Global Voice Radio Network's tracks

Radio Ranch with Roger Sayles and Brent Winters


Broadcast on:
28 Jun 2024
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in drones over people's houses and telling them they have to do all these expensive repairs that you know never were a problem before or else they're going to drop their coverage and it's because driven from all the disasters and people making claims they're just finding ways to drop people and of course if they drop people then guess what they can't either mortgage or you know the taxes or anything they'll be out of their houses uh... i liked george gordon he said do you know he was paul george gordon here's a lot uh... teacher over here for decades a lot of people very very rapidly died a while back uh... but george gordon would say i hate insurance i hate limited liability i want personal responsibility if i harm you and i can't make you whole drill a hole in my ear and i'll be your slave well i'm kind of for that yeah i'm for that i like bookman's the fullest definition of insurance it's uh... but with house insurance he said what is it it said it's a bet you're betting if you're in if you're if you're taking out the insurance policy you're betting that your house will burn down the insurance company are betting that it won't it's like life insurance right you're going to die so what's the point let me tell you what else george gordon did you appreciate this paul as he'd go into court and all the uh... the prosecutor say judge this guy's crazy right all that so he went to a psychiatrist and took a sanity test and got a certificate of sanity so he'd go into court in the and the prosecutor that guy's crazy he pulled that out here your honor i'll have you know i'm the only certified sane person in the courtroom i like this guy this is good i think it's great it's there is something i read something the other day as well about the just in echo of that comment that you quoted that he'd made you know about sovereign responsibility that really is the only path for us is to not be a part of anything they did because all these aspects that we're talking about in terms of this system that they've laid down to me it's simply an encyclopedic protection racket it's a protection it's just a lot of government says you need us because you know without us the country might get invaded where didn't get invaded before you turned up what's going on what's changed now well we're here said they want to suck in on the government yet i mean that's just a simple is that right there and see that's what our stuff does is it absolutely mandates personal responsibility well it is not what the bible's about well yeah really it's about individual responsibility and left alone which of course is the great problem it's not i don't think it would be that difficult to attain i mean it's made sort of intimidating oh you can possibly responsible for this well we'll see can we give it a go we just mind buggering off a bit so that we could give it a run out you know i'd like to see if you don't mind thank you very much no we won't even allow you to do that because of course if if that's allowed everybody will realize very very quickly or more fully and simply that the vast majority of so-called services supplied by governments are completely and utterly irrelevant we don't need them um the thing about universal basic income so i'm not against it as an idea done right i mean that was the thing that uh ch douglas pointed out maybe it's a sort of interim period of sort of remedy to get us back to the proper thing but he douglas observed that people didn't have enough purchasing power to buy the very things they just made last week right what's going on it's mad right is that's what he and he and he for address that yeah that's right so universal basic income he came up with that idea the douglas he said look you need to provide sufficient purchasing power to people it actually sta- it's a bit like forgiving people deaths yet we've got this kind of old fascia oh if they didn't work for it and all this kind of stuff i didn't work for anything when i turned up here it was all here do you know what i mean the the air was here and the food comes out of the ground and we don't have to you know we got organized and we've organized well to be able to deal with the conditions but i didn't put any of this here neither did anybody else these guys run around go we own this you don't own anything nothing it's just a temporary sort of stewardship to make sure that some other bugger didn't come along and rob and ruin and make your life miserable so we've got all this fancy complicated stuff that's i guess has had to spring up maybe it is a necessary evil you know it's it's a big sort of issue but it's but it's not like you feel when you're a kid can we just you know this is just great now would you just stop moaning about things don't want the fancy complicated stuff i just don't want okay the only value is labor and they know it so yeah they know it better than we do Hitler knew it yeah all right they didn't work you know and i think it could be if Hitler followed an economist and i don't know the guy's name but that motivated him in the early 30s i believe to start in their trade with other countries is they were basically bartering and cutting the the international finance years out of the deal got freed feta is the guy that you think you know okay probably he's one of the key problems but yes you're absolutely right what you said okay so when they did that then the jews came in and did the worldwide boycott on german goods and that really was the first shot of the war to me yeah of course it was yeah March 24 1933 they declared judeia declares war on germany boycott their goods worldwide right oh uh call uh george gordon dot net somebody does still have a site up for him you you probably oh yeah his stuff's out there thank you for all these law he's a good guy he was a really good guy okay the oaky finoki swamp there's a yeah and i have an email for you but i don't know if it's still good uh call but um you one of the great one one of the great compliments i've gotten is somebody said to me that george gordon was teaching my way to teach citizenship before he died and that was a tremendous compliment to me maybe we need a school that teaches children because half of the problem is that we end up talking to people who've already had the head crammed with nonsense by the time they're in the early 20s and um that's a problem too i mean of course they would say no no you can't let these people have access to your children they'll make them evil while those people that are coming out of that are now seeing what's happening that i can't afford a house i i've got to decide whether i'm going to pay rent for my apartment or eat and they're seeing all these systems that that we saw and used break down and they're really starting to turn around and ask questions from what i've heard there again the Hitler youth that was a good thing you know and it was christian based you know and the girls they learned so much diana spingle had a second generation woman uh you know her mother had been in it and it was just amazing you know it's just like plumbing basic plumbing things you you just knew everything you needed to know to live you know um yeah yep oh diana interviewed uh uh steven mitford uh goodson i think it was only a couple months before he was killed right well it's a great book i'd recommend it to everybody it's very easy to read and you get the patming effect throughout history and you see it just repeats over and over and over and over and i guess here in a sort of concentrated group education space you i've done this you tend to move past those things you get into more complex stuff and come back but it seems to me the great sort of from a marketing and advertising point of view which i i'm trying to think of that more and more there's just simply millions of people that don't even know that these topics exist forget about the content of them yeah they don't even know that you could ask a question about this what are you talking about yeah yeah what we have to do is we have to shut down the bank of England are you mad no no i'm not actually it'll be great let's just shut it down but what we do next day probably be very happy it's the other pub let's just shut it down and we'll work something out honestly it would be better it would be better if you just got really the government tomorrow morning um and just don't even bother with it just shut it down what and who's gonna run things you are how you'll learn it'll be great well i've a lot of fun of course there's no meaning generating a national spirit is that every time the government makes a communication it robs us of the ability to take control and genuinely form our own culture again they've imposed it by saying oh you've got to do this and you've got to do that and they can't help it because they're basically they come from the parasite class irrespective of whatever racial group or religious tradition or non-tradition they come from or whether they're commies or anything bottom line is they quite like getting paid sooner than you do and that's right and with no effort with no effort particularly and lots of cars to go around in and to be in front of tv cameras and everybody think that they're actually making a great contribution to them i mean you know hey oh say it's an Alice in Wonderland world well it's a casino there was some reason there was some reason that they changed the the title from through the looking glass to Alice in Wonderland right yeah isn't through the looking glass on the front is piece or something doesn't that come in a little bit lighter you might you might well i don't know it was the original title of the work and then they changed it to Alice in Wonderland because i think they got to a point and say well it's too obvious with that title what's going on what we're doing yep okay well i'm going to have to go eat some lunch ball okay Roger before you go i'm going to go to what are you having for lunch that's what everybody wants to know what's the lunch today i've got we've got a new store it was the big news item here in the whole area yesterday on this store that they've just opened up not very close to my house here in my apartment and it was just causing huge traffic jams yesterday and i thought i'd pop up there and see they got a little food court supposedly and see what uh what uh little selections they might have i'll tell you though really we went out well that's one of the real joys you know just i got i got this extra cash just because i'm here you know under even my pittance of invention and so we go out and have nice lunches you know and go to all these different restaurants and there's a bunch of different ones around but boy did we hit a good one yesterday it was just delightful then and every three of us guys there wasn't one thing left on anybody's plate and it was an Italian restaurant and it was just delightful but i was very impressed well who knows roger one day maybe we'll be able to sit down and break bread together well i've got all that that would be great it was really i think we got a new listener here is some anxiety man may i just yeah it is uh could the could the female be quiet for a minute i'd like to broadcast no because i just want to clarify something before paul goes away he was right through the looking glass as a sequel comes after okay really it is national paul bunyan day yeah okay and the word for the weekend this is one of our newer listeners who you might find entertaining paul this is uh well it's real nice ferris and i have monitored him the iron man so you can use whichever you like the answers to both and just for the record ferris loves iron man as a moniker but uh i call to say uh that the word for the weekend is promulgate and also it is national paul bunyan day try to use uh promulgate uh this weekend make it your own and build your vocabulary thereby but furthermore it is national christopher street day which we could go into but did the uh prior guest broadcaster brentall and winners mentioned that a female because of her sex cannot be a sheriff did i understand that correctly no he said he knew female sheriffs and they were almost all lesbians or he knew of female sheriffs well i was in i was involved with some love making during class today and i kind of heard bits and pieces of the what was brought up and i thought i heard him say that there was a common law or biblical or constitutional reason why the only elected law enforcement officer which is the sheriff most states don't have them Connecticut used to have sheriffs and they're so stupid in Connecticut and have been so stupid for so long that they are rid of their sheriff system they have nobody standing between them and the oppressive federal government which has caused us to become national and i think that's and i think that's the only space that's not is not many states i think that's the only state that doesn't have sheriffs uh first oh really i think you might be mistaken oh let me reach your dad and get i'll tell you there's two Alaska's the other one Alaska's the other one and they don't have counting faster and it wasn't just that the on ferris ferris it was the banking cover-up and it went right along with the aurora theater thing on july 20th was anyone shot there who did the shooting wasn't a u_n_ soldier with a powder blue berry oh never mind never mind it was a bank no this is the point though that it was a banking thing okay says you says you let me explain why it was a you know says research go ahead with whatever i please let's not get into that can't can i i'd just like to say i'm going to promulgate the use of the word promulgate okay so uh there is the action on the first syllable fall i say promulgate that's how i say yes yes you know some say promulgate well they're foolish are they sounds well some some say some say some say some say aluminium too aluminum you guys say aluminum don't you dick yes it's aluminium i've been enjoying Paul english's broadcast i've been listening for several uh months although i do become indisposed sometimes and can't call in but i'm glad i did today i'm going to have to re-listen if i can to what uh grand alan winner said i was sure he said that uh a sheriff should not be a female for various reasons or could not be under common law or double goal i think you're right well he'll be back next week call in and ask your question and if you're if you're loved to live in i didn't know if you if you love making during the program don't expose us to it please yeah oh i ended up going to don't forget don't forget it's a bit more information we actually are involved there is looking very awkward moment don't forget the three most important elements there are less than 60 women sheriffs currently serving across the country less than two percent of 60 less than 60 women sheriffs currently serving across the country and brits and they're all lesbians are they well i don't know i said many of them were i wonder how many homosexual those names are just not gay don't say gay always say homosexual never say gay yeah current person might actually that can be queers say say you can't say gay because gay is i'm gay very bright and cheery can't take that word i'm gay too i use it yeah homosexual our word i'll get it back i don't get to hijack our words i'm with that right we'll take it back you dog right go to the head of the class ball you see how they did that the 1890s were the gay 90s and in the 1990s they flipped it they inverted it yeah well you know that thing you know that phrase homophobia that everybody says is all these phobias are the trans phobias the one that's being none of these are phobias phobias are irrational fears there's nothing irrational about it it's completely rational there are threat to the well-being of civilizations at all and need to be put in boxes or something i've no idea we've got to come up with a sort of solution but um you know there's nothing it's not a phobia there's nothing irrational about it it's completely rational and sound it's healthy to actually be averse to that um demented behavior they're ill people in this side of my flag do you know that they inverted it i didn't realize that's all i heard by saying about maybe a few months back i didn't realize they inverted all the colors did you did you know that paul no i can't say i pay too much attention to their sword space at all i know listen the the racial flag is also the noahide flag they're showing they have conquered us and when they really get a grip if they do they will kill off all these sodomites even though they perpetuated the movement yeah well those the the stupid people that always get taken by them first so good lord what a mess always nice and a happy note isn't it isn't it yes it is thank you how don't you glad i made that comment well i'm going to promulgate a trip to go get some comito which is spanish for food so uh all more so is lunch so i'm going to boya all more so or amissma so paul i always enjoy i wish you'd come back spend more time with us okay i i'll try and do that i i did say to paul the other paul b hi paul who was with me yesterday that i would try to turn up today and i did turn up at the beginning well half an hour in and brents always in such full flow seriously i don't want to come about in it's his space and everything it's just that friday's kind of work for me as well so um and then i had to do it short i got back he really really loves you and it would have been great if you would have entered into the conversation also so don't ever neglect that ask well my friday's are opening up a bit more and all sorts of really tiresome tasks that i've been doing for quite a while are actually dropping away which is great i feel a bit odd actually yeah i've just the whole covid period i've been sort of i took a completely different change of tack but recently i've started reading again which sounds awfully ridiculous but i did consciously stop reading because i've reading so much i thought my head's going to turn to glue or something it's just going to sort of melt so it's been refreshing but i'm ready i'm back into it you know and and really looking at these things again i got one more thing before you talk about reading read john chapter two starting about verse 11 and mark 11 starting about verse 15 christ actually and i learned us from jay verna mcgeean brought it up to brand winners if he's tried to say it was two different accounts it was two separate events he cleaned the cleanse of the temple twice once at the beginning of this ministry and once with the end so we should follow his example well i i agree there's a thing that hudson talks about i mean um i'm gonna mull of it i i'm not gonna i think it's in luke somewhere you see i don't i don't tend to quote chapter and verse i'm kind of interested in the whole grounding of it at the moment i might get to that point a little bit later but i'm not good at it but i just remember those changes he whips the money lenders that's the first thing he does now the next thing is he goes off to some synagogue and starts preaching and they're furious with him and this bit everybody might remember they want to throw him off a cliff they're going to throw him off a cliff the first two events that happen and what hudson's talking about is that what he's actually saying in this in the it is preaching is you're gonna have to forgive all the deaths i don't like it they don't like it and that's the message we got to get hey all your wealthy people yeah who think you're owed lots of money forget that it's not happening and it's a very simple language that everybody can pick up on it emotionally people are going to pick up on it no one's going to act on anything intellectually it's too much hard work you you know people here have spent years doing this where oddities because of it you got to just understand that uh we're odd where oddballs uh we're good oddballs as well but we're most people are not like that they're overwhelmed by their day-to-day tests we need things like posters and i don't know things that you know a laughing gas for something we just need something very basic yeah we do oh pal did you hear about the posters in Louisiana they were trying to get a bill through too uh and i think it did pass i'm not sure in every country yeah i think so uh 10 commandments poster in every classroom in Louisiana in this day yep and the first thing that happened was the ACL you came back with a lawsuit um comment Oklahoma this is the show that will end roger you're not eating last day you know i'm learning i know i'm glad they need to go on a diet Joe i've been eating a diet anyway go ahead about Oklahoma here i'll shut up the state the state superintendent ruled that every classroom that is state funded in the state of Oklahoma i think fifth grade through 12 will have a holy bible in it and it will be part of the curriculum to be taught from good well i think we are making progress step in the right direction we're we're making progress folks i mean it may be slow we've been waiting for a long time but it appears to be starting pray without ceasing that's what's driving it here you go all love you buddy thank you and uh we all thanks for having me around for this uh you're and i really enjoyed keeping you from your lunch roger you'll be very very enjoy all the more now you're gonna be very hungry when you get that so this is good i'd be the first one to admit i could you lose a couple pounds so anyway but it's very painful as you know ah so i'll see you soon i hope we see you often my friend we love having you okay yeah yeah we'll we'll get more things going we're we're having fun over here i think at times um apart from grinding our teeth down to the bone but uh and we've got all the fun the next thursday it's you're on your fourth of july i'm doing a show i haven't my shows on a thursday so i didn't pick this but it is thursday's a lot of the things have been happening on thursday so it's your fourth of july and we get to endure the fast that is the uk general election so um i'm doing a general i'm doing an election night special where we probably won't talk about politics at all because it's just beyond the pail so uh no we will we'll talk about it a bit and um and we'll ever laugh because it's a little funny response yeah we'll really do a lot of that well like i treasure our friendship and how we met and the path that we've walked here together for few years now and it's just been bountiful for me and i appreciate your contribution and initiation i've been okay i'll have you back on the show at some point soon i'm going to add a second one probably on sundays same time sunday evening here in the uk yeah particularly as we enter autumn i like the idea of a sort of sunday night show sort of sunday night soapbox or something like that so i'll let you know it's going to be a mess the whole idea is to create a really messy radio show where people are coming in and out and and you know not too structured i want it really unstructured in a way so we'll see out of chaos out of chaos comes order yes uh well i'd love to so let me know and i and we'll talk about things of great impulse see the thing about our stuff here is everything they've acquired is because they've made it off of our backs where they've made us all slaves and so if you could get this message out to a wider amount of people because it's all based on fraud well then we could start using a couple of their little themes how about this one what about collective punishment it's a theme i mean don't they do everything for the jews don't they consider everything for the jews so they've all benefited from it and contributed to it so i think collective punishment is totally totally appropriate the other is reparations all that you've made all this off all this fraud and you've acquired all this stuff so let's let's revisit reparations could we please yeah i'd be on for a bit of that yeah me too not that we need it we just need to be left alone they won't leave us alone it's bugger off go do your own thing over there this the the the sad thing is it's the 80 20 rule that comes to play there if you were to scratch back and claw back a bunch of those funds you know like listen we'll tell we'll make a deal with you you can keep 10 percent of what you stolen and we'll let you live but if you don't give us the 90 percent we can catch you you're not going to enjoy any of it okay uh but once you could claw back some of that and redistribute it equally the 80 20 rule would apply at some point down the road that 20 percent of those types of people will still have the wealth which i think all right see you soon thank you buddy see you thanks Roger bye for now all right see you all tomorrow bye bye bye you so so somebody's got an open mic somewhere i sounds like have a have a blessed game there you too yeah Robbie i don't um pretty sure uh Goodson was not a Jew Hudson maybe one he's still alive right there's your determining factor yesterday Rick wilds interviewed or broadcast his interview was Roger Stone for an hour at a uh Italian restaurant in florida and uh i had no idea the extent of uh what they did to that man and how it all started out because i don't watch the boob tube but uh he said they started out with and he said he at the time i guess he's living on the water there's somewhere a canal in in florida um he said he he can't swim he he didn't have a passport and they brought in a helicopter 29 armored vehicles with associates filling them all armed and um jacketed in their swat gear FBI and you know Trockman also in in tack gear i guess at least tried to swim away we didn't need those because we have it's just amazing how over the top and then they only had an in tail here for a little bit and they released him on his signature so it was just to show and put fear in people that was about it but of course they did convict him and uh want to throw him in jail uh in a place where they figured he would die because it was full of covid but of course trump pardoned him um but man i mean the guy said he he was indigent by the time they were done with him earlier yeah earlier than anybody gets an opportunity to see roger stone interviews i hear he's been going on in full wars and stuff uh probably worth worth listening to so anyway that's it yeah they raided him in new york city too in the middle of the night all these it was crazy but uh bitchoot has a site and i posted it it's um where did i just hide it from myself oh here we go it's uh what's it called tn your daily tn yeah the daily tn your true news at your convenience so they have the full shows there and if they don't they'll direct you to a another channel that does so so you [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] Well, maybe Dave and the thumb is out there. Dave, if you're there, I'd like to ask you a couple questions. [BLANK_AUDIO] Dave's not here, man. [BLANK_AUDIO] I got his email, but he doesn't respond. So, gonna have to scare him up on a show one day. [BLANK_AUDIO] I never got back to you on your stream or your waterfall. But if you wanna structure water in your pond to your pond, you use flowform. F-L-O-F-O-R-M, flowform. You can look it up, and it's pretty interesting technology, and it's basically these cascading units that do figure eights and the cascading down and do figure eights and their individual units. They're made out of ceramic, I think, or stone. You can probably make them yourself. And very interesting technology, you worked in a dairy farm, I think. And they use those units to purify cow affluent. So it's very, very effective. [BLANK_AUDIO] Now you're still there, Samuel. >> Yeah, I heard that, thank you. I've got a lot of rock obstacles in my pathway. And all that turns and drops and so I'm sure something's going on. [BLANK_AUDIO] >> Hey guys, I posted something in the chat. If anybody has any good suggestions on an episode to read about a revocation of election, or any of the dealings with IRS. I'd be curious to see what anyone has to say about that. Or if you can point to an episode, be super thankful. That's all I got, have a great weekend. [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO]