
The Biden Democratic Party Legacy of Failure

Whether Joe Biden or Kamala Harris or some other Democrat runs at the head of the ticket, it's not going to matter. That person will still have to defend the many failures of the Biden administration's big government socialist policies.

With Vivek Ramaswamy, Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R-VA), Kellyanne Conway, Katie Pavlich, Ben Domenech, and Newt Gingrich. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

1h 0m
Broadcast on:
11 Jul 2024
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Whether Joe Biden or Kamala Harris or some other Democrat runs at the head of the ticket, it's not going to matter. That person will still have to defend the many failures of the Biden administration's big government socialist policies.

With Vivek Ramaswamy, Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R-VA), Kellyanne Conway, Katie Pavlich, Ben Domenech, and Newt Gingrich.

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But first up, our own Edward Lawrence has the details ahead of Joe Biden's. What is it, Big Boy, press conference tonight? Is that what they're saying Edward Daconne? Big Boy, or Big Boy Pants, or something? I don't know. You tell me. [LAUGHTER] I was telling you the Big Boy press conference. In about two and a half hours, Larry. Yeah, a lot of eyes are going to be watching this news conference, even though it's not an official event here at the NATO Summit. The president of Finland said that even this debate, talking about the president's ability to lead, has got in the way of what the NATO Summit is all about. Listen to this. The only thing I'm worried about is that the political climate in the United States right now is too toxic. It is very polarized, and that sort of doesn't leave, I think, enough room for a civilized and constructive debate about different types of policy choices. Now he has no concerns about President Biden, but Biden's senior advisor is pitching lawmakers today talking with Senate Democrats. The president had the first Democratic senator say he needs to step aside as more House Democrats make the same point. This, as Fox News is reporting that large donors decided not to support president Biden anymore, George Clooney, at the top of that list, Republicans watching what they believe is a slow-moving train wreck. Listen, they've all known for six months for a year, for longer, that Biden's mental capacity was severely diminished, that he was not up to doing the job. But they're not worried about having a commander in chief who's not capable of fulfilling the responsibilities. The only reason they're panicking is because they now realize the American people have seen that, and they're terrified that he's gonna lose in November. So in a memo obtained by Fox Business, President Biden's campaign telling Democrats that the best way to help Donald Trump is to make a change at the top of the ticket at this late date. They admit the debate was a setback, but that the party must unify. So this news conference, the big boy news conference, Larry, could be make or break for the president's campaign, or for the rest of his presidency, back to you. Besides the big boy-ness of this big boy news conference, they're probably planting questions. God knows what's gonna happen. Could you explain what this was the head of Finland commenting on our political situation? I mean, what was that, is he like the George Will or the somebody of our time? Is he looking for a job at the Washington Post? Where'd that come from? Commenting on America's political, toxic situation from Finland, no less. Right, but this is what's happening is that every world leader that comes in front of a microphone is being asked about President Biden, about his ability to lead, and about the situation, political situation in the United States. Those three are happening to pretty much every world leader who comes in, and that was the answer from the president of Finland. All right, well, I have a somewhat different answer. Edward Lawrence, thank you very much. I'm gonna give you an answer now. It's gonna be the same old big government socialist policies. No matter who's at the top of the Democratic ticket, no need for Finland's speculation. That's the subject of the riff. Whether Joe Biden or Kamala Harris or some of the Democrat runs at the head of the ticket, it's not gonna matter. That person will still have to defend the many failures of the Biden administration's big government socialist policies. The modern Democratic party today is a far left party being driven by Senator Bernie Sanders or Senator Elizabeth Warren or Congresswoman AOC and her squad. By the way, as Newt Gingrich reminds me, when Vice President Kamala Harris was Senator Kamala Harris, she co-sponsored a socialized medicine bill with Senator Bernie Sanders. And that bill was priced out to be rate for it $32 trillion. Need to know anymore, Finland or who else? Today, Ms. Harris was down in North Carolina bragging about student loan cancellations. The problem is the Supreme Court has ruled that the president doesn't have the authority to cancel student loans, but he's gonna do it anyway 'cause he doesn't care about the Supreme Court. Little while ago, Mr. Biden gave a short speech attacking the Supreme Court after it ruled that former President Trump had immunity when undertaking official duties. This is the same Democratic party that says it's defending democracy. Only they don't defend democracy. No matter who runs at the top of the Democratic ticket, they're still stuck with the affordability crisis and the fact that middle-class kitchen tables have been shrinking for three and a half years as prices have risen faster than wages for working folks. They still have to defend the catastrophic open border policies of at least 10 million illegal immigrants and the crime way that's gone along with it as declining public safety has become a national issue linked to the illegals. No matter who's at the top of the Democratic ticket, they'll still have to defend the unpopularity of left-wing woke cultural issues which have violated traditional family values throughout the middle class. This includes DEI mandates which themselves are the progenitors of a vicious wave of anti-Semitism which finds its center of gravity in the Democratic party. And whoever the Democratic nominee, that person will have to defend the burden of hugely unpopular electric vehicle mandates which would send autoworker jobs to China and the whole Green New Deal wave which has jacked up electricity prices as it sends out trillions and trillions of spending, budget deficits and federal borrowing. And whoever runs at the head of the Democratic ticket is going to have to defend the collapse of Afghanistan or Russia's Putin thumbing his nose at Biden in the Ukraine or Iran's thumbing its nose at Biden as its terrorist proxies have attacked Israel. Whoever runs at the head of the Democratic party will have to explain how it's possible that they did not enforce any of the energy sanctions on Iran or Russia so that China can finance two wars against the U.S. by importing oil from Russia and Iran. All this is the Biden Democratic party legacy a failure. No matter who runs at the top of that ticket, they will have to shoulder that enormous burden of failure. And that is my riff. All right, let's talk. We have the great Vivek Ramaswami who is the former candidate for president and as a Trump surrogate and an all-around smart fellow. Vivek, you know, that's kind of like, I don't know. I'm just brushing, I mean, I'm enjoying this, whatever it is, docu-drama, Hollywood goes. I mean, I don't know what it is, but the fact of the matter is, I don't, it's not gonna matter. There's a record that they're still gonna have to defend, by the way, whether it's Biden or Harris or Newsom or gruesome or who else is gonna do it. I don't care, what do you think, Vivek? Am I missing something here? - Well, the only thing I would add, Larry, is this. Complacency is not an option for our side. I think there's a lot of people on our side who are already celebrating as though this thing is over. I think this thing has not even begun in terms of the election season. The reality is Biden is done. I believe they're just negotiating his golden parachute. I mean, that metaphorically, if not literally, but the reality is this is just public theatrics. In some sense, they want this swap out to take place as late as possible. If it's at the DNC convention in late August, think about this, they put up a new candidate. First, there's a honeymoon phase with the public. It's the equivalent of somebody who's been a captor and being tortured as a prisoner, or being liberated by their liberator. They're gonna love whoever that new candidate is. They want November to come around while they're still in that honeymoon phase. So I think my message to Republicans is this, is that yes, are we doing great because our ideas are the right ideas for Americans? Yes, because Donald Trump has already been a great president for Americans. Yes, but complacency is not an option. And I will remind you, there was supposed to be a red wave that came in 2022 because of those same failed Biden policies, and we didn't get it. So I think that we ought to be cautionary this time around in making sure that we're really playing to win and focusing on our own message rather than just really cooling the other side. - Well, I agree, but you know, the record has actually gotten worse just in the last two years, but I agree. And I think Susie Wiles and Chris Lassaveta have done a very good job. We're gonna talk more about the nuts and bolts later in the show, but you know, my point is, nothing's gonna look, they're still big government socialist. That's all they are. Now there has to be a response to that, but I think the Trump platform, I mean, let me ask you about the Trump, I think the Trump platform that was published at the beginning of the week is terrific. And national message is the growthiest statement from any president I can recognize going back to, I can remember going back to Ronald Reagan for whom I worked many, many, many years ago. It's growthier, it's across the board, depends the dollar, school choice, you know, states will take care of abortions with certain exclusions on abortions. I mean, I think it's a terrific platform. It's pro-growth and anti-inflation, cutting, spending. This is something the Republicans did not have a real national message back in 2022. - I think this allows the Republican Party and Donald Trump to be the leadership that actually unites this country. And think about that, Larry, Joe Biden ran on a message of national unity. He has failed miserably, or we wouldn't be where we are right now. But now economic growth, that is unifying. Success is unifying. Excellence is unifying. That's who we are as Americans. And I think counterintuitive to many of the media narratives, I think Donald Trump will actually be the president who unites this country. Not through flowery language, but through his actions. And I think that's what many Americans are hungry for, black or white, even Democrat or Republican. Most people are united against the illegal entry by the millions into this country. Most people are dead set against the wave of crime, afflicting our cities across this country. And so I think we have a historic opportunity, not just to win this election, but to win it by a landslide of the kind Reagan did. And dare I say it, Larry, unite this country in the process which many of us are quietly hungry for. And I think Donald Trump is gonna be the guy who has the first chance in a very long time. And I think he's gonna do it to actually reunite one United States of America through action. - But before I lose you, let me just ask you one thing. This weird thing. You have this, it's called the SAID bill. And it simply suggests that in order to vote in this country, you have to have proof of citizenship. And when you've got 10 million new illegal immigrants coming across, it seems to me that's very sensible. Even if you didn't have 10 million, it would still be very sensible. The Democrats are maniacally against this. Biden has said he will veto. This is the party that says it's gonna protect democracy, mind you. Student loan guarantees, student loan cancellations. Supreme Court says no, now, therefore it anyway. The Kamala Harris was touting that today in North Carolina. They don't care about that. They don't even wanna have an open convention. In fact, the Democrats don't even wanna have a convention. They're gonna have a virtual convention in Chicago, which I think is triply pathetic. But why are they so maniacally afraid to have a bill that says you have to have proof of citizenship? - Well, I think this is a brilliant bill because it smokes out a lot of those motives in the Democratic Party, Larry. Here's the reality. Why Democrats have turned a blind eye on illegal immigration for so long is that this is a long-run strategy as they see it to win elections over the long run. Import long-run potential voters, prevent the export of long-run voters. That's informed the Democratic Party's entire immigration policy. Years ago, they called that a conspiracy theory. Well, you know what? Democrats have been quietly saying it for a long time. Now you see the first bill that's been expressly introduced to do what most Americans expect is reasonable. To vote in this country, you have to be a citizen. And yet that's exactly why you see the overwhelming majority of Democrats, except for a few, and I give them credit for defecting from their party. But apart from those fringe few on the Democratic Party that came our way, everybody in the Democratic Party stands against anything that erodes their chance of remaining in power. So I thought it was a brilliant move to put that bill up. And the reality is most Americans are on our side for the rule of law. All right, do they come to Milwaukee? You gonna be at the convention? Oh, yeah. I'll see you there. Absolutely. As you say, you come visit us for sure. We'll be broadcasting inside the convention all my great friend today, grandma Swami Fabula's stuff. Well, thank you ever so much. All righty-ready, turning to another great friend and another important story. The June inflation report, which came in light. No doubt about it. Joining me now who is not light, David Asman, Fox Business Anchor, extraordinaire. All right, good number. June, CPI fell, 10th, the percent. X food and energy was up the 10th. But the last 12 months, the CPI is 3.0%. That's above the Fed's 2% target. And the core CPI, X food and energy is up 3.3%. And I might add Jay Powell, supposedly his favorite measure, which is the CPI core services, X rents. That thing's up 4.6%. Now, David Asman, I want your wisdom. The futures market is saying the Fed's gonna cut rates in September, maybe sooner and beyond. Now, the futures market's been saying the Fed's gonna cut rates since I started broadcasting here at Fox. Wisely, Council be not to accept their thing. The futures market's been saying-- They're not supplied. Since I started at Fox, and that was three and a half years ago, and the futures market is always wrong. But we believe in free markets most of the time. Should the Fed start cutting rates? No, I don't think it should. The question is whether there will be political pressure put on Powell to do that. However, the point is it's inflation. It's good that inflation came down, but it came down for the wrong reason. It's not because there are more goods in society because we have a supply side problem. We have too many regulations. We have tax increases on the horizon if Democrats are elected. And again, no matter what Democrat is elected, you know that they're not gonna reintroduce the Trump tax bill. They're gonna raise taxes. They're not gonna keep them the same or lower them. So, the reason it's coming down is because the economy is slowing. In fact, that might be slowing. We know the GDP's down. If it was the last quarter of last year, 3.2%, it's now down to 1.4%. So, GDP's going down. Companies wanna get rid of their inventory so they're lowering the prices in order to clear out their inventory. And people are strapped. They can't afford to buy anymore. They've used up all the COVID funds, et cetera. So, it's going down for the wrong. We need a boost to this economy right now. We're not gonna get it with tax increases. We're gonna get it with tax deductions, to protect lower tax rates, lower regulations. - Trump's a platform. - Trump's a platform. - One of the themes of this show all week, it is the growthiest platform. Certainly since Ronald Reagan's-- - I'm gonna keep a copy of it with me now. Wherever I go, it's good stuff. It's good stuff. They're lowering regulations. They're lowering tax rates. Drill baby, drill, they're increasing gas and oil production. - And we're gonna need it. We're gonna need it. - Absolutely. - We're gonna need supply side stimulus, not demand side stimulus. - Yes, that's right. - And that's what's lacking right now. - Look, I'm glad prices are easing down, but I think it's premature for the Fed to start easing their policies. But the reality is, the level of prices is up 20% since Mr. Biden took office. And when you get into specifics like food and groceries and electricity and energy, it's up 30, 40 as much as 50%. - And by the way, gold was up 42 bucks today. So I think gold traders are thinking that maybe there will be a September rate cut by Powell. - In September, I predict someone will be the nominee of the Democratic Party. That is the only thing-- - You may be wrong, by the way. - No, see, all I can say is-- - Who knows? - Oh, I can say it. - Who knows? - David Asman, the best of the best of luck's business. Coming up here on Cudlow, can President Trump's growth year platform flip the battleground state of Virginia? We're gonna ask Virginia Governor Glenn Youngen when Cudlow returns. Be sure to turn in next week when Cudlow will be live from Milwaukee at the RNC, starting Monday, July 15th, 4 p.m. Eastern, right here on Fox Business. I am the aforementioned Cudlow, and we are on the supply side, as always. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - In 1863, a man in Hubie Wilson comes up with a plan to build an underground railway in New York City. Wilson was a businessman who visited London and saw the first London rapid transit system, which was partly underground. Wilson raised $5 million in private funds to build a subway in New York. Unfortunately, he fell head first into the political cesspool. The city was largely controlled by the Tammany Hall, and Tammany Hall and Boss Tweed, who was the de facto leader of it. - We're enormously corrupt. Boss Tweed happened to be making a fortune on horse railroads, so Wilson's plan was dead on arrival. - William Morrissey Tweed makes sure that it doesn't get through the legislature. - Still, it wasn't just Tweed's opposition that killed Wilson's plan. New Yorkers weren't wild about building on London-style subway. - Bringing like a steam-powered railroad underground creates a lot of problems. - Steam locomotives and vomited cinders, they vomited ashes. If you're underground, that's a real problem. - Another New York entrepreneur thought he had a solution for that. Howford Beach. - He would be like a Silicon Valley figure today. He was a champion of all forms of new technology. - But he's also a inventor. He invents a typewriter for the blind. And he came up with an idea for an air-propelled subway car. - Beach's idea is you could use air pressure. You could use the technology of a pneumatic tube to blow or suck the movement of a rail car along rail lines. - Beach planned to build a 50-ton underground fan called the Western Tornado. It would blow a train car 300 feet through a tunnel. At the end, the car would trip a telegraph wire that would send a signal back to the engineer who would reverse the fan. - Beach's tube was basically like putting a P in a straw and then blowing it on one end. - And this is his breakthrough, but he knows he's gonna have trouble getting permission to do this so he comes up with a subterranean scheme. - Beach finagled a license to build a tube beneath City Hall just for mail. He didn't say how wide he would make that tube. And he dug one broadway right next to City Hall, right under the eyes of damming all. - His subterranean subterfuge couldn't last long, so the inventor created a hydraulic tunneling shield. - The hydraulic shield was used to protect the workers from falling rock. - The second thing it was designed to do was to hasten the digging. - Tunneling this way, you created a tube and then you could line the tube with concrete and end up with a stable tunnel fairly quickly. - Workers dug in total secrecy just below City Hall for two months. - Hidden in plain sight, people know he's tunneling, but they think that he's tunneling for little tubes. He builds an entire just two-stop railroad. - They open this and lo and behold, Beach has come up with a demonstration subway. The outfinnings of this was especially striking. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Hello to our viewers in Canada. Thanks for watching Thoughts on Rogers. If you want the latest reports from our correspondents, visit both as well as (upbeat music) - Nobody. - The consumer is strong, the balance sheets are strong. - Brings you America's business news. - There's so much going on. - And what it means for you. - We want to get some breaking news to you right now, Fox Business Alert. - Like Fox Business, keeping you ahead of the curve. - All the insiders selling by some of the richest people on Earth. - With insight into the impact of US and global markets. - That's where the recipe for inflation comes from. - The people you can trust. - That's absent, Bob, with this. - Fox Business, America's business network. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - So with Donald Trump's growthier platform is Virginia now in play. Well, I spoke to Virginia Governor Glenn Yunken. Earlier today, please take a listen. Governor Glenn Yunken, Governor Yunken, welcome back, sir. - Larry, it's so great to be with you as always and to get a chance to talk business is exciting to me. 'Cause of course today, Virginia was ranked the top state for business in America. And it's such a statement of affirmation of all the hard work we've done that's resulted in $74 billion of capital commitments from companies coming to Virginia already here and 240,000 more people working. Listen, common sense works and it's great to see it working in Virginia. - I don't know how you beat out in New York. I mean, high taxes, regulations, New York case business. So you must have just beat 'em out by a whisker. Anyway, I know Virginia's the number one rank state. You've done it before. Let me talk about the Republican convention coming up in Milwaukee, if I may, and the platform, I'm sure you read it, it's a very growthy platform, low taxes and regulations, drill baby drill. - Are you okay with this platform, Governor Young? - Yeah, I am Larry, it's common sense. And I think it's time that our nation reintroduces itself to common sense. I also think it's time that our nation reintroduces itself to strength. And what we've seen from the Biden-Harris administration is weakness, weakness in foreign policy that's resulted in chaos around the world, weakness in the economy that has unleashed inflation like we've never seen. And of course, weakness at the border that has allowed chaos to drive every state to become a border state. I mean, in Virginia, we have five Virginians who die every day from fentanyl poisoning. We've seen two illegal immigrants try to crash into Quantico with a box truck. This is nuts. And so I think it's time for strength and common sense and that's what the platform stands for. - You good with the universal school choice and let states determine abortion, along with the exclusions for the life of the mother rape and incest. Are you okay with those? - Yeah, I am. And I fundamentally believe that choice for parents in schools is critical. We have been working in Virginia to provide multiple pathways for Virginia kids. Listen, not every child is gonna go to college. Some of them wanna go get an industry recognized credential and go straight to work. And that's what we've done in Virginia. And I think that's one of the reasons why we ranked number one in education and why our workforce is always rated top in the nation is because we can get people to go to work. It is the platform is comprehensive. And as I said earlier, common sense prevails here. And it's great to have common sense headed back to the White House and lead the United States of America. - It's Virginia in play, Governor. - I think it is. Listen, Joe Biden won Virginia by 10 points four years ago. And I was able to win by two just a year later. And I believe that President Trump's leadership and strength is why Virginia is in play. It's an all the polls suggest that the state is tied. If not President Trump having a slight lead, we've got a tough four months of campaigning ahead of us. I look forward to campaigning with President Trump and look into the liver of Virginia. And listen, if Virginia elects President Trump and our electoral votes end up in his category, I think it could be a landslide across the country. - Yeah, it's interesting. Every, so many states are in play now. All of a sudden, it's unbelievable. So who are you gonna run against? I mean, do you think Joe Biden's gonna survive this Hollywood, Washington, Obama, Pelosi, Schumer? I mean, I'm not a Democrat. I don't pretend to understand the party. What do you think's gonna happen with him? - Well, let me just begin, Larry, with the fact that for three and a half years, the Biden-Harris administration has failed America. And so no matter who they get, they're gonna be, they're gonna be tired and feathered with that track record. Let's be serious. Progressive liberal policies don't work. Common sense does. And we have seen the weakness and the failure from the Biden-Harris administration play out on every single important front in the country. And so I don't know who they're gonna get. And if it is Joe Biden, that's great, because I do think at the end of the day that he represents the progressive left's policies. He represents the weakness and failure of those policies. And as I said, America's ready for strength. We're ready for a strong economy. We're ready for us to have high growth and low inflation and high low growth and high inflation. We're looking for energy strength and energy dominance. And all American, all of the above energy policy that embraces the God-given resources in this great America and stops driving America into the vice grip that the Chinese Communist Party has on the green economy. Just yesterday, Larry, we were able to announce in Virginia that the next step in potentially citing a small, modular reactor in Virginia had challenged our state to lead here. And we're doing exactly that. But we want a strong energy policy that recognizes all the resources that we have here is critical. It's time for strength, Larry, not for weakness. And I think that's what President Trump will bring to the White House. - Well, I noticed the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal is touting you for Vice President. And I noticed the New York Post also. Have you spoken to President Trump about a vice presidential position? - The reality is, Larry, that whoever they choose will be a great vice president partner for the president and so much better than anybody, but particularly Kamala Harris. And my relationship with the president is really great. We had a super meeting a couple of weeks ago, but we spent the whole meeting talking about how to win and particularly how to win Virginia. And I think that is the most important thing on the horizon, which is to win. And when I endorsed him, I told him that I would enthusiastically support what he's doing and to do it in Virginia particularly. And as I said earlier, Virginia's in play. And that's a huge statement about the mindsets, not only of Virginia voters, but American voters, that they are ready for strength. They are ready for leadership. And they're tired of the weakness and failures that have come out of the Biden-Harris industry. - Well, if you offered it to you, you would take it, sir. - Well, again, Larry, this is not something that we've had deep discussions around. And I do believe there's huge talent in the Republican Party. And there will be a great vice presidential candidate. And whoever it is will be a great partner for who will be a great president. Donald J. Trump is our 47th president of the United States. - All right, well, congratulations on being the number one state in business. And thank you for coming back on the show, Governor Yunken. We appreciate it very much. Good luck on the campaign trail. - Larry, thank you for everything. And thanks for always bringing common sense back into the business arena. We need it. - Whoa, well, that was very kind of a mistake that right there at the end. And I appreciate it anyways, a very smart fella. Coming up here on "Cudlow," the question is, how's Mr. Trump gonna win over these swing voters, including minority voters? He's got a whole common sense, but he's also got a very interesting electoral strategy. And we're gonna talk about it with Kellyanne Conway and Katie Pavlidge and Ben Dominich. And remember, folks, Cudlow, available as a podcast. Episodes are available every weekday, right after the show. You can go to Spotify, you can go to Apple, you can go to Heck, we are Spliceide Free Market Capitalist Podcast. How about those apples? (dramatic music) (upbeat music) ♪♪ - Morning's with Marie on Fox Business. - Every morning, I want to empower my viewers to move their families forward and seize the day. - All the news that drives the markets are beyond. Morning's with Marie on Fox Business, invested in you. ♪♪ - In Joel's Vern's novel, "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea," "The Nautilus" is a fantastical ship that prowls the depths with unlimited power. In 1872, this was pure science fiction. But it was closer to reality than even Joel's Vern could have imagined. Nuclear fission offered the potential of an unlimited power supply for American submarines. But in 1953, the smallest nuclear reactor was too big and too dangerous to put on a sub. ♪♪ - The Navy's latest rear admiral, Hyman Rickover, had two distinct challenges. He needed to build a sub that could support a reactor and he needed to build a reactor small enough to fit on it. - He's got a practical problem now. He needs people to build something that's never been built before. And that requires a special kind of person. - Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Rickover set up shop for the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. - Oak Ridge was essentially a top secret laboratory. - Rickover was given the task of making a vehicle that had never existed before in the world. He really genuinely was starting from a blank piece of paper and designing Nautilus from the ground up. - Rickover needed an experienced team, but that experience didn't exist. - No one in the Navy was used to operating reactors. So you had to figure out how to train people to operate these. You have to figure out all the new details around it from design to operation to make this work. - So Rickover looked for potential. - You might not know anything about a nuclear star in this program. - Rickover would bring people into the program if they were smart and he thought they could succeed. - The first riddle Rickover's team had to solve was what type of reactor they would build for the Nautilus. - There are a number of different designs out there, but the one that Rickover decided to go with was the one we still use to this day. It's called a pressurized water reactor. - This pressurized water reactor design was simple to maintain. It was easy to operate. - But even if they could build the reactor, no existing submarine could handle it. Rickover needed to build a bigger boat. At 319 feet long, the Nautilus would be longer than conventional subs. - The submarine design on Nautilus is kind of a hybrid between what they had in terms of the World War II diesel electric boats and the later more streamlined submarine hulls we see today. - Rickover borrowed the hull design from his enemies. The rounded bow and straight deck lines resembled the German U-boats. - At the end of World War II, the Germans had the best design hulls. They could dive the deepest, but that's why she looks the way she does. She's a revolutionary design for US submarine making, but not necessarily for the world. - Inside the Nautilus, the crew quarters will be just behind the six torpedoes. The bridge will be in the tower above the control rooms. The reactor would sit in the center of the ship with additional crew quarters in the rear. Nuclear power allowed the vessel to stay down indefinitely without refueling, but the crew still needed air. The ingenious solution? Rickover used electricity from the reactor itself to extract oxygen from the water all around it. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - It was once said that oil is almost as vital to human existence as water. And whoever said it wasn't kidding. Americans alone consume more than 800 million gallons of it every day, enough to fill an Olympic-sized swimming pool more than a thousand times over. Yeah, that's a lot. It fuels our cars, heats our homes, and can be found in any number of everyday items from cell phones to contact lenses to chewing gum. And believe it or not, more than 80% of it comes from smaller independent companies scattered across the country. Companies like Cameron Energy. Here in Western Pennsylvania, it's up to a team of 40 oil workers to keep some 2,000 wells pumping across the countryside. (upbeat music) - Buying beyond AI, even as the surge continues, why investors should protect themselves with alternative opportunities. Jack and his expert panels share their top picks outside the sector on the next Barron's Roundtable, brought to you by Global X, Beyond Ordinary ETS. - So it was a very interesting article just out in the Atlantic Magazine interviews with Trump campaign manager Susie Weil and Chris Lasavita. And it says how Mr. Trump plans to win key swing states. And if I get this right, low propensity Trump supporters. Wow, I sound like I'm a campaign operative, which I am most certainly not. But joining us to talk about this, Kellyanne Conway, former counselor to President Trump, Fox News contributor host of Bears. No, here's the deal on Fox Nation. Katie Pavlich, editor and Fox News contributor Ben Dominich, editor at large at The Spectator. And also a News Fox News contributor, Ben, I finally, after all this wall, I think I've got your name right, Dominich. I'm very proud of myself. But I wanna begin with my pal Kellyanne. Kellyanne, this is an interesting article. I know a shot was taken at some think tanks, but that was just one paragraph. But, but, but, but, I wanna ask you about this. Mr. Lasavita and also Ms. Susie Wiles, very smart people running Mr. Trump's campaign. They're looking for low propensity Trump supporters. That's not one point. And then they're looking for non-wide voters, specifically black and Hispanic men between the ages of 18 and 34. Kellyanne, what do you think about that? I'm not giving any trade secrets away 'cause out there in the magazine, I just thought we could spend a moment and talk about it. Let me repeat, low propensity Trump supporters, and they're looking for non-white voters in general, but specifically black and Hispanic men between the ages of 18 and 34, and doing several things that would make sense in that basis. What do you make of that, Kellyanne? What can you tell us? - It's a smart, strategic move by the Trump campaign and its co-campaign managers, Larry, and it really is just a piece of the entire expansion of both Donald Trump's reach into core democratic constituencies like African Americans, like Hispanic Americans, young voters, more union households, gay and lesbian households, frankly, and a lot of young people. If you look at the few results in the USA Today polls, even today, they show that the approval rating for Donald Trump among the groups I just mentioned has gone up in the disapproval for Joe Biden has gone up. Now, disapproval for your opponent does not convert into votes for you, and that's what's important here. So this is a very important time, I think, for Trump to bury Biden on policy, and to convert those would-be Trump voters who have either been non-voters or are reticent to vote for Trump or have been Biden and Obama voters. They're upset with Biden and the age. They're watching the Democratic Party cannibalize itself. I haven't even heard the word abortion in two weeks since the debate. They've only been talking about Joe Biden. They've been talking about his electoral impact, by the way, not his medical necessities to shame on them. And I think now is the time for Trump to take policy to win over those voters. They will be more prosperous. The country will have stronger borders, stronger military. It will have a stronger president. We will have crime, we will have policing in the cities, not crime, so he can go through the list, and I think his platform is very much aligned with that. It's a smart strategy, but I think in addition, he can reach into suburban men and women. He's got these young people giving him a second look, and they're not against Joe Biden just because he's old. They're against him because he wants to ban TikTok and flavored vapes and menthol cigarettes and his policies stink for young people. - Menthol cigarette. Katie, you know, if you're going after, you know, black and Hispanic men, young men, black and Hispanic men, first of all, they'd be very worried about getting a job. They'd be very worried about real wages. But Trump goes to UFC fights, okay, which is very popular amongst that group. He puts out gold sneakers. I don't know if they have the money to afford gold sneakers, but they love their sneakers, okay? How about they like cryptocurrencies, Katie, which Trump's come abstract, four square, in fact, he's going to the cryptocurrency convention and they're taking campaign contributions. And that crowd doesn't, I don't think that crowd is a big fan of woke either. Again, I repeat, black and Hispanic men between the ages of 18 and 34, what do you make of it, Katie? - Well, I would say that the president, and I do love a good sneaker, by the way, can't go wrong with those. But the president is not doing this by pandering, like you've seen from Kamala Harris or Joe Biden, he's doing it by presenting this platform and themes for the RNC convention next week that apply to everybody. Every group of people is tired of seeing their earnings be eaten away by inflation. People are scared of what's happening in their communities with legal immigration and crime, and they're very worried about what's been happening on the world stage, and they're very concerned that Joe Biden's going to walk us right into World War III, especially after our adversaries and enemies saw him, Emperor has no clothes style during the debate at the end of June. And so the platform they put out is actually very straightforward, it's not abrasive, it's not even really that political. And the biggest theme of all is they're saying, we want to get back to common sense, and of course everybody agrees on those issues in terms of keeping men out of women's sports, for example, for people who have children or daughters in school, the economy being the number one thing. So it's a very straightforward, moderate platform, and I think a lot of people are interested in seeing what he has to say next week. - Yeah, it's pretty smart, right. Now it's going to be very interesting next week. Bend to manage. Here's Trump's discipline campaign strategy is driving the left nuts. You wrote that, I picked right up on it, so we got to get Ben back on the show. Driving them nuts 'cause of his discipline. How about that, Ben? - Well, I think there are a couple of things going on there, Larry, you know, one of the things that I've heard from Republican voters over the past several years has been some version of, you know, I think Donald Trump is great, you know, I support him. I just wish that sometimes he'd be more focused, get out of his way on certain things, and not be distracted by shiny objects offered up by the left, and I think that what we've seen over the last fortnight is that he really is capable of doing that now in a way that I find very impressive. You know, I was on with Brian Kilmey the other day right after Trump did his radio interview, and one of the things that he commented on was how so many people had told him that perhaps in his 2020 debate with Joe Biden, he should have been less aggressive and just let Joe talk. And I think that what he's been doing over the past two weeks has really been letting Joe talk. And the agree to which that he has talked, he has disappointed so many voters across the country. And I'll make one other point, you know, and I rarely invoke a DEI level of things, but I am the Hispanic man on this panel. So I'll just say that I think one of the big things that he's done is that Joe Biden has had the complete wrong priorities for Hispanic and Black men across America. He does not care about the things that they care about. He cares about a host of things that are radical leftist agenda things that AOC and Kamala Harris and all these other progressives care about. And he's done it in a very deliberate way. And that's why he botches a question about abortion that everyone else in his party thinks he should have been able to handle as a softball. It's because he doesn't really authentically have any connection to that radical agenda. But he embraced it as a complete, you know, sort of guilty pleasure and bargain with the devil in order to get his access to the White House and the people who are part of this, of the key constituencies of the Democratic Party, they recognize that. And that's why they're shifting to Donald Trump because he actually cares about the things that they care about. - Yeah, no, it's very genuine. And I mean, he is very disciplined this time around. Can I get a, I gotta do this as a lightning round. I can't leave without vice presidential pick. I need a vice presidential pick. Kellyanne Conway, lightning round, vice presidential pick. You're the smartest in the country. What do you think? - Everyone he's considering would be great. I have a preference for Marco Rubio. I think he helps unify and expand the party. The Nikki Haley donors have been in the center for 14 years, ranking member on the intelligence committee is one of the most eloquent speakers when it comes to abortion. - Lightning rounds. - It's not foreign policy in our party. - All right, Katie Pavlitz, what do you think? - Lightning round, VP. - I don't know, but I did notice that Glenn Young can didn't actually answer your question about whether he talked to the president about it. - I know. - Maybe that's a tell. (laughing) - All right, Ben, Ben, Dominic, what do you think? - I agree with both of these ladies. I think both of those guys would be fantastic picks. And I particularly like the fact that Marco Rubio represents Trump sort of bringing the entire coalition together in a way that I think is really impressive and something that no one ever really thought he'd be able to achieve, but he has. - Yeah, Marco Rubio has grown up, 18 to 34 grown up, all grown up, I mean, he's a pretty impressive guy. They're all impressive. They're all good, Bergham's good. I don't want to pick any sides here 'cause I'm just, you know, your humble news anchor, but I'm just saying they're all pretty darn good. I got other questions. - None of them are Kamala Harris. - None of them are Kamala Harris. None of them are Joe Biden. And all of them seem to subscribe to this very growthy platform. Thank you. I have other questions. We will see you all at the convention in Minneapolis. Thanks for coming on. Bye, bye. - Yes. - It's Katie Powers, Ben Dominic, and Kellyanne Conway. Kellyanne's new show, Here's the Deal. It's on Fox Nation, the very first episode. Well, featuring yours truly, is out right now. New episodes, episodes available every single Thursday. Coming up here on "Cudlow," Trump has the growthiest platform since Ronald Reagan's 1980 tax cuts. That's my take. We'll talk about it with Newt Gingrich when "Cudlow" returns. (dramatic music) - I try to bring a positive perspective. People may call that naive, but I've got a pretty good track record. - "Cudlow" coast to coast on Fox Business invested in you. (dramatic music) - I'm Ruth McCallum, and I will be co-hosting our coverage of Democracy 24. People in American oatmeal mince words, they tell you what they think. They'll just say, "I hate that guy." I love that woman. She's fantastic. And that's what I find so refreshing when you spend time in the country talking to voters. And that's why it is a privilege to meet them and to let them inspire me to do my job in the best way that I can. (dramatic music) - Salt Lake City, Utah. - They are hoping when they build here, it's going to be permanent. - But the Great Basin was no pioneer's first choice. (dramatic music) - It's just desert. The Salt Lake Valley was the last place on the planet that a lot of these people thought they wanted to be, and they came here and they said, "What do we get ourselves into?" - There is nothing here. There is no train, there is no seaport. - They were tough people, they had to be. - The first Mormons to arrive built a meeting place that out of tree boughs. They called it a Bowery. - Bowery's were just a bunch of branches piled on top of a wooden framework. (dramatic music) - It was really rough. It was meant to be temporary, but it just to give them shelter someplace to get out of the elements, to have meetings. - If the wind is blowing too hard, you're canceling church. If it is snowing, you're canceling church. - So Brigham Young built a more permanent tabernacle. - The old tabernacle was important because it was sort of a test case for the present tabernacle. And it had a peaked roof, but they experimented with plaster ceiling that was curved like a barrel vault. - The pulpit was on the long side of the building, but if you were on the end, it was hard to hear. - Acoustics were everything to these people. - Because the church believes in prophets, believes in a revelation, you need to be able to hear what he says. - So Young moved his pulpit to the end of the hall and built a rounded wall behind it. (dramatic music) - They were very much making it up as they went. They really didn't know how acoustics worked. - Brigham Young designed curved walls in his tabernacle so his voice would reflect out. But he got too much of a good thing. (dramatic music) - They discovered very quickly that there was a very long echo that made it difficult for people to understand whoever was at the pulpit. - There's too much noise. If there's a crying baby, the entire meeting is ruined. - But the Mormon pioneers were not about to give up. (dramatic music) - In 1869, they added this balcony and discovered that it made a big difference in reducing the echo. - But to truly stop the echo off the pine wood, they brought in pine boughs. - They have Christmas trees basically dropped from the ceiling of the tabernacle. And that is finally what deadens the noise in the building enough so that you can hear what goes on inside. (dramatic music) - After years of planning, struggle and improvisation, the Great Salt Lake Tabernacle was finally ready for the world. And so was its heavenly organ. (dramatic music) - This is one of the great organs on the planet. And I pinch myself every time I come in and play it. - This building, it's jaw dropping. When I go in there and I hear that organ play, you feel it almost in your bones. It just shakes you. (dramatic music) - Down Trump's got the growthiest platform since Ronald Reagan's 1980 across the board tax cuts. And I think it's gonna pay off. Joining us now to talk about Newt Gingrich, former House Speaker and Fox News contributor, Newt, we have other things to talk about, but it's a pleasure to see you, my friend. I mean, really, this is, I think, the growthiest platform for presidential candidate in the GOP since Reagan's across the board tax cuts with Kemp, and we were all junior players at that time and you were in the house and Lottie Dow. What do you think about that assertion? - Look, I think that it is a remarkable platform. I think that it has a number of very bold proposals. I do think it will lead to a very dramatic level of economic growth and builds on what Trump did in his first term. I mean, partly because of your influence, Trump has always been pretty committed to a less regulation and a much lower tax rate. It'll also be interesting to see with the Chevron decision by the Supreme Court, where all of a sudden the bureaucracies are gonna lose a great deal of their power to interpret and expand the law. That combined with a Trump real aggressive approach on cutting regulations could lead to remarkable changes in the next few years. - You know, your Chevron point is a brilliant point. You're absolutely right, no. It opens the door to even more deregulation than perhaps even Mr. Trump visualized. I mean, now you've got the Supreme Court behind. So that's it. I just couldn't agree with you more, 1,000 times. Yes, yes, yes, yes. And I think the country wants that kind of growth of your policy. I mean, I think the, you know, I think we were talking about young kids, minority groups in the last segment. I think suburbanites want that stuff. I think pretty much everybody wants more growth. - Look, it's an old Jack Camp line that if you drop $5 on the sidewalk, how long will it take somebody to pick it up? If you're the candidate of more take-home pay, more jobs, greater competitiveness, new technology, more entrepreneurship, unless you're a crazed left-wing socialist, this is the direction to go in. And by the way, we've been testing something you and I've talked about at the America's New Majority Project. We were testing big government socialism versus free enterprise capitalism. We are, it's a huge advantage. And by the way, the average American thinks on that issue that Donald Trump is virtually identical with them in his belief that a free market creates jobs and they're way apart from the big government socialist. - Well, Newt, I am still using big government socialism. Your phrase, I continue to credit you. It showed up again in the rift tonight. I mean, I know you've had a lot of good ones down through the years, but this is a masterpiece phrase. And speaking of crazed left-wing big government socialist, Kamala Harris at the top of the ticket could be even a bigger disaster than Joe Biden. Your point. - Well, you know, at Gingrich 360, I wrote a newsletter entitled collapsing with Kamala. And I think it's true. What people haven't thought was just one example. She has been the border czar. And in three and a half years, and eight or 10 million illegal immigrants, she's had one meeting on the border, one in three and a half years. I mean, Kamala Harris looks fine until you look. And so I think on the other side, if you're the Democratic Party, you are so deeply indebted to the Black Caucus. And I don't think they would tolerate jumping past her to have an all-white ticket. So they're really trapped. They can either stay and decay with Biden, or they can collapse with Kamala. I think those are their two choices. - I mean, I really think though, Bernie Sanders is the tail wagging the whole Democratic dog, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, all the left-wingers, AOC. I mean, I don't care who's at the top of the ticket. I'm running out of time, like always, but I still think it's not gonna matter. We will see you in Milwaukee. You'll come on set with us. - Thank you for tonight. We appreciate it very, very much. - Right. - Folks, - Look forward to it. - I'll be right back with my last word. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Price is eased last month more than expected. The consumer price index declined 1/10th of a percent in June. Economists were expecting a small increase. For the year ending in June, the CPI rose 3%. Core CPI, excluding food and energy, rose less than expected 1/10th of a percent, up 3.3% on an annual basis. - It's obviously good news for the American consumer and for the Federal Reserve. They've been trying to get inflation down to 2%. This is another good report. - Delta Airlines profit fell short in the second quarter, only matching Wall Street expectations. Airports are busy and bookings through summer travel are strong, but Delta still has too many available seats and is dealing with higher fuel costs. Their line plans to slow its capacity growth and expects the domestic market to improve in coming months. Higher prices are cutting into PepsiCo's business. Its earnings came in better than expected, but its revenue was disappointing. It's seeing weaker sales in North America and was impacted by product recalls at Quaker Foods. And discount retailer Uniqlo is raising expectations for this year because of strong demand. Uniqlo is based in Japan. It's being helped by the weaker yen. It's opening 20 new locations in North America this year. I'm CJ Papa. (upbeat music) - In Oregon's Willamette Valley, row after row of blooming blueberry bushes, stretch underneath a cloud filled sky at AC Foods Halsfairy Farm. - We grow the best blueberries in the world here from my humble opinion. - It's a beautiful piece of land and right now it's doing more than just growing berries. - We really see these farms as, you know, living organisms. - And that mindset is creating some buzz. - It's very inspiring. - Now bees are a crucial step in the process that turns these flowers into the berries that we all enjoy at home. A lot of farms use honeybees like these, trucked in to pollinate their crops. But this farm here is planting native vegetation like these rose bushes to encourage bumblebees to fly onto the scene. - Pollinators are incredibly important, not only to our food systems but to our terrestrial ecosystems. - And while the honeybees AC Foods truck in are good pollinators, they aren't native like the big black and yellow bumblebees and those bees are in trouble. - Here in the U.S. we have about 3,600 species of native bees and somewhere around a quarter of those are facing extinction. - The Xerces Society says climate change pesticide use and habitat loss have all led to the decline. But for the past five years, the Xerces Society has established the Be Better Certification Program with farms, helping ones like this establish areas that encourage native bee populations to blossom. - If we do the things that we know can help these populations rebound, I really do have hope for the future. - Since AC Foods planted the habitat, the bumblebee populations here appear to be rebounding. - You know, you can feel it in the field here. You can feel that how that balance of sustainability makes you feel. - And the bumblebees have been doing their part too, pollinating the blueberries along with their honeybee cousins. - It's both the right thing to do from a sustainability perspective, as well as the profitable thing to do. - Making an unlikely partnership you have to see to be leave in Independence, Oregon. Max Gordon, Fox Weather. (upbeat music) - Hello, this is Fox Extra. To our friends watching in Canada, thank you for choosing Fox. 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