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Radio Ranch with Roger Sayles


2h 39m
Broadcast on:
26 Jun 2024
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Of the old, the old radio ranch and that date stamp, just in case you're looking around and wondering, would be 626, 24. So we're just a couple of days from the end of June, unbelievable how this year's flown and how this back half of it is going and there's just so much stuff going on. This was a real new show, we didn't have our time covering it all, really. But regardless, we reach out to an awful lot of people around the world and we do so via these platforms that Paul and Andy and the others have hooked us up with and we're very grateful for that and we would never want to not give them proper credit for helping to spread our message and our program and we let Mr. Paul keep a top of writing all of that. So I can't even remember him all, but I know he does. So Paul, why don't you give them proper credit and inform the audience on our growing platform list of participants? I can do that very thing. We are on Global Voice Radio Network, we are on, that of course is the flagship station, thank you, Pastor Eli James. We're on 106.9 WVO UFM in Chicago, thanks to WDRN Productions in Ford Collins, Colorado. On Thursdays and Fridays, we're on, that's a Euro station. We're on on Channel HN4, on their main feed. GoLiveTV and, the website. The website has fallen to the effects of GoDaddy, that's the only thing that I can attribute it to. The site is up, the server is available, but GoDaddy holds the domain registration for the matrix docs and the forward is not working, so there are never ways. You think we're being played with, there's just something that's happening internally. I don't know, I was working with GoDaddy support for like two hours last night. And there's still no joy. So there are a number of ways to get to the website, formerly known as the matrix docs. You can go to the brand smacking new URL, just created and forwarded this morning, that is,, take you right there. You can also get there by, all one word, Or if you feel particularly jaunty, you can get there by going to, if my aunt had balls, she'd be my address. It was done as a joke because, you know, that was one of your favorite sayings, you know. I do particularly like that one, yeah. Yeah. And then of course, the new site that's still in development is exposed to You can go to that one. If you want, you know, it's not all of this stuff is updated. Right. No, that doesn't-- No, that is the development site. That's the new one that I was working on with Devon. I see. Now an update from yesterday, because the show turned into a complete and utter ass, everything has been locked down again. If you want to join us, please raise your hand. You can dial 941 and raise your hand, or you can use the reactions menu on either the computer or smartphone or tablet app. So yeah, the problem with the, I mean, Paul just went over all these platforms for Ron. We don't know who they're reaching, you know. But if you were a person somewhere in the world and you spoke English and you went and fell on that platform and fell in the middle of yesterday's show, I don't know if you'd stick around very long. Um, no, actually, um, I think it's entirely possible that those type of shows actually chase away old-time family friends. I mean, where have the DWs and stuff gone? Well, listen, it's not unusual. People have been drifting in and out of this show for a long time, so that as much as we miss them, you know, it's not anything super out of the realm. And I don't know the answer to that, Paul. All I know is the only thing I can do here is tater this to new students. They're the ones that generally need the help and try and be here always and very consistently to be able to address those questions that new people might have. And yesterday, we got back into the interruption mode and we just got to stop that stuff. Okay. I mean, I thought we'd gotten that across a while back, but evidently not as much as we thought. And it's that kind of thing that we're trying to avoid. Okay. Because, like I said, if new people are listening and they, oh, you know, Augustine had friend to his and instead of pointing them and giving them some stuff to listen to, or they could then listen to the radio show and get follow at least somewhat. People suggest that they come to the radio show before they listen to anything or study anything, and it appears to be a lot of just confusion. And I understand that, okay? It's meant to be confusing, but you drive people away. So I think part of the answer here is if you're talking to someone that's new, get them to listen to an interview or two before you send them over here and they get confronted with Gulash. Mm-hmm, exactly. You're a full radio stream just went down again. Yeah, I get you, yeah, yeah, there's hiccups. That server is routed through South Africa, so we are truly close. Always, always subject to whatever. Yeah, but the South Africa server is usually very, very solid. So I do think that there are cyber attacks that are hitting most if not all of the areas of the internet. I think that's just what we're dealing with. Could be. Well, that's what I thought was the website problem last night. I went to answer a couple of emails. I need for you to send me all those you just rattled off, Paul, when you get a chance. So I've got people asking for information and I go to get them the website and it doesn't come up and it doesn't come up and it doesn't come up and I'm going, everything else comes up, everything else works, what's going on here. So hopefully it's not them trying to shut us down, if they are, we'll just bounce back and stick it somewhere else, you idiots. You always make your own worst enemies. And the problem is you've gotten in a position with all your lies and all your crap that all you can do is continue to try and cover up, cover up, cover up, lie, lie, lie. And that ain't going to get you, it might get you a little bit down the road, but it's going to get you a lot more than that in the end, like maybe even a hangman's news. And it's very interesting that I hear people talking about that now. Okay. I mean, people, you never heard talking about it before and they're talking about executions. Okay. And so the temperature in the room is heating up. Exactly. And boy, if they earn that, should we be able to administer that remedy right there? Boy, there's a bunch going on. This debate tomorrow night, if you've been keeping up with that, Paul, I'm sure you haven't. You've been on the phone with GoDaddy. Have you heard what's going on? No. CNN is trying to put down like copyright rules on it and they won't let anybody comment on it. They won't let anybody carry the debate live and tap off their stream stream. Really? Yeah. There's some kind of something, they're up to something here. And I'm very disappointed that Trump didn't joust with them a little bit more when they came down with them. Okay. This is the way it's got to be and they proposed the two debates and these are the rules. We got to have our attendees, there can't be any people in the room, Joe Kennedy can't be up there and we're going to cut off Trump's microphone and that you can't stand up. You got to sit down and Trump and his team just accepted all that. They never equivocated about any of it, I don't believe. But these people have got something set up going here because nobody can carry it. Now they can come back with selected sound clips and dribble them out. Now some people are standing up to that, Jones and then we're going to do it live. I think it's seven Eastern time, I think. And they're going to just continue broadcasting after Owens over so you can tap into Infowars. If they can't get the video, they will get the audio and then there'll be breast discussions. They got all three of their main hosts there tomorrow night, Harris and Owen and Jones. So that's one place you can watch it. And I guess you can watch it on CNN, but I'm just not sure. I don't keep up with that and if it really doesn't usually mean too much to me except for the observation type activity of it. But this one seems to be building up to a little bit more the way they have structured it and laid it out and got an agreement and put all these restrictions in there. So it will be interesting. Highly unusual, they usually never have debates until after the conventions. We hadn't even had a convention yet. One thing after another, they're definitely using this somehow. And as we know from what we normally do, they're so damn sneaky and tricky, it's really hard to see what they're doing. I mean, look, nobody with the exception of just a couple of people could ever see what they did in the 1860s when they put the 13th and 14th Amendment in. Yeah, a couple of people that saw it, but not many. And they were very exceptional people, John Harlan and the chief justice there, Fuller, at the Supreme Court in the dissent along Kim Hark. They saw it pretty damn clearly and Mr. McFadden in one of his speeches on the House floor, they're erecting a Machiavellian feudal system. That's exactly what it is. So those are the three people I know that saw it from their writings. You don't know how much they saw, but they got a pretty good idea of what was going on. They didn't know. They were going to have to overturn Plessy versus Ferguson and all how they were going to rope into it and all the rest of the stuff. But I mean, as I was saying yesterday, Merle seemed to want to be contentious about this, but you better have a respect for these people. I'm not talking about anything healthy or wonderful and don't attach a good connotation to the word used in this way. But I mean, you better damn well respect these people because they're not stupid as they appear. Right. And they don't turn your back on them. Oh, absolutely. And they've got incredible means, okay. So anyway, that's what's going on on that angle. We got no telling what I seemed like I saw Russia countered with some muscles, but I hadn't had time to watch it and some other stuff. So hell of a time, hell of a time, Paul. So we got, we got Eurofolk straighten back out. Eurofolk has been up and solid for four minutes and 59 seconds. Five minutes and five minutes and so let's, why don't we, because I can't think of anything else to talk about right off the top of my head here, we can open it up. Well, sketch is always got something here as of late. So let's hear what the man has to say. He's always got these deep probing him and sketch and Larry in Jacksonville have very fertile minds and are constantly digging down very deep and asking these really intricate, deep questions. Don't you? You do that, don't you, sketch? And, and to me, this is where a lot of your empowerment comes from. It's because you get into these situations where before you would have just taken, oh, he's a resident. Oh, okay. Well, now you know, oh, well, there's another definition of that word. So if that situation comes across, you don't just brush it off and like you understand it like you did before, you got to go back and we'll hold it. This means something different here and how does it apply here and what happens here. So you really iron sharpens iron, you're sharpening your ability to think and that's part of your empowerment. You're probing down and asking these really minute questions of somebody that does have a fairly good grasp of the information and I don't know that I can answer all of them. I'll be the first to tell you, I don't know if I, if I don't know an answer that I'm pretty sure is correct, but it really, I think this ability to make your thoughts sharper because you've been exposed to this and how our enemies think and unwinding their plan and in doing so and getting your arms around it and internalizing it, you take on those abilities to think that sharp also. So anyway, just something I probe around and think about occasionally and I'm pretty sure that's correct. So that's another reason that when you learn the information and you start seeing how these guys have thought to put this together and you really internalize that and then you take on that ability to look at things that way. And it's, I know with Brent all those years ago and we're trying to drag him across and I said, Brent, you've got to think like they do and he said, I don't want to think like they do. I said, you don't have to think like they do, but you have to know how they think. Okay, yeah, it's a position you switch out of and switch back and take away the benefits that you've learned on how they do things and how it may advantage you. And so this is part of me as I get deeper into this and understanding that that's part of the enlightenment process and empowerment process is learning how to do the specific types of thinking. I think that's part of it sketch. Yeah. Inviolable. Yeah. Viable. Well. Well, that's a, that's a big part of our problem as a community is if people do not understand how different they think and that they're totally different. See, they see them like us, okay, and they're not like us. They don't think like us. We haven't been raised on the Babylonian Talmud, all the things that are their lives. We can't think like that. And I think with most of our people, it's hard for them to know and think that there are people, or if they're not, they're subhuman, that do think like that. So it's just like we were, you know, our campaign a couple of months ago sketch, if you continue to think like you always thought, you'll continue to get like what you've always got. So if that's a problem with a lot of our community is that we don't have to think like them on a regular basis, but we have to know how they think to analyze what they've done and understand it. Otherwise it doesn't, they don't, we don't relate to it because we can't even imagine that people would be like this. Yeah. It, it, it's beyond the realm of common thinking. Oops. Somebody's got a phone on. I'm telling these somethings. No, Paul, yeah, me, me, me, hello, one ringy dingy. Okay. What were you going to say there, Mr. Skach, while Paul's talking to. Since when that he runs, they rejected his appeal. They did not. Okay. Oh, I was just going to say, yeah, that's a, it's called certiary. And when you apply to the Supreme Court, that's what it's called certiary. And they get 10,000 or more people trying to get a case that they'll listen to a year and they don't have that much time. They're only in session from October till the end of June. And so it's just that they didn't accept it for now. We don't know the reasons. Right. Right. And, uh, usually if he would have what one of the prerequisites for them accepting certiary is a, if it's a case of first impression, okay, first time it's been around, B, if it's come up in one circuit one way and was adjudicated one way, it came up in another circuit, that's the appellate level. And it was adjudicated a different or an opposite way. Those are the cases they really want to take because they can decide that controversy, okay. But they only take a few a year. We should get some more hell that may be today that they released this week's release. We've got the Trump case sitting there ready to be released. I wasn't the ship was the Chevron case release last week or is it this week? Missouri v. Biden is coming up. I think they haven't been asked to get. Yeah. I'm not sure that that's against the censorship from Facebook, et cetera, through the Biden administration's urging. This other one is really important of this Chevron doctrine, uh, because that deals directly with the powers of the administrative state, the agencies. And so that's going to be a real big one, okay, maybe that this week, their night release, pardon me, that'll change things for, for, uh, us and everybody will change things for the whole country because the for the audience here, we're talking about agency rulemaking, okay. Uh, and that's not their role. Their role is to not freewheel and 360 degrees change anything they want in any direction. Their goal is to reinterpret legislation passed by the house and the Senate and signed by the president. And then it goes through the, the, the little sausage making deal where it goes over into the organic statutes at large, and then they move it over to the U S code and sometimes whole cloth, sometimes not whole cloth, and that's where they monkey with it. And then they take it from the United States code and assign it to the agency that has charged that subject matter. And then under this Chevron doctrine, the agency can, can, can reinterpret it in the way they want. That's what's being challenged. And there's Mark right there and he's got something to add. I'm sure. Hey, Mark. The way I understood the Chevron, the currents is, and it's deferring, is that like in court, maybe not necessarily in court, but if, if the law that was passed by Congress and signed by the president, if it is vague and ambiguous, then they will defer to the agency to interpret that. So they're not allowed to just willy nilly interpret anything the way they want, even though that seems to be what they do. It's only supposed to be where the law is vague and ambiguous, right? And the original intent of the legislation is followed. And that's what they're doing. Just like, and here's agency rulemaking is the bump stock thing that got, now that was Trump's fault, the bump stock thing that got overturned last week, which includes all things with triggers and mechanisms and all these little tricks that they do to a weapon make it fire faster, but it doesn't make it an automatic weapon. So that's one way that they are. The ATF is real good about those EPA and the water people are real good about it. Look what's going on and I know if you heard about that up there, Mark. So those types of things where these agencies are running wild and rampant. And that's what the APA was designed to stop. And they just don't, they just don't adhere to it. Look at the mass thing, all these other things. The other main case dealing with this agency rulemaking stuff that's up there, this term and I don't think they mentioned it last week that it has been announced was the SEC. The Securities and Exchange Commission where they were appointing their own administrative judges. Well, okay. So that's a no, no. All right. So that one's up there. So that and the fishing case and where they came, whatever agency, God, there's so many of them up there, it's ridiculous. Whatever agency came down with this, and I was, you know, I did a lot of fishing in Florida, but even some commercial stuff, a time or two. And if you've got a commercial boat, you've got to have somebody on the boat that makes sure you're adhering to all the regulations and you've got to pay for them. That's insane. Okay. Let's look at all these commercial fishermen and not only have three or four people on a boat, or even just two people on a boat, they're going to have to hire some butt and specter to be sitting out there with them and not do anything that can qualify as a federal inspector. You've got to pay. I mean, you know, it's a federal inspector being dictated by federal regulations. Yes. Yes. That's a lot. If they allow that to stand, that's going to wipe out the mom and pop commercial fishing. Oh, yeah. Well, well, then here's the, these are just examples of the kind of decisions we're going to see in the next two weeks, folks, because it'll be this week and next week. And I don't think they can release them later next week. They generally get them all released by the end of June. It's my understanding. You brought up something, Bert. You mentioned something that I don't think people understand. And you earlier, Roger, you mentioned session law. And this is why your state statutes and state codes, and even U.S. code, is not law. First time I heard this, I fell out of my chair. I'd already been through, you know, formal training at a university on, you know, paralegal studies, research, legal research and writing, intro to law, so forth. And it had a, what was that, Dan Metters first meeting where I met Ralph one of the researchers. And one of the presenters said this is a law, and I fell out of my chair, and it cracks up in the old statutes, and it says right here that court rules and procedures supersede these codes. I was like, how are these statutes, I'm like, how can that be? Well, it goes back to session law. And one thing that it teaches in our legal research and writing was that session law is where the legislators, you know, they get together in the House and the Senate, they pass some legislation. But in session law, they talk about the intent of the law, like what was the purpose of them creating this law or repealing certain parts, whatever. And if you really want the true law that's signed by the governor, passed by the both houses, then you go and get the session law, because that actually is the real deal. And I think I explained earlier where a former governor Walters who had lobbied for the DiBartolo family on a San Francisco who at that time owned the San Francisco 49ers, he lobbied for them to get a control of a major race track, horse race track here in Oklahoma City called Remington Park. And he was successful, well, the big powers to be gaylord family on the Oklahoma, the major newspaper of the state, they also owned Opryland. I mean, we're talking some very, very wealthy people. They were furious and they made Walters life a living hell while he was in office. They harassed his son so bad that his son ended up committing suicide. He was a student at OU at Oklahoma University. But anyway, part of their harassment was they said that Walters did not take a proper oath of office, and they should be kicked out of office for not taking proper oath. The oath that they were trying to, that they used in their suit was one that was listed in the Oklahoma statutes, but Walters legal team beat that by showing that there actually had been previously a referendum of the people that altered that oath of office and had never been updated in the Oklahoma statutes. So that referendum and the passing of that law preceded the Oklahoma statutes, and they were pointing out that that's not actually law in a way. And so Walters wanted his case and you know what, they never went back and changed that. It's still the same incorrect oath of office that's listed in the Oklahoma statutes. Wow. That's my mind. So there you go. Seshima is your most powerful law that you can go drag into court, showing the intent of your legislators on the purpose of the law that they passed. And generally if that law goes through the process and even ends up being promulgated by agencies, if they promulgated incorrectly and not on with the spirit of the original legislation, let's put it that way, and they do something malicious, that's about the only way you can get a regulation pulled out is to go back, take them to court, take the agency to court, and your, your side of the story is they're not adhering to the original intent of the legislation, they've, they've maligned it. And with the exception of someone like Trump going in there and tearing them out by the writs, which he did when he got in, for all they used to say Trump didn't do anything, he pulled out a bunch of regulations, he took us first two things Trump did when he got in office was he took us out of the Paris Accords, which is the climate change crap. And he took us out of TIPP, which was their way of setting up boards of corporate appointed boards and making laws in the countries underneath their control, lose their sovereignty. Those are the first two things that Trump did, as I show you how important those were, those are the first two things Biden undid when he got into office took the very two things he did put us back in the Paris Peace Accord and put us back in the TIPP. So obviously they're important. So you can't say Trump didn't do anything, that's just incorrect, okay, but he did go through with his presidential powers and rip out by the writs, good old Southern saying by the writs, a bunch of regulations and toss them aside. So that's what we're dealing with and what's the deep state, the administrative state. So this is a real important subject matter right here, was that somebody trying to get in? I don't think so. Nobody's raised their hand. Okay, my butter. Okay. And maybe I'm going to call unless you got a call back from GoDaddy or something. He's been gone for a little while. Well, hey, Roger, you've got a, you've got an email if you want to, if you want to. Yeah, the straw man got a message from one of your students who listens to the show and I guess him and his wife had become nationals back in May of 2022. And at the time they were using an LLC to be like a subcontractor. And so they closed their LLC and now they're just invoicing the company as a sole proprietor with their Social Security number. And they're wondering if they're going to have to pay their Social Security tax. Well, I guess that depends on you. And I don't, are, have you already done 40 quarters would be the, oh, that's a good question. I don't know. I'll, I'll have to let the straw man ask him. Okay. Because you, that's when you have to, you have to pay into the system for 40 quarters. And that whatever they determine they're going to pay you is set off of the last four quarters, I believe. See here, there's the problem I had is I was teaching at the Art Institute of Atlanta and I wasn't teaching but a couple hours a week. You know, I mean, they're paying me pretty good for what I did do, but, but it wasn't a whole bunch of money as if you'd normally have your withholding, which would help to buttress the amount they're going to pay you when you start to draw on your Social Security. So consequently mine was, well, gosh, I thought it was a little low, it's, it's all right. But just because they're paying migrants about double what they pay me, it's no big deal. I saw a really interesting being Roger and said, if $15 an hour should be minimum wage, which comes out to $2,600 a month, that should also be the minimum for Social Security. Oh, well, they don't like that. They don't like Social Security. They don't like pensioners. That's why they tried to kill so many of them in the COVID thing went through the nursing homes and all that because they don't like paying you that money and because they've stolen the money out of the pension fund you had and they're having to conjured up somewhere and they don't like doing that and they just soon have you gone. Right. So that, so did they have any other questions there if these, yeah, follow-up questions. Talk right in the microphone, Mark, talk right in the microphone, man. All right, hang on a second. All right. Is that any better? Yeah. Is that better? Okay. Yeah. So there's a quick little follow-up question from that same student. Trying to know that if they took money out of their IRA, will they need to pay taxes on that withdrawal? Well, it depends on who's holding your IRA and their disposition, I think. And you should be able to send them the affidavit and then withdraw with no penalty. But should they be some of these people and we've run across them, they just won't accept some of this stuff. They don't care. They're going to do it, and even though they're just withholding agents, see, this is my point. They're scared of the IRS and you are. Okay. Right. And what you could do is if they insist on doing the withholding, you could, from the pension fund, then next year you file a 1040 in R and get it back. All right. All right. Okay. Thank you. And, you know, my other thought was, well, you weren't, you weren't a Nash. You were, you were having that money withheld and there was a tax owed on it's deferred, basically. So I don't know how they're going to play that, you know, and then some of the places, some of these when you withdraw money out of an IRA, just want to take it straight out. They, if I'm not mistaken, they're required to withhold the amount that would be taxed. So I'm not quite sure how that works. It's been a long time, I'm not easy. And you know, my personal philosophy back when you could get into all these profit sharing things, when I was teaching at the artists to them, you can get into this and they'll pay half and all that. And I just never got involved in any of those because I knew already that these guys were going to steal it. And so I just never got involved in any of it. Yeah. So the questions are the worst. There's a really funny movie with George Burns and Art Carney years ago called Trading, I'm sorry, going out in style. And they did a remake of it and the remake was really good too, which was surprising, called Going Out in Style. But the premise of the movie was that these four guys were retired, close buddies and they had a pension. And then all of a sudden the company goes belly up and they lose their pension. And so I'd seen some of that during the oil bust back in the 80s. And I quickly realized, you know, I was still in my 20s, that you don't want to pension with a company. That is like the most dangerous retirement plan you could possibly have is a pension. Now, let me bring up a phrase that open, let me bring up a phrase that opens the door to all that, a name and a phrase, Michael Milken, junk bonds, that's exactly what was happening when they started moving all these companies overseas. And Michael Milken spearheaded that. So what they would do, if there's a reason they call them junk bonds, okay, and that's because they give extraordinarily high interest. And they're not really necessarily backed by anything, okay. And so what Milken would do was go out and get a bunch of investors in on these high yields on the interest rates and he'd get that money and go do a hostile takeover of the company, I'll give you an example, Mr. Coffee, okay. And that was the first company they did, as a matter of fact, was Mr. Coffee. Remember Joe DiMaggio? They went and raided that company. They hostily took it over. Then they came in and they cut off all the fat like the pension funds and stole all those. So you, if you're an employee, you're access to that stuff's gone and they cut all the fat they couldn't and they moved the company over to China. And got all of the additional arbitrage profits out of arbitraging the labor between the American workers and the Chinese workers. And then they set it up where they could bring them back into the States with no import taxes, such as gravy, gravy, gravy, okay. That was what Mark's talking about right there. And they did it to a bunch of companies. Yeah. I think he ended up in one of those little cautious, one of those little cushy fed places with a, you know, part three out back. Yeah. And then once he got out, he can, he can no longer ever be a stockbroker again or involved in the street or something. Right. I'm sure he is. He's just doing it through some other method. But that was his, his penalty, but he got so rich. I guess it didn't matter. Wow. These people are just, they're just, do what? Clumped head was where he, yes. Oh, yeah. Yeah. One of the cushy ones. You know, it's got a, you know, the white collar crime, you got to go ahead, Roger. Now I was just going to say, you get a caddy in a part three. Go ahead. Now, well, that's not too far from the truth. White collar crime, they typically have what they call labor camps. They're like a trustee, some of them don't even have fences around their areas. You could literally just walk off if you wanted to. The most of the guys know that the penalty for walking off is, you know, it's not worth in serving extra time for something silly like that. So, but yeah, it's, it's, I had a friend who was totally set up on a mortgage lawsuit in federal court. And even though he served time in Leavenworth, it was actually outside the walls. They had a quote labor camp that was all white collar criminals, mostly some bankers, I shouldn't say mostly, but there were even some bankers in there. And he was telling me all about it, it was like really shocking. But he, he also was part of the thing that he did was help inmates who were inside the walls of Leavenworth, which is not a nice place. He helped them with a literacy program to learn how to read and so forth. So, but yeah, he had that literally had tennis courts and so forth on the outside there, where they were at. They had a farming operation that they did a lot of work, work out. So it, like you said, he probably did, did club fed and, and had tennis courts and so forth. So. As opposed to what they're doing to Steve Bannon, did you hear about that Mark? No, what has he reported yet or what's going on with that? But now he's making report July 1st, but Roberts from the Supreme Court in a very, very rare gesture has written the court and asked them to extend bond while his appeal is up on appeal. Now, whether they'll do that or not, who knows, but there was another thing they were going to send him to one of these club, a federal prison in Danforth, Connecticut, that's full of sex offenders and really nasty people. And that's what I'm going to send, man. Wow. I know that Barnes talked about, we're talking about Robert Barnes, Viva Barnes dot law or Viva Barnes law dot locals dot com, but Barnes was saying they're doing some kind of trying to get this, what they call it, black B-L-A-G. And it was where it would go to Congress and the House representatives had some kind of way that they could weigh in with the court to try to force them to have him out during his appeal. So it was some special deal that I never heard of. I need to go back and look at that again, but it was, it was strange. And I heard that this, whatever correspondence, type of correspondence, Roberts has written to the court is highly unusual coming from the Supreme Court justice. So we'll see. What did you pick anything else up a Sunday night about from Barnes or some, had a whole bunch of cases, so many, I can't even hardly remember them all. And you're not kind of flexing. And I, Mark, there's a lot of the stuff that he's talking about go over your head. It goes over my head, you know. I mean, Barnes has got this instant recall on all these little nuances and things and I've never heard of them before, quite frankly, you know, he's amazing. This barn is a guy. I highly recommend the audience as you're getting into this law stuff. That's one place you ought to spend Sunday night, okay? Yes. Barnes and for us. I would, I would even encourage you just to pay the $10 a month and listen to him on a regular basis. You know, Roger, almost every night, he has what he calls bourbon with Barnes and he's by himself. There's no beva and he just rattles off the top of his head what, what he's been thinking about and experiencing. And then he'll sit there and answer like every darn question that everybody puts in the chat box. It's something else. He just rolled right through them. So they're, they do not like Barnes for the audience on this, this. That was one of the things when they were coming after Jones is they were trying to get him to roll over on Barnes. Right. Right. The other thing too, Barnes last night mentioned that they would be streaming the CNN presidential debate and he snicker, he snicker when he said it and I was like, you know, I kind of think he'd like them to sue him for some reason, you know, but it'll be, it'll be inside their, their private membership therapy inside the locals community. But I, you know, I'm going to be honest, I do not like live commentary during the debate. I want to hear it. I don't want anybody interrupting it, you know, and I just just don't need it. So I like to listen to commentary just afterwards, but I don't like to listen to it live. How deep into the barn can Trump take Biden and whip his ass in there? Well, I think this is not going to be, yeah, I don't think it's going to be your typical debate because, you know, they're, they've controlled, they're controlling Trump's microphone and they got all these rules, they're going to, they're going to let them sit down instead of stand, they, you know, they know Biden's not going to be able to stand there for the entire time that we're taking questions. No audience, no audience, no audience, yeah, it's, it's super controlled. And I think they were shocked that that Trump agreed to it because now they're taking one almost a week to prep Biden at Camp David. So they left Washington DC, went to Camp David. I think Barnes said they got like 16 specialists working with him. And Gutfeld said, there's a, there's Fox, I don't watch Fox except for one show now and it's Gutfeld, Greg Gutfeld has a comedy show, comes on at 9pm Central and I record it so I can zip through the commercials, but cracks me up his, his, his joke last night that got me was their, their training, they're going over the debate with Biden in a open airplane hangar and Greg said, Gutfeld said that's so he won't trip over anything. So, by the way, somebody in the chat said, what's my relationship to Barnes? It's, I don't, I don't have any connection with Barnes. You do somebody we connect, oh, how do we connect with Barnes, please? Okay, well, one, you can go to rumble and there's Viva Barnes. I'm sorry, Viva, Viva Law, I'll look it up here while we're talking. Viva, Viva Barnes and, and I'm, I'm real discontent with rumble search engine, okay? And the way they do their archives, you, you put something in, you get a hit and they put a program at the top that's two years old and they got the latest one buried somewhere and you got to go through all these filters to get it. Now, I just don't go over there too much, I get aggravated with them, oh, that's stupid to me. You know, they're behind, they're behind on you too. So don't, don't get there. Okay, you know, you know, you're going to do a search, you want the newest stuff first, don't you? I mean, is that, is my logic screwed up here? I mean, you know, not the oldest, all right, so that's one place you can go and that's where they're live. They're live. Well, you can go to where I'm going to give you that Mark's talking about in a second, but if you don't want to do that, pardon me, something about kind of you couldn't connect yet. Okay, it's over on Barnes and on, on rumble and they're live from six to nine, I believe somewhere around in that, depending on your experience. Right. That's six to nine. In Eastern time. I guess probably. Yeah. They do. And he, he, he, he usually kind of leads in with about 15 minutes of his stuff and I think it's just to get more people online and usually 15 to 20 minutes Barnes comes on and joins them and then they go over whatever their plans are to, you know, whatever they're going to discuss. Right. But the channel on rumble is Viva Fry, that's V is a Victor, I V is a Victor, A is an Apple, F is in Frank, R is in Roger, E is an Echo, I as an Indigo, Viva Fry, I put the link in the chat box and then the locals channel where if you want to subscribe for $10 a month and you get all of it, including their after, after rumble. So they start with YouTube and rumble and, and their local's channel and then they break off of YouTube and they go to rumble and then they end that and the rest of the string goes to their, their Viva Barnes Viva Barnes locals dot com. And I think you can go over there and probably watch most of the program, but not that last part because they started isolating that for subscribers. I think it's a hundred bucks a year, about $10 a month. I, I'm not subscribed to them, but, but I could, but I usually always listen to the show. And what I try and do is wait until about eight or nine my time. And they'll post the entirety of the show without that special ending where they discuss a couple other cases over on and it's posted right up there in the top of the web page where they got the latest postings. So that's how I watch it. You go over as Mark said, Viva Barnes, I believe they'd have the straight one on over there. If you do pay extra, you get a whole access to a whole bunch of different things like the ending discussion of the show, they have as Mark was saying, bourbon with Barnes. He's got another segment he calls hush hush where he goes in and gives you what's a scuttle butt is deep behind certain events and circumstances and historical things, et cetera. But Barnes is just a monster of an attorney. They're not anybody out there in the U.S. that can touch him. In my estimation that I know of, there may be some I just don't know about them. Mark, do you know of anybody else that can even hold a candle to him? I really can't, not at this point. I know they got some sharp ones, but just right off the top of his head, he could just nail them down and it's just incredible. I mean, every Sunday night when you're watching that and he's going, well, this case happened over in the Ninth Circuit and this happened over a district court somewhere else and he's just a total command of the legal playing field. It's pretty amazing and very impressive to me. Well, he was really berating the child protection services. Oh my God. Oh, man. Oh, wow. Did you think about our gal that went through all that Sarah when he was talking about that the other night? I mean, man, he's he was going there, the worst agency to deal with in the entire federal government, hands down, no competitor, Bob, is that you trying to get through a second ago? John, no, I think that was John, John, even the thumb had his hand up for a while and then he disconnected. He dropped. Okay. Sorry. John put. Well, we lost our moderator. We lost our overseer here for a minute with his phone call. So Martin, I just picked up the call and dribble. No, I've been sitting here. Okay. Well, we didn't hear. Yes. So I thought you were off on your phone call. John, you're there this morning. I'm there. I'm just calling in to clarify the discussion on IRAs, 401ks with holding and things like that. Okay. Well, you want to give us your insight about it is very simple. If it's employer related, 401ks, 403bs, all of these other things, anytime you've left that company and you've got a dormant one there and you want to take money out of it, they're always going to ask you if you, I mean, they're going to require the 20% withholding. So if it's employer related, 20% withholding. Now to the tax liability aspect. The tax liability, even if you had the 401k, the IRA or whatever it is, any type of, what we call a qualified plan where it's qualified under the tax rules for deferment. Anytime the tax liability is not incurred until distribution, not because you had it before. So even if you had it for 20 years and you change your status and you never took anything out and now you want to start taking funds out. Again, the tax liability is not incurred until distribution and you're a national now. You're not a U.S. citizen. Right. So all those other years don't matter. Okay. Any questions? Okay. Well, there may be some questions from Chicago, but we're not going to get them today. Paul, you want to exit Chicago and we'll continue the conversation in a second. Absolutely. Thank you for joining us for this first hour of the program, 106.9WBOUFM, Chicago. To follow us into this second hour, please go to, And you can click on either of the string links there or join us in free conference call or Zoom. Take a pit. Thank you, Chicago. We love you. See you back tomorrow. I hope you're alive to be with us tomorrow. Do we cover all those different kinds of entities, these different pension plans, John? Were there any others? One if you're tied to your -- okay, go ahead. In order to avoid the 20% withholding, you have to do what we call a trustee to trustee transfer. You have to set up another IRA account because you can transfer all these things to an individual IRA self-directed IRA account. So you do a trustee to trustee transfer, which does not incur any liability because it still pre-tax. The 20% no longer applies once you've moved it to the IRA account. But if you want to take it right out of your 401(k) or right out of your deferred comp program or something else, you're always going to get hit with the employers going to be required to do that with 20% withholding. So since we remove the employer aspect, we don't have that problem anymore. Right. Hey, John. Can you remember? For those of you, I would really highly advise those of you that may have these type of entities with funds in them to look at some of the Golden Silver dealers, either Franklin Sanders, is that what it is? I think they ought to be looking into Bitcoin. Okay. Well, I'm going to say if you want to put it into metals and don't want to get into cyber coins like some people don't, to look at miles, Franklin. The other one is the guy that's been on with Alex lately out of Colorado that deals... Oh, he deals with this bullion, they don't deal in any country coins or anything else. I mean, they will if that's what you want. But they mainly deal in bullion and they play the ratio game, which is the traditional ratio of Gold to Silver, historically it's 15 to 1. The price differential is 20 to 1. And right now, because it's about 85 to 1 Gold to Silver ratio now, they would load you up with Silver and then as Silver skyrockets and then you sell that and you buy Gold and you end up getting about three times more metals without buying anymore. And they do that for you as long term. That's a really good plan and those are my suggestions. You and I are 76 years old, I've got Gold sitting on Gold. I don't have anything to do with cyber coins because I ain't looking for upside and every penny I've ever put into cyber coins or every penny I've ever made was lost or stolen. And they're not on my high end anymore. But some people like it. Well, you shouldn't be and I'm not talking about that. But I'm talking about just straight Bitcoin dealing with any of these other programs. No, I don't do anything else other than that. Yeah. Somebody's got a follow-up question over here. Yeah, go ahead. So on that IRA and you're talking about if they would draw it, there's a 20% tax. Well, as a national, couldn't they go back and apply to have that refunded to them as a national? Wouldn't that be if it's a business year? Couldn't you go in? But you could. You could. It's just avoid it. Don't take it. Right. Go ahead. You could. But get to avoid it. It's easier to avoid it. If you can't avoid it and they take it, can't you file a 1040NR and get it returned the next year? Sure. Because that's only withholding, again, the tax liability doesn't incur until you take it out. Right. So if it went back, they insisted on taking it and you actually agreed to that, but you don't have to. I mean, there's just, it's not their rule. It's a government rule. The also government says you can transfer it to an IRA first, but you don't have to do that. Right. And it may be a reason that they're wanting to pull the cash out and it may or may not be investing in something else that may have other needs. So you don't invest in, you don't invest in the IRA. The IRA is just, you go to cash and you just take a passbook account or a non-interest bearing account. And then what you do is take it all out. Right. Put it where you want it. Gotcha. Self-directed. Isn't that, isn't that the name of an old song, John? Put it where you want it. I'm sure there's one close to it though. Especially these days, Paul, what did you have to add? Thanks, John. If, if you can transfer it from an employer managed IRA or retirement account to a self-directed IRA, do that. Because the IRS wants any money that's owed to them right away. But when they got to pay you back, muse is still waiting. And she filed to get her, she filed her 1040 NR over six months ago. She's still awaiting. So avoid it if you can. Anyway, I do have one quick announcement to make. That was a song avoided if you can. Go ahead. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. The conference is set in lecture mode. So if you want to comment or you have a question or a topic you want to talk about, raise your hand. Dial 941 if you called in on the phone or use the reactions menu and raise your hand if you're using the smartphone or computer app. Thank you, Raj. Roger, that song was catch as if you can by Dave Clark. All right. That's right. Dave Clark five. Paul, could you, when you're giving all these platforms, all this credit for, could you please also add, thank you, Paul English for setting all this stuff up in there. Yeah, I can. Paul English deserves an awful lot of credit, folks. Just an awful lot of credit. He's put forth a lot of sacrifices, especially in a condition that he's in there in his family. And he keeps plowing forward and one foot in front of the other and open up new radio networks and, and putting his little touch of goodness all over the world. And we sure do have a lot to thank him for. We can get on here and do two hour discussions with no commercial interruptions, folks. Right. That's Paul English. He, he is, he is trying to fly under the radar as low as possible, just because of the political landscape in Europe. Of course. He has asked me not to throw his. So you use it. Okay. Okay. Well, I can understand that. I think he's working under an alias anyway. I don't use his real last name English. I have no idea. Oh, so see. There you go. Anyway, there's, there's a lot of people to thank for. What we're able to do here and convey this message with no interruptions, which is one of my main things because I've done these programs on like GCN where there's 22 minutes of commercials an hour and it's just a real challenge. Right. Okay. We've got two hands up. So when you guys. All right. Let's get to our topic. Okay. Well, when you guys are done with your topic, just let me know and I'll bring them in. Are we ready? Are we done with our topic? John and Mark, I think that's a yes. Silence. Let's get. That was all from the straw man is being silent. Okay. Silence seems consent. Thank you. Strong. Let's move on to the hands up. If we could. Okay. Sketch. You still have your hand up. Do you have something to add? Sketch on. Yes. I wanted to comment on Roger mentioned the farmers in Idaho. They cut off 500,000 acres of farmland by the water curtailment and there are 6,400 water users there and no, these farmers, they planted, they spent, you know, 50,000 like a potato farmer spent $50,000, you know, putting seed potato in there and then they get their water cut off, they're going to go out of business. And if they go out of business, you know, the land's going to be worthless and the banks around there are going to go under. And I think maybe Gates is going, oh, he's licking his chops going, I can buy all this land. Well, there's and I just want to make that comment and I'll go ahead. There's a couple of developments in that they've postponed that for a year and they said, okay, it's not going to be active this year, we're going to go back, it'll be active next year. So, and these were the farmers own wells. And the other thing that has just come to light is there's a cobalt mine in Idaho. I'm not sure how close it is to this land, but there's a cobalt mine in Idaho is one of the otherwise the main producer of cobalt is in Africa, Nigeria or something. So and it requires a lot of water and cobalt is used in all these new batteries. So it's a very, very important element. So anyway, that's the developments and updates. I know about that sketch. So they're off the hook for this year, but prepare for next year's battle. Go ahead. Yeah, that's great news. And obviously there was a lot of YouTube videos of farmers going, you know, hey, we're going out of business. So hopefully the political pressure got there. But the one thing I wanted to change to the topic is that there is on zero hedge, which we deciphered this morning, the first silver bond in over 150 years and offers 12% return, but you have to be an accredited investor with over a million dollars in assets and make over $300,000 a year. I thought that was pretty interesting. So the rich get richer. So what you're telling me, Paul? Yeah. Yeah. One percent are going to be exactly. Okay. Okay. Thank you. Sir, what's there was a pretty good interview with Todd Callender last night, by the way, and Maria Z, you know, she finishes off Tuesday evening of the last 45 minutes of Alex's show. And she had Callender on there and he was all over this stuff, all over. Well, this is how the agencies and they own you basically and all this stuff. And I'm going, Todd, that's what I was trying to show you a year ago, you know, and he just didn't get it. But he's got the whole thing now if you want to go back and listen to that part of that interview yesterday with Maria Z, it was amazing to me how square over the target Tom Todd Callender is now. Okay. So anyway, that was good. That's where that information on the Idaho situation came from the update was yesterday on that show. So who's the other persona with their hand up here, Paul, for us? They're stacking up. We've got journeyman, Jack. Oh, what's your name? You're yourself, come on in here old Jack, Jack, where were you? We missed you at lunch yesterday. I was feeling a little puny yesterday, I had to take a day off, picked up a bug. Okay, I thought you were up and listen, there's a friend of yours there, an Indian guy with long hair who came to see you. And I talked to him for a minute there at the end. He said, I'm a friend of Jack's and I said, well, none of us know why he's not here. We thought you were up and go to Kochi. Anyway, go ahead. We've got Jack. Yeah, he's an interesting character. His name is Fernando Lobo, his mother's Ecuadorian and his father is Oklahoma, I believe, Choctaw Indian. Really? Anyway, yeah, he's a real cool cat. Yeah. Earlier, you made a mention of the song, a song, something about get it, and it reminded me of, if you want it, here it is, come and get it. Come and get it. Well, that's your freedom, should we change that to our opening song, our opening song? Yeah, we could probably do that. Jack, speak up. People can barely hear you. Yeah, man. What else is going on? What else you want to tell us about? Oh, shoot, they're working on the hydroelectric band, trying to keep them going, but they're calling in for big old barges, ones from Turkey, it's going to cost like, I don't know, $300 million just to have it for like a month or two. This is getting pretty serious, but they are doing remedies to put mandates on it and bring in big, huge electrical barges, so that'll help. Well, you know what I wish, I wish they would start exploring. I think they have a little bit of thermal electric. Ecuador could survive off that, and if they just started working on it 15 years ago when they started building that dam, we'd be far along and maybe energy sufficient by now. We got enough thermal stuff, and there's volcanoes all over this country. Yes, and you know our old friend Sam Ball that passed away a year and a half, two years ago, that was what the company did was geothermal. Okay, well, that's a good thing for certain areas. I think El Salvador is using the geothermal to mine their Bitcoin. With biggest cost of Bitcoin, John mentioned Bitcoin earlier, biggest cost of Bitcoin is the electricity, and I'm sure I think when he moved Bitcoin to the country's reserve currency, that the operating currency that they started using some geothermal there too. But anyway, and I don't have anything really against Bitcoin, just in my particular situation, I'm 76, I've got no errors, I've got a little gold and silver, plenty enough to last me, as frugal as I live, and literally every bit of Bitcoin money I ever bought cyber with or ever made in any of those programs was either stolen or lost or I lost the link or some crap. And I just, for me, it's just not a viable alternative. But for some of you, it may be, and knock yourself out. So, well, John, Jack, well, let me get back to your phone, you're still really, really quiet. Yeah, you're very faint, Jack, let me give Jack a plug here. If any of you are looking in any way, shape or form, not only to look and kick a tire at Ecuador, but anywhere along here, because Jack's been helping people in and out of the country for almost 16 years now, humanized 16th anniversary in South America, both come up here pretty quick. And not only does he know Ecuador like the back of his hand, but he knows all these other people that work in other countries and will guy in Colombia and somebody up in Central America or so forth and can generally give you the lay of the land on any of the countries down here. So, if you got any questions about South America, South of the equator, even a little bit north of the equator, I suggest you contact. Just go put Journeyman, Jack, in a search engine and a bunch of stuff will pop up, okay? So, oh, an old rascal I've known for more than 30 years right here, okay? Thank you, Roger, and I apologize for the bad microphone. Yeah, that's okay. You got anything else to add, Jack? No, it was my bad audio, I better bounce on. Thank you. All right, well, thanks for sticking your foot in here, give us a chance to promote you and what you do, and you'll be handled with kid gloves, I promise. So who's next? You had a hand up there, Paul, if you could, please. John and Wayne, Wayne, I got you, you're on deck, okay? All right. We're going to take John first, John and Costa Rica, one of those places down here. Hey, John, how's Costa Rica today? Hey, great, sunny, beautiful. I want you to ask about, is it no longer? It's down. Well, we've got a problem with it right now, we don't know what it is, Paul is trying to get it straightened out with GoDaddy, we do have a couple of alternative sites. If you want to name those off again, Paul, just go to or surf-stop-s-e-r-f-s-t-o-p-dot-com. Okay. Okay. Thanks. Sorry, don't know if we're being canceled or not. It may be, I mean, it may be they're getting enough of these things up there, they're doing things like having some guy call from the passport office and trying jerk Jerry and his wife around. So obviously they're becoming conscious of this. Obviously. Okay. Wayne. Are all of Rogers archives on So the archives we have are over on Castbox where they always have been from a couple months ago and the new ones are on Paul's site and you'd have to tell them how to get to it, Paul, but everything's still around, John. Everything's still around. We're cool. Hi, Wayne. Yeah, it's not a new website, it's just a pointer, a new pointer to an old website. The problem is GoDaddy is not doing the forward to the offshore server that the matrix stocks is hosted on. So I just got another domain from the offshore server so it can point to itself. So it's all good. It's the same content, the same links, same information. Okay. So thanks, John. It just happened yesterday, the first time I haven't been able to access it was yesterday. I shot Paul's message and he's been doing all kinds of things. Wayne's front and center. Is that our buddy, Wayne, from Dallas? Here you go, two, one, four. You're unmuted. Come on in here. Wayne. Is that you? Wayne. Oh, well, he must- Wayne, did you step away or something, buddy? It sounded like 2 and 4, I think, is Dallas, isn't it? Don't know. Okay. Well, hello? Hello. There he is. Hi, Wayne. Okay. Hey, guys. We've got you now. Oh, good. Yeah, I just wanted to call in because there's been a lot of discussion on personal finances and I just wanted to remind everyone about the lessons of the great taking, that book and video by David Webb and for folks who don't know, there's a lot of stuff going on in the background now. Bill Holter was on USA watchdog recently. It's a good interview to watch, but he was going over once again. There's over 60 banks in severe trouble. The FDIC can only cover 1% of all the bank deposits going on and that when you become any bank depositor now, you become an unsecured creditor to the bank, so that means you are subject to a bail and just in case that bank goes belly up. So just a few things there, plus the stocks and bonds in the securities company, you're just a beneficial owner. They're holding, they take title to your stocks and securities, but you become a beneficial owner. They are now the legal owner and those funds go into a big pool of money that can be swept away just in case of a big financial problem. So it's just a real mess developing the background and like you say, Kirk Elliott's been good. Also the lady from ITM Trading, Lynette Zhang, she broke away and opened up her own channel on YouTube and she is one of the first people I've ever listened to and she's pretty far ahead of the curve just in case people want to get boned up on some of this information. One of the things too, Roger, talking about David Webb who wrote the Great Taking, there's a good video on YouTube with ITM Trading. The interviewer is Daniela Camboni and he's on there and if you can find the video, anyone looking it up, go to the 34-minute mark because that's when they really dive into the nuts and bolts of what's going on and what we're all facing once they pull a plug in this financial system. Yeah, and it could be pulled right now. They're supporting it in one of the ways that you just went over and didn't mention directly Wayne's derivatives. This is why derivatives were formed a number of years ago is to be able to prop up this fraud and you know who invented those, don't you? Wayne? Okay, thank the head of the head of BlackRock. That's his claim to fame was he invented derivatives. So anyway, it could go any time they're holding it up and can bring it down at their opportune moment to whatever advantage it is to their agenda and like Trump said, he said, I hope they'll do it before the election, I don't remember his exact thing, but he's aware of it. The whole world is. They reported two or three weeks ago that 64 banks, no national and regional, did not pass the stress test I believe and then they announced another big one and I don't remember which one it was just in the last few days. So we're at that point, if you have any large amounts of funds in a bank, I would do my damn just to get them things out of there into something solid, whatever solid in your mind and want to make that decisions your choice. But it sure ain't solid or trustworthy in one of these pension funds that these people have set up because they're just going to, they've got a lot of these lines, the key thing is the key factor is counterparty risk. If you have precious metals in your end, you don't have counterparty risk like you do with the banks, the stocks, the Bitcoin and everything else. And so people got to flip a coin and what they want to do. But I think if you're really clear thinking about this, there's only one way to go. And like I said, I feel like there's a lot of factors that play here that can really hurt people for not prepared. And that's what Holter's interview with USA Watchdog was all about. I mean, the clock is ticking, get very prepared and he even brought up the fact that they're putting up public parks and lands now for collateral. They're going to start monetizing some of our public assets. So again, just another key point there that folks need to realize this thing is closing in on us pretty quick. I'd be shocked if there are any parks that aren't already collateralized. And what Wayne meant by counterparty risk is everything is contracted. Here's the leaven of the Pharisees, they'll take something and leaven it on up with just a little bit of something collateralization at the bottom and then all these contracts are piled on each other. And if something goes wrong, these are the people that own the asset, you know, that's the counterparty. And if you've got gold and silver or Bitcoin or anything that's solid, there are no counterparty risks. And Betty, when it all starts going down, when it all starts going down, Katie, you borrow the door, don't be under any tall buildings in the New York area. Absolutely. Hey, just while I got this chance to, Roger, I don't know if you can do it today or maybe want to consider. But if you could do a dive in the feudalism concept of what we're all engaged in here because I know you've covered it on numerous occasions, but you're doing these retrospectives. And I think that's a key point in getting folks to understand just how dire the situation is about, you know, just how our personal freedom, you know, you've got people walking around saying they've got constitution rights, we're free, we're this, we're that, but really, until you unlock this feudalism concept, you know, in your mind, you know, you're just kind of spinning your wheels in my estimation. Well, they've got constitutional rights, all right, they're civil rights. But yeah, we could do that. I mean, it's not, I probably could do it the rest of the day today in the 30 minutes we got left, but we got a good discussion going on here. Maybe we could do that at the start of the show tomorrow. It's the big piece of the puzzle, folks, that we're the only ones that have got it. I don't know why other people won't listen. I don't know why other people can't see it. All I know is just what I tell you folks in the audience here listening or in the forum with us here is you're very, very special. You may not have ever considered yourself to be very special, but I promise you, you are because this information resonated with you and you had an open enough mind to look at it and the curiosity to follow the thread. And there's just a whole lot of people that don't have that and why they don't, I do not know. I can't answer it. I've always been amazed at this phenomena here, but all I know is we're the ones that respond and we're the ones that have got to do something with it, because otherwise those people walk away and turn their back and some of them call you ugly names. Sure, Roger, thanks for the time, bud. Thank you, Wayne. Good to hear your voice, man. So anybody else got something to add here? Yeah. Yep. Yep. Yep. We have their sketch. She's wanting to come back for more. What's gotten? I punched in Roger sales, the feudal system and up cubs, a rubble rumble of you talking about the feudal system and it'll be in the chat in just a second. Yes. Oh, wow. There you go. Well, we just pulled that audio, we'll pull that audio track right there and stick it in the, in the little snippets. Yep. And I wanted to let you know, last night I was talking to Brent. So I, while I was talking to Brent, we punched in your name on Yandex and you're covered on the first two pages, all both pages is Roger sales on Yandex. Really? If you put in Roger sales, you're on all those first two pages, many links. And I want to also let you know that you're on or .org, I thought that was interesting. Really? Good. Well, I've hit a bunch of good places. Do you think that's for me complimenting Putin so much? I don't know. I sure do like him. Are our enemies, are you listening? You long-nosed little hat bastards? I love Vladimir Putin. But I wish he would smite your ass. So who else got something here this morning? We've got Joan with her hands still up and Jack still has his hand up. Either one of you have anything to add. Hey, Roger, is Title, is the Civil Rights Title 42? Yes. Title 42. Okay, thank you. That's the whole code is something came up, about 42 just came up on us listening to something in the last day or two. And of course, if it's another, if you want to show people something, here's right in the United States code. It's right here in that section, Title 42. And you want to go to Section 1983 and or 1986. I believe. And both of those two sections start out with this sentence. The privileges and immunities of the citizens of the United States are equal to those of the white citizens. That's Congress, folks. Not me. Does it list all the civil rights? No, of course not. It just says the privilege as immunities. Most of the legislation on the 14th Amendment has been done on a couple of different sections of it. Very few on the citizenship clause, which is what we pretty much exclusively deal with. But this other section is the privileges and immunities. And then there's one or two other sections that almost all the litigation since the 1870s have been dealt with those areas of the 14th Amendment. None of them deal with the most important one, which is the first sentence. That's what I'm saying. See, people, all these years, people couldn't see what these guys were doing, okay? And how they were setting these two amendments up and what they were trying to achieve. Just a couple of people, the one we mentioned earlier. And otherwise, they were just people, even like now, Barnes, this great "Wherever Freedoms Challenge" still show up kind of attorney. And he still, he doesn't get it. It's right in front of him. He says the dialectic, I heard him say, I mentioned it occasionally on one of the shows they were dealing with one of the decisions that came out of the Supreme Court a few months back and Barnes is beaming, you know, and he's going, the 14th Amendment is the great equalizer. Well, he's not wrong. He equalized us all down into the lower status and he doesn't realize the other status still exists and we can easily switch from the lower one to the upper one. But it's right there in front of him, even comments on it. But he doesn't see the dialectic. So it's amazing to me how good these guys are at putting this stuff right in front of your frigging face and you can't see it unless it's pointed out. Okay, Title 42, that's in the UCC, right? No, ma'am, it's in the United States Code. The UCC is the Universal Commercial Code, Uniform Commercial Code. The other is the United States Code. It's in the United States Code, Title 42. And as Brent says, as Brent says, Joan, do you know what a judge hates more than a 42, Title 42 suit? The person who brought it. Oh, yeah, that's right. So yes, it's all for the federal citizens. Just remember you to University of South Carolina. I mean, that's real close to your University of South Carolina, USC, United States Code. Not when she's in Costa Rica. She's in Costa Rica this time of year. Okay, we got you answered there, Joan. Yep. Okay. Who else is next? Don't have any more hands up, Joan, don't tap the reactions menu and tap on the hand raised, and I'll put your hand back down. Anybody else got anything to hand? Any hands up? Any star sixes? No, nine for once. Oh, okay. Nine for one. Sorry. We got to go that route. Yeah, if you have, we got to go that route. Sorry. Okay. Did him. Did a really good show so far? Well, yeah. Yeah, nice. That's not a handy. Mark, you got anything else to add? Anything we jostled in your memory while we're going through some of these things? Well, in the Idaho, one of your students kind of has an insight track to that Idaho deal with the water curtailment of the farmers, and it has to do with water rights that started all the way back, like I think 1919, and they have this group that controlled the water rights. And so, there was concern that they didn't have enough water for this year, and it came out to be like 11 calendar days, and they go by acres of water. Here's a crazy part. From what I can tell, it's almost like they're farming in a somewhat of a semi-arid desert. And so, they have to have water to farm out there. They've got a pump out of the ground. It can't be just solely dependent on rainfall. But that's a huge area where they plant potatoes, and like I forgot who it was that had called an early on a sketch or wine, but that, like they said, they waited to tell them about curtailment of the water after they got everything planted in the ground. And the political backlash was huge. And so, like they said, it's going to affect banks, it's going to wipe out farms and so on and so forth. So, I just did a little search, and they have waived that curtailment for the time being, at least for this three years, and you're going to figure out a better way to manage this going forward. Yeah, I mean, those are that farmers' wells. There's about eight of them, and they can come in and shut down your well. And I don't remember whether it was calendar or whether it was barns that made the remark of they own the water as soon as it comes out of your body from then on they own it. Wow, wow, come in. Yes. And this is political positioning, number one. They put the scare in the farmers, and then they give them a reprieve for one year, and the farmers that are seeing the writing on the wall are going to be looking at selling their farms, which is going to put them on the market so gates can buy them up. And second of all, they're diverting water that should be for sustaining human life and growing food, and they're diverting it to the cobalt mine for electric cars and batteries that nobody wants, nobody's buying. So it's all political positioning, and who knows how it's going to shake out. There is coming a confrontation on this food thing. Don't know when, don't know where, okay? But there's going to be some confrontations over this as we move forward. What about if we got ahold of those farmers and got them to be nationals, and they couldn't apply that regulatory thing, because I think it's EPA, or one of them, and they couldn't apply that anymore. What have we got to them, and the latest in the next year, Mark? This is just very uneasy times. Greg Hunter, who I've been following for a couple of years now, his love is He has a frequent guest on named Martin Armstrong. This guy is amazing. He created, back in the late '80s, he created a computer program that had followed the flow of money around the world, and he was a hedge fund manager, hedge fund manager, and he was just really doing well. I think that the FBI or the CIA wanted a copy of his program, and he refused to give it to him, and they trumped up some charges on him, and he served time in jail as well. And he perfected this whole thing when he was spending time in jail, if I remember hearing correctly. Yeah, so he's got a computer program called Socrates. Now Martin Armstrong is not a conspiracy theorist. He doesn't track any of that stuff, he's not a ten-foil hat wearer. But Greg mentioned that last time he talked to Martin, he said, "I've got two years worth of food stored up. How about you?" Now Martin Armstrong is a consultant that have almost every major country in the world who have had him come in, fly in, and consult with them about whatever financial issues they're facing. Now rarely did they follow them, but they all wanted to know how to profit from it. So they were making their own deals, and they were making money, everybody else is getting screwed. But he asked, you know, he asked Greg Hunter, he goes, "I've got two years of food stored up. How about you?" I was like, "Wow, some people are like three months, six months, and he's talking two years." So this guy doesn't hardly, with his computer, he almost never misses. I mean, it's super rare that he misses a call. So anyway, this food system, I mean, where I'm at right now, all the neighbors, we kind of gearing up, we've got people that are raising chickens and quail and hogs and calves and goats. So I think people are catching on that they better secure their food and their shelter and get everything down, which reminds me, Roger, I think this is important. We've talked about in the past about land patents and allodial titles. I hope I pronounced that correctly, Murr, and they were trying to do that. If she didn't, if she didn't, she'll come out of the barn and get you, go ahead. So I love Murr, she's such a resource of information, but the lotial title and the land patents, they may or may not get you off the tax roll, you know, I've heard both sides of that. But here's what I think is more important, is I think that that might be a way for you to prevent the taking of your land through the state, this great taking. If your land's paid off, I would encourage you to pursue a land patent and a loadial title that might be, I can't promise it will be, but if your land's paid off, that might be the only saving grace that you have to save your land from being taken from it. Just by the way. We just don't know. Yeah, we don't know, well, as the kid Kennedy said, we'll drive off that bridge when we get to it. It's, but I wonder, Mark, the first time we're going to get somebody that has some kind of land and a small operation or a larger one that has changed statuses, and those regulatory agents come to their gate and say, "We want on," and he goes, "I'm a national. You can't enforce those regulations on me. They don't apply to me." And here they, because we're going to hear that story. Yeah. Yeah. I believe so. Paul, what were you trying to say? I think what's going to happen is if that property is still on the tax rolls, they have a loadial ownership of that property and they can do whatever the hell they want, whether they can't put you in handcuffs and haul you away, but they can kick you off of it. They can season. So we have, hopefully, with this hand up, so we won't come to those kinds of situations and these people will fail before we get there, but maybe not. Who is it, Rich? Rich. Come on, Rich. Hi, Bob. I'm from the front and center. Hi. Hey, Rich. Yeah, it's Rich in Alabama. We were talking about the loadial title. Back around 2012, there was a beautiful website that popped up and I remember it was a black background with blue writing and stuff, but it literally said applying for a loadial title, but that was back in 2012 and since then, I can't find it and I don't know who was behind it or promoting it. Maybe somewhere in all the paperwork that I've got, I might be able to find a copy of that. I think I might have printed it off, but there was somebody out there that was promoting a loadial title. Yeah, there's a lot of people that have been toying with it for a long time. Ron Gibson is probably one of the highest profile names. I know there's others. It's not in my particular Ballywick, but I know a lot of our listeners, a number of them are in that situation and interested on that and if anybody has a successful path to follow, we'd love to hear it, but we don't hear very many success stories. I know. I know. I was just saying, I know it's possible. Another subject matter, while you're talking about the whole food crisis that seems to be popping its ugly head, sounds like a repeat of the whole of boredom that the Ukraine experienced back in 1932, '33, and other people are bringing that up. It was the holodomores, the way that I've heard it pronounced, but yes, and some people don't know about that. It was when the Russians, the Bolsheviks, came down and took over Ukraine and bumper crop years. Remember, Ukraine's got some of the richest soil in the world, okay? They had bumper crop years and literally the Ukrainians were starving to death, some of them even ate their own children. Yeah. Well, Ukraine has great soil because Zelensky is full of crap, so I'm like, but it literally is one of the bread baskets in the world and in those years of the holodomores, those were bumper crop years, and what Stalin did was export it all the grain and let them starve. No, I don't even think I got that name right, it's not Zelensky, who is it? Zelensky was a good guy. No, Zelensky's the guy that's a little much for over there now. Oh, okay, all right, fine. Okay, I, they're stacking up, the hands, the hands are stacking up, so all right. Rich. Rich. Rich. Rich. Rich, anything else? Yes, not. No, I'm good. Thank you. Okay. You're welcome, Rich. Thank you, Rich. Thank you, Rich. Okay, I know this one's going to be quick, Mississippi Mama. Mississippi Mama is right there, hey, girl. Well, hello there. Now why do you think I'm going to be so quick today? But anyway. Well, because you normally are, okay, I just wanted to add one thing, and then I'll catch the call tomorrow and ask some more questions, but for all the people that don't believe in putting away food early or ahead of time before any disaster hit, I was in Mississippi, I went through Hurricane Katrina and trust me, you do not want to be caught without food in an emergency. No. No. No. That's right. Me and my husband had a, me and my husband, our house is out semi-country. We had to sleep on the floor because people had not prepared a head of time. They were out in our area shooting for rabbit squirrels, ducks, Guinness, anything make a fan. We slept on the floor hoping a bullet wouldn't come through the window, okay? Okay. The banks didn't open up for one month, and when they did open up, they pulled a trailer into the parking lot because they still didn't have electricity. If you could prove you had a check in a savings account by a checkbook or a savings book, they will give you $25 every two weeks. Yikes. Yeah. Yup. Don't want to be caught without food folks. Yup. Thank you, mama. Thank you. Keep this money on hand and have a water filter to purify your water. I'm done. That's my idea. Okay. Thank you, sweetie. Who's next? You're welcome. Okay. That girl's a character right there. Got another one. We got Joe in Oklahoma and Ken, you're on deck next. Joe, go ahead. Which can? Okay. And which can? We're going to leave that hanging. Hey, Joe. Can you? I don't know where I'm at because of things muted. Can you hear me? Yeah. You're good. Good. Good enough. You're talking about the loyalty titles. I'd like to read you a quick paragraph that people really need to be thinking about if they live or own land that came from a treaty with the Indians because this is a federal case, namely, McGirt. Oh, yeah. Quoting, quoting, "No purchase, grant, lease or other conveyance of lands or any title or claim thereto from any Indian nation or tribe of Indians shall be of any validity in law or equity unless the same be made by treaty or convention entered into percent to the Constitution." That affects 40% of the state of Oklahoma. Yeah, it sure does. And being a federal case, it would extend to any other state that those lands have been taken by treaty. So if it wasn't in the treaty and the treaty wasn't constitutional, they can't get it, right? They can't interpret that. Well, if I may go on for just a moment, from the time the state had until 2020, those words did not apply to more than 40% of Oklahoma, other than arguably at least Osage County home of the Osage nation, a topic for another time. However, the foregoing words do apply to our state because of works performed by U.S. policeman Tom Cole of Oklahoma. After the High Court did as he asked, Tom Cole introduced legislation to codify the decision by prioritizing casino boss power over the state. He even included a provision to allow simple purchase, definition 5B, to convert anything simply purchased by the casino bosses working for the big tribes to be, by definition casino eligible under 25 U.S.C. 177. As a practical matter, this means that title insurance policies in eastern Oklahoma now have exceptions due to the decision that Tom Cole wanted. The decision Tom Cole wanted the cloud's title to property personal and corporate in 40% in the state of Oklahoma, and it goes on. You know, I'm sure Florida, Florida has casino gambling, that's where it all started, really, with some goals. So does Mississippi's got a big one up there, south of Memphis? So there you go. And I just wanted to throw that in because this is a blank play article, but I found it very interesting. By the way, Tom Cole won re-election, but this did not appear very, very little of it appeared before the public, prior to the election, the mainstream did not carry it, but I just wanted to throw that in with regard to the titles that people might not expect affected by. And I know it's possible, but I've only ever personally spoken with two people that had achieved it. One was the late Chris Cave, who used to be one of the regulars around here, and we sure do miss him. And the other was one of Al-Adash's students out in Oregon, who I actually spoke to on the phone about it. I've told the story before. I won't tell it now, we got other hands up right now, right, Paul? If we don't have to tell the story, Ken, which Ken is that? Ken from Texas. Oh, no! I mean, Ken's are there. Well, there's several around here. That's why I was wet with anticipation. We hadn't heard from you in a long time, so I'm glad it's you. How you doing, Ken? Oh, hanging in there, just trying to take it all in, but it's kind of why I call it. I think we are the 11th hour, the 11th hour, 59 minutes and 59 seconds, maybe. We've got the trachoms being trained by our own troops in California, and I would posit that all of these food production, air quotes, accidents are probably the work of these illegal immigrants. You know, that's what they're being used for, so I think it stuff's already well underway, so people really need to do whatever they can to prepare for whatever's going to happen. But at the same time, these guys are so slick, as you're so aware, that they keep you distracted with headlines and fear tactics and all kinds of things, so you don't think about what's really going on, and since there's so little time left, I'm painting with a broad brush here. The other thing I'd mention is that for people with water issues, they need to get on the ball and start drilling for primary water, primary waters deeper and comes directly from the earth, and it's not surface level water, surface level meaning that 1,000 feet or above, you know, part of the aquifers, things like that, it's not aquifer fed water, and that's what they need to do. If you went to hire a company to drill your well, how many of them would do that for you on the side private? Well, I don't know about doing it on the side in private, but you have to find somebody that knows how to find primary water, that's the issue, and once you have that, then anybody that wants to get paid will drill the well for you, so that's really not the issue. The issue is you've got to locate the primary water first, and it's not 100%, but, you know, it's better all current, because then you're not... If you could find somebody that could do that for you, and basically the well wouldn't go on the rolls like your house wouldn't, and you wouldn't have to risk them coming out and turning it off, because they didn't know about it. Well, there is that, but it's going to be a deeper well generally, and so it's going to be hard to hide something like that, because when you have a drilling rig out there, you know, you can see that for miles. Yeah, well, they might think you're drilling for oil out there, Ken. Well, I think what I would probably be doing is drilling a geothermal well. Yes, sir, there you're talking my language. Paul, do you have a comment? It's going to be difficult to find a well drilling company that's going to do that. It's going to be extremely expensive to go deep enough to get at the primary water, and if you have a drilling company drill it, they're going to get a permit. That means that somebody is going to know that that well exists, and they'll just come looking for it. So you have to do it yourself, even if you have to use like a hydro drilling or a sand point or something like that, if you've got like a body of water reasonably close to you, figure out where your nearest water table is, and then just filter the crap out of it. It's about the only thing you're going to be able to do. Well, primary water, you can't drill it yourself. You have to have a professional drilling rig, because you're going way down. That's way too deep. Way too deep. But it is the option for big farmers, big ag, I should say, like an Idaho. That's what they need to, they need to quit worrying about all that other crap and drill a primary water well, and then share the cost, and they generally have plenty of water for doing something like that. Anyhow, that's just throwing that out there. The other thing I wanted to pause it is the current political status. I'm still surprised at how many people that are nationals that want to get involved in voting and stuff, and I don't know why you want to join back in the feudal system or mess with that. But I digress, I'm starting to think that, you know, after listening to a lot of what people are saying is going on, a lot of it, I thought it was baloney, there might be some truth to it. The issue of Trump and, you know, then Biden and then possibly Trump again, what if it's all baloney, the whole rigged election in 2020 could have been, you know, one of these issues where Trump stayed as commander-in-chief, and so you just put a meat puppet in for president, which, you know, if, oh, I hear the whistle, I've got to go fast. So if this guy is a meat puppet, then Trump gets elected again in 2024, then basically he's serving three terms because if he'd done it any other way, then he wouldn't have kept people from grabbing their pitchforks. So I'm running out of time, I can't expand on it, but people need to think about that possibility. Well, we will find out as we go forward, Ken, it's an up-and-the-air situation. I can't believe that he would be working with them as much as they hate him. But then again, who knows? So we'll be back tomorrow to be there about it, yeah, I know, we'll be back tomorrow and we'll talk about it more and whatever else comes up between now and then, and hope you got something out of day, and we love you, thank you, see you later. So Paul can, oh, there's still music on. Okay, I didn't know we weren't finished yet. You got to give me a little more volume on that, a little more volume for another 20 seconds. Well, I can't hear the, I can't hear the bed, so that's why I don't know. Okay, well, we will see as we go forward, all of us, oh, yeah, tomorrow's this debate, good, bad, or indifferent, whatever it's going to be, let's another, some sort of a point to look at and what a time to be alive. Remember, people have wanted to be alive right now for thousands of years and here we are. So be grateful and be grateful you found your freedom and exercise it. Should you be so inclined? And if you don't shame on you, now are we finished? Now we're finished. Okay, so see you later, bye. See you. Good to hear from you, we haven't heard from you in a long time. Well, I thought I'd catch you on Friday, but I didn't know that you were planning a power outage, so, sorry, I missed you, I'm ready. I wasn't planning a power outage, but I experienced it. I know I was being facetious, I understand. I had no planning in it at all, but we haven't had one since, now Jack, Jack brings us the word that we got millions of something in Turkish equipment and they're trying to do some repairs on these dams, and we'll just cross our fingers and hope they have a lot of the presidents able to get some of this done. Yeah. That's when it's good to have a little UPS system, which I can just talk about real quickly, and I'm sure Paul can straighten me out if I'm wrong or not, but instead of having solar panels, what you can do is have a bunch of batteries that you just charge from your normal utility, so you just have a AC to DC charger, and then you have your inverter, and so you just plug into that all the time for your computer and stuff like that, and that way you have something that can last you two weeks or so on smaller equipment like that, and you don't have to worry about solar panels or wind generator or whatever, because if the power goes out for any longer than that, then you're in a whole different situation anyhow, but it's like having a giant UPS system. Yeah, I've considered it, but I just hadn't moved on it, so now Jack has, he's got one of those over there, it's how he's able to communicate sometimes when we're down, like last Friday I think, but regardless, I hadn't moved on it, I just hadn't moved on it, Ken. Oh, I understand, you know, I yield. Well we've got so many great archives, I'll just say you'd Paul right there, he'd grab something and throw it in, yes, was that a very faint roger I heard? This is Mark, can you hear me? Yeah. Roger, can you hear me? Yes. I had a quick question about your Sarah Westall interview, but I have not listened to that, I know it's a three part series, how did that interview go in your mind? I think it was the worst interview I've ever done. Oh, well, okay, all right, but ask for the follow up comment. No, that said we heard part three, Mark, it was the most response I've gotten from anything I've ever done, but I considered it to be the worst interview I'd ever done. All right, I posted that three part series over in the radio ranch, Chitango, that's the number two radio, yeah, and you could put in parentheses Sarah interrupts constantly throughout the discussion. Oh, I hate that. I'm surprised I could get it done, okay, I mean, really. I think that interview brought Paul into the fold, so we can thank. It wasn't just the interview, it was the third part of the interview, that's all he heard. Yep, well, we can take Sarah for that, I guess, and yeah, yeah, she's a sweet gal, another one of these gals, I mean, she just didn't get it. I don't know how she could get it because she was asking so many questions she wasn't listening. Anyway, she didn't get it, never been back since, but it was a productive one. Now he's trying to get in right there. I have a question for Mark. Is there a difference between Murphy versus Missouri and Missouri versus Biden? I haven't tracked those cases. Okay. You're about to hear the decisions on them here this week, maybe today, next week. We did get the decision on Murphy versus Manger, and they dismissed it. Like a standing, yep, exactly, not an injured party. They couldn't prove they had an injury, in fact, yep, and that's sad. Yeah, and I brought the Missouri versus Biden, you know, old Fauci, he committed perjury in Congress, and they asked for discovery on the emails, and they didn't provide him to the plaintiffs. So they're going to, if it doesn't get dismissed, old Fauci's going down, hopefully perforgery, how about crimes against humanity? He's untouchable, yeah, I agree, but no, you might be scapegoatable, Ken, they may throw him under the bus. Well, for trying, hopefully we'll get him. Well, we'll see. Did you catch what I was saying about the whole Trump, Biden thing? Did you understand what I was getting at? Well, yeah, it was kind of a false flag, you know, and since I don't think that's the case, but you can put that out and we never know. I mean, they are very slick, okay? Well, there are so many things that don't add up, you know, the whole warp speed thing. Well, here's the warp speed thing, here's the warp speed thing. They came in, told him there's this big emergency, and then said, we'll give you a vaccine that's safe, effective, on time, yada yada yada. That was in the contract. The contract has come out in that barn suit down in Beaumont, and they just basically lied, they said him up, it's in the contract, they didn't follow it. Right, well, I suppose that's possible, but, yeah, I just gave you facts, but those are facts. Well, no, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not arguing that. I'm saying, that assumes that he wasn't aware, or they weren't aware, in other words, if they weren't all in cahoots, because it's all about manipulating the sheeple, and that's why I look at it differently. I think they're all working together. Well, anyhow, why don't you want to play those games, you go down there and it's a good mental teasers, and a good mental Rubik's political Rubik's cube, then go knock yourself out. I can't go back to the enemy of my enemy as my friend, because that's never wrong. So who else had something to say here? Nobody. Okay, well, then I'm going to go do things and have a good day, and we're already clouded up. So anyway, we'll see you back tomorrow, and go to the drawing board and see what you want to discuss, and come revisit us tomorrow, and we can get to it. Best we can. Have a good one, Roger. Thank you, Ken. Good to hear you and Wayne, and some of the old timers that came back today, and I'm going to go hopefully this afternoon, I'll go dig up that the Chihuahuas interview with Bill Halter, because I like Bill Halter. So we'll see how he weighs in on this. This is all tomorrow, okay? These are good when you go, y'all, y'all have a good one by y'all ideas, no swimmers, as they say. I would say Adidas have a good Nike converse with you later, so long. Ken, by any chance, did you see the, it was a press conference with Mike Pompeo, and in that conference, he, Trump said, and they were talking about Operation Warp Speed, and Trump said, well, it would have been nice if you had let me know about this operation. And so I think he was blindsided, I don't know about that, but I do know that he did say, well, we should listen to Bill Gates and discriminate against people's free speech on the social media, and so I think he might be a Trojan horse, like you say, and, boy, the people who are so pro-Trump are going to have a big wake up call if he is one of these Trojan horses, I yield. I'm only positing that, I'm not saying that's the way it is, but they're just, the whole Joe Obama thing is so ridiculous, they have this guy walking around out there that's trying to impersonate Biden, and it's so ridiculous that they keep that up, and it's obvious that it's not him, I mean, all you have to do is look at the earlobes, his left earlobe is unattached, his right earlobe is attached, and if you look at old Biden pictures, both of his earlobes are unattached, go ahead. I would just say, I agree, he's probably a Trojan horse, and, boy, you could have a civil war if he starts going full dictator, I yield. Well, but see, I want to believe that he's a good guy, but at the same time, you know, they're full tilt, you know, and have all these people coming into our country and doing all these things that are going on, you know, they sold our helium reserves, you know, they sold all the uranium, they sell in the national parks, you know, or collateralizing, or whatever, you know, it's the final take-down. So what's your number one goal when you have 300 million, you know, gun owners, or whatever it is, the numbers are, is you don't want to awake that sleeping dragon, or whatever you want to call it, sleeping giant. So you manipulate, and if you look at what they're doing through the press and all of these distractions, stories, everything that's happening, it's all to keep people from grabbing their pitchforks, I think. And so that's the only reason, well, not the only reason, but a huge factor in trying to determine what they're doing and how much of it is BS, if it's not all BS, you know, they give themselves a license to lie during Obama days, so you can't trust anything they're saying, because every give, yeah, go ahead. I was just going to say, well, at the end of the day, you know, when all else fails, let's go to war by deception, we make war. Yeah, so they declared, you know, you know, as a national, they declared war on the citizenry on the people. Anyhow, I'm open to anybody knocking this theory down. I'd be more than happy to be wrong, believe me, but the stuff I see going on, the crap that they're dealing to me, it's just, you know, you just tend to have a different outlook on things where you kind of like, all right, what are you really up to? So what am I trying to say? I graduated from the school of skepticism to the school of cynicism. But yet, at the same time, you know, I believe that God allows certain things to happen in order to give the rod of discipline to his children. So I mean, I'm not without faith or without hope or without love, but at the same time, you know, when you have to look at, if somebody declares war on you, then you have to look at them through, you know, some sues' eyes or, you know, without getting into all that, you understand what I'm saying? Yes, I do. What do you think? Oh, sorry. I just wanted to say, again, it is great to hear your voice and you coming on here. And I know that you're dealing with stuff. And maybe the first sign was your blue barrel disappearing and it wasn't the win, are you? No. Yeah, there's a lot of funny stuff going on. What do you think about that theory, Paul? Oh, oh. Oh. Well, maybe he's pushing other buttons. Well, what do you think, Sketch, is it that far out of a theory? I don't know. I've had the same thoughts and I, you know, I have a mother or a stepmother that is... So pro-Trump, all I want to say to her is, well, you know, once you've voted for him and he turns out to be a dictator, do we blame you for voting for him? You know? Well, no, because they were all selected. You know, they're all put in place because all of our voting does is sign us up for the feudal system or indicate our desire to, well, I guess you could say that you're kind of responsible in a certain sense, but not directly, indirectly. Well, yesterday I mentioned the phrase "gossile depth slaves" and that's what the majority of them are "gossile depth slaves." Well, it's just so amazing that you can explain these things to people, the national thing that is, and they just don't get it because it's such a paradigm shift that I think the gap is too great between the paradigm to paradigm that they get lost or the reality of the change is too great. You know, they have too much invested in the old paradigm, which, you know, is rather a biblical thing because how many times, you know, Sodom and Gomorrah, people that stayed behind, people that stayed in Babylon, so on and so forth. Yeah, that conditioning of the left-right paradigm is so well-embedded in the political zeitgeist these days, it's very hard to get out, but once you do get out of the left-right paradigm, you get to see things a little bit clearer, you know, but if you can't get out of that left-right political paradigm, you're locked in and it's very hard to get out. Once I did that, I, it's amazing how true seeker I was, it really opened me up to seeking new information, how you. Speaking of what you know, too, all participants are muted and they can unmute themselves. Oh, we want to hear what you have to say, Paul. It took us off on mute. I don't have an opinion on it, I really don't. I've been on and off the fence about Trump for so long that it's entirely possible. I can hope I don't want to get lost in the field or the sea of opium, but I don't know. Just look at the optics of it and how stupid Biden appears to be. I mean, he's literally crapping himself while he's meeting foreign dignitaries, okay? And it's actually making the news. So I'd like to think that they're just, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know what to think, I don't know what to think anymore. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I wish I had answers, I don't. Well, you mentioned that, I think that's part of the demoralization program, you know, just let's use apathy. So they don't even fight, they just cower in their houses, you know, put on mass, you know, hide, hidey, become the enemy by growing food, you know, right, and I'm sorry for not unlocking the room. I forgot about it and I really, really, really had to be. So I stepped away for a minute. Thank you for all you do, Paul. I just wanted to reiterate that if you participate in the U.S. corporation voting, that makes you back in being a U.S. corporation slave, why would you want to be their slave if you've done the affidavit and got out? Certainly, prima facia evidence, if you update or open a voter registration after you had declared your national status, because that would be the most recent act. Correct. Don't do it. The corporation is not our government, it is pretending to be our government and when is everybody going to wake up? I don't know. Maybe when the alarm goes off. Let's see. Does anybody else hear any vowels? Well, let's see if I have an alarm that might wake people up. Let's say I have one on my phone, let's say I believe. Even the other day when Roger was saying, yeah, get out there and vote for the local people. It's still all selected, whether they believe it or not. You're voting in a municipal corporation. They keep putting ordinances in the paper saying within the corporate city limits of the town, and I'm like, what are these people going to catch on? It's a corporation. Do you think this alarm would actually wake people up? That's a gem I think that would wake them up coming at me. I think so, in a titanic whistle followed by the siren, yeah, that will work. I want to thank everybody for how well the show went today and how orderly and courteous it was. Thank you so much. The show was actually a joy today, so thank you. It was Paul and if you had nobody was here yesterday, just listen to yesterday's show. Yeah, it was kind of a mess for sure, but oh, well, it went off the rail, it happens. So anyways, I am going to step out. I have to send the show to Roger so he can keep it in, keep it close to his heart and all that. So, Bruce, what's the title of today's show versus yesterday's? I yield. Sorry, Bruce. Actually, he doesn't have it tonight. Well, it's just hump day, hump day show. Okay, I'm going to say something, I usually talk to a disc jockey beyond the station that he's a Jew and he always sounds off with some kind of language that you don't understand. He's talking Jewish and he's always talking about this, that and the other about the government. He's all into the government and all this stuff about voting and stuff and I get on the air with him and tell him his vote doesn't count, they don't count your vote, it's just a sham. Well, I got to hold two representatives that were on the channel early in the morning and they were talking about what they had to go through as a representative, rookie representatives, to learn the process. And I said, I told him, I said, I've been telling the guy that owns the station that his vote doesn't count and they both started talking about, well, we're in the legislative branches and our vote doesn't count either because they were rookies and they were having to vote for the party, not what they needed in their counties or what they were elected for. But this is how it's a party. If we can go back to the preparedness aspect of things, somebody had mentioned having a two year supply of food, I'll kick it up a notch, about seven years worth, yeah, it's impossible to do that or improbable, but it's a goal. And if you can get close to that, you can get the two, three, four years of food, you're going to be better off than most people, but also you need to preposition it, you're probably going to be chased off of where you are and you need to have the stuff all over the place, kind of like a buried treasure map. Also I posted in the chat, Mark from Michigan show, it's on Monday through Friday, five o'clock Eastern time, there's a first two hours till seven and then eight until nine Eastern time, so there's three hours, today is weapons Wednesday, it would behoove you to listen to that, and it's free, and they do have a call in line, or you can just listen on radio, it won't give them the chat. Well, thank you Brett, and I will mention that if you're near a forest, you might start making a food forest, get a bunch of seed, self heirloom seeds, start planting the garden out in the forest, and it will last forever, I yield. Let me add, I noted someone put all their trust in the almighty, I think the almighty gave you the knowledge to be here, and to hear what's being imparted in order to get your house in order. Well, now the almighty talks about selling your cloak and buying a sword, or hammer your plow and disordered, and there's also talking about and having food supply stack up. You know hammer in their asses. So that's what Thor used, well I will say good day Rich, and bidet, everybody's bugging out to go bug out. Well, Ken, my spidey senses are seeing false flag incoming, false flag incoming. Yeah, I am, you know, when you're dealing with low down good for nothing, vulture in hyenas, you have to consider what they're going to do. And it's just one of those things where they enjoy, I mean the more despicable thing they do, the more they get off on it, and it just means that you have to try to think like they do, not to be like them, but to think like they do, so that you can try to not get out sun-sued. I call them marvelous, marvelous means of mayhem. Well, you know, by sending an affidavit to the Secretary of State, you know, at the same time you need to go down to the store and buy a couple of t-shirts that have bullseyes on them, so, you know, it's like saying, "Hey, I'm over here, point the cannon at me." But then there's honor in standing up for the right thing and the truth, and I think that's why we all do it, knowing full well that the cannons are going to be pointed at us. I yield. Do you need me to do what he says? Okay. What you want, and we have on the full honor of God. Gala Andrea. All right., thank you. All right. All right. All right. All right. now, thank you. the right. the right. that's why you want to do what you want, and that's why you want to do what you want, and that's why you want to do what you want to do, and that's why you want to do what you want to do, and that's why you want to do what you want to do, and that's why you want to do what you want to do, and that's why you want to do what you want to do, and that's why you want to do what you want to do, and that's why you want to do what you want to do, and that's why you want to do what you want to do, and that's why you want to do what you want to do. All right. of the right. of the right. that's why you want to do what you want to do, and that's why you want to do what you want to do, and that's why you want to do what you want to do, and that's why you want to do what you want to do, and that's why you want to do what you want to do, and that's why you want to do what you want to do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ Silence ]