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Radio Ranch with Roger Sayles


2h 4m
Broadcast on:
22 Jun 2024
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[ Silence ] Presentation of this Mirror Stream on Global Voice Radio Network is funded in part by for the quality, ultra-Mido, and more Mito line of products. It's also funded in part by for the natural action quality line of water structuring devices. It's also funded in part by and the Preyf International Terahertz Frequency Lawn, the iTerraCare Classic. For more information, please stay tuned. We'll be getting started in just a moment. The iTerraCare device has the ability to awaken dormant stem cells in the bone marrow. Yes, we have slipping stem cells in our bone marrow. As you keep blowing this under spine, you're activating the stem cells. And guess what? You're going to create brand new lungs, brand new kidneys. Eventually, as you keep using this over time, you will have brand new organs, glands, and tissues in your bodies. And that's a great news. You have to keep blowing this under spine because this is what the great Hippocrates said. There's a way to hit the bones that all diseases can be treated. Activate that, awaken that stem cells in your bone marrow. Hit the bones using the future of medicine, which is frequency. Hit the bones using frequency medicine. Yes, guys, we have decoded the secret to forever young and healthy body. This is your time. Grab your wand device right now. For more information on the iTerraCare Classic Terahertz Frequency Lawn, go to That's [music] [music] Tax the rich, feed the poor, tell her I know rich no more. [music] [music] Okay, well, we would too. We try to six days a week normally when the electricity holds up. Saturday, Sabado Edition, here for those folks who are gamefully or ungamefully employed, that can't call in on Monday through Friday. We're here for you on Saturday, man. I'm trying to give you this freedom. I'm trying to give this freedom away. I've got freedom. It's free. Would you like to have some? Mm-hmm. Radio French. And Roger Sales, you're at Times Frustrated Host. So, here we go. And, as I said, your Spanish lesson is the day of the week and Sabado, S-A-B-A-D-O, Sabado. And to tell us who is joining us here, platform-wise, on the Sabado Edition is one Paul Beener. And I'm going to turn it over to you and let him do so. It'll be somewhat abbreviated today, I'm thinking. Well, only slightly, really. It's, of course, we're on, the flagship. Thank you, Eli, James, Pastor Eli, James. We're on Global Voice Radio Network. That's The links to Eurofolk Global Voice and Zoom and Free Conference Call. If you want to join us on the show, we've got room for about 1,500 of you. Those are on, Monday through Friday, we're on 106.9 WBOU FM Chicago and for the first hour, Monday through Friday. But they're not with us today. There, ergo the abbreviation. But we're still on home's channel HN4. We're on Go and stream Those connections are brought to us through WDRN productions in Fort Collins, Colorado. We've got a lot of really interesting and fun things going on at WDRN. Check those platforms out. Other than that, the only abbreviation is the two platforms that only do the first hour. So, pretty much all hands on deck, dude. I wonder what radiosoapbox is covering today. On Saturday afternoon, you think they might be covering one of Paul's football games? Did he like that much? It could be. Also, it's the first day passed the longest day of the year. And since I couldn't wish you a happy longest day of the year yesterday, I got abbreviated here on the show with Brent. Quite a bit, abbreviated quite a bit, almost two hours worth. I would say a happy longest day of the year, belatedly. So, I hope you took those extra nanoseconds yesterday and did something constructive with them. Oh, yeah. No, we actually had a great show yesterday. I need to send you the recording because that is one for the books and also an update on Castbox. I now have, in my possession, all 1,411 episodes. Oh, really? Stored locally, so. Yeah, times two hours, times two hours. What is that? That's a lot, isn't it? Yeah, no, it's a lot. I believe it's 150 gigabytes, 150 some gigabytes of stuff. Yeah, yeah, lots. All that is sitting there for you. Right. Pouring out all the elements of freedom, should you want it? Unbelievably, there's a lot of people that don't want to be free. They want to think they're free, but they don't want to really be free. And it's just like the Minkans quoted, scares them. And people like us are intolerably lonely, aren't we? Well, I think that's why we gather together here, so that doesn't happen. You just think, you out there, listen, if you didn't have this source right here, how lonely would you be? Oh, terribly, terribly. And it's all an outgrowth of the nanny state, and having an expert turn to or somebody to bail you out. Oh, you know, you need an expert. You know, back in the day, kids, they were cut some slack, but they were also expected to be responsible for their own actions. And the parents wouldn't bail them out. The parents would guide them into fixing the problem themselves. Now what we've got is we've got like generations of people that have been so coddled and so protected and so taken care of that they're absolutely incapable of doing anything for themselves. I have a label. I have a label for them. They're sparked. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, wasn't, wasn't Dr. Spock the one that, that before he died, he, he issued a statement. Sorry, I was wrong as soon as he had been. Well, there's been a few people that have said that, you know, their, their apologies there upon going to the next life, whatever that is for them. And, you know, very interesting deathbed confessions are miserable in court. I don't know if you knew that or not, Paul. Yeah, really? And yeah, at the end of their life, they tend to want some help. Another one actually that you was Dr. Zelensky. Yeah. There he was a good Jewish guy. He was more of an Orthodox kind of guy. And there on his deathbed, he converted. I've heard he converted Christianity. I don't know if that's true or not, but people are saying that. So, yeah, that's a time in your life when you starkly face all kinds of things you might have been avoiding for years. Right. Well, why in the interest of accuracy, I don't think Spock waited until his deathbed. I think as soon as he had children of his own and he figured out, "Oh, no, okay. This, what works and what doesn't?" That was when he issued his apology. We were talking about this at lunch. Tuesday is interestingly enough. You should bring it up. Of course, it reverts back to the biblical basis, which I found to be true, which is spare the rod and spoil the child. And all these Spockers, if you try and get in this debate with them, because I have occasionally in my lifetime. "Oh, no. You wouldn't want to beat your children." Well, yeah. You know what? What I've learned being a teacher for 10 years and all that, young people, not necessarily children, but even young people, they really love a discipline. They respect you for it. They may not like you out on the surface. They may cush and call you bad names, but deep down, they really respect the discipline, especially the younger they are, I think. And without it, they continue to press and press and press, and the people that give in to them like the Dr. Spockers. Just all they do is encourage them to be bad children and sometimes bad adults. Mm-hmm. Yeah, so they can continue to misbehave with impunity. Yes. I have one quick little thing that I have to do. Andy, which device do you want me to promote to co-host? You got two connections here. I don't want to promote the wrong one and cause a problem. Either put your hand up or just toggle your mute momentarily, and I'll see it. Andy, Bella, please tell us. We need guidance. She doesn't answer me. I'm going to promote both of them. We're going to promote both. There we go. Got it. Okay. Okay. You got it. Seems we're all co-host. Done deal. There we are. Okay. Okay. So, I want to apologize for missing the show with Brent yesterday. Again, that's two weeks in a row. We have had our little record really demolished here in the last six weeks, month, eight weeks, or whatever. It's really, I bet you that we had not missed more than two or three shows in over ten years. Man, we missed a bunch of them lately. We have totally demolished our record, which I was quite proud of. It's almost like a conspiracy. Yeah, but it isn't. It isn't. It's just circumstances and situations. It makes me very proud. So if anybody doubts this information, look, here's a guy with a pretty damn sharp attorney and they've been doing shows every once a week for over ten years. I think that's a lot of credibility right there. Anyway, I always miss not being on with Brent, because quite frankly, I enjoy those shows. And have come away from them over the years with a lot of different very positive lessons and things I've realized that I didn't know before. So what transpired yesterday, Paul, if you don't mind, just give me a little thumbnail recap here. Oh, oh, okay. We had Brent, of course, he carried the whole show pretty much. And we had, oh, what did we discuss? It was really, really good, though. I mean, it was on the edge of my seat, but of course I was distracted with buttons and feet and things like that. We had Carl from Utah. And he and Brent had a rather long exchange on the whole tithing and the Mormon church. That's a very interesting subject. And Brent has insight into that, as those of you who heard yesterday, that I'd never heard before, I'm assuming probably you'd never heard before, that your 10% is broken up into like three, three, and three. So there's inter-directions inside the overall direction of the tithing thing, and I'm assuming Brent got into that yesterday. Well, actually, no, he didn't get into that. What he was doing was he was elucidating how the IRS, because of 501(c)(3) churches, the IRS can go in and they can request the records, the contribution, and tithing records of parishioners. And then they take those numbers and they just multiply them times 10, and they just look at the 1040 form and see if the numbers fairly closely relate. Well, the Mormon church is, they're really, really sticky about their tithing. You have to declare that you're giving 10%. And if you don't have that declaration unfell with the bishop, then you're not allowed in the temple. So you are actually denied some access to some of the functions of the church itself. And the IRS knows this. They know that Mormons are, well, they're not going to lie to the bishop. You know, if they only give 5%, they're not going to say they give 10%. And if they're going to give 20%, I don't know if they mention that or whatever. So it's pretty much, it's pretty much a whole nanny thing, especially. And it can brought up, can came in. And he brought up the fact that a 501(c)(3) can actually, because tax forms are a matter of public record. Tax forms are a matter of public records. So a 501(c)(3) church can get copies of tax forms from the IRS taking those numbers. So they can verify if their parishioners actually gave 10%. Well, I'm not sure there's a bunch of privacy laws on your IRS forms that they've busted people for and sent them to jail for giving that information out like the, well, they didn't send the guy to jail with the guy that released Trump's forms, which didn't prove anything. But there's some laws against that. Now it might be different from the church requesting those copies, but it's very easy in that situation for the Mormon church to be like a fire hydrant and the IRS be like a dog. It drops by and he just like hides his leg and says, "Gimme, gimme, gimme." And all he has to do is take that 10% extrapolate it and go away made this much. It's an easy stop for the voice that represents Satan. Well, it's the whole thing about the 501(c)(3). I mean, they're holding the tax exempt status over the church's heads. And all they've got to do is threaten them off the record. It doesn't mean that the IRS can't not, I mean, the church can't not be taxed. Because there's still a church. It's the parishioners that get the tax benefit. They get to deduct their donation off of their IRS forms. And so now with this move, now the federal government knows all the Christians in the country, don't they? Yes, they do. Absolutely. It's quite ugly, really. Yeah. And people think we're free. So inside the taxing element, biblically, and I'm surprised Brent didn't go into this yesterday. He came on here one day and started getting into it. He's shocking. You're supposed to take one third and give of the 10%. One third and give to the church, one third and give to widows and orphans, and one third treat yourself. Hmm. You ought to have a nice dinner, something like that. Well, yesterday in the after show, somebody mentioned, I forget who it was, I got a great memory. It's just really super short. That the tithing is actually 30%. It's 10% to the church, 10% to yourself and 10% to something else. Yeah. And then you live on the remaining. Oh, it's inside that 10% that you split it up. Oh, we can ask him about it if we're on together here, the coming Friday. We never know with Ecuador's election, electrical challenges here as of late. I mean, got right into the show, got in at just a few minutes and bam. And Jack, of course, was connected and said it was all over. We live in this little valley here. And he's on the other side of the valley. And so everybody was out yesterday, they say. Now, interestingly enough, Paul, we've got some expats that live by a, there's a big brewery, a beer brewery here. From the country's beer, Pilsner, I think it's called. And then there is a Coca-Cola factory bottling plant up in keto. And we have some people who live close to that. They've never lost their electricity. Yeah. What's up with that? Well, what's up with that is a little bit of leverage. Yeah. Grease in the wheel. A little leverage. You can't look at it. And they may have a point if they shut down for two or four hours. It might really take something we don't know about to get that thing started and operable. Don't know. Oh, absolutely. But especially 24 hour plants. Right. 24 hour. Let me just, let me just share this. 24 hour plants. They're designed to be run 24 hours. And if they come down, particularly if they do it ungracefully, it takes hours to get those plants humming again. Well, and that may be a legitimate valid reason. Those people that found themselves fortunate enough to live close to those types of establishments, they haven't suffered any of this stuff. So we here. So we here, Paul. Anyway, everything looks pretty groovy today. I know they're not going to cut anything off on Saturday. So we're, we're pretty safe here today. And it's just something we got to work through, man. The lesson from the story is do not pull big financial and, yeah, I guess. What would you call that? It's not an institution. It's a giant capital project. Don't ever do those with the Chinese. That's a lesson. Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it. You'll be, you'll be sorry. You'll be sorry. You'll be sorry. You'll be sorry. Hey, so sorry. So anyway, that's, we're still suffering with the effects of that. So anyway, hopefully they'll get over the hump and make some alternative measures come to the forefront here, which they're working on. You know, it's crazy to me. If they'd have started all those years ago, when they started dumping all that money into the dam, if they'd have started doing heat, what do they call it, thermal energy? Well, yeah, we got volcanoes everywhere, man. I mean, yeah, geothermal. Yeah, geothermal. I mean, yeah, it takes a while, although we've got a little bit of it around the country out here, but if they'd really put a research thing into that, you got free energy right there. Okay. But then that cuts in on the big boy, seven sister oil companies and their little agenda at making us all dirt rats and not have electricity and things like that that are in their plans. So hopefully they get thwarted, thwarted Paul. So let's see, we got anybody here that wants to hear something constructive, maybe? That's questions. Any new students? I got a couple of new pin pals, new female pin pals and one of them's a doctor of some sort from the West Coast. I was hoping that she might be on with us today, but one never knows. Was that someone trying to say something right there? Hello, yes, can we hear you? We don't hear you speak right into the microphone. Bruce, Bruce, I guess you're a little weird, but we can hear you, I think. Go ahead. Let's try it. Let's try you. I want Bluetooth, is that a problem? Probably. Yeah, it's a problem. It's a damn problem for you to be on Bluetooth because it's harmful for you. Yeah. It's not worse than Wi-Fi. Well, for real, it's fine as long as he was talking, but if he wasn't talking, there was like an air noise that was coming in with him. I don't like all that stuff. Bruce, are you taking that off and switching over? Now he's switched over. I can tell. Hey, Bruce. Yeah. Hey, guys, just having us all about the affidavit and the strength that has behind it and people might not realize how valuable it is when you're talking about gold and silver all the time and how many nuggets of silver do you think your affidavit is worth in your life? It depends on who. Well, it depends on who you're presenting it to, doesn't it? Yes. But I'm just saying get the Secretary of State's office, you have your total freedom from there. Yes. Well, look at ways. Yeah. So, I'm just going to recognize it. They recognize it. Some things, people can understand that value of that affidavit. Okay. Well, if you're in the other side of the coin, if you're confronting ahead of the local MS-13 group, and he's got a machete in his hand, it may not carry much weight. Right. Well, that's how it works. Okay. Well, you're just saying the value. I said it depends on who you're presenting it to. There's your example. And as people have asked me the whole time we've been doing this, what happens when it doesn't work no longer. And my standard answer from then to now is, I guess we all know what time it is. It's time for that big necktie party we've been thinking about for so many years. You know, one of them big wide neckties, you know? So, so Bruce, you have any other in at this point, the affidavit's very valuable. And there's nothing that'll work better than that. There's one thing that'll work like it is a declaration. But then again, you can take a declaration and turn it into an affidavit by having two witnesses, it doesn't matter if you're in the jungles of Africa or wherever you are, if you can find two warm bodies to come put their little sign in witness number one, witness number two, while you're, and watch you viewing you, signing that document, which is all the notaries doing is verifying who it is. They know you. So anyway, that's the, the two things. You do a declaration or an affidavit, either one were, and you don't have to have a notary to do an affidavit. You can do two witnesses don't need three can't do it with one, two, biblical. So who else do we not have any new little folks on? You know, we do this show for you. Hey, hey Roger. This is William. Oh, hey, William. I was going to give a little update, you know, I was talking to you last week about the title tax on the car here in Georgia. Yeah. I sent them a letter, they sent me a letter back that says, Oh yeah, we have an exemption for folks that are domiciled in Georgia, but not residents as long as you're a US service member. Oh yeah, they sent me a whole bunch of paperwork on, on that, but, um, uh, Larry's been helping me with crafting up another letter to say I'm not a non-resident, uh, I'm a non-resident alien. Well, in that instance, you would be, but don't get, have that fall into the American Samoan trap, right? Okay, so be conscious of that. And yes, you're, remember now, well, and you're, you're a non-resident alien as it applies to the tax code. That's where they use that in fire specifically. And you're talking about attacks and automobile tax. And I would imagine that law is also written for residents. And that's basically what they told you if you're a service member, right? Well, you're an exception on top of that. And that's what you need to point out to them and see how they react. Oh, I'm not a resident because I've got this, uh, statement to the attorney general of the United States of America who's in charge of all matters concerning citizenship. And he didn't even blink an eye when I did this. How about you? Right. Um, I was doing some research and I found a, I was looking for non-resident alien information in the Georgia code, but I did find a provision for duration of citizenship in the Georgia code. And it says, as until citizenship has acquired elsewhere, a citizen of this small estate continues to be a citizen of this small estate and of the United States. Oh, so he got you lumped in both of them there. Here's something you might throw at him, William, you put in your quiver. When I was in paralegal school there in Atlanta, I had a roommate who was into all this stuff too. And I came home one day and Jeff said, he said, man, do you know it's got in the code, official code of Georgia annotated that the term resident is a rebuttable presumption. Have you heard us talk about this before? Yeah, I have, but I don't know where that's listed. Well, I'll tell you, it's in the traffic section. I don't remember the code, of course, many years ago, but it's in the traffic section where they deal with residency. If you've been in the state longer than 30 days, et cetera, et cetera, that's the first paragraph. There's another one with another qualifier underneath that. And then there's a one line sentence that says the term resident is a rebuttable presumption. That's in the Georgia code, you might go look that up and throw it at them. Okay. They're not doubting that I'm a non-resident, but they don't understand that I'm not a non-resident as a service member. Correct. Correct. Because I can be a non-resident in another fashion, and yeah, as I've told you all, this is an educational project, too, and we're having to educate the government on what's been pulled over their eyes, too. Right. I put some information in there, you know, the state of Georgia being a, being a political subdivision of the United States, and so the United States code is applicable at the state level, too. Well, that's the, well, that's what the term resident means is what settled laws are you under. So even though you live in Georgia, you're a resident, which means you're under the 14th amendment in D.C., the tax code particularly because Title 26 was never passed by the Senate nor signed by the president. It was only signed by the House and stuck into the code as Title 26. So there, and it applies to you as long as you are within their parameters, but that's the deal. You're not within their little parameters anymore. We're not playing the game anymore. I'm, I'm dictating the terms now. You're not. Right. We'll continue to, well, continue to beat them up. Maybe you'll get an epiphany from one of them. Maybe. We've seen that happen. It doesn't happen all the time, obviously. That's occasionally, but good work, William. Keep chipping away. Yeah. When I was thinking, you know, I was also in the letter I was going to put that, uh, 1982 was a title eight, forget which, uh, the 1982 where it says U.S. citizens have the same rights as, uh, white citizens to buy and hold property. You might want to write this down. That's Title 42. In 1983 and 1986, I believe they both start out the section with that verbiage. And for the audience, it might not know. We're talking about a citizen of the United States is entitled to all the privileges and immunities of the white citizens. Oh, you might ask me, we quote that and go, excuse me, who, who are the white citizens here? Why is Congress being so racist? Right. Well, you know, I was thinking about it, even with the property taxes, with this title tax, um, you know, if they don't, if they don't allow me to get a title without paying or have clear title without paying this tax, they're inhibiting my right to hold property. Yeah. There's a, that would say, I would say they're, uh, that they are impugning on your privileges and immunities as a national. Right. Yeah. Well, one baby step at a time, William, I didn't want to hit them with too much information at one time. Well, you can, you can, you can get that, uh, drinking a drink of water out of a fire hydrant reaction. Right. So I think it may be just stick to the non-resident alien as it applies to the tax. And then see how they respond and then just keep hitting them with stuff that they keep on. Well, remember, remember the, how you eat an elephant is one bite at a time. Right. There's all this would, you know, technically relate to, you know, local property taxes and all that too. Well not really because those come from bond hold bonds, uh, releases they've done, you know, and they ask you that on your, when you vote, sometimes they'll say, we're joint on these referendums and it's a bond issue for, for school, whatever's or some other thing they're trying to get through. And when you vote, yes, and they issue those bonds, your, your taxes go to pay that, they go to pay the fire department, they go to pay other things that are municipally. So they're not really tied to this, except through those bond issues. Is my understanding when, but I was thinking, you know, if you're non-resident to the tax code there, you'd be non-resident to the tax code at the county level or city level. Well, again, not necessarily because those are tied to something different. And you may have voted for those bond issues. Right. So I thought it was an interesting code that they had the smallest state in there. Uh huh. And it shows a few times, you know, it is, but then there's the capitalist state of Georgia code. Um, it's like they're, you know, transposing those terms and they mean something different. They're doing a thing called, yes, equivocation, throughout the code. Yeah. And they're very, they're very good with this particular concept and it's the basis of everything they do. And that's how they've been slave just in our own minds is with that little trick right there. And there you see, okay, there's, here's another one. It's the reverse of an equivocation instead of them being separate, they combine them. National non-citizen national. Boom. Okay. They're opposite, but they're together in your mind because of, well, I guess you could say reverse equivocation. Yeah. They got all these tricks, man. They're really good at them, but we've got their game down now a little bit. And when you got their game down, you can go right through there and see it. If you don't, you can't see it. Right. As our community has proven for over 30 years, right? Yeah. So what else will you, anybody got anything to add on this conversation right here with William and the tax angle and the difference in the state income tax and your property taxes, that sort of thing, there's a whole bunch of different kinds of taxes. And really as, as horrible as an issue as it is, it's kind of interesting from a standpoint of logistics overseeing, seeing how it can, well, as Charles Adams said, the effect good or bad for good or evil, the effect of taxation on the rise and fall of civilizations. And that's true. Well, I feel like your money is your time, is your life? It is. It is. It is. That's what Adam Smith said. He said, man has to own his own labor because it's the only way a poor man can reach down and pull himself out of and change his condition. Yeah. If you're not, you're not free if they can let it claim to it. And you know, it's interesting because it doesn't matter what the percentage is. In other words, there's a dialectic inside the dialectic here. And that is that to be free, you've got to be 100% free. But to be a slave, you can be 0.10001 of ownership and you're a slave, even that minuscule amount. So even within the good and bad dialectic free and slave, there's one on amounts because internally, if you're going to be free, you got to be 100% free. And if you're a minuscule amount of a slave, you're still a slave. It's just kind of interesting to me that those two are within each other and they're how all these things work together. I do a little research because the 13th Amendment had me interested because it says, you know, slavery or involuntary servitude. And I'm like, what's the difference between slavery and involuntary servitude? They sound the thing to me. Why would they separate those? But when I looked up the difference in voluntary servitude or what they call chattel slavery and have many of them, chattel slavery, can have many of the same, you can have a lot of the same freedoms as a free person, the freedom of movement, but you may not be, you know, you may not be 100% enslaved, I guess, involuntary servitude. Well, it doesn't matter, you're still, there's some kind of servitude there, okay? Even though it's involuntary. And the slavery deal is more akin to, and they're very similar, those two, by the way, but the slavery is very akin to black slavery in our country. And involuntary servitude, baby, and you captured, you had a battle with somebody and captured some of their people and brought them back, I guess they could be either. It is interesting, it's a fine line right there, but the even more interesting thing is what they left out, because there's one more variety of servitude, and that's voluntary, which means it's legal by omission, and yet it's not in the Constitution. This is the loophole they drove through, and that's why they got the 13th Amendment in there ahead of time, and then wouldn't let the Southern representatives, unless they'd pass the 14th Amendment, come in and vote on the 14th, because that really, well, that chattel slavery is of voluntary servitude or involuntary servitude with both the forms of chattel slavery. I think so, I think so, because that would be, you know, it would be, you still feel like you were free in many aspects, but you're not. Well, there's the Gerta quote, isn't it? There are none so helplessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they're free. That's where they've got us right there. Very accurate quote from Gerta. Yeah, pretty interesting stuff, and I still think, I still titillate with this involuntary servitude being lawfully and legally legal, and even though it's not in the Constitution, it's in the Constitution because the opposites are in the Constitution. I find that very interesting. I've never heard anybody pontificate on that before. So in a sense, you know, they had indentured servitude back then. So I guess that was a formage in the law. Well, there was more bond servants than there were black slaves at one point. If you want to read a piece on that, it's Michael Hoffman. Are you familiar with Michael Hoffman? Well, you know, he's a revisionary historian, very intelligent, to read his stuff you almost need a Theosaurus next to you, honestly. The Bruebud family went through school, got out and was a AP station head or something, and saw what was going on, even the glimmering of it, and bolted, and moved out to Idaho, and he's been writing all these revisionist history books. So the way I found him years ago on Peter's was a book he wrote called They Were White and They Were Slaves. And you still go buy that book. I forget what his, he's changed his website, I forget what it is, but his name is Michael Hoffman. He's written some, wrote a book on usury that is probably one of the better books that's ever been written on usury. He's very well aware of our enemies, and I just seem to think he's Catholic, but I don't remember. He's a great historian, and as I said, I heard him on Pastor Peter's talking about his book there, and he was going around the country at that time you could go around the country and give talks without being shouted down by Antifa. And he said it was surprising to him as he went around the country and did lectures on his book and the facts that he had uncovered that the biggest people that were the most offended were black males, because he was taken away their victimhood. And quite an opus, and I wish I could remember his, if Mer was here, she'd know what it is. But his name is Michael Hoffman, H-O-F-F-M-A, and he's not Jewish, and splendid repertoire of works. So couldn't encourage you going and checking with him on anything enough, really. You can absolutely depend on him as a well-researched writer. Okay. Yep, they were white and they were slaves. That was the name of that book, and you can read on the excerpt of it, I believe, on the website. Anyway, great resource, Mr. Hoffman. Yeah, they left the white, the white slaves worked in the fields. The black slaves, because they were so expensive, they worked in the house. So that's the sad history. Here's one the element that I never thought of before. You know, the cheapest of those slaves were like $2,000 in those days. That's a lot of money 150 years ago, okay? So how do you think the plantation owners owned them? They financed them through the church, man. They had it going, man. These creeps had it going back then. So if you went out and paid $2,000 plus for a human being to come work, you can work him out in the fields and whip him and beat him and everything, or are you going to kind of take care of your investment? What do you think you're going to do? Yep. I got to tell you, Emily, here's back in South Carolina and the Savannah River Valley. Here I got great grandparents that owned slaves and I heard stories from my great uncles and all that. You know, there was nothing. It wasn't no roots. Cuniquente. No. That wasn't the norm. Well, you know, it was more harmful to their slaves than the white ones were the black slave owners. Well, some of the biggest slave owners in South Carolina was a black guy who selectively bred his slaves. The white owners never did that. I heard a story where he said that my great-great-grandfather had killed a slave because he was, he kept beating his wife and he said, "Keep beating your wife and I'm going to have to do something." And he just kept beating his wife and it wasn't necessarily a form of punishment. They were just being unruly and just doing morally repugnant things. Well, that's an interesting perspective now, isn't it? And then I don't think it's- I think that's the thing. You know, they got free. They were free. They didn't have names, you know, and it's funny because there's a lot of black folks around the Savannah River Valley that have, it was my grandmother's maiden name, the last name because they took the name of their slaveholder, you know, the day of my father. Well see, another part of that is as the bankers financed the slave trade, if the slaves walked off, that was not perfected capital. And so a lot of the blacks would- and walked off and went out west and some of them distinguished themselves out west in that capacity. But yeah, you know, and for me personally, I mean, I've got a number of really close black friends that I really like, you know, I enjoy being around them, okay? I enjoy their friendship, but it's not their color, it's their culture. It's that culture you alluded to with this slave, their beating his wife and all the rest of the stuff that I just don't particularly care for, and I dare say probably most blacks don't care for either, right? Okay. So, I mean, you know, it's not something Clarence Thomas is going to be in real favor of, right? Okay. Well, Bruce, speaking of almost a native South Carolina there, William, yes, Bruce. Yes, can you reference one of the largest slave homes? Yeah, the black one. Yeah. It wasn't in the county at the university of South Carolina State, which is a lot of Negro colleges. Yeah. What town's that in? Orangeburg. Oh, really? Okay. I'm going to go south of Columbia and then in Beaver County, there was another one. And those two, and it was owned by a black man and those are the two largest slave owners in South Carolina. Right. And Nikki Haley was in good and they selectively had their slaves. Go ahead, Nikki Haley and Nikki Haley was so frustrated with the financial situation in South Carolina State because they would be given money and it would be gone in no time. So they were underfunded, they said, but they weren't. She was fixing to close that college down until they had the shooting in the black church in Charleston. You can look back historically now and see how they've used this all the way back to the Civil War and before to help set up the Civil War. Okay. It's quite an interesting topic now, Paul, on Paul's show yesterday that I was just listening to again a bit this morning and Paul was talking about the Civil War. He said he'd stumbled on two books about Lincoln, one by Lorenzo and the other author I didn't recognize. The real Lincoln, I believe, is the book by Lorenzo and it's quite a derogatory writing on Mr. Lincoln. And then he started commenting, Paul did on the fact that it appears to him that the Civil War was the point where the Constitution got thrown by the wayside. He's exactly correct, okay? And very interesting and it has been affecting us this divide, this difference of black and white for, let's see, what was 1860s, 30, 130, about 160 years, over 150 years. This little schism that these guys created and many of their fortunes, this is one of the basis of their fortunes was the slave trade that went on for 200 years. They had approximately $20 in every slave, either whether they were trading them guns or rum or paying them or whatever they were doing down there in Africa to acquire them. They had about $20 in every slave and they sold them for a minimum of $2,000 a piece. That's a hell of a return on investment, folks, especially in those days, when in actuality many of the black slaves that were sold to them were captured and sold to them by other blacks in Africa. So Roger, can I ask you something else? They don't see, they don't like to hear any of that stuff, though, Bruce, yes, you may. This will give you a reference to how close our Minister, our lineage here, and our ages we have lived through, I have to paper out and the paper out was part of the southeast part of Abbeyville, South Carolina, and one day one morning my mother had to take me around to deliver my papers, that's a lot of us so bad, and we go down a big old hill, and we deliver the paper from turn around and go back up it, and she said, "By the way, do you know anything about this hill with your delivery and paper suit?" I said, "No, I don't know what you're talking about," she said, "Well, this hill is called the second hill, at the bottom of the hill is the second hill, and the name of the street is the session street." Well, they had a gathering of all the people in Abbeyville to vote on succeeding from the nation in 1860 and adopted it and presented it to the legislative branches of South Carolina and they adopted it. Now, she said, she just told me, she said, "Now tell you another little secret about this hill." We had a black college, and everyone of the professors lived on the secession hill all the way out past the city limits. Now, that's grabbing, letting people know how the blacks were treated. They had their own professors, they had their own college in Abbeyville. I'd love to live on secession streets, that sounds good. Well, there's just a lot of history we don't generally have never been exposed to and more people are looking at it and finding out about it right now. I remember in the David Duke talk, David Duke, I've got the video, we play it occasionally, hadn't played it in a while, but the history of Jewish slavery. He talks about where he had talked with this black writer, I don't remember his book, but it was on the fact that it was the Jews that brought him here, basically. They were going to have an interview on the local PBS station there, and they took it to a Jewish judge, I believe, named Greenberg, I believe he was the same guy that broke up AT&T years ago, and he joined him from doing that interview in Philadelphia on that topic. David Duke tells that story in that video, "Oh, yeah, they're not happy with this information getting out, but now they're committed." I mean, they were committed all along, but they have really turned up the commitment here as they have gotten exposed over the last couple years, and all of the things that are blowing back on them, like Biden's health and his mental incogruities, is that a good word for it, and all of the stuff with the jab, and all of the stuff with this, I was watching an interview yesterday, with this ju guy, Epstein, Dr. Epstein, any of you see that? On Google, and Paul, are you aware of this? This guy's research on Google, his name is Epstein. Really? Well, he spent many years, they killed his wife evidently, tried to kill his son. He was in DC giving a talk to the attorneys general, and one of them pulled him aside and said, "This information, I'd take extra precautions, whatever you're doing." And they ended up killing his wife in a totally suspicious type automobile accident. But he has built, he's got a model that models on a miniature scale, Google, and how they can do what's called ethereum, efereal views, do you know about those? No, they embed messages and stuff, and they can target it to specific states, I guess. And it's those things when you're looking at something on a Google or a search result or something, that they can put a suggestion up there that influences your mind, and then it's gone. So you can't trace it. And if you're not inside that person's place, you can't even see it happening or identifying it. And so that's what this guy Epstein has worked on for many years, and they have built and replicated the Google system on small scales all over the country. And he said they can shift the vote in an election as much as 20% with that stuff. And the minute they confronted Google with it, they stopped doing it because they've gone out and spent. I think he spent, they spent about $15 million replicating this Google system on a small scale all over the country. And now they can watch them and see how they react to things. Okay. So it's quite interesting. And I didn't know they had that power, obviously you didn't either. But it was quite an interesting interview. It was on Alex's show yesterday about halfway through Owen was hosting. And that interview is a stunning interview. Well, they've caught them now, okay. And so what they're doing is they're, I don't think they've got it in all 50 states yet, but they're close. And then they've got a paper trail where attorneys generals can go after Google. So they're, they're about to at least curtail it to some degree, if not totally. But very interesting interview and again, the way that what we deal with here is how they've set up this extra citizenship and with a little time and effort tricked us all in to being in it. Well, that you see how slick these guys are. Here they are using Google and this huge, huge firm to go in and influence these elections with this thing called ethereal, ethereal views, I believe they call it. So these guys are very slick folks, they're just using one of the tools in their toolbox because they own Google, they own Google, they own Microsoft through BlackRock and Vanguard. They own everything. Yep. Yep. But they don't own us anymore. Do they? No, they don't. Oh, by the way, the history of white slaves in America. They were white and they were slaves. That is up in the recent folder in Google Drive and there is a link in the chat on free conference call to the collection of white slavery PDFs. The white slave volume three, the white slave, another picture of slave life in America. The seamstress of the white slave of England, the white slave market PDF. They were white and they were slaves. The untold history of the enslavement of whites in early America by Hoffman and memorandum re-white slavery PDF on Irish were a hell of a lot cheaper than black African slaves and they'd go down the streets of London and just find these little ragamuffin kids and they'd just grab them by the nape of the neck and impound them, go throw them on a ship and send them to Virginia. Here's our hour long getting out of Chicago that we're not broadcasting to today, right? Yeah, we're not doing that. So Chicago, high and by. Yeah, high and by. So anyway, all that said, it didn't happen to have Mr. Hoffman's website, does it? No, that's history, history or something? No, these are, well, I don't know, I haven't opened the document yet. I have it in my books folder locally. I have it in the recent folder up in Google Drive and I put the link to those six. The final revisionist history dot org. That's exactly what I was going to say, Lisa. Thank you very much. I had it. I had it. Yeah, and Mr. Hoffman is a very prolific writer. I could not encourage you enough to go poke around in the things he has issued. He's got another one that he wrote called Judaism's Strange Gods, which is exceptional on the, on the background of our pals. Oh, wow, go figure the ADL is attacking him. Oh, well, that showed you imagine that that validates everything I'm saying, doesn't it? Yes, it does. That is the litmus test. Okay. If they'll see or the ADL are attacking you, you're doing something right. You'll be shocked if you read that information, you'll be shocked at the ratio of white slaves to backslaves. And of course, that's where the term redneck came from, because the black folks don't sunburn out there when they're in the fields. Where else can we go this morning? The movie the Jones Plantation in the Jones Plantation, they showed a white slave out there in the field, the picking cotton. Yes, probably. Yeah. Showed it right in the moon. There's a bunch of them. So anyway, that's part of our history and part of what the, how long these people have been having their hands and all the anything to make money, anything to make money, because of course, they don't believe there's an afterlife. So what they can accumulate here on earth is their heaven. And that's why, because they don't believe in Jesus, they don't believe the Messiah has come. They don't want to give this life and extension to themselves, where even though it's a hard drive with all their brain stuff upon a shelf, they consider themselves to be still living. These are some wacko people, folks. It's a wacko doctrine that they follow. If you've not, and you're new to this, if, and you think I'm some kind of am I anti-Semite, well, I hate part of them, I hate the Zionist masters, for sure, just like Jesus did, okay? God hates them. Jacob, if I loved Esau, I have a hated, it's Esau who we're dealing with here, he saw eat him. And as I like to say, if God publicly says he hates you, there's pretty good chance I would think you might hate him back. Do you think that's accurate, Paul? I think it is. Who do you look around and see you hates God? Right, but the thing is, Jacob, have I loved Esau, have I hated? That's kind of in the past tense, isn't it? That's a recount of a past tense, so I don't know if God still hates Esau. I don't know, I can promise you this, Esau still hates him. Well, yeah, that's true, I can, I imagine that's true. And if you, if you, and I was talking about this to someone the other day, my friend Adrian down here, who we're trying to wean, wean off of all that stuff, boy, it's difficult. Yeah, I said, Adrian, have you ever read any of the Babylonian Talmud, you know, very innocent, he's kind of this boy's charm and no? I said, well, then you don't really understand because you'd have to read their holy book to, to be able to understand this of this. It's really at the basis of everything that's going on. You know, they said Jesus wasn't in the immaculate birth and conception. He was sired by a Roman soldier and he's been held with, with the boiling excrement up to his eyeballs and all the crap that they, you know, Mary was a whore and all the things they like to put out. They just tell them, you got it. Somebody caught them doing their evil stuff and confronted them with it. They killed him and made him a martyr. And now they hate all of it because they're still suffering from being exposed 2000 years ago. Yeah, it's just tell them if he really wants to understand what went on, read the book, but don't do so immediately after eating. Oh, well, you can't read the whole Tom and it's a volumes and volumes and volumes, but you can sure get some excerpts that'll make you sick. I can tell you that. Mm hmm. You have some of the such as the ones I just went over. The fact that we have no souls that they're the only ones with souls. You can see their souls on prominent display over in Gaza. Okay. So, uh, they're just scum, they're the biggest scum that's ever walked the earth. They've never been confronted too much of that Jesus did. Of course they killed him, but in my studies in history, I, I've never seen anybody have these guys as cold, hard proof with their crimes as we've got them here with this information. We've got them cold folks. They can't even respond. The people that have an answer for everything can't respond to this. So if you're new and you're listening to this for the first time, this information is really powerful. It's got the biggest, baddest son of a bitches that've ever walked the face of the earth. Stand mute for it to one sentence on one piece of paper. Mm hmm. You don't think that's power? You're wrong. Yeah, we'll just have to see how it shakes out in the end as they get more desperate. Well, yes, they do, but the sheer thing is when you file that paper, you are now the powerful one. They're the ones that don't have any answers. But we don't understand how to handle power or that we've got it because we've never had it and we're not accustomed to it. Right, so that's for the new people that maybe listen, that's the biggest lesson here is what this is. This is this empowerment thing I've talked about in a number of times before, but you've now taken back your power that he saw eat him has stolen and back from his little selling his birthright for a bowl of porridge. Well, he's got him back now and but we don't know how to deal with it because we, as I said, we've never had it before. But what will happen is that as you go through this process and it probably is not going to happen overnight, but as you go through the process and the little time goes under the bridge and you absorb some knowledge and understanding and command of the information, what happened is you're getting that power you were supposed to have at birth that was stolen from you through this trick and then trick you to agree with it. And so for your whole life, you've never had it. That's why people, oh, it's so scary. Oh, I'm so scared because they stole your power and they've intimidated you into that mindset. Well, you're going to get it back now. You got your power back and as you absorb and get command of the information and it festers in your mind and in your heart, you start becoming empowered. And you can see it in our students here on the air, you know, and you hear me ask them by the occasionally, do you feel empowered, okay, because that's what's happening. You're becoming a receptacle of the power you're meant to have at birth that was stolen from you through this scheme. And most of the problems that people face are old. Even if they appear to be from external sources, they are essentially self manifesting, just because of the energy people are putting out, they expect to be enslaved and down drawn and everything else. And invariably, that's the way it works out. We do have a hand up don't know if Mark's available, but our call caps does have his hand up. Well, although our guess is have to go our and he's right in there, we wouldn't put those restrictions on him human, what you got Mark, and you hear me okay? Just fine. You hear me? Okay. All right. Great. Great. Oh, I was wanting to totally change the subject. So that's the reason why I wait. I raised my hand. Okay. Good. See, some people stick by the rules around here. Do what I stepped on. All right, I'm trying. Ran across a couple of really interesting cases, you know, you had talked about finding, you know, a law that would have a case law that would have to do with protection. Correct. You know, for allegiance and so forth. So first off, I've got a little shout out, one of your students in Missouri, Charles, he emailed me a couple of questions and he sent me this case and he said, it's loaded with feudal terminology or feudal language. So I thought that's interesting. So the name of the case is minor M-I-N-O-R versus Happer Set. That's H-A-P is in Papa, P is in Papa, E-R is in Roger, S-E as in Edward Tango Tango, Happer Set. And this is a U.S. Supreme Court case from 1875. So the 14th Amendment had been passed and in Missouri, there were challenging women's right to vote under the 14th Amendment. And so in this case, the court stated, and I love the language here, the very idea of a political community such as a nation is implies an association of persons for the promotion of their general welfare. Each one of the persons associated becomes a member of the nation formed by the association. He owes it allegiance and is entitled to its protection. Allegiance and protection are, in this connection, reciprocal obligations. The one is compensation for the other and allegiance for protection and protection for allegiance. There you go. That's a good case. That's a good case. That's exactly what you've been teaching. And now I also got to do another shout out because I was like, "Now, where did Charles come up with that case?" So I did a little digging and went to Devon's Citizen Handbook. And that's where he had a Black-Slaw definition for what he put here, citizen definition. And it was cited there. Now, it didn't talk about owing allegiance, but it didn't have all the protection stuff in it. You know, it talked about political community owing allegiance. So he had to write out a Black-Slaw dictionary fourth edition. And so anyway, so shout out to Devon, shout out to Charles in Missouri for bringing that to my attention and a lot of case. And yeah, we're doing a little bit more digging and what I discovered, Roger, did you want to comment on that? I just want to say it shows you John knew what the hell he was talking about. Go ahead. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm not sure where I come up with this one, but I stumbled across an amazing case called Yick Whoa versus Hopkins. And Yick Whoa was not a citizen, but he was from China. And I'm forgetting what city was in. This is out of California, if I recall correctly. So probably the day on the spirit, me just a second, 1886. And so this is still in the sweet spot. This was what led up to Wong Kima. This is what led up to Wong Kim arc with this and tens of thousands of other cases. Go ahead, Mark. Yeah. Yes. And so this had to do with the Chinese laundry, and they were, man, I was just looking for the city, San Francisco. So then that's kind of the gateway for the Chinese coming into the United States, even to this day, and it has the largest population. So anyway, Yick Whoa, now again, this is back in 1886, I had a laundry. And that was a big thing back then, because to have your laundry done, right, at a low cost, especially in a city like that. So anyway, him and many of the Chinese ran laundromats, if you will, or offered to do laundry service, that's a proper word, absolutely. So in the San Francisco, did everything to discriminate against the Chinese birthday, just a second, please. So Mark, have you ever been, have you ever been to San Francisco? No, I have not. It's quite a trip. What used to be a stunningly beautiful city, it's still beautiful. It's just feces on the street, et cetera. We went down to Chinatown. And I was just thinking, as you're talking about this, of a scene, we went to eat lunch, and you go back through these catacombs, I think we had somebody new what they're doing. And we went into, over this room on a bridge, there was a bridge over this huge dining room, and it was chock full of Chinese eating lunch, okay. And I can just remember looking down on that as a memory, looking down the thing going on. This has got to be some authentic Chinese food right here. So go ahead, anyway, it's quite an experience to go to Chinatown. Right. So anyway, Wong Kim, I'm not Wong Kim, got me turned around, yik, woah, yik, woah. He, of course, they brought suit and there was a couple of other people that run Chinese laundries that were under this, and there's really an interesting video that I stumbled across that discusses us in detail, and it was by Justice Kennedy who narrated it and explained it. So anyway, if you go back in time, you know, Roger, with people, students listening to your show, or acting like, well, if I'm a national, then I don't have a right to this 14th amendment or, you know, and you're even trying to explain, you now have additional additional rights, you don't lose those rights, you got additional political rights now. And I've been trying to say, you can use that law against them, right. So it's to your benefit, and a lot of people are acting like, well, now that I'm a national, I can't go into the U.S. court and I can't do, no, that's not the way this works. That's not true at all. They might not come after you, but you can be a moving party. Yes, exactly, exactly. So a lot of people got hung up on that, and they think that their rights have been limited, no, they've been expanded by being a national. You have additional protection that you didn't have before. And so with YICWO, it really brings us out, because it says, now YICWO was not a citizen of the United States. So the 14th amendment, and this is cited right out of YICWO versus Hopkins, 1886, it's a U.S. Supreme Court decision. The 14th amendment to the Constitution is not confined to the protection of citizens. It says, and we're talking about the 14th amendment, "nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." These provisions are universal in their application to all persons within the territorial jurisdiction without regard to any differences of race, of color, or nationality, and the equal protection of the law, excuse me, is pledged of protection of equal laws. So, and if you look at, there was another case that cited this, it was Lozano versus City of Hazelton, in 2007, say this is still being quoted. It's still good law. It's cited. Yeah. A venerable principle of constitutional law holds that all persons in the United States have rights under the 14th amendment to the United States Constitution, whether they are citizens or not. That's what I just picked up, those several sentences. And this was cited as from Yick Woe versus Hopkins, and in the case Lozano versus City of Hazelton, they used that quote I just read and cited it as being from Yick Woe versus Hopkins. In 2007, go ahead, Roger, comment. What I was going to say is 140 years older, 30 years older, something is still being cited. The same as Mark Goodlin found this, Murray's lessee from 1855 is still being cited by the IRS as recently as 15 years ago as from something in the case. Same thing. Yick Woe was actually cited in Plessy versus Ferguson. Oh, was it? Oh, was it? Yes. I'll try to believe what the -- yeah, so thus in Yick Woe versus Hopkins, this is out of Plessy versus Ferguson, 1896. So thus in Yick Woe versus Hopkins, it was held by this court that a municipal ordinance in the City of San Francisco to regulate the carrying on of the public boundaries within the limits of the municipality violated the provisions of the Constitution of the United States. If it conferred upon the municipal authority's arbitrary power, meaning they can just make up whatever rules they want to do at their own will and without regard to discretion. And so in Yick Woe, they come up with -- they were constantly changing the City Council, it's constantly changing their ordinances to discriminate against the Chinese. Yes. So the big thing was is if you were in a brick and mortar building, which is very rare back then, almost all the buildings were wooden structures, then you had to have a special permit. And of 288 applications for that permit, only 88 were granted, which were non-Chinese. The 200 that were denied were all Chinese. But the blacks think they're discriminated against now. They don't have no idea what the Chinese went through out west. Right. I mean, nobody takes an account what the Indians went through, the Native American, what they went through. Well, K-K-K does. Well, that's true, that's true. I found her conversation very interesting the other day, so. Sweet gal. Anyway, there's some really good cases, and I just wanted to bring that to everyone's attention, you know, if you're having some confusion thinking that you're somehow missing out on rights under the federal constitution, you're not. I mean, this expands your political rights. And see, that's what we mentioned these earlier, Title 42 sections, 1983 and '86, and both of them start with a citizen of the United States, don't forget Title 42, Civil Rights Code. Okay. So it's two 14th Amendment citizens, and those two sections both start with the privileges and immunities of the citizens of the United States are the same as those of the white citizens, because the privileges and immunities cause and due process is earlier enumerated in the constitution. So all there do is give them that same access under the 14th Amendment. Right. Connor. Now, I've got one last case I'd like to bring to everyone's attention, and this is, this is going to make a quick comment on the one you just covered. Mark, hold on, Paul's got an injection here. Paul's got an injection. Go ahead. Just a second. Before you go on to the next case, if you want proof that the Chinese were discriminated against, all you have to do is go to any episode of Benanza. Because Hop Singh, he wasn't the banker, he wasn't the sheriff, he wasn't the blacksmith, he was the cook. Yeah. And I yield. Yeah. And the cook's one of the most important people on the old pineuro side probably saying. So. Well, also, well, hold on, Mark, while I got, while I got you all, years ago, in the 90s, PBS did a whole hour or hour and a half program was one of those real famous announcers, giving it to you. I don't remember what his name was. But the whole thing was on Wong Kim Ark. If somebody can go in PBS back in PBS's archives, that program is in there. I guarantee it. It led up to all this, all the discrimination on the Chinese. And the only way they had to fight back was to file suits. And so they filed tens of thousands of lawsuits. And that clogged up the whole judiciary in the dockets. And so they let one lawsuit get to the Supreme Court and that was Wong Kim Ark. This was a predecessor. He got through obviously also, but not many did. But that was the situation that these people were having to deal with in those days. Okay, Mark. I'm going to unleash you. All right. Thank you, Roger. This is, this is going to come up and this might be an area that we attract more students. And that's the draft. They've got an alcohol that's, that's up for, for vote. I believe in the US Senate now, where they're going to create an automatic registration for the Selective Service from anybody's excuse me, 18 to 26, 18 to 26, and I think the bill they're voting on in the Senate now isn't to include females, isn't it? Yes, it is. That's correct. So the, one of your students asked me about what, what I thought, you know, how that should be handled and how they should respond to the Selective Service, because guess what, Roger? They're in, they're in that age group. They've already submitted their, they've already submitted their affidavit of citizenship evidence to the US Department of State well over a year ago. And so they're like, how, how should I deal with this? And we, we kind of discussed that. And so they pretty much sent a cover letter with a copy of their affidavit. And so now, you know, I've been digging and, and trying to find some information about the Selective Service and so forth. So there's a great case, I think this is World War I, no, World War II. It was, it's from 1950, so it has to be World War II. It's called World War II. Or Korea. Or Korea. Oh, that's true, that's true. But it's McGrath versus Christensen, and it's a Supreme Court decision 1950, let me get back to my quote here, and I found it fascinating because what happened, Christensen was visiting the United States under it like a, a tourist visa, and the war broke out. And he couldn't go back to, I think it was Denmark. But he couldn't go back to Europe because of the war, so this would have been War II, this would have been War II, I think. That's correct. And so they, they kept extending his visa out until they, yeah, they extended out like six months and it kept going. And then finally, it looked like he might have gotten married. But in the course of this, the courts, you know, trying to say, well, they tried, they tried to draft him and he was fighting that, saying that he, he didn't fall under that. And so they went back and forth and said, well, if you're not willing to be, be drafted, or signed up for a selective service, then you're going to be deported. And he fought them on this. And so here's what the court come out and said, and, and you're going to recognize this, said. So there are set out below under these regulations that would seem that Christiansen, ready for this, who never declared an attention to become a citizen of the United States, and who entered the United States in August of 1939, was not classified as a resident neutral alien until May 16th in 1942. Otherwise, there would have been no occasion, which declares the male alien who remained in the United States, actor 42, to be a resident. Until that day, he was the same category as a newly arrived non-declared alien who, under the regulations of the act, did not become a resident for three months. So throughout this, there's references into whether he declared his attention to become a citizen of the United States. And since he didn't, they did not say that he could be drafted. He could not be drafted. Excuse me, I'm going to spoke. So there was, there was that intention. Now there's a footnote here, says the original version of the act, and I talked about the Selective Service Act, required every male alien residing in the United States to register, but subjected only aliens who had declared their intention to become a citizen to liability for servants. Attorney General, through the word male alien residing in the United States, the earlier phrase, defying those subject to registration to include every alien who lives or has a place of residence or a boat in the United States, temporary or otherwise, or for whatever purposes taken or established. If it goes back to your intention, only those who intended to be a US citizen. And they can't come in without you expressing an intent to do so, they can't come in and hang that on you, because that's tyranny. Notice that they used a resident or a boat and did not also include the term domicile. Yeah. But it seems like the sticking point is your intention to be a US citizen. What's intent? It's always intent. And then you go, did you have an intent to kill this guy, or did it just happen as manslaughter or else it's murder intent intent intent? Yeah. Cool. Couple of good cases there, Mark. Good finds. Thank you. Was it Charles from Missouri that gave you that first one? Charles from Missouri was the one that sent me the, the, um, title. Oh, what was it? The, uh, oh, Bert, let me just second, it was the, uh, a minor versus half or set. That had the, the legions and protection. And that actually come out of Devin's Citizens Japan book, which I, I tell you, this is like one of my new cherished reference books, right, Devin, you did a good job. I can. Yes. Thank you very much, Devin, because I can pull that book up on PDF. I can do a word search for whatever I'm looking for. And boom, I can just, you know, it's, it's not a huge book. What? 71 pages. Yeah. Yeah. That's his version. 1.2. I believe that's still his latest version and I can do a keyword search and boom, find all kinds of references. And what's interesting out of this, uh, minor versus half or set was that it was the definition of citizen that he was using, but when you go look at that case, and this is thanks to Charles and Missouri, who's apparently going through Devin's handbook, he looked up that case and said, well, it's loaded with all kinds of feudal language, you know, referring to the feudal system that Rogers talked us about all the time. And that's what I said changed my life because that was like the big piece of the puzzle that drop into place that answers about, you know, all the questions that you have about, you know, the, um, uh, you know, was it, is it amorty law? Is it this kind of law, maritime law? What kind of law are we under while we're in the feudal system? We're under the commercial code is what you're under. Yeah. That's what you're under. So the only way the law merch, that's a great case to read. Well, thank you, Mark. Thank you, Charles. Thank you, Devin. And Devin and his handbook are a very good example of what I try and talk about around here where people are motivated by the information. I mean, I didn't tell Devin to go do that. He just thought, well, this needs to be simplified. It needs to be laid out a little more systematically. And I'm going to do it. And that's what he's done. And it's a real veritable little masterpiece as you're hearing, okay? So use it. It's a tool. It's right there on the website for you, download it, make copies, go handed out to people that are interested. Okay. A tool, a tool, a tool, everything's a tool for us. It's a great reference book. And I put the links to the Yikwoo, or whoa, excuse me, Yikwoo, and my versus haper staff. I don't know what's going on, but probably allergies, but I put it out in Chitango. Uh-huh. So that's... You've all been getting rain. You've all been getting rain up there last? You've been getting rain marked the last couple of days? No, it's been dry. We haven't had rain for almost a week now. Really? And that tropical storm is absolutely inundating Texas, and you all aren't getting any of it yet? Well, we're getting the humidity from it. It's been really warm and muggy already. Well, hopefully you'll get some pre-step out of it, too. Yeah. Yeah. So anyway, those are really great cases that back up everything that you're teaching, Roger, and just wanted to share that with everyone. Well, you know, I don't know how many of you are new and haven't heard of this, but part of the sacrifices that have been made here were by John for about a year and a half there in Denver after he was estranged from his wife and family because of all this. One of the guys in their group, which included John Nelson, by the way, John Benson and John Nelson in the same Patriot group, that's got to be in illustrious gathering. That he, one of the guys in the group owned a carpet store and had a warehouse there. John literally slept on a mattress in the back of a carpet store in Colorado there for a year and a half with eyesight so poor that he had to use a magnifying glass about as thick as a Coke bottle, bottom, and did nothing but read court cases. So I'm sure he stumbled on this one. Wow. Yeah. That's amazing. Anyway, I just want to know what it's like to know this. Yes. I was going to say there have been a lot of sacrifices that have brought us to this place where we are. You might have just stumbled into this and have no idea of the water that's gone under the bridge to get us here. Go ahead, Martin. Yeah. Yeah. And like I say, I stand on the shoulder of giants and I literally mean that. For me, that's been Dan Metter, Ralph Warner Road the second, Pat Patton, Richard Cornford, you, Roger, and your mentors. So it's quite an honor to be part of this group and to see where it's going and it's growing. It's actually getting legs. Whether you realize it or not, yeah, people are the word spreading and things are happening and being developed that I think this whole, this draft issue coming back on board, you know, and want to draft people to go to, to go to Ukraine to die and that meat grinder over there were over a half a million Ukrainians have already been killed. I don't think people over here are going to like that very much. And they're now conscripting women to fight over there in Ukraine, but you won't see any Jews in there. They put them on a plane back to Israel, 30 something thousand of them. They don't want the precious Jews in the army on the front line. They don't fight their counting in the counting houses while you're out in the fields to paraphrase Ben Franklin. You know that kind of brought something to my attention, Roger, because I think there's something in there about dual citizenship that is like an exemption if I'm not mistaken. They're going to protect the Jews, they're not going to send the Jews, of course they'll send them over there to Gaza and about to send them up in Lebanon, it appears. They're getting their asses beat. They can't even beat Hamas in the tunnels. They're in Gaza and they're about to go up against Hamas, Hezbollah, who's 10 times stronger than Hamas. Well I didn't know they were getting beat by Hamas. I thought they were just coming in and just trying to get. Well they're getting beat by Hamas by the fact that they can't defeat them. That's how they're beating them. Okay. But now they're turning your actual warfare that is a pure guerrilla warfare. We don't know who's the enemy and who's not the enemy and they're sprinkled all throughout their civilian buildings and everything else. It's not like a battle front like they have up in Ukraine. So get ready for Lebanon, that's next. And they can't do anything with the Russians or trying to move NATO in there. They're trying to take F-15s and stuff and base them in other NATO countries and not in the Ukraine and to fly sorties over Russia. I mean, they are desperate here to fight, get this war going folks. And I mean desperate. I think it's clever, Roger. I think it's clever for the financial problems that we're in. A lot of it is enough. Yep. Yeah, I think you said we had, oh, it was a huge number of banks that are that are insolvent and they won't tell you 64 of them. Yeah, 64 of them as a couple of weeks ago, it may be more now. Yeah. Yeah. Also, just, you know, you're talking about the Israelis wanting the F-15s, that's the eagle, that was the jet fighter, that was kind of dual purpose that was released before the F-16. F-16 supposedly took its place. The Israelis love that F-15 because it was the last mechanically controlled jet and had dual redundant systems. So like if one hydraulic line got hit, it could switch over to another one automatically. I see. And it was not, it was not fly by wire. It was a manual, a last, last jet fighter that was actually a manual and they did amazing things to that plane. If this new F-16 is just an absolute tragedy. Oh, the 35s, the F-35s from Raptor, or whatever it is, I can't keep track, all of them. The thing is just a disaster. Okay. Yeah, the F-35s. So anyway, all that's coming and as we tell people here, you know, the, when you say Mark says we're growing, the reason for that is you out there that are talking to other people about this. And finally, after all these years, the people are ready to start listening. More of them anyway than they used to be by far. And you've got a receptive audience for the most part. So get out there and talk to folks about it. Hey, you really want to understand what's happening? Hey, are you a citizen of the United States or a citizen of the United States of America? Would you like to know the difference? You know, the little one. There's only two conditions, you're free or you're a slave. Freedom is God's plan, slavery is Satan's plan. Which one are you? Oh, I'm free. Okay. Tell me what you can do without a license permit or permission. Oh, I'm a financial slave. Well, you're not exactly a financial slave. You are a slave. Would you like for me to show you how they've done it and how to easily remove yourself from that system? I mean, there's a lot of ways to do it. It may be uncomfortable for you at first, but the more you do it, drill practice rehearse. The better you'll get at it, okay? That's the way we're going to grow folks right there. I can't beat people up with this. It's got to be third party and it's got to be people that know each other or that have some sort of relatability and are having these conversations. That's where you're going to plant seeds, okay? And don't forget about the insightful brochures on National Correct. If you go to the bottom there on that homepage, we have a link to that brochure called the free brochures. Right. That's Gary. That's Gary and Gina's. They spent a bit of time on that. We should promote it. It's also a situation to give somebody a little trifold. They may look at it where if you give them a 71-page Devon handbook, they might not look at it. Oh, yes, that's got a lot of distinct advantages and another tool for you, okay? Done by someone else, a student that was motivated by the information. Yeah. You know, you can upload that to VISTA print and get a hundred of them for pretty cheap. I'll bet. I don't know how VISTA print does it, but it's pretty amazing. So anyway, and don't forget, it's your freedom now, too. So if you want to continue to be free and give yourself some insurance, go out and find some other people. The more people we get, the freer we all are. That's just the way it is. Numbers is what they're scared of, folks. Numbers. You know, I was thinking, Roger, there's a lot of little mom and pop cafes that I go to from time to time, and a lot of them will have little tables where people put out their business cards and so forth, and some of them will even have little holders that will have a little tri-fold right there at the cash register. So if you know somebody like that, you could ask them to let you, you know, put up or lay out your tri-fold brochures. Yeah, and if you get the restaurant together with, yeah, if you can go with the owners of the restaurant and you're on the same page, you could do things like, I'll come give a presentation every Wednesday night or Tuesday night, be better every Tuesday night, and you invite your patrons to it, and they buy a meal. That's the only chart, they buy a meal. So now you're helping the restaurant, you're helping them, and you're helping you. It's a win-win-win. Okay, so there's a lot of creative little things you can do. And we've done that, when we first started meeting with Dan Metter, that was kind of one of the unspoken things, as we would meet at lunchtime, and of course everybody would enjoy lunch, and then Dan and others would do a presentation. So the same thing with Richard Cornforth, Pat Pat and myself, we had our study group, and restaurants knew, well, you know, hey, you're going to have 20-30 people that are going to buy dinner. And it was usually off, not like Tuesday night or Thursday night. And I'll tell you what, restaurants are being knocked down left and right from coast to coast right now. You might be the saving grace for some of these restaurants. That's very true. Very good. So anyway, Roger, how are you? Let's pull the audience. Okay, well, thank you, everybody. Well, glad you do. You're welcome. My pleasure. Very valuable info today. Is there anybody in the audience who's got any comments or questions on what we've been discussing here for the last few minutes? I guess not. Okay, well, where else can we move here for the last 15 minutes, 20 minutes or so? Paul, you got anything you wanted to add? No, Paul's off chasing something. Hey, Roger. Oh, okay. Well, there's Mark. Mark, you got something to add? I'm just going to share that I have the original from Gary on my group, the National Status Freedom. I think David said that he edited a little bit, the one they have on their group. So it might be a little different. So if they want the original, I do have it on my National Status Group. Okay. Good. And we need to promote all of our folks that participate. Mark of being one with the Telegram group, National Status Freedom, Dave and Kay and Mark's working with them a bit, have There's another Telegram group that John Cicerab set up and I don't pee pee in. I don't remember the name of it. Paul, are you there yet or? You're off somewhere. I just don't remember the name of that. I don't have it memorized yet. So there's another one there. This is a little more open-ended. Merka is particularly geared at new students and she's very good at grabbing your hand and explaining these things where you get a very good foundation and helping folks with that. Dave and Kay are you going to take in their website in a slightly different direction. So anyway, people are starting to contribute. We're starting to get these little rabbit holes that people can go and check on. Roger, I have to chime in and Paul and how he's stepped up so much not being here for very long. He has not really been helping me with all your technical stuff and doing exposed matrix. All of these things, and Paul's been a great contributor and I just appreciate all of you and what you've done and you're being moved by the information. So he's not like, "Hey, go do this. I'm never going to tell you to do that kind of stuff. I want it to be internalized. I want it to come from inside you." That's when people put their shoulder to the wheel in effort to something is when it comes from within them. Like Merka's done with the Telegram channel and that is not a untime-consuming ordeal is dealing with one of those channels, is it, Merka? Right. Okay. It takes a lot of dedication and commitment, a lot of work, a lot of commitment, you know. For me to be here every day virtually for 13 years, that takes a commitment, okay? I have to be here even on days you're not here. That's right. And Paul is, well, Paul, you know, here's the last segment of Sarah Westall interview, gets it instantly and comes over here and starts organizing all of the technical stuff and now he's over there with Paul English and they're big buddies doing all kinds of stuff. And I dare say you never thought that all this would open up in front of you from a click on a little era while Sarah Westall interview. I don't know. I would probably just be watching a movie on Hallmarker or Pluto TV right now if it weren't for you. But the Telegram group you're mentioning is PPN Radio Ranch on Telegram and there are two groups. There's PPN Radio Ranch and that is a, it's like a, like a bulletin board wall where all of those posts which are official that are specifically placed there by admins of the PPN Radio Ranch chat group, they have the ability to move posts that are, that fit what we're doing into the PPN Radio Ranch and those are immediately shareable to other Telegram groups so when people click on them in their group, they're automatically transported over to PPN Radio Ranch and then they can just click on the join button. We've got over 80 people in there now, it's like, it's got good growth and the PPN Radio Ranch chat is a discussion group where there's all kinds of stuff in there and there's discussions on varying topics in a PPN Radio Ranch chat but there's those two things. I need to also not neglect you give proper credit to Murr for the Chitango chats that she's maintained for so long and everybody is, you know, this is my idea of a team and the fact that we can accomplish something by covering all these bases that one person couldn't do and I certainly could have never done any of this, okay? So I'm just so grateful to all of you for receiving the clarion call and answering it and becoming part of the big picture of what we're doing and trying to accomplish here. Well, it's a labor of love for everyone. Okay, folks. I mean, what else have you ever seen that makes these bastards stand mute, made me one other thing? I think it's a labor of love for everyone involved, so those that have set a course and done something to add to the group or write to those who add to the group because of their presence here. I mean, how many radio programs have so many people calling in every day? And come on, I mean, the support we have and the great people we have, there's nothing else like it. Well, and of course, me having a radio background brings something to the table here because I didn't intentionally steer this to this. It has just developed and happened and we've been able to recognize it and stay on top of it and try and make it as effective as possible. That's why we went through the recent change where people were all talking on top of each other and we've made this slight little alteration and look how well it's working. Yeah, and that new audio interconnection program? I'd even have. Oh, yeah, because it's full duplex, if somebody else is talking, you'll know it immediately. All right, so, yeah. So making progress slowly but surely and the enemy is helping us by turning the screws on their end and making more and more people aware and looking for answers and all we've got to do is connect with them. Simple as that. So, if you are a social media person and you do spend some time over there on all of that, stick our links in there, promote the show through any social media basis we have because quite frankly, I don't like that stuff and I'm never going to do it, okay. It's just not my personality. But some of you do like that and some of you are involved like that and those are valuable basis to put this information up on, look at some of the info we've gotten feedback-wise from TikTok, okay, which, you know, people that had channels over there, a lot of members and all that stuff. We don't know where new people are coming from necessarily unless they come on here and tell us, which we'd love to know, but just everybody, it's all of our collective job, jobs, plural, to be trying to spread this information and increase our ranks. The better it is for the people we're talking to, the better it is for us, the worse it is for our enemy. It's a win-win-lose situation and our enemies lose here. You know, John, someone we haven't heard from in a long time is Anthony Barry and his TikTok channel was growing, they leaps and bounds. I was thinking about that. But you see how people come in here, they get involved for a while and then they drift away. You don't know why, you don't know whether they turned their backs on the information or whether they got busy or had a baby or got a disease or what the reason is. You don't know because you don't hear from them. But I do know that those seeds have planted and germinated in all those people and I seriously doubt if they're keeping their mouths shut about this. Okay, if somebody is trying to figure out how to find the PPN Radio Ranch Telegram group, you can go to any web browser and type in the location bar, in the address bar, that is and that will take you right to the launch page for Telegram and if you don't have Telegram, you'll be prompted to download the app and install it and then the next time you go to that address, it'll spank you right into that group. Yeah, but you've got to have a cell phone and you've got to have it on your cell phone before you can get it on your computer. Right. Yeah, you're going to start with the cell phone because the account will be linked to your phone number. Have you ever thought how much the world would be nicer if we didn't have cell phones? Oh, absolutely, except for we wouldn't have Telegram or they would be using it for technology? There's a lot of convenient things on there, but it amazes me to go to them all or to get out and go around it. On the bus, everybody's reading their friggin' cell phones and not talking to each other. They're not doing anything, they're just glued to that cell phone and, uh, yep, so I think the world would be better without them, but it wouldn't be as convenient. I'll agree with that. Yeah. We'll get about three minutes left. Anybody got something to bring forth here, you're running out of time. Yep. We've got a pretty quiet group this Saturday here. I thought we might have two of these new gals. Merk, these are two new gals. I think one of them, for sure, may be both of them are in California. One of them is a doctor of some sort. All we've done is exchange females, but she was a David Strait student, so I think that she feels like she's been released because she said, you know, it was so complicated and I just had a feeling that it wasn't right. So I've pointed everybody's direction there and hopefully we'll have a chance to have them on the air here shortly because they're wanting to ask questions and I just don't do these long explanations in email. It's two dimensional communication. People can easily mistake something you're right because there's not emotion and input in there and I want to do those things here on the air where not only does the person needing the information grow, but everybody else that's out there that might have the same question is exposed to the answer also. So hopefully we'll hear from one or both of those gals here, maybe they should be. Roger, what was their name? One of them is Elizabeth and the other Sandra. Okay. Sounds good. No, yes, there's Joan, I know that voice, hi Joan, does the doctor know about the truth about COVID since she's a doctor, does she say anything about it? I don't know. I haven't got I don't even know what kind of doctor she is, but we'll find out hopefully. So other than that, gosh, we're about, pardon me. Also, if Bruce is still on, I wanted to may I ask if he knows if Nikki Haley was part of that Dylan Ruth Charleston church shooting before we can subject off COVID, Dr. David Martin was on Alex Joe, who know where he was, yes, I saw it, it was fantastic. Oh, great for those, for those of you that miss that, it was almost two hours long, Thursday, that's worth watching. We've got the, we've got the, he's got these bastards right by the short airs big time, including even insight into the fact that that Rand Paul might be involved in this somehow surreptitiously also, they talked about that. I can't regurgitate the verbiage, but Alex agreed with him, and he's known Rand since he was in medical school, helping his dad Ron in the old days. Anyway, that's worth watching, it was Thursday. So we're about to have a weekend here, and I have an abbreviated one, and you do too, and we'll be back on Monday with Mr. Qasera and whatever he drags up and brings us. And otherwise in that we'll see how the weekend develops, hope you have a nice one, we'll see if any major events or any of that kind of stuff happen, and keep your big eyes open and your ears open too. And so, outside of that, I wish you, yeah, Monday's coming, I wish you the best, and we'll see you then, Paul, you got anything else to add on the way out in here? Well, we don't know for sure what John is going to bring to the mix Monday morning for the first hour, but we know it'll be wonderful. It'll be wonderful, there you go. Quite good, Paul, and so, and I hope everybody has a wonderful weekend, and what's left of it, and you can try and think that there's nothing bad happening and get back to nature and the earth and go to the beach or the mountains or go walk around with no shoes on if you're not in Oklahoma or you get all those sand spurs. So, anyway, I'll see y'all next week and we'll get at it again. That's about all I know to say, Paul, anybody else got anything to close out on here real quick? I'm gonna give thanks to Joe from Oklahoma who sent that video to me about Alex and Mark. Oh, good. Oh, good. Good. Thank you, Joe. Well, Joe's a mighty good guy and we're mighty happy to have him hanging around. So well, we're going to lay our bodies down and we'll be back Monday and see you then. Have a good weekend. And we're off. All righty, so there we go. And I'm off also. Yeah, it was a good show today for not too much audience participation, but you know, we can always find something to talk about. Yeah. Yes, we can. So no matter how obscure or buried, okay, I'm gonna take off unless anybody's got something for me. You've had two hours to address me, so you didn't do it, so I'm gonna leave. Okay. Okay. I'll enjoy your day. Thank you, Marco. I'll see all the rest of the weekend. Thank you. I hope to. Bye. All right, by Roger, that's it for the radio ranch Stanley Stanley Cup goes to seven games this year. Oh, cool. All right. See you later. Bye. Hockey fights abound. That's it for the radio ranch with the Roger sales on Euro folk radio global voice home, freedom go life, go live TV and stream life tattoo. Catch us here Monday through Saturday 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Eastern time. And for more information on the topics discussed, please go to the matrix docs, the matrix And you'll find links to all sorts of valuable resources pack a lunch. Stay the day, baby, it'll take you a while to get through that. I'm Paul. I'm out of here. It's time for me to get started on my weekend too. Thank you so much for everybody that joined us today and everybody that listened in online or via telephone. Take care. [BLANK_AUDIO]