
Biden's Make-or-Break Interview

Now a week after Biden's disastrous debate debacle, he faces a crucial one-on-one interview tonight to prove he's fit to run. Guest host David Asman with Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY), Rep. Russell Fry (R-SC), Steve Forbes, Eric Hovde, Ned Ryun, Doug Collins & Alex Epstein Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

1h 0m
Broadcast on:
05 Jul 2024
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Now a week after Biden's disastrous debate debacle, he faces a crucial one-on-one interview tonight to prove he's fit to run.

Guest host David Asman with Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY), Rep. Russell Fry (R-SC), Steve Forbes, Eric Hovde, Ned Ryun, Doug Collins & Alex Epstein

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He's trying to assure voters and members of his own party He's still up for the job after that terrible debate performance last week He just wrapped up that rally in Madison, Wisconsin He spoke for about 20 minutes or so much higher energy and much more forceful than his debate performance But remember that speech he just gave is on a teleprompter So the real test is what you mentioned his interview with George Stephanopoulos after the rally should be happening any minute now It's the first since the debate Unscripted and off the cuff now despite the growing calls for president Biden to step down and some major donors jumping ship He doesn't seem to be going anywhere pretty defiant this afternoon in Wisconsin Whatever since then there's been a lot of speculation. What's you're gonna do is you're gonna stay in the race? You're gonna drop out what you're gonna do Here's my answer. I am running and gonna win again Massachusetts Governor Mora Healy a top Biden surrogate is out with this statement this afternoon saying the best way forward right now It is a decision for the president to make over the coming days I urge him to listen to the American people and Carefully evaluate whether he remains our best hope to defeat Donald Trump So not exactly a show of full-throated support for the president from one of those Democratic governors David Who was in the room at the White House with the president this week by the way next week? We'll see the president in another unscripted setting a solo press conference during the NATO summit another make or break Moment for the president as calls for him to step out of the race grow. Yeah, I don't know if you can say Stephanopoulos is totally Scripted because he certainly is on the president side. We'll see how that goes But he's got a lot of convincing to do George Stephanopoulos does great. Thank you very much. Joining me now is New York Congresswoman Claudia Teddy and South Carolina congressman Russell Fry. Good to see you both Let's talk first about kind of the way the media is handling all this because Claudia They were they were the ones that were really cheering him on and really hiding a lot of information that the public should have been aware of Up before long before this debate happened But at least the debate did happen so we could see I just talking about George Stephan opposite I just want to talk about the way he dismissed the way he really spoke poorly of anybody that suggested that where there were problems with Biden's cognitive ability. Here he is. I believe it's about a year ago With Nikki Haley. Let me roll that for you roll tape There is no way that Joe Biden's gonna finish his term I think Kamala Harris is going to be the next president and that should send a chill up every American spine But I also think the fact that we have a primary You ask Americans do you think he's gonna finish his term? Do you think that he's actually gonna finish what he started we look at the decline he's had over the last few years and by the way I was only part of the way George sort of debased what what she was saying kind of kind of took her to task for it It's clear she was right and it's clear that the media were wrong about all of this Claudia I'm just wondering if you if you think we're gonna hear anything new From tonight. It's pre-recorded. It may only be 15 minutes. They may do some they claim they're not gonna edit it But frankly, I don't trust him. Do you? No, of course the Democratic or the Democrats along with the media that are on their team You know wearing the same team Jersey have been doing interference for the Democrats for a long time And they've been doing it to cover up with what Joe Biden is because now they're exposed after what happened in that Just disastrous debate performance But the other problem is that what do they do now because in a way they're locked in as president Trump Contingence to ascend in the polls even higher and higher especially in the swing states where it's going to matter They've got to deal with this Kamala Harris problem And I don't I don't think she's gonna be any better on the ticket than Biden It just depends on who she puts in as a vice presidential candidate But remember the thing the Democrats have they have a vote harvesting machine that they have been putting in place since 2021 Pursuant to an executive order that Joe Biden put in place that tasks the Agencies all the federal agencies across the nation to work with third-party Democrat leaning Bruce to prime the pump and get the vote out So they can drag, you know, sub-par candidates across the finish line regardless of who they are That's what the Republicans have to worry about the most and his chair chair of the election integrity Congress That's what we're fighting against and making sure the RNC and everybody out there knows what's going on Congress, I think what the world has to worry about most Congressman Fryle go to you on this one is is what's happening with our commander and chief He just told the New York Times by the way and they to their credit They they have been finally questioning his abilities and actually editorializing that maybe you should step down But but he just told the New York Times that that he's got to go to sleep earlier that he if he's if he finishes his duties by 8 p.m Then then he'll be okay Well a lot of stuff happens between 8 p.m.. And and whenever the heck he wakes up in the morning and the commander in chief has to be prepared 24/7 he's taking this job as a six hour a day job Look I'm a freshman congressman, and I know how robust my schedule is Representative Tenney the same thing. I don't know how you can run an entire country the biggest and best country in the world on Six hours a day. I just truly don't understand how you can do that functionally and to Claudia's earlier point I mean the media has been covering for this guy forever And they they actually believed the lie they've said the lie enough times that they actually believed And they were surprised that the debate turned out the way it was well the American people Republicans were not surprised at all. We have seen this we've talked about this for a long time But suddenly they're surprised and want to oust him as their nominee But you know who's not surprised congress would forgive me for calling you Claudia But we've known each other for so long that I did it for fine, but who's not surprised apparently is his staff all of his close advisors A lot of people there was this war article in New York magazine by Olivia Newsie called the conspiracy of silence to protect Joe Biden She's not a conservative. She's not a she's not a pro-trumper by any stretch But she she goes on in this article with details that that she's been collecting since January and frankly I think she should have put them out found some way of putting them out before After the debate when we all saw what was going on But she says that they are horrified. These are her words They are scared and horrified by what might happen when he's not there when he's not with it as we saw happens quite often during the debate And she asks she says, you know, I may sound like a Trumpian conspiracy theorist But who is in charge who has been pulling the strings behind the behind the scenes? What do you think Claudia? David, these are details. There's two big things going on here. Number one, the Democrats care about power and they're going to do it at all costs Number two the the Biden family who has been drifting off Joe Biden's position You know, literally everything has been to enrich the Biden family his position whether it's Senator vice president now president Is they can't afford to have Joe not in this position because remember if you take Joe out, that's the that's the whole drifting on enterprise gone So a lot of that is just detail and the Democrats are scrambling because they've been exposed But again, I worry about What they're going if the American people will wake up and see That they've been defrauding us and they are going to continue to do that at the ballot box You know, people were stunned when when Federman won in Pennsylvania when he had had a stroke Although he's come around now But you know, they were able to get the you know, the votes in the box and once you do that you can't turn them out You can't get them out of the box congressman fry one thing we do know about who they may may not be in charge But at least he's part of the inside team now. It's hunter biden hunter biden actually according to One report. I believe it was in the new york times was actually helping biden this week Write his response to a supreme court decision on presidential immunity of all people hunter biden is doing this. I mean really Right the ethically challenged fellan son of a president who's continuing to have Uh problem after problem outside of the white house and inside all of a sudden He's the the chief advisor just doesn't make a lot of sense to me the conflicts of interest that this guy has I mean, he's got over 20 million of them at this point Conflicts of interest. He should be nowhere near the white house Um, but of course, this is the judgment that we have in our commander-in-chief And I really do fear I think to the prior point just about where we are Uh, that we need a commander-in-chief in the white house Not a scenario where it's weakened at bernies and somebody has propped up You know signing documents to somebody's asking him to sign We need somebody in the white house who's actually delivering for the american people Um, and that's my concern right now that you have all these characters that are around him and who's really running the show Well, there's there's somebody else and you already mentioned her claudie Kamala Harris is also in the white house uh doing stuff But she was also part of this conspiracy of silence that we were just talking about that the new york magazine's talking about And and when that the her report came out suggesting that Biden was not mentally capable to withstand a trial and that's why he wasn't going to indict the president for all for the documents case Uh, here's what she had to say roll tape The way that the president's demeanor in that report was characterized Could not be more wrong on the facts And clearly politically motivated gratuitous So she is just too closely linked now to biden i think to take control forget about her her confidence and everything But she is she was part of this clear conspiracy of silence that was surrounding biden has been for months if not years They're not going to get her out of her way It's going to be if it's not biden it's going to be Kamala Harris But they're going to do everything they can to get biden through remember there's some legal obstacles They have which are dealing with the delegates at the convention And the question is are they going to be able to remove biden from the some of these Uh, these positions that he's already won in certain states because they gave him a virtual vote Which was a special a special uh action there So if they released the delegates almost anybody could come up and they could risk losing and the only person where the large s All the political money can go to is Kamala Harris So just just to put a fine point on just to put a fine point on you think it's either biden or Kamala Harris There's nobody else who can fit the bill I don't think legally they can do it and procedurally. I don't see how you're going to remove Kamala Harris I I I just don't see getting her out of it And they've got to raise the money in short order. The question is if she does ascend to that Who would they put in uh as uh as vp uh choice and that would be interesting to see Okay, congressman friday, what do you think do you agree with quatia be either Kamala or president biden? I think that's the default. Um, I mean obviously after he accepts the nomination in august I think there's some different procedures there selection. Maybe I think Memory serves me correctly. I think selection based on the 50 state party chairs, but regardless I don't know how that you can remove Uh her from that position. Um, I think it's by nor Kamala Um, but we will see but okay, we're living through history once again We're living through history great to see you both. I hope you had a wonderful july 4th and have a great weekend Thanks for being here. Appreciate it coming up the jobs report showing the government growing like gangbusters But most of the private sectors actually struggling to keep its head above water is this really sustainable Let's ask steve forms when kudlow continues [music] Fox business reporters are covering the biggest stories palms are going to continue to cost us a pretty penny We are going to need more power in the us asking the tough questions Why do you think the president took so long to do something? How long would you be okay then with a 3% overall inflation breaking down business news headlines? That's all part of launching an ev offensive this race to commercial supersonic flight We are in a classroom that teaches nothing but financial literacy Fox business invested in you We're in the greenhouse here at Bloomsbury Farms. What have several on the property and we're surrounded by all kinds of greens We're talking vegetables mustards Asian greens behind me And i'm also joined by the lovely Lauren Palmer who runs the show here at Bloomsbury Farms To give us a little bit more of a perspective on what goes into growing organic foods Lauren, I know this is your passion here This is what you've been doing for many many years Talk to me about what we've got here And if you can show us kind of just really what goes into what makes organic foods different than others So we're making a healthy soil to start and then that in turn will have a better healthier product to give to the people So we're starting with the soil first The seed we take very good care of we From start to finish we are documenting everything that we do to make sure that it's the best product for everybody And we can actually go ahead and like give it a try if you like let's do it So you said this was what i'm sorry, this is mazuna and it's one of my favorite salad greens right now Um, it's super super nice. So let's take a try. Let's do it You know, i'm sure you've had it on your style just haven't really realized that this is familiar Yeah, and so the difference here is and you talked about how the way you grow this it can literally be eaten out of the ground Yeah, that is It's the cleanest it's the safest way to do it And we're really happy to provide that level of like freshness and nutrient dense food to lots of different people So yeah, and I know we were looking at the USDA really their requirements for what's considered organic or what's labeled organic And the difference is nothing really that's synthetic or toxic to either humans or animals That also includes some forms of pesticides and and hormones things that I know you guys Really, you know have to work with too right because this is still a farm you still have bugs How do you go about trying to make sure that you're still doing things naturally while trying to fight those battles that mother nature brings right? So I think the key to is that we're making it like very simple. We're kind of going back to the basics. We are kind of making the soil healthy first and then in turn Um, that'll be less weeds less bug pressure. That's the name of the game, but we fight, you know As much as we possibly can we know that there's bugs here. We know that there's like weed pressure And there are a certain amount of things that we can and can't use um But we're just Being kind of to the soil to be more sustainable for you know a longer products and for the longer, you know, next generation That's right. Yeah, and a lot of people take pride and want to know What goes into the foods that they eat and they bring home to their families and you and I are talking about this USDA Isn't just doing, you know, setting the requirements for what can or can't be used for organic foods But they're also making sure that each individual farm like blooms very organic farm, you know, they have a certification with the USDA They're constantly doing inspections and you have to work to keep that certification up to date. Yep So we're logging where our seeds come from we're logging where our see our plants go Um, we're keeping fertilization records planting records harvest records Um, we're documenting the compost and how it is going in and out Um, so yeah, it's a it's a lot of paperwork to make sure that we provide that the healthy, you know, the healthiest products Hello to our fans watching in Bosnia and Herzegovina on mtell. Thank you for choosing fox. Keep it right here Wherever you are whenever you want it fox news digital is the world according to fox The top headlines other sites won't touch unmatched coverage. You won't get anywhere else and the stories that keep america clicking No one does it like fox news dot com plus download the fox news app to get breaking news alerts and all your favorite shows on the go And if you can't watch listen the will came podcast on fox news podcast i'm brit there I'm dana poreno and this is the fox news rundown fox news digital the world according to fox So it lets you just love a government growing bigger and bigger We got more bad news for by namix as many private sector industries are showing a job growth Slow down again in june edward lorance has more from the white house edward Yeah and jobs are slowing down, but this report still beat expectations the unemployment rate went to 4.1 Mainly because more people came into the labor force, which isn't necessarily bad But president joe biden latched on to that in a statement. He said that we have more work to do But wages are growing faster than prices and more americans are joining the workforce now wages are growing faster than prices in this short term Overall though real wages down 2.2 percent from the month president biden came into office in the jobs report Manufacturing lost 8,000 jobs the government sector though led the way creating 70,000 jobs Now when talking with the acting labor secretary, I pushed her on the president's mental fitness list Has there been any conversation among the cabinet members about invoking the 25th amendment So that's absurd. I will say that what we are talking about is Recognizing that we're in a moment where there have been There's been incredible progress in the time that we've been here and we want to keep building on it But if the president has issues getting through a 90-minute debate has issues on the 4th of july Shouldn't there be a conversation about the 25th amendment? I was on the 4th of july I was there as you said in you know when we made a historic heat announcement But you talked to the president a lot have you noticed a decline in the president from today from a year ago from two years ago I have not what I have noticed is that his concerns remain consistent. They remain Steady, they're the same concerns I have to make sure that workers get a fair shake that they get a real voice on the job And you see you see she quickly deflected on the questions related to the president's mental fitness She also said that the president in her meetings does not rely heavily on those note cards. David Yeah, which it's just quite obvious that they are there although she seems like a nice lady So I don't want to bash on her too much Edward. Thank you very much for more on this Let's bring in steve Forbes warms media chairman and editor in chief and a long time friend And actually he had one of the longest running shows at fox news Forbes on fox 17 years hosted by the best ever because I was I was fishing for cobblings there All right heard no no fishing for compliments here with his jobs are probably yes It was better than expected so so give them that much Uh and and the tick up and unemployment was from people coming into the workforce Which is not a bad thing as Edward said but 70,000 new government jobs 70,000 That's up from 40,000 last month a loss of 8,000 manufacturing jobs a loss of 17,000 service jobs and retail jobs down 2.5,000 it sounds like taxpayers are just paying for more government jobs primarily in the economy And the other figure to note is that the two previous months have been revised downwards 500 Again, which is that happened like 14 out of the past 16 months, it's very disturbing so you can't take even this number seriously I mean, are the let me just focus on that for a second since you brought it up I used to cover mexico We never believed any of the stats that came out of mexico same as for is true with for china and russian other brides Is that what we are becoming or is there some anomaly with regard to the pandemic hangover or whatever? Well, maybe pandemic seasonal adjustments especially you have 10 million people Crossing the border millions of whom are going in the workforce you see that in the numbers in the household survey Messing that number up But the private sector getting to your point is when you take the revisions down where the private sector jobs Ostensibly in the last month there 136,000 you stake the revisions out up only 50,000 pathetic and millions of people are working part-time and also getting a job if you're unemployed starting to tick up It's becoming harder and while the president says oh wages went up They're at a slower growth than they were last year slightly ahead of inflation But most people when they pay such the interest charges don't feel it and of course he still Claims that that he created 15 million jobs which most of which were just jobs that came back That bounced back after the shutdowns from the pandemic But i'm just wondering if this is going according to plan for a lot of the people advising We now know it's clear from all the articles from what we saw last thursday Uh with a debate a week ago Uh that that somebody else is is pulling the strings on on virtually everything that's whether it's foreign policy economic policy domestic Are these people just socialist do they just want a government controlled economy? Yes, it's uh bernie sanders in spirit in the white house, and then you have uh, dr Jill biden as nick name is mrs. wilson she is calling a lot of the shots as well And that's why it's going to take a push from the outside It's not going to happen inside for him to go But there's no way a person with that condition can people can think can run the free world Especially as our adversaries are getting more adversarial Yeah, but it's not only did we not vote for the people pulling the strings But it's also that americans don't like socialism in general now a lot of democrats do in fact There's some some stats out some polls outside that most democrats do but most americans do not want a socialist economy So somebody's going against the will of the american people and that's why the supreme court decision on chevron which says you don't have to defer to How a beer craft interprets a law anymore? It's actual law itself. It's up to the courts When did congress pass a law banning internal combustion engines saying we're going to phase them out And so they go forward these things or are my stole by natural gas stove Which is a number three months because they turned it off would stove pizzas in new york and the like and so they know They can't get it through the electorate so they do it by decree. That's modern socialism You don't have to nationalize anything you just do it by regulation And they're going to pile on more and the remaining six months of this administration Well, we are lucky enough to have somebody running against the socialists in the white house Uh who believes in capitalism built up a number of businesses himself The british aren't so lucky the conservative party just lost huge to to to laborites Many of whom are are really strict socialists and they turned almost turn uk into a pure socialist economy Why the conservatives as I can see have gone in favor of green energy. They've gone against tax cuts Uh, they they don't seem to be helping much with immigration They seem to be sort of the anti-Trump conservatives over in in england Is it any wonder that they lost? Well ever since Margaret Thatcher amazing in the conservative party has been running away from her legacy Uh because they thought she was too too tough or something and they they've been disowning her her Legacy that she gave turn britain from me remember back when britain was the call the sick man of europe Yeah, the most dynamic large economy in europe doing even better for wild than the german's and they've turned their backs on it And so the conservative be dragged maggy Thatcher to to her credit knew what she was a big fan of rattle ragon But a lot of her advisors were not her first economic advisor gunny melon walters had to be dragged kicking and screaming to tax cuts And it wasn't so ever really i was seven years into power that she could finally get the tax cuts that ragan got in his first term She had to wait seven years before she had the power and parlum in the party to get huge tax cuts through But she stuck with it. She knew what she needed to do and today the conservatives should be sued for False advertising. Yeah, they're not a conservative party and the thing is the collapse was in the conservative vote The labor party only went up from 32 percent of the popular vote to 34 Conservatives went from 43 to 23 Well, we got we got a run, but there is another element in all this and that's Nigel ferrage Who's taking a huge share of the conservative because he does represent a change from that pro green anti anti tax cut part of the party What does he do now? It does he have the power to pull the conservatives together under his authority and turn them into a genuinely conservative party He's got the platform now. He's got to have the power persuasion putting a ragan s Thatcher us a platform out there and say this is where the conservatives have to go If you combine his vote with the conservative vote, they would have won this last election Steve Forbes. Great stuff Thank you. Appreciate it. Great to see you coming up Joe Biden hits the campaign trail in wisconsin today where recent polling shows a very tight race again Will russ belt boaters really get by another shot after the failure of bidenomics and his Dasterist and bait performance wisconsin senate candidate eric povdie joins us next to talk about it Tonight as barrel rages on explore the storm's impact on the markets and what homeowners need to know this hurricane season Get critical insight on barons roundtable Brought to you by global x beyond ordinary ETFs I'm brian yennison. I'll be covering democracy 24 on the campaign trail The campaign trail is a wild ride. It is fast paced. There are twists and turns and yes There is spin. It's my job to listen cut through the chaos and to tell the right story But I have never been more excited buckle up america. Here we go So the columns have to be cleaned and the marble has to be maintained, but really what you're doing is preserving history Yes, that's exactly right. We're trying to preserve this beautiful building this memorial for future generations Lindy gullah is an architectural conservator at the national park service And spends her life caring for the stone and marble that make up the lincoln memorial Now celebrating a hundred years as a national symbol of unity [Music] So the material itself represents a unified country some of it coming from massachusetts Some of it coming from colorado and some from the heart of the confederacy Yeah, that's right. So the lincoln statue that you see in the chamber, that's white marble from georgia and you see the beautiful floor that's tennessee pink marble And the main structure is held up by 36 dorac columns Representing the 36 states that were part of the union when lincoln took office and his index finger of his right hand is slightly raised A plea of openness for southern states to return to the union But the memorial doesn't just honor our history. It has in itself become part of our history particularly civil rights history in 1939 opera singer mary and anderson performed a concert here for an integrated audience After being blocked by the daughters of the american revolution from singing at constitution hall Since then the grounds have laid witness to over a hundred protests for racial equality culminating in 1963 with one of america's most seminal moments [cheering] Exactly why america's first black president chose the 99 foot tall monument for his pre-enogual address behind me Watching over the union he saved Since the man who in so many ways made this day possible and in modern times It's been a place where americans gather in strength and sorrow So obviously they built it to memorialize a great man, but the grounds ended up inspiring great events It was selected for that purpose john hay recommended that this site be selected to line up in the national mall And in line with the capital the washington monument to create this aura john o brine is a lincoln historian and president of the lincoln group He sees some of the same divisions plaguing the country that lincoln saw Including ultra partisanship lincoln more than anyone understood how fragile democracy could be Indeed he stood in the precipice of the great division of the country But his characteristics Always brought him back to how do I pull this together with how do I reconcile the differences in this great nation? He always viewed himself as president of the entire country Not just the north. It's something lindy thinks about every day as she smooths the lincoln marble So light democracy the stone here is really strong, but you really have to preserve it and care for it for it to last Yes, that we do this is really important for uh for our future and for the history of america An american future made possible by one man's historical sacrifice And the memorial that has honored him for a hundred years in washington dc Douglas kennedy fox news Listen to the fox business rundown podcast every monday and friday or the world of business moves fast Whether you're on main street or wall street fox business is invested in you go to fox business Or wherever you download your favorite podcast america is listening Well joe biden in wisconsin today refusing to drop out and still touting the alleged success of by namix Well, will russ belt voters by that let's ask eric hovedy. He is running to flip the wisconsin senate seat Uh great to see you sir. Thanks for being by the way your opponent Uh tommy ballman the the current senator from wisconsin skipped bidens event today. Do you know why? senator baldwin Literally two weeks ago said joe biden is the most accomplished president in generations She has called him one of her best friends Has voted with him 95.5 percent of the time And now after that disastrous debate she can't be found she doesn't want to talk about his record Uh, and she's hiding Uh, but she's running and hiding on all the main issues on what you know biden and baldwin have done to the economy what they've done to our open borders What they've done to our health care what they've done to our international standing So yeah, that's senator baldwin. Uh, she's off and hiding well that wisconsin voters I mean for example, it's it's a very tight race now. It was a tight race in 2020 It was a tight race in 2016 It's it really is tight Tight as a tick as they say do you think that she is going and we've got four months before the election She can't hide from the biden issue Uh forever unless unless there is a change in which case she could she could make a pivot with a democratic party But if biden does turn out to be the nominee and the one who's running against trump How does she avoid him until the election? I don't think she can I think the whole party is wrestling with that very issue. What do they do? Uh, you've seen parts of the media crack and obviously parts of the party crack But if he holds and they're all going to have to rally around him and try to tell everybody You didn't see what you saw or you didn't hear what you heard Uh that night at the debate, but the reality of it is sadly as we all know joe biden has failed this country and it's not just his mental health And his capabilities. It's what he's done to our economy. Look you're just talking about it with steve forb's the reality of Under president trump real wage is adjusted for inflation rose by 7.7 Percent under joe biden and tami baldwin. They've declined by 2.2 Percent those are real impact and harming the middle class and the working class in this country So she can try to run and hide but the reality of it is They're going to have to pick a nominee if joe biden's it She's going to have to embrace them at some point in time And if it ends up being kamala harris then she's going to have to align herself with uh kamala harris And devoting the baldwin is Yeah, I just want to devote us in wisconsin realize that it Even if you acknowledge the fact even if you're willing to acknowledge the fact that biden has has cognitive problems It's not those problems that caused the mess were in it's policies that caused the mess were Whoever's pulling the strings inside the white house is is putting our our country our economy our borders The whole effect that that we have on the world situation in danger Uh do do the wisconsin voters understand that that the policies need to change if you want america to change Look, I think they do uh when i'm out there campaigning i'm talking to people all the time It's amazing the shift that we're seeing with younger people Uh, you know, i've heard stories of younger people saying i'm working two jobs. I'm working all the time I still live with my parents. I've been in the black community a lot Uh, they're very upset about our open borders Uh and the crime problems the hispanic community, you know, they're like everybody else getting hammered by inflation Uh and and some of the social policies that the left has pushed be a defund the police or allowing boys to play in girls sports All these issues are mattering to the the people of wisconsin So look that the polls i think are wrong in wisconsin Why do i say that? Because if you look at where president trump was before the 16 and 20 election he was down anywhere from five to six uh points in both cases in one case he won and the other he lost by a By a hair 20 000 votes 20 000 votes is what Let me just quickly we got it we got a wrap but very quickly talk about your race the incumbency Still has a lot of power whether it's the president's incumbency or or the the woman you're running against is to be the next senator from wisconsin Uh, you're down five you were down five percentage I think that was the last poll the marquette poll was just before the debate that might have changed things But you're down five percent. How do you turn that around quickly? Look by continuing to talk about the issues. There's spent a lot of polls the emerson had me down to the point is the momentum is moving in my direction Against a career politician. So if if i can win this senate seat against one of the most progressive left Politicians as i said is aligned completely with the progressive socialist wing of our party Then i can now link change the control of the senate for the next two years But potentially the next four and six years. So look. I'd appreciate any support by all your voters I've had more attack ads by chucksumer than any republican senate candidate pushing hard And i'm gaining on her and things are looking good. Eric hoffey best of luck to you. Thank you so much for being here Have a great july fourth weekend Everyone have a wonderful weekend you too my friend. Thank you. Well, meanwhile president trump and his campaign have pretty much stayed disciplined Mostly letting democrats implode on their own and not getting in the way Joining me now to talk about it is net ryan He's founder and ceo of american majority and dug collins former georgia congressman and host of a dug collins podcast Generally good to see that the debate was a primary example of this how how trump himself displayed an enormous amount of discipline just by sit, you know standing back Listening to to donald trump or listening to joe biden wrap himself into pretzels Trying to say things that in the end made notes sense at all You think he can continue to do that kind of lay back and let the democrats continue to stew in their own pot of trouble Well, I think it's a pretty positive sign what we're seeing right now Of course, it's uh, I think trump's taken the the view that it's very bad manners to interrupt your opponent while he's self-destructing But I think the tone for this was really said david in march of 2021 and the reason I say that is that's when donald trump brought back susie Wiles and I think you see susie wiles fingerprints on this extreme discipline that's being shown by the trump campaign Across all fronts and and I think that has been because trump truss susie Because he knows that she has his best interest in mind and I think there's been a real trust relationship that's developed And susie has a very quiet disciplined approach to how the campaign is being managed And I think trump has seen that and realized susie's got my best interest in mind And I think that's what you're seeing play out right now. I think it's an extremely positive sign But I will say this david. It's july you do not win presidential campaigns in july You win them in november and there's a lot of work that still has to be done to do that But dogg it was such a seminal event that that debate last week and and there there have been a number of Oppoles done after the debate itself the big three by the way the the three biggest Three of the biggest media companies around cnn wall street journal New york times all of them agree that trump is now leading by six points. That's way out of the The margin of error there. So How long do you think that last is is there is there a chance that biden if biden is the candidate in in november Is there a chance that those figures might stay the same or change and how Well, I think it's a couple of things here I agree with nad though if i was a trump voter right now I considered a dead heat and get out everybody you can to go vote This is nowhere close to being over and i've heard too many republicans get real happy Uh since the debate, but really the thing for biden's problem was not necessarily the debate The biden problem that i think is exasperating this is how he's handled it post debate Not contacting the democrats on the hill not dealing with chucks humor hakeem jeffers Which is fine with me keep keep messing this up again just as was said when somebody's Contemplating political suicide you let that you don't have to push them And the discipline of the campaign is the thing that's going to win now people see the difference They can see it very clearly for what happened on what thursday night and donald trump just has to say look I had four years you were better off you see this happening right now We are worse off and then be prepared in case something does happen to buy but right now I think it will hold but I want every uh conservative every trump voter to get out there and do like the campaigns doing Be disciplined knock on doors tell people about to vote get the house vote because that's the only thing that'll win in no Well nad what happens if it's kamala? What happens if if biden does step down and and kamala steps up to the plate what how would you go after her? Well, I think she's a weaker candidate than biden I saw quote from from a democrat democrat mega donor the other day in Which he said kamatos biden is better than kamala harris So I think there's still a lot of question marks as to whether she'll be the nominee But I would just add david. I mean the polls look great. We're still four months out This is going to come down to six or seven states and and we've been talking about biden and being in wisconsin They brought back ballot boxes today the wisconsin state supreme court I think this is not going to come down to whether the quality of the candidates great whether it's a kamatos biden or kamala harris It's going to come down. Can you collect more ballots than the biden campaign and and I certainly hope the trump campaign and the rnc and others are really focused on the six or seven states like wisconsin That are going to decide the white house take this momentum And get people doing the right thing requesting apps and tea ballots and then chase those ballots home to no less than 80 Hopefully 85 well quickly. Ned. Do you do you have any reason to suspect that that trump the trump team is not up to it That that they may not be doing that kind of due diligence in those key races The thing that gives me hope is that susie wiles comes out of florida and the florida gop has committed deeply to ab generation and chase So I know that they have the right mindset the question is do they have the right funding focus in the right places To accomplish everything that they need to Doug finally there's there's a big event happening in in august and that's the democratic convention in chicago And we remember everybody remembers 1968 if you don't remember it yourself you've you've read about it Uh, you look at what happened last night on july 4th when when american flags were being burned in the street all over america New york had a number of these these protests I call them riots because they were riots people were attacked And one guy wearing american flag was attacked. Uh, they were all pro-homos demonstrates if that happens In a big way in chicago during the convention is it all over for democrats? Yeah, it could be because it shows that they're not bringing in that vote that they need in his places like michigan in particular in other places It says that there's a true ideological break with that far far, you know radical Left that you see here and even kamala harris joe by and they're not going to bring that back Because that's the problem that they've had you know if people have problems with trump is typically about his style or other things But they do like his policies they'll vote for the policies on the other side though Biden and these these protests are showing it in in a rehash of 68 in chicago will be detrimental to them because it shows that they are Do not like uh, what the biden administration they feel like were promised to them and they went back on it So yeah, they got a real problem there and it what it does is it connects the chaos That this administrative they're always talking about donald trump and chaos What is what do we have at the border but chaos what do we have on our city streets? But ks what do we have in europe and and the far east but ks it brings that chaos together these these these riots that we see in the streets Like nothing else does jennel, but we got to leave it at that great to see you both net ryan Doug collins friday after july 4th is a difficult day to have a date like this i appreciate you making it Thank you gentlemen. Thanks data coming up. No one wants ev's apparently So why are biden and the democrats still pushing their mandates and trying to ban gas powered cars and your gas appliances? We're going to talk about it with alex aepstein that's coming next [music] Maria barderomo's wall street i'll identify the policies that move markets so you can be prepared for the week ahead fridays and seven on fox business Commercial supersonic travel might be here sooner than you think this plane behind me is basically a one third scale prototype Of what will eventually become booms supersonic's passenger plane caring about eight people They call it overture and take a look at this booms says flying about twice as fast as commercial planes do today And of course faster than the speed of sound its planes will be able to drastically cut travel time on trans continental flights Here's what those overture planes will look like The company already has more than 130 orders and pre-orders from united american and japan airlines When you think about supersonic travel you probably think of the concord which was Really expensive unattainable for a lot of people and ultimately was taken out of service a few years after a deadly crash Boom ceo says his company's planes will be different Compared to concord with half a century old technology today We've got lighter materials better aerodynamics more efficient engines And we put all that together our first airplane will be able to make supersonic flight available This is class kinds of fairs and then we'll be able to do premium economy And then I think there's a future not too far away where supersonic can actually compete with economy class fairs And the research development and testing is already underway This video shows the plane you just saw on its first test flight last month The very first time that aircraft ever left the ground We talked to the two test pilots who will take it on more flights below the speed of sound at first subsonic Looking to eventually fly supersonic possibly as early as this year Each time we go out we're going to a little higher and a little faster and we'll work up an altitude and up in speed Sometimes at the same time sometimes separating those two things second flight will have a lot of first as well That'll be the first time we retract the landing gear. So that's the that's the big focus of the of the second flight boom is about to open a new factory in north carolina They hope to have passengers flying on these planes commercially by 2029 There are other companies working on similar projects, but boom ceo tells me they've got about a 10 year head start on the competition In mojave california, greaty trimble fox business Hawaii's rainbows are iconic so iconic in fact that they even appear on the state's license plate And now one atmospheric scientist here on a wahoo has helped create an app That'll give you a good indication of where one of these rainbows might appear It all started with an incredible sight from high up in the sky. It makes for just an unbelievable spectacle To see the full double rainbow. It's uh from the air in a helicopter was quite spectacular steven boosinger is a professor in chair of the atmospheric sciences department at the university of hawaii in manoa And after going rainbow chasing with a colleague in a helicopter He was inspired to create an app for everyone looking to seek out more rainbows The pilot was looking at his radar in order to see where to fly to And that was just quite a fun spark because uh, then we could we could Envision putting an app together. So the two created the rainbow chase app that allows you to Orient the the viewer to the right place and looking in the right direction And letting them know whether or not a rainbow is even possible It's all based on the science behind how rainbows are formed rainbows are Uh form when you have sunlight in one part of the sky coming down into a shower and another part of the sky The light is refracted when it hits the water and creates a rainbow It's a phenomenon best seen when the sun is lower in the sky by there earlier in the morning or later in the afternoon Wahoo is absolutely a rainbow capital of of the world hawaii in general is the mountain is terrain increases rainfall and there are often clear skies here following rainstorms Perfect territory for people to open up the app and look for a rainbow themselves My hope is that it brings a bit of sunshine into their lives in a special way that lifts their spirits On a wahoo max gordon box weather [Music] Americans are slamming the brakes on the democrats forced push for electric vehicles California's startup fisker is attempting to sell its remaining evs for about $14,000 each nearly 80 off its original price This is a new study from mckenzie Shows nearly half of american ev owners want to switch back to gas powered vehicles You know is Alex Epstein Epstein founder and ceo of the center for industrial progress Alex great to see you thank you for being here So what the heck is what the heck is going on with biden's ev push? I mean the mandate simply aren't working. Why not? Well, that's true and just note that you know there are different estimates now We're getting better and better estimates as to how much we're actually subsidizing evs And we're getting estimates of 20,000 30,000 40,000 A car because it's not just the direct subsidies that we pay through things like the inflation reduction act It's there all sorts of these crazy credits behind the scenes that allow automakers to lose billions and billions of dollars on evs But make them up from the sales of gasoline powered vehicles So imagine they weren't getting 30,000 plus and yet even when they're getting 30,000 plus in subsidies They are still having trouble Winning over americans and the reason is just because for most people at this point in time They're not the most cost effective option and unfortunately biden's policy is government dictated green energy And they think that if we want people to want evs and we put enough pressure on them Uh, they'll get them and they're holding a gun to our head partially, but even that's not enough So I guess they think they just have to totally dictate us or throw us in jail Well, that's true But the bottom line is however they think they can work it out their mandates are based on fantasy I tried to explain that to transportation secretary peed budgege when I had him on to december That was before the cold snap Eliminated the evs from a lot of people's minds because it didn't work as well in chicago and places like that But let me just play that tape from december of last year with peep budgege edge rolling I don't know a lot of people who think that americans in 2050 are still going to be driving Uh that old technology that that combustion technology that we inherited it's like in the 20th century american's like the question is Well, no, you're you're not going to meet a lot of people who ever go back after they've gone electric and i think that really tells you something Well, what we know now is is not only anecdotal information about what happened in chicago But this mckinsey report that shows it almost half of ev owners say they're going back to gas powered cars So big budgege is i'm not just saying it to prove that i was right and he was wrong But the bottom line is their whole policy is based on the wrong premise that americans prefer evs even ev owners don't I mean in a sense it's charitable to say they really believe that americans prefer it because if you believe americans prefer it Why do you need to force them to do it? Right? Why can't they just let the market evolve and not subsidize evs? Which is what i'm in favor of i'm in favor of ev freedom So if you can make evs more cost effective than gasoline powered vehicles Great i'll buy one, but we find it's just these very common sense things that budgege and these other people ignore Which is they don't have the same range you have to spend a lot more time charging them It's just not the same level resale value for these things. There's very little resale value Go ahead. Yeah, so so it just it just like consumers are making fairly obvious decisions If they consumers want something better than a gasoline car and they're getting something worse than a gasoline car And so they're not all that excited about it But at the same time he has to appeal to voters right now and one way he has to do that is to somehow get gasoline prices down So he's he's still pushing this claim for net zero While at the same times trying to kill fossil fuels you can't combine the two they don't go together. Do they? Right and we just had this incident where biden is releasing some you know Some amount of oil from the strategic gasoline reserve or gasoline from the strategic gasoline reserve, which is required by law But they're saying oh we're doing this because we care so much about low gasoline prices We so care about you the consumer This is nonsense their goal as you said is net zero by 2050 The only way to achieve that is to either ban people from using gasoline or make gasoline So incredibly expensive that people will buy EVs or other or not drive Because gasoline is so expensive. So they clearly want gasoline to be either much more expensive or illegal But they know that doesn't work with voters. So they're they're advocating this obvious contradiction If we don't want you to use gasoline, but we also want you to have way lower gasoline prices And it's not just gas for cars by the way It's it's natural gas for our heating systems for our ovens And what is not being done by the federal government is being done by state governments now all over the country My own building it lost their natural gas about three months ago and has been turned back on Alex Epstein We could talk for hours. Thank you so much. Good to see you. We'll be right back. Thanks. David More thrills and chills coming your way from Six Flags. The company says it is now the largest amusement park operator in North America this after it merged with Cedar Fair Entertainment Company Together they have 42 parks across the US, Canada and Mexico The deal puts the estimated value of Six Flags at eight billion dollars Most Americans still struggling with a pinch of inflation while living on a national average salary of less than $60,000 a year That's less than three times what they feel they need to live comfortably a new survey revealing the numbers now $186,000 a year But some baby boomers are choosing to room together to combat high costs of living and loneliness Becoming boom mates one of the boom mates tells the New York Post he's quote happy as a clam with his new housemate I saw on TikTok my daughter said it's the best Sammy you'll ever have and pickle mania is taking over New York The pickle bun sandwich is going super viral on social media and selling like hotcakes at places like seven brothers gourmet on long island It's crunchy. It's salty. It's refreshing. That's business. I'm CJ papa [Music] In Oregon's Willamette Valley row after row of blooming blueberry bushes stretch underneath the cloud-filled sky and AC foods Haltisbury farm we grow the best blueberries in the world here for my humble opinion It's a beautiful piece of land and right now it's doing more than just growing berries We really see these farms as you know living organisms and that mindset is creating some buzz It's very inspiring now bees are a crucial step in the process that turns these flowers into the berries that we all enjoy at home A lot of farms use honeybees like these trucked in to pollinate their crops But this farm here is planting native vegetation like these rose bushes to encourage Bumblebees to fly onto the scene pollinators are incredibly important not only to our food systems But to our terrestrial ecosystems and while the honeybees AC foods truck in are good pollinators They aren't native like the big black and yellow bumblebees and those bees are in trouble here in the us We have about 3,600 species of native bees and somewhere around a quarter of those Are facing extinction the Xerces Society says climate change pesticide use in habitat loss have all led to the decline But for the past five years the Xerces Society has established the be better certification program with farms Helping ones like this establish areas that encourage native bee populations to blossom If we do the things that we know can help these populations rebound I really do have hope for the future since AC foods planted the habitat bumblebee populations here appear to be rebounding You know, you can feel it in the field here You can feel that how that balance of sustainability makes you feel and the bumblebees have been doing their part too pollinating the blueberries along with their honeybee cousins is both the right thing to do from a sustainability perspective As well as the profitable thing to do making an unlikely partnership you have to see To be leave in independence, Oregon Max Gordon fox weather Hello to our viewers in israel thanks for watching fox on partner If you want the latest reports from our correspondents visit fox and box In business you need to stay a step ahead your top screen right now. 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