Global Voice Radio Network's tracks

Radio Ranch with Roger Sayles and Brent Winters


3h 1m
Broadcast on:
28 Jun 2024
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the other one. The presentation of his near stream on global voice radio network is funded by my might It's also funded in part by for the natural action quality line of water structuring devices. It's also funded in part by and the private international terrahertz frequency want the iTerraCare Classic. For more information, please stay tuned. We'll be getting started in just a moment. The iTerraCare device has the ability to awaken dormant stem cells in the bone marrow. Yes, we have slipping stem cells in our bone marrow. As you keep blowing this on your spine, you're activating the stem cells. And guess what? You're going to create brand new lungs, brand new kidneys. Eventually, as you keep using this over time, you will have brand new organs, glands and tissues in your bodies. And that's the great news. You have to keep blowing this on your spine because this is what the great Hippocrates said. There's a way to hit the bones that all diseases can be treated. Activate that, awaken that stem cells in your bone marrow. Hit the bones using the future of medicine, which is frequency. Hitting the bones, using frequency medicine. Yes, guys, we have decoded the secret to for every young and healthy body. This is your time. Grab your one device right now. For more information on the iTerraCare Classic Terahertz Frequency Wand, go to That's Thanks the rich, feed the poor, tell her I know what the rich don't want. What happened to your odds? You're muted again. How did that happen? I have no idea. I didn't do it. Okay. Well, anyway, that's an ominous way to start the program. We try and change the world. Yeah, but yeah, but we try and change the world to their Alvin long gone. You'd be startling to see how prophetic your lyrics are from 50 plus years ago. Yikes. The man with great foresight, we opened up the show with him, have for a long time. It's the Friday edition. That means generally Brent Winters is with us. I don't know if he's showed up yet. We would anticipate his arrival shortly. And I'm very unusual for Francine, not to be here ahead of time. So just another unusual out of left field show. We were getting a lot of that lately, Paul. Must be the sign of this time, my friend. Yeah, all kinds of band-aids having to be applied. It's the 28th. That's a Friday. As I said, that would normally indicate Brent's going to be with us and I sent him a little message this morning. So I don't know if he answered me back or not. I've been trying to fight bit shoots this morning and trying to figure them out on their big overnight change, which absolutely aggravates me. But regardless, we'll continue to see how that works. And it is, we're on a number of platforms here today. And Mr. Beener keeps up with us and we like to give him a little shot here where he can alert all of us as to which platforms they are. And so we can give them proper credit for helping spread our little project, our little promotional deal here on, hey, give it away, freedom. Want any? Just like mine. It's like my father used to say. He said, when God handed out brains, you must have thought he said pains and said, no, thanks. I don't want any. Probably. I'm out of that. I was. You're out of aspirin? Yeah. Yeah. Oh, all right. Well, we try. We're trying to hand out freedom. And I don't know why more people don't want it. I got some ideas, but we should have the multitudes here and I don't that and quite arrived just yet. So anyway, we're waiting for them. We're trying to bait them in. And there's plenty of platforms for them to join us on. Aren't there Paul? Yes. Yeah, there is. Speaking of platforms, Thursdays and Fridays, we are on radio soapbox for the first hour. Oh, good morning. And I believe we're followed by Andy Hitchcock at noon Eastern. And that's why we're only on there for the first hour. I believe. Cool. Cool. Well, we are old buddy Andy. I heard him in months, but I was holding some choppy stuff going on now. What's all that about? What? Choppy? I'm choppy? I thought I heard. I thought I heard some. But anyway, it's okay. Just plow ahead. Okay. Get to these platforms and get them. They're recognition behind us and out of the way. And we can launch into wherever we're going today. Right. Okay. Well, I'm using a different system to connect to the show. So if my mic gets choppy, let me know and I will switch gears. So we're also on Thanks to Pastry Light James. We're on Global Voice Network. The links to Eurofolk and Global Voice are on, which is back up. Oh, is it? Wow. There's a little piece of good news. Hey, the DNS, the DNS failure was some. Well, let's just say I was trying to use the chain or the hacksaw method to fix it. I whipped out the chainsaw and that's all it needs to be said about that. Was it a steal? No, no. All it took was a pull on pull on. Okay. Okay. No, I didn't have to bring out the big chainsaw. We're also on a and freedom home network. We're on channel HN4. We're on Go Live TV and And those were all thanks to WDRN Productions for Colin's callibraph. Thank you. Thank you, DRN. Oh, people can unmute themselves today. We do not have the remote in lecture mode. Please raise your hand if you want to change topic or if you have like a question unrelated to the current conversation and we will get you in there. I have two systems monitoring the, monitoring the attendance. So I will see hands raised the moment they go. There you go. And Brent has joined us. Good morning. Mr. Winters came along. Hey, Brent. Still muted, Mike. Is he hidden there? Okay. Well, that's a step in the right direction, I guess. Well, while he's looking for the mute, I need to apologize to Brent. It's not my fault, but, you know, for last Friday and we're going along and all of a sudden the electricity zaps out. I had no warning, of course, ahead of time. And that particular day it hit us right in the, right in the gut, because the two hours it was off was the two hours of our show. And just as y'all finished, right afternoon it came back and the electricity was there. It's been there ever since. So, you know, here down here these days, it seems like you just never know. Okay. So, yeah, take a little potluck and hope everything's all right. And the assurance we've got as if it isn't all right, there's tons of good replays. So, you know, we're pretty well in the sweet spot, right there. Good morning, Mr. Brent. Hi Roger, and I was going to ask what happened to you. Thanks for letting me know. I don't suppose that's unusual. The electricity has been going out forever. I remember, I remember a way back, I'm going back over 60 years, over 60 years, well over 60 years, and electricity was new to us. And when they put it in, of course, they finally ran it to us across the creek. And it took them nine years, no, 10 years ago, just another four mile or so. I don't know why I didn't ask, but it was the old co-ops, the co-ops that are still around that Roosevelt put in place. Yep. And the record co-ops, unconstitutional, of course, are other ways to deal with that. But when it went in, it didn't work well. That went on for a long time that it couldn't keep it up at all. And so dad got excited and said, well, I want to put up electric fence. So we don't have to keep trying to get these hogs back in these cattle, because they hogs to get out cattle get out. We'd try to fix the floodgates down to creek and where the cattle would try to crawl under and they would and the hogs there were. If a hog can get his nose through a hole, he'll get his whole body through. And we had to open our fence. So we struck electric wire up inside the woemar fence and thinking that would do the trick. But as soon as electricity was filled, well, the hogs sensed it almost. I don't know how they sensed it, but they'd been. But we did learn a lot about animals when that happened and we had one building out there that had skids under it. They were two to 12 hard hardwood skids and to run electric wire out to the fence, we put insulators on the ends of those skids where they stuck out. And then we'd put a string in the wire along there and up on that building and that building was a hog feeder and we'd put ground feed in it. Well, we knew my brother and I go out there and we'd flip it open to the lid open. Those are the hog feeders you've heard me talk about that were made in Yazoo City, Mississippi. A big, big outfit down there making hog feeders and they made them out of wood because that way, well, it helped a lot. Wood breathes and if they'd made them out of galvanized metal like some of them, they didn't last long the human weather. Well, we'd flip the top of that thing open and it wasn't like a few rats had run out. The rats would pour out. So we got the right idea being boys and always looking for adventure. We'd get into bee fights with boards in our hands and we'd find a bumble bee nest. We'd want to have a war or if there were some casualties we'd take with that. But then the rats that presented a really a safer situation. Well, my brother had a rat run up his pant leg one time. That was Yeah. Boy, you know, it wasn't a female. They're the ones that always actually ran up one of their legs. Good Lord. Boy, you know, and all you can do, this happened to dad one time too. We were out working in the corn grip and a mouse ran up his pant leg. And of course, we were always looking for a stinking mouse nest and that was excitement. Then we'd get all the cats and carry them over there. You know, a cat, if he doesn't see something move, cat won't attack anything. Now, no, you can stick his nose in it. He knows what's going on, but a cat doesn't have a nose for nothing. But his eyes are sharp. So we'd find the mouse nest and we'd spend our time carrying all the cats into the corn grip and try to shut the door for a minute till we get one of them focused on what was going on by holding his head. Not in there. And then we kept the dogs outside just in case one of them got away through the door. But boy, you'd see some awful fights. Well, the rats got so bad that they'd pour out of those feeders. Of course, we'd be standing there with a couple of old barrel staves in our hands or something and wailing away like we were in a life and death struggle. And we come out in the morning, though, to check everything. I could just picture it. The sun just be coming up. I can feel it now because the sun just coming up. And we'd look at that electric line on the end of those insulators and there'd be a half a dozen or so rats hanging from that electric fence wire by their teeth. They'd be with their mouths and their tails would be sparking the ground as they swung. And we never saw it happen. But the only thing we could figure happen was they'd run across that thing, jump, and their tail would hit that electric fence and they'd turn around and bite it. And when they turn around and bid it, of course, all that moisture and saliva in their mouths and that really allowed the juice and the voltage to come through. And there they were then that froze their jaws and they couldn't open up and it just kill them. Well, that didn't put a dent in the population, of course. I mean, it'd be like if you were to go to Washington, DC, people say, I just go down there and clean house with a baseball bat or go down there and shoot a bunch of them politicians. It wouldn't be good because there'd be 10,000 more rise up in their place because we're not a and and we think foolishly, we're Americans, well, no better. We think that we're changing changing men and governments going to change government is not going to. There can be some help if you have and that's why the presidency is so important. He has tremendous power of just presence and influence and striking fear into the other gangs heart. And this is gang warfare. I mean, who when you go to the polls and vote, you're voting for which gang will control force and threat of force. That's all you're doing. Now there's nothing wrong with that. And I shouldn't say that's all you're doing. That's a big thing. When DJ Trump was president, IRS prosecutions, criminal prosecutions went to almost Roger, almost zero. That's the difference. And that's just the tip of the iceberg of a whole lot of other things that happened. And there were things that he did that a lot of folks, conservative folk didn't agree with, but I hate some dad when I talk about politics. When you're in an office like that, the object is to try to stay alive and do some good. You know, Ronnie Reagan was doing a lot of good and doing a lot of things. And all of a sudden, useful idiots of the evil empire manipulated a man to put a bullet into his back. And after that, after that, things changed a little. He wasn't quite as spoken out. I don't say outspoken because that's a word that can be used two different ways. And since this is also the Tasmanian word association hour, we want to make sure that we understand that outspoken can be taken in two ways. It can mean that a man is spoken out, or it could mean that he's outspoken by somebody else. And so I say spoken out, but Reagan wasn't quite so spoken out. His bully pulpit, pulpit wasn't his shebang, as they say, wasn't quite so banging anymore. He backed off. He still was Ronald Reagan, and still did a lot of things that were important. But he understood they sent him a signal. We'll kill you. We tried to kill you. We didn't quite get it done. But next time we may get it done, maybe you ought to back off a little. That's the way it works in politics. And that's what Dean AJ Trump's going to do. Yeah. One of those subtle, subtle suggestions. It didn't help Mr. Reagan that he had George Bush underneath him either. No, but what they're talking about right now with Trump is he needs to get somebody in there's VP who's going to give him life insurance, who's worse than he is, who they're more scared of than him. Yeah, I agree. But I know what the propensity is. The propensity is to put somebody in that will draw boats from people not like you. And that was what Ronnie was trying to do when he put Georgie boy in, trying to draw the more moderate. See, I think that a Georgie boy was put to put on the ticket in the smoke filled back room. I, you know, well, no question. That's my point. These people that surrounded Trump that he took people's bad advice on Pompeo, etc. You know, they just stabbed you in the back. That's one lesson I hope he's learned and learned real well. And I think he has. Go ahead, Brent. Oh, I just make up the same point. You were Roger. And one of the things that Richard Nixon regretted. And I take this from his testimony and his autobiography. He regretted not firing bureaucrats down to the third level. Yeah. And if a lot of folk like Bush, he he just kept them all all the same bureaucrats kept them in place. Right. Didn't do any good. They didn't do any good at all. You got a little bit tough. Trump did the same thing. He didn't go in there clean house. Remember what Clinton did? Do you remember the first thing that Clinton did when he got an election? And what I remember. You tell me what you remember. I just remember I he fired all the attorney. That's exactly what he retired all he fired every one of the US prosecutors. Yep. And and some of them that they were, you know, beholden to or that they were on the same wavelength with they let them reapply and gave them their jobs back. But otherwise they replaced all those. And a lot of people are suggesting that Trump do the same darn thing. Should he get into office here in a month or three? That's been going on since the beginning. When Abe Lincoln somehow got into the White House, he immediately appointed a lot of Democrats in his cabinet. And one of them, he appointed, was Secretary of War. And his name was Stanton. Louis Stanton. Right. Not only was it Democrat, he was a brutal, murderous man. And thinking that he would endear some of the people on the other side to him. I don't think it made any difference. Probably made a bad difference. And the same thing is happening today. If you're going to go into office, I know what again, just personal experience. This is a personal experience for what it's worth. I wasn't running for president, but I did run for Congress. And when I got up close to the end, I was inundated with people that were saying, I can tell you who to a to a point to your staff. I mean, they were standing in the wings like buzzards. Lots. Because I knew when I did figure this out, that those are the people that run Washington, D.C. And they're the ones that run the people in office. And by the way, the people that do that are all children. Go ahead, Roger. No, just because I'm agreeing with you totally. They run the most powerful guy in Washington, his chief of staff of the president. He's the one who decides and gets to make the decision on who he sees. And every, yes, and every congressman has one of those two, exactly, every senator. And on and on it goes. And those folks are, they're the ones that cut the deals and do the talking and make the meetings, establish the meetings and decide who gets to see who with some exceptions. Now, I want to see Ron Paul several times when I was running. And I don't ever remember a time that he didn't kick his door open, sit down, kick his feet back and put him up on the desk and say, tell me what's going on. He, he controlled who he, but when he ran for president, I was looking to interview him. And I couldn't get it done almost. I mean, I had almost begged some young gal who didn't know what she was doing, but she felt very powerful and she wanted to run things and run him. Now, that's what happens when you get into those positions. I don't suppose there's any avoidance, but that's the way it works. But Trump, Trump is a figure. Well, the presidency is a figurehead. He does not control much of details, but he does control the overall tenor of the feeling of the nation. A people felt a lot freer to say what they wanted to say, and to do what they wanted to do, and to buy what they wanted to buy, such as a firearm, when DJ Trump was president and to carry what, then they did. Otherwise men, men want freedom mounts to freedom and amounts to feel free to speak and to write and to add. That's what it is. That's bottom line. And if you don't have that feeling, as the Bible says, when the wicked are in power, the right-headed men hide themselves. When the wicked are in power, the right-headed men hide themselves. Well, why? Well, because they don't want to go to jail. It's that simple. Remember, government only has one tool, and that tool is expressed in two ways. Number one, force, and number two, threat of force, force and threat of force. That's it. Oh, they can try to persuade and all, but in the final analysis, when they can try to trick you, everything they say is a lie, or intended to mislead. It could be the truth with intent to mislead, but remember, everything, therefore, is crooked. Everything, not some things, all things. Even the more that you support, you think are good. Yes, they're good, but they're in warfare. And in warfare, you don't tell the truth. You're constantly trying to divert the enemy and send them full signals. And everything you say is to the enemy. You can't say anything as a man in office that isn't to the enemy. So you have to whip it out, and then you have to fool them. It's constantly saying one thing while thinking quite another. That's the very definition of policy, politics, police. That's what it's all about. And when you go to vote, just remember which gang do you want to control force and threat of force. So the famous quote, I used to quote this when I was running Washington, government is not eloquence. It is persuasion. It is force. That's what he said. Why? Because it's true. It is for and it is a dangerous servant and a fearful government is a dangerous servant and a fearful enemy. And when the wrong man is in power, they're the enemy. Even when the good gang gets in and they don't remove the bureaucrats, they're still the enemy. Go ahead, Roger. I always sort of fear a fearful master. I think you got to vote right, Roger. Thanks. Yeah, good. Your bill has hesitate to ask you. I'm not quite sure what the answer I'm going to get. Did you get a chance to watch the debate last night? Roger, I didn't even know there was debate. That's how far it moved. And I mean, you can talk about it. Let's talk about it. I want to know what happened. The reason is because I know it's all smoke and mirrors and lies from both sides. And I'm not against that. I'm just making the point. I don't get that involved. But go ahead. I do like to hear it from my friends. Well, it was very interesting from a number, you know, I guess the election committee was started back in the 60s when TV and Nixon and Kennedy debated around that time. And the rules have been fairly consistent and developed over what's what's about 55 60 years now. And of course, this time, it was the Democrats that proffered the invitation to Trump to do this election. It had some very unusual surroundings, a number of them. First of all, there's never been a debate this early. They usually wait till after the conventions on Trump hadn't even named a VP yet. And CNN was the because they hadn't had an audience in so many years, they had an audience and they had an exclusive audience. They tried to come out and bar anybody from carrying the feed or commenting on anything that was said or using clips, which obviously violates fair use. And there was a number of other stipulations. They got to name the moderators. There was no people in the room. What were all the stipulations? There's a bunch of them. And the Trump came agreed to all of them, believe it or not. I mean, you can see they're setting up some sort of a trap or trying to. Trump did exceptionally well. Biden probably sunk his presidency last night. And it was kind of pitiful. Trump just carried the day, the whole thing from what I could see. So anyways, quite interesting. You can find clips of it out there in a lot of commentary today, obviously, but they've got another one scheduled, I think, for September, after both of the conventions. But the Trump team, the only thing they ask them is they said, can we get a blood test? And of course, they denied that. So but Trump valiantly went in there with all of the things kind of stacked against him out front and did a pretty good job from what I could see. What was stacked against him, Roger? I didn't quite catch it. Well, all these different things, the two moderators were both commies. One of them says is CIA. And the other was Tepper or what one of these left us on on old dinosaur media. And and they controlled the microphones or their your microphone was cut off. You couldn't say anything after your time was allotted. And they got to formulate and ask all the questions. I mean, it was no audience. It was just a total setup for any advantage that they give this feeble man. They gave him. Okay. And Trump, Trump overcame it. And from what I could tell, you know, and it was pretty interesting. He just started to fall apart. There was an hour and a half long. So after 30 minutes, he was pretty well spent and looking dazed and confused a number of times and just some of the same old talking points from the Democrats on how they're closing the border and all the rest of the garbage, you know, the economy's so great. And just all the crap, the usual crap, but pretty interesting. So Biden, you say was spent after 30 minutes. You could see was running out of gas. Yeah. Well, the problem he was reading for us was some kind of opiates or something. And that's why somebody was requesting it. They've had him in seclusion for a week with 13 expert help or something trying to get him prepared for this. And well, pretty much he just fell flat on his face. They were they were saying that when he walked out, there's no telling what they got any bay, you know, five pints of baby's blood or no telling what all I mean, really, remember when Hillary remember when Hillary started stumbling around, they tried to try to get around her so nobody the cameras couldn't see. And then she fell headlong into the side of a van inside. And they had to pick her butt up and slide her in there. That's what you're dealing with. But the people that are sitting in the power are, it's like the Bible says when people finally see the man of sin, and I'm not convinced no place to say is the antichrist, the antichrist, there are many of them. But the man of sin, people will finally say, and this is the man, the world. In other words, he looks like a half big piss and that's what you got here. And the people just the power are nothing but dirty rotten smelly stinkin scum. It's the old wizard vise. I mean, really, they're actually talking about maybe the Democrats are going to try and run Hillary and again. There's so much confusion over there. They are really at the end of their rope, because all of the mischievous and all the things they've done are being exposed to catching up with them. And and now this at this very time with, you know, they can't they can't stand to give up power. I mean, they're all guilty of every crime under the sun. And it's just a hell of a situation, man, really. And they don't know how to comment. Yeah, Joe wants to say something. Joe, come on in. That's Ken. Oh, Ken. Okay. Hello. Good morning. Yeah, I guess I'm gonna have to call in more often. You can't remember my voice anymore, Roger. Well, you're sounding a lot like Joe since you moved down there outside. Well, but go ahead. Anyhow, absolutely, I can't say that word now all of a sudden, unambiguously was not Joe Biden. This guy that was there on the debate last night had an attached ear lobe on his right ear, and an unattached ear lobe on his left ear. And the real Joe Biden does not have an attached ear lobe on his right ear. So that absolutely could not have been Joe Biden, the former VP possible. Very possible. He he kind of acted like the Joe Biden we've seen over the last couple years as he's deteriorated. He had that look and he was stumbling around and all that could be don't know we, you know, these guys are so slick at creating illusions that honestly you just don't know. Well, no, it's the same guy that they've had stumbling around. He's been there for a long time. I'm just saying that anybody can do the research, go back and look at pictures of Joe Biden in Obama days at his right ear lobe is not attached. It's like they're, you know, for the people that know, it's like in your face and the people that don't know. Well, anyhow, it's I just can't believe nobody's doing anything about that or saying anything about that. It's so in your face. How are you? Okay. Thank you, Kim. It's good to hear from you two days in a row here. And yeah, when somebody interrupts like that, your voice when you get, can I comment or whatever, you sounded like Joe. So they're initially. So anyway, glad that both of you. I'm sure Joe's on out there also. No, the object of evil, their object is to throw so much confusion and so much illegality at you. They don't fight according to the rules and throw so much that you you can't object to it all. And so you try to find this is what goes on in court too, with the US prosecutors, you try to find one thing maybe or two things or three things that would control all the other wrongs they've done. But to try to list them all would be impossible. And that's what they depend on. They depend upon things being so crazy, so bad, you just back up and say, I can't believe this. And that's exactly what's happening now. Like the US attorneys, they come out in charge with 90 different charges. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And then you go to a lawyer, well, and he went into court in a case of pellet court. And he listed something like 23 things that he was objecting to. Well, that's uncommissionable. You don't do that. You make the judges mad. 23 issues he brought up. Well, make the long story short. They find him $10,000. They require a writing course. And within two years, his license was gone. They got him. And I don't know what he's doing now. I haven't heard. But he approached the US prosecutor in a way that tried to confront every wrong he could see. You don't you can't do that. You know, warfare is not a matter of fighting on every front. And this force politics is warfare. I mean, it's ugly as they say, politics is war without bloodshed and war is politics with bloodshed. It's too expressive of the same thing. It's violent. It's all the way when you get there. And they'll take it as far as they can get away with in every case, murder and then war, whatever it takes to retain power. Start a war over here and distract you from over here. That's what US government has been doing for years. It's evil. It's godless and our country will pay for it. But that's the way it's working. So we want a man in office like Trump has proven himself to be, who won't be at war with everybody. When he was in office, we weren't at war. You know, Roger, I would even I've even thought and I tend to believe this that World War II would have never happened. The Japs would have never bombed Pearl Harbor if we'd had a man in the presidency that had not stripped the military down where we were drilling with broomsticks instead of rifles and that really happened. A patent general patent at that time was commander of a tank corps and he didn't have any money for parts when the tank broke down. He couldn't make it run it again. He was ultra wealthy from an ultra wealthy family and he paid paid for the parts so he could keep training his men out of his own pocket. By the way, it's Pearl Patton never cast a paycheck ever. He was in an army at West Point. He never cast one paycheck that the US government ever gave him. He turned ever bit of it over to army relief for poor soldiers like Trump. Yeah, it's that kind of thing. Well, Trump when he was in office, unlike FDR, how many thousands of Americans died because of that kind of stupidity just because he wanted to pour money into social programs and leave the military and our national defense faltering. And so what does the rest of the world do? They think we're weak, they attack, and then we're at war. Well, the left knows that that's the way to increase government power. That's what he wanted. And as they say, kings make war and war makes kings make some more than they were, more powerful. Trump, when he was in office, we didn't see that happen. He invigorated his presence invigorated our military. And so we felt stronger. We were stronger and the rest of the world noticed it too. And they didn't want to try it. And they didn't know what DJ might do. The same thing was true and Reagan was in office. Now, all the pimps weeks and piss ants that want to enjoy blood or blood thirsty and like to see war. And that's what it amounts to and like to see Americans killed and watch us kill other people. That's a lot of a lot of fun, they think. Well, that's what they want. So they don't care. I've often said too, that's the reason why that's the reason why the Argentina's Argentina's attacked that the Falkland Islands, they saw a woman in office, they said, shoot, she just a woman, she'd weak. Let's attack. How many thousands of men died because of that kind of political stupidity? Well, England felt like they hadn't have written felt like they had to go down there and do something about it. But the question is, why did it happen in the first place? I dare say it wouldn't have happened under the circumstances. There's a lot to be said for who's in office, whether or not you're going to be slaughtered and other people and they're going to be slaughtered and you. And maybe that's the number one thing we should be thinking about here. Who's going to be in office and who's going to stop? But isn't it funny, Roger, when World War II started, the Germans were all over the British and then people clamored for a man they hated to be prime minister. That was Winston Churchill. Why did they want Winston Churchill to be in office? Because they thought he had to guts to fight a war. That's why. But why did it happen in the first place? Well, it happened in the first place. Why did Germany was so vicious toward Britain? Well, the threat came because they looked weak and so Britain felt, or Germany felt free to do what they did. Well, and I know that they didn't want to fight with Britain, but still they did come and conquer Europe to try to keep it out of the hands of the Communists. All this confusion, though, and all this confusion brings bloodshed and that's what we want to avoid. How do you avoid it? You get in touch with reality, friends. That's how you do it. And you recognize that people are flawed and they will kill each other for the wrong reasons. And it never seemed to stop. Roger, are you going to say something I want to stop? I was going to say something. I said, on the military side, a lot of those ambitious military men know that that's how they achieve higher ranks in war. That's great, too. You can't depend upon them. It amazes me how people listen to all these military guys like their experts on world affairs. They know nothing about world affairs. I remember one time I met a general, I was running for office, and I knew who he was, but I'd never met him. And he was retired, and I was coming out of the courthouse side door and he coming in. He stopped me and said, "You're brand, aren't you?" And I said, "Yeah." I said, "Well, I'm a general so-and-so retired." And he went, he was somebody who said, "I didn't check." He was number three in Desert Storm, and he was around there at home and then went away to the Academy and all. And I said, "Yeah, what's up?" And I figured he'd support me. And he said, "Well, I just wanted to ask you, you're a veteran, aren't you?" And I said, "Yeah." He said, "Well, why don't you join the reserves?" He said, "It's a great thing." He said, "Now I'm out. I put in my 30. I'm out and it's great. I get a lot of money every month. All that guy I want to talk about was how much money he was getting. He was trying to talk me into doing the same thing. Go get yourself back in there and get your years in." And that's really all they're concerned about. You say, "Oh, no, no. They're patriots. Are they? Is it possible to have a critical mass of patriots that are professional fighting men?" I don't know what it is. Are the folks that ratified our Constitution didn't think so. I mean, there's got to be something more to life than a bunch of professional fighting men that like to go to war and their money and their honor and their glory depends, their career depends upon war. We used to sing stuff like that, Roger. We'd run. Somebody would say, "Hold your hands and raise them high. Pray to the war, God, in the sky. Pray all night and pray all day. Without no war, we get no dive pay." That's the kind of things they sing. And men in the military, young men and older men don't really care much about politics. They just care about doing what they're trained to do, and they're chafing at the bit to do it. Well, is that all bad? Not all bad, I suppose, when the time comes. But let's get real about who controls things here. Like I say, I'm surprised that people look to these retired military generals and think that they know something about reality, no friends. They're insiders. And they're there to advance their careers and have a lot of money. And they got connections politically once they get up to the general officer level and the admiralty level. That's what they got. So let's not look to them. You really want to know what's going on in America. You go to the rank and file America down here and ask him because that's where the rubber touches the blacktop. And that's what brings meaning to life. And go to all the experts and the military men that are our dependence, total dependence upon the government. Yeah, that's why they retire them 20 years. That's all they know. They're not good for anything else. They're dangerous at that point. You know, one of the things I discovered, Roger, and again, I don't say this lightly. I'm a 13 year military veteran. But when I was running for office, I learned pretty quick to stay out of the VFWs, the American legions, those fellows that don't know what's going on. They want to go in there and drink a lot of cold beer, let me drink cold beer anymore. And then I discovered that more than half of them are Democrats. I couldn't understand that. But that's the way it is. And that's and they're not savvy, too. I remember when I was in Jimmy Carter. Remember Jimmy Carter? Boy, do I? Yeah, Jimmy Carter. You know, he was a naval academy. I graduated, right? Yes, he was a nuclear engineer, too. Yeah, I got appointed to the submarine corridor in the days of that that Jewish fellow's name that they call him the father of the nuclear Navy. No, Rick over. Yeah, I had more Rick over it. He was in that front. And then he did his hitch and what he had to do got out. And then he got elected to president and I was standing beside a man when he was on TV when he got elected. And I was standing there beside a man who was a commander, a naval commander, and his father, this guy's father, was a hero of the Battle of Bitway. He died there. He was an aviator. And this fellow was standing there. And they were both of them Academy men, his father and him. And Jimmy Carter got in and this guy said, thank God. We finally got a man in office that understands the military and will do what has to be done. Well, what's the first thing? What happened when Jimmy Carter got into office? What I remember was that Jimmy Carter, one of the first things that happened was that, you know, he has to sign every two weeks. He has to sign a piece of paper in order to pay the military men, the armed forces. And if he didn't sign that thing, they don't get paid. And it's not a thread that would ever fail to sign every two weeks. I mean, it wouldn't be wise. Pardon, Roger? Wouldn't be wise. If you don't pay anybody else, you better pay your soldiers and sailors. They're the ones that are going to keep you in office. Well, he failed to do that. And the old man said, well, said, that night, say about it here. But just remember on election day, who didn't pay? And it was Jimmy Carter. And then of course, Jimmy Carter gave away the Panama Canal. He had no military sense at all. Period. Matter of fact, he was anti military. And this goofy commander was all talking about how finally we got somebody in office. I'm telling you, friends, military life has nothing to do with your life. If you're not in the military, military life is martial law. Those men live under martial law. They breathe under martial law. They eat under martial law and they sleep it. They know nothing of what goes on out here really. I'm telling you the truth, friends, they have no sense of what goes on out here that pays their big salaries. They're pretty big now and maintains them. Do they do the job when the job time comes? Oh, yeah. Yeah, they do the job. But let's understand the danger of military service. That's what I'm saying. Is it necessary? Yes, it's a necessary evil. It's a necessary evil. The president's the commander in chief, but our military services now are filled with transvestites. And any time you went, of course, women, we put women in there, you're going to get transvestites. That's what's going to happen. And then you're going to have homosexuality, lesbianism, sodomy, abuse of women and children, and on and on the madness goes, there we are. Can we undo that? I don't know. I don't know, it happens the fast. I won't go. I just read the other day about that section of the UCMJ that forbade under pain of the worst kind of criminal penalties, homosexual behavior in our military. It's been going along. Yeah, but that's what we've got now. I know men. Used to be. Go ahead. Used to be, Brent, that if you wanted to get out of the military, all you had to do was say you were a homosexual. You get booted right out of there. Was that a female trying to say something there a minute ago and get something in? Because we're in open mode here in the forum. I thought I heard a female don't know if it was a background conversation with a mic open or what, but I wanted to give you the opportunity if it was a comment. Well, I know men, Roger, maybe they'll pipe back in. I know West Pointers that some old lives, all their lives of supported West Point successful men with a lot of money and they don't send any more money and they want nothing to do with West Point anymore. A place that was about honor and patriotism. It's not anymore. And none of our service academies. I would advise people stay away from them, don't seek appointments, get out, let them deteriorate and fall because that's what sexuality will do, to deteriorate, wipe out whatever it's connected with. Yep. I agree. So, well, Paul, you got something to comment. He had his hand up. But now he's giving the thumbs down signal. Oh, he's got the thumbs down. Apparently it expired. Ken has his hand up, too. Roger. Ken does again? Yes, sir. Yeah, I can. We can find that easier. Who's the Roger guy? Larry and Jackson, though. Good morning. Hello, Larry. Good morning. Hey, I have a question for Brent. There's this, I don't know, this understanding, for lack of a better word that is going around the Patriot community and it's been going around for years. That, and I guess it comes from the Anavon rights crowd and followers, that all of the government positions were abandoned like maybe 100 years ago, like something happened and they never reconvened. And that what you have going on now is some type of de facto fake government. I was wondering if Brent has ever heard of that and if he could speak to that because I certainly don't believe that, but I just want to know if someone knows exactly what happened like 100 years ago or whatever that supposedly happened and can explain it a little bit more fully. Well, I appreciate you bringing it up. And for some of you out there that maybe thought that Brent was having a meltdown, my father gets that way. He's 98 years old and he'll go off on a tirade. And my mother, she's in her 90s too. She'll panic and run and get the blood pressure thing you put around their arm. Oh, no, no, relax. She'll pump that thing up, Roger. And his blood pressure is more normal when he gets like that than it is in any other time. It's utterly invigorating to let your blood rise as a man and say what you think. That's why I say it. Do we feel like, listen, manhood will suffer. And without manhood, you don't have anything. You don't even have womanhood. You got to have manhood to have womanhood. And it will suffer the more that men are swelched in their speech. They do not feel free to speak. And they won't who's who say in these West pointers and these Annapolis men who say in that they will not support the service academies anymore. I mean, the Air Force Academy, it was gone years ago. But these other service academies who say in that they're filled with transvest sites and queers who's doing that. Is there any freedom of speech left? If there isn't, freedom is gone. You know, if there isn't freedom of speech in the pulpit and in the courts, it's not going to be anywhere. I see it going in the pulpit. But getting back to this fellow's question about the de facto government. Oh, yeah. 1868. I've been listening to that tripe for 40 years. And what really amazes me? Let's get down to the controlling question here. That's Patriot mythology. But it's worse than that. It's what it is, is a red herring, a distraction to distract otherwise, right-headed men with resources into a black hole of stupidity. And to make it worse, what's the remedy? Well, the remedy is Genesis chapter one, two, and three. Don't follow a woman. Don't men. Don't follow a woman. That's silliness. Should we listen to him? Yes. Will they inform us? Will they teach us if we have white yet? Do they see things we don't see? Yes. Are they more quickly logical than us? Yes. But they lack the discernment of men. That's what the Bible says. I'm just quoting the book. You don't like the book. There's not anything to do for you. But why would all these thousands and thousands and thousands of men follow this woman? But they do and pay her money. Lots of money. Why does that happen? What's going on? Well, what happened in the Garden of Eden? That was the problem there. Clearly, it says at point blank. What happened? Well, I read this thing last week about Trump. DJ Trump used to quote those lyrics. Roger, by Roger, you tell us Johnny Rivers. He wrote the lyrics to that song about the snake. Remember that? The half of it. Yeah. And I don't remember what song it was, but all it is, a rendition and poetic terms of what happened in the Garden of Eden. But it's about a woman who took a snake. She found half frozen. And she felt sorry for it. And she took it home and fed it milk or something and got it by the fireplace and got it all all up and healthy. And she had a blanket around it. It was so beautiful, had colors all over it. And she picked it up and it was deadly poisonous and it bit her. And she said, why did you do that? You knew or I tried to I saved your life and I was kind to you. And he said, shut up, silly woman. Shut up. You knew darn well. I was a poisonous snake when you took me in. Yeah, well, that's just what happened in the Garden of Eden. But the difference is, of course, our grandma, bless her heart, Eve, she had no evil intent in her heart when all that happened. She was horn swaggled completely. But the Bible says her husband wasn't. Why are all these men following Anna? When the Bible says, don't do that. Don't do that. And unquestioningly of all this stuff about, we got two governments got one de facto one dessert. People are fascinated. People are fascinated with Latin words and the whole de facto. And then they look them up. They learn about those are. And oh, I see that I see what it is. Why? Because she threw out a couple of Latin words. It's amazing what the evil empire can pass off and how they do it. But I would say to say to you because I don't know the gal. I did see her once. I've said this before. I was at a seminar in Alaska. And I had all my books and all the things that written on the table in the back. And there were a couple of ladies back there that were trying to deal with people that wanted some of them. And I had seen pictures of her pictures ever on the internet. And she walked in the back. It was in a church there that they allowed us to use. And she walked in. And I saw her as I was talking. I didn't say anything, of course. And she was dressed just like you see her on on the internet and an old sweatshirt and pair of jeans. And she bought every book I had, every book. And it cleaned me out. Of course, it took a lot to get all those books up to Alaska. I had to ship them up there and brought some with me. And she didn't hang around to meet me. And of course, I would like to talk to her. That's been years ago. And I, at that time, she was rather new. And I would have liked to met her and talked to her. She has promoted my books. And especially my book on the common law, she's made a lot of good talks about it and her followers by them. But I don't understand. I'll say again, why men follow her? I don't see. She promotes the books about our common law. I'm a comparative lawyer. That's what I like to do. I've been doing it for years, comparing and contrasting the law of the land with the law of the city, our common law with the civil law Rome, which is the law Babylon going way back, the code of Justinian. God brings almost every country in the world in three fundamental forms, the canon law, the church of Rome, the German form of Justinian's code called the code of Bismarck, and the French code called the code Napoleon, all the communist countries have always been under that code. All the rest of the world has been under that code, except Britain and her former colonies, and that amounts to five major on the law countries. That's it. A couple of hundred countries in the world, and they're under forms of Roman code. And there is no freedom possible. I was talking to a police officer yesterday, and he was helping me in a store, and I was asking where he's from. I like to talk to people because then I can talk about him on the platform here. And I tell them what they mentioned. Yeah, I won't mention your name. Just talk about you. He'd been a police officer down near lost lost wages in Nevada for years, retired. Well, I knew that there's only two cities in the United States. There are two counties in the United States where the sheriff has absolute control of everything, and there are no, are no policemen. In other words, the sheriff is the law enforcement in all of the county, including all the cities, and there are no policemen. And Las Vegas, Nevada is one of them, that Clark County. Yeah, Clark County. And the other one is that big county, dead county, Florida. Amazingly, quite fascinating to me. And I asked him about it. I said, did you know that? And he said, I never heard that. I said, how long did you work there? He said 17 years. And now this is the way it works, Roger. And he was nice fellow, by the way, Christian man. But here's the way it works. If you're getting a paycheck, and this is the way it is the military men, you're getting a paycheck. Do you really care how it works? You really care how the jurisdiction works? Do you really care the difference between the law of the land and the law of the city? Well, policemen are under the law of the city. That's regulatory law. Period. And under regulatory law, as a matter of law, they have no discretion at all. They're bureaucrats. They must enforce the regulations. That's it. Any law. Well, of course, they don't always do it. They do make choices. But as a matter of law, the law requires a policeman to enforce all regulations in law without laws without discretion. That's the grand difference between a policeman and a sheriff. A sheriff truly is a peace officer, a peace officer. That means he has discretion. What does it mean to be a peace officer? It means he has discretion to enforce or not to enforce. Sheriff Darley teaches these classes with these law classes with me. He's in a state where the there's a trilogy of witches, the governor and the attorney general and the secretary of state. They said, we're going to cover it. It's a little coven. It's a little coven up there. Yeah, and it's bigger than that, but that's just the one there. It's all over the country at this point. But they said, we're going to enforce COVID laws. You got to wear a mask. And if you have a firearm, we're going to take all the firearms and the sheriff, the sheriff, Dar, that teaches these law classes with me. I like to have him on with me because he gives the practicality of it. He said, I'm unfortunately, that might sound none of it. We didn't. Rest at a policeman, the state police and that state believe me, they enforce it all. We don't need state police. We don't need police. We need sheriff's, but the deputy is serious. Let me just pause you for a second. Let Paul dump us out of Chicago. We're on the air up there and we'll get back. So hold pinpoint your point there about the witches. Go ahead, Paul. 106.9 w v o u f m chicago and radio Thank you for joining us for the first hour. Go to the matrix stocks for links to follow us into the second. Thanks again. Thank you. We got, we got, we got a little hour with our with our friends across the pond over there now, Brent. Oh, well, our mutual friend, Mr. Paul has put up another network over there called radio soapbox. Isn't that what it's called? And it's totally directed at the island there. So we carry, he carries an hour on Thursday and Friday of our show. So they're still messing with scheduling and whatnot. But we got a little chance to say, save me some fishing chips. Would you please? Well, there are cousins. They are our cousins in more ways than one. Glad to have them. And I like it because they haven't preserved the English tongue there. We haven't spoken here in America for many decades. I know they probably listen to us talk and chafe with the way we use the words. And we apologize. But back to the point, Roger, back to the witches. The abuse of women and children has never been higher in America. And women are upfront. And the more upfront they get, the more homosexuality there will be, the more abuse of women and children, the more pedophilia there will be. It's on the rise now, it's going to get worse if they're reversed. It's important that we just pay attention to what true law is and what God has said. That's the bottom line. If we want to avoid abuse bloodshed, hell on earth, we must have order, the shalom of God ordering our lives according to the order of the God of all order. We've learned it in the past. Why do we abandon it now? That the laws of nature, unwritten the nature of creation are English common law. We call it Anglo-American common law here. And our Bibles have served us well to make us the most powerful engine of wealth and prosperity the world has ever known. And if we abandon it now, as we're doing, that will reverse because when that happens, what happens, God says, you pollute your land. And when you pollute God's land, He's the Elodial Landlord. He will throw you off of it. He will oust you. Bible is a series of stories about that happening starting in the Garden of Eden with our grandma, Eve, and our grandpa, Adam. We want decency. We want order. God's order is the order of our common law, the order of the Bible, the order of chivalry, a Christian tradition of our common law. I was at the farm store yesterday, Roger. And I was sitting in the car trying to figure out what I was going to do next. And here come a woman, my age or older, that means she wasn't a springing chicken. And she had three or four hundred pound bags of corn on her little cart. And she opened the back of her Jeep. And she somehow got her arms under. I was watching through the window. And she got her arms under one of those bags in an odd way. And I thought, what's going on here? Oh, I didn't, why wouldn't somebody that would work here come out one of the men and help her get this stuff off? So I got out. I walked behind and I said, how much decency do you have in you? She said, what do you mean? I mean, would you be decent enough to let me do that? Oh, she said, thanks, would you please? I said, sure. I said, I delight in doing this. So I picked the bags up. Of course, it's not as easy for me as it used to be. I used to throw that stuff around like cordwood Roger. Anyway, I got it up and I got it in the back of her little automobile or her Jeep there. And she said, thanks, she said, you know, I've got a chemo brain. I said, what do you mean chemo brain? She said, well, I got through chemotherapy and they said, I lick the cancer, but the chemo destroyed the nerves and my hands and my and my forearms. And so all I can do is clutch at things. I can't really grab them the way I used to and I couldn't pick those bags up. And I said, well, I'm ignorant to what God's doing, but I like to thank God's in control of a lot of things, everything actually. And he just happened to have me here and so enjoy it while he can. And she said, you know, I was a bodybuilder all my life. I said, what do you mean? She said, I mean, I lifted weights and I competed bodybuilder and I worked for a dentist now and she was up. I don't know how she was. I don't know. She was, as I say, she wasn't just a young gal. And I thought to myself, you know, I'm sure she was very, very focused on her own health, the way she described herself. But it doesn't make any difference. How much we try. The hardships of life are going to close in on us. And when it's all said and done, all of us are going to stand before the creator of heaven and earth and all that in them is and give answer. And the older I get, Roger, the more intensely that becomes impressed upon my brain. And I am deeply convicted that what the Bible says is true for good evidentiary reasons, by the way, the best overwhelming evidentiary reasons. And I have to give personal testimony at this point. The most enjoyable thing I've ever engaged in in my life is knowing, knowing God. And there's only one way to know him, not know about him. That's different. A lot of people know about God. You got all these punky professors and dinky doctors and these seminaries and universities that study and they know all about God. But the only way you can know him is to know his will. That's the only way. And his will only comes in two volumes. The laws of nature unwritten in the nature of creates in our common law and the laws of nature's God, written, Lexa Scripta says Blackstone. There is no other way. My father's 98. And thinking back upon his life and what I know of him now, all I want to know about my father now when I'm with him is what does he want and what does he think about what he wants and why does he want it? That's all I want to know. I don't tell him anything what good would it do at this point? I want to hear him talk. And that's the way I get to know him even more at this point in my life. I know what questions to ask. I didn't know when I was 14 and 15. Oh, I picked up a lot. Well, how much more so is that true? I don't care. My father's appearance doesn't have much to do with it, by the way. Pictures of my father don't have much to do with it. What has something to do with knowing my father is his words, what he says. And that I can get. And with the maker of heaven and earth, our father who art in heaven, he is our father ultimately. We can know him by knowing his word and to give attention to what he said and he's put it in right and he's recorded it and he's given it to us in creation around us. We can see the relationships between things and things and things and men and between men and men. And we can observe how it works as it's our common law. Well, what we want to do at is inform people of the law of God. Why? So they can know God. That's why, because knowing God is ultimate. Now, if you go to the book of 1 John, 1 John, I'm hoping we have some of our heroes from Chicago. Now that we've moved off into the laws of nature and the laws of nature is God. If you in 1 John, chapter 2, verses 12 through 14, John, the foreman of the 12th Managerie that Jesus Christ and panel to witness the evidence of his identity, he's the only one that wasn't murdered, by the way, and he died in chains in a salt mine, working in slave labor in Patmos, almost a hundred years old or right at it. He wrote 1 John. There's not a harder hidden book in the Bible. 242 Greek words of vocabulary, of only 242 Greek words by my count, and I mean root words used in different ways, verbs and nouns and particles. But that book is harder than any book in the Bible I've ever read. And I suggest to people, and on this platform, we've done that, Roger, read the book of 1 John, five chapters, read it every morning for 30 days, and tell me it doesn't enlighten your mind and change your life. And you'll like it so much. If you're like me, you'll read it for another 30 days. You're getting so much out of it, you get more out of it every time you read it, read it, read it when you're relaxed in the morning. It won't take long. It's a matter of discipline, my friends, you brush your teeth every day, you take a shower every day, you comb your hair every day, why not get to know God for 30 minutes a day? You're a, you're a darn fool if you don't do that. Matter of fact, you're a God-hating S.O.B., a son of Bilal, if you don't do that. Do that. Try it. Give it a try. See what happens. You may want to do the rest of the Bible that way. Well, 1 John, he says there, chapter 2, verses 12 through 14, he says, "I write unto you little children because you have known the Father. I write into you to put it in the, since we have this British audience, the best word I found to translate that Greek word there is barons. Now, those of you in Northern England and Scotland know what a baron is. I write into you barons and I translate beloved or dear barons because that's what the Greek word means. That's from the word tiptoe. Well, that means to be born. It means, it means flesh and blood. My grandma Douglas used to say, "Ah, she getting mad." And she'd say, "I ain't gonna, none of this farm is gonna go to anybody but the heirs of my body." She was threatening people to you when she said that because some people in her family are feeling their oats and wanting to scatter their oats a little bit. Young men do that, you know. She said, "I'm not gonna leave this, this farm. It's a good bottom land. It still is. I'm not gonna leave this farm to anybody but the heirs of my body. What did she mean? She meant my own flesh and blood. You go out here and have a bunch of illegitimate babies. I don't want nothing to do with them or marry some woman who has children already. Some woman, some of my daughters, marry some man's got women at children. I don't want this farm to go to anybody but the heirs of my body and the heirs of my body." She's talking about her dearly beloved, her children and her grandchildren. Well, that's what that word means there. I write into you little children because you have known, you know, who your father is. He has different levels, four different levels there of maturity after the spiritual birth. And it's just like maturity in the physical birth or for living. It starts out a little child. The first thing he knows is his father, you have known the father and you say, "Dada." That's one of the first things you know. You also say, "Mama." And then he says, "I write into you young men because you're strong. Why? Because the Word of God dwells in you and you have overcome the wicked one." So young men, babies know who their dad is. That's about it. And they're not good for much anything. You pat them on the head. I used to think I was helping my father when he'd go out and work in the oil field and then he worked in the field. I'd go with him. I wasn't helping him. I thought he'd give me something to do but I wasn't helping him. He'd been dragging me along, you know. That's why it is a little children's spiritual birth. You just drag them along and they're just nice to have around. They know who their dad is. That's about it. But young men know something more. What do they know? They know doctrine. They know the teaching. They know what the book says. And because it dwells in them, they've learned it. They're learning it. They're fascinated with it. They have overcome the evil one. That's what it says. That's powerful stuff. But there's another level. He says, "I write unto you old men because you have known the one who is from the beginning." You don't just know God the Father. That's important of course. You don't just know the Bible, the Word of God dwells in you. You've overcome the wicked one. You know God. You know Him and you're getting to know Him better. That's the goal of the Christian life, is to know God. You know who's the best-selling book written back in the, I believe it was the 70s. We're right around the late 60s, early 70s, written by an Anglican bishop by the name of J.I. Packer. J.I. Packer. He ended up being a professor of seminary in Vancouver, Canada, I think. But J.I. Packer wrote a book. It was the first Christian book to ever be on the best-sellers list in New York Times. And the name of the book was "Knowing God." What a book. And he took as his proof text or his text that he unpacks the verse. I believe it's from the 9th chapter of the prophet Daniel verse 11, or maybe the 11th chapter verse 9. I don't remember. You can look at that. But Daniel, the prophet there, says this is a good translation. "They who do know their God shall be strong and do exploits." That's King James, I believe. "Do exploits." Well, the word "exploits" is no, there's no word there to translate it all, but that added. What it says in the Hebrew text is, "They who do know their God shall strengthen and do." Period, just strengthen and do. There'll be doers. They will be intrepid doers. And to add the word "exploits" is okay. That splashes that out and makes it smoothly read in English. But God's people, God's man, is a doer. Why is he a doer? Only because he knows his God. Well, how does he know his God? Well, he knows the words of God. The words of God, the Bible are the thoughts of God recorded. The sentences of God are his full thoughts recorded. And when you know that book, it pushes out the trash that you've allowed to come in and the stuff that you've followed up that's just silly and a waste of your time and everybody else's. There's no triviality in the Bible. There are no superfluous words. It is an errant and there's the overwhelming evidence for that. But you substitute those words in your mind. It will push out. You don't just say I'm going to be a good guy now. No, no, no, no. That'll never work. The darkness must be pushed out with light. You don't just get rid of darkness. No, the only way to do it is push it out with light. And God's book is the light. And it is the final arbiter of right and wrong. It is the final rule of faith and practice for all of human life. It is fully sufficient and enough for all things. As it says of itself, it's right. Indeed, it is the court of last resort in the universe for what is true and what is false. And nobody ever wrote a book that cast any light upon the Bible. The Bible cast light on all the books. It is the lamp. It is the lantern in this dark and murky place we're living. And if you haven't figured that out about this being in a dark and murky place, you have blind. No, you're blind. The devil himself. You want over one there's only one way and politics ain't it, by the way. Oh, politics is an important part of life that we do something about government, but nothing good will ever come of anything we good. We do unless it is fully informed and motivated to action by the laws of nature and the laws of nature is God. That's our duty as Christian men and women. Well, Roger, that's my that's my solution. That's my impetus. That's my encouragement to folk today. One of the founders said the Constitution was only written for moral ethical people, some to that effect and pretty well true. Are there any questions from the audience? I'd like to engage the platform here, the forum. If anybody's got anything to ask or add or comment on, we'd love to hear from you comment. There's one right there. Yeah, sure. Hang on, Ken. Let's let's get sketching here. He's got to stand up again. Okay, we'll go ahead. I think Ken was going to stay on topic and I was going to change it. So please, Ken, go ahead. No, I yield to you, Scott. You've been waiting to go for it. Well, I don't want to change the topic. If you're going to stay on topic, please. Well, you do quite complimenting each other. Sketch what you got to say. Well, I was going to challenge you to a golf man carrying contest, Roger, but I was going to ask, did you like that one? Yeah, I get to I get to carry I get to carry Trump's you've got to carry Biden's. Yes, but please don't beat Medicare. Okay. I'm going to ask Brent, if he's aware of, has he ever presented a case for a an Amish person and is he aware of the great or fairly decent, I would say, litigator, Robert Barnes. I yield. Thank you so much for today. Yeah. And I'm aware of this to his client years ago. Now you're Oh, two or three years ago, maybe a couple. Amish Miller. Yeah, a great link, by the way, and I had really, oh, yeah, because he was looking for a lawyer. And I had the solution for his problem, I believe, not to say it here, not to talk about what I that talked about with him. But if you want to avoid litigation, litigation, if you can, and that was my solution, I thought I had a good idea how to do it for it. It was worth a try. But for whatever reason, it didn't happen. And now he's he's just fighting him in a litigation mode, but I'm not a control of that. And I'm not the client. And I don't call the shots. And I hope things go good for him. I like him and nice fella. Yeah, he's doing a good thing. He's providing healthy meat to his customers all over the country. Yes. Yeah, chemical free. By the way, I would say one of the things that you could do for the gentleman is find out how to buy his stuff and buy it. Amish Miller's natural foods dot com or something like that. I hear Barnes promoted. He also does a lot of stuff with raw milk products and other things. It's just that's a very interesting case. I'll tell you what Barnes said. He said, listen, I'm going to defend this guy, even if it bankrupts me personally. He likes it. Yeah, that's what it takes. And if you don't have a lawyer that's convicted about it, you don't have nothing. And you have to have a guy in there that's in it for more than money. But by golly, pay your lawyer if he's that way. Sell your house. You have to. You've got a gym on your hands. There are a few and far between. And if that's his attitude, I applaud him. Boy, I'll tell you what he's uncovered is the whole Pennsylvania court system is just in the gutter. I mean, it's incredible all these. And now that he's got a high profile client and situation there with Amos, now all the other Amish people that have been trumped on are coming to him. So he's getting a bunch of cases out of there and spending probably more than time in Pennsylvania than he'd want to. Yeah. And they got money those Amish. They they don't bank. You know, going hash. They used to I suppose they still do. That's what it was. They want me to surround where I was. And there's more of them flooding in all the time. And they have convictions against that kind of stuff. I I have admiration for their devotion to the land. You know, Christianity is about land. That's what's about, right? Christianity, Roger has been urbanized. And that's been always the danger of Christianity. Rome is the Satan's masterpiece of the urbanization of Christianity. And right down to the Urbain law, like Herman Herman Melville said, the chief characteristic of the serpent in the garden was that it was or he was or is or bane. Urbainism is what destroys people. Being Urbain, being the Metro man. And I'm amazed when a church out in Sacramento, California, a new people went to it. It was called Metro Metro church. Everything is the city, you see. And that with that, with that at the foundation of what you call Christianity, you don't have Christianity. It doesn't exist because Christianity is a trust settlement. God's trust settlement with man and the entrusted property is land. And that's the theme of the Bible from cover to cover and led to lived, as you know, we need to stop and consider what's going on. God gave a personal real estate to Adam. Then he gave a personal real estate to a nation called Israel. Then he divided it up by lot into the 12 tribes. And then the then the the shires translated translated loosely in the King James Bible family. That's not it. It's a shire. That's a Jural entity as his nation, a Jural entity. By the way, the government of Israel and the Old Testament, the way it's laid out is in five levels, five levels of from the the greatest territorial jurisdiction with the least subject matter jurisdiction down to the smallest territorial jurisdiction with unlimited subject matter jurisdiction. And that's the same, the same hierarchy we have here in America. We call it by different names. I like to use the names that we're familiar with. And I do that in the Bible to show what God's government is. You have the nation, the state, that's analogous to the tribe of Israel. And then the the county, the shire, we call them counties after the Norman invasion. That's a Hebrew word in the very, very obscure Hebrew word, but she used a lot. And then down to the family and then down to the individual militiamen. And as you do that, as you come from the top, as they say to the bottom, the territorial jurisdiction is wide at the top, but the subject matter jurisdiction is very small. That's our federal government to the United States. Our constant United States grants a very limited small subject matter jurisdiction to federal courts and Congress. But the territory is wide covers the whole nation. And then you get the states that turns around the other way, the subject matter jurisdiction of the state courts and the state guards. Yeah, matter of fact, unlimited. And it covers cleat powers. That's how unlimited it is. Hours to control the future behaviors of men respecting health education and welfare. Did you know the federal government in worst in DC has absolutely no jurisdiction over health education and welfare within the territorial boundaries of your state? Well, then how do they have a Department of Education? Thank, thanks, thanks to the Naval Academy graduate Jimmy Carter. Mr. Carter. Yep. This is the silliness of politics. You know, where friends you must know yourself. Roger, go ahead. I was going to say Carter, you know, is probably one of the worst presidents of Biden for surpasses him, obviously. But he's probably the best ex president we've had in our lifetimes. I don't know what that means, but I'm happy I did. Well, and the fact that he's exposing a lot of the Israeli stuff and he's, you know, a real piece kind of guy in his post office activities. But at least that's, you know, what I've observed. I've ever heard other people comment on it. Let's go over here to Ken and because Ken has something the same minute ago, he was gracious enough to defer to Mr. Sketch. So Ken, front and center, buddy. Well, that's an interesting segue. You go from Mr. Pina to me, but I digress. Well, we're hoping we'll hope when there's salt growing peanuts out there in West Texas. Go ahead. Yeah. Well, just have a quick comment and not no time to deal with it. But I really think that all the books of the Bible were complete, I think even before 66 AD. But you know, I'll have to talk about that some other time, but I can throw that out there. But speaking of the Bible and your earlier comments and the Garden of Eden has been brought up several times. I think that the reason men follow women is because it gives them an excuse to be slothful. And at the same time, then they blame the woman, just like in the Garden of Eden, where they say, "Well, God, you know that woman you gave me?" Well, it was her fault. So it's the same old blame game and, you know, where was he when that happened? Why wasn't he watching out for her? And then one more thing, then the reason the woman aired was because of equivocation. "You shall not surely die. It's safe and effective." I yield. Well, no, I'm glad you brought that up. And that's right. Why do men follow women? Because they're lazy for what they can't get rid of. Men can't get rid of the responsibility. They can delegate it with the consequences of it, and they'll answer for it. And that's exactly it. Read that passage. That's fundamental to all of life, to understand the details of what happened there. What an explanation. Well, she got in trouble with him, and here's the other dangerous thing. And we can recognize this on the family level, in marriage, on the national level, that when the guy in charge is evil, everybody suffers. Everybody. Of course, in that particular situation, mankind is Adam. Mankind is Adam. And when Adam goes down, that which was taken out of him goes down. And that's his wife, Eve. And that's what happened there, and it will continue to happen. And that particular relationship is fundamental to all government. And the more it breaks down, the roles of men versus women, not versus women, men and women, it's become that, it's become adversarial. To hate men is a culture now. And there are a lot of men haters out there, and then the men hating women, and then the men follow the women that hate men, and it just gets worse. Yes, it's working. Yeah. And to bring that to rightness is not something that anybody can do. The spirit of God, only the spirit of God can do that through a man and a woman or a woman or both. So the new birth is what brings the indwelling and spirit of God, and impels men and women to do what is proper and right. And if you don't have that, you don't even want to do it. And I'm not even talking to you. I learned a long time ago, Roger, I'm speaking to the cubic foot air in front of my face. Right. And God commands me to speak and say what he said. And that's all we're doing here. By the way, can't was it can the guy down in Texas? Yeah. Yeah, that that's the idea about yeah, can that idea about the books being done all completed by 66 A.D.? Yes, I am familiar with that. And I don't quarrel with you about it because I know that you and those that put that forward to have good reason for it. And I've read their reasons. And I just a lot of things I don't understand as I know you don't. And we look at the facts and we try to sort them out. And that's not the controlling fact to know when the Bible was finished. If it were the controlling fact, God would have provided the evidence clear and overwhelmingly when he provides evidence, it's overwhelming. And the things that he provides overwhelming evidence for, that's what he wants us to pay attention to. So I do come to conclusions about things like that as you have. But if it's not overwhelming and clear and convincing, I don't quarrel about it because the so much in the Bible that I have not mastered yet, that I want to focus on that and life's only so long. And I want to focus on that and not focus on things that we cannot come to hard conclusions with. Now, of course, that's saying, having been said, maybe you've come to a hard conclusion on that point that it's controlling and maybe you think that the evidence is overwhelming for your position. But if that's true, that's another matter. Back to you, Roger. Well, it's a great conversation. And I do have some presuppositional bias, which I put out there. But I believe that everybody has that once they come to their theological persuasion, it's hard not to have one, if not impossible. But I only bothered that because I thought you made a comment about that when you were talking about First John, unless I didn't hear correctly. John wrote the book "Revelation" in the last book of the Bible. And First John, he was very old man. And you said you weren't of that position. And it depends upon what people want to listen to today. Personally, I'd like to hear you talk about it, but I don't know what Roger's got in mind. And maybe he's got something else he'd like to talk about or somebody will ask a question. Well, I was going to open up the conversation to the audience because I like to involve them. And we've got about 30 minutes, 25 minutes left. But Ken, as long as you're on this, JAG, if you've got something to say and comment on, we'd like to have you do that. Well, there are certain conversations that I don't think it does in justice to not have plenty of time. That's a fair amount of time. Since I was just being brief about it and saying it requires more discussion. But to be brief, I think that the discussions between Peter and Paul, the Apostle Peter and Apostle Paul, and in the book of Revelation. So then John demand that the book of Revelation was already known by them. That's the super short version. And I'm not prepared to get that on my scripture references just right this moment. I'd have to look them up. But that's the gist of my position. Well, I get your point. Of course, the book of Revelation is nothing but a repeating of what the prophets of the Old Testament said. Somebody said there's 300 in the prophets. Well, in that book, I'd say there's a lot more than 300. I mean, it's just solid. It's solid the Old Testament prophets. And if that's true, then yes, they would have known what's in the book of Revelation because they knew the Old Testament prophets. I'm amazed watching people and all the hype that's put upon the book of Revelation and in times and people have conferences. They've been doing this for decades. And that's the book of Revelation and over, they go over it and over it. And nobody ever says, but this is what the prophet so and so says. And here it is right here. It's quoted. And let's see what that really means in context. And that's not what's happening. So we get a lot of point. Yeah, sorry to get a lot of this understanding, but there's a lot of money, a lot of money to be made by talking about end time prophecy. How Lindsay wrote a book in 1973 called the late Great Planet Earth was the best seller. And it, of course, promoted Israel. No, no, it didn't promote Israel. It promoted the Israelis. There's a difference, a big difference. It promoted Zionism. And that was a false premise. How Lindsay, a graduate of Dallas seminary, hardcore dispensational seminary, I don't know if it is in this little as a one time. Oh, yeah. A lot of a lot of misunderstanding comes out of all that about what's going to happen. And people depend upon that, upon prophecy experts more than they depend upon the Bible. I think there's no doubt. Just take your English Bible friends, read it. If it says it, believe it. We'll have to comment on that. That's why the book of Revelation, or the revelation of Jesus Christ, and a lot of people call it revelations, but it's the revelation of Jesus Christ, which I know you know that I'm not preaching to the choir on that one, is I can't get past the first three verses, because you have two time statements, the first one qualitative, and the second one, first three quantitative. And I don't know how anybody can get past that, where you have Apostle John telling you that, who he's receiving it direct from God. So you can't say he doesn't know the day or the hour, because only the Father knows, the Father was telling him what to write. And he had the eminence of the whole New Testament, but especially the revelation. And that's what tortures me, that it seems so obvious to me, why would I want to believe somebody today telling me that that time is now when yet the Apostle John himself is telling you that time is now 2,000 years ago. So I'm not supposed to believe him, but to believe somebody else today saying it's contemporary. That's what I struggle with not to condemn what anybody else's beliefs are, but that's what tweaks me to my core. I yield. Well, those verses are important. I agree, and I've struggled with them myself. But when you see something that says, for example, in the Bible, the time is now, that's an attempt to translate a Greek word in the New Testament we're talking about here, like the book of Revelation, a Greek word, and it's almost impossible to capture exactly what the word means without an explanation. In other words, word for word translation doesn't get the, for example, I'm looking here, I'm looking at the winterized version for what it's worth. And the King James says these things will happen quickly, use the word quickly, Q-U-I-C-K-L-Y. And winterized version has a footnote on that word. The Greek word is teclos, and it means straightaway as a matter of short time, right away to come and the... Like we get tachometer from. Yeah, but yes, the word that I focus on in the English is suddenly. Also, I'm reading from the footnote, also signifying that once that which is bespoke and begins to happen, it accelerates exponentially. So the... Right, the qualitative comment. Yeah, the word doesn't mean right now. Next thing that's going to happen, what the word means is, once it starts to happen, it's going to accelerate quickly. And I think I've used the... I like to use the analogy. When I was a boy, we'd run around on the Hickey Hills south of where we lived. We call them the Hickey Hills, because old man Hickey owned them at one time. And there are a lot of old oil wells that were abandoned and the Hickey Hills out in the woods. And the casing was sticking up out of the ground, and my brother and I had been to school, and we had learned, even in grade school, a formula, an algebraic formula for calculating the rate of acceleration of falling objects in a vacuum, the rate of acceleration of falling objects in a vacuum. And it is 32 feet per second per second. Now, to say 32 feet per second per second is to have to understand what that means, and you can go look all that up. But we would take a... We'd prep a chunk of BS, and an oil field, BS is all that stuff that hardens around the wellhead. It's oil and salt water and all the gunk of all sorts. And we call it BS, bottom sediment. And we'd prep chunk of that up, and we'd drop it into that four-inch casing tube. And we'd put our ears to the tube, and we would count how many seconds it would take till we hear it go cathud at the bottom of the well. And then we would calculate, knowing how many seconds, how deep it was. We based that calculation on knowing that falling objects accelerate at a certain speed in a vacuum course, that we weren't in a vacuum, and of course, that piece of BS would go bang, bang, bang, bang, bang all the way down as it went down. But we could get an idea, a couple hundred feet, 200 feet, whatever it was. But the faster... The way to put that 32 feet per second per second, the way to describe it equals, the faster an object falls, the faster it falls faster. The faster an object falls, the faster it falls faster. It increases speed exponentially. That's exactly what this word means. The whatever is going to... When it starts, it's going to... Bang, that's done, like that. It will come... And the word suddenly is also used the same word used in Peter, second Peter, talk about that. The immediacy, there's two words in the New Testament that mean fast. One of them is this word, Tacos. The other one is Uthos, which means straight away. For example, that means next, that means without any delay. That's the word that means it's going to happen right now. The Gospel of Mark is written to the Romans. The target audience is the Roman culture. And the motto of the Roman culture was in Latin, labor omnia vincent. Labor omnia vincent, which means in Latin, it means labor. Work conquers everything. Work conquers everything. That's what they believed. And they put all their value as men in their culture upon working hard that conquers everything. So the Gospel of Mark presents, presents Jesus Christ as the indefagible worker, the man who never rests. No place in the Gospel of Mark is Jesus Christ said to have rested as a matter of fact, he does one thing. And then it uses this Greek worth ethos, which means immediately he does something else. And it's used about 42 times by my count, if I remember right, 42 times in that Gospel to present Jesus Christ as just going from one thing to another, healing this man, going and talking to this man, and then establishing a doctrine here, then healing the cripple man, healing the blind man, raising this person that whatever he's doing, it's bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. But that's not the word that's used here in the book of Revelation. There's a word that talks about once a thing starts, it comes to a quick crescendo when it ends. Like a, like a dragster, he's another analogy, a rail out on the drag strip. Now he starts out accelerating quickly, but then he as he accelerates, he accelerates faster and faster as he goes faster. That's this word here. So yeah, it doesn't mean it's going to happen next. That's not what he's talking about. He's talking about what when it does happen, it's going to happen quick and fast. That's the point to sum up. I'm glad you brought that up though. What has foregone to happen in haste soon? I'm reading from the winterized version and having sent off through his agent, he signified to his thrall, John, his slave, who testified as much as he be held of a lawgiver's proven claims, etc. Well, and he says, happy as the man that reads this book. This is a summation, summation of putting together of some of the statements of the prophets of the older testament. That's what it is. Well, for bringing it up though, I like to talk about the Bible just about more than anything. But I think we realize that. Well, absolutely. I didn't say there's anything wrong with it. Anybody in the audience got some questions or comments on all that's been said today? You're mighty quiet bunch. Roger? Yes. Is that Larry again? Larry, just to follow up question and another question for Brent. He mentioned when he was answering my last question, he mentioned the year 1868. And I was wondering if he could elaborate on that because that's where all of this crowd who believes, this patriot crowd who believed that all of the offices in government have been abandoned, they have this certain date in mind. And I'm wondering if that's the date that Brent mentioned and what exactly are they basing their beliefs on as far as that date is concerned. And then the other question I have is if the office of sheriff is constitutional and you have a woman sheriff and some type of emergency comes to pass and the sheriff, I believe Brent mentioned, I don't know if this is in the Constitution, I guess it would be that there's three offices that can assume authority over the local militia. And it's the sheriff, the governor, and the president. And whoever assumes authority over the local militia first, they're the ones that can carry out throughout the emergency. And so another authority cannot come in and assume that authority. So if you have a woman sheriff and she has to call up the local militia, what do you do there? Because she's not a man, obviously. She's a woman occupying that office. So those two questions. The devil's clever, Andy, and isn't it funny? I know of some women and sheriffs and I know of the ones I've known about are lesbians. Who, what man in his right mind would put himself under that side of command? What man in his right mind would submit to command of that kind of a creature? So confused about some simple things, and then you're going to put your life in the hands and under the command of that, that's madness. Yeah, the devil has got us wrapped up real bad, but we see it all over. But back to the point, I would assume I didn't know better. I'd say you took our class on sheriff Dara and I's class on the militia. Did you take that class? No, I did not, but you know, I didn't take the class, but you talked about this on a Friday a couple of weeks ago, maybe about a month ago. You mentioned those three, those three different offices that can assume authority over the local militia. We've talked to two law classes. One of them is the power of the county. We call it the power of the county. What is the power of the county? That is the posse comatatus. That's the power of the sheriff too. The sheriff commands the posse comatatus posse for short posse is a Latin word. We get a word possibility from that word. The latent possible power of the county is the, we call it the posse, because it's possible. And if the sheriff wants to use it, he can. But yeah, there are three offices in our common law tradition. And our tradition of our Constitution of the United States is a common law tradition. Our Constitution of the United States is a brief common law government. No place in our Constitution is the office of sheriff mentioned. Why? Well, because the Constitution of the United States has nothing to do with local and state government. It's only written to limit the general government in Washington, D.C. That's what it's written for. And to govern that government as to how it is to operate is a document of due process, a document of how, not what, there is no substantive law, no substantive law, no law about family law, contract law, trust law, torts, nothing in our Constitution about that. No, because it's a document about our common law, which is due process. God has given delegation to men, us mankind over due process, not over substantive law. It's not within our jurisdiction to decide, uh, substantively what is right and what is wrong. Our forebearers said that our Puritan and Presbyterian forebearers said that they were big on it. They said, we don't need a legislature. We got legislation from the legislator God himself. What we need are courts and juries to decide who has violated, was violated that or how to apply it. And that comes down to process. And God says, if you follow a due process, he says this in the Old Testament, you follow a due process. The result is mine. And it's reliable. You don't follow fairness process, a fair fight. Go through the steps that I tell you to go through to determine what you need to determine. Yeah, in other words, you got to have two witnesses to establish any, any relevant fact. You don't follow that process, then you haven't got anything, chaos. Now, where to the point now, friends, neighbors, and kin, where the devil's about, uh, put the cap on evil. And he's doing it through the perversion of sex, just like he did in the Garden of Eden. Reverse the roles who's in charge here, who has to make the decision. And I want to add, as I always add, God does not bless brains. No, he doesn't bless might. He doesn't bless the person that's the smartest or the person that's the most powerful. Brains are broad. What does he bless? He blesses his order, called shalom. You do things according to his way. Men are men and women are women. That's the most fundamental reality of distinction that God has given us. That's why the Bible starts with that narrative, that evidence of what happened, to show us that that's foundational. And then it's something the devil himself knows, that in order to destroy the trust settlement, the very relationship that God has with his people, he must destroy manhood. Uh, smell the coffee folk. You see it? It's all about destroying it's all about toxic master lint. It's all about getting little boys on a riddle and go ahead, Roger. Let me just tell you something I heard, Brent and I, I shocked Tucker Carlson's down in Australia. I think it was through his speech when I heard it. Um, they're trying to outlaw tobacco down there. Yeah. Uh huh. You know why? Why? It increases testosterone. Yeah, I thought you're going to say cause cigars stink and women are men smoke cigars. Now in my day, I remember when women use just most cigars, but I won't talk about that. And yeah. Yeah. And yeah. And they had their nice little long, uh, cigarette holders and stuff that were all decorated up. Yeah. All of that. Yep. Uh, a couple of minutes left. Anybody got any inquiries or comments? We've got to get rid of toxic masculinity. That's right. Roger. Oh, yeah. Push it right now. Uh huh. Yeah. The role of finishing. Very kill them. Do anything. Cast right. Get them off Riddler. And a lot of it is coming from the plastics that release that chemical that's unsure, sexual, uh, your sperm testosterone, et cetera. And they've done a, they've done some research and they found it in every man in the world they've tested and virtually every cell of all of us, it's gotten down to that finite point. So we're eat up with these plasticides and they knew that they didn't have to put that in there and they did it intentionally. Somebody was saying something right there. Yeah. This is sketch. I was wondering if you guys have a comment on this quote, men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. Well, there is no evil. There's no evil done. That's not done for religious conviction. Period. Evil is a religious conviction and there's no man's have that doesn't have religion. That's one of the great ruses of the evil empire and make and think that they're irreligious. They aren't all men are religious. You can't help me in this bird's fly, uh, horses run, beast of prey are born to ferocity, hounds hunt, and men are fundamentally religious. You know, Karl Marx said that men are fundamentally a belly. You can see what that's done to people. What kind of society that builds, but he's wrong. And he was a Jewish fellow that hated Christianity. He hated God. That's what Judaism is. Hatred of God. Babylonian. I think God that made us in Jesus Christ. Hatred of Jesus Christ. That is religion trends and anyone who attacks from Christianity does so for religious reasons. And it can come to bloodshed. It has several times. When men, the revolution we call American revolution was fought for religious reasons. It was Christianity versus Babylon. That's what what it was. The law, the land versus the law, the city, we fought it because they would not acknowledge our common law in the American colonies. Blackstone says our common law, volume one, our common law does not apply in our American plantations. That's quote. And so and common law is about it's a Christian tradition. It's about religion. Communism. Communism is clearly religion. Everybody has a final arbiter. Every man has a final arbiter of right and wrong. Every man from whose decision there is no appeal. You determine who that is. And that'll tell you who your God is, your law giver. And your response back to your law giver, every man has one, is his religion. That's what the word religion means even. Religare, a binding back and Christianity. In Christianity, we say the Bible says we love him. Why? Because he first loved us. It is our response back that is our pure and then defiled religion. If it's a response in respect. And James in the Bible calls it our religion. It is our religion. Don't say that we don't want religion. We want relationship. No, your relationship with God, if it's proper, is your religion, my friend, your religion. Then use the word, use it properly. Christianity is religion. Well, thanks for bringing that up though. I appreciate it. Makes total sense. Anybody else here? There's okay. Go ahead. I like the comment. Okay, please do get the other first person next. If we got time, go ahead. This is Samuel, but they needed to bring this up for a long time. This is about land and the Bible. So let me get to the Bible before you interrupt me. Otherwise, I might mess this up. The first, there is no piece of paper entitled a loadable title. One may hold land by a loadable right or in a loadable, but there is no lawful piece of paper that says a loadable title at the top of it. That's first. Secondly, true title passes only by inheritance, not by purchase. And then ultimately, and I'm skipping over a lot of details here, but I just want to get sort of to the meat and potatoes. Recall that the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, Psalms 24-1. And then you get that as Christians, we are made joint heirs with Christ. And then he quotes Romans, Galatians, Titus, and many others backing that up. In God's law is the means to inherit and thus acquire true title to a land in a loadable. It waits every Christian who truly seeks to act in the mode and character of one, who by virtue of his godly inheritance has a right to the free and unencumbered use of the land inherited through Jesus Christ, a yield. Well, I think your friend Brent has one minute for rebuttal in the shows of, and I'm not necessarily but glad you brought it up, but I do want to add this or say this, a loadable title only resides in the sovereign. And men do not get a loadable title. That's true of our common law going back centuries to the Nordic and Germanic tribes. Lodial title never resided in anything but sovereignty, and God was sovereign after Christianity came, and that's the way it was viewed. And we don't have it. Now, Lodial title is not a title. That's why he called it a right, a Lodial right, and a Lodium because the true sovereign is Jesus Christ, and you can inherit through Jesus Christ. You make a good point. I just wanted to add that in our history. No, I am glad you brought it up. Appreciate it. Well, I'm going to say something about the website before we're out of time. Please go to,, and join us for our class coming up, a lot of other resources, class coming up on the Bill of Rights, Sheriff Darley, Sheriff Darley for nine, 12 week class. You can see how to join there. We're trying to get the stuff up on the Internet. If it's not there, be looking for it. We want to get the word out. I think a schedule, the 11th of July, unless those that take care of the administration change it. Right. Well, that's going to be a good one. Yeah, I hope so. And you can find other things there to website too that are valuable. The winterized version of the Bible, a common lawyer translates and annotates from the original tongues. Over 35,000 foot notes, 175 appendices, a tracing major theme through the work and the work of the text of the context of our Bible and the comparative law text of 958 pages called Excellence of the common law, comparing and contrasting our law of the land, our common law, that the law of the city is civil law on every continent and then every age from the settling of the city of Babylon up to the present. But you can get obtain that there and many other books books on the grand jury books on the jury books on the right to remain silent. Our Constitution and Declaration of 76 calls by clause and blow by blow common lawyer comments you can get that. And we're also on public platforms are now seven days a week. You can see what those are on the media page. We also have a store store and you go to the website it's people want that all sorts of stuff to my and that's I didn't do that but they're doing a good job. They've got coffee mugs there and shirts and and all sorts. Oh Nick Mack having a lot of fun with it. Oh common lawyer store commonlawyer dot store. So Brent's got merch now. Merch? That's the first. Yeah, merch. Well Brent doesn't have it really it's just in my name but it's up there. I'm not in the control of it but I'm glad it's I think that's cool Brent. Well thank you as always covered off a lot of ground today. And we'll hopefully we'll have electricity next week. Yeah somebody's wanting to get in. You were trying a second ago and we you got cut off at the pass. What can we help you with? I was just going to put on there that a head story on Gateway Pundit just came out that the Supreme Court just ruled on the they overturned the Chevron Doctrine. Oh do they? Yeah it gives all the federal bureaucracies. They have to follow law now instead of administrative administrative. And I think there's another one that came out yesterday. They're waiting till the end here to release these big ones. Brent it seems like if I can accurately phrase this if there's any chance of a person getting any kind of penalty remedy of property or whatever through the administrative agencies they've got to be in front of a jury trial. Wow no more bench trials in the administrative state. It's what kind of took away from that. They've come down with a bunch of decisions lately. One not so good on Missouri versus Biden and shows the fickleness of Amy Cone and Brian and a couple of those other characters up there. But we're still waiting on the big Trump decision on his immunity. And that may come Monday if it doesn't come today. Thank you. Thank you Roger. That chevron doctrine that's a big deal. There's going to be some some big changes in the administrative state out of these decisions. Yeah I wonder I wonder if it's going to apply to the IRS. Sometimes they get a pass. Yeah because they're a quasi agency. What was the comment the other fellow had? You know I just say this could trickle down to everything from federal agencies to your traffic law. If you're a lawyer you'd be you'd be okay if you're a lawyer. Well could be. Hey Roger if I may I have a question for Brent. Okay go ahead Dave. I'm just wondering about that merch you got a bobblehead doll yet? Well I got a bobblehead Brent. Oh yeah. Well that that'll make it happen or listen to him so maybe they will. That'd be fine. I think that's a great idea. I love it. Thank you Dave. Yeah so these Supreme Court decisions are real important and I think they can release some as early as next week but they've saved the biggest ones for last. This chevron getting rid of the chevron doctrine is a big deal. I can't wait to hear more about that. Does it say what the decision was? Six three or five four or whatever? Six three. All the women voted no. Of course. Of course. Of course. Sotomayor and Jackson and probably one of the other wackos up there. Maybe in favor of the rule. Of course. They like that can. Yeah they like that control don't they. Well that's good to thank you. You voted to overturn the chevron doctrine. Oh did she? Okay good. Come and Brian. Well it's the one that decided. Oh again. Boy I'll tell you. There's a very good example of Trump getting bad information from questionable sources on some of these things like judicial appointments. You know where that's coming from Brent the Federalist Society. What now what's coming from the Federalist Society? All these suggestions like Amy Cone and Barrett and all these things are coming from this from the blasted Federalist Society. Yeah oh I see. I see. Well anyway. You mean the good you're talking about good suggestions. No I'm talking about bad ones. Oh the bad ones. Well which way did Barrett go on this one? She went I think somebody just said she went with the minority didn't you? No. Barrett did not go with the minority. The three liberals went with some the three liberals voted it down. Coney Barrett voted with the with the rest of the guys on right. Okay we're always been saying that Brown is the one that she voted with the majority on doing away with chevron. Well epic times must have it wrong then because that's where I'm getting my info. Okay well I'm getting I'm getting mine from Real America's voice. Okay we'll find out who's. Yeah but beautiful about Real America. Yeah it is. Yeah it is good news. Hopefully we'll get more of that. The one that came down against Missouri versus Biden basically allows them to screw with censorship on these big social media platforms. Very shocking and Amy Conan Barrett was in the in the majority on that decision. So anyway thanks Grant always appreciate you. Francine didn't even know you were there sweetie. So uh hope everybody's doing all right. We'll be back tomorrow here on our side. Brent will be over there on uh Patriot soapbox opposite each other here on Saturday. We'll see you on Sunday Brent and the other folks will see you tomorrow. Thank you. Thank you Rod. Question. Okay hold on so he's got a crash. Hold on Brent. We'll move yet. Kathleen. Good afternoon and good morning all. I have an unrelated question. I'm interested in getting my notary again. It's been many years since I've had it for the past and they're stating that in the state of Washington they kept saying that you had to be a citizen. They weren't really uh preferencing that but anyway I dug a little further and as of July 1st they are allowing non-residents. I whenever I look up anything about like in some type of a position I don't think that's really a government position but um you know I can't find national really anything and so I I just refer to the non-resident but I'm in the process which I'm hoping tomorrow to um send my affidavit to the secretary of state. So they said as of July 1st that they're going to allow non-residents but I just wait until July 1st or even because it's going to be on isn't it until like the paperwork is processed for uh getting my gift. I don't know what to tell you. You could wait till after July 1st or do it. I'm sure you're going to get the same result either way. Well I just didn't know. Aren't all that no citizens? Yes see all citizens are nationals. This goes back to the you know the statement out of the state department uh policy statement there according to the Immigration Naturalization Act all U.S. citizens are U.S. nationals so when they say U.S. citizen you've always got that to fall back on. Okay and I didn't know with uh authorizing documents of what not. Does that do I have to preface that I'm a national at all? I mean no no no no isn't it somewhat of a court jurisdiction type thing if somebody like misrepresents themselves their identification to me and I notarize the document. It could possibly go to the court. I mean you you have to carry a thousand dollars. Yeah I have no idea okay I mean I just don't know. That's why I was wanting to ask Brent since he's in the legal system. Okay I'll bet you Brent doesn't know either but Brent you got to comment on that. You may have them they're starting. I think he jetted out of here. This is why during the show I ask if anybody's got any questions come forward because everybody wants to ask the questions after the show's over. I know I felt like I don't hear in my head of a step away. So I was in fine with the related I thought I would wait. Yeah okay well if he comes back he might have gone to drain his radiator or something. So who else was the answer either? Kathleen your phone cuts in and out a little bit and sometimes we'll get every locker. Okay well that's probably not a good thing yeah that's okay. There was somebody else trying to ask them when you came on there and Brent maybe he's off doing whatever. So anybody else got questions or comments right now on something? Yeah put your phone in a bowl of rice and it'll draw the moisture out. There you go Kathleen a little hole you did already. Your otherwise little short circuit everything but if you still have any problems I've got to bring it in. I've been watering it and I've got a broken wrist and a broken forearm and my phone I was actually listening to this program and it slipped into the water. Down well so your phone got baptized. That must be what was going on when I heard Roger Gurgle. I thought Roger Gurgled a lot naturally. Oh no oh no who's here? Hey have I missed your show? Well yeah just a little. I've been listening sorry well everybody else is pitching you questions at the end after you're off air so I just wanted to contribute something completely useless and say hi. It's just nice to know you're there thanks for dropping by. Yeah I've been listening. What's going on? What's been going on over there across the pond here lately. What about Mr. Faraj's meteoric success here as of late? I'm hearing about him. Oh well maybe. I didn't know whether we should pronounce it Faraj or Faraj. Yes I heard you talking about that. Well I like Faraj. I like Faraj best but see I like the guy. I mean I don't have the in-depth site that you do or whatever information you've got. He's just a charismatic speaker and I like those kind of people and he's always got something nice to say and they tried to kill him a while back so I figure he's got something going for him. Yeah maybe. I guess so. I guess they probably did. He is the only one of any of them that can actually speak and hold anybody's attention. The rest are incompetent but he needs me to tell you that. You know it's kind of like Trump in a sense. He's got all these really positive things. He's got a few skeletons in his closet or things that people don't like but he's probably the best one available. Well I don't know what their chances are and of course my cynicism as you know runs very very deep Roger. I don't expect anything from any of them. You know he's the best of the actors. Let's put it that way. He actually you know he's tolerable to listen to but of course he revels in the idea that he destroyed the British National Party and you know anybody that actually stands up for the British in Britain is an extremist you see so and he's kind of unfortunately in that camp as well but they talk a good fact they've got a candidate in this area. I don't know his name Ron average or something like that. I've not even bothered to check it out but they'll have somebody standing around here but I don't know how to cast about. I've never done it in my life and it seems awfully difficult so I don't think I'll be bothering. You've never got. Oh no I've never voted. I don't believe really. Yeah yeah I don't subscribe to the idea. I think it's very very silly. I've mentioned it before. I have campaign teams coming around here and I try to tell them that they need to just give it all up. Stop wasting everybody's time with you. Right you know you might want to be deluded but some of us want to try and retain our sanity. I'm not actually going to hope for anything at all. It's ridiculous so but yeah maybe after Faraj's accident he's now thoroughly in their thrall. You see there's no I'm cursed with this complete negative view of it. I'm afraid Roger and I'm going to stick with it because I've got no evidence to suggest otherwise. Unfortunately if there were some I'd probably be on for it. Also in this realm of unpleasantness that you've touched upon with the accident that happened to him. You know the guy I don't know if you've seen this news you must have seen it. I think the the guy from Massey the guy from is it Georgia or wherever he's from? No I think he's wife died this morning. No. So here's a guy who says let's shut down the Fed and three weeks later his wife's dead. I know I'm a paranoid conspiracy theorist when I say things like that and they've not revealed a reason for why she shuffled off this mortal coil. But yeah Massey yeah Massey him. Yeah the one that defeated AIPAC here in the last little election. Yeah that's yeah he's speaking out on that Thomas Massey yep no whole fart. Yeah so I don't know whether he's supposed to read things into that or not but I guess around here is difficult to not do that isn't it? Right of course and somebody like him of course. Paul you didn't see anything of the debate over here on our side from last night. No that's probably why I sound so happy and jolly and I still have a relatively optimistic view of life. They were they ran some little stories on the morning news here about the sheer colossal boobery of that Biden creature or lad. I mean he's you know he's if he's got a brain it's been inserted the wrong way and they've just run out of they can't really probably pump him full of any more drugs. It's the fact is it's an insult to all of you just as our process is an insult to us. They're insulting these individuals they really are. Yeah they're an insult even trumps an insult. I'm sorry I just don't go with any of them. I think the the golden rule is if they're prominent if they're allowed time in the media they're not working for us. It's only the broke people who can't get any traction that you need to spend time with. All the ones with money that are getting all the media coverage. There's no hope for me is there? I'm doing good. Yes you have a little shaker of citizens on your table there that you sprinkle your food with. Yeah I didn't really I wasn't like that when I was a teenage. I was buoyantly naive. I'm much happier for it but you know you kind of have to think that you're going to be around a bit and pay attention to stuff something's going to happen and I think this is what happens to most people who keep looking at it for a long time. You know so yeah so any anyone you have any questions or comments or Paul? Yeah I think we need to come up with a new word to lob back at these people. We'll call them Extremeophobic. Extremeophobic. Yeah they are. I have a comment. Yeah they're not questioned. There's somebody go ahead seems to like milkshakes a lot and he goes out in public and and he drinks them in his face. I yield. Yeah yeah I guess I guess he does really well he's only milk it's not too bad but you know the the aeroplane incident Roger that you mentioned that that was real. No this is driving. This is a driving incident. Oh well there's no there's one where he came out with aeroplane crash as well you're not aware of that. No but I do know I remember he was coming back when he was with ukip at the EU and he was driving back to England and the tire came off and went in a ditch it didn't kill him but somebody when they were helping you said this was deliberate so I don't remember the airplane incident. Yeah he's I mean I think I don't know what to make of him I'm not really too first he's far too jolly you know I mean maybe being jolly is the only way to do it because most people can't actually seems to me not many people can cope with the sheer severity of the and dangerous nature of the situation that we're in so they tend to talk about it in a different way like it's all just going to turn out okay like it has done for the last 15-60 years I mean it's just that's the you know that's the thing that that really is that that's kind of the problem it seems to me. I like the entertainment factor that he brings I mean he's a really good speaker and he well especially my impressions were formed when he was over there in the EU with UCEP because he would just tongue lash those people right to their face. Yes well yeah he does yeah yeah he said some good things but you know he's also I don't know what to say about him really I mean he's just so proud of destroying the British National Party when it was riding high in about 2008 and 2009 and so it's all this sort of you see I think a political movement is probably valid I think political parties currently aren't because then you're riding their pit and this is with seasoned liars and deceivers you know so they'll always run some some insiders in on you I mean that's just one of their favorite things yeah comments true okay hey Joe I stand corrected if you can believe CBS on the Chevron case Jackson Brown did was a dissenter to that opinion okay so so was Kagan and yeah yeah so either I misunderstood or RAV was in there I just wanted to correct the record and apologize for so Amy come only Amy Conan Bryant was with the majority on that that's a really big decision Paul that's your look no I understood it put forth earlier I'm sorry I beg your pardon you understand what's going on on here in our government it would be similar to yours in a sense I suppose what we're talking about here is agency rulemaking okay which has been a very contentious thing and what powers do they have with that in this previous decision they referred to as the Chevron Doctrine basically said you can interpret the legislation any way you want and that has been curtailed so it's going to have some big effects on the entire administrative state of course that is the deep state and it's going to be interesting see how that one unfolds there's some big changes coming after this court session of 24. Hey the thing with Brown with Jackson Tanya Brown Jackson joined the dissent but then in parentheses this article says in a complicated little detail that doesn't matter due to the sheer numbers the majority had Justice Jackson's dissenting vote only applies to relentless since she recused herself and Loper Bright so it's kind of by default so she didn't really have a choice in uh you know she couldn't really uh she otherwise thank you thank god but she didn't know she's a woman so hey you know whatever yeah she's not but but she doesn't know she's a woman because she doesn't know what a woman is that's right she's very confused just what we need yes okay good deal what's a woman I don't know I'm not a biologist okay okay right there is that yeah oh yeah I was wondering if the sketch no it's me any all right sorry Samuel I'm getting confused apologies I was wondering if you're making any headways in uh the family health with things that you're trying I've got a new one that I'm on I'll discuss that after I have you comment I've not tried anything new recently no my wife's just full of nicotine so that's still been the best thing but I've got to get a thyroid checked out by the thyroid oh boy who I don't know who they are but I've got I've got to get that sorted out with that's the next thing to look at but you've been using the wand on a little poll no I haven't I've the problem I have as a carer is that I my shelves are crammed with all sorts of things right tons and tons of stuff and the problem is and this is maybe this is common I don't the problem I've got is I need to see some kind of change with what we do and the only thing that I've seen a change with has been nicotine I have to see otherwise I lose motivation to keep on doing a thing everybody's actually working going is it is it really is it really I have no way of knowing you see well if you throw it all against the wall and some works you don't know what did work that's the other problem yeah that's true yeah I I have a hunch on something and I'm pretty good at this stuff I've been in outside of the doctor's office all my life I only got my shots from mom when I was a kid that's it everything else has been outside the system and I'm I'm doing pretty good for my age and I have a hunch and I've been doing a lot of reading on it and there's a lot of detail to cover yet because it's not as simple as saying we're all deficient in iodine and you're talking about the thyroid well this is the conductor of the end endocrine system right yeah and our metabolism and our I mean I've read articles that say if you get enough iodine in you you can increase your IQ 10 points so it's not just for the thyroid and a heart it increases or decreases heart disease now looking for a dose you go from guys saying like the FDA and other doctors it's in micrograms yet a Japanese person might be eating 50 to 80 milligrams a day that real dose which were there they're beginning to see and a lot of people are starting to agree is probably for somebody who's really deficient is 50 milligrams a day for up to three months so it it's written I've written iodine down I'm aware of it and I think we've actually got some and I'll do an iodine test under this weekend I've seen what you put it on the skin and if it absorbs really quickly it means she's yeah sorry yeah there's a test you can get it's it's called a 24-hour test so what you do is you take 50 milligrams of a Lugol and then you collect your urine for 24 hours and then the lab tests that to see how deficient you are and the other thing is you don't want to take just iodine I'm seeing you need selenium and then because of the selenium you probably need copper so and then you got to get those in a balance and I'm that's some of the stuff I'm trying to figure out and I know Dave in the thumb is he knows a lot of the people deep in the young Jevity group if at some point I would like Dave to chime in and help me figure this out if we can because I think it's essential I mean wherever there's there's also low iodine and iodine deficiency heart disease goes up so I think there's a lot there um you know Jones has got two really super duper kinds of nasty what do they call it? nascent iodine yeah the other thing you can do Paul I heard Jones talking about is if you go get Himalay assault when you're looking at the Himalay assault and it's coarser uh configuration and you can see little purple things in the in the crystals that's that nac and iodine so if you can find some of that you can get it in via the salt okay I'll go and have a look at that yeah there's no I mean I've met someone who said that they know someone who helps people with with uh dodgy thyroids and I know my wife has a dodgy thyroid um because she uh she had to have a check on it before this struck back in 2007 or 2008 when she was still fine really and um they detected there was something wrong with it and she's also the body type that she's just always been oh can I put it masses of energy just tons of it and she's very lean as if she's burning up her life force faster than a normal person would um so we will see but yeah I'd look into that iodine and you don't discount the wand either that's that's had some amazing results for people I'm not discounting anything I think I'm just I get overwhelmed a bit grandiose but there are so many different things that we try and I can I can I can run with things for a couple of months and if I see nothing I go is this actually help maybe I'm making it worse you see it's me I I said even to my sons I said the problem's gonna be me they said no it's not said it will be I said because I want to know exactly what to do neither will anybody else fully everybody wants to help I want to help but you end up stumbling over your own you know all these different approaches to dealing with it but I will look at the iodine because I've been talking to a lot of people thyroid has just come up I didn't even bring it up right but somebody mentioned it to me a couple of days I thought right let's really look at this one for a couple minutes let's get on top of this and see what your your problem is uh was defined by my mom as too many cooks in the kitchen yeah something like that not too many ideas in my head you know maybe you know it's a bit like kissing frogs it's not that I don't think that there's something that would help her it's will will I find it in time for it to be a valuable process that's the thing oh it's this yeah well we needed it 15 years great you know here's here's here's a kid don't kiss don't don't kiss the gay frogs okay no I won't be doing any of that by the way I don't know if I tell you we're on a frog migration route in my garden you know we get frogs every now and again because there's a well in a garden there's a big underground water course here and every now and again these poor little frogs come they're all lost and bewildered on our lawn they don't know where to go it's terrible really I can't watch it I shed a tear for these poor frogs and they're arduous life I do follow the premier lab for the load test in the United States is called hakala labs it's H A A L A and I believe and of course I'm in California and they can't send me a test New York and California are like you can't diagnose yourself so but okay there's probably an equivalent in the UK right I got a question for you you got two draft age boys don't you? draft beer are you talking about now that's not going to happen Roger okay good yeah it will happen because I'll be killing anybody that comes and tries and takes my sons away they might kill me as well but at least I'll ruin someone's life if they're going to ruin mine that's that's my that's my ground to be we might not stay here because it's insat it's insane I mean it's it's hilarious but mad the reason why it's a worry is the stupidity of all the people that I live with that's the problem it's the same stupidity that we saw in the covid thing oh the government has told us to do it they are trustworthy I will do this thing no and we've had these communications from these military oaths it's the only way to describe them these people are totally out to lunch the one the big one was about a year ago where this guy says well we're going to have to organize and get them in because we're going to be fighting Russia in 20 years and I'm going what you and your wife see you bye I don't do nothing I want it must I'd rather have them come in invade and take over it's bound to be better than being governed by you you're not British go away and they're asking us to defend a nation that they've been involved in destroying let's save the country why why should we you haven't you've been chewing it up right rude it right I'm not like I very weird I kind of like the Russians I like the Russians to anyway well we say that from a distance I'm sure if you live if you lived with them you might go mad after a while with certain groups just like you do with any other group of people I'm not a get them you know I have met I've met several Russians down here since I've been a South America females and they were both just wonderful I mean they're heads are straight on screwed on straight none of these feminism crap they're they're they're just intelligent and educated and I was very impressed yeah well they are and they've been through things and they've got this ridiculously huge country that's got nothing in it apart from frozen saber tooth tigers and woolly mammoths somewhere haven't they I mean it's just did you ever do you ever hear that story it's about a hundred years ago where they found a woolly mammoth completely encased in ice but unfortunately by the time they got there the villagers had eaten it because they were quite honest yes right I've never eaten mammoths I'm probably not going to now I'm a bit cross about that I haven't seen it on any of the entree on the menus I've looked at here he is yeah mammoth burgers oh yeah man sounds good isn't it yeah go ahead first you had fresh plants inside it yeah yeah right it did yeah yeah by the way you know you know how I love to quote Churchill not the problem the problem with Churchill is that before he went bad in the mid 20s I'm saying it's round about then but he went really serious I mean he was pretty bad all the time but the problem is he did say great things you know I was banging on about democracy and not voting this is one of his it's very short and pithy he said the best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter I'm within that I am too can I help it I can't help it it's just true people can't work things that we'll tell you what else he said he had another one that was pithy too he said once in every man's life a man stumbles across the truth most men pick themselves up dust themselves off and go on about their way I liken that to what we do yeah well it's you get overwhelmed with life after a while I think I heard Brent talking earlier about you know what happens as you get older and I've noticed that I keep doing that are you doing that as well Roger do you keep getting older you won't stop all of it you just keep happening and you go oh my perspective is so different and I'm trying to maintain a connection with the person that I used to be when I was 19 and 26 and intermittently I can do that but as the years have gone by recently over the last four or five it appears to be some sort of golden age that's I'm looking at through a fog now I can remember all of it crystal clear but I don't know what the point isn't dragging it up because we're sort of like living in a lunatic asylum really or whatever you want to call it you know we're not living in a in a healthy place it's very unhealthy psychologically and spiritually with most of the people that they're completely lost and so it's tricky it is tricky yeah I just want to add about mammoth they find him here in Wisconsin because no ice crushed through a good portion of the area and and a couple a few years ago I was all excited they were on the news and they had a small pond that they decided to drain and there was a whole woolly mammoth in there and after that they were shut down they weren't allowed to say I don't they gag them and I I don't know if they took their property or what but apparently you know it wasn't fossilized yeah earth has it's a lot shorter lifespan than we've no I don't know anything all I know is the more the more information I've acquired the less the less I'm sure of anything and I just thought you sort of stop and go now I understand why old men sit around smoking pipes drinking a lot of beer it's probably one of the wisest things you can do you just got I think I've had enough of all this everything contradicts everything else I suppose certainly pleasurable way to a while away the hours yeah you know that's what's so fun about the internet what we're doing right now I'm one of those old men right so but we were talking about nicotine before and I know if you remember but the nightshade family plants have nicotine and what they said there in australia was about banning nicotine not tobacco nicotine so I don't know how far that might go but that is helpful especially after these uh do jabs dabs you know and it's beneficial for ulcers and different and uh upper gene eggplant has the highest but potatoes tomatoes peppers and also urotherapy poll remember we talked about urotherapy and using your your urotherapy you said she'll drink anything yeah yes you will I'll probably got a prison if I do that Paul you just see the headlines of the local newspaper man tries to poison wife don't advertise it just do it you could like I don't advertise everything can't keep my mouth shut that's what makes life fun you never guess what I've been doing oh don't say that you know have you seen any of the uh cover cover cross the talks from australia somebody sent what he's banging on about nicotine but I haven't I don't get a chance to see all these things I've just been too busy but my well you need to watch that one you need to watch somebody said hey he's really championing nicotine so this is this is really good I think yeah it's just the love that I mean to me the best part was they have q and a at the last and they have two of these traditional journalists from the morning Sydney morning sun and some other one and tucker that the last one was a female yes he just ripped her from one end to the other I it is really something to watch okay she was asking for it yeah she was begging I think she's begging for it Murr yeah please verbally beat me up and tucker said and tucker said you know what I could be friends if you didn't start out the first question you asked me with a lot then then he called her stupid a couple of times and made examples out of grud the first one is going oh some young Putin's so bad and so bad and then he just sent it to you later just and Putin said this and tucker stopped and he said hold it you're demonizing him and then using his quotes to try and make a point and the guy just kind of shut up uh but it's it's quite a speech and a and a little q and a station I think you might want to watch it I will yeah I will I'll get around to that I'll get around to watching all those sorts of things yeah I get tons there's tons of them in the flight and all this you know yeah me too got folks in me all kind of stuff what about Poland what about Poland no they started you know oh you're not talking about 1939 right sorry no I'm not I'm talking about today where they got the the least crime no migrants and everything else and they're still holding up for it even though they've been in filtrated here lately they're hierarchy so I had a good friend down here who's Polish see so we have these discussions quite a bit good on them yeah the Easter it's just bizarre if we go back to say the 1980s of course eastern Europe was just a very silly place a miserable place now they are the last hold out against global wokism which is just communism obviously as we know careful communism and the fantastic for it I mean I continually keep looking at the arguments that are thrown at us and words that are thrown at us and to try and invert them and I think that there's a lot of mileage to be had out of that particularly you know the accusation that you're a racist the people that throw that accusation are the ultimate racists because they're trying to destroy all races and if you oppose that you're a racist what come again but there's no point sort of thinking that you can have a logical discussion with these people because they're unhinged literally they're unhinged let's talk about sin and immigrants into Israel let's not talk about that that doesn't even get brought up no we see even over here with all the campaign stuff that they're doing no one's they're all babies they're not men they're babies they won't talk about the stuff that makes everybody take a sharp intake of breath and that's the only stuff that needs to be talked about the stuff that makes everybody uncomfortable in the room start shuffling and looking down at their feet and going I want to go home that's what we've got to talk about that stuff everything else is just window dressing it's gay frankly it's completely nonsense and it's not manly they're not men we're going to be given by men why not find one I mean Faraj has got his equipment to say that he might you know because he drinks beer and smoked cigarettes and he's quite charming I give him all that but even he's not serious I don't get that they're really serious and the really serious thunderous communicators are required and it will make a staggering difference or would if it was allowed to be aired but it won't be and this you know so I don't think it's because of a lack of truth or a lack of a willingness to inquire that we're in a problem it's for the lack of platforms you know it's about the amplification of these truths that is the and it's like a mechanical problem how do you how do we how do we do that you know everybody is right to point out that they get shadow banned on these platforms so you think oh we're doing quite well but basically you can be doing way way better if you weren't being supervised by someone who's decided that what you're going to talk about is going to upset mrs smith in claventry or whatever the hell it is you know all this kind of stuff okay you're interested in may not come again somebody's trying to say something but I couldn't really understand you what was your comment well i'm sorry i still you're as inaudible as joe biden can you try it again he's waiting for you to talk to him i'm trying hey this is JP Nelson i'm sitting there with Morris Beasley i think he's just trying to get your show and he got you on he's live on your show right now yeah well we're the shows over that we're just kind of hanging around in an after-show type situation we haven't got a life none of us have got a search of life at all this is all we this is all that's left to us this is what we do Roger hasn't got a life and anything he says to the country is a complete lie he hasn't got one i'm i'm about to go out and get some lunch here in a minute i hope but i know you're just making all that nobody believes that well these two gentlemen these two gentlemen are new and and i'd like to hear what they got to say they're trying to get something across i think do we converse or not not really i traveled a week with Brent and i thought it would be interesting okay i just didn't know the show was over Morris went on a road trip with Brent a week a couple weeks ago and i'm JP Nelson i'm a good friend of his and we're building a building for the church and we're going to listen to your program and so i kind of hear about it he's not on and he didn't mean to get on live but here we are so god bless you and we're gonna listen okay well JP nice to meet you and you know and Brent was here and i think i thought he went off to drain his radiator or something he hadn't come back so i i was not a euphemism for something is it wrong no of course not all right okay but anyway welcome guys come back when uh uh some time when we got him on we're on from the 10 to 12 central yes but uh welcome thank you JP Morris is 92 years old he's only known Brett for 90 years and he's only known me 29 years oh my lord well Morris good for you and god bless you at that age um and thanks for stopping by i'll try again next week okay we'll be here hopefully my i'll be here for my electricity and it's up to Brent's usually there in case i fall away here in Ecuador i'm down in Ecuador we've been having a lot of electrical problems uh as of late so uh anyway we're glad to have you guys and nice to meet you okay um so the california banny okay town you must okay fantastic um here look california yeah to my said paul i was just gonna say give them the times i think it's 11 eastern time if you want to let it just yeah yeah it is eastern correct it's uh it's quarter to 11 here in banny california we're right by uh pong spring oh oh i've been out there one time hot hot today isn't hey Gavin Newsom uh-huh oh yeah yeah mr Newsom well it's good to hear from you guys and uh but we should bring what's still around but i think he's taken off okay i'll see you later thank you okay thank you no thank you guys uh anybody else got something dad it's pretty quiet bunch here we got paul phone-drilling and stuff yes hello samuel is that you yeah i i heard a clip of uh jane flonda yes she's still alive 86 years old and her comment was as i get older i i get wiser and uh she's campaigning for uh bison oh puke i don't sound like she's gotten much wisdom to me maybe she's planning to live to about 200 at a rate of progress that's about how long it's gonna take isn't it exactly uh unbelievable uh paul have you seen this guy the black guy that's running for governor of uh north carolina i can't i want to say his name's robinson but i'm not sure that's right have you seen anything about him lately no i haven't this guy is a pistol okay he's like a preacher and when he won he used to be the lieutenant governor i think he's running for governor now in the night of the primaries heard earlier this year he gets up and what did he say he said we're run by a cabal we never went to the moon uh yeah i can't remember the other two but he made four really politically incorrect statements in his in his acceptance speech and he is a pistol and he um he flew down to they had him speak at a political meeting in florida and roger stone who i would think you know who he is uh went up there to speak and and to meet him i think his name's james from james robinson and stone comes back and makes a statement that this guy's going to be president of the united states one day now that is highly unlikely coming out from stone okay especially on a black guy from from north carolina he he's just a pistol man he's uh his name's mark robinson oh big guy mark ronison okay yeah and the one running for the democrats is josh stein oh yeah he comes up his first statement paul you'll love this the holocaust was a fraud that was his first statement well that's outrageously true so i want to see i'm not allowed to talk about that over here i can't have no you never said oh no they just convicted they just convicted that 95-year-old gal in germany last day or two on holocaust denial 96 she is now erceiva right yeah she they sat down for another 18 months or something oh yeah they're so brave are they how do those guys sleep at night what do they think i mean well i think the only sort of will you know recompense would be that they should suffer the same judgment that they're delivering out twofold amen no twice twice as much that's it they will in the end it that's how it'll happen you reap what you sow yeah yep yep all it was it was thomas massy who said i'm the one only congress member that doesn't have a apex minder yep yeah right right now he doesn't have a wife yeah i didn't mean that as a joke really i think he's all i know because he's the only guy i've seen recently who's just said that things you got yeah that's what needs to be said and what did he say he said 12 when he put in the motion to or whatever it's called you know to uh let's burn the fed up uh he didn't phrase it like that but i would do let's burn into the ground um with the occupants inside which would be a just thing to do about 12 other guys supported him which he was quite surprised by but that's the thing to do i mean i'd bang on about this stuff all the time i mean it is boring but that's it's great power it bores everybody to death so nobody can stay concentrated on it for long enough you probably experience the same thing roger i'm quite i'm pretty sure you do but i that's why i don't vote there's no point that i i mean i play i don't know if you heard that clip i played of liz truss the this is the uk prime minister who was in for the shortest time ever 49 days and she was on with did i bang on about this before when i was on i thought she was on with steve bannon at the early part of this year on his radio show it's only a minute clip it's brilliant it's the most honest thing that any british prime minister i've ever heard say my life how about that and she wasn't liked she was a bit goofy she was dropped in there by the great and the good of the conservative party and she basically said to steve bannon when i went in i wanted to change things and i found out i couldn't uh because the office of fiscal blah blah blah blah and the bank of england are in charge that's the gist of what she said she said we've got a real problem she said the prime minister can be sacked and she was sacked but the governor of the bank of england cannot be sacked therefore who has the most power and that's all i say to people asking for my vote you're wasting everybody's time because until that organization is crushed in its current form uh you're just wasting everybody's time you just act as fighting around you've got no power because every time you come to decide something that would actually benefit the people they're going to tell you can't do it and that's that so stop that's why the whole maintenance it seems to me of the electoral system it's just a complete waste of time it's like having a goofy engineer in charge of rebuilding your bridge he claims he's an engineer and he can show you all these pretty pictures but every time he puts a bridge up it falls down it's a joke it's really you know you know i know logic doesn't travel very far these days but i'm kind of sort of addicted to it it kind of works it seems to me it works for sure paul your interest in money and the history of it uh murr sent me this and somebody else another listener sent me uh this it's a three-hour video where the guy is a reading from a book on the history of central banks and how they've been slave mankind have you even research that you yeah i just i've read it about five times roger in fact i read it for the fifth time last month and i've actually been it's a it's one of the best primers out there for the guy in the street to read they've got to be able to read though people have got to be able to read but yeah Andy Hitchcock interviewed him and were he still alive i would have had him down to interview in fact i was trying to do it at the point when he was he was killed basically he went in the hospital they they bumped it off everything he writes in the book you can see the patting effect it's repeated over and over and over again we're in another repetition of the cycle and uh you can say it happens it's like um a build-up of fungus a sort of psychological fungus and stupidity in any civilization they they start off you know as little warring tribes they get strong they form law blah blah blah blah blah blah blah then you get a separation of people the wealthy the patrician classes it were everybody else they then begin to resent the growth of everybody else and want to retain their power and uh it just gets worse and worse there's a great um what's his name hudson uh the economist in your neck of the woods he's written some brilliant oh yeah he's absent michael hudson fantastic stuff really um and i've got his latest book in both elect well it's not his late he's actually from 2017 i think and forgive them their debts it's fabulous it's absolutely fabulous because what he's saying is and this would tap into Brent's field as well although he may not necessarily agree um is that christ when he says it's not forgiven their sins it's forgiven their debts and when i read that i went i want this to be true i'm sold instantaneously because i still think you know any guy who's first public act is to go with a whip and whip those guys in the temple that's the kind of guy that i'm into i want to be that guy the one that does the whipping and clears them out and he shut hudson basically says there is completely sound reasons for forgiving debts it works and guess what no one on your side of the pond or a mine ever talks about it and they never and it's the solution there's no solution to our own economic woes i feel like i'm a little guy at the back excuse me could i just say something yeah no she's like a proffer there is a solution there is a solution it's instantaneously effective you know so anyway i saw mex kizer that's right it just works right i mean the one of the things that hudson shows as well you see because you've got to get into it you have to look at the politicking and the fact that human nature never changes it just doesn't change and this is i think it's the only useful thing about that is that it's therefore worthwhile reading history from that point of view human beings just don't change at all and these lusts for power and control and being on top of the other guy and being in charge of things they never go away and my cursed with these people are too stupid to understand that they impoverished the rest of us while sort of lining their own pockets well they all need to be gathered up and hung yeah but they'd only come back again roger this is the kit i agree with you but you know someone pointed they said look even if you flatten it all that same character type is going to come back how do you inoculate how do we vaccinate ourselves you showed them the game the remedy is so heinous then they will think two or three times about trying to do it again see that well here's my deal is they're the ones that dictate this it's not any but really there's about i'm pissed off about everything they do and the more i've learned the see it go all these thousands of years because nobody's ever done that with them they always give them all well we give them a little soft side here a little a little bit of cushion here and you they're the ones that do not accept those things you can't trust them you can't get in the contract with them they'll lie to you they'll steal you and they'll murder you if they get the chance that they know no other way and therefore to me they've dictated this remedy that's not me yes i agree with you they're willing to do things which we rightfully are not willing to do correct because we have a consideration it seems to me about the quality of our eternal souls and that is really rather important that we've been gifted something that's very precious and it's not to be squandered by indulging in foul behavior but for them it you know one of the things that hudson points out and he's not the only one to do it you know you go back the last time this sort of jubilee thing was running around on the earth was under sennacherib about 1500 b.c and what what occurred as this process a new king that was would be lined up the first thing that they would do would be to forgive all the debts actually not all debts debts that were involved with commercial speculation they were forgiven they're saying well you're gambling basically right which is the case but with regards to sort of land ownership and the uh effective the enslavement of the serf class they were all forgiven because it was literally stifling civilization you've got huge numbers of people that couldn't support themselves because of the onerous nature of this of these debts so the patrician class let's just call them that or the moneyed class aware that a new king was going to come along would seek to get at that king before he could become king it's just non-stop and that you know caesar this and that's covered in the book that you just mentioned from mittford goodson it's worth reading what caesar was about now there's a very simple sketch of him i'm not saying i'm not trying to sort of big him up i'm sure he had a bad side too but uh he transformed Rome when he when he i mean he was only emperor for what or caesar for four five years it wasn't long but when he came back to Rome there were literally about 80 000 people begging in the streets starving in Rome it was just a complete cock up and uh so he began to forgive the debts that's why he got done in they stabbed him they all turned up and stabbed him because they were gonna lose their pocket was gonna get drained and they they get to a point of putting that before the actual wealth in other words the money thing is like a disease people go you see as well don't you know these reports right now they're getting paid so much so what there's going to be nothing to buy with it you live in a shit hole people are starving and then oh you then you've got a form of police force to keep all these reprobates you know enslaved it's mad the whole thing is a form of selfishness