The Game On Girlfriend Podcast

261. 3 Trends to Boost Your Service-Based Business in 2025

Broadcast on:
31 Dec 2024
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If you want to make a difference based on your passion, experience, or expertise, and you're looking at 2025 thinking, 'What the heck are we going to do?" Let's talk about the top three trends you're going to see as an online business owner in 2025. 

The first trend is AI; it's not going anywhere. How are you going to use it? Have you noticed how many people are starting to sound the same? I want you to look at your AI-produced content and remove the words "unlock" and "embark." I don't want any rockets in your copy. You know what I'm saying?

Don't have it be obvious. 

As you're looking to build your business, make enough money to pay yourself, make sure your family has what they need, hire the right people, hit new financial goals you've never seen before, and have enough time to create beautiful content, use these tools that we have access to.

They can help you brainstorm. That's where I'd love to see you use them the most: give me ideas for different ways to say this. How many people are actually suffering from this? What are people searching for when they're upset about XYZ? Those are the different ways you can use AI to support your content creation.

Use these tools to help craft an outline of what you'd like to say. And if you're going to use ChatGPT (or my personal favorite, Claude), don't just copy and paste it. It's really transparent when someone uses AI copy that they haven't put themselves into in any way, shape, or form.

All of these tools are going to get smarter and better. Still—don't copy and paste it. I want you to ask yourself if that's how you talk. If someone's reading it, can they hear your voice? Does your brand shine through? Are you actually speaking to them, or is AI speaking to everyone because that will kill your business in 2025?

The second trend is micro-communities. We have all these different people teaching very similar things. So, how the heck are you supposed to stand out in 2025? What you can do is start to think of your people as a tight little baby community or micro-community.

What I mean is that you know who you're speaking to. It takes work to understand your micro-community—many people call it niching down (but I don't like that!). We're talking to people. 

So, micro-communities have similarities that bring us together. Making more money in business is mine. I have heart-centered, passionate women who've started to have some success in business, but they're hitting plateaus and not growing. Those are my women.

We talk about that, your next 90 days, how we're going to get you to hit your next big, huge financial goal, and what that will take from you if it calls to you. You know you're one of my people. That's my micro-community. 

Listen in for the third trend. Before I wrap up this episode, there's one more thing I want to leave you with: Find the joy in your business again. Daily, who are you looking to help? How do you want to change this planet? We have a lot going on, and I really believe we probably need you and what you're here to offer.

You're here to do what you are here to do and don't let anyone take that from you. In 2025, it is time for you to shine as yourself and grow your online business. Because over here at Team Sarah, it's our job to put more money in the hands of more women. Happy New Year, and let's make this one great. 

Other GoG episodes you might want to check out:

How to Use ChatGPT Without Losing Your Personality with Leanne Shelton

How to Increase Revenue In Your Business, Quickly

You can check out our podcast interviews on YouTube, too! 

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#BusinessTrends2025 #FutureBusinessTools #MakeMoney2025 #2025 #OnlineBusinessTrends #SalesCoach #BusinessCoach #AskExpert #WomenInBusiness

You're listening to episode number 261 of the Game on Girlfriend podcast. Let's talk today about what I think are the top three trends for online service-based businesses in 2025. So this is for you if you are a coach, yay coaches. This is for you if you have some sort of online healing program, if you are looking to make a difference based on your passion, your experience or your expertise and you're looking at 2025 going, what the heck are we going to do? This is the podcast episode for you. We're going to go over what I think are the top three trends you're going to see as an online business owner in 2025, popping those earphones and let's get to it. You're listening to the Game on Girlfriend podcast where we remind you that this is not your practice life. This game is on and we're here to help you play it. Personal and professional development expert Sarah Walton delivers a fresh new perspective on this thing called life through her thought-provoking conversations behind the scenes training, interviews and inspirational episodes. Be ready to be inspired, to laugh, cry and even feel prepared to face some of life's toughest challenges. Here's your host, business mentor, author, speaker and imperfect vegan, my mom, Sarah Walton. Game on girlfriend. All right, so trend number one that we will see in 2025 is an increased use of AI. I know your head just exploded, you're like, Walton, this I know, I know you do, but how are you going to use it? Here's how I'd like you to think about 2025, whether you use chat, GBT or Claude, who's my personal favorite, love. Anyway, all the different tools that we now have access to, right? How you noticed, how many people are starting to sound the same, MMM, right? I'm sorry, but I want you to look at your AI-produced content and remove the word unlock in bark. I don't want any rockets in your copy. You know what I'm saying? Okay. You know what we're talking about. You guys don't have it be obvious. Can you put a little bit of yourself into your AI content? Now, that is for actual content production online, which is very, very important, right? I mean, look at how much content there is out there for us. Holy cannoli, it's borderline endless. So how do you participate in that in 2025 as you're looking to build your business? You're looking to make enough money to pay yourself, make sure your family has what they need, hire the right people, hit new financial goals you've never seen before, and have enough time to create beautiful content, such the right question to ask. So use these incredible tools that we have access to. I think they're wonderful. I think they can help you brainstorm. And that's where I'd love to see you use them the most is give me ideas for what are different ways to say this? How many people are actually suffering from this? What are people searching for when they're upset about why? Those are the different ways that you can start to use AI to support your content creation so you don't feel frantic or like you're dry and you haven't come up with something new in a really long time. And boy, for those of us that are running online businesses, that can absolutely be a feeling. So what I'd like you to do in 2025 is use these tools to help you brainstorm, sort of help you craft an outline of what you'd like to be saying. And then if you want to use it and you say, Hey, yo, Claude or Hey, yo, Chachi PT, write me an email that says XYZ, you can do that. But police don't copy and paste it. And I know you've heard that before, but you guys are doing it. I love y'all. But I have seen it out there on the interwebs and you have to and it's really transparent when somebody is using AI copy that they have not put themselves into in any way, shape or form. Now all of these tools are going to get smarter. They're going to get better. We all know this and it will start to sound more and more like you, which is fantastic. That's great. Still, don't copy and paste it. I want you to take the time to ask yourself if that's how you talk. If someone's reading it, can they hear your voice? Does your brand shine through? Are you actually speaking to them or is AI speaking to everyone? Because that will kill your business in 2025. All right. The next trend that I see coming up in 2025 is what I'm going to call kind of little baby communities, many communities, micro communities, we can use all the words. But what has happened because the world has gotten so big and they're now 20, bazillion people teaching all the same things in all the different worlds, right? There's the diet industry. There's a business coaches, right? There's people talking about how to take better care of your animals. We got the teachers on TikTok blowing stuff up over there, right? We have all of these different people teaching very similar things. So how the heck are you supposed to stand out in 2025? What you can do is start to really think of your people as a tight little baby community, not baby as in small, but as that who you're speaking to is so crystal clear, right? And it is so tight that anybody who belongs in that group reads your content, listens to your stories, hits your website, searches for you on Google and goes, oh my God, that's the page title that belongs to me, right? I need to be in that group. That's when you're going to win. And the rub is for so many of us, the work that it takes to understand who your micro community is, right? And people call it nation down and I don't love that because I'll get to that in a second. I don't love that because you're talking to people, right? And that's not a niche. We're not niches, we're people. And so if we have these micro sort of similarities that bring us together such as making more money in your business, right? That's my heart centered passionate women who started to have some success in business, but they're hitting plateaus and they're not growing. Those are my women. I love them. The more passionate you are about your business, the better, right? Let's look at that. Let's go. And we talk about that. We talk about your next 90 days. We talk about how we're going to get you to hit your next big, huge financial goal. So maybe you're at the top five figures. Let's get you to mid six. If you're in the mid six, let's get you to seven, right? What is that going to take from you? If that calls to you, you know, you're one of my people. That's my micro community, right? There are lots of business owners out there. There are even heart centered business owners out there, but not all of them are after hitting their next massive financial goal so they can support more people. Does that make sense? I want you to think about that. Now let's get back to this nation down thing. Yeah. So, niecing down, this has been so misunderstood. And I think in 2025, it's time to bust the sucker wide open. Okay. When we coachy coaches tell you to niche down, what we mean is find your micro community, find your little baby community that's just yours, right? And baby doesn't mean small. I mean, baby is in its definable. Yeah. So you want to really look for those people now. That doesn't mean you never talk to anyone else. You can talk about different problems that lead right into your micro community. You can talk about different solutions that we'd write into your micro community. And I think the idea of niecing down has lots of people in to say, I only say, I work with women who want to grow that right. And it's like, oh my God, no, that woman might be like, how do I deal with my spouse on XYZ? What happens when I want to balance motherhood with this sucker? What happens if I cannot break the $500,000 mark? Well, what do I do? Those are all conversations that my micro community are having. Do you know the conversations that your micro community are having? Think that's what you should really double down on in 2025, because it is so loud out there. You need to know exactly what you need to say to call in your person. One of the examples I love to give, this will help a lot of you out there who are, I hope taking notes. Yeah. So as you are thinking about this, go, okay, all right, I'm hearing Sarah say this. How do I actually do this? I want you to pretend you're a health coach, right? Maybe you help people lose weight. When you pull yourself in the moment of your person right now, where is she or he right now? Or are they right now? What are they doing? And then you could write a subject line that says something like, did you just pull your jeans over that role on your stomach? And then they're like, okay, she know that because you took the time to figure out where that person is right this second. That is your micro community. Did you see what I'm saying? You've got to learn how to do that in 2025, if you're going to be successful, all right? And trend number three that we are seeing in 2025, the word I hate. I know, I know, just bear with me, but it's, I really want to call it authentic content. I know barf. I know. I just felt hurt myself saying, I'm like, Oh, dear heavens, right? But I think the more you can show up as you really you, right? And we'll have imperfections. You guys, I go back. Sometimes there's a podcast to record on the video. I eat salads a lot for lunch and you can tell sometimes, right? It's like, Oh my gosh, right? But you know what? I'm a person. You are too. Your business is being run by people. The people who are pouring money into your business by purchasing are just people. And this idea of perfection, this idea of having your identity wrapped up in who you are online, it's very dangerous, it's dangerous mostly for you. Because as I think it was Oprah who said this, forgive me if I have that wrong. You guys can tell me in the comments on YouTube or you can shoot me notes or emails about this. So I think it was Oprah who said, you know, I don't read or look at what people say about me because if I believe the positives, I have to believe the negatives. And that's correct. If you put your value, hear me, if you put your value and your self worth on the line when it comes to what you produce, whether it's your business, your content, your short form content, which we know is going to blow up in 2025 too. That's my bonus. And it's like, you know, this is all out there. That is not you. You have to remember that is a representation of how you are helping people make their lives better. As a service based online business, you are looking to make other people's lives better. And you know what that means? It's not about you. Get your ego out of the way, create awesome value based content that is probably imperfect. And you will attract exactly who you want to attract and you guys know I can get woo. I'm not talking just about the woo woo way to attract clients. I am talking about creating content that pulls in your perfect person because they love it. Right? And I know the only people who are attracted to working with me are people who get that I tell the truth a lot. I'm uber transparent. I think that is really one of the things I offer that so many coaches don't, right? Because we got to be perfect. No, we don't, we have to be ourselves. And then release the idea that what anyone thinks of that content is personal. What people think about your content, especially if it's true to you is about them. It's about their projection of what you've just created. It is not about you. So if you want to be successful as a service based business online in 2025, show up as you, stop trying to be other people, don't pretend you're someone other than you are. Don't lie about your numbers. Oh my gosh, if I see that one more time, these people are like, I had a seven figure launch. Meanwhile, they spent $1.5 million and they're actually in the hole, right? Let's not do that anymore. Let's talk about what you're offering to the world, who it helps and the problem it solves. And that will help you be successful in 2025. Now, before I wrap up this episode, there's one more thing I want to leave you with. Find the joy in your business again. Stop doing what everyone else is doing. Even those three things I just told you, you can do those in a way that works for you. Find the joy again. Remember why you're doing this, not just finding your why. We know that's important, but on the daily, who are you looking to help? How do you want to change this planet? We got a lot going on. And I really believe we probably need you and what you're here to offer. Just like we can't just have heart surgeons, we need firefighters as well, and we can't just have firefighters, we need brain surgeons too, and we can't just have brain surgeons, we need teachers. We can't just have teachers because we also need banks. Do you see what I'm saying? You're here to do what you are here to do and don't let anyone take that from you in the year coming up. It is time for you to shine as yourself and grow your online business because over here at Team Sarah, it's our job to put more money in the hands of more women. Happy New Year and let's make this one great. Thank you so much for listening in today. I really hope you enjoyed the episode. I have just a quick favor. If you enjoyed this podcast, can you give us a review and a quick rating? That would mean so much and we never know who's watching who might really need to hear something from this podcast. In addition, if you're a selfie person, go ahead and snap a quick pick of you listening to this podcast. Give us a little love by using hashtag #GameOnGirlfriend. I promise I look, I will find you, I'll comment, I'll share and I'll get to know you too. If you'd like to know a little bit more about who I am and what I do, head on over to again, and check it out. Until next time, remember this is not your practice life, the game is on. [music] [BLANK_AUDIO]