Yours Truly Johnny Dollar

Johnny Dollar - The Richard Splain Matter - Listen to hundreds of audiobooks, thousands of short stories, and ambient sounds all ad free! Daily Yours Truly Johnny Dollar offers a unique spin on the beloved old-time radio detective series. Tune in every day to follow the intelligent and daring Johnny Dollar as he solves complex cases involving insurance scams and more. This daily podcast blends nostalgia with gripping story arcs, perfect for detective genre enthusiasts and those who love a good mystery.

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16 Jul 2024
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The following is an accounting of expenditure during my investigation of the Richard's plane method. And to count item one, 35 dollars trip from Harford to the scene of the crime. A part of Manhattan where the citizens have been conditioned to sleeping through screams, gunshots, and even the odors. I was met by a homicide sergeant, and the tenement flatty took me to, lived up to its first description. It did bear all the signs of murder, except a body. And it must have taken a long time to accomplish all this, the place rented in the name of Richard's plane. Yeah, what's the address on his insurance policy? The number on Second Avenue. Up to the report read on this so far, Sergeant. You can see everything which are from the amount of busted furniture or violent struggle from the amount and placement of blood stains, the sustained beating of someone there by the radiator. Nobody heard it. I don't care if they did hear it. We've asked questions, but the people won't admit it or anything. They don't want to get involved. The landlady phone just after she's on the door opened and looked in. Any blood stains out in the car, they haven't found any. You've seen enough? Yeah. I guess so. What's this? A part of some rec ship model seemed to be spraying a hobby collecting them. Yeah, there's not much we can do if this flat under lock and key. We can hold it that way for a while and wait for him to come back, but that's about all until we have some concrete evidence like our body. That would help. Are you going to wait for us or follow it up yourself? I've got that address on Second Avenue. That's his wife, isn't it? And beneficiary in the policy. I can't do much with her until she makes a missing person's report or something, and she hasn't. Yeah. Before I get anything from her, I'll let you know. Expensive on item two, a dollar and a half taxi to the Second Avenue address. Mrs. Plain was a rather dumpy blonde with tousled hair and half-applied lipstick. She obviously didn't want me to come in. Well, it's not that I don't want to help anyway. I could, Mr. Dallas, but I haven't seen much of Dick lately. We split up, you know. No, I didn't. Who came in here, Clara? Oh, it's something about Dick. Dick? What about him? I'm just thinking you're getting bothered over that bum. Oh, now Mark holds your temper. This matters from the insurance. Mr. Dallas, this is Mr. Bond. Oh, yeah. Okay. What's insurance got to do with this? Plain out of policy on his life, Mrs. Plain is a beneficiary. I guess I never told you, Mark. I almost forgot about it myself, it isn't very much. $35,000. How did you learn about what happened? Well, the police told me one to know if he was here. I told them the same as I told you, or I don't even know if Dick was in or out. What do you mean, in or out? In port, or at sea? Mm-hmm. He worked on a boat. And his policy, he listed his occupation as a carpenter. Well, it used to be, but since the war is in a ship's carpenter, he's away all the time. That's one of the reasons I dumped him. That wasn't the worst. Mark, you talked to Mr. Dollar while I go on and put the rest of my mouth. I feel like I'm not happy with it. Well, what do you want to know about him? Whether he's dead or alive, do you think he'd call Mrs. Plain if he was hurt and in trouble? No. I know for sure he wouldn't, and they quit, they met it. Has there been a divorce? Not yet. Of course, money. She hasn't got any. I haven't. And the explainer is he's not letting loose. Would you happen to know if there's somebody he would turn to, the police check the hospitals without finding him? No, I don't know where I'd go. Hey, what makes you so sure is Plain is the one that gets messed up. Maybe he wants to work on somebody else. That's what I was thinking. One thing I can tell you from experience, Vic can take care of himself, and he's mean. But on the set, it's the very best I can do. Okay, thank you. Here I put my hotel room number on my card in case you want to phone, and I'll let you know if anything develops. Expense account item three at all-and-a-half is Plain's plan. I decided that it would be easier to learn there than any of his last chips. And with that, I hope to find someone who was closer to him than his wife. Sergeant Burns was no longer there, but a liar, too, got a passkey from the landlady, and I went in. The top drawer, the battered bureau, produced not only what I was looking for, but more. The name of the ship was the Tangier, and an envelope that contained a seaman's papers also contained a small address book with enough mains and addresses to keep at least one investigator happy now. I started to jot them down, but got no more than halfway through. I hope you don't mind, Sergeant. Hey. What's up there? Who are you? The crime was claimed, I heard you moving in here and thought you didn't. What happened? Shut the door. What a mess. Nobody seems to know what happened. Who you? The cops? Private type. He's flown dead? Who'd want to kill him? I don't know. I'm just gonna ask him. All that blood and everything busted up. Look, I don't want to get mixed up, and I just know him like in the bar sometimes. Wait a minute. Come on, what's the idea? Shorty, I want you to tell me about Dick's plane. No, no, no, no, no. You're new enough to walk through his door before anyone answered it. Well, sure. I do that sometimes. I come to talk to him sometimes when he's in from the trip. I can't go in and tell him he tells me about him. I'd like to hear about Tangian in places and he shows with him ship models he makes. Do you know any of the people he does? Well, all I know is where he's been and he never stays in more than a week. He eats it swingy sometimes. That's just across the street. I can't help you miss him. Let me go. What's your name? I don't make no difference. What my name is. I don't want to get mixed up in some of the don't anything about it. Come on now. Please give me a break. Okay. Thank you. What are you reaching for? My wallet. Will ten bucks pay for your time? Oh. You're well. Thank you. You're a good guy. I'm sorry. I can't help you more. Expense account item four, ten dollars, peace offering. I had a feeling I'd paid for lies with it and covered the possible laws by tailing the rabbit-y little man to an address a few blocks away. His name turned out to be Paul Krell, what was left of the afternoon was spent on routine legwork and at six I was on the phone in my hotel room. Sergeant Burns. This is Dallas, Sergeant. How did you make it? I've got nothing. Blaining his wife separated and can't afford a divorce. She's taken up with a guy named Mark Bond. They both say they haven't seen her heard from Spain for a long time. Yeah. A lot of people don't know anything about that guy. It seems he's a ship carpenter. I got the name of the ship when aboard. He's been with it for a couple of years. Same one. Plies between here and North African ports. Those people don't know much about any of their crew made sure life so I didn't get much. Few names I can check tomorrow. What's the ship? The Tangier White Flagline Pier 80 on the East River. Have you run into anything? I'm still waiting. Well, you've got my hotel. Yeah, thanks for calling down. Something may turn up tonight. If it does, I'll phone your first thing in the morning. Johnny Dallen? This is Clara's claim, Mr. Dallen. Oh, hello. I've got to see you right away. Sure, what's up? They arrested Mark. You know, you met him. Yeah. They found your husband? Yeah, last night. Yeah, last night. Oh. Johnny Dallen? This is Clara's claim, Mr. Dallen. Oh. Hello. I've got to see you right away. Sure, what's up? They arrested Mark. You know, you met him. Yeah. They found your husband? Yeah, last night. Johnnie Dallen. This is Clara's claim, Mr. Dallen. Oh, hello. I've got to see you right away. Sure, what's up? Yes, thanks. I've been down to the motor ready this morning to identify him. Where are you now? I'm right downstairs from you in the lobby. Hi, Clara. Come on up. [Music] Come on in. What did you tell him about us? Mark and me. Nothing that would put the heat on Mark by itself if they're holding him. They must know more. I think he's lying myself. He... He couldn't prove where he was when the police said my husband died. Are you sure you didn't mention that $35,000 policy to Mark? I don't think I ever did. No, no, I'm sure of it. Why did you come here? What do you want me to do? I'm trying to get up my nerve, Mr. Dallen. The real reason that I left Dick was because I found out something awful like he was doing. He built little boats, models, and they were hollow. He brought dope into the country inside of him. I didn't tell the police that because I was afraid of what they'd do to me for knowing all the time. You should be. Did Mark know about it? No, I never killed anybody. But maybe it's important now. You're right. True or untrue. It is important. [Music] On the back of this plane, Platt, I lined up the things that bore out the story. One, the remains of the ship models in his wreck room. Two, the possibility that Paul Krell may have been an iconic fire. And three, the address book that could have contained a list of customers. But I didn't have a chance to do any more probing when I got there. The place was under police investigation. That's far enough, but nobody goes inside. Sergeant Burns up there? What are they? Well, I've been working with them on this. My name is Dalla Insurance Investigator. All right. Quick here. Thanks. That's all the activity. And cover something? Just another body. What? Yeah. First, not enough, not too many. Who could figure these things? [Music] I could figure it when I got this plane's door. Now the evidence I twisted with concerned two murders. The body of Paul Krell lay feet into death in the middle of the wreck room. [Music] [Music] In just a moment, we'll return to the second act of yours truly, Johnny Dollar, starring Edmund O'Brien. But first, house we're trying to sing it again tonight. $5,000 in cold hard cash and $10,000 in fine prizes are waiting for the CBS listener who can solve the Fathom Voice Mystery. Dan Seymour will be on hand with those coast-to-coast phone calls again. Alan Dale, Eugenie Baird, Bob Howard and the Riddler's will be making the music. And remember, there's many a fine prize for solving the tuneful riddle songs that lead to the Fathom Voice Mystery. It's an hour of fun and music to entertain you and perhaps pay off every Saturday night and most of the same CBS station. Here's singing again tonight, won't you? And now with our star, Edmund O'Brien, we return you to the second act of yours truly, Johnny Dollar. [Music] [Music] [Music] Yeah? [Music] I got tired waiting for your call. You were going to phone this morning of anything broke. I was, huh? What kind of cooperation is this? I gave you everything I got yesterday. Oh, the landlady tells me you came back here yesterday. You know, it's things like that that lose licenses for guys like you. I am down, Sergeant. You gave me the nod to go ahead without waiting for the police. Not to mess around with evidence. I'm on the verge of putting you away 48 hours for questioning. Don't talk me into it if you don't want to go. Stay out of my hair. Okay, Sergeant. I guess we just put our cards on the tape. What'd you come here for yesterday? They get the name of plain ship. I figured it would be easier to get it here than by making the rounds of the hiring holes. I told you what I got out of it, a few names. Come here. There's only one change who only came back here to find this body. The top drawer of the bureau was standing open. This envelope was torn with this stuff dumped on the top. Did you do this? No. Hey, don't touch that. Keep your hands where they belong. We're dusting that stuff for Prince. Sorry. I guess I'd better get out of here, Sergeant. Before you and I lock horns. You're beginning to make sense now. I thought I was too, at least hope so. The notebook from which I'd copied the list of names and addresses wasn't among the other articles dumped on the bureau top. But Sergeant Burns' threat to hold me for 48 hours made it easy to keep my mouth shut about it and about my having met Chris. Oh, did they let Mark lose? Don't be funny, of course they didn't. Did you tell them about the little boats in it? I thought it was better not to. There's been another murder at your husband's place. Who? A little guy named Paul Krell. That name mean anything to you? I never heard it before. What's it all about? A lot of people are wondering. Where was Mark Bond last night? They don't think he did that one, too. I didn't ask. But I know how their minds work. They'll accuse Mark of going back to cover tracks. Where was he? He was right here with me. And he witnesses to prove that? Says me. I know he was here, don't I? Under $35,000 circumstances. That's hardly enough. How do I know this narcotics goes as true? I don't get it. Why would I admit it if it wasn't true? It's liable to get me in a lot of trouble, isn't it? It could throw up a quail of a smokescreen from Mark's, too. All right, I'll show you something. I got one hit in the closet. In here's something. Yeah, here. This one he called the frigate. First, you have to set it on somehow. And then you twist this thing a mask, I think. This part opens up. Let me see that. It's pretty. Dick was always good with his hands. This is the only thing he hit that guy. Well, maybe a chemist can prove whether or not it carried narcotics. I can't. But assuming that was the case, who did he sell to? I don't know. I didn't want that kind of money. In the minute I turned out one night, I told him to get out and never mention it again. It's too bad. If he was cutting in on a combination that might account for his death, but if he was playing ball with him, it's something else. Which brings us right back to your boy, Mark. Have you thought of that? I know he didn't do it. If I thought he did, would I look you up? I'm taking the other approach. If he was innocent, why would you bother tossing me this model ship-owned that you are? Expense account, item five, twenty-five dollars. Blanket item, covering transportation for the rest of the day. At the address of four, Krell, I learned what I believed to be the truth. That his association with Spain was no more than a friendly one. From the list of names I copied, I picked Jerome Kentner, who had the closest address. An apartment about $250 a month away from the park. Yes? Mr. Jerome Kentner? Yes. And I could talk to you about a man named Richard Splain. What about him? I don't know anything. I can give myself away, haven't I? This is not a great zone, Mr. Kentner. But you don't have to be afraid of me. I'm not a policeman. I suppose you want to come in. I think I'd better. Right? What is it? Splain is dead. He was murdered night before last. Oh. That's bad, isn't it? How did you find out about me? There's a list of names in his rooms. Because it was one of them. You bought narcotics from him? Ship models. I collect them. Don't you see them there in the case? Yeah, I know this. Who are you? What do you want? Private investigator. I want to find out who kills Splain. I didn't. Why would I do that? I don't know. When did you last see him? Well, it wasn't night before last. I don't think I have to. I don't want a blackmail. You want to answer him? But I will, if I have to. It was last week, sometimes Tuesday, I think. How well did you know? I met him, I thought. I met him, I thought. I met him, I met him. What's this friend's name? Go ahead and blackmail. I'm not talking anymore. Hmm? Suit yourself. I'll leave my phone number in case you change your mind. The next two stops yielded nothing. The names were either conveniently or coincidentally out of town. The next Miss Francine Wells, an address in 82nd Street. Miss Francine Wells, please. In regard to what? Well, I'd rather tell her if you don't mind. Wait, I'll have to insist. Are you a salesman? No, I'm not a salesman. Miss Wells, ain't you? Man, you have to tell me who you are. Someone from me, Dad. I was expecting Fred, remember? Yes, I remember. And this gentleman is not Fred. Oh. Happy. Hello. I'd like to talk to you if I could, Miss Wells. What about I don't know you? Do I? No, you don't. But it's important that I speak to you in private, if possible. Dad, be a good guy. Go in the other room for a minute. And leave you alone with this stranger I will find. Come on. It's probably something about words. It is. Why must it be so private? I'll tell you later. Look, I need to help on screen. No, if it's that private, keep it low, he'll be the glue. What's it all about? Richard's flame. Who? Richard's flame. Who did you ask for here? I mean, there's been a mistake. You must have come to the wrong place. If your name is Francine Wells, I have him. It was that name and address I found in this flat. How on earth would my name address get into the apartment of a man I never heard of? Well, like we have mutual friends with myself. Maybe you do. Your name is only one of a dozen more. I don't understand at all. Who is this Richard's flame? Well, maybe you'd call him without knowing his name. He sold narcotics. He's been murdered. No. What do I do? I am a pushover for shocker, aren't I? I'm sorry, I just worked out that way. You like that. Well, sit down, I guess you don't fear, huh? I'll find it. Oh, this day that's dead here, I dreamed about it. Here it is. What happened now? Well, I'm not being paid to press the narcotics charge. I'm trying to find out who killed him by his insurance company. When did you see him last? Day up, two of gold. But what do you mean to him? So far, all customers. You have him. I made a concealer. And do you think that one of them is the name of whoever killed his soul? I really didn't know his name. How did you run into him? I don't think that's important. I was simply joined by a friend. Not a man named Mark Bond by any chance. A woman named Clara explains why. No, I don't know anything about him. There's enough to watch the bait of his ship and just do the ride. It was the government, maybe the next to show up at my door? It's not up to me. I can't promise you any help, but I want you to look at the list of names and tell me if you know any of them. Anything I can do, I will do. No, I don't know anything. I can't, sorry. I don't want to sound as if I feel sorry for myself. I don't. Well, I'd say I'd say I'd deserve to be killed, but... I'm not used for getting more than it's supportive. Oh, what difference does it make? I don't want to leave my card with him in case there's something you haven't told me. I'll jot down my hotel. Most of the others I got to were pretty much the same. Mixtures of fear, desperation, sometimes defiance, and usually fatalism by the end of it. I arbitrarily set the name "J.L. Tucker" as the last for that day. He lived in a cold water spread close to Greenwich Village, and he was different. It doesn't make any difference who knows it, I've been through these things before, so you're wasting your time. You asked me how I got in touch with Spain? I knew he's wild, yes, huh? He was shilling for him before they got tired. Let's go ask her. Here's her address. Hello. Dalla, I just left a man named Tucker. He said he knew you. I thought I'd better call. Oh, Tucker, how'd you find him? He tells me you made the contacts for your husband before you separated. It's a lie. Why would he say it? Well, I knew about Tucker. One night he just came up. He admitted he was looking for somebody, and I told him about thinking. I didn't know what I was doing, I was stiff. I've spent a long day and we're back to you, Chubby. Look, don't decide to leave town. Expense account, item 6, $4 dinner at my hotel, item 7, same amount, few brandies at the bar. I had the idea I'd spent a lot of energy for nothing until the elevator dropped me at my floor, and I turned the corner toward my room. Sorry. You left your card with me, you must respect your family. I left my card a lot of places, I didn't expect you, Miss Wells. You don't seem to have any other tricks. Come on in. You said if there was anything else I wanted to tell you. Yeah? Well, there is. It goes a long way back. I don't know how these things happen to some people and not others. I was no angel, but I was all right. Don't sit down how we get. I've always told myself that some people get bitten by rattlesnakes and others don't. But it's not the same. It was in school after a party, neither one of us had any sense. He's got it from somebody. Who is this? In Pennsylvania, his name was Phil. I don't know. I came home never saw him again. But that was the start-out. It was only two years ago. I knew it would end. I kept wondering how. Now it hasn't. What are you trying to tell me? I killed Richard's plane. That's what I'm trying to tell you. Why? Because I went to him without any money. He laughed at me. I don't know what happened to me. I picked up something, started to hit him. I didn't even hit him. Why didn't you tell me this before? Because I could go through with him. But I can't. It happened this time. I don't want to go on it anymore. I went to him without any money. I picked up the first thing I touched and started to beat him. What was that? I don't even remember. An hand iron? Yes, I didn't know what he was. And Paul Krell, you killed him too? Yes, I don't know. Yes, I did. I must have. I don't care that he'll kill you. That was a good try, but it won't work. This wasn't a woman's killing no matter how desperate she was. Do you want me to go? Do you want to stay here? Please, I did. I did it isn't but enough. Haven't I done enough? Yeah, and I'm afraid you'll have. Yeah? No, it's you. Where's my daughter? I want to talk to you about her. Where is she? She dwells somewhere in this apartment if you haven't destroyed it. There's a piece of very important evidence. What's that you say? A notebook containing a lot of names among them, your daughters. Oh, she told you this? Hardly, she was trying to protect you. She confessed to killing Richard's plane. They haven't arrested her, not yet. She was lying, didn't they? They didn't do it, or I was not. I'm glad. I told her about it, if I heard you leave. Are you married? If you were, and you were my age, and had a daughter, you'd understand. You know what it's like to watch her change. I didn't know for a long time. I wondered, and I followed. And when I learned the truth, I killed him. Surely you don't blame me. I turned Wells over to the police, not Sergeant Burns, and heard him explain his second killing, let of Paul Krell, but arrived as Wells, looking for any trace his daughter, might have left its planes. Remarks? Don't question the policy payoff to Clara's plane, in spite of the fact that she hardly deserves it. Against account item seven, same as item one. Expense account total, $375. Yours truly, Johnny Dollar. Yours truly, Johnny Dollar stars Edmund O'Brien in the title role, and is written by Gill Dollar with music conducted by Wilbur Hatch. Edmund O'Brien may soon be seen in the Paramount Pictures production War Pass, featured in tonight's cast were Herb Butterfield, Raymond Burr, Joe Gilbert, Bill Boucher, Howard McNair, Barry Kroger, and Mary Lansing. Yours truly, Johnny Dollar is produced and directed by Jaime Delveis. This is Bob Stiefen inviting you to join us next week at this time, when we'll again bring you Edmund O'Brien as... Yours truly, Johnny Dollar. Have you met the Coopers, Liz and George? They're the young married couple who keep things coming and keep you laughing in their hilarious domestic comedy, My Favorite Husband, broadcast every Saturday night over most of these same CBS stations. So tune in every Saturday night to My Favorite Husband. We'll stay tuned for Bondman Rose, Caravan, which follows immediately over most of these same Columbia stations. This is CBS, The Stars Address, the Columbia Broadcasting System. 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