
Who Will Be Trump's Running Mate?

Trump's platform is positive, optimistic, upbeat, growthier, problem solving, border closing -- just chockful of common sense -- that actually puts him as a mainstream centrist who can unify the country through his successes. So his VP pick is important because it shows who will back up Mr.Trump. Qualified to be President, if heaven forbid they need to be. And someone who subscribes wholeheartedly to the campaign platform strategy that Mr. Trump has laid out.

With Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL), Rep. Wesley Hunt (R-TX), Kevin Hassett, Leo Terrell, Kim Strassel, Byron York, and Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

1h 1m
Broadcast on:
12 Jul 2024
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Trump's platform is positive, optimistic, upbeat, growthier, problem solving, border closing -- just chockful of common sense -- that actually puts him as a mainstream centrist who can unify the country through his successes. So his VP pick is important because it shows who will back up Mr.Trump. Qualified to be President, if heaven forbid they need to be. And someone who subscribes wholeheartedly to the campaign platform strategy that Mr. Trump has laid out.

With Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL), Rep. Wesley Hunt (R-TX), Kevin Hassett, Leo Terrell, Kim Strassel, Byron York, and Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY).

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Now he just needs the right running mate to help him sell it. So who's it going to be? I think that's the biggest story right now. We'll have Congressman Byron Donaldson, Wesley Hunt on that and a whole lot more in just a moment. But first up, more falsehoods, more economic falsehoods from Joe Biden last night, surprise surprise, and Edward Lawrence, the indomitable Edward Lawrence has all the details. Edward, what's cooking? Well, Larry, you know, the administration, the Biden administration loves to cherry pick good economic data to highlight. And last night was no exception to that story. The president had a notebook in front of him with a few notes, but he still said this. Many of you and many economists thought my initial initiatives that I put forward can't do that. It's going to cause inflation. Things are going to skyrocket. But that's going to go up. What do you hear now from mainstream economists? You know, economists were right about his initial initiatives. Look at the timing of inflation spiking. In 2020, the Federal Reserve was lamenting how they could get inflation back up to 2% once the Biden administration started implementing its policies. Inflation skyrocketed to 9.1% about a year and a half into his presidency. And now it's 3% more than double when he got into office. Now, his close advisors defended him in the news conference performance and his ability. Is he using the note cards to help him with whatever topic is going on? To talk to me, you know, the president doesn't use a note card to talk to me. We talk about policies that are that are on the table and making decisions. Still on jobs in the news conference, the president said this. Name me a world leader who wouldn't want to trade places with our economy. We created over 800,000 manufacturing jobs, 1.5 million jobs. I mean, so things are moving. We got more to go. Working class people still have need help. Corporate greed is still at large. So he's back to blaming companies for inflation again. Now, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the economy added back the jobs from the pandemic and created 6.3 million jobs. The economy added back the jobs from the pandemic and created 170,000 manufacturing jobs. And Larry, if you had called on Fox Business, I would have given him a real time fact check in this. We were not on that list to be called on. We're having to fact check here today. Back to you. Well, one thing he got right. He said, what did he say? Critics said my policies spent too much and borrowed too much. He got that right. And actually, you know, the thing is Edward, just take a moment out because you do such fabulous work and we are most grateful for what you do on a daily basis. But, you know, the inflation, the yearly inflation rates, the 12-month changes have come down. Okay, that's good. Right. I don't think it's any help from the White House, which continues to spend enormously. We're going to have two trillion deficit as far as the eye can see. According to the CBO baseline, it's a Federal Reserve tightening of the money supply and raising interest rates. But inflation is a stubborn, long-term process. So even though here in the middle of 2024, the yearly changes are back down to, say, three, three and a half percent. Actually, people are still feeling the tail wave of all that that started in early 21. It doesn't go away overnight. And I don't think the administration understands that that is caused, if you will, kitchen tables to shrink throughout middle America. And one more point on this here. You're talking about inflation, which is the increase in prices, not a deflation where prices are coming down. So we already have higher prices. This is just a slower rate of increasing. So we already have the 19 percent prices overall more than when President Biden got into office, and that's what people are really feeling. Indeed, 100 percent. Edward Lyons, as always, have a wonderful weekend. We will talk next week. Now, folks, President Trump has an excellent, growthy platform to run on. All that's left is to pick a first-rate, solid running mate to help him sell it, and that's the subject of tonight's rip. All right, former President Trump seems to suggest today that he will name his vice presidential running mate at the Milwaukee Convention next week. Mr. Trump made major important headlines when he announced his policy platform last Monday, that's a week before the convention. It's the growthiest Republican platform since Ronald Reagan, 44 years ago. In between last Monday and the opening of the GOP convention this coming Monday, there's been a lot of dog chasing tail reporters running down blind alleys, Hollywood stars frantically looking to reapply their makeup. In other words, a whole lot of nothing burger and gobbledygook about running Joe Biden out of the Democratic Party. It has come to nothing. We already know what a left-wing big government socialist progressive policy failure, Mr. Biden is. That's the key point. Now, Trump's platform was positive, optimistic, upbeat, growthier, problem-solving, border-closing, just chock-full of common sense that actually puts him as a mainstream centrist who can unify the country through his many successes. So his VP pick is going to be important because it shows who will back up, Mr. Trump, qualified to be president of heaven for bid need be, someone who subscribes wholeheartedly to the campaign platform strategy that Trump has laid out. Now, today on Clay Travis' radio show, here's what Mr. Trump said about the timing of the VP announcement. I'd love to do it during the convention, which would be, you know, or just slightly before the convention like Monday. I'd love to do it on Tuesday or Wednesday actually. All right, so I'm no wiser than anybody else on the planet regarding Mr. Trump's decision on a running mate. I do believe it could be boiled down to three very talented people, however, and just this week, I interviewed two of the three, Governor Burgum and Senator Rubio, and earlier this summer I interviewed Senator Vance. So on the eve of Mr. Trump's decision, here's some substantive policy clips from those three very talented people. First up, Governor Doug Burgum of North Dakota. Please take a listen. I'm an operating guy. I like to get stuff done. The Magnomics works for everybody because it's low interest rates. It's low regulation. It's low taxes. It's prosperity. It works for everybody. In addition to the inflationary aspect of Biden's energy policies, it's also the factor behind the two wars. We're in two proxy wars, one with Russia and one with Iran, and those adversaries are funding those battles against us with the oil money they're getting. All right, very good. Thank you, Mr. Burgum. Now, folks, here's some wisdom from Senator Marco Rubio of Florida. It's a pro growth platform. It's a pro prosperity platform, and we want more Americans to have more money in their pocket at the end of the month after they pay their bills so they can save, so they can invest, they can go on vacation, the things they can't do now because inflation is heating up their paycheck. One is you put tariffs on foreign imports in these key sectors. Look, I'd like to do it on everything, obviously, but that's not ideal economically. I've changed because the issue has changed. The problem has changed. Anytime this is not immigration, this is mass migration. It's uncontrolled. It's chaotic. All right, much appreciated from Senator Marco Rubio. And finally, to our viewers, let me reintroduce Senator J.D. Vance. Take a listen to this. Larry, I want to live in a country where people can get married, have children, and actually put those, put that family in a home that they can afford. I want them to earn a wage that can support a family at a good job. We've got to learn the lessons of the last 40 years. We allowed too much of our manufacturing to go overseas. It made our country weaker. We've got to enforce our border, Larry, and that starts with the willingness to deport people who have broken our laws. If we can't do that, we don't have a country. All right, thanks very much to Senator Vance, the great state of Ohio. We appreciate it. And we are blessed to have been able to interview all these candidates. Now, here's my key thought. In relation to current Vice President Kamala Harris, any one of these three gentlemen is vastly superior in knowledge, in personal achievement, in serious demeanor, in moral clarity, and in their policy vision. But Biden Harris linked very closely to Senator Bernie Sanders' socialism. Well, they gave us high inflation and affordability crisis, shrinking kitchen tables, an illegal migrant wave leading to a criminal breakdown of public safety, an extremist and unfounded climate agenda, progressive prosecutors, and their criminals first lawfare campaign. By the way, a total flop of that lawfare when it was aimed against Mr. Trump, then you have illegal student loan forgiveness, even pledges to pack the Supreme Court. All of this has failed. All of it is unpopular. Now, Mr. Trump is going to bring strength, prosperity, opportunity, safety, and a law abiding agenda. It is the growthiest promise in 44 years. It will unite the country. And that is my riff with the help of the three leading Vice Presidential candidates. So there you have it. We just added lots more guests to the show. Now, joining us are real, live and very important guests, Congressman Byron Daniels, Texas Congressman, wait, I got to say this right. Florida, Congressman Byron Daniels, please pardon the teleprompter, and Texas Congressman Wesley Hunt, two friends and two very brilliant house members. Gentlemen, welcome to the show. We appreciate it very, very much. I just want to begin. You heard the intro. You heard what those three candidates are saying. I would love to just, I have other things to talk to you about. I'm not asking you to make a prediction unless you want to make a prediction. But Byron, I begin with you. You heard what the three said. What jumped out at you as you listened to those. Those were pretty good 32nd substantive policy clips, Byron. What do you think you heard on that? Well, look, I think out of all of them, the key is going to be economic growth. And quite frankly, that's where President Trump is going to take the economy in our country. Massive economic growth is going to be key. You have to squeeze the regulatory environmental small businesses. You have to unleash energy and you have to control prices. All those things have to occur. I think everybody on President Trump's list, no matter who you choose, they're going to be a significant upgrade. Like you said, Larry, over Kamala Harris, because the Biden Harris agenda has been a complete disaster for the American people, whether they're black, white or Hispanic, whether they're rich, middle income or poor, unless you're getting massive subsidies through the Green New Deal crap, you are falling behind under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris is America. I mean, thank you for that, Byron. And let me go to Wesley Hunt. You know, Wesley, it's just one thing strikes. Look, I don't like to get involved in personalities. Okay, my criticisms of Ms. Harris and President Biden are substantive criticisms. Okay, it's about policies, not personalities. But I do feel when you look at Bergham, who has a fantastic business record, he was a CEO, a vastly successful CEO, and he ran a state in North Dakota, which I think is the second largest oil and gas state in the country. Correct me if that's wrong. It could be. But I think that's about right anyway. I'm just saying, and then Mr. Vance, Mr. Vance, by the way, a successful businessman, a successful author, Mr. Vance also served his nation during times of war in the military man. I mean, I think these are people with phenomenal backgrounds. And regrettably, regrettably, I do not see that with Ms. Harris. And as far as Joe Biden goes, you know, he's been in Washington for over 50 years. I don't see what his achievements are either. But anyway, Wesley weigh it. Wait, what's on your mind when you heard those clips, if you will, or what's on your mind in general, sir? What echo, what Byron said, our bench is very deep. And if you look at those men that you just put up there along with the list that we have on the Republican side, our future is going to be very bright, no matter who President Trump chooses. But also, as President Trump is not going to make a DEI hire like Kamala Harris, she clearly is not qualified to do the job. And sadly, the reason why Joe Biden is still our president right now is because she is unqualified to step in. It's what if it amendment this guy, and everyone knows it. And so when you look at the strength that the Republicans have for the future, look at the youth, you look at the experience, look at the exuberance that we have, I got to tell you, I am very excited for what President Trump is going to lay out next week. And whoever his pick is, I think Byron hit the nail on the head. It's going to be a good pick that's going to support President Trump and his economic policies. And I want to tell you this, it is President Trump. It is the New York billionaire that has his finger on the pulse of middle America. He's the one talking about the pocketbook issues. He's the one talking about inflation. He's the one talking about energy prices and gas prices. It is not Scranton Joe. It is President Trump. And I think what we're going to see next week is that laid out in a very succinct and convenient way for the American public to say, you know what, if I could choose between these two guys, you know what, President Trump will be our president in the future, and we are going to enter a state or prosperity starting here in 2025. Yeah. Byron, let me go back to the campaign strategy. There was a very interesting article in the Atlantic magazine, which is very left of center magazine. But it's a pretty good article of Mr. Trump's campaign managers, Susie Wiles and Chris Lasabita. Anyway, among other things, I mean, they're casting a very wide net across the electorate. There are states in play today, as you've had, both of you fellas understand, like Minnesota, like Virginia. I mean, I just saw numbers of the unbelievable in New Jersey for heaven sakes, as well as the Great Lakes states, not, I mean, there's some wild stuff now, you know, if the election were today, they'd be there. The election's not today, so polls are just snapshot. But it's interesting, Byron, one of the groups they're going after, they're reaching out to, and you've heard this before, young black and Hispanic men, I guess between the ages of 18 and 34, and they are having great success, according to various polling data, and Mr. Trump himself has gone to rallies, you know, up close and personal to talk with them. What do you think? Is that a winning strategy? Do you think that's going to work? I think it is a winning strategy. What it demonstrates is that Donald Trump is changing the very paradigm of Republican politics in going to engage all voters in our country, because everybody has suffered at the hands of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, whether it's the economy, whether it's immigration, foreign policy, you name it, Larry, everybody is struggled. And so the Trump campaign, that message has been receptive, whether it's the Bronx, Detroit, Philadelphia, Atlanta, or anywhere else in the country, it's going everywhere. And what's special about young voters in particular is that they have seen the disaster that is the Democrat Party agenda, and they remember when Donald Trump was president of the United States, and they are making a choice between the last two administrations, and it is becoming clearer and clearer every single day they're choosing Donald J. Trump. And you know, Wesley, just on a related point to what Byron said, you know, we've talked about this before, but there's a lot of people, including those young people, but there's a lot of people in this country that want a new administration of strength and toughness and backbone and make a decision and stick with it. Do you know what I mean? I'm trying to express it because it's almost as much of a feeling as it is a set of analogies or words. Strength, they want strength, they want toughness. And I think Trump has it, and I think Biden lacks it. And I think it's one of these invisible hands of this entire election. I saw this when I was a young man, and I went to work for Ronald Reagan 44 years ago, as a matter of fact, during his transition, the country won in strength and toughness of purpose. And they rejected Jimmy Carter and they went with the gipper. I think it's kind of similar today. What you think, Wesley, I'm going to give you the last word. I agree. When America is stronger, the world is stronger. We have a strong leader. The world knows it. And by the way, when President Trump was in office, we had the Abraham Accords. We had peace in the Middle East. Vladimir Putin wouldn't dare move on President Trump. Xi Jinping wouldn't dare prove move on President Trump, Trump, because they respected the strong man. When we have a strong leader, America is an all around better place. But the world also respects us as well. We have got to return back to those days, a place of respect, a place where America is leading from the front. As a combat veteran, some of that that has served this country, I know that when I asked our sons and daughters to go on a war or to go into a conflict, I know that that leader is competent. He is sending us because it's the right thing to do. And he is sending us from a position of strength, not weakness. President Trump is the quintessential definition of that. And you are absolutely right, Larry. That's what this country wants. It's what this country needs. And President Trump is going to be our guy. It's one of those intangibles, you know, and just a hunch in my gut. I've been around a long time. As you know, I was right there next to Alexander Hamilton in the Treasury during the Revolutionary War. I was there. But I've seen this thing come and go. I've seen this all come and go. I'm talking to two wonderful, talented, brilliant men. And I appreciate you help very much. But, you know, fellows, sometimes these elections, policy papers, not so much, some inner feeling. I think they want Trump tough. That's what I think. I think it's Trump tough. Anyway, Byron Donald's, thank you ever so much, sir. Wesley Hunt, thank you. I trust we'll see both of you gentlemen in Milwaukee. And I hope you'll come on. Our set will be in the convention center. And we'll always open and welcome you to come on the show. Thanks very much. All right, folks. Moving right along. Coming up here on Kudlow. What's the feds next move? Fed and Federal Reserve. And markets got kind of excited today. I don't know. They were up over 400 points. We'll have a report on that. They finished a little less than 300. Is it Trump? Is it low interest rates? If the Fed starts cutting interest rates this fall, isn't that kind of political juice in the economy for the Democratic incumbent Biden? We'll talk about it with the smartest guy I know on that subject. Mr. Kevin has it all that when Kudlow returns. We're in the greenhouse here at Bloomsbury Farms, one of several on the property. And we're surrounded by all kinds of greens. We're talking vegetables, mustards, Asian greens behind me. And I'm also joined by the lovely Lauren Palmer who runs the show here at Bloomsbury Farms to give us a little bit more of a perspective on what goes into growing organic food. Lauren, I know this is your passion here. This is what you've been doing for many, many years. Talk to me about what we've got here. And if you can show us kind of just really what goes into what makes organic foods different than others. So we're making a healthy soil to start. And then that in turn will have a better healthier product to give to the people. So we're starting with the soil first. The seed we take very good care of. We from start to finish, we are documenting everything that we do to make sure that it's the best product for everybody. And we can actually go ahead and like give it a try if you'd like. Let's do it. So you said this was what I'm sorry. This is Miss Zuna and it's one of my favorite salad greens right now. It's super super nice. So let's take a try. Let's do it. You know, I'm sure you've had it on your salad just haven't really realized that this is familiar. Yeah. Yeah. And so the difference here is and you talked about how the way you grow this, it can literally be eaten out of the ground. Yeah, that is the cleanest. It's the safest way to do it. And we're really happy to provide that level of like freshness and nutrient dense food to lots of different people. So yeah. And I know we were looking at the USDA really their requirements for what's considered organic or what's labeled organic and the difference is nothing really that's synthetic or toxic to either humans or animals. That also includes some forms of pesticides and hormones, things that I know you guys really, you know, have to work with too, right? Because this is still a farm. You still have bugs. How do you go about trying to make sure that you're still doing things naturally while trying to fight those battles that Mother Nature brings? Right. So I think the key to is that we're making it like very simple. We're kind of going back to the basics. We are kind of making the soil healthy first and then in turn that'll be less weeds, less bug pressure. That's the name of the game. But we fight, you know, as much as we possibly can. We know that there's bugs here. We know that there's like weed pressure and there are a certain amount of things that we can and can't use. But we're just being kind of to the soil to be more sustainable for, you know, a longer product and for the longer, you know, next generation. That's right. Yeah. And a lot of people take pride and want to know what goes into the foods that they eat and they bring home to their families. And you and I are talking about this USDA isn't just doing, you know, setting the requirements for what can or can't be used for organic foods, but they're also making sure that each individual farm like Bloom'sbury organic farm, you know, they have a certification with the USDA. They're constantly doing inspections and you have to work to keep that certification up to date. Yep. So we're logging where our seeds come from. We're logging where our plants go. We're keeping fertilization records, planting records, harvest records. We're documenting the compost and how it is going in and out. So yeah, it's a lot of paperwork to make sure that we provide the healthy, you know, the healthiest product. Hey, if you're traveling, I want you to go to Fox News, for a list of hotels, airing Fox. Nobody, the consumer is strong. The balance sheets are strong, brings you America's business news. There's so much going on. And what it means for you, we want to get some breaking news to you right now, Fox Business Alert, like Fox Business, keeping you ahead of the curve. All the insider selling by some of the richest people on earth with insight into the impact of U.S. and global markets. That's where the recipe for inflation comes from the people you can trust. It's absent, Bob, with this Fox Business America's Business Network. Whoa, what an intro that was. How now doubt Jones? What's really behind the rally today? Today's a good day, good week actually in our own Kelly O'Grady standing by with all the details. Kelly, let's go again. Yeah, Larry, this is all about ray cut optimism, right? We got a lot of economic data this week. And it was giving the Fed the green light to cut rates and markets really reacted. So let's check the scorecard. Now the Dow ooped out a close above 40,000. This is only the second time in history. It has been above 40,000. It was actually up over 400 today, but that last hour I just saw it start to drop. But still the best that it's had in two weeks. S&P 500 also closed up 30. Nasdaq rebounded after its worst day since April 30. And that rally was specifically led by tech stocks. Now Nvidia saw a nice gain. But again, I told you that last hour we saw the market just pair back a little bit. You can see that in some of the other tech stocks. We did also get a bit of a headwinds from bank earnings. Okay. So JP Morgan City, Wells Fargo, they all reported today all beat expectations. But all of them did highlight concerns about more customers defaulting on loans potentially this year. They're going to keep an eye on their consumer businesses, even as their investment banking divisions are doing very well. The big story though, Larry, for me is the Russell 2000. Okay. These are the small cap stocks. Rate cuts mean the smaller businesses will benefit. Yesterday it outperformed the Nasdaq by the biggest margin since 1986. That was a real David Beats Goliath store. You can see that big jump here. Lot of money is on the sidelines, Larry. So today we saw areas like materials, industrials get a lot of love. If that optimism continues, you could see a market rotation where Larry, it's not just all about big tech. Terrific stuff. Speaking of love. Thank you, Kelly O'Grady. We appreciate it very, very much joining me now. Kevin Hasid, former chair of the Council of Economic Advisors. What's his book? The Drift, the Stop the Drift, the Coming Socialism. I don't know why we don't put it on the air. I love to sell books and it's a really important book. Kevin Hasid. All right. If our own Kelly O'Grady is right, and I reckon she is, this has something to do with expectations of low interest rates. But I just want to ask you, look, the CPI has eased down. It's still up 20% from when Mr. Biden took over. But it's running 3 to 3.5% between the top line and the core. The Fed's target is two. Now, if they cut the interest rate in September, which is only whatever six weeks before the election, this looks very political to me. This kind of looks like juicing the economy for incumbent Joe Biden Democrats to me. And they haven't exactly hit their target yet, which is 2%. What do you make about this? Right. I think it would be a pretty big mistake for the Fed to cut in September, but I think it's almost guaranteed that they're going to now if you talk to market participants. In fact, I think that they're going to cut and they're going to signal that they're going to cut three or four more times after that at least. And if you look at the data, you're right, that inflation has definitely quieted down, but it's still above target. And growth isn't really that bad. If you think about the last time that the Fed intervened right before an election, it was during the financial crisis, for goodness sake. And it actually made sense. The data said, cut, cut, cut, because the world was falling apart. But here the world is reasonably stable. Inflation is still above the target. And so I think there'll be a lot of accusations of them playing a political game. And I got to say you and I both know President Trump really well. I think when the Fed starts to actually cut right before an election, they're probably going to hear from him. I mean, if you don't have, if they're 12-month change or four-quarter change, does not hit the 2% target. Look, a target is only meaningful if they actually targeted it. And if that's not the case, you can bet. I mean, John Carney of Breitbart wrote a piece yesterday said it's going to be a September rate cut could trigger political vengeance. Now, you and I don't like to put politics into the Fed. We dealt with all that when we were working in the administration. Okay. And we did what we could. But sometimes the Fed is wrong, and sometimes the Fed is political. And this could be a very close race. And Donald Trump knows a lot about stock markets and investment and Fed policy. He has very well informed opinions. That's all I'm saying. If the Fed goes before their actual target is met, I think it's a gigantic mistake from their own credibility, much less the election. Right. They absolutely, if they want to start cutting, then they need to in September signal that they might cut after the election of the data allow. But doing it right before the election, while the data are looking pretty good, I think is absolutely going to ignite a political firestorm. And it's something that I believe that they should ignore. You know, I went back and I think that if you look at it, almost every election year, presidential election year, the Fed has been doing something. I can cut. But it's always data dependent. And my concern here is it doesn't really look data dependent. And the final thought, Larry, is you and I have talked a lot about the importance of normalizing interest rates, like zero interest rates created a very strange economy. And right now, the real interest rate is probably two, two and a half percent, which is about what its average has been in the U.S. for the last hundred years. And so I think we're actually at a point where things are kind of normal. And I, if I were at the Fed right now, I think I'd try to leave them normal. Yeah, you got a great point. Kevin has it, folks. The best of the best. Thanks. I'm going to talk some more on the radio. I hope this weekend. Coming up here on Cutlow, the Trump campaign has narrowed it down to three key, deep candidates and four key swing states. How about that? I thought that was pretty clever. Byron York, Leo Turrell, and Kim Strassett will all weigh in next up. All next week, the Republican National Convention, Fox Business has special coverage live from Milwaukee, getting you ready for all the action, with an all-star lineup bringing you every crucial moment. Don't miss live coverage of the Republican National Convention, all week starting Monday on Fox Business. Wise rainbows are iconic. So iconic, in fact, that they even appear on the state's license plate. And now one atmospheric scientist here on Oahu has helped create an app that'll give you a good indication of where one of these rainbows might appear. It all started with an incredible sight from high up in the sky. It makes for just an unbelievable spectacle to see the full double rainbow. It's from the air in a helicopter. It's quite spectacular. Stephen Boosinger is a professor and chair of the atmospheric sciences department at the University of Hawaii in Manoa. And after going rainbow chasing with a colleague in a helicopter, he was inspired to create an app for everyone looking to seek out more rainbows. The pilot was looking at his radar in order to see where to fly to. And that was just quite a fun spark because then we could envision putting an app together. So the two created the rainbow chase app that allows you to orient the viewer to the right place and looking in the right direction and letting them know whether or not a rainbow is even possible. It's all based on the science behind how rainbows are formed. Rainbows are formed when you have sunlight in one part of the sky coming down into a shower in another part of the sky. The light is refracted when it hits the water and creates a rainbow. It's a phenomenon best seen when the sun is lower in the sky by there earlier in the morning or later in the afternoon. Wahoo is absolutely a rainbow capital of the world. Hawaii in general is. The mountain is terrain increases rainfall and there are often clear skies here following rainstorms, perfect territory for people to open up the app and look for a rainbow themselves. My hope is that it brings a bit of sunshine into their lives in a special way that lifts their spirits. On a Wahoo, Max Gordon, Fox Weather. I'm John Roberts and I'll be co-anchoring our broadcast network coverage of Democracy 2024. We have a relationship with our audience and that they look at us for what the real deal is when it comes to politics. They trust us. They believe that we are going to tell the story fairly and that we will give them the tools that they need to make a decision about where this nation's future should go. This is going to be fun. Yes! Long-time car enthusiast Nick Cannon gets behind the wheel to host Nick Cannon's big drive on Tubi. Was there one car that started at all? I came up really paying my way to Hollywood as working in an auto mechanic shop. It started in that space and learning how to just work on my own car. It was a hand-me-down car for my mom. Even probably before that, just the car culture of what hip-hop brought as well. You know, being a big fan of low riders and you know some of the dunks and muscle cars that we saw in like some of the cooler music videos. The series features car events and celebrity interviews. Cannon says it's like a road trip with friends, which he does in his downtime. Everyone knows that Kevin Hart and I are like the biggest competitors and frenemies in the game on the weekends or Sundays. We'll take some of our cars. I'll just drive up the coast. Nick adds, it's a pastime everyone can enjoy. Everybody has their first car, their first date in a car, their first experience of, you know, taking the kids to school. I mean, some of the best quality time is, you know, kids ride shy. If you see like a lot of my social media, I'm posting, you know, my kids singing in the background or me, you know, rapping to them. We met up with him at the Peterson Automotive Museum where we got to check out some cool cars, including one from the collection of Metallica's James Hatfield. Start it up. Let's do it. Let's get it. Normally if you got one of these old schools, it takes a minute to crank over because, you know, they're older cars, but it's James Hatfield. I'm pretty sure one turn this thing on a power write up. In Hollywood, Ashleigh DeVorkin, Fox News. Buying beyond AI, even as the surge continues, why investors should protect themselves with alternative opportunities. Jack and his expert panels share their top picks outside this sector on the next Baron's Roundtable, brought to you by GlobalX, Beyond Ordinary ETS. All right, Peter Giussi. Life in the White House with details on the fallout of Biden's big boy press conference. Peter, was it a big boy or what happened there? I have 59 minutes. You can call out a big boy press conference, Larry. And right now, President Biden is in Michigan. He admits that he knows there are people like the Union bosses there whose concerns he needs to allay because they are putting out the word they think he's going to lose to Donald Trump. At the same time, President Biden is sending a message to Democratic delegates. He is daring them to try to make a move on him at next month's convention. If all of a sudden I show up at the convention, everybody says we want somebody else. That's the democratic process. It's not going to happen. It's awful start to start from scratch. So what he's suggesting there is in the unlikely event that he leaves the ticket, Kamala Harris gets the war chest, not some random convention challenger. But President Biden's got a big problem. The main pro Biden super PAC future forward has frozen $90 million worth of pledged donations until Biden is gone. That is according to a report in the New York Times. Only they shut down contributions to the Biden campaign. They shut down contributions to the Senate committee, to the House committee. They shut the wallet and they're going to make a lot of people unhappy. And the vice president is apparently qualified to be president primarily because of her work on women's rights. First of all, the way she's handled the issue of freedom of women's bodies to have control of their bodies. Secondly, her ability to handle almost any issue on the board. This was a hell of a prosecutor. She was a first rate person and in the Senate, she was really good. Nothing feels like it is settled. But President Biden obviously doesn't feel like he needs to be here at the White House to fight for his political life. Because once he's done in Michigan, he's heading to his beach house in Delaware. Larry Peter, you know, I'm old. I'm just trying to remember. Vice President Harris was in charge of the border and was at the border once and three and a half years. Am I, is that wrong once? I believe she's made a couple trips down to that neck of the woods. But it was just the one I was with her then in El Paso. We went to a border processing station. Yeah. And somehow when we were there, there was nobody being processed. Those are the trips where those are the Four Seasons Hotel in Dallas, just kidding. That was a joke. Thank you, Peter Juicy. Have a great weekend. All right, joining me in and talk about all this Byron, New York, chief political correspondent, the Washington Examiner and Fox News contributor, Leo Terrell, civil rights attorney and Fox News contributor, Kim Strassle, Wall Street Journal, columnist and Fox News contributor. You know, our own Peter Juicy saying that Mr. Biden has a problem. Kim, I'm in your camp and I've written about this all week long. Yeah, he's got prep. He may have a health problem. No question. But his problem is he followed the line of Bernie Sanders and became a big social, a big government socialist right off the top throwing in crazy green new deals and climate change and lawfare and attacking the Supreme Court and mandates that people don't want. I mean, that's his problem is unsuccessful and unpopular policies, Kim Strassle. That's the way I see it. You are thought. I am so glad I am so glad you are talking about this, Larry, because you know what, as Democrats face this moment, this huge problem, they should not be allowed to get away with the claim that their problems all come down to Joe Biden's age. I mean, yes, it is a problem for them now, now that we've had this debate and everyone could see him. But his approval ratings were in the tank well before that debate ever happened. And that's because people are unhappy about inflation and energy prices and the border and crime and our international situation. And this is a result, as you said, he ran as a moderate. That was complete nonsense. And he came in and adopted a Bernie Sanders platform. And it's proving very unpopular. And the Democratic Party is not acknowledging that it's their ideas that have failed. I mean, shrinking paychecks, shrinking kitchen tables, people don't want to stuff DVDs down their throats. And the jobs are going over to China. They don't like the mandates. And of course, the border, the border, the border. Notice in all these pressers and whatnot, Mr. Biden never mentions the border. And Leo, I think the border is a very big Democratic problem, even though Biden doesn't want to deal with it. Well, you're absolutely right. Joe Biden was losing the issue on the border of the economy before that debate, before the public saw it. And I listened to your opening riff. And you said that Trump policies what it's being presented is the best policy you've seen in 40 years. You know why? I honestly believe Larry, that President Trump wants to be the best president ever. And his economic policies apply to everyone. He wants to put every American first. Joe Biden wants to put Joe Biden first. And the only reason why he stayed in the office, right now he's ready for reelection, is because of power and control. That's all it is. It's not about America. It's about Joe Biden. And that's what the American people see. And that's why President Trump is going to be the next president. Byron, in that, you may have seen the Atlantic magazine article. It's a, you know, kind of is a left-of-center magazine. I'll be polite. Susie Wiles and Chris said, what's the name? Lassavita. Two smart pieces. Lassavita. They've done a great job. Sorry. Anyway, they make an assertion. And I want to ask you about it, that it's not really seven swing states. It's four swing states, Byron. Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Let me repeat. Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, that the whole election will turn on those four states. Do you agree with that assessment? Pretty much. The most conventional way for Trump to win the presidency is he's got to win all the states that he won in 2020, which he has a really good chance of doing. Then he needs to win Georgia and Arizona. And if he does that, he just has to win one of Pennsylvania and Michigan or Wisconsin, just one of those. And he becomes president. Now, he's looking very strong in Georgia. Arizona is looking pretty good, but that's it's absolutely crucial that he do that. One more scenario, though, if he wins Arizona and Georgia, and then he wins Virginia, which is pretty close right now, he doesn't have to win any of Pennsylvania, Michigan or Wisconsin. Well, that's a very good point. That's a very good point. Leo, did you listen to the clips, the clips we had on the vice presidential sweepstakes? I had Governor Burgum, Senator Vance and Senator Rubio. Do you hear any of those clips? I'm just curious. I'm just curious what your reaction was, if you heard it. First of all, I've been watching the Larry Cutlow show at the top, since the top of the hour. So I'm fully aware of those, of those three clips. That's why our ratings. That's why our ratings have improved so much, Leo. Ever since you started watching the show, our numbers have picked up. No one here can explain it. And there you are, sitting right in front of me. Anyway, thank you very much for watching. I appreciate it. President Trump has a treasure chest of talent. I honestly believe it could be any one of those three that you are ticked at. That was basically on the top of the segment of your show. But his bitch is wide and long. And I think you're going to be surprised. I think Trump is going to go outside of those three. In fact, last week I gave him a suggestion and I told him just somebody who's been loyal to the MAGA economic movement. And I think Trump is going to pick a winner, no matter who he selects, Larry. Well, it could be outside that group. There's no question. I don't pretend any final wisdom on the matter. Oh, Kim Strasso, do you have a pick on the vice presidential thing? I mean, is there somebody out there that you think would help him, you know, more than than than anybody else? So here's what I'd like to see. Larry, I'd like to see someone that your favorite word is very growthy because they're going to be the next standard bearer for the party. I'd like to see somebody who has some executive experience because the reason we do vice presidential candidates is God forbid anything happens to the president. You want him in jobs. So someone who was in the business world, someone who was a governor, for instance. And then I think somebody who can help him with some of the voter constituencies that he still got some issues with, in particular, moderates and suburbanites. And you know, and that points toward a dug burger. Maybe it points toward a Glenn Yunken, maybe somebody who's or just someone who's also had some gubernatorial experience, maybe maybe a Nikki Haley, maybe, you know, there's a lot of people out there. There are a lot of people out there. You know, Byron, I kind of, you know, first of all, Kim knows how to manipulate me all these years. Growthier is the key. Growthier is the key. I don't really think the vice president matters in these things. I think it's all about the president when the election is all said and done. But I do like the growthier and I do like the experience. So that leaves me with this, Byron, I'm giving you the last word. Who's going to be as vice presidential pick or who should be as vice presidential pick? I think one of the most important considerations Trump has to make is looking for a temperament balance, a temperament contrast with him. He doesn't need anybody who's more MAGA than he is. He needs somebody who has the executive experience that Kim talked about, who is maybe a little dull, who is very solid and responsible. That could be yunken. It could be bergam. But I will say one last thing. It doesn't get brought up a lot. But I do think Rubio has a big constitutional Florida problem. Look it up. If he were to choose Trump were to choose Rubio, there would be a big problem about his. I got a place for him in rural Connecticut. It's not a problem. We'll put him up very low rank. It's a lovely, lovely place. Anyway, you're all terrific. Byron York, Leo Terrell, Kim Strauss. Thanks so much. Coming up, folks. Joe Biden claims the border is more secure now than when Mr. Trump left office. And I don't know what he's talking about. But guess, guess, Congressman Claudia Tenney's superstar from New York is going to set us straight. I'm Kudlow. Be right back. Maria Bartiromo's Wall Street. I'll identify the policies that move markets so you can be prepared for the week ahead. Fridays in seven on Fox Business. I think here in Arizona, the most important thing is to find the perfect sunlight. And ours just happened to be our front yard. Nicole Hood is very proud of her front yard garden. When she says wouldn't be as lush and bountiful without farm yard. So for about three seasons, I tried to plant on my own with no success. And then a friend told me about farm yard and Rebecca and Troy came over and just kind of gave me some of the fundamentals on how to plant, how to water. And suddenly, everyone in my neighborhood thought I had a green thumb and I'm going to completely take credit for it. We are a design, build, and maintain edible garden company. So we build custom raised beds for our clients. We make our own compost. We do irrigation systems. Rebecca Kidwell, co-owner of Farmyard LLC, says she and her husband, who runs a company with her, give their clients as little or as much assistance as they want or need. Their main interest is to show people how to grow their own food. So many people come from back east or in the Midwest where they're used to dropping a seed into the soil and it immediately taking. And so out here, so many people are frustrated with growing because they think that they can do the same in our desert soils. That's not the case. You can grow fruits and vegetables 12 months out of the year in Arizona, according to Kidwell. She's preparing for spring and summer by planting melons and pumpkins and corn that she says thrive in triple digit weather. There's something to getting your hands in the soil, grounding, getting dirty, you know, that's kind of fun to do at the end of the day and getting to share. I mean, having a garden in the front yard, we have met so many neighbors. We've kind of become a little stop on people's walks. I would tell anyone that the opportunity to grow your own food and allow your children to be part of the process is so wonderful. Talk about getting your kids to eat their vegetables. Hood says her children are just as excited as she is to harvest the garden and sit down together as a family for a healthy meal they helped grow and eat a Roman Fox 10 news. Woody Guthrie wrote roll on Columbia to celebrate the Great Columbia River. But as it twisted its way through the Pacific Northwest, the Columbia needed little help to get the water where we needed it most. The Grand Coulee Dam used more concrete than any construction project in history, but it still wasn't enough. A decision had to be made. Do we go with a lower dam or a high dam? A 290 foot dam would never generate enough electricity to pay for itself. Chief engineer Frank Banks realized he needed to build the dam much higher. A high dam would create more electricity, which would mean more revenue. But more than that, a high dam would produce enough power to irrigate the high desert. In a higher dam, the water falls further, spinning the turbines faster. This would create enough power to sell and to pump up into the Grand Coulee. From there, it could flow throughout the region. That was Rufus Wood's real dream. But President Roosevelt only agreed to pay for a 290 foot dam. So once again, the newspaper publisher rolled up his sleeves. When Archie Daily World covered the construction, sometimes almost on a daily basis. The public wanted to know, well, how are they doing? How's it moving? And so he would take that and put it into words and publish it so people could read it and understand that yes, we have to keep the momentum going with the tax money. His campaign paid off. Congress agreed to pony up for 550 foot dam. Wood's got the funding for Banks to finish the job right. So I took executive action last month. As a consequence, working with Mexico, bordering counters have gone down over 50 percent. The current level is lower today than when Trump left office. Really? So joining us now is superstar Congressman from New York, namely Ms. Claudia Tenney. Claudia, really? So let me get this right. Mr. Biden has fewer illegal immigrants than Mr. Trump. Is that true? Gee whiz, I didn't know that. Maybe from, like, they took the statistic from one evening till the next morning, and there were less people than the morning before. It's impossible. Obviously, this is a disaster at the border. Everyone in America knows it. And we feel it very strongly here in New York as well with 85 percent of the people on the terror watch was coming across the northern border to take advantage of New York law, the green light law, which allows and mandates that we give licenses to illegal immigrants and also give them special protections so that our police can't work to make sure that we don't have terrorists and other people that have come across our border illegally. I mean, I tell you, Claudia, we don't have a lot of time, but I'm going to see you in Milwaukee, I assume. But the fact is this, the border and all of the crime-related consequences, drugs and so forth, murders, rapes, and the end to public safety virtually throughout the big cities and the big suburban counties, it's this enormous gigantic issue. And Biden never talks about it except to say a phony untruth like he did last night. You know what I mean? I mean, it's just going to be a big issue. And there are nothing Biden can do about it. You know, he just talked about worn out talking points, old Democratic tribes, you know, that I just heard over and over, and that's about what he could remember. And thankfully, for us, he did well enough that the Democrats are in disarray because they can't really take him out in that right now. They're stuck with them for now. But I'll tell you, the border is not only so dangerous, and the law is accompanying the detainer law that doesn't allow police to retain someone until an ICE agent gets there, then they're forced to release them. Exactly what happened with Lake and Riley. The New York PD was forced to release this criminal, and he went down to Georgia and killed her. And, you know, the other thing, Larry, that you that is in your wheelhouse is how expensive it is. It is costing hundreds of billions of dollars. And we're displacing our own citizens and undermining their relative wealth in order to pay for illegal immigrants, many of whom have committed crimes. Obviously, their first crime is coming across the border illegally. But they're continuing to commit crimes and taking advantage of our social welfare system, which we know is a struggle. And who does it hurt the most? The seniors, the seniors who have spent their lifetime working and creating, you know, some kind of nest egg, regardless of how size, dependent on social security. And these people are running rush out over it. And Biden doesn't care. He just keeps going. Talk about, I mean, Trump was brilliant in the innor in the debate when he said he killed Medicare. He sure did. He's killing Medicare with all these illegal immigrants. Wait till they start applying. Yeah. And we'll talk some more about this in Milwaukee. You know, cheap labor, and they're taking native-born jobs out of the way. Anyway, Claudia Tenney, thanks for today. We will we'll see you in Milwaukee. Looking forward to it. Folks, be right back with my last word. Yeah. AT&T says a hacker downloaded call and text message information covering almost all of its wireless subscribers about 109 million customer accounts. The company says most of the data was from 2022. It was downloaded in April, but there's no evidence it was shared publicly. Though the records do not include personal subscriber information such as names, credit card data, or social security numbers. AT&T says it is working with law enforcement, and at least one person was apprehended. Kroger and Albertsons have identified almost 600 locations across the country. They intend to close. The plan is linked to the grocery giant's efforts to calm concerns voiced by regulators related to their proposed merger. CNS wholesale grossers is slated to buy the stores and tens of thousands of vehicles in the U.S. are at risk of getting a counterfeit airbag. Carfax says nearly two million cars on the road today were involved in an accident where an airbag deployed over the last two years. Each of those instances provided scammers with the opportunity to potentially install a counterfeit airbag as a replacement. And according to officials, that could cause injuries or even death. I'm C.J. Papa. Airmen from the Air National Guard, 109th airlift wing regularly travel all the way to Antarctica to assist scientists as part of Operation Deep Freeze. Here in a further explain is Navigator for the 109th airlift wing. Major Jefferson would. So what exactly is your mission in Antarctica and what kind of work are the scientists that you are transporting doing out there? So the 109th airlift wings mission is to provide logistical support to the scientific researchers who operate in Antarctica. A lot of people don't know, but the United States in Arctic program operates a research station in McMurdo, which is on the coast of Antarctica as well as right at the South Pole. And part of our job is to ferry supplies from the base in New Zealand down to the Antarctic base at McMurdo. And then once we get to McMurdo, we're ferrying supplies for the scientists as well as the scientists themselves to their research stations, both at the South Pole and elsewhere around the continent of Antarctica. And we're looking at conditions. It looks like conditions that would really delay most airplanes. But how is your aircraft customized so that it can take off as well as land in the kind of weather you find in Antarctica? Sure. Yeah, obviously when you think of Antarctica, you think of a whole lot of snow and ice, and that's true. There's not really anywhere to put a gravel runway on the Ross ice shelf, which is where the research station is. So our landing fields actually directly on the ice on a 70 foot thick piece of floating ice at the edge of the Ross ice shelf. That is wild. I mean, gosh, it almost looks like a penguin sliding on its belly down a hill there. Have you ever had bad conditions, bad conditions that were so bad you couldn't land? Well, that's the interesting thing about this. So it's about a 2000 mile flight from New Zealand down to Antarctica in our aircraft. And we only have enough fuel for a one way trip. So regardless of what the weather is, we have to land. Hello to our friends watching in Israel on Yes. Thank you for choosing Fox. For more, check out and Keep it right here. And we begin with this Fox News alert. America turns to Fox News Channel. 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