
The Presidential Debate Was a Game-changer

Trump nailed it on tax cuts and growth. Absolutely smashed Biden on that issue. He killed it on inflation, absolutely killed it on the border catastrophe. He never took the bait on Biden’s insults. That’s the winning message, that’s the unity voters want.

With Katie Pavlich, Brian Kilmeade, Jonathan Turley, Kevin McCarthy, Joe Concha, David Webb, John Carney, Hugh Hewitt, and Alec Marlow. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

1h 0m
Broadcast on:
28 Jun 2024
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Trump nailed it on tax cuts and growth. Absolutely smashed Biden on that issue. He killed it on inflation, absolutely killed it on the border catastrophe. He never took the bait on Biden’s insults.

That’s the winning message, that’s the unity voters want.

With Katie Pavlich, Brian Kilmeade, Jonathan Turley, Kevin McCarthy, Joe Concha, David Webb, John Carney, Hugh Hewitt, and Alec Marlow.

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Ryan Reynolds here for, I guess, my hundredth mint commercial. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no. Honestly, when I started this, I thought I'd only have to do like four of these. I mean, it's unlimited to premium wireless for $15. How are there still people paying two or three times that much? I'm sorry, I shouldn't be victim blaming here. Give it a try at, or whatever you're ready. $45 up from payment equivalent to $15 per month, new customers on first three-month plan only, taxes and fees extra, speeds lower above 40 gigabyte of CDTails. Hello, folks. Welcome to Cudlow. I'm Larry Cudlow. President Trump killed it last night on tax cuts, growth, inflation, the border, abortion, absolutely smashed Joe Biden on the issues. Mr. Trump laid out an optimistic policy agenda, never took debate on Biden insults, and was in full control for the entire 90 minutes. We've got Katie Pavlich and Brian Kilmeade right here on set to go through all of it. First up our own Edward Lawrence. It wouldn't be a show if we didn't start up with Edward Lawrence with all the details on something. In this case, it was last night's debate, and also some news coming out today, Edward. Yeah, exactly. We had the two candidates on the debate stage last night. We also have now two dueling campaign events. President former President Trump is right now speaking in Chesapeake, Virginia for his first campaign event. There he is. After the debate there, now former president or president Biden, his campaign now confirms to Fox News that President Biden will be at the second debate in September, also confirming that President Biden will not drop out of the race for presidency. Now, let's set the performance aside from last night for a moment. President Biden made claims about taxes from former president Trump. Now, listen to this and I'll fact check that for listen. He will increase the taxes on middle class people. I said I'd never raised a tax upon anybody. I'm making less than $400,000. I didn't. But this tariff is 10% tariff. Everything coming into the country, middle class has been devastated by you. Now you want a new tax cut of $5 trillion over the next 10 years, which is going to fundamentally bankrupt the country. But the data shows that Trump tax cuts actually grew the economy and tax revenue along with it. Now, President Biden says that he would let the tax cuts expire, which raises taxes on about every American, including those making under $400,000 a year. And an answer about abortion rights in another topic, President Biden mistakenly inserted the border issue. Listen to this. The idea that states are able to do this is a little like saying we're going to turn civil rights back to the states. Let each state have a different role. Look, there's so many young women who have been, including a young woman who just was murdered. And he went to the funeral. The idea that she was murdered by an immigrant coming in. Yeah, and on foreign policy, former President Trump says the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan and other decisions in that window snowballed into what we're seeing in the world today. He never would have invaded Ukraine, never, just like Israel would have never been invaded in a million years by Hamas. You know why? Because Iran was broke with me. I wouldn't let anybody do business with them. They ran out of money. They were broke. And now the conversation today, not about those issues, but even from some Democrats about if and when President Biden should remove himself from the ticket, we'll have to see what happens going forward. Back to you, Larry. All right, Edward, great stuff. We appreciate it as always. So Trump's debate performance last night was a complete game changer, and that's the subject of the riff. On the day after the presidential debate, most of the media focus is on the catastrophic performance of Joe Biden, who imploded before our eyes. He looked old, hard to understand, confused, resorted to mud slinging, name calling as the debate wore on. Maybe Mr. Biden realized he was digging a deeper and deeper hole for himself. Who knows? All right, I don't really blame the media for focusing on all that. Or the related question for the morning after is how are the Democrats going to replace Joe Biden? Well, it gets to that in the show. But, and it's a huge but Biden's crash and burn should not obscure just how masterful Donald Trump's performance was. He kept us cool. He had a straight CEO-type demeanor. He was sharp. He was energetic. And his content on issues across the board that voters truly care about was superb. He crushed him on inflation, taxes, regulations, and jobs. In other words, the positive, optimistic prosperity and opportunity message that is always a political winner. Now, take a listen to Mr. Trump in the early part of the debate. The only thing he was right about is I gave you the largest tax cut in history. I also gave you the largest regulation cut in history. That's why we had all the jobs. All right, Joe Biden was really helpless since the facts are so clear. Biden tried the usual lies about inheriting inflation and in disasters to economy. But Trump easily vanquished those arguments with some factoids and a strong narrative. You know, Mr. Trump clearly had done his homework. He was ready. Joe Biden spent a week at Camp David in an airplane hangar rehearsal twice a day with 16 or more advisors. And frankly, was completely befuddled and unable to put two senses together to defend his record in the face of Trump's relentless attacks on the issues. Many of us hope Mr. Trump will continue his campaign message that successful policies to grow the economy and keep the peace would bring unity. Take a listen to this one. My retribution is going to be success. What we did was incredible. We rebuilt the military. We got the largest tax cut in history, the largest regulation cut in history. The reason he's got jobs is because I cut the regulations that gave jobs. But he's putting a lot of those regulations back on. All of the things that we've done. All right, time and again, Trump returned to the issues of Joe Biden's border catastrophe and the related crime wave that has threatened public safety all across the country. Again and again, Mr. Trump talked about the border and the economy, his meat and potatoes. Biden's unable to deal with it. When Biden starts slaying mud, calling Trump names, and of course bringing up January 6, 2021. Now, on this point, Trump delivered what I thought was an absolutely brilliant response, which may well have been the most bone crushing, game changing moment of the entire debate last night. Take a listen to this. On January 6, we had a great border. Nobody coming through. Very few. On January 6, we were energy independent. On January 6, we had the lowest taxes ever. We had the lowest regulations ever. On January 6, we respected all over the world. I mean, that was really something very, very clever. And then he went on to remind people that Nancy Pelosi is the one who stopped the 10,000 national guard troops. But in any way, at that point, with the bone crushing response, Mr. Trump made that January 6, the match could have been and should have been called off. It was a TKO, a technical knockout in boxing terms. And thereafter, Joe Biden literally sunk to grade school name calling and virtual gibberish. Now, on abortion, Mr. Trump was equally deft, defending the Supreme Court decision to move the matter to the states, and then the former president emphasized his view that to preserve exclusions for rape, incest, and the life of the woman. Trump correctly pointed out how radical and extreme the Democrats are on this issue. Take a listen to this. The problem they have is they're radical because they will take the life of a child in the eighth month, the ninth month, and even after birth. After birth, if you look at the former governor of Virginia, he was willing to do this. He said, "We'll put the baby aside and we'll determine what we do with the baby, meaning we'll kill the baby." Now, at that point, Mr. Biden's response launches into this incredibly offensive and irrational stream of consciousness about the dangers for young women in different places. Just take a listen to this as beyond belief. The idea that she was murdered by an immigrant coming in to talk about that. But here's the deal. There's a lot of young women to be raped by their in-laws, by their spouses, brothers and sisters, or just ridiculous. I mean, does anybody have any idea where that came from, what he was talking about, what was its relevance, what was the context, or if it had anything to do with abortion? But Mr. Trump quickly reposted by repeating the migrant crime wave, which has swept the country as a result of Mr. Biden's open border policies. And, of course, unfortunately, we have seen awful monstrous violence, rapes, and murders. Anyway, that's stymied Biden even more. Now, look at this debate. In my view, will be a game changer. It's going to threaten Biden's candidacy. We'll talk about that later in the show. But the reality is Biden was thrashed by Donald Trump on the issues. Mr. Biden made that cold. He may be too old. He may be cognitively impaired. He may have dementia. I cannot attest to any of those medical issues. Here's what I know. The last two years in his campaign to return to the White House, Donald Trump has emphasized issues of economic prosperity, higher take-home pay for working folks of all stripes and colors, closing the border, restoring public safety, and returning to an America-first peace-through-strength foreign policy. It is an optimistic, mainstream, common-sense platform that is going to carry him back to the White House. You wait and see. And that's a riff. All right. Joining me on set, great fun. On a Friday. Katie Pavlich, editor, channel,, and Fox News contributor. And the great Brian Kilmeade, co-host of Fox and Friends, host of One Nation on Fox News. Wait a second. What about the radio show? Oh, got radio show. Nine to two. And every day. Thank you. I apologize. Six hours of Brian. They don't. They don't. They don't put it in. You know, you got to get the radio show in because it's an excellent radio show. Thank you. Kids, thank you for coming on set. And Katie, you can start where you want to start. But I mean, this thing with the abortion and talking about women being damaged and injured, by spouses, brothers, in-laws and stuff like that. I just found that incredibly offensive and off-key and utterly irrelevant to the conversation. And I was thinking, friend of mine upstairs, we were talking one of the hosts, you know, fondly to saw that. I mean, it's like a national security risk because the guy's literally off his mind, out of his mind. What do you think about that? When I saw him say those things last night, I knew that it was over and that this debate had been a complete disaster and that he was not going to recover. He made absolutely no sense. And President Trump in his performance was able to get Joe Biden to admit directly or indirectly a number of things that help the case for the Republican Party and for Donald Trump's candidacy. Joe Biden admitted that inflation was not a problem under Donald Trump. He admitted that terrorists have come over the border. He admitted through his convoluted argument that he made strangely that women are being murdered as a result of open border policies and people coming over the southern border. So those things were in his favor. But broadly speaking, your point on the national security angle, when I was looking at him last night compared to Donald Trump talking about issues like the war in Israel and Ukraine, you're looking at two different people and who can handle something like that. People are scared of what is happening in the world and you had a vision of a commander in chief and almost in an empathetic way with Trump sitting there and listening to what Joe Biden was saying and not making any sense, standing up and talking about his record on foreign policy. Well, Joe Biden can't get through a sentence. And it's not just allies, of course, who are watching this in embarrassed, but it's people who are adversaries. It's terrorist organizations. At the same time, the FBI is saying the lights are blinking red and you have a commander in chief right now who can't even get up for 90 minutes and have a coherent conversation about very serious issues facing the country. That is a terrifying thing for a number. Brian, I think Katie's spot on. I mean, the one way to look at it, which one was a commander in chief? It's like, you know, my saintly wife Judy always says she likes to turn the sound off and just look at the picture. So that's some tell very interesting story. If you did that last night, even with all the gaps and so forth from Biden, which one was the president? Well, the president was Trump. Which one was the commander in chief? Well, the commander in chief was Donald Trump. Turn the sound off and just look at the two guys and you'll see day and night. I mean, they said that originally, but they said with Nixon, if you listened on the radio, Nixon, Kennedy, Nixon won. If you looked at it in television, it was clear the Kennedy one. And if you watch it, you see how composed he was yet Nixon knew the issues. When you when you asked to come on with you, Larry, today, with Katie, I'm thinking we're going to talk about who won the debate. I can't get to who won the debate. I can't, I have to get to what Joe Biden was getting at. And the craziest thing I've ever seen, the most unforced error was getting a question on abortion, which he lives for in the Democratic Party's been living off of, and then seguing it to the murder of a young lady at the border that he opened up. It's crazy. I mean, it shows you how enhanced. And if I'm Trump, I'm thinking of myself, okay, I'm ready to rebut that. Well, what am I rebutting? Do I expand on immigration? Do I go back to abortion right to the States? So when I went to bed last night, the most fascinating thing to me at about 1135 was sweeping to other switching to other channels and seeing how they were throwing them under the bus, saying the things that we've been saying for a year and a half, three and a half years, and all of a sudden they go, yeah, he's old. Man, he is robotic. He didn't know what to say. He was confused. I didn't know what he meant. He didn't know already. Oh, yeah, that was it. It's like breaking news. And by the MSNBC, this is breaking news. Yeah, the guy's a little long in the tooth. But you know, it's changed since I've come on since doing Fox and Friends with five in the morning until nine and doing the radio show after. Now to get ready for your show, it's Barack Obama saying we all have bad nights. It's Governor Shapiro saying he's got my full support. Nancy Pelosi, not a great night, but he had great values. So they're now not talking about replacing them, they're rallying around him, which I think probably is good news in the Trump camp. I was just going to say good news for Trump. Republicans don't want to be running against anyone other than Joe Biden, probably. Let me play some more tape. We've got one. Just here. Just take a listen. We've got a couple of things. Look, if we finally beat Medicare, he's right. He did beat Medicare. He beat it to death and he's destroying Medicare because all of these people are coming in. They're putting them on Medicare. They're putting them on Social Security. They're going to destroy Social Security. This man is going to single-handedly destroy Social Security. These millions and millions of people coming in, they're trying to put them on Social Security. He will wipe out Social Security. He will wipe out Medicare. So he was right in the way he finished that sentence. And it's a shame. I mean, there are you. That is brilliant. What Trump just did there. He turned immigration into Social Security and pinned the whole thing on Joe Biden. It's like lose, lose. For Biden. Democrats always write. We're Republicans are ending Medicare. Republicans are going to cut Social Security. Well, I mean, actually, Trump has made this case, but never got a lot of publicity. You say at this rate, we're going to rule in the entitlement state, which is part of the American fabric, like it or not. I mean, I thought Trump was really on his game. And I think he did some homework, honestly. I think he did as well. And he is out talking to the people about what their concerns are. And he has probably heard from people. They're worried about the entitlement system being overrun by illegal immigration. It's also a big problem with inflation in that issue. But more broadly speaking, again, looking at the two candidates here, you know, the lesson from last night is that Joe Biden is not the one in charge. And an administration is more than just the president. It's the vice president and it's the thousands of people working inside the administrative administration to push through an agenda. So when people are making a decision about who they're going to vote for, they should maybe think about the rest of the administration who's running the show rather than just who the president is and who's going to be around the president. Two things have popped up. He's been studying for 10 days. I can't take off for 10 days to study. You can't take... I could've seen advisers. I have most of my marbles left. I could never have even thought about doing it. Because you forget everything. They're drilling stuff into you. But how do you do your job and take off for 10 days? So that's just it. So that backs up your point who's running the country. So when it does come out, it should be instinctive, your position on positions. Like, this is my policy. This is the pushback. When Donald Trump does interviews with Katie Collins of CNN, I think this is her name, Caitlyn Collins, my fault, for an hour. They just told, they told about his January 6th, and he's used to it. And then he sits down with, when he sits down with 60 minutes, he's used to people not liking him going at him. So when he's in this position, he's getting yelled at or getting pushed back. Joe Biden really was discombobulated. But also his new rhetoric is this. I'm not as young as I used to be. I used to be a better debater. You know, but I still have the policies right. And I'm going to get it right from here. So I don't know if that's going to fly. But all I can tell you... That was a great movie. I used to be a contender. There's also the great story. The boxing movie. It was about the middleweight... But it was Rocky Graciano, was it? I think it was the same time period, but I don't think it was him. But anyway, I'm sorry. There's also the great story of the emperor having no clothes. And that is exactly what Biden proved last night. Can we do just a minute, last minute, everyone's yelling at me, beeps? Can I get some beeps? You've interviewed all the beeps. I've interviewed all the beeps. Beep, Kat, and they... What are you thinking here? What's your gut tell you? You're Larry Cudlow. They should not be yelling at you. You should be afraid of you, Larry. You get control of your status. I interviewed them. It's unbelievable. What I would think... I think that the president has brought up Tim Scott again this week. Just when they want to shorten the list and leave him out, the president likes him so much. I think Governor Burgham's... I think he's the odds on favorite. I'm going to North Dakota Sunday. I'm going to do the shows from there on Monday and spend a day with him on Sunday. He's a great shot of him. It's going to be Washington. You're very popular. You know how I feel about this, Larry? The governor of North Dakota looks like George Washington. And he has a shoe in now. I mean, why not? He looks very presidential. The president. Walker Obeo finally showed up, so he was at a big event last night. He was there. He's a really good fighter in adversarial situations. He speaks Spanish. He speaks Spanish. He's Cuban. They said they'll help deliver Pennsylvania. What do you think, Katie? Quickly. What do you think, Ana? Just your gut. You've seen it all. You know it all. What is it? I don't know. Trump is good at keeping people guessing. He has all this guessing. The boss says he's made up his mind. I'm not sure his man's mind. That's what he said. You can make it up and also change your mind. Very good point. I think it's happening. And also, he has held to the point he won't say until the convention. So he's got several weeks left. Not that much, but two weeks left. And the day I'm worried about is July 11th, because you're going to have that judge who doesn't like him, who's going to have the sentencing. Is the only one that could stop it. It looks like a role to his convention back to the Republican. They would never have thrown George Washington into jail. Never. Never. Not even in New York. Katie Cobblich and Brian Kilmeade. Please don't miss one nation with Brian Kilmeade, Saturday's 9 p.m. Eastern on Fox News. Thanks to both of you. Appreciate it. Coming up here on Cutload, did the Supreme Court just kill the entire big government regulatory state? Maybe constitutional law authority, Jonathan Turley's going to tell us about that. Next up right here on Cutload, we went long, but it was great fun. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] We're in the greenhouse here at Bloomsbury Farms, one of several on the property, and we're surrounded by all kinds of greens. We're talking vegetables, mustard, Asian greens behind me, and I'm also joined by the lovely Lauren Palmer, who runs the show here at Bloomsbury Farms to give us a little bit more of a perspective on what goes into growing organic foods. Lauren, I know this is your passion here. This is what you've been doing for many, many years. Talk to me about what we've got here, and if you can show us kind of just really what goes into what makes organic foods different than others. We're making a healthy soil to start, and then that in turn will have a better healthier product to give to the people. We're starting with the soil first. The seed we take very good care of. From start to finish, we are documenting everything that we do to make sure that it's the best product for everybody. We can actually go ahead and give it a try if you'd like. Let's do it. You said this was what I'm sorry? This is Miss Zuna, and it's one of my favorite salad greens right now. It's super super nice, so let's take a try. Let's do it. I'm sure you've had it on your salad just haven't really realized that this is familiar. The difference here is, and you talked about how the way you grow this, it can literally be eaten out of the ground. That is the cleanest. It's the safest way to do it, and we're really happy to provide that level of freshness and nutrient dense food to lots of different people. I know we were looking at the USDA, really their requirements for what's considered organic or what's labeled organic, and the difference is nothing really that's synthetic or toxic to either humans or animals. That also includes some forms of pesticides and hormones, things that I know you guys really have to work with too, because this is still a farm, you still have bugs. How do you go about trying to make sure that you're still doing things naturally while trying to fight those battles that Mother Nature brings? Right, so I think the key to is that we're making it very simple. We're kind of going back to the basics. We are kind of making the soil healthy first, and then in turn, that'll be less weeds, less bug pressure. That's the name of the game, but we fight as much as we possibly can. We know that there's bugs here. We know that there's weed pressure, and there are a certain amount of things that we can and can't use, but we're just being kind of to the soil to be more sustainable for a longer product and for the longer next generation. That's right. A lot of people take pride and want to know what goes into the foods that they eat and they bring home to their families. You and I are talking about this USDA isn't just setting the requirements for what can or can be used for organic foods, but they're also making sure that each individual farm like Bloomsbury Organic Farm, you know, they have a certification with the USDA. They're constantly doing inspections, and you have to work to keep that certification up to date. Yep, so we're logging where our seeds come from. We're logging where our plants go. We're keeping fertilization records, planting records, harvest records. We're documenting the compost and how it is going in and out. So, yeah, it's a lot of paperwork to make sure that we provide the healthiest product. If you're traveling, go to for a list of hotels airing Fox. Wherever you are, whenever you want it, Fox News Digital is the world according to Fox. The top headlines, other sites won't touch. Unmatched coverage, you won't get anywhere else, and the stories that keep America clicking. No one does it like Plus, download the Fox News app to get breaking news, alerts, and all your favorite shows on the go. And if you can't watch, listen. The will came podcast on Fox News Podcast. I'm Brett Baer. I'm Dana Purino, and this is the Fox News rundown. Fox News Digital, the world according to Fox. So, Supreme Court today may have just killed the whole big government regulatory state, or at least a chunk of it, charting us now, Jonathan Turley, constitutional law attorney, Fox News contributor, Jonathan. Welcome back as always. So, this, the Chevron, let's go. The Chevron decision first. We'll get down around later. This is a big decision and a long time in the making. Yes, and the most important line for tonight was not in the opinion that is, I could have been a contender, which is from on the waterfront with Marlon Brandon. That's right. God, I couldn't remember it. I couldn't remember it. Thank you. Yes, I'm here for you. Okay, so going to more trivial matters. The end of the administrative state. The, this is a momentous day. Many of us have been critics of Chevron for a very long time. My objections were longstanding because I believe that this administrative state is challenging the design of the Madisonian democracy has created a type of fourth branch in a tripartite system designed for three branches. And that, those objections came out in the opinion today by Chief Justice John Roberts who said that we need to have courts performing their traditional role. And during the arguments, some of the justices said, look, this doesn't make a lot of sense. You know, the Trump administration comes in and changes a bunch of policies. And then we get those interpretations and we defer the agencies. Then the Biden administration comes in, takes a 180 on those policies. We get them again and then defer to the agencies. And he said, what, what they objected to is what's missing here is the role of courts to look at these interpretations on behalf of citizens who are being allegedly injured and decide, is this a reasonable interpretation? So it's not just that this opinion reinforces the courts. It protects citizens. And it comes after, soon after a decision where the court said an agency goes after you on civil fines, you're entitled to a jury. And so these are very important protections for average citizens because we live in an age of regulation. You know, that's a great point. What, how do you read the so-called Enron decision, obstructing business or obstructing government business? Actually that, you know, is one of the charges against Trump, as you well know. Were you surprised at that decision? No. In fact, I, that was how I thought it would come out. It was a little different in your lineup. You actually had Jackson going with the majority and Barrett going with the dissent. I, the, it's an important case because hundreds of cases had this charge. The Department of Justice was using it just all over the country. Now, there are, that is still a minority of cases. There are many cases that were just charged on trespass or just charged on unlawful entry. There's a lot of misdemeanor cases. So obviously those cases won't be affected. And those that were only based on obstruction, obviously those would have the best claim if they preserved this appeal. But it's very important. It's going to affect hundreds of cases on resentencing. For Trump, it knocks out two out of the four counts. And the question now is, will Jack Smith go for a superseding indictment? I think he's going to try not to. He's going to try to go forward on the only two remaining counts to try to get a trial before the election. That's been his overriding priority. But honestly, I think this case clipped the wings off that plane that he's trying to take off on. I mean, it, this was the theory that held together all four counts. Yeah. Very interesting. Very interesting on top of the debate and everything else going on. Jonathan Charlie. Thank you, my friend. Thanks for, thanks for, thanks for holding. Thank you. I should have remembered Marlon Brando, of course, the best of the best. Jonathan Charlie, folks. Thank you. Coming up on Cuddler with the Democrats, replace Joe Biden on the ballot. We're going to ask former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy next up on Cuddler. Biden comics versus Magonomics as persistent inflation plagues Americans, which presidential candidates economic policy offers relief. Fox Business hears from corporate leaders and concerned citizens and breaks down the impact on your wallet. Fox Business invested in you. I'm Alexis McAdams and I'll be covering Democracy 24 on the campaign trail. Well, I'm from the Midwest. I'm from Chicago and I think the reason I was chosen to be out on the campaign trail is because I love talking to people and I'm looking to really show a different side of these candidates. I think one of the best things about Fox News is if you raise your hand and ask for those opportunities, they'll give them to you. It's going to be a great adventure. So the columns have to be cleaned and the marble has to be maintained, but really what you're doing is preserving history. Yes, that's exactly right. We're trying to preserve this beautiful building, this memorial for future generations. Lindy Gulak is an architectural conservator at the National Park Service and spends her life caring for the stone and marble that make up the Lincoln Memorial now celebrating a hundred years as a national symbol of unity. [Music] So the material itself represents a unified country. Some of it coming from Massachusetts, some of it coming from Colorado, and some from the heart of the Confederacy. Yeah, that's right. So the Lincoln statue that you see in the chamber, that's white marble from Georgia. And you see the beautiful floor, that's Tennessee pink marble. And the main structure is held up by 36 Doric columns, representing the 36 states that were part of the Union when Lincoln took office. And his index finger of his right hand is slightly raised, a plea of openness for southern states to return to the Union. But the memorial doesn't just honor our history. It has in itself become part of our history, particularly civil rights history. In 1939, opera singer Marion Anderson performed a concert here for an integrated audience after being blocked by the daughters of the American Revolution from singing at Constitution Hall. Since then, the grounds have laid witness to over 100 protests for racial equality, culminating in 1963 with one of America's most seminal moments. Exactly why America's first black president chose the 99 foot tall monument for his pre inaugural address behind me. Watching over the Union, he saved. Since the man who in so many ways made this day possible. And in modern times, it's been a place where Americans gather in strength and sorrow. So obviously they built it to memorialize a great man, but the grounds ended up inspiring great events. It was selected for that purpose. John Hay recommended that this site be selected to the lineup in the National Mall in line with the Capitol, the Washington Monument, to create this aura. John O'Brien is a Lincoln historian and president of the Lincoln Group. He sees some of the same divisions plaguing the country that Lincoln saw, including ultra-partisanship. Lincoln, more than anyone, understood how fragile democracy could be. Indeed, he stood in the precipice of the great division of the country. But his characteristics always brought him back to how do I pull this together? How do I reconcile the differences in this great nation? He always viewed himself as president of the entire country, not just the North. It's something Lindy thinks about every day as she smooths the Lincoln marble. So like democracy, the stone here is really strong, but you really have to preserve it and care for it for it to last. Yes, that we do. This is really important for our future and for the history of America. An American future made possible by one man's historical sacrifice, and the memorial that has honored him for a hundred years in Washington, D.C., Douglas Kennedy, Fox News. Listen to the Fox Business rundown podcast every Monday and Friday. The world of business moves fast. Whether you're on Main Street or Wall Street, Fox Business is invested in you. Go to or wherever you can download your favorite podcast. America is listening. All right, let's head out straight Fox News White House correspondent Peter Ducey from the White House. Peter, what's cooking? Larry, what's cooking is we have been told by a campaign official, Biden campaign official. There are no discussions about him dropping out and they're telling us that he is going to debate Trump again in September and that last night he just had a bad night. He understands that sometimes you get knocked down, but you get back up and you keep fighting and that's exactly why the American people elected him in the first place and it's why they're going to reelect him again in November. Barack Obama has weighed in bluntly. He says bad debate nights happen. Trust me, I know, but this election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life and someone who only cares about himself. And today on teleprompter, President Biden offered this excuse. I don't speak as smooth as I used to. I don't debate as well as I used to. But I know what I do know. I know how to tell the truth. You see that clip he seems to be feeding off the crowd last night. There was no crowd because the Biden team said they didn't want one. It was one of their conditions to participate in this debate. And with the empty studio, the president's answers did sometimes come across as halting and hard to follow. Dealing with everything we have to do with luck. If we finally beat Medicare. At some point this afternoon there is an all staff Biden campaign meeting. We're told that is something that they do most Fridays. But most Fridays, they haven't just spent the entire workday trying to convince a bunch of other Democrats that their guy does not need to drop out of the race. Larry. It was just another night, Peter. It's not going to be Yankees losing to the mess. They're saying it's a bad night. If Barack Obama says it's a bad night, then he doesn't say anything better. We've got hit for eight runs in the first inning, not a problem. We'll get him the next time. Thank you very, very much. All right, folks. For more on this, let's bring in House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. Speaker McCarthy, good to see you, sir. Kevin, can I ask you something? Because of all the denials coming out of the Democratic party that they will walk away from Joe Biden. With certainty, you know that the Democrats, leading Democrats, are all talking about walking away from Joe Biden. My question to you is, how would you do that? Go to the convention, have an open convention, and a legitimate floor fight for President and Vice President, or what? They can't. You know, the one thing that the Democrats did, once Joe Biden became President, he changed the rules. Remember, Iowa and New Hampshire were not the first two states for the primary. He shifted it to be South Carolina, and then they fought to make sure nobody else could be on the ballot against him. They created this problem. And the only way Joe Biden can come off the ballot is if he decides it. And when you talk about the Democrats saying, democracy is on the ballot, could you imagine putting somebody else on the ballot, then the people actually decided in a Democratic way, going through all these primaries, Joe Biden's going to be the nominee. Joe Biden's not going to give it up. Why? Because Jill does not want to give it up either. And what's interesting to me, I had talked about these problems with Joe Biden for a long time. I learned when I was negotiating with him. You can't negotiate when he just talks about cards. You have to negotiate with staff. I told the Wall Street Journal all this, they came out with a story, and everybody criticized us. You know, you got Morning Joe saying, Joe Biden's the best he's ever been. And then this morning he's saying there should be somebody else to replace him. Yeah, of course. That's, that's their position. So let me just ask this. I'm going to ask you one more time. Don't yell at me. I'm just trying to inquire here. Okay. Joe Biden has not officially been nominated, right? He has to be nominated by the convention. So I thought he has, he has the delegates. They don't have the super delegates. He has to remove himself. Remember, they got Ohio coming up because they got that quirk where they have to affirm it even before they get to the convention. So he has to make the decision, but the real time would have been a year ago before he started to rush. So they don't have to, the Democrats, delegates to the convention, don't have to have some kind of pro form of vote and nominate Joe Biden. They do, but they start that ahead of time because they got to keep them on the ballot in Ohio. They have that quirk going forward. Well, that's not democracy. It says it's for democracy. That's not a democracy about that. Yeah. And they change the rules to protect them. They set up and they kick everybody off the ballot. They try everything they can. So there's no competition. And this is what they end up with. They dictated the rules of the debate. It had to be CNN. There had to be no crowd, right? Everything about it. And it just showed. And President Trump, right, he said, I'll debate you anywhere, anytime, any place, any rules. And he defeated them. And this is the difference with what Obama's saying. Obama had a bad debate, right? His first debate. But Joe Biden is no President Obama. His problem is age. It's not even what he said. It's just the look of where he did, his actions, which everybody knows. He's not the same person he used to be. Yeah, I got it. They made their bed. Now they're going to sleep in it. Mr. Kevin McCarthy. Thank you very much. I appreciate the civics lesson. Very important. All right, folks. Moving right along. Let's talk about this. Fox News contributors, Joe Conchia and David Webb and Breitbart's John Carney. Joe Conchia. So that's it. They're all going up behind Biden. It was just a bad night. The other night, what's his name? Garrett Colve and the Yankees. And he got hit for seven or eight runs, but no problem. Same with Joe Biden. He's going to come back the next time. The difference with this analogy is that in baseball, there are 162 games per year and then a whole level of playoffs. That is true. He's already down to game seven, Joe Biden, because there's only one more debate left, right? Look, this may be one of the most consequential moments in political history in this country, because think about it. This is a situation where you have Joe Biden's own party, at least they're saying privately. They may want him to step aside. That's never happened before. LBJ left on his own volition, right? Vietnam, health problems. This would be coming from within. So this could be history here at this point, but it is just amazing that Donald Trump agreed to every condition that Joe Biden wanted, except for the sitting down part, right? And still beat him by secretariat proportions in an away game. Secretary, what's it? Thirty lengths? Twenty-three lengths. Twenty-three lengths. I had a bad day on movies. John Carney, one of the points I've made at the top, and it's a point that was done. We're going to have your editor on in a moment. But Breitbart made this point too. Let's not overlook the fact that Trump was on message, on issues, a masterful performance, okay? Really well prepared. And I was going to ask you, did he growth, opportunity, regulation, tax cuts, drillbaev? Did he get that done in your judgment? I think he did. He really honed in on defending all of his past economic performance. And then he put forward what he's going to do next. He successfully defended tariffs against a ridiculous attack from Joe Biden, who said that there were attacks on the middle class. And he got an assist from Joe Biden, because Joe Biden just lied about the economy over and over and over again. And that's really damaging. Because look at what Joe said. I'm the truth teller. That's what Barack Obama said. They're trying to tell him as the truth teller. The very first question was about the economy. Why do people feel better? Why do people feel they were better under Trump than Biden? And Biden said, "When I took over, the economy wasn't ruined." Yeah, he always says not. But it was not everyone's. We had grown 33%. We grew 4%. We grew 5% of the three quarters. No, no, that's exactly right. You put it right. When you were in the White House, you said the shaper card was happening. I know. Kevin Hassett and I were just working the numbers. If the numbers weren't there, we couldn't have said that, but the numbers were there. And even oddly enough, and Trump made this point, that I'm going to argue that Trump corporate tax cuts is responsible for what little economic benefit and advantage we've seen in the last three years. It's not the big government spending. It's the corporate tax. I mean, those tax cuts are still in place. It was a huge benefit that when we had the crisis, which you guys couldn't have foreseen, that we had a reason for businesses to invest in growth in the future, because they had a favorable tax regime that you put in place. David Webb, I want to show this. We're going to play this sound one more time. Biden freezing up and Trump's response. Let's look at this. Roll some tape, please. And I'm going to continue to move until we get the total ban. The total initiative relative to what we're going to do with more border patrol and more asylum officers. President Trump? I really don't know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don't think he knows what he said either. So there's two things here that are very interesting. One is Biden's incoherence. Right. Not the only time last night, but that was a big time. The second one was Trump's clever response and repost. Because that is very interesting. Look, and people know this who've known Trump for some time. He's a bit of a comedian, so he's got that quick wit. He's well-trained in the media. Think about the apprentice. He knows how to throw in a line. But what's really scary there is what confused all of us watching this. What was Biden actually talking about in total ban? The fact is that they tried to prep him, I believe, for six days, for short-term memory recall, so he could try to get Trump and get him offline and maybe get a little emotion. That cutting of the mic benefited Trump because now Donald focused President Trump. You don't have to be clear about this. We've got to call him on the air. He focused on getting it across. Did he get every single point perfect? Nobody does in a debate. You and I have seen too many debates over the years. But he was able to counter and say, "Look, what I had and what you're lying about." By the way, Joe Biden started out in his first answer with a lie, and he supported more lies. The Charlottesville lie, even Snopes finally had to own up to that. So across the board, he continually lies, and then he goes out and spends the night at a waffle house, or wherever he went for a few minutes, to call Trump a liar. He's trying to drive narrative. What Trump did last night, and I think this is important, he reached beyond the base, both at their base. And Trump was able to reach beyond the base and talk to Americans who are living with higher food and fuel prices. Inflation numbers came out today. Look at them. And he was very, you know, to this point, I mean, I think to some extent the muting of the mic helps Trump save it from himself in some circumstances. But he was so clever, he had so much applause, and he was so straight. He was the common sense guy. Right. You know, saying stuff that made it sense. Biden was like the off the wall. I mean, with that clip, we played it in the first segment. Biden talking about your in-laws or your spouse. This is about attacking women, for example. That wasn't what the issue is. The issue was immigrants committing horrific crimes. Biden's like going off on this riff, and he should have been pulled on national security grounds. Another analogy you could use here is boxing and sparring, right? Trump's been sparring. He's out there campaigning far more than Biden, and let me make one final point. Biden did a speech today in North Carolina, and social media is absolutely hilarious today, because you have liberals saying, where was that Joe Biden last night? He's awesome. He's on point. That's because he's reading a teleprompter. That's teleprompter, Joe. Those things are written for him. Debate, Joe, has to think for himself, and nothing is written for him. That's the real Joe Biden. That's the difference. Joe Biden, in a meeting with Xi Jinping, there's no teleprompter you've got to think on you. Oh, boy. Yeah. You all are coming back on the radio tomorrow. Joe Consha, David Webb, and John Carnegie. I'm so guilty to a short segment. Coming up, Trump slammed Biden last night for his embarrassing Afghanistan withdrawal. We're going to talk with you here at End Alex Marlow. Stick around, folks. We've viewed the world the same way. I'm sure we'll have some disagreements, but you don't want to get her mad. No, you don't. The bottom line with Jagan and Duffy on Fox Business. This may seem like a bad day for these big corn sheep, but they're going to a new home that is not only safe from predators, but a place where they'll be able to help prop up the big corn population in Utah. So we've got it's between 1,000 and 2,000 acre ranch with a high fence around the whole thing. So we're going to turn them loose there. Yeah, they do. Hopefully we can get up to around 150 sheep in their total before we start moving on. Derek Ewell is a wildlife biologist with the Utah Division of Wildlife. He's among the dozens of people taking part in the operation. This year, 30 big corn sheep, 4 rams, 26 usan lands, are being processed for relocation. The operation begins with a capture using a helicopter and a net gun. They'll find locate sheep, they'll net gun them, and their mother jumps out, and he cobbles them, secures them in the bag. The chopper then brings them back for processing, where staff and volunteers examine the animals, take blood and other samples, and look at their overall health. Utah will take those animals, a clean source herd, put them in an unhunted population, and use those animals as sources for translocations within Utah. The big corn sheep at the valley of fire are the choice sheep because they appear to be free of a respiratory issue that plagued some of the other populations in southern Nevada, a disease that is easily spread from contact with infected sheep. The operation is a win-win for both Utah and Nevada, according to war. Benefits of us to sort of reduce that population in a natural way, and it benefits Utah for them to have a good clean source herd of healthy animals. The captured big corn sheep will be driven to Utah, and will be released at the enclosed sky rider, Wilburdist Ranch, once they get a clean bill of health which takes about 24 hours. This is the first time this operation is taking place, but it's not the last Utah wants more big corn sheep, and Nevada is planning to accomplish. I think our goal is to do this at least two more years, so we can get, you know, 30 next year and 30 the following year is our goal. Less Griffin in Fox 5 News, local Las Vegas. So when a fire comes in, you can get logs and needles at the base of the tree, those burn, and they create an opening into the center of the tree, and future fires then expand that opening. And so you can end up with a tree this large that's actually completely hollow inside and is still alive and totally fine and can live that way for another 500, 800 years. The 2020 blaze in the park, the castle fire, is estimated to be the worst since the late 1200s. Scientists know this because of the tree rings and char marks. So now with the suppression of fire for so long combined with the drought, now we have a situation where fire burns so intensely, it actually kills the sequoires. Park officials want to increase controlled or prescription burns and mechanical thinning of some of the groves. They say the forest is too dense and worry about future infernos and the destruction they may cause. These trees need fire, but it needs to be a small healthy fire. The castle fire cost over 100 million dollars to fight. Some trees are actually still smoldering a year later, and the ecosystem here is changed because of the violent and vast scorch. We love these trees, we've protected almost all of them. We spent a century building parks, visiting them, caring for them, and now they're burning up in high severity fire, even though they're one of the most fire adapted species on earth. So this is really a call to action for us as managers and for all of us as people who love nature to make a change. In Sequoia National Park, Robert Ray Fox weather. And as far as Afghanistan is concerned, I was getting out of Afghanistan, but we're getting out with dignity, with strength, with power. He got out. It was the most embarrassing day in the history of our country's life. All right. Joining us now, Hugh Hewitt, host of the Hugh Hewitt Show, Alex Marlow, editor in chief at Breitbart News. Hugh, you made this point. I read one of your tweets today. It means very important Trump covered all the economic issues. He also hit hard on the foreign policy issues and Afghanistan, which in some, Afghanistan was the original sin for Biden foreign policy. He drew the line from Biden's a collapse in Afghanistan to Putin's invasion into Ukraine, Hamas's invasion into Israel. More importantly, he called out Joe Biden when Joe Biden said no soldier died on his watch. President Trump made him of the 12 Marines and one Navy corpsman who were blown up at Abbey Gate under Joe Biden. He did not even mention there was enough time last night. The three soldiers killed at the Jordanian base earlier this year by Syrian drone or the two Navy seals killed in the Arabian Sea off Somalia earlier this year. I can't believe Joe Biden wanted to forget that. I don't think he can help himself. I'm actually, I think we're in resignation, Larry. Our enemies watch that just like political people, not just a domestic policy dispute and fund politics. Xi Jinping is watching, Iran is watching, Putin is watching, and they saw a ghost of a president yesterday in Joe Biden. Well, listen, you put it up there. Some friends of mine here said the same thing. Foreigners, particularly enemies and adversaries looking at Joe Biden was a security risk last night. He was a security risk, and that is not what you want. And Alex Marlow, I just want to congratulate you because Breitbart made the point that, you know, God missing in the post-debate analysis is just how effective Donald Trump was. I felt the same way, because I've been talking about Trump's good messaging for, I don't know, two years I wrote a riff on it, but Trump covered the waterfront. You know, Afghanistan, as she was saying, and all those mistakes, he got in taxes, growth, inflation, immigration and so forth. It was a virtuoso performance by Mr. Trump. It sure was. He was so calm. He was so disciplined. But to his point, he was nailing a lot of the policy issues. I love the way he hammered Joe Biden on his undeniable role in the Russian invasion of Ukraine. His fisking of Joe Biden on Afghanistan was excellent. He really brought the facts, and he clearly had done a lot more research than a lot of people had given him credit for, because he came armed with a lot of arguments. And I think, Alex, his demeanor was so good and calm that he was able to communicate this stuff. David Webb just said in the preceding segment, I think he reached out and broadened his base last night. Not just the, you know, the hardcore followers, but I think he made a lot of new friends. It's just the body language. It's just pure leadership, and he's clearly risen to the occasion. And if you're a neutral voter and you're watching that, I think it's a pretty clear-cut answer to who's the next president. Thanks to both of you, Alex Marlow, if you hear it, I'll be right back with my last word. ♪♪ In the race for AI, it turns out the U.S. is highly rated in preparedness for adopting the new technology into the economy. The U.S. is only taught by Singapore and Denmark. This, according to a new report from the International Monetary Fund, the Netherlands and Estonia rounding out the top five. While China and Russia fell behind, Afghanistan and South Sudan ranked last. The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia finds nearly one-third of Americans earning between $100,000 and $150,000 in concern about paying their bills in the next six months. Surprisingly, Americans earning between $40,000 and $70,000 are slightly less worried. But those earning under $40,000 are the most stressed. Meanwhile, a new money-wise report finds 97% of salaries have failed to keep up with inflation over the past five years. It's surprising that people from 100 to 150, but the reality is they have all the expenses and are really feeling in a horrible way right now. And Taco Bell is getting in on the Value Meal Wars, introducing a $7 Lux Cravings box. It'll include a Chalupa Supreme, beefy, five-layer burrito, double-stack taco, chips and nacho cheese sauce, and a medium drink for a limited time. That's business. I'm C.J. Papa. It even gets hot. Sometimes firefighters on the ground get a little help from above. Get it out, hit it hard, hit it quick, put it out, bring it home. Mike Venable is a third-generation air tanker pilot for Cal Fire. My grandfather flew tanker 7-3. My dad flew a tanker 7-3, and I'm now flying a number 7-3. Based at Hemet Ryan Air Base, two hours southeast of Los Angeles, Mike's now in his 42nd fire season. I come to work every day and I climb in this beautiful airplane that the taxpayers of this great state has provided us. And I go out and I have a great time. When a call goes out, helotac and air tanker pilots can be up in the air in a matter of minutes. We follow each other out, we go to the fire, and the air attack will usually figure out a plan for us. The so-called air attack flies in a small plane above the fire, directing where the helicopters and firefighting aircraft make their drops. We'll try to somehow get down in the canyons and around them. Sometimes the houses and the pools are people on the ground and try to facilitate exactly what his wishes are to get the retardant where he wants it. Air tankers carry a bright red fire suppressing liquid known as retardant. We can have 58,000 gallons of stored finished product ready to go. And it's the job of ground crews to refill the tankers and get them back in the air. This is actually where we hook up the hose and load them up with the fire retardant. Brian Risen is the base manager at Hemet Ryan. It is kind of like a pit crew getting them in and out of here as fast as we can to get back to the incident. In all, CAL FIRE operates around 60 aircraft at 14 air bases in 10 helotac bases. In all, it makes up the largest firefighting aircraft fleet in the world. It's one of those tools in the toolbox where if you don't have them, it makes firefighting a lot more difficult. According to CAL FIRE, the agency is able to keep 95% of the fires they get called out to at 10 acres or less. And a fast response from aircraft is critical to keeping these fires small. Having them on your incident makes a great impact on our firefight. They're kind of like the angels in the sky for us. Fox airs all over the world, including in Peru. I'm telephonica. Keep it here. [MUSIC PLAYING] In business, you need to stay a step ahead. You're top stories right now. It won't go up. OK. So download the free Fox Business app. Just scan the code on your screen. You got to announce that moving ahead comfortably. 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