, the planks, your freedom, how about that? Yeah, okay. There's always two sides to these things, Paul. Anyway, that was a misspea, that was a misspea on me. I meant platform. How about Patriot networks? Well, I did they are, but they may, we don't know what else they do. So, but we certainly know they're involved in extending our reach and we appreciate it. And we would never want them to not be recognized. So, Paul steps in and grabs his little megaphone and gives them recognition, proper recognition. Don't you, Paul? Yeah. I don't know if I would, I would really want to call it walking the plank either, because usually at the end of that plank are sharks. Well, that's usual. That doesn't apply to the, to the roadside pirates and all that stuff. Yeah. There are sharks down there, but the beautiful part is when we walk the plank, they don't come eat you. Mm hmm. Okay. They leave you alone. All right. Well, let's, let's do this platform thing we've got. You can turn your, you can play diet. You can play dialectics all day long with this stuff. Go ahead, Paul. I'll quit interrupt. Yeah. We've got zero folk, thank you pastor Eli James. That is, of course, the flagship of the program. We're also mirror streamed on global voice radio network, which is where the current archives are being stored until we get the whole cast box thing straightened out or move the, the archives, lock, stock and lug nuts to another platform, which is what I'm working on. When I'm all downloaded, I have every episode of the radio ranch that exists on cast box. I have it stored locally and I will be able to, I'm hoping bulk upload those to a new podcast platform. We also have 106.9 WBO UFM choices that is Chicago, a directorial radio. They joined us for the first hour. Mm hmm. We're glad to have a WBO U that's FM Chicago. That's Allen through WDR introductions. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And our first terrestrial radio. We bagged our first terrestrial radio. Go ahead. Yep. Oh, oh, and WDRN is, is working on setting up multiple small market satellite. Um, terrestrial radio stations that will all be interlinked to the same feed. So, um, there will be a low power, uh, community radio stations peppered across the country. And as people, uh, step up to, uh, to manage those and take the feed from WDRN will be adding more places. I think there's one that was planned for North Carolina, one from Milwaukee, um, other places across the country, but also WDRN's flagship, uh, patient is home We're on channel HN4 and freedom, um, WDRN also handles that feed plus they're sending our feed to, uh, go live TV and stream Um, that is a cooperative relationship between WDRN and stream life networks. Um, let's see, our website is the matrix If you're having trouble, uh, bringing it up, try holding the shift key and hitting a five and refresh the cash on that page. It should pop right up if it doesn't just go to nationals, nationals will get you there, uh, slave slave, stop, surf, stop, excuse me, surf, stop, yeah, surf, and if you're feeling particularly jaunty and jovial, you can go to, if my aunt had a bull, she'd be my, that'll take you there too. So, um, boy, I'll bet, I bet if you're ants like that, she was having fun in the pride parade this month. So we'll talk about that a little bit too. Yeah, maybe, but that was last month's at the right thing. That was so yesterday, well, yeah, it was yesterday and the day before, particularly in San Francisco, what were those links again, Paul? All right. Oh, yeah. Yeah. National and surf, nationals, uh, pull is singular, right? nationals. Yeah. nationals. Oh, yeah. It's see, you know, when I no longer need nationals only to go to the matrix stocks or expose to matrix, um, I'll probably just put up a dating site for nationals, you know, like a little fireworks only thing, you know, couldn't hurt. So it's, uh, nationals and, uh, if my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle at S H E D fed be my uncle, uh, or if my aunt had balls, she would be my, um, all those places go to the same website that is the matrix stocks. And, uh, on the matrix stocks, you can also find links to join us in zoom, uh, or free conference call and actually join us on the air. You can listen by telephone. And if you have, and you can get the phone number to dial in to FCC and if you have one of those crazy cell providers that actually charges you like a penny, a minute out of the network to call conference lines, just send a text message to the dial in number. Um, the dial in number six, zero nine, six, six, three, one nine, seven, six, it's right there on the website. You can't miss it. If you text call me to that number, the conference line will call you back. They can't charge you for an inbound call. So that is, that's pretty cool. That's pretty cool. Well, cause we had to listen a while back, Judy and Georgia that, uh, had a big row with her, uh, uh, provider there, and all of a sudden she gets this huge bill and they were doing that to her. So that's a really nice little wrinkle, uh, benefit, if you will, that they put their in FCC, uh, they're probably not listening, but thank you anyway. So you got anything else? Well, that, that's pretty much all I've got. I've talked for damn near five minutes and I was going to say that's the longest, you really can't give me that much notoriety on the show or that much on the show. Otherwise, I just won't want to come out from under the stairs. Right. Well, you know, I mean, even Johnny Carson gave Ed McMahon that kind of time occasionally and we were, it was extraordinarily lengthy this morning, but we've got a lot to cover, a lot of, a lot to cover this Monday in the seams. So thank you, Paul. You want to, if there's anybody new while we're doing this, cause I had this kind of come up, uh, with a gal that's trying to connect with us and, uh, couldn't get on the website last night on the Matrix Docs and I sent her surf stop and she got on and then she found the, uh, FCC and the Zoom link part and all that, but, uh, and I don't know if you've got your instructions in there on the FCC, which I encouraged her to use. I was just seven, four, six to put your hand up and seven, four, start it down, is that right? No, it's nine, four, one to put your hand up. Nine, four, start to put your hand back down. Oh, okay. And it's star six to mute and unmute and, uh, we actually have a hand up already. That surprised me with all this confusion. You want to recognize that we'd love to say hello. We actually have a hand up already, uh, uh, Ken, um, let me see if I can, uh, get him done here that Texas kid, you know, Texas kid, Texas kid. Good Lord. We've seen you too. Amazing row. I'm astounded. Yes. Hey, I just saw an article on John B. Wells's website that mightn't supposed to announce that he's stepping down tomorrow. Well, I just saw on, uh, this morning on the first segment I was watching of a Harrison Smith that they came out and the family members, they've been at camp David over the weekend making a decision and the family members have encouraged him to stay in the race and only change some of his advisors. So, uh, we'll see. Interesting. I didn't hear about that was outside working and came in and was looking at the news while I was waiting for things to come up and, um, yeah, they're already done a bunch of speculating about who, who will be his replacement. You know, the two top ones that they're talking about are of course, big Mike and gruesome. Yeah. Yeah. Hillary's out. I've written a book. She's out on tour. Also, you know what that means. So boy, it is a absolute circus over there on the democratic side and I will, I guarantee you will look back on last week on the 27th and I think that was the water. Lou of these people, they are at cave demand to open in fighting. We'll see how it continues to unfold. It is an interesting thing and hell, let it keep biting in there. Um, so we'll talk about it later. I don't want to eat to well, I don't want to eat too much into John's time. We've already let Paul Trump all over it. So if we could hold this stuff till the second half of the be better and we'll give John his a little time because this one here wanted us a quite exciting little device here and they're very well, maybe some folks on the day that aren't aware of it. So hey, John was also going to share some Trump info. He's got, he's got the inside scoop on on for the show. Yikes. Okay. John? Well, all I'm going to do is just quickly read the headlines on, um, titles on citizen free You guys can go over there and look at it, but it says, watch live immunity ruling meltdown on NBC news. Next one, next one is Clarence Thomas questions the legitimacy of Jack Smith as special counsel. Fantastic. Clarence. Keep it up. The next one is Trump is absolutely immune from prosecution for conduct and discussions with justice department. Oh, there's, they're going to start. Don't be under any tall buildings around the New York area. Supreme court sends case back to DC circuit. Supreme court rules presidents have absolute immunity for core constitutional acts. Yep. There is a presumption of immunity for official acts. There is no immunity for unofficial acts. And if you go over to Bannon's room, you know, go over and get her and you can catch all of his replays, Jack or Davis from article three is discussing the whole of release of stuff today. He always does a great job because he's been, he and Bannon, those guys have been pushing this stuff hard behind the scenes. So they're way more involved than I ever understood they were. I had no idea the depth of their involvement and what's been going on these last few years. Well, there's been some significant decisions in the last couple of days and this Chevron one may have the most impact, especially long term because basically what it does is it goes back and it puts the teeth in the administrative procedures act that they meant to have in there when they promulgated the whole act, which is the administrative agency's rule book, guide book, and now they're going to have to adhere to it. So that is fabulous and those guys, in those guys, Raj, it puts the teeth back in that we, they're not the last word. They may still have the little court communication, but they're not the last word. Right. Congress. And that's the way it was set up originally. And then they've as these guys are prone to do, they use presumption and they just enlarge their power and they keep pushing until somebody stops them. The Chevron decision was in 1984. And I don't even remember who was on the court and all that back then, but it gave them total free reign to, to promulgate any regulation they wanted to do and all that to do is vaguely attach it to some legislation. Here's what it said. I'm going to eat up your time since we got discussing it. Here's what it said is that the regulatory agencies should be the experts in that area so it gave them total free reign. That has now been addressed, corrected, and reigned in and they're going to have to go back and hear more to the Administrative Procedures Act on which regulations they promulgate and how they're attached to and relate to the original legislation in the Congress. That basically is where it is now. This is the one that came from the fishing boats, which is uneven more interesting, okay? In 2013, one of these agencies promulgated this regulation that you've got to have if you're a commercial fisherman boat, even if you've got two or three people on there, you've got to have some sort of a regulatory agent on the boat with you while you're doing all your fishing to oversee everything you've done correctly and you've got to pay them. The case that got brought to the Supreme Court, the fishing company was going out of business because they were having to pay the guy $700 a day to be on the boats. That's what brought in the overturning of the Chevron decision. That's kind of interesting. John, I hate to eat up too much of your time here because we discussed this stuff the rest of the week and I'm sure you've got some board history testimonials for us. Not, well, maybe not. We have another video for you, but let's not do that yet. Roosevelt himself said he had a problem when they had originally created the agencies because they were out of control. He actually wrote a book about it. But you don't have to copy the book, Franklin Dam, Franklin Dam, Roosevelt? Yeah. Yeah. Ralph discovered that and was promoting that book and I got a copy of it, but I haven't read it. Well, anyway, it doesn't matter because it's all mood point now. It doesn't matter. Yeah, but it just goes, well, it does matter and the historical significance of it is. You turn these guys loose with power and they run amok. Time. Well, that's the communist way. Sure. They've been answers for a long time. This weekend I'm going to be playing a meeting from Pasadena on Jim's show today. We have Tony Pelicrino there, a guy I met who has been fighting very successfully all these little people that we get here about all the time over here. This guy has put together courses and the people can get their hands on. He's got paperwork. It's really well done. He's a non-attorney. So the paperwork's absolutely stunning, but he's absolutely done and he's born a lot of cases in all the way up to federal courts. And the thing he didn't have, Ron, he didn't understand the feudal system. And so what he was doing, what they were doing was he was filing his paperwork and claiming status as an American citizen and filing that with the county courts. So I got up there and started talking to him because his stuff and his attitude and the way he works is great. We really should have him over here and discuss his stuff, but I got it into him and we're going to play that show where I told him about how we do the affidavit and why we go to the federal secretary of state, which surprised him. And then I read the affidavit in and then also the letter to the internal revenue service because his stuff was verbose and very long, even though it got to the point and he was able to use it successfully with him, he doesn't have to do that. So this is the kind of guy that we need over there helping with people dealing with traffic tickets and property tax issues and other things he's been successful with because he's refreshing. It's all original work and he's just great. And so he's very interested in what you're doing and what we're doing. And so I'm going to try to get him integrated here, but if anybody wants to hear that meeting yesterday, I'm going to play it on Jim's show this morning so you can listen to it. All right. What we have this morning is we have another video from a prof about testimony. Now the first one is a little difficult to understand. So listen kind of close because it's about a guy that had a stroke and it's his sister that is actually giving the English version of it. But this guy recovered from this stroke using this wand. And then there's another testimony after that that everybody's going to be able to hear it. That's great. Let's kick that one off and then we'll go down with our day. I got a busy day today. Okay. All right. All let's kick that off right now. You know, I really would like to have the archives and the after shows and all those Matrix Docs shows. Some of them, some of them there are. Some of them after show discussion continues and follows the theme of the program. Sometimes not. So I try to keep this stream running as long as possible. Gotta put the one in there. What I said, I've had it. I'm leaving. Bye. I just stand all that traffic stuff, you know, sorry, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, this little now what this sounds like to me, this little intro thingy they've got there. Remember in Star Trek, the transporter when they transport you? Yep. You'd materialize. That sounds exactly like that. Aha. Right. So when you hear that, you think of that, you'll laugh. Go ahead. All right. Let's fire this up. Dr. James Hong on the Price International live stream. Transport James and right here, whoop, it appears. Oh, hello, hello and welcome back to our live stream. Which we hold it once every week. And the whole idea of this live stream about more than half a year ago is to put together our community from different parts of the world where they have a life-changing story, all right, in terms of health and also in terms of wealth. And today we have two wonderful stories, all right, and you're going to love this one. All right. This one is from Thailand and it's a very touching story because I first saw the video months ago and it's been circulating within the private community but I haven't had some people who contacted me and say, hey, do you know this guy, you know, because his video was pretty amazing. It's about him having suffered a stroke and how he recovered, which was quite fast. And then, yeah, well, later on, you're going to watch the video. So we're going to have him, not only himself, but also with his sister. So Mr. Supat and as well as Ned Tipp from Thailand will be with us. And then the second story will be all the way from Belgium, very vibrant, colorful personality. That's how I would describe her, Claudine Driessen, all the way from Belgium. So without much further ado, I would like to start off with our guests from Thailand. And let's welcome them. Welcome. You have to unmute yourself. Thank you so much for coming to our live stream. Mr. Supat as well as Ned Tipp, Buncharat, right, so what do you got? It's really good to have you and your story is really amazing and Ned Tipp, you can speak English. Perhaps I'll just introduce you first. So what do you work as Ned Tipp? Yeah. Ned Tipp, Buncharat, I'm a nurse in one of the University Hospital in Thailand. Okay, and I work as a nurse for many years. Many years, okay. And will you the one who introduce Aitarakha to your brother when he had the stroke? Tell us about it. When did he have the stroke? Okay. My brother, Supat, he is my youngest brother in our family. And he got a stroke when on, about 19, 19 of coach. August 2022, yeah, last year. Yeah, just 2022, yeah, last year. And after that, we have him asking him to the hospital in southern Thailand. And the MRI, CT scan and that have, he have big stroke problem about hemorrhage in his brain, near brainstem and connect operation cannot remove cross inside. So what we hope is only if the doctor said, especially said that the only control back pressure to be normal and we are free for the brain stopping and lucky the bleeding is stopped and it can control by in hospital in southern far. And as I understand from you, he was there for 20 days, is it in hospital? Yes, that's right. So after he, yeah, after he was discharged from the hospital was when you introduce Aitarakha to heal him, right, to help him. Yeah, I'm lucky that I just buy new one from classic, I tell us to use for my new problem. Okay, so you bought you money for yourself, not for him, okay? No, not for him, because I have a problem and later, it's near nearby, it's together, my brother costro. So after that, I think that, oh, it's really nothing, it's really good. I also have the good sound for my knee pain or everything. So I, I plan to take him to banker to live with me and learning that I take when he discharge from doctor, I bring my classic, yeah, with me, and we come by, by our private car, private car, and I do this while we are transferred from southern to banker. Okay, well, in the, in the journey, you already started. That's right. Can we, can we, can we play a video, can we play a video so that people will have an idea of how he was and his journey, and then I'm sure you have a lot to tell us about. So, all right, so let's play this video. [ Music ] [ Music ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Music ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Music ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Music ] [ Music ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Music ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Music ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] So, the messes of it are just incredible, the timing, the key events so close together, and it's just a hell of a thing to watch as you understand it better sketch. [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] [ Foreign Language ] The majority of people in the country want the pink cloud, either they wouldn't understand this, they'd ridicule it as insanity conspiracy theory, or else they're damn too chicken to get out, or they just want to stay in the pink cloud, man. There's some people that are happier being slaves. I wouldn't have believed it. I found it out over the years personally. My only point was that it strengthens our position even more, right? Oh, without a doubt. Without a doubt. Yeah, we can just show you, and it'd be real interesting because there's going to be some real battles over it and probably a lot of court cases and the road time of agency rulemaking is over. Especially with rogue agencies like BHEF, EPA, any of these guys that are out there making these wild rulings of would I hear as someone say the other day? As soon as anything liquid comes out of your body, it's their water. I have three more questions. So you were saying they will try in Florida. Well, I'm wondering if this has been 84 years past, and so that's 40 years, right? Well, they bring out all the old customs and usage. No, they can't do that. No, they can't do that because there was already legislation, the Administrative Procedures Act, they were the ones that were stepping out of the boundaries of that. So there is no customer uses or clear cut legislation that you violated. Yeah, I got you. Well, that's a good thing. And I said I had three, I can find two. So I'm wondering if you could talk about how strong or not strong the word for the doctrine of standing that comes into play with these decisions. It's so interesting that came out in one of these cases that they didn't hear, I believe, or that they heard the decision was on that Missouri versus Facebook deal and they said they didn't have standing to bring the suit and that basically they weren't persons like they said after the bogus election when all the states got together and tried to get applied for certiority or the fraud part of it, and they wouldn't accept it, as you'll remember, on standing. Well, I kind of agree with Barnes. Standing is only in the U.S. courts period all over the world. It's a doctrine that basically, I don't remember when it came up, maybe in the 20s or 30s. And that is in the 20s. Well, when it first when the theory first came out, it is made up, but that basically all it is is a dodge for when they when they don't want to confront an issue. Quite frankly, like what's the 16th amendment legally ratified? Oh, you don't have standing to bring that. Okay, so that's and that's become, of course, of a chicken shit judiciary. That's an excuse like that becomes used more and more times. You know, I remember in the record business, we go, you know, we had among the guys that would promote records ago to who the radio station would just give us one of your excuses, you know, no, it's too fast. No, it's too slow. No, it's too long. No, it's too short. No, it's too loud. Whatever, you know. I found it very interesting on the barns last night. He mentioned that the growth of the administrative state and our GDP was so large that it was larger than the state of Venezuela's, you know, administrative state and its GDP. You know, it's relation to what the money that it takes from the people or the friggin ridiculous. I mean, look, there's over 600 of them up there now. All right, all right. Staffs, bureaucrats, pensions, expenses, all the perks, all the cushions, all of that times 600. And some of them are huge. Okay. So yeah, and the best thing that can happen is they keep talking about Trump and people coming there and dismantling the administrative state. Learn this stuff and just file a one sentence piece of paper with one guy and you've eliminated it for you. Right, Roger's Bruce. Okay. Yeah, so go sketch. Let me get Bruce here. We've been yacking for a few minutes. Bruce, let's probe your fertile mind here. Well, they're stealing our energy, our productive energy. Sure, of course, it's our energy. Well, it allows it allows so many things. They get to reward their own companies that they own and punish any competitors. They get to come in and use it in real offensive manners. They get to overreach all kinds of crap and they get to be huge in mammoth as as looking at any of the big ones you'll see. And it's all because they got serves like we used to be to apply all this stuff too. If it wasn't for that, their existence is nil. And so they're using debt notes to give to us. No, we they're using us as slaves to issue the debt notes. Do you get where you had that wrong? It's just like, oh, the guy that wrote that book, they own, they own everything, including you, McDonald out there. And another guy, we had this partner that wrote that book, the doctor on here one day. John met him and something came up for a whole Saturday and we explained everything to him. And I told him, I said, your thesis is that because we use their debt notes that we're enslaved. But it's just the opposite. It's the dialectic. It's the fact that we're enslaved and they can collateralize and futureize our income that allows them to issue the paper. So the paper signifies our bondage. It doesn't create it. The paper is a result of the bondage. Bruce, are you with me here? Do we lose, Bruce? Are we still on here? Yeah, I'm here. Yeah, I'm just doing those things. Okay, well, your premise was reversed. Like McDonald's. They couldn't do any of this stuff if it didn't have a property right in us. That's why they do it from birth. Plus, you'll never, you're too an infant. You don't know anything about it. Your parents don't know anything about it and are often bliss on the new edition, the family having a baby and everything else it does. Nobody even looks at it. That's where it is. Well, if you had a bunch of smart sumbitches that were putting something together, what would you do? You'd put it at the first one. Nobody's ever looked for it. Well, the first thing they look for, our community, is the birth certificate. And they say, oh, the birth certificate creates a condition. No, the condition is set up so skillfully. It's at birth. And the birth certificate represents it, does not create it. You can see all these little forks in the road where our community has gotten it wrong because these guys set this up brilliantly. It's brilliant. Bruce, over to you. Okay. Well, okay. All right. Well, then I'm going to let you hear that. Okay. I'm going to let you go do that. I'm going to go off somebody. Thank you for the question. Is that Joan back there? Yeah. Hi. Who do you reckon made the administrative procedures ruling book? Who do you think made that happen? Well, the Congress, because the, you know, is they're going to change the system like they did in 33 and bring these administrative agencies in. They've got to say, hey, we're not just bringing in these rogue bunch. They're going to do everything right. And this, that and the other. And we're going to have some rules. They got to follow. And I think that's historical too, you know, in the development of the administrative state. And they couldn't get it through Congress in the degree on it until after World War II. I mean, it's about as simple as that. The rule book came out in 1946. It's been codified. It's that section title five of the United States code section 552 and following. And they go over how what all these rules are. The most important ones are what are these different types of regulations or rules that, and that you make little laws they're referred to. What types of those are they? And what are the limitations in the intent of each type? And how do you have to do that? Because some of them apply to the public at large. And some of them only apply to the administrative agencies. How do you separate that? What are the procedures, etc, etc. Because you've got another layer of due process right there. Notice and the right to be heard in the substantive regulation. And that's got to be in the process. If you're new and this is going over your head, this is what happened last year. I believe in the Central District of Florida, where the court, a judge Clarence Thomas Clerk, former clerk, by the way, ruled on the inapplicability of the masks to the general public. And that got applied all over the world because of that, folks. And it was the wrong type of regulation. It didn't apply to anybody, but inside the CDC. And yet they used it as a general applicability, but they did not do the regulation where it went through notice and comment. They just made the regulation and said it applies to everybody. And here again, what they're doing is just simply presumption. Oh, we're going to presume this is correct and wait for somebody to correct us. And if nobody corrects us, then they establish their position. I mean, that's all anything to do with these agencies is critically important as to their reach. Okay. Is that to answer your question, Joan? Yes, thank you. Okay. Who else has got to hand up or anything, Paul? We got anybody in the wings here? Sam. Sam. Come on in here. Sam Chicago. Yeah. Sam in Chicago. Hello, Sam. All right. Now try it, Sam. Hello, pizza, Sam. No. Sherry still got her hand up. I don't know if she put it, if she just didn't put it back down or she's got something else to add while we're waiting for. Oh. I will say that. APA has been amended to keep time since it was an accident. That's all. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. It's been amended as they went forward, but the whole basis of it is they can't just reach out and make a general rule for everybody. They've got specific guidelines. They've got to wait and see what legislation has passed by the Congress. It's got to be assigned to them. They've got to go in and see how they can specify it and take things that they don't think were explained or done correctly in the legislation. They change it, but they've got limitations in those things. That's what Chevron did. We can't just go and change it to anything we want. We've got to have specific reasons. The Chevron decision was passed. I think we said this earlier on the presumption that because they're the regulatory agency, they're the experts. And they could do it any way they wanted. That's been clawed back. They can only do it with the intent, the original intent of Congress on what they expressly wanted. And they can't do one that applies to everybody unless it goes through a another notice and right to confront due process step. And that's what those substantive regular one out of the three are these kind and they're called substantive regulations or notice and comment. When you hear different people talking about regulations occasionally, you'll hear them say, and you've got 60 days to get back to whatever. There was one recently where they're doing a lot of the notice and comment stuff online now. And they put a date on and somebody came out on an onerous regulation and said, if we get so many people to go to this site on the net and sign up their objection or their comment to the notice and comment procedure. It stops at dead and it's tracks because then it's got to gone back and looked at by Congress. Okay, and that was just within the last couple of months. All right, they they got the regulation stopped by an infusion of comments. And because the regulation had future potential general applicability is what they call it applies to everybody. And so therefore they've got to have this procedure done correctly. And they had gotten and well, what's the perfect example of the masks. There's a lot of others. Well, here's another perfect example. And according to my research, we haven't had anybody press the envelope on it, but my research and my understanding and I'm betting this I haven't gone and done it. But I'll bet you that you can't go in and find an IRS regulation that went through notice and comment. Which means what our regulations that are charging all these people with, they don't have the authority to do it. And none of those charges should stand because it only applies the regulation they're using only implies internally to the IRS because it never went through notice and comment. So, I have one couple more things. Viva Barnes last night, he was mentioning that, you know, all this interpretation actually have to go past the constitutional muster. If they're going to interpret it, it's got to have to revert back to what the Constitution says and mention substantive. That's a that's a note, substantive regulations are notice and comment regulations exactly what I've been talking about for five minutes. Yep. Yep. So policy is unsubstantive law. Correct. Well, no, they could, no, it could be substantive. They could pass a regulation that applied to general applicability, and then it would be not that it would be called policy instead of the legislature, what they handed them. Right. So he was asked last night, if I will, the HF be affected, he said, in part, I'm wondering, he didn't go further. I'm going, what part, what part? All right, I'll give you, I'll, sure, I'll give you in part, recently in this session, they had the bump stock regulation overturned, right? Right. Well, what was the bump stock regulation? It's this thing that you can add on to your AR, and it basically is a gadget, which takes the kickback of the weapon and throws your finger back on the trigger. It's a trigger to make it apparently and automatic, and it's not. It still requires one shot, one pull of the trigger, but BATF went out on a limb and evidently Trump after the Las Vegas thing was the one that inspired that. Okay, kind of provoked it, but regardless, it got thrown out, that and all these other little trigger gadgets and gadgets that people are making and selling, and the BATF didn't like it, so they went in a minute. So they went in and made a regulation, said, or interpreted a regulation that they, a law that they could go after it. Well, that's what they decided. You didn't have the power because that wasn't in the legislation. You came out and found something you didn't like and made this law against it, and you didn't do it properly because it doesn't apply. So there's an example right there for you. They can't do that anymore. Thank you, Roger. No other agency can do it either. You can extend the doctrine to all of them. Okay. And look, I mean, what is the deep state? Well, the deep state is all these administrative agencies with these unelected bureaucrats making all these little laws. That is the deep state. And Trump doesn't have to rip them out. All we have to do is let people know they can remove themselves from their jurisdiction. Even if they do a general applicability notice and comment, and it goes all the way through, it doesn't apply to you. One point on Trump, I'm going to change it a little bit here. He mentioned that Trump's vice president is going to really tell whether he's going to play ball with the deep state or he's just going to go, you know, overturn the apple cart on the deep. Well, I've a lot of people are saying that, I just agree with him, and it's going to be interesting to see how long he waits before their convention later this month before he names one. Barnes said two weeks. He's going to do it. Yeah, well, I think the conventions in three weeks. Something like that. Anyway, I think that's right. I'm sorry sketch I did not get. I couldn't find Barnes last night where I normally look for it and on rumble, it pops up right there. You know, I wait till about after nine and I know they finished and you just pop it up and play it at your leisure instead of dealing with it live, you know. And I looked and looked and I couldn't find it anywhere so I don't know I'm like I said, grateful to mark for some to me and I'll probably try and watch it later today or this evening. Well, he mentioned two personalities that said, you know, the assassination clause if he puts them in. I mean, we can defer infer that he's he's going to he's going to fight fight him. You know, well, that's very fascinating. The people that are vice president are going to take take them on to. Well, of course, and well, I know one of those that black guy, Tim, whatever is saying from South Carolina, Nikki Haley would be another one. And I'll leave you in Carson, Ben Carson. As be a good, I think I think he likes Carson. Yeah, yeah, he mentioned Carson saying if he's he's a assassination protector as far as they won't want to kill him as Carson or the other guy forget who it is. Well, JD Vance, JD Vance is the other guy you're talking about, I believe. Yeah, that's the one. And yeah, I mean, well, just like with Reagan with Bush, they'd love to kill Reagan and put Bush up there or what they did to Nixon and got trying to get a Rockefeller up into the presidency. You know, they they they got rid of Nixon. They put in George for Ford, right? They put Nelson Rockefeller in instead of tried to as his vice president, then they knock off Ford and now he got a Rockefeller as the president. An elected, which is what the only way you'd ever get one and it would be ideal for them, obviously. So it's all this big time intrigue, Ben. So, uh, and I'll try and get to from really anxious to your barns program because there's so many critical things and I'm sure it was a wonderful program to listen to last night. Okay, any other hands up or anything, Paul. Jack. Well, I'm going to jump in there for John. What can we say? What? Are you saying the majority of Americans know not to vote for a Rockefeller? I would think they have a hard time overcoming all the bad publicity they've had over the decades. Yes. Okay, good. Thank you. Uh huh. Now, who was it? Jack or Buddy Jack? Jack and Colorado Jack. Oh, Jack and Colorado. Hey, Jack. Notice I didn't say hi, Jack. Hey, how are you? I'm all right. Yeah. Hey, I wanted to share some interesting letter I got from the government. Are you able to hear me? Yeah, I hear you. Okay, but also you said David got his his tax returns back with from his revocation of election. Do you know if it was just last year's money or a previous year before he was a national. I think it was 21 that when he got back and he's waiting on 22 and 23, maybe. Okay, that's awesome news. I'm still waiting on mine. I submitted mine in February and. It's still sitting there to be approved. So, but I did. I did get an interesting letter. I went by the UPS store where I get my mail in a box. Last weekend, um, I had a certified letter sent from the government. To me, it was the first time they ever sent me anything for a signature. I opened it up and it was my, uh, FOIA request and basically is a full color copy of my. Passport application with my affidavit and everything, you know, full, full color copy of it. Mm hmm. Well, that's wonderful. Thank you for calling that in. I had an email. One of our listeners, Slim Pickens, uh, and on his email address and he had been frustrated on trying to do that. I tried to give him some instructions and, uh, for the audience, I mean, I, I can't tell you for certain, but my hunch is that once these things are sent in, they're processed correctly. There is not some supervisor say when you get that in, don't register that in that guy's profile. I don't think that's happening. But for a number of reasons, one of them being that the guy from the passport office told Dave, I believe, down there in Orlando. That they're getting so many of these is his unsolicited statement. We're getting so many of them. They're having to hold classes for the employees on how to process them correctly. Okay. It may have been if there was one that fell through the cracks that was that they ran into somebody that hadn't seen them before, didn't know how to process them correctly and fell through the cracks. Somehow that's not them saying, don't put that in there. That's a legitimate problem that could arise. Seems to be one thing that was interesting is that on that color copy. You can see it read ink where they crossed out. I had put on the top right of the application, just where the endorsement, I just kind of put my own endorsement in there and they scribbled that out, but read ink. But I did get. Oh, no, ironically, okay. Well, that's good. What was the thing you put in there? Use your phone skipped when you're saying it. You know, the endorsement sheet, the password endorsements were, oh, nine is supposed to represent a non citizen. Oh, yeah. See, I don't think we are. I don't think that space is for us. And that kind of shows you that that is correct because they scratched it out. Okay. They also said already in the bottom, in large capital letters, they wrote the word statement down in the bottom where they're supposed to put the kind of identification you sent in. I think they marked passport, but they also wrote in big letters statement. Would I take to mean the explanatory statement that was attached and I guess. For all you people, especially new people, for all you people that remain being skeptical. I'm not telling you to not to satisfy your, your inquisitive mind, your questioning mind or whatever. Go ahead and do it. But you hear the examples that come to the show here. I believe you see, here's their whole. They've got the whole system devised this way and written into the law. You've just never able, been able to identify it and exercise it for yourself up to now. And when you do it, they process it, recognize it, and act correctly accordingly. Seems to me. So, if that can help see some of your questioning of them internally, I think when you send one of those in, it goes to the proper place. One last thing I'll share is what they did. What they did not send back is they didn't send me my naked affidavit that I sent late last year or a corrected one that I sent in the spring. They basically just said this directly to the passport office and just sent my passport application totally ignored sending my naked out back. So I don't know what that means. I don't either. I don't know what they do with them. It just came up and they can't see too many of them. And it seems like a way that gives us a additional buffer step. If anything should be challenged on your application on the passport, you've got the basis to go through the administrative process on it because then technically they didn't act correctly. If you don't have that one in, like the guy in California didn't, that takes away your defense. I'll let you know when I get my tax money back. But that's all I have to say. Okay. Well, I hope that put a smile on your face, Jack. Yeah, I did. It makes it so good. In fact, that's better. I feel better about having that for you back knowing that they have that, then I do have an O9 on my passport card. Well, you just a lot of blessings being rained down on you out there in Colorado, it seems. Yeah. All right. Thanks, man. You're welcome. Okay. Who's next? You know what? We ought to take that and mark that to Paul has excerpt to be taken out testimonials and we'll get some of these clips going like we've got the other ones going on test on different parts of the lesson. That'd be a good one. Okay. So you might notice somehow July 1st, but it'd be easier. So anybody else want to make us grand today and bring in some good news? Yeah, we've got Rich in Alabama, I believe. Hey, Rich. Are things in the rocket city today? It was terribly hot yesterday. I mean, when he just outside and your shirt would turn everything turned wet. Speaking of rockets, you see that little video on the attempted launch of that one of those Chinese rockets last few days? Man, that thing went over outside and came. When I went up, it got up a pretty good ways and started listening to one side and turned over on its side and fell to the ground with a gigantic explosion. So the Chinese rocket department isn't doing real well. How are you doing, Rich? What you got for us? I just wanted to emphasize that listeners out there, it would be a good idea to contact your representatives and let them know about making key notice and comment at because that's where we're supposed to go. And most of the American public, I would honestly say 98, 99% of the US population has no idea about making notice and comment in the federal register. It's been about 12, 13 years ago now. I called my local news stations and let them know that the public needs to be aware of making notice and comment in the federal register if they want to make this decision. They made their contributions to a proposed law that might be coming about and they literally put it on the news. That's good. I'm grateful for local news. That's not going to happen at the national level, but local yes. And now evidently, and I don't know if they do it with all of them or not, but some I kind of think they would now everything's online and you don't have to write stuff out and take it to the post office and everything else make it very easy. And like that example I was giving earlier, I forget how many 20,000 people or something responded at the last minute, and they stopped that regulation because when you get so many, it's got to be reexamined in this due process process. So yeah, it's just it's been there all long. Just nobody understood it. Absolutely. I might have emphasized it, got over 40 years ago when I was brand new in the Army. I read the bulletin board and it literally said go make notice and comment on a certain subject matter and I had no idea what it was and everybody asked had no idea what it was. They just said, well, go to that building and make notice and comment like it says. Right. Right. Okay. Well, it's a very powerful tool and we'll find in all kinds of ways around it, us and the court for them. And I guess that brings us. I regulate, I promulgate a regulation that the program is about over. Would you agree with that? Will you have any objection to that? I have no objection. Actually, I second that motion. Okay. Or second that e-motion. Thank you, buddy. Well, listen, we'll be back tomorrow. We got somebody in the wings that a gal named Sandy, I believe that has got something to talk about. Something to talk to us about an organization that she was affiliated with or something. So anyway, we'll get her in maybe Tuesday or Wednesday if she calls in and have that discussion. I think we're about to see some fireworks today ought to be by the end of when the sun goes down, we should have seen some smoke in the sky somewhere. I'd love to see these bastards back themselves into a corner. They're their own worst enemies. Okay. So truth prevails. We'll see you Freeman tomorrow. Manana. Okay. We're off a Eurofolk. The stream interrupted. Stream had a hiccup 36 minutes ago. So the stream on Global Voice Network, let me check and make sure that one is solid. Global Voice Network caught the whole stream Eurofolk had a hiccup. So it bunted. Well, sorry to hear that too often, but it happened sometimes. All right, it got a free kick. It got a free kick and missed all the soccer activity of the weekend. So now that we're off the air. Does anybody have anything for me? Roger, they're shown. Do you think the CDC and government did that mask mandate? Deceptively, but by not correctly, of course, of course. You don't think the IRS does everything intentionally when they know none of theirs went through notice and comment. No. Of course they did. They did it deceptively. They know those damn regulations didn't go through notice and comment. They're just using presumption to execute fraud and they've been caught red because handed. Because they know that the people will listen to what they're told the way it is and will not verify it. Listen, they won't look at the law. They've been studying. They've been studying how we think how our minds work and writing this down for thousands of years. They know exactly how to control us through our minds, Joan. Most people and most people are happy with that. So, except when it gets real bad, then they start waking up. Okay, anybody else? Yes, there's somebody. Yes. Hey, Mike. All right. If you let him know in Huntsville, for the last four days, we've had Swampas syndrome here down here in Birmingham. You bet what? What kind of syndrome? Swampas syndrome. That's when you switch so bad, that's what's running down your attitude. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. It gets like that. It's been an upper 90s for the last four days. In temperature, not in heat, with the other factors, is hotter than that. Well, I'm sure it's been in the 80s here. So, you know, that's one of the reasons I left. But anyway, hopefully you've still got access to air conditioning. Think about if you didn't have that. Yeah, that's only my room outside. I've got another nature. There you go. Okay, Roger. Yep, yes, sir. Who's that? I just wanted to mention to Joan that the Mossad has a motto and it has come overseas and it's involved with our state. And that is all gone. I didn't know. Can you start again? Because we just got you back in and we didn't hear you there for a number of seconds. So who are you going to get real close? If you get right up on it, right up on your microphone. Who we taught? Is this Jack again? No, it's sketch. Who's the speaker for you to get right up on it? Yeah. He's probably using his computer. Switch to your phone. I hung up. This is sketch and I just wanted to mention Joan that the Mossad has a motto and it's come across the... the sea to us in our administrative statements. Yeah, through deception, we create war. Or we fight one of those. By way of deception, we shall make war. That is classic sunsue. Yep. And that's what that is. And that is their motto. And members chart off from around 9/11. His father was one of the founders of Mossad and his mother was one of the first stewardesses for L.L. Yep. Okay. Anybody else got anything for me? It's like a money out of it. Yeah. Yeah. They're milking every tooth they can get their hands on. Yes. Two, three gentlemen to go. What was the web address for the notice and comment with a really short, sweet one and I didn't get it in time, please? I don't know that we did give it. Yes. Yes. Okay. Okay. I guess that answers it., you're very welcome. And yeah, you can go to the federal register every day that notice the comments are very easy to identify. The top of it, big, bold heading, it'll say, notice of proposed rulemaking. And then there's the reg, there's the person to contact or how to do it and whatever and how many days you got and all that kind of stuff. So go have a great time over coffee in the morning. I'm sure. There's a whole bunch of people at the bottom. One of the top ones on this web page is firearm license comments due July 1, 2024. This is really a nice page. Everything's short and sweet and right to the point. I'm good. Good. All right. Good enough. Okay. Brent, we heard you. There's somebody behind you. I thought there's somebody else want to say something. Um, seems to as a standard. Yeah. Sorry, but I must have been muted. Um, the question I had for you guys is. What do we care about their ordinances or regulations if we're nationalists? Well, we, we care because we can help explain it to other people. We can utilize it. And it's very important foundational knowledge of being a slave because a lot of how you got there is right there in that big bundle of agencies, the development of these things, how they've developed from when they developed because there wasn't any before. March the 9th in 1933. So it's just important information, Sam. Right. But you're pulling yourself out of their jurisdiction, out of their rules, out of their policies, out of their standards. Correct. Then their problem. Not mine, right? I mean ours. Well, that doesn't mean you shouldn't have the knowledge. That doesn't mean you shouldn't have the knowledge. You might want to explain this. No, I think it's very important. Okay. For all students. It's not going to, it didn't apply before. I've always taught you that as you follow your affidavit. And now it's even more restrictive with the Supreme Court decision last week. But no, I think everybody ought to understand this stuff. Above all, let me quote the Bible to you here, Sam. Above all, please seek understanding. If you don't understand this, you don't understand the scheme that enslaved you from birth that you agreed with your life. So no, I got to say, I think it's important. Wait, I know, but I understand it. But I'm saying, is this why you understand how you got in there and where you're at, what position, where you're standing. And if I'm standing outside with there, it's like a business. You know, I run a business and people have to do this such and such and such. I can't grab someone off the street and say, "Hey, you have to do this also." They're not part of my business. Same thing with the government. They have their businesses, their ordinances, their statutes, and say, "Hey, this is how we do things. And we're going to do this, this and this." And now the employees, the U.S. citizens, can complain. Notice of, as you mentioned earlier, notice in comments, that's where the employees to kind of talk to the boss, the government, that they're employed by. Which is what I try to tell people. And the other thing I was trying to say earlier, sorry, like I said, I was muted, there was a movie called Truman. And there's so much fear put into John Cherry to not go on that boat to see the, to get to the end. And I think that's where people fear the most. They just keep throwing things at him, throwing things at him, that they turn around the boat and go back to the island where they're enslaved. Where at the very end, if you notice in John, in Truman, the movie, I don't know if you saw it, he hits the end of this stage basically. And there's a stairway where he can walk himself out of it. Anything that happens within that bubble is the government. That's the ordinance, the statutes. Now he's outside of it. Yes, I understand, you want to understand what they're doing inside there. But in the end of the day, you have to concern yourself with what you're responsible for. And not their ordinance and statutes. Like the bump stop. I'm not telling people, I'm not telling them that. I'm just telling them to know the process. So that if one thing, part of your obligation here is the same thing with me. The only way you can protect your liberty, Sam, is to help others protect theirs. And you can't explain this whole situation to them to do that unless you understand what it is, basically, and how it operates and works. Yes, but what you're doing, Roger, is you're giving everybody a shield. So when you give them that information, once the government sees it, they're like, we cannot attack this person because he said this, this, and this. Well, it's part of your duty. If you ever get confronted with somebody who's questioned in this, you've got to be able to belligerently defend your position. If you don't know and understand this, a lot of your ability to do that, you don't have. Right, but I know I understand enough to get out of it. That's the whole thing. Well, I'm not in there telling you, look, this regulation here says that. I'm not doing that. I'm not trying to get you into that type of a position. I'm saying understand how the whole structure is and how it works, at least conceptually. You can't understand everything you're supposed to and defend your position if you don't know that. It's very important to me. I think, right, right, it is. But knowing enough to say, look, I'm not part of your organization. Like you said, ask the question. So now I'm not part of your organization. How am I liable for what you just said for me to do? Well, okay, all that's being a belligerent climate right there. That's being a belligerent climate, the illustration you just gave us. Right, okay, good. I just want people to understand that not to be fearful. Just do it, man. It is so freeing. It really is. That's how they're controlling everybody. You see this fear factor. They've done a long way of forming SWAT teams and showing you on all the news, the SWAT team invading people's houses to give themselves the impression, impression they've got all this power. They just don't have it. They've only got it because you are only asleep under fraud, answered those two questions. Yes. And signs something. Right. You gave them the power. I agree. I agree. You gave them the power. Don't be scared of them. If you gave it to them, you've taken yours back, flip them a bird, and go on about your way. But you can't belligerently claim your position if you don't understand the whole scheme. And that's why all this discussion of the administrative agencies, how they do things, how they affect them, et cetera, et cetera. So it's important to understand. Okay. If you don't, you got big holes in your knowledge. And if you got big holes, I tell people, how free do you want to be? If you, you're as free as you've got command of this whole scheme, how it works, how it operates, how you got into it, and how you got out of it. If you don't understand all that, you're not really free because the world doesn't change. You've got to be the change and you can't change if you don't know and understand all this stuff. I am an example for my kids and the people around me. I'm not kidding. I have a number of people that are very interested in the way I explain to them. It's created by Congress. They created this job. You said yes. Think about it. You're an A, not a US, there's a lot to keep hitting them with. And they're getting more and more serious. You've been around. You've been around. And I'm giving a number out. Yeah. Okay. Now, what, a little over a year? Well, September, I became an national, right? And prior to that, again, I had issues with land and land and whatnot. Whatnot or? Right. But you knew you. Okay. So you see it. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Sam's gone through the fog a bit as a lot of new people do. There's no slight on you. And all of a sudden, the fog is clearing and you can hear that in this conversation. Yes, it's hard to grasp because you, for years, you think, oh, no, this is just the way it is. They tell you they're scared to death, you know, I scare them this and that. I said, look, let them come at me. I'm right here. Here's my address. They asked me, oh, one guy doesn't talk to me. He's a lawyer, friend of mine. He was afraid that I was going to go, you know, to jail through the IRS. You know, and his friend called me to see how I was doing. And I said, yeah, you know, I need like 30 grand to get out. I'm just kidding. You know, I just told him that. And you know, it's like now he's even questioning it. And it's like, OK, be the example. Be the example. Let's go. That's all. That's why I try and find you guys. I get our see if we can anything I can do to make our paths cross. And then I kind of teach you and that's what I expect the people to grow within the information like salmon and suns have and it takes a little time depending on you. You don't know why all the variables, but some people's quicker than others, but all of a sudden you'll start this empowerment process. And that's what you're hearing in Sam. He's become empowered. And the more success is it's your persistence that helps because people have questions and you answer them. You got to. And you got to keep doing that for people. They don't get through. They keep asking. That's right. That's right. And if you really want to learn the information or you find it intimidating, go out and start teaching it to people. You'll be amazed how quickly you'll get control of it. Isn't that right, Marka? Yep. I was going to share Roger. Sam, that's awesome. I can't. You know, it's really cool to hear you explain it that way because you've had a lot of questions when you first came in and you've learned a lot. I just wanted to say. Yes. Thank you, Maria. The fear-mongering, Roger, is the patriot mythology that grew out there using this verbiage and the writings that they try to have people run around and distract themselves. So keep it simple is what I always say. Like you said, Roger, we follow everything you've taught. You know, since I've been here, I've followed everything that you've taught. And we keep it simple, we are just, we changed our status and we are, nothing has changed except for what we're learning and how we're learning it. And just so we, everything stays the same, but you're changing your life, living private under natural law. Well, here's what's happening to mythology stuff. In the big picture, you're changing the way you think. You're learning about these dialectics and how they do things and where reality is. And you're learning and changing the way you think as you straighten this back out. And you can't change the way you think without changing the way you live. You're detoxing the US system, everything from the US system, and don't get distracted with possible information that's incomplete because there's a lot of information that is surrounding us right now, especially our group, and they're trying to distract you. They're trying to sabotage everything that we are learning and having our group grow. The national, the two believe people that really want to get out of the system and learn how to live privately. If you want that, we got answers and if you don't want that, go on about your way and good luck to you. Yeah, Bruce. Yep. Are you not doing things? This is a God-given energy and how you use that energy is what you are learning and trying to give out. And I'm trying to get people where I live. Absolutely. Information about that. And they're looking at me like, I don't know what you think about it. You hadn't said it to anything, and this is how you do it. It's simple. But simple is not -- they want to make it hard. It's not simple to them. Yes. So, from this, they don't know the value of the FDA. They don't even understand that what set of laws you live under is your choice, not theirs. Right. And that's what we need to talk about. They always say power to the people. The people have got the power. They've just kind of realized they've got it. And under this scheme, the way they've been pavilovially conditioned their whole lives, they're scared and they think the government's got all the power. When in actuality, they got it in fraud and it's easy to straighten out and they've got to accept it or be open tyrants. Those are fairly easy concepts, but they're hard to get across to people. Hey, Roger. Well, there's Wayne. Hey, Wayne. Yeah, I've just followed the conversation here. Just a couple of quick comments up. Number one, I think it's a faulty assumption to think we're not going to get in contact with these agencies and just knowing what you've taught us about the types of different regulations, substantive, interpretive, statement of policy, that gives us a lot of ammunition to go back to these guys if they ever tried to at least make them stand up to what they're trying to impress upon as far as what we may or may not have done. So just knowing that, I think it's been a big key and I think it's a bad assumption to think they may not try to make examples out of so-called rebels trying to get off the plantation here. So the more we know, I think the better prepared we are. And one other thing, there's been a lot of conversation over the last couple days about the Victory Supreme Court and all that, but let's just remember, the other side has some big cards to play. They can take down this financial system. They can interrupt the grid, the electrical grid, and also our food supply. So that's where it's really incumbent upon everybody to be hopeful but be preparing because they're going to get very desperate, very, very desperate. So, and I think they're willing to do anything they can to harm the most people as fast as possible. And you're seeing it on me. They have no restraints. So can I say something? You said something early that struck us now. You said the power is in the people. Well, that's true. They didn't lie to us. The power is in the people. We give them the authority. We could not go into it too. They tricked. This is how complex this is. Esau Edem devised a way to steal his birth right back. That's what we're dealing with. And that is, that is, that's how simple this is. Right. Exactly. They're telling you, you've got the power, but do you have the, you know, like the Bible says, I don't know what it is, it's 378 times, do not fear it, do not fear, do it, just do it. Yeah. See what happens. Yeah. It's just interesting. It's interesting to see how many people won't don't understand it, don't want to understand it, et cetera. Don't know all the excuses. I know we're a very select group. Who wanted to say something there? I've wanted this, Gitch, I just wanted to say the importance of approaching farmers about being coming to national is so important that we try and put his farmers. Yep. Yep. Cause as they come to give their cattle the P.F.B.R. test or whatever, what have they gone? Nope. And apply to me. See you later, big boy. Okay. Anybody else? So I thought, I thought you were going to tell me to go have a nice lunch, Gitch. When is, when is, when is, when is, when is, when is, come, eat us, I'm ready. Yeah. Uh huh. Yeah. Uh buenos amorso, huh? Wayne, which got. I just real quick, uh, to build on what sketch said, just as past Saturday, I was talking to a local farmer. He had never considered taking precious metals and after I got done educating about where the dollars going and what could very, well happen, he's gotten very, very excited about the possibility of learning about this stuff so that he can at least stay solvent in times of real crisis. So that does work. You know your, Wayne or Texas metals repository out there, they've got a program evidently where you can deposit your metals and they'll give you a debit card off of them. That's true, but I think I go with Lynette Zang, if you don't hold it, you don't own it. Well, okay, I, well, I understand that totally, but uh, everybody's in different circumstances. Uh, so anybody else before I go to lunch? Happy day, Roger. Sounds like you're hungry, Roger, thank you for your time. I appreciate it. General Hall, everybody. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Most, most time I don't eat breakfast. So I go through the whole show on a couple of cups of coffee, maybe a little something, a banana or something and now it's 1230 and I get hungry. A growing boy at 76 this month. I'll see y'all tomorrow, man. Thank you, Roger. We'll talk about that. That's this month. So we'll see y'all soon or tomorrow, whenever and uh, have a good day, okay? And just, it's going to be interesting to see them implode. So we'll all watch together. I'll see y'all tomorrow. Okay. Ciao. Thank you, Roger. You guys that were crapping that, oh, it's 80 something over here. It's only 1030 in the morning here and it's 93 and it's going to be 106 in the shade. What area? The vacation capital of the world, Las Vegas, but it's hotter while it's hotter in Phoenix, Bullhead, Steady and Needles, California and Death Valley. That's 96 here on the way to 104 heat index of 109. I've got 105 right now at 1030 in the sun. In the sun and fire. I just let it into the shade. I'll give you an update soon and thanks for those last foneys you sent me. I love the one about the tattooed couple being amazed when their baby comes out and unpainted canvas. That one was pretty good. You're a lot of them, thank you. Those were funny as that. I'm forwarding that out. Please feel free to. That's the reason I sent it to y'all for others to enjoy. If you ever go and look at pictures from 1970, maybe early 80s, no tattoos, no overweeds overweight people in a beach, unbelievable, so many tattoos. I personally think that's a pretty gross myself. What I think is really sad is these pretty young ladies have their whole arm and shoulder tattooed and they don't stop to think what that's going to look like by the time they're 50 years old. They look dirty. I looked from the distance. They didn't wash their arm. Oh my God. Not look at those. Really? You're stuck with that. So you tell me is it a protest or what? Well, it's why they say hey, be you, be yourself, do what you want. Of course, they're going to distract from what they're doing to you. See, you're important. Do this, do this and don't look what we're doing to you, kind of in that fashion. The other thing that's got me is this. I was watching Biden and Bill knew he was an idiot and he was a sellout, whatnot. It's unbelievable, but what got me was how the Democratic Party on some of these news platforms which I don't watch, but I just recently watched a couple of them in the last couple of days. I couldn't believe it. Wow, we didn't know he was such an idiot. They were covering him the whole time. I can't believe that they're that stupid. I think it's something cynical. I think they're doing something where I think they probably went up to Trump to see because of whatever Biden has done in the past when he had the documents, when he wasn't president and he was a senator, probably I don't think he was a vice president at the time when he stole all those documents. It's more of like a test, but well, we couldn't convict Trump, so you can't do that to Biden or this party, but these people are guilty and it seems to me like it's a drama show. They'll yell at them in Congress, they'll do this, they'll say this, they'll do that, and nobody's accountable. Now, recently I found out Peter struck and I think Lee and Lisa Page, they're getting money from the government because they sued the government for whatever reason, maybe breach of privacy or something with their text. They're supposed to get their retirement and they were cheated out of their retirement because they were committing treason, so that's why they sued. Okay, so wait, wait, wait, they committed a crime, okay? They conspired between the two people conspired, it's 241 and 42, right? They committed treason. Okay, treason. Okay, so, okay, so why are they in prison? That is a good question, but they wouldn't go to prison because they were technically working for the government corporation, so they should be sitting in Gitmo. Hold on, if that's the case, then I'm going to be a U.S. citizen and I'm going to commit crimes, so I don't have to go to prison. That doesn't make sense. No, no. So, if you work for the government as an impu- yeah, go ahead. They are part of this elite group or whatever part of the SES and they're working, think of them as a mafia group, working in the corporation and they're doing what they're being pulled to do, right, which is commit treason, but it's not treason if your people are running the government to find you what to do, but because somebody else got in, now it's treason, so they should actually be in Gitmo. Well, let's think about what they said. They said, well, Strunk said, or Lisa said, "There's no way he's going to get in." And he said, "No, we'll make sure of it or I'll make sure of it." He acted in his own volition, first of all. And if he is part of the government as an employee, just like the U.S. citizens are, then nobody can be put in prison. So, there's a huge lawsuit from everybody. You can't hear both ways. You can't work for the government, do what you want and get away with it, then turn around when somebody does something stupid, he should be able, or she should be able to get away with it also. Well, I work for the government, so I can't be, I'm immune. That doesn't work. Well, they're all saying that, they're all saying that, that's why Trump put the executive order that's still in effect, that if you work for the government, you commit treason crimes against humanity, you trap big children or people or whatever, military government, you go to Gitmo, you are to be held and tried via military tribunal, not in a common, in a civil court, it's a tribunal. So, they're going to lose police themselves. Yeah. If I might pile on top real quick, if I might pile on, in addition to, they're saying Biden's an idiot and everything, they were, they were bleeding out, oh, well, Trump lied, Trump's lies, and then they'd never elaborate on any of them. Of course, it's always a character assassination, it's never proof, it never facts. So, did any of you guys notice that there was three different Bidens on that same interview? The one with Trump, right, that there was three different, yeah, the debates, there was three different ones, there was one that had the butch in, there was one that had some kind of growth weird thing on a space, and then there was the one that had the squinty eyes and the ear lobe attached, there was three different ones for that. What was it, an hour and a half show, hour and seventeen, I didn't notice anything like that, but I will tell you this, they tell you what they're going to do. And they clearly said, prior to his campaign, Biden's, that it'd be so easy for someone to put an earpiece into somebody's ear and dictate it, Obama to dictate it. I think his earpiece right there, it's right, I saw it, he was pulling that earpiece, people were talking to him, you could see when somebody was talking to him because his eyes would go off in the wrong direction. Right, right, he's looking down, he looks like Rayla, that's a given, I mean, that's a given, he doesn't have the time to see him make up, to put a sentence together, that's a given, someone is absolutely talking to him. You know what I'm going to tell you, oh no, yeah. Why, Trump was right there on the stage with him, why did he go along with it, sure, like he saw what was going on with it, three changes. He's showing you what's going on, he's showing you and everybody else that's not paying attention just how stupid this is that's going on right in front of your face. And the only way a lot of people would pay attention is if he was up there, look, many people have been telling everybody, it's not Joe Biden, it's an impersonator, it's a double, it's whatever, the guy's dumb as a doorknob, right, even on the laptop that he had dementia like years ago, people have been telling everybody and the media just covers up, covers up, covers up, covers up, well now they got different marching orders, so now they put it out. So all of a sudden, now you have people losing their flip in mind because they were like, oh shit, we didn't pay attention, we've been getting lied to and heaven forbid these nationals or these republicans or these conservatives, right, actually told us the truth, can't have that, right. I think Trump is more of a businessman, you know, I was in business too, if you sit there and you have to deal with everybody's comments and what they said, what they didn't say, oh he's not good, he's this, he's that, if you stop every time to battle that, you've lost it, if you just say okay whatever, just move on, prove what you're worth and keep going, just keep going. I think maybe he just doesn't want to engage with, you don't see him, I mean he'll point out some like caricatures of people, there's no two ways around it, you know, you could see a character in somebody and he just like magnifies it like sleepy Joe, because the guy, you know, obviously he's passing out, he makes your pass out, you know, and you know, he'll magnify those characters and then he, but he also, I mean, people don't realize this, he went after him for what, Russia, which was a lie, right. We no longer have ISIS, that took him 30 days, he asked the military what's going on, he said, sir, they want to let us do this, he says do it. He put the law up at the Democrats and the Republicans, he said, oh it's so much money we can't do it, he got it up, he keeps doing all these things and it's kind of making them look like idiots, because that's what they do, oh we need more money, they're just milking us that there's no tomorrow, they're used to, not me anymore, and finally, someone comes long and does it, it's like that one commercial where there was two women in the bathroom and one was standing, standing out opposite of each other and the water was running and one lady goes, oh my god, you know, someone should do something about that, the other lady goes, yeah, who would do that, just don't know regard for, you know, the environment and they're going back and forth, then lady opens the door and walks in, sees the water running and shuts it off, and then walks away, the other two ladies just kind of looked at each other and walked away, they had nothing else to talk about, that's how our government is, it's a joke and as it's always been bothered me, you know, it's like, you don't do anything for me, I'm working, I make my own money, you don't contribute, you just give me nothing but grief, I'm telling you, it's such a free thing, I go down the street now, I cast pull up on me and they go in the opposite direction, this is, I watch everything that happens around me and this has happened so many times, this is awesome, I'm so glad I fell into this, I started with land patents, because I didn't want them on my property, which I'm almost done with it, and then I caught on the roger somehow and then next thing you know, it actually freed me, I wish people would just take the chance, just to see what you're going to gain, step out of your comfort zone, see what you can achieve, it's like, just do it, you know, that's all I can say, that's why I don't watch the news anymore, I don't watch Biden and I don't watch the government talks anymore, a lot of good people in the government, Ned Gates, you know, Jim Jordan, he's not Tom Cotton, I'm thinking the other guy, there's a number of really good people and a lot of dirty people, there's a lot of dirty people, you know, and they're like fighting to get the policies for their employees, that's how I see it, but again, nothing happens, you know, I think people would have more confidence in the government if some people started going to prison, that's it, hey handcuffs, let it be seen by everybody, let's go, you know, they don't go to prison, they go to Gitmo, they go to Gitmo, they work through the government or they work through the military and they're caught committing treason, they go to Gitmo, the trade funerals are happening, if you follow monkey works, he will walk you through all the planes that are going back and forth, they've covered the prison barges, there's the three of them, they're full of people that they pick up left, right and center, they're pulling all these people in, they're recording them, they will be put out in public, but the tribunals are going on through the military. I have a question, ma'am. Yeah, how many political criminals are at Gitmo, news, is that news? Yes. How many? I think it's good to say how many sealed indictments were out there, I mean, when they were being tracked, they were in the thousands, weren't they, like, or was it tens of thousands of sealed indictments, the prison barges were huge, they had, when I saw them, when people were taking videos of them, well, because it had them, one was off of California, one was off of like New York, and then there was another one, someplace else, they dug out the areas at Gitmo so that these prison barges could pull up and dock, right? If you're watching on Google Earth, the build out of Gitmo, it is expanded exponentially, and they said it's been built up so that political prisoners can aid out. So, you know, like Bush, Bush Jr., he did a deal, he kind of sold everybody out. You know, I think he's gonna, you know, this is, they can't cry, everybody, because there's just so many, but they, when all this started, they called back all the retired jags that they could get a hold of so that they could have people to represent the guilty parties and do the tribunals, and they've been cycling troops through there constantly. Please provide, please provide the evidence, ma'am, I've heard this for five years and I've not seen any evidence to the contrary, that the planes are there, the troop rotations are there, go to Google Earth, go where, would you slow down enough that we could have some dialogue? Monkey work? Would you put that in the chat, would you put that in the chat, please, so I can don't miss that one or whatever. Ma'am? Yeah, I'm excited. The YouTube channel name is Monkey Works, M-O-N-K-E-Y-W-E-R-X. It would be very, very interesting because what he does is he tracks civilian and military aircraft activity over this part of the globe and he tracks Air Force One and Air Force Two, Marine One, he tracks troop transports, he tracks planes that they take off, but then they disappear off the radar and then lo and behold, well son of a bitch, there it is again, it shows up a day later, nobody knows where that plane was and what it was doing. He's got the real time data on all of the air traffic and I think it would be exceedingly interesting to you and the name of the channel is Monkey Works, M-O-N-K-E-Y-W-E-R-X, not K-S-W-E-R-X. Right, please put it in the chat, Paul. All right, I'm going to do that as soon as I get done eating lunch. Didn't ask you for lunch, did you want to get married? Yeah, really. Yeah, I think she's gone, I think there's somebody else playing her. What Paul just said, real time, this is just me, Washington State, I go to Google and I can tell by the amount of implements or lack thereof, my images are seven years old on Google and I can't put this in the chat, somebody else can. Satellites, plural, pro, and that'll come up and that gives you something this year, at least, and shows you activity on the ground, not seven years, not five years old, nothing hidden, it's out of Russia and it's real, I'm done. I don't know, I'd like to go back to, go ahead, no, go ahead, I'd have to see him in prison. I'd like to go back to bed. I like the stuff back with what Joe was talking about earlier and someone else about the gross fat bodies on the beaches and what have you, try checking them out on the strip on Las Vegas. There's a ton of them and also the tattoos they have, outrageous. And I have to look at this three days, I have to look at this for three days a week. Back in the area where they do tend to gravitate, so that's what you're going to see. Well the interesting part about that appear where it's cold, I don't get the full view, at least they do have to wear some clothes all the time, I'm done. There's people here that have no business wearing what they aren't wearing. There are people that should be wearing that aren't wearing, should never take their clothes off. There's people wearing speedos that are size 46, I'm telling you, if there is a dude that whose waist measurement is roughly approximate to the short side of a sheet of plywood, back away from the speedos. Never mind the damn bikini, get the hell out of here, you're worrying, you shouldn't be looking at guys first of all, oh shush, we call that a quaking, we call that a quaking mass of flesh and they're standing still, no shit, okay, I'm putting a YouTube channel in the chat, three, two, one, check. Okay, I got to get back, I got to get out of here guys, I enjoyed talking, sorry I got muted, I hope we talk about what's going on tomorrow with the presidency, even though we have no authority to vote, right? We're not part of it, but I like to see what's going on, you know, right, we're not part of the system anymore, not unless you beg, all right, if there is a restoration in the republic, then we would be part of that system, say that again, so we would, if there is a restoration of the republic, and an unwinding of the deep state, we are the first members of the only political status that will matter, okay, we're already there, right, I'm thanking them, yes, get someone say we're not part of the system unless we bank, let's be joined back in, I thought I heard the word bank, okay, I ain't going to do that, I have a question for me, exactly, they can suck my left limberter, go ahead, Jerry, from you, regarding her governor, is she in Gitmo, Whitmer, are they taking any state legislative people, executive brands, judicial, I did hear that she had been picked up for child trafficking among other things, really, yes, it's just odd when a woman is involved in that, that it just seems odd to me, say, no, not necessarily, first of all, there's no guarantee she's a woman, second of all, there's second of all, there's something inherently wrong with these spirit cookers that torture their children to the point where the brain hemispheres separate, and there's no way that they have any empathy whatsoever, they're completely apathetic, and completely self-serving, so, wow, preparing for total annihilation, sit-rep, they did show you in that sound of freedom and movie how they use women to lure a lot of these children in, because you're taught to suspect the boys or the men, right, but they're using the women to pull people in, because they can get close to the children, and children think they're safe, because it's a woman, yadda yadda yadda, but it's somebody with mommy, yeah, yeah, but they're all part of a culture, it's all part of a culture, and it's, it's, but yes, I had heard that the military had actually picked her up, I had also heard prior to that, somebody had tried to serve her, I don't know who, I think it was a common law thing, and they said you can't serve, you can't process her because she has not been in office for less than three years, so, I don't know where she's at, huh, Paul, what were you saying, I'm sorry, could you repeat that, you made like an announcement, I forget, oh, no, um, the situation report from 6/20/24, the title of the video is preparing for total annihilation. Yeah, and the monkey works, yeah. And that country western singer guy, what does he mean? He covers the laws and orders, the rattles, 1776, he did a really nice one where he broke down the, not only the laws and orders, but how we're resetting, you know, everybody back to the common law, the tearing down the whole system, and it's all been in a plan, it's, they've got it written in the war, the war manual, here I'll give you the link. And he covers the multiple Bidens in the same thing, Derek Johnson, he's pretty good, they covered the reevaluation of the currency back to the gold back, you know, basically you're, they're gonna reset everything to where we, to where we are, where we think we should be, and get rid of all of these government agencies. John B. Wells had somebody interesting on, I can't think of his name, Mike, is it Mike Smith, I can't remember, Mark Smith, on caravan to Mark to midnight over the weekend, he was on for like a half hour, and he spoke about Gitmo and the arrest, the tribunal, the military. So I've been hearing about it, but then the White Hats were included off planet people, which was like, do, do, do, do, and so I didn't really pay much attention to it. But hearing it on John B. Wells over the weekend kind of gave it some credibility, he didn't speak about the White Hats in the, well, not necessarily the White Hats, but the off planet stuff. Well, it either gave the other guy some credibility or destroyed John B. Wells credibility. Well, the Derek Johnson was talking about the, the, the missing 65,000, whatever military people, because I guess there was a large, there was a lot of military people that just went suspiciously missing, but like nobody talks about it. And they were saying that those, those missing people are, are actually working with Trump. Do you want to call him White Hats, you know, or whatever, that's what he, he was saying. And there's other channels that talk about the military going around and rounding these people up, so, give it a listen, it's about three hours long, but it's, it's, it's good. And his book, he did write a book and he shows the upfront, he put the constitution and the Bill of Rights and stuff in the front of the book and then he did like a summary reference for you of the law, law and orders, so that they're easy to find and reference as a kind of like a cheat sheet, is, is Trump going to continue to push and support the vaccinations? Now, I, I don't think he was four vaccinations, he, I think his son was vaccine damage.