
Kudlow 07-15-2024

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15 Jul 2024
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Kudlow 07-15-2024

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We are live at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. You may hear it over my shoulder. It's been fabulous and great fun. We've got breaking news. President Trump has picked Senator J.D. Vance of Ohio as his running mate. And also, Mr. Trump has won the Republican nomination for president. We just heard the count here on the floor. We've got the great Senator Tommy Teverville on that and much more in just a few moments. But first up, Fox News, Mark Meredith, standing by with the details. Mark, you've got a lot of news today. What's cooking? Larry, you're right. The convention is just getting started, but no shortage of headlines at this hour. The first one being, of course, that former president Trump has selected his running mate, the 39-year-old junior senator of Ohio, J.D. Vance. He was an Iraq war veteran, also a graduate of Yale, as well as Ohio State. And he had been on the short list for this VP contender spot for quite a while, along with him, as well as Senator Marco Rubio of Florida and Doug Bergam, the governor of North Dakota. What was most fascinating about this, Larry, is how quickly this came to fruition as we got closer and closer to the roll call vote of the convention. There was a lot of speculation that we were going to find out together just as the convention was happening. And then word started to trickle out little by little about who was getting the no calls, who was not going to be the official candidate. But it was the former president himself who made the announcement on TruthSocial, his social media platform, saying that he was going to pick J.D. Vance. And, well, again, this is not necessarily a surprise because of the short list of who's on there. It is interesting how well they were able to keep this a secret. That is no longer the case. In fact, the Trump campaign is ready to put this out front and center. They have already blasted out new emails to donors, making it clear they see the Trump Vance ticket as a sign of strength going forward. Vance, of course, in Ohio, not up for re-election any time soon. He just got into the Senate back in 22. So his seat is going to be safe regardless of what happens in November. And Ohio has been trending so red these last couple of years. So this is certainly not a seat that is going to be up for grabs in the fall for at least Republicans in this case. Now, let's talk about what's going to happen next with the convention. The former president, he is in Milwaukee. We're waiting to get an idea of when we'll actually see him address the delegates. Perhaps it's a wave, I remember eight years ago he came out on the first night just to say, you know, a quick hello. It wasn't a speech. It wasn't anything formal just to try to build up some of that momentum for the first, for the big event, which of course will be on Thursday evening. Today, though, the convention is going to be focused on a few issues specific when it comes to the economy, how they believe that they can make America wealthy. Again, talking about how to bring home prices down, what they can do to ensure that the stock market, even just closing out records, would be able to continue from this. But we also will likely hear about what they believe they can offer going forward. And Larry, it's no surprise, of course, it's the events from Saturday that have also hung over this entire convention. I've talked to a number of folks here who said that they absolutely felt like this created a new meaning and new interest in what was going to be happening here. The former president himself has even said it's changed how he's going to address the delegates and the country that he's going to be talking more about unity. And that's what we'll wait to see whether or not how much the message has changed from what we've gotten used to in the Trump stump speech these last couple of months. But the Republican convention, Larry, underway, and you can bet there's going to be a lot of focus not only on Trump, but now JD Vance, who was once a vocal Trump critic. And now the running mate to be potentially the next vice president of the United States. Larry. And Mark, as we listen to this great rock and roll music, which is probably not my favorite, actually, I just want to ask you a huge decision in the Florida court in South Florida on the documents case. Really an incredible decision coming after the assassination attempt on Saturday of June, Mr. Trump has lived. What can you tell us about that decision? Because that is a game changer. Larry, you're right. This was on nobody. It is a game changer and it was on nobody's bingo card, but it was an announcement today down in South Florida by Judge Eileen Cannon that says that she believes that the special counsel, Jack Smith, should never have been able to bring this case because she believes in her view that he was not legally appointed to this job. So she essentially is saying that that case is null and void. That is the case that Trump was accused along with some of his aides of illegally holding on to documents and then not giving him back to the government. Now, there is the idea that this is going to be appealed. The special counsel has certainly put a lot of effort into this. So it's gone for now, but certainly not forgotten. And of course, things could change depending on who wins the election. But you're right, Larry. Who would have thought that would be page three of the news today, and it is a monumental decision coming out of that federal court down in Florida. All right. Thank you very much. Mark Meredith. We appreciate it. And I want to dance into this rock music. It's really unbelievable. All right, folks, moving right along, saved by the grace of God. And that's the subject of the rift. And I'm going to quote directly here. I was saved by the grace of God. That's what former President Donald Trump said as he recovered from an assassin's bullet that providentially just grazed his ear. Mr. Trump added, let me quote, "It was God alone that prevented the unthinkable from happening." Now, for those of us who work for Donald Trump and have come to know him as a personal friend, you can imagine what a shocking event this was. And frankly, I'm still in something of a state of shock about my dear friend Donald Trump. As a person of faith, however, I do believe the Lord watches over us every day. Over four decades ago, as a young man, I was sitting in my office in the old executive office building as assistant director of the Office of Management and Budget. When Ronald Reagan was shot in downtown Washington, D.C., we found out later that President Reagan was very nearly killed. And as we watched in horror this past Saturday night, Donald Trump's life was saved by a millimeter, just like President Reagan's was. Mr. Reagan went on to become one of America's greatest presidents, and I believe Mr. Trump is headed for a second term, and will join the list of America's very greatest presidents. He has already told us that success is the best revenge, and success will bring unity to the entire country. Let me add one more point here. My friend Bill Barr, who was twice the Attorney General in the U.S., has said, and I'm going to quote, "The Democrats have to stop their grossly irresponsible talk about Trump being an existential threat to democracy. He is not." And Mr. Barr also talked about this on Fox News last night. Please take a listen. You can attack your adversaries. You can attack their character and their policies and so forth. But they demonized him, William Adolf Hitler, a racist, and a fascist and so forth. It's ridiculous. He's not the threat to democracy that they're portrayed. Mr. Trump is no threat to democracy, and he never was. Democrats have unfortunately called him every name in the book, tried unsuccessfully to convict him of fake charges of impeachment, and they were stopped. Last year, they launched an incredible lawfare campaign against him, and that campaign has completely fallen apart with a Supreme Court decision providing Mr. Trump immunity for his official acts. And today, a straight thinking judge in South Florida dismissed the classified documents case and charged the special counsel, Jack Smith, was unconstitutionally appointed to get Trump. I say it is high time that Joe Biden and the Democrats stop all this nonsense. Meanwhile, Mr. Trump is the man of exceptional strength and leadership and vision, and he has incredibly brushed off all these attacks, and that brings me to the GOP convention tonight, whose theme is "Make America Wealthy" once again. Mr. Trump has written the "growthiest platform" since Ronald Reagan 44 years ago, and dedicated it to the forgotten men and women of America. He intends to cut taxes, slash regulations, secure fair trade deals, drill baby drill to reduce energy costs, and keep the dollar as the world's reserve currency, what I call "King Dollar." This means he will end Joe Biden's 20 percent increase in the cost of living. It means that he will give old-fashioned middle-class working folks a pay raise, as he did as president, giving them a take-home pay raise of nearly $6,000, rather than the $2,000 Joe Biden pay cut. Trump's "growthy platform" combined with his pledge to close the border and stop the crime wave will make America strong again. And when America is strong at home, it will once again be strong abroad. In the New Testament, the Lord said, "Go, thy way, for he is a chosen vessel unto me." After the tumultuous events of recent days, I can't think of a better way to end this rift than by citing the Lord, his providential wisdom, and renewing our faith in American abundance. And that is my rift. All right. Joining me now is the great Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville and dear friend. I'm sorry for all the rock and roll music. It sounds like me standing on the sideline in front of 100,000 people there. That's very good. I couldn't have done that. It's hard to think. Yes, you could. You could have done it. I just want to ask you a begin. This whole story is providential by the grace of God. And I think that, you know, as I said at the end of this rift, God's chosen person. What do you make of this Senator Tuberville? You know, I talked to presidents morning about seven o'clock, seven fifteen. He was still up. You know, he's one of those. You know, it doesn't sleep very much. I know. A couple hours a night. You could tell it was a little different. You know, as a coach, it was close. I said, "Yes, sir. I know it was." But I saw it on television. I got emotional. I'm thinking, and you think the worst, unfortunately. But he told me, you know, he lost part of his ear. You know, it was, he can't come any closer without having massive damage. So he knows by the grace of God, if you said, that he's with us today. And so we're thankful for that. He's through it. And I think it brought something to him, you know, a little bit more energy, positive side. He sees the good side of the country. He's always done that. But he sees the good side of the country, I think, even a little more. You know, I saw it over 40 years ago with Reagan, who was hit. Reagan was hitting the chest. We learned later he was very close to death. Like Trump, in a way, was millimeters and inches. It changed Reagan. And Reagan went for unity. Reagan decided he ought to negotiate for Soviet communism and world peace. He didn't give up his principles, but it affected him. I have not had a chance to talk to the president. I did talk to Jared Kushner, son of law, as a dear friend. But I think it may change, Mr. Trump. And it is reported that he has rewritten his platform speech. Unity, you know, success and unity is the best revenge. I think he knows that. He started that team. We'll probably hear more of that. Oh, yeah. I hope he shows up today. There's a chance I think he might be here today. But, you know, people that don't know President Trump like you and I, he's a very compassionate person. He cares a lot about other people. You know, he taught more about the person that got killed behind him and the people that were injured. He did himself. And people need to understand that there were collateral damage there. I mean, and that can really take the wind out of you too. You know, it was meant for you, but somebody else took the blow there. But he's handled it like he should, you know, again, and very compassionate. But I'm anxious to see how he handles it for the next few weeks because I can't imagine, you know, a bullet going beside my head, you know, and knowing that he could have gone either way. One of the news reports was he was playing some golf today. I can't confirm that. But that's one of the news reports. Senator Bill Lasker, quickly, JD Vance going to be the vice presidential nominee. What's the thing? Good friend. Yeah. President and I talked about it this morning. He had four or five good people. We've got a very deep bench, Larry, a very deep bench and a lot of young guys. JD's a young guy. I've only known him for a year and a half now being in the Senate. We're going to miss him. We're going to miss him in the Senate. He and I have been in the trenches together. He works very hard. He's a hard worker like President Trump. But he thinks a lot like President Trump. And so I think it's a very good pick. I don't think anybody picks really going to help President Trump in terms of the election. He's going to get his votes. But I think for the future of our country, JD is a young star on the rise. How about today, you know, the theme tonight. I mean, it's easy to look, but I don't want to overlook it. The theme is wealth and the economy. I call it American abundance, which I think is the story of this country in the main. Trump's platform was the growthiest I've seen since Reagan. What should make of that? Exactly. You know, right now, this Democratic administration is printing $80,000 a second. Wow. And that's how they're pumping up the economy. President Trump's always told me, coach, the only way we can pay down our debt, the only way we can pay it down is grow this country. We've got to bring more manufacturing in, more people make more money, pay more taxes that way. And there's no other way. We can try to trick everybody about how this is going to happen and bring this debt down like it's got to. But at the end of the day, our country's got to start growing again. The difference between growthy on the Trump side, which will give a pay raise, take on pay increase to middle-class working folks, and Joe Biden's Bernie Sanders socialism on the other side, which has given people a pay cut and a 20% increase in the cost of living, the difference couldn't be greater. Oh, yeah, Larry, since World War II, this country was built on hard work of the American people, your grandfather and five miles, but it was done with cheap energy. We can't have $80, $90 barrel oil. We can't do it. We can't build it back. We've got to have cheap energy. We've got to forget this foolishness about EV. Now, hey, if you want an EV car, fine, but all in gas is a future for this country. No subsidies to EV. Let you want an EV? You're right. Fine. Uncle Sam, why do middle-class folks have to subsidize EVs for rich folks? Yeah, don't tell people what to do. Give them an option, but we've got to have cheap oil and gas. You've been in the Senate how long? This is my fourth year. You have become a great leader in the Senate. You know that. You have become a great leader in the Senate. In fact, when you spoke for the Alabama delegation, you almost could have heard a pin drop. People want to hear everything you said. Well, I can't say it's fun, Larry. I enjoy the competition, but I just want more and more people to understand there's no other country. We have no other place to go. We've got to save this country. There's no other country we can run to and say, "This is where we want to go. This is our country. This is where we want to be." And American people have to stand up in November and say, "Enough's enough. Let's go back to our Constitution and start believing in American workers." Yes, sir. Grace of God, Tommy Tuberville, I just want to say that you have been a great friend of this show and you have been a great personal friend to me and you are a mentor to almost everybody that knows you. Once again, Senator Tommy Tuberville, thank you, Larry. Folks, coming up, we will continue our live coverage here at the Republican National Convention. We'll be joined by Congressman Byron Donalds and Senator John Cornyn when Cutlow returns with rock music in the background. It's one of the biggest things to hit the lifestyle business since Martha Stewart, who we all love and think is amazing. Tegan Girard started cooking for her family of nine when she was just a young kid. She was like 11. Now she has assists from her mom and dad in the business. They're helping her with the business and she oversees an enormous daily enterprise from their farm in Colorado. She posts new recipes every single day and her following includes movie stars like Reese Witherspoon and Blake Lively. She joined me for an interview right there on the set, so here's a piece of it. I'm always in a very creative person. I've always wanted to use my hands. Can't release it still. He talks to me. I'm fidgeting. I'm all the things. And so that was just a way for me and I didn't really realize it at the time to just do something creative and use my hands and like, you know, I wasn't the kid that was sitting watching TV for hours and hours after school. I wasn't the kid doing my homework either, but I did my homework. I got good grades, but like I didn't like it. And so yeah, that was just what I did. So how did you get from that to I'm going to photograph? You do just so everyone knows she does everything. She photographs these amazing recipes. You put together the books, you do the blogs, you post a new recipe on Instagram every day since 2012. I don't know how you find the time in one day to do what you do. Well, I think some people would say the same about you. Well, maybe. But how do you how did you get from wanting to cook for the family to wanting to start this business? Yeah, it was my mom really that was like, why don't you just start a food blog? And I'm like, well, okay, like what else am I doing? And we started it together and literally just I never looked back from the day that I posted that first post. It's really been. You know, there's a lot of people who are food bloggers and who kind of we're going down the road. You're going down. But they are not like you. You are a huge talent and you run in a very large business at this point. Thank you. Yeah. Well, I wouldn't I don't like to call myself a food blogger business post and entrepreneur for sure. Like, yeah, I mean, I I I do things at a different speed maybe and I put a lot of work into the things that I do. I love what I do. I love sharing happy things with the world because the world is a little bit of a downer place sometimes. And I like to be that bright spot for people. I get so many people that come to me and say, thank you for being my, you know, wind down at the end of the day. Thank you for being my happy place on the Internet. Thank you for all of these things. And it's it's a really great thing to do. And like, I love to be that space for them. And I love to provide them with fun, happy, joyful content. Now you're 30. What has this transformation been like to be, you know, in Colorado cooking for your family and then to be this this huge famous person? Well, I don't I don't consider myself famous at all. It was a very, very natural slow build. So like, nothing really was ever like this. Oh, my God. Like, I've made it. I don't think I'd ever think I've made it because I'm just the type of person that like, there's always something a little bit more that I want to be doing, you know. And so it was very, very organic, our growth. It was slow and steady, which I think has really been key to creating a really loyal, loving community that supports and, you know, buys product and buys books and is excited to see what I'm doing next. If you're in Israel, thanks for watching Fox on partner for the latest headlines. Check out Fox Business dot com and Fox News dot com. Nobody. The consumer is strong. The balance sheets are strong. Free you America's business news. There's so much going on. And what it means for you. We want to get some breaking news to you right now, Fox Business Alert. Like Fox Business, keeping you ahead of the curve. All the insiders selling by some of the richest people on earth with insight into the impact of US and global markets. That's where the recipe for inflation comes from the people you can trust. That's absent. Fox Business America's business network. All right. Everybody join me now is Florida Congressman Byron Donald's and Texas Senator John Cornyn and a fabulous band. I'm not quite sure who they are, but we're all dancing to it. Before, gentlemen, thank you ever so much. JD Vance Byron Donald's JD Vance, which is a big take by the president. JD is an American patriot. He served his country. He's worked in the business arena. He's a father. He's grappling with the issue. So many young families in America are having to deal with. Great pick by the president. We are going to make sure they come with. They go in there victorious this November. Senator Cornyn hasn't got to play in Texas and New Mexico and those south-western states. Well, I think JD is going to represent the next generation of political leaders. Now, I think the president was wise to fix somebody that went that generational thread that showed the kids. But believe it or not, JD was a law court for me on the judge. Oh, I know that. Well, you were holding that back. But he was in Yale Law School and he worked for me for me for me. How was he? That was before he was famous. He was great. But that was before he was famous, before he got to the Senate. So I couldn't be more excited for him for the ticket and for a Republican. People say he's a hard worker. He is. Smart guys. Incredibly well spoken. And I think they'll do a good job in the campaign leading up to November. Barrett, I'm not a lawyer, he's the only lawyer here. But this decision in South Florida by Judge Eileen Cannon, essentially saying that Special Council, Jack Smith, is unconstitutional period full stop. Does this end the law fair? Does this end the whole law fair attack? That plus the Supreme Court decision? I definitely think it does because even at a minimum, it's going to stop Jack Smith and the Justice Department on their current approach in this entire situation. And especially now with the country moving focus from all the the meandering politics and the backbiting to what's important for the American people going forward. This convention is shifting the focus of our country to being a united America, to being one America. So I think the law fair is coming to an end and quite frankly, it never should have started to begin with the case never made any sense. Larry, look, I'm not an attorney, but I can read federal law. Presidents have a responsibility to go through their records over a five-year period and negotiate with the National Archives. This version of the National Archives, for whatever reason, short-circuit in that process, we never should have even been here. Senator Cornett, I know you are a lawyer, but I want to ask you, I am waiting for Joe Biden. You did not say it last night, and the Democrats to stop to say they're going to stop calling Donald Trump an existential threat to democracy, which is so inflammatory and so hostile. I'm waiting for that. Well, the president spoke last night that he wanted to tone the rhetoric down. Yeah. He could start my look at it in the mirror, because I do think there are weak minds, susceptible people who listen to this inflammatory rhetoric suggesting that Donald Trump is going to be the end of democracy. What's going to end democracy is undermining these institutions like the FBI, the Department of Justice, and the court system for political purposes. I hope this is the beginning of the end. Byron, Trump's platform, tonight is about wealth and the economy. Trump's platform is the wealthiest platform since Ronald Reagan 44 years ago. Cross the board, tax cuts, deregulation, drill baby drill, keep the U.S. all the world's reserve currency, as well as closing the border and stopping the crime wave and a greater America-first presence overseas. What do you make about this? This would be a big turnaround. Trump's going to have to take on the entrenched establishment in Washington, D.C., which tried to stop him the last time. What do you think about it? Well, first of all, the president is more than prepared to deal with the rot that is in Washington, D.C. He has seen it, and he's coming back to take care of it once and for all. But to his strategy, his pro-growth agenda, that is the thing that's going to break this inflation that is crippling so many families in this country. It is about price stability, but now you need wages to grow. You need small businesses to grow. You have to massively expand energy. You have to stop the over-regulation. The Biden administration has unleashed $1.3 trillion worth of regulations on American business. How are people supposed to thrive under that? Donald Trump's going to end all that, but the biggest thing overall is putting the bureaucracy back in the box because it's the American people. It is a small business engine that's the driver of our country, not bureaucrats on Capitol Hill. You know, Senator Cornet, on that very last point, the Biden administration is so hostile to business, and particularly hostile to mom and pop businesses, and especially hostile to mom and pop businesses that succeed. All they want to do is regulate them and tax them. This has got to stop. Well, we made some great inroads in 2017, and if you remember, the tax cuts and jobs act, the most pro-growth tax reform we've seen in the generation, and President Biden wants those. And once that continues, he wants it to expire, and $3 trillion tax increase, 62 percent of American taxpayers would pay more. But I think let's give a lot of credit to President Trump and his appointment to the federal judiciary. Yes. This year's decisions by the Supreme Court have been nothing short of Chevron. Chevron deference, I know it sounds obscure, but based on what this means, there's Congress is going to have to do the hard work, not kick the team down the road to the administrative agencies, who are ungovernable, unaccountable. And before that, it was EPA versus West Virginia, which pinned the regulatory agencies years back. Can we get? I'm going to ask you both. I've got to get out. We need, next year, if Mr. Trump wins, you need a reconciliation bill, which requires a one vote majority, it's got to have budget cuts, tax cuts, deregulation, drill baby drill, canopy done, Senator Cornyn. Well, it has to be done. We did it in 2017 and used the budget, and I'd like to do the tax bill, but I agree with you, Larry. We need to do more. We need to think big, but this is going to require teamwork, and everybody leaking arms together with the President to get it done, because no Democrat is going to support it. We need teamwork, Byron Donald. You're going to get it. You're going to get it. I'm telling you right now, Donald Trump isn't going to settle for anything less. We're coming back to get the job done for the people. Wow. Good job. Congressman Byron. Senator John Cornyn. It's a great place. You've all the view. Coming up here on Cutler, we're going to be joined by New York Congressman Elise Stefanik, and I think there's going to be a surprise entry from President Trump and his nominee J.D. Vance. That's just my forecast. Hello, we're dancing to rock music, gentlemen, thank you. You're both fabulous. Appreciate it very much. Tonight, as night one of the RNC kicks off, the bottom line is live from Milwaukee, with special insight from Kevin McCarthy. Then, starting at 7, Fox Business Democracy 2024 full floor coverage. As the GOP lays out their plans for America's economy on Fox Business. I'm Brian Yennes, and I'll be covering Democracy 24 on the campaign trail. The campaign trail is a wild ride. It is fast-paced. There are twists and turns, and yes, there is spin. It's my job to listen, cut through the chaos, and to tell the right story. But I have never been more excited. Buckle up America. Here we go. Researchers in Japan hope their new taste-enhancing chopsticks will make healthy foods, you know, low and salt, taste better. A welcome sign for millions of Americans on low-sodium diets because of high blood pressure. The high-tech utensils are hooked up to a special computer device on the user's wrist, which causes a small electric current to flow through what they're eating, activating any sodium ions and allowing for their tongue to taste more salt than is actually in the food. We're able to enhance the salty taste by up to one and a half times. Researchers hope the chopsticks can help people maintain healthy blood pressure levels. And while it's normal for your blood pressure to fluctuate throughout the day, if it remains too high for too long, medical officials say it can lead to heart disease and stroke. According to the CDC, roughly half of all adults in the U.S. suffer from high blood pressure, but only 24% properly manage it. A serious concern, as health experts report, more than a half a million people died back in 2019 as a result of hypertension. You should make sure that, you know, your sodium intake or salt intake is less than one teaspoon full a day. Besides costing lives, the CDC also says high blood pressure is costing the U.S. about $131 billion in health-related costs each and every year. The agency also reports a greater percentage of men are affected by the condition than are women. I'm Kevin Cork, Fox News. Woody Guthrie wrote, "Roll on Columbia to celebrate the Great Columbia River." But as it twisted its way through the Pacific Northwest, the Columbia needed little help to get the water where we needed it most. The Grand Coulee Dam used more concrete than any construction project in history. But it still wasn't enough. "A decision had to be made. Do we go with a lower dam or a high dam?" A 290-foot dam would never generate enough electricity to pay for itself. Chief engineer Frank Banks realized he needed to build the dam much higher. "A high dam would create more electricity, which would mean more revenue." But more than that, a high dam would produce enough power to irrigate the high desert. In a higher dam, the water falls further, spinning the turbines faster. This would create enough power to sell and to pump up into the Grand Coulee. From there, it could flow throughout the region. That was Rufus Wood's real dream. But President Roosevelt only agreed to pay for a 290-foot dam. So once again, the newspaper publisher rolled up his sleeves. "When Achie Daily World covered the construction, sometimes almost on a daily basis." "The public wanted to know, 'Well, how are they doing? How's it moving?' And so he would take that and put it into words and publish it so people could read it and understand that, yes, we have to keep the momentum going with the tax money." His campaign paid off. Congress agreed to pony up for a 550-foot dam. Wood's got the funding for Banks to finish the job right. "Kofundo coast to coast on Fox Business." I try to bring a positive perspective to this crazy world. People may call that naive, but I've got a pretty good track record. Neil delivers the financial perspective at 2nd to none. Kofundo coast to coast on Fox Business invested in you. All right, right here at the Republican Convention in Milwaukee was constant with a great rock band behind me. We're all boogying, but while we stop boogying for one moment, we're going to talk to the great House Republican conference chair, Ms. Elise Daffanek. Elise, thank you for coming on. Great to be with you, Larry. I know, I have a lot of things to talk about, but as somebody who's lived in New York on and off for about 50 years, you're saying to me that Donald Trump could conceivably carry New York, really, really? That's right, Larry, and that's what I said at the convention floor. If you look, in every swing district, Donald Trump is pulling ahead. These were districts that Joe Biden won by 15, 17 points, Donald Trump is ahead in each of those swing districts, and within the state, he's within single digits. This shows that he is growing the Republican Party, and as we saw in the midterms, it was New York that delivered the House Republican majority, and we saw Elise Eldon's exceptional one for governor. It is moving in the Republican direction, and President Trump is, there is enthusiasm behind his candidacy. So I believe he will be the first Republican president in two generations to potentially win New York State. What was the last Republican? Was it Reagan? It was Reagan. And our last statewide official was Governor George Pataki. So it's been at least one generation since we've won statewide. Steve Forbes and I helped design his tax cut, and he implemented the tax cut. And then later on, George had me -- I was running a special commission on tax reform, and the Democrats hated it for it, but that's life in the fast lane. At least the fact -- we talked earlier in the show, it's high time the Democrats, Joe Biden, the Democrats, stopped this nonsense. But Donald Trump is an existential threat to democracy. High time. That is inflammatory. Now, the part and parcel of that is the Democratic DEI, okay? And I'm arguing, and I have all along, that DEI is the progenitor of this wave of anti-Semitism who has found itself in the center of the Democratic Party, and you stood up on this, and I want you to please tell me some thoughts here. Well, absolutely, Larry. We've seen, as we've conducted oversight of our higher ed institutions with that now infamous congressional hearing with the former presidents of Harvard, Penn, and MIT, when we see this anti-Semitic rot, the DEI agenda is propping up anti-Semitism and propping up anti-Americanism. Take the case of Harvard, even prior to the October attacks from Hamas on Israel. There were hundreds of Jewish students who reached out to the office of DEI. They did not even get a response. So it just shows that in the root of DEI is anti-Semitism, and we are a nation that's based upon merit, that's based upon excellence, that's based upon the American dream, and the DEI radical far left agenda is crushing that American dream. And I think that is why you're seeing President Trump and the Republican Party support continue to grow among all Americans, all different groups, African American historic support, Hispanic American historic support. So it's a really exciting time to be here in Milwaukee. He is, you know, he's putting together coalition of working folks, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, young people, women. That's the Democrats are scared to death about that. I think, you know, it's part of this whole cancel culture business. It lacks common sense. It goes against the traditional middle class values that we're all brought up with, and the Democrats want to transform this and some crazy DEI cancel culture, big government socialism. And you touched upon a really important group of young voters, look at Joe Biden struggling with young voters, President Trump continues to make inroads with young voters. I am technically a millennial, I was born in 1984, I just turned 40. But those young voters are seeing the economy is crushing us, the highest rate of inflation in our lifetime, the inability for young families to purchase their first home. So people are feeling the impact, young families and young professionals are feeling the negative impact of failed Biden economics. And they compare that with the strength under President Trump's very strong pro-America economic agenda. Trump's going to give him a raise, Biden gave him a pay cut. That is exactly right. That's where I look at it. Today's wealth and economy, they're not really Reagan called it take home pay. Trump's going to give him a raise, Biden gave him a pay cut and pay cuts always lose. At least if I thank you for your leadership on all these issues, we appreciate it very much. All right, folks. We're going to go our own Grady Trimble, whose rumor has that he's here in Milwaukee someplace. He may be playing the symbols for that rock band behind me. So Grady, what can you report? Larry, no symbols or drum set here. We are about a stone's throw away from where you are. You can see the Pfizer arena behind me. And we can report that hopefully in the next few minutes we will see the official nominee for president of the Republican Party, former President Donald Trump, for the third time taking the stage at the convention. And later this week accepting the nomination formally, but in a few minutes joining his Vice President pick, Senator JD Vance, for the first time that we've seen them together since we got that news. A little bit more on Vance, for those who aren't too familiar with him, he is a junior senator from Ohio, after all. But he had quite an accomplished career in his own right, even before he became a senator. He was a Marine Corps veteran, a Yale Law School graduate, and perhaps most known for his book, Hillbilly Elegy, which became a major motion picture. And like I said, they could come out at any minute now, so we're monitoring for that. Since former President Trump made the announcement that JD Vance is his running made on Truth Social about an hour or so ago, it's been universal praise from Republicans and universal condemnation from Democrats. Take a look at what President Joe Biden had to say about JD Vance. He says he talks a big game about working people, but now he and Trump want to raise taxes on middle class families while pushing more tax cuts for the rich. And you can see the photo there, protect democracy, defeat Trump Vance. Interesting to see that rhetoric once again about protecting democracy when so much has been made about the Democrats call, or allegation, I should say, that former President Trump is a threat to democracy, and now calling for a tamping down of political rhetoric. But once again, they're saying protect democracy. I want to move on to some big news in the world of former President Trump, a big boost for him today that's completely unrelated from the convention, unrelated to the convention. And that's the judge in the documents case in Florida has dismissed that case, a huge story there. Judge Eileen Cannon ruled that special counsel Jack Smith was appointed basically against the Constitution, that he wasn't confirmed by the Senate, that the funding for his office wasn't approved by the Senate, and therefore he didn't have the authority to bring those charges against former President Trump, so she dismissed the case entirely. And finally, I want to just talk a little bit about what we saw over the weekend, Larry. I'm sure you've covered it already on your show, and that is the assassination attempt on former President Trump. It's certainly on people's minds here as we talk to folks, but the Republican National Committee has made clear that they don't want that to be the only focus of this convention. That they want speakers to stick to the themes that have been designated for each day, and today's is make America wealthy once again. So as we await the former president and his now running mate, Senator JD Vance, his VP pick, we are expecting a big slate of speakers tonight focusing on the RNC's new platform of unleashing American energy, cutting taxes for workers, and getting rid of inflation. Larry? Larry, you're cooking. That last part. Now you're cooking great, and tremble. By the way, I'm so wait here. We're going to introduce David Bossy on and out. It's not up on the teleprompter. Now it is. David Bossy is the 2024 RNC convention co-chair, so we have to be very nice to him. And David Webb, Fox News contributor, Mr. Bossy was Deputy Campaign Manager back in 2016, and he has done the Lord's work for many, many years as has my friend David Webb. Did you know that JD Vance was a law clerk to John Cornyn, once upon a time, Senator Cornyn? Did you know that? No, I did not. I didn't need a corner. We needed Wilson moment again. Let's leave either. That's our fight. All right. No, Cornyn was here and just said that on the set. I had no idea. Are you happy with JD Vance? Yeah, I think it's a good pick. Also, now the onus is on Mike the wine when it comes to a selection of a replacement. Look, the Republicans don't lose their seat in the Senate because of that, and JD Vance is a young next generation to think or he's a businessman, and he's got some experience in dealing with the Congress. You know, if you have the House in the Senate, you have somebody you can negotiate with them. That's kind of the role of a vice president sometimes. Mike DeWine is the governor of Ohio, right? Right. I know Mike has been around a long time, and he will appoint a Republican, so there's no loss there. That's a very important point, Mr. Bossy. It certainly is. We need every vote in the United States Senate, obviously, and we're going to need even more of them with our major victory this November, not only taking the White House, but picking up seats in the House and the Senate. JD Vance is an exciting, transformative leader, and we're so excited that Donald Trump has chosen him to be the vice president of the nominee. We're going to get a chance to learn a lot about JD Vance this week. I think it's going to be an introduction that America is going to like coming off of what happened in Pennsylvania. So, I've interviewed him. Yeah. By the way, I've interviewed him several times. He's very smart. Oh, he's an incredible brilliant man. And he's a pro growth guy. He's a growth. Yeah. I put him squarely in the growth camp, which is what I care about because I've only been saying that about 45 years ago. The other thing today, really earthshaking news, is Jack Smith ruled unconstitutional as special counsel by Judge Eileen Cannon in South Florida on the classified document case, which in effect, along with the Supreme Court immunity decision, ruins the Democratic Law Fair attack. I'm not going to point fingers about anything to do with Saturday night, which is a tragedy. Thank God by the grace of God. President Trump is more, he's alive and well. Thank God for all that. But the reality is, if Joe Biden says, let's pull back and lower the temperature, he should say this was a state, law fair is over. We're going to stop this. He's not an existential threat to democracy. That is utter nonsense and BS, David Webb. And I think if the Democrats don't say that, then Republicans have to go right after him on that point. Even if they say it, Larry, they don't mean it. They've already begun to pivot back to existential threat. Look, for a moment they had, we have a brief respite, Judge Cannon made a good decision, Democrats are still going to find it, but they've already come back out. You just saw what President Biden said about JD fans, the threat to democracy, the existential right over the country and Neanderthal, he said, the genesis lie. I keep repeating this. You've heard me say it, Joe Biden started with a lie. They're not going to stop. And you know this, you're part of the legal battle, we just got a little bit left. I'm sorry. Let me just start. If I could unjudge Cannon, if I could unjudge Cannon, though, you're going to do it anyway. Well, I was in court. My legal team participated in the illegal arguments in that case just a little over three weeks ago. So I sat there and watched Judge Cannon supervise this, that oral argument. It was an incredible experience for me. And to win that case and help Donald Trump get rid of Jack Smith, an unconstitutionally appointed prosecutor, it was, it's a great day for America. Great day for that. It's a great day for law. Jack Smith. By the way, that is true. It was a great day for this constitution. Jack Smith was Biden's instrument to make no mistake about that. And he still is. I got to get out. David Bozzie, he was going to give me orders for as long as we know each other. And David Webb, who's the smartest chap I know. All right, folks. Coming up, we have much more. We got Senator Kevin Kramer. We got a rock band. We got the Republican National Convention. I'm Cudlow. Please, folks, stick around. The American Dream is there for the taking. We'll show you all the opportunities out there. And help you see the big picture. The big money show on Fox Business. You have a new book. It's called Love Mom, and it's coming out around Mother's Day on April 16th. That's right. So this is our official cover reveal today. It is extremely exciting. You know very well what it's like to put your heart and soul into something that you really hope touches other people. And that is what Love Mom is for me. It's full of heartwarming and inspirational stories of motherhood. Many people know. You certainly know. I didn't necessarily follow the traditional path into motherhood, but through my faith and my family. I was able to live the blessed life that I have today after becoming pregnant as a teenager. And my goal, my hope, is that women, anyone who reads my story, knows that if you have an obstacle, if you have an unplanned pregnancy, you can still go on labor. You can play those on. But it's not just me in this book, Ainsley. I was blessed to have so many people in it. We have some Fox viewers who submitted stories, my patients, Gold Star moms and many of the Fox moms that everyone knows and loves. Martha McCallum, Kayleigh McEnany, Jennifer Griffin, Janice Dean, Carly Shimka, so much more. And also you are in this book, and you have one of my favorite chapters. And one of the things in the book, Ainsley, there's this beautiful 16 page insert in the center of it full of scripture and some sage sound of advice from all the moms in the book. And one of my favorite scriptures, you actually put in it, Jeremiah 2911, that says, "For I know the plans I have for you." And that is such a testament to your chapter, because you talk about keeping faith through divorce and you talk about losing your own mama while still raising a little girl. Well, I had so much fun working with you on this, and I'm very proud of you. I'm so proud of how God has just used your story. Look at you, your own national television, your detecting breast cancer, saving so many mama's lives and went on, you had your baby in high school and went on to do amazing things. So your story is just so inspirational. A recent survey from eBay finds that Gen Z is more likely to sell the secondhand stores for extra cash, and they're also more likely to buy from them. So with this generation driving re-commerce, thrift store owners and re-saw websites are finding they're bringing back the 90s. We've got denim on denim on denim for days. This is what the girls loved back in the day. Bam, that with a pair of denim shoes and a couple of big necklaces and you were in. At Bridge House thrift store in New Orleans, the store manager says clothes from the 90s don't stay on the rack for long. They're looking for one-of-a-kind items, they're looking for items that necessary. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] As we watch J.D. Vance make his way to the platform, we're joined by North Dakota Center Kevin Cramer, and David Grandma Swami, of course, former candidate in Trump campaign surrogate. Gentlemen, thank you very, very much. J.D. is going to be J.D., and everyone is in the unity convention. This is also about wealth and the economy. Okay, it's just in a couple minutes. I'm going to argue that drill baby drill and 40 to 50 dollar barrel oil and cheaper electricity wins election. Absolutely does. What do you think? It brings down inflation for everything. It raises the standard of living for everyone and makes America more secure. And I think Doug Bergam would be a great energy czar to oversee the whole thing on behalf of all of the agencies. I want to go to this too. I'm going to argue that low taxes win elections, high taxes lose elections. I want to argue that a regulatory state loses elections and unleashing mom and pop businesses and entrepreneurs win elections. Yes, one message, shut down the regulatory state. That's how you grow the economy, flatten the tax base. And you know what? This national unity is really the theme of this convention of sensitive larry. One thing that unites the country is economic growth. Put money in American's pockets, that unites us, and I think that's the thing. You know how that just sends a chill down my spine. It's the truth. Before decades, for over four decades, it's fabulous. But I mean, listen, lower energy prices, I know you're not a Johnny one foot note, but you come from North Dakota, which I think is the second biggest oil and gas producers in the state of America. Lower energy prices permeates the entire everyday consumer goods, health care goods, operating in the hospital emergency room goods, but it also is like a tax cut for individuals. I mean, that's part of the deal. Well, high energy costs mean that the cost of everything is high because if you're not using oil or gas as an input, if you're not using it to produce something, you're using it to move something. You're using it to move products to market, back and forth. No question about it, and then it is a tax mostly on the middle class of the lower class. Surely. They can least afford it. I think the other thing is part of this convention, of course, it's through God's grace. Donald Trump is going to be here at this convention, as he has said. When will the Democrats stop saying that he, Trump, is a threat to democracy? Because that is incendiary, and Americans know that. I've got a minute left, got 30 seconds left. I think it's got to be now. And Joe Biden faces a fork in the road, because either he doubles down on this, which I don't think he should do, or he doesn't have a campaign message left. So either way, that road doesn't end well for Biden. But let's focus on what we stand for at this convention. And the more we do that, Larry, the more successful we're going to be. Focus on our own agenda, regardless of the Democrats. All right. Well, that's a great point. We've got some extra time now. They're running through it, which is great. Senator Kramer, can we get the Trump agenda? Let us assume Republicans win the Senate and carry the House. The issue comes down to this, it has a name, reconciliation. It's just a big budget package. Yes. One vote required. All you need is 51 votes, right? 50 plus the vice president. That's right. Budget cuts, tax cuts, regulatory cuts, permitting reform. Or can such a thing be done? It can be done, especially on the revenue side. Remember, Larry, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was done with reconciliation. We can do that again. Even make it better. I bet Derek could figure out a way to even flatten that tax code more and make it better. On the spending side, though, and on the regulatory side, remember, since the Supreme Court has overturned West Virginia versus EPA with major questions. Questions doctrine overturned. All of these other things restoring power back to the elected officials. We don't need all those bureaucrats. They no longer have the authority to have. Let's just drain the swamp by not appropriating money to things they don't have authority to do. Yes, here it is, to things that don't have authority to do. You've got the win that you're back from Supreme Court decisions. This is very important. Democrats call this extreme and it's anti-democracy nonsense. Now it's up to the GOP and a Trump leadership to implement what the Supreme Court has opened. That's right. And a lot of the people who criticized President Trump saying, oh, he didn't quite drain the swamp. Missed this fact. He did not have the Supreme Court's precedent in 2017 that he has today. So in a second Trump term, President Trump is armed with the constitutional precedent. The Democrats say that this is anti-democratic, wrong. What's anti-democratic right now is the administrative state. The people we never elected to run the government, who are the ones who are actually making the rules, that's a betrayal of what the American founding was based on. So this is how you stimulate the economy, Larry, but it's also how you revive our constitutional republic, where we the people create a government that is accountable to us, not these unelected bureaucrats in D.C. Kevin Kramer, Senator Kramer. I just want to ask you, will there be investigations in the Senate of what happened last Saturday? With respect to the Secret Service and the FBI, we are for the Secret Service. They're very brave men and women, but obviously big mistakes were made. Investigations are coming. I know the House is going to look into it. Will the Senate look into it? I remember that the Democrats for now have the gavel, but even they could not have seen what happened in Pennsylvania and not insist on an investigation themselves. Now remember, the President says he's going along with independent investigations. So he ought to get on the bandwagon and suggest, if Chuck Schumer doesn't come up with it, suggest that the Senate take this issue up. And then, quite honestly, what we need to do as legislators, as appropriators, speaking of money, if the FBI and the Secret Service and DOJ comes up and says, you know what? We don't have the resources because we don't have the financial resources. We need to make sure that national security, border security, and the security and safety of our elected officials and the people of America is paramount. Number one, it's the one legitimate thing the federal government does for crying a lot, and we ought to make sure they have those resources. I mean, the Secret Service, I don't want to blast them up and down the line. They put their lives on the line. But I've been around two administrations, the Secret Service, but obviously a huge mistake was made. The point is, they should double, even triple the resources for the Donald Trump campaign. That would be the common sense thing to do. And the reality is, this will be decisions that every American, regardless of their affiliation, would go back and regret. There's no better resource than to make sure that we're actually protecting the people who run for President of the United States. There's a deeper question here, Larry, and I think that this is a good example of it. The people who work in the administrative state, even the individuals in the Secret Service. Look at the people who put their own bodies on the line. We've got to separate those individuals from what we see as the machine. And I think the machine in BC, that's our real enemy. And this is, I think, a moment for national unity, but part of that is, we look at our fellow citizens. They're not our enemy, but our enemy is the ideology. Our opponent is that machine. So we can at once say we're going to dismantle that machine. Well, I still recognize there's a lot of good people in there. Senator Kevin Kramer, the big round of swam, and you're both terrific. Thank you ever so much. Folks, I'm going to sign off. Lizzie McDonald is up next. JD Vance is probably going to talk about it. We're here at the Republican Convention. My honor. My last word is... I'm Guy Benson. Join me weekdays at 3 p.m. Eastern as we break down the biggest stories of the day with some of the biggest newsmakers and guests. Listen live on the Fox News app or get the free podcast at [MUSIC PLAYING]