Good Decisions Don't Make Life Easy, But They Do Make It Easier. Plan tomorrow - today!
The Hard 90 With Zach Sorensen
Good Decisions Don't Make Life Easy
Welcome to the hard 90 podcast. I am your coach, Zach Sorensen, helping you to prepare, compete, and progress in the mental game. Good decisions don't make life easy. One of the lines in the movie that I really like. Good decisions don't make life easy, but they do make life easier. I want you to think about that. You know, so many times I think as we go through our life and we're like, hey, I made the right decision. So the things should have turned out the way I wanted them to. Hey, I was doing what I was supposed to do. So my life should have been easy. I think the reality of it is, is that's not always true. And I love what it said right here. Good decisions don't make life easy, but they do make it easier. So what is our plan as we move forward? Obviously, we want to make good decisions. We've talked a lot about what happens if your decision doesn't end up with the result that you want. We gather the information we learn from it. We carry on. We become present. But let's talk about just good decisions in general. How do we go about helping ourselves to make good decisions? Because we want our life to be easier because of the decisions we make. One of the greatest things I think you can apply into your life. So one of the drills that you can do is you can plan tomorrow today, or you can plan tomorrow tonight. How do we want to look at it? Before you go to bed tonight, make the decisions on what your day is going to look like tomorrow. Like what is your morning going to look like? What is your, what is your midday going to look like? What are the things that you're going to execute tomorrow? Are you going to get the exercise in? Are you going to, you know, spend time doing some spiritual work? Are you going to spend time reaching out to, to your siblings or to your parents? What does it look like tomorrow that will help you to stay on track with becoming the person you want to become? If you plan tomorrow tonight, there's a very good chance you're going to get more things done tomorrow that you want to get done instead of just hoping that you have a good day. You see, that word hope, and I love the word hope, I really do, but I feel like so many times we go through life just hoping that things turn out our way, hoping that we have a good day, hoping that we, we, we get things done that need to get done. We spend a little bit less time planning our day so that the things actually do get executed. All right. So good decisions is no different. How do you help yourself to make good decisions in the upcoming time and the upcoming day and the upcoming week and the upcoming month? One of the best ways you can do that is to plan tomorrow today, plan tomorrow tonight. All right. Set out your routine, your plan, your execution of your goals tomorrow. Map it out. Put it on paper. At this time, I'm going to do this. At this time, I'm going to do this. Or here's the goals that I'm going to get done. Here's what I'm going to execute and here's what tomorrow is going to look like so I can get it done because I am a firm believer. The decisions don't make life easy, but they do make life easier. All right. Now let's shift gears just a little bit. Let's talk about good decisions don't make life easy. Sometimes a good decision means that you're going to have to work harder. Sometimes a good decision means that your life is actually going to get harder. However, the result that comes from you working hard is going to make your life easy or easier. Does that make sense? The work that you put in is going to be difficult. However, your life is going to be easier because you're going to be happier with the results that come from working hard. You may need to rewind that. Listen to that one more time. Your good decisions sometimes are actually physically or mentally harder to go through. However, the results that come from you working hard are going to make your life easier. So good decisions don't make life easy. Now you understand what that means. However, they do make your life easier. I'm a big believer in that. I love that line in the movie. I think it makes sense. I want you to watch that line in the movie so you can see it and you can start applying that to your life. Understand that just because you do the right thing or say the right thing or plan to execute on the right things doesn't mean that your life is going to be smooth and perfect. We're still going to have some hardships, some struggles. We're still going to have some tough times. But on the other end of that is going to be a happier, easier life where you can feel fulfilled because you executed on what you put in plan in your plan to get done because you plan tomorrow tonight. Have a great day. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)