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USA Organic Republic Health Call

1h 16m
Broadcast on:
28 Jun 2024
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I'm Paul from Global Voice Network. Thank you for joining us for the Thursday, USA Organic Republic Health Information Call. For more information, you can go to and to follow along with the documentation that's actually being reviewed on the show, go to docs, Now I'm gonna turn it over to Phyllis and let her get things started. Thanks for joining us. - Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the Republic Education Call for the United States of America and our Republican Forum of self-governance. For June 27th, 2024 at 8.30 p.m. Eastern. I'm Phyllis Marie and I'll start this call with a devotional based on Psalms 143 verse eight and Genesis 28 verse 15. Rest with me a while. You have been up a steep rugged path in recent days. The way ahead is shrouded in uncertainty, look neither behind you nor before you. Instead, focus your attention on me, your constant companion. Trust that I will equip you fully for whatever awaits you on your journey. I designed time to be a protection for you. You couldn't bear to see all your life at once. Though I am unlimited by time, it is in the present moment that I meet you, refresh yourself in my company, breathing deep droughts of my presence. The highest level of trust is to enjoy me moment by moment. I am with you watching over you wherever you go. And thank you for that, Father in Heaven. We, the people of the Republic, are peaceful, lawful, and private. And our declaration says, when in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bans, which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them. A decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes, which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. If only they would know that it's us they are working for. Thank you, it's all yours, Daryl. - Okay, well, thank you, Phyllis, for your commitment, and for always being here on time, and for Paul, for carrying it out, and we want to welcome everyone to tonight's call, and tonight we're going to follow up on what Cat had to share last week was the amazing liver, and the job that it does in purifying your blood and the work that it does that we sometimes so often take for granted. And tonight we've got Valerie Corpey from the show me state of Missouri, and she's going to show us some of the study that she has been working on for quite a while about the healing herbs for your liver, kidney, and gallbladder. And basically, you know, the importance and the methodology of how they work, and how to make tinctures and teas by using them, herbs for our daily regimen. So with that, we've got on the bottom, is attached basically a copy of what we're showing on the screen, and I also left the information that Cat had shared for the last couple weeks, on there for anybody to go back to, because it really all ties together. And the natural healing that God has provided through the herbs of the field, he said all the herbs are there for your healing and for your health, and so to understand that and the application is very important. And so with that, I'm gonna turn it over to you, Valerie, and you've got the floor. - Valerie, if you're muted, you gotta press star six. - All right, thank you everyone for your patience. This is Valerie Corphy, and I have gotten very adept at jumping through hoops to get what needs to be done done. Thank you all for your help. And so tonight, I would like to talk a little bit about herbs for the livers, the gallbladder. Hang on, I'm gonna have to fill up my, 'cause I don't have the thing in front of me. Okay, I got it. All right, so I have been in the health and wellness business for nine years. I've been a salon owner for 30. I have followed my dad around, all through the woods, identifying plants, flowers. I've been in the garden with my grandmothers since I was little. And I've always loved herbs. And recently, I started digging deeper into them. I felt called to plant herbs, to grow herbs, to learn pinchers. I was home with my mom during her illness and had some, found myself with some spare time. And so my father has tons of encyclopedias. I have encyclopedias and I started putting them to work on a deeper level besides just making my little lotions and balms. And I learned so much, it's been wonderful because during the last few years, the herbalants, we have decided it's time to share everything we possibly can with as many people as possible. Because we need this. We put God intended for us to help. So I'm gonna start out, we're gonna talk about the liver. Milk civil is the number one regenerating herb for your liver. It's best in seed form. And it helps damage cells that are, it helps repair them from, that were damaged from pharmaceutical use. And the second one is, it's been my favorite. It's stand a line root. And it's ironic that the company that creates the number one heart medicine also creates the number one product that kills the dandelion. The dandelion stimulates the liver. It decongest the liver. And it's also gonna help you with gallstones and fatty buildup in that liver. What I found interesting about the liver, it is the only organ that regenerates. So there's so much you can do to save that liver. The red clover helps with the lymphatic drainage. The sasparilla, we have it in tree form. My dad's planted trees all around here. And you actually use the roots. So the best way is, you know, get in the outer where the outer edge of the trees are. And you'll, you know, it looks just like the bottom of the tree underneath and that's free. Find your smaller roots and you can dig those up. It is an excellent detoxer. It has tons of antioxidants. It combats inflammation. It's also got a very high iron content, which helps the blood be cleansed and purified. And it restores your, it can help restore your adrenals. I found a really interesting cleanse also for the liver. You take 12 ounces of water, a tablespoon of beet powder and two small for one large lemon and you just add warm water. And you can take that for up to two weeks. And that's just a basic cleanse for your liver. A good key for your liver is like you want to incorporate the multiple, the dandelion root, licorice root, calf claw and you can also add rishi mushrooms and hips up. Now I also found burdock root. Birdock root is incredible. It's got so many minerals. It's a deep root. It goes deep, deep into the earth. So it pulls up those minerals that we're not able to access, you know, topically, that's what the dandelion is so good about because it can reach deep down in the earth and pull up those things that we need. 'Cause they're not on the top, so many chemicals and poisonings for years have depleted our soil of all the good things that we need. So those roots really do help get those into our system. The burdock root will improve your kidney function. It's also a great blood purifier. It also helps manage your blood sugar and it's a liver detox as well. Plus it's a full works for liver stagnation. And if you're dealing with alcoholism, the two herbs that will help you the most are milk, the full and dandelion root. Now when I procure my dandelion root, most of us have dandelion, I dig down. It's great after it's a wet day and you just pull the whole root up, rinse it off, cut it while it is still not dry because it gets really hard like wood and it's harder to cut. And I just chop it into little pieces and let it dry. And then you can use it for tinctures or teas. I also save the leaves. Those are great to add to the teeth and they're also good to throw in salads. You can get herbs into your diet in more ways than just teas and pinctures. You can sprinkle on your food, eat them. We go outside and there's an herb called Persuane and my father used to rip it out of the ground like it was this nasty weed that was just taking over and he found out it's got more a megas and a protein and many things that you buy at the supermarket. So now he's got lots of Persuane growing around so there's progress there. Now let's move on. I'm gonna move on to the kidney. I found a lot of good information. The kidneys, I've struggled with my kidneys since I was a kid. I actually ate rhubarb leaf and was given my first catheter at age six. So I've had to try a lot of different things for kidney issues. I used to drink a lot of coffee and so I was continually getting bladder issues. And so I did the cranberries and the cranberry juice and the cranberry juice is just so full of sugar that it feeds those little bacteria and it wasn't my best option. So I actually personally for my kidneys, I grew lemongrass and I make a lemongrass tea and it is amazing. Overnight I've had luck with my kidneys functioning better. It does lemongrass tea. Another one to help improve the circulation which will warm up your, and move your blood is high end pepper and cinnamon. Diuretics, which helps excrete the urine, burdock root again, nettle, which you can find growing wild. Make sure you, I learned to identify your plants if you're not purchasing them. From my, you want to get a good organic source. Metal help manage your water and your waste. And then you also need to take care of your neurological, your nervous system to help your, to help your kidneys know what to do. Licorice root is a wonderful, wonderful herb that I've just started using in the last couple of years. Chancing and again, South Barilla. It also is beneficial if you add a stringent fruits like lemons and limes because they help pull the waste from your body to help alkaloneize your system. If you eat grapes also, I organic with the seeds. If you, if you've got them growing great, if you don't try to find them, and nettle seeds. And that concludes on the kidney now for the call bladder. If you still have one, I found the information. Turmeric has been one that they have recommended for a long time and they're finding out actually that if you, it's not a water soluble, there are beds of fat soluble. So if you're taking turmeric, you want to take it with like a coconut oil or ghee or you want it with butter, it needs to be with something fatty in order to process that. Ginger will simulate the bile production from your liver and you need that bile because what that bile does is it helps, it's a cleanser. It's your detergent for your gallbladder. And that's why people that don't have a gallbladder struggle so much because the lack of bile, the underlying again, is amazing. It's going to work as a duretic. It's going to help with nutritive salt to get into your gallbladder. It's going to help purify. And it also has potassium in it, which your gallbladder needs. And it also helps with liver repair. Milk sistle and peppermint are also two good ones. And I didn't get it on the list but parsley is an amazing herb for the liver. I just threw that in there because I had a little note. Now, I did find a couple interesting besides just my teeth. I found for your kidneys if you take some okra, which a lot of people don't care for the slimy texture of okra but if you take six, eight okra and you toss the tops and the bottoms off of them, split it down the middle. And if you soak that overnight, you can get first thing in the morning for two weeks and you want to take a little break from the day or two, just call them an okra, you know, things that we have growing or can plant and grow in our yards. And if you don't, you probably know a neighbor or you can forage. I always tell people if you're foraging for herbs, don't pick anything by a highway ever because of all the runoff of toxins. And if you know if they've used round up or anything, I would be really careful. I'm really picky about my herbs. I get them out in the middle of the field so we've never sprayed anything and I found some good organic sources for the ones that I can't grow here. Now, as for making teeth, let me get to my little, um, all right. So teeth are a very uncomplicated way to ingest the herbal ones. I highly recommend using stainless steel, teeth strainers because you can put exactly what you want to hit a tee ball or okay, but sometimes I struggle with being able to get the right amount in and then you've got to fold it in half. And then a lot of the teabags that you get to have microplastics. And if we're trying to detox and help our liver, our gallbladder, and our kidneys, we're gonna try to eliminate all of the toxins that we're putting in there. You know, you get rid of the junk food, you get rid of all the things you can do. And you have to start small. It's not always easy to overhaul your entire lifestyle, but if you make one positive change a day, then you'll get there. Bamboo, teabags are fine. The ones I've used as long as they are organic and you trust the source. But I also recommend using the copper tea kettle. They're kind of hard to find sometimes, but you get that copper in your system. My grandfather never used anything but a copper tea kettle. And copper is one of the minerals that we don't get enough of often in our system. And you need it. It's so important. And so stainless steel is fine too. I don't ever boil my water in the microwave. It changes the structure. I don't use a microwave really. So if you can lessen your use of that, especially when you're making teas to feel better, just boil that water. Gallstone tea, dandelion root, and parsley, I could get that on there. Liver tea, milk, thistle, dandelion root, licorice root, cat's claw, hiss up and the racee mushrooms. And a kidney tea is your cayenne pepper or and/or cinnamon. Nettle, burdock root, licorice root, those roots again. You can't beat them. Ginseng or sarsaparilla, which I remember sarsaparilla. I don't know why it's spelled that way. It's seriously going to be crazy for a little while. Now on to tinctures. When I make my tinctures, you have to do a little bit of research on this. I'm just giving you basics because there are some herbs that you're going to want to use a higher amount of alcohol for. Just you're just going to have to do your own research on that. Before a basic tincture, I use dried herbs. I make sure they're dried because if they're not, you're going to add moisture. You're going to add water to that alcohol and it's going to dilute it. So your dosage isn't going to be correct. I also use-- I just use 80 proof vodka. And if it's for children, I use apple cider vinegar with the mother. You want to make sure it's raw and you want to make-- I don't use brags anymore. Heard they were using the appeal apples. And it just doesn't look the same. So be really careful. It's easy to make your own vinegar. You can find recipes on that with just apples and water. I think I put-- I don't remember if sugar went in. That's a whole different-- It's a whole different subject. Yes. Yeah. Peritile vinegar is a good alternative to brags since brags was bought up by gates or whatever foundation. OK. Peritile vinegar was one that is supposed to be pure and organic, I yield. That's good news. That's good to know. I mean, we really have to say on top of it because they're sneaking in there in so many ways. The whole watermelon debacle has had me looking at all the fruits suspiciously. So yes, you can use that for children or for people that don't want alcohol. I use alcohol because it just pulls out more of that herb on some of them. You just need that. But you can also do an oil infusion. It's not nearly as effective. But with the tinctures, there's a couple of different methods. So one method, make sure that you get everything saturated really well. And what you do is you just measure out in a mason jar. You're going to fill it halfway with the herb that you're going to be using. You're going to make sure it's dry. And you're going to dump that in a bowl. And then you're going to take your vodka or your apple cider vinegar, and you're going to wet it a little at a time, like three or four tablespoons at a time, until you get it saturated and it starts fluffing up. And that will allow and make sure everything's completely saturated. And you don't have to shake it every day for six weeks. But you're going to fill that all up. And when you get it good and saturated with no water, like left in the bottom, not water, vodka, excuse me. Then you put it back in that mason jar, and you pour the rest with your vodka or your vinegar. And then you're going to cover that. And you're going to put it away in a dark pool area because the light will destroy those herbs. You also want to make sure that it's full because the oxidation can also affect those. It breaks it down, especially with the vinegars and the oils. And so everybody is different. You're going to follow through that with your six weeks. And then you're going to-- I get the little bottles. I just got them on Amazon. I've experienced with a couple of different brands. Some of the droppers don't work as well. You just have to find one that works for you. We recycle them around here because I clean my bottles with alcohol and little brushes. So you can save yourself some money there if you're just doing it for your family. You're not doing it for a business or anything. But otherwise, you can just get a little dropper. And you're going to start. You're going to strain that after six weeks. Put it in your little bottle, so you can just leave it back in the jar and just make sure you're really careful with your sterilizing. If you're going to stick a spoon in there, if you're going to put a syringe, make sure it's clean or poured into something a little smaller so that you're not contaminating that beautiful tincture that you just made. And as far as the footage, I always tell everyone with any herb, just start with a half a dropper. Most droppers believe they're two milliliters. Yes, so just start with a half a dropper and try that for a couple days. If you don't notice any adverse reaction or if you don't notice that it's doing anything, you can increase it. And if you're having issues and that's not going to be your herb, we just never know, because we are also individual and also different. That's why it's important to learn to heal yourself. Because you can listen to your body better than anyone else. You know, when you learn to spoon into yourself. And once you start getting off of the processed foods and start eating better and start taking care of your inner work, you're learning to listen to God more on what you need to do than working out all your emotions and stored emotions. Because a lot of times that's what causes issues in these organs is, you know, the stored things we have. Once you learn to clean all of that out, you'll know the earth almost just grow. It's what I find interesting. It's when I walk out in the yard, we have-- my father has issues with arthritis. I have pokeberry growing everywhere. My husband's had issues with the liver. We have plenty of dandelions. I have issues with the skin. And there's plantain growing everywhere. The plants just know to show up. I almost feel like the more time you spend outside walking around on your property. And barefoot is good in touching them. Plants are really super smart. It amazes me. So that's on my tinctures and my teeth. And so this is not medical advice. This is not-- no herbs are regulated by the FDA. That's not something-- nothing is approved. So it's just learn and research for yourself. And do the best for yourself and your family. And I'm always here. You can always reach out if you have questions down the road. I want to help us all learn to be healthier. And to feel better. Are there any questions? OK. If anybody's muted, you've got to press star six. And then give your first name a state. If you've got any questions. Now who's this? Somebody was going to say something. I guess not. Harold, this is kind of-- can you hear me? Gloria, California. OK, yeah, I can hear you now. You can hear me? Yes, go ahead. OK, thank you. So I realized that the salary, I realized the topic, is on the gallbladder and the liver and the kidneys. Could I ask you a question about the heart? Yeah, absolutely. OK. Have you found any herbs that are as effective as something like EDTA for chelation in the arteries, arteries, hard calcification, lipid proteins, or soft plaque, and also toxic metals? Actually, there's several protocols you can use for your toxic metals. There's been success with simple ways to help detox the heavy metals. You can use cilantro. You can use spent in like clay, dimacious earth. You can drink a cup of-- you can drink a cup of dimacious earth every day that works to help pull out the heavy metals as far as opening your arteries. Hang on, just a second. Let me guess. I use a lot of elderberries. It's really good to help purify your blood. That's also going to help. You just want to get the purification. Cayenne pepper is the number one dilator. For the interesting thing about the cayenne pepper is that if you have a bleed, it will stop it. And if you have a plaque buildup, it will remove it. And you can put those in capsules in case you're sensitive to the heat. And when you say it removes plaque, is that both hard, calcified, and soft, lipid plaque? I'm not a cardiologist. Those are just the things I've heard and read and researched. I can look up. I can actually find some studies for you. And if you want to send me an email, and I'll be glad to research a little further, because I'd rather do that than give you information that I don't have everything on them. We're always glad to work with you. The email is on the bottom of the notice. It's on the second page at the bottom, along with their picture. OK, very good. Thank you, Valerie. You're welcome. Thank you for the question. OK, is there anybody else a question? Valerie, what about the parsley tea for your kidneys? You know, I thought that was very good for, like, to cleanse kidneys. Yeah, parsley's an amazing little humble herb. But it is super effective to help cleanse that kidney out. And the tea was-- I don't know if anybody mixed with it. I'm kind of a hot mess this week. My son and my husband left town, and they left me with chickens and dogs and two stores throughout. It's been a challenge. Let's see, all right, and not to mention the technical difficulties I've had this evening. My tea-- it was the parsley, and what did I-- let's see. Because I actually just-- oh, and it was the dandelion root. You can't go wrong throwing a dandelion root tincture or the root in any of your teas or your tinctures. I keep my dandelion. I've always got a batch of tinctures going because I've come across so many people that have-- it's just really started. Word of mouth has gotten around that I've got it on hand. It's just an amazing plant. That and the parsley. Parsley is the-- I'm going to study more into the parsley because I have a mess with parsley a lot. I honestly haven't. It's one of the things I grew to start feeding our chickens because it's good for the chickens. So yeah, I really haven't. You know, and that's the crazy thing with herbal medicine-- things that you look at every day that you've been whacking down like wild lettuce. I started-- I made wild lettuce tea for my dad several years ago because he can't do opioids. The pharmaceutical ones just cause them issues. And he's got a lot of pain and discomfort. So we tried the wild lettuce tea. You just-- it's a 12-hour process. You have to cut the herbs or cut the wild lettuce and cook it down all day long. But let me tell you, I have big batches of wild lettuce now growing in my yard. And it's been around since the time of Hippocrates. It's an opioid, but it is non-addictive. And it works very well to help with discomfort and aches. It's amazing. So learn about wild lettuce while you're out there walking around the yard because it's right around in Missouri. Right now, it's time to harvest it. You can hang it to dry and use it and make tea out of it. It's very good for that. Another herb that I've learned a lot about and have grown is comfrey. And you have to be careful with that one. If you have liver issues, I do know that. But it's called bone that it actually regenerates bones and tissue. And that's important. Yeah, I just get so excited. There's just so much out there. Free. Sorry, this is Daryl. On that wild lettuce tea, do you take the leaves and the stalk? And what do you do just simmer it all day? Or how do you go about that? First, I cut it all up. I chop it all up. And you don't want to boil it because you destroy the herbs. But you want to get a nice, medium temperature until the water turns brown. When the water turns brown, the waste will turn brown as well. You're going to strain that out. And then you're just going to put it on simmer. And you're going to stir it and cook it down all day long on low heat. And when you can take a spoon and move it across the bottom and see the bottom of the pan, you actually then can-- you're done. You let it cool. And then you bottle it up in a dark, dark, cool place. And it's good. It's amazing. That's one of my favorites. How much does a guy normally take like if it's for extreme pain and stuff like that? Well, now we can't use the word extreme pain. But if you're an extreme discomfort, I would suggest that you usually start with any herbs, start without the dropper. Wait 15 to 20 minutes. If you're not noticing anything, you can take another half dropper. You can also make tinctures with the wild lettuce. And it's great in tea. You just want to get-- you want to let it steep at least 15 minutes. I think I've taken the leaf for the stem. I got it all. I chop it all up. I keep it all dried and chopped. And I just-- I mean, you could do just the leaf. I don't know if the-- there's got to be some residual of the white stuff. It's just dried, you know? It's my thoughts on that. But tea does help. It doesn't work like the stuff you cook, and that you cut it and cook it down. That's amazing. My husband has been very skeptical of my medicine for a long time. And I've been healing him. He comes straight to me now. He doesn't even bother with the doctor. He comes straight to me. Because at work, we've found so many things. Hi, Sally. Yeah, family. Sure. This is JV. On North Carolina, I have a couple of interesting questions to ask you. One is you mentioned cinnamon and licorice, garlic. When-- I don't suppose people are going to use a root with that or chop it up, find a root somewhere. You're probably talking about some brown cinnamon or something you purchase. Silence. You've said about-- You've been-- Right. I get the sticks and I grind them myself. I don't buy commercial cinnamon. I get-- is it silence-- cinnamon? I don't know how they-- I don't know how they pronounce it. There are two types of cinnamon. And that one is actually more beneficial for you. You've got to find a good organic store. If you have a health food store in your town, that's going to be one of your best sources. If there's one in the nearby town. Same with licorice and cinnamon. I got my licorice root. I think-- yeah, I've got a little gal that she owns a greenhouse and she grows herbs and she's always got different teas. You'll find the people that sell herbs. They're-- we also have a Ukrainian grocery store in town. Believe it or not. I don't-- they have every herb you can imagine. That's when you have to get really good at identifying the plant because it's not in our language. But it's always got a picture of the plant on the front. I've found herbs in many unexpected places. Amazon-- if you-- you just want to check if you're-- if you're going like through Amazon, check the reviews, check to see what they're-- you know that they're organic, non-GMO, good reviews, and just go from there. You just have to write about it. That always helps. And what you need does then do appear. For dandelion root and other where you mentioned root, are you talking about one cleaning the root off with water and then letting it dry and then dicing the root part, not the plant part, or do you-- No, it's the root part. It's the root. OK. You want the root for your-- well, they're all beneficial. All parts of that plant are beneficial. But you-- I just-- I give like a vegetable brush and scrub the roots off because it's got all the little things sticking out. And it's white colored. And I cut it before it dries because it gets really hard and hard to cut the dryer it gets. So I usually cut it first. I've done it both ways. And I learned. You wash it off and prepare it and then cut it, right? You wash it off-- Yeah, me. --a healthy water and whatever. OK. Yeah. Yeah. As far as-- OK. So when you mentioned cinnamon and licorice, you're talking about a pinch of this and a pinch of that, or is there a quantity-- I usually use-- --that you ask to-- I-- it's a nerve. So you're going to want to start out with smaller amounts of each to see what your body tolerates and what works for you. I usually start out with-- yeah, just a pinch of a couple different herbs. Sometimes, if it's a new herb, I'll start out with just better in a tea, just to make sure that my body is going to be-- my body's going to be happy with that. OK. Thank you. That's really the best way. And one more. With the current situation with the COVID jabs, have you looked into any herbs that can perhaps deter the spike protein and the grassy and oxides? Heavy metal detoxing is a really good way to start. I've heard-- I've actually heard a lot of different things. There are slippery slope here. There are-- --manual zeolite is good. Oh, yeah, that is good of one. That is good one. There are also people that put a small, tiny amount of borax. So you can get a note on the step that's in a little jar. I don't know if that they sell it in the United States. My daughter laughed and said she probably snorts that much when she does laundry for her children. So just do your research, but they're finding things to help with that spike protein. Just keep your-- just do a good detox thing. We're still learning on that one. We really are because it's in everything. I do know that one of the best-- yes, the graphene is in everything. It's great. I do know there have been people that have done with the more gelans. Was it alfalfa, alfalfa wheat grass? I think it was wheat grass. But one of your better cilantro is an amazing detoxing herb. Cilantro, cilantro, cilantro. You can dry it and put it in capsules. You can't see on the taste of it. Some people, I love it. I love it. Yes, so just eat tons and tons of cilantro. Elderberry is a good blood purifier. We don't know what's going to work on that exactly. It's just too new. We're finding things that help, but the zeolite is good. The best thing you can do is keep your immune system strong, and that starts with your gut. Make sure you're getting good healthy pre- and probiotics. Get that gut cleansed out. Do a detox. At least once a month, there's different types. There's parasite detoxes, and there's also heavy metal. Cilantro is a really good one for-- we've added chlorophyll alpha to our diet, and it helps to detox. Barbara O'Neill just came out with a capsule that gets rid of all your parasites within 24 to 48 hours. I love her. She is so knowledgeable. She's crazy. I'm so thankful for her. I've learned a lot from her. Yeah. Get life started out. I used to get to work. The 24 to 48 hours isn't that a little fast, isn't that begging for her? Cyber reaction? No, well, I don't know. She seems to have great results with it, and I don't know, just take one capsule a day, and it goes right to the stomach and starts getting rid of all the parasites right away. I'm going to have to get some of that. These people are markedly improved, and everything is bounded on parasites or fungi. Reed, Dr. Simmons, seen these article on that. He talks about everything emanating from parasites or fungi. So just very interesting, and I thank you very much, Valerie, for your information. Hey, you're welcome. I have-- Mm-hmm, yeah. I do have something to add. There's a lot about the whole parasite with the-- I had an outbreak on my skin, and it was fungi. And I started looking in that room to cancer, and this was probably 10 years ago, 9, 10 years ago, and I tried everything to get rid of the Candida. I was an Air Force brat, so we got antibiotics for a runny nose. I am now allergic to antibiotics, but I had to find a better path. And so I tried everything. I tried the-- oh, good grief. I was putting coconut oil on its frying eggs, and it's still gathering it on my toast. And it helped the symptoms. But the second I got one little gram of sugar in my body, they were, you know, it was back broken out again. But the good quality, pre- and probiotics saved me-- got rid of the Candida, that under control. Because you're always going to have parasites. You're always going to have bad bacteria. You just want just as many good in that colony in your gut. And that truly is your immune system. You clear your gut. You fix a lot of things in your body. May I? That was great. Yeah. Very good. Thank you so much. Thank you. There's a-- you can make cilantro pesto. You can look that up, and there's a way just to put that together. But that's very effective for removing like mercury or other heavy metals. So, but cilantro pesto. I bet that's good. We have pecan trees. I could probably make it with some pecans. The cilantro is very powerful. It is amazing. Yeah. The cans are great. I also-- there's a lady that takes-- she takes casserole, and she freezes it in capsules. She swears, but I can't-- she was a herbalist, and she had a lot of good success with it, a lot of testimonials. And you put, like, you drank five-- you swallowed five of these a day. And they pop and hang out around the duodenum, which is where a lot of the parasites like to get stuck. And it helps move those out. I mean, you've got many different to address. A lot of different-- there's so much. We're so far behind in learning the old ways. If I could add something about borax, if you're on a website that recommends 20-meal tea and borax, just take a little bit, mix it with water, and drink it down, close that web page, go do another website that actually has a pharmaceutical grade, borax. Yeah, yeah. And I couldn't think of the name of it. It's a different chemical name. Right. Boron. Yeah. Boron, yeah. I get a boron complex, OK? I get it from Amazon in the very bad. Boy, I get that. I get that. But the 20-meal tea, purely by virtue of the fact that it's in a cardboard box, and it is intensely thirsty for moisture of any kind, it is going to absorb all of the fragrances, the toxins, and just the contaminants in that aisle. And you don't want to-- So I never thought about that. I did not even think about that. That is so true. Yeah. So, yeah. And I don't recommend the borox. I laughed at my daughter saying she probably got that much snorting it. I do put that in a detox bath that I take. I don't put a ton of it, but I mixed-- yes, I use baking soda, bentonite, clay, borox, and absence salt. And when I use absence salt, I go to the pharmaceutical one. I don't get the stuff with the fancy fragrances. Yeah, no. Just to plane up some salt, you can get it from-- I mean, it's magnesium chloride, or chloride, whatever. It doesn't really matter. There's a doctor-something brand. You can get it at Walgreens. It's good. It's easy. It's unscented. Dr. Keel. Yeah. OK, thank you. Dr. Yeah. It's unscented. That's fine. But if you're going to do a borax therapy-- and I strongly recommend doing it. I really do. Just get a boron complex that's in capsule form and do it that way. Leave the laundry soap in the laundry soap aisle. Just say. Right. That's a great point. I'm always open for correction, believe me. And that's the thing. When you learn something and you think, oh, wow, this is great. But I just learned a little bit earlier on the turmeric. And it being fat soluble. And people were having issues because they're doing it with the black pepper. And it's causing-- it's not helping them. And so the herbalists started studying how the people that use it. The India and people use it in curry. They use it with coconut oil. They use it with fat soluble. And so that is also something to look at with your herbs. Do your own research. Nothing can replace you researching for yourself at the end of the day, because my goal is to have everyone know how to heal themselves. And we all have to share what knowledge we have. I think it's interesting that you mentioned a lot of plants that I actually have seeds for. I have personally seeds. I have alfalfa seeds. I have lemongrass, wheatgrass. There you go. I'm actually growing moringa trees. So moringa is growing. Oh, my gosh. Yeah. I'll buy your leaves. I will buy your leaves when you grow them. I will. And I'll take some root when you get some of that. Yes, you have a buyer. OK, well, they're only about a foot tall right now. So it's good to be a little bit. I'll plop you for some-- I have an orchard of mimosa trees. And I have a little orchard of sarsaparilla. You mean mimosa purica? Is that what you got? Yes. OK. Yeah, I have those seeds, too. Oh, plant them. Those are amazing. The leaves are the plant and the root, not the root, the limb. It's amazing if you're-- for anxiety, the flower. I made tincture out of it and bark for the fad, these things, you know. Yeah, I do radio shows with chatty people. I really need something to call my nerves. And I'm just saying-- Yeah. OK, all right. Thank you so much. I've got mimosa tincture. Oh, there you go. All right, thank you very much. I'll yield. Yeah. OK, is there another question? Yeah, may I go on a-- this is Jan, Jan, Jage. What about pine needle teeth? That's been made recently. Yeah. Yeah, what do you want to make that for? Now, I've got white pine. And I swear I didn't know we had two beautiful white pines on the back of the property. But the white pine has five needles. Instead of three, it's got more vitamin C. And is it ceramins that it's got? That's it, ceramins? Deposes the out of pine, yeah. Yeah, but what do you apply it to or what would you-- You can make it. The out of it, I've made soda out of it. It helps. That's what's up with the white protein, I believe. Helps with what? Yes, it does. That was one of the things they suspected helps with the spike protein. Yes. But, OK, yeah, that's what they were saying, but they haven't-- So what are you asking me to do? Like how to take it? You can just make a tea out of it. I made white pine soda, which was kind of fun. It is medicine, but I put a little sugar. I've got baby chicks in the house, and I have had some down issues in my life. And so I start struggling about the time of the evening. These chicks have got to go out. So I apologize for my voice. You can make a tea out of it, and just let it see. I would probably cut the needles in half so that they're open, because they're so-- it's a pine needle. I would-- I always cut them when I made my sodas. I don't think you have to, but-- I have a tincture from a friend who's made some pine needles. Yeah, I think she's amazing. Yeah. So I would just add a few drops to boiling water. Yeah. Yeah, you don't even-- you can just add it. You don't need it to be boiling if it's in tincture form. A lot of times, boiling water, I mean, it's not going to-- it doesn't need to be boiling with the tincture. Usually, my tinctures, I just put under my tongue. I take them sublingually. It gets into your-- and I hold it there as long as I can, you know, 30 seconds or so. Wonderful. OK. Yeah. Very, very good. Yeah, that's-- you can also make-- I'm getting ready to make some cleaning stuff out of pine needles. I think I can use pine needles and lemon, and probably-- you know, I'm trying to detox around here, and you can't trust the places that said they were pure and natural. So we've got to turn into our own doctors, bakers, you know, pharmacists. It's getting around here. Vinegar will do that. It'll help you clean. Oh, I do use vinegar. Yeah, I use the white vinegar. Yep, I do. That's what I-- yeah, we use so much of that around here. But I would like something a little stronger, and they say, you know, you can make, like, your own pine cells. And I've got pine trees everywhere, so I thought it was worth a shot. Yeah, just a little bit. Well, just a break. Thank you. Was there another question? What about kombucha? Kombucha is really good for you. Any kind of fermented vegetable is going to be beneficial. Well, I have some that I kind of sort of screwed up. I kind of screwed up. No, I screwed up, and I just let it cook too long. OK. And basically, what I wound up with something that absolutely wamps the stink out of apple cider vinegar for acidity, but it doesn't really taste bad. So I just watered it way down. Oh, there you go. Yeah. But at least I-- At least I know it's going to survive the either missile swaying overhead or the second coming. It's not going to get old or go bad anytime soon. Right. And tons of probiotics in those tons. Yeah, yeah. No, that's great. Yeah, I had a mother that was an inch thick, 8 inches wide, and a foot and a half long. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. That's good. I let it go to you. I have a texture issues with those mothers. Yeah. Thanks, Valerie. I have another question if nobody else has one. Well, actually, I'm not a question, but this is JB again. Listening to Barbara O'Neill's short clips, she just came out with another pill that can reverse your smoking addictions. And so anybody who has real problems, yeah, she said, she actually went through the ontogeny of how it cleanses your lungs. And within a few days, you're not having these cravings, and you're clear your lungs out right away, and it's something that she put in a capsule, and it seems to be quite effective. So I just wanted to-- Does she have Mullen in it? I didn't put that far. I didn't get that far. It's just Mullen has an accident. Yeah? Mullen is going right now for people that smoke or that have smoked, or that breathe the air. I need to detox their lungs. Have you heard of Mullen? It's Mullen. Some people pronounce it Moline. It's M-U-L-L-I-E-N. Well, and it's just-- Anybody who has smoking addiction, this is anything. Mullen or Barbara's trassels? And it totally-- Yeah, I'll have to look into that. Mullen, you're addiction. Absolutely. She's promoting them on various treats, media, sites. She's coming out quite a bit about those two types of capsules. So one with the elimination of parasites, and the other one with the actual reversibility of smoking addiction in your lungs. When you have no addiction towards it, your breathing is enhanced and clear, and she's-- I kind of tend to believe the things that she has to say. So she's a very knowledgeable woman. We're lucky to have her around. I'll have to look into those things. Well, thank you so much. Well, thank you. Well, I already put it on to the question. Oh, yeah, I have a number of questions. Isn't rabbit tobacco a variety of Mullen in the same family? Yeah, I believe it is. Yeah, OK, I believe it is. I have those seeds, too. So I should probably start growing that. Right, you don't-- do you have greenhouses, or do you have any-- a scarher, or do you just have seeds? Do you have too much gardening? I have the seeds, and I do indoor gardening, because I don't want any of my plants rained on, especially if I'm going to consume them in any way. Right, right. Yeah, my greenhouse has got destroyed last year, and I-- well, my one greenhouse did, and then another one appeared, and so I keep my herbs. It's been hot, and it's been a challenge, but I keep them in the greenhouse. OK, and so you would concur that it's a bad thing to let your herb garden get rained on? It's not my choice. Some things, you know, like the Mullen and the dandelions, and I do have a giant dandelion that I let grow a my greenhouse year round. But, yeah, some things-- I mean, we just have to do the best you can't-- that's-- I mean, you just have to do the best you possibly can. You make your choices on-- you know, some people will do all of this stuff, but they use like fluoride toothpaste, or, you know, use a microwave, or eat fast food, or, you know, you just have to make smart choices for you. You just have to do the best you possibly can. And we'd-- just the less we each use pesticides, the sooner they're going to be gone, and we're just going to keep focusing on that thought. And we'll just, you know, that stuff's going to stop in the sky. I just believe that. And, yeah, we're going to-- we're going to keep doing what we have to to make this a better world. One little choice at a time, you know, stepping away from things that give people money that do bad things, you know, spend your money. Your money is your true currency is your energy. So you spend that in the best places, and you take your power back. Right. Thank you. Yeah, you're welcome. And I'm excited about all your seats. That's great. Now, where are you going to plant your moringa trees, though? Are you going to grow those in a greenhouse, or anything? I live in New York right now, but within two months, I'm moving to Georgia, and so they're going to-- they're going to go-- it's started in five gallon pots, and then I'll put them in 10 gallon pots, because I'm moving to someplace temporarily. And I will be looking for a permanent base, and then I will just plant them in a raised bed in a greenhouse, and I'll just trim them to keep them from overgrowing the space. Right. That's a great idea. I've got footings for a big greenhouse, and I have not done that yet. My father, when he bought out, he expanded his business back in the day, and the building that they bought used to be a greenhouse. So I just haven't gone that big yet, but I think I really feel led that way, and so many of us are, and it's kind of exciting. I was starting off the questioning. You can look up at the greenhouse in Elance, Nebraska. And this guy, he's got orange trees, citrus trees, all kinds of stuff, even in the 20-boil weather in the winter. But he uses it with basically thermal heat, where he dug a trench like eight foot around, eight foot deep, and he runs like this pipe, and just brings it in, and all he's got to do is just run a fan to circulate it. Yeah, it's basically a wall of pea. It's basically a huge wall of peony, and he's got citrus trees, lemons, oranges, grapefruits. He's got all the fun stuff growing in there. Right, see, we have a backhoe. I've seen that when they dig it into the dirt, and my father did-- he was heating an air conditioning after he retired from jet propulsion. So I've learned a lot of things, and he's got lots of tools that he's left for me to play with, so. Cool. Right. What stayed you in? Yeah. I'm in Missouri. Oh, OK, well, you have minimal need for a dug-in greenhouse. The principal reason you would want to do it is to keep it cool, rather than keep it warm. How cold does it get there in the winter? We had 20 below here at one point. Oh, good read. OK. Yeah. So it's-- yeah, I mean, it's just-- hang on, I got to get rid of my husband calling. I'm not the cervix fired. But the ground temperature, at that depth, is about 54 degrees, generally. Right. And you can just have a fan on one end to pull that through, which is very visual. Yeah, I've seen that model. I think that's a great idea. And I could do it with the footings I've got. I just have to take a big hold. OK. Is there anybody else got any questions before we close? I just have one thing to add. This is JV again. With respect to the greenhouses, Valerie, there's a Canadian outfit that builds geodesic greenhouses with any size, even to accommodate maple trees and whatever trees you want to grow indoors. So they do it to your specifications as big as you want, why does you want? So tall, wide, they're beautiful. So as soon as I have a patch, that's where I'm putting a couple of-- Wow. Almost a look into that. That's incredible. I'll send the two stills from Barbara the information and find the information on the greenhouses. I'll send it off to Phyllis, and she can send it on to you guys to you. Yeah, my email is at the bottom of my-- of the little thing on the end. It's Valerie Gionney. Yeah, I don't know. OK, I'll send it to Phyllis. It'd be great. All right. I'd love to go. You're welcome. Thank you. OK, is there anybody else have a question last minute? OK, do you want to hear any other questions? Yeah, this is John in New Jersey there. Has anybody done anything with a hoop house? And you can put them up very inexpensively with a fence post rail. And the plastic for the greenhouse, and I have one in the yard that I use, so-- and that will expand your vegetable garden area. I actually had a hoop house. I built it. We have bamboo growing here. And the wind-- the wind's got-- so now it is my bamboo-- or it's my green bean and cucumber hoop. [LAUGHS] Yeah, I tell you what, bamboo, it's like wisteria. And once you got it growing, it can't never get rid of it. And I mean, it just takes over. It just grows underground. And yeah, that's a very tough plant. You know, that's on a missionary, you know? You know, my mom told my dad that she yelled at him when he planted it 20 years ago. And it's still-- I mean, that's on the other side of the lake, and it really hasn't spread much at all. Plus, I keep it cut down. I use it for my tomatoes. I put those on the-- oh, I think I'm up with the rebar. And then I run the bamboo. I prune them. And I've been doing the permaculture. I actually have probably 18 to 20 aromas per plant. It's crazy. Oh, bamboo is hardy. And it's just-- well, I was listening about the thermal greenhouse. And what I experienced in my father's permit was a little bit there. It was a very tank in the ground. And as Sarah was saying, the ground temperature stays-- if you get it deep enough, it stays a certain temperature. And you can use a brick cooling and heating. And all you've got to do is have a circulator on it. And a radiator and a fan on it. And it could be used for cooling or heating. You know, you're circulating the water through a radiator-- you know, a radiator. And then you have a fan on it. And you can keep the temperature in the greenhouse. I haven't had a chance to do that. I've done plumbing for 30-some years. So in my father with plumbers, that's where I got it from. But that's something we could go somewhere. We had some way of storing water underground in a tank and running an inch and an inch and a quarter or one inch line or whatever, depending on what size greenhouse you're doing and what you're doing. You have to size everything accordingly. But yeah, the ground-- you can use the ground temperature to heat and cool your greenhouse. You can use it to do it with your house there. But yeah, it just takes time. Right. My sister just did that in their new barn. I didn't know. I was like, what do you mean they're eating it with water? That is so cool. Yeah. Well, see, a water is, you know, it absorbs, you know, the temperature. You know, it's like a heat sink. Yes, it makes water. It's amazing. Yeah, I mean, we couldn't live without water. I mean, a water is an amazing thing, you know. But see, we've lost a lot of things here. You know, hell, we used to live with no electricity and a pitcher pump. And somehow, we survived doing that, you know. Now we got used to all-- we got salt and we got used to all these fancy gadgets and gizmos. And then we get spoiled there. We get a little salt there, you know. So I guess we're going to have to go back there. We're going to have to go back to the old ways, the old people knew so much. And they didn't have a whole lot, but they knew to use what they had and make something out of it, you know. Yeah, both my grandmothers were from the Depression. Well, my parents as well, but my grandmothers, I spent time-- I still, I spent time with old people. They're my favorite 80-year-olds. That's all I allow my salon on Thursdays. You have to be 80 to get in the door. I don't make a lot of money on those days, but oh my goodness, the wisdom. The wisdom, old people, they're walking in psychopedias. They can-- they've been through so much. And that generation's not going to be around a lot longer, so I always encourage everyone to learn as much as you can, you know, from older people. Well, I second that. We want to thank you, Valerie, for coming on and for sharing the knowledge that you shared tonight. And we're going to need to close out though. But we've been-- we had a delayed start, but we-- we went an extra half hour longer. But anyway, if there's anybody new on the call that does not get the notices for the Tuesday or Thursday night calls, you can send an email to Phyllis. She wants your first name, your state, and who invited you to the call on the phone number. We did not share any contact information with anyone, but if somebody wants to reach out to you, they'll send Phyllis an email, and she will forward it on to you, and you could reach out to them at your convenience. So Phyllis, would you want to share your email? Yes, it is Blue Ridge 1-1-2-1 at Blue Ridge 11-21 at And I just want to mention that a week from tonight is July 4th. So there may not be a call that night. We haven't discussed that, but we'll let you know. OK, and next Tuesday, Ed George is going to be honored. We're going to talk about the different definitions and terms that are used and the meanings of how they apply in our-- basically in our legal world. So it's going to be very informative and would encourage anybody to take the time to review the information. It'll be very beneficial to not get entrapped by thinking you know what a word means, but when-- sometimes when you look it up, I thought-- I knew some of the definitions of word, and when I looked them up, they meant something a little bit different, and were used in a different manner. But they've got a separate language that they also apply basically to entrap the people. So with that, tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. Eastern time, we have a prayer call, and that phone number is 605-313-5583 with an access code of 768-918 pounds. So you're all invited. That's at 9 a.m. Eastern time. So with that, is there anybody that would like to close in a word of prayer? We want to thank everyone for coming on and for Valerie, for sharing the information that you have and made available. And the attachment is on the bottom with her email on the second page. And so is there anybody that would like to close in a word of prayer? If not, Heavenly Father, we come before you to thank you, Lord, for the information that was shared this evening. We know, Lord, that your word has told us that you have provided all the herbs of the field for our health and healing, and we thank you, Lord, for all that you've provided. We just ask you, Lord, for your wisdom to understand and to comprehend the application and the uses of what has been provided naturally without chemicals and without side effects in harm to our bodies. We ask you, Lord, for your continued guidance. We just pray, Lord, for a spiritual awakening throughout the land and just pray, Lord, to bring harmony amongst the people and that we can, once again, live according to the love that you have placed into our hearts. And we know that you are the author of truth, and we pray that we can continue to fill our hearts and minds with your truth that we may be able to live together in harmony, that we can care for one another and restore this nation back to being recognized under your authority in the name Yeshua. Amen. Well, thanks, everyone, for coming on, and until we meet again, have a blessed rest of the week, and we'll look forward to better days ahead. This is Health and Wellness Radio, spiritually, physically, and emotionally. You're listening to the Global Voice Radio Network. [BLANK_AUDIO]