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Radio Ranch with Roger Sayles


3h 1m
Broadcast on:
21 Jun 2024
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[ Silence ] >> Presentation of this mirror stream on Global Voice Radio Network is funded in part by for the quality, ultra-mito, and more-mito line of products. It's also funded in part by for the natural action quality line of water structuring devices. It's also funded in part by and the Price International Terahertz frequency on the ITerraCare Classic. For more information, please stay tuned. We'll be getting started in just a moment. >> The ITerraCare device has the ability to awaken dormant stem cells in the bone marrow. Yes, we have slipping stem cells in our bone marrow. As you keep blowing this on your spine, you're activating the stem cells. And guess what? You're going to create brand new lungs, brand new kidneys. Eventually, as you keep using this over time, you will have brand new organs, glands, and tissues in your bodies. And that's a great news. You have to keep blowing this on your spine because this is what the great Hippocrates said. There's a way to hit the bones that all diseases can be treated. Activate that, awaken that stem cells in your bone marrow. Hit the bones using the future of medicine, which is frequency. Hitting the bones using frequency medicine. Yes, guys, we have decoded the secret to forever young and healthy body. This is your time. Grab your one device right now. >> For more information on the ITerraCare Classic Terahertz Frequency Wand, go to That's I-T-E-R-A [ Music ] >> And the world is changing, Mr. Alvin Lee. Thank you. You'd be shocked at the direction it's going, though. Well, maybe not with those lyrics from so many decades, competition from so many decades ago. Good morning. Here we go on the Radio Ranch. It is the Friday edition, which means Mr. Brent Winters and Company, Francine, are here as our co-host. And it is Roger Sales, your host, and Brent, of course. And today is kind of notable, 621, 24 is the official longest daily. So it's the summer solstice. And Brent, I don't know whether you know, but tonight, if it didn't happen last night, tonight in Fairbanks, Alaska, they have a baseball game with no lights that starts at midnight. Did you know that? >> No, I didn't, but I did watch a baseball game up there where they all played in snowshoes one time. [Laughter] >> Boy, that must have been fun. [Laughter] Not too much trouble beating the guy to first, I guess. >> Oh, man. [Laughter] >> And nobody's going to steal. We used to have a say, well, for my whole life, we've had a set of snowshoes in the family home. They're buying the fireplace that we brought from Alaska. So I can imagine that. Some of our northern listeners certainly can. It's a funny, mental image. We're on a number of different platforms, and the guy that keeps track of them, because I certainly can't, is one Paul Beener. And we unleash him about now, so that we can give them proper credit for participating in our little project here. >> Yeah, yeah, let me out from underneath the stairs, just to mention this. >> Baldridge. >> Baldridge, that's what John used to call Glenn Baldridge. He said, "We keep him under the stairs chained up and feed him gruel." [Laughter] >> At least you let me out once every day, must. [Laughter] >> Okay, we are, of course, on, the flagship station. Thank you, Pastor Eli James. We're also on some, we're on a terrestrial platform, 106.9WVO UFM, Chicago. We are on a U.K. Internet station that is Lots of other great interesting programming on that channel. Check it out sometime. We're on The links to Eurofolk and GlobalVoice are on, as well as the links to join us in Zoom, or a free conference call. It just depends on which one you prefer. We're also on on HN4, channel HN4. We're on, a principal program on that. We're also on GoLiveTV and,, a big, big listenership numbers, very, very, very popular platform. Those are brought to us through WDRN Productions, Fort Collins, Colorado, and we thank them very, very much. Morning, Roger. That's a mouthful right there. Brent, we mentioned one of the new platforms is called RadioSoapbox. I don't want you to think anybody's trying to infringe on Patriot Soapbox, but that's Paul's new network that he's launched that is England-specific, let's say. Oh, OK. Well, that's good. So we're brought to you all over the English-speaking world. I talked to a long conversation last night with two Aussies. No, three, one, two, three, three. Yeah, three Aussies, it was. And they were doing what Aussies do well. You know what that is. Drinking mining? No, a wet drink can be heard. They were miners. One of them was a worked-in-iron mine. And one of them was a professional-licensed roofer and plumber. In Australia, if you're a plumber, you're also a roofer. Not to mention all the a few other things. And the other one was electrician. And the fellow that worked-in-iron mine, he was also a cattleman. These are men just-- they're working men that keep things going. They're between Brisbane and Sydney, but about 40 miles inland. You know, one thing they impressed upon me, Roger, is that there's more land in Australia than we could worry about inhabiting for the next 10,000 years. Now, I'm sure that the whole population is piled up on the coast and on the West End of Perth. Oh, there's things out in there, but not much. But one thing they do have is a veritable embarrassment of mineral wealth. And they've not even begun to tap into it. And all of the Far East is dependent upon the little bit they've tapped into already, which is a lot. The resources of this place we call eric are so overwhelmingly unmeasurable, ungageable, unfathomable that it is silly in the nth degree for us to worry about not having enough. It is true. It is true that we are not to waste it. And that's just what the Bible says. And if you can't go with the Bible and point to it and say, this is the reason why, then you don't have a reason, other than the one you or somebody else made up, and I'm frankly not interested. But the Bible makes it clear we're not to waste them. It's also true at the same time in spades that there's more out there than we can even think about. I know it's been estimated where I'm from in the Midwest. There are discovered so far 70 layers of coal underneath the basin that runs between Indiana and Illinois, 70 layers. And the estimates are that in that basin, there'd be enough energy to fuel the entire world just out of that one basin, fuel the entire world for 600 years. I'm talking about all the energy people would need for what we use now for automobiles and trucks and airplanes and ships, and then also heating fuel. But if we used all that energy from coal, they say 600 years. I think that's just silly talk. I don't think that it's possible to gauge how much there is. And it's also true of oil. People were screaming and hollering and throwing walleyed fits about we're going to run out of oil. And then all of a sudden, after all those decades of trying to work up panic, we discover the largest oil field the world has ever discovered in North Dakota and running up into Canada. And then right after that, not more than a couple of years, they found a bigger one in West Texas. I didn't know it, and I was driving across West Texas. Of course, there's nothing in West Texas except rattlesnakes and a want and a need for water. But I stopped at a gas station on a deserted desolate road, a two-lane road. And the gas station was so packed with men that I couldn't even get up the counter. And I asked one of them what's going on-- the trucks and the equipment parked everywhere. It wasn't even a town close. And it was-- Brint, you are muted. We're not-- thank you, Ms. Francine. We are not-- we're not to waste anything. But at the same time, we are to enjoy everything that this old earth has to give us. That's the man's name. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Just a second, Brint, inquiring. Mine's fun to know. You wanted to know what everybody was doing in there, and you muted out when you were sharing that. So why was everybody there? What's the last thing? How long was I muted out? Oh, about 15 seconds. You got to the point where there was men everywhere, and I asked what's going on, then you went dark, dude. Oh, I was in West Texas, and I couldn't even get up the counter. I had my wife with me. She said, well, run in and pay. I said, no, you better not. These men looked like men that have been away from a woman for a long time. I said, oh, if you want to go in, I'll go in with you. Oh, they were just men working, lots of them. I mean, hundreds of them. And the lady at the gas station told me, said, you know, these fellas out here don't even have anything to buy to eat, and they're coming in here and living off of Twinkies and candy bars and not health food, I don't suppose. But they were just trying to find enough carbohydrates to keep working because they were drilling in and setting oil wells, didn't have any place to take a shower. And of course, they were aromatic. You could tell that when you walked in the room. But there's plenty of natural resources. I read about 30 years ago, 32 years ago. I remember because I was in the mining business at that time, and I was working in the gold fields in Nevada, Arizona. And I read a USGS report in the United States Geological Survey that estimated that only 5% at that time, 5% of the recoverable gold has been recovered from the lower 48 states, 5%. And that probably is stretching it. Truth is, it's a gas. Who knows what's in the mountains? But I know there's a lot more gold there than the powers that be are allowing to be mined. It's criminal of what they're doing. And we could have an abundance of it here in America. But it is the evil empire and the powers that be that squelch productivity, even squelch the birth of babies, that's productivity, squelch the production of crops, squelch the worrying of minerals from the mountains. And by doing so, squelch our personal enjoyment. And there's plenty out there. Well, Roger, back to you. Or Paul, are you there? Am I there? Yeah, yeah, I'm here. Roger dropped out. And so did the BOU feed. BOU feed is coming back in. Oh, well, we're at the mercy of pre-programmed artificial intelligence. And that is Bob. Can you hear me all right, Paul? Yeah, yeah, I can hear you just fine. Oh, wait a minute. I wonder if Roger's power went out. Let me check and see if he's live on Skype. He was last active five minutes ago. And on the remote software, he is inactive. So he might actually have blacked out. Well, we're here. Maybe we can keep the dead time from happening. Well, Paul, I have been following a little bit because I can't help it. The plight of DJ Trump. I said that to these Australians. I said, what Aussies, I call them Aussies. I said, what do folk in Australia think of DJ? And they said, who? I said DJ. Well, who's DJ? I'm said DJ Trump. They said, oh. And it's puzzling to me why he's not called DJ everybody. I've ever met that had the initials D as in Delta. J as in July was called DJ. But I like to call him DJ. And maybe it'll catch on DJ Trump. But I've been following a little bit what's going on. And I asked these Aussies of what they think about Trump. And this one fellow said, well, my wife told me-- when I was going to the States, said, if you come back a Trump supporter, I'll divorce you. I said, well, is that the way everybody feels? They said, no, here's the way it is in Australia. People like me and the other two men that were with him agreed, we like him. We just get tired of listening to him mouth off. But that doesn't mean we don't like him. But we can put up with it, but our wives can't. Now, that's what he said. Well, I understand that. But his popularity here-- and I was telling him that-- his popularity here is so overwhelming that the evil empire is stepping in fetching like their tail was on fire. They don't know what to do. And the more they try to stop him, the more popular he becomes. I asked him also, I said, what do people think of-- what's that fella's name? It's in the White House. Oh, yeah, yeah, I don't want to have to say it. Over here, it's-- yeah, I don't want to say it, but I'm not going over to the neighboring room and wash my mouth out with so such a bad taste. But I said, what do they think about him? And he just held up his hands in a big goose egg, a big zero. I said, you mean don't think anything about him at all? He said, yeah, people just think he's a cipher. He doesn't amount to nothing. He doesn't count for nothing. He doesn't do nothing. His brain is empty. Or his head's empty of a brain or something. Or his own drugs are insane or has insomnia, not insomnia. Well, they know insanity. That's what they call it. I said, OK, well, I get it. I said, do people really care? One way-- I said, oh, yeah, they care down there. You know there's not many people of us live down there. I forget how many, but compared to the United States, it's not a lot of folk. And then I asked him, I said, have you got religion? And I asked that question to people often, because religion is the spring of all human activity. And I can hear some people out there disagreeing with me, but you can disagree all you want, won't change it. Religion is the spring of every man, every woman's actions. And then some will say, well, I don't have religion. Well, I beg to differ. You do. You don't understand what religion is. Apparently, or nobody ever told you-- of course, I'd imagine that's the case. Some of the hardest-core Christians I know couldn't define the word religion if you held a gun to their head. So it's important to understand what religion is for the answer to the question. But I asked him, I said, you got religion. Oh, I said, well, yeah, I said, boy, my father and mother took me to church and Sunday school regularly. I said, that's really interesting. I said, I got drugged in the Christianity. And my father, he drugged me to church three times a week. And he said, well, that's kind of the way it was. I said, well, do you go now? He said, no, I don't. I said, do you know anybody that does? He said, very few. I said, well, what kind of religion you got? He said, well, I guess I'm church in England. If I had to choose, I said, well, why don't you go to church? Now, what he told me is the same thing I get in the United States when I ask. Why don't you go to church? He said, I'm just tired of all the petty squabblin and the chicken manure. He didn't say that, but that's what it amounted to. And he said, I don't think I need to go to church. I said, well, I understand what you're saying even as I travel, of course, I meet most folk my age, baby boomers, I suppose, grew up going to church, a lot of them anyway, or somehow tangentially attached, but the baby boomers aren't going to church either. And I was recently in Mormon country, where the Mormons are thick as blow flies. And I run into some of the younger generation of Mormons and they say, no, I don't go to church either. I said, well, are you Mormon? Well, they say, I'm a Jack Mormon. And some of you have heard of that. That means you're a Mormon. You have a Mormon view of the world, but you're not in good standing. Of course, to be in good standing with those boys, you got to give 10% of your income every week or every year. Somehow, you got to give 10%. You can prove to them, and you can't hide your income from them and expect to be in good standing. They're like the IRS. Matter of fact, having dealt with IRS, I've discovered that the Mormon church keeps precise records of who gives and who doesn't, 10%, and of course they all claim it's 10%. And they share that information with the IRS upon request. And of course, all the IRS-- Your information about the IRS and the Mormons is a little bit off there, bud. Let me keep talking. Let me keep talking. Let me keep talking, then you can chime in and tell us what you think. Now, this is what I've heard with some people. I can't vouch for all of them, but I have had some experience where it has happened. And people are afraid of the IRS, but multiply by 10, and you've got the income, and then the tax in authorities can come after you. Well, first of all, what's your name? And where do you live? What state-- I'd like you, if you could tell me-- what state you're in, are your first name, not your name, rank, and ser-- I am my name's Carl. I'm from Utah. And I'm a Mormon. And I'm probably not the best Mormon, but I am a Mormon. Tithing-wise, the church doesn't have a clue how much you make. It's self-declaration, because you're essentially declaring which makes the Lord, not to anybody else. And then on top of that, a tithe is something that God asked us to do with the Bible. So that's what we do. We give a tenth of our income to the Lord, essentially. And whether it goes to the Lord, or goes to church, or goes to helping others, that's what we focus on, is trying to help others, whether it's humanitarian effort, or what have you, but to us more important than doing a lot of things, I think, keeping others in mind makes you better than what you would be. OK, so when you give 10%, they have the names of those that give, and the names of those that don't. And they keep track of that. Is that correct? Not necessarily. There's no-- do they keep track? It's a self-declaration. I mean, if you don't declare, you're probably not going to church anyways. And everything's 100% yourself. I mean, you can lie and say, you don't drink, you don't smoke, you don't do anything that would affect your ability to grow, essentially, is what I would say in the church, and to be in good standing with the Lord, and doing the things that the Lord's assets do. And a lot of that is based upon teaching that we believe in. Maybe not even if we believe in, but if you don't-- if you say you don't, nobody's going to question. Yes, I find you. Well, let me back up, and I appreciate you fielding these questions. So you make a self-declaration. Is that what I heard you say? Yes. I mean, that's what I would call it. I don't know the exact term. Right, right. But you make the self-declaration to the church. You would tell the bishop in a essentially a meeting that you set up, and you set it up. And if you wanted to go to the-- if you wanted to get access to go to the temple, one of the temples of the church has, you would go see the bishop, which is the local leader over here in your area. And he would have a serious question he would ask you. And as long as you feel comfortable to say yes, you would get essentially access to pretty much anything, at that point. But that's on the person. There's a lot of people I find, in my own lives, living here, that a lot of people want to say no, because they just get fed up with-- I don't even know. It's almost like something happens to them, whether they do something that the church doesn't really condone as being good, healthy for a person. And they take it out. And it's an easy cop out to say, well, I'm not a Mormon. I'm a Jack Mormon. Although Jack Mormons were those that helped the Mormons back in each another. So it kind of has an opposite meaning than what you're saying. But I know Jack what you're saying, because that's the new terminology, essentially, the last 50 years or so. But in fact, they'd be hundreds of Jack Mormon, which first to help Mormon. Are you a generational Mormon as a bit in your family for generations? I'm a second generation. So my parents, and then now me. What were they before? Yeah, what were they before that? Before that, I think Catholic. My grandpa came from Germany, and my grandmas came from Deutsch. Their Dutch came from Holland. So it's not a generation of Mormon. Well, then still, correct me if I'm wrong here, but it's seeming to me like, if you declare 10% to the bishop, or whatever you call him, the bishop, I think is the word you use, then he has that information. If the IRS wants to ask him a question and put him under oath, he'll tell him, well, here's 10% of what he said he gives. Isn't that true? Well, okay, so I can use, that the IRS would already know, because if I'm donating just like any donation you make, you can state that that's a write-off to your taxes, and you don't have to pay taxes on that. And so I can take my donation, put it on my taxes, they already know, there's no IRS doesn't, I mean, it's non-official, I don't know, I don't know how to answer that. No, what do you mean, please? I don't know how to tell the IRS what I make. Yeah, well, the IRS wouldn't ask, they asked for two reasons. The tax and authority is asked number one, to see what you'll say, they'll ask the bishop, see what he says, and then they'll look themselves. And what you put on, you may not put anything on him return, and then they'll go ask the bishop, this is the experience I've had for what is worth. Here's what I'm saying. The Bible says, don't let your right hand, no, let your right hand, know what your left hand do. Or your left hand, know what your right hand is doing, but the principle being, thank you. The principle being that what you give, you give in secret, and the Bible promises, according to the word to Jesus Christ, if you give in secret, the Lord will bless you openly. Just like when you pray in secret, don't make a big show of your prayers, don't make a big show of your giving, don't declare other people what you give, and the IRS saying to you, I'll let you deduct it. If you tell us, that's clearly an encouragement to disobey Jesus Christ, clearly, without question. - Okay, so let me pose this real quick. If I choose to donate 15 or 20% of my earnings, who's to say that was 10%, the Bishop would have no clue. I'm just in good standings with the Lord, that's all it is. - No, you're in good standing with the Mormon church. It meant you may not be in good with standing with the Lord at all, that's a personal matter, according to the Bible. - Salvation, our salvation, our salvation, our salvation are not channeled through any institution, any mediator is between us and God and between us and the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the only mediator and happens to be God Himself in human flesh. - And I, I 100% agree with you, I agree with you. - Oh, you, I'm glad you do. - I should donate, God told me I should give a tithe, whatever a tithe means, which on my understanding is a tithe is the same as a tithe. So to be in good standings, I feel I need to give at least a tithe of percents, whether that's in financial, that's in my time because I believe in helping my neighbors, I believe in assisting them in, you know, God, we have rental property, so I'll often give my renter's food if they're struggling, you know, that's kind of person I am. And I'm not, I'm not boasting, but I'm just saying, I try and help those that need. And so-- - Well, no sound now. - In fact, you were talking about, you were talking about, you're talking about tithing and you're talking about how the fish, that essentially the Bishop would have information on what we, what we earn when in reality, he doesn't know if we gave 5%, 10%, 20% or 100%. He doesn't know. - Can you be in good, can you be? Can you be in good standing without giving a consistent 10%? - Yes, I mean, okay, so you can't, there's certain things that you can't do. You would essentially not be able to go that's inside the temple if you're not doing the things that God's asked to do. - Well, but be specific here. - Can you be in good standing without declaring you've given 10% of your income? - Without declaring? I don't have to tell the Bishop anything. I mean, I can give-- - You're not answering, please answer the question. Can you be in good standing with the Mormon Church without declaring 10% of your income? That's a yes, no question. I'd like to answer. You're a Mormon, you can tell me. - But you're talking a loaded question. Can you go into the-- - No, that's not a loaded question. - I'll tell you what, if you would answer this question for me, yes or no, and you think it's loaded. - Again, then, wait, wait, wait, wait. Then you can explain your answer. It's not a loaded question. And if you think it is, then you can explain it. But I still say you can answer it, yes or no. Can you be in good standing without declaring 10% of your income to the Bishop or the church? - So I'm gonna say it a different way. Yes, you can be without giving 10%. But you will not have the full access to going inside God's temple, essentially. - Okay, so you'll be kept out of-- - You'll still be out of the-- - You'll still be loved by everybody. - Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Now lay down some rules here. I do this periodically. It's not to chide you or to-- - I might go off on your feet. - Here's the rule, here's the rule, here's the rule. When I start talking, everyone else has to stop. And we do that, not because I'm more important, just because there's no other way to have order in this forum, and we can't see each other. And there's nobody in charge unless I am, so that's the way we do it here. But anyway, coming back to it, so you're kept out of the temple if you don't give 10%, am I right? - Well, what is the temple? What is the temple of God? - No, don't play words. You said temple. Tell me what you tell me what you meant when you said you can't go in the temple. I've been all over-- - I've been all over-- - I've been all over you, Paul. And I've been to Hawaii, and I know what the temple is, according to you folks, but maybe I'm misunderstanding. What is it? Well, it's God's holy place. What's that for your son? - You're being evasive. What is the temple in Mormonism? Where is it? And can I expect to have the benefits? God gives me, according to you folks, if I can't get in that temple. - You know, just like the Eternities, you're not, if you are expecting to go to reach the highest kingdom of God without doing what is right with God, you may be misunderstood. - You're talking to Meg generality. You're talking to Meg generality, and you're not responding to what I'm asking, even a little bit. What? - I'm trying to get to what you're saying. - Well, you know, what is the temple? Where is it? Tell me where it is. How's that? You guys have temples? You know you do. Why are you evading the question? Tell me what it is and tell me how important it is. Is it indispensable? - Well, I don't know how to answer that. I mean, the temple is the holy place. We go there to pray. We go there to do ceremonies that similar to what's in the Bible, in the beginning of the Bible. It's a place where we get as close as we can to God, essentially. It's more holy to us than the church. It's not as holy as our house. Our house is literally the most sacred place we have, because that's essentially where you... - Yeah, can you get married without going to the temple? - Yes. - Okay. Can you go to... - That's a personal choice. You're talking personal choices. - No, I'm talking about, can you have all the blessings of God without going to the temple, without getting married in the temple? Are the ceremonies of the temple necessary for the blessings of God? - Well, I think you're... I mean, as a Mormon, I mean, there are certain things that you try to do in life, and that one of which is take your bride into the most holy place. The place that's, you know, obviously you have the house, but you try and get to the temple to perform a marriage that's not just for, for till death do we part, but through all time and eternity. And I believe... - And you can do that. - And that has to be believed that... - Yeah, go ahead. - That has to happen in the temple. But that is your choice. If you don't do that... - That's good. - Your neighbors. - Wait, wait, wait, wait. But you can't do that. You can't go in the temple unless you declare to the bishop to go out to your 10% is and give it. Is that right? - Well, the Lord has, you know, God's got his keepers. Yes, you need to go in front of a bishop and they don't need to live in the temple. - I want to focus here on what I'm discerning is the fact I think. Tell me if I'm wrong. If you don't give 10% and declare it to the church that you've done so, you can't even get married in the temple. You forfeit a lot of blessing. According to your doctor. Is that right? - Why would you need to go to the temple if you didn't... - You're not answering. - You want to talk to him. - You're talking vague generalities and you're going in circles. You're not answering my question. I just ask you. - I will answer anything I know with you. I have no problem with that. You know, I have no problem with it. And you're doing the same thing with me as I would do with you. And that's cutting me off where I'm talking. - That's what I'm talking about. - And that's what I'm talking about. - It's coming off at any time. - Absolutely, you do it here. I ask the way we do it here. - But if you only want... - If you only want personal information, I'll give you personal information. - Don't talk when I'm talking. That's the way we do it here. I laid down the rules while I go. This is necessary for order. I'm responsible for these microphones and I'm not going to let somebody else take them over. I will answer for them, not you. And so I can't do that. And you've been kind to let me ask questions, but I'm, and it is a difficult thing to put up with somebody grilling you a little, but I think that the people that listen would really like answers to those questions. And I would too. And you're in the middle of this thing called Mormonism. And I think you can give me straight answers. You have a little, but you're evasive and you talk in big generalities. God doesn't want us to talk in big generalities. He wants our yes to be yes and our no to be no and hit the nail with our heads, as they say. And I'm trying to get you to do that so I can understand it better of what your religion is. And sounds to me like just to make conclusion that if you tell the bishop of what you're in for it is and give it, you forfeit the blessings of getting married and the people and probably a whole lot of the things I don't know about. That's the official doctrine of the church that sounds to me like. If I'm wrong, tell me. That is only a small portion of it. I mean, there's so much more to it. Well, you still have-- What religion are you? You still have an answer to question. I said, you forfeit many of the blessings of marriage if you don't declare 10% and give it. Is that what I have concluded? Now your answer, you assumed, but you said, well, that's just a small part of it. Why don't you just say, yes, that's true. If it's true, it's true, isn't? You want me to exterminate the church over one little thing? I want you to answer the question. Listen, they've got official doctrines. [INTERPOSING VOICES] I want you to stop there. The answer is yes. You will not be able to enter the temple and to go get married in the temple or do certain stuff like that if you do not live in the city. [INTERPOSING VOICES] If you do not give 10% and declare it, that's key. That's indispensable. You've got to do that. Are you forfeit blessings of the church? Why would you not have to give 10%? I'm not trying to argue with it. I'm not arguing one way or the other. I'm just stating the fact of the matter. That's true of the Mormon church. That's all. That's all I'm trying to get out of. Is it not said in the Bible to give tithes? Well, that's not relevant to what I'm saying. What I'm saying is, in the Mormon church, you can't even get into the temple and enjoy the blessings of marriage that they claim God has for you unless you give 10% and declare it to them. And then after you declare it to them, then if they're put under oath or the IRS comes to them or puts them in court under oath, then they're bound to say the truth or they're going to go to jail for contempt or perjury, one of the two, whatever they want. So they're not going to lie about it. Oh, no, he's in good standing. Well, the official doctrine of the church is, if you're in good standing, you got married in the temple. Well, then you have given 10% and now we know what your income is and we're coming after it. In other words, you forfeit as a Mormon in good standing, you forfeit the right to remove and silence to the government, that's what we do. - But, okay, so if that's what we're trying to get at, how would the church know, or the IRS know that that was what we earned if we choose to give 5% or 10, 20%, or 20%, how would they know that's our opinion? - If you declare it to the church, if a person declares the church that they have given 10%, then that according to our law is equivalent to an oath, because you're declaring before what you believe is God and the IRS will use that against you and say, well, you declared in your deepest religious conviction, knowing, having your conscience excited that you're telling, you got to tell the truth, then we're gonna take that to be the truth and a jury would take that to be the truth too, by the way. That's where law-- - And I understand that, but how do they know I didn't give 20%? - What, that's not what I'm driving at. I'm driving at use 4, 10, and they'll use that against you. That's all I'm saying. I'm not saying what you did, what you did to you. - And that's fine, because I do give a document that shows my timing, because I use it as a tax write-off at the end of the year. Just like when I go to Goodwill and drop off clothes, I can get that same form. - Right, right. And what I'm saying is that's dangerous in the extreme. - And it's dangerous in the extreme. - You're getting at? - Yeah. - I get what you're doing at, because that's the, that's the national, I mean, we're very cautious on what we give the government for information. I understand where you're going on that, and I'm grateful for to hear what you're saying, because it's a aspect I've never thought of, and I'm grateful for you bringing it up, it's, thank you. You know, I'm not trying to bash what you're saying. - Let me back up. - That's not how I am. - Let me back up, I expect people to chafe when they're being pressed, because I do too. But there is no other way to get truth. And that's the very essence of our common law tradition. And one of the chief features of our common law tradition is cross-examination, doesn't exist anywhere else in the world. And I was trying to just simply get at a simple truth, and you let it pop forth when I'm glad you did. You know, it says in Romans chapter one that the truth is buried under an overburden of unrighteousness. The truth is buried under an overburden of unrighteousness. And the only way to get it out is adversity. There is no other way. There has to be a trial, there has to be pressure. The oath is not the chief guardian of truth in our common law tradition, or among any men. The oath doesn't mean much to anybody. Matter of fact, I have discovered 99.9% of people, if I ask them what an oath is or a vow, they lawyers and judges included, they cannot define what it is. They don't know what it is. It's just one of those kind of things they got in their head. They think they know everybody knows, and they don't try to define it. But our law defines it very precisely, and the law of laws of nature are common law, and the Bible define it precisely. And define perjury precisely, and it's not what everybody says it is. It's something very much different than what people believe it to be. It's not lying under oath, that's not it. But coming back to the Fifth Amendment, and how important that is, the Fifth Amendment is not for people to hide lies, or for people to hide truth. The Fifth Amendment just comes down to one thing. If you don't have a right to the information, God tells me to control my tongue and not give it to you. I have governance over my tongue between me and God, and there's no intermediary between, there's no church, no institution, no pope, no university, no politician, no government, between me and my God as to my fundamental rights. And my fundamental rights are duties, and I have a duty to keep my blasted mouth shut when I think and know God wants me to, and to open it when he wants me to. Those right to remain silent of the Fifth Amendment, and the First Amendment right to free speech are the flip sides of the same coin. It's the governance over your tongue, and it's exclusive. Nobody can make you say something you don't want to say, and there have been millions and millions of people in the world throughout history that have died because they would not speak. They really believed it that much. And there are others that have died and did speak, and they shouldn't have. But bottom line is, whatever the case, whatever happens to you, you are bound in your discernment to obey God about what information you give to others. And I have made the observation there are no good men in this world. I don't care what, who was it? Acton that said, the greatest, most monstrous doctrine among mankind is that the office sanctifies the man. No, no, no, no, no, no, it doesn't. It usually exacerbates his evil. That's why we have evil men in the popedom of this world. Evil men in the Mormon church that are in office, evil men in the Presbyterian, the Methodist, the Baptist churches, the Southern Baptist, the Northern Baptist, the Freewill Baptist, the Methodist, all of them, the Church of Christ, because we are not, in our understanding of reality, religion, long government in America, we are not governments of men. If we're governments of men, we're doomed. Why men are fundamentally flawed? And it's wrong in the extreme to give information to any man, I don't care what his office is. If he doesn't have a right to it under God's law. That's the principle I'm driving out here. And just because he's a Mormon bishop, that all that does is make it more dangerous. That's all it does, or a preacher. Makes it more dangerous. I know preachers that have given information lies that they've heard to prosecutors and sent men to prison for 20 and 30 years, and thinking they were doing their goody two-shoes duty. Well, their perception of what reality is isn't always mine, I'll say that for sure. And here's what I've discovered of men of the cloth, where that'd be the Mormon church, the Roman church. Of course, the Roman church, the Bible doesn't mean anything to them, they've got the canon laws of Rome, which are the codes of Justinian. They got that, the Bible, God's law doesn't mean anything. The Mormon church is in the same position. They've got to book a Mormon. What do they read? Do they read the Bible or the Book of Mormon? Well, mostly the Book of Mormon. Or they listen to the President, to the Mormon church, the present day prophet. They listen to him. I mean, if you've got a present day prophet or a pope who speaks that cathedral, what do you need to Bible for? And to the degree that you have revelation outside of God's written word that is equal, of equal dignity with that word, you will ignore God. That's the truth too. See, he got all this going on, and the devil himself is trying to get us away from the word of God, which is the only hope we have for any decency and any order in the world. And all the other is just disorder and confusion. And the more we get away from that, the more we get away from the right to remain silent, for instance, governance over our tongue, and the discernment God gives us, the worse it's gonna get. We here in America have our common law tradition. Our common law tradition is consonant with the Bible. It did not arise out of the Bible, but it's consonant with the Bible because it came from the same source, the laws of nature, unwritten. And the laws of nature is God written. You know, if this fella, and I was talking to, is still listening, and all of the things that were said, I don't hear like I used to, I don't think I caught your first name, you said it. I asked you-- - Is it Carl? - Carl, yeah. And again, I stress that you coming on here and speaking with me has, we're all the richer for it, all of us. I know I am having listened to you. It's important, and I'm glad you came on if Carl is your name, if not, you can correct me. But we here stress the sovereignty of God and the insufficiency of man at all points. And the Lord Jesus Christ, our captain, is God in human flesh reduced to the span of a man. And he took on the form of a man and paid the penalty for our sins, our law-breaking. And we are not saved. We are not snatched from perdition after all we can do. No, he did it all. There's nothing we can do. He berths us from above, we didn't do that. He carries us through, he's the Alpha, the Omega, Paul said to the Galatians, having begun with Christ, is there anything to finish with? Well, what do you got to offer? Nothing. You just hang on and God will carry you through and work through you. I remember reading, I've told this story several times before. And for those of you who I've told it to, maybe you'd like to hear it again, but any rate some of you haven't heard it, it was about the Italian. Back during the days of the Reformation, Italian, I think he was some kind of a Roman churchman at one time. Well, the seed of the Word of God got into him and he was born from above. And all of a sudden he had a different desire. He saw the truth and he wanted to do what God wanted him to do. And of course, the Pope and the bishops, so they all got in the tither and were upset. And they said, we got to get this guy changed. We're not to burn him but to stake. And that's what they did, of course, by the hundreds of thousands. And they said, well, said, well, bring him in and we'll ask him three questions. And certainly out of those three questions, he'll give credence to the church. And by the way, the church in Romanism is the priesthood. It's not the people that go to Mass. It's just the priesthood. They are the, that's the church period. Nobody else belongs just them. And of course they say, like the Mormon church would say that it's necessary to get certain blessings of God, the grace, the blessings of God are channeled through this structure, this organization somehow. They're a little bit different but the doctrine's always the same. God's got this intermediator between God and man other than the man Christ Jesus. And we believe, of course, the Romanists wanted to keep that ruse going because it meant a lot of money to him as it does in all other false religions. And so they got to spell in inquisition and they said, we just got three questions. We got to answer and see they thought that he would answer one of them correctly. They said, what is the first cause of salvation? And this Italian said, Jesus Christ. And they said, well, then what's the second cause of salvation? He said, Jesus Christ. And they said, well, what's the third cause of salvation? He said, Jesus Christ. Of course, they were weeping and gnashing their teeth and they'd burn him at the stake. What they wanted him to say was at some point that the priesthood was necessary. Well, I'm here to tell you friends, neighbors and kin, no priesthood, no place, no church, no institution, nobody except our Lord Jesus Christ is necessary. And not only is he necessary, he is utterly indispensable without him. According to his definition of himself, in that book called the Bible, the Bible and no other, the Bible and no more, the Bible is sufficient for all it says of itself, for all right-headedness and practice for all of life and our understanding of him and he alone is the mediator between God, the Godhead and mankind and amazingly, he himself is God. So in that way, as Wycliffe said, we worship him under the open vault of heaven with no intermediary. And speaking of fundamental rights, we are set now, cocked and loaded to teach a class on the Bill of Rights. And we wanna talk in that class about the difference between fundamental rights, those are the ones in the Bill of Rights and civil rights. Well, civil rights are rights, number one, the old Anglo-Dane word rights means duty. It isn't that every right is accompanied by a corresponding duty, it doesn't ever been true. No rights, that's the old Anglo-Dane word for duty. And if you look at what we call our fundamental rights very closely, you see that it's always a matter of something that we have to discern and do and apply for ourselves, like the right to remain silent. That's a responsibility to know when to use it, the right to speak, that's a responsibility, the right to keep and bear arms, that's a responsibility, to know when to use it, how to use it, the right to freedom of the press, as they call it. What does that mean? Well, that's a responsibility. It isn't that it is, it's a jurisdiction. And the words the Bible uses, the Greek word and the New Testament, for example, the word exusia means duty, responsibility, authority, and duty only arises from law. Death arises from contract, as we say, but duty arises from law. We have duties to do certain things. Taxes, by the way, taxes are not a matter of contract. Never have been, never will be. No, taxes arise from law. If they're lawful, they arise from law. And law, a true law, is eternal. The laws of nature, unwritten in the nature of creation, meant to be observed, the lex nonscripta, Blackstone says, and the laws of nature's God, written, the Bible, lex scripta, as Blackstone puts it, revealed religion. All of these things we want to talk about on the Bill of Rights, did you start to say something, Paul? - Yes, we have about four minutes before we have to drop off a Chicago. Can you just go right on into and the other stuff you're doing as well? - Well, I appreciate you taking time to remind me, Paul. This is Brent, Brent Allen-Winter,, And you can go to the website and you can take advantage of resources we have there. Among those is the winterized version of the Bible, a commonlawyer translates and annotates from the original tones. 100, no over 35,000 foot notes, explaining why I translate the way I do. Among other things, 175 appendices, tracing major themes through the warp and the wolf and the context of that book we call the Bible. Both testaments, the Hebrew of the Old Testament and the Koine Greek of the New Testament. And also of 958 page book, Comparative Law Text, comparing the only two traditions of religion, law and government in the world. The only two, the law of the land, our common law, which is a Christian tradition. And the law of the city, which is Babylonian and describes all false religions in the world. And their code of Justinian, which rules the old code of the Roman Empire of Justinian of the sixth century, or the most recent expression. Should say, you can get that book, you can get books on the right to remain silent. Written there, caused by clause and blow by blow book. Our Constitution of the United States in Declaration of 76 and book on juries, where they came from, how they're exclusive and unique in our common law tradition. Don't exist anywhere else in the world. There's so many things of our common law tradition, our law of the land. And we have courses there that are in the can, audio and visual law courses. We recently taught a course that lasted almost a year on Magna Carta, caused by clause and blow by blow, starting in the beginning and going through to the end. That's the second course we've taught on Magna Carta. And then also courses on contract law, contracts of common law, trust law, how to draft common law, trust, what its purpose is. We have a course on that. Those are winters in law school courses you can take. And if you take them, you can get a certificate and we're now developing where we wanna give a completion of all the courses at the law school. We're being very careful. This next course is we're teaching, Lord willing, we'll start next month. Is on the Bill of Rights, Fundamental Rights has distinguished from civil rights. Civil rights are channeled from God, through men, through governments, for example. There are civil rights, they don't amount to much, but then there are fundamental rights that come direct from God to the individual, right upon him, no intermediary. And our Bill of Rights are those kinds of rights. And the other rights that aren't listed there in the Bill of Rights, of course, our Constitution tells us, are part of that too. And our courts have recognized some of those, such as the right to travel, the right to enter new lands, et cetera. We're gonna talk about that, it'll be 12 weeks long. I want you to join the course, and when you do, it helps us, it keeps us going. We gotta keep going too, and we're increasingly trying, I'm trying to spend more time teaching as I get older. And so that's, Go to the website, you listen to us on other platforms every day of the week, including tomorrow, on Sunday we have church. You can go to the website and discover how to go to in church, I-N-M. We're going through the book of Exodus, it's about taxation, and the book of Romans on Saturday. And you can get the time and the link there. Thank you Paul. - Thank you, Brent. What are 6.9 W-B-O-U and radio And thank you for joining us this morning. If you want to follow us into the second hour, please go to and grab one of the links there either for Global Voice Radio or 106.9 W-B-O-U-F-M Chicago. Thanks for being here. Thank you, Brent. - Are we back, Paul? - We are back. - Well, that was an intense first hour, and I didn't plan to say the things I said, but we've been, as I said a while ago, forever enriched more because of the guests that came on and made comments, asked questions, it was kind enough to subject himself to answering the questions. Because no matter what we talk about, when we talk to others, if we aren't talking about something that pertains to our Lord, Jesus Christ, we are wasting words. And he tells us, you're gonna answer, you're gonna answer for every idle word spoken, every idle word. Well, I stopped off an elevator, I travel a lot, and then I got off and there was a couple there. That was a week ago, at least. And I like to ask people when I'm traveling, especially on elevators and hotels, are you going home or are you leaving home? 'Cause most everybody, this traveling, is doing one of the two. And I try not to be initially intrusive, but I do like to talk to people, and then if they're friendly and we talk afterwards, I'll say, well, I may mention you on the public platform or the radio. I won't mention your name, but just mention that I'm met here, maybe something about the conversation, and that's what I'm gonna do here. So I discerned that this man and this woman, they were probably my age 10 years younger. I'm getting older, and people that I think are my age. Paul, I raided a restaurant last night, and I was asking the owner. I didn't know it was the owner, but he was waiting tables and tending to the business, and I asked him a question or two, and he said, well, I haven't known this place that long. I said, I didn't know he owned it. You're the, oh yeah, I'm the owner, nice place. He said, my wife and I were sitting around drinking one night, and we said, let's go buy that certain place down there in this little town. It's up in the, it's in the Rocky Mountains, I'll say that, and they went and bought it. And cause the other fellow that had it, I was getting old and he was getting tired and he couldn't keep up with it, and it was a mainstay in the community where people like to meet and drink coffee and eat and all those kinds of things. And he said, my wife and I were drinking one night and we got a little too much to drink. We decided we'd buy the place, and I said, well, sounds to me like it was a drug-induced decision. He laughed and said, yeah, it was. And he walked away and I thought to myself, well, that guy, he bought my age. Well, what I forget is that I look a lot older and then I think I do. And I am a lot older than I think I do, and he got to talking about how old his father was. Well, his father was about my age. Well, I knew then he was a lot younger than me. See, and I forget how old I am. So when I talk about these people I met on the elevator, man, wife, they're probably a lot younger than me, but I talk to younger people and identify with them. But I forget they don't look at me like I look at them. They're looking at me like I'm a lot older. Well, I said to this fellow, well, what do you do? He said, I work at Yale. And I said, I went to school with a lot of people from Yale. He said, you did? I said, oh, yeah. Said, little town where I lived. There was a grade school, a little settlement south. And well, this little, matter of fact, this little settlement was right beside where Burlives was born. Burlives were born in Hunt City, and then up the road a couple of miles, a little place called Yale. And there was a little grade school there, and I went to high school, a lot of children. I went to that grade school. And of course, even to this day, they say they are graduates of Yale. And so I said, I'm just telling them the story. Even laughing. We did work at Yale, at New Haven, Connecticut. Then he, I don't know what he did, something with computers. Is there anything that you can do these days that you're not working with computers? You know, that's pretty much all there is. I know a lot of people are younger, no kidding. People in their 20s that no kidding, can't even write their names. Graduated high school and cannot write their own names. They can type it, type their name. They can't write it. That's a bad development for many reasons. And I don't wanna just brush over it quickly, but if you can't write your own name, my friend, and if you have children that can't, or grandchildren, encourage them to learn to write. Maybe you could have fun teaching them. Why? Because these doggone computers, this technology will not last. It may break down at some point. Even if it goes back up in place, it's still just electronic. And a man or a woman needs to know how to write his own name, for a lot of reasons. Yeah, well, were you gonna say something else, Paul? - Well, yeah, I think it was interesting that I think I see the point that you were trying to get at with the caller, with Carl. What the IRS is gonna do is when the IRS is trying to determine whether you were truthful on your tax return or not, they're going to look at your tithes. They're gonna look at your, first of all, your declared deductions. But then they're gonna go and they're gonna check and see what your actual tithe amount was. And if they know that the church doctrine is, that you have to declare that you have paid 10% as a tithe. Then the IRS has everything that they need to do. Everywhere they need to go is to just multiply your tithe amount times 10. And if there is a significant difference on your declared income on your 1040 form, then they know there's probably something amiss and they're gonna look at you for an audit. - That's right. - So I exactly see where your point is, because you're answering to your God and your bishop and your church and attempting to be in good standing with the church. So you're going to be truthful when you declare that you're giving 10%. You're not gonna do that if you're giving 20. If you declare your, and if you're declaring you're giving 10%, you're not only gonna give five. - Well the color was that you made me lie into the bishop. And no, just because you're talking to the bishop and you believe he's God's representative, he isn't, but that's what you believe, then that's no guarantee you're gonna tell him the truth, but that's not what I'm driving at. The best assuredly of truth, best assuredly of truth among men, and only in our common law countries is the cross-examination. The oath doesn't mean deadly squat. I mean, people are people who don't know the truth. And they have no sense of who God is. It doesn't scare him a bit. They'll say anything. I've watched that all my life. You go to court and you cross-examine people and you watch other people cross-examine and you get cross-examined and real quick, you begin to figure out that the oath doesn't mean much. Look at our Congress. Does the oath mean anything? Look at Biden. Did the oath mean anything? Look at our Congress. Did the Congress get real guys? Yeah, the oath doesn't mean much, but first we have to define what it is. No, I thought I heard somebody trying to get on, Paul. Yeah, we have Ken. He has his hand up and we've also got a 9-5-1 that I just muted because you have a background noise coming in with you. I have you on my screen and I will unmute you and we can bring you in. Ken, go ahead. Hello, Paul. Hello, Brent. I guess Roger's not on today. Our failure. Our outage. OK, I didn't know. I just tuned in. Yeah, I was going to talk about something else, but since you brought up this taxing stuff in the churches, that's what I found out about the 501(c)(3) churches is that since they're connected like that to the government, they can then also look at your tax returns because they're public record and they can determine from there whether or not you are typing. And so that's one of the reasons why I think they created the whole 501(c)(3) environment, so they could do that. You are exactly right. That's right. 501(c)(3) in 1954 changed the code under then Senator Lyndon Baines Johnson. He's the one to push it through and the reason he pushed it through was because he ran for US Senate and they had a young whippersnapper, just old enough to run for Senate. He was a member of First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas. First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas. A long time pastor, a W.A. Chriswell, passed away not too many years ago anyway. But he ran and the richest man in the world, a man born right close to where I'm from, got a third grade education, maybe. And then he went to Arkansas to Homestead and then he got fell in with a fella. One would try to poke a hole in the ground and get oil out. And every time they poked a hole in the ground, they got oil and he became so filthy rich. And then he, I don't know whether he had Christianity or he got it, but he was prone to it and he joined the First Baptist Church of Dallas. He had more money than Ben Gumm. And he funded this young whippersnapper in the church to run for US Senate again Lyndon Baines Johnson and almost whipped him. Almost whipped him. Corey Johnson had a machine and he'd like Biden. He always has been crooked as a dog's hind leg. And he stayed in, but barely. And he said, "That's not gonna happen again." Never gonna happen again. And so he pushed his 501(c)(3) baloney through in the tax code. It's not something in it that a church has to have anything to do with. Coming back to 501(c)(3), I wanna make mention of one of the thing, the Mormon Church and some of the Roman diocese are registered or have been in the past. I haven't kept up with this for years, but they are registered with the government as corporation souls, as are the Hutterites and some other religious groups. And that's a different deal and they wouldn't use the 501(c)(3). But you don't have to do that. And if any church that does it, forfeits all right to remain silent when all documents are open, as corporate documents are to government. Don't do that. I've known churches that have done that, thinking they were doing the patriotic right thing. And one church in the Baptist Church, I'm not a Baptist. I want people to know that. But it was a Baptist Church. (laughing) A nice bunch of folk up in Helena, Montana, on the North side of town up there. And they sent their 501(c)(3). They sent in a couple of sex perverts, go to church, then these sex perverts, they of course hid, they were sex perverts. They wanted to join the church. They joined the church and then they did it so that they could report as a set up, a couple of sodomites that they could report back to state government that the preacher there was violating the rules of the 501(c)(3) and he was promoting candidates or taking positions. And so the state election board came down to the church and skinned 'em's 14 ways, but Sunday, in money. A fines, all it came down to was they were a 501(c)(3). And they couldn't preach, see? Again, they said-- - Casterated pulpit. - Fun? - What's that? - Casterated pulpit. - Well, yeah, that's what they tried to do. Just stay away from that stuff, friends. And if you're part of a church that is a Bible or claims that status as incorporated, ask yourself this, the book of Ephesians said that Jesus Christ, that his people, called the Echolicea, the subpoenaed witness group, are the incorporation of Jesus Christ. His corpus, or his body, B-O-D-Y, B-O-D-Y and Anglo-Saxon. Then why would you wrap a fake corporation, a fake corpse around the living, breathing body of Jesus Christ? He has authority to incorporate the way he wants. And what authority do we have to turn that over, or claim we're turning it over, and making a gallam out of it? A gallam is a Babylonian Judaism concept of a fake entity. Corporations are fake entities. There's something that the courts say are persons that aren't. Well, a corporation, though, as a person, the courts do not recognize the Fifth Amendment right to remain silent, for one. No, all things are open to the creator of the corporation. All corporate entities are creatures of state government. That means the Secretary of State has to sign off on it. And if the government has created the corporation, such as the 501(c)(3) corporation of a church, then that creature, the government, that creation of government is under the power of government, period. Why would it, calling yourself a church, echolicea, subpoenaed witness group of Jesus Christ, subpoenaed each person by name, why would you do that? And why would you make yourself open to abuses from evil men and positions of high power? That's all I'm saying. But you were gonna say something else, maybe. I must've lost it for all our Paul, is he still on? No, no, he's there, Ken. He might've got tired of listening and went get a cup of coffee. (chuckling) Sorry, I'm having problems with my phone. I couldn't get unmuted. So basically, you need to send a copy of your affidavit to your pastor. (chuckling) If you're not one, I'm kinda kidding around there. Oh, okay, okay. Well, just, if you're in a church that's like that and you're tied in there, do the best you can, but I would say, or choose a word to be affiliated. Don't be affiliated with a church, just tied in with the deep state. That's all I'm saying. A room is tied in with the deep state. I totally agree, it's why I go through the whole radio ranch process with the government and then pony up to the 501(c)(3) church bar. I mean, it's crazy, but yeah, I'm right with you there. I haven't got a church in a long time just because there's no, I haven't found any churches in my area that aren't 501(c)(3) churches. So, it's a little bit of a dilemma and then trying to explain that to people, it's even worse. You know, you look worse than a sore thumb that you hit with a ball peat and hammer. - May I? - Yeah. - Well, please, go ahead, Paul. - That's a very easy thing to deal with. The 501(c)(3), through the 501(c)(3), the church shifted its focus from God to government and that you don't want to be a part of that. It's a very easy question to answer. - And you don't have to. There's nothing in our law that says a church has to do that. Never has been. The church makes a choice, so I won't incorporate. And what the rules that they're putting forward to the churches and the reason they do it is, they say we want to be in compliance with the government and we want to do what they want us to do and we want to be good citizens and all that kind of baloney. And so, they do it. But the IRS code doesn't say they have to do it. Now, the IRS will say if you don't incorporate your church to the 501(c)(3), we will treat it as a 501(c)(3). They can do whatever they want, but that's not, that doesn't mean that the courts ought to do it itself. They may try to treat it as one, but the truth is the courts haven't upheld that. There is still the right to remain silent and it still applies to churches. Well, there's one, I'd like to call it to analogize it to the second amendment. We have states now, we call constitutional carry states. In other words, they have no laws, they've just done away with all firearms laws and say we're not recognizing any federal firearms laws and we're just relying strictly on the protection of our common law duty or men to be armed. And it is a duty. - Like Montana? - Yeah, well, Missouri, who came to mind, I don't know about it, Montana, maybe I'll have to look. I just know Missouri's that way. It's called a constitutional carry state. Well, the same concept as a matter of the Bill of Rights applies to churches. A church doesn't have a duty, any duty, to incorporate itself, to get a tax write-all for donations. No, a church doesn't have to do anything. A church, there's no intermediator between God's people and God. And for the IRS to say, we want to be between you. Well, once the church waves that right to remain silent, the right to production of records, for example, that's part of the right to remain silent and in the Fifth Amendment. Then they fork it, God wants, oh, go ahead. - It gives the whole new meaning to sass or doodle nonsense because you're denying Rome, but then you're adding the IRS instead. - And friends, you don't make this theory. - Right, right, you are. And don't make this complicated, friends. Do not make this complicated. Just be a Christian man, relax. If you're born from above or a Christian woman, if you're born from above, relax. You've got your, it's not a corporation. God's relationship with the man is a common law trust, a trust settlement, and then trusted property is land. And we are the beneficiaries that are born from above, and we are the Bible calls us the elect. We are named by name as beneficiaries, just like in a common law trust. That's what the Bible teaches. Now, what you're going to do with that is your business, but that's clear as crystal. That's what the Bible teaches. And a trust is not a corporation. A trust is not something that government creates. A trust relationship is something that that persons do without the powers of the be. Go ahead. - Well, you reminded me of why I called in the first place when you were talking about having your elevator conversations. I thought, you know, since this was the Friday conversations that you might have been thinking of a theological conversation. And so when you got in the elevator with them, you were asking them if they were going up or they were going down. If you know what I mean. - Ah. - And they're laughing. (laughs) Which, you know, segues into the church conversation and they're, you know, witnessing opportunity. - Yeah. - So anyhow, I couldn't resist that one bit. - Let me, that's good. I have much flavor too. And that's the kind of things that help in communication. But, but what was I driving? I was going to say something that I got distracted by people here in the room. They were trying to get my attention. I said, no, I'm on the air. I can't talk right now. But, yeah, well, here's what I want to say. I'm encouraged in the Instagram and I travel a lot. And what I've discovered over the last 15 years doing that is that no matter where I go, I meet Christian folk. I mean, sincere, real Christian folk that are devoted to the word of God alone and the sufficiency of it. And these, this couple from Yale that I met, we got to talking and they were raised Irish, German, no, Irish, Italian, Catholic. Irish, Italian, Catholic, families. And I said, well, do you still practice? So, well, no, we don't, but we're raised that way. I said, well, if you're raised that way, then you've got some fundamentals under your belt. You understand who the Godhead is. You've got that. But what do you think about the Bible? Well, we're into the Bible. I said, well, I am too, and I'm glad you're talking that way, but I said, you're talking like a Protestant. And they laughed and said, yeah, we know. And they said, we attend a community church. We're raised Roman Catholic and attend a community church. Listen, friends, if you're born from above, all of that fluff, all of that high church trash, well, I don't care where it's from or what brand or label you from. It will begin to fall away from your mind. And you will, by nature, the Spirit of God will illuminate the Bible to you and drive you to the written word God. That's the way it works. I've watched it all my life over and over and over. I've seen it with myself and I've watched it with others. And then I discovered that some of the great theologians of recent times have written a lot about that, namely Cornelius Vantil, a Dutch-reformed elosion from Princeton University, he said a lot about it, at Princeton and other places. And of course, Abraham Kuiper, the former minister of the Netherlands, I'm talking about, I'm not talking about the smartest people in the world. I'm just talking about people that happen to again, an upfront dependency for whatever reason. So I found out about them. But that's what they teach and have talked in course, going back to the Reformers, John Knox, Whitfield, Wickliffe, Vendale, all those fellows, they came to say in conclusion, I discovered this, that when God gives you in a new birth, you're a new creature, you got a new heart, a new mind and a new desire, a new heart desire. And you want the Spirit of God drives you by nature to the word of God, just like nature drives a baby to nurse and have a sucking reflex. And Peter, in the Bible, Peter of the Apostle, used that analogy to say that that's what happened to the Christian, he desires, quoting Peter with a pure milk of the word. Unadulterated, it's pure, no errors anywhere in it, sufficient for all things, unmeasurable, unfathomable, inexhaustible, having all that the man of God needs. And the great battle in Christendom today, Christendom is the sufficiency of the Bible. When I was a young man, the great battle was the inerrancy of the Bible. Is the Bible without error of fact? That was what folk were fighting about, intensely. The Southern Baptist Convention almost lost the doctrine of the inerrancy. It wasn't for, as I mentioned a while ago, Dibia, well, Wally, Chris will, first Baptist Church of Dallas. I'm talking Southern Baptist. And then Adrian Rogers of Memphis, Tennessee at that time and a couple other fellows. Inerrancy retained its official position, but barely. If that's not the problem now, the problem now is, is the Bible sufficient or do we need other revelation? Do we need present day prophets? Do we need self-proclaimed prophets on the internet? I know people that listen to them constantly. Well, I noticed too that the people that do that don't read their Bibles, they don't care. Why do you need the Bible? A book, it takes work, it takes work to discern what it means by what it says and to apply it correctly. Why do you need that when you got some fella claiming to be some kind of a half-assed rabbi telling you what you need to be doing because he has a special revelation from God. Jonathan Tom, he claims that and I'm okay with it. - Amen. - Yeah, this is silliness, friends. You know, I remember reading. Well, just go ahead, go ahead, go ahead. - Well, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you, but when I finished, you said, I remember reading, I forget what I was gonna say. Oh yeah, revelation, revelation says, anybody that adds to this book or takes away from this book will be guilty or, you know, the plagues listed will be put on now. So to me, that puts a little bit of a damper on all these people trying to be modern day prophets and/or people claiming other people to be prophets. So I, you know, I'm almost scared of trying to tell people how I interpret the Bible sometimes because I don't wanna be wrong. I don't wanna be guilty of it at the same time. I do do it because you have to go with what you know and then you have to live by what you know and that's why I encourage even people that I highly disagree with to stand firm with where they're at because if they're studying their Bible and they have a difference of opinion, I believe that that's where God has them because I'm not where I was 10 years or 20 years ago. So you have to study and you have to get in and study it for yourself to have that relationship with God and then you grow. And I'm sorry if you're interrupting but I wanted to get that out. - Well, what did you did? The people say, well, in Revelation, that just applies to the book of Revelation, obviously. Well, no, he's quoting the book of Deuteronomy when he says that, it says in Deuteronomy chapter four versus one, two, three and four, you can read it there. It says, do not add to, do not take away from the words of this law. And what is the Bible? Is the reveal, will of the sovereign? What is the reveal, will of the sovereign? Well, among all people, whoever you take to be your final arbitrary right and wrong and individual instances from whose decision there is no appeal, that's final, the court of last resort. Well, that's the will of the sovereign and the will of all any sovereign you claim to acknowledge the will of the sovereign is law. That's what law is, that's what law is among all people. Wherever they deem to be their sovereign, his will is law. And the Bible is the revelation of the will of God. It is not the will, says the Bible, the New Testament, that any should perish. Well, that's his law, that's his desire and his very desire is our command, by the way. And so when the Bible speaks about anything, it's revealing to us, no matter in, for many different angles and genres of scripture and of writing and of literature, it's revealing to us the will of God. And when it says in Deuteronomy, do not add to and do not take away. And when Jesus Christ says, every jot, that's the smallest Hebrew letter, the yo, then every tittle, that's a serif on the end of the letter that changes one letter to another and would change the whole meaning of a word, every jot and every tittle shall come to pass. He's affirming the inerrancy of the Bible. And you say, well, but that, all the Bible? And the answer is yes. - Right. - Yeah, Peter covers that when he calls what Paul wrote as holy writ. So yeah, and revelation or the revelation of Jesus Christ is almost all the whole book is references to the Old Testament. So I finally agree with you. But as a reformer myself, I have to comment on your comment about God's will in that what might be helpful to some is that we have to look at his efficacious will versus his permissive will and that I find his help on understanding some scriptures. Are you? - Right. - Well, thank you. - Go ahead, Paul. - Paul? - I don't, again, I don't think you have to worry too much about testifying with two other people testifying, the word of God, the other people. If you don't get everything absolutely right, I do believe that God supports the willfulness defense. And if you do it with a clean heart, I think he's gonna let just guide, let just slide. We do have two hands up and we also have that area code 951 and let me open that line and get them in here. 951, did you have something to add? Is that Maurice? Okay, well, apparently they were unmuted accidentally. 951, one more call for you. Area code 951, do you have anything to add? Okay, we'll mute that one down again. And let's see, let's go to the other raised hands. We've got sketch. Come on in here, sketch. - Yeah, good morning. I just wanted to maybe change this up a little bit. Sorry, if I do that. But you always talk about the law of the city and the law of the land. And I know that's metaphoric or that's conceptual. But what city today would you consider the law of the city? - Well, the law of the city is fundamentally the law of Babylon, the law of Babylon where the law of the city was first sophisticated under the power of a galute, the first emperor, true emperor in the world named Nimrod. And he ruled, he claimed to rule the world from the city of Babylon. And you can read the best record of that in Genesis chapter 11. And what happened there, and there's much to be said and I'd refer you to the winterized version of the Bible to read the footnotes there. And that will direct you some of the appendices, talk about what happened there and what gives power to the law of the city. And I'll tell you what it says there, gives power to the law of the city. It is fundamentally politically correct speech. And that's exactly what it says there. You know, people say that Genesis chapter 11 is about God struck them, they all spoke different languages and so they couldn't communicate. But that's not what it says. And that very word there, when it said different speech, when it used the word translated speech, the Hebrew word, the prophets used that word to describe what we call today politically correct speech. What were they doing in Babylon? This is the fundamental that enables the power of the evil empire. They were all saying the same thing. They were all saying the same words. They didn't tolerate anybody saying otherwise. Remember when we had COVID? I went into a dollar store, a dollar tree store in Flanders, South Dakota. And I was looking for a fellow there that I thought was in the nursing home. And I had a little tiny farming town and I saw a woman in a set of scrubs. Oh, she probably in her 40s or something. And I said, do you ever hear of this fellow? And I told her his name. And she said, yeah, he just passed away here a couple of weeks ago. But he was in the nursing home there, the only one in town. And it was during COVID. And I said, well, I see you haven't got a mask on. I said, you must not be too worried about COVID. And I didn't have one on either. And I said, obviously, there's nothing to worry about. And she said, you're full of, and then she told me what I was full of. And what it came down to was, she wasn't going to tolerate politically incorrect speech. She wasn't gonna tolerate anybody saying that the virus is not what people say it is. She wasn't gonna tolerate anybody saying that we all gotta put a diaper or a mask on her head, like a bunch of darn fools. She wasn't gonna tolerate that. And you remember those days, I talked to these Aussies, and they said, you wouldn't believe what it was like in Australia. They said, if you were in a hotel or a motel, when they told you you couldn't go anywhere, you had to stay inside the motel, you couldn't come outside the door and the people that owned the hotel or the motel, then were responsible to feed you and make sure you had everything you needed. And just shut the place down, shut the business down, put them out of business, and they did that in Australia. Here in America, we kicked back real hard and so they couldn't do it. But the Aussies, being British, had a little bit, well, it's that old English thing, I think, that come through more. They wanted to get in the queue and stay in the queue more and it was easier to control them. God help them. I wish that didn't happen, but it didn't happen. But they tried that here, as you know, and they couldn't get away with it in the same way because of a different mindset we have here. But people were pretty stupid here and believed some of that stupidity, but it's politically correct speech that gives power to the evil empire. What is the evil empire? It is the law first sophisticated at the city of Babylon. And then in the 10th or in the sixth century, the Roman emperor, Justinian, at his behest, all of his legal biggles, went back, as far as they could go in history, clear back to Babylon and compiled the decretals and the rescripts of the popes of Rome, who are the incurs of Rome, you know, as Gibbon said, that Pope of Rome is the ghost of Rome, sitting on the grave of Rome and rightly adds wielding the law of Rome. And he went clear back through them and compiled all of those and then tried to show how they were all consistent and put them in a code called the Code of Justinian. And that code of Justinian governs almost every country in the world today in its various forms. Most prominently are the German form, which is the Roman Code of Justinian tweaked a little under the power of Bismarck in Germany, put in place in 1900. The code Napoleon taken and tweaked a little to under Napoleon to be a govern France and all of its colonies. And those two codes, plus the canon law, the Church of Rome is the greatest vehicle today. Every country in the world, except the five major common law countries and their satellites and former colonies. That's the only countries in the world that are not under this law of the city. Again, to understand the law of the city, the only possible way to understand it is to compare and contrast it with this great antagonist on every continent in every age, the law of the land or common law or common law. And if you go to the website, there's a comparative law text there of 958 pages. I mentioned it a while ago. The comparison contrast, the law of the city and the law of the land, beginning at the settling of the city of Babylon about 4200 over 4200 years ago and bringing it right up to the present in the only different continents and talking about the fundamentals. Talking about its fundamentals. What are the differences? How can you tell the difference and what have we here in America that has made us the most powerful engine of wealth and prosperity the world has ever known? Ever, why? Because we're a common law country and the useful idiots of the evil empire are working with religious fever, fervor to pronounce it correctly, I suppose, to get rid of our common law tradition. In 2006, the leading law school in America at the behest of a lesbian woman who is now sitting on the Supreme Court of the United States got rid of their major first year common law courses, Harvard Law courses, Harvard Law School. That's the insidious nature and other law schools then follow. I asked a Harvard graduate about two, three months ago, three months ago, I ran into him at a meeting. He's about my age, I said, "Did you know that this happened?" He said, "No, I didn't know that." I said, "Well, people were really up in arms about it back in 2006 and '77." And I'd watch the internet. It was, they were mad, of course, so they replaced the common law courses with law of the city courses, the law of the city. Again, it's the code of Justinian, they're fundamentals to it, of course. One of them is just among a dozen important fundamental principles. One of them is it's a complete defense to any crime that you obey the government. No matter what you're accused of, if you can show that the government gave you clear direction to do that, I don't care how bad it is or what crime you committed, you aren't prosecuted for that crime. That's true all over the world, except in the common law countries. And the common law countries at the government orders you to commit a crime and you have a choice. You used to either obey or disobey. And even in our military forces, this prevails and even every oath that are, one of the things I learned as a young man overseas, I meet these sailors and soldiers from France and Indonesia, Australia, North United States, England, other places. I discovered in our common law country, we take an oath to support and defend our law of the land, our law of the land, that's our common law. What do we call it? Well, it's a constitution of the United States calls itself the law of the land, article six. Well, that's what we swear to support and defend against enemies born and domestic. We do not swear when we take an oath to be a seamen deuce or a private soldier or a general or an admiral, we do not take an oath to obey and be devoted to obeying some mere mortal, the German people, the German soldier and sailors for to obey Adolf Hitler, no matter what. They didn't say it was God, no, but they treated him as God. He was the final court of last resort for all things in Germany, don't think he wasn't. God won't tolerate that. I don't care how Christian you are in other respects, he will wipe you out and he wiped Germany out. He allowed it to happen anyway. Somebody said, well, I go, well, there's permissive will and declared will. Oh, I know, I've read the theological books on those two things, but when it comes right down to it, I don't think you can distinguish them. God is behind all that happens. He's not the author of evil, it says, but even things that we don't understand, he could stop anything he wanted. He can make anything happens, he wants to happen. He's God, he's not limited in any way. He doesn't need anything, he doesn't need anybody. He didn't depend on anybody. He's totally self-sufficient. Well, the law of the city is from Babylon. You can find it most explicitly expressed in the canon law of the Church of Rome today. Go ahead. - Yes, I was just gonna say I might have been, I should have been more direct in my question, what is the power base city of Babylon today? What city is the power base of Babylon? - Oh, well, well, every city. Rome is key, of course. Rome is the headquarters of Babylonianism. First of all, it was Babylon. Then, because of a series of historical events, it went to Pergamos. And then through a series of events of history, it was transferred to Rome during the days of Julius Caesar. And it was done by will, by will. That last will and testament of the emperor there, deeded it over all of the trappings of it, all of its doctrines to Rome under Julius Caesar. Caesar did not implement all that. Octavian, his nephew, later implemented all of those powers, claiming absolute Godhood. But just because you don't claim absolute Godhood doesn't mean you are. You know, we read phrases in the Bible. Jesus, well, let's start with this. The beginning of Mark's gospel. The first verse of Mark's gospel declares that Jesus Christ is sovereign. Absolutely sovereign. And the phrase he uses in the Greek text, you, this is fascinating. I've got this, you can read about this in that book, Excellence of the Common Law. But the phrase he uses is taken straight off of an inscription found at the altar at Pergamos. But he substitutes Jesus Christ for the emperor of Pergamos. And that was a direct slap in the face of Rome and the emperor. It's what that, the emperor said, I'm God, you've got to pay homage to me. You can do whatever else you want, but you got to pay homage to me every year and sprinkle incense, however they did it, in all the cities of the earth. There are major cities, but all the cities of the earth, notice in America, notice in America, the political division, 80% of the geographic area of America, votes for one candidate like DJ Trump, and the other 20%, which is the cities, vote for the other, the majority of votes in those places or the other. It's always friends, always, never will be anything else. The law of the land, our common law versus the law of the city. And our common law has two volumes, and this is all you need to pay attention to friends. The laws of nature, that's our common law, and the laws of nature's God, that's the Bible. Our decoration of 76 lays that out clearly. Those are the two fundamental volumes of law, the first unwritten, the second written. And that's all we need to worry about. As Americans, we've got so far afield, we're paying attention to every bit of tripe of law. There is, we're wound up and bound up. I've listened to people and argue about the details of legislation and the IRS code of what it's saying. And I'm saying, who cares? The IRS gonna tell you what they want you to do, and if you don't do it, they'll try to send you to jail. That make any difference what the code says. It's friends, it's time to get back to fundamentals. I speak, I speak as a lawyer. I'm not interested in all of the minutia. If it's not in conformity with the law of the land, and then with our Bibles, which of the final courts are last resort, it's no law of all, no law at all. I'm not the first to say that. The reformers all said that. John Calvin said that. John Knox of Scotland said that. Rutherford of Scotland said that. Tyndale of England said that. The men, our forebears, the Puritans that came to New England by the hundreds of thousands said that. I'm not saying anything new. Isn't it time to turn our eyes toward our origins and look there for a sign and say, wait a minute, things have gotten too complicated. The Ten Commandments are real. Do not covet, lie, steal, commit adultery, or murder your neighbor. If you're not using the Bible at the final court of last resort, you're making a mistake and you will be astray, floating on a sea of subjectivity. Well ago, somebody said something about applying the law. Well, I know I'm not always right and I'm glad that was a nice thing to say, but let's make a distinction here. There's a difference between adding revelation to the Bible and interpreting what it says. It's your job to interpret what it says and you better do it for yourself and you're gonna answer for the way you apply it. That means apply it in specific instances. But the meaning does not change. The verse does not change. It is constant. It is as eternal as the mind of God himself because it is his mind, it's a revelation of his thoughts, every sentence of the Bible. And the question is, you don't wanna change it. You don't wanna add to it or take away from it. He forbids that. But what he does by the illumination, the illumination of the Spirit of God, he impressed upon you. Well, this is how you do not steal in this situation. How many of us have stolen the time of other people? Oh yeah, of course we have. How many people have stolen your time? Right. How many people have stolen from you and made it look like it was legal? Or you just shave a little off here, a little there. That's called stealing. We're all guilty of it in various ways. We're sinners. And it's our job to increasingly as Christian men and women. I've replied upon the Spirit of God to illuminate the unchanging Word of God to apply it in the specific fact situations we're in that nobody's ever been in before or maybe. There's everything right about that. You're not adding to the Word of God. You're not changing the Word of God. You're applying it. And the Supreme Court of the United States has said that in plenty of cases. As many other courts have observed in England and the United States and Canada and Australia and New Zealand, the other major common law countries. Well, who's up? I just want one last comment, so you mentioned Rome. So I would say that's the Vatican city and they rule through the Justinian deception. Thank you so much, I yield. - Well, thank you for your comments. But no, I substantially agree, but every city in the world now does that. See, there have always been even the days of the Roman Empire, scions of Rome. If Rome could not build cities in the empire, they would have lost their empire. They went to Britain. They conquered Britain, Julius Caesar. What's the first thing he did? There were no cities, so what did he do? He built them complete with running water, aquedex, baths. He wanted to use the city to control the countryside. It didn't work. That's why Rome eventually abandoned Britain. China, what has China done? What has the communist China done? The render, a form of the code of Justinian has all communist countries. What have they done? They are building cities, my friends, complete with everything from Walmart to McDonald's. And then they're asking the rustic country folk that are out there by the million, come and live in the cities. 'Cause if you don't live in the city, we can't control you. What happened in the Bible in Egypt? What did the Pharaoh do? It says he built treasure cities and he moved the people off of the land into the cities. What did Russia do? Well, they moved the people off of the land. They called them commune farms and they'd bust them out from the towns and the cities every day to work. It's always the same friends. It's the law of the land versus the law of the city we're experiencing it right here in America. Chicago controls Illinois. New York City controls the state of New York. Houston, Dallas, Fort Worth, control the entire state of Texas now. Why? 'Cause they've worked the economy, starting back with some of the ruses of history, back in the 1930s, to get people off the land. And once they get us off the land, they control the food production. That's what they, the bankers want, the useful idiots of the evil empire, and then they will control everything and everybody. But it all comes down to, we've got to have cities to move people into. That's what it comes down to. They're doing this in America. They're doing 15 minute cities that they're constructing. I mean, even the 10 FEMA regions and all that. Yeah, even in Nevada. I remember being in the state capital, the Supreme Court building, the old capital in Nevada and looking up on the wall. And see in the, there's about 15 state senators. All of them ranchers. Today you go to Nevada, and Nevada is utterly controlled by Las Vegas and Reno. Yeah, California, they're controlled by San Diego, LA area, and the Bay area. Going up towards Sacramento, utterly controlled. State of Washington, utterly controlled by the city of Seattle. And people that live in cities become city-fied. And when you become city-fied, by the way, the Latin word for city-fied is civilization. Civil is the Latin word pertained to cities. We call it the civil law, the law of the city. Our common law is the law of the land. And the law we have said, and God says in the Bible, rises out of the land. And he says in the book of Revelation that every city after Jesus Christ, the Messiah, wields all the power in his return, he will destroy every city on the face of the earth. Everyone, and there will be no more need, no more call for the law of the city. And every man will have his own partial land, it says. All these things are part of the prophets in the book of Revelation. Back to you, Paul. - And Jerusalem was destroyed, the city. - Yes, and the whole theme of the New Testament, my friends. Thank you, the whole theme of the New Testament are one of the great themes. But yeah, you could say the whole theme is that the earthly Jerusalem is demonic. And the heavenly Jerusalem, the only city that God authorizes that will come down from the skies is his only authorized city. And the Messiah will rule from that city and destroy all other cities. Because the city is the headquarters. The city, Augustine back in about 400 A.D. wrote a piece called The City of Man and The City of God and compares and contrasts the two. I'm not speaking about anything new. I'm not coming up with some new doctrine that God's people not spoken of before. I'm just bringing out old doctrines that people have forgotten, old doctrines of the Bible. And the Bible is about the law of the land versus the law of the city. You see it happen in the beginning chapters. You get to the 11th chapter, the city is established and everything about that is the antagonism and the play between the law of the land and the law of the city, the kingdom of God and the evil empire of this world. That's it, there isn't anything else. And of course, there are variations between those two poles, but it all comes down to that. And every man and every nation is either tending toward the one, the law of the land or toward the other, the law of the city. - Right. We've got a caller area code 208 that's unmuted. Do you want to get in here? Rachel, is that you? Rachel's calling from Idaho. I think that's an Idaho number. - Yeah, that's Idaho. North Idaho. - Yeah. All right, she muted again and we've got Ken back and nobody else has their hand up as far as I know. - Well, I have something I'd like to say. Brent just wanted to throw this out at you. I study the great pyramid a lot because I believe that it was the monument to God in Isaiah 19. And anyhow, it has in it what's called the Bethlehem angle or the Christ angle, which the line drawn from the horizontal at the latitude of the pyramid will go directly through Bethlehem or Beit-lahem or to say it more authentically, Beit-lahem. And I was studying, I mean, I've been studying it for a long time. Anyhow, before you go into what's called the King's chamber, there's an embossment on the wall to your right. And it basically looks like a half circle. So kind of like arch of a rainbow, but flat on the bottom will have circle. And I can never figure out what that was. But then I discovered this book by Ross Brodstock on the ancient Welsh language. I wasn't prepared to talk about this so I don't remember all the details about it. But anyhow, it's very similar to hieroglyphics and you can actually interpret hieroglyphics from the ancient Welsh. And I found that image in there and it actually is for bread or cake. And so I thought that was pretty fantastic discovery. But one other thing is that I also discovered that the crucifixion of Christ, at least based on my math, which I reserved the right to be wrong, but right now, based on the math, shows that Jesus Christ, or Iesus Christos, was crucified up on the Mount of Olives. And if my numbers are correct, I'm only 25 feet off from the numbers I have available for the actual height of the Mount of Olives. Just curious to hear your comments on that. - I yield. - Well, that's quite fascinating. And there you got going there. It is true that the Bible refers to Jesus Christ as the head of the corner. The head of the corner. Well, what's the head of the corner? Well, clearly that word refers to the capstone of a pyramid. The capstone of a pyramid. Does that mean that the pyramid should be studied and we should see it and use that as revelation, and the answer is no. But it does mean that God is the God of everything. Our God, our law giver, is the law giver and the creator of all things. And everything is of him through him and back to him. But I would suggest that if you're gonna study anything like that, do it in light of the Bible. Don't do it any other way, you'll get into paganism. It's like you can study the stars and all you become is an astrologer. But if you study the stars and in the consistency of the laws of nature and the Bible, you'll see the consistency. It's important. - We're on the Bible. - All things through the Lord. - Yes, the measure of God's written word. - Because God's written word is the final court of last resort. I sometimes find books and people will promote them and say this book will cast a little light on the Bible or cast a lot of light on the Bible. And I say, no, no, the Bible is the light. The Bible cast light on all other things. You've got it upside down. You get to talk in that way, you get to think in that way. Don't do that. Now the Bible is final life's too short. You give attention to anything else, except as you do so in light of what the word of God says. Go ahead. - Well, I don't put that over the Bible, but I use the Bible as the source because of what it says in Isaiah 19, what it says in Joe about the Masera, the sun moon and the stars and all of that since you've brought up the stars a bit. But now I only, I was interested initially studying the pyramid 'cause I went in there once when I was much younger and was always kind of scratching my head about what that was all about. It wasn't until I read E. Raymond Cap's book on the pyramid and found out about the Bethlehem angle and all that that I got interested. But no, I can do without the pyramid and be fine with just my Bible, but there's a whole lot of biblical history that has to do with Egypt. So it's not as though it's something, totally devoid, oh, it sounds like my time's up, but I better let you finish up. Thanks, Brent. Thanks, Paul. - Thank you. Thank you, Paul. That about does it for today. one more time real quickly. - Thank you, Paul. This is Brent, Brent Allen Winters. Brent Allen Winters That's You can go there and find resources in writing books and also law school courses. You can take and get a certificate. And also you find audio information and clips there that may be of interest to you. You can also go to rumble, just type in Brent Allen Winters rumble, and I believe you can get probably more things than you could listen to. There's a lot of presentations in archive on rumble. - All right, that does it for the radio ranch with Roger Sales and co-host Brent Allen Winters. Roger's country is without power at the moment. And God willing, he'll be right back here tomorrow at 11 a.m. Eastern for the radio ranch with Roger Sales. I'm Paul from Global Boys Network sitting in and I want to thank you for being here. Appreciate each and every one of you. Take care. - Ask a question. May I ask a question still? - One more? Okay, we're off of Euroful Radio. We're still on Global Voice Radio. So here in lies the after show. Who are you and where are you coming from? - This is Rochelle from Idaho. Again, it's been a while since I've been able to listen. But I didn't want to interrupt his wonderful commentary, but I have need of a question of what to do. And that's maybe in the after commentary. Paul, you can help me. I haven't established my status in standing. I have two years ago used the Article I section 8 clause 17 and documented that that I was not a US citizen. I documented it in my local county in the deeds records. But I haven't done the affidavit of citizenship and sent that into Blinken yet because I've been conflicted with how can I even deal with someone so illegitimate as Blinken. So that's one question. I feel I need to send that in. I have the paperwork ready to send. But that's my concern as a woman trying to be a sovereign. I don't want to relate to this illegitimate man in an illegitimate government. So that's my first dilemma. - Let me touch on that first. Let me touch on that first. You're not asking for Blinken's permission to be a national. You're a national already. According to the INA, all US citizens are US nationals, okay? So you're already a national. The only thing that you're doing is you are putting Blinken on notice that you are not a 14th Amendment citizen and you are not under the scope and purview of the 14th Amendment. That's all you're saying. So you're not taking part in an illegitimate government. You're not asking them for any benefits or protections. You're not asking them for anything. You're telling them, I am me. This is who I am. Leave me alone. That's all you're saying. Hey, you can do that with a one page of F at David and you must do it to the Secretary of State of the United States because he is the final authority on all matters regarding citizenship. So, what you mind your views, go for it? - Can I just do it real quick? - Yeah, Dave, what are you doing? - Yeah, Dave, I'm in Michigan. So there's a defacto side and a digiurside, and if you look at all the forms that come from that part of our country, it's called the Department of State. It's the DS11 or the DS82. It's not the State Department or the SD11 or the SD. The State Department is defacto. The Department of is Dijure. They haven't changed those forms. Now, Blinken is just the moron that sits in that defacto side. You're not asking him anything. You're telling him, this is my citizenship evidence. This is the proof that I'm not what you want me to think I am or you want everybody else to think I am. Correct, Paul? I yield. - Yeah, but I'm a little fuzzy on which is which the Department of State, as opposed to the State Department, I always thought that the State-- - The Department of State is what came first. The Department, just like the Department of Treasury and the Treasury Department. The Treasury Department is defacto. The Department of Treasury is Dijure. - Maybe I'm getting hung up on the whole fact of a State of Minnesota, as opposed to Minnesota State. I am always wary of any agency that has the word "of" in it. I'm just always wary of it. - Like what? - Yeah, and that's where I think our disconnect is. - We're battling demons, but just know that if it's a State first, that's defacto, and that proves to me, I've learned that a long time ago, there are two sides and there is legislation regarding that. So the Dijure side is still there, it's just vacated, and you're just telling that seat, right? The real Secretary of the State who isn't there, you're just declaring who you are. That's all, you're not asking, you're telling, and that's why it stands because it's still the Department of, and I mean, I guess that's, what is the Dijure Constitution? It's four, but it's not the Department four, they never used that language. So maybe it was always the legitimate, I don't know, but I don't know if they still use that DF and not FD, and that tells you it's Dijure I yield. - Paul, may I just add to this? They flipped the script, the of did apply to the feds 'cause the state controlled the feds, and they flipped it when they, now the feds control the state through that word of state of Missouri. Does that make it a little more clear for you? So when you're dealing with the feds, the Dijure of the feds, the of is in there. When you're dealing with the Dijure of the states, there is no of, does that help any or doesn't make any sense? - Yeah, yeah, they flipped it, they flipped it. But, - That makes sense to me. - It's a popular myth, and I believe it to be a myth. It's a popular myth that there are two governments operating side by side. Well, there may be two governments operating side by side, but there are no bodies in the seats of the Dijure governments, either state or federal, because they, nobody in office swears an oath to a Dijure Constitution or a Dijure state. They only swear allegiance to the corporate constitution and the corporate government, the entity, the paper entity. That's all they swear allegiance to. So there's nobody in the Dijure position of Attorney General. Nobody in the Dijure position of President of the United States. - Well, on the rationale, I used, go ahead. - No, no, go ahead, I was talking. - That was the rationale. That was the rationale I had, I had angst, I guess you might say, of sending anything to Blinken, because there's nobody home, really. But I'm dealing with the empty suit, so I have to address the empty suit. - Well, absolutely. And the only way to address the empty suit is to affirm your position and authority over the empty suit, and not as a subject of it. The only way you're gonna do that is with an affidavit declaring that you were a national and not a citizen of the United States. The only way you can do it. Paul, doesn't that prove that there is still a Dijure? They have to recognize it. And I say what's missing from the Dijure are the people. But when we come one at a time, they have to address us as such. And so therefore, as Roger says, they do wear two hats, but you have to force them into the Dijure hat. And they have to recognize it. And that's why the Department of State recognizes that document, that affidavit. - What you have to do is you have to force them to recognize common law. Because they will keep that in the very bottom drawer of their desk. They will go administrative law and administrative procedures every time unless you force them. - I agree. - Comment. - They will go law of the city before they will go law of the land. Ken, what's your comment? - Yeah, I stepped away so I didn't catch everything. But I would avoid at all costs, the use of the word sovereign. - Oh, absolutely. - They'll immediately stereotype you and put you in the wrong file, so to speak. It really is a word you want to avoid at all costs because they have their own idea of what that means. And it doesn't mean what you think it means. And so, should strike that from your vocabulary. - There is one exception. And I only use the word sovereign as applied to the creator that they cannot deny. - No, they won't get hurt. - And you are a direct descendant, a direct creation of the sovereign, the ultimate sovereign, the final arbiter. You're under God and not understate. - Yeah, but that's a different conversation when in relation to what you said about being a sovereign. If you look at all the police officer training, agent training, any of them, if you mention the word sovereign, you will regret it. And that's the only point I'm trying to make, is that you'll just make your life harder because you will have alienated yourself already and they won't be able to hear what you have to say as easily. Or it gives them, you know, the impetus to act differently towards you. That's all I'm trying to say. I totally agree with you in terms of Christ being King of King's Lord of Lords. No argument there. But that's different than calling yourself a sovereign. That's all. - Right, well, okay, well, let me ask a question for the caller. So, you use the word sovereign. Okay, what does the word sovereign mean to you? - I didn't know I used that. Oh, that's very good. It means first cause in charge of my life or under the sovereignty of the first cause, which I agree with the lady. I'm sorry, I can't remember your name, that the two sovereign is the superior. - Sure, yeah, yeah, the first-- - When you really understand the word sovereign and what it means to me, when I understand it, what it means to me, there's a lot of different ways that I can make myself clear that I'm not under another authority, that I'm under my own authority because God is above me or the creators above me. I can say something like that if I'm asked, but I agree not that I'll alert that out. - But you are ultimately under God's authority, so you are under an authority. - Yes, and if you're not under an authority, you have no authority. - Yeah, you get your authority from the authority of God. - Yes. - Okay, so the word sovereign, it means so over rain. Okay, so what do you reign over? - Rain. - So over, oh, rain. Oh, I reign over that which God gave me authority over. - Right, so what is that? It's yourself and your own life, and that's it. - The earth, the land, the earth, and the water. - Myself. - Right, yeah, yourself. - And then I care-take the rest. - Okay. - When I interact with, I'm going back to the state of the U.S. Department of State, which this is going to this letter, cover letter. I have put the address of the Department of State on the left side, the dead side, and then when I put my name on the right side, the living side, I was thinking I should put my name, respectfully by my me. I should also put my address there. It should be my address, and it should say Idaho State. County, Idaho State, and I'm not sure about that either. - Yeah, yeah, Idaho State is fine. State of Idaho, not so much. Sketch, you've been ringing your dangar bell. You got something to add? - Yes, yes, I would like to add just a few things. It is so good to hear, Ken, I hope, Ken, this is sketch. I hope some of these are growing very high this year, and I want to let everybody know that the Radio Ranch is on one of the threads of the World Wide Web, I.U., thank you so much, Paul. - What? What do you mean one of the threads of the World Wide Web? The Radio Ranch is on one of the threads of the World Wide Web, I yield. - Oh, that was for Dave. - I took me a minute. - Well, just a quick comment. Do you see how much conversation there was even among friends about the word sovereign? Now imagine if you try to have that same conversation when you're not among friends. I yield. - Would someone, would someone, would someone who has been trained to fear sovereigns as black-os and extremists? - Classic stance. - You say the word sovereign wants to a cop that's outside your window on roadside. You can literally count the seconds before nine plus squad cars circle your location. - Yeah, so can I, I mean, I get back to my, this horrible letter that's driving me crazy, I have to send it, even if it's not perfect, because I feel like if I don't do something, I'm never gonna know if it's corrected, and I can correct it later if it's not perfect, right? - Yeah, yeah. Boy, do you wanna read it? - That's better than just sitting and doing nothing. Because I need that authority to have that presumption off the record. - Yeah, I know you gots what you're doing. - Well, okay, is this something that's already, that you're in the process of right now, is there like a case pending against you or a situation that you're trying to address? - Yes, that's the second question. I have this traffic ticket over my head that is, has, I have addressed it, it was a speeding ticket, it was asked, it was about a six months ago, five months ago. And I addressed it and asked for a trial by jury that said they couldn't do it. I probably didn't do everything right when I addressed the county prosecutor and the court there in the Davenport. However, they just dropped it and didn't do anything. And I recently got a notice that my credit is not gonna be good, and I have to pay this, but there was nothing from the court. - So, my thinking is, I'm not-- - Wait a minute, wait a minute. Who did you get it from? - I was scared yet to fight this. - Who did you, who did you get a notice about your credit? Who sent that? - A credit company, a credit company, it wasn't the court. It was a credit company, you owe this money. - Okay, so the court says you owe a fine. - They originally did, and I rebutted it, and they didn't answer after 30 days, and I sent it again, and I had no answer. And when I asked the last time for a trial by jury, if they really were serious, they said they were unable to accommodate me on that. And then I never heard anything else. - All right, so wait a minute, wait a minute. I'm gonna be asking a lot of questions and I want brief answers, okay, 'cause I'm trying to build a picture here. So you had a traffic ticket, and you answered the traffic ticket, you asked for a trial by jury, and you believe in your heart of hearts that they dropped the ticket and dismissed it. Is that what you're saying? - No, I don't think they dropped it. I think they couldn't address it. - It was never at all. - Okay, so what they did was they took a standard fine for that ticket, and they sent it to collections. Is that what they did? - Court, yes. - Okay, but you answered that ticket. You addressed it with the court, and they acquiesced and failed to respond to you, right? - Correct. - Okay, so what you do, so what you do is you take copies of everything that you sent the court, as far as your demand for resolution, and your default notice that you sent the court that you consider the matter settled, and you send that to the credit card company and say you have no claim, the court dropped the issue, and any attempt to collect an invalid debt is fraud. Please make the appropriate corrections to your records, and any reports you have made to the credit bureau accordingly. And then you're done with it. If they don't answer you back in 30 days, then they're in default also. - That actually finalizes and secures that the court is done. - Well, it gets the collection agency off your back. No, this matter was asked and answered. The court acquiesced. They're in default. - Yes. - This is invalid, this is invalid, I want you to cease attempts at collection, or I will file charges of fraud against you. Pursuant to the laws of the United States. - I wonder if I could do that. Doing that is a big deal. - Of course you can. - Okay. All right. - Come here. - Whole mother step. So this is my personal issue. I've become afraid, I'm like scared, and I know that I have the right to travel. But I was speeding, but I did no harm. And I had not been speeding up until this time over this one little speed trap place where anybody probably would speed right there 'cause they're coming up over a hillbobble anyway. And I was just, I said, now this is it. I have to fight this because if I don't start somewhere, I won't be able to stand on my own. I mean, if I'm going to-- - How much is the ticket? It's, now it's up to $213 and it's gonna keep going up. - Yeah, because the collection-- - If they didn't, okay. - Anyway. - Here's the deal. Here's the deal. You were speeding. - Yeah. - If you want to pick a fight, if you want to pick a fight, and if you want to stand on principle and stand on your own two feet and live under the laws of nature and of nature's God, you defend yourself when you are at fault, when you're not at fault, when you've done no wrong. Okay, you did no harm, but you hadn't noticed the Secretary of State, the State of whatever you're in had absolutely no idea that you were a national or you were not a citizen of the United States. You didn't give anybody notice, you didn't give anybody a heads up, and you were speeding. You should have paid the speeding ticket. - That's kinda what I thought, think. In my gut, I feel like I screwed up 'cause I hadn't actually sent a notice to actually, every county along the way that I travel to visit my family in Washington. I had only noticed my own county. So I hadn't done my due skills. - Yeah, right. - And so now-- - You're not operating, you're not operating with clean hands right now. - Exactly. That's my gut feeling that-- - But you might have a whole shot since they didn't respond to you. So I would follow that course of action up if it doesn't work, then you can pay the ticket, but you risk the fine going up. But if you replied to them and they didn't reply back, personally, I would wanna press that because you might have an out. But Paul's right though, you should just pay the ticket in this particular instance. But they may have given you a free pass. That's all I'm saying. I yield. - Well, this is what I wanted to do, but I don't know how to do it. I feel like I do have dirty hands. I didn't actually make myself clear. Anyway, I took that county beforehand, which is a necessity. So I think it'd be a great idea to do exactly what I was suggested to notify the collections department. That's a good idea. 'Cause that would be really hard for the county of Davenport to rebut that. But at the same time, I wanna pay the ticket to clear my name, so to speak. And not just because I'm scared of being pulled over by him, but I wanted to get in Washington. - Yes, and not Idaho. - Yeah, Davenport's over in Washington. Well, I thought you said Ben Law. That's like the Indian, that's the casino, Coeur d'Alene Casino area. - Yes. And somebody was on this call that was from Northern Idaho. I wish I knew somebody that lived near me that was constitutional. But Paul, what I want to do is exactly what, my feelings are in sync completely with you. My gut feeling and you nailed it. I just don't feel right about it, but I still wanna stand up for my rights. So I've stood up for my rights to travel, and now I wanna pay the ticket and make it clear to them that I'm not admitting guilt, but that I, in a spirit of friendship, whatever, to clear the air so that we work in friendship with each other, I am paying this ticket without admitting guilt. That's what I don't know how to do, or if I even can do that. - What the hell did you think you would have been in it? - What the hell did you think you would have been in it? (laughs) - Go, I missed that. - What damn cartoon you think you're living in? This is the real world. We are not living in friendship with these a-holes. - Well, I get that. - Well, that's a good point. - I still wanna pass through their county without being attacked, and I don't wanna attack them or go against their feeding whatever's if I can help it. But if it's some little-- - They ignore the credit company, ignore them. They did not buy it. In fact, write up your stuff in case they try to sue you since it's fresh. They had nothing to do with that debt except they bought it for pennies on the dollar. - Right. - They can go and make an easy score. - Right. - They can cancel and be ready to defend it in court. - Right, right. - You can cancel any collection. You can, just a moment, you can cancel any collection. Just send the credit company a letter requiring them to validate the debt with a wet ink signature agreement that you ever contracted with them. And don't accept any bullshit where they say, well, we're in a, we agency with or we cooperate with the department of whatever, whatever, whatever, and you have an agreement with them. Well, then you count her back, but I do not have an agreement with you. Erase this account and make the appropriate notations on any credit report or any credit bureau reports you've done. Now, if you wanna settle the ticket and you want to, just go, do you still have a copy of the original ticket or any of the original paperwork from the original case? - Yeah, no, I never signed it either. And I do have a copy of the one they gave me. - Okay, okay. All right, so what you do, what you do is you, do you have the name of a judge? Have you ever been in front of or spoken to a judge on this? Okay, so here's what you do. - I never, I have their name. - But I never spoke to them, I just, I never spoke to the court. - Okay, well, all right, well, try this, all right. And if I'm all wet, I'm inviting everybody, all 31 people that are with us here are 30, I guess, because one of them is me. If I'm all wet, I want everybody to speak up and let me know where my error is. You take all of the original court paperwork and the ticket that you legally are obligated to pay because you had the legal capacity of citizen as far as they were concerned. So you were under their jurisdiction as far as they are concerned. Talk to the judge and say, look, I've got a problem. I have a ticket. I am not a citizen of the United States and I'm not a legal resident. So the statute, section codes should not apply to me, but ethically and morally, I was speeding. The ticket is valid. And I want to know what the best way to settle this matter would be. And see what the judge says. - Well, actually, I would have to speak to the judge. I probably couldn't get to the judge. I was then going to walk me into the courthouse for myself and asking to speak to the current clerk at the court or whoever's issues the tickets. He's an actual prosecutor. - I don't know, is Mark in all caps with us? How would a private person make a motion to the court for a judicial decision to settle this matter? (indistinct) - Yeah, I don't want to go into the court. I think I should do it in writing. (indistinct) - And they're tough. They're really tough. So you better know what you're doing because they don't bend. I yield. - Oh, photocoply everything for yourself. Do everything for me. - I have another opinion here. - Yeah. - Man. - Go ahead. - Frankly, speed limits actually are a military idea. And most of them, when you see the signs they've got a bracket around them, which means it's a suggestion. It's not an actual requirement. You can actually fight this thing if you look into the code because the purpose for speed limit signs and stop signs and stuff for for safety. Were you going to save speed? You can argue the safety point. How much is the ticket do you know? - Oh, it's 215 or something or 35. No, all the trouble. - Not what the collection agency is trying to collect. What was the original cost to the ticket? - 113 or something like that. - Well, what we're concerned about is the amount she's got to pay now. - Yeah. - You can't see the problem is, is you can't actually fight this using their system because if you were not in commerce, they had no authority to stop you. That's in the codes, but you have to know the code. If you want to fight it and you don't want to do that, it's going to cost you, I don't know. I would go over to commonerlaw,, and I would look at there. So you got a traffic ticket, of course. They've got a lot of completed paperwork that you can use in there to submit to the course to refute, but you're in a collection issue right now. They turned it over to the collection. - Yeah. - But they didn't accept that. - I thought I could do, if they're walking into a traffic ticket on the border here in Spokane, I'd be in Washington State and just pay the ticket with like, - You don't want to voluntarily walk into their building. Don't voluntarily walk into their building because that's volunteering jurisdiction. Deal with it in writing. - Does she want to pay it or not? - I want to pay it and there's a reason, another reason why I want to pay it because I feel I'm in danger when I go across the flats from Idaho to Washington State where all my family is, except one son. - I'll pay it, go ahead and be done with it. - And I'm in danger because I'm by myself and I always have my dogs and they'd be gone probably and I'm extremely poor. It would just devastate me. I'm not in the position to fight, to give my life for a ticket. Now I will, if they come on my land and take my chicken, do my food, but to die over a traffic ticket, it's food. - How long have you listened to Roger? - Probably six months, but I haven't been on, I've been not listening for the last month. And I used to, after David, of Roger's sales, I used his template to write my letters. - Well thing is, is I guess you haven't learned anything. You would have said pay the damn ticket. - He would have said that? - Yeah. - Yeah, I agree. At this point, you used to pay the ticket and you dealt with it. - Yes, and I'm not in the position to fight and win is what I feel. I want to be. - I'm sorry. - When I fight, I want to make sure I win. - Okay, well I was monitoring it loosely, I thought you really wanted to fight this thing for some reason, but if you got a collection going, I'd stop it at this point, just pay it. - And what is the best way to do that then? Go to this commoner. - No, somebody's obviously sent you a bill, haven't they? Didn't they send you a bill? - Yes, but it's the collection agency and I like that idea from Paul. They've turned it over to collections. They've turned it over to collections. You just pay the collection agency. - Yes, and that's not really admitting guilt to the court either, especially if I write on the check, it does not admit guilt, or this does not admit. - Ignore the guilt stuff right now. You're past that point. - Okay, oh, okay. I just paid the-- - I'm really surprised. - I'm really surprised that they dropped it and just sent the ticket over to collections. I am surprised as hell that they didn't convert that to a warrant and come and get her. I'm really surprised. - Well, I think the reason they didn't do that is because I have not traveled back over to Washington State and I live in Idaho and it was a misdemeanor so they can't really go across state lines. - That I was-- - They could. - But they generally expire after 60 days, they're supposed to anyway. - They've been 60 days. Well, so now I pay the collection and my son actually has offered to pay it for me. So if he can pay it in his name too, that might be good. What do you think about that? - It doesn't matter. It was paid. Make sure that you send an affidavit to the State Department. Make sure you do that. - Yes, I'm gonna do that before I pay the fine. - You should also-- - No, pay the fine, but do it. - Oh, oh. - Because the-- - Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. - The interest in these charges on that collection are gonna keep going up. Get rid of it, pay it. - Go ahead and go to the court and cite on that ticket, or your case number, and see what the status of the case is. - Oh, repeat that, please. - You should be in. You go to the court, go along onto the court website and look up the ticket and see what the status is. We know it's, we know it, they've sent it to collections, but you wanna find out if they issued a bench warrant or anything like that. - Yeah, so that was my next question. - You go to the website-- - So I paid-- - You go to-- - I paid the ticket. - You go to the court website and find out what each status is, if they don't even list it anymore, it's over. Pay the ticket, you're done. And then start learning. - Is your address on your license, current? If in other words, if the Davenport court sent you a letter, would it, would you receive it? - Yes. - Then if you went to warrant, you should have received something. But personally, I would contact the court via phone or letter and ask if you can pay the fine. And if they've already sent it over collections, then they should say no, it's already been sent to collections. And then that should mean that the debt is canceled with the county or whoever it was that issued the ticket. Because if they've given it over to collections, then that means that they've discharged the debt. And you know-- - Because they've been paid. - I owe it to them anymore. - That's right. - And the other thing you need to go is, go to your own DMV, go look up your license and see if there's anything on your license on your own DMV. - Well, I also thought wouldn't my insurance have gone up if they would have, if I had something like that on my record? - No, no, not necessarily. But you need to go see what they reported to your DMV. - And so I walk in there and I ask, I'll just call them and ask them to do what's your-- - Go online, I have a warrant. - You can go online. - You can go online. You can go online or you can call them and you can ask them about your status. Is there anything reported on your driving record? Find out what's there. - And I give them my license number and yeah, I don't want to really go in there in person. You know this small town, I don't want to-- - We said go online, go on the phone. Go online or go on the phone, call your own DMV and find out if anything's been reported on your license. - All right, that's good. - And if you don't have the collection, then stay out of that state. - And check the status. - Well, that's the problem. I have family issues over there and they really need to go. - Okay, the ticket, pay it. - Yeah, check the status of your license. - You really need to call. - Check the status of your license while having. - Yeah, I don't know if anyone has a DMV office, but they have a DMV there in Post Falls right by the highway, right by I-90. If you can't get through getting any satisfaction on the phone, you know, I would avoid going in there, but if you go in there saying you're trying to, you know, resolve this issue, you'll probably be okay because you're in a different state. So I don't think in this case, there would be a problem going into the DMV. But it's a Charlie Foxtrot, I guarantee you that. I've been there several times and it's a mad house. - In Gavin's life. - She doesn't have to go. She can just call the phone or go online. - Yeah, call the phone. - Well, that's the one line. - Right, I addressed that. That's why I said if you can't get satisfaction there, then you can go to their office right there in Post Falls, I don't think they have one in Benoit. - They do, they do have one in town. - Since the issue is in Washington and not in Idaho, I don't think Idaho is going to take any action. That's all I'm saying, that could be wrong. But anyhow, that's my two cents word, I yield. - Well, the states have treaties in which in agreements in which they share a DMV information and it can show up on your record. You need to find out how it's listed. That's our one and only ticket, maybe nothing, I don't know. She just needs to double check. Why not be safe? - Yeah, it's just a rare, I mean, I think I've had one ticket in my life, so. Or two. - Well, congratulations, you're good, now you got two. - Anyway, I can't go to Washington State with this on my back, they'll pull me over and I'm driving an FJ Cruiser, it sticks out like a slow throw. So my son brought it for me. I can hardly wait to sell it for that very reason. And I need the money, but anyway. So I'm like a prisoner for this damn ticket, oh, sorry. But I'm gonna pay this ticket, I like the idea of going to the DMV, asking them how can I resolve this issue? I wanna pay this, I wanna pay the collection agency, do I have anything on my record? That makes sense. - Don't go to them, go online. Do that first. - Do we have to go back to the Samuel L. Jackson approach? - I'm sure that's not the right one, but I don't know that approach, sorry, sir. - What is it, Brent? - Me blasting her. - I know, I deserve it, but I'm not prepared yet. And I never wanna go into a fight unless I know I'm gonna win. - How fast? How fast were you going over the speed limit? - 7, 13 miles, or maybe it was 17th. - What was the speed limit? - You go really fast from the cruisers. - What was the speed limit? - 60, I think I was going 74 or something. But I'd just come up over the hill and was gearing down so I could cruise the rest of the way down hill. And there was the cop right there. - Speed trap, yep. - Yeah, it was definitely a speed trap. And I had been going below the speed limit all the way because I was trying to save gas on this gas hub. So I had not been speeding all the way over. And I really, I said, I cannot. Anyway, it was a, I had no recording in the car or anything. So, and it was a, I had chickens, dogs, two dogs. And I was packed to the gills with the farm stuff. And it would have been a horrible disaster. And then I couldn't find my license. I'm all legalized license. And I did learn that from Roger and Bill the fourth branch. Don't go, often get a special license and all that. And do you really know what you're doing? So I kept my tags up and all that crap. So I had all that, but I could not find my wallet if fallen when I pulled off the sharp edge of the road, which was where he had me pull over, which was not safe. It was real bumpy and my wallet on the dash went to the floor. But I didn't know it. And I thought maybe I was so shook up that I thought I had left it at the gas station. And I was a total wreck and I'm not, I don't, I don't get scared very easy and I, but this thing just blew me away. That won't happen next time, I won't be as scared. But this time I was terrified to tell you the truth. And I, so anyway, he was starting to call for backup and everything. Anyway, my mind calmed down and then I said, I need to drive to a safe place where I can pull over to the side of the road and look for my wallet. And he accommodated that. I knew that he had to do that, at least I thought he did. And I handed him my, all my, anyway, I pulled over to the side of the road. My dogs weren't barking or anything, thank goodness. Big ones, I have two big dogs. And I pulled over to a parking area. He said, follow me, I'll bring you to the parking area, which he did. And I stopped there and then my dogs went ballistic. Anyway, by then I found my wallet with my foot. I could feel my wallet. So I handed him that. And on my back of my license, I did have the Article 1 Section 8, Class 17 printed. And when he handed it back to me, he said, I have seen this, but that's all I, he said. Anyway, so it just went on and on. And finally, I said, just do what you have to do. I don't know what, I just, just, can I go? He says, yeah, you can go. So I did everything, almost everything wrong, but I didn't use the word sovereign. And I did manage to pull off to a safe place 'cause my dogs would have dumped out, it would have been horrible. And if that happened, I always have to travel with my dogs because I can't leave them at home. - Oh, what was your name again? - Rochelle. - Rochelle, may I ask you, how old are you? - Probably not. - I'm 83. - I don't know, okay, you know, they take many years. - But I feel like when I have to deal with these circumstances. - Yeah, well, you know what? They take that into consideration, I think any decent human being. I mean, there's a lot of cops that they're hiring that have to have a low IQ and all that. But when they see an older woman, they think of their mother, you know? And- - Well, this was a good- - What they're doing is not annoying. You know, they're required to get a quota, okay? And they don't like it any more than we do, really. - Well, I left out, he was a decent man. But the point is, now I think I know what I need to do and I do appreciate that. And I can, people trust me, I am a trustee. I give off a good ammo as a trustee person. I'm not a threatening person, that's for sure. But I still have to fight this next time, I have to be able to know what to do. - May I, it's Lady Linda Louise, may I- - Oh, Linda, you know what? You know me so well, okay, go ahead Linda. - Number one, do you know what this charging is that means? - Well, it's no longer over my authority at all. - It's canceled, okay, okay, that's number one. Number two, the gentleman that told you about the suggestion of a bead is he's telling you the truth. Number three, you didn't know how. And number four, you have no contract with the third party collection agency. Number three, you didn't know how. Number four, you have no contract with the third party collection agency, so you could do a couple of things. You could just, on that document, you can put a red line from the lower left to the upper right. And just say on the top, I am not in contract with you. And then, you know, autograph it like a private woman would autograph by colon, you know, it looks just, you know, the whole private wave autographing document. And then you could say, incidentally, if you believe you have a contract with me, you have to put this in blue link, or show me the contract. You know, you don't have the funds to take from your son to give to an agency. And so, I'm totally against that. You should not do that. - That does admit, it should meet in guilt and away. - Please don't hesitate, please don't come. You're not in a position financially. I know every dime counts. Your son is being generous to pay off something. But you're not obligated to pay. The debt has been canceled. So, what you need to do is, you know, it's Title 15. If a credit agency measures your credit report, it's a thousand dollar fine. That's the law. - Oh. - The law. So, you know, you just have to be polite. Know the law, and know what you need to do in order to protect yourself. - And stay in prayer. - Yeah, and to pray over everything that you do, and I know you're doing your part of our creatine, I hate to see you in this position. - Well, I love myself into it in the first place, because you know what? We're all sent to say by the grace of God. And what John has given you for advice, I think he advised you to look at, because they are the experts. They dive into these traffic violations day and night. - Common law. It's not for winners., not common lawyer. - Thank you, sweetheart. Say it again, so Raquel's benefit. - Common law. - Oh, okay. - Oh, no, I'm sorry. It is commoner. You're right. - Yeah. - I thought it was. I wrote down commoner. - Yup, yup, yup. I put it in the chat here. I don't know if you can see the chat. It's also in the radio. - I don't think so. - Linda Louise, I think you're correct. But I actually feel I'm in air also because I did not declare that I am not a U.S. citizen in Washington State anywhere and especially in Devonport, where I got the ticket. - Wait a minute. - What do you say to that? - It's the color of law, title 18, number one. - I know that. - Number two, it's a military suggestion with the speed limited. - Yes. - So, suggestion. - I agree to that. - I agree to that. - You know, and number three. You're doing, you did everything correctly. You disputed it right out of the gate. But the third thing you should have done is you should have sent the court a default notice. Now, that would be-- - We did. I did send them that. - They sent a default notice. - Okay. - Never heard back from them. - You're out of the woods. - Yeah. - You're out of the woods. - I did get something from the department of motor vehicles to pay the fine. But since the court had never, the department of motor vehicles in Washington State to pay the fine, but the court of Davenport never gave any notice back to me. - Okay. - So they called it. - They turned it over to DMV first before they did collections after a certain amount of time. - Yes. - That's right. - Can I try a minute a minute? - Yes, please. - Please. - Okay. - I guess none of you were around back when we discussed this. But someone had dealings with Washington State, you know, filing as a national. And they wrote to the secretary of state over there and they said, "Don't send this to us. We have nothing to do with it or anything." So you have to go with, you know, the attorney general and things like that, you know, but that was someone who lived in Washington State. The secretary of state only handles business licenses and crap like that. - Mm-hmm. - So you'd be barking up the wrong tree on that one. - It's worth just paying it off to get it off your contents and worrying you because that makes you sick. - It is making me sick. And also I have the gut feeling in my gut. I've learned to go by it. I know they're going to stop me and it's going to be hell. And I don't -- there's so much I can take. I can't lose my dogs and my car. And I have no way that -- in my family, all things -- the black sheep and the family anyway because I'm standing up for my rights. So that would just make everything -- boy, Mom, we'll never trust you again. I'm just -- or the people in my town that I'm trying to help them understand common law, it's just not going to work. So I need to pay the ticket, though. On the first two counts, you're -- you're right, Linda Louise. But I am also right in my feeling that I never gave notice to them that I am a national. - Can I china? - Don't. - Michelle? - Yes. - I don't like being a John and come late late, but I will say or ask you the question, what if Roger say on speed? - What did -- what? - What does Roger say when it pertains to speeding? - That it's a suggestion or a recommendation. - He says -- he says, "Don't speed." - Yeah, just don't do it. Now, Darrell -- - Yeah, I -- - Darrell Wayne -- - But I did. - You probably haven't heard Darrell Wayne, but he said, "Whatever the speed limit is, I can just do a little under it, whatever it is." - Yeah, but stuff happens, you know, sometimes you're not -- - Well, yeah, and then you have consequences when things happen, right, but yeah. - Hey, the ticket, and that way, your life is much easier and you're not stressed out. - And you'll be reminded next time your foot gets a little heavy, you won't do it. - Yes, and then I also -- it'll free me up to fight a real -- a fight that's matter for life and death. If I might add in real quick, I have no problem paying a traffic fine, you know, to a court, to a collection agency, no way. - Mm-hmm. - That's my -- - Here, here. - Yeah, I don't know what to say. - You're nailed in, Brent. - Yeah, and the thing is, you're 83. What does that damn credit report have to do with your life now? - Yeah, and I don't even care about my credit report because I pay in cash, so. But the thing is, and the past, whenever that has happened, and I haven't been able to pay a bill and I get a credit report coming in the mail, I do pay the bill, but I always pay it directly, like to the hospital or the doctor, and they accept it, so -- - Well, sometimes -- - Maybe I should send this -- - Well, over here, where I'm at in Nevada, I had something like that happen. They said, "Oh, that went to collections, and, you know, we show nothing." So, I have a clean bill. - Mm-hmm. If you just wait and don't pay it after so many years, it's gone. - Oh, they're hounding me even after 10 years, and they put the date of the thing on there. - Oh, my God. - I'm just waiting for them to really trip up and take me off, and then I'll go after them. - I think a lot of people have given you the right suggestion of what to do. You need to contact the state of Washington or through Idaho and find out what your status is legally. In other words, if there's a warrant or not, et cetera, et cetera. Because if they've discharged the debt already, then all of that should have gone away. But if you pay the creditor, then you have to hope that they will then notify Washington state. And so it could actually cause more problems to pay them. So you need to contact Davenport, County, or City, whatever it is you got the ticket from.