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ABCHealth.Info Health Talk

1h 30m
Broadcast on:
29 Jun 2024
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>> Starting stream on Studio C, starting recording on Studio A, starting the show,'s Health Talk. I'm Paul from Global Voice Network. Thank you so much for joining us today and for tonight.'s Health Talk happens every Friday, 9 p.m. Eastern, 9 p.m. to 9.30. You can catch us on free conference call. You can join us on the show, ask questions, make comments, whatever. You can also catch the stream right here on Hello Edward, I think we've got pretty much everything set up. It was kind of like a last minute thing, setting up the program. I do think that I have all of the buttons pushed and everything prepared properly. How are you this evening? >> Very, very good. I'm incredible, but I'm improving just like always. >> At least better than average. >> Incredible. And you know why I'm incredible because I never -- I think it's incredible that I'm being breathed and never had to remember to breathe. >> Well, you know, I've always been a little fuzzy on the term incredible because it doesn't mean not like infallible means unable to be wrong, insignificant would be not significant. So if you're saying you're incredible, you're kind of saying you're not credible. You're full of crap. >> Always. To me, it's the opposite, I'm incredible. I am incredible. It's the most credible thing is the feeling because it's the only thing that stays the same in my life. >> Right. But the thing is, if in convenient, if credible is knowledgeable and accurate and functional and valuable and all that stuff, and convenient, convenient is something that's convenient. But inconvenient is absolutely not convenient. So how can incredible be credible? I don't know. Maybe I'm splitting hairs. I don't know. Maybe I am too. >> It's true. The language is very straight. >> Yes. Yes, of course it is. They've taken a word that meant happy. We used it when we were growing up. It was gay and they turned it into some sexual things. >> Yeah, right. Right. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Kind of love that. >> That's because it's almost sexual. You're supposed to be happy about it. That's why they do this. >> All right. So what are we going to talk about first? We've got Dr. David Martin thing, huge interview with Alex Jones talking about SARS-CoV-2. So should we like get started with the David Martin interview? The U.S. Government is coordinating a deep optimization program against the world. >> I think people appreciate that. All right, well, Dr. David Martin was in Austin, Texas to testify before the state legislature and he swung by Infoware Studios for a spontaneous tetate with Alex Jones with updates on the war that we're in. He addressed some of the controversies among the aware community and gave some updates on the impacts of recent legal cases and he names the most treacherous offenders in our bureaucracy who must be prosecuted. An attempt will be made here to make a bullet point summary of the epic meeting of minds between two individuals who do not suffer from a fear of public speaking. The bullet point summary of Dr. David Martin interview with Alex Jones. This came from or,, thank you,, sorry. >> Sorry. >> Say what? >> Turn up your mic a little bit or talk about it. >> Well, can you hear me okay? Because I've got full levels on the radio stream. I can try pulling the mic up a little bit. No, actually, I'm already hot on the microphone. So turn up your speakers. Okay. The bullet point summary of Dr. David Martin interview with Alex Jones. bullet point, coronavirus has been in play as a biological weapon agent since 1966. In 1990, Pfizer filed the first patent on a vaccine for coronavirus. In 1999, the University of North Carolina scientist Ralph Barrack succeeded in transforming a gastrointestinal bug into something that would create cardiomyopathy in rabbits. In other words, Barrack made SARS patented it on April 19, 2002 before there was ever any alleged outbreak in Asia, which didn't occur until several months later. Patent number 7279327 clearly lays out the very specific gene sequencing and how the ACE2 receptor was the binding domain for the S1 spike protein. Note that the patent calls it replication defective, which means non-transmissible. Yet you understood that correctly, yes, you understood that correctly, all the lockdowns, the masking, the six feet apart, the plexiglass, the no-contact deliveries, to say nothing of the mandated death shot itself. All of these mandates were invented and tyrannically enforced over a GMO that was non-transmissible by design in the very language of its patent. Dr. David Martin continues saying in 1999, going into 2002, the world knew that the thing that had been modified was actually modified so that it would inflame the cardiovascular system. And I don't know how to explain this in a way that anybody can quite wrap their head around it. But when Pfizer and Moderna and AstraZeneca and Johnson and Johnson all said, "Oh my gosh, we're surprised by the heart disease, we're surprised by the sudden cardiac death, we're surprised by the inflammation of the cell linings of the vascular system, we're surprised by the clot formations." Even though in 1999, going into 2002, the world knew that the thing that had been modified was actually modified so that it would inflame the cardiovascular system. But as single one of those statements was true, no one was surprised. This was published data between 1999 and 2002. So we need to be extremely clear on this. This nonsense that somehow or another, Pfizer was the victim of an unintended consequence is absolute BS. They knew it was going to hit the human heart. They knew it was going to hit the vascular system. They knew there were going to be clots, and all of this was published in 2002. Black and white folks. There never was a chat of virus, SARS-CoV-2, was developed by Peter Dazzak, D-A-S-Z-A-K, of Eagle Health Alliance and Anthony Fauci, who were the architects of the pandemic and of the plan to profit on the forced vaccination of everybody on the planet, which goes back to at least 2016 in a document titled Developing Medical Countermeasures MCMs for Coronavirus. That was in 2016, which is part of the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Dr. David Martin says nobody in Congress, nobody in the Senate, and particularly Rand Paul is going to actually call out the fact that the Wuhan investigation is a cover story to make sure that no one knows that the United States is funding the programs in the United States. Dr. David Martin says nobody wants to admit that the United States government is actually funding these programs and laundering these programs through universities in very important electoral locations around the world. People tell me about election integrity and election reform. Let's get really clear. Why is it that Texas? Why is it that North Carolina? Why is it that Virginia? Why is it that all of these states, Tennessee, Kentucky? Why is it that for some mysterious reason, none of the senators and none of the congressmen from these places have the audacity to actually go, "Hey, hey, hey, hold on a moment." I think our university is actually running a biological weapons program. Dave says our universities are crawling with black budget programs, where NIAID has a disclosed amount of money and right next to it is a DARPA grant that matches it. Dave enters into the virus debate with the following statement, let's be abundantly clear. The coronavirus that has been branded to be part of the COVID-19 does not exist. What does exist is a pathogen modeled off of properties of what was once upon a time isolated as coronavirus, but properties of it that increased its pathogenicity, increased its toxicity. But are you ready for this? It's increased its transmissibility. Except for the final point, that the 2002 patent stipulated that it was non-transmissible. Personally, I'm still un-elucidated about what is his stance on the existence or non-existence of viruses. To fool the body into not rejecting the contents of the death shot, the Vax contained pseudo-gridding, which in 2018 was published to be a pro-cancer agent, meaning that it actually shuts down the body's natural response to how we actually recognize tumors and suppress tumors. This is the likely cause of the post-Vax turbo cancers that we're seeing. The CDC administratively changed the definition of vaccine, but David says, "Here's a tiny little problem. They don't have the authority to administratively change it. The law dictates what a vaccination is and nothing that was done during the entire pandemic constituted vaccination by the legal definition." Let's unpack that for a second. Because here's what happened, based on a set of code that Ralph Barrack sent to the Vaccine Research Center in November of 2019, and you heard me say that date correctly, November 2019, that's allegedly before patient 1.0 in Wuhan. Ralph Barrack sent a sequence to the Vaccine Research Center, and it was not for the coronavirus, and it was not for the coronavirus vaccine. It was for the mRNA that was used to instruct the human body to make a scheduled pathogen. Let me say that again, to make a scheduled pathogen. What we did was, they said, what we're going to do. We're going to inject into the arms of billions of people the instructions to turn each individual into a bio-weapons factory, and you could say, "Well, that's hyperbole." Don't call it a bio-weapons factory. Except here's a tiny little problem. Under 18 U.S. code, that's exactly what it is. If you instruct a person to make a scheduled toxin, you in fact are a biological weapons manufacturer. And every single person that took the shot, let's be really clear. Every single person that took the shot became the manufacturer of a synthetic spike protein associated with the coronavirus model. We changed the definition of vaccination, no kidding. And we changed the definition of an adverse event following vaccination in 2018 and 2019, so that legally, there was no adverse event. If you got the shot and fell over dead, that was not an adverse event. Isn't that interesting? Death is not an adverse event. In short, the vaccine did not trigger an immune response. It was a mechanism to instruct the body to manufacture a known toxin pathogen. By the definition established in the 1986 act in 26 U.S. Code Section 413282, a vaccine means a substance designed to be administered to a human being for the prevention of one or more diseases. Needless to say, the COVID-19 vaccine did not do this. Finally earlier this month, the Ninth Circuit issued a ruling that recognized this. And they issued the majority opinion that said that Jacobs in the Supreme Court ruling that a public health system has been using to defend vaccinations does not apply. As Dave says, the Ninth Circuit came out and said, "Hold on a minute, everybody's been calling this thing of vaccination. Everybody's been calling this a public health emergency. Everybody's been calling this a public health intervention to make sure that we don't transmit disease because we know that we were supposed to get the shot so that we didn't get grammar sick, that we were supposed to get the shot so that we didn't get healthcare workers sick, and we didn't get restaurateurs sick, and we didn't get the public sick." Well, here's the tiny little problem. The shot was never going to do that. They knew it. Pfizer knew it. Moderna knew it. Everybody knew it. COVID-19 was the culmination of decades of manipulation and legislation to get us to that point that began in earnest in 2001. After the anthrax scare of September 28 of 2001, which, as Dave explains, was when all of us actually found out that the United States government attacked itself, right? Anthrax came out of a U.S. lab and then went into the mail and then went into circulation. And what happened with that is we began the investigations for that, ultimately getting the world to realize that the reason why the anthrax attack happened and the reason why the SARS event happened in 2003 was so that we would get to the prep act. And a lot of people don't understand this linkage, but let's make it abundantly clear. The reason why we needed the prep act is because the manufacturers of vaccines in 1986 got that childhood vaccines covered under their immunity shield, which is what they appointed Fauci to his role to get as an outcome. But the problem is, as the term vaccination changed, as we decided to inject people with all kinds of other things, which began in earnest in the early 1990s, what we needed to do was we needed to extend that liability protection so that it would cover adult injections, specifically in the wake of the Gulf War. Gulf War I, we had to actually figure out how to get that liability protection associated with adult injections. And as a country, we sat back and did nothing. And I'm sitting there, banging on pots and pans, trying to get people to pay attention that there are real weapons coming. In fact, we have the Gulf War syndrome that to this day, the Veterans Administration is allowing veterans to suffer and die with indifference because we're unwilling to actually acknowledge what were the multi-valent injections that went into people during Gulf Wars I and II during the alleged desert storm at Iraqi Freedom Operations. Consider also the generations of brain damaged and autistic trans children, particularly in America, who are victims of this aggressive childhood vaccine schedule. I consider this decades-long lead-up campaign to this current war against America and the West by its own public servants. They were softening up our youth so they could fight back, so they couldn't fight back. This is a similar tactic to the death shot deployed against all of humanity with its known biological warfare-enabling technology of the synthetic coronavirus. David names the master planners of the pandemic. The master plan was done by none other than the Welcome Trust, NIAID, Anthony Fauci, and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, specifically Dr. Chris Elias, Dr. Gao from the CDC of the People's Republic of China, and a whole host of others who sit on what's called the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board. Their plan, according to Dave, was to advance the commercial and social interests of psychopaths that wanted to kill human beings for the sake of their agenda. They decided to unleash a lethal respiratory pathogen on the population so the population would be bamboozled into taking an mRNA shot which would permanently, permanently alter their human condition. The two agreed that Rand Paul in the COVID Committee need to be called out for allowing Anthony Fauci to lie to Congress. As Dave said, 18 U.S. Code Section 1001 lying to Congress. You know, that's a terrible thing. That's not a "hey, you shouldn't do that." That's a law. You agree that Rand Paul is a smart guy who knows exactly what's going on and he's not standing up for the people so he's a traitor. As far as they're concerned, and he should face charges, right along with Fauci. Dave says, "And it's equally false. Let's get really precise on this. It's equally false for a congressman or a senator to continue to perpetrate a lie in Congress without the Wuhan virus and the leak, and was it a lab leak, and was it this or that? It's equally problematic for an elected official to lie in Congress as it is for a Supreme Court Justice like Sotomayor who lied about the pathology associated with coronavirus, which allegedly justified why we should have compulsory vaccinations for health care providers. But it's equally problematic for Fauci to lie and say he didn't do gain a function moratorium." Dave continues, and in 2018, 2019, a very bizarre thing happened. United States government reclaimed the patent from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and the Department of Health and Human Services at the National Institutes of Health took that UNC Chapel Hill patent on infectious replication, defective coronavirus, and reclaimed title and interest to it. And four months later, in April of 2019, Moderna amended four patent applications in which they made the following statement. After an accidental or intentional release of a respiratory pathogen, you know the word that bothers me in that sentence release. Does that sound like leak? Does that sound like accident? No, it says release. This was not about an oops, a bat got away, or oops, a wet market thing happened. This was Moderna amending four patent filings in April of 2019. Then in September 18th of 2019, we have the addition of the lethal respiratory pathogen that's going to be accidentally or intentionally released. That September 18th, one day later, September 19th, 2019, President Trump is handed an executive order, which unfortunately was him signing an executive order, which is the coup d'etat that overthrew him. And I wish I didn't have to say that, but it happens to be true, because what he did when he signed the executive order on September 19th, 2019, is he actually put in motion the events that would lead to the cascade of the pandemic, and it was the pandemic that was used as the cover operation to overthrow the democracy of the United States. While there he might be wrong, the democracy of the United States was actually overthrown in the 1860s. So he's a little late to the table. There is no question that this had nothing to do with public health. This had everything to do with Anthony Fauci announcing that he was going to be going to do a coup. He actually executed the coup, and here's our problem collectively. We're waiting for a despot in Colombia or in Panama to show up with fatigues and actually have a violent interaction. We wouldn't recognize a coup in the 21st century if it happened right in front of our face. The good news according to Dave is that conversations like this are happening, which are preempting the globalist plans before they can be enabled, such as the vaunted bird flu. We were told that the guy in Mexico had H5N2, which had never been seen before in humans, except that Dave has the 2016 patent for H5N2, in which human emergence was not only seen, but it was part of a patent. And worse than that, it was sold to the people who got the patent from BEI resources. Dave explains that the Rockefeller Foundation set up BEI resources in the early 1900s, which he calls the Walmart of biological weapons, zoned by an AID, the H5N2 patent actually makes references to the fact that H5N2 was purchased from BEI resources. In short, the bird flu is a proven hoax, but this is not stopping authorities throughout the five eyes countries from continuing with their Holodomar project to collapse the food supply by destroying chicken farms, egg farms, and cattle ranches due to bird flu. Dave predicts that over the next few years, the incapacitation of about a third of the world's population from the COVID shot is certain. That means that people are going to be sick, they're going to die, or they're going to be caregivers for people who are sick and dying. What that means is that an enormous amount of the world is going to be distracted over the next three to five years with cancers, with heart disease, with strokes, and disabilities, all because of the injection, all known to have been consequences of the injection when it was first built. We know that's going to happen, that's going to take a lot of people out. Then they wander into the Donald Trump territory and what he knew and didn't know, and the reasons for his maddeningly genocidal establishment stance on the VACs. Dave says, "So I'm going to say the following, Donald Trump signed on September 19th, 2019 in executive order that he did not know what he was signing. I absolutely know that to be the case, and I know that he had no idea what a DNA-based vaccine platform was, so I know, I know that President Trump did not know what was the substance of that order, and he didn't know the motivation. He didn't know that at the time that that was put in front of him by the Department of Health and Human Services. He didn't know that Alex Azar was under criminal investigation for anti-trust violations in Mexico for price-fixing diabetes medications for the poor people in Mexico. Trump didn't know that at the time, but I can also tell you is that Trump did know that Dr. Zev Zelenko and others who actually had treatments, treatments that he wound up using for his own benefit. Alex Jones says, "That's why I say he's good. He believes he was just promote everything." Dr. David Martin says absolutely, and what he was doing was saying, "Hey, it's a national crisis. Let's respond. Let's do the right thing." Alex Jones says, "He believed in the medical system." Dr. David Martin, "No question, and he did the right thing, but here's the problem. What happened was several of the largest donors that actually had a personal interest in Moderna's stock happened to also be large donors to the Trump campaign." Alex Jones says, "That's right." Dr. David Martin, and I hate to say it, he's old-fashioned, 30 pieces of silver. Alex Jones, "No, it's true. His strength is his weakness. They can't bully him. He won't bow to them, and he won't bow to me. He won't admit he's wrong." Dr. David Martin, "No, and listen, that's the paradox, and I agree. And what I would say is this. President Trump could easily say that he was conned, that he did not. And the article goes on and on and on and on, and we've been running for about 27 minutes so far. Let's your take away on this, Edward. You're going to have to unmute yourself if you're going to speak up. I caught him getting coffee. I caught him getting a cup of coffee, or I put him to sleep. What do you think? Did I put him to sleep? I think I put him to sleep. All right. I apologize, I forgot my mic was muted, and I was looking at the document along with you. Okay, so that's a long day. That's a long interview. It's like an hour and 45 minutes. Oh, it goes on and on. It's quite extensive and quite revealing, quite telling. Yes. We'll make it available to people in the newsletter anyway. Right. In the newsletter and that'll work out really well, it's quite telling. My take on it is that we have a lot to do. People have been affected by their callous disregard for human life. That's putting it mildly. Callous disregard is putting it mildly. That's what I was going to say. That's a good adjunct to what I was saying. I was going to choose words and their deliberate genocidal policies that have led to this point. It was all set up for decades and decades. People are so unaware of the real truth of everything and how far it goes back and how it all leads up to all this. They have, they basically just totally unaware. They don't know anything about it. Right. Well, there's actually another story that we wanted to touch on and that is particularly poignant because they talk about the fluorescence that are actually in the MRNA vaccines and or shots. Let's not call them vaccines, let's not call them what they aren't. It's fluorescence and I believe that that was reported as being called luciferase. It kind of glowed under UV light and that is now turning up in the unvaxed due to shedding. We want to talk about that for a bit. That's exactly even what Dr. David Martin was saying that the people that are being shed on are getting all these other diseases so that just because they didn't take the shots before we talk about, before we go into this, I'd like to state that there was two ladies that got out of a van right shortly after another lady took a shot that was in the van, right? And both of them started having menstrual cramps and they never took any shots. Menstrual bleeding, excuse me. Right. And another example to go with that one perfectly is another lady who owned her own chiropractic business, okay. I guess did too many of the people that took the shots and she had to shut down her business for a year because of the blood clots and she never took the shots. She got it from shedding and it goes on and on and on. I remember, I remember my associate partner Michael telling me that his girls went back to school with other children that took the shots and his girls and their girlfriends and they were like 16, 17 teenagers or something were having menstrual cycle changes. Mm hmm. Well, yeah, of course, never took the shots. Yeah, there's a there's a special place in hell for these people that are behind this. But there's also a special place in the court of law because what they did, even though they would think that they have administrative immunity, the Chevron decision, the Chevron decision by the Supreme Court is going to wipe out a lot of administrative procedure in law. And what they actually did was they did a crime against humanity. And there is no administrative procedures act that is going to cover their bacon for that. None. Not when people like David Martin and so many others that are literally dead set against letting them destroy humanity, which is basically just about what they got on their mind. And if you really, really look at all the evidence, yeah, you know, the only put it on on no in Georgia, Georgia, God stones, they even put it on there. Yeah. They want to whittle us down to 500,000. So they're probably going to launch nuclear war. It might even come before elections, just 500 million. And they up that to realistic, realistic expectations of one billion. But that's still one seventh or one eighth of the population. And I'm probably going to burn a hell for saying this. But the only unfortunate thing about bringing these guys to justice is when they meet their justice, it's going to probably be a whole lot more humane and a whole lot quicker than the people that suffered by their own body attacking them and dying slowly and in pain with cancer or blood clots, heart problems, dementia, cognitive function decline, tremors. These guys that did this when they're ultimately tried and convicted, hopefully convicted, when they're dispatched, because that's what this qualifies for. This is treason. This is a crime against humanity is swinging at the end of a hemp textile and that's just the way it is. When these guys are dispatched, it's going to be in a lot more humane fashion than any of the people that died at their hand. And that's unfortunate, but there's so many guilty parties, that's the thing. There's so many guilty people. And the news media knew they were lying. The news, the news media, they were just following orders. I mean, they know who said, they know who signed their paychecks and they just they reported what the AP newswire told them to report. It's just the way it is. They know that Pfizer is the one that is paying for all the news and Google. They're each owned by a different one, Merkel is another one, whichever news station they're owned by different pharmaceutical companies. And they're the only ones in the world that are allowed to advertise pharmaceuticals. Pharmaceuticals, the root word of pharmaceutical is "pharmacia" and it comes from the Greek. It always has, does, and will mean "saucerere" and that's what people do. I thought people in this country were, you know, religious. Maybe they had a religion and sorcery, I don't know if it's part of their religion. So if they keep taking them pharmaceuticals, then they're bringing sorcery into their life. Think about it. I'd like everybody else's opinion on this. Yeah. I don't know if we have any comments yet. Do we have anybody that wants to work on this? Yeah, see if anybody has a question. I forgot I had somebody get on here. Terrible, yeah. So it's terrible. Yeah, it's terrible and that's an understatement. It is what it is, we got to deal with it. Okay. Let's take about five minutes and let's cover very quickly. We got to win for us. We got to win, we're playing the game, we're going to win for us and do the very best. Okay, all right, let's cover the glowing for about a few minutes. Just a couple of paragraphs is really easy. And then we'll talk about congestive heart failure and things like that. How to manage fluid retention? How to manage fluid retention in the body. Melissa Mcati, she's the Pfizer whistleblower, you remember her? Is reporting that C-19 shots are glowing with a fluorescent nanotechnology. And there's a forbidden knowledge article of that name. Melissa Mcati correlates her findings of fluorescence in the COBRA-19 shots, the corona-19, C-19 shots during the manufacturing process and research of the glowing filaments and messages that create a glow in the faces of the C-19 injected and now are seen via shedding in the C-19 uninjected. Melissa shares never released Pfizer internal documents. Melissa, also known as Melissa Strickler, was a former manufacturing quality auditor for Pfizer. On October 6, 2021, Project Veritas highlighted Melissa Mcati, a former Pfizer employee who leaked company emails that alleged the use of cell lines derived from human fetal tissues in mRNA vaccine lab testing. From human fetal tissues in mRNA vaccine lab testing. Well, yeah, that's no surprise, dude, because they've been putting HEK-293 that's human, embryonic kidney cell line, number 293, they use that as a natural flavoring in food. If you look at the ingredient list and it says natural flavors. What are they trying to hide just by saying it's a natural flavor? If it's a lemon extract, or like a vanilla extract, it's going to say it's a natural flavor. If it's a sugar or a carbohydrate, it's going to say that. What natural flavor? You need a Freedom of Information Act filing at the manufacturer to find out what's under the natural flavor, and there's even what is it called? That's under natural flavor, right? Well it is now. It never was before, right? And that's what people don't know. And that's a neurotoxin. That's correct. The neurotoxins are in so much food. They're affecting everybody and especially children that have cognitive dysfunction or with damage by vaccines. The worst things they can do is take in neurotoxins, right, Paul? All right, because their brains are developing, hello, fluoride is a neurotoxin. So is MSG. My ma, my ma discovered accent flavor enhancer, okay? She discovered it and she went nuts with the stuff, probably bought a jar of it every month when I was a kid. And then people in the house started getting three-day migraines every time she'd cook, and because she cooked every night, that pretty much meant that everybody said was on fire from Sunday to Saturday, okay? Wow. Yeah, my dad had a severe sensitivity to it. To the day he died, he couldn't eat Chinese food because if it had any MSG in it, he would have a headache for three days. A headache that absolutely nothing faced, nothing touched it. No painkiller, no nothing would touch that. And I started to get him myself. One of the largest abuses of MSG since it creates an addiction to the food and makes you like hunger for that food, they put it in there to make you come back and get it again and again. When you think about it, you want it, okay, is McDonald's and Kentucky Fried Chicken, some of the biggest, that's why when you drive by McDonald's, if you've eaten them a bunch of times in your life where you kind of like, oh, I'd like to get one of those little cheeseburgers to do something, you know? I don't need any of that food. I once took a cheeseburger out of my pocket in a blue wrapper, right? In my suit. Only it was sitting in my closet for a year, probably, when I pulled it out and opened up the blue wrapper, it was like, what is this, a fake hamburger? It was no mold, no nothing. It was like genuinely a fake hamburger. Yeah, well, I mean, it's mostly plastic. Take the reins for a minute, I have to step away. And also, when I took a piece of sliced like American cheese, I saw it in a video one time, so I took it out to the tornado shelter and it was concrete, flat, nice and smooth, on the top. Only it's 100 degrees out every day. And I just took a whole slice out and put it on the top. Six months a year goes by. The thing became like just a bubble on the cement and it became cement. It was quite amazing actually, it was just permanent. So when I saw it in the video, I just had to try it myself. What we're dealing with though, is that all the food companies are allowed to poison us. They're allowed to put in garbage. That's why Call Vom is 95 years old out dancing. And he's busy in the evening now, otherwise I'd have him on the line. In perfect health, he told me all his friends at Daddy used to talk about vitamins 50 years ago. They're all dead now. He said he never eats anything out of a can of a bottle or a package for 50 years, more than 50 years now it's getting on. And he's just enjoying life. He wants to jump out of the airplane next in August for his 95th birthday. Well, so much for his cognitive function, who would want to jump out of a perfectly good airplane. Yeah, I know, but I talked to his best friend. I spoke to him when he ordered for his knee, the Mormido products. So I talked to him and he said to me, he really looks up to call. And then he said to me, he's jumped out of that airplane 73 times his parachute. It's like he never did the man that was talking to me, he never did it. But he knew that if Carl said, put this on your knee, it's going to work for you. It would work. He knew automatically, just I want to order it. So when I told Carl what he said that the man really honored him and looked up to him and that he jumped out 73 times out of the airplane, he says, no 78 times and I'm going to make it seven nine now about a week before my birthday. The dude's an animal, the dude's a beast, he's the nicest guy. You and me were going to get on the phone with him and talk to maybe record him and he'll tell you what he's going to do. He's very nice, a pleasure, it's a good deal. Let's take a look at congestive heart failure. The accumulation of water and biological fluid around the heart and it makes it difficult for the heart to pump. It's not really understood exactly what causes it. It's usually treated with water pills and just general dehydrating pharmaceuticals which have problems in and of themselves. What would your guess for a best bet to address that? Well today I recommended to, I guess his name is Aishwood, I forgot his album, okay. I recommended to him for his mother that he go to the store and get cucumbers and celery organic and juice them and start giving her those drinks and then I talked to Pastor Stewart and I asked him what he would add to what I suggested. Of course I suggested to take the mago zone and he said to add the parsley, get no salt whatsoever, not right now. When you do have salt we have to make sure to utilize the right salts. Let's do things correctly. Oddly enough you're going to like this one, but okay, dandelion and cinnamon he suggested, but when he started talking about moringa that we spoke about last week, and he said it's especially good for that, for when you have edema, we're talking about edema now, not necessarily just. Yeah, but both edema and congestive heart failure are fluid retention issues. And they have to do with the interstitial fluids and the lymphatic system. That system is functioning properly. I'm thinking what comes to mind a hunch I have, which is usually my intuition is usually correct, what do you think? How about we've raised their body temperature in the bath with some sweat, some beanie and socks sitting by and they get out, towel drive, put that on, raise their body temperature all the way up, 100 and 304, even 105, they can do that in a 20 minute bath if they do it our way instead of just, you know, any old way, you know what I mean? What if we raise their body temperature all the way up and they start literally instead of coming out their kidneys, it comes out their second kidney, you know, the largest organ in their body, their epidermis, their skin. That's considered the second kidney. That's how you sweat out, oh yeah, urine, same thing, if you taste your urine, it's exact same taste as sweat when it gets in your mouth. Right, what would you think of an Epsom salt bath? I would say, I would rather do it with the clay, but it's okay. I want to pull out toxins at the same time. You think the Epsom salts, and I want to heat up the body real high, I want it to sweat a lot. You know, when you roll up in the sweat to the be me in the socks after you do the bath with the clay, what happens is it just continues to pour out of your pores and everything becomes soaking wet, I've fallen asleep for an hour, an hour and a half, laying down like that because you usually knock out from raising the body temperature up that hot when I do it. And you can easily fall asleep, which is fine. And then you get up and you peel everything off, it's going to go in the wash machine. Even the blanket will be wet, it'll have gotten right through the sweats to everything. And rinse off, and the next day you feel amazing. And you can do it more than once a week, you can do it every other day, you can just do it a few times to change your life period. It has an amazing effect on the body when you start opening up. You know what it does, heating them up that hot in the cells, it forces them open to discharge their toxins and where does it come out right away through the skin. I think it's in the fat and the soreness. It forces lymphatic function and lymphatic flow, just because it heats up the fluid, it makes it thinner and gets it to move around. And the lymphatic fluid is responsible for delivering nutrients to the cells and carrying toxins away from them. So there's a stoppage somewhere, I would think. And the lymph fluids are four times as much as the blood, right? It's very good that's very good, yes, it would tend to thin it out the heat. I think it gets everything going. Dr. Kohli, in the late 1800s, he discovered that many of his patients that got streptrope also had cancer but no longer had it from wheezing, getting high fevers from the strept throat back then, right, right, it couldn't help but notice it and realize that the cancer can't handle that kind of heat, right. In them hot bass and raise your body temperature, get a pool thermometer from, but do this with the bentonite clay, do it properly, get a pool thermometer for $2.99, wow, it floats, it's white. I think they might have had it in another color but my gut one was white, has a little string you tie on the force and then you want to put two to four cups of the bentonite underneath the faucet when you put it in, but before you start, you want to turn the drain that's on the side wall upside down, unscrew the little screw in the mill and turn it upside down and screw it back in and tape the top. Moonie said he's cemented, he said he didn't listen to me, he wanted to save his life and he did, anyway and you want to heat up the bathroom, you don't want it cold in the bathroom or cool, you don't want the water cooling down over 20 minutes, you want it to maintain its level, so what you do is you put a heater in the bathroom, close the door before you even rush up and keep it hot in that bathroom and we'll get through what you want. Okay what about coming down sick by the way, anytime you feel like you're coming down sick, something nasty cold, a streptro cold, this stat, you do the same thing, you want to knock it out by raising your body temperature, works wonders and a few other things, the maggos only helps, a lot of stoves is invited. What if you don't have a bathtub or a small bathtub? You know what, yeah, I'm going to make the steam saunas available to people, I'll tell you what, I'll get a load of them, I'll make them available, I've already made some available, so, well there's the infrared saunas, the infrared saunas might be doable, but imagine these are infrared saunas, you put your pombo zone into them, okay, well yeah you're talking about like the steam saunas, yeah yeah, steam saunas, okay, so imagine if you will, concept of the space blanket, reflects heat back to the body, couldn't somebody roll up in that and just sleep between two space blankets and just sweat their butt off all night long? Let's look into it and see what it does, I don't necessarily want them to sweat all night long, but I would like the temperature of the body to go over a certain temperature, in only 20 minutes, in like a quick 20 minutes, I wanted to go up to a certain temperature of the body, well anything over 101 degrees is going to kill cancer, oh well I'm not completely, but no I want it up higher so it's open, that and large doses of magnesium ozone will open up, force the cell open to discharge some of their toxins and get reoxysated, it works like a charm when you do the best the right way, it literally opens up trillions of cells to discharge toxins, and that's what we need, everybody needs to learn that, it works, they feel amazing afterwards, so if they can't, we'll have to provide the other way and make it happen, or I'll put it together and make it happen, make it happen, okay, okay, do you hear me, yeah Scotty, go ahead, I could add an idea to that, if you want to do a quick hot thing, most houses have an attic that has a black roof right above it, just a small little space hard to stand up and some of them, same thing with a garage, you know black roof and the top and the heat collects there, and there's a platform, so that would be a place to assemble if you don't have a tub or you want to do the thing, that in some of the time when it's hot, it's really high temperature up there, so you have to provide access with a ladder or whatever you have, you know some have stairs, and you could lay down something there to catch the sweat and whatever, and that could be a place that would be like a sauna in the daytime, if someone is so inclined to not have the ability to do what you're saying, I yield, yeah, hopefully it's not a- I think I guess, hopefully it's not a super dusty environment, and people, people, when you go walking, when you go walking, the purpose of the walking should be to sweat, I know it sounds ridiculous, but if you start out walking even before you need to breathe deeper, you know how you, when you exercise a lot, sometimes you need to take deeper breaths when you're going, you know, more, well if you start out breathing deeper consciously, taking deeper breaths before you ever need them, what happens is you open up the sweat cleanse, almost like a sneeze, you can feel the chills go right through you, and you can feel it in the top layer of your skin as well, well anyway, when you breathe deep, breathing is an important part of this life, so you don't want to just brush it under the carpet, but when you breathe deep, when you go out power walking there's something before, right from the beginning, take deeper breaths, as soon as you take a few punchy steps, you, it's amazing how much faster and how much more you end up, you want to sweat, I'm telling you, sweating is an important part of this life and this world, you want, sweating is very important, well, what about the Moringa, what was the Moringa, wasn't all the Indians, the ones that did the sweat lodges? My associate does, they heat up to 300 degrees and if people need to, yeah, as a matter of fact, it is, they do ceremony all the time, he says nobody even has any clue what they're doing till you do it right, oh my goodness, 300 degrees, 300 degrees is unreasonable, because the blood will boil up to 212, I know, but talk to him about it and you better understand something that is unbelievable, okay, the way it's done, I don't know, but it's very incredible and it's been done like this from way back, way back, you know, it's all about it, when he mentioned 300 degrees, I was just saying, excuse me, but he explained it piece by piece, you know, you know, it might be mistaken on something, yeah, yeah, 300 degrees would burn it, 300 degrees would scald skin and burn it, because boiling water does that, it is a second degree burn from boiling water, there ain't no 300 degree sweat lodge and if there is, I ain't going to be anywhere near it, because 300 degrees sweat lodge, I think 300 degrees sweat lodge by any other name would be an oven, I think you must bake in there once we had a degree, so I must be mistaken, I do my, I would do a chicken at 300 degrees for 45 minutes, right? Anyway, the point being that yes, the heating up of the body or hyperthermia, instead of hyperthermia is an absolutely amazing tool to fix all types of dysfunctional health. Okay, the temperature of a sweat lodge can vary depending on the ceremony leader's preference, but it can sometimes reach temperatures of over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, some say that the heat can reach temperatures as high as 130, which can make it difficult to breathe. Maybe that's what you're doing, 130. It goes without saying that sweat lodges get hot, really hot, most lodges stay at over 100 degrees Fahrenheit throughout the ceremony, sweat lodges are different from your sauna at the gym in two important ways. First saunas are all about the heat while sweat lodges are intensely spiritually focused. Okay. So the moringa for the ademia, when you're retaining too much water, you talked all about the moringa last week, and as his steward told me earlier today, he said that the moringa's excellent for that. Amazing all the uses I was telling him what we did last week and how you went over all the value of moringa, and he agreed. Yep. I think a vegetable smoothie, green vegetable smoothie with a little moringa leaf powder in it, maybe a teaspoon of moringa leaf powder. They say a tablespoon, but a tablespoon is, it's a taste that you really have difficulty getting your arms around, so you got to start small, you got to start slow, so you like start with a level teaspoon and a small smoothie or a rounded teaspoon in like a 12 to a 16 ounce smoothie. And then work your way up, but don't do more than a round table spoon day. You could do smaller amounts twice a day, you know, like have a smoothie before breakfast and a smoothie before dinner, and just get your body working on what it's going to deal with, because that moringa's going to make you hungry. It will. I'll put a level teaspoon of moringa in a cup of coffee and I'll just let it steep in the coffee. You're going to bring it down and I am hungry as a bear like a half hour later. It's absolutely insane. I thought cannabis did that, but okay, the moringa is a many, many values that I didn't realize that it also was good for a demon on top of what we talked about last week. I think moringa is also dense in chlorophyll. And chlorophyll is a blood builder. Sturalina is so is the Corella. These are very dense in chlorophyll, extremely nice. Right, but, but moringa takes the cake. It's the, it's top of the mountain. It's hundreds of thousands of, oh, it's in the antioxidant scale, where spirulina is only like 24,000, 24 or 26. Moringa is kick ass, get some seeds, grow it. You can buy them at Amazon, you can buy a package of 1,000 of them for 20 bucks. And you better do it quick, because now that, now that it's been advertised on the radio, I'm going to be people going to get it. And the brand is. So I have people, I have a lot of people that, that I meet all the time on the phones and I mean to do some people and that like some have, he tells me his wife has parasites. And then it turns out, well, you're going to get them too. If you have a wife and you sleep with them, then you got them too. You're not going to get them. You've got to have them. Well, the wife got them from somewhere. It's not that you're not eating the same foods, you're not, it's not that you're not drinking the same liquids, you're, you're drinking the same water, you have the same tap water in the house, all that, you're bathing in the same tub. The same, you have the same pets and animals. Right. So, yeah, if, if one has parasites, so does the other. Don't be silly. Don't think you're going to escape. It would be amazing if one of them, one person has infestation of parasites and the other one doesn't have anything wrong. That would be unusual, right? Yes, it would. That would be a, that would go into the category of FM, friggin' magic. Oh, we're at about an hour and ten minutes in the recording, not exactly sure how long the stream has been running because I can't see that screen at the moment. What else do we want to talk about or do we want to open it up for questions and see if we can start to head out here sometime tonight? If there is any questions, that would, if anybody needs any help or has any help questions or emergencies or anything, that I can see if I can help them with. That would be fun, or just anything comments that are of value. Oh, you have to put it in, you star six it? Yep, star six, star six will unmute your line. And Michael, I made a note of your phone number and I will put you in touch with the source for the daytime hemp paste. Very good. All right, a little bit of Scotty New York again. As far as parasites, if one has them the other, yeah, I agree, but not specifically some, some people aren't affected by mosquitoes or bed bugs or some, they just don't taste good aside, like, for instance, with scabies, you drink, you eat type trifalia a little bit like an eighth of a tablespoon, teaspoon, and it makes you taste bad. And those creatures need to eat within like 70 hours or something like that. And they can't eat because you'd have something. So some people aren't affected by some insect, sex or parasites, because even our animals have parasites and we get them, but not everybody. Some people just aren't affected. They have a toxicity to them of some kind of something where that creatures don't attack their them. Just see him. Okay, let me, let me interject. The CDC just released documents saying that the average American has over a two pound infestation in their bowels or in that rotten putrification and that they're laying, there is over 300 species and they're laying trillions of eggs every day. We're always having parasites going in a bite. Do we have them infested in us and traveling to our body or are we keeping our digestive tract clean and keeping our body in an alkaline state, highly oxygenated, where these things are not going to cause us problems. Because what they're going to do is polymerize particulates in your body, in this case, heavy metals to build a shield around themselves. When you polymerize your car, when you wax it, you're hardening to finish, they're going to polymerize particulates, heavy metal particulates, and they're going to call it cancer when it gets big enough to see. You've got to understand parasites are very tiny when they start out. They just get bigger and bigger and they want to eat more and more of your nutrition, your everything, your everything that you are feeding them. You've got to learn to keep our bodies clean and clean them out on a regular basis and understand the root cause of most all disease is parasites, mold, mildew, candida, fungus. They nickname all this parasitic living infestations cancer. They're going to teach doctors about any of that and talk about any of that. Go talk to doctors about parasite infestations in the valves. Ask them if you ever studied any of it. I don't know why people go to doctors thinking they know things. Wish them luck unless you need, you get trauma, they'll sell you back together. They got some of the best, you know, what kind of, what kind of medical is that called? Trauma, trauma medicine, that's it. They have some of the best trauma care in the world right here. But as far as getting on their sites, we're not, this program is not intended to treat a diagnosed prevent or cure any disease and should not be considered medical advice. And listeners are urged to consult their own health professional before acting on any information presented here. However, there are, there are experts in every field of endeavor and the herbalists and the naturopaths, they are experts with supporting the body's own immune function, supporting what God created the body to do. A trauma medicine, if you're bleeding profusely, go to the ER, you know, I mean, because those guys, they have the sutures and, and they have the bandages and they'll clean out the wound and, and maybe give you something for the pain. It depends on how much food sometimes just pack it with a bentonite plate powder. If any blood comes through, which if it's serious, it might come, come right through, put a little more powder on if it comes through that put a little more powder on till tiny bit more, just till it stops the bleeding and put the wet clay on a big baseball size, say if it's on the palm of your hand that's ripped open, like my where my, my, my artist that painted my trucks, he came in my warehouse. It was an inch and a half ice foam, bleeding profusely spurting blood. I had just gotten the clay and realized, oh my gosh, I flew down those stairs, they have to go up with that wet and dry clay, I put a baseball size wide of wet clay on top of the powder. Once I got out of this slugs, stopped the bleeding coming through and wrapped it in an ace bandage. I didn't even use cellophane back in those days, Paul was before I ever met you. And I told him, I looked up at this big glute and I said, don't you take this sort of tomorrow. And he came in to work the next morning, he couldn't paint any signs. He wouldn't tell me how it happened when I first asked him that at all. And we, we unbanned it, it was flat as a board, it had been swollen an inch and a half. I had no bleeding. The skin was white, white, like it had been soaking in water for a week. And you could scrape it off all with your fingers as I said, you know what, just let it dry out, let it air out, don't do anything with it. It paid him to feather dust that day instead of doing what he normally should have done. And that evening I said, you know what, do it again and I did it for four days over and over again and let it air out and by the fourth day it was no sign it even existed. Three months later, I dropped him off at his house, he says, come inside and he opens up his Troy in the kitchen and he pulls out this little tiny white derringer and he said he was, he had his hand on the muzzle and that's how he ripped his whole palm of his hand open and believe me, his hands were twice as big as mine. I just don't get in shock when I saw it spurting blood and it was ripped open like that. I said, I'll be damned. Yeah. Oh my God. How did you do that? He wouldn't tell me. Well, of course he wouldn't because he was a victim of a domestic accident. One more thing. The best part, there was no sign that ever existed, there was no scar, no scar ever came to be. When I used the clay like that, there's never a scab or nothing and it works on the most serious wounds because at the same time my son took that pit bull that was dragged under the car, three blocks and the next day after packing it in clay takes into the vet and that says, no way this just happened yesterday, 36 hours ago, whatever. And my son said, yeah, wait, what the whole clinic across the country, they had a bunch of clinics, had a utilize of clay animals because he said, there's no way the skin's grown back and look, the dog's up wagging its tail. Yeah. What the clay does, it changes everything and call home through it, he was amazed at what we did. We have so many good stories to do about that. What the moist clay also does is the moist clay, I mean the blood in the clay, the blood is going to have iron in it, iron is a conductor and the moist clay is going to conduct across the wound. And that's what happens, that's where the pain response comes from. When your skin gets ripped open or you cut yourself, it is the inability for the nerves to be able to pass electricity across that point that actually generates a pain response because that's the nerves reaction to not having an electrical flow over that area. So if you have a serious cut, use either a silver lawn bandage or a silver dean paste that it's a cream ointment that they use in burn units or pack it with moist bentonite clay. And what that'll do is it'll complete the electrical circuit across the wound and the pain will go away and the skin will rebuild itself under the clay. And I will also draw any heavy metals out of the wound so it won't scar because that's what scarring is. Scarring is the collection of heavy metals and heavy metal toxicity that the body sent to that wound in order to give it all the resources that it would need to heal. So we've got about five minutes left to the show, anybody else got anything? One more thing, the clay is a totally antiseptic covering over an open wound. Absolutely. You never have to worry about infection, it's anti-totally, totally anti-infection. Anti-inflammics. It absorbs when you drink it, it will absorb total poison. When you poison yourself, get it into you within 20 minutes. If you drink it, it will reach all the way into your bowels and stop all of that poison to believe me. It'll save you so much trouble. Well, yeah, food poisoning is no fun and use it to pull out anything you want to that old scar injury, healing of sports injuries one third at the time, but even old injuries, it'll pull it all out wrapping the clay and tumors, I pull them out at animals, giant tumors, I mean bad ones and they just come out from the clay. So that's pretty good. There's a lot more. There's so much more that they got to listen to the Rowan report with Edward Mann and explain so many things. We talked just about the bentonite clay. Or go to the website,, go there and click on the store and it'll say pure bentonite clay. Go look at the documents, how to mix the clay for drinking for palties, for facials. It has it real simple in a menu type situation and it explains it pretty good so you can learn about it and go on click on resources. There's more documents there and brochures, avaricose veins and you can use it for, let's see, just about click on the videos and you can click on the videos and watch out and fix it. And you can also click on a place where you can listen to, look at testimonies and read them. There's so many of them for animals and autism, the clay is amazing. Yeah., did I say, that one's Yeah. You know, I want to tell anybody that on Saturday mornings, Central Time, is at 11 o'clock is the more mighto call and their product is regrowing the mitochondria and we all are benefiting from it. It is absolutely doing us all cognitive function, better I index, my files, better my memories. It's a lot easier to feel good when you take some of that. It just makes you kind of feel good. Yeah. Certainly does. People you get on that call on every Saturday morning at 11 o'clock Central Time, 9 o'clock West Coast, should I give you the number for that call or my number? Yeah, go ahead. Or you can give your number and then they can call you and you can give them the number. That way you can touch base, you know who you're inviting. You can follow. I'll give you my number 818-613-9206-818-613-9206-818-613-9206. I do handle a lot of emergency. So, if I'm in the middle of one, I'll get back to you very quickly. All right. That about does it for's health talk on Global Voice Radio Network, This program is brought to you in part by and the ITERRA Care, Price International, Terror Hurts Frequency Wand, and here's a little more about that. All right. All right. And yes, there's all kinds of other fabulous products by Price International. It's actually a little silver dollar sized electrical device. It's called the ion shield and it's on a chain. You're hanging around your neck and you push a little button and there's a little light on it so you can tell that it's working. And what it does is it actually blows negative ions up at your head and it creates an ion bubble. So if you're in an environment where there are people that are ill or people that have been vaccinated or maybe shedding, whatever, it creates a literal ion bubble around you with negative ions that destroys pathogens before they can get to you. It's amazing. It's an amazing little device. There's all kinds of other things too. For more information on that, please go to, and I'll be happy to point you in the direction of products for your own perfect life. Thank you so much for joining us. That's it for today. We will catch you right back here tomorrow on's stock. Now that sounded absolutely horrible. Take care. - Thank you. [BLANK_AUDIO]