
Optimistic Vibes in Milwaukee

This is the year of Republican unity, and Democrat disintegration. And unity, and optimism, and yes, with a spiritual flavor, is a winning combination for the Grand Old Party.

With Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders (R-AR), Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-TN), Steve Moore, Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY), Mollie Hemingway, Brian Kilmeade, Lawrence Jones, Rep. Wesley Hunt (R-TX), and John Ratcliffe. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

1h 1m
Broadcast on:
17 Jul 2024
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This is the year of Republican unity, and Democrat disintegration.

And unity, and optimism, and yes, with a spiritual flavor, is a winning combination for the Grand Old Party.

With Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders (R-AR), Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-TN), Steve Moore, Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY), Mollie Hemingway, Brian Kilmeade, Lawrence Jones, Rep. Wesley Hunt (R-TX), and John Ratcliffe.

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Close, full turns at Hello, folks. Welcome to Cudlow. I'm Larry Cudlow. GOP unity on full display last night here in Milwaukee, while leading Democrats continue to blast away at President Biden. We've got Arkansas Governor Sarah Sanders be here in just a couple of moments. First up, Grady Trimble has got some of the latest gory details. Grady, what's cooking? Well, it's good news on the Republican side, Larry, and that's that it's a big night for Senator J.D. Vance, as we await his first big speech since former President Trump chose him as his running mate. And since he is a relative political newcomer, he's really going to treat this as an opportunity to introduce himself to the American people. We got a little taste of what he might say earlier today on his first campaign stop since he joined the GOP ticket. He says, as he thinks about what he's going to say tonight, his main goal is to best articulate why re-electing Trump is so important. We expect him to discuss his upbringing in his big speech tonight. You know, he grew up in poverty and then rose to become a U.S. Senator, and now the VP pick on the GOP ticket. And we also expect him to talk about how all of that informs his views today on important issues like trade, immigration, and perhaps most importantly, inflation in the economy. In my home state of Ohio, the average Ohio family is about $10,000 poorer than they were four years ago. And of course, Ronald Reagan famously asked in a great debate, I think it was Jimmy Carter, he said, are you better off, ask the American people in a debate with Jimmy Carter, I should say, are you better off than you were four years ago? And I wasn't alive when he asked that question, but I know millions of Ohio families who would answer that question with a resounding no. We also saw former President Trump today doing a walkthrough on the convention stage this afternoon before his big speech tomorrow night. A little bit more about tonight, we're expecting JD Vance's wife to be the one who introduces him, but some other notable speakers include Governor Doug Burgum, who some are floating as a possible energy secretary now that we know that he's not the VP pick. We're also expecting to hear from Donald Trump, Jr. and Texas Governor Greg Abbott. And you mentioned, Larry, how united the Republican party is right now. Democrats still appear to be in disarray and the latest indication of that came from Congressman Adam Schiff today when he became the latest politician to call for President Biden to bow out of the race. We've talked a lot about how Democrats are worried that if President Biden is at the top of the ticket, it's going to impact all of those down ballot races. And as you know, Adam Schiff running for the California Senate, he might be personally worried that if Biden is on the ticket, it might hurt his election chances. Larry, great. How many of these Democratic men house members, a cup two, three hundred of them come out against Biden? Oh, I'm sorry. You know, I embellish sometimes. It's quite a few though, in all seriousness. I think we're at 20 publicly, but it could be quite a bit more in private. Yeah, it's that's right. It's it's basically a crack up anyway. Grady Trimble. Thanks very much. All right, folks, optimistic vibes in Milwaukee. That's the subject of the riff. All right. Look, I've been walking through the convention hall, going from place to place inside the perimeter, meeting up with tens and tens of wonderful people, shaking hands, taking selfies, thanking the many police and secret service for their service to this convention and to the country. And I got to tell you, it has been a wonderful, lovely experience. Day three in Milwaukee and the vibe is phenomenal. Better than Cleveland in 2016, better than Tampa in 2012. This is a unified convention. This is a unified Republican party. I've been around a while and I've attended even more conventions and I've never seen anything like it. Usually the Republicans disjointed, dickering, feuding, anybody who has covered those conventions or participated in his delegates or volunteers, they know what I mean. Here in Milwaukee, it is completely different. It's optimistic. You know what? It's even spiritual. Some that, of course, has to do with Donald Trump's miraculous, providential escape from an assassin's bullet. Mr. Trump has been attending the convention in the visitors gallery listening to the speakers. It is his Republican party. But even before that dreadful event in Butler, Pennsylvania, it was Mr. Trump's Republican party. You could go back to 2016 when he first ran and got the nomination. The party was completely divided. Establishment Republicans were not for Trump and they put up with them only grudgingly even when he won the presidency. I recall in 2017, all the Republican opposition to his economic and border security policies by so many Republican senators, they opposed him outright. They were a real pain in the, you know what? Today, fortunately, that has all changed. There's still one or two GOP dissidents, but 99% of the Republicans are full-scale, full-throated Trumpians and the convention speakers, some non-politicians, have been so effective in their support of Mr. Trump's platform and his thinking. Take a listen to this woman from Brooklyn, New York, who was incredible last night. The Democratic party that poor minorities have been loyal to for decades, including myself, all right? They portrayed us. They stabbed us in the back. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, who claimed to represent us, have abandoned us. And that weren't enough. I mean, there was a whole list of them that were fabulous. Take a listen, please, to this mother from California who tragically lost a child to the fentanyl epidemic. We have seen the highest number of fentanyl deaths during the Biden-Harris administration. We need President Trump back in office. We need a president who will seal the border, aggressively prosecute drug dealers and stop communist China from poisoning our children. Just unbelievable. These and many other everyday Americans who spoke at the convention incredibly effective in spreading the message, and then you had Nikki Haley, who threw her support wholeheartedly to Mr. Trump. You had Governor Sarah Sanders right here with me at the moment, gave a beautiful speech. Sarah's right here. Other speakers, Ben Carson, Marco Rubio, brilliant speeches. Mr. Trump gave a quick economic interview, by the way, just before this, talking about beating inflation, lowering interest rates and taxes, bringing back manufacturing, drilling more, regulating less, unleashing crypto. And as I've noted before, it's the growthiest platform in four decades since Ronald Reagan. And here's the younger generation. In J.D. Vance, the vice presidential nominee, Mr. Trump, wants to bring a new generation of leaders to his Republican party. And an interesting sideline, if you will, regarding Senator Vance. There's a fascinating story in the Wall Street Journal this morning, and I will quote the headline, "Musque Turbo Charges Silicon Valley Support for Trump." It's all about the big names and venture capital tech. Like David Sachs, Mark Andreessen, Peter Thiel, they're all pals of J.D. Vance. They're committing enormous financial support to Mr. Trump, including a huge contribution from Elon Musk, $45 million per month to turbocharge the GOP early balloting and harvesting and training and volunteers and professionals in all the key states and key counties. Musk and friends are going to stop Zuckabucks Silicon Valley coming over to Trump. The markets love it in three Republican convention days. The Dow is up over 1000 points. I can't not point that out. It ain't a coincidence. And this year, unlike in any other in memory, it is the Democrats in complete disarray, carping, sniping, almost defenestrating Joe Biden, sometimes behind his back, anonymously, sometimes publicly. What in God's name are the Democrats going to do for four days? Sing Joe Biden's praises? Really? I don't think so. Anyway, this is the year of Republican unity and Democrat disintegration. And you know what, folks? Unity and optimism. And yes, with a spiritual flavor is a winning combination for the grand old party. That's my riff. Boom. Joining me now with the greatest of possible pleasure, honest to God. Arkansas governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who was a dear friend, you gave a brilliant speech. Not a good speech. All right. Not a very good speech. It was a brilliant speech. Thank you. And in points, it brought some tears to our eyes. Saintly wife and I were watching it the whole time. Nice going. Thank you. I appreciate that. It means a lot because you've had to sit through a lot of political speeches in your life. So really appreciate your comments. And mostly my goal was to tell my story and to give an account and a side of the president that so often is ignored or not reported and not talked about. And because you and I had that inside track during our time at the White House, I wanted people to know what it was like to have somebody standing up fighting for us, defending us, not just on the public stage, but in those private moments and how meaningful it was to me. And it was what I needed to continue going to give me the confidence to step up to that podium every day, which wasn't always easy. As you know, you did it a few times yourself and give it over to me. I think you just did it for it to spite me or a joke. No, I did it because we needed the expert. We walked away from me there. I was standing with with all of them out there, all of them. I wanted you to talk about the growthiest economy that we've ever had. See, I get points when I use that word with Larry. So I nobody else can sell the economy quite like you can explain it. But you talked growthiness last night. You laid down some very important markers. What you and other Republican governors have been doing during this dreary Biden time. Well, and because of the Biden administration's total failure on all of the big issues around not just the country, but around the world. It's largely fallen on Republican governors to step up and push back and lead where he hasn't, whether it's securing the board or cutting taxes, helping make sure that parents have opportunities when it comes to their kids' education. We have leaned in and now we're excited because we're going to have a great partner in the White House that's going to help us take things to the next level when Donald Trump gets reelected. You know, afterwards you were sitting next to him in the family box and so forth. I've spoken to him on the phone, but I have not actually been next to him and talked to him. How was he? How was he physically? How was he mentally? You know, what was the vibe there? Physically, certainly strong, still projecting the very Trumpian strength that you see all the time. But I certainly think there was a different look in his eye and a bit of a somber appreciation for stepping into this room. Certainly, I think anybody who was here and watched him come in for the first time to the convention floor on Monday night, there was definitely a different feel in something different in the air. Certainly, a tremendous amount of enthusiasm and excitement, but I think there was also just a gratefulness that he was okay, that you could feel in the room and a different type of celebration, not just a celebration on him returning to the White House, but a celebration of his actual life and him being okay. And it was a pretty surreal and powerful moment to see and be a part of. And I said it last night, I'll say it again a lot over the next couple months. I could not be more proud than I am right now to stand with this president and support him as he helps us take our country back. Yes, ma'am, terrific stuff, fabulous stuff. And I'm glad you got to sit next to him and the vibe was really good. But look at, whatever changes may be part of his psyche. He's not going to back off his policies. I mean, he gave an interview to Bloomberg and he knocked out, you know, lower interest rates, lower taxes, lower regulations, more drilling, more energy supply, close the border. He's not going to back off any of his principles. I don't think if anything, I honestly think he may be more emboldened. He feels like he has a license to deliver in a way that you don't always get. I mean, this is truly a second chance to come back into the White House, continue the good work he started in his first term. But he gets to do this knowing what a monumental moment it is for him to even be here. And I think it only emboldens him to deliver even bigger and more effectively than he did in the first term. I mean, if I may think about it as a person of faith and you are too, I think this act of God has given him a mission. I think so. People have to understand that. Sarah, am I wrong in my opening riff? This is the most united I've ever seen Republicans. Absolutely. And they usually quarrel and bicker and have power feuds and all the rest of it. I mean, you walk around. I've been walking around. I'm sure you have. There's like the vibe in the air is unbelievable. Here's how bad it is. People are taking selfies of me. What a waste of camera. I would take a selfie with you any day. It's a waste layer film for heaven. I think it's the best picture you can take. But it is the United Party, don't you think? It is. People are so excited for this ticket. And you contrast that with the Democrats. They don't even have their rank and file members supporting the sitting president of the United States. The drastic difference is so unreal and something that you've never seen before to have such little support for the incumbent and so much support energy excitement for this president. I think the matchup could not be better or more in favor of Donald Trump. I think he's going to wipe the floor with Biden in November. The spirit is with you. The spirit is with him. It is. I think you laid it out beautifully last night. Thank you. Kind of say it wasn't a good speech. It was a fabulous speech. Thank you, Larry. Saintly wife Judy and I watched it the whole time. Look at that smile as a million dollar smile. Thank you, Sarah Sanders. Thanks. People, you have to understand she's an old friend, press secretary when I was running the N.U.C. And I'm completely biased in her favor. You're wonderful to visit with us. All right, folks. Coming up here on Cutload, the Trump agenda is not inflationary, even though there's a little back talk going on Wall Street with the hedge funds like always. Anyway, we're going to talk about the economy. We have Senator Bill Hagerty and Steve Moore. Next up on Cutload, Sarah Sanders, the best of the best from Arkansas. This is awesome. Tell us what you're going to do for us today with us today. So basically, I just wanted to show you guys how to ride a skateboard correctly. I think that's the base level is put your feet in the right spot. Make sure you don't fall as every time you get on the board. So there's two stances to a skateboard. That was really good. That was amazing. There's riding stance and there's pushing stance. So pushing is how you get around on the skateboard. You push and then riding is riding the board. But you got a transition from the pushing to the right. So that's a problem. So and the key thing to do is quickly, a lot of people get really nervous and they spend a book and then you're spending a bunch of time on one foot. You want to just boom. Is everybody regular foot? So you're goofy. So this you go if you're right handed, your left foot goes right. There's actually no connection. Oh, sorry. Oh, well, he's done that. Yeah, you're doing perfect. He's got some skills. Yeah. Biggest competition. And then yeah, there you go. You turn your foot and you're doing it. And I would say the only thing is, if you start to feel like you're going to fall, bend your knees. Stay low and your knees. I'm Bill Mullugin. I'll be covering Democracy 24 on the campaign trail. Every four years, this country gets to argue and bicker with each other, but come together on one day and make a choice for the country. And regardless of where you stand on the political scale, we're lucky to be able to do that. I see a lot of those people coming across the border waving American flags because they want that. They're fleeing from countries that don't happen. And here we get a chance to make our voices heard. Where's the mechanic when you need one? Well, if it's Lee Skipper, he's back at the MDI workshop. While one of his fellow mechanics in the field adds Samantha's flat tire to their to-do list, Lee's tending to trucks in need of more serious repairs. In this case, faulty air brakes. We have an air leak up here at the front. It's definitely in the brake chamber. So get that swapped out and we'll be ready to go on this one. We've been mechanicing for about eight years. We've been working on garbage trucks for like four. It feels good being a mechanic for these trucks because without garbage trucks, naturally, we'd have garbage all over the street. Lee doesn't want that to happen any more than we do, but with another truck waiting for a new radiator and a shortage of helping hands in the shop, he's got a lot to do before quitting time comes. And that's if no drivers call him for help today. We normally get two calls a day, drivers call them, and we have two other mechanics. It's out today, so, you know, they're around other sites, so just me. So we're trying to hurry. Oh, we can. Whatever we're working on, whatever happens during the day, these trucks, they have to run the next day. You know, it ain't like we have a whole bunch of spares or extra trucks, you know, because they're very expensive. They're around 300,000 dollars. It's all done. Wherever you are, whenever you want it, Fox News Digital is the world according to Fox. The top headlines, other sites won't touch. Unmatched coverage, you won't get anywhere else, and the stories that keep America clicking. No one does it like Plus, download the Fox News app to get breaking news, alerts, and all your favorite shows on the go. And if you can't watch, listen to the Will Kane podcast on Fox News podcast. I'm Brett Baer. I'm Dana Perrino, and this is the Fox News rundown. Fox News Digital, the world according to Fox. Now, contrary to some back talk by certain traders and hedge funders, I don't believe the Donald Trump agenda is inflationary. We're talking about it with Tennessee Senator Bill Hagerty and Steve Moore, the Committee on Leash Prosperity Hotline, and hosted more money on W.A.B.C. radio. Steve inflationary. Now, there's no, here's the net. The latest spin is that J.D. Vance is going to pull Mr. Trump, I don't know, way towards protectionism and massive tariffs and slaughter the dollar, even though that's not Trump's policy. And in the platform, it says, keep the dollars the world's reserve currency. So J.D. Vance now, among all the Democrats on Wall Street, is now the villain for inflation and collapse of the dollar and the markets and whatnot. You have a feel for that. Would you like to respond to that? Yeah, by the way, Senator no shady bit of an idea, but I would say this, that I look at his voting record and he voted solidly conservative, you know, so I don't know where this is coming from. On this laughable claim by all these economists, all your former friends on Wall Street, they have been sober on me 25 years ago. But yeah, I know I'm teasing you. But it's unbelievable. I mean, let me just give you two quick statistics. Under Donald J. Trump and no small part because the policies you helped put in place, the average inflation rate, I think was slightly less than 2%, 1.95%, which is below the fed target for four years. And then Biden comes in his average, you know what his average inflation rate is over for you, 6.6%. Yeah. So how can somebody look at these two presidents records and say, Oh, Trump is the bigger risk, the same thing on the debt. They say he's going to raise the debt. The debt since Biden came into office over 10 years, is $7 trillion higher than it was if we had stuck with the Trump policies. Senator Harry, as somebody who was part of our trade cabal with China and the rest of it, when you were the ambassador to Japan and a damn fine one, I might add, the subject is tariffs. Okay. Now I'll go back, whatever, 29. I'll go back five, six, seven years. Certain newspapers that are usually conservative one against this, the Wall Street one against this, tariffs were supposedly horribly inflationary, recessionary, and evil. Okay. The last, but in fact, Trump fought unfair trading practices with China. Right. He alerted the world to the dangers of China, but in economic terms, nothing ever happened. Nothing bad ever happened. That's the part I don't understand. Stayed below 2% during the entire time. You know, they, they were, there was the cabal that predicted massive inflation. Yes. When the tariffs were imposed on China, the phase one trade deal that we negotiated very hard to put in place required us to get to a position of strength. And we did. Frankly, it helped us get the free trade agreement negotiated with Japan, which opened up major, major. Why don't they ever talk about that pre trade with Japan? And didn't we had a deal with South Korea? Not bad. We had a little son with Australia and we had USMCA. They forget to include that. Those are all quote, unquote free trade deals. They lowered trade barriers. Why didn't anybody ever talk about that? No, I think the reason they don't talk about it, because they were real wins. Bob Leinheiser would tell you that this is one of the best trade deals, the one between the United States and Japan that he's negotiated. Bob Leinheiser is the best trade attorney in the United States, if not the world. And he's been working at this since Reagan was in office. What we saw was, was a president and president Trump who came in and wanted to see reciprocal trade. He wanted to see the trade terms. Right. Restoprost. Absolutely. Restoprost was the, was the name of the game. And that, that means that connotes fairness. I think every, every, that resonates with every American that I know. Steve Moore, I'm reading the hotline this morning or yesterday. Joe Biden likes to brag about his jobs jobs for government. Yeah. Or government adjacent and healthcare and social assistance. All of them. Well, practically. And in fact, well, more than half of them. More than half of them. That's a lot of, I don't like to. By the way, under Trump, government employment actually fell, whereas you had a surge in the private sector. So my line on this, Larry, is yeah, Joe Biden's creating jobs, but in all the wrong places in the economy. We're, we're the manufacturing jobs. We're the construction jobs. We're the business services shop. We're a wholesaling drilling. You know, we had at our conference, Harold Ham today, he said we can produce four or five million more barrels a day. Just getting Biden out of office. Think about that. Harold Ham kind of the original king of fracking. Yep. I'm gonna call him the hold on. Marcellus Shale in North Dakota, which was the about back in Chicago, North Dakota. It was the godfather of the shale revolution. All right. Are they going to destroy the dollar? People say the JD Vance people, Wall Street. I hear this scuttlebutt. Look at them. I heard it last night. You had a hedge fund guy last night. I'm not going to mention names. Yeah. And he got up and he said this is what people are thinking. Yeah. JD Vance will destroy the dollar. What you think? No, Trump. I mean, we didn't have any inflation under under Trump. The dollar stayed strong and stable. It's right there on the platform. That we will preserve the dollar as the world reserve currency. That's what they want. It's right there. And and JD Vance, as vice president, will conform to Mr. Trump's views. That's what vice presidents do. Will they not bill targeting? Absolutely. The president's policies or the administration's policies and JD will be a strong player in the administration. But President Trump takes the lead. I think we all know that. Well, one more. One more. I hear Trump wants to extend the tax cuts, which will create massive deficits. And that will cause inflation. Oh, my goodness. We've seen this movie before in the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. He will stimulate capital investment. Our economy grew at twice the rate of any other world economy up until the pandemic hit us. It's going to increase tax receipts. It's going to make our economy grow. That's precisely what we do need. Come on. Remember, by the way, when they said that about Reagan, they said, Reagan's tax cuts will cause inflation. He came in office 11% inflation and he got down to three percent. He keeps paying. This is a 40 year old movie, but it's just a wonderful thing. Come on, Steve, the tax extensions will create a $5 trillion deficit and that's going to cause inflation and interest rates to blow sky high. Well, then how is it that we have the highest tax revenue receipts ever? Now, even after the Trump, how come it didn't happen in 2018 and 2019? Well, we had in 2018, 2019, we've had corporate, the corporate receipts of it is the perfect example of the Laffer curve. Lower rates, higher revenue. All right, Laffer. Boy, that's right. Lower rates, higher. When you drop tax rates, historically, drop the rate on taxation. Guess what? Inflation goes down. That's right. Not up. That is always true historically. That's why they call a supply side economist. Well, I increase the supply. Reduce more goods. That's counter inflationary center. Bill Hagerty, Steve Moore. Thank you, gentlemen. I heard our Laffer was great. Oh, you're sorry. Couldn't make it. Superstar. But he's pretty good too, this guy. Coming up here on Cutlow, Elon Musk and Friends are going to stop Zuckabox. Boy, is that something? We'll talk about it with Congresswoman Claudia Tenney and the great Molly Hemingway next up on Cutlow. The GOP's plan to make America strong once again. First at six, what needs to happen on Capitol Hill. Tom Emmer and Marcia Blackburn sound off on the bottom line. Then at seven, full floor coverage of the Republican National Convention featuring JD Vance's speech tonight on Fox Business. It has been a special day in Houston celebrating the fight against veteran homelessness. We're told by the government more than 30,000 homeless veterans now at anyone night in the US and one organization is doing their darnest to try and make that not so. Frank Siller with the Tunnel to Towers Foundation and one of his biggest supporters, somebody that a lot of people know. Yeah, I want to thank Dennis Quaid for coming here today. He lends his name and he has a great way to express everybody the importance to take care of these great heroes. So, you know, 161 homes here in this particular village for homeless veterans. We're doing it all over the United States. We need everyone to join us like you've been helping us for so many years. You know, the Fox great listeners of viewers have been building houses with the Tunnel to Towers for our catastrophically used service members. You were watching. So, we need to continue doing this and we need everyone doing $11 a month, What drew you to this particular foundation? Could you have supported a lot of things over the years, but not Willie Nilly? I was watching Fox and some of your first commercials came on and I did a little research and I said this is an organization I really want to be a part of because you could see right where your donations go and it's like a hands-on experience and also our veterans, our first responders from 9/11. These guys, they gave everything for us and there's the guys that are running in when everybody's running out and we need to support them. It's our duty to support these people. And the vision is to do this not just in Houston, but to do this all over the country. Yes, so we're blessed that we are buying these hotels all across America. We got a lot of land that's been donated to us and we built a lot of them for ground up. We built 500 square foot comfort homes, think of that. They have their own place and a lot of these guys are permanent housing and permanent housing is the big problem in America. So we're going to really eradicate homeless amongst the veterans. Bringing in the new oil well is essential to Cameron Energy's survival, but so too is ensuring that the 2,000 other wells on the property keep the oil flowing for the American public. And making sure that happens is up to well tenders like Brad Botten. So we've got a busy day today. I'm going to try and get as many wells pumped as we can and I'm pretty eager to get home because it is my son's birthday so we're going to get pumping. Across the U.S. wells like these extract more than 4,000 gallons of oil per second or about enough to fuel your average car for 10 years. But unlike larger operations which can pump oil around the clock the wells at Cameron Energy need to be routinely shut off to allow oil reservoirs to refill underground. Years of experience and a pretty strict schedule tell Brad when they're ready to be fired up again. I open up the production valve where the oil is going to come up the tubing. Pump jacks like this are the workhorses of the oil industry and their mechanics are ingeniously simple. A gas or electric motor powers the above ground assembly which connects to a rod running 2,000 feet down to the oil reservoir. There a pair of one-way valves work in tandem to pump oil up to the surface. And here in Pennsylvania that oil is one of a kind. So if you notice the yellow is tinting this oil you won't see it anywhere else in the world. This Pennsylvania crude oil is yellow because it's a paraffin based oil lightest, sweetest oil in the world. So I've got a bunch more to get to right now and we're going to get moving. The big money show on Fox Business. The American dream is there for the taking. We'll show you all the opportunities out there and help you see the big picture. The big money show on Fox Business invested in you. All right kind of a big headline today. We have some rock and roll music behind us. I hope you enjoy it as much as we will on set. But Silicon Valley is coming over to Trump. The headline was must turbo charge his Silicon Valley. But there was an even bigger headline yesterday. We'll get to it. Joining us now the great New York Congresswoman Claudia Tenny and Molly Hemingway editor-in-chief of the Federalist and Fox News contributor. You know, Molly, start with you. This is a great fun. The headlines in the journal last night was Elon Musk and a group $45 million a month for early balloting, harvesting, training, professionals, and Republicans to go to all the key counties in the key stage, essentially to fight soccer bucks. What do you make of that story? It's a really smart way to deploy resources if they want to win in November. It's not just about money for ads or for the traditional way that Republicans have engaged in elections. What we know now after 2020 is that the way elections are won are by harvesting ballots, getting them in early, working on all of the legal challenges, making sure that the elections are secure. So if you actually want to win, focusing on getting those ballots into the ballot box is smart. So it's not totally surprising that tech bros who kind of require success in their job to be doing all these tech guys coming together. You were one of the first, maybe the first in your book to write about the 2020 election and the impact of Zuckerberg's, and it took a while to persuade President Trump. I mean, it took basically four years to persuade him that your argument was correct. So you get a lot of kudos for that. Now Claudia Tenney, this could work in New York. This could work all over the country. These are resources. The GOP has never really had. I mean, it's an effort, electioneering effort before election day. So this is a bit of history in the making for Republicans. It is critically important, Larry. We can talk about issues all day. We can talk about personalities Trump versus Biden, Kamala Harris versus JD Vance. It's all going to come down to who can get the most ballots in the box, because once that ballots in the box, you can't reverse it. And the Democrats have undermined our democratic process and undermined our democracy all the time by doing this, by vote harvesting in many ways illegal. And on top of the Zuckerberg's issue, they have tasked under executive order of 14019. They have tasked all federal agencies to go out and get ballot harvesting and get Democrats in because they don't have the Zuckerberg's money anymore. This is what the Democrat or the Republicans are combating. And I'm so grateful that they're doing it. Molly's book's amazing. It's still really important reading for anyone who cares about elections. And after what I went through in 2020, we need to win this election. We need to not let the Democrats cheat. It's basically it. I mean, this is a fight against Zuckerberg's. Musk and never putting up a lot of money. This should bear results. I mean, I think 2022 Republicans were out jocked again with respect to you go ahead. But early early mail in balloting and harvesting, I think it hurt the GOP Senate races in 2022. Well, and what 2022 showed us, you know, there were all these polls showing that there was a wellspring of support for the Republican Party. And those polls were actually right. What Democrats did that was so smart, though, is they targeted key races in certain districts in the in for the House and in certain Senate races to make sure that they achieved the results they wanted. They just pout they put the money where it actually mattered. We're doing some of those tricks with ballot harvesting, with ballot trafficking, with other, you know, shenanigans. They were able to achieve results well beyond what you would get if it were a normal election, like the kind that we'd had in previous. Yeah, I mean, this is just as important as tax cuts, which is saying a lot for me, you know, I want to grow through your platform. Claudia Tenney, at least a fanic set in this very chair and told me that the Republicans, Mr. Trump could actually carry the state of, wait for it, New York, at least a fanic. Okay. She's a friend of yours, friend of mine, very smart lady. She thinks you're going to carry New York. Is that possible? Seriously? Yes, it is possible. And I think my theme of the election and my theme of this, this particular convention is to make voting great again. And if we do that, and if we turn, I turn my district into what was a Trump plus 17 into a 10 plus almost 34, we need to turn New York into what was a Lee Zeldin almost there to a Trump victory. And it can be done. We just have to make sure we're on top of this issue. We're getting out there what the what the what the RNC is doing here at this convention, bringing out these everyday Americans expanding our base, getting these great people out there to get them to believe that we are going to be more prosperous under Trump. We can do it. Some of those women last night were amazing. We were watching it terrific. And I got to show you this. I don't know. You really can't see it on the screen. It says Trump, Tenny, I'm just starting rumors. It could be Donald Trump Jr. and Claudia Tenny in the next 10 years. Who knows? Congresswoman Claudia Tenny and Molly Hemingway. Thank you very much for coming on. All right, folks, let's go straight to Fox News, Jackie Heinrich with the latest on the Biden rebellion. If I can hear Jackie, I'm going to try to hear you the best I can. Fire away, please. Well, Larry, with the calls for Biden to be replaced on the ticket, not entirely stamped out, we're now seeing a renewed push for him to energize his base. Reportedly, getting ready to announce big changes to the Supreme Court in legislative proposals to impose term limits on justices and also an enforceable ethics code. He reportedly previewed this change in a call with House Progressives this weekend, one of at least four calls that he made to Key Caucus groups after Hakeem Jeffries met with him at the White House on Thursday to share his members' deep concerns that perhaps his candidacy was going to not just tank the White House, but also tank majorities for Democrats in the House and in the Senate. Also, the public calls for a leadership change renewed today with Congressman Adam Schiff adding his name to that list she he is a close ally of Nancy Pelosi and calling on Biden to publicly drop was followed by quick confirmations that Schumer and Jeffries had also been pushing the DNC to end any effort to give Biden the nomination early with an early roll call vote this month. Now it is unclear what is driving this conversation to resume after it somewhat died down this weekend, but last week the Biden Harris campaign reportedly started testing Kamala's strength in a head-to-head match up with Trump and voter concerns about the president's candidacy are still very widespread. There's a new AP poll today showing that 65% of Democrats believe that Biden should withdraw. The same poll showed 58% of Democrats think that Kamala Harris would be a good president along with 20% of independence and Harris just said this on the campaign trail. Listen, it was a heinous horrible and cowardly act my husband Doug and I are thankful he was not seriously injured that day no one should have to fear for the safety of a loved one because they serve in public office the hallmark of any democracy is a strong competition of ideas policies and a vision for the future and just as we must reject political violence we must also embrace a robust discussion about what is at stake in this election. So that was Kamala Harris with some well wishes for Trump trying to navigate sort of the new messaging after the attempt on his life we're going to hear from president Biden again later on this hour addressing a civil rights crowd in Las Vegas Larry. Jackie Henry thank you ever so much we appreciate it. All right joining us now wow this is a good one. Brian Kilmeade co-host of Fox and Friends and Host of One Nation and if that weren't enough Lawrence Jones co-host of Fox and Friends fellas thank you for this the rock music stopped in your honor. I want to play some sound from Nikki Haley in the convention last night take a listen please. I'll start by making one thing perfectly clear. Donald Trump has my strong endorsement period. All right that's a big statement and it was greeted by big cheers Lawrence Jones. In the past many conventions that I've been to it was the Republicans at each other's throats plotting and scheming and feuding and the Democrats completely united with the machinery. This year you saw today Adam Schiff comes out you got a hundred others 200 others anonymously attacking Joe Biden the Democrats are the divided party and I want to get you guys take on this set because this is a complete role reversal. What do you think? Well I think the difference between the Republicans and the Democrats the Republicans always follow the will of the voter even if the establishment or the more moderate members may disagree with them and I think whether it was the prosecutions against Donald Trump all the way down to the assassination attempt against the former president which he predicted it all. He said they were going to go after him when it came to the court system and he also said that they would try to kill him. That is now true and I think even the people that don't agree with him on everything as Nikki Haley said are now forced to support him because that is the will of the voters. Remember the voters rejected Joe Biden many of them 70% said they wanted a new candidate. The Democrats said no we're not going to do a primary process and now they have the mess on their hands. Using Lawrence's logic are the Republicans picking up the sentiment of the voters this year right now. Well I refuse to use Lawrence's logic and for you to make you have to deal with Lawrence in the morning. I stopped the rock music for you. That is Brian's a matter of friendship. That is Brian Kelly one half before the Georgia line very patriotic so and we'll go over that later. A couple of things I agree with Lawrence's logic they are building I've never seen anything like it. I've known have your experience but I've never seen it coming together like this in 2016 it was a circus. That's right. Absolute circus. They're like this guy's not going to be the party hated him right virtually but there's two things that happen one I got to give the vice president credit she tweeted out she tried to call JD Vance to congratulate him and then what she just said right now is Joe Biden struggling to say that. It's terrible. If my heart goes out to him we should just be competing. I thought she was right on the money and I think Nikki Haley this is why I love the sound bite you picked out because Nikki Haley is the most vulnerable foe that he faced. He had no offense to Governor DeSantis. She did she did have the toughest comments and she said read basically read my lips. I'm all in if you like me and you care what I think I'm telling you to vote for him. She already said even if you don't invite me take my delegates I think that shows you beat me. We'll hug it out. We don't this and also she said something that's okay. Republicans are not going to win this election. If you don't win over more than just our party meaning her party then you will we will not win. I want to if just because you don't agree on everything with Donald Trump doesn't mean you didn't vote for this very important moment. It was a very very important moment in a in a unifying convention. Lawrence we're just about time but I just want to ask you Biden is interviewed by Lester Holt. All right. Lester Holt's a pretty smart fellow. I used to work in the NBC world. Biden was back to his old tricks attacking Trump and the line and saying he was a threat to democracy all over again. In other words you're right. You're right. Kamala Harris was gracious. Classy. You're correct. Biden doesn't have a gracious bone in his body. 30 seconds. You know my grandmother used to always say take everybody's apology but watch what they do afterwards. Yes. And I think that's what you're seeing with the current president. Yes. He says unity but in attacks. He's still using the same hoax of Charlottesville saying good people on both side. That's a lie has been debunked and he said that's the reason why he ran. That was a lie so he should withdraw from the rate. Yeah yeah withdraw from the race and 300 congressmen already opposed to him Brian kill me and Lawrence Jones. Thank you gentlemen. Great to eat it. Very much for helping out coming up next Joe Biden's open border catastrophe. Killing innocent Americans destroying our national security policy. We've got congress and Wesley Hunt and former DNI head of intelligence John Ratcliffe. What do you want that? Good spoke. I'm cut low. Not a spoke. We'll be right back. I try to bring a positive perspective. People may call that naive but I've got a pretty good track record. Kofuto coast to coast on Fox Business invested in you. When I was younger I saw pictures of Yellowstone and and I thought could there be a place like this in the world. Where this rivers cut through these mountains that were so high. The animals you could see them by the thousands. I remember when I got my first glimpse of the mountains. I had to take a breath. I began to understand what was so special about it. And when I read what it took for Yellowstone to be here so that we could all enjoy it. I realized that this was a story that I suddenly wanted to share. I think everyone in their life at some point thinks I want to change the world. But it's rare to actually come across a true story of people who did. So as a time in America where all people cared about was what they could extract from the land when they could get out of there. With these pioneers they came up with an entirely new idea. A new way of finding value in the land. I want to see what they saw. I want to see what changed them. [Music] In Oregon's Willamette Valley, row after row of blooming blueberry bushes stretch underneath a cloud filled sky at AC Foods Halsfairy Farm. We draw the best blueberries in the world here from my humble opinion. It's a beautiful piece of land and right now it's doing more than just growing berries. We really see these farms as you know living organisms. And that mindset is creating some buzz. It's very inspiring. Now bees are a crucial step in the process that turns these flowers into the berries that we all enjoy at home. A lot of farms use honeybees like these trucked in to pollinate their crops. But this farm here is planting native vegetation like these rose bushes to encourage bumblebees to fly onto the scene. Pollinators are incredibly important not only to our food systems but to our terrestrial ecosystems. And while the honeybees AC Foods truck in are good pollinators they aren't native like the big black and yellow bumblebees. And those bees are in trouble. Here in the US we have about 3,600 species of native bees. And somewhere around a quarter of those are facing extinction. The Xerces Society says climate change pesticide use and habitat loss have all led to the decline. But for the past five years the Xerces Society has established the Be Better Certification Program with farms helping ones like this establish areas that encourage native bee populations to blossom. If we do the things that we know can help these populations rebound I really do have hope for the future. Since AC Foods planted the habitat bumblebee populations here appear to be rebounding. You know you can feel it in the field here. You can feel that how that balance of sustainability makes you feel. And the bumblebees have been doing their part too pollinating the blueberries along with their honeybee cousins. It's both the right thing to do from a sustainability perspective as well as the profitable thing to do. Making an unlikely partnership you have to see to be leave in Independence Oregon. Max Gordon, Fox Weather. This was not an overdose. It was poisoning. Joe Biden does nothing. I hold Joe Biden. Mala Harris, the borders are what a joke. And Gavin Newsom and every Democrat who supports open borders responsible for the death of my son. There's a heartbreaking heartbreaking talk from that great lady from California. Joining us now, Texas Congressman Wesley Hunt and John Radcliffe, former director of National Intelligence. Wesley, this border has so many. I mean this border is ending national security, crime, ending public safety, killing kids, fentanyl. What in the world comes to your mind when you hear that kind of thing? Well during that speech I was sitting right next to President Trump and I was looking at his face and he was locked in on everything that he was saying and he heard her loud and clear what's happening in Texas is a complete disaster. We've had over 11 people in this country illegally. Enough fentanyl has poured this country to kill every American six times. The cartels are running out of order. This is insanity and its open border policy has made every single state a border state and in Texas we are feeling the brunt of it. And that's why President Trump is going to win in November. That's the number one issue is our southern border. It has got to be fixed. We have got to stop this madness. I think it may wind up being the number one issue. I know the economy and inflation but this may be the number one. John Radcliffe, this is no way to run national security policy. You basically have a flood of people coming across the border. You know talk about Iranians trying to assassinate Donald Trump. This has been going on for three and a half years. Yeah well Larry to the border issue you know the reason we have a federal government tells us you know the preamble to the Constitution provide for the common defense. You know secure the sovereignty and integrity of our territorial borders. So one thing the federal government's supposed to do and I was fortunate like you were to be there for the side-by-side comparison. Our last year with President Trump in 2020 we had 400,000 people come across the border. Last year Joe Biden had three million come illegally into this country. Our last year we had 342 Chinese nationals accounted at the border. Last year Joe Biden had 24,000. It's been a colossal absolute you know disaster. Just like everything else Joe Biden has done from a foreign policy standpoint and you know you talk about you know the Iranians and an assassination attempt and that intelligence really what that underscores Larry is that our adversaries are salivating at the idea of having Joe Biden for four more years. They fear President Trump coming back. They fear what he's going to do to them because they know what he has already done to them. I know and last 30 seconds I'm sorry we're always short. These people coming across the border John Rocklet described are not our best friends. They are not sitting there best and brightest and again as a West Point guy and a former Patrick pilot I fought to make sure that we have a sovereign border and to keep these bad guys away from our country and from our fellow Americans. I was at West Point when I live and happen we cannot allow another 9/11 happen in this country against her. Thanks to both of you Trips Up Wesley Hunt and John Radcliffe your terrific. Thank you. I'll be right back to the land. There's renewed anticipation that the Federal Reserve could be cutting interest rates after retail sales came in flat for June. Retail sales for May were revised higher up three-tenths of a percent. Excluding auto sales were up four-tenths of a percent last month. It's proving that somehow the consumers still has checks and they still have credit cards. I don't think they have any cash but they're still spending number one. For the year ending in June retail sales are up 2.3%. There's another sign that demand for luxury goods is softening especially in China. Hugo Boss is lowering its forecast after sales declined 1% in the recent quarter both Burberry and Watchmaker Swatch also are expressing concern. Luxury giant LVMH whose brands include Blue Vuitton, Bulgari, Fendi, Dior and more reports its earnings next week. Traveling to Europe this summer make sure you're not going to a city where Taylor Swift is performing. Research from co-star says hotel room prices are up as much as 40% around and during Swift's concerts. Travelers to Europe have been working around the show switching to different cities because of the popular tour which has pushed up some rooms to $600 a night. That's a look at business in New York. I'm Lydia Hu. So if any American knows Putin it is Condoleeza Rice. She was the first woman national security adviser is the first and only black female secretary of state and at one point she was named one of the most powerful women in the world. Dr. Rice is used to breaking the glass ceiling and I sat down with her to learn why advocating for women is one of her greatest accomplishments. It all goes back to John and Angelina Rice. Rice learned the trademarks of leadership from her parents as a black girl living in the segregated south. They didn't say it's sad that you have to be twice as good. They just said you have to be twice as good. They said there are no victims. The music major at University of Denver found her real passion in Soviet studies and became a Soviet specialist which took her to the White House and all over the world. One of Rice's greatest passions was helping women, especially those in Afghanistan. Even after US troops left last summer and the Taliban took over, Rice never forgot their plight. We have to keep them in the top of our mind. We should give no legitimacy to a government that will not educate women. While women fight to be educated thousands of miles away, parents here at home are fighting to have a say in what their children are taught. We have a terrible history. We have this birth-effective slavery. Everybody understands that. But when it turns to I'm now going to teach this in a way that makes you a nine-year-old feel guilty for what your ancestors, many generations, removed, did. Do we really want that for our children? And as we celebrate the successes of women like Condoleezza Rice, her advice to other women is simple. Find something that you're passionate about and work hard to make sure you're making a difference from that perspective. If you are in Israel, thank you for watching on Self-Com. For the very latest headlines, check out and In business, you need to stay a step ahead. Your top stories right now. It won't go up. Okay. So download the free Fox Business app. Just scan the code on your screen. You got the NASF moving ahead comfortably. Put the markets at your fingertips. Get the latest from Wall Street to Washington with the inside investors need. So here's the good news, folks. Let's take a quick look at the markets. The Fox Business app makes it easy to be in the know wherever you go. Scan right down to it. Download the Fox Business app from your app store or scan the QR code on screen now. My last word, it's real simple. 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