Yours Truly Johnny Dollar

Johnny Dollar - The Barton Baker Matter AFRTS - Listen to hundreds of audiobooks, thousands of short stories, and ambient sounds all ad free! Daily Yours Truly Johnny Dollar offers a unique spin on the beloved old-time radio detective series. Tune in every day to follow the intelligent and daring Johnny Dollar as he solves complex cases involving insurance scams and more. This daily podcast blends nostalgia with gripping story arcs, perfect for detective genre enthusiasts and those who love a good mystery.

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09 Jul 2024
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5280 Exterior's James Hardy sighting is a low-maintenance sighting made primarily of cement that resists flame spread and repels wood-borne insects and woodpeckers. Through the month of July, you'll receive free, rigid foam installation with the purchase of whole-house sighting. That's installing additional insulation behind your sighting, or free, but only for the month of July. Call today for more details, or visit 5280exterior', 5280exterior', a James Hardy preferred contractor, 5280 Exterior's, the altitude of quality. The Dakono Music & Spirits Festival returns to Centennial Park Saturday, August 3rd from 2 to 10pm. And it's free! Live music from The Warren Treaty! Chris Daniels and the Kings is Callie & More. Enjoy a spirits competition, Kid Zone and fireworks presented by Oxy and the City of Dakono. Admission and parking are free! The Dakono Music & Spirits Festival brought to you by Breckenridge Brewery and City of Dakono. Take the City of for more information. Right now, I'd like to take a few minutes of your time to pass on a thought which incidentally concerns time. According to the Bible, to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heavens. We all agree on that, I'm sure, and we'll also agree that the regulation of time also depends on the season. For example, did it ever occur to you who decided where our four time zones in America should be exactly? Well, back maybe 75 years ago, there were about 150 different time zones which were set up according to the whim of the local inhabitants. Most of the time was called Sun Time and there could be 15 minutes difference between the clocks of two towns only 10 miles apart. So to get rid of the confusion, the Interstate Commerce Commission was established. It divided the United States into four standard time zones so that railroads, planes, buses and the mail could run on schedule. Of course, if a city wants to go on daylight saving time during the summer, that's a decision made which is made locally. The standard time remains the same everywhere else, but setting the nation's clocks isn't the only job of the Interstate Commerce Commission, however, it also makes rules and regulations for the various means of transportation which go from one state to another. It sees that railroads, truck line, barges and boats operate safely, charge reasonable rates and give good dependable service. It also protects trucks and bus drivers from working such long hours that they might fall asleep while they're driving. The Commission also demands that trains, engines and machines have safety and stop devices. It is in itself a safety device to assure everyone of us freedom from danger as we travel about our country. Expense accounts submitted by special investigator Johnny Donner to a home office, universal bonding and indemnity company Hartford, Connecticut. The following is an accounting of expenditures during my investigation of the Barton Baker matters. It's a gun item one, 195 dollars and 80 cents, plain fare and incentives from Hartford, Los Angeles. I arrived at International Airport 11 the morning of the 26th and rented a car there. An hour later I was pulling into Newport, a sea town not far down the coast. At the police station I met Lieutenant Solomon and we discussed the case. Frank Meadows and a boat chartering service. Did you know him? Yeah. Excuse me. Open a window. Surely it's been hot the last couple of days. Like a cold drink or something? No, no thanks. Well, we got a report on the shots when we got there Frank was dead. Shot three times. He had a gun been fired twice, obviously shot it out with somebody. Had any suspects? His partner Dave Geller owned the boat with Johnny. What makes you think Geller did it? No, don't know for sure but he's missing, disappeared. Nothing else? No, but the only thing we've got to go on. Any reason why Geller would kill me? None that we know of. I know David was what I did Frank. They always seem to get along, never heard of any argument, but you know how those things are. A couple of guys get a long time for years and then some little things come up. Yeah, yeah. It might be a woman. Just a woman or some particular woman. Frank has a wife. And Geller? No, he's not married. What's Mrs. Meadows like? Man, you've got to talk to her anyway, don't you? Yeah. Then you can see for yourself, I'd say she was a kind that might cause a lot of trouble under the right circumstances, but that's only a personal observation. You might not think so at all. Here's the address. Well, thanks for coming. I'll let you know. Do that. Ten minutes later, I was pulling up to a pleasant little house to face the bay. Mrs. Meadows met me at the front door. I don't generally make snap judgments, but at first sight, I was inclined to go along with the tenant. Mrs. Meadows was very attractive. Time, blonde, and could have been in mourning, but I doubted it. Even though her tight bathing suit was black, I introduced myself and she showed me into the living room. Sit down, Mr. Dollar. Thank you. I have to forgive me, I've been getting some sun. Oh, I don't mind. I'd like to be living a bathing suit during the summer. Surprise, the beach isn't more crowded. You're from the insurance company. That's fine. Have a son out to investigate your husband's death. I'll be glad to help, anyway I can. I'd appreciate it. How much was my husband insured for? Don't you know? I have no idea. I knew he had insurance, I never knew how much. Twenty-five thousand? That much? Should buy you a lot of suns. When will I get it? Well, in a case like this, a murder has to be a complete investigation and is generally considered proper to bury the deceased before issuing a check. By the way, what is the funeral? It was this morning, at eight o'clock. What did they do, dump them off a surfboard? I don't think I liked that in two dollars. Oh, I'm just being a little sadistic. I always get that way when I see someone so broken up. What'd it be better if I stayed in the house for a week and wore a black veil? Oh, no, no. But a little of ocean would seem more natural. What the hell if I cried? Help who? Mr. Dollar, my husband's dead. Anything I might do wouldn't bring him back. If you don't approve, I'm afraid that's just too bad. What do you think killed your husband? I have no idea. The police suspect is proper. Why? Because it's possible. They's missing. Can you think of any reason why they would kill your husband? They didn't get along too well. Lieutenant Solomon says they got along just fine. And I say they didn't. I think I know more about it than Lieutenant Solomon. OK. Suppose you tell me why they didn't get along? They just didn't. They disagreed a lot. Over anything specific? Not particularly. The boats, things in general. They'd known each other for years, been partners for nearly ten. Friendships were thin sometimes. Before they left on the trip, they had an argument. About what? Frank didn't tell me. It just came home and said he'd had a fight with Dave the next morning they left. The following morning, when they returned, Lieutenant Solomon called me and said Frank had been killed. Where did they go? Down the coast after Yellow Team. Who chartered the boats? No one. They went alone. Hmm. Well, thank you, Mrs. Meadows. If you happen to hear from Dave, get in touch with the police, will you? It was going on four o'clock when I left Mrs. Meadows standing in the doorway in her black bathing suit. I drove to a motel on the bay and was shown to my room, where I called Lieutenant Solomon. I wanted to take a look at the boat. You'll find it at Carlson's Landing, the J-boat. Mrs. Meadows says her husband and geller went fishing for Yellow Tail. Yeah. They catch any? They did. They didn't bring them back. No fish on the boat. Maybe they didn't really go fishing. Got any ideas? No, not a one, just a guess. Trying to create a motive. What do you think of Mrs. Meadows? Oh, very attractive. But not a good enough motive? I didn't say that. I was just trying to come up with a better one. If you do, let me know. And for meeting Mrs. Meadows, it won't be easy. You having a watch? If Dave Geller tries a contactor, we'll know about it. Hey. Where's a good place to eat? You like seafood? Oh, by the ton. Find a restaurant right next to your motel. We are marina. Steam clams are great. Lieutenant, you have just created a glut. Expense account item two, $6.50 for a seafood dinner. While the bucket of clams adjusted, I drove to Carlson's Landing, where I located the J-Bell, Meadows and Geller's trim little fishing boat. A full moon was out over the Pacific, and the J-Bell rocked gently with the motion of the tide. The landing was deserted, except for a big gray cat that scurried onto one of the other boats as I walked past. I stood looking at the J-Bell for a minute, listening to the sounds of the ocean, then I climbed aboard. The hatch leading blow to the cabin was unlocked, so I opened it, went down the short ladder. The moonlight sifted in to the starboard park hall, and the rest of the cabin was in pitch darkness. I fell around for some kind of light. Stay right where you are. Huh? No move. I got a gun. Okay. I can see you. If you move a finger, I'll kill you. Okay? Okay. I'm not moving. Well, what happened? Did we stay here all night? No. Better take a look at you. I don't want to make a mistake here. I think that's a good idea. Light switches right behind you to your left, but keep facing me. Just reach back. Thought so. You thought so what? Baker sent you. Baker? You're not a cop. I know the cops in town. You must be Dave Geller. You know I'm Geller. Look, my name is Dollar. I'm an insurance investigator. Sure. I'll show you my credentials. Keep your hands at your side. I'm telling you the truth. I worked for the universal bonding and indemnity. Your ex-partner was insured with it. Turn around. Put your hands over your head. Look. I'm tough. You look. I'm not kidding, mister. Okay. Now put them out in front and lean on the bulkhead. My wallet's on the inside left coat pocket. Insurance investigators always carry guns. Well, most of them take them off when they go to bed, and that's very funny. I'm glad you liked it. You'll find the permit for the gun in the wallet, and the wallet is still in my end. You satisfied? Turn around. Keep your hands up. You saw the identification? Okay. Sure. Your insurance investigator still doesn't help me. Just what kind of help were you expecting? None. I mean, now I got to do something with you. Can't let you go back to the police and tell them you found me. They'll marry you sooner or later. They want you for a murder. Yeah. I know. Why did you kill him? I didn't. Well, what are you hiding for? That's none of your business. All right. Now we're back to me. What happened? We'll just have to stick around for a while. Sure. Hold it. What's the matter? Somebody's coming. Turn up that liquid. And you just stay where you are and don't make a sound. Probably the police. If it is, you're going to take me out of here, and for a guy who's in a shot, he's right outside the boat. Do I look like? Yeah, I thought so too. Have you? I'm right. Listen, you can only say it once something happens to me, get the Bernie's garage. Understand? Bernie's garage? To a board. What do I do with Bernie's garage? I don't know why I'm trusting you, but I got to trust somebody. Tell Bernie I sent you. Ask him for the tool kit. The tool kit. And I didn't kill Frank. Look out. I'm going topside. He went up the ladder and out on deck holding his gun in front of him. I thought about trying to stop him, but he moved too fast. And besides, he had my gun stuck in his belt. I was going up the ladder when the shooting started and being a practical man, I stopped halfway up and ducked. After a moment, I looked up to the hatch, and there standing in the moonlight was a tall, thin man dressed in a white suit. He was holding a gun. Pointed right at my head. Well, good evening. Who got killed? Your friend, Mr. Geller. And now it looks like your turn, Mr. Daller. Johnny Daller. How do you do? My name's Baker, Barton W. Baker. You know many great men have attained the highest office in our land, the presidency of the United States. Can you guess the name of this man? He was descended from an English family which landed in Plymouth in 1624 and was a native of Ohio. In the late 1880s, he was a newspaper editor in that state. And as senator in 1900, he opposed federal control of food and fuel. As president, he supported prohibition and backed the 19th Amendment which gave women the voting privilege. His administration also saw the establishment of the national budget system. If you don't have his name by now, here's another clue. During his presidency, the Lincoln Memorial was dedicated. Who was he? Warren G. Harding, 29th president of the United States. His life is part of your American heritage. And now with our star, John Lund, we bring you the second act of yours truly, Johnny Daller. The tall, thin man in the white suit who called himself Baker came down the ladder into the cabin. He flipped down the lights again and stood facing me, a half-smiled twisted on his lips. We said nothing. After a moment, another man appeared at the hatch and called down to the white suit. His dad, what do I do with him? Throw him in the ocean. Actually, I have no desire to kill Mr. Daller, but you forced yourself. Had he offered his cooperation, he would be alive this minute. Yeah, he's in the water, but those shots are sure to bring somebody. And we must expedite not as as quickly as possible. Mr. Daller, where is the tool kit? The tool kit? Well, come, Mr. Daller. The shooting has forced me to a tight schedule. I want to know what Geller did with the tool. Look, I don't know what you're talking about. Hank? Yes, sir. Now, wait a minute. Oh! As you can see, Mr. Daller, I mean to have the information one way or another. Look. Yeah, now. I hope. One moment, Hank. Mr. Daller, I was prepared to offer the latency Geller $5,000 for the tool kit. I'll make you the same offer. It's a good offer. But how can I give you something I don't know anything about? 10,000. I don't know anything about a tool kit. You've been with Mr. Geller? Sure. I can't believe you were discussing the weather. Oh, hardly. I'm an insurance investigator. I'm investigating Frank Meadows' murder. Can you prove it? Certainly. I don't think wrong. My wallet is in Geller's pocket and uplying. I think Geller sent for you and told you where he hid the tool kit. Look, I found Geller hiding on the boat. He pulled a gun on me and I... Time is too short. Hank, now look, I'm telling you this. Where is it? I don't know. The tool kit, Mr. Daller. I don't know anything about a tool. Baker's handyman beat me until I was asleep. Trying to make me give up the information Geller had passed on a few minutes before he was killed. I don't know how long I was up, but when I came to I could hear breakers. I was lying on the beach looking up at the big moon and feeling my head drop as though it was stuck on the end of a drumstick. I managed to sit up and look around. I had no idea where I was, but a long groove in the sand that stretched away from me showed clearly that I'd been dragged from the street several hundred feet behind me. I stumbled into my feet and that's where I saw her. Walking along by the water, headed my way, her soft blonde hair blowing in the casual breeze. She was barefooting, wearing white shorts and a terry cloth shirt. I guess it was a little cool for the black bathing suit. She stopped when she saw me. Oh, good evening. Hello. Mr. Tall, you're bleeding. Yeah, it happened sometimes. What are you doing out here? Waking up. What are you doing? I'm just taking a walk, but you're in your face. It's all booze. How far is your house? Down the beach. About a mile. Do you think you could scare up some iodine? Yeah. Come on. Oh. Still a little busy. Here. Put your arm around me. Better? Mmm. What? I leaned on Mrs. Meadows, but she steered me toward her house. Her hair smelled clean and fresh, but didn't touch a perfume. In the house, she found the iodine and touched up the source box. It worked. Oh. Oh, sorry. I'll make it. Well, doesn't the world happen? You know a man named Baker? Baker? No. Friends around with a handy man named Hank. Oh, I've never heard of him. I found Dave Guller tonight. Where? On the J-Bell. On the J-Bell. Why would he go there? Best place to hide. Last place the police would look. Can he do this to you? Oh, no. Hank did. But Baker's blessing. But why? Well, I don't know. I'm not sure. When I found Guller, he was hiding on the J-Bell. He pulled a gun on me. And Baker and Hank showed up and turned into a shooting match. Do you know anything about some kind of a toolkit? Toolkit? Toolkit? I know it sounds silly, but Guller got killed for it. I nearly took the same trip. Because of a toolkit, I don't see what-- Before Guller got killed, he told me to go to Bernie's garage. Right, on maple streak. He told me to tell Bernie that he sent me. And to ask for the toolkit? I still don't understand what's going on about a toolkit. I don't know, but something is. Your husband was probably killed for the same reason. What are you going to do? Go over to Bernie's garage and take a look at this toolkit. Do me a favor. Certainly. Call the tenant Solomon and tell him where I've gone. Tell him to meet me there. All right. Oh, I haven't got a car. Still down to landing. You admire him. I'll get you the key. Thanks. [MUSIC PLAYING] I drove a car with a garage on maple streak, parked it, and got out. The garage was open, and the sign over the door read 24-hour service. I went in and found a mechanic stretched out on a bench, sound asleep. Hey. Hey. What's that? Come on, come on, wake up. OK, OK. I'm up. No, I don't wake up. Yes, I was really knocking it off. Where can I find Bernie? You just woke him up. Dave Gutter sent me over. That's all? Yeah. He said to pick up the toolkit. He did, hey? Yeah, he did. Now, where's the toolkit? I don't know who Dave sent you. Because I said he did. Something so important about a toolkit? Take no, we're great. Dave left us here. He said be sure don't give it to no one. Tell him. I can't just hand it over to you because you tell me, Dave, sent you, you better have Dave call me. He'd have a hard time talking with his mouth full of water. What'd you mean? He was killed and dumped in the bay. Now, Lieutenant Solomon will be here in a few minutes, so we're out that toolkit. He was killed? That's right. You British Frank, you mean? The toolkit, huh? What's the matter? You're a cop. No, I'm not a cop. Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm an insurance investigator. I'm investigating two murders. Frank Meadows and Dave Geller. Insurance investigators. That's kind of like a copy. Everything but the fee. Get any identification? Now, look, are you going to get that toolkit, or do I have to-- OK, OK, no, no, no, don't have people up. I'll get it, I'll-- looks like somebody that can't work with you. Yeah, it's kind of. I got it, so many parts department. How come you so interested in a bunch of tools? Do you see them? No. Box and block tanks. There he is. It's plain old Loki's. Yeah. You got something I can bust this lock in. Oh, and now, wait a minute. Crowbar, nothing. Well, maybe we better wait for Lieutenant Solomon. If you ain't got a key, I got-- I got me that crowbar. OK, OK, he's-- is he against my principal? If he wanted you to pick up the kid, he should call. He's dead, remember? Oh, yes, yes. You know who killed him? My name is Baker. Here's your bar. Thanks. Baker, Baker. It was a yes. I'm going to touch him. Might be some. Yeah, yeah. I listened to the lead and looked in. I couldn't have been more surprised. Because there in the box was exactly what I didn't expect to find. Tools. About 50 of them. All sizes, brand new. All the tools were painted black. But on the handle of a large wrench, there was a small space that had been scraped down to the metal. I picked the wrench up and looked at it more closely. It got a pocket knife and scraped some shavings from the metal. I stood up and held the shavings under the light. And then I understood a whole lot of things. The shavings were solid platinum. Hey, mister, you got good to choose? We meet again, mister, dollar. It was Barton W. Baker, complete with white suits, gun, and bodyguards. He looked at the platinum wrench I held in my hand, smiled, and moved slowly across the room toward me. I couldn't help it, mister. You didn't have a girl, and we didn't take them back here. Get up. Take the old man out in the garage, thank God, and until I'm finished with mister, dollar. Yes, sir. First, mister, I don't know. Well, mister, dollar, you were lying to us, I thought so. That's why you let me live, so I'd need you here. Besides, the tools are platinum, of course. What you knew there? Uh-uh. Geller just told me where to find them. I had no idea what they were. Well, I'm afraid your curiosity will be short lived. I kind of thought that was the way it was. You killed Frank Meadows because he discovered a secret of the tools. Yes, if he had simply kicked me up and landed me as he was taped to do, I'd take it you're an alien, mister Baker? Correct. Would I know your government, mister Baker? Unless you happen to be death-dumbened blind. Now, if you'll just proceed with me back to the garage... All right. One more question. Yes. How did Dave Geller get hold of the kit? The he and meadows offered a large sum of money for kicking me up on the other side of the border. I bought the boat, Geller grew suspicious of the kit, knowing that I could not possibly notify the authorities of this set. He forced me at gunpoint to go ashore and leave the kit with him. Fortunately, I got to a phone and notified our operatives in North Angeles. They met the boats, but it's tough. And killed meadows, but Geller escaped. Correct. Now, mister Geller, I'm in a great hurry. Thank you! Well, I missed another shooting, but so did Baker, for that matter. When Hank yelled Baker turned, just enough to give me a chance to swing the heavy platinum wrench. What did all about, Geller? I thought you'd never get here, lieutenant. Mrs. Meadows called and said to get right over. You know something, I think you owe her an apology. Okay, so she'll get an apology after you tell me who the guy on the floor is and who the guy was I had to kill him at the garage. Here. Have a platinum wrench. Oh, what? Yeah, yeah. Mr. Baker is going to have one very expensive headache. An expensive headache. On the way over to my motel, I explained the events to Solomon and did a little mumbling and shaking himself. Then, after a fresh shower and a change of clothes, I went over to Mrs. Meadows and expressed my most heartfelt thanks. Expense account item three, $176.85. Motel, Bill, and expenses for the next two days while I hung around Newport resting up. I saw Mrs. Meadows a few times before I left, but some reason I didn't get much of a tan. Expense account item five and six, $225.00 car rental. Plane fare and incidentals back to Hot Wheels. Expense account total, $604.15. Oh, yes. Barton Baker comes up to trial on illegal entering, smuggling, and three counts of espionage. I hope he enjoys his stay in the USA. Here, truly, Johnny Dalley. 5280 exteriors James Hardy's sighting is a low-maintenance sighting made primarily of cement that resists flame spread and repels woodborne insects and woodpeckers. Through the month of July, you'll receive free rigid foam installation with the purchase of whole house sighting. That's installing additional insulation behind your sighting for free. But only for the month of July. Call today for more details or visit 5280 5280, a James Hardy preferred contractor. 5280 exteriors, the altitude of quality. The Dakono Music & Spirits Festival returns to Centennial Park Saturday, August 3rd from 2 to 10 p.m. and it's free. Live music from the Warren Treaty. Chris Daniels and the Kings is Callie & Moore. Enjoy a spirits competition. Kidzone and fireworks presented by Oxy and the City of Dakono. Admission and parking are free. The Dakono Music & Spirits Festival brought to you by Breckenridge Brewery and City of Dakono. Go to for more information.