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Radio Ranch Sabado Edition

2h 57m
Broadcast on:
29 Jun 2024
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And the date stamp is the 29th. And I believe tomorrow would be the 30th and June must only have 30 days, right? I believe that's correct. Cousin with the birthday today. And of course, we are the uh, I was 28, 29th. I gave that. I gave my name. I gave the name of our program. That's about all my responsibilities at this stage. And what we'll do is, but we're on an abbreviated set of platforms today. Okay. All right. Well, it is Sabino again. So, uh, and the key problem is this guy here, this Paul Beener guy, and he's going to give them all the proper credit for, uh, joining with us and helping to spread our little program and message. So go identify them and give them proper credit, please, Paul. Or you may. I'm not have. I don't have my audio there. Whoops. All right. So my feed wasn't going to global voice network. Everyone else's was go figure. Jeez. Um, uh, anyways, we're on Um, you're a focus thanks to Pastry, led James, global voice radio. It was my little project. We're also on home channel, hn4. And we're on freedom, um, and, um, go live TV and stream So, uh, the matrix stocks is up. The website is back. Um, and, um, also, um, nationals still works. still works. Global voice forward slash, um, matrix still works. All that stuff. So, um, yeah, we're working. Cool. Yeah. Well, I'm glad to see, uh, all that gets straight now. Maybe we'll get the archive straightened out at some point here as we go forward. One of these other things keep popping up. Somebody sending me something there. Um, So, uh, and I assumed that we're going to be working on that. Paul, for those in the audience, as we might get some people listening on Saturday that don't during the week and we've had this little snappy with the archive. So could you tell the folks how to access the way we're doing it now? Um, just go to, uh, the matrix stocks or any of those other websites I mentioned. Click on the global voice radio link as though you were listening to the live show. And the first page you come to will be the tracks list. So the archives are all right there. Okay. Same place. Same way. I hadn't had any complaints from people. So I don't know if they're figuring it out or if there's nobody that gives a damn. Uh, and that's the kind of predicament you get in here with this situation. You're throwing these, you're throwing these freedom seeds all over the place and you don't know where they sprout and grow for the most part. I haven't heard anything back on Gary out there and I'm hoping that no news is good news here. Um, and we say our prayers to Gary again, one of our great warriors that's accomplished an awful lot with this information. Um, so good for him and his, uh, very loyal wife, uh, sweet Galgina. So hopefully Gary's, uh, coming out of the fog for whatever that was and maybe it wasn't as dramatic as it appeared. So we have, uh, he was, he was on a ventilator for a while and they were, they were in the process of decreasing the pressure on the ventilator and, uh, watching his oxygen levels and we're on this. Um, we got a, a text update, but, um, they're watching his oxygen levels and turning the pressure down on the ventilator. And as soon as his oxygen levels stabilize without the ventilator, they're going to pull him off of it and, uh, they're, they're watching him. Uh, they're paying, uh, they're paying all the attention to him that he could ever want need or, or even more so maybe, don't know, but, uh, still, uh, he's making progress. Okay, that's good news. Yeah, he appears to be making progress and that's really all we can ask for, really. Mm hmm. Okay. Well, that's good news. Uh, let's see what else there's so much happening. Um, really, uh, several, uh, pretty important Supreme Court cases got dropped yesterday to hear about those Paul. I'm assuming you did. I heard about the Chevron decision. Right. Right. Um, the other, the other one was dealing with J six defendants and they had all been charged even Trump, who keeps sending stuff here, even Trump with, uh, is there some kind of, okay, well, whatever, uh, I hate those interruptions. Um, the J six defendants and even Trump was charged with this and that's been thrown out is obstruction of justice. So all of the J six, the people that got charged with obstruction of justice, like walking through the ropes in the Capitol and all that stuff, they evidently now have a way to come back and see the, uh, see the federal government for this. Uh, don't know all of the details of that case, but that did come down late yesterday and also the Chevron case. Now, um, it dovetails right in with what we do and talk about here a lot, which is the administrative state, the deep state that was created after the bankruptcy. So they could have their little man interpreted called public policy laws, if you will, regulations, uh, for the surf class. And, uh, since we're not in that anymore, but that's what's dictated our, uh, uh, our lives, really, all of us pretty much. Um, this is, uh, excuse me, Paul, this is what they refer to as the matrix here. And this is people don't understand this, but what the matrix is, at least as far as I've been able to think it through, is this, uh, you know, it's like what Morpheus said in the movie. You can't see it. You can't touch it, but you can feel it. Mm hmm. Now that's a real true statement. Okay. From what I heard the dissenting opinion, one of the statements in the dissenting opinion was that the ruling would not have any retroactive effect on any cases that had already been heard or tried. Um, but it would have effect going forward, but what that effect would be was unclear. So well, I would think the way they've been, uh, a broadsided here lately, self-induced, and some of the instances that that would probably deter them from continuing to go grab people. But with this crazy group, who knows, you know, uh, it also may have something to do with the believe it or not, what, uh, this girl, Andrea, whatever Luna, uh, this little fire cracker, uh, rep, uh, from Florida that's, uh, brought in this inherent, I forget what they call it, but, uh, as for Mayor Garland avoiding the, uh, contempt charges that have been levied upon him and say, having the Justice Department announced they're not going to pursue him. Uh, uh, nevermind. Just, just, just nevermind the notice. I get it. They said, no, it's the noise that drives, it drives me crazy. Cause I, you have an automatic inclination to want to go see about it and it interrupts your thinking. So, uh, anyway, you know, you'll, uh, buy her and, uh, where they can send that it is the sergeant in arms. Uh, and I guess Mike Johnson needs to be the final trigger puller here, but they've got the votes. And, uh, this was supposed to happen yesterday. I don't know if it did or not. It might happen Monday. Don't know. But they've got all of the authority they need in the Constitution to, uh, go arrest Mary Garland for contempt of Congress with the sergeant of arms of the House representatives and bring him back to face the House. Now whatever they're, whatever they're hiding in this, uh, it was a taped interview with Biden, and I guess the prosecutor on the case, uh, where they said they weren't going to convict him because he was too old and feeble or whatever here recently. Oh, we can't exercise a remedy because he's too feeble minded. Well, hell, he's in the slot running the day of a country. Uh, but we can't try them because he's too feeble minded. I mean, yikes. Oh, there it's, uh, bizarro world and hopefully that will get followed through upon because it does. They're trying to usurp all the pro all the powers, uh, from the Congress and everybody else up into this executive, uh, position. So with this feeble idiot on there, so anyway, we'll see about that hadn't heard about that. The Chevron, uh, decision as you alluded to, which is extremely important. The repercussions from that are going to be long ranging and, and very severe upon our enemies. Okay. Uh, because, well, I have a question as I was saying, okay, well, I'm getting something too after. Okay. All right, Paul, what, what did you have? Okay. Um, with, with what the dissenting opinion was, that's just a dissenting opinion. That's not long. It's not fair. Chevron case. That is right. That's guy. The dissenting and the ship. Are we talking about the Chevron case? Yeah. Okay. We're talking about the dissenting opinion. Correct, which is not actually part of the decision. It's an opinion. Okay. So it may be guidance, but it may not be. It has no force in law. But the thing is, I'm trying to say is fraud is fraud now. It will be fraud tomorrow and it was fraud yesterday. So they cannot make that not retroactive because a fact that is true today was true yesterday, the day before and the day before that. So I think that's a challengeable position. So don't, don't, don't get all upset because it won't fix the, the, the flaws of the past. It just might. And just for that reason. Now, Mirka, you had something? Yes. Good morning, Roger. I was looking at it this morning and I took something out of it where it's funny how Robert, Robert indicated that the court's decision on Friday would not require earlier cases to be overturned. And I was thinking, I'm like, well, if, if it had some harm on people, it would have to be, and it could be challenged and overturned under common law and natural law, using natural and positive law, right? Well, challenge to the, are they national? If they were, they probably wouldn't be in there in the first place, okay? Not sure. Well, what doesn't positive law apply to U.S. citizens and nationals? No. And wouldn't that, wouldn't that be able to use that? No, they're going to take that and make, that's non positive law because it's man-made. Obstruction of justice. Yes, it's not right. Obstruction of justice. It's that it's being applied incorrectly. Right. The obstruction of justice is a legitimate charge. And that would apply to nationals, I would think, but they're taking something and reapplying an incorrect concept. So, but the people they're applying it against are the prisoners and that's man-made stuff. So I don't know if they can wiggle out of it. I think we'll find out an awful lot more about this Sunday night on Barnes because no doubt this will be covered and all this stuff will be covered from in depth. And I'm anxious to hear his read on it. But some, some real important cases, we still haven't had the President Trump immunity case. So that one's probably going to come maybe Monday. Oh, I would imagine they're going to get all these out before the fourth. But all that's going on. And, but what is really important to me, it seems that it is gigantic is that the Democrats hit their Waterloo Thursday night with this stupid debate that they offered. They had all the terms. They had all the control and their guy failed. He failed big time. And if you haven't even seen some of the comments out there from MSNBC and Scarborough and all the traditional leftists, even Joy Reed, if you haven't seen that clip of their reactions over the last couple of days, it's pretty shocking. I don't know that I've ever seen them capitulate like that in a group. And so the question was evidently Biden went up there and then they tried to come back and after the debate telling me needed to step down and he refuses to. So now they've got that added situation on top of everything else. The blender that they pulled here with their the blender that they pulled with with this little move was a big mistake, obviously. And man, the repercussions from that are going to be severe as we go forward. I imagine that you'll will look back after some length of time and recognize June 27th as the Waterloo of the Satanist, really, because they have really good in their buckwheat. Hey, Mark, how you doing this morning, man? Morning, Roger. Well, it's been an interesting week. First though. First thing I want to touch on that obstruction charge at their radiance, the protesters, the January 6th protesters, that was an obstruction of justice. There's another obstruction that has to do with destroying a record or a document or other object. You mean like the January 6th committee did? Yeah, yeah, exactly like they did. And then the second part of obstruction is to otherwise obstruct an official proceeding. So that is the obstruction that that was that issue. Okay, and that's obstruction of Congress. Right, right. Exactly. Even though they want officially in session, I don't believe, during that time, that was, you know, after the, when the inauguration that that occurred, when they're transferring the powers. Well, that was the, where they're, they have the constitutional right to go into a 10 day period, where they researched the election and how it was done. And that's what they were trying to institute and get that done. And so when they basically turned the peaceful protest into what it turned into, then that night they said, well, let's go ahead and wave that. And we're going to go ahead and to certify the votes. So they used it not only against the Patriots, but to speed up that and covered up and pull off the confirmation of their fraud. Yeah, that's where Vice President Mike Pence punted on looking into anything to investigate it. Exactly. And when that guy went in and slipped him that coin or whatever in his pocket, and they shook hands and he put it in his coat pocket, Mike Pence wouldn't be so garbage that guy is. And the nerve, which I love for president was hilarious. And he's still doing something. He's come up. Yes, he did. There's something else that he's just pulled recently that came up on the shows his tradesmanship. So anyway, all that. And I would highly if you don't know if you're kind of new. And why are you doing this to me? You know, I'm on the air. I can't believe it. So the I lost my train of thought. Sorry. Well, I'll stick you back to the obstruction charge. And oh, we were talking about Biden and the in the debate. This is really interesting, Roger. Never ever in history. Have they had a presidential debate before the candidates were officially nominated by the parties? Correct. Now the inside baseball is that the Democrats did this intentionally because they needed to replace Joe Biden because his approval numbers are in the toilet. Literally abysmal abysmal. His numbers keep going down before before they really kicked off the whole campaign. His approval rating was at like 11 and 12%. The last I heard it was nine and 10%. And he evidently pushed that forward to try and get him off the ticket. And then after that abysmal reform, and she came back and refused and said no. So they've really got a hot potato now. Okay. Well, they're there. And I just there's a couple of really good sources. Martin Armstrong being one of those. And I really I recommend people connect with Martin Armstrong's armstrong Get on his mailing list. You can search him on rumble for his interviews. The guy is super brilliant. He's not a ten foil hat where he's not into conspiracy theories. He's he's just a straight up researcher and knows what he's doing. And then Greg Hunter with USA Watchdog. He has now he's a form of journalists from the 70s that worked with CNN and ABC news and back when CNN got started. And you know, so he knows how the news agencies work and it's rather it's shocking when you realize it's not what it's cracked up to be, you know. But anyway, he's got an inside pollster who's a personal friend of his that's given him inside numbers. And both him and Martin Armstrong are saying it's nine to ten percent. Martin Armstrong is further going on and saying that Biden will not be on the ticket. They're gonna remove him. Martin thinks they're gonna run Big Mike Michelle Obama. And then Roger Stone says they're gonna put Hillary in. She's circling. Big Mike. Big Mike says he doesn't want it. Yes, he's the female there. Who's his female? Yes, ma'am? It's me. It's for I didn't mean to interrupt. Hey for him. Okay. Um, I was just gonna say I think if I'm not mistaken that Martin Armstrong, what time I heard him on Greg Hunter, he said that Biden's approval rating is down to seven percent. Oh, great. Well, whatever it's in the toilet. Yeah. And he has some other guy who he doesn't name that says it's around the same. So yeah, you're right. It is just going in the toilet. Right. And what are they? What are they forced to do now is get wife Jill to get out and run the thing it with and campaign to stop the next day. She was the one doing the talking and Biden was standing at the back of the stage. So there there's a lot of confusion and panic over on their side and it's wonderful to see who was trying to add something there. Yeah, I was just gonna tell it's Tom. Hey, Tom. Good morning. I was gonna tell Mark, well, he probably knows, but maybe everybody else doesn't. But Greg Hunter not only has Martin Armstrong, but he has a lot of great guests on including the woman who flew the whistle on the vaccine for the non-vaccine. So if you go back, if you go back to the beginning of 2020, you'll see her. I can't think of her name I've listened to her a bunch of times. Sherry Tan, Penny. No, that research gal. Mike Davis. Yeah, she tears apart. You know those when you get a prescription, you get that a little piece of folded up, paving it up in the size of the map of the world. She goes through and cares those things apart and puts it at English so people can understand it and finds out everything about it. She's amazing. And she's been saying it's a viral weapon from the days she first found it. Right. I don't think it's Mike of it. That's the one Karen. Karen, I think that's the one you're talking about. She's good. Yeah, Greg's got good guests on. He runs a good program over there. I will listen to him in a while just because I forget about him, you know, but I've watched him for years. So we got the whole crew here this morning. Well, all that and yeah, okay. Well, Paul, go ahead. Real quick. Real quick. I think what the debate was was the Democratic Party positioning themselves to throw Biden under the bus. I'm thinking that we could possibly see them moving toward impeachment proceedings for incompetence. They can pull you they can use his performance at that debate to pull him off the ballot. They can pretty much do whatever they want. They impeach him. Then the Democratic Party can nominate who is going to go in there to replace him for the remainder of his term. They don't have time to impeach him. But the problem that you're not talking about is until they do something with Kamala Harris, her ratings are lower than Biden's. If they get him out and don't remove her, she slips up into that position and more of the people hate her than they do Biden. So this is a position they've gotten themselves into over time. Okay. And there's nobody on the bench. It's worth a crap. Big Mike Obama don't want to do it. Okay. Hillary is she wants another shot at Trump Trump will kick her ass. Okay. And the other one is Gavin Newsom and look no further than the abysmal shape that California's in. That's what they say Roger. But maybe they're waiting till the last minute to pop it on us so that we don't have time to go after him. Well, all three of those people have proven who they are pretty much. So anyway, it puts the Democrats and the Satanist Party, if you will, into a hell of a position that they've created themselves. Big Mike might be positioning, positioning his attitude is saying that he really doesn't want to do it. Just to come in at the 11th hour, save the day. He'd already gone on record as saying he didn't want to do it. But then he decides, well, for the good of the country, I'll do it. And then that will boost popularity numbers. So, you know, I don't think there's any way in hell. It's going to overcome what Trump's got going right now that they have given him this rolling ball downhill with all of the crap, all the waff, lawfare, all the stupid ass charges, all the ridiculous procedures, everything. They've just given him incredible momentum. I mean, look, he, he has raised over $400 million just off mainly that trial and that verdict. I don't think anybody's ever raised that kind of money before. Not in the small donation. Yeah, not in the, not in the small donation category, which most of those arms, she had some large ones too. But they have just really, you know, it's the old saying, give a monkey enough rope and he'll hang himself every time. What's kind of what's going on here? Okay. Give so give Biden, give Biden enough rope and forget to put his diaper on and he'll fling poop at the windows. He'll fall, he'll fall off the stage. I mean, it's just a comedy, really. And so anybody got anything to comment on all that stuff? There's, yes, you may. Yes, clean. I forgot about you. I'm sorry. Go ahead. May I remind everyone, does it really matter? I mean, we have to remember the fraudulent election Biden didn't win last year. And I don't think they really care if people like a candidate or not, because they'll put in and they want to divide us and they've probably love to see a civil revolution. So they could put in martial law and then all the executive orders come into place and they can pull another sham like they did with the COVID-19 pandemic. But everything is so against them now in numbers that I don't know that a lot of those options, you mentioned are still viable for them. One of them that is is a world war. So hence more of this pushing on Russia, expect, I would think, you know, but the people, there's so many of us now that are awake and even people that hated Trump are following him around to his campaign stops. I don't know that they can do that as effectively as they might could have in the past. They have just let themselves become totally exposed. They've taken the mask off over the last couple of years, and now they're going to pay the price. That's kind of the way it looks to me. I mean, they don't hide anything anymore. They do what they do. They don't care about public opinion. They'll put in who they want. And even if that starts a civil war or world war, they've got all their tunnels, their caves that they've already got, you know, their high level people prepare for it. They've loved it. I mean, they're trying to push for World War III as it is. And that's why they've done the matter. They've done a wonderful job of dividing the country already. And of course, that's why everybody preaches no violence from our side. But it's just a heck of an interesting time. They had an actuality as Kathleen is alluding to. They're more. They're real dangerous now. So we'll see. But every day for the next foreseeable future is going to be very interesting. Yep. So who is doing this to me? Sorry. So there's a bunch of stuff to talk about. We can do the feudal thing if you want. Do y'all have any discussion on all these really important things we've discussed here for a few minutes. Hey, Roger. Yes, Sora. Joan or Thora? That's Joan that second one. Right. Sounds like in the beginning of this show today, you said the Supreme Court said what about January 6 or they can or cannot sue the government? It's not obstruction of justice. It's obstruction of Congress evidently. And according to the what we've heard here and I haven't looked at the case or really heard anybody care to part yet is that the people that are already convicted of it, it can't be used to release them. But if they're going to go out and continue to go after people like they said they are and apparently they are that that won't apply to them as a charge. So that's about what I know at this point, but it didn't going to let anybody out of the slam in that pretty much it. Mark, it didn't get anybody out. Well, it will release some of those. There's a bunch of people that came in after the initial, I guess, protest got into the Congress area there. And then there are others that followed in and the police just ushered them right on inside and they walked around and took pictures there. And I don't know if you call it the rotunda or not, but they just walked in, they were inside the ropes and walked back out. And those people were the only charge they had on them that they could bring with construction. So there are some of those people still being held in prison and they expect those people to be released pretty promptly. Well, I hope they release them on SAT, get federal officials in their release them on Saturday. So we'll see that. That's about what we know about it, Joan, at this stage. Yeah, there was one other case when you ready, I'll lay it on. Yeah, go up, go all on, unless somebody else has got comment on this. And it's Mike. Mike. Hey, Mike, it's Mike. Hey, do you hear that this print court ruled that home with person can't sleep outside? Yeah, they ruled that. That's not the ruling. That's not the ruling. The ruling was whether cities could find in prison or put in jail people that were sleeping inside the city limits. In other words, could they have ordinances restricting the homeless and finding them in, I guess, putting charges on them and they ruled that they couldn't do that or that they could do that. The city could find and jail people for, you know, sleeping in public areas, I guess. Like on the park bench, right? Right. Right. Exactly. Exactly. Which it's really wrong. Yeah, I got mixed emotions about that, you know, because they were even saying if you were in your car, sleeping in your car that they could, the city could do these ordinances trying to restrict people from, from sleeping in their cars or sleeping on a park bench and so on and so forth. Now, the previous rulings, I think through the Ninth Circuit was that the city, if they're going to move these people or say they couldn't do that, they had to provide them shelter elsewhere. So give them a lot of people sleeping on the park bench or in your parks or whatever are on the side of the sidewalk, which a lot of people have been doing, then you had to provide them an alternative place to be able to sleep. Yeah. Yeah. That's good. That makes it a little more sense. Somebody was trying to get something there. While Mark was talking, who was that, please? This is Annie. Hello. Hey, Annie. Hey, Annie. Hi, I just wanted to hi everybody. I just wanted to reiterate your point that it was this January 6 was all a setup. As soon as Arizona said that they didn't certify, didn't, didn't, weren't sure about their votes. That's when Nancy Pelosi and everybody closed everything down because that's when they were supposed to go ahead and go for their 10 days. So I'm not sure everybody's aware of what you're saying. So Nancy Pelosi all planned it. And that's why from when he was an hour late, it kind of made everything an hour late for them. They planned on everything being a certain time. And so you can tell that there are criminals. They had this all planned ahead of time so that they could do the second clue of the government. How much more proof do you need that it was premeditated than Nancy Pelosi's daughter making the film of it? Exactly. Question. Yes, Paul. I wonder what the first line of the charging documents for the charges against the homeless are going to be. John Doe, a resident of, uh, no, not so much. He's homeless. Right. Well, it's probably a misdemeanor. I would think so. Who is this? What is it? Yeah. Find out who they are. Can you put your cursor over the Skype program and do a right click instead of a left click? It should get pop up a menu with an option to quit Skype. The thing is, it's not coming in over Skype, evidently, so it may be telegram or something that I've got closed. Anyway, it's aggravating. I wish it looks like it's supposed to be a Bitcoin channel. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. So anyway, well, we'll try not to let it distract us too much. One other thing on J six, Roger, Trump really hit it out of the park from the debate because he brought up the fact that he offered and recommended they bring in additional troops. And that was denied. Yeah, let's see what was the other thing. The chief of police. It was the chief of police, a DC that turned it down, I think, either her or Pelosi. Yeah, yeah. So he really knocked it out of the park with that. And so I think people really got to see what was going on. I thought, you know, Trump, before when they leave the microphones up and they're really bantering back and forth, Trump really played it cool in that debate. He just sat there. He used all of his abilities with some of these things he approached and how he said them, but he just sat there and let Joe Biden hang himself. Yeah, a lot, a lot of the comments said that they thought it was actually the rules made Trump behave better and look better than had they just let it be a free for all. Yeah. So if I remember what I heard about the J six, an extra police, Trump had ordered, and it was Pelosi and Schumer that ignited and the head and the head of the DC police actually resigned. And I watched a bit of his testimony. And he was another one that like I requested put additional officers there like seven times, three of them that day. But because of the outcry, I'm resigning. I think it's a start. I don't know about that. I hope he's whistled blowing. Another gal that there was another gal who had some kind of a position there that was involved in this. And after the incident, she resigned and ended up with a cush job at the University of California, Berkeley, which is in Pelosi's district. How convenient. You know, yeah, the other thing that Trump did that I thought he hit it out of the park was, you know, he kept pushing about World War three and they're wanting to start World War three and he was against it. You know, that's a huge, a huge thing. So I just think overall Trump did really well. Yep, he did. And Biden did. And Biden did really bad. So you got that differential going. Oh, yeah, it's a that was a real stupid decision on these people. See, when they get pressed, which is what they are here, they make mistakes. And boy, this was a big one. It looks like, you know, you know, if if Biden had done fairly well, it'd been a whole different story. But I tell you, as soon as this was over, every media outlet, all, all the, I call them the lame stream media, they were, they all threw Joe under the bus like on concert. Yes. It was just just amazing. And so you could tell if he had done well, that that script would have been flipped and it would have been, Hey, he's a good guy and done it. And you know, they would all be behind me. But that's again, I believe the reason why they had to do this before the conventions so that the Democrats can oust Joe before the before their convention is going to be very interesting to unfold. One of the squirrely, yes, it's screwy, it's elections and most important in the history of the country seems to me. Now, we did have another big case that was won this week. If you, when you're ready for it, we'll go ahead. What's that one? We might as well put some more on the buffet. Oh, this is a juicy one. Tyson Foods. Oh, yes. Yes. Had issued the court issued a, this is over the mandatory vaccine. Let me give you a little rundown. Tyson Foods was mandating vaccines for their employees and those who didn't take it, who asked for religious exemptions were denied, and they laid them off. Supposedly for one year, they could keep their insurance, but only if the employee paid for it and then most of these other people, they can't survive without a job. So they, they all had to go out and they, you know, found other jobs, but they were discriminated against. And so Robert Barnes, the attorney, Viva Barnes, duo there, Robert Barnes represented a bunch and against Tyson. And this week, the court granted partial summary judgment on facts that were not in dispute. And they denied Tyson's motion for summary judgment. It's really cool. I know one thing Barnes hates Tyson. Tyson is a bad actor. He comes from, that's an Arkansas company. It comes from an association and affiliation with the Clintons for decades. And they're really bad actors. Okay. Yeah. Please don't buy Tyson chicken if you can avoid it. Yep. Yep. Vote with your dollars there if you can. Pump their chickens up with all. Oh, it's just ridiculous. You know, when you eat, when you're eating a chicken and you get down to the bone and it's got that dark meat or stain on the bone and right around it, you know what I'm talking about? I'm sure all of y'all seeing that. Yeah, I've seen that. You know what that is? No, that's arsenic. Oh, and what they have to do is because they raise those chickens in such a space where they don't have any space to move or anything, is they get these mites and it's the mites that are sucking a lot of the bodily weight off of the chickens. And so they give that to them in the food to kill the mites. That's arsenic. Wow. Didn't know that. I do know one of my sisters, her husband's father used to do something where he'd go to chicken farms. He didn't work at a farm, but he had some high level position that he'd go and check. He told all of us don't ever eat any chicken or turkey that even if regardless if it says organic that you don't put and submerge and soak in salt water, a salt water bath, and then you take it out of the salt water bath and then you put it in the regular water so it pulls out, you know, the excess salt, but he said there's so many impurities in the way these animals are raised and the things are fed and put in their feed. So that's just a recommendation from somebody in the industry. Yep. It's sad. It's been going on for quite some time. I heard that about that arsenic back on the power hour with Joyce Riley and that hadn't been around in years. Okay. So it's just one of those things that stuck in my mind. Yeah, they're killing us every way they can and they cut corners and they make money and they kill us at the same time and it's a war and we're just going to have to go after them. Apparently they're falling on their own pitar and many instances here. We're seeing that especially with this debate from the other night. The repercussions that come from that are going to be very interesting. So we'll just, you know, we'll day at a time wait and see what Mark. Well, it's insane that they want to kill us to the levels they want to kill the population in general. But yet they want millions of migrants coming in so they can replace us. It's just same thing with the abortion thing. If you think about all the millions of babies that were boarded just as a form of birth control, that's all I'm talking about. Not anything else. Just mainly as a form of birth control, the abortion, how many million babies have been killed. I mean, we would have a larger population. But they're doing that and in the meantime, they want to bring in, you know, illegal immigrants. And because we need them to really nail them on that one big time. I think Trump probably won over a bunch of people that have been just told Orange Man bad and here there's a debate that is very, very measured, not a no audience, no interruptions. And I think they got to hear a real message. And they got to see a real senile old man, bordering on dementia. Did you see afterwards, Mark, when when they were in the room, the Democrat room, and Joe Biden was back there talking to him, like he's a child, did you see that? Yeah, you answered all the questions. And he kind of sat their stone face for a minute. And then he got that little shit eating grin, like I just pooped in my pants. And and Jill Biden goes to Trump, said she goes to the audience, wise, unbelievable. And then the next day, she's out front at the at the campaign stop in Charlotte, she's doing all the talking. So how interesting now who was trying to say something or one of our females? Oh, this is Kathleen. I was just gonna comment on Mark's comment about why they're bringing in all the illegals. Well, there's a couple of main reasons in my opinion. The first one is to disrupt the United States. The second reason is they can use them a lot easier because, you know, they're not technically here legally, but they've given them false promises. They'll put it in positions just like in Seattle, Chicago, I don't know what other cities that they are now employing illegal immigrants to police officer positions. Yeah, probably because nobody else wants them in these cities. But, you know, this is all part of their agenda. Master plan with them. They're they're temporary. They're going to kill off as, you know, as many as 90% of us. I think that's been that the protocols of Zion, if any of you have read that, nor their agenda. Unfortunately, they're just using them. And, you know, a way to just get us all dishebled and, you know, start there to ice in them and to come if they weren't given them all these goodies, they wouldn't be coming. If you weren't going to, oh, we promise you $2,200 a month in this, we're going to give you a phone, a place to live and food. Oh, sure, I'll come. You know, what do they know, right? And so that's what entices them in here. If they weren't doing that, they wouldn't be coming. So then they're coming in and I've mentioned this a couple of times this week, BlackRock and a company under them are going around 100 universities and colleges and either starting apartment buildings or buying old buildings and reconditioning them. And they're going to take a lot of these aliens and give them free college, free room, free board, free everything. And they're going to start instructing them in things like all kinds of positive elements, critical thinking, leadership classes and all this stuff. And they're going to use them to replace us. That's going to be the new inhabitants and the new citizens of the United States of America are these people. And they're not going to have any loyalties to the country. Pardon me. It's think of it as they've done with the Jewish settlers that I've been putting into Israel. Yeah, yeah, I can very similar. I mean, yeah, yeah, that's it. So anyway, that's what's going on, folks. But I think that their plans are going to get a little derailed here. Don't know to what extent unless they pull off something and don't have an election, I don't think they can rig this enough for Biden on the overwhelming Trump vote that's going to turn out. And of course, no, there's another couple of months up to that point. There's no telling what's going to happen that's going to accentuate that. Yes, Mark. It's Larry. Oh, Larry, hey, I thought it was Mark. Yes, Larry. Good morning. I'd like to read you a short paragraph of the current events that we're talking about and get your opinion on that work. And so as soon as I read it, I'll just go and mute and let you offer your comments and your opinion. So it goes like this. I found this on a site and the person wrote this. We have been under a soft military occupation worldwide since January 20th, 2021. President Trump is the current 19th president and the chief, the CIC, that's the commander-in-chief of the United States public. JFK, Jr. is his vice president. Trump is working with Putin, Xi, Kim, Moody, Bin, Solomon, and Bolsonaro fighting the same enemy. Rick, the roll-off of gold-backed currency worldwide. We already have a new gold-backed US Treasury note sitting in bank vaults for over a year now. Our new Treasury is in Reno, Nevada. Our new seat of government is Temple City, Texas. There will be no World War III only a scary event for the sheeple. There never was a Biden presidency. Trader Joe died at Gitmo in 2020. The military honored his departure with a three-canon funeral salute at Mount Arlington Cemetery to coincide with his fake inauguration. Several actors have played Trader Joe, notably Arthur Roberts. If you don't like the truth now, you'll have to wait until the military offers full disclosure. What do you think about all that? Is any of that true? I try to- Not some of my knowledge and I don't put any credence in virtually most of what he said there. That's my personal reaction to it. I don't think there's any way Trump is acting as President Biden's scenes. Yes, he's working with some of those people, Ball Cenaro, who got screwed out of Brazil. Of course, now lives in the US. The other fight in the same enemy. I wouldn't put much credence in it, but if you want to go ahead. No, I don't want to put credence in it. I want to remain balanced and I just was wondering what you thought about that. I think it's a low to who-y myself. Okay. All right. Thank you. I may be wrong, Larry, but my gut feeling is- Somebody's trying to tell me the other day that Trump's involved. It was Ken was on here talking about Trump's involved with them behind the scenes. See, I just can't see any of that. I don't know whether it's- I don't want to see it or I refuse to see it, but I try and deal with reality. I've worked many years to get in a position where I've got a hand-lung reality, and I like to try and stay there, and that seems unrealistic to me. Anybody else got any comments on that? Nobody else even comment on it. Okay. Well, that's my feelings on it, Larry. Hoping. That kind of crap, right? There's like Q crap, except even worse. What, Joan? Joan? Yeah. What in that? What? What? That's what she said? Yeah, I think it is like the wrong thing. Well, she's in Costa Rica, so. So what else can we talk about today? Anybody's got any comments on all that stuff we've talked about for 45 minutes is pretty important. Do we all need to just go back to bed? Sounds like a good idea to me. Oh, you know what? And this thing that keeps interrupting is some kind of Bitcoin thing. And on the little notification at the top, Paul, it says Skype, but it doesn't register any kind of comments on Skype. And you know, the little thing I'm telling you, the little red button with how many comments, well, that thing's interrupted. It's about 15 times, and it doesn't show up anywhere. So I don't know what it is. It just bothers me. So because it distracts me. Okay, well, do y'all want to go into the feudal system thingy? Yeah, we can do that in a minute. What you can do with Skype is it'll be down, farther down the list. There will be a blue ball on the right hand side of whatever group caused that. And if you right click on that and select mute conversation, it will mute notifications from that. You can also right click on it and block the conversation, or you can do that conversation. Okay, I'll mess with it. I don't want to distract from the show right now, but it's just for here as of late, we've really had some little technical snafus. So anyway, what is somebody giving me? Somebody put me in one of those groups. And if you left click on that, it actually sends a confirmation and gives permission for that group to send you messages. So it's just just right click on it and select block. Well, I have to try to find it and stop it. How come there's comments coming over there? Isn't it registered on the icon at the bottom in the little screen thingy? So I just don't know. Anyway, I'm sorry to take up the program with that crap. Was that Kathleen trying to say something there just a second ago? No, this is Tanda from California. Sandra Sandra, you're one of my email buddies here lately, right? Yes, I emailed you earlier this week. Yes, okay, we've exchanged a couple of things and I'm glad to tell you that the website's back up if you didn't get that already. So, I know, I was like, oh my goodness. Yeah, yeah, they're yanking him off the air already. Well, they are very, very, they're very scared of this message because they've got no answer for it and see. So welcome to the show and introduce you to the group here. And what part of Cali, you're in Southern California? No, Northern California. Northern California. What close to what city? San Francisco Bay area, the hub of the wokeness. Oh my goodness gracious. Okay, well, our sympathies, one of the most beautiful cities in the continent and boy, they have messed it up with the capital F. So Sandra, how did you find us? How did you find us? I know I want to go into a little bit about what's going on with you that you told me about. But how did you find us? Well, I wasn't looking. I mean, I heard about you guys. I was just researching about symbolism because I was kind of curious about it. And then I found Jordan, people like Jordan Maxwell, and then so on and so forth. And then in the YouTube, it talked about one of his videos about current. You know how he's like a wordsmith? He always tells you it's about, you know, it has, this is what it really means and it's in the occult. And then he talked about currency. And I'm like, because, and he just sparked an interest in me since I was a kid, high school and middle school, how words were just so odd. You know, money is money, but then you have other words like currency. And I remember that. Anyway, so and off and on and then it got into these videos about sovereignty and I don't know what the heck this is like 10, 12 years ago. And I'm like, really? What? I mean, like, and I just thought these patriots were just off their rockers for the most part. And, you know, I wasn't against gun control or anything like that because if it's in the Constitution, as I've learned in the civics class, it'll be it, you know, but I didn't understand what all the politics were. But anyway, you know, advanced 10 years later, and then I found David Straits material and I'm like, wow, there's no going for this. And I thought it was interesting. And I let it go. And then I found this. Oh, what's the name? Another patriot, Derek Johnson, I think he was talking about the War Power Act. So I googled it just the last couple of weeks. And then somehow in the feed, you're one of your videos showed up where you were a guest. And I was fascinated because you were such a good teacher. And then I just like, oh, I need to find out more. And then it started clicking when you talked about the fetal system, how nothing made sense in any of the words. Like, you know, when you own a house in the purchase order agreement, they have the strange words like occupancy. And I remember thinking occupancy was a strange question. And also, you know, applying for driver's license. This is a life experience. I've always, you're asking me in an application, like for a DM, you're asking for my address, but then you're asking me if I'm a US citizen, and if I'm a resident. So into like in my soul, I just knew something's not right, how these are normal. And then you and then I listened to your only talked about the fetal system, like, you know, you were in one of the videos, you were like, ranting like, look, you're you're a surf and your property, property does not own anything. And it made sense. Then if all the little dots collect, it's just the ownership, like, you know, like the house, it's close to possession. And I'm like, are you serious? It's a total, it's a total, it's a total illusion from top to bottom. And Sandra, you were destined to find us. Yeah, I think so too, because, I mean, it's not like I didn't, I treated, like you said, like, nevertheless, the straight guy's information isn't entertainment, because there's still much you're just just drinking out of a hose, you know, and I feel like you're very impassioned. And pay and pay and for it. Yeah, that's another issue, but I was like, I was more interested in the information. And so anyway, that's why I'm here. And I decided I need to, you know, start putting the dots together on my own. And still, there's a lot of information I need to know. But you just clinched it for me when you said the feudal system and property does not own property. And then it clicked, now I understand, well, not fully, but what the questions I had about why they use strange words like tenants and joints or joint tenancy or tenancy because, to me, automatically, tenancy is like, you're a renter, you're not an owner, you're, you're occupied. That's correct. That's correct. That's why I was like, I just don't understand, I'm looking at the paper, we're like, why would you ask that? I mean, they don't say do you don't use, I mean, go ahead. You know that the word estate means less than true ownership? Yes, yes, that's what, well, not not that. I've never seen that definition, but you explained in one of your videos, like you said, like you said, when you said, what do you call it, your property and property can't own property, all those terminologies, that's why that's why I was confused, why there's so many words to describe property. And property does not what I think it means. It's two, one thing I've learned about watching the videos, there's two means the same word, because there's two governments or two, I don't know how to explain them just so well. Well, I can explain it. Let me tell you how to not only explain it to others, but understand it. It's under the word called equivocation. You may not have heard that in what you've listened to. And equivocation, if you go to the, well, if you go to the best one, when I had a listener call that told me that I've been talking about, I understood it, I just didn't know it had a label, see, and a listener call that said, that's called equivocation. So I went looking into that and went back to a Webster's 1828 dictionary, right? And it gives the definition of it. And at the bottom, he had notes there. And he said, this trick is often used by non-Christians to fool Christians, just for 1828, okay? I have something. I have something about here. Equivocation is one thing, but there's something that you're going to find even more guarded in its use in terminology is called parallel construction. In one event, you were a citizen in the event that you are a person, and both of those intertwine in absolute hypocrisy. There's absolute hypocrisy between it. Now, when you discover that, you will also sit there and try to figure out and trace this back to its origin. It's what Roger Sayers brought to the table that this is tied into your political alliance and your political status in default as a citizen undeclared. So as soon as that was discovered, everything else started falling into line, and the existence of this parallel construction was exploited until I found that. Nothing made sense. Excuse me. I don't remember your voice before. Who are you? Where are you from? All that. Well, I'm Alan. That's Chicago. I'm WB. Oh, okay. Hey, Alan. Oh, I didn't recognize your voice. We hadn't had any communication. I try so hard not to chip in sometimes, but this one here, it needed that word. It needs because everyone finds this. Everyone can find where we have an hypocrisy law. Nobody can understand how they're qualified and won in order to be punished and then the other they wouldn't take. Well, the fact it traces back to your political alliance. So, well, your political status and their jurisdiction over you, you know, and you said undeclared. Well, it was declared when you answered the two questions and agreed to their little silent contracts. See, so all these things are obviously fraud, but that's what works up to what we're talking about. And this equivocation thing, this is why it's important, Alan, as equivocation, you say parallel construction, but you've heard all these people say over the years, well, it's always whatever they say, look at the opposite. And it's the Patriot Act, they call it, but it's the Anti-Patriot Act, all these equivocations. And equivocating, if you were trying to decide between several options as an answer, you're equivocating, that you could say. But this is equivocation. And this is a little trick where all of the definitions they implant in our subconscious are exactly 180 degrees the opposite direction. Okay. So, citizen of the United States, you think it's free, you know, they've told you that you're a slave, black and white, and all, you know, you say money. Well, here's the equivocation. And with currency, Sandra, is money is gold and silver and Bitcoin, and like these messages, I'm getting in all the things that are real. And currency is always based on debt. You're some of these financial people talk, and they'll say, well, there is no money, there's only credit. And that's right. And where does the credit start? This is why they did this system, because now that you're in this condition of servitude, they have a property right on you, and they can collateralize your future income through the birth certificate and attach it to the bonds. There's the original credit spout with the bonds. Okay. And then foreign investors pay them money, and that's the currency. Yeah, you give them other currency, and that's the currency that runs the country. Okay. It's not your tax dollars. They go back and go to the bondholders and pay the coupon payments. So it's a real slick little deal they've done here. And boy, it took me years to figure it out. All right, 15 years to get to the point where I had a big answer. And then it's another 15 years, basically understanding the fine points. Now, Sandra, you said if I remember right, that you have been battling the Fedger, what retired military, and you're battling them in court or something over the jab right now, am I right on that? No, no, this is Sandra. No, this is a new Sandra. Okay. Okay, must be somebody else, my mistake. Yeah, I have a question for you before you go into the topic of feudalism, which I find fascinating is. Can you explain about the voting system, how it works for a national? We're trying to figure that out right now. Okay, okay, I was just kind of curious, because that's something that bugged me when I was when I was younger, and my teachers didn't really have an answer. And the answer they gave in my polycyclas, because that my curiosity led me to ask, who are these who makes up these electoral or the electric college? Who are they? Why, why can't I find their name on the internet? Like my, my legislative representatives. And the last thing I remember and I'll close with this is my teacher said, I think that my polycyclas in high school, she said they're elected by both members of the, I guess, the Republican party and the, and the Democratic party. And I think they came back in the state in the state, whether it's the RNC or the DNC, she didn't say that I can't remember. And she said, this person is elected, they're usually not a member of Congress, they're a member of the party, and why they get elected, who knows. But they're supposed to vote based on the popular vote, and so back to the precinct level, they're supposed or whatever voting units is that whatever is the majority they're supposed to vote. And I said, what do you mean supposed to? Like, you mean they don't have to? She goes, yep. And I'm like, Oh my goodness. Okay, I think they can. They pledge, they make a pledge according to the popular vote the way I understood it, but they can like they're talking about Biden because he's already got him into these electors from the primaries. Right. And if he leaves, he's got to pledge those electors to the new candidate, something to that effect. So let's see if we can go over all your stuffers. Sander, are you aware? Roger. Yes, Dave. I'm sorry, I didn't, I couldn't unmute. Anyway, guys like Kwame Kilpatrick, you remember that name? He was a mayor of Detroit. He was a thug, a literal thug. His mother was in in the local Detroit politics for her whole life. And he became mayor and he went to prison because he was a thug. And that dude, his wife murdered when he had his inaugural part and I'm all right, I'll stop there. That dude was in the electoral college. I found out that all these people in the electoral college, they are all elected officials, okay, who work for their party. And that's who's putting these people in office and I yield. Sorry to interrupt. Yeah, I think I think that's right. I'm not sure totally sanded out of that structure. I've had that question myself who are the electors, but I have not participated in the electoral process since the election before the hanging Chad thing with Gore and Bush. So I've been out of it a long time. We have addressed this though because this is a weak spot for them. And it's a way that we can press the envelope because they've got the whole election thing rigged under the 14th amendment. In other words, under the great heading of rights, you've got two subsections. One is civil rights or the rights you have among the other people in the society. And the other is political rights, which are your ability to run for office to vote and all that other kind of stuff. And you see under the 14th amendment, you only get the civil right side. You don't get the political right side. So that's why they call voting a franchise because they have to give permission to it because under the 14th amendment, you don't have access to it. Does that make sense? It's sinking in. Thank you. I bet they didn't I bet they didn't teach you that in civics class. Of course not. So here now the other side of this is what they've had to do. And of course, I'd guess you could say that's kind of fraud, you know, because it led up to fraud. Are you being in that condition? The other fraud is over here on the condition itself was the two different ones, Citizens of the United States and state citizens, if you will. Okay. And so they had to overcome as they were getting to the end of this long term plan that they'd incrementally instituted. And they get to the point where they've got to overcome a Supreme Court case on the Jim Crow laws. Have you heard us talk about Plessy versus Ferguson? Yes, a little bit. Okay. So they had that was the differential. These are white citizens. These are black citizens. And of course, they always try and use these two and pit them against each other because they're trying to set up this this dialectic with us fighting each other, which they've been doing for a long time. Okay. But that was a clear cut Supreme Court case that there are two different statuses. And it's still referenced in the code in the United States code today. You can go to title 42, which is the civil rights code. And look under and I just heard Barnes bring this up the other day, Mark section 1983. And the two sections are 1983 and 1986. And both of those stay that the privileges and immunities of the citizen of the United States are equal to those of the white citizens. That's the way both of those sections start. Well, there it is right there in car that's Congress talking. Okay. But they had to take these two. It wasn't really a black and a white deal. It was just that there had never been a federal citizenship before. And that's the loophole they drove all this through. Okay. And so when they did into the federal citizenship, the majority of the people it affected were the former slave black slaves. So it has a surface appearance of being a black versus a white issue. But up to that point, you see, no one in DC or the territories had any kind of political status. They were in essence, stateless. They had nobody to give them all this stuff. Only political status in the country were state citizens. And they were citizens of their state. And they were citizens of the United States of America. So it wasn't a black and white deal. It was a political status deal. The state citizens got their rights from God, and they got total constitutional protections. The new federal citizens got civil rights. And they were property underneath of the federal government. It wasn't a color issue. It's a political issue. Okay. And to overcome that, they had to wait until the very last of the agenda. And they brought a case to the Supreme Court on busing. And it was called Brown versus Board of Education. And they basically made the two different political statuses the same. In other words, in this state department, you're clearing your throat. Do you have something to add or what? Or you got something in your throat? Or can you mute if not, please? So they had to make those not separate anymore. Okay. And that board versus Brown versus Board is where they did that. They started it with busing. Are you old enough to remember all that? Oh, no, I was taught all those things. Yeah. I don't remember everything. I just didn't understand it because I was so confused because, again, intuitively, I knew something was off, but I just was like, whatever, whatever to get an A or B out of the cloud. This is, this is real important right here. Okay. And I've only come to understand this fairly recently last couple of years because of that state department document got me looking and thinking about it. And this is what had to have happened. Well, the thumbnail description of Brown versus Board of Education is equal in the classroom, equal in the society. That was to overcome Plessy versus Ferguson, Ferguson, which said separate but equal. Plessy goes separate but equal. Well, tell me, Sandra, if you would, how can set drinking fountains, black and white, restaurant, room, black and white, train cars, all that, how can that be equal? Intuitively, it's not, but it's just a step towards the illusion of, again, it's an illusion. Well, here's the equality. They both had a political status. One was a federal citizen, the other was a state citizen, but they both had a political status. Heretofore, they had not had a political status in DC or the territories. So this shows the separation of them on political grounds, not necessarily color grounds, which everybody seems to accept and not look into it deeper. But when you really think about it, you get one of them that gets their rights, capital R rights from God with constitutional protection, the other gets small R civil rights from the federal government, and they own and control you. Okay. Well, they made those two equal. How are those two equal in any tortured legal reasoning? I agree. That's what I meant to say. The illusion one is by God. God's rights are far superior, in my opinion. So, even though legally, legally, they made up rules saying, okay, we're your God, we're the federal government. So separate, equal, no, it's not. And so you hit the key word legally. That's legal. We're lawful. Those are not the same. Okay. So what they had to do was to make those two equal so they could ask you the question, are you a citizen of the United States? And underneath the citizens of the United States is the national, but they don't tell you that. See, this is fraud from lack of disclosure. Okay. There's so many layers of fraud here. It's ridiculous. All right. But that fraud is lack of full disclosure because they knew damn well. If you go over to the State Department document, all US citizens are US nationals. They're the same. They've made them the same with this fraudulent ruling in Brown. So there are so many layers of fraud here. It's unbelievable. All right. So now that this is the kicker, because that was the next to the last thing they did in their agenda. But the last thing is I was figuring this all out one night. I got into thinking about it, and I got the Brown answer. And then I started, I kept going back and go 1954. That was Brown. 1954. 1954. What else is important about, yeah, you know, your mind doesn't act you sometimes or something. And so then it hit me and I went the 1954 internal revenue code. And I went back and looked at 60 days to the day after they decided Brown. They put the 1954 revenue code in place that's been there ever since. So that was the capstone to the pyramid. By the way, you were talking about symbolism earlier. You know what the pyramid symbolizes? Sketch knows he's the one that brought it to us one day. Either the I can't remember. Is it a cornerstone? No, I can't remember now. It just just just a pyramid. That's the symbol for the feudal stone. That's this. Well, the capstone goes on top. Yeah, well, that's the whole thing when it's completed. But the pyramid itself is a symbol for feudalism. Oh, that's right. The you explain that one of your videos. Can you explain it again? Well, it's just I don't know. But one day sketch came on here. He was looking during the show and he looked it up. He says, you know what the pyramid is a symbol for. No, it's the feudal system. Well, you can see the hierarchical aspect of a pyramid from top to bottom. But it represents in this simple thing, the feudal system. They put it right in front of you. All of this has been right in front of you your whole life and you couldn't see it. It's amazing. And the deeper you get into it, the more you'll be amazed. Okay. You go long and you're driving. You go, holy smoke, your mind, your subconscious. You go, that's why that's like it is. See, you're going through it right now as we're having this discussion. All right. But it's the amazing thing is it's right in front of your face and you can't see it. Even our finest, educated, brightest minds, attorneys like Robert Barnes. And he's got part of it, but he doesn't see the whole picture because he doesn't see the dialectic. And I say that from a statement he made one. Are you aware of Robert Barnes, Sandra? No, I'm not. You need to be aware of him because they want to find us to Robert Barnes. He's one of the finest attorneys we got in the country and they hate him. And anywhere freedom is challenged. He'll show up with his magic Superman cape on. He's got a Sunday night show that we talked about quite a bit. It starts about six o'clock. I think Eastern to nine. It's recorded, of course. Rumble is where I watch it because they'll post it when it's finished. He's got is another site. His site is Viva, V-I-V-A, Viva Barnes Law dot Locals dot com. And that's their kind of home base. He works with a Canadian attorney on all these shows and stuff named Fry. Barnes was on there one night going over a Supreme Court case which had popped up the previous week on. Oh, he's given these people preference or something. I don't remember what it was. Anyway, he was sitting there talking about it and dissecting it and he gives this kind of smile on his face. And he goes, the 14th Amendment was the great equalizer. Now, is that wrong? No. But what he doesn't understand is what it equalized us to, which is this federal citizenship. And he's not looking at the other side. We could equalize it on the dialectic and make us all free because that's the side they're hiding. So, but I'd suggest you find out who he is. And he's on different shows around Alex, got him on quite a bit. In fact, he's going to be on with Owen Shroyer on Monday. Just a brilliant legal mind. Mark and I are just amazed at the guy. His recall, his understanding of everything that's going on at all levels of the court system. It's just impressive. Okay. I'm working on it. So, you may want to tune in to him. Do you want Mark? I'm working on him. I'm part of the, I subscribed, paid subscription to It's $10 a month. And so, shockingly, Robert has what he calls bourbon with barns, usually three or four times throughout the week. And he tries to answer every question that the members post in the comments. And so, I put up there that if you're a state citizen as the way I kind of worded it, how do the feds get jurisdiction over you? And he actually read it and said, because they have the guns, that was his answer. That jurisdiction over you because they have the guns. Wow. Well, maybe he's so important. If you could think of a question to help break that, but I'm working on it. Okay, well, I'd ask you, are you a citizen of the United States or are you a citizen of the United States of America? Yeah, that's a good one. So good, Mark. I'm glad you're doing that. I, you know, one of the reasons I haven't pushed him or even contacted him on this is because I've been turned down by so many other attorneys. And I didn't want, if we had a shot, get him and him not be receptive to it. Okay, so that's one of the reasons I've laid off is I didn't want to not knowing what the response would be. I didn't want to waste the approach. If that makes sense. Yeah, you kind of got to ask the question where they're the ones that kind of come up with the that all moment of like, oh, that doesn't make sense or, oh, I don't, you know, you know, I got a good I got a good one for you for him. Quotes in 14th Amendment and ask him, who are the people who are the persons better? Who are the persons that are born naturalized in the United States that are not subject to the jurisdiction thereof? Not born in the US or not born in the US would no just take the 14th Amendment all persons are naturalized in the US and subject. Well, who are the persons that are born or naturalized in the US that are not subject? Because if there's some that are subject, there has to be some that aren't subject, doesn't there? Yeah. Yeah. So they're not citizens of the United States and the state where they reside residents, who are they? And then you could not national in there when you get a response from me. That may be a real good one because that's right up his ballpark of analyzing statutes and stuff. Okay. And Sandra, I really, you know, welcome aboard. I like you even at the age of 16 when I got my first job and they said you're going to get paid so much an hour. Of course, as a 16 year old, I'm counting out how many hours I worked for for that two weeks and I was looking forward to that first check and I already had it spent a course. And then when I get my check, it's not the full amount. I'm like, hey, what happened here? And then I learn about the taxes and so security and Medicare. And I'm like, something's not right. How is this not slavery? How just in my mind, how is that not slavery? And then later, when I was living near University of Oklahoma, there was a donut shop down the street and I stopped in there and there was a young college student there that he was a libertarian and never heard of that. And then he told me, you know, hey, did you know taxes are illegal? You don't have to pay taxes and well, of course, that immediately got my attention. And so he started laying some books on me and that really opened my eyes. And so that's kind of where I got my my start. You know, I've always knew inherently. I think a lot of people know something's just not right with this system that we're under. And so, you know, you know, I heard a father. I heard a father telling how he taught his children about income tax. Do you ever hear that? No, I have it. He goes, he goes to the ice cream shop and he buys the thing ice cream. And he goes, okay, you take a bite. And then he takes two bites and he said, that's tax. Oh, yeah. Yeah. You know, the other thing I was thinking earlier with Sandra, I forgot what Sandra was saying. But I was thinking, if we're if we're property to them, maybe I should file a lawsuit on a quiet title over my body. Boy, that's a good idea, Mark, now that you've got your affidavit in. Yeah, sir, serve the United States Attorney General and serve the State Attorney General and see who shows up for the party. And if nobody shows up, then I'm going to claim that I, you know, I own my body. I think you can do the same thing with the real estate. Do a quiet title and serve the state and the county and the feds on it and see who shows up for the party. That's a very good idea, Mark, and a good approach that we really hadn't explored previously. Quiet title to your property, your body. That would be very interesting. See how they react to that, wouldn't it? Yeah, I've never. This is Andrew again from California. I've never heard of quiet title, but that's what quiet title is. If there's a dispute on a piece of property, and when the dispute is solved, they put a quiet title thing in there to quiet the dispute. I mean, that's right. More than one. Yeah, if you have more than one claim, if you've got multiple people claiming an interest, and I'm just going to use real estate as an example, because that's where you see it. You have potentially more than one party that might have an interest. We got somebody's got their phone. I mean, right here, we got to like Moore's code going on or something. Hey, there's somebody up in the car. So, anyway, if you have more than one party that might have an interest in your real estate, that means the title to your property is clouded. We're unsure who might have an interest in it. So, I have a right to go file a petition to quiet the title, because right now it's clouded. I don't know who might have an interest in it, right? And so, you serve all the parties you think might have an interest in your title or in your property, and you do a public notice by filing it in what's considered your legal newspaper for that county where the property is located. So, now you got public notice. So, there can't be anybody out in the public who says, "Well, I didn't know, and I never got notice." So, that covers all your bases, and then if anybody has an interest, they have to make an appearance in court and file a response saying, "Yes, I have an interest because I installed windows on this home. They didn't pay me, and I've got a lien," or, "I loaned them money," and they put part of their property up as collateral, that type of thing. But anybody that would have an interest in your property, you have a right to clear them off your title by filing a petition for quiet title. I yield. Yeah, it's quite common. Thank you. This is Sandra again. Thank you. I believe. Yeah. Sandra, what else can we help you with today as your first time? A little connection. I'm just doing like just listening, and listening, and listening to all your old interviews multiple times, and just trying to say, "I know I'm going to go through the process, but I just need to go through the veil, the confusion, and when I feel, you know, at peace inside, I'm like, "Okay, all right, all my questions have been answered, but there's more, but I'm just still mulling through it because I just want to--" Okay. There's just so much to know, and really thinking on that at that point, yeah? And not only that is you're having to go in as these new pieces of information and new perspectives come to you, you've got to go in and readjust your world and your personal view to all of them, because you're always been trained on the dialectic, and that is one of the drawbacks of what we do here is that's not an instant thing. You can't do that instantly, it just takes time. Okay. Come over all of the apprehensions of, "Oh, they're so bad," and people's response, you tell them about it, and they go, "Oh, that's so scary. What's not? They're nothing but paper tigers." Man, they sit there and stand mute when you address them with one sentence. "I, Sandra from California, do solemnly swear my intent to be a national and not a citizen of the United States." That's all it takes to get out of this, presented to the right person. I mean, it's incredible. People don't believe it, see? And the only reason we can do it is because we figured out how they did it. You know, it's the old, the Gordian knot has to be untied the way, it was tied. Okay. And so, what, I went back and looked, Daryl, one of our older good listeners came on one day with that, and I thought it was a profound statement, and I'd heard about the Gordian knot, of course, but I didn't really know much about it. So, I went back and researched it, and it comes from Alexander the Great. It's evidently got some truth to the story. Okay. And so, what happened was there's this little town in Greece, and they had a lot of problems with their politicians. And so, they made a consensus opinion. The next guy that comes into town with a wagon and horses carrying something in the wagon that comes into town, we're going to make him a mayor. Okay. And everybody agreed on that. Well, here comes a guy that fits that exact description. He's got a horse and wagon, couple horses, and he got something in there, and he comes in, they make him mayor. And it was that cart and horse that was attached with the Gordian knot. And so, everybody, they took the little, the cart and thing and made a kind of a statue of it, you know, to commemorate it there in the town, and nobody could untie the knot. And the reputation of the knot being unable to be untied spread and Alexander the Great heard about it. And so, he came to the town. Now, here's the two versions of the story. So, did Alexander the Great go in and untie it from the front? Or did he slip the little hitch that it attached to the wagon with and free the knot from the hitch and undo it from the back? And that's what we've done. We've gone in and taken the little pin out of the hitch to the trailer and got access to the back of the knot and undone it from the back forward. The rest of our patriot community is still trying to undo it from the front, and they're incredibly unsuccessful. And they take out swords and start hacking at it, I guess. But anyway, that's a very accurate statement. The Gordian knot has to be untied the way it was tied. And that's what we do. That exposes their fraud. And the only thing they can do is stand mute. They can't rebut it. They can't deny it. So, they can only stand mute, which deems acceptance. Roger? Yes. Alexander the Great hit the knot. What is sword? Okay. Well, there's more different versions of how he did it. That's just, I mean, that's, I'm reading you what I've read and, you know, some of the sources I looked at on the net is I was researching it. But, isn't that an interesting question? Go ahead. And I got a question from Mark. Can you do a quiet title and stay out of equity? Can you do it in common law? I don't know. Well, I think it would be considered common law. You better be clear about it. I think when you, when you try to do it that way, because I think equity brings a lot of disabilities along with property. Well, how do you do that, sketch? I mean, you, I don't know if you heard. Oh, I'm sorry, Samuel. How do you, how do you do that when, you know, when winners, and I'm starting to agree with Grant, when you have mixed jurisdictions in the court, and you don't really invoke a court's common law jurisdiction, it's, it's, it's multiple jurisdictions. The, the judge can rule in any of those jurisdictions. It just depends on what the question is being posed to the court. Right. So how, how would you, as a common law, as opposed to equity, and let me put it this way, I've read case after case, after case, where, and I mean, you know, we're talking appellate decisions. I've read appellate decisions, multiple ones that say it's presumed when you walk into court, you're in a court of equity. So my question, Samuel, is how do you invoke common law? If, if you're saying, well, you got to be careful which one you're under. So you tell me, how do I invoke common law jurisdiction in the court? Well, first off, let's go back to the, the issue that we're talking about with a quiet title. You're bringing yourself into their jurisdiction by doing such a thing, in my opinion. The whole point would be as a national, you don't serve two masters, you stay away from them, and you don't even approach it that way. You would approach it. I think we have plenty of standing as the national to not tempt it beyond that point, and just make sure that in our notices we detail out what that is. So they don't have an excuse saying that we're a sovereign, or they don't know what a national is, as Brent would, would say, I take Brent as being an accurate, you know, you're, you're talking a non-judicial, quiet title sort of sounds like. Well, I'm just saying, yeah, to be important, what's important, the way I would look at that quiet title is, is using it outside of the system now. If they create it, if the history of the quiet title is their jurisdiction, I got a problem with it. If it's their law, I don't want to deal with it. I understand what you're saying. So you're talking about an administrative way to put on any party that might have an interest in the property noticed, whether it be by service, never file anything with the court, file something with or serve, let me, let me restate that, serve any party that might have an interest in your property and do a public notice. And if nobody shows up and responds to your notice, which is an administrative notice, we didn't go through the court, then they have basically waived their right to any interest in your property. That would be the basic gist of it. Yeah. And the claim, and I believe the claim should be made in a way where it doesn't have any disabilities in equity. Okay. Now, on the flip side of that, when you see the court title coming to play, is when people start trying to finance a piece of property, and the title company comes back and says, well, you've got something caught in your title, and you got to get that clicked off. So that becomes the official way to clear the title. Now, if your property is already free and clear and paid for, and you're wanting to do an administrative process like you're talking about, I can see you could do that as well. Comment. Sammy, you should check and see if a quite title is in Blackstone's commentaries. Abraham. Is that Abraham? I got it. Is that Abraham? Yes. Yeah. Abraham, where have you been? Where have you been? I'm like a shadow in the dark. Well, I know that, but where have you been? You've been missed. Well, I just realized the other day being hurt from you in a long time. I'm going to wonder where Abraham's been. I guess he got P.O. Daddison left, you know, or something. So anyway, good to hear your voice. Sandra. Yeah. Samuel here is just there to the Northeast of Ian Placerville. In Minnesota? No, no, in California. Come up, Sandra, Sandra in California. Sandra. Yeah. Who's our new new person here today? Hi, it's Sandra. Hi, this is Sandra. I live in San Francisco for about a year. I'll work for Bechtel Power for a while. Oh, okay. Downtown. Went to the park bank underneath the freeway. Yeah. Hey, Raj. Yes. Paul, you had a comment? Yeah. I've got something to say about the quiet title, and I can understand Samuel's. Men, sorry to refer to you in the third person, Samuel. I didn't mean to do that. I can understand your reluctance to have anything to do with the court whatsoever. But if you look at it this way, you live on a street, and you have your house, and your neighbors have their houses. Now, just because your house and their house are on the same street doesn't mean that the same rules apply, and it doesn't mean that everybody lives in everybody else's house. Okay. Now, Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. It tells the government to leave the people alone. It doesn't grant you rights. It protects them. So if you do a quiet title action, what you are doing is you are putting in the public, a public notice that you are looking for anyone that has right or claim to your property, let them come forward with their evidence, or forever hold your peace. Kind of like the whole wedding thing, if anyone is opposed to this ceremony. That is notice in the right to be heard, actually, but it only lasts a few minutes. Anyway, going back to what I was saying, when you do a quiet title action, and nobody comes forward, you don't have proof that nobody came forward. You don't have validity. You don't have teeth behind that quiet title action, unless you take proof of the legal notice, the amount and how many times to notice was in the legal organ, the amount of time that elapsed. And then you take that to a judge. Now, I granted, I grant you that you don't even want to walk in the building because, because some of that yuck that you get on you, you can't take off with battery acid and a brilopad, but he does have control over the admitted, the administrative state and the citizens of the United States against anybody that might make a claim against your property. So he rubber stamps your process as true and correct. And then you file that in the public record. Now your quiet title has teeth. That's the last step. If you don't do that step, you might as well not do the quiet title at all. It doesn't mean you're playing there. It doesn't mean that you're playing in their field. It doesn't mean that you're subject to their law. It means that you are telling them, tell everyone of your serfs to back off. Because I did this with someone. I'm not really saying that you're doing this or not doing this. I'm saying how it's done. The way I'm going to do it is through my chain of titles, through my land patent. Okay. And I'm going to make an allodial claim through Jesus Christ, et cetera. And I'm going to be filing or actually recording that at the county level, okay, so that they are on notice that way. If it comes up, I've got the chain of title. Nobody can break that. I'm claiming it, you know, it's essentially a grant and I'm accepting the grant. And then I'm going on top of that land patent, add my inheritance from Jesus Christ as a Christian. And that's how I'm going to deal with it. And none of that is inequity. I don't see anything wrong with that, Samuel. I really don't. And then here's the other thing too. If later down the road, somebody does have a claim and your only way to resolve it, it's through the court, you can do so and show that the other parties defaulted and never responded to your notices. You know, I don't have a problem with that. I really don't. They would have to show in that chain of title how they would have had any way to get in there as a real owner. Yeah. I mean, I agree. I totally agree. You can do a hybrid. I mean, your court really should be your last resort, you know, and only if you need it. So I love that you can do administrative process. And then you have a judicial system, hopefully you don't need to go there. But if you do, you've already laid out the whole thing. And you show up in court saying, well, I notified them of this and they didn't respond. Now the burdens on them to prove that they did respond. You know, usually with some kind of proof of delivery of some type of response back to your notice. So I don't have a problem with that. And thing about it, Mark, Mark, I'm also I'm also going to be taking my land patent slash allodial claim, because there is no such thing as a title, according to what I beginning to agree with. Okay. That's it. Because in civil law, there is no allodial title. That's more of a Christian common law area. And in the land patent, though, I am putting in twice the point that there is an attachment with this. Because this land patent is being claimed by this thing called a national. And there's a reference here to his affidavit, which spelled out what that means for them. Hey, by the way, did we accidentally cut off Abram? No, I don't think so. No, but you just saying hi. How would you prevent someone who does respond to your with the petition for? Quiet title. White title? Yeah, how would you prevent them from being into a equity court? Because I don't think they will most folks that that would respond would not be a national. Yeah, they don't, you know, no, I don't think the national is what determines whether you're in a court of equity or not, because like I said, it's presumed from the very get go when you step into court, which when I say step into court, that means when you go file your petition, and you which means you've made your appearance in court, you're asking for them to make a decision, then you it's presumed that you're in a court of equity. And Abram, do me a favor. And as a national, you shouldn't be in that court because all those laws were made for citizens. Right. Yeah, so you'd have to say that it's under common law. I mean, you got to point that out. I would think that it's a common law issue. And then you got to really be on your toes to make sure that the courts operating. But let's try not to go to court if we can avoid it. Really. Do everything administratively. This is what I love about Marco and Samuel and some others that are very strong on the administrative process of putting parties on notice. If they don't respond timely, they follow up with a a second notice. And then if they don't respond, they follow up with the default notice that they're out of time. And this is a settled manner since they haven't responded. So but Abram, do you have the straw man's email address? I'm not sure. I believe so. Okay. Well, if you would email me in the straw man when you get a chance And then that to be capitalized, it's three words mark all caps. And I would love to connect with you. Yeah, we miss you, Abram. Sandra, don't get overwhelmed with all this kind of stuff we've been into here for a second. Go back and keep the basics and don't I don't want you taking a drink of water out of the fire hydrant here today. Okay. And that's kind of what I'm saying. I'm gonna go up to the chicken field then. So we just buy with the plan that they're going to show up. We need extra that if we don't eat it, then we have it, you know. And is that you? Do you know what the hamburger in them? Give me a hamburger too. Yeah, I guess we got something to do with chickens. Now, now, going back to the island title, etc. You know, just something for all of us to think about. I'm sure most of not all of us have seen this cash for property, cash for land, cash for houses and black rocks, black rock is behind it. You know, one of the things they're going to do if they're successful in crashing our economy and destroying the dollar is they're going to be putting what is it a claim on everybody's property. You like for your credit card debt because people won't be able to pay their debts if they crash the economy. And so they've set this up ahead of time. So I just recommend people, you know, with trying to get your debt under control and whatnot, if they will pay your property only, they're going to put liens on the properties. Plus they've been raising our taxes exponentially and will continue to do so so that people can't afford to live in their homes and they'll say, Oh, well, we'll take over your your mortgage and we'll rent you another way for steel stuff. The best thing you can do is get out of debt. If possible, if you're in debt, get out of debt. Okay. All right. It will make your mind a lot easier. Yes. Who was that sketch? Yeah, it is. Can I read it one little sense here, which I didn't know. It says, uh, all federal land patents flow from the treaty, the Oregon Treaty, nine stat eight, six, nine, six, 15, 14, 46. That's statues at large. No state, comma, private banking corporation, for other federal agencies can effectively challenge the superiority of title to land holders who have perfected their land patents. I yield. Okay. All right. Well, that's good sketch. Oh, where you found that? Good little find. Uh, we're down out of time here. It's a way to put it in chat. Constitutional Okay. We have one last thing, Roger. Pardon me. People take your recommendation much more than mine. But, you know, for don't, wouldn't you recommend for people to really look at getting, they go into getting their original land patents and getting out from underneath these taxes, because they're going to end up taking people's properties, even if you don't know what they are. If you can do that, great. We haven't had too many people you've heard here about the successful doing it. Okay. But if you can, it would be good. I mean, why are they, what is their roadblocks? What brick walls do they face? Well, like Samuel here's been trying for 10 years and they won't accept it. Right, Samuel? Well, no, I'm, I'm, I'll keep trying. So we're going to figure out whether to accept this new one or not, I don't know, different, different sheriff in that department, they say that they're open to it. So, what are you up against? What are they, fighting? Oh, the last time they were concerned that they wanted me to ex out things that would make sure that they could still tax me. So, it's a big can of worms. It doesn't apply to everybody, because everybody doesn't loan their land. And if you don't own your land, you can't do it. Okay. Ron Gibson makes the statement, and I don't know how true this is, but he says that there's a federal lien on every piece of property in the country, and that somehow you're supposed to pay that, which I think is bullshit. But, um, from the bankruptcy. I, I think as a national, you don't, you can resist that debt that they say in the 14th year old. I think as a national, you can say you don't know that debt anymore, and that's part of that, that lien. I agree with that. I agree with that. And somebody said that trading with the Enemies Act earlier, I think it was Sandra, go to the new student section on the website and go if you've not watched Gene Schroeder's Emergency War Powers Act, you need to watch that excellent, excellent piece of research. Okay. Okay. We're going to check out here on Saturday and start the abbreviated weekend, and we're happy to have you join us today, and Sandra, the new person and all that stuff's great, and we'll be back on Monday. So, see you then. And remind me, who owns the land, the crown or the Vatican? From the salons. I think the International Monetary Fund has the lien's on it. Maybe Vatican behind it, but the International Monetary Fund fund is who they use to put all this stuff into. SR-1, SR-92 or SR-192, Senate resolution. It was passed about a month after the bankruptcy on March the 9th, and it says in there everything in the country, all property in the country, you don't know they included you in that at that point, are owned by the federal government, and then down at the bottom, the last thing it says, except by operation of law. And there's our operator. Hey, Bruce. Hey, is that after they had confiscated all the gold, you had to turn in your gold, I think? Yes, yes, you had to wait after that. You didn't have, you didn't have lawful money to operate on. Correct. You're in bankruptcy. Sandra, anyway, if you've not seen that Dr. Jean Schroeder's War Emergency Powers Act, it will give you some incredibly solid and important background here, okay? So you find it in the new student section there on the website, and that's up now, and Paul improved the audio, so it's a little better than it is over on Rumble. Okay, yes, Samuel? Yeah, the training with the enemy act, I think, is such a key thing, and we could use that again to our advantage, because in the 14th Amendment, and citizenship puts us in rebellion, which makes us an enemy of the state, so as a national, we can claim we are at peace, and we are not an enemy of the state, and you have to treat us as we're at peace, and not at war. That's right. All the stuff we're doing to this COVID and everything else falls under this trading with the enemy's act, and they took it and took Germans out and put citizens of the United States in. Bruce, do you know what he's saying there is actually the nation, I mean, the federal government is an enemy to the national. Yes. Turn around back on them. Yeah, well, no kidding. Abram? The 14th Amendment says that the citizen is, it basically puts the citizen in as a rebellion. That's how they could come up with the trading with the enemy act, because all the citizens were enemy of their country, because they were no longer state citizens, they were federal, so they're, they're in rebellion. That's where I see it. Right. I guess. Yes, Abram. So, as a matter of definition, the term "alien" means any person, not a citizen, or a national of the United States, okay? So to be a non-resident alien, you have to be neither a citizen, nor a national of the United States. So, you know, that's your back. The term "national of the United States" means a citizen of the United States, or a person who, though not a citizen of the United States, owes permanent allegiance to the United States. So, U.S. national, a U.S. national would not be an alien. And, you know, there's only one way to, to be an alien, and there, and that's to be, like, definition 21, the term "national" means a person owing permanent allegiance to a state. That's it, the United States citizen. Okay. All right. It has been a good Saturday show. I appreciate it. You're, Abram, you're cutting in and out. We're missing large parts of what you're saying. I don't know why. Anyway, I want to welcome you back, because we hadn't heard from you in a long time. Good to hear your voice. Sandra, we want to welcome you as a new person, and feel free to join us when you're able to. And, if you're not able to, the archives are there. And, otherwise, that, unless anybody else has got something for me, I'm going to jet out of here, and I'll see you on Monday. F.A. Watch out. Mr. Dan. Thank you, everyone. Thanks for this. Thanks. Yep. Thanks, everybody. And, good show today. Yes, sir. Watch out for those fields, coups, in your neighboring countries. Well, I will. That's right. They have one in Bolivia, right? Yep. They're, they're a adjacent country. They're not a neighboring country. I don't think we share a border with them. We do with Peru. Anyway, yeah, they're having another little coup over there. So, who else? Who else got some for Roger? I was just there, brother. Per, you know, definition three of the alien, right? Means a person, not a citizen or a national. You are the person that started the alien invasion. Okay. Well, all right. I guess I'll take credit for that. That was funny. Okay. Well, I'm going to check out. So, I will see you all on Monday. Have a great weekend, and we will commence another week, and it should be a real, well, I guess next week's the fourth too on Thursday, right? So, we'll have an abbreviated week, and we won't. We'll probably do a show anyway. But I'll see you all on Monday, and we'll sort it all out. Okay. Thank you, everybody for your contribution. Okay. Thank you, Roger. Very good weekend. All right. Okay. Thank you, guys. Rebel with a cause. Yes. Better female said something there. Okay. Anyway, I'll see you all on Monday. Bye. Thanks, Roger. And he's gone quick as a flash. I'm going to leave Global Voice Network up. TV, is still up. I'll leave it up for, well, probably until two o'clock Eastern, and then we'll take it down. So, if you guys want to continue the quiet title discussion, the national alien invasion topic, whatever, go for it. Hi, Abraham. Long time no here. Minutes, the after show. It is the after show. Let the man again, again. Is Mark this moment still on? I don't know. I can't see it. Mark, are you there? I guess where the screen is. I guess we're the tale that wags the dog. Yeah, I'm going to have to show for anybody that might be able to answer this. I'm wanting to become a notary on the side, which I used to be many years ago. And I'm planning on sending my affidavit to the Secretary of State on Monday, July 1st to become a national. So, should I wait in Washington State, they are as of July 1st, they're allowing non-resident. Yeah. Well, then there shouldn't be. I know we can basically take any position. Well, I know, but I kind of wanted to start it today because I just, I don't know if it's it's just better to wait until I, after like, should I do it after July 1st? No, what state are you in Washington State? I just didn't want to muddy the water because they're going to, the Secretary of State also was the one that's going to be looking at the my citizen status. So, I didn't know if I should even wait longer until, because they said it takes three to four weeks to become an army for them to probably review your paper. Have you read your documents on what you're liable for as being a notary? Well, you have to carry a $10,000 bond and you know, but if somebody misrepresents themselves, you know, and they show like a fake idea or whatnot. Have you read the document? The notary document? Yeah, what you're going to be liable for, what your responsibilities are? No, I haven't read that yet because I haven't. I would do that first because a friend of mine has been a notary for over 20 years and as a title officer in California, it's convenient and she makes a lot of money being a notary, but she almost didn't sign up the last time because she says they've gotten so restrictive on what she felt her rights were versus what she was doing that she almost didn't do it. So, you might want to read those documents and see how you feel about it. That might take care of the whole problem right there. Who knows? Is she a national? Your friend? No, no. I would definitely, I would definitely apply to be a notary after you've declared your national status. It might muddy things up, but it might also save you a heap load of trouble if you get a notary commission as a citizen and then you change your status while your notary commission is still active. Read, yes, absolutely. I agree with Samuel 100. Read the duties, the rights and responsibilities of a notary and any requirements of being a notary. Get your political status set to what you expected to be going forward and then apply for the notary commission. Just so everybody knows where everybody is. I'd like to make something clear. For Kathleen, the question you had asked of Samuel is his friend the national. Everyone that's on here just about none of our friends are nationals, none of our wives are nationals, none of our girlfriends are nationals. That's why we're here. That's for Gary. For our family. No, no one else in our lives are nationals. Right. Good point. So how long does the process take where they would probably review my paperwork to where when I start the process of becoming a notary? I mean, should I wait a month, three weeks? This is Bruce. What time? Just Bruce, son, you got an affidavit in the Secretary of State, so it doesn't cure and become the law after until after 30 days. And being a national, you're out of their system totally. So I don't believe you need to have a notary. You can have a party with two signatures witnesses to equal a note on the document. Well, I'm doing a job outside. I used to be in mortgage and so I'm going to be signing loan documents as well. There again to a signature of witnesses. It's the same thing as a debt. I don't agree. Same power. Bruce, the way I think she should look at it when she reads the document is basically she's going to be notarizing. She's going to bear witness for citizens as a national. Right. And that's the way she should read that document and see what it says. Right, because I'm sure a majority of people, if not all people I will be notarizing for, they're going to be US citizens. Yes, exactly. She's going to be a national and she's applying for a commission to be an officer of the court. How does that not equate to one foot on each side of the fence? It's just going to give you splinters in uncomfortable places. But there's people that are like, you know, like truck drivers, for instance, they have their CDL driver's license. They're still in the system when they're working and out when they're not working. There's the courts. What's that? But we aren't officers of the court. Well, what about Brent, the attorney? What about Mark Truman? I mean, I'm sure they're working at the court system. Mark isn't a attorney. He's another parae. He's early. Right. But he's still working in the courts. Yeah, he just he just drafts documents. Anybody can write documents. He doesn't file them. He writes the documents and the parties involved file them. Or the attorney works for files. He doesn't do anything with the court. He just writes documents. Well, I didn't want that. You know, they're probably going to ask you if you're a citizen, right? And a resident. And to honestly answer that, you could give them all citizens or nationals, but not all nationals or citizens, you could give them that. But if they're also asking if you're a resident, and that gets tough because I think that that sort of got you boxed in there because you can make the claim that you're not a resident as a national, right? But well, starting. They are allowing non-residents to be notaries on Monday. Yeah, but what's their definition of a non-resident? And what would they be doing that for? What do they intend to use those non-resident notaries for? Well, probably for their dirty. But the illegal is coming. Probably. And the new occupants of Walmart. Yeah, but I mean, and when I did read, you know, I haven't read like with the fine tooth comb, but I did see citizen. And I didn't say US citizen when I asked Roger a day or so ago, or no, yesterday. He said, you know, a citizen can be either, you know, it can be based, you know, as nationals, people or citizens as well. It doesn't work. If I may. Yes. This is Dave and the thumb. What's just as powerful as a notary? A witness? Two witnesses. Or two witnesses, right? Yeah, but you don't get paid for that. It's about the Benjamin's. So it's all about the Benjamin's. Because I'm doing it as the second job. Otherwise, I wouldn't do it. I mean, I, you know, we can go to a realtor and get a free notary. We can go to our bank and get a free notary. Who's paying for notaries? I'm planning on being, you know, working with the title companies and escrow companies being a loan signer. And just coming in basically under contract and just signing loan documents because I used to be a loan officer for much of my career. I don't know if you're allowed to be a national. If you're in that line of work, I yield. Yeah. And you're working with the banks, huh? Well, yeah, that's okay. Well, Scott, just thinking of what he wants to say, I'm going to say you either free from doom or you're not. I yield. All right. Yeah, you'll too. Melody from Kansas. Why would you want to be a notary? Why would you want to be a notary and deal with the fraud of mortgages of stealing people's money? I wouldn't. All right. So I want to change the subject here and ask Samuel question. Samuel, Samuel, were you aware of that all federal land patents went through or established through the Oregon Treaty? No, I don't have any clue what that even means, the Oregon Treaty. Because this California is in the Treaty of held bagel. Okay. Are you interested in finding out or not? Well, take a look. Yeah, it's called the website is called constitutional Okay, hang on a second. He's not naked, is he sketch? Sketch is it? I don't know about Samuel. No, I meant the commando. Oh, the commando. I got it. I got you. I don't know, but I had never I got it. Get constitutional Yep. Yep. Okay. And I go ahead. I'm sorry. I was just going to say it's a loyal titles and land patents in the search. And I hope this helps and don't know, but I never read that. And I was like, "Whoa, what's this about?" So, you know, if it's okay to change a subject or we can do it later on, but Dave, I've got a question about taking higher doses of iodine and what supplements would go with that. Well, you know, I'm not sure about the iodine that you're taking, but there is iodine in your plant-derived minerals, your phobic powder. And, you know, doc says, you know, according to the, you know, when you when you look at their, what do they call it, the daily allowance. Anyway, doctors, you can take 30,000 times the daily allowance of what the government recommends with the medical mafia if you're taking plant-derived, you know, nutrition. Yes. Okay. Well, nascent iodine is probably one of the cleanest and even for people who are a little energetic towards taking it, they can deal with that better. But my question is, okay, if you're going to go from these micrograms to grams, milligrams, and step this thing up, then how much selenium and then how much copper, etcetera, do you bring up with it as you go higher in the iodine? That's my question. I can answer that. It might be in one of Doc's books, but what I would do is somebody you can ask that question and get an answer. Not really. I would, what I would do is paint, you know, that little patch on your forearm with your iodine. And when it stops absorbing, you know, within, you know, 30 or 40 seconds, then you're, you know, your, your, your, your, uh, endocrine system, your thyroid has got the iodine in it that it needs, um, because you're not, you're not pulling it in. Yeah, well, I'm pulling it in and, but I've also looked into that, Dave, and they say that's a pretty skeptical test. What you want to do is called a 24-hour iodine loading test, which is done by Haula Labs for 70 bucks, but I can't do it in California. They won't ship me that. Well, I don't go anything about that lab. And I don't know where they get their information from. I know you're a reader and you're, you know, you become a scholar on whatever you read. I would pull up Doc's books. I really like the rare earth's forbidden cures. And if he's got an answer for it, it'll be in that book. And also his epigenetics book, The Death of the Theory of Genetic Disease Transmission, that's the summary of his 5,000-page thesis that he wrote for his post-doctoral fellowship after doing those 20,500 autopsies in 12 years in all zoos around America. That's the summary of that thesis. Epigenetics is the, you know, the title. And you can find both of those books probably on Amazon used for pretty cheap, but if you want to go look at your local library or do a book, you know, they do a lending thing, most of Doc's books are in the library. And that thesis that was turned into the medical textbook, that's actually in most ag school libraries, you know, universities, colleges, Michigan State has it. And I mean, I've had people in my down line find that book in little tiny libraries, and they live in little obscure towns out of the way, and they find that book in their library. It's Leatherbound. That's the book that they turned into, you know, or his thesis that was turned into the textbook, and they sold 90,000 copies of it in 30 days for $25,000 each. That book, you know, somebody who knows Wallach, or you knew, or you can't have the direct answer. Did you ask Jim that answer? Yeah. He don't know. Well, we're, you know, we're looking at like the ratio, let's say, of Selenium to copper on what Doc's selling, right? Yeah. And that's about 10 to 1. Okay. But then the type of Selenium, he's using a good one. There's ones that are less absorbable. But what the articles I'm reading on iodine is this, you take a whole bunch of iodine, and you don't have Selenium to go with it. Right. What happens is the iodine starts putting up peroxides. Okay. And that's exactly what you don't want, right? If they're not telling you, they tell you that, but they don't tell you, "What's the ratio of Selenium to take with iodine?" Not really. And then, you know, I want to get something, and then there's going to be, well, if you've taken Selenium, then you need to take copper, right? Okay. Well, see, Doc, I think Wallach's the only one that his Selenium is balanced with copper. And I think there's five co-factors in his Selenium products, but Doc hates to fractionate nutrition. Okay. That's why out of the mind, you know, the minerals are the key driver in nutrition because it's two thirds of your daily needs. And the earth regulates that, you know, that ratio. That's just God. God did it. Yeah. Okay. So you're saying the iodine to Selenium and copper is correct there, and that if you're going to increase that, you increase them together? Well, this is what I say, Doc, is what Doc says. What you need is those 90 nutrients to body weight, right? One, and he breaks it down one bottle a month, pretty much of Doc's, you know, almost everything he sells in a bottle is a hundred pound dose for a month, for 30 days, or it's like 31 days. Yeah, I got it. You know, in the number of capsules or amount in it, you divide by the number of days in the month for your dose, right, your daily dose. And if you have any issues that you're lacking, something in your symptoms of these over 900 diseases, those indicate the actual deficiency, like MS, the actual deficiency, the main deficiency is Selenium, muscular dystrophy. You know, all these brain disorders that they want to lock you up in a freaking home, you know, after feeding you a diet Pepsi or Coke, most of your life, to create that deficiency. You know, if you take that in optimal amounts and what's an optimal amount, you know, Doc says we, you know, we need one bottle a month per hundred pounds of Selenium, and we take an extra bottle, not just what's in that liquid minerals or powder mineral form, we heat those in that secret sauce of this ultimate Selenium that's balanced with everything it needs for it to be absorbable by the body. And then when you, so optimal, you know, if you're just maintaining is three of those capsules per day of Selenium per hundred pounds of body weight. But if you're going after something, then you want to double or triple that. Some people, even quadruple or more for, you know, 90 days and bam, you know, it's gone. And then you back down back to the, you know, to Doc's, you know, daily allowance. What website is this? I get all that, David. I'll go ahead. I can't answer that question, Samuel. And I don't know if Doc could answer that anymore. Let me, let me give you something to think about, though, David, we're here together. From what I'm reading, it appears to me that iodine is one of those things that's really overlooked and probably over 90% of the American population is deficient. They have enough to not have an outward disease that's killing them, but they're not functioning at an optimum level. For instance, they say that if you have enough iodine, the iodine can come up 10 points. Sure. The heart beats better. So your metabolism is working better, et cetera. The missing cofactor here is that they don't tell you that you got to have 89 other cofactors to go like that iodine in order to make it work right. You know I'm clear on that. I know you are, but they aren't. And what you're reading isn't giving you everything you need to know how to make that work. So if you just focus on docs 90 for your body weight, and if you're in the middle of 100 and 200 or closer to you want to up that ante to doctors hit it with a bigger hammer, and then if you want to reach your desired result, you might be able to back off a little bit, but some people back off and then they get sick, and then they end up dying because they don't know that didn't work or whatever. And then they forget to say I reduced the amount, maybe I should go back to that optimal amount, and everything will be fine again, because usually that's what happens. But a lot of times people will die because they took it and it reversed, and then they go, I don't need it anymore, and then they die. What I'm seeing is what's in young Jeavity's products is a few hundred micrograms by a dime. A Japanese over there eating a regular diet might be eating 50 to 80 milligrams a day. Are they perfectly healthy? A lot of people are saying that the atom bomb didn't exist because Hiroshima and Nagasaki didn't have the high enough cancer rates, etc. Well, they were probably all tissue-absorbed and iodine. That's possible. Now, do you know why they nailed Hiroshima with the bomb? Well, I know one of them, it was overcast and they couldn't, they needed visual sighting to drop it. So they went from the primary target to the secondary target, but they were also both Christians. That's the key right there. They were eliminating Christians. That's what the Armenian Holocaust was about. That's what the Bolshevik Revolution was about. That's pretty much what World War I and World War II was about, because who stepped up to the plate and went and registered for that draft to serve their country, mostly Christians, white Christian men? Not at all. There's a lot of black heroes and Indian heroes and that were literally thought they were helping their fellow men, but obviously, they were working for the bank. Back to the question I'm looking for, and you see what, if you can find out, if I'm going to take 50 milligrams of iodine, how much selenium and copper should I be taking? That will tell you not to take 50 milligrams of iodine. Yeah, it's taking that much from what I'm reading to get people that are severely deficient out of the hole, and they have to do it for like three months, David. Okay, are you severely deficient, though? Would you take 50 milligrams? Really, no. I would do whatever the, you know, you're buying that naysideide from Alex, right? Actually, I'm getting mine from Dr. Group. Okay, it's the same stuff. Yeah, all right. I would follow his recommendation, whatever it's says on the bottle. I don't think you, I don't think you're in a position that you are deficient in iodine. Do you have any, you know, iodine deficiency symptoms? I'm basically looking for the key to more energy and less caffeine. Okay. I'll tell you what, you take the 90 and you get the vitamin. The amount of sleep for your body every day, and you take that 90 to body weight, you shouldn't have to worry about energy levels. It should be there. I know. My point taken. Yeah. It's not there. You don't have energy? Yeah, there's, there's two things that I'm not supplementing that I used to before I did the longevity stuff. That could be it. What is a keeper and oceans alive? Okay. Doc's got a product called oceans of gold. Have you looked at that? That's what he gives the thyroid. That is the thyroid supplement secret sauce that wallet gives to optimize your thyroid. It's called oceans gold. Look at that and look what that's balanced with. You're already taken selenium, right? Well, if you take Doc's stuff. You're taking Doc selenium, ultimate selenium in a bottle? No, I'm taking what's in the osteo and the classic. Okay. Add, add the ultimate selenium, at least one bottle a month because you are getting selenium in the other products that you're taking. It's probably micrograms, but you don't need, optimally or maintenance-wise, you need about 200 micrograms of selenium every day. But I think in this environment, you need more than that because of how we're being bombarded from the sky and everything, right? I'd look at that. Look at that. Ocean's gold. And then look at, you know, he does have an iodine supplement that's, you know, stand-alone iodine. I don't know what else is it. I don't use it. Okay. Go ahead. Yeah, I looked at that a little bit. I wasn't too impressed. But I'll look at it. I don't know. That ain't Doc. You know, Doc didn't come up with that. They're chasing after stuff sometimes, you know. But Doc always said, I don't, you know, fractionate nutrition because that's when you get in trouble. You know, you're just trading one thing for something else. So you got to take that 90. When you talk to you, young Jevity, guys, that's all you ever say. It just gets boring. Well, I'm sorry. That's, you know, Doc, that's based on a $25 million grant in 1966. What is that today? You know, think about the 20,000 autopsies that he did in 12 years and the 100 million I get that you should be taking everything you need every day. I get that, though, you know. I don't know anybody that offers it in, you know, that complete formula. What I'm saying is some of those so-called balances that are there. I think some of those are probably low. That's all I'm saying. Not that you don't take all 90. I'm not saying that at all. I'm just saying, I'm hypothesizing that some of these could be low. Okay, but I'd love that you're Wallach. Maybe next time Wallach's on, a radio program or somebody thinks somebody could ask him the question, that would be great. Well, you know, poor Ben, get into the game and you ask him. Or Ben Fuchs, right? Ben won't have a public email? You know, I don't know. I know that Doc's on daily with Doc. It's called, and it's that noon Pacific. And if you, you know, search that daily with Doc, I'm sure you'll find it. And you can't ask questions. Oh, pretty cool. Yeah, he's got this gal, Becca Dukes. She's actually one of Ben Fuchs's distributors. And, you know, she works pretty close with Ben and Doc. And she's pretty up there now. And so her and Doc do, they kind of took over that. Dead doctors don't lie radio show when, what's the name, shut down his radio station. He couldn't sell it. And so he, now it, that's the, he just puts that up on a podcast. But they do it live. I'm pretty sure every, you know, Monday through Friday. Okay. Yeah, what I'm seeing and what I'm reading out there and granted, they're not looking at full nutritional where all this stuff works better in harmony. But to pull people out just with iodine for the deficiencies, they're, they're increasing it. In some cases, a hundred thousand times over the daily and recommended, you know, well, I'm trying to tell you, if you feel comfortable doing that, then, you know, that's why you don't. But I can bring it up. I can bring it up slowly and, and see where energy goes. That's why I'm, you know, because the, the detox that I am by group, that's about 2000 micrograms. That's two milligrams, right? And I, I increased, I doubled that. So I'm up to four right now. Okay. Have you been any different? Not really. Not yet. But yeah, if you're so deficient that, you know, who knows? I mean, yeah, I, I look at the foods I eat and there's just not much. There's really not too many places to get the iodine. You know, any of them is more prevalent in foods than, than the iodine is. Well, that, I think that's a lie. Doc says that, you know, nutritional minerals don't grow in uniform blank and cover in the crust of the earth. They grow in veins like gold and silver mines. And there's a lot of, you know, selenium is not everywhere in this country. And when they say eat Brazil nuts because they're loaded with selenium, who's checking that? So this is the deal. Doc Scott, in his, his book Rare Earth Forbidden Cures, I think it's chapter 10. I don't, you know, I don't know what page he could tell you that. But he tells you how to do an hair analysis. And that checks all your minerals in your body. And he tells you how to do it, how to prepare for it, how to prepare it once you take it, and where to send it with, I think, it's 120 bucks. And they, you send it to a lab and they send you a, you know, a complete analysis of your hair. And that tells you everything going on in your body, not a blood test. It's way better than a blood test. I've done two of those in the past. Probably, I don't know if it's his recommendation as a lab, but anyways, but they, they went to a lab down in Texas, I think. I'm not sure where the lab is that you work with. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, Dave, a quick question. Hey, Wayne. Talking about that hair analysis. And yeah, we have a family member that had an analysis and they came back, uh, overload of copper in the brain, which is causing some cognitive issues. And while we're on the subject, I was kind of curious if that's crossed some of the discussions from the doc. You know, I may have heard them talk about that, but I can't. Yeah, can you hear me? Hello, Wayne. Can you hear me? Yes. Okay. Yes. I, not specifically, but, um, is this, is this, um, family member? You know, what kind of nutrition are they on? Well, eating very well, organic, organic foods left and right, a lot of exercise. So it was very shocking to hear it because this is someone who takes very good care of herself. And, uh, you know, nothing stupid, like fast foods and, uh, your drugs and stuff like that is very clean living. That's why we don't know if it could be maybe hereditary or not. It, you know, docs, docs, docs, epigenetic book, it's called, uh, the subtitle is the death of the theory of genetic disease transmission. It's what, what we pass on isn't genes. You might pass on hair color, you know, eye shape, eye color, all that stuff, but not disease, right? There's no disease genes. That's all pharmaceutical and medical mafia, you know, BS. And what, you know, um, there's so much in the environment that causes and it's a, you know, all disease starts in the gut. And that's where you got to look first. Um, we think we're eating good and organic, all that means it's a little bit left poison they put on the food because it's still regulated by, who, you know, the Food and Drug Administration. Um, so, you know, we got to be, farmers aren't regulated to put minerals back in the soil. And if you read, uh, Senate document 264 from the 1936, the 74th Congress, that document says that the farmland in America is depleted of minerals. That was in 1936, but it was actually produced in 1910. Look back in 1910, everything that was going on here in America. Okay. Um, thanks. Well, I have to run to a meeting more. Thanks, Dave. I appreciate it. Yep. You're welcome. Yeah. Copper plays a key balance. You know, you can, you can, uh, overdose on minerals, especially if they're not, uh, you know, plant-derived minerals. Plant-derived minerals means that the, the plants absorbed the nutritional minerals in the soil. And then those plants composted where, you know, while it's mine, they, uh, it has the highest score for minerals in the world, literally. And it measures like there's a cat eye on exchange. Can't tell you exactly what that means. You can look it up, but it scores a 1200 in the, the closest mine in the world scores a 600, half of what, you know, the potency is of Wallach's. Uh, I think the most of the minerals that most people use, there's 20 is, is pretty basic. Uh, 40 is the most. Well, you gotta have 60 minerals in order for the body to do with it, what it was designed to do, heal itself, but it has to have those other co-factors, you know, the vitamins and the amino acids and the fatty acids to go with it. Hey, we were made. Go ahead. I was just going to, I'm sorry to interrupt you. Sorry. What was the name of that book? Uh, you were mentioning rare earths, rare earths, forbidden cures. Thank you. And then Epi genetics is, that's a summary of his, you know, post doctored fellowship thesis that was 5,000 pages edited down to 1200 when they made the, made it into a textbook and the University of Missouri sold the rights to Doc's thesis to the largest medical textbook publishing company in the world. They added it down to 1200 pages, Doc says without losing any content. And they printed 90,000 copies of it and sold them in 30 days for 25 grand each. Days. Somewhere around 1982, I think. I'm not a fast writer. I'm sorry. What was the second one you wrote? Epi, Epi genetics. Epi genetics. And then the subtitle is something like the death of the theory of genetic disease transmission. Thank you. You're welcome. If you go to DRJ Wallach,, that's Doc's website where he sells all his books and CDs and stuff like that. But that's how Doc gets paid, you know, by selling books and stuff. So check that out. And, you know, I know other people will go somewhere else, but buy them used because they're, you can buy them for pretty cheap. You know, I've seen them for $5. But if you ask Siri, you know, about that disease of exotic animals, that's the name of that medical textbook they've turned this thesis into. And go to your library. Check it out, man. That thing is a national treasure in the Smithsonian, hidden from the world under glass. And Doc says it's because it proves beyond the shadow of doubt that no disease is genetically transmitted. But, you know, what is the Smithsonian, you know, what are they famous for, hiding national treasures from the world? Because it's called Diseases of Exotic Animals. There's autopsies of 3,000 men and women that Doc did in that 12 years for men of women that died around Zeus for comparison to his study. And nobody knows that unless you know it. Then your Doc considers us exotic animals in that book, you know, medically. So, that yield. What happened to Gary? Does anybody on here now? Andy got a text, I think, from the sun. I'm not sure, but I think Andy got a text. At least the most recent. And has anybody ever heard of this all federal land patents flow from the treaty, the organ treaty? Anybody else ever hear that before? I just came across it today. And someone could confirm it. It would be really nice to have an opinion if somebody else is not. I have no knowledge of a lot of this stuff, but I'm interested. I yield. You know, Statch, no knowledge is much better than false knowledge. And that's why I love you. That's why I love you. Because when I ask you a question, you say, I don't know. And I go, yeah, go, Lisa. Because that's at our advanced age, the more you know, unless you know, right? Something like that. You realize it. Yeah, or is that what we thought we knew was just not true? Not true at all. But sometimes I have to remind myself of that. You don't know Jack, Stephen. When you realize that you know nothing, you have wisdom. Who knew that? Who knew wisdom was no enough faith? Oh, I won't throw belief in there, but belief has something to do with. I'm just saying. And there in lies yet another extended discussion. A discussion on the radio ranch after call, the after show. For more information on the topics discussed, please go to You can actually join us on the, on the phone, or on a smartphone or tablet, computer, whatever happens to be available. You can join us either in free conference call or in Zoom. We're here Monday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Eastern. If not a little longer, today's after show from 1 p.m. to almost 2 p.m. Eastern. Catch us here Monday morning. The first hour of the program will be the ITERA WAND program with special guest John Casera. He's with us on Mondays. Check out Fridays with Brent Allen Winters. He co-hosts the program with Roger. And for more information on the topics discussed, We'll give you those resources. There are downloadable resources. There are books of historical significance you can buy and also a new student section where you can figure out exactly what went wrong and turn into the show to figure out how to get yourself out of the mess they twisted and manipulated you into agreeing to. That's it for me. I'm out of here. We have a great day at a great weekend for the rest of it. Bye now. Blasting the voice of freedom worldwide, you're listening to the Global Voice Radio Network. Bye bye boy. Have fun storming the castle. ♪ I know ♪ ♪ We're gonna change ♪