Global Voice Radio Network's tracks

Radio Ranch with Roger Sayles


2h 6m
Broadcast on:
25 Jun 2024
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[ Silence ] The mission of this Mirror Stream on Global Voice Radio Network is funded in part by for the quality, ultra-Mido, and more Mito line of products. It's also funded in part by for the natural action quality line of water structuring devices. It's also funded in part by and the Prime International Terrehertz Frequency Wand, the iTerraCare Classic. For more information, please stay tuned, we'll be getting started in just a moment. The iTerraCare device has the ability to awaken dormant stem cells in the bone marrow. Yes, we have slipping stem cells in our bone marrow. As you keep blowing this on your spine, you're activating the stem cells, and guess what? You're going to create brand new lungs, brand new kidneys, eventually as you keep using this over time, you will have brand new organs, glands, and tissues in your bodies, and that's the great news. You have to keep blowing this on your spine because this is what the great Hippocrates said. There's a way to hit the bones that all diseases can be treated. Activate that, awaken that stem cells in your bone marrow, hit the bones using the future of medicine, which is frequency. Hitting the bones, using frequency medicine, yes, guys, we have decoded the secret to for every young and healthy body. This is your time. Grab your one device right now. For more information on the iTerraCare Classic Terahertz Frequency Wand, go to That's [Music] Yup, well the world is changing. We'd like to be able to influence it a little bit more when we're trying. Here we go in a stab of another attempt on the Tuesday edition of the Radio Ranch, and it is the 25th, 25th of June. Boy, June's almost, well, you know, you've got two ways to look at this, Paul. You say, gosh, June's almost at an end. It's such a lovely month, and the other side is, man, Pride Month is just about over, you know, so it depends on which way you want to perspective. So the month of June, which used to be great, you know, they used to just, they'd give somebody one day, but here with these sodomites, they'd give them a whole month, should tell you a lot right there. Radio Ranch, Roger, sales your host, and it is good to be with you. Glad to have you taking time out of your day to spend with us, either live in the group here or later checking out the archives, kicking some tires. We're simulcasting, 'cause what we're doing, we're simulcasting on a number of different platforms, and Mr. Beener has put all those together to my knowledge. I shouldn't let him put any in there, and he's the one that's going to give them proper credit for carrying our message to the world, aren't you? Are you off chasing your kitty? He's off chasing the kitty. No, I'm not chasing the kitty. I had my mic turned off. So all right, all right, my kitty that's begging for food wouldn't come out over the air. Tell him to go catch a rat. Yeah. Yeah, hey. Mice. Go catch a darn rat. Mice. Yeah. Think Mises. Anyway. Self support. I had help. Thanks. I had help. I didn't do it all myself. Yeah. Hey, you're going to pull your own weight around here, kiddo. That's right. Just say it. Anyways. I had lots of help. WDRN Productions, Fort Collins, Colorado. They brought us at least five platforms we're on. Thanks. Thank you. Thank you. Yes. We're on 106.9 WVO UFM in Chicago, we're on home, yeah, live, live for the first hour. Industrial radio, yeah. Yeah, and we're on home on HN5 channel HN4, no, channel HN4, HN4, he only has four channels on that video stream. We're on on GoLiveTV and And of course, we've got the flagship audio only station, which is And we've also got global voice radio network, and that's Our website is You can find links to Eurofolk and global voice on there. You can also find links to join us in either Zoom or free conference calls. Free conference calls typically better because I don't have as much capacity to monitor Zoom and enable, allow people entry into the room. So I kind of miss people over now and then. But well, yeah, that's about it. That's about our line call. Well, we've got a lot more than we used to have, so I guess that's good. Good morning, all y'all. We were having a little conversation. There's some interesting events that have happened since we were together yesterday. And I guess we could start off the show with this one because it's really, well, it's like a lot. It should have been done years ago, which is the, if you didn't know, Julian Assange has been released. I didn't say pardoned, he had to do a plea deal on divulging state secrets was one of the elements that I heard. But he is evidently out of England to airspace already. I saw a video on the first section of Harrison there that I watched before we go on the air when I can. But he was getting off a plane and in traffic in Thailand, headed back to Australia, which I'm just, I'm sitting here going, well, is he trading one jail for another? I mean, Australia is a little bit bigger one, I guess. I know that's home and it seems like that's the country. Of course they would release him to, but in a sense, I mean, Australia is doing all kinds of real bad stuff down there lately, even signing you numbers and all kinds of crap. And coming out that they knew it would kill all those people. Melbourne was evidently one of the real petri dishes in the world for the vaccine. So anyway, good luck, Julian. I'm sure it's better than that little jail sale you were in and you get to be quasi-free and with your family and with your countrymen. And I'm sure they'll give you a very rich welcome and deservedly so for all the suffering you've done. I wonder why they didn't send him back to Ecuador. He could have come here. I'd have gone out the airport to meet him. So anyway, that is, I think, one of the bigger news now. Sherry said, he said he, plea bargained out or something, I forgot Sherry's comment that he signed a, anyway, plea deal, the, yeah, he's had, they'd offered him plea deal. He designed it for 10 years, you know, more likely depending on the terms, of course, but what really seems to be behind the curve here is that Trump said in a stump speech that if he gets elected, he'll pardon Julian Assange and they're trying to steal his thunder. Now my criticism is one of the criticisms I had of Trump is I thought he should have released to get pardon Julian Assange and dead Snowden on his way out of office. And I thought that was a really big screw up on his part not to do so. And now by, sorry, pardon me, six people, most, yeah, six people weren't rounded up until after the 20th and that wasn't president anymore. Well, that happened long after that, you know, so it's still happening actually right now. And I'm sure if he does get in, which across our fingers, no, that he does, I guess, that the J six people will be the first ones that he addresses when he gets in there. I've heard him say he's going to set up a whole committee to review each and every one of those cases, Sherry don't know. We'll see. But anyway, I thought that was a real big mistake in his part Mac, on the way out on top of the, you know, being fooled on the COVID vaccine and the other ways that he got him. Should Trump get back in this time? I think he's going to be a much more savvy president and he definitely knows a lot more about the schemes and the wilds of our all of our enemy because they're his enemy too. So that was, I thought, well deserved and good, although even though the motivations may not have been the best, the outcome was good. So anybody got any comments on that? Oh, but I'm sure he's sure he's got all kinds of comments on it. If he's good, if he's going to pardon anybody for J six, he can't just release the people that are still in custody. He's got to examine every single one of the cases. He's got to overturn and vacate any guilty pleas. And he's got to pay restitution to the every single one of those guys, every woman on a bad idea, and he said he's going to set up a committee is going to go over each and every one of them. And they're still out erect arrest and people. They got to like over a thousand people on their list still, they're with Merrick Garland. Now that have you heard the latest about Merrick Garland? And I wish I could remember this gal's name. She's kind of like Marjorie Taylor Greene and she's from Florida. And she is a real line us there in the Congress part of that new group. And she has found a way to go after Merrick Garland on this contempt stuff that he announced the Justice Department would not prosecute him on that came out, I believe yesterday. There's a rule where they the Congress can send the sergeant in arms and arrest him and bring him back and try him in the House of Representatives that he has to face them for his contempt. So she's talking about floating that and sending the whoever the sergeant in arms or whoever the guy responsible is that can go over and actually arrest Merrick Garland, bringing back to the house to face the house for the contempt. So let's cross our fingers and hope that's happened. Okay. That I love. Yeah. That may I add. Oh, the sergeant at arms is a female. No. I'm not. I didn't say it was. I didn't. Well, I said I was nebulous on the position. That might be a corporal guy or whatever, but it's some official police person from the House. It has the power in the rules to do that. So let's hope it happens. Correct. Now sketch. Yeah. Sketch. What did you have to add there? Big buddy. Well, I did want to say that you think it has anything due to the election as far as the song and then of course, darling, as far as Garland, you know, we're going to have to talk to all the APAC reminders or forget what the phrases babysitters and tell them to lay low because otherwise I don't think that's going to lie. I think it depends more on the rhinos in the house if they'll agree with her and get that done. They've got the prerogative and the power to do it evidently sketch from the little snippet. I heard about it last night, okay? So we'll see. One of these deals, I will see. It's the power struggle and what we need is on this next term is we need to increase the numbers in the house by about 25 or 30 or more and we need to take the Senate back. If you do that and get Trump in, these folks could be in hot water. Okay. Well, again, I'm not saying that's going to happen at speculation, but that's one of the most desirable outcomes I think and it may happen. Okay. I mean, the people are getting pissed and more of this that comes out crap like what? Yes, ma'am. Just a second. The more crap like what happened over the weekend with them throwing cluster bombs over there in Sebastopol on the beach and killing children and other things when cluster bombs are outlawed by all the treaties they've signed. Of course, that doesn't make any different star people the ones that run this show here. But anyway, all those things are happening. Yes, Sherry, what would you like to inject a year? Well, I think the reason the Congress is enacting because they would be in a position to be acted upon that they were just as guilty. Well, you know what the precedent of this is, is you've got a guy named Peter Navarro who was a real sharp guy and probably one of Trump's better people he had in there that is now in the middle of four months of contempt of Congress charges from a bogus congressional committee that was not properly formed and didn't have any real authority and which just recently destroyed all the information that they gathered by the way. Well, they've not only sent Peter Navarro to federal prison, but they're about to send a teddy bear banster up to and I just heard their sending him to a prison in Connecticut. I forget which one that is notorious for sex offenders and and real bad ass criminals. So that's where they're going to send Steve, I know it's up in Connecticut Connecticut. So they've got those two guys one in one headed, although one of the Supreme Court justices, Roberts, I think has written the court down there, which is highly unusual, has written the court to a police look at bond for Mr. Banster because he's got the case on appeal until the appeals are so that's in play to both those guys, one of them is in one of them's going and they were headed there and put there by a bogus congressional committee, but for contempt of Congress now here, Mr. Garland, Mr. Garfunkel got in front of Congress and refused to release these tapes of Biden with a with somebody, okay. And this is an oversight committee, a legitimate congressional body, and he got contempt to Congress. Because he's the Attorney General said the Justice Department would not pursue it. So that's why she's resorting to that. So understand the whole background here. Yes, Joe, correct me. Okay, you said banister, I believe, man, Bannon, Bannon, Bannon, Bannon, thank you, Joe, Steve Bannon, um, yeah, I wouldn't. Okay. So I look, I make mistakes like that sometimes, but I'm not mistaken on the big fact. Okay. Yes, it is, yes, it is, I've met Mr. Banister, he's still looking for the law. So that requires you to pay income tax, nice guy though. So that is the deal with Mary Garland that makes it even sweeter is that all of his here is legitimate, all of theirs is illegitimate and based on lies as their whole deal is. So anyway, that's going on. Thought that was very interesting. I'd sure like to see that one pan out. Uh, we've got the backfire from the missiles over the weekend in Sebastian poll, uh, and Russia has declared they will retaliate against the US. Don't know how, don't know when, uh, but, uh, the whole thing, just like the, uh, uh, massage thing, what's really backing, I believe this whole thing with Russia is, is the financial systems unraveling and it's really unraveling big time now. And of course, uh, I did learn the other on something I listened to that Putin, I believe it was from Scott Ritter, uh, who's a trusted source, of course, uh, that the, um, a bricks was initiated by Putin. Now I had heard that the idea came out of Goldman Sachs. I don't know if that's true or not, but Putin is really pushing it as he's, uh, taken his country under all these sanctions and just made it twice as strong or more than it was before. They put their own internal wire transfer in, uh, in effect with China. The other countries in the world to combat swift, which is one of the ways they come in and levy sanctions on countries as swift as the transfer, uh, uh, uh, system, uh, where countries and banks transfer money internationally and what they do when they put the, these types of sanctions on them as they, uh, but don't allow them to use swift. And so what Russia did, said, okay, well, we'll come back and we'll develop our own, which they've done, uh, will sell all of our treasury bonds, which they've done will buy gold, which they've done and, uh, will be one of the most solid economies in the world, which they are. Okay. Uh, and all the other countries are coming to, I think there's nine new countries getting ready to join bricks 70% of the world's population now lives in bricks countries. Uh, it's pretty serious in the Federal Reserve boys with their little interest, a sham shell game here, which we've also uncovered, uh, they're desperate. Okay. And so that's provoking in my mind, I believe in a lot of other folks minds to everything that's going on over there in Russia. And, uh, they've got a hell of a situation on their hands because behind that are the people waking up and finding out about all the fraud and everything else has gone on that for whatever reason they weren't willing to look at or couldn't see or whatever, but develops developments have gotten to a point where they're starting to see it by the day more, uh, and then all their whole system with all this additional scrutiny from the people on them, their whole system is disintegrating underneath them. They haven't been able to get the central bank of digital currency, uh, problems straightened out where they can invoke that as a remedy, uh, they just don't have any remedy left except you stand there naked, which as ugly as that scene is in your mind, uh, is a good thing. So, uh, that's kind of my take on it here this morning on the Tuesday edition. Anybody got anything to add or, uh, in larger. I do, Roger. All right. All right, Sherry, I'm surprised, but go ahead. How many countries in the BRICS Alliance have central banks? It's we the people that are going to have to do so. Well, no, well, they're just going to change the medium of exchange and get their gravy train out from under them because this is going to be based on honest weights and measures. And I'd, I think there's only a couple of countries in the world that don't have a central bank, Sherry, one of them being Korea, uh, Libya was another one, uh, but they're, they're little known and little, uh, influential countries, but there are several that do not have Libya. Didn't I ran, Roger? Uh, I doubt if Iran has a central bank, but I'm not sure. Okay. Uh, but if you'll remember with Libya, the first thing they did after they killed Gaddafi was, uh, set up a Rothschild central bank. So there are countries that don't have one, but not many, okay. But all the other countries are just getting so pey-oed. Yes, ma'am? Sorry. Uh, that's what I'm saying. They're just switching to label. Well, no, they're not because one of them is interest bearing and is based on debt and the BRICS countries will be one to one ratio. It's not interest and it will be based hopefully on gold. So I differ with you that there's a lot of difference there. Okay. So all they want, all they want is honest weights and measures and the way BRICS is set up, the way I understand it is, uh, the country will utilize the commodities in that country for their own local currency and it will be on, uh, exchanged on a one to one basis with the settlement currency, which will be backed on gold is backed on gold. Uh, the countries that are already in that system can take their settlement currency and go to the Shanghai bank and get, uh, 492.2 bar, uh, kilo bars of gold, which will be the new settlement gold will be four nines and it will be kilo bars and China set that up and is going to, uh, force it, I guess you could say on the world, uh, which is not a bad deal. I'd certainly rather go back to honest weights and measures. Okay. So that's coming. That's coming real quick, uh, the big country, I think six of the nine oil producing countries have already joined BRICS, uh, which for one thing takes away as Saudi Arabia has declared basically the petro dollar is over, which has been going on since about 1973 where countries had to use bonds or cash to buy oil from, uh, Saudi and the other countries and that's gone now. Uh, they can use, uh, you won, I believe also and probably other currencies, but six of the nine oil producing countries have already joined BRICS. I'm sorry that Ecuador has not because we are an OPEC country, uh, and they're having a lot of problems down here with the local people are having a lot of problems. Uh, they can't borrow to circulate the dollar which we're on. They have to borrow it from the federal reserve and to circulate it. So obviously you're not going to, you know, they're going to charge the interest when you borrow it from them where we know we're dealing with here. Uh, so, uh, they're not going to borrow more money when they're already under water to circulate than they can afford. And so the minimum amount they can get by with is circulating yet the external forces are driving some of the prices up internally even though the dollar and Ecuador not having the printing press is they can't inflate it to accommodate that. So if you're a gringo like us down here, me and the others, uh, as one of our Ecuadorian friends, as you live in a bubble, uh, if you're not having to work down here and you're on the dollar and you're getting these pensions and whatever, uh, you live in a ferry land and that's really true. Okay, uh, because we're not out there having to fight the day to day Ecuadorian local economy and situation. Uh, but the lot of countries are joining bricks and, uh, it's a fate of complete to me already. And the more that we support Israel and they do crap like what they've done in Gaza. Now they're turning their forces north and they're going to go after Lebanon and Hezbollah. They've even talked about nuking Beirut folks, the Jews have, and you got the Ukraine situation and you got all this other things that are happening for everybody in the world to see the more countries are going to turn against us and join bricks. Okay. So the harder they fight it, the more they get exposed and the more people deserve the interest bearing ship. Was that you sketch? Yeah, I was just going to add or ask, uh, I think our, uh, well, are the special drawing rights still involved and is that more of a Western or is that totally internet? Absolutely. That's the special SDRs is what they're called. You know, it's funny you bring that up sketch. Uh, I heard about those about 30 years ago in Atlanta from a guy I've mentioned on here before named John Nelson, uh, and he's the one that came up with that research. He was saying 30 years ago, they're going to IMF is who, uh, releases those and that they will use and they're a basket of currencies and they're already in use to a little extent right now. You hear it mentioned every now and then, but that's what it is. It's an IMF vehicle and it's a basket of currencies that they would like to try and take the place of the dollar as a settlement currency. Uh, but they're not being real successful at it. I don't believe sketch, but yeah, it's probably still in play. That's not the question. How viable is it? I believe is the question how many countries want to go. I want nothing to do with you, thieven bastards. Okay. Right. I mean, you know, call it part Tom Perkins and the economic hit men and all that that's exposed to all this IMF stuff. I'm sitting in the last 15, 16 years almost. I've lived in two countries that have been devastated by the IMF, Argentina and Ecuador, both. In fact, Ecuador is the only country that ever won a case at the world court. It's called, uh, owner, onerous debt. Have we ever talked about that on here sketch? Have you heard us talk about onerous debt? I guess you haven't. Um, owner's debt is a principle where, uh, somebody comes in and loans a country with bad intent, with malice, a forethought, if you will, and loans them, uh, makes a loan to them knowing that the people they're given the money to are going to, uh, steal it and leave the people of the country and their resources hanging as collateral is called owner's debt. It is a actual, uh, uh, remedy because Ecuador is the only country that ever won a case at the world court on this owner's debt is what it's called. The whole time I was living in Argentina, I was, why the hell don't you do that? You know, they're always bitching about the internal international monetary fund down there. The damage, excuse me, it's done to Argentina, but Ecuador did win a case and I think that's one of the reasons Correa hated the IMF so much, you know, the communist president that was in here who hated the IMF, uh, and he turned to China. Um, but you know, it's from one band to another and they've done all the damage here now and now the IMF is back in here. They came in and gave them some bridge loans or crap or whatever and we've got this interim president here who's in control now who seems to be a pretty good guy who wants to do the right thing from what I can gather and he's, uh, uh, he's a citizen of the United States. This dad at his mom, he was a banana king, uh, fortune based on banana exports and, uh, they sent mom to have the son who's now the president in Miami, uh, and he sent in his wife who's about to have their first child in Florida, same thing. So it's real complicated. We'll see as it unwinds, but I believe, uh, the, uh, the scoundrels section here, I believe they are really concerned and I believe they're real freaked out. They're doing things that are very uncharacteristic of them. That's what I see now, does anybody have anything that you'd like to add to all that restoration there from me? I have went short now. Uh, one thing, uh, the Federal Reserve website was hacked and ransomware, and they offered 50,000, 50,000 dollars to the hackers and they, they laughed at them and said, we're going to release all this good information. They were 30,000 terabytes, supposedly allegedly all this, but I read that, I thought, 50,000 might be all they have on hand to give them. Have you gone to your, have you gone to your bank and asked for some of your money? We've only got 50 grand on hand will you take that? Um, yeah, it's a, it's nice to see these guys in a bind for a change, okay? And it, it seems like the corner gets tighter every day on them. So that's the, the behind the scenes things that most people have no idea of much less understand that are affecting some of these things that are happening here. So anybody else got a comment? I guess may I change the subject a little bit to Ecuador, um, July 1st, uh, they are, they're cutting off, uh, visas, um, to Chinese, oh, Ecuador is, yes, because they're not leaving on, um, new, I mean, established roots. Um, I'm calling out by playing here, they're okay. So flying out or flying in, they're not going to issue you a visa. See the reason, one of the reasons they use Ecuador is it's one of the easier countries to get a visa in down here and, uh, so my, not my experience, what I'm saying, okay. So those is, yeah, and they're canceling it. This is a plain list of young Chinese military age men that they're letting in the country now that they're going to cut off as a July the 1st. That's good. Yes. I think so too. And it's just fine, uh, right? Okay. Good. And, uh, I don't know why they might be having a urinating match with China. This might be something exacerbated by the international monetary fund forces that are in here, uh, and have gotten their toes back in to the, uh, Ecuadorian government, uh, helping them with the drug problems and this, that and the other. Okay. Um, yes. Paul, do you think it might have something to do with the United States? Because Ecuador is the jumping off point for, for them getting. Well, that's what I'm saying it could be, well, they wouldn't be the US trying to stop them. The US wants them. Okay. But it may be something else on the situation with Ecuador and China, yeah, for, you know, all these electrical problems, that's directly responsible from China. Uh, there's no telling what else is going on that I don't know about that they, they send that massive fishing fleet over and, and surround the Galapagos with it right outside the legal limit and a lot of other bad crap the Chinese do. Yes, Sherry. What you got? Um, that they're saying they're overstaying that they're the Chinese are staying in Ecuador. I think that that is the, the main issue. The main thing? Okay. Well, you mean like me overstayed their visa. I'm trying though. I really am trying to get it straight. I was a, you know, the whole time I was in, in Argentina nine years, I bet I wasn't legal a year out of the nine years I was there. I had that terrible accident, you know, fatalities and everything. And that never even came up. It never came up in the whole proceeding. Okay. So anyway, a little bit different in Ecuador, but here's where they get you. There, you say they're not going to let any more Chinese in starting July the 1st. Is that what you said? Sherry. That's what I read. Yes. Okay. Well, then that that treaty or I don't know if it's a treaty or just an agreement, but they're going to stop that as of July 1st. Now, that is Chinese from what you read and understood. That's Chinese coming in. Okay. Right. Where you go in, you present your passport, you go to immigration, you present your little passport there and they stamp you boom in the back and remember with us about the cards and the books. This is why they have passport books because they have a stamp when you're coming into a country and they have a bunch of pages back there and they stamp with a date with a little cute little country thing. The date you came in and you got 90 days to stay here. You can extend for another 30, three months for, I don't remember how much it is, a few hundred dollars or you can overstay period and not extend but overstay, which is, I was here with a valid visa and mine ran out and I didn't catch it and I'm trying to catch up from that. That's my situation, but with these kind of people, they stamp their passport on the way in and then if they want to stay here, they don't, they don't stop you on the street and go, where's your papers are you legally? I mean, you're not going to get that where they get you this when you try to leave. When you try to leave, then you get a fine, I don't think it's much, $250, $400 or something. But otherwise you can stay here, as long as you don't leave, I can stay here in my whole life and never have a problem with it, except that if you need going and opening up a bank account or if I had my own place and I needed to get connections for utilities and stuff like that, that's where it would be somewhat of a stumbling block. You can always find a strong man to do that for you. But it's not so harsh, but I'm glad to see they're not letting them in and I'm shocked because that would seem to be behooving to the U.S. as they're sponsoring all this illegal immigration. So it sounds like Ecuador is standing up and putting their foot down on that a little bit. Only China though, but they're flying a lot of Chinese and a lot of other people in from all over the world and they're using Ecuador because again of the easy entry into the country. The airport, well, I have those flights fly over my house all the time and their final approach is real close, it's just maybe 10 miles away, something like that, maybe a little less. But anyway, that's a story on it and it's the first time I've heard of it, Sherry, but easily it'd be interesting to see and know what the split is between China and Ecuador that will cause them to do that. Well, I would like to think that Ecuador is being a pillar for America. Well, they are, well, they are, but you would think being on their side as to giving them this mass migration crap of these military single men, but we just don't know. Okay. They're standing up for Ecuador and not being leveraged by the US. That'd be great. Okay. Because then they're standing on their own feet. I could tell you one of the people that's really reaching out to him and helping him, I believe, is Beatricelli, the guy that's El Salvador, I believe he is really reaching out to Nablo here at the president, Nablo, and trying to help him, the interim president. They'll have to go up for election again in May, when he's just filling the void of some of you may remember this might not be interested in it, but it is somewhat interesting. The communist president is now exiled in Belgium because if he comes back here, he's going to get arrested that's still trying to come back and get that law overthrown so he can come back and run for president again. So that's one situation there, and then you've got the subsequent presidents that came in, and the last one, not this guy, Nablo, but the previous one, when Correa was in office, he had passed a law that had passed a law that you could fire the whole legislature. Okay. But he never acted on it, but he got it passed. The guy that was in there before the current guy for us now did it. He pulled the trigger on it. He fired the whole legislature, and then he left and advocated his presidency in Flew to Miami. He's up in Florida now with no telling what he stole. So anyway, this guy got a special election to get somebody on the interim from the post that he had vacated. So for six months, we didn't have a legislature or a president as far as I can remember, the country ran pretty damn well. So anyway, both those things are fixed, and that's where we are, and he'll come up for election next May, and we'll see how he does. I kind of think he's doing a pretty good job, but I don't really keep up with it. So it's just an ephemeral feeling on my part from things I hear, you know, and I'd like to think. You may, but let me just say, I'd like to think the guy is good, and he's on the up and up and trying to do the best for the country. But remember, I'm a half glass full kind of guy. Sherry, what were you going to say? Me too. It's ironic that a communist flee to the Netherlands. Yeah. And he has protection there. Well, he is wife was from there, and he stashed his billions that he stole somewhere over there. Anyway, that's the current condition of us, and here in a little sleepy little Ecuador, a mighty nice place to be in these days and times, I would say. So we'll see as we go forward. Yes, you have a question? Good afternoon, or it's Kathleen. Yes. Hi. How are you? I'm all right. You're welcome. I just wanted to ask if our country is like declared a state of war, which may happen to prevent an election or whatnot, being a national, is it easier to travel in and out of the country, or can they close it or are they different? No, I'm done making a difference in my experience, but now I've only traveled back there once. About six years ago, I came back for my mom's 90th birthday there before she passed. And nobody ever said boo. They don't know. I mean, mostly, they don't know, they just know they're supposed to let it pass. Just like Brent, we worked on Brent for years with this, and he came on the show one day and he said, "Well, I was traveling down by the border, and border patrol stopped me and said, 'Are you a citizen of the United States?' And he said, 'No, I'm a national.' And they waved him right through, didn't wave, and I didn't raise an eyebrow. And I think that's the way most of them handle it. But no, in fact, it's just the opposite, Kathleen. We heard recently about, Dave told us about a guy, one of our students up in Michigan, married to a Philippine gal, and they have a child, and they were leaving good Philippines out of somewhere up there in Detroit, I guess. And when you go up to the counter there to check in, and they take your passport and they run it down this slide thing, 'cause it's got those electronics on it, on the edge, and they run it through this slide thing, and it makes a noise, you know? And so his Philippine wife, I guess, I'm not sure what passport she had, but the child had one, too, and they ran those two, and the noise was ding, ding, and then they took his and ran it through, and it was like, "Dong!" or something real different, you know, noticeably. And so they escorted him through the rapid check-in, and when they got on the plane, they had only purchased two seats, they were going to hold the child, and the airline gave them a bulkhead seat, they're at the front and gave them an extra seat for the child. When he got to the Philippines, they did the same thing, run the passport through the little slider, and the guy goes, "We normally give people a 90-day visa, I'm going to give you a year," and basically rolled out the red carpet for the guy. So as opposed to something negative happened, they had a whole bunch of positive things happen, but all I know is what these stories we get back, you know? We've had a couple of those. We had one, we had one out of years ago, kind of an interesting story, a gal named Victoria. She was married to a guy who was a naturalized citizen, he was Mexican, had moved to California when he was young, and gone through all that, but in the Air Force, he was retired, he was still working, and so she called into the show, and I asked her to call in, "You know, I encourage y'all to call in with your questions," and this is not an ill, not thought-out thing. The reason I do that is because I don't want to have to answer all of those people's emails individually with long answers, so I try and encourage you to come on the radio show and ask your questions so that everybody learns at the same time. So I had encouraged her to do that, she came on the air, it's been a whole show with her, she did all the paperwork and sent it in, they were living in Dallas, they evidently drove a car out to California for Christmas, because they only flew back one way, right? So they've got their passport cards, they go out to LAX, and they check in with their passport cards, and they send them over to the long line where you take your shoes and your feet off and the belts and all that, and she called in and said, "Roger the guy at the desk came running over to us," and he said, "I put you in the long, wrong line, come with me," and he comes over and puts them through the Speedo line and they go get on the plane and fly home, and the only thing he had was the passport card, okay? So these are stories we get back that I can relate to you. Now, what about somebody that is, my daughter is looking at getting dual citizenship because her father wrote grief, and should she get citizenship to become a national, will that have any exceptions? I don't think she's going to make any difference, so I can't see where it would be a conflict. So she could do that before, she could apply for... Yes, and well, okay, so Kathleen, as a new student, what does that tell us? It tells us that grief is another one of the European countries that determine her ediment through just San Ginnias, which is through the bloodlines, and even though she's a great-granddaughter or whatever, because her great-grandfather was grief, she can go back through those bloodlines and qualify to get a Greek passport. If Greece was a just Tierra country or where you're assigned your her ediment by where you're born, she would not be able to do that. Yeah, her father's Greek from Greece, and what's it now? Whether Italy is like that, Spain's like that, I believe Germany's like that, Poland's like that, a number of the countries over there do not have a just Tierra. We had a situation, I saw a news story, Saxony are one of the German provinces, there'd been a guy accused of rape, and the prosecutor wanted to deport him, and that was the grounds he was going to try is that Germany does not have birthright citizenship, therefore he was not a citizen of Germany, and they were going to try and deport him for his crime. Excuse me, here's another good example I heard last night, it was going on over there. There was a verdict issued from an incident a number of years ago where some German youth for teenagers were in the park, the cops came in, it was after COVID, because the cops came in and tried to get them to adhere to the six-foot distancing rule, which we now know is invented by Fauci and was a bunch of crap, but it was being enforced in Germany and all over the world, and so they came in and broke up everybody, she got separated from her friends, ran into a group of four migrants who proceeded 14 years old to gang rape her, and during the process of that they got on the phone and texted to their group, and a whole bunch of other ones came and they all gang raped her, and finally she got away from them, and there was one of the nine that were captured that was sentenced to two years in jail, the other ones were all released on bond, and there was a German girl 20 years old who made a statement that said German men would, this would never happen with German men, something of that effect, and she got more time in jail for saying that, then the one guy got two years for participating in the gang rape, that just happened, the verdict just came down in Germany, that's what we're dealing with here, all off bogus crap on social distancing that came from Fauci. Oh, unbelievable, unbelievable, yes ma'am you certainly can, who are you, first of all let me ask you first, it's Mer, Mer, I wasn't either, it didn't sound like, yeah how you doing, well I guess it's just, I hadn't heard from you in so long, we forgot your voice, but because I'm going to do something naughty too, I'm going to have a funny here, I shouldn't warn you any time, but did they check for that, do they check for that, in the speedo line, that you're wearing speedos, I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself, I'm sorry, I'm sorry but we're just, we're right, we're right, we're right, we're right, I'm all, I think we're a Hitler, we're winning a game, I don't even understand what you're trying to say about speedos, when you said they got moved to the speedo line, I said that, yeah you did, yeah, with the passports, they were special and they didn't know it, they got moved to the speedo line, oh, oh, oh, well I thought you were talking about the right thing, okay, well we're talking apples and oranges, I don't know if they had their speedos on or not, but hopefully there's speedos weren't big, the mood could be lightened, these are really dark subjects and I'm sorry to have to talk about them, but it's what's going on in the real world, not in the real world, in the fake world. The line just goes over, yeah, well the two of you were talking, I got off all, I got, the full moon is telling you what, no, Boone in the chat room told me to get a grip mirror, I guess his, whoever he is, get a man's team, yeah, well I was dealing with, well there's Dave right there, hey Dave, Kathleen I'll get back to you in a minute, hey Dave, hey I just wanted to chime in a lot of, a lot going on, I think my friend, when they put him in that speedo line, him and his family, they had to put speedos on to get in that line, anyway, when he got up to that desk and he handed her those passports, you know, he didn't really make the noise that his child and his wife, you know, that he heard when their passports got slid, he said it was an unassuming beep, you know, and when his went through, it went like a fire alarm, you know, and he said the gal was, you know, looking at the computer, typing in it and whatever, and when that thing made that noise, he said her eyes popped right up at him and looked at him and then looked right back down and then they put him right in that in that speedo line. So Kathleen, you can draw your own conclusions from these stories I'm telling you all that I know, okay. Right, now let me say one thing about Fauci claiming that he made up that six foot rule, I saw a story, well, somebody read me a story that some Muslim professor in some Ivy League left his college, university, whatever, his sixth grade daughter made up the six foot rule and the masks, she did some science, it was a paper that she wrote, and that's where Fauci got it from, that's what I understood when they initiated that. So the Muslim girl whose father was some professor, they claimed Muslim, now I don't know if they were Jews or Muslims or what, or both, but anyway, that's what I heard and I yield. Well, I hope they put her back a year in school for that. Kathleen, are we still connected? Kathleen, I was answering your questions and I got verbose and off in the weeds and as usual wanting to give too many details, does that get your question answered? Yes, and I had a second part to it, and that's what I wanted to say. I forgot about somebody that explained why they did the six, well, there was two other six involved. Okay, well, it's gone, but it's my body, so what's your second question? What they bring in another, well, it's probably a matter of when they bring in another pandemic. As a national, are we more protected like being able to either get into places? Okay, well, yes, but again, you may be getting into somebody you're trying to get into a store that's more scared to the federal government than they are you, okay? So I can't tell you in every instance, yes, by all means you shouldn't have any of that stuff applied to you. They're all man-made laws, aren't they? They don't have any constitutional jurisdiction or background and they're all they're doing is making man-made laws and they're making them through the agencies as we learned with the mass thing that got overturned and how they did it. And they tried to do that. So here's their little trick is answers your question in indirect way. They publish a regulation that's an interpretive regulation. It doesn't go through notice and comment and the extra due process procedures that are installed in the administrative procedures act to protect you from things like this. They just do the regulation and it only applies to the CDC and they come out and go, we've got this regulation, everybody's got to follow it when it wasn't passed that way and that's why it got kicked out of court, okay? And so they can do that to themselves, they can't do it to any even a citizen of the United States legally, okay? So no, none of that stuff should apply to us. Is there anything that is a negative with becoming a national versus a US citizen that we can just at least be aware of? Well, it depends on it depends on if what you consider to be a negative, I guess. It totally relieves you from the jurisdiction of the federal government except for two obscure sections of the internal revenue code of which you'll never you or anybody else will probably never owe. Do you consider that a negative or a positive? That's the only thing I can think of. Roger, can I chime in here? Of course, Dave. So, you know, I've talked to a lot of people about this process and most of them say, well, if I'm not a US citizen anymore, what rights do I lose or privileges? And it's like, you know, freedom, freedom, freedom is free and you've got to fight to be free. And that might be to a negative connotation that freedom isn't free and it's also very dangerous, you know, to be free. You lose by the man. You lose your, well, you're not protected by him anyway, as much as you can see. But, you know, all you lose is civil rights. If you value civil rights, which are nothing more than privileges, I guess that could be considered a negative. It's somewhat on your perspective in viewpoint, Kathleen. I have never experienced anybody with a negative or any reaction from doing this. No, I have one. Okay, sketch has got one. We probably got our first one sketch. Come forward. And instead of being the enemy, we're the frenemy. Are you? You are the frenemy. We're, we're, let me tell you what, what we are when you go through this. You're a, you're a rising of their worst enemy, somebody they have no control over that knows who they are and what they've done. May I, a buttress, what Roger just said? I was down in this little town. Everybody's wearing a mask and I'm in the dollar tree store and I see this six foot plus man walking through the store without a mask on. And I asked cashier because I was wearing one at the time. I said, why doesn't he have to wear one? And she was honest with me. We can't tell people what to do. I took my mask off and never put one on again, but it was that six plus foot man that showed me. And so I say to you, Kathleen, stand up, stand up and stand tall. Well, I'm not that tall. That's the problem. I have a friend that's surviving. I'm five foot two, no excuses, but there is someone that has shown you the way, follow. And I would say as long as it's a truth, follow, follow, follow. Yeah, we got to stop here and give Paul. We got his second, his second cameo appearance of the program right here. Yeah. Yeah, I've been trying to be quiet because I don't know, I, I was wondering if I'd be able to get a word in his voice. One at 6.9 W P O U F M Chicago. Thank you for joining us. If you want to follow us into the second hour of this brisk discussion, spirited and brisk, go to, click on the links right there for home network or for global voice radio, Euro folk radio or zoom or free conference call. That's it. Here you go. See you Chicago. Hope you're back tomorrow, Doug. Ironman. If you hear shots, Doug, go ahead. Ironman. Hold on. Ironman. Hold on a minute. We're going to, we're, Ferris, we're going to let the lady finish first as is hard to core them around here. Go ahead, Sherry. Roger that. So anyway, I have a friend that's six, five and you know, I'm in liberal Washington, or at least Western Washington that is. And he never wore a mask. And I said, well, didn't they stop you? Because they stopped me and they escorted me to the door if I wouldn't wear a mask. They sometimes they even have security guards. But he's six, but five, he's, but now I told him, you know, it's illegal. And he just kept walking. And he said the security guards didn't mess him. But when you're, you know, five, one, it's a different story. Because they just said, no, that's our policy, whatever. And you, and you just, and you, and you blindly accepted and followed their direction, right? Well, I needed to go to the grocery store. Well, I understand, but you should have been able to go to the grocery store. And that's when it comes into your decision on whether you want to be, defend your rights and be a belligerent claimant and get in their face and go, you don't have the power to do this to me. Sorry, big boy. No, hold on. Yeah, hold on just a second. They don't have the power to do. They don't have the power to do that to you or anybody else. Okay. So you just got to stand up and be a belligerent claimant. Should you get in these situations by somebody? Okay. Well, I'm just telling you overall. Spend your money elsewhere. They break it. Recognize. May I? Yes, ma'am. On this, on this same topic speaking, talk right, talk right, talk right into your microphone. If you could, you're a little faint. On this topic, when I was questioned, when I went into a store, why I was not wearing a mask, one place, I just looked the guy in the street in the face and I said, Hippo, and I walked away and he was like, what? Another place I actually yelled at the people across the store. So everybody could hear that it was fake. It was lies. They were misleading people. The masks were coming from China and they were all being poisoned. And I just kept walking. They did not chase me down, even though they started to walk forward. The lady did not leave her post. They didn't send anybody to round me up. They let me do my shopping. But I had the opportunity to educate everybody that was listening to me yell. I had individuals come up to me and go whisper in my ear, hey, you got to put your mask on. And I black people and I look at them, I said, it's free country and I kept walking. You know, I give them an earful and I was not national. I did not know anything about this at the time other than the fact that it was a lie. And I was pissed you're going to put a face diaper on my face. Well, good for you. And we applaud you in your actions, especially in that capacity. And the story, the background story is here, we've got the power. We've just got to assert it instead of being afraid of what they're going to do or whatever else you've got to get up in a searcher position. And that comes with a reempowerment process. And the way you're going to become reempowered is by getting command of the information. And the process will initiate on its own. If you don't study and get command of the information or you do it in their better approaches than other, you're not going to get that reempowerment that fast. But it does come. We've got the power. That's the big lesson we've got to learn. They've stolen it from us. That's why they can do all this stuff like release all this currency and have all these agencies to make laws that regulations they can enforce on you and make you a bay. And that's because they've stolen your power. Well, when you do this, you get it back. You will be able to, if you follow the path, be able to stand up to those people and say, no, that's not right. And here's why. Was there somebody wanting to say something there or mail? Well, hold on. I heard a grunt first. Was there a grunt there if somebody wants to say something? Ironman. I tried. I'm sorry, Ferris. We had you on the back burner. What you got? Yes. Ironman checking in from Martha's Vineyard on what is National Catfish Day. Get your free catfish today on National Catfish Day. If you're so inclined to eat this, you know what I mean? Yeah, but what you need to do is you need to get some scales and glue them on the outside of the catfish before you clean it, though, Ferris. Hey, I think the ladies are into the cosmos a little early today. I think I have some day drinker sisters out there. Merz Giggling about your speedos. And Sherry, I don't know. I was listening to that last soliloquy you gave on one thing or another. And I think you're probably on number three. How am I doing? Is that a good guess? I call it a following. What? It's probably the phase of the moon, Ferris. So go ahead. Yeah, when they giggle, you think about Aristotle's statement, masculine republics give way to feminine democracies and feminine democracies give way to tyranny, which is what you now have. And that's why we're running away from it, to become U.S. National. I don't know. Could we get back to things that are of substance? Because all you do, Ferris? I beg your pardon? So that was about the same. My point is he interrupted. Fair enough. I'd love to say before I was overly interrupted, is that did you see on Alex Jones, yesterday, they had I did see a frequent listener there. A big apart. I did see that interview. I did see that interview. You don't see too many interviews with him, you know? Oh, you don't. I'm sure you found a compelling as I do, because you and I are cut from the same cloth, right? And what, you know, hear that with the other students, if you can, because was so informative as to the imminent nature of World War III. Excuse me, imminent nature of World War III. I often get that my tips twisted on that imminent and imminent, you know what I mean? But it's okay. We'll let you slide here. We'll also talk about the brick. Uh, bringing a de-dollarizing, uh, the, the economy. So it was a great interview. Catch it, if you can. And, uh, maybe you could share some of the highlights of Roger that would be my. Well, a couple of things he was talking about and de-dollarizing is important because what happens with these countries that don't have to hold these copious amounts of dollars and bonds to buy oil anymore is they let loose of them because they've got a value. Debt has value, you know? And so they start putting them out on the open market, like, for instance, in the bonds. Well, if they start dumping their bonds and somebody doesn't buy them because all the countries are dumping them kind of simultaneously, then what's got to happen? It's either got to be a, the bond market goes upside down because then everybody sees all the bonds out there and that means the price is going down because nobody wants to buy them and then they all get in this. Can we get through the exit door before everybody else? And so that's what starts happening. It's a stampede on it. Uh, or else the Federal Reserve can buy them up off the market with straw purchasers to give the appearance of a valid market. Okay. So on the dollar bills, however, as they come back, don't forget that's been the US's biggest export for decades is debt concurrency. And so all the currency, for instance, Argentina is rumored to have more dollars. So down there than any other country in the world, they got Argentinians who got their mattress full $100 bills. Okay. Well, as that starts leaves value, they will divest themselves of them, put them into the market and guess where they come? They come back to the US and that's partially what your inflation is. And it's probably going to get more intense as this whole situation goes forward and more and more people in countries start releasing their dollars and they are going to be like the swallows that come back to Capistrano annually. And they're going to wing their way back to the US and exacerbate your inflation. It's already there because of money, money printing by these bastards. 40% of the dollars ever put into circulation since 1933 have been put out in the last four years. That's a staggering statistic, folks. But yes, the Wong Kim was very good. I encourage all of you to listen to it. He's got, well, if from what Kim told Alex there in the interview, it was him with his relationship with Elon Musk that he told Musk to put Alex back on Twitter because his voice was needed and also Scott Ritter, he was the guy I mentioned earlier. He credited himself with getting Scott Ritter back on X2. So good interview, very good perspective. He's the one that said, was it him that said yesterday, Ferris, that Putin started bricks? I don't remember if it was him or Scott Ritter, but one of them said that and good on him. Yes, it was Roger. It was who said that Putin, he used the term brainchild. Bricks was a brainchild of Vlad Putin. You know what I call it? You know what I call it? He's the enemy of Soros. We love Putin. He's the enemy of Soros. And I call him Vlad, the destroyer, and I think he's the finest stage. It's more than we could do. Well, I think he's the finest stageman that's been on the world stage in over 100 years personally. I think he's the finest stageman that's been on the world stage in over 100 years. Without a doubt, can you imagine the number of sheeple who support this guy that played the piano with his penis, the guy that is in, what's that country that Putin's at war with? Google it, go to and watch it. But one went to war with who? What country was that that Putin's at war with? Azaria, Ukraine. There's still people that support Ukraine. If you wonder, if you have any future, if your children have anything for the future or your grandchildren, look at how many people think that Putin's a bad guy. Putin is not a bad guy. You got it mixed up. Putin's at war with the occupiers of Palestine. Okay, at war with the people that used to occupy Ukraine too and want it back so that they can take Israel, which they've like a bird that craps all in its nest, is what they've done down there. And because they're surrounded by enemies, they want to take Israel and move it up back to Europe. And they want to put it in the Ukraine. And that comes straight out of his mouth. When this started, he said, we are going to make the Ukraine greater Israel. That's straight from his lips, not mine. Okay. Now, got all kinds of people wanting to say something. Okay, let's try and keep it orderly. Dave, was that you that just had a comment right there? That was, sorry, Raj, I just had to throw that in there. Well, what did you throw in there before we got too far along? What did you throw in there? Oh, I said that Iron Man had a little mixed up that Putin's at war with the occupiers of Palestine. Yeah, true. That's true. Well, we're all at war with those son of a bitches, aren't we? Oh, I know. Well, man, they're behind every evil effort on the face of the globe, aren't they? Am I wrong? You are right, sir. You are right. Never wrong about that. Never. So who else had something to say there? Any of our new folks want to answer that question? Well, they're sketch. I eat not too new, but he's got pertinent things. What's got sketch? Well, somebody from Nollands was asking about the liquidation of infowards. I wonder if you had the comments. They're on the straight. Well, they're on the straight and narrow. It came out yesterday again, because I just heard Alex did a little audio rebuttal of it. The deep states coming out and saying that they're about to get their clutches on it again. They're not. And there's a chance that they may even sell infowards to investors, and this is going to continue like it has been. It's a day by day thing to my knowledge sketch. Okay, but it's not about to get seized at this moment. They've cleared that hurdle. There there is something else going on in Louisiana. And that is that is the commandment being the fourth and every school there. Now, Harlan, Sherri, hold on. The Ten Commandments are being reinstalled in schools in Louisiana. Is that what you just said or did I misunderstand you? Correct. The governor signed that into law, and now others have challenged it, and it's put on all as far as I know. Of course, they're going to challenge it. Well, that's interesting. It gives you some real insight in Louisiana. They had a statewide conservative bloodbath over the last election. Evidently, the whole state voted conservative in every race or almost. So good, good on them. Okay. And I hope that he challenges last time that was challenged was in Alabama with that judge. And I can't even ran for senator. And I can't remember the same right now, but that happened in Alabama, and they did lose. And they got the Ten Commandments taken out of the schools. And I hope Louisiana is a little more successful at it. Because if you look back on this, pardon me? Was that Roy Moore? Yes, Judge Moore, correct. So we'll see if the tide's turning. That's a good indicator, a telltale, if you will, of what's going on in the country, though, I think. More in conservative states than others. What, Murr? American civil liberties groups filed a lawsuit against Louisiana on Monday after the state made it mandatory to display the Ten Commandments from the Bible and school classrooms. It's not just at the school, it's every classroom. Yeah, I post it either. Yeah. And if you ever watch Hacksaw Ridge, which I finally did, because I knew Desmond Dawson, it was very good. But there was a poster in their home with the Ten Commandments like an illustration beside them and stuff. And so, you know, it's a good thing to have around children. Well, I mean, if you look back, it's this turned. You know, after they did Brown v. Board and got the thing solidified, got the internal revenue code in, that was in '54. And then I guess we'd already had Korea a little bit to that point. But we got up into the 60s, and we got up into the changes from the Tavistock Institute with all the music and going after the youth and everything else. And there were two really significant things that happened in that period of time as I look back on and think about it over the years. And one is the most, what I consider the most, well, I guess they're kind of equal though, the the pill, okay, no fault divorce and taking the Ten Commandments and prayer out of schools. All those things that happen in the 60s that really unleashed. Yeah, what was it we're still dealing with? With a no fault divorce, you also had then the pill coming in. So that spent things. That's why I said the birth control position. I think, I think that was one of the worst things that did happen, quite frankly, because it unleashed all of that sexuality that we, some of us anyway, so me too young, but I lived through that and Woodstock and Free Love and Hate Ashbury and all that stuff. Yeah, I like that. Are the remnant juxtapose at the Free Love and Hate Ashbury, that's pretty good. But then we had what? Legalized abortion. That too came right in then too. And it's just been getting worse ever since. So that in Louisiana is putting one of the pegs back in the hole at the foundation. And I applaud him. I don't know who the new governor is. I think he was the Attorney General before he ran for governor that worked with Missouri. For one thing that's got this case, we're still waiting on the decision out of the Supreme Court maybe this week against censorship in the state through Facebook, etc. So good on. Yeah, you know, the Catholic church has some good things, but they're a vestige of another type of control, you know, and apparently they yeah, and in the Ten Commandments, they took out the second one. That's not making up to any graven images and broke covet, the last one into two parts. So that just confuses the issue, you know, so you really need to go to Exodus 20 or Deuteronomy 5 and I think it was a couple of things. Yes, and all that's very correct, but you have to take the victories where you can get them good or small. Yeah, even though they might have some negatives, they're still a victory. So that's the way I look at it. Right, right. The other thing about the Catholic church and procreation is, you know, sex is for conception, but the woman is only fertile for about three or four days at the month. And you can figure out when that is. And the Catholic church really put that out there, the rhythm method. And they don't use it exclusively for procreation. And I can give you not dealing with me, but one of my friends down here, who's got an Ecuadorian girlfriend, she's very nice. They're both in there. He's 67 and she's, you know, not too far behind, but she steeped in Catholicism. And she got a real guilt complex on them sleeping together and went to the priest and all the priests sell them. They got to convert him to Catholicism, which he's never going to do. And it's just a big mess. And they're way too old to procreate. Okay. So it doesn't just apply to procreation. No, they broaden it. Right. But I'm saying, you know, that and what's really good about that is a friend who happened to be Catholic, not practicing or anything gave me this chart about this rhythm method and how it works. And the woman exudes sort of like egg white, you know, to hold on to the sperm at that time to get graphic a little bit. So I explained to a friend who the husband of that family, the husband and wife, he only had one testicle and they weren't having children and they wanted to. And so that helped them have children. Okay. Not to, who was that? I can't remember her name. Doctor, whatever. May I move on? Doctor. That is good information. I'll roll the red red carpet out for you to change the change the subject. I don't feel like who was that female Jew, doctor, doctor, so and so that you have one. A little dwarf. A little dwarf. Oh, yeah, yeah. Ruth. Yeah, Dr. Ruth. Listen, she's in Epstein's little black book. Oh, imagine that. I'm sounding like Dr. Ruth, along with rare Dr. Nurse. Maybe she's his mother. Sometimes, sometimes we speak to Justice Alito. Sometimes I lose control of the conversation here. Yes. What about Justice Alito? What did he do? His wife has an eternity upside down flag. Yep. Does that not go to show that there is a symbolism with the flag? Of course it does. When they're justice. Yeah. Yes, Don. Learn trouble. Yes. Well, and I wish I could remember enough of that. We were supposed to discuss the Viva Fry Barnes thing from Sunday night and from yesterday, if they'll end the show there, sketching. Quite frankly, I've forgotten all of those cases he went over. Do you want to get back on track on that? Well, what I want to speak to is there is a symbolism with a fringe flag regardless. I'm just saying there's a symbolism. I'm sorry. I mean, go ahead, Sherry. I was polling you to see if we should go back over those and how many of them you remembered. Sherry stepped forward. Now Sherry and we interrupted her. Sherry, what were you going to say, Peter? Oh, no. I just want to say that there's a substance in symbolism. And when Justice Alito flies his flag upside down at his own home, we should take notice. Now, I think it was his wife, but he may not have known anything about it at the time. But yeah, it's good for everybody to take notice. They're trying to get him recused because they're so paranoid about all these big Supreme Court cases that have already been decided. There ain't no more additional debate or anything else. It was more of a knee jerk reaction from these idiots who it appears are about to lose, folks. It appears. They've always got a lot of really nasty hole cards, but it appears they're about to lose. So cross your fingers, say some prayers, talk to other people and get more affidavits going in. We can help push them over the edge. If we could get the right appearance in the right audience, we, with our little project here, very well make it help push them over the edge. And I would love that. I would just love that. Sketch. May I say this just came to mind? Sorry, Sketch. Oh, that's okay, Jerry. Cross my heart. Hope to die. Stick a needle in my eye. May it come to pass. Yep. Not for me or anybody else. They're destined to lose. They always lose. Evil always loses to good. And they have gone to great lengths this time knowing that far better than we do on on covering a lot of bases like all the fluoride in the water and all of the unbelievable misdirection they put in our lives and the lies and all that was just trying to make sure that they could win this time. And even this time with all those precautions and premeditated actions, they're not going to win. It appears. It appears to be before you go to sketch their God turns evil into good. I yield. Okay. Okay. Sketch. Well, I think we're going to get to you finally here, but maybe not. And for tranquility in on the radio ranch today, I'm going to yield once I mentioned a few things. So the Viva Barnes, you know, he's talking about direct tax. No enforcement. You know, yeah. And direct tax have to be uniformed. All correct. And the head tax and the 16th minute 1896 and 1896 was a case called Pollock versus something savings alone. And it was the first time they tried to levy a direct tax, a head tax that was not apportioned. And the Supreme Court ruled against them in that Pollock case. And it was a few years later, after the turn of the century, they ran the 16th amendment through to try and overcome that. It didn't technically, but it has actually, unfortunately, go ahead, sketch. Oh, and I just have the 1890, they were taxing labor. And I think that's, and then it was that was abandoned after the war. I'm not sure about that. Right. Yeah. Well, no, no, it was abandoned after they ruled against them in in the Pollock case. Right. Okay. And the 1913 revenue act, the polling tax, it's still undefined, supposedly. And that was, let's see you. Oh, I did. I go ahead. 1913 was when they passed the 16th amendment ratified it falsely. And the important part to look at that is that was the first move they made. The first one was to set up the secondary citizenship after the Civil War. The second one was what you're talking about, right? They're trying to get control. And the first thing they did in the second stanza, if you will, was the 16th amendment. That was fraudulently ratified in the spring in April, March or April. Then in the summer, they fraudulently ratified the 17th amendment, which is removing the senators from being installed from the state legislature. Previous to that time, the states would appoint the senators they sent to DC. And the 17th amendment severed that and made them popularly elected. So they knew they could influence them with money and influence. And they would be able to control the body more and to also stop the state's influence in Washington, DC. When they were appointed by the legislature, they had responsibility back to the legislature to represent the state's interests. And that was severed. Okay. And then, and then only then on New Year's Eve of that year, 1913, a terrible year for the country was Woodrow Wilson, Ballyhooed into signing a Federal Reserve Act when there wasn't even a quorum in the Senate to approve it. So the important thing there is look where they placed the 16th amendment. First, it was the first thing they did was set up the taxing authority. And then if you go forward a couple of decades in 1954, after they overcame Plessy V Ferguson, separate but equal and made both statuses equal, how the hell I don't know. But shortly after that was when they put the 1954 internal revenue code in place. So the first thing they did, and the last thing they did, dealt with taxation. Does that tell you how important it is to them? Comment. It's the Achilles. It's the Achilles heel to the whole scam. Let me finish. It's the Achilles heel to the whole scam. They've got to be able to extract those funds from you to pay the original spicket bondholders their coupon payments to complete the system. Okay. I heard Tom D stick his foot in there. Did I not? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Big foot. Okay. Yeah. He was on their first hang on, Sherry. Please. Fair enough. Okay. Well, I'm always, I'm always. If it's a tie. Well, I just want to really speak to what you just said. I just want to mute you, Sherry. Sherry. I don't want to, but you got to stop this. Stop it. If it's two people at the same time, I always heard of the female. Tom said something. I recognized his voice before what you said. That's why I went to him first. And you've had a lot of time on the air today. And we hadn't even heard from Tom in a couple of days. Tom, what's your input here? The regarding the public case, that was a case that was decided where the plaintiff was complaining that they were taxing the source of the income and the income itself and not separating it. That's why the 16th and then part of the 16th amendment was to be able to tag whatever income from whatever source derived. I think if they had went a little bit further, they would have stuck it. They would have seen that it was a privileged event. And they avoided that in order to avoid any other complications. That was what I got out of that when I read that 30 years ago. I met maybe more. Sherry, now it's your turn. Thank you. The Missouri, no, I'm listening. The Missouri Constitution, the man is entitled to the fruits of his labor. And that's the distinction. Yep. So look to your state constitutions, people. Not that your constitution gives you, but it acknowledges it. Yeah. But if you're a federal citizen that overrides the Missouri state constitution, then in that respect, doesn't it? Yep. Now where Sherry, what Sherry stated came from, excuse me, was Adam Smith's wealth of nations. And Mr. Smith said that a man has to own his labor because it's the only way that a poor man can pick himself up by his own bootstraps and elevate himself from his position. That's right. Yes. Work. And you shall feed yourself. Sorry, Scott, I yield. Oh, that's OK. Great. All day. So they mentioned that gardening, you know, that they wanted to tax gardening. And, you know, if you're cooking food for your family, that's labor. So you're going to have to tax that. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So one thing that I wanted when I brought it up yesterday was the real realization rule and the attribution rule and how gain was severed from the source. I don't, it was pretty complicated for me. We don't want to get into all that here. I don't want to get into all that here. It's much more complicated. I'm not sure. Yes. I just want to know, Scott, you go ahead, please. Well, I just wanted to bring up one last thing. And that was it was interesting how Viva Fry brought up the Jews that were involved in the Pfizer situation that all the people involved with in the government just having to have dual citizenship and were Jewish. And I thought that was pretty interesting that Viva brought that up. Yeah, Viva comes from an interesting position because it was I'm not sure if his mother's Jewish. I guess she was because that's what he claims. But the father was not particularly spiritual and they weren't immersed in all that as they were growing up is what I've gathered from a few of his comments. And that was what gives him gives him a level head instead of being one of these psalmist assholes. Yep. Yep. And I yield, Jerry. Let's see if we can get somebody else in. It's been pretty brisk today, which I appreciate because it makes the show go faster. And we get to do a lot of conversing. Is there anybody in the audience that hasn't had a chance to get in or was intimidated? And we'd like to give you the opportunity to ask your question and make your comment and say hello and give a chance to meet you and welcome you to the group and all that kind of stuff. So if that's you, Melanie, Melanie, come on in here. It's been kind of all over the place. But this morning, when I woke up, I went to TikTok and I saw a Russell hyphen j colon ghoul speak about how he's trying to get the military. And if they don't do, as he says, he's going to take the title one, two, and three or five forget which flag away from them where they can't fly their flag on the globally, and that they can't use them on the baskets, and that they need to shut the borders. And I just wondered if anybody else had seen that Russell Davis rule. He says he's the postmaster general. Let me see if I can pull up what I didn't screenshot of. He does David when Miller stuff. They cause himself work. Oh my God. Oh my God. Yeah, the syntax grammar guys. He's telling them if they don't do well, he's requesting and that he's giving them permission with all these these paragraphs. And I was like, what is he talking about? But he's claiming that he wants the UN liquidated and removed from the American continent. I wondered if anybody else had heard anything about that. Now I try and stay away from those guys. Do you know that where the UN land came from? Melody. New York. Well, it's in New York, obviously. It was owned by the Rockefellers. They donated the land for the UN to be built there. But before the UN was built there, it was a slaughterhouse. And that land. And Lance got all that. Excuse me, that land's got all that blood on it. Yes, Merle, what's your injection? You know what was there before? What's underneath where the slaughter house was? It's an Indian burial ground. Okay, no, I didn't know that. I just knew this. Yeah, specifically done this. And I think what they're going to eventually do is this giant embassy that we built for Israel, basically over in Iraq near Baghdad or Babylon. I think they're going to move the UN there. You watch and see. We built a embassy. There's an enormous embassy that's not being used. Trump went down here. One of the years. I think I've heard about that. He said we should use this for something. They will. Well, hopefully they will. They'll move that bunch of bandits out there in the middle of the dam desert where they need to be instead of New York. Of course, the way New York's getting it might be better to leave them New York. Maybe they'll get mugged. But the main point was, the main point was Roger that this the syntax man was saying that it was the UN that's paying for the funding and that the military must shut down the border to get the UN off of our continent. Well, where's the UN get their money? It's donated by the country saying we are the lion's share that they don't have any commercial activities. They make money to go give it away. And I can tell you years ago, I listened to maybe 30 or 45 seconds of David Windmiller before I hastily shut it off and I've never paid attention to him anymore. Okay. Yeah, he's dead. He's dead. You know, one is because if this is hard enough to get across to people when it's simple, you start throwing that kind of crap, which isn't legitimate, by the way, in there you've lost everybody. Well, he supposedly wrote constitutions for Ireland and Hawaii and different stuff. He's done a lot of different stuff. Yeah, and David Strait was in the seals and advises Trump and he was a Texas Ranger too. Did you know that, Murr? Yeah, there's a lot of claims, a lot of things, right? Yeah, Windmiller, he's, yeah, he's gone anyway. He went to a hospital and they killed him. This was some couple years ago or so though. Yeah. Okay. Thank you, Roger. I yield. Rest in peace, David, Windmiller, and keep your babble down there with you. Okay, who else has got something to add this morning? We've got a few minutes left. Now we go from total Trump and on each other to total silence. Yeah, I know there's some new people out there that have got a question. You're really shy. You think somebody's going to bite you? Go to mercy. Okay. Well, I guess I learned the new day. You did? What'd you learn sketch? I learned the phrase docile depth slaves. I thought that was a good docile depth slave. Well, it is. They probably drank a whole bunch of water with fluoride in it. It must have been. Yeah, that pineal glands totally calcified. Yep. Ma'am, man, don't forget, you know, the way they've got this set up, they have a heading of fluoride. There's over a hundred different compounds that fall under that definition. But they just lump them in their fluoride. Oh, here's a little arsenic fluoride. Well, no, no, fluoride. Just throw it in the water. Yep. Yep. And I also interesting. I think I don't know if it's a phrase, another phrase, or a parabola or what, but it's, it was, it made me think it says mistakes. It could be that the purpose of your life is only to serve as a, a warning to others. Okay. The purpose of your life is, is only to serve as a warning to others. All right. What's been on the wall for a little, a little deep for me the other day. Watch it on the wall, you say, Paul? Yeah. What's been on the wall. That's the philosophy behind our program right here is, you know, whether you do this or not, totally up to you. I'm not going to tell you to do it. I might strongly urge you to, but I'm not going to tell you to do it because that's not my job. Your political status is your decision, not mine, because you've got to live with the consequences, not me. So, but it is my responsibility and my duty to at least inform you that you have a choice that you more than likely did not know you had. And now once that hot potato is dumped in your lap, hey, look what I gave you a little present here. So if you want to stay in the pink cloud, then you can constantly battle your own conscience for the decision you made. And if not, you can reach out your hand and we'll grab it and help walk you down the path to some freedom. Okay. But my mission is fulfilled when I tell you about this. And that's one of the things I like about it, quite frankly, Paul. Excuse me. Thank you, Roger. And may I. Well, that's two or three of you go ahead, Sherry. Oh, Lewis, Sherry's going to give it. Okay. Well, we have to remember when we come on to this call that we have to be respectful to each other. And regardless of what our thoughts are and what we put forth, it should not be ridiculed. Just saying. Well, we don't. We try not to ridicule people too much. I don't think occasionally somebody will come on here and say something that hits me wrong. But that's pretty rare these days. I'm not speaking of view. Yeah. So I appreciate you, Roger. I can I can hop right in your your do-do. Okay. But I try not to do that anymore. So now there were several other people besides Sherry there that we want to say something sketch was one of them. I think there was another female. So the other female, if it's you, come forward. And if not, we'll go to sketch. Other female? It's Kathleen. Again. Kathleen. Yes, Kathleen. Yes, dear. When you were talking in Florida in the water, I don't know how many people are familiar with the atrazine chemical they've been putting in. Yes. And I just discovered this the other day. It makes the frogs. It makes the frog. It makes the frog. It's hard. Kathleen. It's her and I have a hard time duplexing here. It makes the frogs gay. Go ahead, please. Right. And so they experimented with the frogs, but they've been putting it in water and they were also putting it in school lunches. You know, especially the poor were on the school lunches. And so there was a guy that didn't, this is on rumble if you put atrazine. And he didn't experiment. He had his child buy lunch for a week and he said, don't eat the school lunch, put it in a plastic bag and bring it home. And so he sent this off to be tested. And it showed this atrazine and, you know, which is feminizing a lot of the men. First of all, they are less likely to fight and also, you know, to destroy the testosterone for reproduction. So, but they've been putting it in the water. But, you know, just, you know, I stumbled across this, but it just made me think that they plan everything out so calculated and how they've done this whole movement because they've been putting atrazine in the water in the school lunches. This was like back in 2007 that this guy discovered. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. You know, this movement come out. They've planned a long time ago job. I already chemically probably put that in vaccines too. I mean, God knows what they put in all these back. I mean, I just proved to you with that little tax example that they work at least 60, 50 years at a time, at least. So, yeah, they're very slick. And that's what most people don't understand. They go, oh, they're so stupid. They're not stupid. The people that are executing it now, this fifth tenth generation probably don't have the some of the advantages there earlier forefathers did, but they they're still very dangerous. And that's why I tell you to respect these people. Folks, and you ought to be gathering a healthy respect for them by learning our information on how they pull this off and why nobody, nobody even our finest attorneys, even though they stumble right over it, don't see it. Don't be at least back door evil. Expose you can. You can't see this unless somebody points it out to you. I know no better example to give you that than Robert Barnes. He stumbles all are all around this all the time, you know, the we were talking about one of the decisions of the Supreme Court a while back and came back and he was kind of beaming there in his little beaming attitude. And he goes, the 14th amendment was the great equalizer. And you know what? He's right. But he's wrong because he doesn't know what it equalized you to. And he doesn't understand the separation that they've hidden with that little brown versus board of education decision. So it's right there in front of them and they flat ass can't see it. Okay. It's amazing how slick these guys are. Respect them. You don't have to like them. You hate them like I do, but you better damn well respect them. Yes. Sorry, buddy. I just want to catch you for the show ends. Please check your email. I sent a couple of emails to you this morning. Oh, my gosh. We're working on it. Oh, okay. Check that in and I need to get some clarification. All righty. We'll do that as soon as we get off here. And thank you very much. Anybody else got comments here this morning? We've got a few minutes. If you need to call me, you can also, by the way. Okay. Thank you. I have one. Okay. Murr, you've been very vocal today. Here we haven't heard from you in weeks or longer. And today it's been the Murr show. Yes, ma'am, what you got? Yeah. Respect also called a steam. I would say be wary of them. Be aware. Don't respect. Oh, yeah. Exposed evil. I don't respect. I just think it's a bad word to use in. Well, I'm sorry. You respect them and that heightens your awareness of them. But I have a respect for them. And I guess we just disagree on that. Well, what's it? No respect to a demon. Thank you, Dave. I yield. Okay. Well, the point being, you better be damn well aware that they've got some incredible capabilities of accomplishing things that you can't even see 150 years later when it's put right in front of you. Well, they control the currency. So of course, they're going to control everything. No, I'm talking about I'm talking about the 13th and the 14th amendment. They've been right in front of people for over 150 years. Nobody's seen this whole constitution. The articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union were much better. They kept that doesn't have anything to do with what I I don't have anything to do with what I said, Murr. Well, they're right there because it's been it's been a step by step process. And so you're right that that goes back then. But even further beyond that is they snuck the Constitution in on us. They were supposed to go to Philly to find how to improve the articles of Confederation. And instead they rewrote something else and swore each other to secrecy for 50 years. Well, all they had to do was find out how to get representatives from each state every meeting so they could get things done. And they evidently use that little roadblock. And there's probably others to formulate a constitution. Well, the constitution the Constitution, no, the Constitution has served pretty well until they did this with the 13th and the 14th amendment. Okay, that's where it went off the tracks. Now the Constitution has always been about protecting the government from the people. There was no government, Murr. There wasn't a federal government officially until the Civil War. Please think through some of your statements a little better. Well, I'm not going to argue that point because there kind of was. Well, you can't because you're this true. It's a constitution served pretty well from when the time it was first passed until the 1864. Then it went off the rails. Well, depends on how deep you dig the deeper you dig, the more you find you've been lied to about everything. That may be. Maybe. Okay, got a couple of minutes. Yes, ma'am, you let's just say we have to work with what we have. Well, you had we have that Constitution. And so let's not just derail that on our own behalf. What we need to do is withdraw participation as much as we can as soon as we can. It'll be different for each of us. I don't want to withdraw my participation. I'd like the protections that it offers myself, personally, Murr. Yeah, protect the government. This is the right to bear arms, the right to free speech. I think you've been listening to some people that are not on the right track, but going. No, I've been digging for myself. Alex Jones, Roger. I'd love there's a lot of things I'd like to tell Alex Jones about how damn wrong he is virtually on everything he spouts about World War II and hit ad-off Hitler. I'd love to have that conversation with him, Dave. Well, that's that's his duty. What about his right to free speech, though? They're destroying him over that or, well, they're trying to squash a bunch of people on that. Look at what they did. They're just letting the guy loose after 10 years in jail, a massage. A foreign tournament, it's the most infringed amendment that we have, or the most infringed article. And the reason they call them, or the reason they call them amendments is so they can amend them. You know, it was the first amendment of the constitution was going to fight, but it's still there are, well, they're not. No, I don't think they're amendments. No, the constitution was written and they went back and because of Patrick Henry and the other states demanded additional things added to it. That's where the Bill of Rights came from, and it was after the constitution was finished, Dave. Oh, I understand that. I know I said that it amended the constitution. Thank God. The Bill of Rights amended the constitution. Yes. Absolutely. And they are speaking out of the bunch of them. That we, as people, trusted them that they did take that forth three years later. See, they took advantage of a word not being able to be spread amongst the colonies fast enough. They jumped on that like a June bug, okay, to keep themselves from being hanged for what they were doing with the money at the time. Look at all the work that was done to the money. You had to have a million, I mean, a thousand acres of land to be the governor and 500 acres of land to be the guy under the governor. And how many people in America, we the people actually had a thousand or five hundred or ten acres. Patrick Henry turned down appointments because they required him to swear an oath to that constitution. He didn't attend the convention in 1787 in Philly. That was in an upstairs room that was draped off so you couldn't see in and had guards at the door because he smelled a rat leaning towards monarchy, and he predicted the Civil War, too. I have a question, if I may. I don't know if I can stop them all long enough to let your question be put in, Kathleen, but we'll try. This is Lisa. Lisa, I'm sorry, sweetie. We don't have much time. If there was no federal government, who did Washington use to invade Pennsylvania and the whiskey rebellion. Actually, it was Alexander Hamilton using Washington, and they had the way to do it. 13,000 or 30,000 soldiers to go after the ones that were making whiskey that were poor and using it like a current. I just kind of thank you, Murb. I was trying to wander in Roger's opinion on that. Thank you, Mayor. Well, I don't know. I mean, what gives them the authority to go out and have an ambassador to England and France and not all the states? Where did that come from? There was a loosely organized way that accomplished what the states needed the way I understand it, Lisa, but they didn't have a political status. They were either a member of a state like Washington was. I'm not sure which state he was from, actually. But the others that didn't have a attachment to a state citizenship were stateless. Well, that's where I was kind of, you know, because I would think the military at that time. I'm not sure about how the revolutionary military, but we had state militias. So somehow they would call the several states together. Great. I would think so. And then they were willing to do that against another of their states as kind of bizarre. Another of their states. What do you mean? Well, like Pennsylvania. So I would imagine in that federal army, there's, you know, from the different states at that time, their militias were organized together and they were willing to go against Pennsylvania. Yes, because they were being continued on the other side. Hang on guys, trying to close it. They were being close us out, man. I'm going to, I'm going to turn the show over to murder. She'll introduce it and do the show tomorrow. Okay. I know. Thank you, Roger. Lasting. Okay. I'll, I guess we'll find the cost of freedom. They were being invaded, weren't they, Lisa? Lisa was being invaded by Pennsylvania. The state. My understanding of what happened was that it was about the whiskey. Well, it was. But before that, they were being invaded by Britain and they got malicious from all the different states combined to fight them under the common flag of the country. Now, after the country was founded in, you had those, it was a tax problem. And I just, I don't have the answer to the question, honestly. Okay. So, I care, I'm here to talk to you about getting yourself free from the federal government, how to do it, why? And I just don't know. Right now, that's just always been a fishy thing to me. I just don't seem right. And it was a form of treason, I think. Well, it was. And it was also, according to them and their authority, the fact that they weren't paying tax on the liquor. And that they evidently did have authority over. So, I don't know. Okay. All I know is we're finished with the two hours. And I'm going to go to lunch here in a few minutes. And I'm going to be back tomorrow. And Mer is going to do the show for us. So, I'm in an interview. No, I'm not. Roger, before you go. Before the 13th amendment, when Lincoln invaded Missouri and Maryland, which was the impetus to the war between the North and the South. Yeah, there were three states. I think the everyone was Kentucky. Well, that might be your thought, Roger. I don't know what your I don't know. No, you don't want my thoughts. I've done two hours of radio. See, you guys listen and participate. I have to focus on this 100%. At the end of two hours, I'm about spent. Okay. Mer, you get some radio over there. You know what I'm talking about. So, uh, so I'm going to see you all tomorrow. Okay. And if you got questions, I'm going to talk about you. Thank you very much. See you all then. We'll see what happens. Thank you, sketch. Thank you, Mer. Thank you all. Thank you, Paul. See you then. Ciao. Enjoy your lunch, Raj. That bell is really loud. Apologize. I'm hot today. Is that a bicycle bell? No, no, actually, it's a bell that my mother gave me. So, actually, and, uh, I just put the ringer in it about three weeks ago. It hadn't had a, uh, singer in it, but it is a, I did your bell. I might think, uh, it says a bicycle bell to me. Remember the bicycle bells we all have on our bikes when we were kids? They're quite sound like that, though. That has kind of a raspy, you know, where it's like a gear thing in it. The kind he has is like when you ring for help, right? For your servants. That's, that's because it's exceedingly loud and it's kind of distorted on his end. Uh, that's it for the Radio Ranch with Roger Sales on and global voice Also additional platforms, 106.9 WBO UFM, Chicago home and hn4, freedom, go live tv and stream For more information on the topics discussed, please go to That is and you will find links to Eurofolk radio, global voice radio and the free conference call in zoom links. So you can actually join us on the show. That is if you can get a word in edgewise. You can also find a new student section where, uh, if you're brand new to this, you can really, really get a head start on what happened and what you can do to fix it. I'm Paul from Global Voice Network. That's it. This show is in the can and going to bed. Hold up Paul. If you can't get the matrix to work, use expose the I yield. That's a completely different website. is the primary site. Exposed the matrix is still a development site. So thank you. Talk to you later everyone. Bye. Blasted voice offering them worldwide. You're listening to the Global Voice Radio Network. Bye bye boy. Have fun storming the castle. ♪ Now you're breaking the chains ♪