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USA Organic Republic Health Call

1h 48m
Broadcast on:
21 Jun 2024
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I'm Paul from Global Voice Network. Welcome to the USA Organic Republic health call for the -- oh, let's see. What is the day today at Thursday, June 20th, 2024. We're about to get started right away. Good evening, Phyllis. Sorry for my tardiness. I just sat down. Okay. The recording has started. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the Republic Education Call for the United States and our Republican form of self-governance for June 20th, 2024 at 8.30 p.m. Eastern. I'm Phyllis Marie, and I'll start this call with a reading from Psalms 8, 1 to 4, Psalms 19, 1 to 2, 1 Corinthians 6, 1 Corinthians 19, and Jeremiah 29, verse 13. I speak to you continually. My nature is to communicate, though not always in words. I fling glorious sunsets across the sky, day after day after day. I speak in the faces and voices of loved ones. I caress you with a gentle breeze that refreshes and delights you. I speak softly in the depths of your spirit where I have taken up residence. You can find me in each moment when you have eyes that see and ears that hear. Ask my spirit to sharpen your spiritual eyesight and hearing. I rejoice each time you discover my presence, practice looking and listening for me during quiet intervals. Gradually, you will find me in more of your moments. You will seek me when you seek me above all else. The people of the Republic are peaceful, lawful and private, and our desperation states that when in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal stations to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them. A decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident and are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life's liberty in the pursuit of happiness. Yet to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. With that, I'll leave it in your hands, Daryl. I got right on the call. Yeah, well welcome everyone to the nice call. Right, we've got a topic, you're amazing liver, and the cat from New York is going to be sharing on this topic with the way our Heavenly Father has created us and is just miraculous the way our body works. The work that our liver does is very important where basically filters all the blood, helps remove toxins, it's got a major job to do and we've got somebody that's very knowledgeable in it and down on the bottom is a nine-page document and it talks about basically the workings of your liver, the things that it can use to help it benefit, to help remove toxins, to help it do its function better, but give it the ingredients and it will do what it needs to do, so with that, I'm going to turn it over to you, Kat, and you can share now what you have here and I will show it on the screen, and I hope, Kat, are you muted? Can you hear me? Yes, there you are, alright, so indeed our amazing liver. It has the word "live" in the word, without our liver we would not be able to live. So let's actually, before we jump into the content of the lecture, let's connect with our own livers, so the liver is mostly under the right ribcage and if you reach under the ribcage and just give it a little massage, you know, with your fingers, just gentle squeeze, you are massaging the liver, so go ahead and give it a little gentle massage with your fingers, just under the ribcage, and then hold your hand over the bottom part of your right ribcage and you can place the other hand over the left bottom ribcage because the liver does reach into the left part of the body and it tickles the pancreas that is located on the left, and now take a big exhale out, and when you think you can't exhale anymore, exhale a little more, and exhale a little more, so push all the air out of your lungs and now take a big deep inhale and feel the air pushing into the hands because what happens is your diaphragm expands and it pushes on the liver, it massages the liver, and so I have some fun facts about the liver, the liver is actually like a sponge, it absorbs the blood that comes to it, it receives both oxygenated blood from the lungs and the heart, about 25%, and deoxygenated blood from the intestines with the nutrition that's been digested from the food, and it sucks all of that up like a sponge, so just by taking deep breaths and using your diaphragm to massage your liver, you help it expand and contract, now when it's empty, your liver weighs about 3 pounds, and its size is proportional to your size, so if you gain weight, your liver will gain weight with you, now on average your liver is about 3 years old because it has this amazing ability to regenerate. Now not every single cell is going to be 3 years, some cells can actually live up to 10 years, but scientists discovered this radioactive dating substance that they could use in the body and so on average your liver is about 3 years old, so not all is lost if you have about 10-20% of a well functioning liver, your liver can fully regenerate itself and become a brand new liver for you, you just have to get out of the way and help support it, so the liver starts producing blood before we're even born, right, without a liver there would be no blood and therefore no life, it does hold at any given moment approximately 10% of the blood in your body and about one and a half liters is pumped through the liver every minute, now when you go to sleep your liver actually gets more blood than the 10% when you are awake, and if you lose your spleen for whatever reason, the liver will take over the function of the spleen, the spleen recycles spanned blood cells, so the spleen is like a giant lymph node but for the blood, right, so we know we have a lot of lymph nodes and the body, especially around our armpits, our clavicle, our neck, behind the ears, the groin and sometimes you feel maybe a little bump so they get swollen, that's because the lymph nodes are trying to clean something out of the lymph, well the spleen is doing the same thing for your blood and so if the spleen is lost, the liver actually takes over that function as well, now there are about 500 documented functions at this point that the liver performs and science continues to discover new functions, your liver converts nutrients from your food into energy and distributes to the rest of the body, you liver stores vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients and it releases them as needed, of course we know that the liver produces bile which helps in digestion of fats and absorption of fat soluble vitamins, now that, I guess not access but reserved, bile is stored in the gold ladder, so if the gold ladder is removed for whatever reason, the liver takes over that storage function and it is taxed a bit more because it doesn't have those reserves that it can put into the gold ladder, now most people don't know this but the liver is actually playing an important role in your immune system, it helps fight off infections and there are these coop for cells and macrophages, so there are these cells that can engulf bacteria that enter the liver, so the liver is involved in fighting disease within itself but in fact a compromised liver will lead to frequent colds and flus and just plenty of other symptoms that someone might experience if their liver is congested, now the liver is important for vitamin D production, we've been told you know get out in the sun so that the skin can manufacture vitamin D for you, well there is a process that the liver plays before that vitamin D is fully in a usable form by the body. The liver produces about 80 percent of your cholesterol, so you get about 20 percent from your food and 80 percent of that cholesterol is actually produced by your liver, so you know the whole cholesterol and you know looking at your levels and comparing you to some arbitrary average, it's quite disheartening so please don't buy into that myth, you are not average, therefore your levels should not be average and effectively what allopathy is saying is that your liver is trying to give you a heart attack, because it will produce 80 percent of the cholesterol that your body needs and the liver does help manage the cholesterol level, so if you're not getting as much from your food it will produce more, if you're getting more it will produce less, to keep you at that specific level that is unique to you. And the bile that the liver produces actually helps break down that cholesterol in the digestive system. Now cholesterol is very important just to side note, because the body uses it as a precursor to many of our hormones, so if we suppress cholesterol we might hinder our ability to generate certain hormones including estrogen and testosterone, which are very important for many functions in the body. Deliver is an endocrine gland as well, so there are many hormones which are chemical messengers that the liver produces, so those include IGF-1 and IGF-2, sex hormone bite binding globulin, hapsidine, which is actually a regulator of iron metabolism and storage in the body, cerambo-poetin, which simulates production of platelets by the bone marrow, angiotensinogen, which is a precursor to angiotensin, which increases the blood pressure, so did you know that the liver actually helps govern your blood pressure in the body? There also regulates blood sugar. When the blood sugar is too low, a healthy liver can take some of the glycogen that it's stored and convert it into glucose to bring the blood sugar back to normal. And when the blood sugar is elevated, the liver can remove some of that access and store it back into glycogen or into the fat cells. And the liver works with insulin to regulate blood sugar levels in the body. The liver filters out toxins and wastes products from the blood. I think that's why we always think of detoxification of when we think about liver. So the liver can metabolize chemicals such as pharmaceuticals, alcohol, inhalants, pesticides, plastics, heavy metals, and some internal toxins that are created either hormones that are no longer needed or byproducts of digestion or physical activity, such as lactic acid. And just to want to stress this here, so among all of the macronutrients that are known, magnesium has a key role in energy metabolism and metabolic signaling and pathways and maintaining liver function. So if you're not friends with magnesium, you need to be friends with magnesium. There are multiple forms of magnesium you should consider. You can consider in liquid form magnesium chloride. You can consider magnesium glycinate. These magnesium in, taken through the mouth, digestively might cause a loose stool before you get to the necessary levels. So you could also look at using magnesium topically so you could get, actually, instead of purchasing magnesium oil or any other topical spray, I take a little bit of either distilled water or aloe vera water and I saturated with magnesium chloride or magnesium, which has magnesium sulfate, and I mean saturated to the point where it's diluted but it's still liquid and then I use that topically on my skin. The aloe helps tamper down that itch, almost like an allergic type of reaction that some people get when they first start to use topical magnesium but your receptors get used to it over time. So make friends with magnesium. And you can also look into some Epsom salts, whether it's soaking your feet, if you don't have access to a bath or in a bathtub. Okay, so the liver has a phase detoxification process that it follows. So phase one detoxification creates an intermediate state substance which can actually be more toxic sometimes than the original substance. So if you jumpstart your detoxification and let's say your phase one is fast but your phase two is slow, then those more toxic substances will actually sit there and get reabsorbed back into the liver. In phase two, the liver will add specific nutrients or molecules that will transform these toxins into a water-soluble compound for safe removal from the body. So let's take a look at some of these detox pathways. So we have not necessarily in any specific order because the detox pathway depends on what needs to be eliminated and what you will see is the beauty of the liver that the creator created for us is that multiple pathways can actually address some of the same chemicals. So there is intended redundancy because if one pathway becomes quogged, your liver has a different way to get rid of something. Sulfation, the liver adds a sulfate group. So that's where epsom salts because it is magnesium sulfate will really support your body and support this pathway specifically. So this is what the liver uses this pathway for. So a detox is steroid and thyroid hormones. So your estrogens, your progesterones, DHEA, melatonin, T3 and T4 are detoxed through the sulfation pathway, xenobiotics which are estrogen or mimickers, like the BPA's, triclids then, the noxafenone 3-butylated hydroxy toline and xylenol. And then catecholamines which is norepinephrine, epinephrine and dopamine. So all of these things are detoxed through the sulfation pathway. Now some people may have an impaired ability to conjugate sulfate and so this might be a low protein diet or not sufficient sulfate in the diet. So foods that are rich in low magnesium levels too that will impact this pathway. So how can we support this specific pathway? Well, we can consume sulfur-rich food so your broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts, and then onion, garlic, leek, so that family is very high in sulfur, eggs and meat. And then you want to spend time in the sun because that actually helps stimulate cholesterol sulfate in the body. And then epsom salts, those that are sensitive and cannot tolerate those sulfur-rich foods. Next you could take that internally, again it will cause a bowel reaction and very much topically. Okay, I'm going to pause here. I've said a lot, any questions so far? Is there anybody got any questions if your music has first star six? This is Phillip so I've got a comment. The only thing I have an issue with as far as my doctor is concerned is he keeps telling me that my cholesterol is high and I have a friend who is a naturopathic individual and he says you do not want to take any of those products that lower the cholesterol because your body needs cholesterol. What are his thoughts on that? Well Phyllis, like I said, 80% of your cholesterol is produced by the liver so your doctor is saying that your liver is trying to give you a heart attack. So if you suppress it, you are getting a little bit of liver doing its job. You are hindering your body's ability to create certain hormones and the liver now has to struggle to detoxify that chemical out of the body. Now the way that they actually came up with this target for cholesterol and by the way it's different in all the countries, even who look across western countries, the targets are not the same. So they took 100,000 people, they measured their cholesterol, serum level cholesterol and they said oh you know on average this is the level. Well you're not average. You can be compared to a 60 year old man or a 20 year old woman or man for that matter. So we are not average. We're very unique and what the drug companies end up doing is they start with one level and then they saturate the market and then they say well how can we increase our bottom line? Oh let's lower the target level of cholesterol so that we can get more people to take our substance. So definitely you just want to support your liver and it knows what to do. It knows what to do. Yes let me just say this one thing, so there might be inflammation in the body which is why the liver might need to make this cholesterol so just look at supporting and bringing the inflammation down. Great, exactly. Years ago, like a decade ago, I interviewed Jennifer Daniels and we talked about statin drugs and what their effect was and whether they were beneficial and there was a study, I don't know that the details in particular is of it right now, 10 years ago that showed absolutely no increase in quality of life or increase in longevity of people that were taking statin drugs as opposed to people that did not take them. And according to Dr. Brian Artis, he says that any medication that ends in PRIL, the prill like less than a prill which is one of the go-to cholesterol medications, actually contains heila monster venom. So I don't know. This program is not intended to treat, diagnose, prevent or cure any disease and should not be considered medical advice. Please consult your own local health professional before acting on any information presented here. However, speaking for me, I don't know if I do that. Thank you, Kat. Yes, and so if you're going to go back to your provider, you may want to bring with you and I can provide some scientific research that completely goes against this pushing of statins. So there's a book by Dr. Ron Rosdale called The Cholesterol Mint. And the quote from him is "Cholesterol is important for cardiovascular health. Cholesterol is necessary ingredient in any sort of cellular repair." So you may search up that book. I don't believe it's very new and take a look at some actual facts because there has been absolutely no correlation even between elevated cholesterol and heart attacks or any sort of coronary events. So you have people with elevated cholesterol perfectly good hearts and you have people with heart problems that have super low cholesterol, so zero correlation. Well, I've never taken statins because this fella up in Chicago says, "Do not let them talk to you into statins." So I haven't. I've trusted what he's had to say because I feel like these doctors, the one I go to is a DO and they're supposed to know more about natural stuff than pushing the chemical stuff. They use to, but they're getting pretty bad too. I guess it depends on if you're lucky with a good practitioner. Yeah. So I just don't take any chemical drugs, and I think I'm pretty healthy. But niacin will help you manage your cholesterol because niacin actually supports the liver in many of its functions. So that's something to look at. Didn't you mention last week or the week before that you take niacin like 100 milligrams? Well you want to load your body and everybody has a different tolerance level for niacin. So I know because I am saturated, I flush, if I take 100 milligrams on an empty stomach, I will flush. I will feel that flushing reaction, which is exactly what you want from your niacin. So don't get the slow release kind. You want the flushing effect because it dilates your blood vessels. No. It helps. It's the only thing I've been able to find is 500 milligrams. Source, source, new source naturals. I got, I found source naturals. I used to get a sole gar but I haven't been able to find it in stocks or source. Naturals has 100 milligram. If you get it in a tablet form versus a capsule, you can just chop the tablet into half quarters etc. and get down to a smaller amount. And you want to start with food. So you take your, let's say 50 milligrams with food and see if you flush within 20 minutes. If you don't flush the next meal, you want to increase your dose and see if you flush. Of course you're building up at this point and then reach to the quantity that it takes for you to actually feel the flush with a meal. Now if you're doing it on an empty stomach, you will flush in a smaller amount. But so having some food will, will, will tamper that reaction a little bit. And then once you know where you are comfortable, eventually you will stop flushing at that because you've saturated your levels in the body and then you don't need to take it every day anymore. So I, I take it maybe twice a week now and usually at night because I love that when I, when I lay down, I don't feel it when I'm upright, but when I lay down, I really love the feeling of like that, that goes like warm blood rushing to my ears to just create like this warm tingling thing, feeling all over the body. And it helps you, it, it helps with the nervous system, it calms you down, it actually helps you fall asleep. So that's, yep, that's nice and, okay, so let's move on to the next one. So glucuronidation, so in this case, the liver will add a glucuronic acid molecule to the toxic compound to make it water soluble. So glucuronidation requires adequate levels of glucuronic acid and it uses this enzyme which has a complicated name, UDP, glucuronyltransferase, UGT, is, is the acronym for the whole thing. So this pathway is very important for metabolism of, again, some hormones such as estrogen. So here's this redundancy that nature built in testosterone, T3 and T4. It also helps with bilirubin, so glucuronidation is the pathway that might be not functioning yet in those infants that have the jaundice. So they're put, you know, in the sun to help with this glucuronidation pathway. Some of the mycotoxins will go through this pathway on that medication such as NSA, benzodiazepines, Tylenol, codeine, morphine, and nicotine go through the glucuronidation pathway. There's two ways it can be impaired, so actually this enzyme, there might be a genetic predisposition where you don't have sufficient UGT enzyme and it's actually, it has a name, it's called Gilbert syndrome and it's, I think it's in about 10% of the population that might suffer from this. Of course, if you are one of these people, that means you really want to be careful about these substances, right? So for your hormones, the liver can use different pathways, but for some of these medications, Tylenol, benzodiazepine, codeine, morphine, nicotine, you might want to be more careful and avoid those. So another way that this pathway can be impaired is that if you have an imbalance in your digestive system, in your gut, with a high beta glucuronidase level, there's an enzyme and it actually like chops off part of this glucuronid conjugate and then these toxins and hormones can be reabsorbs because they are transformed to a different molecule effectively so then the liver doesn't pick them up. So this is what happens in some of the estrogen dominance disorder, so like PCOS for instance might be a compromise of this particular function so then you want to look at supporting the microbiota, right? So you might want to take some probiotics and probiotics. I don't typically recommend calcium because I think we get enough from our diet and it does out-compete magnesium, but in case of glucuronidation compromise, calcium de-glucarate is the calcium supplement that I would recommend, corsetin, quercumen, resveratrol are some other supplements, some culinary herbs such as rosemary is great here, dandelion or ruebose which is like a red tea, it's called a red tea, it's actually very delicious, honey brush, as the xanthin, it is made from an algae and actually interestingly this xanthin, if you build up levels of it in the body, it prevents you from burning in the sun. If you're fair skin, if you build up sufficient levels, you don't burn in the sun. Citrus fruit, especially the peel, are cruciferous vegetables again, trout, krill and shrimp are all supportive of this pathway. Okay, shall we move on? The next pathway is glutathione conjugation, so in this case deliver as a glutathione molecule to make the compound less toxic and water-soluble, so this is the most important one for many of the environmental toxins and carcinogens that are in our environment. Here the enzyme called glutathione, S-transferase, GSC for short, it's dependent on glutathione which is a tripeptide comprised of cysteine, glutamine and glycine amino acids, so glutathione is the body's chief antioxidant and you may have heard that anacetylcysteine, NAC supplements have been banned for a while, it was very hard to get them, there was a bit, you know, panic in the health community that they were going to take away our NAC. So this antioxidant, coffee enemas, someone mentioned them last week on the call, if you do a coffee enema that will help your liver produce sufficient quantities of glutathione. Now if you happen to have compromised pathway or ability to synthesize glutathione in the body, you could see autism, asthma, chemical sensitivities, chronic fatigue, degenerative joint disorders, intestinal disorders, lupus, migraines and neurodegenerative conditions. And there is a genetic factor here as well, so again if you happen to have a predisposition to not be able to synthesize glutathione in the body, then you need to a support this pathway and then also get rid of some of these toxins. So the toxins that the body addresses through here are heavy metals, mercury, lead, arsenic, admium, most microtoxins that are not addressed through disulfation or glucuronidation pathways, alcohol, tetracycline, I believe that's a hormonal birth control, pesticides and herbicides. So things that we are bombarded with every day. All right so how can we support it? Obviously NAC supplementation or the precursor, so you could take the three amino acids which are the precursors, cysteine, glutamine and glycine, but before I reach for supplementation, look at again cruciferous vegetables, a protein-rich rich diet which will give you those amino acids from the diet itself, things that are rich in omega-3, maybe some oily fish. And then vitamin E and vitamin C are glutathione recyclers in the body, so once it's used up the body can recycle it and reactivate the molecule but it requires vitamin C and vitamin E in order to enable that. Selenium is another important antioxidant mineral here. Right, methylation, in this case liver adds a methyl group to detox your toxic compounds. Now methylation is involved in many biochemical processes in the body, so it's heavily involved in detoxification, methyl conjugation happens through a family of enzymes called methyl arteries. There's also genetic predisposition individuals that do not have properly functioning methylation pathways. So this pathway metabolizes estrogens and codicolamines which are like your dopamine, epinephrine or epinephrine. And we can support this by having sufficient methionine, amino acid, choline, which is a B vitamin, B12, folate. So in order to help synthesize this s-adenosine methionine compound, so those things are needed by the body. In addition to those hormones I mentioned, histamine, arsenic, some phenol such as coltar, petroleum, plastics, and preservatives in vaccines and Botox. Now some aromatic amines like cigarette smoke, adhesives, perfumes, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, explosive, diesel exhaust, combustion of wood chip, and grilled meats and fish. So if you love your steak and you want to keep your liver healthy, either cook it a different way or get somebody else to grill it for you. Let their liver take the grunt. Okay, so we already talked about some of the B vitamins that I needed, B6, B2, magnesium, zinc, and choline. And I would say again, your sulphur-rich vegetables and beets. We'll support this pathway. Okay, the next one is acetylation. So in this case, the liver will add a acetyl group to the toxic compound to make it water-soluble. So acetylation in the body will detox caffeine, benzodiazepine, canvas, this natural redundancy in the body, because we saw that with saltation as well. Iso niacid, hydrolyzing, sulfonamines, histamine, aromatic amines, the same as we saw with methylation pathways. So cigarette smoke, some of the dyes, adhesives, perfumes, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, explosive, exhaust, and the grilled meats and fish. So the smoke that's coming off of it. And this one is very susceptible to environmental factors. And the enzyme required for the acetylation pathway and alpha acetyltransferase, NA2, NAT2 is actually more impaired in co-occation populations. And so there's very little research about this particular pathway, but what scientists do know is that vitamin C1, B5, and vitamin C will help support it. And I think the final one for us is amino acid conjugation. So glycination, the addition of glycine is one such amino acid that the amino acid conjugation pathway uses, but it might use other amino acids as well. So in the case of glycination, the amino acid is glycine, which is based on the amino acid glycine is glycine and acetyltransferase. And it does need enough glycine. So again, if you have a genetic defect here or insufficient protein intake, then this pathway can be impaired. And this pathway is most implicated in fatty liver, hepatitis or liver cancer. So we need to support this by actually decreasing the intake of celicylates and benzoates. So I've given you some foods that are high in glycine, collagen proteins, such as turkey, pork, chicken, soybeans, seaweed, eggs, amaranth, beef, pumpkin, pumpkin seeds, almonds, duck, goose, mung beans, sunflower seeds, lentils, lamb, bison, lobster and fish. Now some foods that are very high in celicylates that you might want to avoid or don't over-indulgent include fruits such as apricots, blackberries, blueberries, cantaloupe, cherries, cranberries, currants, teats, grapes, guava, loganberries, orange, pineapple, plump, prunes, raisins, raspberry, strawberries, all the things that I love to eat. And some vegetables such as capsicants or your pepper family, chili, mushrooms, olives, sweet peppers, radish, tomatoes, zucchini, gosh I'm like in zucchini heaven right now because it's in season, almonds and peanuts in the seed and nut family. And some spices such as anise, cayenne, celery, cinnamon, cumin, curry, dill, another favorite of mine, New Greek, Chinese spice, ginger, honey, mint, mustard, oregano, rosemary, sage, turmeric and thyme. And food dyes, yellow food dye, five and six and red thyme. Now these are not the only sources of celicylates that the body can encounter, fragrances and perfumes, cosmetics, toothpaste, mouthwash, muscle pain creams, sunscreen and skin care products can contain salicylic acid. Toluene is a popular industrial chemical that is converted into benzoate by the liver and it can be found in home like paint thinners, head brush cleaner, nail polish, glues, inks and stain removers. And sodium benzoate is a widely used food preservative. It can also be found in medications, personal care products. And so sodium benzoate can convert into a carcinogenic molecule benzene. And it actually happens with certain soda products that contain vitamin C. Excuse me? Yes. Another question. Isn't the fluoride, the concentrated processed fluoride that they add to water systems? Isn't that it's technical name, fluorocellus silic acid? I did not, I'm not familiar with that. I thought it was an aluminum bound somehow. So it was a fluoride or something, something to that regard. Well, the raw material comes from scraping the soot off of aluminum smelting plant smokestacks, but then it's processed. And I believe that there was a spill, there was a spill in Illinois, like Illinois, Wisconsin, at a water treatment plant, a tanker truck that was delivering it spilled and they evacuated like a 10 mile radius from that area. And they were watching very closely to see if they were going to have to evacuate more. And what leaked out of the truck actually ate a hole in the concrete pad, the truck was parked on. That was fluoro Oh, good. So you know, baby aspirin is a. Yeah, right. Now, now, if you're, if this particular pathway is healthy and overall, you're liver is healthy. Are there some, some uses? Yes. Is it naturally occurring in some foods? Yes. Right. So are you going to stop eating apricots and, you know, strawberries? No, because there's other nutrition in those foods. Okay. So these are all of the pathways. As you see, the liver is very, very smart. Knows what to do. And it's quite profound, right? How our body is just able to, to do what it needs to do, especially being bombarded every day with, with toxins from the air, from the food, from the soil, all of the industrial chemicals, pollution in the home, such as guessing off of the carpet, paint, mattresses are, are guessing off a lot, a lot of stuff in the home, unless, you know, you may do yourself from natural materials, or you procured it from natural materials, will be creating toxins. So sometimes inside the home is more toxic than outside the home. Okay. So some, some symptoms of a sluggish liver might include fatigue, tiredness, depression, mood swings, anger and irritability, brain fog, nausea, PMS and hormonal imbalances, elevated cholesterol, allergies, blood sugar imbalances, headaches, indigestion or acid reflux, bloating, digestion and elimination problems, pain and muscles or joints, acne, psoriasis and other skin disorders, fibromyalgia, hypertension, constipation, diarrhea, difficulty losing or gaining weight, lines on the face, especially around the eyebrows. One thing I would say that tick notice, if somebody has heavy lines, if it is on the right side, it's due to alcoholic, alcohol abuse on the father's side, and if it's on the left side, it's on the mother's side. So like for the mother, it might actually be even as far back as grandmother because all of the women, so a woman is born with all of the eggs that are potential for her children. So that means when if grandma had alcohol issues while she, you know, or before she was pregnant with mom, that means mom would have inherited that predisposition and so those lines might be visible on the more pronounced on the left, near the left corner of the inner eyebrow. And if it was in the father, so the father's around puberty, which hopefully no or I guess it could be any time prior to conception, so any kind of alcohol abuse so that would be around the right side of the inner eyebrow. And if it's that person, well that could be very, very equal on both sides. Okay, so dark circles under the eyes, body order, bed breath, bitter taste in the mouth, age or liver spots, frequent colds and flutes, asthma, and sinus infections. So if you are experiencing those frequently, then your liver might need some help. Now I've given you a recipe for a liver cleansing drink, however I don't recommend that everyone start with cleansing the liver with a drink. I think you all mentioned there's going to be a guest herbalist next week and she can talk about some herbs that will support the liver. I've given you a list here in the handout and we'll go over those shortly as well. But I think rather than thinking of how can I force the liver to do what it already knows how to do, let's think about how we can support it and get out of the way. So think about what can you eliminate first and foremost, right? So if you keep stepping on a nail, no matter how much mending you do of your foot, it's not going to heal until you stop stepping on a nail. So other some toxic cleaning chemicals you're still using in your home. If so, think about getting rid of those. Replace it with there's natural alternatives. I personally use 70% white vinegar, 30% water and some number of drops of essential oil of peppermint. I've also started to actually drop some grapefruit peel into the vinegar, like into my master vinegar jar. So like I just get a big jar from the store, open it up, drop some grapefruit peel in there to concentrate that grapefruit scent. So it's great for cleansing the home and as well as for the scent. And that's what I used to clean. If I need a little bit more scrubbing power, I'll sprinkle some baking soda and then I'll spray the vinegar solution on top. The chemical reaction will help with the scrubbing action. Detergents, are you still using tide or any other smelly detergent? Those things are so persistent. You could wash that piece of clothing 10 times after it's been washed and tied and it will not come out. So if those things are on your skin, your skin is actually the largest organ. Liver is the second largest, but your skin is the largest organ. And the body uses the skin for some of that detoxification, hence acne, rashes, hives. All of the things are liver symptoms because liver is trying to use the skin to move stuff out. But stuff moves in through the skin. Are you still smoking? Are you inhaling second hand smoke? So what can you look to eliminate in order to support your liver and help your liver? And then what dietary changes can you make, again, to support the liver and get out of the way? So, you know, fried foods, especially fast foods they use, hydrogenated oils, and those oils are reused over and over and over again. And they are just rancid and burnt and give a liver a very hard time. So just take an inventory of what can you eliminate? One small change at a time, right? Like no one is saying go do everything tomorrow. But make a list for yourself. How are you sabotaging your liver? And what can you do? Make a list, make a change once a month. Maybe this month you're going to replace your cleaning products and then next month you're going to look at your personal care product. Again, I only use baking soda, coconut oil, castor oil, some tallow soap, and goat milk soap, and some essential oils. So that's my skincare routine. So very, very natural things. Deodorant, right? Deodorant is heavy metals. A lot of these things that are not good to be in contact with the skin and we are blocking elimination channels at the same time. So if you sweat a lot and you need a deodorant, I take some vodka because rubbing alcohol is not good for skin contact, so I take vodka and I mix it with essential oils. And if there's order, I use that as my deodorant spray or I use tallow, tallow balm with some essential oils as a preventative if you will. But most days I don't use anything because again, if the liver is healthy, there's no order. You might be sweating but there's no order. So if you feel like you're experiencing bad body order, look to support your liver. Okay, so some herbs that support the liver are milk spistle, I think everyone knows about milk spistle, it reduces liver congestion. Turmeric helps to increase bio flow, so what is called a calligog. Artichoke extract is a digestive aid and a regenerative for the liver. Shazandra is a five flavor berry. It's used in traditional Chinese medicine. It's a tonic and antioxidant and a liver regenerative and boy, that thing really does have five flavors. And I think the better one is the last one you taste and it's too late, you've already bit into it and it's like a rosemary increases liver detoxification function. So start adding rosemary into your dishes when you cook or a brusam rosemary tea or maybe some rosemary essential oil in your cleaning or your beauty product. But Plurum inhibits liver damage and supports enzyme production. Boldo protects liver against toxins, dandelion root, treats liver and gallbladder inflammation. The dandelion leaf is very nutritious, very high in vitamins. A, C, E, a lot of phytonutrients, phytochemicals, minerals. There are cultivated varieties which don't go to flour and are not as bitter or you could just harvest wild dandelion, just make sure it's not a new area that's been sprayed. So the leaf will support the kidney. It's actually called peas on lee, wet the bed in French just because it will, it's a diuretic, it will, it will make you pee, it'll make the kidneys detox but dandelion root supports the liver. Yellow dock promotes detoxification, genshin promotes bio flow and protects the liver and barberry used for treating jaundice, stimulating bio flow and enhancing digestion. Now the drink, the cleansing drink that I talked about, I'm going to tell you this recipe but like I said first, eliminate what you can eliminate. Start supporting it with magnesium, with vitamin C, with B vitamins, with some of the nourishing foods and herbs and once you've got that routine down, maybe you can start doing some cleansing baths or soaking your feet, Epsom salt to grade if you don't have that, start with baking soda. A cup of baking soda into your cup of water and soak your, soak your feet. Okay so once you're ready for a liver cleansing drink which you could probably do every time a season changes. So we're kind of in the midst of summer so maybe by the time fall rolls around you would kind of be in a better position where you can actually start to do a little bit deeper cleansing of the liver. So one cup of citrus, orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit, make it as sour as possible and you can always add a little bit more water to dilute. One to two cloves of garlic, one small piece of ginger and one tablespoon of organic olive oil, you're going to blend all that up in a blender and to rank it on an empty stomach and then you're going to follow it with two cups of cleansing tea such as stand-by-line tea and then you wait an hour before eating so that will really get your liver into gear. Now every morning when you get up I think Darryl said he was given advice to drink lemon water and water with lemon and cayenne but you don't have to get that complicated maybe just some warm water with lemon or lime free to support the liver in the morning and I also like to do magnesium and MSM which are sulfur flakes at night. Okay so any questions on supporting the liver and getting out of its way. Anybody got a question? If you're muted you add a press star six. Well you must have covered it really good but man this is some great information, Kat. I got a question. Who's speaking? Luke. She mentioned vitamin C and I learned from reading a book titled The Calcium Line written by N.D. Robert Thompson that vitamin C is a wonderful thing but we need to use organic vitamin C without citric acid. We've been poisoning according to this book that I read and I don't have all the details memorized but I did read it and citric acid is a poison that they've been polluting everything with. It comes from some sort of a mold that they grow. It's highly toxic to us according to this book and this M.D. That was all. Oh and I heard you say coffee anima. Are there any other types of anima's that are soothing for the liver? Well before you actually embark on a detox or a cleanse like I said let's eliminate what we can eliminate start adding some basic nutritional increased water intake starting detox bath so starting very slow. We also need to make sure that the colon is properly moving and empty so that the toxins that are released by the liver don't get reabsorbed back. So coffee anima is a retention anima. You have to lay on your right side. There's actually certain companies that provide even green coffee which is like not drinkable if you will because it's not roasted. It's just green coffee beans. If people are interested I can find a link. There's a woman in South Carolina that sells green organic coffee beans for coffee anima's and you'll land your right side and you have to hold it in for 15 minutes at least and it will kickstart the glutathione production in the liver. Now any anima's distilled water even if you're not doing a retention anima you're just cleansing the colon is going to help support detoxification because if the pathway is open if the colon is cleansed and it's not impacted then it can properly remove stuff from the body and you get hydrated through the colon. So again if the colon is impacted you might also consider a colonic. You don't want to do those too often but they literally pump large volumes of water up there and people have seen legos come out. In fact I think if you guys are familiar with Tony Pencilaresco he would say he's got he recommends colonics but then he also has this sodium, I think it's sodium triphosphate with vitamin C he says it'll clean you out, Elvis will come out. But yeah so for colon cleansing just water I don't recommend mixing, I mean you could do some herbals but I would go with, I would do it under maybe a care of a practitioner if you were to add anything more than just distilled water or green organic coffee you have to cool it off. There's instructions that come with how to brew it and all that. Now let me address the vitamin C point. So citric acid is not vitamin C I don't consider vitamin C it is a food preservative it is added into many many things and yes there are many health practitioners, natural health practitioners who do believe that it is harmful to the body like you couldn't buy store bought salsa without having citric acid in it as a preservative. Now in terms of food based vitamin C versus chemical or lab derived vitamin C. So sodium or ascorbic acid so not citric acid but ascorbic acid can be derived from corn and it can also be derived from certain fruit like citrus fruit and I believe certain berries as well I can derive it from. So there are ongoing debates between food based vitamin C so for instance you would start eating or taking drops that are you know camo camo, these types of omele berry like these types of food based vitamin C sources but you don't get sufficient quantities you would probably have to take an entire bottle in order to get the same amount as you would in a teaspoon of ascorbic acid. So there are companies that do very clean ascorbic acid and there are also companies that sell a buffered so it would be in a score bait so it can ascorbic acid you can buffered yourself with baking soda or potassium bicarbonate at home. So you do let's say one teaspoon of ascorbic acid and one teaspoon of potassium bicarbonate and you add some water it'll sizz out as a chemical reaction and now you've got yourself potassium ascorbate. There are companies that will buffered with sodium, there are companies that will buffered with magnesium with calcium you think you can also find potassium on the market and even zinc ascorbate. Groovy B by Health Ranger they have a high quality vitamin C powder it's already buffered so I do take that sometimes. I also am a distributor for physical energetics and absolutely love their vitamin C powder because it does have sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium and it also has boron and selenium so it's kind of a full spectrum vitamin C with minerals. So if I feel anything coming on I start with a teaspoon of that a day which gives me four sorry every 15 minutes which gives me four grams of vitamin C and on a regular day I can just have one teaspoon and my bowels will let me know that's enough but if I'm under the weather I can go up to 20 grams of vitamin C. So again if you were to do food based which I also have so Dr. Ed Group and his company that have a good quality food based vitamin C drops so that one that comes to mind that I do have but again I would have to take probably an entire bottle in order to get 20 grams and our daily needs do do change and all of the vitamin C intravenous therapy which the orthomolecular institute was founded on the use of these orthomoleculars and so vitamin C intravenously it's not food based it's the escorbate right so it's buffered so escorbic acid so that's what they use intravenously for vitamin C delivery. Is there anybody else that got a question or thought they'd like to share? Yes I do. It's Taby, I'm glad Josie, Joey, it's Taby, sorry, Taby, okay, can I have, well firstly I have a comment I will call and the four, four eyes, the sodium fluoride, assiculated phosphate fluoride, stanous fluoride and monofluorophosphate fluoride, there's no salicylic acid or fluorocellus or salicylic acid and the acid name for fluoride is hydrofluoric acid so there's no, and most of it is referred to as fluorine so there is no salicylic in there. My question cat is with the advent of all these multiple jabs, kill shots that people have taken, how does that reflect on the liver profile, you know, has there been any studies to reflect that so somebody could possibly start cleansing or helping that and how does T cell depletion affect your liver because all the T cells are going to be depleted in those that took the jabs including the macrophage, being an immunologist and also a kind of lean towards that and working in vaccines that work for quite a while so could you elaborate on that for a little bit if you know anything yet? Well I don't think, I don't think we collectively know the full implications yet, certainly supporting the liver would go a long way. Obviously some of the additives and adjuvants that are in the vaccines right will be detoxed by the liver as heavy metals if those pathways are not clogged but I think what's unique about this and it's unlike any other vaccine where they gave some you know animal cells and some dead quote-unquote virus of bacteria or you know inactivated with the adjuvants, this is different because this is supposed to reprogram your cells so RNA is like a recipe and it's instructions to your cells to create a recipe and if your cells take on those instructions and start to make that recipe, we don't know what proteins the cells are being instructed to make. Are they foreign proteins? Right because our cells use amino acids to execute on the recipes that are within our DNA which is translated by the RNA and then the cells execute those recipes so we don't know what proteins the body is being instructed to make. So I don't think they also put AIDS in the vaccine so I'm just wondering based on the profile of liver enzymes and how you're liver is affected by all that so I didn't know over the long term. Well I would say the T cells are trained in the thymus and I did hear that the thymus is destroyed by the vaccine and but I mean the thymus atrophy after a certain age in you know the elderly it's pretty much shrunken and at some point when open heart surgery was performed the doctor is like ah you know this thymus we don't want to have to put it back in its place we'll just take it out. Just like removing any other organ I think the body is smart enough to be able to take over that function somewhere else so if you don't have the function of your thymus then maybe your T cells aren't able to because the training for T cells is literally to identify self from not to identify foreign cells versus your own cell. Your liver does have it plays a huge role in your immunity it has coop for cells and it has macrophage cells that do play a role in your community so if the T cells in the thymus can get properly trained or impacted we don't know what the impact is on the coop for cells I don't think we're gonna know for a long time but I also think that as a society we're actually very toxic and very sick to begin with and so if someone is healthy who took the jab it might take 10, 20 years for any illness to manifest in them and if someone who's already compromised it's not just the liver I think it's all of the body functions that that might be then further compromised by this this injection unfortunately I don't think we know enough for cells that liver macrophage but I'm just wondering what the what happens to the macrophage you know with the jab they said if you listen to Brian artists and Dr. David Martin and a bunch of others the macrophage is absolutely destroyed by the spike protein so you not only lose the macrophage macrophage but you also lose T cells and and so that over the long term so I'm just the macrophage and the liver is the coop for cell so I'm just wondering how the liver would what would happen what enzymes are you depleted what's happening to your liver and what's happening to you the rest of your organs in your body so you know yeah and unfortunately I yeah unfortunately I don't think we know enough now bacteria do not live in that thrive in a healthy body firefighters don't cause fire just because they're found on the scene right so bacteria are usually on the scene to clean up dead tissue so again those who took the jabber and have to work very diligently to keep their body clean to keep their stress levels down to get all of the nutrients to avoid further toxins and poisons and that includes their emotions as well well thank you so much appreciate your help thank you is there any other questions anybody else I actually one more thing I do believe so Amanda Walmer is a naturopathic practitioner that I appreciate her wisdom and she she believes that the the terra wand can actually reverse some of that damage that you mean in the terra wand for if you pointed to your liver just just using it just using it in general charging your water and then doing your you know the full of the full of the body areas right like so you start with like your palms and your feet and then the top of your head the spine etc so just regularly using it she has found that it does help with some of those the specific job-induced challenges that people have seen well thank you T cells are also produced in the bone marrow so imagine when the thymus is shrunk you get a well for quite an advancement of T cells they are yes they are produced in the bone marrow but they get trained in the thymus so thymus is just a training school for your T cells so effectively if you lose your ability to differentiate self from non-self that's when these foreign proteins right can start to live in the body and maybe that's it was an intentional it wasn't a side effect it was an intentional effect of this product is to compromise your T cells so that your your cells are receiving instruction right to create these recipes for these foreign proteins and then there's nothing in your body that will recognize it as foreign and eliminated but I have faith in the creator and in the wisdom of the body and all of this junk quote unquote DNA that they don't know why it's there or they say I was junk it's not not serving any purpose I'm sure there's like we saw with the liver pathways there's big 10 redundancies so I have faith that the body will prevail be healthy that's the answer science science calls anything junk they don't understand her can not identify who's that with the question yes can be heard yeah who who speaking I didn't get that Eric I mean Eric you said yes yes go ahead Eric I want help with the numbness in the left foot only well left side of the body is related to a feminine influences in your life so it could be mother it could be a daughter it could be a wife girlfriend partner even a neighbor so it's feminine influences now your feet take steps in life so are you unwilling to take necessary steps in life that might be related to a female influence in your life so metaphysically speaking that's what the left foot might be all about okay you could also consider how are you disconnected from your needs or maybe you're focusing too much on the outside and others and not on yourself and do you feel like you're something is blocking your path right not turning out the way you're it's intended or are you dragging pain from the past that might be related to that female energy now in the body sodium and potassium do play this right side left side role and balance so a deficiency of one will show up on the right side a deficiency of another will show up on the other side so you're saying is it it's it's numbness it's not swelling it's not pain it's just lack of feeling yes that's the feeling no I mean I would consider and ponder those those things that I mentioned you know related to your path in life but the left side which one is which one is right which one is left I always forget okay so potassium okay sodium is left side and potassium is right side so the body needs them in a two part sodium to one part potassium so how is your sodium intake are you taking in good quality salt or have you eliminated salt you know because the doctor said sodium is bad sodium is actually very central for life so take a look at how is your good quality sodium intake yeah switch to the Himalayan salt okay and do you restrict or do you consume it okay have you tried niacin flushing the flushing effects of vitamin B3 see if it'll help open up some of the blood vessels in the channels to increase the blood flow to the area another thing I would say for numbness you could try turpentine the kind that doctor Jennifer Daniels recommends internally so it's the pure gum spirits it's not the pain thinner there was a Russian doctor in the like mid 19th century who actually developed many topical remedies using turpentine other herbs combined and if you had little high blood pressure you used it as is if you had low blood pressure he added castor oil to tamper some of that effect and if your blood pressure was jumping all over then you would actually use both so try turpentine so what I would say is take a bucket or a tub fill it with some hot water at some sodium bicarbonate baking soda like a cup and add a cap full of turpentine make sure you mix it very well and see if you get any tingling or anything happening in your foot you might consider increasing the amount of turpentine a little bit from that okay thank you okay was there another question somebody else yes ma'am yes of course who is it I'll say your first name and state if you could before you talk and go ahead make this blue blue state of confusion how important is it for me to keep my alkalinity the pH at a certain level for parasite reduction within the vessel well so your body will work essentially to your judgment to keep the pH of your blood in a very very specific narrow range your mouth pH is different than let's say the genital pH then your digestive pH so when we talk about maintaining an alkaline state in the body we generally talk about eating foods that are alkaline and reducing foods that are acidic because what we don't want is if we eat something that is very acidic and the body does not have sufficient minerals to buffer that acidity it will have to take out some of the buffering elements from the bones which is bound to the calcium so it doesn't actually use calcium for the buffering but it's bound to calcium and it buffers the acid and then this free flowing calcium cannot get reabsorbed back into the body and might actually cause kidney stones so it is very important to be alkaline both in terms of what you consume with foods and then also what you consume in terms of information and you know certain thoughts can actually be acidic and acidifying to the body parasites cannot live in a healthy body however I think what there's actually been a lot of research around sterile environments that are completely parasite-free so the parasites actually do help some small amounts help train the body with that self versus non-self training and so children who grow up on farms digging in dirt and like for instance my mother used to tell me you would never eat the apricot so we gave you but you would go out in the yard and you would pick up the like most smoked apricot with the soil and you would just eat that so surely there's microorganisms in that dirt in that apricot that I was eating and that is because my digestion my digestive system was being trained my immune system is being trained to recognize cells from non-self so children who live in sterile environments that are completely you know antibacterial bleach everything they have all sorts of diseases that people who do live symbiotically with nature do not such as asthma is one of them allergies is another one of them so yes we don't want to we don't want to create an environment in which parasite will thrive they do thrive in an acidic environment so if you are acidic you're giving them food if you're alkaline if you're not feeding them they're going to leave so they will not thrive in the environment that you will thrive in so that is my answer I made the idea that have you are you familiar I read this book once called eating right for your blood type I am familiar you can you comment on that on now if there's a truth to it or if it's a false or you I definitely think there is just just knowing my personal self and my blood type and the foods that are recommended for my blood type I do feel like I do better on those foods and so for instance like one blood type might do better on foul and other type might do better on red meat another blood type might do better on like seafood so I do find that there's definitely truth to it and yes so I can I can also see the same in in my children so okay is there a way for one to test is blood at the house or is there something that has to be done by someone trained set up to do so I think you I think you might have to go you know give some blood in a lab I don't think there's a way you can test yourself okay is there anyone else I got a question Kat did you want to kind of go through the rest of this here it was nine pages absolutely because it's not just about the physical organ so in Chinese medicine the liver is responsible for the smooth functioning of the entire body and any imbalances in the liver will it impact the entire system the entire organism so cancer hormonal imbalances depression anxiety immune challenges well the things we've mentioned before in Chinese medicine are all treated by enhancing the health of the liver and they also believed that the liver controls your nerves and therefore plays a very important role in the thinking process and nervous activity and in fact even in modern medicine the liver is responsible for keeping the levels of ammonia down sufficiently so that the brain is not poisoned so deliver deliver does play an important role in brain health deliver opens into the eyes as we talked about last week the positive emotion of the liver is kindness and the negative emotion is anger now I talked last week about there is no such thing as a bad emotion there's only a stuck emotion or stuffed emotion so healthy anger will help us keep healthy boundaries and will propel us into action it's when we stuff our anger that's when it becomes problematic now in metaphysical terms the liver is the portal of repressed anger and the liver is especially impaired and may manifest physical illness due to feelings of unresolved anger irrational frustration aggression rage blame desire to inflict self-punishment or sabotage your progress pettiness being judgmental critical not forgiving either yourself or others feelings of injustice and revenge self-condemnation feelings of regret over past being possessive and difficulty making decisions although the gold letter is more related to decision making and then trouble sleeping relaxing trusting and acting like a victim are old things that can compromise your liver and the liver is intimately connected to addictive behaviors especially those that are used as a coping mechanism for repressed anger liver disorders and in fact certain medication that impacts the liver especially if your detox pathways are clogged will cause depression which is actually anger turned towards ourselves liver sluggishness can also affect your inner level of awareness and spirituality and when we lose our purpose and direction right in life because of a sluggish liver the liver gives us life and if we harbor fears of life that can impact our liver so i'd like to wrap up by actually doing an exercise for our liver that i encourage you to do as often as you can it's it's completely free and it will support your liver so this comes to us from the Taoist tradition the sound of the liver organ is an s-h like a like if you yeah i guess you tell someone to you know shut it so that's the sound so we're gonna sit comfortably with your back straight and just become aware of your liver so your liver is mostly on the right side under your ribcage but also a little bit extending to the left and if you want to you can place your hands over your liver and just smile to your liver send it some gratitude grateful for all of the jobs that it does for us and i know we we don't always appreciate it and so once you feel that you've made a connection with your liver extend your arms by your sides and face your palms up you're going to take a deep breath in and as you inhale slowly raise your arms over your head and allow your eyes to follow your hands with your gaze and when you get to the top interlace your fingers and turn your palms to face up now take another breath in here open your eyes wide and as you exhale you're going to make that sound as you gently lean over to the left ever so slightly doesn't have to be too much you're just really stretching the fascia over the liver you're giving the liver a nice massage and once you've exhale all of your letting go of any anger go ahead and release your hands and let them flow down palms up to your sides placing your palms back on your thighs palms up and now keep connection with your liver keep smiling in your liver and just mentally as you exhale keep making that sound and so this is good in the three six nine multiples so you could do it three times you could repeat it six times you could go for 12 or 24 times a simple way to connect and be thankful for your liver give it a nice massage and help move some stuck anger out of the body as well with the supportive sound does anybody want me to guide you through that one more time is there anybody that'd like to have that guided through one more time get a speak up if you're muted you got it for a second okay can't say yes all right so we'll sit sit comfortably back as straight connect with your liver you might want to place your hands over your liver at the bottom of the right ribcage you can also go over the left ribcage because the liver extends into the left side and just smile into your liver send it some gratitude and some love and when you feel you've made that connection let your arms rest by your sides palms facing out you're going to take a deep breath as you inhale arms or palms up moving up over your head follow with your gaze and as you get to the top angelase your fingers and turn them palms facing up take another inhale here open your eyes wide gather up some anger that you might want to release and exhale making a shh shh shh shh envision expelling any axis anger or heat from the liver gently stretching up over to the left stretching the fascia of the liver and once you've exhaled fully release your hands let them float down to your sides resting your hands palms up on your thighs connecting back with your liver the blood rushes back into the liver after a nice stretch close your eyes and continue to imagine the shh sound as you exhale just do yourself so that's the exercise for cleansing the liver and I also encourage everyone to just when you when you settle in for the night just place your hands over the liver and just send it some gratitude and you might fall asleep like that sending love to your liver I have a question this is Davie again do you know any good facial medicine or naturopathic doctors that can do a complete spectrum on all your blood work the rhinzymes platelets whatever just a whole body exam you know anyone is good at that um where are you located North Carolina I don't know anybody off the top of my head I can certainly check maybe we can open this up to the audience maybe somebody knows um I think I think you might want to look specifically for a traditional naturopath because some of the um naturopaths are actually going into the swinging into the conventional and actually recommending vaccines and um so I know a lot of traditional naturopaths are just even you know giving up their licenses and saying I want nothing to do with this because you guys are pretty much doing the same thing that the allopaths are doing at this point so I can I can give Dr. Pardis's office a call so he would know if he doesn't do it himself but thanks thank you very much okay anybody else you got a question or comment they'd like to share for your calls hello Dari are you on I am can you hear me yes I can I just wanted to say wow you I didn't get to hop on the whole call but you have covered what an amazing amazing job of covering so many aspects because it takes all of them but so so very valuable amazing applause applause and you're going to be on next week to talk about some herbal support for the liver yes yes I am he actually said deliver the gallbladder and the kidneys part forward yes you excellent job thank you so much for your knowledge and sharing and your love of of healthy bodies and minds and hearts thank you for that all our God you're welcome thank you thank you much gratitude thank you very all right i'm hot now Valerie will be she will be doing a presentation on she's an herbalist and she's going to be sharing next week on these topics so we'll look forward to that so if there's no one else with any other questions we can move to close can't did you want to give out a notice for the barbecue in Long Island you're muted I can't well maybe not I think he's left the call zero okay well I don't have that information but there will be a there's a networking barbecue in it be on Long Island on the 20th of July and if there's a rain issue it's going to be the next day on the 21st and this for networking but everyone's welcome to attend the notice is on the Tuesday night call I don't didn't get a put on to the this call but if you think it's possible for you to attend it'll be a great opportunity to meet others and to network and that we can work together to restore this country back to the intent of the four organic laws and restore it to be recognized as one nation under God with liberty and justice for all so this is our opportunity to speak up unite break down the walls of separation and that we can live live in harmony one with another for the glory of our heavenly father so with that cat did you have anything else that you wanted to share before we uh close just love your liver okay well thank you very much cat this is absolute excellent presentation and so much information and the nine pages is down on the bottom that we went through tonight for anyone that may be on the phone but on the notice uh this information and the information that was presented for the last two weeks is also down there attached so with that if there's anybody new on the call that does not receive the notices for the Tuesday or Thursday night calls and would like to receive the notices with the attachments and all the information you can send fill us an email you want your first name state who invited you to the call in a phone number we do not share any of your contact information but if there's somebody who would want to reach out to you they would send fill us an email and she will forward that on to you and it'd be up to you to reach out to them at your convenience so fill us you want to give out your email yes it's blue bridge 1121 at okay thank you fill us and uh tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. eastern time we eat together for a prayer call number is 6.0.5 we got to we got to stop there's somebody that's really interfering with you okay thank you um to start um all that over it was very difficult to hear thank you okay uh which part just uh um uh including fill us his email okay fill us you want to give out your email one more time yes it's blue Ridge 1121 at that was really cool that blue Ridge 1121 at blue Ridge 1121 at thank you okay and at 9 a.m. eastern time uh tomorrow morning Friday we meet for a prayer call and everyone is more than welcome and that phone number is 6.0.5 3.1.3 5.5 8.3 with an access code number is 7 6 8 9 1 8 pound and that is at 9 a.m. eastern time so we want to thank everyone for uh coming on a call and uh all the people to ask questions and uh participated it was much appreciated and most of all we want to thank uh Cat for sharing this information and explaining the details with their knowledge that is it's been a true blessing so with that uh we'll uh close in a word of prayer is there anyone else that would like to close in a word of prayer I would like to say that New York doesn't deserve Cat I'm just saying that's right well it needs it needs a cleansing and it's probably going to need a little more than the liver but it's a good start anyway uh well Heavenly Father we come before you to thank you Lord for the information that was shared this evening and in the kindness of Cat to share the knowledge that that you've given her we just ask you Lord to continue to work through the hearts of each of us Lord that we can share the love that you've given us we ask you Lord for wisdom as we go about our daily life and to contend with the force of darkness that are so prevalent in our society we ask you Lord for healing of this nation we pray Lord for spiritual awakening we just ask you Lord to deliver us from these force of darkness and help us to have the courage to speak truth in every instance that we may expose the unproof works of darkness and that it may be cleansed and purged from our society we ask you Lord for strength and for good health we pray Lord that you'll continue to give us the knowledge that we need to purify our vessel that we can serve you in a more effective manner and we just commit all things into your hands and ask that you prepare the way before us and deliver us from the force of darkness in the name of Yeshua amen well with that we'll say good night all and thanks again everyone and until we meet again if we don't meet you tomorrow morning we will see you on Tuesday and we will have John from Indiana on next Tuesday and we will be sharing a little bit more on the negative abearment and the counterclaim and basically setting it up for a petition for a right of redress of grievance to help address the issues that were facing with the over each of authority by these here corporate agents so with that we'll say good night all and we'll be with you thank you John this session is no longer being recorded yep you're welcome thank you thank you you guys did great work well goodbye this is health and wellness radio spiritually physically and emotionally you're listening to the global voice radio network