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Ed George Coaching Session


1h 37m
Broadcast on:
22 Jun 2024
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You can find out more about the Edmund George coaching calls by going to channel edgeorge44. I don't know exactly what we're going to be talking about tonight, but I know it's going to be informative. I know it's going to be enjoyable. And I know you are going to walk away enlightened and informatize. So let's get started. Forward moving and focused on freedom. You're listening to the global voice radio network. Even an ed. How you doing? Oh, I'm doing supreme. There you go. But what are we going to talk about tonight? We're going to do a mini coaching session here on claiming your sovereignty back. It's a four part mini seminar, rather. Oh, for me, serious, got to love that. Yeah. Okay. I was like, finally, okay. Welcome everyone. My name is Edmond George. I am your host tonight. And this is coaching session number 96 today's date is Saturday, June 22nd, 2024. Before I get started, let me stay for the record. This coaching session is for information purposes only. It is not intended for any legal advice. I also share this information each week to help wake up others to what is going on in the world in hopes that other like minded people will pick up on this information and share it with others. I want to emphasize that I am not perfect. Sometimes I may make mistakes. Whatever, I do my best to do diligence and research prior to sharing any information. If you want to excuse me, tonight, my voice is a little hoarse, anyhow, a lot of talking this week. This is going to be a four part mini seminar. And this is what I do with the complete package that offer this goes out in there. And it is done and did this last year, but we're going to go over it again this year. In order to fix something, you must know what the cause is in order to correct and fix it. This seminar is for information purposes only. It is not intended for any legal advice. The difference is between the spirit build man, slash woman, example, the firstborn baby from the human creature, the after birth. That's what they're after when they come at you. They're coming after that name on the birth certificate. They'll never tell you that. Are you wondering what is going on in the world and in the government's in courtrooms? Let's look at what Pope benefits the eighth said on November 18th, 1302. You can find this quote on www.pope P-A-P-A-L-E-N-C-Y-C-L-I-C-A-L-S dot net forward slash b-O-N-O-A forward slash B-A-U-N-A-M dot HTML. It's where it came from. And this is what it says, the quote, "The spiritual man judges all things and he himself is judged by no man and he himself is not subject to any man's judgment. The man who is spirit filled God within him, meaning the spiritual man, the man that the spirit is filled with in him, that has the God within him, has the God-spirit-like force within him is the very thing that gives him life." Now the afterbirth doesn't have that. That's what they created the birth certificates with the fictional name. "Therefore, whoever resists his power thus ordained by God resists the ordinances by God unless he invents two beginnings of the work beginnings, two of them, two life things. According to the testimony of Moses, is it not in the beginnings but in the beginning that God created heaven and earth, there is no such thing as two beginnings. This is how they stank and operate, therefore we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely, absolutely necessary for the salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman part of the member of the most respected of colleagues, of priests, of the Roman religion. So they are determining the spirit filled man example force first born baby from the creature, that human creature, that beast, that monster, that thing, that afterbirth, that is subject to the Roman pontiff because it is without spirit-like force. So we have to look up what human creature means in the legal realm. In creature it says see person. The words person and whoever include corporations, companies, associations, firms, partnerships, securities or societies and joint stock companies as well as individuals. So that definition is United States Code 1-1 and the term corporation, a person created by statute as a legal entity, Black's law dictionary 6th edition page 34 and Dumont College versus Woodward 17 U.S. written 518 U.S. Supreme Court days. So let's look up entity, entity AB that possesses separate existence for taxing purposes, Black's law dictionary 6th edition page 532. The term include, include within the statute is interpreted as a word of limitation, Black's law dictionary 6th edition page 763. The term individual means pertaining or belonging to the characteristics of one single person such as a corporation, companies, associations, firms, partnerships, societies and joint stock companies, Black's law dictionary 6th edition page 773. So they took the aftervert the second born to create a like image of you to create other things like corporations, companies, associations, firms, partnerships and stock companies as well as individuals. Well, we know what individuals are, it's a single person. It's a single corporation. And the pontiff is the priest of the Christ, he's the standing. So those human creatures need someone to stand in for, to intervene for its salvation, but not yours, not the living man or woman. That second coming, that second birth is the sacrifice, it's the lamb, it's the thing that they are using globally for your salvation, but you do not need salvation when you are a spirit filled man or woman. The second coming, the creature, the human creature, that after birth is the very thing they are after in all courts today. However, the spiritual man/woman, the spirituality, nature, living man or woman, judges all things. They question, examine and apply the Holy Spirit reveals, yet they are, they, the men/woman are judged by no one or no man. However, the baby through history came out of the war. It was tugged through the birth canal. It was docked at the dock by the dock tender and a bill of lading was filled out and received on the cargo where its soul was taken. Its soul place, the footprints, was taken from the baby. If you don't have a question, please mute out, start six. Give me just a moment, I will take care of it, I'll mute everybody but you. There we go. All participants are muted and they can unmute themselves. Yes, when you have a question, you can unmute yourself by pressing start six. I'll get to that in a few minutes here. Students were taken from the baby, the placenta was taken, they took the baby's soul, sent it out with a tug and it was presumed dead, lost at sea until it shall return and claim its minor estate. In fact, no position delivers a baby, only doctors do. Doctors are the docked tender because the baby is a vessel, a ship. That's where the all capital name comes from. If you look at any name on a ship, they're in all capital letters. No one disclosed the terms and conditions of the contract and yet your mother/father were handed all this paperwork to fill out and you were only told and you can find this in any nursing manual in hospitals. This is just to register your baby with the state and give it a name and you fill out the paperwork and your name, a name the baby and you sign it as informant. I can tell you this for a fact, if you look at any long form or certificate on the one that I had from New Jersey under, I think it's about 17, it lists my mother as informant. Doesn't list her as the mother, list her as an informant. So let's dig into this. What is the legal definition of informant? Answer someone who gives up someone to another. Thereby giving the title and the equity of your newborn baby to the state. This creates the doctrine called parents parte, it's Latin for the state is your parent. It's also parent of the country, a doctrine that grants the inherent power and authority of the state source This is how they take control of you and your family's life. This is why so many people are having trouble with child protective services out there. That's where they get the control to come in, tell you what you can do with your kids and how they raise them. However, no terms and conditions of the contract were disclosed to you. No full disclosure was given to you. No honest and full disclosure, no two way in signature, no one's there with the security license, insurance license and it all went down through fraud. However, through fraud you were licensed, bonded, insured. Your vessel was created, a trust was created, Citus Q bail trust, which is an individual trust that is the underneath the umbrella of the public charitable trust. The public charitable trust act of 1882, curated a public charitable trust, a Citus Q trust, created the individual trust that everyone has through the birth certificate registration. On the birth certificate, there's a bank name because it's on bonded paper and there's a Q-sub number. What is a Q-sub number? It's an investment control number that's regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission. So, how is this directly connected to your birth certificate or certificate of birth certificate? Answer, state owns the certificate of birth or birth certificate and the names on them. Here's a few examples and you can look this up in any state under the vital statistics records. You'll find that the state owns the name and the birth certificate itself. Rules of the Department of Public Health, Chapter 511-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1- Rules of the Department of Public Health. Chapter five one one just one day straight vital records. Forms all forms certificates and reports used in the system of vital records are the property of Georgia Department of Public Health and shall be surrendered to the state register of the vital records here and after referred to as the state register upon demand. That's Georgia state of Georgia. Let's look at New Jersey here. My favorite state. New Jersey statutes title 26 health and budget statistics records. 26 colon 8 dash 1 they define what a person is right in the vital statistics records. Person includes corporations, companies, associations, societies, firms, partnerships and joint stock companies as well as individuals. It goes on to say when used to designate the owner of the property which may be the subject of an offense includes this state. Now let me clarify this. This state is spelled in upper and lower case letters. That is your sub-corporation of the United States. But moving on offense includes this state, the United States and any other state of the United States as defined in foreign countries are governments lawfully owning or possessing property within this state. That's in the vital statistics records of 26. Yeah 26, 1 dash 1 dash 2 of New Jersey. Now we look at the word state. It says extends to and includes any state, territory or possession of the United States, the District of Columbia and the Canal Zone. New Jersey statutes, 1 colon 1 dash 2. We're going to look at one more here. North Carolina general statutes article 4 vital statistics section 138-93. Chapter 161 section B and I quote all birth records in data are state property and shall be managed only in accordance with the official disposition instructions prepared by the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources. I don't know about you but that sure sounds like cattle to me. Let's look at the Social Security Administration's operating procedure manual when you fill out to get a Social Security number. The manual is RM10212.001 and it defines the legal name for Social Security Number purposes. So when you go get a Social Security number this is what they define the legal name as. It says a legal name consists of a first name and a last name. Part 2, it says middle name. We do not consider the middle name part of the legal name and section 2 of that operating manual says. The given name, first name and middle name is not part of the legal name. That should be evidence of a legal name. One, U.S. born individual in general. A U.S. born persons legal name is the name shown on his or her U.S. birth certificate. Now they switched it from a state birth certificate to a U.S. birth certificate. Okay. Every taxpayer is a citizen to trust having significant interest in the preventing abuse of the trust to be recognized in the field of this court's prerogative jurisdiction as relation to in the proceedings to set sovereign authority in motion by action. This case is inrym loans. That's B.O.L.E.N.S. 1912. 135 Northwest Reporter 164. Washington Supreme Court. So they define what a taxpayer is. It's a citizenship trust. It ain't people. It ain't men and women. What does the government mean when they state it is a matter of national security? It means the birth certificate is the security. A security is a financial instrument that represents an ownership position in a publicly traded corporation's stock. A creditor relationship with government body or a corporation body or rights to ownership as represented by an opinion. A security is a negotiable financial instrument that represents some type of financial value. The company or entity that is used to security is known as the issuer. Section 933 Securities Act. The Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, referred to in text, is an act of June 6, 1934. Chapter 404, 48 STAT 881, as amended, which is classified generally in this chapter under Section 78(a). The Commodity Exchange Act, referred to in this act September 21, 1922, chapter 369, act 42 STAT 998, as amended, which is classified generally in chapter 1, section 1. U.S. Code Title VII, Agricultural, Section 2, Definitions. When used in this title, unless the context otherwise requires, the term security means any note, stock, treasury stock, security future, security-based swap bonds, dentures, evidence of indentures, certificates of interest, and participation, collateral trust, certificate, transferables, security investments, voting trust certificate. If you ever registered to vote, there you go, voting trust certificate. You just created a bond for them to sell on the stock market. Certificate of Deposit, there you go, there's your bank deposits, for a security, financially, financial, undivided interest in oil, gas, or other mineral rights, any part, sell, stable opinion, or privilege on any security thereof, or any part, call stable opinion, or privilege entered into the national securities of exchange relating to foreign currency, or in general, any interest, or instruments commonly known as a security, or any certificate of interest, temporary, or in-term certificate, or receipt, or guarantees, or for warranties, or rights to suitable to the purchase of any of the foregoing. Almost everything out there that's negotiable instruments is a security. So how does this, how does one correct this fraud? This is why judges say this is a case. Planet Parenthood, Southern Pennsylvania versus Casey, that was the Secretary of State back then, 505 US 833, and this is what the main quote in that case, it was involving sovereignty. It says those matters involving the most intimate and personal choices a man may make in a lifetime, choices central to personal dignity and autonomy, and at the heart of liberty is the right to define one's own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life. End of quote. Well, we had to look up with autonomy means, independence, or freedom as of the will or one's actions, self-government, the right of self-determination. Now let's look at Chisholm versus Georgia. This is a significant case. This is a case where a guy down in Georgia sued the state of Georgia, claiming they weren't sovereign. They turned around and they jailed the guy because he claimed they weren't sovereign. However, he did win the case, and this is what the court said. It says at the revolution, the sovereignty dissolved on the people. They are truly the sovereigns of the country, and they are the sovereigns without subjects and have none to govern but themselves. The citizens of America are equal as fellow citizens and as joint tenants in the sovereignty. Sovereignty is the right to govern. Or state sovereignty is the people in whom that resides. So, of course, I certainly hope you're going to email all this stuff to me later tonight so I can put it up in the public box folder. This is good stuff. Absolutely. For just about minutes here, I'm going to open it up here. So, courts are recognizing the spirit-filled man or woman who judges all things, and they themselves is judged by no man, and they themselves are not subject to any man's judgment. Simply put, the spirit-filled man or woman is the government, as in the body of the people, part of the state or the nation. This is done through continued knowledge and a series of paperwork I have created to assist one in declaring their status, standing, and dominion. I will get into that paperwork later on in next seminar. If anybody wants information on that, they can contact me directly at Point me in this subject line. Status, correction. So, let's open this up for questions. Let me make a quick announcement first. A lot of this information, at least recently, over the last month or so, is posted on On, you will find the phone number to be able to join us on free conference call, either by dial-up or connecting by smartphone, tablet, or computer. You will also find links to the edgeorge44 channel on rumble. You will find invite links for the telegram and signal groups, and you will also find a link to a Google Drive, a docs folder,, and there you will find the materials that are read on the program and other supplementary informative stuff. So,, learn it, live it, believe it, remember it, write it on your pillow so you can sleep, learn it. Anyway, that's it. Thanks, Ed. Thank you, Paul. I can tell you from first-stage experience, this does work. I did it back in 2017. I have not been bothered by any of them at any level, whether it's taxing issues, whether it's the right to travel, whether it's property tax issues, which I'd helped a lot of people with that issue. It does work. It's paperwork does work, but you got to learn it. You got to be able to understand it, or more appropriately said, comprehend it. And you have to be able to defend it, and you can't defend it if you don't know it. Right, and that's why when you get the package, you have access to me for one-on-one to walk you through the paperwork. I've done videos exactly what you need to do with the paperwork. That's on, and Edgeorge44, coaching session 27 to 30, I walked through all the paperwork. Hang on. Let's open this up for questions, comments, suggestions. All you have to do is press star six, don't meet yourself. Somebody's got to have questions? Well, I think their heads are still spinning, or you did an excellent job of explaining it, could be either. Well, it is a lot of information. It is a lot to observe where people go out, how can that be that it's related to the birth certificate? Well, I've got a question. Go ahead. Go ahead. And it's passed with something I didn't know at the time, still learning. I had an issue with a business. Basically, it was, you served, and it was actually stolen. And I, because I had done a procedure to, well, it was everything was stopped, and what happens is I found out that they not only emptied the building, which was pretty large, I still don't have any of the material. They subsequently, there were a number of people within the City of New York that did this. And I have, because I've talked to one who admitted that he had, you know, put sent, he sent workers and so on to do that. Well, that's what I was told to do. Bottom line is they went after the former owner, somehow they did something with them. I'm not sure exactly. And not only did they steal everything, I was never, I was never known on any of this. It was a sign inside the building regarding my, you know, contact, because it never contacted me, call or write or anything. And then they later subsequently knocked the building down. It was a ceramic building, too. I mean, it wasn't a wooden building. It was a, you know, other than the roof. So I know it's a major thing here. I know I've got a, because I mentioned to someone at one time, I said, he's got a multi-million dollar, you know, this is a very, very large thing to after these people, what they did. I was just wondering, is that something that you could help with that on something like that? Or is that something that, you know, you just have materials that I can basically clean and start going after this? Because this is, this happened about a year, just about a year and a half ago, exactly a year and a half ago. Well, I don't have anything specifically for paperwork on that kind of subject. I do have paperwork that you could modify and structure to your specific situation. The only assistance I could give you on that is if you create the document before you actually file it on whatever claim you're going to put in. I can review it and assist you in correcting the terminology and stuff that may be errors that may put you in their system. Okay. When you said you didn't do that, you didn't do that through email. Okay. That procedure you did back in 2017, so it was like seven years ago, approximately. And you said that, no, that's probably in the materials that I, some of the things I've gotten from you, was I have to do that. I, because my question is this, is that you travel and you have, you've been stopped, but you had no issues. In other words, you basically just gave them your passport card. And I think you said you had them running or whatever. And they basically said, hey, have a nice day or whatever, and didn't bother any further. That is correct. I'm putting on what they call the blue list. Right. I know if you're not ready. Okay. And I know that you travel, I think you said you have, you do use the DOT number that you had gotten. And that, I was just wondering, with seeing that, I guess people would probably run that or the cops that would, if they'd see that, they could run it and they're going to find out, hey, don't bother this, man. Is that pretty much worth it? That's true. Yes. Now, for new people that have not gotten the DOT number, they cut that process, get a non-commercial DOT number at this point. But we do have a federal lawsuit pending right now. And the reason I did that, the reason I did that federal lawsuit and it is specifically on the right to travel is so we can help other people and eliminate all this crap of getting pulled over, getting yanked out of your car, getting these bogus tickets, or driving them out of license, registration, insurance, all that crap. Too many people have had that happen to them in the past and it's time to put that to bed. That's why I did it. Even though I'm a plaintiff in the case, along with four others, I don't have any issues. But I went after New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, North Carolina, and Georgia. Five of us involved in that and that is still pending. I want to tell you something. I've talked to a lot of different people that that is the biggest issue people have. Believe it or not, with everything, that is the biggest, because number one, there are people who have been trucked out of their car. Some have been tasers. A lot of them have their cars taken. They basically would just tow it away and some people would just walk there. And they've been known to get rid of people. Someone bought themselves somewhere. They showed them that, "Hey, he tried to do this or she tried to do that," and I'm just saying, there's a lot of people that still have issues with travel. That's why I brought it up. So. That's a big money maker for the corporation. Exactly. Yeah. Okay. All right then. Thank you. Anybody else have a question? Christard Sips. Mr. Darryl. Hey, Darryl. You said you had your passport done and you're on the blue list. So what did you all do to stop the property tax issue? Oh, I have a simple draft of letter that challenges them and tells them they need to reclassify it as private property. I did it myself on my own property that I had about 10 years ago. I've since sold that. But yeah, they stopped charging me taxes. Did you have to, did you show your passport or anything like that that you were? No, not back then. No. Back then, I didn't have the passport. There's about 10, about 11 years ago now. Okay. It's a simple letter. You have a notice with that letter and that checked it, huh? Yeah, it did it. You know, I had to go in there and educate the guy a little bit. I had one on one meeting with him and explained it and he finally said, "Well, he checked it out. He checked the laws out and he said, "Well, I think you're right, okay. We'll reclassify it." Because what they do, is they classify it as residential, commercial, and industrial. All three of those classifications are commercial in nature. They have to have it reclassified as private property. Okay. And remove the street address. Okay. But send me email. I'll send you that document. Yeah, if it's in trust and stuff like that, does that make any difference? Would they usually classify the trustee as the owner? Yeah, no. I think you can do it with the trust too. Okay. Yeah. Okay, I appreciate that yield. Sure. Anybody else? Questions? How do you get your mail if they remove the address? I use general post office over in Gilbert. I go pick it up there. So you have to go pick up your mail once a week or something like that? Yeah, that's what I do. I've been using general post office now for 30 years now. So is that general post office, general delivery, or rural free delivery? No, just general post office. And then the address of the post office. There's actually a law on that. So you use general, you address it to your name, care of general post office, and then the address of the post office or just the city and county that post office is in. No, the way I address it is by putting my name, Evan George. Gilbert post office at general post office. Gilbert, New York, fully spelled out. Period. No zip code. Wow. Okay. I get the mail. The way I start general post office is I just mail myself something. If I move to another area, I just savage whatever area it is. I just send myself something. I walk in about a week later. They haven't got to pick up like that. Of course, at the very first time you do that, they're going to ask you for ID. But once they get to know you, they won't. Unless there's a friggin new guy. Okay. Thank you. Well, they have to educate them. I just happened to have that happen over here. Gilbert, the postmaster retired, and they got a new guy in there, and he told you got to have a general delivery, as he told. And I just educate him. He goes, oh. So what they do at the Gilbert post office, they have a little box with my name on it. Anytime mail comes in, they drop it in that box. I have a question about that. Yes. Go ahead. So can you switch that over before you get rid of your street address and do just the general post office? What I would do is go to the post office and get one of those change of address forms. Put the old address that you were using. Put the new address as general post office without a zip code. So all your mail will start going to general post office. You got to choose a post office that's somewhat close to you. You don't want something that's 50 miles away from you. Right. I appreciate that. Thank you. Yep. And that information is also included in my package on correcting your status. Kind of fact, let me just run a little bit again down here. Question, do you have to rent a box, or do they just give me some questions? No, I don't read no box. This is Brian again, if no one's asking the question, I had something to add on to that. Because I had spoken last week, and I got up something today, with the power company. And the woman in the conversation, well, don't you reside there, you're using the word reside. And I try to, maybe I shouldn't have even said anything. If you have an issue with the power company or whatever, and it's a possibility of a shut off unless you put up so much dollars or whatever. If someone is coming to your property, and because this happened, someone put a sign up or put something a sticker on something where they had to go up to a lot of trouble to just put it on the door on the front door. It's not used. So is that considered if your property is and you have signs all over private property, do not enter, keep out, and they go on your land. Is that something that you can now go after them, or are they going to basically just hey, we'll just take care of this guy, we'll just cut his power off, that's the thing. He's private property, we don't deal with private property. I think we discussed this previously. You have to go see if there's an adhesive contract with the electric company, and usually that's on their website. Okay, you did mention that, yes. Okay, I don't know, I have to check that. General Post Office is biblical, and the way it was established back in the day before we had cars and all that, they had what they called post riders. And if it was going, say, from one state to another territory, one post rider would meet another at a specific area and give him that letter and move on to its final destination. And there used to be just a post in the middle of a town, and they just stick the letters on there and people would come into town, say once a week, look at that post and see if they've seen any letters with their name on it. Well, they had left, they had weather issues, so eventually they built a little building around that post. And you had to have the key access, so they gave everybody in town access to it, and they kept it clear from the weather. That's where General Post Office comes from. It's the private side. Now, there is a General Post Office on the commercial side strictly for the government's business. But let me read this case here, because a lot of these places I'm hearing, they're trying to convert you into using General Delivery. This is a court case out of Washington. And what they were doing is preventing this guy, let's see what this name is here. It doesn't say his name here. It was a couple people, actually. They were preventing them from using General Delivery, and they went to court on this. And this is dated August 31st, 2001. It's in violation of the domestic mail manual D930, indefinite General Delivery mail service. Now, I don't recommend using General Delivery, but if you want to, you can use that indefinitely. But what these post offices, these workers there, they say, "Oh, well, you can only use that for 30 days." That's not true. What they're really saying about the restriction on General Delivery is if a piece of mail comes in on the first of the month, and you don't pick it up for 30 days, on the 31st day, they can send it back to whoever sent it. So you need to pick it up within the 30-day window. That's what it really says. Here's what the court said. It says, "Transients and customers, not permanently located, are specifically identified as intended recipients for General Delivery mail, domestic mail manual D930, 1-1." General Delivery is also intended for those who want post offices, boxes, who qualify for one. Well, I could walk in and any post office to try to get a post office box. They're the first thing they're going to ask me is for a street address. Well, I don't have one. I'm sorry. Well, you don't qualify. I've been through that. So the court has ruled on this when they tell you, "Oh, you can only use it for 30 days." That's a bunch of crap. They will only hold that piece of mail for 30 days. If you don't pick it up then, then they have the right to send it back. But General post office is not in the domestic mail manual. It's biblical. So does anybody else have any questions? This is Kent. Can you hear me? Yes. I was talking to a gentleman earlier today who I believe told me that he was going to come to your call tonight. He was raising the question about the successes that are claimed. We'll just use this call as an example of what you're saying has happened to you on the road and they leave you alone, tax issues leave you alone, property tax issues, et cetera. The way he views it is that these are all self-proclaimed issues. We're not hearing anything from the other side. And, of course, we know why that's the case. However, some people that have been around this for a long time have become very skeptical about what kind of results can be had. So I wonder if you might comment on that because this is not the first time this issue has come up with other people. And, you know, I explained to him in one instance, I had recalled you saying something about you went over to the police car to cruise there, and he would let you look at what was up there, but he wouldn't let you photograph it or he wouldn't print it out, whatever the case was, or said he couldn't print it out. So maybe you can elaborate on that a little bit because some people still seem, and we could say, well, you know, if they don't believe it, they don't believe it, you know, leave it alone. But, you know, could you elaborate on that a little bit as to because we know that the other side is not going to send us a letter saying, geez, we're sorry, we bothered you, you got it, you got it, you got it. So do you think that's worth commenting on? Sure. I can understand their concern and their doubtfulness. I call it in some cases what I call learned hopelessness because there's a lot of people over the years that have tried a lot of things and they did more. So I get that. So there's a little doubt in their mind. As to giving you written confirmation to that fact, no, I don't have that. I can tell you what my experience has been. Now, this process, I don't recommend it for anybody that wants to do this and go back out and get revenge. Now, you got to get your heart pure. This process is specifically for people that want to go about their life and live in peace and harmony and go about their own business without being harassed. As to the concerns, yeah, I get that. I'll be willing to sit down with somebody. They got doubts. So be able to talk to them privately if they want. But as to any written documentation, I doubt very much if you're going to get that. I've been at this for 40 years now and I have not seen anybody. I've heard people claim they got written documentation. But I do know one thing. I am not being bothered. That to me in itself speaks for itself. Is that healthy? Thank you for your comments. Well, I particularly wanted that to help other people. It might be on the call that might have some doubts about over calling self proclamation. So the other thing is we want to announce the barbecue. So I don't know when you want to do that. I don't know if Carl is on the line. He wants to take care of it or he wants me to do it whatever long as we do it before the end of the program, please. Well, let me see if there's any other questions and I guess we could do the announcement. Anybody else got any more questions? Yeah. This is Brandon. Just if I could add on to what you said about the general delivery general post on. Now, you're in one area and I have, but if you were playing on in the near future or within the next six months, whatever, moving to a no location, maybe in the same state or somewhere else, it probably would be because I use a UPS store basically where I, you know, we get my things and so on because in the event that I have to help someone somewhere, I can have them send sent to me. Yes, it's an expense and so on. But my question is they're not going to do that and they're not going to check on your mail, of course. You have to physically come in and get that within 30 days or they can send it back. So as long as you're really in the same location or I don't know if you could have someone else pick it up by the way that that or you or you must be the one that picks it up, they probably ask for your ID or they know after, you know, being it's a small enough area like you are, they would know that it's you that, you know, has requested that and has been doing this. So is that am I incorrect in saying that because it seems to me that they're not going to forward something to you, I don't believe, by you calling the post office to do that, right? I mean, that's something you've got to come in and that will have. No, they will not forward it. As to having someone else pick up your mail, once they get to know you and you've got a common professional relationship with them, you could probably say, "Hey, I got so-and-so. I'm going to be out of town for a while. His name is so-and-so. You mind if they pick it up?" And most likely they will. Okay. Okay. Yeah, because that's the only question I have. I did use -- I can't remember. Now, I might have been spending years ago. It's probably 15 years ago. I did use generally. They did tell me it, you know, there was 30 days and that was, you know, what I didn't know any better. And that basically ended. And I think I had to get a box. But like you said, I did run into the same -- so I figured something else out as far as in a dress because they do ask that. And if you don't, you know, technically, if someone's homeless or, you know, they don't have a physical address, they are not going new. We'll allow you to get a P.O. box, which is -- but the answer is, as you already said, so -- Yeah. Yeah. -- in the general public. -- with them. Okay. Great. Good job. You know, there's a lot of things in that manual, by the way, that is extremely powerful for people who have -- I know people that do send males out for nothing. Basically, I'm not just talking about letters. Some people send express males. And, you know, return receipt, no, they don't pay a dime. So -- Just tell you, on the private side, obviously, and they -- but they -- what they're doing, I think they're tapping into your account, either your social security account or -- Yeah. Let me -- let me state that. Yes, there are people who are actually doing that, and it's only express male overnight delivery. And what you do is you use the birth certificate bond number, and they take it out of the trust account. There's a specific way to do that, and that's included in this package. Oh, the information I got, okay. I need to go over that. Okay. I've got it myself. There was a moment I had a question there. Yes, it's Sherry again. I was curious about the connection to be in the post office, your utilities, and the property tax. So, you said if you have them re-categories -- I can't remember the words you used on your property. I'll be re-classified for property taxes. Is that what you're referring to? Yes. When you have that reclassified, and you said that they take off your house number, your street address? Yes, they take it right off the tax roll. Once they re-classify it as private property, and there's no lock-and-block number appearing in New York, they use lever numbers. Every state has a little different numbering system for the tax purposes, but once they take it off the tax rolls, it's good. You're done. Okay, but that letter is included in the package. Okay, but what I'm curious about is that street address is still useful for your utility companies, so to speak. Why would you do that? Haven't sent in a general post office or general delivery, we want to use that. There's a letter in here that's specifically correcting your recipe utility companies, cell pump companies, any other communications you want to receive. You just send that letter out there, but my address, this is it. Okay, but it doesn't affect your service at that location. It's just the mailing of the bills. Okay, great. Thank you. Yes, Ken. As I said previously, what you were saying about the cardboard box, it does work. I've done this with another fellow at a post office several years ago, and they didn't have any problem letting each of us pick up the other's mail. It was a relatively small post office with maybe 10 or 15 employees. I don't know how that would work in New York City, but it certainly worked in a small post office, and one of the things I did to enforce that issue was I went into that post office at one point in time, and I asked them to please give me the domestic, I went with a list of manuals that they have to have on site, the domestic mail manual, the international mail manual with the numbers of the manuals, etc., and I asked them to give me a place to sit down and read those manuals, and after that, they realized that I was really serious about what I was doing, and they tended not to bother me. I'll be a polite way of saying it. So it does work. Oh, yeah, I know it does. Yeah, yeah. I'm going to run this down real quick here, and then we'll see some of the other questions, and then we'll go into announcements here. On the package that I offer, your first file is going to be the mini seminar, it goes into that with the supporting laws and all that. The next one is abatements, writs, and court remedies. There's a ton of information in that folder. It has abatements, it has remedies, it has the Brady violations, it has the numbering codes. It goes into supreme court cases. Oh, that's the mass mandate stuff. Okay, I've done that. If you have any issues in your local area where they're telling you you got to wear a mask, I've got that in there. It's got the Nuremberg codes, they violate. It's got estoppel notices. It's got the right to travel multiple documents if you're dealing with court cases. There's one in here for an unlawful arrest. If you get arrested, it's a great rate of habeas corpus. You can use that if you get arrested. The next one is the American National Documents. There's a series of about 24 of them for correcting your status. Some people think it's a little too much. I don't. Then you have many, many court cases, over 40 years of documented court cases. What things mean? It goes into word definitions. There's a ton of information in there. Then you got the coaching sessions, which we're doing right here. Every one of them is on there, including tonight's will be on there. There's over two years worth of them. There's also specific calls on specific subject I talked about. The other one exempt removing your automobile from the division of motor vehicles from the state corporate state jurisdiction. There's a serious document so that I wrote up to do that. I did that with my automobile. It's out of their system. Then I got property taxes and income and state taxes. Issues you got with that. How to deal with that. Prepaid mailing. You don't need to send it out. Use express mail. Use your trust account to pay for it. That's in there. Then I got the passport. How to get a proper passport. Walks you right through everything. The documents are all in there. Then you got a load of your title information. How to bring back the land patent or bring the land patent forward to the current day so you don't get taxed anymore. Then you got American national information and case laws. You got the assumed name. If you haven't done that already. How to do that with the Secretary of State Minnesota. You've got bond claim forms. How to make a FOIA request for their oath of office. Judicial code of conduct. Common law grand jury. How to set one up. How to work with others so you can get that going. The estate account information. Freedom of information and debt cases. If you've got credit card debt stuff. Simple letter I grew up a long time ago. I've used this for over 20 years and been successful with it. If you're dealing with a mortgage foreclosure there's tons of documents in there for that. Foreign registration statement act. Every one of these clowns that have an oath of office have to file a foreign registration act within Department of Justice. You got general post office and general delivery information. IRS and state tax issues again. How to contact YAG if you can't get a remedy in any of the courts. And the list just goes on. That's just a small. What's that? Could you repeat what that last item you said was please and how to get that? That's included in the package. No, no, no. Repeat that last item again because you kind of. How to reach. How to reach JAG if you can't get remedy from any other court. The judge advocates general. Yes. And how do we get the package please. You sent me an email at leading edge eight at Thank you. And we must cross your poem with paper. Be ready to learn because there's a ton of information to do. This is compacted over 40 years of information. And how much is that? 125. $125 and it's delivered. It's mailed directly to them on a flash drive. That's correct. Thank you. And if you have questions along the way and you need help of filling the documents out. If you want me to proofread them before you finalize them and send them out I'll be happy to do that as well. So there's actually a personal service functionality of it too. Exactly. Excellent. I'm sorry Paul. Does that come express mail? If you want it. Okay. Yep. I put the information on the flash drive. I have the 16 gig flash drives that I put that on and everything's on there and I just mail it out. Okay. Are there any other questions before we get to announcements? Yeah. I just wanted to ask that on that flash because I know I didn't receive one yet. I was just wondering if even though if that went out yet or whatever I think I would have that last week. This is who? This is Brian. Brian in New York. You never sent me a mailing address for it. I'm waiting for that. I didn't send you a mailing address. Okay. I'm sorry. I emailed me a mailing address. I've got the general delivery. What was that? That's that's that's okay. All right. I'll send you an email. Just send me an email where you want to deliver. Is there a question about general delivery? You can only have general delivery in one area or in other words say you travel or you have a reason to go to the office and someone out to tell or whatever in another part of the country or state or the same state. Can you actually get general delivery in more than one spot or no? Yes. I'll give you an email. If I was going to go down to Florida for a couple months I'd set it up down there. Excellent. Yep. Excellent. Very good. Thank you. Okay. There's no more questions. Can't end to announce the picnic. Ed? Yes. Can you hear me? This is Ken. I could barely hear you. Can you hear me now? Yeah. Okay. So what I want to ask you is when you're sending express mail and you're paying for that with the bond number. Have you found any way to get an accounting as to what they're actually taking out of that account? I haven't pursued that. No. Okay. And on the Foreign Registration Act you were talking about presumably related to bar attorneys. I can't quote this exactly and I haven't looked into it further yet but I was told that there's something that happens subsequently in the law which allows them to get around filing that document. Have you heard anything about that? So that's meaning to say that if you pursued it no matter how diligently you pursued it within their own laws they would have a way around that. Again have you heard anything about that? No they don't have any way around it. If you look it up it's in Title 22, Section 611 it clearly says they have to file a Foreign Registration Statement Act. Okay. Yeah. Thank you. Okay. Thanks. Did you want to make an announcement on the picnic? Yeah. Do you see if there's Carl on the line? Uh let's see. Yeah he's there. Yep. Carl. You want to make the call? You want to make the announcement? Press star six to unmute yourself. Now you want me to go with it? Yeah go ahead. He probably want you to do it anyway. Okay uh folks on July 20th that's the Saturday starting around noon time going to line at 10 o'clock at night somewhere around there. Uh there will be a free barbecue on Long Island in Smithtown. It'll be it'll be at 14 Ray Lane. It'll be hosted by Americans for Legal Reform. You can find further information on that at Americans. That's plural for the digit for legal It announces the barbecue there. Uh this year it will be used also as a networking operation. They are kind enough to let other people come there. You can set up the table on the front lawn. If you have literature about your group or your conference call, whatever you can bring that and you will get an opportunity obviously to talk to other people. There should be three or four hundred or more people that will pass through there during the course of the day. People come and go and I think it's very kind of Americans for legal reform to uh let people network there. You know there's some groups that don't want to advertise that there's anybody else around or anybody doing something different or the same as they are but they've been very kind and they're also very kind in letting people put up on their website after they approve it obviously. Something about their conference calls or their group and what the short explanation of what they're doing. So again Saturday July 20th the rain date will be Sunday July 21st the next day for a free barbecue on Long Island in Smithtown. Any questions? Okay thank you. No I think that's awesome. You're welcome. How about Carol? You want to begin your your calls? Yeah sure. Next Tuesday with on the Republic Education call there'll be kind of law call. We're gonna go over doing a negative environment and a counterclaim and we've got two absolutely powerful samples that we can uh that people can use as a guide and on Thursdays we got a Republic education natural health call and next Thursday we've got a herbalist coming out of she's out of Missouri and she does makes her own tinctures and all this here and grows a lot of herbs and really into the herbs and she's gonna kind of go over that and this past week we had the amazing liver and how important your liver is and and that and we're gonna continue on that with the the herbs to use that will best benefit your liver and kidneys in that area so that four number is 425 436 6280 with an access code of 695 623 pound and it starts at 830 eastern time that's at 830 eastern time that's 425 436 6280 with an access code of 695 623 pound and the replay number is 605 313 5112 and the access code is the same access code 695 623 pound and the call for last Thursday was number 227 and last Tuesday when Ed George was on it will be 226 so you're welcome and bring your friend and we'll see you there thank you thank you for that dara anybody else want to make it an instant I can make an announcement for the radio ranch with roger sales 11 a.m. eastern time six days a week monday through saturday 11 a.m. the 1 p.m. eastern you can find out more information about it and links to join us in free conference call or zoom you can also find the links for the live streams on and voice that website is the matrix the matrix d o c thanks thank you any other announcements yeah this announcement I just want to let you know I did get your thumb drive and whatever it's done in new jersey there Roger okay yeah I didn't get a chance that got a little issue with the electric company and well we got backup power and generators or whatever but yeah we just can't deal with a smart meter smart meter was making me very sick and ill and noticeably and all that stuff there and you know that's a that's a that's another whole another can of worms there I believe yeah there's going to be coming up soon I don't know exactly what the date is but that's all going to get exposed about those smart meters and you will be able to sue for damages I'll let you know when I find out about that information yeah well I did you know Jerry Day did a lot of good stuff on that and I didn't even know why or what was affecting me I was getting those bleeds and waking up at three o'clock in the morning and and yeah it was keeping me up and yeah it was I think that's what took my dad my father out he just started bleeding you know I mean he just yeah those things there if he got within a smog meters or whatever you'll see they'll pulsate all these frequencies and yeah you'll they will affect you so yeah there ain't no way I don't care if I got to live with electricity I don't want them to end things on my ass whatever paradise you know California they you know that was part of the issue where they burnt that burnt them places down there you know I mean you know it's just you know it's really incredible I do appreciate all your time and your effort and whatever and you're trying to help the people and believe me I try to learn and try to educate people sometimes they don't want to listen or whatever so you know and it's you know but I try to get it I try to yeah you're very well rehearsed and I get some blessed it gets your information there Ed. Well thank you I can speak to them if you have questions email me you know I'll be happy to answer yes you know the corporation corporation just wants to just do what they want to do and whether they're causing harm to or not and we know they're spraying chemicals in the air and the oxygen on our food or whatever and yeah they're just yeah they're yeah it's yeah you just got to just step away and understand the enemy there yeah and it's a very issue thing there I mean hey look a a year ago they'd called me ugly put me in jail for nine days and took my vehicle I'm still trying to get that out and yeah I spent in my half an half a day but they're saying hey look I'm not your property I'm I have an half a day with the you know the secretary of state there blinking Lincoln there and you don't have property rights in me you know okay start studying and I'll work with you and in the interim I would send a letter to the to the electric company as a conditional acceptance that you will accept a smart meter on your house provided they can answer the following questions number one have smart meters ever been associated with any physical ailment or illness number two do you expect do you accept full responsibility for any ailment or illness as a result of the smart meter being on the house number three do they do they agree to indemnify you and support you in the event that you are significantly damaged and are disabled as a result of the smart meter if they accept those terms you'll put a smart meter back on the house if you don't respond within 30 days you expect an analog meter to be put on the house in your electric service to be restored and CC the public utilities commission and the local news excellent point yeah yeah that's very good information ball yeah I before I yeah well they forced a smart meter on me they they just they just showed up here unannounced in a white van and just came in and yanked my analog meter off off off the building and I never I never give them authorization whatever so then I said okay so I sent them a notice and saying hey if you don't take this notice this smart meter off my building you know then you know there's going to be some litigation or whatever and I'm going to remove it and put my own thing in a meter one it's not an issue of paying the bill or whatever I'm sorry I'm creating an echo or whatever but yeah so yeah I notified them and and I'm giving you 30 days to correct this issue and then they just came around and they just basically just cut my power also for two years I've been you know kind of getting by with you know my own means of power whatever and all of a sudden they took the liberty to turn the electric back on and so I said okay well I got my analog meter on air I turned the power back on and I go my way and last right guy command he's you know poking around and he's got his computer on and I'm I'm working over on the other side of this shop there he's on that says is that the only meter on the building I said yep you know and I don't know this guy is I'm not divulging any information to him because I don't know who he is you know I okay he's the employee of the land city electrical whatever and next thing Monday morning they cut my power again you know so you know it's a big frigging game you know yeah I hear you yes okay yeah let me comment on that I dealt with public service electric and gas you also have Jersey Central is in New Jersey you have rock one power and I guess Atlantic City and I don't know if there's any other electric or gas companies utilities public service hired a independent contractor but according to what they told me their contract with them called for notification before they were to change any meters but the company apparently the contract company was being paid by the number of meters they changed so they weren't too interested in notifications they were just interested in pulling meters in fact if somebody was using a computer in the building or whatever in some cases they didn't even notify the people they just pulled off the meter and changed it I talked to them and I talked to their executive department and they sent somebody over and they put the orange tags like a double seal on the meter and the orange tag indicates that nobody used to touch that meter or change it now admittedly that does not solve the problem of them saying well if you don't put the smart meter on we're going to charge you twelve dollars a month or something because we have to come read the meter that's not yet solved but I know some other people that didn't take as tough as stances I did and they ended up with their meter change some of them with notice and they were unable to stop them from changing it and some of them changed without notice the issue is they're trying to deal with their customer service department and I'll speak you know regarding PSE and G trying to deal with their customers the service department is a waste of time you have to get to their executive law offices before you get anything constructively done with them so I don't know if that helps anybody but that was the story with PSE and G as I found it to be Carl thank you I have a question did they give everybody a rebate or a discount on their electric bill once they installed the smart meter are you asking me that question yeah yeah I'm asking okay here's the deal here's the deal okay they set the precedent that they would have somebody come out and read the meter and that there was no charge on the bill associated with meter reading that was considered a cost of doing business now if they changed the analog meter to a smart meter and did not give the electric consumer a rebate or a discount on their bill because they no longer had to send a truck out to read the meter then they're violating their own standard of business you know if there's no discount for you not having to come out to read it get lose the meter and give me an analog meter back and you're not going to charge me to come and read it because you didn't charge me before the precedent has already been set I can speak to that I'm in Arkansas and I paid 22 dollars a month to opt out and I've text in a picture of my meter and I went rounds and rounds with them I'm not paying for a meter reader I am paying to opt out so that's their way around that Paul Gavin the thing is they didn't charge it before so they can't have been hopped out if you didn't opt in yeah that's a good thing up here in New York there's a lot of senior citizens they're both are and they brought that issue up where they're getting these smart meters put in there and they're not getting this count so there is some lawsuit pending here in New York to that good deal yeah yeah but you actually when they cut cut your electric golf they only cut one leg off there Roger I've got so much money you got 220 coming into your house and they cut one leg off and your meter don't spin them more and they cut your electrical but they don't cut the other leg off no all they have to do is cut one yeah yeah I still got 110 electricity there if you're in desperate need there Roger yeah but then but then you'd be circumventing the disconnection and they could go after you for fraud and theft now yeah now just jump all over there shouldn't tell them that you're gonna sue their asses if they don't put your analog meter back on you never you never agreed to a digital meter to a smart meter and they're not going to charge you for reading it because they didn't charge you for reading it before and they gave you no discount when they replaced the analog meter with a digital meter oh yeah they were like they're all over us like a jump guard dog there you know unless they run out of chain there and they and if they run that chain they can't put you there you know but yeah yeah they they force this stuff on the people and it's warm in the people I mean they're you know they're they're giving you electricity but then they're giving you these frequencies that are harming you that are causing injury you know what was that multiple so three six and nine there I know Paul you're very smart I listen to you all the time and Roger sales and we enjoy all that stuff there but uh uh multiple so six hurt the body and multiple so three and nine heal the body like uh why they changed the frequencies of music you know they these ruckafo or crockafoers, rock Charles, whatever you want to call them they've done everything to throw everything at us the harm must be us and serve us and enslave us there including these thinking smart meters when that's so ambitious come have to put that on my building I immediately put some aluminum tape on it and then and a couple days later they ripped it off so they weren't getting any reading so and I immediately you know I mean uh jury day does a lot of stuff on that and I don't know if it's good or bad but uh he put a lot of good information on the internet and whatever and yeah I only have access now from my uh my uh cell phone which uh still gives me uh frequencies but uh at least you got the choice of uh sticking in your pocket or sitting on your table there you know what I mean right okay well what you do is you shield the meter inside the house uh you put you cover the wall that's behind that meter with a grounded screen just spackle it right to the wall and paint over it and ground it ground it to earth ground with a rod like eight feet along in the ground and then what you do is you use a um you use a uh filter capacitor array um on the main so when when it comes through the fuse box when when the main comes into the fuse box it goes to the filter array and then it goes back to the fuse box what those filter capacitors will do is they will short out any radio frequency that's impressed upon your electrical wiring because that smart meter is also using your house as an antenna so it doesn't matter if the smart meters on the other side of the house if you've got an outlet behind your head in your bed you're still getting microwaved but if you put a RF uh filter on an RF shunt filter on your power line coming in then that smart meter cannot get into the house and if the shielding is on the wall it can't penetrate the wall then they can just turn the meter back on and you don't give a shit and they're not going to be able to uh they're not going to be able to read it very well because it's going to create a directional antenna that's not only going to stress the transmitter in the smart meter but it's going to reflect that energy off in the distance and away from where the truck is going to try and read it but they won't be able to see nothing they won't be able to tell anything you did they'll just think the meter is defective and they'll just come out and replace it 50 or 60 times that's on them that's their cost make them make yourself their worst enemy excellent people well that's what i like to do they they they weaponized everything on us including smart uh phones smart meters smart everything satellite monitoring and research tracking uh yeah i think what what is smart spell out to be there i'm sorry yeah i don't want to be reading on your parade there but yeah you do get the blood circulating there and i i like to add my input there and i always like to be polite there i do okay anybody else have any questions i was going to make a comment relating to that but i won't get into it right now i went because i i just i'll tell you this but i did go to and with some of my family was being affected but they didn't know what it was i wrote a strong letter to the power company to the you know pet dog there whatever in a very quick period of time i don't know within a couple of days whatever they had that removed taken off and uh and i again i was with this is my mother actually i was visiting with her and uh uh for short periods and then i uh you know left came back uh i don't know few months later whatever and uh i'm going around the house and find that well it could have set opt out and it had it right on there like you can't mention yes there's more than you're supposed to incorporate them on the house so i i'm going around find i'm getting you know these guys a little and there wasn't the power company it wasn't the people there i had someone in my home but uh for fifteen dollars or whatever it was twelve dollars or whatever you're going to pay that extra twelve dollars because we're paying an extra 12 bucks to have that now you gotta remember i i won't say i i don't i don't want to insult certain people in my family but uh imagine that i mean you go through the trouble to do that and now um you know around so they they had it changed back after all the trouble you went to to save fifteen bucks but you know you can't fix them but i guess so um not much you can do about that and i mean you have people who are like and they don't even know this i like this that's pretty sad people as possible i was on the call but they're doing that not just with the smart meetings they're doing it through the food they're doing it through the air through the water uh whatever and if you're not doing if you're not doing something to clear those things up for yourself you know you eventually will get you that's also how you'll do it there's one more thing you can do and there's one more thing you can do if y'all can hear me i'm a little bit ores but it's called a rf choke valve and it's as simple as trying to not aid your service cable can't stop the frequency is also also what was it called? rf choke valve if you tie a knot in your service cable it ain't like an rf choke and kill the frequency is that is that is that like the uh first uh first uh well they say uh well it's a magnetic uh ring use it on rf uh whatever i i use it on my uh like cb ham radio stuff there yeah you you can choke out frequencies that are expanding out i remember i was living over in uh hamilton there and uh yeah my father's place and they had a meter and yeah he was he was getting those bleeds i was getting those bleeds and and i i didn't know what the hell was wrong with me you know you walk around all of a sudden your nose you start bleeding from your nose all of a sudden your knees uh swallow all of a sudden your your your legs swallow uh you don't even know what's happening to you and then you start researching and whatever and and uh detox and the liver and then i i do appreciate the barrel and uh that that program there on the liver detox here and yeah i like to mention the uh ionized uh foot detox and all it takes is uh like four or five amps of uh dc current uh uh through plates of salt water and and a foot and it blows a lot of toxic stuff out of the body here ionized foot there and i i do them all the time i do the uh you know tesla yeah tesla with a very brilliant man and uh i use a uh you know a molecule and enhancer that chores the body's energy up because we're always want to steal our energy up here because we're let the magnetic beams here but uh yeah well you gotta understand what the enemies are and yeah they're putting poison in the food and and in the air and in the water and you're trying to steal uh or property and uh yeah and yeah it's it's unbelievable time here but uh i'm thankful that i'm around a group of individuals that have a very good uh smart uh handle on this stuff there and and i really like to be uh accepted into that there and uh we're going to have to have to help each other on that there because we're always constantly being attacked on this something there are you with it uh are there any other questions we're going to continue this uh mini seminar series next week i'm going to actually go over the main document it's called the wrong foreign affidavit pertaining to your notice for declaration status rights capacity standing and authority this document is a very powerful document i'll go over that next week uh again it's any other questions press star six if you have any questions the best email for you is the um at george uh 44 for the uh or no leading in which we're leading it at email i have one last question um so your pack is when you file the paperwork is it not pro talk then for now yes yes yes yes yes yes yay well if we have no other questions i'm going to wrap this up for tonight uh i do have another conference call i have to do here at this one um so is there anybody else have any questions ham and power solutions has a um shunt uh isolation transformer filter for a hundred bucks it handles a hundred amps at uh 240 so as long as you don't have crazy service in your house that would cover it um a filter is not going to be cheap but it's definitely going to be worth your while so i'll keep looking for a better deal on um better resources thank you ed cv to file more for 200 amps because most standard houses are 200 amps yeah but they go up explanentially in price and i'm thinking what you can do is you can use two of those filters because there's only even if there's 200 amp service there's only only going to be 100 amp on each 110 volt leg so and they go up exponentially in price yeah two hundred and two hundred and service here and there yeah so you would need 100 amp filters one on one on each side of the power leg thank you edmond let's wrap her up well thank you and i'm starting to get to all your questions but if you uh have any further questions that's be at leading it at thank you ed you're welcome this session is no longer being recorded good bye forward moving and focused on freedom you're listening to the global voice radio network [BLANK_AUDIO]