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USA Organic Republic Tuesday


1h 39m
Broadcast on:
26 Jun 2024
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I welcome to Global Voice Network and the USA Organic Republic Tuesday. We'll be getting started in just a moment. Welcome to the program. You can go to for more information on the topics discussed. You can find the links to get to join us on this show. You can also find document resources there, all kinds of fun stuff. Don't miss it, This is Global Voice Radio Network. Let's get started right about now. Forward moving and focused on freedom. You're listening to Global Voice Radio Network. Sorry about that, that started it too soon. Okay. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the Republic Education Call for the United States of America in our American form of self-governance for 2025, 2024 at 8.30 pm Eastern. Oh, excuse me, just... I'm going to be learning and I'll send it to you. Excuse me. Excuse me. One second, Phyllis. We've got to set it to mute somebody's echoing back. All participants are muted and they can unmute themselves. There we go. Okay. Thank you. You're welcome. Okay. Our reading this evening comes from Psalms 118, verse 24, Psalms 95, verse 2, and Zephaniah 3, verse 17. Open your hands and your heart to receive this day as a precious gift for me. I begin each day with a sunrise announcing my radiant presence. By the time you rise from your bed, I have already prepared the way before you. I eagerly await your first conscious thought, at least when you glance my way. Bring me the gift of thanksgiving, which opens your heart to rich communion with me. Because I am God, from whom all blessings flow, thankfulness is the best way to draw near to sing praise, Psalms to me, tell of my wondrous works. I remember to take great view, I rejoice over you with singing. And our public, we the people of the Republic are peaceful, lawful, and private. And our declaration states that when in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands, which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinion and kind requires that they share the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life-liberty in the pursuit of happiness, that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the govern. And with that, Darrell, I'll turn it over to you. Okay, well thank you, Phyllis, and welcome everyone to the next call. Tonight, we're going to go back over that negative environment and counterclaim. There's a lot more to it than, you know, just a lot of people seem to have a hard time wrapping their head around how important it is, and bringing forth your side of the facts, and you state them basically, you know, under the penalty of perjury, and you bring that forth, and then you state, you know, basically, you know, the authority and all that. And as you've seen, there's a -- attached, there's two, basically, samples of two that were just -- one was executed yesterday and the other one might have been today. But so they're both pretty fresh, they're a little similar, they're a little bit different circumstances than each one, but what John is going to be discussing is basically how to handle the courts, and the importance of words, and the meaning of words, and how they tie in, and, you know, how to address the legal ease that they like to use on you, but hold to the meaning of the word, the true meaning, and to be able to stand and defend the rights that you are given from your creator. But please be considerate with your time. If you got a question, don't go on for minutes and minutes and try to bring in, you know, your cases and try to solve your cases. What we're trying to do is share this information so everybody has an idea of how to put together their own negative environment and how to address it. And these samples are very -- very in-depth, but a lot of that you can use for your case. It's just maybe the first two pages where you put in your facts from the issue that you're dealing with, and if it's a case regarding travel, you would start out while I was traveling, and then go on to bring -- to set the stage for, you know, the cause. As every time they pull you over, the first thing they're trying to do is they're trying to bring you into the realm of commerce, because the only thing that these patrolmen and stuff have jurisdiction over is commerce unless they have a warrant for your arrest. Those are the only two things that they will have to have jurisdiction over the issue. And John's going to bring that out this evening. Stay muted until you have the floor. And if you've got a question, please state your first name and state, and you'll get the floor, and then go ahead and present your question, and then John will address it. John, if you're ready, you can take the floor. Yes. Yes. When do we want to do the announcement at the end or now? I think we can do it at the end to be better. Okay. Thank you. Okay. John, are you there? Are you muted? Yeah, I was muted. I got muted by somebody. Okay. Yeah, wow. I think Paul had to mute the whole platform. So, okay. Take it away. We're trying to basically explain, I was trying to explain where you have to represent or personate yourself. The key word is self, not your, just the self. So I started looking deeper and deeper trying to figure out that I found in blacks. It talks about self-esteem, I believe it is, and it says it's a trustee. And look around. I found self. Self is a person. The court has authority over the person, and the court has authority over the self. I'm trying to get you to realize that the self is not you. It's not your property. They're not divulging or bringing out any equation to what that self is. You have to understand not the self. Why are they trying to get forced you into that equation? As I've tried to explain for about do you have authority over me, you're actually operating in a trusted situation when they're trying to get you to be the self. If you look at your negative vermin, I'm not going to read it, but you've got to realize two things you have to prove or get information on. The first thing is do they have any proof of commerce that you're looking for? If they don't have proof of commerce, you have to ask for the warrant. You don't have to ask if they've got proof of commerce, but that's one way to stop something. But all you have to do is state that you want to see the warrant, and the warrant can only be issued on problem cause, sworn or no through affirmation. I haven't seen a probable cause after David yet, and I started this back almost 20 years ago. They'll show up with a warrant, but they'll never show up with a probable cause. The reason they don't is because they have to list everything specifically where they want to search and what they want to find. They have to have knowledge of it, and they don't have the knowledge of it. So that's exactly what their door is. They're on a fishing expedition. When you start looking at all of this, trying to compare it out, you have to know what your door when it happens, and you can stop at the beginning. If you don't, or they're going to run away with you, you still have to know how to defend it when time comes. I've been researching a lot of the diplomatic community, so I'm still working on that right now, pretty heavy, trying to understand that. But that's where I'm at right now, trying to get this equation. If you understand how this person ain't works, it's the hardest thing for you to get to your head. I've had two or three people already just doing it today, constantly trying to get me to understand it, cause it seems like nobody's taken up what I'm trying to say. And I'm not sure how I can get the point across, cause if you don't have that understanding, you can't go on because they're going to trick you into believing you're something you're not. And I'm trying to figure out how to get around that and what I'm doing. You on there, Daryl? Yes, I am. Where do you want me to go? I mean, I don't know. Well, I think we need to cover some of the things that need to be in your negative environment, as far as the facts, and some of the key words. And one thing you wanted to cover was the surname, and how that ties in. And I could put that up on the screen from Valentine's third edition dictionary. And what I did is I copied several of the definitions from Valentine's third edition. And they're all words that really pertain to addressing issues in the courts. And it was a bill of a tainer, bill of pains and penalties, and extortion, resident, reside, surety ship, and then the surname. And that's what you wanted to cover regarding King Edward in the fourth, in the fourth year that I'm looking for. Which one is it? It's right on. I've got it up on the screen if you're there on the screen. I can't get on the screen with this. Oh, I could read it if you want me to. There's Valentine's. Yeah, read it. I barely see it online. Okay, Valentine's third edition, it's her name. It says a person's last name, the family name. And then it gives an amateur sight. The name continued from parent to child. Originally, there were two surnames, but insufficiently of the given name to distinguish an individual led necessarily to the adoption of surnames in the fourth year of King Edward IV, in the year of Edward IV, 1464, the first statute required the use of surnames came into existence. Okay, so if you want to break it down, what you call the last name of the surname, it borrows the England or Great Britain. By patent, it's patented to scenario. When you get into your other name, we'll be talking about the Christian name or sermon or family name. No, no. The Christian name or given names house pronounced would be your first in your middle. So the first middle is the Christian name, his belongs to Christ. Your first name is actually considered belong to Jesus. When you look at the Bible, almost every, only they only use one name, Peter, Paul, John, Luke, they only use one name for a reason. The second name came in under Christianity, and you talked about the 2000 years ago. Then you had the separator between the surname came in in 1464. That's why I'm trying to explain that you had a colon or a cada between the first middle and the last. So when you start doing your paperwork, you don't want to put the paperwork down as all three names. You want to use a separator or a designator, and the reason you're doing it is because a surname is one equation, and a given name is the other equation. If you don't want to use the surname, you don't have to, and there's a lot of people that just use the first middle, and they use it for a reason, because they don't actually use the patented process of the kidney property. Your bill of pains and penalties is basically where they're talking about a bill of a tater, and the bill of a tater is basically coming from the legislative body, but also has no judicial part of the equation. When I'm trying to explain the difference between the right travel versus commerce, when you're breaking that equation down, if they have authority over commerce and they don't want to prove commerce, otherwise it would be a slavery issue. The bill of pains is using it in the commerce equation. Look at the bill of credit is also going to be part of this equation, because the bill of credit basically uses the word value. If any paper medium of value, your working man is worth his hire, which is the value, and they took the word value out of it, is how they got to wait with what they're doing right now. Tighter, where else I can go right now, Darrell? The time and value. So, this is where they're basically extorting your time and labor using a bill of credit when they write you a ticket. They are basically creating what they're considering some value through this assertion, which they're creating through a commercial event or a commerce event. So, the Federal Reserve note, if you go by Martin V. Mahoney under the credit river decision appeal was denied, and the key word on that appeal was the Federal Reserve note has no value. So, when the attorneys, according to what I'm looking for research, I'm dealing with, basically took the word value and made sure there was no value in the Federal Reserve note. That's how they're getting away with it. You're trading your value for something that has no value, and that's how they put you into the slavery without the equation. Well, a lot of this is really enforced after '33 when they changed to courts in '38, and then set up all the Federal Zones, and they brought us in through these alleged unilateral contracts, basically, is what you'd have to call them, which are one-sided, but they're actually really on the volunteer side of things. And not even unilateral contracts, Narrow, because there's no meaning of the minds. Right. They're using an entity to force a situation, so they, as you say, that they have immunity and they can't be touched. What they're doing is the government is not government, it's all private. It's how they're doing and hiding it by using something to extract from you. You can touch on a little bit of pro se and how the pro se cutter and the asking as king. I think that's an important subject too, how they have, if you want to understand the prosecutor, which is a pro se cutter, he came in at 1795, 1789 when they wrote the Constitution. The first case that came out, I believe it was a Shapiro versus Thompson, and what I went through and read that case, it says, "How could you sue a man in his own court?" Because the judge ruled that the court belonged to the people, and they turned right around, and it had the judicial act of 1795, which brought in the prosecutor to stop that or change the situation. It shows when the fraud started at the very beginning. It got worse under Lincoln. That's the best way I can explain it. I was still in a lot of times with some of the earlier days, and I was trying to lay down and take a nap, and I couldn't. We could address basically how you become the sure key for that entity. That is basically your vessel for commerce. When they made the certificate of birth, or you call it the birth certificate, if you look at it, it's the certificate of birth. You have a certificate of life birth and you have a certificate of birth. The certificate of life birth is capital over case, all three names. The certificate of birth is all capital, all three names. They did not have the acceptorator between the way they set the paperwork up. It's called For Me. They built out the form and they actually took control of the vessel because they made it a vessel. They made it like a ship. It's all in the wording of the hospital with the doctor, delivery room, the ward. It's all part of this equation. It's in the language of how they perpetrated the fraud. Now they're asking if you want to be a party in the fraud if you go to a court situation. I'm trying to figure out what to do on this because I've spent so much time this afternoon explaining it again. It's not coming through to what you need to understand. Everybody wants to fight the case, which is getting the middle. When the case starts and fraud, it stays in fraud. It can never leave the fraud. That's the whole key to the personate. And the trick of how they trip you into representing self. This is what John is really, it really rang clear to me when John explained that when they ask you if you are going to represent yourself, basically what they're trying to tell you is are you willing to participate in the crime with us? Because what they're doing is holding you as a trustee and them as a beneficiary. You do a better job of explaining that part, John. Well, as I said, when you understand the trustee is a person, it's in a trust. What they're doing is they're forcing you to the trustee when you were the beneficiary. When you walk in there, you're actually the beneficiary. They've got to get tricked into taking the trustees position. If they can't do it, the liability stays with them. That's the hardest part to try to understand how it's happening until you understand the language. Once you understand how they're doing it, now you can kind of cut it to spend it back on them. If they want to appoint you an attorney, let the attorney know you don't want to be a party to the fraud. All you do is use the word personate, tell them to look it up if they don't act like they don't know what it means. Sometimes you don't want to be a party to the fraud. If they release you at that point, you walk away. What else do you need? Because it's tail that you want to stay away from. That's what I'm trying to explain. Explain how even that one case there in California where the guy asked if the judge, if it was his duty to find the facts and basically what you can tell the judge when you are into the court if they have jurisdiction. Ask yes to judge if his duty is to find out the facts. Then you ask him to prove you're the person he's looking for. Because he knows right there at the very beginning of it, you're not. He knows what's going on. People act like they don't, they do. They know what's going on, but they have to know how to get around it. That's what they're constantly doing. They're trying to get around this short liability on to you. That's just how they're playing this game and it is a game. It's no different than a short movie. Except you're not being paid. Everybody else is. Everybody else is a paid actor, not you. What they did with, I'm going to use Buddy Holly for example. One of the record companies took Buddy Holly's summer and put it out on a 45. He never even knew it. Then he had to go to that company. He was one of the driver's seats and that's where you're actually at when you come into play this game. Because there isn't an equation there that they can hold you live before unless you let them. Can I ask a question or are you taking questions at all yet? Sure. Hi, this is Dwayne Kirkland. I was just wondering if you can give us an example of actually when we're forced in court and you're standing in front of the judge, what should the steps you take if you can share an example like that if that would help us out a lot? I'll give you what I went through when it was on a seatbelt citation. I went up there and I didn't really say too much at the beginning of it but the judge turned around and asked me if I had a driver's license and I used the words me personally. He said, "Yes." I said, "No sir, the state will not issue me one." He said, "We're going to do it differently. Do you have a license in your wallet or your back pocket?" I said, "Sure do." He said, "Our last four numbers were at 4077." I said, "Yes, sir." And I blowed to the Social Security Administration Trust. They went through and had the trial and I got to beat up on the top for quite a while and it was said and done. There was actually no trial. There was no case. You went back and tried to find the case later. It wasn't there. It just disappeared because he could not get joined her. He didn't ask me if I was going to represent the self or hired attorney because I think he already knew what my answer was going to be. He could not tie me to the license. The license belonged to someone else. That's why I'm saying that once you understand the personate deeply, you're going to find out the person they're looking for is an artificial entity. Once you realize it's not you, you can walk away at any time. Did that answer your question? If that happens if somebody goes in there and that doesn't work for them, they just pull you in there and force you into the whole process. How can you shut it down immediately? I have my own technique and I'm just curious what yours is. I'll share my ear in a little bit if you'd like, but I just don't understand how did it actually get dismissed? Did it get dropped? It just disappeared off the record. What happened? That's what I wanted. I went back looking for the case and never found it. They left you alone or the matter was closed or what? Matter was closed. Never heard from him again. The next time I went down the road, I saw a cop get behind, one cop got behind me, turn his lights on. I went down the road about four miles before I could pull over. He tried to pass the app. Went to the next crossroad, turned left, turned his lights off, backed up with highway, went right back to the town he came from. What state was this that happened in Indiana? Indiana? Okay. I went in front of the other. That's 34 times I made it from a judge's. That's awesome. Can I share something that worked for me and let's see what state that I used to utilize this technique was? Can I make a quick comment? Yes. Go ahead. Who is that? Who is speaking? Paul? Paul. To clarify, the reason there was no case is because he never gave them jurisdiction or the opportunity to start a case. So it was all just play things in theater waiting for him to stick his foot in his mouth so they could proceed and hang him. He never gave them that opportunity so they never had a case. It was a wasted exercise. That's it. One thing you could ask the judge is when did the people become persons and property of the corporate state of or to the state of the corporation? You don't even need the corporate. When did the people become persons and property of the state? Because people are supreme, people are the state. When did they become property of the state if you are the state? That's how you talk to them. Okay. Can I make a comment and share a mind that I did in Montana? Just briefly? Yeah. Go ahead. All right. You are correct on quite a bit of stuff, but the real thing is the jurisdiction is the whole issue. Number one, actually the 40 if they ask is pretty important, but here's what happened to me. It doesn't happen this way all the time. It happened this one time and then several other incidents where all situation was always different, something of either a different judge or a different situation, but I walked in the Hamilton City Court, not City Court, Hamilton Valley County Court on a warrant that was two years old on traffic infractions. And the sheriff's came out knocking the door and said, "Mr. Kirkland, we have a warrant for your arrest." But we're not going to arrest you, but could you quash this warrant, take care of this? And I said, "Yeah, I'll call tomorrow, set up an appointment and go down there and go through the process to get the warrants quashed." Anyways, when I went in there, the shortcut of the whole thing was the first thing, right when the judge, the female judge, was reading me my charges and my rights and all that, and I immediately stopped her in the process. She had a recorder recording everything. And I said, "Your Honor, if I ask you a question for the record, immediately." If he granted it to me and I said, "Well, your Honor," I said, "If I refuse to sign your contract today, are you going to throw me in jail today?" And her eyes rolled back her head a little bit. She says, "No, Mr. Kirk, I'm not going to throw you in jail. I'm just going to put on here. You refuse to sign it." And you know what she did? She gave me all my paperwork back. She said to take it to the prosecuting attorney's office. And then after that, I did that. But then after that, two weeks later, I got a mail in the mail saying that they refused my paperwork on the dismissal on grounds. And then I sat down and I typed up an objection to their rejection of my dismissal on grounds. And I sent it back by mail. And then two weeks later, the prosecutor, the deputy attorney, wrote a letter back stating that in the interest of justice, they're closing this matter. And I got that dropped. So that's one way that worked in Montana. And I just wanted to share that with you. So I believe if you trap the judge on a special appearance there, you can say, "Hey, look, are you going to put me in jail?" And then, you know, then you've got to trap for forcing you to contract with them or signature or whatever else, how you want to apply yourself to it. So anyways, that's a sharing thought for you guys. Okay. Is there any other questions? Anybody else? If you're muted, you get a press star set. Sal from Colorado. Go ahead, Sal. I have a question when the gentleman was saying that if the judge asks you if you're going to represent yourself, why can't you say no? I'm defending myself. Because you're not the self. You're not the self. I may not be. Look up. But I'm going to let it. Okay. If you look up, if you look up the word self, I looked it up a couple of different ways. In Black's law, they don't list just the self. A self, offense, or self-esteem. And when it's turned around about the third or fourth word here, they said you're the trustee. If you look up the self, or like a regular, it said you're a person. You can't be the person, and you can't be the self. That's why you have to personate the self or represent the self. You don't want to defend the self because you don't know what the self is. That's what I'm trying to get you to see. If you were playing Monopoly, you have the race car. Are you the race car? The race car is the one that's going to run around the board, but it's not you. Why do you want to be the race car? Because that's exactly the position you're going into because now you're in the game. Did that answer your question? I don't know. Look up. Have you looked up basically the word personate? No, I haven't yet. The word personate says to take on the character of another without the consent or knowledge to gain some advantage of a pain character, which is a fiction, to do some fraudulent act. If the self has to be represented, okay, you don't have the authority, and you really don't even know what it is because you don't have the knowledge. So you don't have the knowledge or the authority to use it, and that's where they're forcing it upon you, and you don't even know what's going on. It's basically identity theft. They're trying to hold you in the capacity of another and use them to give a name in two different capacities. Yeah, well, they're the ones that created this name. So they're committing fraud. They actually didn't create it. They formed it. There's a reason I use the language I use because I know how what I'm doing with it. It all ties back to what I call the credit, it was a credit room decision when the Federal Reserve Officer admitted in the court that he created money out of thin air. Martin V. Mahoney's words were, "It sounds like fraud to me because only God can create something from nothing." So you keep saying they created it. Now they formed it, because if they created it, it would be fraud. And that's why your fraud is actually in the word "personate," in the definition. What did they form it out of? What did they form it out of? Creating it is creating something for nothing. What did they form it out of? Forming is taking something and forming it into something else. If you take a look at your certificate of live birth, it says form number. It is a four-digit number. And of that form number that they're dealing with, that form number belongs to them. It's like the certificate of birth is not yours, it's theirs. If the court's ruled that all property belongs to the original issuer, he who issues it, owns it or controls it, the certificate of birth can be retained from the county. The certificate of birth can be obtained from the state. But they're both coming from the Board of Health. It's Board of Health property. And the point there is it was there to do something with. And what happened was they got you to use it so that they can turn around and actually say they own everything that's in the name. "Bring in George Washington." What's that? "Bring in George Washington when the Board of Health is going to start this country, and George Washington saw it in the Board of Health in 1789. George Washington was supposed to become a king of America. And when they made him a president of the United States, he took back two and a half square miles. That's like Washington, DC, only seven and a half square miles instead of ten. And all part is part of this equation. Everything is under the Board of Health. Then you go back and start researching in 1863 when your amendments entered into the Constitution. It's the same time period when they put the Board of Health, took in the Department of Transportation, Department of Agriculture, and stuff of this nature. They were slowly working to put everything into the Board of Health. Then they got you to say that piece of paper would you? And that's the self. It's the paper. Not you. And they got to trick you in believing it is you in order for them to do anything. If you don't consent, you don't want to sign. You can do that because they can only move forward if you can sit. Do you have jurisdiction over me? Does that help? I heard once that if you repeat three times, this proceeding is a fraud on the court, a fraud on the people. And I do not consent. If you say that three times, they can't move forward. That's very possible. If you go back to your original court, it was here, here, here, here. You always did it by three before the court started. Right. So something has to be spoken three times for it to be taken seriously, for it to be a spoken fact. Or so I think. Well, I haven't done it three times in a row. They never let me get that far. They always go somewhere else before you get it out the third time. But I got to leave you alone. This is Dave in the thumb. I have a friend that years ago, he was locked up multiple times for no driver's license. And he was in jail. He brought him out to a video hearing. And there was a woman judge on the TV. He sat up in her wheelhouse and he got to speak and he said, this is fraud upon the court and fraud upon the people three times. And he said, I do not consent. And he said, she started shuffling papers around her desk. Her eyes were darting back and forth. She got up or she reached over and she turned off her monitor. And they whisked him out of there and put him back and lock up. And about 30 minutes later, he said the prosecuting attorney came to his cell and he said, Mr. Boss, we're going to let you out and everything is going to go away. And he said, with all due respect, so and so, you're a liar. And he said, that dude, his head went right down. He looked at his feet. And he slowly raised his head back up. And he said, he had a shitty grin on his face. And he said, you're right, Mr. Boss. But I'll put it in writing. And he did let him out. And they left him alone. But he eventually got a slices because his wife told him, she ain't doing this anymore. Anyway, I don't know what the answer is, but they he that that worked for him in a video hearing arraignment, whatever it was, I yield. It's interesting. I could read the I could read the definition of personate from Black Fifth to refresh everybody, personate to assume the person character of another without his consent or knowledge in order to deceive others. And in such feigned character to fraudulently do some act or gain some advantage to harm or prejudice the person counterfeit it to pass oneself off as another having a certain identity. That's within its own definition, it's identifying the fraud, the deception, and the purpose of assuming the character of another. So that word really fits the procedure that's carried out in the courts today on a daily basis. I yield. Is there anybody else to the question? I had a question. Okay, go ahead, Kent, and then we'll, then the other lady. Okay, thank you. This afternoon, we talked about a short discussion about the negative reverbment and counterclaim and the equally doctored and how you claim damages, et cetera, but John and you go into some more detail on that negative environment and counterclaim and cover some of those topics. And John, what we discussed was, you know, we cited several different cases from several different states regarding the subject of travel. And, you know, the, I guess how it would apply, it would be come down to the equal footing clause, what applies in one state the other states have to honor. And would you all touch on that a little bit there? That's a knife, and then, which calls a knife, and then they're built right to article tonight, the integration of powers. That's where you're going to find that equal footing. Okay, but it was allowed one state to allow null states. So that would be actually spoken just by mentioning Article 9. You and I talk about the difference between Article 13 of the cost of the Bill of Rights versus the Thirteenth Amendment. Okay, well, a lot of people keep talking about the missing Thirteenth Amendment. There is no missing Thirteenth Amendment. The Bill of Rights Article 13 was the title of nobility. From a foreign power, you cease to be a U.S. citizen and capable of holding office. When they did the switch in 1863, it just disappeared. It was actually in the Virginia Constitution for over 40 years. Then, when they brought in the Thirteenth Amendment, was the one you see today, and they got everybody to quote it wrong. Because if you actually quoted the Bill of Rights Article 13, you'd be actually talking about the infringement. And most people don't understand why it's that way, but that's just the way they've got it. They tried to hide it so they can do what they're doing. It was the precursor to what, I'm sorry. It was the precursor to what Lincoln did. Lincoln came in and was elected president of a bankrupt corporation. He started another style of government. And he did pretty decent. He was going to turn it back. That's why they assassinated it. They didn't want it to continue what they were doing. That's why you had your, that point there, then you had the breach of structure and act of 1871, and we'd start putting everything into motion. But it's just a kind of trick to come to fortification. And how they were working the whole system to do what they were going to do. Okay, can we speak about fee schedules for a moment? There was a lady who had a question first, and then there was a lady that had a question. This is Lynn from New York currently. I don't have a driver's license because I don't drive. I travel. What would I do? If someone decides to stop me. I do not want to go to court. But would this work? If you get before the, say, you know, who are you looking for? You prove you have authority over me? Yeah, you can use that. Okay, if you, are you running with Plater without Plates? Well, I've had Plates on. I've had a USDA OT that was an exempt plate, all right. I picked up for that. They told me it wasn't valid anymore. That was in 2012. And now I hear people saying, "Well, they're saying it now. It's just not Alice and it's January." Somebody's a little bit of stuff here, if you see them, not me. Anyway, the other thing is, I've also run it with a plate that I got from Kurt Callenbach. They wouldn't recognize that. I said, "Contact the FBI," they will tell you what kind of a plate it was. All the FBI, yes, it is. Well, I didn't say the issue. I just say, "We need contact." Well, that was enough. We would not do that. I said, "Jae's $60, $30 and another $30, $30, $30, $30, $30, $30. I don't ever want to do that again. These people are stunk. Don't like stealing with snow people. And I would like to be able to, if they hold me into a court, I'd like to be able to say, "Do you have jurisdiction over me? I don't see how they do. I don't have anything. I don't vote. I don't have anything that I know of that's in my name. And I do have the assumed name under my thumb. I have three different names. I own the assumed name. So I can say they can pay me every time they use it, which is just fine with me. I could use the money." What would you do if you were in my shoes? You don't have a license and they decide to stop. Have you haven't broken any laws and they decide to stop you anyway? If they decide to stop you, basically the first thing you want to do, if you're not running plates, it's going to matter. Okay? That means you're not going to be in commerce. If you're not going to be in commerce, you're going to go and approach that subject. Ask them for a warrant. Ask them for the warrant. Okay. And if they turn around and say, "They don't have to have one," go ahead and read it for a commitment, "that you have the right to be secure in your person's paper's house and effect." Only upon a warrant, you have to surrender. Okay? And that warrant may be issued only upon probable costs, one under oath for affirmation. Since you're not running the plates, the commerce is not going to matter. Go with the warrant. What if I ran a place that said exempt, not in commerce, not for hire? I had a couple of other things I was going to put on the plate. What about something like that on a plate? I saw a guy in Texas, he has the snake of the motor from New Hampshire and he got a $250,000 blessing from them for doing the wrong thing. He had a notepad. He just opened a notebook. He said, "You're supposed to know this and this and this as an officer of the law, and if you don't know these things, learn them." And they hauled him off to court. He spent one night in jail for that. He got $250,000 when he went to court. I like that idea. That I'd go to jail for. But I would not either. I'd like to know if I want something wrong. Okay. Well, I'd like to put something on the car that makes them think five times before they stop. How are you going to do that? I'm not being asked in the equation. How are you going to do that? Well, they don't know what's going on. Where are you asking for everything? Do you hear the catch? Ask them if you have the right to travel. And they'll say yes. But they're going to say, "You're driving." Now they just made a determination for you. Ask them for a warrant. If they say you have the right to travel, we say, "Will," and you ask for a warrant. If they say they don't need it, how can they turn out or say you agree to one thing without another? See, if you're asking for a warrant, that's how you're going to turn out and go to the court. Everything you've done is without authority. Well, I knew that the last several times they picked me up, but I got stumped anyway. And when I got to court, Judge asked me, "Was I going to represent myself?" I said, "No. I am actually here as myself. I'm a living woman." There you go. Okay. When you stay there as yourself, that's what I'm trying to get you to understand. The self is the problem. If you have to personate the self, the self is the problem. Okay. I've got you. Your language in common English, you think the self is you. When you look it up, if the self is a person and you're not a person, you cannot meet the statutory definition of a person without fraud being committed. I can go to Indiana Code 1145 and parenthesis at 17 says person. It says it extends to body politics and corporate. Body politics which you classify as government. Corporate is a corporation. Okay. So both of those two are the part of the equation, and both of them have to be there. In order for you to meet the statutory definition of a person, both of them have to be there. You're not a government employee because you're not being paid, and you're not under a private corporation that's under their authority. So they have to commit fraud to throw you into the equation. If you want to go to U.S. Code, federal, Title I, Section 8, and it says the human being is to include every infant member of the homo sapien species, and the word includes means only, and they all have to be there. So you have to be every infant member of the homo sapien species and learn for it to apply to you. Okay. No. So you don't want to be the self, the self is the trustee. Is it good if I put a fight on the car and it says to something like exempt, not in commerce, not for hire. Do not stop, do not decay. No jurisdiction. Don't use the word jurisdiction. You basically got what used the word jurisdiction on them. I know how to apply and all that, but you basically say not for hire. Okay. All right. Thank you. Stop or hire is removing your commerce. If they pull you over, now you need a warrant. If they turn the red light on, they ask for the warrant. Okay. Can I make a comment? Sure. This is a clear point again. There's a couple of things when I first started out in 2001 that I made a short document of when a police officer pulled me over that I just immediately served him a contract to sign and make sure he's bound to the contract between the constitutional protections in the constitutional contract, which is called ironclad contract. You know, I did use that a couple of times and the officers just gave it back to me and told me I have a good day. You know, so it does work, but it's not, it just depends on the officers and who are encountering situation dictates. But my real thought that I wanted to share with you too was real briefly. The most important thing, no matter what your situation is, it's all about contract. We know we understand there's a word game and there's word by definitions and all that, but really it comes down the contract. You have to shift the burden of proof and zero zero in on the crimes they committed and bring it to the tension to shift the burden of proof and and you'll find that in the in the contract that they're supposed to be bound to under oath is your best bet from my experience. So I just wanted to share that with you. So I I'll bring the floor back to you. Well, Paul, you had a question? Yeah, can we talk about a fee schedule for a moment? If you do find yourself in court, would and you have a fee schedule, I have a particularly beefy one, I believe. And if if you were to present that fee schedule to the court and give the judge the opportunity to decide whether he wants to contract with you or not, does he have $250,000 burning a hole in his pocket to contract with you? Because you're in control. You're in charge. He hasn't met jurisdiction. He hasn't, he hasn't proven that he has authority over you. And he has insisted upon your appearance there. Otherwise they would swear out a warrant and go get your ass. You're not there of your own accord. You're not there by your own voluntary appearance. You're there because they will come and shoot you if you don't show up. So if you are there and you have a fee schedule, if you want to see an example of the fee schedule, go to That's notice.PaulBeener, It's page three. That is a self-executing contract. The moment a cop lays his eyes on that fee schedule, it is a contract. I don't have to hand them anything. All I have to do is have him posted in the left rear window in my car. He has to walk by it to get to my window. And notice I didn't say driver's side rear window. I said left rear window. He sees that. He lays his eyes on it. He agrees to it if he violates any of the terms on it. Can you do that? Have you recorded it in the county? No, no I haven't. It is... If you have a fee schedule recorded in the county, when you record it in the county, it's public notice. Believe it or not, and they're going to put numbers on it. If a cop wants to play the game and you really want to use a fee schedule, you have a copy of it that's been stamped across it. In the county, all you have to do is walk in front of the judge, they offer a proof. Walk straight up to the judge and offer a proof. If he says no, I don't want it, I'll say it again, offer a proof. The third time, he's down to the contract where he likes it or not. Offer of proof. Offer of proof. You've got to realize when you're in church, they send the offer played around. The offer. They can't refuse the offer. Okay. They've recorded in the county. You'll get the numbers off of it. All you need is those numbers from that point on. You don't even have to serve a copy of it. All you've got to do is serve in the numbers. That can go... I've done that. Well, the purpose to put down the county for records is you can pull it up for evidence at any time. Well, now once you record in the county, that's a quarter record. They're not a quarter record. That's a quarter record. What I'm saying is if you have that on the county records, like recording deeds and property and all that, and you put in your contract and they're at the constitution or whatever you feel that you want to put in there, any time they pull you into that quarter that jurisdiction for no victim or property damage, you have evidence on the county records that you can get from the records immediately for your argument. So that's all I'm saying. Anyways, that's just a thought. Do we have a minute for me to read the last paragraph of my fee schedule just to get John's input on it to see if there's any landmines in it? All right, thank you. The fee schedule has prohibited actions and associated fees for each prohibited action. And the final paragraph is this is a self-executing contract. The commission of any prohibited actions or knowingly failing to act to prevent the commission of any prohibited actions represents agreement to the terms and fees of this document in its entirety. All persons, principal, agents, foundations, associations, members and entities committing conspiring to commit or failing to act to prevent the commission of one or more prohibited actions to accept and agree to pay the associated fees for commission of such prohibited actions. Fees are collectible immediately upon demand through payment and lawful money. Lean, levy, garnishment, servitude and seizure seized instruments payments and property shall be received and valued in the sole discretion and determination of the receiver. The fees, damages and values are set at the best appropriate value in the sole determination of the author/presenter/server of this document. The author/presenter/server of this document reserves the right to waive or modify fee amounts at any time without notice. This document is not negotiable nor rebuttable. The only way to avoid immediate execution of this document is to not violate, permit violation or conspire to violate any part of it by Paul Heifengordin of the clan family blah blah blah on the 28th day of September in the year of our Lord 2022 and it's autographed by colon Paul beener dot dot dot. Without prejudice? Without prejudice? No, it doesn't have without prejudice on it. But without prejudice sort of? Okay. I can put that right away. If it's not in the county record and if it is a matter of the public record, you know, through an agency of recording, I guess is that sufficient if it has a place where it can be located? If you have a place where it can be located, you can almost say it was like a newspaper. Okay. But normally you had to file something in the county and then put it in the newspaper. He's just one step. Okay. So file it in the county. Yes. Okay. You take it, you take it to the county clerk and there's one spot you can turn and put the document in there and then you get your copies of it and keep a copy on the windshield on the back window, wherever you want it. And for compliments, pull you over to the head of a copy. In time, he just executed it. Just like when they hand you a ticket, soon you touch a ticket, they said yours. So he says, they touch it. It serves. And they just agreed to it. If you filed in the county, let's just say the whole purpose of that county stamp is a court record. A lot of stuff that I told an attorney one time, I said, you believe you can put something out there and some respect everybody to find it. Because I've hidden all this stuff in so many places, you get pieces that say jigsaw puzzle. And the more you put that puzzle together, the bigger, the easier the picture gets. Okay. So where should I put a vote without prejudice on it above the autograph? You can put it above the autograph or right below the autograph? Well, I followed the autograph with dot dot dot. And that ends the document after that signature. So it would have to be before. No. You put right below the signature either one. Okay. So is the verbiage in that paragraph solid or is there a problem with it? Solid. I'd almost need you to send it to Darryl. Have Darryl send it to me. Then I want to sit and really look at it. I heard the word value one time. When you talk about lawful money was part of the equation. Okay. The next sentence, you use the word value. And I'm trying to do it out of my hand to what has passed through your edit. But the key word is value. Should I use worth instead? No. You have to use the word value. If you look up U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 10, it talks about admitting a bill of credit. And you look up the definition of that bill of credit. Any paper medium of value between the government and the individual. Money is a bill of credit, but it need not be money. Okay. The key you need is value. I do use the word value twice in it. I heard value. The fees, damages, or values. I actually need to see it so I can kind of break it down to my head. Okay. I can't take what you've said and break it down without losing half of it. That's why I'm saying I need to see it. And I'm getting honest with you there. Okay. Well, if you're on a computer, just go up to your location bar and your browser. Instead of, go to B-I-E-N-E-R. Okay. Come right up as page three. Darrell? Yeah. Can you send me that information? Oh, come on in an email? Yeah. I got it. I'll text it to you. That works. I can trace it that way. I just, I'd like to see exactly how it's working. Then I'll get back and let you know. Cool. All right. Thank you. Okay. Was there another question? I heard somebody say it. I got a question. Okay. Go ahead, John. Or were you done, Paul? Yes, I am. Thank you. Okay. Go ahead, John. We're going to show you what it is. I know two people, a man and a woman, they put a block on their says to keep trust. In other words, when they go into court, they can't pull any money off of it. How can you do that? They will not tell me how they put a block on their says to keep trust. Kind of like everybody's worth 200 million, 900 million. But anyway, they have got a block on it. They will not tell me how they did that in a person for your knowledge. No, how to put a block on your says to keep trust, which is millions of dollars. You can put a block on your identity. Just lock your social security number with a pin with the IRS. Nobody can use it unless they have that pin. That's all you say that I've got a pin. Okay, I you. Well, that's that's the only way I could think of that they could do it. I have a question, quick question, I think. Okay. Who's speaking? This is Rick from California. Go ahead, Rick. I just want to ask when he was speaking to the woman before we were talking about this, he mentioned is your car plated? Or how is your car plated? How does that have to do with being in commerce if your car is plated? I just wanted to know more about that. Okay. If you put license plates on your car, they're going to come from the state. Most people turn around and say that I'm not going to put you into commerce, which it doesn't. It has you commerce ready. And that's why I say, I leave, I have plates on mine, so I don't have a lot of other people that I know. And the reason is when they run the plates, they already know who's behind the wheel. It doesn't matter if it's me behind the wheel. My kids, they won't pull the truck over because they know it's mine. That's what I'm saying when she was saying about the right to travel, she's not running plates. If you're not running plates, you're out of the commerce equation just because you're commerce ready. But you need to worry. That's why I was asking that question. Okay. Thank you. Yeah. And just having plates is not it's prima facia evidence that you could be in commerce, but it's not proof. That is correct. Okay. Was there another question? Anyone? If you're muted, you got a press star six. This is Scotty. Can you hear me? I got the AC on. Yes. Go ahead, Scotty. Somebody was asking in the chat, how could they can get the paper that was on the screen in the chat? I don't know what paper that is on the screen. Is that the tells law of nations? I don't know what that is. But somebody was asking that one right now. Well, that was nine thirty eight. They put it they put it in the chat five minutes ago. So yeah, the one that's now. Okay, that is on the bottom of the attachment. It is basically a sample of a negative of vernement counterclaim. There's actually two samples. They're they're both dealing with travel. And they both have a little different circumstance. So they're both posted. They're blacked out. The parties are blacked out. But those are available. And then there's the Valentine's dictionary with the law of nations section 30. And there's also attached a sample of affidavit of citizenship evidence to send to the federal secretary of state with samples of some cover letters that help. And also, if you get on the mailing list by sending fill is an email, which you'll give out the address, you'll get all those documents. They come at the bottom of each thing. But that's not what I chimed in about. I re listened to the first time John was on April 30. What an awesome show. I just listened without taking notes, have listened back. But there was discussion from Ken about somebody having a simple case that we could use to teach. And after since then, a lot has happened to make the case that I suggested even more than perfect because it covers treason and 20 other things that is part of your teaching. And I will take it and make it into video clips. And so there'll still be recordings on the republic. There'll still be when John is on the, but deal is I have a big case going on. I got dismissed with my paperwork that I don't know if you got to open it yet, John, but I sent you another version of it that is a word document instead of the legal office file. But what I wanted to use as a case was my civil case against the attorney. And it really is a simple thing. You could teach me one on one and on the show. And then later, I'll take that and make it into videos. It can really be a learning experience for all involved. It's just simple. It's just a simple small claims case against the attorney for I actually have many causes of action. I've decided which, which used for saving isolating. But I just want to reinstate the Stevens case he was suggesting isn't for everybody. That's for people with high knowledge driving without plates on their car. My case is for anybody to bring them to these calls for help and for law. And I have another idea. I don't want to put on the call now. I've been trying to reach it down for two weeks on that. I'll talk to that later. So I just want to bring my case, I had really had my case into the program. I've just been talking about that article 81 temporal guardianship. This is a civil case, me against the attorney. And it's a simple question. I want to readdress that. The question is, please contact me so I could tell you my idea I had two weeks ago to get more people to the polls. I don't want to put it on the phone now. I yield. Thank you. Okay. All that for that five seconds. Wow. Okay. Is there anybody else that got a question or that they'd like to ask? I got a comment Daryl. Yeah. Dave from Kansas. This is Dave from Kansas. I'm glad Dave. If people are concerned about traveling and contacts with the police officers, they might want to read the Declaration of Human Rights Treaty of the United Nations of 1948. I believe it is. It specifically addresses in there you have the right to travel to leave your country and to return and you're innocent until proven guilty. Now that's the United States treaty document. There's 35 things I know you might want to carry it there. And when that young police officer who doesn't know what he's doing realize that he's violating the United States treaty, which is treason, you might want to think again. Second thing, if you have your if you have your fee schedule there, I haven't had a chance to use it yet. But one of the things I would do when the officer comes up to me, I'd say after I did some nice things to him, ask him, I was doing what was going on. I'd say, does this have anything to do with traffic officer? And if you look, I've said this before, if you look in black law dictionary, traffic has one word for seven in and that's commerce. You look at it, he says, yes. And you say, oh, are you trying to engage me in a commercial contract? Now he's between a rock and a hard spot to see the yes or no. And if you got your if you got your fee schedule out, right there, he said, I'm going to engage in commercial contract. How are you? These are my terms. Okay. I just took all of the attachments from the notification for this call. And I put them up in That's All of the document attachments for all the calls within the last six months are up there. And you're welcome. And another term is the word speed. You know, if they charge you for speed, you go into black fifth and you'll see definitions of amphetamine and methamphetamine. And so if you're charged with speeding, that's, okay, I'll just claim on the ultimate user for speed disk. There you go. Now through a pro loop. Can I make a comment? Go ahead. Again, Kirkland, make a comment. I just wanted to share this comment with everybody that's listening. I'm going to tell you from my experience since 2001, the most important thing of the argument when you find yourself in front of any court reason, in court, standing in front of and a special apparent sport in there, you got to throw out the argument of the contract issue, the jurisdiction, and then the simplest fact that there's no victim or property damage in your situation. So then they have actually no actual crime. It's a civil issue. And then you can argue with contract issues. So I just wanted to share that with you guys too. Okay. Okay. Okay. Is there anybody else got a question? Tom, I've got one more piece of information. I actually printed out the notice, the mailing for this call, and I'm putting it up in that same folder. So you'll see the notice, all of the text, all of the links, all of the attachments, everything right up there. And that's on the matrix docs. No, that's on Okay. Okay. Okay. There was a lady that spoke. May I? Yes. This is Christine. This is Christian. I would like to know, I have a fee schedule that was sent into the court. It was stamped by the court the day before the hearing. I did not attend the hearing. I'm sensing my paperwork. How do I enforce the fee schedule? What are you trying to get the fee schedule on? Well, she agreed to it by putting out two more warrants for my arrest. It was in a document called return for clause rule nine, a stople by asking yeses instruments. And it was for a traffic stop. So what are you trying to do? Well, I sent her a fee schedule and I want some money because she's caused a lot of problems for me. I'm talking about the magistrate now. First of all, the cops changed my phone without a warrant, which is illegal. And I put that right on the cover page, but she went forward. You did what to the phone? Excuse me? You said the cop did something to your phone? Okay, so a deputy got together with this state cop and he pinged my phone without a warrant in order to track me where I was in town. And on my way out of the venue where I was, they cornered me, which they would not have been able to do without pinging my phone. Okay, what proof do you have? They did that. I'm just asking a question. No, I don't have to if they did that. I mean, they did. I put it on the cover page. Okay, so now what I'm getting at, what I'm getting at is what can you prove is an equation? When you turn off saying it tinged my phone, you're going under a presumption. That's what they operate off of, the presumption. No, the only thing I can prove is treason and you know, the commercial crimes that he committed. So would they give you tickets or would they do? Well, you know, she imposed a lot of fines, which I haven't paid. Can I make a comment for everybody on that? I just want to share. Uh, to help out maybe it might help out a more understanding. I believe that you have to set them up for a default judgment, like they would set us up for a default judgment. If you want to get paid, set them up for a default judgment. If they ignore you, deprive you, diminish your, your paperwork, it's criminal plus they're ignoring you. And if you put that fine clause in there, when you notify them, you can get them under default for not answering. It's there. It's in my paperwork. I hope that helped a little bit for you, sir, that was answering the question to her. Okay, thank you. I would appreciate if this speaker would answer my question, but thank you. John, do you got a comment on that? I'm still trying. So you're talking about the stop. What they actually do, give you a bunch of tickets and they try to find you for? Well, you know, this is the second time he stopped me. And out of the two traffic stops, there are 14 bonds floating, at least. I think there may be up to 22, which is illegal. So what he did was, you know, he put on his flashing, his emergency light, and he pulled me over. And he just, every time he does that, he just gives me a citation. Every citation has like three or four charges on it. And he also gave me two citations. That traffic stop. And one of them was for a failure to appear, and he signed the warrant, which is a court document, saying that he served a warrant, but he didn't have it in his possession, so he did not serve it. But he signed and said that he served it. Okay, so you're talking, this is two separate cases in actual reality. Well, you know, there was a prior traffic stop, and that was a separate case. But this, this one that I sent this, the fee schedule, this was for the second traffic stop by this state cop that's been hanging around this little mountain village for like nearly a year now. And so I, I sent this paperwork with the fee schedule. Okay, contact fill us, give her your information. I'll contact you, and I want to see exactly what you've done, and we'll go from there. All right, now I'm trying to figure out exactly where you're at to what's going on. You said you sent them a fee schedule. They put out how many you said two arrests, two wars for your arrest? Well, yes, because what she did was, I don't go to court, okay, because I don't feel they have the right to force me to do that. So she, she, they did this in the city court instead of the county court, because my, my sheriff refuses to arrest me. So they thought they could get me arrested by doing it in the city court. But what I did was I wrote up criminal charges about the officer, and I sent it with a cover letter to the attorney general, and I sent a copy to my sheriff and a copy to the chief of police in town. So, you know, now the, the, the state police and the deputies are not stopping people anymore. So it's just a state cop, you know, and for some reason there are a lot of officers there during the day. And I, you know, I've heard rumors, I'm not quite sure what the reason is for their presence. But I can't really go anywhere, you know, because he stole my plate every time he stopped me. And now all we have is like an old expired out of state plate that I got out of somebody's scrap metal pile. No, you shouldn't have to do that. Security screws, get a, get a private plate, put it on the car with security screws, you have to have a special tool to remove them in the cops don't have it. But, but no, but know that they may told the entire car if they can't take the plates. Because the car is in a foreign car. Okay. So I, I wouldn't want my car towed. That would be expensive. Yeah. Well, they have done it on at least one occasion. They tried to remove the private plates from the truck and they couldn't get them off. So they told the truck. These guys are thieves. I know they are. They're thieves and sons of Beaches. All the doors follow what the attorney tells them to do. All they're doing is doing their job. Well, they're, yeah, look at the Nuremberg trial. That's what they said there too. Yeah, that didn't work for them. But give them attorneys job security by bringing in more tickets and give them a justification for doing what they're doing. And then sell them to the public as necessary. Is there anybody else with a question before we close? I am putting a default judgment forms how to file a default judgment PDF with links up in the docs folder up on USA organic Republic. It's a link that was thrown into the chat on PPN Radio Ranch. No, no, it was in the Republic chat. There we go. It's under default judgment, how to file default judgment. And it has procedures and forms by state. Where? Okay. I shared some weeks in the chat too. So this is off. Okay, go ahead, Art. Follow the chilled muffled up. I can't hardly understand him. It's like he's up in the microphone. Is there any way you can turn it down and make it clear? That's what might be. Thank you. Okay. Did you want that? Did you want that website? It's it's docs. USA organic That's where these documents can be found. So with that, if there's no other questions, Kent, would you want to give out that announcement for the barbecue? I could. Can you hear me? Okay. Yes. Coming in good. Okay. Okay. First of all, we want to thank everybody for being courteous tonight and being polite, allowing everybody to ask questions, receive answers, etc. The barbecue answered by Americans for legal reform. And you can look up further information about that on their website. Their website is www.americans. That's plural. Four. That's the number four legal Their annual barbecue will be Saturday, July 20th. It'll be in Smithtown Long Island at 14 Ray Lane. That information, again, is on the website. It starts around noon time. We'll end about 9 or 10 o'clock at night somewhere around there. And this year, they get several hundred people there that come and go in the duration of the day. This year, it will be used also as a place to network with other groups rather than just their own group on Long Island. So those that are coming from other groups, wherever that may be. If they have information about their conference calls, about what their group does, as long as it's related to legal reform and reestablishing a constitutional republic, they will be welcome to set up a table on the front lawn. They can give out literature. They can sell anywhere they have or items they have that are related to this movement, if you will. And it should be a good opportunity for people to be introduced to other people and to try and understand and see what other people are doing and that there's more than one way to accomplish the goals of re-establishing the constitutional republic and getting good governance in place. So again, Saturday, July 20th. Rain date is Sunday, July 21st. Smithtown, New York. Thank you very much. Okay. Thank you, Kent. Thank you, Deborah. Well, if there's anyone that is new on the call that would like to receive the notices for the Tuesday and Thursday night calls, you can send an email to Phyllis. She'll give out her email here in a little bit. She'll want your first name, your state, who invited you to the call and the phone number. We do not share any contact information, but if there's somebody that would like to reach out to you, they will send Phyllis an email and she will forward that on to you. And it'll be up to you to call them or communicate with them at your convenience. So Phyllis, do you want to give out your email? Yes. Let me make a comment here. My phone has just been cutting in and out all evening. I hope that has nothing to do with the recording. I'm only getting about a half or a third of what everybody's saying. So Paul, for your information, I tried to go to that and it tells me it can't find it. So I don't know what is wrong. It's .com. That's right. Yeah, Phyllis, they did it to me too, sister. They did that to me too. And as soon as Paul put the link up in the chat, I clicked on it and then it tried to say that the website wasn't secure, but that's just another sneaky trick from Google. So I clicked on to it and I was able to get over in there. So anyway, it's not a secure website. It's not a secure web address because nobody's going to ask you for any information on that web address. So there was no need to spend the money to make it a secure site. It cost me 80 bucks just to bail that URL out of ransom because go daddy tried to steal it. So that was enough. Right. Okay. I wasn't saying it to be disrespectful. I was just trying to help Phyllis. That's all. Right. No, and I appreciate that. But I'm just explaining that it's not a secure website. It's not going to ask you for any secure information whatsoever. There's absolutely no privacy issues that have that are associated with it whatsoever. So it doesn't matter that it's insecure, you can proceed within PUNITY. And that was just what I was sharing. Thank you. If I may. Thank you. All right, speaking. Scottie. Okay. All about that. I just tried to look down low some of those documents and it's popping up windows to put it in the cloud. It seems a little bit weird. But can you repeat? You had said you had all the black law dictionaries one through nine somewhere. It was like three steps. Is that the folder where they are? No, no, they're not. No, they're not. I'll get with you privately on that. Okay. Thanks. Yeah, I'd like that information too. Anyway, my email address is blue Ridge Blue Ridge And tonight we had, I think there was about 37 on the call earlier. We've lost a few already. So with that, are you back to you, Daryl? Okay. Well, if there's anybody that would like to get the notices for the two-year Thursday night call to send fill us an email. And she'll put you on the list. And this Thursday night, we're going to have an herbalist on that she makes her own tinctures. She grows her own herbs. And she's going to explain that and how to use them. And the dosages and stuff. So there'll be a very good call. So we look forward to doing that on Thursday evening. So if there's anybody that would like to close in a word of prayer, we want to thank everyone for coming on the call. And I hope this information can be applied and used to help to address these overreaches by the judiciary. And that they can start recognizing that they do not have authority over the living soul. And what they're trying to do is drag us into this commercial realm and hold us in that capacity to basically identity theft. And so is there anybody that would like to close in a word of prayer? Daryl, I will do that in a moment. Rick has his hand up. I don't know if he still has a question. Okay. Go ahead, Rick. Rick, you have a question. It was for earlier and I didn't take it off. Sorry about that. Okay. Go ahead. All right. Thank you, Lord, for having this group of people on the call this evening to learn from John who has a wealth of information that we're trying to learn from and use to our advantage. Help us to understand all of this information so that if we're indeed stopped by any of these officers who are trying to hold us in commerce, that we have the ability to speak to them what they need to know and not answer their questions. Thank you for this evening and continue to watch over us and protect us from the evil one, and it's in his name Yeshua that I pray. Amen. Amen. Well, there's a number of documents that are attached to the to the bottom here that can be used as a sample and as for information and but a lot of research went into this so you can I encourage you to share it with others that can use the information to help address these issues and the more people that will stand up for the truth and address these people that are operating basically upon presumptions and deceptions that you know they can we can maybe get this a little more under control and you start holding the field accountable and all these attorneys that this bar association is the big mover of bringing actions through legal fictions and what these attorneys are doing is they're personating such as the state of or the county of or the people of the state of and they're coming in a capacity of another and they're personating the legal fiction and this is just an outright crime that they're perpetrating on the people and they're trying to overthrow our guaranteed republican form of self-governance so with that we'll say good night all and thanks all to all of them and if i may be with you yeah who is this Paul it's Dave and the thumb i just like to remind everybody no it's Dave and the thumb okay go ahead go ahead can you hear me yes i just like to remind everybody when they come for the gold give them the lead when they come for the guns give them the bullets first and god help us all thanks yeah that's an effective recipe where do you get that document it's on the screen right now uh it is on the notice it is on the notice uh for the night call the one that's on the screen right now with feel list it feel list the screen yes it is is attached on the bottom of the notice for the night okay thank you very much yep there's there's two there's two samples uh on the on the notice you're welcome okay well with that we'll say good night all and lord be with you until we meet again this session is no longer being recorded forward moving and focused on freedom you're listening to the global voice radio network