Something to think about podcast

Foundation of biblical time management

In order for people to be effective, they need to place a time on every activity. Once that is done they must act appropriately during that time. Acting appropriately means you will know how to deal with whatever situation comes. It also means you'll have a clear idea of what is to be done when. We explore this topic this week on the podcast. 

(Ecc 8:5)  Whoever obeys his commands will avoid trouble. The mind of a wise person will know the right time and the right way to act.

(Ecc 8:6) There is a right time and a right way to act in every situation. Yet, a terrible human tragedy hangs over people.

Broadcast on:
02 Mar 2021

In order for people to be effective, they need to place a time on every activity. Once that is done they must act appropriately during that time. Acting appropriately means you will know how to deal with whatever situation comes. It also means you'll have a clear idea of what is to be done when. We explore this topic this week on the podcast. 

(Ecc 8:5)  Whoever obeys his commands will avoid trouble. The mind of a wise person will know the right time and the right way to act.

(Ecc 8:6) There is a right time and a right way to act in every situation. Yet, a terrible human tragedy hangs over people.