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Costa's Audio Book: George Orwell "Nineteen Eighty-Four" Part Three Chapter 3 讀你聽2.2《1984》

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Welcome to CAB - Costa's Audio Book 歡迎收聽《讀你聽2.2》
Presenting George Orwell's critically acclaimed novel
"Nineteen Eighty-Four"
英國作家喬治·歐威爾所創作的一部反烏托邦小說 被譽爲同類三部代表作之一 出版於1949年
重點探討黨和政府權力過分伸張 極權主義 壓抑性統治的惡果
故事發生時間設於1984年 為當時作者對未來的虛構想像
構想中 世界大部分地區都陷入永久戰爭 政府監控無處不在
資料記錄中滿是歷史否定主義和政治宣傳 主角如何絕處尋求精神出路?

Part Three Chapter 3
Winston 備受電擊之苦 勉力反抗著 O'Brien 的高壓手段 唯我思想 直至看見鏡中自己骨瘦嶙峋 牙髮疏落 崩潰中 仍然堅持自己至少沒有出賣 Julia 哪怕拷問期間 早將女方所有細節供出 只是他指的是愛念 至少他仍然記掛著她
Winston Smith, O'Brien, Big Brother, Emmanuel Goldstein, Julia, Mrs. Parson, Tom Parson, Tillotson, Ampleforth, Katherine, Charrington, Old man (Syme, Winston's family)

Costa's Wordlist
Reintegration N
Solipsism N
Scraggy ADJ

Up coming: Maigret
Collection: 1984, The Metamorphosis, Dracula, Don Quixote, The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Diary of a Young Girl, Lord of the Flies, Liar's Poker, Great Expectations, Sherlock Holmes, Agatha Christie

讀你聽: 2021.5 太太陪同分享《遠大前程》全配樂 無剪接 附旁述 總結 文字大綱 不定時播出
讀你聽2.0: 2022.5 第二季 偵探系列《老千騙局》《蒼蠅王》《唐吉訶德》全配樂 DaVinci剪接 小字典 附介紹總結 智能主持+插畫 文字大綱 定時播出
讀你聽2.1: 2023.11《安妮日記》《道林格雷的畫像》《德古拉》《基度山恩仇記》《變形記》《1984》《簡愛》《梅格雷》DaVinci Descript 剪接 CapCut 配音 Suno 配樂 字典+大綱+人物 全英/歐語 改良收音 定時播出
讀你聽2.2: 2024.6 裝置初階電容Mic Gemini智能注解 節目不斷更新 加入Patreon會員 頻道需要你支持!
Remember to CLSS our channel needs your support :)


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02 Jul 2024
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Welcome to CAB - Costa's Audio Book 歡迎收聽《讀你聽2.2》
Presenting George Orwell's critically acclaimed novel
"Nineteen Eighty-Four"
英國作家喬治·歐威爾所創作的一部反烏托邦小說 被譽爲同類三部代表作之一 出版於1949年
重點探討黨和政府權力過分伸張 極權主義 壓抑性統治的惡果
故事發生時間設於1984年 為當時作者對未來的虛構想像
構想中 世界大部分地區都陷入永久戰爭 政府監控無處不在
資料記錄中滿是歷史否定主義和政治宣傳 主角如何絕處尋求精神出路?

Part Three Chapter 3
Winston 備受電擊之苦 勉力反抗著 O'Brien 的高壓手段 唯我思想 直至看見鏡中自己骨瘦嶙峋 牙髮疏落 崩潰中 仍然堅持自己至少沒有出賣 Julia 哪怕拷問期間 早將女方所有細節供出 只是他指的是愛念 至少他仍然記掛著她
Winston Smith, O'Brien, Big Brother, Emmanuel Goldstein, Julia, Mrs. Parson, Tom Parson, Tillotson, Ampleforth, Katherine, Charrington, Old man (Syme, Winston's family)

Costa's Wordlist
Reintegration N
Solipsism N
Scraggy ADJ

Up coming: Maigret
Collection: 1984, The Metamorphosis, Dracula, Don Quixote, The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Diary of a Young Girl, Lord of the Flies, Liar's Poker, Great Expectations, Sherlock Holmes, Agatha Christie

讀你聽: 2021.5 太太陪同分享《遠大前程》全配樂 無剪接 附旁述 總結 文字大綱 不定時播出
讀你聽2.0: 2022.5 第二季 偵探系列《老千騙局》《蒼蠅王》《唐吉訶德》全配樂 DaVinci剪接 小字典 附介紹總結 智能主持+插畫 文字大綱 定時播出
讀你聽2.1: 2023.11《安妮日記》《道林格雷的畫像》《德古拉》《基度山恩仇記》《變形記》《1984》《簡愛》《梅格雷》DaVinci Descript 剪接 CapCut 配音 Suno 配樂 字典+大綱+人物 全英/歐語 改良收音 定時播出
讀你聽2.2: 2024.6 裝置初階電容Mic Gemini智能注解 節目不斷更新 加入Patreon會員 頻道需要你支持!
Remember to CLSS our channel needs your support :)


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There are three stages in your reintegration, said O'Brien. There is learning, there is understanding, and there is acceptance. It is time for you to enter upon the second stage. As always, Winston was lying flat on his back, but of late his spawns were loser. They still held him to the bed, but he could move his knees a little and could turn his head from side to side and raise his arms from the elbow. The dial, also, had grown to be less of a terror. He could evade its pains if he was quick-witted enough. It was cheaply when he showed stupidity that O'Brien pulled the leather. Sometimes they got through their whole session without use of a dial. He could not remember how many sessions there had been. The whole process seemed to stretch out over a long, indefinite time, weeks, possibly, and the intervals between the sessions might sometimes have been days, sometimes only an hour or two. "As you lie there," said O'Brien, "you have often wondered, you have even asked me why the Ministry of Love should expand so much time and trouble on you, and when you were free you were puzzled by what was essentially the same question. You could grasp the mechanics of the society you lived in, but not its underlying motives. Do you remember writing in your diary? I understand how, I do not understand why. It was when you thought about why that you doubted your own sanity. You have read the book, Goldstein's book, or parts of it, at least. Did it tell you anything that you did not know already? You have read it, St. Winston. I wrote it, that is to say, I collaborated in writing it. Notebook is produced individually, as you know. Is it true what it says? As description, yes, the programme it sets forth is nonsense, the secret accumulation of knowledge, a gradual spread of enlightenment, ultimately a proletarian rebellion, the overthrow of the party. You foresaw yourself that that was what it would say. It is all nonsense. The proletarian will never revolt, not in a thousand years or a million. They cannot. I do not have to tell you the reason. You know it already. If you have ever cherished any dreams of violent insurrection, you must abandon them. There is no way in which the party can be overthrown. The rule of the party is forever. Make that the starting point of your thoughts. You came closer to the bed, forever, you repeated. Now let us get back to the question of how and why. You understand well enough how the party maintains itself in power. Now tell me why we cling to power. What is our motive? Why should we want power? Go on. Speak. He added, as Winston remained silent. Nevertheless, Winston did not speak for another moment or two. A feeling of weariness had overwhelmed him. The faint, mad gleam of enthusiasm had come back into a Brian's face. He knew in the funds what O'Brien would say that the party did not seek power for its own ends, but only for the good of the majority. That is sought power because men in the mass were frail, cowardly creatures who could not endure liberty or face the truth, and must be ruled over and systematically deceived by others who were stronger than themselves. That the choice of mankind lay between freedom and happiness, and that for the great bulk of mankind, happiness was better. That the party was the eternal guardian of the week, a dedicated sect doing evil that good might come, sacrificing its own happiness to that of others. The terrible thing thought Winston. The terrible thing was that when O'Brien said this, he would believe it. You could see it in his face. O'Brien knew everything. A thousand times better than Winston he knew what the world was really like. In what degradation the mass of human beings lived, and by what lies and barbarities the party kept them there. He had understood it all, waited all, and it made no difference. All was justified by the ultimate purpose. What can you do, thought Winston, against a lunatic who is more intelligent than yourself, who gives your arguments a fair hearing and then simply persists in his lunacy? "You are ruling over us for our own good," he said, feeding. "You believe that human beings are not fit to govern themselves, and therefore..." He started in almost crying out, a pan of pain that shocked through his body. O'Brien had pushed the lever of the dial up to 35. "That was stupid, Winston. Stupid," he said, "You should know better than to say a thing like that." He pulled the lever back and continued, "Now I will tell you the answer to my question. What is this? the party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others. We are interested solely in power, not well for luxury or long life or happiness, only power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently. We are different from all the oligarchies of the past, in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites. The German Nazis and Russian Communists came very close to us in their methods, but they never had the courage to recognize their own motives. They pretended, perhaps they even believed, that they had seized power unwillingly and for a limited time, and that just round the corner their layer paradise where human beings would be free and equal. We are not like that. We know that no one ever seized power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means, it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard the revolution. One makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me? Winston was struck. As he had been struck before, by the tiredness of O'Brien's face, it was strong and flash she and brutal. It was full of intelligence and a sort of controlled passion before which he felt himself helpless, but it was tired. There were pouches under the eyes, the skinned sat from cheekbones. O'Brien leaned over him, deliberately bringing the worn face near. "You are thinking," he said, "that my face is old and tired. You are thinking that I talk of power, and yet I am not even able to prevent the decay of my own body. Can you not understand, Winston, that the individual is only a cell? The weariness of the cell is the figure of the organism. Do you die when you cut your finger names?" He turned away from the bed and began strolling up and down again, one hand in his pocket. "We are the priests of power," he said. "God is power, but at present power is only word so far as you are concerned. It is time for you to get us some idea of what power means. The first thing you must realize is that power is collective. The individual only has power in so far as he ceases to be an individual. You know the party, slogan, "Freedom is slavery." Has it ever occurred to you that it is reversible? Slavery is freedom, alone, free. The human being is always defeated. It must be so, because every human being is doomed to die, which is the greatest of all failures, but if he can make complete utter submission, if he can escape from his identity, if he can merge himself in the party so that he is the party, then he is all powerful and mortal. The second thing for you to realize is that power is power over human beings, over the body, but above all, over the mind, power over matter, external reality, as you would call it, is not important. Already our control for matter is absolute. For a moment Winston ignored the dial. He made a violent effort to raise himself into a sitting position, and merely succeeded in wrenching his body painfully. "But how can you control matter," he burst out, "you don't even control the climate or the law of gravity, and there are disease, pain, death, or Brian silenced him by a movement of his hand. We control matter because we control the mind. Reality is inside a skull. We will learn by degrees, Winston. There is nothing that we would not do, invisibility, levitation, anything. I could float off this floor like a soap bubble if I wished you. I do not wish you, because the party does not wish it. You must get rid of those 19th century ideas about laws of nature. We make the laws of nature. But you do not. You are not even masters of this planet. What about Eurasia and East Asia? You have not conquered them yet. Unimportant. We shall conquer them when it suits us. And if we did not, what difference would it make? We can shut them out of existence. Oceona is the world. But the world itself is only a special dust, and man is timely, helpless. How long has he been in existence? For millions of years the Earth was uninhabited. Nonsense. The Earth is as old as we are, no older. How could it be older? Nothing exists except for human consciousness. But the rocks are full of the bones of extinct animals, mammoths, and mastodems, and enormous reptiles which lived here long before man has ever heard of. Have you ever seen those bones, Winston? Of course not. 19th century biologists invented them. Before men there was nothing. After men, if he could come to an end, there would be nothing. Outside men there is nothing. But the whole universe is outside us. Look at the stars. Some of them are a million light years away. They are out of our reach forever. What are the stars? Said O'Brien indifferently. They are bits of fire a few kilometers away. We could reach them if we wanted to. All we would block them out. The Earth is the center of the universe. The sun and the stars go rampant. Winston made another convulsive movement. This time he did not say anything. O'Brien continued as though answering a spoken objection. For certain purposes of course, it is not true. When we navigate the ocean, or when we predict an eclipse, we often find it convenient to assume that the Earth goes round the sun and that the stars are millions upon millions of kilometers away. But what of it? Do you suppose it is beyond us to produce a dual system of astronomy? The stars can be near or distant, according as we need them. Do you suppose our mathematicians are unequal to that? Have you forgotten Doubles think? Winston shrank back upon the bed, whatever he said, the swift answer crushed him like a bludgeon, and yet he knew, he knew, that he was in the right. To believe that nothing exists outside your own mind, surely there must be some way of demonstrating that it was false, had it not been exposed long ago as a fantasy. There was even a name for it which he had forgotten, a faint smile twitched the corners of O'Brien's mouth as he looked down at him. "I told you, Winston," he said, "that matter physics is not your strong point. The word you are trying to think of is solipsism, but you are mistaken, this is not solipsism. Collective solipsism, if you like, but that is a different thing. In fact, the opposite thing, or this is a digression." He added in a different tone, "A real power, the power we have to fight for night and day is not power for things, but over men," he posed, "and for a moment assumed again his air of a spool mass to questioning a promising pupil. How does one man assert his power over another, Winston? Winston thought, by making him suffer," he said, "exactly, by making him suffer. Obedience is not enough. Unless he is suffering, how can you be sure that he is obeying your will and not his own? Power is an inflicting pain and humiliation. Power is intering human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing. Do you begin to see, then, what kind of world we are creating? It is the exact opposite of the stupid hedonistic utopias that the old reformers imagined. A world of fear and treachery entombment, a world of trampling and being trampled upon, a world which will grow not less but more merciless as it refines itself. Progress in our world will be progress towards more pain. The old civilizations claimed that they were founded on love or justice. ours is founded upon hatred. In our world, there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph, and self-abasement. Anything else we shall destroy, everything. Already we are breaking down the habits of the thoughts which have survived from before the revolution. We have cut the lens between child and parent, and between man and man, and between man and woman. No one dares trusts a wife or a child or a friend any longer, but in the future there will be no wives and no friends. Children will be taken from their mothers at birth, as one takes eggs from a hand. The sex instinct will be eradicated. Procreation will be an annual formality like the renewal of a ration card. We shall abolish the orgasm. Our neurologists are at work upon it now. There will be no loyalty except loyalty towards the party. There will be no love except the love of big brother. There will be no laughter except the love of triumph over a defeat of enemy. There will be no art, no literature, no science. When we are omnipotent, we shall have no more need of science. There will be no distinction between beauty and abuse. There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed, but always do not forget this instinct. Always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtly. Always at every moment there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face, forever. He paused as though he expected Winston to speak. Winston had tried to shrink back into the surface of the bed again. He could not say anything. His heart seemed to be frozen, O'Brien went on, and remember that it is forever. The face will always be there to be stamped upon. The heritage, the enemy of society, will always be there. So that he can be defeated and humiliated over again. Everything that you have undergone since you have been in our hands, all that will continue and worse. The espionage, the betrayals, the arrests, the tortures, the executions, the disappearances will never cease. It will be a world of terror as much as a world of triumph. The more the party is powerful, the less it will be tolerant. The weaker the opposition, the tighter the despotism. Goldstein and his heresies will live forever. Every day, at every moment, they will be defeated, discredited, ridiculed, spat upon, and yet they will always survive. This drama that I have played out with you during seven years will be played out over and over again, generation after generation, always in subtler forms. Always we shall have to here here and our mercy, screaming with pain, broken up, contemptible, and in the end utterly penitent, safe from himself, crawling to our feet of his own accord. That is the world that we are preparing with Sten, a world of victory after victory, triumph after triumph after triumph, an endless pressing, pressing, pressing upon the nerve of power. You are beginning, I can see, to realize what that world will be like. But in the end, you will do more than understand it. You will accept it, welcome it, become part of it. Winston had recovered himself sufficiently to speak. "You can't," he said weekly. "What do you mean by that remark, Winston? You could not create such a world as you have just described. It is a dream, it is impossible. Why? It is impossible to found a civilization on fear and hatred and cruelty. It would never endure. Why not? It would have no vitality, it would disintegrate, it would commit suicide, nonsense. You were under the impression that hatred is more exhausting than love. Why should it be? And if it were, what difference would that make? Suppose that we choose to wear ourselves out faster. Suppose that we quicken the temple of human life till men are senile and dirty. Still what difference would it make? Can you not understand that the death of the individual is not death? The party is immortal. As usual, the voice had battered Winston to helplessness. Moreover, he was in dread that if he persisted in his disagreement, O'Brien would twist the dial again. And yet he could not keep silent, feebly without arguments, with nothing to support him except his inarticulate horror of what O'Brien had said, he returned to the attack. I don't know, I don't care. Somehow you will fail. Men will defeat you, life will defeat you. We control life, Winston, at all its levels. You are imagining that there is something called human nature which will be outraged by what we do and will turn against us. But we create human nature. Men are infinitely malleable. Or perhaps you have returned to your old idea that the proletarian or the slaves will rise and overthrow us. Put it out of your mind. They are helpless, like the animals. See is the party, the others are outside, irrelevant. I don't care, in the end they will beat you, sooner or later they will see you for what you are, and then they will tear you to pieces. Do you see any evidence that is happening, or any reason why it should? No, I believe it. I know that you will fail. There is something in the universe, I don't know, some spirit, some principle that you will never overcome. Do you believe in God, Winston? No. Then what is it? This principle that will defeat us. I don't know, the spirit of man. And do you consider yourself a man? Yes. If you are a man, Winston, you are the last man. Your kind is extinct. We are the inheritors. Do you understand that you are alone? You are outside history. You are non-existent. This man has changed and has said more harshly. And you consider yourself moral superior to us, with our lies and our cruelty. Yes, I consider myself superior. O'Brien did not speak. Two other voices were speaking. After a moment, Winston recognized one of them as his own. It was a sound track of the conversation he had had with O'Brien, on the night when he had enrolled himself in the Brotherhood. He had himself promising to lie, to steal, to forge, to murder, to encourage drug taking and prostitution, to disseminate venereal diseases, to throw fitural in a child's face. O'Brien made a small impatient gesture, as though to say that the demonstration was hardly worth making. Then he turned a switch and the voices stopped. "Get up from that bed," he said. The bonds had loosened themselves. Winston lowered himself to the floor and stood up unsteadily. "You are the last man," said O'Brien. "You are the guardian of the human spirit. You shall see yourself as you are. Take off your clothes." Winston undid the bit of string that held his overalls together. The sip fastener had long since been wrenched out of them. He could not remember whether, at any time, since his arrest, he had taken off all his clothes at one time. Beneath the overalls, his body was slooped from filthy yellowish racks, just recognizable as the remnants of underclothes. As he slit them to the ground, he saw that there was a three-sided mirror at the far end of the room. He approached it, then stopped short, and involuntary cry had broken out of him. "Go on," said O'Brien. "Stand between the wings of the mirror. You shall see the side view as well." He had stopped because he was frightened, about gray-colored, skeleton-like thing was coming towards him. Its actual appearance was frightening and not merely the fact that he knew it to be himself. He moved closer to the glass. The creature's face seemed to be protruded, because of his bent carriage, a forlorn jail bird's face with a norby forehead running back into a bald scalp, a crooked nose, and battered-looking cheekbones above which his eyes were fierce and watchful. The cheeks were seemed, the mouth had a drawn-in look. Certainly it was his own face, but it seemed to him that it had changed more than he had changed inside. The emotions it registered would be different from the ones he felt. He had gone partially bald. For the first moment, he had thought that he had gone gray as well, but it was only the scalp that was gray, except for his hands and a circle of his face. His body was gray all over, with ancients ingrained dead. Here and there under the dead, there were the red scars of wounds, a need, and called the pharaoh's ulcer, was an inflamed mask with flakes of skin peeling of it. But the truly frightening thin was the emaciation of his body. The barrel of the ribs was as narrow as that of his skeleton. The legs had shrunk so that the knees were thicker than the thighs. He saw now that what Brian had meant about seeing the side view. The curvature of the spine was astonishing. The thin shoulders were hunched forward so as to make a cavity of the chest. The scraggy neck seemed to be bending double under the weight of the scalp, and I guess he would have said that it was the body of a man of 60, suffering from some of the lingering disease. "You have thought sometimes," said O'Brien, "that my face, the face of a member of the inner party, looks old and worn. What do you think of your own face?" He seized Winston's shoulder and spun him round so that he was facing him. "Look at the condition you're in," he said. "Look at this filthy grime all over your body. Look at the dirt between your toes. Look at that disgusting running sore on your leg. Do you know that you stink like a gilt? Probably you have ceased to notice it. Look at your emaciation. Do you see? I can make my thumb and forefinger meet round your bicep. I could snap your neck like a carrot. You know that you have lost 25 kilograms since you have been in our hands. Even your hair is coming out in handfuls. Look, he plucked at Winston's head and brought away a tuft of hair. Open your mouth, nine, ten, eleven teeth left. How many had you when you came to us? And the few you have left are dropping out of your head. Look here. He seized one of Winston's remaining front teeth between his powerful thumb and forefinger. A twinch of pain shot through Winston's jaw, or Brian had wrenched the loose tooth out by the roots. He tossed it across the cell. "You were rotting away," he said. "You are falling to pieces. What are you? A bag of filth. Now turn round and look into the mirror again. Do you see that thing facing you? That is the last man. If you are human, that is humanity. Now put your clothes on again." Winston began to dress himself with slow, stiff movements. Until now he had not seemed to notice how thin and weak he was. Only one thought stirred in his mind, that he must have been in this place longer than he had imagined. Then suddenly as he fixed the miserable rags round himself, a feeling of pity for his ruined body overcame him. Before he knew what he was doing, he had collapsed onto his small stool that stood beside the bed and burst into tears. He was aware of his ugliness, his gracelessness, a bundle of bones and filthy underwear. When the clothes sitting weeping in the harsh white light, but he could not stop himself, O'Brien laid a hand on his shoulder, almost kindly. "It will not last forever," he said. "You can escape from it whenever you choose. Everything depends on yourself. You did it, sock Winston. You reduced me to this state. No Winston. You reduced yourself to it. This is what you accepted when you set yourself up against the party. It was all contained in that first act. Everything has happened that you did not foresee." He paused and then went off. "We have beaten you, Winston. We have broken you up. You have seen what your body is like. Your mind is in the same state. I do not think there can be much pride left in you. You have been kicked and flopped and insulted. You have screamed with pain. You have rolled on the floor in your own blood involved. You have whippered for mercy. You have betrayed everybody and everything. Can you think of a single degradation that has not happened to you?" Winston had stopped weeping, though the tears were still oozing out of his arms. He looked out at a rhyme. "I have not betrayed Julia," he said. "Well, rhymed up down at them thoughtfully." "No," he said. "No. That is perfectly true. You have not betrayed Julia." The peculiar reference for a rhyme, which nothing seemed able to destroy, flooded Winston's heart again. "How intelligent," he thought, "how intelligent." Never did a Bryan fail to understand what was said to him. Anyone else on earth would have answered promptly that he had betrayed Julia. For what was there that they had not screwed out of him under the torture, he had told them everything he knew about her. Her habits, her character, her past life, he had confessed in the most trivial detail everything that had happened at the meetings. All that he had said to her and she to him. Their black-market meals, their adulterers, their fake clottings against the party, everything, and yet, in a sense in which he intended the word, he had not betrayed her. He had not stopped loving her. His feelings towards her had remained the same. O'Brien had seen what he meant without the need for explanation. "Tell me," he said, "how soon will they shoot me?" "It might be a long time," said O'Brien. "You are a difficult case, but don't give up, ho. One is cured sooner or later. In the end, we shall shoot you." "Re-integration," "Re-integration," "Now, the action or process of integrating someone back into society," "Solipsism," "Solipsism," "Now, the quality of being very self-centered or selfish, the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist." Scragging, scragging, adjective of a person or animal, Din and Belling. [BLANK_AUDIO]