Yours Truly Johnny Dollar

Johnny Dollar - Trans-Pacific Import-Export Co - Listen to hundreds of audiobooks, thousands of short stories, and ambient sounds all ad free! Daily Yours Truly Johnny Dollar offers a unique spin on the beloved old-time radio detective series. Tune in every day to follow the intelligent and daring Johnny Dollar as he solves complex cases involving insurance scams and more. This daily podcast blends nostalgia with gripping story arcs, perfect for detective genre enthusiasts and those who love a good mystery.

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13 Jul 2024
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The Takono Music and Spirits Festival returns to Centennial Park, Saturday, August 3rd from 2 to 10 p.m. And it's free! Live music from The Warren Treaty! [music] Chris Daniels and the Kings is Cally and More! Enjoy a Spirits Competition, Kid Zone and Fireworks presented by Oxy and the City of Dakota! Admission and parking are free! The Takono Music and Spirits Festival, brought to you by Breckenridge Brewery and City of Dakota! Go to for more information! [music] Ready for an audio experience like no other? Dive into the world of infinite sounds with crystal clear high fidelity, only on Sahl Good Media. Visit today and start exploring the boundless universe of sounds that will soothe, inspire, and revitalize your senses. Start listening today and experience uninterrupted serenity at [music] From Hollywood, it's time now for Edmund O'Brien as... [bell rings] Johnny Dollar. Al Harper at Corinthians, Johnny. I got a case here you won't like, but the commission will be good if we beat it. How big is the policy? $250,000, but you'll have to fly to Hong Kong. You still haven't scared me, Al? Is there something you're leaving out? Yeah, the policy holder. Trans-Pacific import-export company, we've had trouble with them before, I remember. Yeah, I sent flowers to the widow. You want to take a crack at it? No, but I will. [music] Edmund O'Brien, in another transcribed adventure of a man with the action-packed expense account. America's fabulous freelance insurance investigator. Yours truly, Johnny Dollar. [music] Expense account, submitted by special investigator Johnny Dollar to Home Office, Corinthian Liability and Risk, Hartford, Connecticut. The following is an accounting of my expenditure during investigation of the Trans-Pacific import-export company, South China Branch. Expense account item 1, $1,200, fair and incidental expenses between Hartford and Hong Kong. I realized three minutes after I got off the plane that there is no longer any simplicity in Hong Kong. To fill the smallest one is a complicated problem. There is a shortage of transportation, food, water, and space. Both the island and the city of Coloon on the mainland have been swamped by the flood of millions of refugees moving out of the interior. I have fought my way through the Jan streets and to the offices of the American Council. Oh yes, it's true, life is very difficult here. Where are they all going? Many of them don't know. Where is there for them to go? Well, what do they do? How do they stay alive? Many of them don't. Yes, sir? The gentleman from the States. Oh yes, sir. Mr. Daller. What you said to him in, please? Yes, sir. Mr. Grover is ready to speak with you. Thank you. I suppose it's a pleasure, Mr. Daller. Grover? In short of investigation, eh? Yes, sir. Well, I don't suppose my problem will seem very important out here. Yeah, I was thinking of the very same thing. It's always the case. On the fringe of war, very few individual problems are important, nor are the individuals themselves. I trust you will keep that in mind while you are here. Now then, what is your errand? The Trans-Pacific Import Export Company. Oh yes. Yes, Will Meadows firm on the mainland destroyed by fire last month. One hundred percent, according to the claim he sent the company that hired me, two hundred thousand dollars. Do you know this, William Meadows? I've met him at the American club now and again. The company isn't satisfied with the report on the cause of that fire. It was blamed on vandalism. Vandalism has become quite a popular pastime across in cold loom, especially. I take it you suspect fraud. The Trans-Pacific had a branch in Shanghai. When the war closed in on them up there, the same thing happened. They came out far better by collecting on the insurance than they would have by standing the expense of liquidating. I suppose coincidence won't quite do, will it? What do you want from this office, dollar? Well, I'd appreciate some phone calls or letters that would get me some support from the fire brigade and the police. So we're back to the individual problem, but I'll do the best I can. Thank you, Mr. Colvin. I won't take up any more of your time. Let me know how you make out. Oh, have you found a place to stay? No, not yet. So don't bother with the Occidental places they're jammed. But speak with my receptionist, Mr. Vadrusch. Yeah, I saw on the way in of Vadrusch. I thought she was Chinese, the half, her father's Portuguese. He has accommodations about halfway up the peak on Sing Wong, charming girl, nice people. Oh, good. I'll ask her. And thanks again. Oh, dollar, just a matter of interest, the case in Shanghai. You say the insurance company was forced to meet the claim there? That's right. It was investigated as Enova was killed before he could build a case. They blamed his death on war conditions, too, said he was robbed and knifed by starving refugees. Nobody had time to dig up the truth. Sing Wong is a street of steps that climb from the waterfront to the plush European residences on top of Victoria Peak. My accommodations were a room that looked out on an alley, an iron bed, a chair, and a pitcher of water on a bamboo table. There were no other non-orientals in the building, but I seem to be the only one that noticed it. I was suffering from a sort of claustrophobia and loneliness that night. And at first I was glad to learn it was she who knocked at my door. Thank you. If you are comfortable. Thank you. I am. This is fine. Oh, I don't have much to offer you. Is it great? Scotch? No. Thank you. I came because I am curious. I'm in Hong Kong on business if that's what you mean. It's better kept confidential right now. Is it been just in this business? Why do you ask that? Because you were followed here. You are being watched. How do you know? Oh, I know this street. I've seen this man. He has not been here before. Where is he? Maybe you can see him from the window. Wait a minute. You tell me where he is. I'll look. Shop on the other side. The box is pining at the door. Well, thanks for telling me about him. Do you know who he is? No. I didn't think anybody knew I was in town. Let's talk about something else. What is that music? It's a love song. There's about two lonely people who meet near a river. Oh. In America, they're different. Yes, I know. I like them. You know many Americans? Yes, I am. I want to marry one. Since I'm a lucky American. Oh, no. I don't mean there's only one. I want to marry an American who will take me from China. There's no other way. You hate it that much? There's nothing else to do but hate it. There's no good here. Always trouble. Chinese are very patient people. But I am not all Chinese. I can't make myself be patient any longer. I want to go. What about your Portuguese people? They are gone. You think I am bad to be this way? Honestly, I-- I didn't say that. I am not bad. I hope you find your American, Ms. Bader's. Want me to go now? I think you better. I'll see you tomorrow. Yes. Good night. [MUSIC PLAYING] Three things interfered with sleep that night. A watcher who was still at a station across the street when I turned out my life, the pleading in the eyes of the girl, and the smells and sounds that drifted into me from the restless crowded city. It was 4 a.m. before I dropped off. And at 10, I was walking up the gravel drive that led to the residence of Mr. William Meadow. The watcher had changed, but I was still being followed. [MUSIC PLAYING] Oh, yes, sir. Mr. Meadow at home? Oh, yes, sir. You'll give them. Who is it, lamb? My name is Daller, Mr. Meadow. I'm from Corinthian liability, Hartford, others. Well, so they sent another snoo. Let them in, lamb. You come in. What did you say your name was? Daller? What's the matter with that company anyway? This doesn't have to be unpleasant, Mr. Mase. Sit back there in Hartford with nothing to worry about, but Sunday's golf game. They don't know anything about the conditions we're working under. You do know that your fire here pretty much follows the pattern of the one in Shanghai. Of course it does. The conditions are the same, including the starving refugees who killed and robbed the investigator. Careless people are dying here every day. And I'll say what you have to say to me and get out of here. Well, it's very little. I came here to get my reaction to you. I have. You jumped at the conclusion you were under suspicion before I got through the door. You're on the defensive, so you must have a reason to be. And more important, you are having me followed, so you must be afraid of me. Have your dreams, Daller. But have them someplace else. I get out of here. Go snoop through the ashes. They're cold. [MUSIC PLAYING] Expensive on item two, approximately $4 American taxi and ritual fairs. Leg work is strenuous enough in a familiar city. And Hong Kong, it took me to a whole afternoon to locate three people who had worked in the others of the Trans-Pacific Company. The first was Franklin Abbott, accountant. Please find and close transcript of a statement signed before witnesses. Well, I didn't give a thought to how it started to tell you the truth. I just went to work one morning, and there it was. Ashes. Had they made any preparations for going on a business? No. How about the rest of the firms in that section? It was all closing. We might just as well have. There wasn't no trade. Well, still they hadn't moved any of their merchandise out. That's right. The storehouse was full. As well as your books were destroyed too? Oh, yes, sir. Everything went. It must have been a vicious blaze. Well, at the other companies, they then burned out. No. Huh. I hadn't thought of that. Yeah. The other storehouse is over there. The empty ones. There wasn't no vandals burning them. The people broke in and lived in them. Separately, the other enclosed statements aren't very strong evidence either. A night watchman who was discharged just before the night of the fire and the clerk who had seen William Meadow burning a confidential memo from Transpacific's head office in San Francisco. But with a three together in my hand, I could begin to see a case building against them. I was dog tired at night when I climbed the steps of my sing-wong street to my hotel. What are you doing in here? Well, nothing wrong. I came to wait for you. Why? 'Cause I am curious because I thought of you today. I wondered where you weren't what you thought because I was a bald last night. I've been busy. You didn't think? Yes, I thought. She's still watching? A different one. But still watching. Are you frightened? I don't know. Snowbacking hadn't followed all day. Are you a criminal? No. But you're right, I'm acting like one because I feel uneasy in your city. And I'm trying to do a job. Another man tried to do in Shanghai and got himself killed. How are we not asking you more? If that hadn't happened, I could take you someplace tonight, be with people. I can't take a chance. I have to stay here in my room and hide. Oh, I don't want to go anywhere. Because if I can keep myself alive, I might be able to save $250,000 for a company with $50 million in declared assets. Now let's talk about you. And graduate it for me. I think the toughest part of the case was the memory of the murder of that other insurance investigator in Shanghai. It made every group of Hong Kong Chinese potential assassins and every doorway of potential ambush. Gathering the actual evidence was almost easy. The next afternoon, with a supervisor from one of the fire brigades, I went to the scene of the fire on the outskirts of Cologne. Actually, Mr. Dollar, under the present circumstances here in China, arson can hardly be crossed as crime. In the face of war, destruction of material is a common defensive maneuver. See what you mean? Unless, of course, criminal intent can be proved. And even then, with a nomadic in term, it's rather awkward. The prosecution will be up to you people. What I want is evidence that'll stand up and court against their claim in the company. How do you think the fire started? Inside the structure without a doubt. And by means of apparatus, one would hardly friend in the possession of common bandits. What? Timing devices. You have proof of this? Leave the cupboard fragments, yes. Or can I get photographs of these things and sworn statements from you? Yes, certainly. It's a pleasure to be in service, do you? [MUSIC PLAYING] Expensive on item three, approximately $45 American, a case of scotch and lieu of payment for the photo lab and clerical work the supervisor and his men did for me. By the time we were through, the company, at least, was protected. Pictures and photo stats of all the statements have been posted to the heart that often. It was well after nine that night when I started the climb toward the hotel. And I noticed that for the first time since I checked in, I wasn't being followed. I took it for a good omen until I got there and saw the man who should have been following me standing inside the door. [MUSIC PLAYING] I stand out, stay away from America, and I don't work for her, but she's all missing. She goes to him last night. She waits for him. Drive, quiet, Dan, quiet. What do you mean to him? Sir, there he is. He's that quiet, Dan, I say. What's this? What are you doing out in the open? Did you lose me? Possible crime. I'll come police. There's been trouble here, Mr. Dolla. Police? What happened? His daughter's been killed. Shot. She's in your room. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] One of your longtime mystery favorites, Philip Marlow, is now heard on CBS on Friday nights. Philip Marlow, up for parole, and songs for sale. That's the line up of fine shows for Friday now on most of these same CBS stations. Hear them this Friday, hear them every Friday on CBS. The adventures of Philip Marlow, up for parole, and songs for sale. Now with our star, Edmund O'Brien, we return you to the second act of yours truly Johnny Dollar. [MUSIC PLAYING] Shots were fired through the window. Shade was drawn. She must have been right in front of it. Light behind her. How well did you know her? Just for a couple of days. Jealous silta, perhaps. She was beautiful. How come you were following me, Constable? Orders direct from the Inspector General. Request came from a Mr. Grover at the American Consulate. Said you needed protection. Well, then you know better than to mention a jealous suitor. She was killed because with only a shadow behind that shade. They thought it was me. Where were you when it happened? I was waiting for you outside brigade headquarters when I heard about it. When did it happen? No more than 15 minutes ago. 15 minutes? Why couldn't we have been here? Just 15 minutes. Too late to bother yourself with what might have happened. Besides, it's not the same as it would have been if she was a British nation. Oh, shut up. I beg your pardon. Take me down here, Lieutenant, or a superintendent, or whoever he is. Oh, I'll make my statement of him. [MUSIC PLAYING] [KNOCKING ON DOOR] [KNOCKING ON DOOR] Yes? [KNOCKING ON DOOR] Oh, it's you, Crane. Good evening, sir. This is the American chapter, Mr. Dollar. Oh, yes, yes. Superintendent Clyde. Pleasure to meet you, sir. Thank you. I want to make a statement on the Vadra shooting. Vadra? I don't think it's got to you yet, sir. What, with all of them, these days? Chinese girls. Fathers are Portuguese. Hey, she. You're in possession of information pertaining to this case, Mr. Dollar. Information? I know who's guilty. I'm not sure who fired the gun, but an American national named William Meadow is guilty. I don't stop me. She was killed in my room. She was killed because she was mistaken for me. I've been here three days collecting evidence of attempted insurance fraud against Meadow. And that's why she was killed because they mistook her for me. He's got to be arrested tonight. Good Lord, sir. I can't place a man under arrest on the basis of a statement like that. Certainly not an American. I have proof of a motive. Here. The evidence of fraud is right there. Photograph statement. Look at him. Take your pardon, sir. It was a Chinese girl who was killed. By mistake. Rather difficult to prove, I'm afraid. She was in my room. My dear chap, do you have proof that this meadow fellow knew where you lived, which room was yours? Oh, how do you prove things like that? Unfortunately, there are certain niceties of jurisprudence which we must respect. Right or wrong, sir. I'm convinced of your sincerity. And I appreciate it. That's good. Did you help me look up the phone number of Mr. Grover's home? I have to see him. Yes, comes to Ukraine. We'll help you and see you safely there. This why, sir? Yeah, Mr. Dollar. Your evidence. You've forgotten it. If it's too weak to make you believe me, I don't need it anymore. Here we are, sir. Will he be with Mr. Grover long? I don't know. I'll wait in the garden. Get a breath of air. Beepfully asked tonight. Oh, uh, come in. Come in. Spread for news. You've heard that. Yes, yes. Terrible shock. Come in here. How far are you, Brandi? Did you hear about my part of it? No, no, just a bad tale. Her father was hysterical. Oh, I tell him, Mr. Grover, this thing is driving me crazy. It's my fault she's dead. Hey, oh, my boy. Well, he got to know each other pretty well during those two days. I don't know quite how it happened. This has been a bad job, but the nerves was my mind on what happened to the man in Shanghai. She was there, and I got there yesterday after a bad day. I didn't know who was following me. I guess I needed somebody to be well, so she stayed for a while. Tonight she was waiting for me in the room. And that's why she was killed. They thought it was me. You sure of this? I'm positive. Sure as if I'd had a camera on the whole thing, but I can't move the police. It's not enough. Do they have to be cautious? Look, something's got to be done. I can't have it left like this. I can't come into a life for two days and be responsible for her death and then see nothing done. I'm afraid it's too late to accomplish anything tonight in the morning when I'm thinking. Look, clear it. Stop it, stop it, will you? You're not going to tell me to go back to that room. Sorry. You see, I at least am muddled. Of course, you can stay here. Oh, I didn't mean that. I'd rather try to think this thing out by myself. How can I get rid of that console? I'm liable to kill him if I hear any more of his cheery words of sympathy. Where are you going? No place, just walk. I'll let you out by the rear door. And you want to rest, please come back here. All right, I will. And please, be careful. It's not too wise to be on the streets at night anymore. It's a picture I'll never walk out of my mind. The girl who had wanted to leave China lying with her head on one arm as though she was asleep. I don't think I knew I would when I left Grover. But I did go back to the hotel and into the room. Her body was gone. But there were chalk marks on the floor where she'd landed. I transferred an automatic for my luggage to a coat pocket. And I walked some more. [MUSIC PLAYING] Meadow. Oh, who is it? It's the dollar I was here yesterday. Let me in. Oh, you wait. Oh, hello. Mr. Metro, he's not here. Oh, no, please, you wait. He's not here. Close the door. Oh, Mr. Metro, he's not here. Meadow? Not here. You come back. Where is he? He said he come back two, three days. I got to find him. If you know where he is, tell me. Oh, no, he come back. Listen, I don't want to hurt you. You understand? Oh, do not hurt. But I will hurt. If I don't find out where he is, it's important. All right. He'll go, colloon. And you'll go with me. If he's not there, then I hurt him. I've got to find him. Where is he? All right, I'll tell you. Repulse Bay. What? Repulse Bay. Repulse Bay, on the other side of the island. Are the big hotelers? Oh, yes. Is he there? I can call there on the telephone. Oh, yes. Is he at the hotel? Oh, no. He has to cut his number seven last one. Where is the telephone? For your help, please. You will not tell how you'll learn he there. Oh, the telephone. Hong Kong police. I want to talk to the superintendent. Yes, sir. Superintendent Clyde? Will you believe a confession from William Meadow? Yeah, what? Who is this? Mr. Dohler? Is that Repulse Bay? Cut it seven. I'm going after him. You want that confession? Have some men there. Outside in an hour. And quiet until it's finished. Dohler! The taxi got me there in 40 minutes. And I was a few yards in front of his cottage when the police car slid without lights and cut moments. Meadow? Meadow? Mm-hmm. Who is it? It's Dohler. Who is that all of you? Dohler, is that hard to believe? That was somebody else in the hotel room. I want you to go back in a town with me. Will you come out or shall I come in? [GUNSHOTS] [GUNSHOTS] [GUNSHOTS] [GUNSHOTS] [GUNSHOTS] [GUNSHOTS] [GUNSHOTS] [KNOCKING] [KNOCKING] Meadow? Meadow. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] I don't suppose it could be called hewing to the niceties of jurisprudence. Since Meadow was dead, he could neither speak nor write his confession. But there were two police carloads of expert witnesses who took the fact that he had opened fire as an acceptable admission of guilt. The same thing cleared me legally on the grounds of self-defense. I had hoped that it would help clear my mind, but it hasn't. Nothing good came out of the assignment, except saving your company some money that it didn't know it had. Spence account item four, same as item one. Spence account total $3,544. Yours truly Johnny Dollar. [MUSIC PLAYING] Yours truly Johnny Dollar star, Edmund Dobrian, in the title role, and is written by Gil Dowd and David Ellis, with music composed and conducted by Leith Stevens. Edmund Dobrian may currently be seen starring in the Columbia Pictures production 7-11 Ocean Drive. Featured in tonight's cast were Tutor On, Lillian Bieff, High Everback, Robert Griffin, Hal March, and Dano Hurlehey. Yours truly Johnny Dollar is produced and directed by Jaime Del Valle. [MUSIC PLAYING] Join us again next week at the same time when, from Hollywood, Edmund Dobrian returns in another transcribed adventure of yours truly Johnny Dollar. [MUSIC PLAYING] Every Thursday night, CBS brings you a top Hollywood star in a new radio play on the Hollywood theater, comedy, and melodrama, fantasy, and mystery. The dramatic bear on the Hollywood theater is highly varied and always good entertainment. Stay tuned now for the Hollywood theater, which follows over most of these same CBS stations. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] It's a concrete fact. The possible need for blood for our national forces is no longer a vague, shadowy possibility, says General George C. Marshall. The United States government has requested that the Red Cross again become the official agency for collecting blood for the armed forces, when and wherever needed. Dr. Eugene Arashak, medical director of the Los Angles Regional Blood Service, voices the plea of the civilian doctor when he says, increasing quantities of blood must be made available for doctors to use in civilian practice. Red Cross can handle collection, processing, and distribution of blood, but you control the source. So call your Red Cross and make a date to give a pint of blood. Make a date to save a life. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] This is CBS, where Philip Marlow takes the case every Friday night, the Columbia broadcasting system. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] The Dakono Music and Spirits Festival returns to Centennial Park, Saturday, August 3, from 2 to 10 p.m. And it's free live music from the Warren Treaty. [MUSIC PLAYING] Chris Daniels and the Kings is Callie and Moore. Enjoy a spirits competition, Kid Zone and Fireworks presented by Oxy and the City of Dakono. Admission and parking are free. The Dakono Music and Spirits Festival brought to you by Breckenridge Brewery and City of Dakono. Go to for more information. Hey there, listeners. Are you ready to unlock a world of captivating stories, soothing sounds, and enlightening lectures? That's all good media. 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