Global Voice Radio Network's tracks Health Talk

2h 3m
Broadcast on:
22 Jun 2024
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I welcome to Global Voice Radio Network and the health talk show. It happens every Friday, 9 p.m. Eastern Time, or thereabouts, you know, anytime between nine o'clock and nine thirty. We usually get busy and do that crazy thing that is talking about health and holistic medicine and allopathic pitfalls, maybe, let's do this program and let's have a whole lot of fun and learn a bunch of things tonight. This is Health and Wellness Radio, spiritually, physically, and emotionally. You're listening to the Global Voice Radio Network. Good evening, Edward. How you doing? I'm doing good. Good. That's good. That's good. Hey, were you anywhere near that seven inches of rainfall that happened in a town in Oklahoma over one night? No, thank goodness that wasn't. Oh, man, man, there was crazy flooding. One person died. It was just absolute mayhem. One town in Oklahoma, I forget the name of the town, but I got it from, I got the information from a guy that I know that lives in Oklahoma. He lives up in North Central Oklahoma. One town got seven inches of rainfall overnight. I mean, they literally woke up to mayhem, mayhem. It's a good thing. There were some big storms here and they missed what they just went right around us and they were huge. Oh, that's good. That's good. It's not a good thing that there was flooding in Oklahoma. It's a good thing that you missed it or probably more accurately, it missed you. So that, that's what I mean. That's what I meant to say by then. It was heavy rain and winds. I couldn't believe the amount of rain and winds that were coming down with health zones one night last month, it was, it was really something to see, it was spent. Yeah, yeah, really. Well, we've got a, we've got a number of interesting topics tonight. You want to talk a little bit about the first one, World Council for Health. Those guys are making big waves, right? Oh, yeah. They're calling for a complete moratorium on childhood vaccines. That's serious, that's big, a complete moratorium on childhood vaccines and they should have done it right from the beginning. They never should have given them to children. Right. They should have done a long time ago. We actually have a clip from Forbidden Knowledge TV, should we go ahead and play that? Sure. All right, let's do it. This from Forbidden Knowledge What we've learned is this childhood vaccine schedule is not what we thought and now critically looking at it, we have a situation that we just learned that the World Council for Health now, International Body, is calling for a complete moratorium on childhood vaccines. First international organization to call for that, why? Because the vaccines are piling up one after another, they're being given in multiple salvos. There are safety events now that we learned that in 1986, the US passed legislation that indemnified the manufacturers of vaccines in that legislation. It says the vaccines have unavoidable harm. It says that it. So what are the harms that we're seeing? It's clear when the vaccines are given in multiple rounds. It's probably not no single vaccine and no single additive, but it's the sum total of vaccines given at once, we're seeing a strong signal towards neuropsychiatric disorders. So attention deficit disorder, Asperger's, autism, seizures, allergic diseases, asthma, atopic dermatitis, need for terminus, sudden infant death syndrome, and then the converse. Now this is the converse, which is papers by Mossen, Hooker, Miller, Thomas, and an older Amish study, all five studies show if children go natural, no vaccines whatsoever, they have the best outcomes. Freedom from these things. And you know, when I was a kid, the rate of autism was one in 10,000. Now it's one in 36 and there's about 200 published manuscripts showing it's a immune system dysregulation, one in 36, one in 36, the immune system dysregulation that in a reactogenic phase of the vaccine, sometimes with a febrile seizure, the inflammatory factors go into the brain probably permanently change it. And the vignettes, the mothers tell us that the child was fine up until the time they took a multiple rounds of vaccines, and then they develop autism. Those vignettes are almost certainly correct. We can't pin it down to any single vaccine, but I'm telling you in total, it doesn't look good. This epidemic of autism is a tsunami. And you know how many, many mothers, now recent Kaiser Family Foundation survey shows, you know, about a third of mothers and young fathers going natural. Right. How many vaccines do kids get now 70, 80? What is it like? It's still 82. I know it was 82 for a while. Any amount is one is bad Dr. Judy Macavish is world famous and Dr. Fauci locked her up for five years, because she had the truth that he was a fraud when it came to AIDS and HIV, he lied about everything. But she said that no childhood vaccines have ever been any good. No vaccines have ever been any good. They literally took and vaccinated 1 million girls in the Philippines and in South Africa with tetanus shots, five shots each and sterilized 1 million in each place. Yeah. Well, people are evil at these things. There are places that actually have a price on Bill Gates head. If he shows up in their country, and I think it was the one that had 40,000 polio cases, I mean, polio for all intents and purposes, eradicated itself. That's in India that he literally harmed 40,000 people got polio from his garbage. Right. Well, polio is one of the things that it for all intents and purposes reversed itself, because what was causing polio was sanitation practices and diet and just pollutants. And as those things went away with the advent of technology and the advancement of the human condition, the polio numbers drastically reduced. I mean, it was on par to be eliminated completely. It only resurged after the polio vaccine was rolled out. And there were cases of polio that were a direct result of the vaccine. The vaccine actually gave people polio that otherwise never would have had it. Exactly. It's absolutely heinous. And these guys need to need to take a long walk off a short beer and be wearing cement collages on their feet. I mean, they really do. What they've done is a crime against humanity. It's international war crime because they've declared war on humanity and they need to be tried for it. That's it. Swinging at the end of a hip textile, that's what these guys deserve. That's what they need. Well, yeah, it's too. It's too kind, but what are you going to do? You have to eradicate the evil somehow. Let's go. Let's go to the now. We know that no one should be taking childhood vaccines. I've known it for years. All the children fair better without it. They're all it's setting them up to die early. All the vaccines were for genocide. Standard care from the AMA, the American Murder Association, they used to call it on radio shows. I was on by different names, though, so I picked up the names American Moron Association. The medical industry complex, it depends. The medical industry is taught only one thing. Cut poison and burn, it's called allopathic medicine, and are a product of the Rockefellers who are a known followers of genocide on the planet. Well, I don't know if it's allopathic medicine or homicidal medicine. It's definitely pathetic medicine. That's why they say doctors practice medicine, because if they knew how to do it, they'd be done practicing. That's right. I've been teaching more doctors who have been calling me to learn how to detox the body. All health is relating to parasites, parasitic intestines, mold, mildew, candida, fungus. All of that that gets in your body, no one teaches you to clean it. They teach you to feed it sugar from the food companies and the same people that own the stock and the food companies own the pharmaceutical companies. So they own the food and the pharmaceuticals, both of them sick and sicker. Well, okay. It's high fructose corn syrup from genetically modified corn. It's beet sugar from genetically modified beets. It's HEK 293 Human Embryotic Kidney Cell Line, number 293. There's all of the traces of glyphosate that still winds up going all the way through the food manufacturing process, and it actually winds up inside that box that may be in your cupboard. Infosate is deadly, absolutely deadly. You can Google it or use Yandex or use any other search other than Google. It's really tragic the problems that spray it. They spray the glyphosate or the immigrants that come in and form and they spray it on. They're all getting poisoned and they have tremendous problems. Yeah, I was just trying to get to that. Google glyphosate poisoning and you will find to your horror everything you never ever wanted to know about glyphosate, but mark my words. If you have anything, either wheat-based, corn-based or carbohydrate-based in a package in your cupboard, it's in there. You can bet on it. Let's do Kansas Attorney General, big news in Kansas. Wait one second before you move on to Kansas. Of 20-something years ago, I found out that the FDA reported they didn't have enough help. They needed 400 more they would have taken to monitor all the refineries that make the corn syrup. So, I found out that one-third of all corn syrup in these packages in the stupid markets have mercury in it. Oh, yeah. Now, mercury is not something that just goes into your body and leaves. It accumulates in your body and you wonder why everybody's having health problems. When you take the bentonite clay and you bring your produce home and soak it in the sink with a little bentonite clay and water, it will pull all that extra glyphosate sprays and things off your vegetables. That is one good thing. It doesn't take much, a little tiny bit of clay in the water will help pull it all off. Right. Okay. Are we ready for Kansas? One more thing. But, I think it kills mitochondria, the energy generated in the cell, it destroys them. And you wonder why people are so weak from eating the plants with glyphosate on them. Yeah. Absolutely. The Kansas Attorney General is suing Pfizer for misleading Kansans on the COVID vaccine. Let's see what they have to say. Pfizer marketed its vaccine as safe for pregnant women. However, in February of 2021, Pfizer possessed reports for 458 pregnant women who received Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine during pregnancy. More than half of the pregnant women reported an adverse event and more than 10% reported a miscarriage, many within days of the vaccination. Pfizer also possessed information from its own October 2020 study on pregnancy in rats, indicating that its COVID-19 vaccine was likely linked to infertility, loss of litters, and stillborn offspring. Number two, safety relating to heart conditions like myocarditis. Pfizer consistently denied any evidence of a connection or safety signal between its COVID-19 vaccine and myocarditis or pericarditis. Indeed, on January 18, 2023, when asked whether it's vaccine caused strokes or myocarditis, Pfizer chairman and CEO Alan Berla stated, quote, "We've not seen a single signal, although we have distributed billions of doses," end quote. A signal that he was referring to as a safety signal, which refers to a negative consequence. However, as Pfizer knew, the United States military, foreign governments, and others had found that Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine caused myocarditis and pericarditis. Number three, effectiveness regarding variants. Pfizer also claimed that its COVID-19 vaccine protected against COVID-19 variants, even though data available at the time showed Pfizer's vaccine was effective less than half the time against variants. Finally, transmission. Pfizer urged Americans to get vaccinated in order to protect their loved ones, clearly indicating a claim that Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccination stopped transmission of COVID-19. Pfizer later admitted that it had never even studied transmission after its recipients received the vaccine and whether they could say it stopped transmission. After making these misleading statements, Pfizer also engaged in some censorship attempts. Those revealed that Pfizer officials coordinated with social media platforms to censor any speech critical of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine safety and effectiveness. It should also be noted that Pfizer elected not to join the federal government's vaccine development program, known as Operation Warp Speed, and declined that development funding. When asked about that, Pfizer's CEO, Albert Burla, said Pfizer did not participate in the program in order to "liberate" Pfizer's scientists and to avoid government oversight of its vaccine development. He also said, "They want reports. I don't want to have any of that." Referring to day when he said day, he was referring to the federal government. Pfizer's misleading statements contributed to success in marketing its vaccine in Kansas. By February of 2024, Pfizer had delivered over 3.3 million doses of its vaccine in the state of Kansas. This accounted for over 60 percent of all vaccine doses given in the state of Kansas. The suit is being filed today, and as I mentioned before, it is part of a multi-state effort in which more suits may follow, depending on Pfizer's reaction. Everything Pfizer denied has been proven with independent studies, and those independent studies were buried. There were smoke screens blown over them, and in many cases, the researchers were destroyed. You mentioned Dr. Judy Mikeovitz. She knew what was going on. She said, "She knows more than anybody, and she's really, really knowledgeable. That woman is smart." She was in on a new, old game that they were playing, that all shots, she said, "All vaccines were none of them were ever any good, none. No kind of vaccine was ever any good. I don't think people really get that. I don't think they get it. They were all meant for harm." She just made it look like I didn't help but this. She was the first one, very early on. This was like 20 years ago. She was the one that blew the whistle on the tainted blood supply in the country, and what was it, a monkey enzyme or whatever, actually contained HIV. That's the way they lied about how they lied about how people got AIDS. It was from tainted blood. Now they ozonated ozone. You cannot get blood. Blood does not move through the system without being ozonated first. They didn't ozonate the blood back in those days. When Ed McCabe went to Dr. Fauci with over 300 people that they had completely reversed HIV and AIDS with ozone, and Dr. Fauci made the triangle on top of his head and said, "You'll have to do this, this, and this, and this. Six million dollars more spent and years of study." One man begged him, "Please let me do the dialysis with the ozone in it." Dr. Fauci, he was just a mean person. He's part of that triangle on top of his head. You know what that means, Illuminati or whatever. Well, yeah, exactly. Fauci's just evil, and if you look at two pictures, one of Fauci, and one of sister, what's your name? Mother Teresa. You look at those two pictures side by side. Mother Teresa and Fauci, if he was older or she was younger, they could be siblings. She and she was so evil, Mother Teresa, they just made her propaganda made her to be something she was never. She used to take the needles and people say, "Why are you using the same needles on all these sick people?" She's thinking of dying anyway. Right. Yeah. Well, let's spread the wealth. Let's give everybody here what everybody else has got in spades. Yeah, let's do that. I know. It was absolutely sick. When you find out the truth about things, it blows your mind because most everything everybody believes is nonsense. They've all been lied to about everything, and they don't know it. The only thing people's heads are full of is nonsense. Right. And many, many people who tried to blow the whistle and gotten removed, silenced, eradicated, under a host of different questionable circumstances, a host of them. They're not questionable, we know what happened. When you put ozone and utilize it properly in the body, you can change the entire chemistry of the body. You're re-oxygenating the tissue cells. That's what you want to do, and detoxifying them. You get enough oxygen, clean oxygen into the tissue cells. That's what helps detox every cell. That's the key. It's simple. This is not complicated. What they do complicates everything. They scare everybody into doing their therapies, and all they do is butcher them and then use chemicals on them for whatever little life that they take from them. They always tell them, "Well, you only have this much to live." They scare the hell out of everybody. All they do is work on fear these evil people, and they're pushing what they were taught in universities. I never got stuck on stupid in universities, but when I studied with Dr. Freebide at the International Institute of Oxygen Therapies, what I discovered was everything he taught me was the truth, and I uncovered it and studied it, and went deep into it, and I can show people what it is that it is they need to know. In order to catch up real quick instead of waiting. Right. Alright. That means you're moselin', good for what it does, yeah. We have another little video. Yes we do. What were you? Did you know your clothes have frequency? Yeah, they do. Let's find out more. As you awaken, dormant DNA is activated, and your awareness increases. This is why you're resonated with different fabrics. Because each fiber has its own frequency, organic cotton has a signature frequency of 110 megahertz, a synthetic blend like polyester measures around 10 megahertz, around the same as a diseased person, wearing polyester underwear has also been linked to low fertility. The mask yourself, I swear, and trends are pushed on us, but I digress. Wool has an extremely high frequency at 5,000 megahertz. Linen also has a high frequency at 5,000 megahertz. Interesting enough that they're woven together with wool, they cancel each other out and it falls to zero. And Deuteronomy 2211, it also says, "Do not wear clothes of wool and linen woven together." Dr. Philip Catlahan was able to prove the existence of this energy used in plant leaves attached to an oscilloscope. He discovered that flash cloth that suggested in the books of Moses, acts as the Nintendo for this energy. He found that when pure flash cloth was put over a wound or local pain, it greatly accelerated the healing process. Flax was cultivated in Egypt, sting created in Selenin, and it was worn constantly by men of rank and exclusively by the priest's wrappings for the mummy's rock. Ah, that cut off. Wrappings for the mummies were also made of Flax cloth, F-L-A-A-X. Wow. This is really interesting things, huh? Yeah, very. It helps to have little tidbits of knowledge like this and can make a difference in our lives to know things, to know the truth. Oh yeah, right, Linenman's shirt, summer shirt, and Google shopping. I never knew this, I didn't know this. Imagine how he has to underwear, make you infertile or whatever, I see, this is crazy, and nobody knows these things. They may have an intuition about that, there's something, there's something, but the actual facts of things like this, it's rare that people know these things, I didn't know it. That's why I want to share it with everybody. Hmm, you know what, oh, okay, there's a shirt in Flax, Linen, okay, so if you search for Flax cloth, you find a company named Flax Clothing, and it's all different. Flax, Linen, is what you have to search for apparently, wow, you know, that makes perfect sense. I mean, cotton's always feel better. And yeah, do you think it was a happy accident, that there is a clothing company that is absolutely dominating the Google search results that is named Flax Clothing, or Flax Designs? That's not a mistake, that's not a mistake, a company was created, a brand was created to saturate the market with promoting that brand, and therefore muddling and burying the actual Flax Linens, the clothes that are made of it, not made by Flax Clothing or Flax Designs. That's absolutely by design, you cannot make this stuff up, dude, you just can't. So, basically they're kind of making a little distortion, what would the word be? Wow. It's not total fraud, I think, but they're, it's a total distraction from the real truth. We need to know what's going on and we need to deal with reality, not nonsense. The problem is we've been lying to and told to eat five food groups in the same day. All of that is nonsense. We've been told to drink eight glasses of water a day. Well, if you're a 98 pound person, and you're a 398 pound person, how does that work out eight glasses a day? What does that mean? That is, that's such nonsense, but that's what they talk about, what they teach doctors to teach their patients. They actually teach that stuff, and by the way, more doctors smoke luckies, right? Well, Marlboro, whatever brand they want to push, right? So that's what I like to teach people and practitioners to do is empty the body of all the toxins. This detox the body properly lets we oxygenate the body, the cells properly, lets we nutritionalize the body properly, we mineralize it so it can function electrically since we're circuits, and we connect it to the ultimate creator that is reconnected. That's how we get intuition that's all our creativity. It's all coming from that that's one that's breathing us. Every breath of our life, one breath at a time, we can count on that till the very last one, and it feels wonderful if you just slow down and pay attention to your breathing. As a matter of fact, if you do breathing exercises, it will improve your health. There's many different listeners they call the yoga, over 750,000 of them. One of the types of yogis called pranayama yoga is all breathing exercises. There are many and they work wonders, they actually do work. Deep breathing and retention is a very good thing. Most disease when people get it in their lungs is at the bottom of their lungs, the bottom of their kidneys, or their bladder. What you want to do is make sure to empty the lungs, empty the kidneys in the bladder. Let it all come out everything, let it get fresh new everything as you take in more. Breathing especially is the most important thing in our lives. If you're breathing is giving you problems, see the sweetness of this life, the thing that makes life worth living, is only felt on every breath of life in the moment cold now, and if you're having trouble with your breath, we need to fix it right away. If you have asthma, COPD, any type of breathing problems can be addressed several different ways. It's actually there's ways I haven't even taught people. Dr. Freebot said he wished he hadn't taught me but he had, and that was not very nice of him to say that, but he knew I'd make use of everything he taught me. Well, Ulster Linens, U-L-S-T-E-R Linen, that's the first viable length that I was able to find on Flax Linen. They actually have the steps of how it's created. This looks like a pretty quick read. Step one plowing, Flax Linen grows in fertile, well-drained soil. Let me zoom my screen a little bit, my eyes are good but they're not that good. Flax Linen grows in fertile, well-drained soil after winter a deep plowing is necessary for the planting of flax. Originally done by hand, it's now achieved through the use of tractors. Step two, sowing. The sowing of Flax Linen must be done very early in the morning on a windless day due to the very small size of the seed. Originally, the sowing was done by hired professionals because it was so critical they would use certain rhythms and patterns as they threw the seed so that it was evenly dispersed. Pulling, when Flax Linen is harvested, it is pulled rather than cut in order to obtain the longest fiber. Although also, when the roots are left intact, the plant withstands being stooked better for a period of time. The harvest season begins about one month after the flax begins blooming. Pulling is very strenuous work and harvesters often injured their backs. Stuking. In order for the flax linen to dry, it was bundled together and tied. These bundles are called beets and are left standing until they're entirely dry. By stuking the flax, it dried evenly versus laying it out in the sun. Their quality fiber turned white when it dried while the lesser turned brownish. Rippling. Step 5. This is the process used to de-seed the flax. The top ends of the dry bundles of flax are pulled through nails hammered into a board like a comb. The seeds are collected below on a sheet. At this point, the flax can be stored for a while as long as it's kept dry. Reading. Reading is the process of rotting away the inner stalk using bacteria, leaving the outer fibers intact. The bacterium decomposes the pectin, which binds the stalk and fibers together, allowing the fibers to, in a sense, be freed from the stalk without damaging them. The bacterium is active in a hot moist environment, but if left too long in this environment, the fibers themselves will also rot, ruining the flax altogether. The water is changed or the flax rinse periodically for four or five days until the retting process is finished. Step 7. Once the fibers are loosened by retting, the process of breaking is used to break up the inner woody stalk into smaller pieces so that it is separated from the flax. This is done by putting handfuls of flax into a wooden blade of a breaking machine and beating the flax from the bottom of the stalk to the top. The broken wood fragments called "sheaves" fall through the fiber to the ground. Step 8. Scutching. The broken sheaves that do not fall to the ground must be scutched out. This is done by swinging the wooden scotching knife down the flax, which scrapes it and pulls away the sheaves that remain. Hackling. This is the process that prepares the flax for spinning in which it is pulled through various different sized hackles. First, it is pulled through a hackle with nails based fairly far apart to remove the straw and then the hackles with nails close together would polish and split the fibers. The fibers that come off of the hackles are bundled together to provide a lower quality product still of some value while the hackled flax that remains intact is cleaned once more and achieves a gloss and suppleness which make it ideal for spinning. Step 10. Spinning. Depending on the preference of the spinner, flax linen can either be spun from a distaff or the spinner may simply lay flax fibers in their lap from this point in which the process is the same as that for wool. Step 11. Weaving. Weaving is the process in which the flax threads are interlaced to form linen fabric on a loom or a frame. The lengthwise threads known as the warp are fixed under tension while another thread is woven through the tarp which is called the weft. The warp threads are separated and weft is carried through them on a shuttle. Step 12. Bleaching. Linen is a naturally tan color which is then bleached white. After being bleached it can be dyed any color. So I guess maybe all those steps in manufacturing and processing of flax into linen and weaving it in a cloth. Maybe that's why this very website gets $22 for a handkerchief. Maybe. Here's the thing, we need to get back to natural fibers. We need to, it's actually, I think it's actually really, really funny how processing flax to make cloth, to make healthy clothing is very, very similar to processing hemp, to make hemp clothing. It's very similar. It is the fibers on the outer side of the stalk and not the meat within the center of the stalk. It's not the greens. It's not the roots. It is the fibers that surround the stalk under a hard shell. And those fibers need to be removed from that hemp stalk. And then once they are, they're cleaned, they're spun and then woven into naturally antibacterial, durable, soft, softer than cotton clothing. And it costs less to process hemp into yarn than it does cotton. Hemp is naturally antibacterial, cotton is not. Hemp is cooler, cotton is not. Hemp is carbon negative. Cotton fields require huge amounts of pesticides and chemicals just to get a profitable harvest. We need to go back to the natural and leave the polyester, leave polyester on our own some place. Maybe they'll take a walk. Maybe they'll take a walk somewhere, yeah, okay. That's very interesting. I didn't, I had no idea that flax linen actually existed, but I tell you what, I'm gonna start looking for it. I don't think any of us do. I'm gonna start looking for it. I'm also, there's a number of places in the country where you can get hemp clothing. I'm serious, hemp, hemp shirts, a hemp shirt is cooler, it breathes, it naturally wicks moisture better than cotton, it's antibacterial, it reduces the old clothing stink and all that. And I'm concerned about the frequency. The frequency that we just heard is that the polyester is made from chemicals from petrol, petroleum are down to 10%, which is what a sick person is about. Yeah, the polyester's actually, they actually vibrate at the same frequency that an unhealthy body does. That's what it said, yes, exactly. And the other, and the wool at 5,000 and the linenated 5,000, is that why it feels like you sleep under nice sheets, that's probably what it is. Well. That's the difference. You know why it feels nice, it's not just that the sheets feel nice, it's what are they made of and it matters. If you're making it out of cotton or polyester, yes, it could make a lot of difference. Right. Well, it was also interesting that he noted that wool has a positive 5,000 hertz frequency and linen has a negative 5,000 hertz frequency and a linen and wool blend will cancel and have no frequency at all. It's very, very, very, very interesting. Wow. You know, I mean, what I, what I perceived at the beginning of the program is probably to be the, a snoozer of, of an article actually turned out to be the superstar, really. But else can we talk about or should we open it up to questions? So see if anybody else has, has any questions, any ideas or if anybody happens to know the actual frequency of the clothing, maybe we can address some health issues. Well, yeah, that's, that's what we're, that's what we're all about. Um, um, anybody, uh, have something to add or a question that, uh, that is burning in their, uh, cranium and desperately needed answer? Star six to unmute yourself. Or is that a subject we wouldn't talk about? Yeah, or a subject or a topic. Um, dial star six to unmute yourself. Nope. Doesn't look like we have anybody. So what else, what else do you want to talk about? Well, well, I have a question. There we go. Michael. Go ahead. This is, uh, Mike Brown, I know, uh, and, uh, I am a, uh, I am a Vietnam veteran. And, uh, I've been declared totally impermanly disabled because of my agent on exposure. I have peripheral neuropathy and I've got, uh, and I got seven balls just to have, uh, four, three of my next and I got four of my back and then I have, uh, AS alkalizing. Find a knife and that is a inflammatory disease of the spine, the primary effects of spine. And over a period of time, they just don't know how long it takes. But my spine will fuse together with my vertebrae along with my hips and I lose mobility. And I have severe spinal stenosis. So the diagnosis thus far has been to look at the most severe damage degenerative disc, which is L4 and five because they move forward and they're basically laying on my spine, my nerves. So, uh, the surgery that they're suggesting is that they take the L4 and five and, uh, basically gouge on most of the, uh, degenerative nerve, if you will, or degenerative disc. And, uh, basically see if that's going to relieve some of my pain, because my pain is basically why don't we, why don't we do something in the meantime? Why don't we try something else that I have, that I'll suggest that's going to relieve that pain very quickly and I have several different ways of pain. By the way, pain is the subject everybody for tomorrow for the more vital calls. You're going to hear amazing testimonies about people with pain. Every kind of pain, no more pain. That's, that's a good thing, but let's, let's address, uh, your, directly your pain and talk about, well, several things. The, what kind of prescriptions are you on, uh, right now, and how long have you been on, uh, medications, all this involved in our medications for about two years? All right, okay, and, uh, how many, how many? I'm on, on two specifically. I'm on, uh, do lots of things, and that's 60, 60 milligrams, that's, uh, a, uh, a hundred and twenty a day, two tablets a day. And what is the, and what is that for? Cause I'm not familiar with that one in particular. They make so many I have to look up it is mainly for my PTSD, but it also, okay. So that, that, that, yes, okay, go ahead for what else? It also can be applied to, uh, specifically your, uh, it can't help with your pain. Okay, so we don't want either one of that. We don't want that, that is a bad one. I, I already know if I look up all the side effects and then the rare side effects and then the additional rare side effects. And I want you to know that's exactly what they're doing to you, that I have a much better solution than that one will see you on besides that, that one, you won't need it anymore when I show you what to do. Okay, and the, uh, other one that I'm on is basically for my, uh, PTSD for nightmares. Okay, same problem. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Now I want to see the side effects of these two drugs actually. You need, you have my phone number, text them to me. I want to look up the small benefits. I'm very interested in causing spinal degeneration also. I want to see what my intuition tells me they're very bad for you. Okay. All right. Yeah, I'll, I'll text them to you, uh, do I, do I have a solution for you? I'm pretty sure I do. I want you to try a couple of things that are going to make the whole difference. Um, okay, so good. One of them is the more vital, the restore rejuvenate. You put that on anywhere you have pain and it's going to roll your mind that works. Okay. And it goes deep inside. It's not just some little topical nothing. Okay. This is amazing technology that a guy came up with his name is Dr. Evan, a scientist. And he got this, uh, intuition and this, this knowledge came to him and he come up with this XDS technology that is increasing the penetration of all the ingredients that he puts and the oil that he bases it in a thousand full penetration into the cell in the mitochondria, which are your energy generators, when, when, when people take this, all their PTSD goes away, all of their desire to, excuse me, okay, they're, they want their suicidal tendencies and their, uh, what do you call it, um, unsociableness, all changes as soon as they start taking this within 30 days, I'd say some of them it works on in seven, but they start taking these, uh, it's made in olive leaf, olive oil and waxed oil. And it is, uh, throughout antiquity to improve the human condition. The other four, 44 ingredients, it takes two months to cure this and it's regrowing the mitochondria that addences in the eyes, the brain, in the heart and the organs. So I'm having amazing testimonies from all my friends, personal friends, no longer need new hearts. Their eyes are improved to the point where they're out driving at night, when they couldn't drive at night before and many other improvements, their cognitive function is improving tremendously, but it's much more than that, all right? Well, I'll make sure that I will, I'll text you that information so you have it. I want you to get on the more, get on that more mighto call tomorrow. It's a Q and A. I'll give you the phone number right now. get on that call your east coast time yes 12 noon east coast time here's the number six every 12 noon east coast time it's six zero eight nine zero six nine zero six zero zero zero three zero eight nine zero six zero zero zero zero three okay and you all are one of the most extraordinary calls you will ever get on in hell that the testimonies and real testimonies and they're gonna blow your mind that any one thing can do this so many and address so many different things okay great thank you what do I have the all-vomor I know my father he's out dancing two to three times a week he's up every dance no more cane no more problems with bone-on-bone and he said after 16 months his memory is the best it's been in in five years it's beautiful beautiful when I talk to him everything is so incredibly easy to talk to with when you talk to him what did it what it kind of I had this this last year was changing his own tire at 95 years old what it appears that you're dealing with is the persistence of toxins that are fat loving fat soluble toxins and they have permeated through the fats in your body and they're very difficult to get rid of but there are detox programs and and you definitely do need to detoxify you need you need to do bentonite clay internally and externally and you also need to do hot baths you need to sweat your live-in tail off okay you need to sweat your tail off because that will release those toxins from the fats and allow the bentonite clay to sequester them and drag them out of your body there is a long list of symptoms of agent orange and dioxin detox and there is an e-book out there I have not found anything out about the e-book yet but there are three minutes and 27 seconds of this video may help and I will be trying to find that e-book and identify who does it well I think I don't know if Woodrow is on the call tonight but Woodrow has Agent Orange for many years and I've been keeping him healthy with the bentonite clay in the mago zone and now the more vital rest of the products and he is most most happy I don't if he's on the phone he should start fixing what we can't tell everybody that's on okay in lieu of the rapid bad work in lieu of the rapid deterioration that this guy is suffering okay we're gonna we're gonna have to throw everything at it all at once the bentonite clay for detoxification the mago zone for oxygenating the cells and activating mitochondria for feeding the cells the more mito the restore and rejuvenate the rejuvenate topically to deal with pain and stiffness issues the restore to activate the mitochondria within the body they get the the body's own immune system functioning at top level so it can fight this while those toxins are being ushered out because we not only need to detox him but we also need to release stem cells to rebuild damaged parts of his body if you're taking anything from pain that is a respect of ochre you know like motrin or morphine they're on the same thing they're all receptive blockers and i i can never do acupuncture on somebody that's on that for 24 hours and they can't heal either people on understand home on home hospice on morphine and oxen cotton i have to i have to have them stop it right away because they'll never heal it takes it's like ridiculous how long it takes to heal them all that stuff it barely it my protocols barely work but the minute i stop it and and let them sleep naturally properly with no pain okay organically everything changes in the body can heal it's amazing how that works do you question do you live in a recreational cannabis state uh uh massachusetts yeah okay massachusetts is is recreational all right um another thing that i would suggest would be hemp paste it's uh it's a paste that is made from the whole hemp plant it contains 108 terpenes and and over 500 phytonutrients it has cb d a's b's c's d's e's and g's and it also has thc uh a which is the uh acid and thc which is the activated thc i'm thinking if you're having trouble sleeping like a peace-sized dose of that under your tongue uh 10 or 15 minutes before you go to bed you should be able to sleep all the way through the night without any pain or discomfort whatsoever it'll start to start to uh boost the endocannabinoid system it'll activate the body's ability to detox itself it'll rebuild neural pathways and and release some of that brain fog that is also caused by dioxin and the agent orange poisoning it it does cause uh neural uh neural problems but let's uh let's listen to this video for three minutes and 27 seconds and see what this guy has to say okay i'm mark squag you chairman of the whole health research alliance during the vietnam war over one million u.s service people and many vietnamese were exposed to dioxin based defolients or agent orange during military operations while advocacy groups in the media and politicians make loud noise and file losses on behalf of the affected nobody seems to be looking for a way to help the sick get wild all health research alliances a private research group we're not affiliated with the via in any way agent orange ddt and dioxin are lipophilic or fat loving toxins victims experience rotating and often severe symptoms that defy both diagnosis and treatment conventional medical care does not reverse the effects of removed lipophilic toxins from the body as a result the prognosis for agent orange victims is diabetes cancer and the lifetime of serious often debilitating symptoms to be treated with drugs that only seem to make the problems worse the challenge in treating agent orange exposure is the difficulty that we have in releasing lipophilic toxins fats or lipids are so precious to human life that fat loving toxins often never leave our bodies instead they move around in an ongoing cycle that drives symptoms like fatigue porcelain high cholesterol high triglycerides and finally cause diabetes cancer or some other serious disease agent orange detoxification is not simple and quite frankly it's dangerous those who try to normally effective detox programs usually get very sick and are forced to stop effective detox programs cause you to burn fat and fat burning moves deadly toxins from harmless storage to the cellular energy factories or mitochondria where the released toxins do serious damage to critical cellular machinery normal detox programs will probably make you sick because they do exactly what you don't want they move dangerous chemicals to where they can do the most damage lipophilic detox is very different from other detox programs it works like a three-step oil change first it triggers cellular lipid turnover by supplying bioideal fats which immediately adsorbed into cells diluting lipid bound toxins second it overloads the body with dietary fat and flushes away the overflow forced lipid overflow driven by the high fat diet is key because it enables you to expel instead of recycle toxin-bearing lipids our online ebook describes the disease and a possible cure we've included a low-cost food-only program for people who can't afford to buy the supplements you should however know that the supplement program will provide faster and more reliable results because refined foster lipids are tested to yield near 100% cellular adsorption providing reliable and predictable toxin dilution and release results with riags are both untested and unknown in other words use the supplement version if you can afford it you'll get better and faster results and you'll support our mission click the contact us button to reach us and please fill in your name email address and phone number a brief description of your health issues are very helpful also we don't share information other than how to get healthy whatsoever with anybody by the way working with us will have no effect on any VA benefits that you may receive mark squib from the whole health network dot com let's see let me see if i've got that whole thing whole health network dot com now what he's talking about he's talking about flooding the body with healthy fats so a carnivore diet fat only diet and forcing the body to burn fat and not carbohydrates that would be a good idea um hot pads that would also get things moving and bentonite clay taken internally and used topically to actually sequester those those damage those toxins to grab them sequester them and carry them safely out of the body so everything that we said before the video is as valid after it as it was before so um we got you we got you man just just uh uh we're gonna put you back together okay we got you sounds good i'll be in touch with you all right call edward uh eight one eight six one three nine two zero six eight one eight six one three nine two zero six go ahead edward hey everything is good um the results is all that matters when you get the right results there's no denying it when you get bad results from 97 percent of the people that are still taking chemo radiation for 75 years since they gave it to my mother and it doesn't end 97 percent of the people it doesn't do anything but shorten their lives when you poison them with mustard gas from world war two and they rename it and what we have this one to try now we have another version to try and we'll try it with some vitamins and nutrition and they scare you into doing biopsies you should hear the recordings i just had to listen to from belinda from a man that he says he's been taking the more minor and everything his lungs are better within a week and the doctor's still pushing and pushing to schedule him for a biopsy in his lungs well i'll schedule it for you for six weeks and you can make up your mind by then the the amount of pushing this and niceness he was laying back but i could read right through the whole thing i i have to warn people when you go to those medical doctors they're going to scare the living crap at you with the word cancer as soon as you hear you've got cancer you might have cancer they're going to push you and push you oh it's bad it's bad yeah yeah ten years from now you still won't be able to barely detect it it's okay it it it's a good thing you can see us now because um we've seen we've seen this take people in two weeks you know two weeks to live two weeks that's not even enough that's not even enough time to pay all of your utilities you know for the month whatever no but they're like they act like they're prophets and they're going to tell you oh yeah i have to live that's not a part of it really mean you're psyche so you come back and they can make that money off of that whatever surgery or application they don't make money unless they cut or poison you yeah right um and what's really funny is the for the initial treatment that they talk you into does more harm than good because it destroys your body's ability to fight off what it's been fighting off before you even went to the doctor they make it worse not better by the way this program by the way this program is not in hang on this program is not intended to treat diagnosed prevent or cure any diseases should not be considered medical advice listeners are urged to consult their own health professionals is provided they can find one before acting on in for on any information presented here this program is for entertainment purposes only now where were you going to go on it and what what what happens is when you put poison like that in somebody's body chemotherapy what does it do it kills off the mitochondria well if you don't have energy generators in your body how are you going to have any energy why do you think people have no energy when they do chemo or radiation they can even barely a phone machine i have a i have a question what uh what pain relievers you on are you just on on ends and sets and over the counter or do you have uh opioid uh meds prescribed over the counter over the counter okay so you're doing the tiling all the ibuprofen the Aleve and all that okay well and it's bad that stuff is very very bad yeah that stuff is very very bad for you it's tearing up your stomach it's tearing up your in your intestines you're going to wind up with leaky gut and and if not worse and you're just you keep doing that you're going to keep going downhill the hemp paste hemp paste and can can a paste and um i'll make sure that uh that you have the information on on how to get it uh and that will uh that will head off head off the pain and it will kickstart the uh the reactivation of the endocannabinoid system because everybody is endocannabinoid deficient everybody and there is nothing nothing on god's green earth that will give you a better night's sleep than a peace-sized dose of canopase nothing that'd be great so there's uh sometimes i can get just uh sometimes two or three hours of sleep because the pain is so severe yeah do you need more than you you need more than you probably won't be able to wean off the uh off the over the counter pain meds right away but you will be able to drastically reduce them and eventually eliminate them completely and it i mean your gut will be better your liver will be better your kidneys will be better your blood work will be better and your mitochondria will rebound and that PTSD all of that stuff is going to be gone and so are the pharmaceuticals that you were using now they have they got to go i already know if we look up all the side of them they got to go canopase and the more my products are going to make you feel so good you're not going to even be bothered with those things anymore yeah canopase canopase is going to absolutely eliminate those PTSD symptoms over time eliminate them all together okay great go to rebuild your brain dude so this is the more mighty way you haven't heard all the testimonies pull on one after the other on guys that want to commit suicide 20 30 years and none of them after using the more mighty one took 30 days one took seven one took longer one after the other and you know like-minded people hang out so his friends he introduced it to since he no longer wanted to commit suicide and none of them who either their lives have totally changed from the more mighty products that he's going to hear about tomorrow it's going to be incredible and they open up the endocannabinoid system too you know without it without cannabis he figured out a way to get the endocannabinoid system opened up in the East Dr. Beverly it's really interesting what he's done right but i'm not not in cannabis i'm a firm believer in all those products work good um i think i think what i think i think what we've discovered is just the issues that he's dealing with and i'm sorry to speak speaking of you in the third person michael um they they're they're gonna require um everything everything but the kitchen sink and maybe maybe the kitchen sink too um maybe if we do things right look the patches work too they just don't completely heal the x 39 or the energy enhancers on the bottom of his feet should fix it back pretty good but i want to do i want him to use the gels and yes all of these things are going to be very helpful hey michael are you do you have uh i don't know how tall you are and how much you weigh that would help if i lose i guess we'll talk about that uh i want to know yeah well i'll i can see you all that information yeah i want to know if you could lose some weight if you're overweight that's what i want to know how much he wins i'm i'm not overweight i'm all right then you don't need to be 175 by ten one seventy five he's perfect okay fine yeah that's sure yeah he's perfect no but i need to know these things you've got it well yeah well don't don't tell them to start losing weight until you know how much he weighs head would you're funny all right thank you appreciate everybody i was seriously very good now uh after tomorrow everything things are going to start to change i didn't realize you had that situation you never explained at all to me so we'll fix it it's not really really i know and and and uh does anybody have another health condition they needed addressed or i've got a i've got a couple of points for michael michael you're going to be tempted to try cvd cvd oil is incomplete it's broken it's only one it's only one uh terpene at best and all of the phytonutrients have been uh systematically removed for it cvd raw cvd um collects in the liver because the liver doesn't know how to deal with it it's like eating an apple if you eat the seeds of an apple you get sick if you eat the entire apple you cure cancer okay because the the rest of the apple the phytonutrients in the rest of the apple teach the body not only how to tolerate every part of the apple but to make the best most efficient use of it and that is the key with canopaste and hemp paste okay that is the key because you need the entire plant matter the entire plant matter plus an emulsifier like a vegetable glycerin plus organic bee pollen plus organic coconut oil those are healthy fats that activate the cannabis paste and they're all in one little jar one little jar it's it's all complete it's a complete product so um we got you we got you all right okay so good all right um edward let's let's see if we've got any other uh any other issues to uh to talk about but that's what i don't know if somebody has a particular problem but i didn't i was dealing what is what is count what is auto paste fall it's can it's canopaste it is it is made from the uh the whole hemp plant the whole hemp plant or the whole cannabis plant um there's two different versions there's a daytime um that is hemp that is uh very low THC like 0.03 percent um so it won't get you high but it'll still fix your body it'll still fix issues if you're having a pain or a difficulty sleeping whatever if you just you just want to be knocked out you don't want to be uh uncomfortable or or whatever you want to get a good night's sleep so your body can repair itself then that's the canopaste that's the nighttime medicine is what it is and um there is there are a couple on the market um i get uh canopaste and hemp paste right from the guy who invented this stuff like 15 years ago so um anybody that uh anybody that wants to know about it um it is not a replacement for uh mago zone or bentonite clay because they all have their purposes um it is it is an enhancement to uh everything else that edward talks about it's an enhancement to it not a replacement for it and um when you start to get things together and they start to form an entourage effect you get much better much faster and that's what we're looking for we want we want you guys to be as healthy and as strong and resilient as you can possibly be that's what this show is for that's why we talk to you what a week what about what about the daytime that you don't want to knock you out daytime is fine daytime's fine it's even cheaper so um it's uh don't do that yep um it actually um what some people have uh what some people have had uh success with is uh the amazing paste uh there's the canopaste which is the nighttime medicine which has the the highest amount of THC of any of the products then there's the daytime paste that is very strong in CBD's um but it also contains all the other phytonutrients and uh and terpenes of the entire plant so uh that CBD oil actually gets treated by the liver instead of stored by it and there is an amazing paste which is a 50/50 hybrid blend where it has uh it's very strong in the CBD it has roughly half of the THC so the psychoactive effect is is drastically reduced however the two have an entourage effect and a synergistic function that activates brain cells activates the the endocannabinoid system um detoxes the body cellular energy and it really really supercharges more mito and it really really really works well with the bentonite clay okay what do you give it up? um I can uh I can reach out to you and get it directly from get it directly from the guy who invented it all right yeah reach out to him and i'll deal for you and get it from me okay now do you live in a recreational state well uh no it's after a lot of those uh yeah okay so you just want to do you you would just want to do the uh the daytime yeah and it's also very good because um a friend of mine was diagnosed with cancer even though they were unable to find it um and uh within seven days she was off of 18 opioid medication doses per day um her her lower intestines were uh were absolutely um paralyzed her stomach was paralyzed her liver was toxic um and she was um waking up on every three hours like clockwork and wind up sitting doubled over in pain waiting for that fourth hour so she could take her another dose of opioid meds seven days on hemp paste the daytime medicine and she was off of opioids all together sadly her body had already been wrapped by chemotherapy that's what i use to get people off of morphine and oxycontin when they sent him home to die on home hospice on palliative care oh yeah exactly unique product that i use for that they have constantly out they sleep like babies they wake up hungry for the first time in a couple of weeks usually yeah first thing you get is some spirulina when a person hasn't eaten in that long and you give them a little bit of spirulina it'll pull some of the mercury back off their oxygen receptors if all four oxygen receptors are covered with mercury you're dead if three and a half of cover your own world if you pull some mercury back off a person that's come home on home hospice and reoxygenate their tissue cells get them off the morphine and oxycontin and on to what Paul is talking about is not doing organically not having them sleeping like babies for 24 hours and they're all healed now they're healing now acupuncture works now everything works the body starts feeling itself oh yeah because there's no way that your your immune system is going to be able to function if you cannot get a night's sleep and sleep is paramount detox is paramount paramount right yeah i'm only magazine and to play and there's more matter of products so i take all those every day okay you need you need help you let me know i i don't talk about it all the time but there's a lot to be done and we've got a lot of answers for things well there's some things that we can't talk about because not every state is recreational so so there has to be other there has to be other solutions and um they exist they exist we got you all right all right thank you for thanks for being on the call anybody else thanks for everybody that's on the call we appreciate it how about you there and are you all here there and on the call i'm all right here and how you doing i'm doing i'm doing pretty good you know my energy level is not that great i mean i'm although i'm taking more mike stuff or outdoor yes that's the magazine and i'm taking the magazine yeah so i don't know i just i think i just i do need something to help me sleep know that okay yeah very good very good time he's up all night two or three hours and i'm back up i'll wake i wake up four o'clock in the morning drink a little coffee and then i go okay doing today i do that i didn't think anybody else did that i do that that's going to be nice four hours and that's enough for a lot of times that's why i have a bun coffee maker it takes less than two minutes to make twelve cups and they have dark roast and that's my favorite oh well dark dark roast is good for you because it has all of the oils it has all of the bean goodness and it has uh less uh less of the the toxins that existed in the bean in the first place because they were they were off gas they were cooked off of it and it has a lower caffeine content so it so you'll be able to go back to sleep quicker dude french silk um black silk french roast uh don't do the columbian don't do the columbian that that's that's just acid that'll that'll give you gas um yeah it's nasty i don't know columbia can keep it that's what i'm saying if you want drink cocoa powder organic cocoa powder in the hot water instead of coffee on some nights they won't keep you up and it's great for many things for healing and one of them is to moderate your blood pressure so you don't need high blood pressure medications everybody i use one thing you can try one thing you can try it might help you sleep it'll it'll help your circulation um and it'll help your um uh it'll help uh you're breathing and it'll help with your nerves and things like that moringa olefera tea um it's kind of an acquired taste you know you're going to be tempted to put sugar in it or some kind of a sweeter uh use stevia don't use sugar sugar is bad okay but moringa olefera tea made from the moringa leaf all right you can find it on amazon um it's cheap you have one cup of that before you go to bed try it you'll like it mmm mark are you got a fan there by you again okay okay can you can you spell it what is it moringa moringa moringa yes and moringa olefera moringa olefera i just just search amazon for moringa tea i just get the powder inside in my smoothness um yeah but the but the powder but the powder is really pungent though the the powder is um the powder is really pungent and every time i i do the powder every time i do the tea i feel great but every time i do the powder it just it kind of upsets my stomach a little bit and it kind of gives me like this aftertaste and you know like the burp stays disgusting and stuff like that um so i um but the tea it's it's very very tolerable and it's every bit as as functional i'm thinking he needs to be doing also the the uh red clover tea oh red clover yeah red clover is fabulous he needs to be doing i need to finish that transaction in logic what what would you i was going to do it Edward what would you think of a red clover and moringa um hybrid tea yeah yeah a red clover and moringa tea brewed together right now i'll take both of them separate i'll put them together and just get them in me i'll be happy but if you can make a hybrid tree you might as well put cherry saying in order to just say i don't know if you can do it i guess i don't know i haven't tried it yet but maybe i will maybe you should make that no but me me i use moringa for a long time it's fabulous especially for diabetes moringa is a very is another superfood i use carella i use uh spirulina's the best of all the of all the ones that i ever used i started using it in 1980 that would be pollen ginseng and back then it was papaya enzyme to help with the enzymes to get it into your blood get it into your body quick moringa moringa is like a spirulina and and like it's not it's green it's green it's that's loaded it's loaded with chlorophyll it's loaded with chlorophyll that's good for whatever is unique in a different way it's one of 17 000 different varieties of plankton soft cell easy to digest 65 to 71 percent protein and 95 percent of it will get into your blood with the help of uh enzymes papaya enzyme or the magnesium ozone quickly and you'll get a lot of energy from spirulina it's very amazing but i use all the other ones too i just don't use like carella in large amounts because that can be talked so i'll use it in half the amounts right yeah and and that's that's the thing with moringa moringa's good but don't overuse it you know so the moringa tea moringa tea is perfect it's perfect it's nature's perfect um soothing drink most teas are perfect and helpful if you see this there you can do and they're very good for us instead of just drinking water or the option of garbage in the stupid markets that's packaged that everybody drinks teas when i let old men working at companies where i used to buy my merchandise and they would always offer me tea and they were the fathers of the guys they owned the companies and they'd always be at work until their old age and tea was their main drink always have a cup of tea always right exactly and you're overweight you don't see people overweight live some very long old age i noticed that 40 years ago and i realized wait a second that can't be very thyroid cancer multiple and it's all many around here and it's all weight and it's sad to be honest with you they don't have yeah it's very sad and i looked around it's unbelievable how sad how how really bad it is and it's just romantic thinking their their bodies are starving for food and eating things that have corn syrup and fatening things they're eating thousands and thousands of calories a day not understanding what they're doing they'll they'll eat a whole bag of chips when it's like 16 servings and 120 calories per serving and and and that's just a bag of chips that is that's on the side you know or something you know ridiculous or we'll go pick up salsa right or guacamole and it's got 4 000 5 000 milligrams of the wrong salt in it and we're gonna eat it like it's good because it's you know salsa it's guacamole you know what i mean right yeah yeah it's nature's perfect food like lasagna i do make it great stuff cabbage soup it's like awesome and it's gito it's like uh it's you can put a lot of meat in it maybe or not every culture makes a cabbage they have their own cabbage soup recipe some people have heard of the cabbage soup diet and stuff well because it's all keto so and you work with it it stays you know now you're burning all fat you let you condition your body to burn fats for a while it's a good thing for people to learn that and intermittent fasting where you go and drink all the time up until the afternoon when you eat let your body start burning things off and cleaning out let it evacuate a lot of the toxins that you're starting to open up when you open up trillions of cells and start to release toxins you also got to get them out of your body the right oil is getting to cells and fix all of that seizure problems that book i read years ago the worst seizures in the world this woman had wrote a book about it she went through every doctor imaginable and never found the answer till the end always the reason she wrote the book is she found out that the omega-3 oils are what she needed the right oils and that's what we got in the more mito product we got what we needed the minute i realized that they based in the old oils i said you know they might have something here and turned out i was right my hunch was right they not only have something they've got something extraordinarily unique and the product what it's doing for people is so amazing that i can't wait to listen to call tomorrow i know it's going to be off the book your testimonies are going to be that i've already gotten from everybody and the new ones that they're going to lay out tomorrow are going to be astonishing excellent i had lab work done and i'm concerned a little bit about my numbers i need to know it all right all right yeah my glucose my glucose glucose is 128 which is high right marynga marynga stabilizes blood sugar levels you want to put in organic brussel sprouts string beans and cabbage in your smoothie you can put your marynga you can put all your superfoods in the smoothie i do it with my berries i'll put i'll make up nut butter first and leave some of it the bottom in the blenders i don't need to clean it out because i'll turn it into my smoothie whatever was left on the bottom i don't need to wash it or not yeah blood sugar is easy i'll take it down i make a big thing about it raw nuts i eat a certain way because i like i know we need those kind of oils and those kind of nutrition that comes from nuts and they're good and i eat lots of olive oil and i cook with only one kind of oil that's avocado oil of course it heats to hottest without it burning so it's better and coconut oil helps you a lot too these oils the oils that are impacted can you turn in fast food restaurants or even restaurants are all the omega-6 oils and they're that's what's causing our problems they don't deliver oxygen to the cells the way these do if you're taking the right oil go ahead yeah i'm going to think that he restore and hopefully my numbers will get better oh yeah they're going to yeah they will um moringa what about what mushroom coffee oh oh chaga that's interesting the kind of fluffy oh my goodness yeah yeah chaga chaga's good chaga's good um what i would do is i would take a tablespoon of moringa powder and i would put it in a 12 cup coffee decanter and just run water through the coffee pot to fill up the decanter and then let that steep let that steep for oh an hour or two um just make it up in the afternoon because that's what you're going to be drinking after dinner before you go to bed uh you just if you want a hot drink after that uh you just stir it up so the so the uh moringa powder doesn't get low lumpy in the bottom of the thing but it will settle back down to the bottom of the decanter just just pour it slowly you don't need a tea bag you don't need a diffuser you don't need anything just a tablespoon of moringa powder in 12 cups of water and just let it steep for an hour or two then you drink that all the way up to bed time you go to bed it'll help you blood sugar it'll also stabilize your blood pressure uh it'll promote circulation it uh i think you'll be amazed i think you'll be surprised and the more mighto will actually make the moringa more effective so you're already doing everything right let's just do some more things and fix you lickety split i'd like to move in good how about the mushroom like a mushroom coffee y'all chaga yeah chaga like a chaga tea is that what you're talking about now mushroom coffee oh man i just do i make mushroom soup i get all those mushrooms uh uh in pounds of herbs and different ones that i put it with mushroom broth and pounds of mushrooms and onions and woody and the garlic and it makes me self a nice mushroom soup well are you talking about like a preparation of mushroom coffee that's available on the market that you've seen or what yeah yeah right that's a genit what's all seen okay that's a genit right all right well i know chaga tea is really good for you i don't have any first-hand knowledge of uh mushroom coffee well i used to have first-hand knowledge when they sent me large packages back in around 2010 of uh the the gano coffee i got it and Diane threw up and um i'm saying to myself i brought 50 people i got involved in within uh only two weeks they were already eating everybody and i said uh what i said wait a second nate how is it possible that uh they have hydrolyzed um animal protein put in hydrolyzed or hydrolyzed oils went into the oatmeal with the spirulina for children you know how you put the creamer in there and it's hydrolyzed garbage and i said i'm not into selling garbage i mean to only things that are making people healthier i will not sell things or be involved in deceit or nonsense okay oh that made you all aware of them well wait wait i brought 50 people and i think you remember this it was way back when and i said uh get the onus get somebody that runs this company on the phone i want to know why they're putting that in there when they're gonna take it out and and and how come nobody would ever get on the phone with them i told nate i sorry i called every one of my friends and i told them i got egg on my face i am not going to continue besides dying through up for leaving this from eating stuff not that one but from the copy or something oh my god and they wouldn't even get on the phone with me no from corporate or anything day it's for two days in a row they never did action never got on the phone with me it wasn't just two days that's two days i was just a little annoyed i have done chaga tea and it has never given me a problem chaga is a mushroom okay yeah i haven't heard it we can try that marynga tea yep yeah um actually there's a brand let me let me let me see what the brand name is uh you can get it on amazon um there's uh marynga seeds and it's by solo therapy and solo therapy um you can get a bag of a thousand marynga seeds for 20 bucks and you take out you take out a handful of those seeds and you soak them in water for a couple of days until the until the hull start to split and then as soon as they start to sprout and don't don't punch them down to put them at the bottom of the cup let them float on the water because they're gonna naturally want to do that because oxygen's got to get to the seat also but you put a half a dozen of those seeds in water let them float put them in a dark place and just leave them alone for a couple of days and when they start sprouting just gently pull them out of the uh pull them out of the water and plant them at a quarter to uh three eight-inch depth in a pot and grow your own little marynga trees um and you will be able to harvest your own marynga leaves organically grown indoors without chemtrails without a harmful UV rays from the sun and without the environmental toxins that are in your yard do it 20 bucks 20 bucks that's 20 bucks is enough to start a thousand plants at 100% germination rate and i'll bet you you're only going to get 50 to 60 percent but you can eat the seeds too but don't eat more than four or five of them a day because they're really powerful stuff really powerful stuff yeah you got to have a lot of what? that will help a lot of ailments right oh yeah it will um it's unbelievable what marynga treats it's unbelievable um uh it stabilizes blood sugars, stabilizes blood pressure um increases circulation it'll put it'll actually put lead back in your pencil if you know what i mean um it uh it uh not only is an aphrodisiac but it uh inhibits pregnancy go figure something that makes it easier and more fun something that makes it easier to have more fun but not harder to suffer the toxic side effects you know that 18 year headache um let's see um it's there um i i i can't even remember all the things it does it does like 20 or 30 things uh let's see um benefits marynga olefera benefits let me um i'll just uh i'll look up the list really quickly um benefits okay um let's see that's medical news today health benefits web offline um i did have um i was throwing in with my spirulina, my charella they're all green i throw in my ashwagandah, my macaroo i throw in my gyms in there i the only thing and even in the morning i'll throw in in my tea i'll throw in my vitamin c my rose hip citrus bile flavonoids uh lysine to digested i'll put in oh my goodness i love bee pollen in there but you know not everybody can take bee pollen um in apple cider vinegar some liminal lime some um let's see cayenne black pepper and turmeric got good in there some ginger and it's in a 33 ounce mug i buy at walmart they're two dollars but they're only two dollars and now they used to be less everything is up so anyway um that mug is 33 ounces and uh that's i usually put in like half a tablespoon of all those things so i'm getting a lot of vitamin c goes into my body sipping it slowly in the 33 ounce mug and sometimes i let it settle to the bottom because i keep the spoon in the mug and i stir it every time when i go to drink it but i'll let it settle to the bottom and then add more hot water or i'll make it or i'll take that concentrate and split it into two mugs save one for later and cover it and have half of it for later i just put a little water in the bottom of the mug and put in all that stuff i just told you half tablespoons of everything that i drink that that's like my food that's what i i think it's better than food food doesn't have much of anything i don't know it fills you up if your stomach's full you're content if it's empty you're not happy i found out though the more mighto not only the oil with the the restore not only gets you out of pain like it did for calvomas knee when he didn't have the rejuvenate and it fixed his knee when he smashed it on the ground uh it gets rid of the pain in your stomach and that's why people are able to forgo some of the food and they're losing weight for real there we go a hunger page found it uh ten powerful benefits of moringa olefarel i'll just go through the list very quickly it's an antioxidant anti-inflammatory uh UTI health stimulates hair growth uh enhances skin health anti-cholesterol increased energy and endurance vision improvement normalizes blood pressure anti-depressant strengthens the immune system used as an aphrodisiac and promoter of libido it's anti-fungal and fungal uh reduces wrinkles in age lines anti-tumor nutrition for instance infants six months and older and pregnant and nursing mothers improves digestion eliminates constipation it's anti ulcer it's detoxifying wound healing improves wound healing appetite suppressant normalizes blood sugar and increases mental clarity oh what was that there moringa moringa all affair number one it's nutrient packed moringa is a rich source of vitamins minerals and amino acids it contains significant amounts of vitamins ac and e calcium potassium and protein it fights free radicals antioxidants fight free radicals molecules that cause oxidative stress cell damage and inflammation moringa contains antioxidants called flavonoids polyphenols and ascorbic acid in the leaves flowers and seeds a study found that leaf extracts had higher antioxidant activity free radicals scavenging capacity and higher inhibition of lipid protein and DNA oxidation then flowers and seeds this means it prevents the damage and degradation that free radicals cause in the cells of different organs in the body keeping them healthy and functioning at their best it fights inflammation inflammation can lead to chronic diseases like diabetes respiratory problems cardiovascular disease arthritis and obesity moringa reduces inflammation by suppressing inflammatory enzymes and proteins in the body and moringa leaf concentrate can significantly lower inflammation in the cells number four it helps reduce some diabetes symptoms moringa leaf powder has been effective at reducing lipid and glucose levels and regulating oxidative stress and diabetic patients which means it lowers blood sugar and cholesterol and improves protection against cell damage number five it protects the cardiovascular system moringa leaf powder has heart healthy benefits particularly in blood lipid control the prevention of plaque formation in the arteries and reduced cholesterol levels number six it supports brain health moringa supports brain health and cognitive function because of its antioxidant and neuro enhancer activities it's also been tested as a treatment for Alzheimer's disease with favorable preliminary results it's high content of vitamin c and e bite oxidation that leads to neurodegeneration improving brain function it's also able to normalize the neurotransmitter serotonin dopamine and noradrenaline in the brain which play a key roles in memory mood organ function responses to stimulus such as stress and pleasure and mental health for example in depression and psychosis number seven it protects the liver moringa contains high concentrations of polyphenols in its leaves and flowers that protect the liver against oxidation toxicity and damage moringa can reduce liver damage and fibrosis and reverse oxidation in the liver moringa oil can also restore liver enzymes to normal levels reducing oxidative stress and increasing protein content in the liver the liver is responsible for blood detoxification, bile production, fructose metabolism, fat metabolism and nutrient processing and it can only fulfill these functions with the aid of liver enzymes so it's vital they stay at normal levels for instance lower levels of hepatic enzymes can impair its ability to filter the blood but a bang wow wow it's quite a right now moringa it is quite a right up spiraling is uh you'll find amazing information it is so yeah and moringa is easy to grow you can grow indoors and it's going to get tall i mean an adult moringa tree will grow to 18 feet tall but you just keep cutting it down okay it gets too tall cut it down it'll send out new sprouts down below it'll send out more leaves it'll bush out you can make yourself a friggin moringa salad for god's sake do it it's good for you um in in conclusion asinopsis moringa contains 92 nutrients 46 antioxidants 36 anti-inflammatories 18 amino acids 9 essential amino acids and has two times the protein in yogurt three times the potassium in bananas four times the calcium in milk four times the vitamin a and carrots and seven times the vitamin c in oranges and 30 protein 30 don't have much vitamins 30 protein okay so so spiraling is 65 to 71 protein it's got all the vitamin b's i'm not reading from the thing and there's a lot of knowledge on spiraling it i just i just give you the overview of what i know from the past and it is it is like the most amazing brain food i ever put in my body and the energy that i found when i took it at the at a holiday in that night two packages and i saw the guy in the white suit and he said he takes six packages a day and his energy levels were to the ceiling well i ran home from that holiday and all the way home thought i couldn't run to catch uh uh uh the airplane in the burbank like airport a year or so before and now i was totally broke living in Hollywood and i went to that holiday and and i got 10 packages of that when i got home i sat down to meditate and it was like it was like oh man i was so connected the feeling everything is so amazing in the morning the same thing this continued so i continued buying it i never spent less than two hundred dollars a month from 1982 one i never sold it but one day this man comes to me and then i told him about it and i told him i supply it and he come back to me and he said i bought a thousand dollars worth of that stuff i said you're kidding me why'd you do that he says i don't have no pain in my hands no i had pains for 20 years he says i took those stress packs and i don't have no pain in my hands no more he says i'm going to sell it at the swap meet i i was dumbfounded i told my father about it that he had pain in his hands he should take it he said i got my doctors that's what they all say now i told i learned to tell everybody when they tell me they have their doctors that's why they're in the condition they're in because of their doctors right i'm just not giving medical advice that's my own opinion well no we're we're talking about natural things you know we're not talking about medical advice we're talking about natural products we're talking about moringa olefera and we're talking about spirulina so and why not take both of them believe i'm not going to prevent the strokes and heart attacks okay why not it's going to prevent strokes and heart attacks is that magnesium ozone that's why i take it because i had one in 1999 a severe stroke and i lost almost lost my life but i lost the use of my left armel almost completely and i'll tell you why i never have a stroke or heart attack again because i studied and i hooked up with all the right knowledge and found the one thing that would keep my arteries clean as a whistle my digestive tract my lungs and my kidneys which takes all the stress off the liver but i like what you just talked about moringa in regards and the oil in particular in regard to the liver that's really interesting what you just read about the spirulina oh yeah i mean you think both together of course i always do i i take that with charella of course you can actually guide uh that's why it got made smoothies yeah i put things in there it's amazing bee pollen i make smoothies that's what i do with some berries maybe uh some brussel sprout string beans cabbage you know whatever put some put a couple of bananas in there if you're but if you're diabetic you want to stay away from from the real sweet stuff and use stevia to sweeten it because you want it sweet even though you have all these different things that might you know so if it's really sweet i don't know if i like things really sweet and that stevia makes you the sweetest i want oh man right when i was a young boy that motivated me paul is i could go walk right across the street sit down and they make me up a chocolate malted for 50 cents and i make them scrape the ice at the out of the icebox three scoops put it in there and it made me three glasses of chocolate malted and uh i'm still drinking those chocolate malted's only i make them myself if i want to put cocoa powder in there i can put cocoa powder in there not a problem make it any way i want and and they are delicious i make it up so thick and so concentrated in a blender and then i have to add some water to it to thin it but i pour it into into containers and then i pour some in a glass and fill it up with water and i drink that all morning long concentrated all that good stuff the brussel sprout string beans cap all of those syphilis i'll put in one to two containers and start making and drinking it all morning by the afternoon i drank a little water drank one of my mugs tea first and then by the by the afternoon i'll eat my food and i'll tell you why anytime i lay down i'm out i don't never have trouble sleeping but i wake up three hours four hours later and i'm ready just pick up what i left oh well there's a whole lot of summation on these calls unless you're recording it or writing it down or you know and you can't write it fast and you guys give out all the information you know it's still recording well that's that's the beauty of it we're not only recording this we're also live streaming it on global voice video and the archive of this program um will be immediately available you can listen to this program as many times as you want um i i don't want to add all the same number to listen to the recording how do you get the recording everything i'll give you i'll give you the link the uh what it called the website to go there yeah it's radio radio dot global voice radio dot net radio dot global voice radio dot net radio oh it's radio dot net radio dot radio dot net all right um Edward i don't mean to wet on your charcoal rain on your parade or pull your dress don't know we had enough i got to go eat something or something or anything i had just the seed dude you don't even know what i was going to say calm down relax take a breath have some dip i don't want to i don't want to rain on your play and parade uh wet on your charcoal or pull your dress down but spirulina powder has 24 000 uh t mold te per hundred grams that's an orach value spirulina powder has 24 000 moringa powder has 157 600 i'm just saying you know i just was asked to ask my chemist what the orach value of my magazine moseon and you know what he said to us blood he said Edward it's zero it puts out oxygen it doesn't absorb oxygen well okay i think that i was his answer yesterday when i asked yeah i bought some good i mean Monday was it was on the phone but that's interesting oh no that's not um sounds like moringa's i've been using it for years but i didn't know it was it all that i really didn't know so now i've been now i'm really uh a lot more than i knew it's the power i always ask chases orach stands for oxygen radical absorbance capacity which is a nutritional measurement of how well a food can absorb radical oxygen and neutralize free radicals the higher the orach value the greater the foods antioxidant activity and ability to quench free radicals or act values orach values range from 82 to nearly 14 000 okay i think that's about it i think we we've pretty much put this one to bed we've been going for about two hours now Edward's got to eat and i've got to go to sleep because like an idiot i live in new york so oh yeah yeah go figure oh yeah yeah a couple hours couple hours uh he can still get a late dinner in uh i'm Paul from global voice network radio dot global voice radio dot net this is abc's health talk with our special guest special host Edward uh to talk to him dial 818-613-9206 go to or and check out the cool stuff we'll see you next week 9 p.m. eastern this is health and wellness radio spiritually physically and emotionally you're listening to the global voice radio network