
Trump Will Take the Rank and File

Biden will win the union leaders, but Trump is going to take most of the rank and file who go to work every day, play by the rules, work with their hands, and proudly wear their hard hats. You can bet on that.

With Rep. Mike Waltz (R-FL), Rep. Carlos Gimenez (R-FL), John Carney, Steve Forbes, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), Joe Concha, Mark Simone, David Webb, and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

1h 1m
Broadcast on:
10 Jul 2024
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Biden will win the union leaders, but Trump is going to take most of the rank and

file who go to work every day, play by the rules, work with their hands, and proudly wear their hard hats. You can bet on that.

With Rep. Mike Waltz (R-FL), Rep. Carlos Gimenez (R-FL), John Carney, Steve Forbes, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), Joe Concha, Mark Simone, David Webb, and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL).

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Last night down in Doral, Florida, Trump made several mentions of Florida Senator Marco Rubio suggesting he remains a real contender for the job, but Trump also spent a lot more time talking about Democrats hitting Vice President Kamala Harris, who he also could face off against in November. The radical left Democrat party is divided in chaos and having a full-scale breakdown all because they can't decide which of the year candidates is more unfit to be president, sleepy crooked Joe Biden or laughing Kamala. If Joe had picked someone even halfway competent, they would have bounced him from office years ago, but they can't because she's got to be their second choice. The Trump campaign talking a lot about the vice president today. Fox has also learned that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, a former Trump opponent, will have a speaking role at next week's GOP convention, but we don't know yet, Larry, what night he's going to speak or if he'll appear with Trump in person. Remember you and Ambassador Nikki Haley, she will not be at next week's convention. Trump said today he's got some bad blood with her after she stayed in the race for several months. As for Trump himself, no rallies or public stops today, but Larry, he's going to be at Pennsylvania, another battleground state on Saturday for a rally and it's not going to be too far from the Ohio border, which could fuel further talk about JD Vance's chances for the VP slot. Larry? All right. Mark Meredith, thanks very, very much. All right, folks. The union elites, well, Mr. Trump takes the rank and file, and that's the subject of the riff. So Joe Biden met with the AFL-CIO union leaders today, repeating his boast that he's the most pro-union president in American history. So you say, Mr. Biden, but we shall see. In fact, while the liberal left-wing union leaders are lining up for Biden, you can bet that Donald Trump is going to take a record share of the rank and file. Actually, Teamster President Sean O'Brien plans to speak at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee next week. He's got 1.3 million members, and I'm going to guess Trump is going to win a big majority of that group. Here's what's bothering the Teamsters and the rank and follow the other unions as well. Joe Biden has created an affordability crisis for the typical working families. Their kitchen tables have been squeezed by a 20 percent rise in overall prices during Biden's term, including a 20 percent hike in groceries, a near 40 percent rise in energy, and don't forget gasoline still, $3.50 compared to just over two bucks when Trump left the White House. We get at the actual numbers, average weekly earnings during Mr. Trump's term rose $5,065.2, $65,216. It's a good number. Through May 2024, during Mr. Biden's term, those same weekly earnings decline by nearly $3,000 to $62,248. In other words, Biden has given working folks a price. They pay cut, whereas Trump gave them a sizable pay raise. Donald Reagan, he used to call it take home pay, and that's been the soft underbelly of the Biden economy for three and a half years, and that's why he's losing votes among union and non-union workers. An important sense, these numbers are the backbone of Mr. Trump's whole working class coalition, including blacks and Hispanics and whites and young people. It's a very powerful movement. Take a listen to President Trump on this last night. Every day we are welcoming more Americans to our ranks, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, young people, old people, union members, non-union members. Basically everyone is joining our movement because it's a movement of common sense. And while the ultra-liberal union leaders stand behind Joe Biden's open border illegal migrant catastrophe, the rank and file families want an end to the criminal gangs and the destruction of public safety. And to that, the auto workers' union, which has a very liberal left leadership, but the workers themselves are furious at the Green New Deal and the mandated EVs that are going to create jobs in China and lose jobs in America. And on top of all that, none of these folks likes the woke, ultra-liberal values of Joe Biden and his crowd, typical mainstream working families. They don't like the anti-religious bias of the Bidens or the DEI regulations affecting virtually every business in the country, and therefore every worker, nor do they like gender-sex mandates in the schools, the teachers in the curriculums, including Biden's insistence that biological males are allowed to participate in female athletics. Trump would turn all of that around, ending EV mandates, opening fossil fuel spigots to slash energy costs and inflation, cutting middle-class taxes, protecting American industry, and its workforce from unfair trading practices. So Biden will win the union leaders, okay, but Trump is going to take most of the rank and file who go to work every day, play by the rules, work with their hands, and proudly wear their hard hats. You can bet on that. That's the riff. All right. Joining us now, Florida Congressman Michael Waltz and Carlos Jimenez, welcome, gentlemen. Michael Waltz, you were at the rally in morale, in Miami, in Doral, and so forth. What was it on the 10th hole? You had about 10,000 people, plus. How was it? Did you hear this message? I call it growthier. The Trump platform is out. I call it growthier. What do you think, Michael Waltz? Well, I think you're spot on, Larry, and I mean, these weren't just 10,000 people sitting in an air-conditioned tent. They were in the Miami Sun in July for hours just to see President Trump's vision. And these are people, as Carlos Well knows, as a Cuban American, that have seen the face of socialism, they've seen the creep, they've seen the signs, and they still have family in Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, you name it. And so they were fired up and counting the days until November, and just one other thing. We had a couple of new things for the rally, one, we had the first with Barron Trump now that he's 18, and a new nickname, "Lath and Kamala." I favor "Cackling Kamala." I think it's more of a cackle than a laugh, but new nickname for Kamala, so we'll see what the Democrats decide. Carlos Jimenez, welcome to the show, by the way, sir. Trump's going to absolutely carry Florida, and is he going to carry South Florida? Is he going to carry Miami-Dade? Is he in solid with the Cuban and Hispanic communities, sir? Very solid with the Cubans and Hispanic communities, especially those from Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba, those that fled communism and socialism. He's rock solid there. Yeah, I think he's going to carry South Florida. He's definitely going to carry Florida. And I do believe he's going to be the first president, Republican candidate, and a long time to carry Miami-Dade. You know, DeSantis carried Miami-Dade, the first governor of Canada for about 20 years. I think Trump's going to follow that up with a victory, too, in Miami-Dade, and that'll be somewhat historic, and that'll just propel him to a huge victory in Florida. Mike Walsh, did Senator Rubio speak? Oh, he did. He gave a great speech, and the warm-up, as did Representative Jimenez and other members. Yeah, look, he was fired up, gave the speech in both English and Spanish, and got, you know, 100% behind President Trump's vision. We just introduced the party platform. The president personally edited it twice. Senator Blackburn and I got that through the committee in Milwaukee. And look, I mean, we are unified, and I could tell you, Larry, see in the Democrats right now, it looks like a funeral around here. They are coming apart at the seams. Yeah, low energy. Low, low energy. You're absolutely right. But just to follow up, Michael Walsh, I think Mr. Trump, I think I heard on the report by our Mark Meadows. Mr. Trump spoke very highly of Senator Rubio. Did he not? Hint-hint, Vice President? How did you read that? I read it that way, too. Also, he dropped a couple of hints during his speech, saying that he needs certain laws to be passed, but maybe Marco Rubio wasn't going to be there to pass the laws, but he would be working on it in some other capacity. Oh. Let me tell you, for my personal opinion, Marco Rubio would be a great vice presidential pick. I've known him for a long time. He'll bring more Hispanics to the Republican party. He will add to the base, and I think he'll make a great vice president if he's chosen by President Trump. Well, we've got some great deep candidates. I'll say that. Mr. Trump hasn't. He hasn't said anything finally, and neither will I. I don't know a thing about it. You're both terrific. I'm sorry. We're very pressed for time because we have Mr. Rubio on the show. And we also have Mr. Bergam on the show, another Veeb candidate. Carlos Jimenez. We have a great bench, Larry. And Michael Wall. Thank you. It's a great bench. You bet your strong bench. Thank you, gentlemen. All right, folks, take a listen to what President Trump had to say last night about Democrats and their policies. The biggest problem is that their policies are no good. Their policies are horrible. Americans want strong borders, not open borders. We want low taxes, not high taxes. We want American energy independence, not all electric cars and the green news scam. It's the greatest scam. Above all, we want America first, not America last. All right, America first, not America last. It was a growthier speech. That's my new favorite word. Going back to days when I was in the government, it was on the black board in my office, on the second floor of the White House, joining me now, Doug Bergam, North Dakota Governor, Trump campaign surrogate, one of the leaders or finalists for the vice presidential, whatever they are. Anyway, Governor Bergam, you heard Mr. Trump talk about that? Just one thought here. There is so much energy right now, I think. First of all, President Trump always full of energy. First of all, from top to bottom, the Republican Party has so much energy. You can see it, you can feel it. It's funny. Senator Lummus talked about it on this show last night. How much energy? The other team, Mr. Bergam, this listless, moping around, whining, low energy, low energy, everywhere you look, they're not even going to have a real convention for heaven's sakes. It's going to be a virtual convention. It'll be virtual, low energy. I mean, what does that tell you about politics today? What conclusions would you make, Governor? Well, the obvious conclusion is just how strong President Trump is and what a great job he's done unifying our party, and you talk about it with his pro-growth platforming, nothing's bringing America together more than the fact that his policies reach across party lines. They touch, as you talked about, they touch anybody who works. If you're an independent, if you're a Democrat, but you're working and you have a paycheck, you are better off under President Trump's policies, you are likely better off when he was in office. It's one of the reasons why he's going to be a landslide, and you talked about them, the Dems, moping around. I mean, when he had his rocky-like knockout in the debate, he didn't just knock out a candidate. He blew up an entire ruling coalition. This thing was something that was formed back in 2020, cobbled together with a group of special interests with no real center, and when they lost their candidate, they don't know which way to turn. But President Trump has got a plan that's good for America, it's good for workers, lower taxes, lower regulation, strong on the border. I mean, everything that, and as a business person myself, I know that growth is a choice. Every company I was involved in, if we wanted to grow faster in the market, it was a choice. We had to choose to grow, and President Trump is putting out a plan that allows us to choose to have the greatest economy in the world again. I mean, don't you think, really, when you get down to brass tacks, when you look at the numbers, the kitchen table numbers, workers had a pay cut under Biden. Workers had a pay hike under Trump. I mean, right there, plus the cost of living has gone up so much under Biden, and the cost of living virtually flat under Trump. I mean, am I out of line, I'll give the union leadership, not so much the teamsters, but the other union leadership. I'll give it, I'll give that to Joe Biden. Those are the union leaders. But I think the rank and file is going to Trump. I think it's going to get more union votes, along with non-union votes. But union votes, Trump's going to get rank and file union votes like we've never seen before. What do you think about that, Governor? I think it's absolutely true, and I've been, you know, campaigning for President Trump across what they call the blue wall, Michigan, Wisconsin, now, Minnesota's in play. And if you work in those, if you're a union worker, non-union worker in those states, I'm telling you, you understand, you've got a pay check, and that pay check doesn't make it to the end of the month. And if you look ahead to Joe Biden's policies, where they're actually, you know, they're electricity prices up 30%, their response, let's shut down more power plants. President Trump, when he talks about unleashing American energy, it's not just oil and gas, it's actually giving us the electricity we need to bring manufacturing jobs back to America. The electricity we need to win the AI war against China. China's building two coal plants a month. They've got hundreds that are in the line to be permitted, and if we've got a lead right now in AI, which is a productivity tool, which can also, AI is pro-growth. It can help us increase our productivity. But we can't beat China if they've got the power to drive that new technology, and we literally don't have the power to keep the lights on, because that's what'll happen. We'll have the Biden Blackouts and Biden Brownouts coming soon under Joe Biden. Well, we've got two other initials, EV, EV, okay? And I think the auto workers union, whose leadership is very far to the left and has been for a long, long time, okay? But those auto workers know, as long as the electric vehicle mandates and charger mandates and all that stuff, as long as they're around, they are going to lose jobs because gasoline powered engines are going to go the way of horse and buggies, I guess you would say. They know the jobs are going to China. They know their jobs are going to be extinct in just a few years if Biden's reelected. I mean, I think Trump's going to make enormous inroads now. The auto workers are primarily in those Great Lakes states, aren't they? Michigan and Wisconsin and Illinois and whatever else, Ohio. I mean, that's the fertile ground for Donald Trump. Yeah, absolutely. And you've called it, but it's just as simple. If you're on team EV, you're on team China, the only way that works is buying batteries from China. They control 85% of the rare earth minerals. If you're on team liquid fuels, then you're for internal combustion machines, and team liquid fuels, then you're pro USA farmer, your pro USA oil and gas, your pro USA owners of gas stations around this country, you don't, you know, we built 300,000 gas stations in America with the market back in the 20s, the 30s and the 40s. We don't need federal subsidies for 500,000 EV charging stations, which are going to bankrupt us because the green new scam is that 900 bucks a ton, Larry, of CO2, avoid it. That's what the total amount of subsidy is. We can get that for 1/15th the price with liquid fuels, decarbonizing liquid fuels. We're doing it North Dakota today. Yes, sir. Got it. Governor Doug Burgen, thank you, sir, short notice. We are most grateful for your appearance today. Good luck on the campaign trail. See you in Milwaukee. All right, folks, coming up on Kudlow, Breitbart's John Carney says an inflation election is going to favor Trump and his growth year platform. We've got John Carney and we've got the great Steve Forbes right here on set. I'm still Kudlow. Lots of energy, growth year, growth year. Be sure to tune in next week when Kudlow will be live from Milwaukee at the Republican National Convention, starting Monday, July 15th at 4 p.m. Eastern, right here on Fox Fizz. I'm Kudlow. It's one of the biggest things to hit the lifestyle business since Martha Stewart, who we all love and think is amazing. Steve and Gerard started cooking for her family of nine when she was just a young kid. She was like 11. Now she has assists from her mom and dad in the business. They're helping her with the business. And she oversees an enormous daily enterprise from their farm in Colorado. She posts new recipes every single day. And her following includes movie stars like Reese Witherspoon and Blake Lively. She joined me for an interview right there on the set. So here's a piece of it. I'm always in a very creative person. I've always wanted to use my hands. Can't release it still. Like he talks to me. I'm fidgeting. Like I'm all the things. And so that was just a way for me. And I didn't really realize that at the time to just do something creative and use my hands. And like, you know, I wasn't the kid that was sitting watching TV for hours and hours after school. I wasn't the kid doing my homework either, but I did my homework. I got good grades, but like I didn't like it. And so yeah, that was just what I did. So how did you get from that to I'm going to photograph? You do just so everyone knows. She does everything. She photographs these amazing recipes. You put together the books. You do the blogs. You post a new recipe on Instagram every day since 2012. I don't know how you find the time in one day to do what you do. Well, I think some people would say the same about you. Well, maybe. But how do you how did you get from wanting to cook for the family to wanting to start this business? It was my mom really that was like, why don't you just start a food blog? And I'm like, well, okay, like what else am I doing? And we started it together and literally just I never looked back from the day that I posted that first post. It's really bad. You know, there's a lot of people who are food bloggers and who kind of were going down the road, you're going down, but they are not like you. You are a huge talent and you run a very large business at this point. Yeah. Well, I wouldn't I don't like to call myself a food blogger business post entrepreneur for sure. But like, yeah, I mean, I I I do things at a different speed maybe and I put a lot of work into the things that I do. I love what I do. I love sharing happy things with the world because the world is a little bit of a downer place sometimes. And I like to be that bright spot for people. I get so many people that come to me and say, thank you for being my, you know, wind down at the end of the day. Thank you for being my happy place on the Internet. Thank you for all of these things. And it's it's a really great thing to do. And like, I love to be that space for them and I love to provide them a fun, happy, joyful content. Now you're 30. What has this transformation been like to be, you know, in Colorado, cooking for your family and then to be this this huge famous person, you're very well, I don't consider myself famous at all. It was a very, very natural slow build. So like nothing really was ever like this. Oh, my God. Like, I made it. I don't think I'd ever think I've made it because I'm just the type of person that like there's always something a little bit more that I want to be doing, you know. And so it was very, very organic, our growth. It was slow and steady, which I think has really been key to creating a really loyal loving community that supports and, you know, buys product and buys books and is excited to see what I'm doing next. If you're in Israel, thanks for watching Fox on partner. For the latest headlines, check out and And what it means for you, we want to get some breaking news to you right now, Fox Business Alert. Like Fox Business, keeping you ahead of the curve. All the insider selling by some of the richest people on earth with insight into the impact of US and global markets. That's where the recipe for inflation comes from the people you can trust. All right, the New York Post says the Trump shaped GOP platform is an RX for economic boom, in the wake of Biden disasters, couldn't agree more about that, joining us now to talk about it, John Carney, Breitbart economics editor, and Steve Forbes, Forbes media chairman and editor in chief, also editor of the daily Breitbart Business Digest. Correct. How about that? Because I'm a daily reader. Okay, gentlemen, thank you. Steve Forbes, start with you. It's a pro growth platform. It's definitely a pro growth, or do you see problems with it? Well, you can find problems in any platform, but the key thing is it's talking about growth and optimistic future, instead of snarling, saying, "Oh, the world's coming to an end." People know their troubles in the world. They want to know, "What are you going to do about it?" Cutting taxes is better than raising taxes, cutting back regulations, better than trying to force people in EVs that they don't want. How about a military that can finally meet our obligations in the world and preserve our freedoms instead of being gutted by this proposal, cutting the defense budget. Every budget he submits, while the world gets more dangerous. How crazy is that? Reckless criminal. Yeah, it really is. After inflation, particularly, owners cuts, and in a sense, the world is on fire. There's no question about it. John Carney, it's interesting to me, I just want an old supply side adage. I am an old supply side. Are you sitting next to an old supply side or over there? We've been around so long, we're both gathering moss. That, let me say, if you cut taxes, tax rates, and then deregulate also, but part of this is a strong dollar, it's, he, absolutely, and I've heard Trump say this, nobody believed me and I've been saying this for years, Trump wants the dollar to be the world's reserve currency. So, I'm going to say lower tax rates and king dollar is a prescription for growthier growth without inflation, without inflation. Absolutely. One of the things that really struck me this week is we saw a big boost in the small business optimism index. I think that's because of everything that's gone wrong for Biden and right for Trump. Why are small businesses more optimistic now than they were a month ago, two months ago, three months ago? It's because they see the election coming and they think they're going to get relief on taxes, relief on regulation. A few months ago, a lot of these guys were looking and saying, oh man, we're going to get hit by the Biden taxes, we're going to get hit by even more regulation. Now they see the relief coming, they can look at the platform and say, yes, we're going to get growth again. Steve Forbes, I know you're a hawk on the dollar. As I am for many, many years, what did you think of the clause in the platform that says he wants the dollar to remain the world's number one reserve currency? And mind you, you've had a lot of shenanigans going on with China and the yuan and Russia and so forth in the so-called BRIC countries, although India stayed out, thankfully. But you can see this competition, Trump laid down a marker as far as I'm concerned. Well, and the fact that it's in a platform is remarkable, no, no, no, well, focus group said, oh, you got to put that in. That came out of a belief, a strong country has to have a strong currency. John Kennedy made that point in the early 1960s and the Trump recognized it as well. They go hand in hand, Ronald Reagan recognized it. And so, and so, and one of the things, pathetically, this week was listening to Jerome Powell do that testimony before Congress, where he once again reiterated this Phillips-curved nonsense that if you want to conquer inflation, you have to slow the economy down, hopefully not too much, but you have to slow it down. Bologna, you have to have a stable dollar, then the economy can grow, busters, grooming. Absolutely, 100% John, Carney, you're writing in the Breitbart Business Digest, an inflation election will favor Republicans. Look, when you ask American voters who they trust on inflation, they say they trust Donald Trump far more than Joe Biden, for a very simple reason, right? We had almost no inflation when Donald Trump was president, and we had record high inflation, the worst in 40 years, while Joe Biden, Joe Biden has been telling us inflation was over it wasn't going to happen, he was going to solve it, oh no, it's corporate greed, it's Putin, he makes every excuse in the world, and nothing, and things got a little better, but we're still about 3%. So even when they say, oh no, no, he brought down inflation, yeah, he brought down from 9 to 3, which is still twice as high as it was under Trump. And it's still 20% above where it was when it took off. Of course, look, you talk to anybody, they'll tell you- It's a shrinking kitchen tables, what you got. A shrinking kitchen table. With less food on it, that's a big problem. That's right, good point. And those inflation numbers don't include what you pay on interest. That's correct. For 10 to the millions of Americans, that's wrong. No, that's right. Killer. 7% mortgage rates, 20%, 25% credit card rates, car rates, 8%. The old CPI used to have borrowing costs than it does. Steve Forrest, we were running out of time by a guy asking, because you were a stalwart, that Joe Biden would not run at the head of the ticket. I thought Monday, this is Wednesday, I thought Monday Biden had put an end to it. But now, watching all these politicians waffle and waver, I'm not so sure Biden's going to be at the head of the ticket. In 15 seconds, where is Steve Forbes now? What's going to happen to Joe Biden? Biden's going to be off the ticket. The hounds aren't going to stop until they eat them up. That's it, I knew it was going. I couldn't resist John Carney and Steve Forbes, coming up, folks here, we'll ask Senator Rand Paul what he thinks that President Trump's growth here prosperity platform next up on cut law, and then we're going to get to the sack of Joe Biden. Oh, my God. What's going on? Morning's with Marie on Fox Business. Every morning, I want to empower my viewers to move their families forward and seize the day. All the news that drives the markets and beyond. Morning's with Marie on Fox Business, invested in you. Supporters of the Constitution called themselves federalists. Their campaign for ratification was led by New York's Alexander Hamilton. Hamilton writes about that without a strong federal government, it's just going to turn into warfare between the states in which the big states just take over the small states, if not physically, then at least through power and economy. But there was forceful opposition to the proposed scheme. The anti-federalists led by Patrick Henry of Virginia warned the Constitution would impose upon the nation a monarchy in disguise. They felt like the British system was a good one, but as our picture went, they sort of blamed the monarchical overreach on a lot of our problems. And so the fear is we'll end up with something like that. And that's certainly one of the arguments the anti-federalists will make is that we're going to have some kind of tyranny or aristocracy created by this new government. That's their fear that will take away the people's rights. One of the greatest controversies was what powers is this new federal government going to take away from the people. We just saw what happened with the British Parliament, with the Crown. It became a tyranny. It took away our rights and our liberties. That's why we declared independence. And so we need a bill of rights to protect our individual liberty. The federalist signaled they were open to such amendments once the Constitution was adopted. Many states, when they agreed to ratify, they asked that the first Congress would look at some amendments to the Constitution. And so, in some ways, it was a political maneuver to satisfy the doubters. By December, you're going to start seeing states approving that Constitution. By the middle of the year of 1788, New Hampshire becomes the ninth, and officially the Constitution is now ratified and can go into effect. For the native people who have lived in these forests since ancient times. We are the first best stewards of the land. We are the Aboriginal stewards of the land. This place is sacred. The work we do starts with the ceremony, starts with a prayer, starts with people coming together in a good way. For many tribes, taking care of the forest was a way of life. Aboriginal fire was something that we used all the time as a land management tool. And now that practice is rekindling in modern forestry. It really is coming back full circle to the Aboriginal people have the answers. Lomacazzi Restoration Project is a nonprofit that does forest restoration work in southern Oregon and northern California. Forest restoration means coming in and ecologically thinning the forest. Researchers come in with chainsaws to clear away the thick brush and small trees that have built up over the past century due to well-intentioned fire suppression techniques. Forests have grown really dense and with a changing climate we're having what you call megafires, fires like we've never seen. It's a change in tactics from agencies like the US Forest Service. Fire hasn't played that role in forests like it used to where it keeps the brush down, keeps the small trees away. So we've had that realization and it's really set us up where our main goal is getting rid of those excess fields around communities. It's work that takes place now in the late fall and winter before next fire season. For wild fire starts in the end of August when there's 100 degrees out you really don't have a lot of options so there's a lot of work we need to get it done as soon as possible. And today it's work being done by a crew made up entirely of Native Americans restoring an ancestral claim at the village site along the Sprague River. The earth is our mother, it is our sustenance and we need to take care of her as such. A people returning to their roots so that we can do more of this good work with work that's equally good for the forest as it is for the soul. Not just restoring the land but restoring the community and healing the people. The forest clearing will protect the small town of Chilliquin from severe wildfires. It also provides an opportunity for good paying jobs in an area hit hard by the decline of the timber industry in Chilliquin, Oregon, Max Gordon, Fox weather. Kentucky Senator, go and leave that out. Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, Senator Paul, welcome back to the show. So you've now seen President Trump's platform and I wanted to know what you thought about this platform. Well, you know, there's a lot to be liked about it. I mean, anything that includes tax cuts, regulatory, restraint, all of those things would be good. We did it in 2017 under the Trump administration and the Republican Congress and you need all three, basically, you need the House, the Senate, and the presidency to get anything done. And we did that when we had all three. You know, we had the part of the most significant tax cut in a decade or two. And we still had great lingering effects of that. But what we have to not do is not shut down the economy again. We can't have massive COVID type of spending and borrowing. If we don't do that, we can stick with tax cuts and regulatory reform and repeal. I'm all in. Well, several times in the platform, Mr. Trump says, you're going to cut spending. He calls it wasteful spending. I'm sure you would agree with that. And one of the key themes besides economic growth, I mean, it's a very growthy document as you just pointed out, but also he wants to curb inflation. He says it time and time again. To me, these are Rand Paul themes. So I'm going to, you know what's coming, I'm going to ask you when you're going to endorse Mr. Trump. He's pretty much given his whole strategy over to Rand Paul themes. Yeah, I will say I'm pretty ecumenical when it comes to explaining, you know, who's responsible for spending and who's responsible for inflation. You know, we've gotten in the habit of calling everything Biden inflation. And that's fine in terms of partisanship, but we borrowed eight trillion under Trump. We're going to borrow another eight trillion under Biden. That has to be financed. About a third of it of our debt is bought by private investors, about a third is bought by foreign countries, and about a third is purchased by the Fed. But the eight trillion under Trump is a part of the contribution to the inflation. All of those lockdown, all those COVID spending programs did add and fuel the inflation that eventually came, and Biden has made it worse. So we have to admit that both parties need to do better. And when both parties stand up and say, hey, we're not going to even look at reforming entitlements at all, that's two thirds of spending. And then when they say, oh, we're not going to touch the military, that's half of the remaining spending. And so what remains is about 16% of the spending. And so if we want to be honest and documents and platforms are one thing, but we have to look at spending across the board, and this is why I've said overall, if you really care about inflation and you care about debts, it needs to be across the board and everything. It can be small, it can be one or two percent across the board, but it has to be everything. And then you need to explain to the American people that the Medicare budgets are trillion dollars and that we can cut 1% of waste out of the Medicare budget and not cut anyone's health care. Well, when someone has to be brave enough to say that, I don't have to. I don't agree with some of your debt numbers, but I want to put that aside for a minute. You have a clear choice between a big government socialist administration, which will get worse if Joe Biden is reelected. And you've got a choice between that and what is essentially a free market administration that says, well, you're right, there's no choice, no choice, no choice, you're exactly right. So I'm just waiting for the Rand Paul endorsement for Donald Trump on that basis because those are the things you've taught me down through the years. Yeah. No, you're you're exactly right, Larry, and there is no part of me that would ever consider Joe Biden. And I will not vote for Joe Biden in all likelihood. Yes, I'll be voting for Donald Trump. The difference between voting and supporting and endorsing is I need to be more thoroughly convinced that we're not going to make the same mistakes and that everybody around says the lockdowns were mistakes, passing out checks to everybody was a mistake, giving businesses money was a mistake, and it was a terrible, terrible thing that we did. I wasn't part of it. I was one of the few Republicans who refused to get involved with the lockdowns or the spending. I voted against every bit of it. Every bit of it that I was here. I was sick during one of the votes, but I voted against all of it. But we have to acknowledge that and we also have to own up that the entitlements are part of the problem. So what I'm looking for is more for brightness, more honesty, and more people who really believe the deficits are a problem. Is there any comparison? No, Donald Trump's way better than Joe Biden. There's nothing about Joe Biden that I would support. But as far as my enthusiastic endorsement and getting out there on the trail, I want to hear more from the former president himself, and I'm open to hearing that. All right. Well, I'm sure he'll talk to you. Growth dissolves death. Who said that? I said that, actually. Once upon a time. Senator Rand Paul. Thank you, sir. We appreciate it very much. Thank you. All right, folks. Joining us now, distinguished panel, Joe Conschiff, Fox News contributor, David Webb, hosted the David Webb Show on SiriusXM, Patriot and Fox News contributor and Mark Simone, WOR Radio Host Hall of Famer. He's a little sought for all of your favorite politicians. Listen to Miss Nancy Pelosi. Hang on a second. Here it comes. Does he have your support to be the head of the Democratic ticket? As long as the president heads, the president, it's up to the president to decide if he is going to run. We're all encouraging him to make that decision because time is running short. That was almost as bad as Rand Paul, not forcing Trump. If you think about it, I wouldn't exactly say she threw herself into Biden's arms with that one. Not at all. And it's where she said it, MSNBC, Morning Joe, apparently Biden's favorite show, which I never quite understood that whole thought process. Whenever you hear that story, like, "Oh, Biden watches it every morning." It's on at 6 a.m. He ain't watching it. If it's not on unless he's doing the old DVR thing or TV or whatever you may say. So yeah, between Pelosi, between Clooney, the dam keeps breaking for Joe Biden, but he just keeps pushing back and saying, "I ain't going anywhere." I just said, I thought he was dead. I thought the issue was dead in the water Monday. Okay. It's just that maybe it is dead in the water, but all of a sudden, you're right, Clooney and Pelosi. You had some other senators and you had some backbenchers and you had some little backbenchers coming out there. This guy Bennett from Colorado Center Bennett says he's going to be a landslide for Trump. I think if the vote were tomorrow, that would be true, but it's not tomorrow. Anyway, David Webb, what's your call on this? Is Biden going to be the Democratic nominee? Unless he's incapacitating and literally can't get out of bed at 10 a.m. in the morning? Well, he's going to give it his best shot from what I gather. That is, he can't get out of bed, but he's continuing. That's where the bar is now. Yeah. Well, yeah. Great. That's been a little bit bad possibly, but it all seriously got killed. Yeah. I went there. Come on. Look, Biden is who he has always been, Larry. We know this from his 50 years. He wants the title. He wants to hold it. You know, and I know this, he wants his portrait on the wall with two terms and like a lot of DC elitists and insider politicians, he wants his 24 hours in the Rotunda before they hustle him off to whatever cemetery they choose. This is who he is. He always wanted. He was willing to plagiarize. He was willing to lie. He was willing to lie about Charlottesville in the last round. He's willing to do anything and make any deal with any group, play to any group, left-wing progressive, climate change hoax, whatever else is out there because he wants that title. And then he's got Jill Biden. And Jill Biden loves being there. Jill Biden is the cruel and developed politics because he's the woman who is in charge. Jill Biden is the Edith Wilson of politics. Who was Edith Wilson? Who was Edith Wilson? Edith Wilson was Woodrow Wilson's wife and when he became a pastor, she ran the country for the last two years. That's right. That's right. That's during your sophomore year. Sorry. I know I was a young researcher in the budget bureau in those days. And as she Edith Wilson, Jill Biden is the Edith Wilson. That's the most incredible thing I've ever seen. Mark Simone, all right, there's too much funeral music going on here. Who's going to be vice president on the Republican ticket? I went through them all. I've watched Trump for 30 years, especially in his business, who he hires. The young hot shot never gets the top job, so JD Vance, also, he doesn't hire guys with beards. Well, he was very close to George Steinman, who had the same rule, no facial hair. Oh, wow. Doug Burgum. Trump. Just on tonight. Yeah. Trump always likes the distinguished looking older executive. He fits the profile, that's who Trump always had at the Trump Organization. It's one problem is that strict ban on abortion in Burgum state, it's not Burgum's fault. But that brings the issue back up too much. I think Ben Carson. Ben Carson, interesting. Think about this. African-American helps. He's from Michigan. That could help. He's got the greatest temperament of any politician. And think about Joe Biden in his condition running against a brain surgeon. Wow. You set that up perfectly. That was very good. I'm a flat out of time. Five seconds. Joe Conch, vice president. Marco Rubio. I just love the fact that we turn this into the apprentice, for Trump is stretching it out to the very, very end. Well, that's of course what he's doing. And at the end of this, instead of getting a rose, you get a red maggot. We're doing like a dead one, five seconds, vice president. Nobody knows but Donald Trump, and I'm not sure if he's sure of it yet, but in all seriousness, nobody knows. I love that Ben Carson is a real brain service. He can make a real cutting edge analysis. Well. Ha ha ha. Joe Conch and Mark Simone and David Webb. Terrific stuff. Coming up next, the aforementioned Senator Marco Rubio, who was a leading light at the Trump rally in Miami, Florida last night. Senator Rubio joins us next, right here on Cudlow, along with Edith Wilson. Every morning, I want to empower my viewers to move their families forward and seize the day with maria and fox business invested in you. A true crime podcast, a podcast helped exonerate two men in Georgia after they wrongfully spent 25 years in prison for murder. Whoa, Steve Heregan's on that story in Atlanta. What a story Steve. Hello. Bill, some stunning details when you look into this. Two young men went in at age 17, came out last week at age 43. It all started in 1996, a single gunshot in northwest Georgia in a mobile home, one 15 year old boy dead, initially said to be an accident. He was talking to his girlfriend about playing Russian roulette. The family wasn't satisfied with that. It turned into a murder investigation. One week long trial, two of his friends, 17 year olds, convicted, sentenced to life in prison. Darryl Clark and Kane's story. Well, some two women who run a true crime podcast looked into it for more than a year. They re interviewed witnesses. They looked at evidence again and it turns out they were able to convince the district attorney and the judge to overturn these convictions. The two men who walked out free said they are stunned by what's happened. I sit there for many years wondering if the truth was ever going to come out. I thought there was times that I was starting to lose hope. Now I thought I was going to die in prison, I'm going to do it. I never thought I would ever see the free world again. It is really a shock. Been behind prison walls for 25 years and walk out and to see how the world has changed. The podcasters found that one key witness was a woman who was threatened by police. They said they'd take away her children if she didn't manufacture evidence. The other key witness was a disabled man who might have seen a completely different crime. The two men have returned to Floyd County, Georgia. They say they are not angry. They are not entitled to any compensation under Georgia law. But the judge did apologize on behalf of the state of Georgia. Bill, back to you. Well, Markable, more to come on this certainly Steve Harrigan, thank you. With sweeping canyon views sitting atop a ridge in the foothills east of Chico, California, it's easy to see why they called this town Paradise. But on November 8th, 2018, Paradise became an inferno. I remember looking in my rearview mirror back up at the town of Paradise and it looked like a bomb had gone off. The campfire destroyed 95% of the buildings in Paradise and killed 85 people. At the time, it was the deadliest wildfire in modern U.S. history. The trees and empty lots still dot the town of Paradise proof of how the campfire forever changed this place. But everywhere you look, signs of rebuilding. So everybody thought it was really important to take this old wooden sign, rebuild it, show everybody that the city is still there, that the town is still alive. The fastest-growing city in California, two years in a row, about 3,000 single-family homes have been rebuilt in Paradise since the fire, along with 500 multi-family units. New homes in Paradise are now required to include a 5-foot non-combustible zone all around them and are inspected yearly to ensure that firefighters would be able to defend the property. In addition, a siren warning system is being installed in Paradise and evacuation routes are being widened. But some feel left behind in the recovery, and there are those still living in trailers in Paradise five years after the fire. "It used to be great, Paradise just went to hell in the handbags since the fire." Though people are returning, and the town's seen an influx of younger families. "When they come to Paradise, as my parents did decades ago, they see that this is a good place to raise a family." It's not the same town as it was before the fire, but it's also not completely different. "I think it's that community that is rebuilding Paradise and is never let that sparkle die." A town rising from the ashes. "There is a sense of hope." Paradise is not lost. Max Gordon, Fox Weather. "All right, Senator Marco Rubio was a leading light at the Trump rally last night in Miami. He joins us now, Florida Senator Marco Rubio. Mr. Rubio, thank you. You were -- Mr. Trump spoke glowingly of you last night. But before I get to all that, those big, important questions, I just want to ask you, you've read the platform. It strikes me as a really growthy, oriented platform, which is what the country wants, especially what the middle-class folk want. What do you think about all that, Senator? Yeah, look, it's a pro-growth platform. It's a pro-prosperity platform. We want more Americans to have more money in their pocket at the end of the month after they pay their bills so they can save, so they can invest, they can go on vacation. The things they can't do now because inflation is heating up their paycheck. So I think it reflects that. And I think the alternative is the Democrats, who, as you've seen, have poured a bunch of money, spending a bunch of money into our economy, chasing green new deal proposals, leading to higher interest rates that have now made home ownership the least affordable. It's been in almost 40 years. So I think that it's a platform we can be very proud of, especially on the economic side. And it's going to curb inflation. That's emphasized. It's going to curb spending. You emphasize that. I think those are a little bit different from what he ran on in 2016, or even 2020. And of course, lots of deregulation. I think the whole country needs to be deregulated. I think Washington, D.C. needs to be deregulated. I think the swamp needs to be deregulated, Senator. Well, what happens with these regulations is you know, a Congress will pass a law, and then it'll tell the agencies now write the rules to implement it. And then not only do they get to write the rules, by writing the rules to implement it, they actually are writing the law, and then they get to implement and decide what it means. And we've seen that happen. And look, no one's against making sure that airplanes don't crash. No one's against making sure your food isn't poisoned, and that the medicines you're taking are actually what they say it is on the bottle. I think the problem becomes, when it goes too far, especially nowadays, where people who have money to invest decide, well, maybe we won't do this in America, maybe we won't make things in America, maybe we won't invent things in America, we'll go to some other country where the environment is less onerous. And so you saw, in the Trump era, between tax cuts and deregulation, we had a real economic boom. We saw actually government revenues grew, and had it not been for the pandemic, and local governments shutting down our economy and forcing kids out of school. I think that the story of the first four years would have been even better. And also in the platform, it protects the American worker, and it detects them against unfair trading practices. And I know you've been keen on that, so I'm just going to want it to get your thinking on it. Does the platform satisfy you, and how far should the U.S. go in protecting against unfair trading practices? Well there's two things tied into trade. The first thing that's tied into trade is we need to be a pro-American job policy-making body around here. It is good for our country to produce good, stable work that allow people to start families and buy homes and invest and be a part of vibrant communities. The second is we do need industrial capacity in order to provide for our national defense. I mean, if we can't grow our own food, if we can't make our own equipment, if we lose car manufacturing, if we lose heavy machinery and equipment, you're also not going to be able to make ships and airplanes and the other things that you need to defend our country. I mean, we win World War II, not because we had, because we weren't industrial power. The Japanese, the Germans, had a huge head start on the United States in terms of armaments, but it was our industrial power that came into play and allowed us to tip the balance and save the world from Nazism and Imperial Japan. And we can't forget that food security is a part of national security as well. Mr. Trump, you know, he spoke very, very highly of you last night. I didn't actually see the vigil. Well, it's better than the alternative. I'll tell you that. Yeah. Well, I mean, I don't know if he put his arm around you or not, but you know, it sounded like a love and everybody knows you're among the final group to the vice president and so forth. Let me ask you, our own Brian Kilmeade, you know Brian, he asked Mr. Trump in the radio show. You are both from Florida. Now Trump said, and then does that prevent you from being beef? And Trump said no, but it does complicate it, Santa Rubio. Is there a way to uncomplicate that to see your way to being beef? Well, look, I mean, I think people know the answer to that and it's happened before. It's not without precedent, but it would be presumptuous to me. Look, here's the thing. Okay. And I think this is what makes this so interesting. The president really can't make a wrong choice. The question is just making the choice he feels best about. And that doesn't mean any other people are bad. Again, I don't know who the finalists are. I read the press like everybody else. I mean, JD Vance is a bright new star in the Republican party. It's someone I work with very closely. I don't know Governor Bergham as well, but I've gotten to know him a little bit. He's got a good record as governor and he's a very nice man and everything I hear, a very good person as well. And the list goes on. Tim Scott, my colleague here. He's a superstar. This is the guy who brought opportunity zones. You were involved in that time when we were doing tax reform. The opportunity zones have been life changing for millions of Americans and millions and thousands of hundreds of communities across the country. So it's an embarrassment of riches. So you know, the president is going to take his time. He doesn't need to make a decision. He needs to know by Monday of next week when the convention convenes. So he's got the time to make that decision and I think he's playing it right. And ultimately, I think only he knows who the right choice is and he'll make the right choice because he's got no bad choices before him and it numbers more than just the people I imagine the people that we read about in the press every day. If he asks you though, you would say yes. I think at this time in our history, given everything that we've gone through, if someone has an opportunity to serve this country at that capacity, unless there's some reason why you can't do it, you almost have to say yes, especially if you care about public services. I do. I also think though that I want to do whatever it takes to help him win. Yes, sir. And so that's what we can't afford in other four years like the last four years. Senator Marco Rubio, thank you very much, sir. We appreciate it. Honeywell is expanding its presence in liquefied natural gas. It is buying the LNG technology and equipment business from air products for $1.8 billion. Shell has predicted global demand for LNG will rise more than 50% in about 15 years. Your general will cut the variety and volume of goods it sells to get items to shelves quicker. The changes are also aimed at improving efficiency and reducing theft. CNN says it is cutting about 100 jobs across the company. It will launch its first subscription service. It is merging news gathering and digital news into a single unit. You can get a head start on back to school shopping. Walmart, Target, Amazon and Sheehan are all selling computers, kids clothing, backpacks and sneakers at a discount during their summer sales. Walmart and Target sales are this week, Amazon Prime Days are July 16th and 17th. And people around the world are choosing to drink fewer, more expensive drinks with vodka and whiskey and are pulling back on wine. The World Spirits Alliance is predicting more cases of spirits will be sold globally than wine this year. Their drinking is also softening. We're at the Desert Research Institute here in Las Vegas, Nevada. We're talking about the potential for sunscreen on Mars. And so, NASA is involved with this. The DRI and the University of Nevada in Reno, they're all studying this right here. This is lichen, a natural symbiotic relationship between bacteria and also fungi. Now, you look at this and you're thinking, is this even a living organism? It is. And this is what we found in the desert in the Red Rock Canyon area. And the reason why they're using the desert and this form of lichen is because it's as similar as we can get to here on Earth with the harsh conditions that Mars will experience. Now, we're looking at this potential and how they absorb this solar radiation and protects the cells underneath. And so, I talked to a microbiologist here at the DRI, Henry's son, about why it's important to develop this sunscreen. We're hoping that by studying these organisms, we can learn how to make a better sound block that is natural, that is organic, that is very protective. And these colors or pigmentation is what scientists are studying, trying to understand how it absorbs the solar radiation while still protecting those vital cells and utilizing some of their findings, researchers are actually hoping to develop a supplement that can be consumed by astronauts that will give them the same protective effects that lichens have, like having sunscreen, but actually it protects you from the inside. And again, I talked with Henry and I said, so far in your research project, what have you found? And so, this study has been going on for a few years. What have you learned so far during your research? What we learned is that life finds a way on Earth, even if you are living in a desert where living is very hard because of the desiccation, because of UV exposure, but life always finds a way. Other applications of these pigments might be more commercial, such as a deck paint that withstand sun exposure for longer periods of time. [music] Fox airs all over the world, including in France. So if you live there or are visiting, keep watching Fox on Orange. And we begin with this Fox News alert. America turns to Fox News Channel. We are feeling the impact all across the country. Stream it now on the Fox News International app. It's the place for top political coverage. It's a very big day here at the White House. With must-see-inside-end analysis, you won't get anywhere else. We will never be the media mob. And stay on top of the US markets with Fox Business. Watch your favorite shows live or get them on demand. Download the Fox News International app now from the Apple or Google Play stores. Also available on Amazon Fire. Tell you what, GOP has such a strong bench when it comes to all these VP candidates, really. You saw Rubio, and you saw Bergum today, Vance, Carson. 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