Amos N Andy Daily

Amos n Andy - New Years Show - Listen to hundreds of audiobooks, thousands of short stories, and ambient sounds all ad free! Join us every day for Amos n Andy Daily, where we revisit the humor and social satire that made Amos 'n' Andy a staple of American entertainment. Each episode offers a unique glimpse into the lives of the show’s beloved characters, from the comedic escapades of Amos Jones and Andy Brown to the bustling community of Harlem. Ideal for listeners seeking a blend of laughter and a snapshot of historical societal commentary through timeless radio comedy

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17 Jul 2024
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An official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. Maybe you can save too. With Medicare's Extra Help program, my premium is zero, and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year, or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to Paid for by the US Department of Health and Human Services. My exercise program can help get you into a routine that works for you. Keep in mind, managing butt sugar also takes the right. Diet. Hi, I'm celebrity chef Franklin Becker. Ever since I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, I've adapted my cooking style without sacrificing flavor. If you want to learn more tips about diet and exercise, visit And did you hear that? Come on, did I hear what? That whistle. That's the rinso white whistle. Oh yeah, and rinso means us. That's right, rinso gets clothes, rinso white, and rinso presents the Amos and Andy show. [Music] Just about this time every year, I try to remember the new year's resolutions I made last January. And if I can remember one out of ten, I feel like I'm doing fine. Of course, there are some resolutions you just can't help but keep. For instance, if you ladies resolved to use rinso for clothes washing in 1945, from 1946, I'm sure you'll still be using rinso. Because those soapy-rich suds make wash day easy. As little as a short 10-minute soak, plus a few quick finger rubs on extra soil places, gives you a wash that's spotless all over. All your lovely washable colors come rinso bright, safely through wash after wash. And you'll hang out a whitewash that's rinso white. So don't forget, get rinso. And now, our stars Amos and Andy. [Music] Well, it's almost New Year's Eve, and the big event in Harlem is the New Year's Eve party to be given by the socially exclusive Charles Jackson family. At the moment, we find Andrew H. Brown in his office, telling his secretary, Miss Blue, why he knows he will be the only one among his friends to be invited to this smart affair. You know, Miss Blue is ashamed that I ain't gonna spend New Year's Eve with my friends this year. But I is the highest society type, and Charles Jackson's only wants them kind of peoples at the party, you know. Mr. Brown is a Charles Jackson's really society people. Oh, sure, day is richly all right. You know, day is the only family in Harlem that's got a cooking upstairs made. Upstairs made. Yeah, of course, I guess the downstairs must get pretty dirty, you know. [Laughter] Oh, it must be almost wonderful to be invited to a real society party. And get a beautiful engraved invitation. Invitation, yeah. Well, tell you the truth, that's what I'm waiting for. Mine ain't come yet. Well, if you ain't got your invitation yet, how you know you is invited? Oh, I'll be invited, don't worry. You see, I done took the Jackson's daughter, Camellia out a couple times, and they got to invite their daughter's boyfriend, you know. That's right, I guess. Oh, sure. I showed her a swell time on two different nights. Why, the last time I took her out, my bill come to over six dollars. It did? Yeah, I wonder how much hers come to. [Laughter] Mr. Brown, you mean to say you didn't pay her bill, too? Well, being a rich gal, she says something about a Dutch treat. You know, she likes me all right. By the way, when is the morning mail due? Maybe my grave's invitation will be in that. The morning mail come two hours ago. There was nothing in it but a bill from your tailor for turning the lapels around on your suit. We only get one more mail before New Year's and that ought to be here in the low-fives. Yeah, well, that's the mail that the invite will be in all right. No question about that. I assure that, wait a minute, wait a minute, you come in. Well, I'm going in back office and finish my work. Yeah, okay, okay. Well, how is it there, son? Hello, Amos, hello. Yeah, well, then I just stopped in to find out what you're doing New Year's Eve. I thought maybe you'd like to go with me and Ruby over there. Now, wait a minute, Amos, wait a minute. I'm sorry that I ain't spending New Year's Eve with none of my old friends this year. This'll be the first time I ever missed a New Year's Eve, would you? But Amos, I was going to a very exclusive party. Only the very high society types like me is going. Oh, well, I glad you're going to a high-class party. And me and Ruby figured that maybe you was invited to the same place we was, so we could all go together. Well, look, Amos, I am sorry, but let's face the thing. You was a good enough guy, but we just don't revolve around in the same social circles, that's all. By the way, where's you invited to? Oh, I don't guess it'll be very exciting. Me and Ruby are going to a little get together over to Charles Jackson. Yeah, well, it's too bad that we can't all. Where'd you say? The Charles Jackson. But that's where I was going. Is you show you was invited? Well, I guess they'll end it. They'll send us the invitation. Well, I guess they invited you because they want you, because you was a friend of mine. Yeah, they figured I wanted it that way, yeah. You know, doing me a favor. Oh, yeah. You say you've got your invitation already? Oh, yeah, I got it right here in my front here, too. Greer than everything. But, excuse me, excuse me. Oh, what do you see outside? Oh, yeah, I thought I'd see the mailman cross the street, but Tania. Well, Amos, I guess I'll see you at the Jackson party then. Right now I got to get over to Shorty's barbershop and start getting fixed up for the affair. Hey, wait a minute, Shorty. What is that stuff you're putting on my hair? There are just stuffs that, it's a special hair or, I mean, it's got all of work. It's important, important hair, just plain lard. Lard, lard on my hair, how much is that course on me? 15 cents and two red points. Two red points. Listen, Shorty, after this, please keep my scalp vegetarian, would you? Say, by the way, Shorty, I want to tell you that this is a nice, smooth shave, you don't give me? Yeah, I said, thank you, Harry. Here, I'll hold up this looking glass so you can see how your hair looks in the back. Yeah, yeah, it looks nice and smooth. Yeah, that's the best set. Hey, wait a minute, Shorty, wait a minute. The way you got that looking glass held up there, I was looking at the back of your hair. Okay. You will? How do it look back there? Well, never mind how you look, the important thing is how I look. I was going to the richest New Year's Eve party in town, real, societic stuff. Oh, you have me? Yeah. That's nice old lady. Yeah, I ain't got my invitation yet, but I know I was going to get it. Too bad, too, that my friends can't be invited to a high-class party like this one. Yeah, it's bad old lady. You know what I mean? I sure saw that we can't be together New Year's Eve, Andy. Yeah, me too, Shorty. But that's how it goes when you're high-society type like I is. By the way, where's you invited to go New Year's Eve? Oh, I ain't going to no place specialize. I thought I'd stay at home. I'll be by myself, I'll just take it easy. I'm going to Charles Jackson party. Well, this is the last mail here and my invite didn't come. Oh, me. This is going to be some New Year's Eve for me, all right. Well, hello, Lightning, hello. Well, what's the matter, man? How come you look so down in the dump? Oh, Lightning and I is regusted. I'd take the Camelia Jackson out and show her a big time and never a mama don't send me no invite to their New Year's Eve party. Maybe the Jackson's don't approve of you for that daughter. Oh, you're crazy. Certainly they approve of me. Outside of the fact that I ain't got a job and I ain't got no money at the bank, I was the most legible bachelor in town. Well, some parents are very stuck up that way. They don't want to see that daughter's stars. Yeah, you're right, Lightning. They must be peculiar people. I wouldn't feel too bad about don't move any. The Jackson's is very exclusive and a lot of people wasn't invited, I guess. Yeah, you're right. Besides old pal, now me and you can spend New Year's Eve together. They obviously could've never won the thing. Yeah, what's that? I mean, my way was invited to the Charles Jackson party. Yeah, well, so long, Lightning. I'm going over to see the kingfish. Look like he's the only one left that I can spend New Year's Eve with. Oh, kingfish, you two. Yeah, you'll see, and being one of the important citizens of Harlem, it was natural that the Jackson sent me the invitation. Yeah, but tell you what, son, you come over and hang around to open window at the Jackson's. Maybe I can toss out a hunk of turkey or something like that to you, you know. Now, wait a minute, just a minute. I got pride like anybody else. I ain't hanging around no one the way I wasn't invited, waiting for somebody to toss me out a hunk of turkey like a dog. Could you make it white meat? Well, you know, after the way you took this Camilla Jackson note, I don't sure you'd be invited. Yeah, that's what I thought. It just go to show you that where human nature is returned, you can't trust human nature, where it's returned. Yeah, I ain't quite figured that out, but I think it got something there, all right. Oh, you know, that Camilla doesn't give you a raw deal. Yeah, and I was mad. Oh, I don't blame you, I don't blame you. The thing that really hurts me is that I don't open my big mouth to everybody, tell them that I was the only one that was going to be invited, and now I was the only one that ain't. Now, look, look, why don't you just forget it and take out some other girl and celebrate New Year's Eve that week? Oh, I can't do that, I broke. That's why I was so happy that I could be with Camilla at her house and not have New Year's cost me nothing. I wish there was some way that I could think of, so I could be invited to that party. And, wait a minute, what's the matter, you think of something? Listen, phone Camilla, tell her you was coming over the air for something. Then when you get there, act like you don't know there's given a New Year's Eve party and invite her out to all the swell nightclubs in town for a big evening. Well, now, what good is that going to do? Well, you'll see, and when she hears you is inviting her to all these places, she's going to feel mighty ashamed of herself or not inviting you to the party. Yeah, that's right, she will, won't you? Yeah, that's the point, Andy, now look here. Then after that, what else can she do but invite you to her party right then and there? Oh, I tell you, son, it can't miss, that is called "The Art of Hinton." King Phish, I think you're right. That's exactly what I'm going to do. Oh, Camilla, Camilla, dear, what is it, mama? Oh, Camilla, a terrible thing has happened and I feel just awful about it. Why, what happened? Why, I just went over the invitation list again and of all people. I forgot to send one to your boyfriend, Andy Brown. Oh, don't worry about it, mama. Andy phoned and he'll be here any minute. I can ask him then. Oh, that's fine. I'm suddenly glad I discovered it before it was too late. Oh, that must be Andy now, mama. I'll let him in, well, say hello to him for me, Camilla. I still have so much to do before the party. All right, mama. Hello, Andy, come in. Hello, hello, Camilla. Hey, it's good to see you, Andy. Uh, look, Camilla, I come over to ask you something. I got something to ask you too. Yeah, well, I'll ask you mine now. Listen, Camilla, how about going out with me in New Year's Eve? You're about three of the biggest nightclubs in Harlem. We'll really have a big time. Oh, Andy, I'd love to. Yeah, well, I'm sorry. You can't on account of you got it. What'd you say? I said I'd love to. You know, I was just about to ask you to come to the party my folks are giving. But what's no part at home compared to the New Year's Eve? You got plans. Yeah, but Camilla, don't you think on second thought there, you folks might not like you not being at your own party? Oh, no, they won't mind. Oh, well, I couldn't do that. No, no, I'll cancel my reservations at the nightclubs and I'll come to your party. Andy, don't be silly. It's all settled. Now, I'm going to you on your New Year's Eve. Mm, yeah. Well, anyway, I'm certainly glad there's a New Year coming. It's got to have less trouble for me to get into than this one did. Well, the kingfish's brilliant idea has hardly gone according to plan and it looks like Andy has dug his own grave. We'll see if he can get out of it in just a moment. Hey, folks, remember the visitor I had last New Year's? Yes, of course they remember nobody to forget me. Yeah, that's right. Hey, wait a minute. Who are you? You know who I am. I am part of the time. I am on my way out, but not until I kick up on you, Wilcox. Remember that woman in the area, Illinois? You mean the one who used to run her washer for nearly an hour at a time? Well, look, Spirit, I told her about Rinso. Now she knows it takes as little as a five-minute run for load to get clothes Rinso white. Don't haunt me, Spirit, please. Well, what about that woman over in Act Hill, North Carolina? The one who used to wear herself on scrubbing every wash day. I told her about Rinso, too. Now she lets Rinso so be rich, so cook her clothes clean. Good, Wilcox, good. That's one more little matter. Did you ever speak to that lady in St. Louis, Missouri? About doing the dishes with Rinso? You mean, oh, sure. Sure, she's been using Rinso. She says dishwashing is a snap. Fine, fine. If after good work, Wilcox, you'll be hearing from me next year. Friends, help me to have a good report next time, will you? Get Rinso. And now back to the Amos and Andy show. Well, now it looks like Andy is definitely going to spend New Year's evil own. By taking the kingfishes advice, he's gotten himself hooked up for an expensive evening, making the rounds of the best Harlem nightclubs. Andy is broke, and right now he's telling Amos his troubles. Well, that's the story, Amos, and I ain't got the money to take it to a picture show, much less the three big nightclubs. Yeah, well, I'll tell you one thing, Andy. Well, you were concerned that certainly ain't no trouble shortage. What is you going to tell Camili Jackson now? I've done already told her. What? I phoned a little while ago that I was called out of town on business. Oh, Amos, a fine New Year's Eve I'm going to have. Now, wait a minute, here comes Fred Gwendell. Well, hello there boys, happy New Year to pull up of you. Yeah, same to you, Fred. Andy, the reason I dropped in was to ask you to do a little favor. Now, wait a minute, wait a minute. I ain't in no mood to do nobody, no favor. I as in a mess, and I don't see nobody trying to help me out. But then, look here, I didn't been invited to the Jackson party. And since I hear that you ain't going, I want you to do me a favor so I can go. Oh, yeah, you wants me to do you a favor so you can go. Everybody goes there but me. Well, I ain't going to do you no favor. Yeah, well, since you ain't going to the party, and at least you can listen to what Fred got to say. Look, fellas, look, I got enough trouble without listening to either one of you. Now, when you all get out of here, let me alone, both of you. I ain't doing no favors for nobody. Well, Andy, if that's where you feel about it, all right, so long. Wait a minute, I go with you, Fred. I got to drive by and pick up the woman that's going to stay with our children so Ruben, we can go to the party tonight. Well, so long, Andy, I'm sorry if you like you do, but so long. They're sorry that I feel like I do. They all get invited to the party. But I as alone, and that's almost New Year's Eve too. Hello, Andy. Well, well, Reverend Johnson, come in, come in. Well, thank you. Didn't see your church this morning, Andy. Yeah, well, I've been pretty busy today, Reverend Johnson. I'll be there next week, though. Yes, I can understand about people being busy. Yes, a lot of our friends are busy preparing for the New Year. Oh, yes, yes, that's right. That's exactly what I've been doing, yes, sir. Doing, yes, sir. You know, Andy, preparing for the New Year in the right way is just as important as coming to church, maybe in some cases even more important. Yes, huh? The years you see, Andy, to most people, the New Year is a symbol of hope and promise for something better. It's the opportunity to erase the mistakes of the past, to make new friendships and to strengthen the old ones. But deeper than that, Andy, the hour of 12, that line between the old year and the new, is actually a horizon beyond which all hope for a better world. Yeah, you're right. Yes, sir. We're all open to find a better world, all right. Oh, but that's mistake, Andy. Find and implies luck, chance. We don't find a better world. We make a better world. We do. How do we make it? Well, by doing things for other people, you see, when you do things for other people, Andy, they love you for it. And when there's love, there can't be greed. And when there's no greed, there's no heat. And where there's no heat, there can be no sex thing as war. And bad Andy is a better world. Reverend Johnson, you mean that if I do another fellow of favor someday it'll come back to me. That is, that what you mean? A thousand four. Remember these words, my son? Cast by bread upon the waters. Cast by bread. See, Reverend, I just remember favor I refuse to do for a friend. I'm going out and do it right now, you know what? I'm glad, Andy. By doing this favor, you'll make this a better world. Yes, sir. You can count on me, but don't expect too much of a change the first day. Fred, in other words, when you was over there and asked me to do a favor for you, you know, I was a little short with you there, my mind was on something else, and I think that I give you a kind of a short answer. Well, Andy, show me a nice survey to come over here and tell me all that. In other words, you mean that you will do me the favor? Oh, show I will, show. Like Reverend Johnson said, cast a few crumbs of bread on the waters and you get back low subread. Now, what do you want me to do for you, Fred? Well, now, look here, and here what I want you to do, and I still will appreciate you. You know I am doing a lot of jobs over the newspaper there, and one of my jobs is the Societer Reporter. Yeah, I know that. And I got some work to do tonight, but if you could do it from me, you see, that would make it so I could go to the Jackson party. Oh, show, Fred, I'll be glad to do it for you. What do you want me to do? Well, now, look here, exactly what I'm going to ask you to do. I suppose to make the rounds of the best Harlem nightclubs and get the names of the prominent guests spent in New Year's Eve at these clubs, you see. I mix the rounds of the best Harlem nightclub, you say? Yeah, that's right, Anna, that's exactly right. And the head waiter in each one of them will give you a list of all the guests there, you see. Now, here's a press pass that will admit you and one friend to all of them. And by the way, and you being a representative of the press, the management of each nightclub will give you all all your refreshments and food for your choice, that's what you do. Boy, that Reverend Johnson really know his stuff, don't he? Boy, this is great. I'll call comedians till I was back in town. That bread I cast on the water this time is coming back in the shape of a wedding cake. Reverend Johnson, I was on my way over to pick up my gal, Camilla, but I just dropped in to tell you how much I appreciate your advice you gave me, you know, about helping others and getting repaid for it. Well, I'm glad to feel that way, Andy. Oh, yeah, from now on, I as a firm believer in that helping and getting repaid stuff. I never seen nothing work so fast. Andy, I wonder if you'd do a favor for me right now? Well, I got a handful of bread, why don't you want me to throw it? Well, there's a young couple that sold you this girl, but they're waiting in the chapel for me to marry them. I was on my way out to find a witness, but now that you're here... Oh, Joe, Joe, I'll be glad to be a witness of the wedding show. Well, thank you, Andy. Yeah, here's a young couple now. Sally, Jimmy, come over here with you. I'd like for you to meet Andrew Brown. How do you deal with Brown? Yeah, I do. Congratulations. I suppose now the two of you is getting married, you're going out and have a swell time celebrating New Year's Eve and your wedding boat. Well, we sure like to, but I'm afraid we can't do much celebrating. Getting mad is taking about all the money we've got. You mean you two young people aren't going to celebrate your wedding and on New Year's Eve too? Well, you see, Reverend, the reason we're getting married so unexpectedly like this is because Jimmy's going overseas any day now, and we just got enough money left for me to get back home. Oh, well, that's a shame. You could photograph somewhere though, could you? Well, I don't know, Andy. It's pretty expensive going out on New Year's Eve. Yeah, that is right. The cafes are charging and, say, wait a minute, I got an idea. Why couldn't I give the soldier and his gal here, the press pass that of... I wonder if I was overdoing this, catching the bread stuff. Andy, what are you thinking about? Well, I was just thinking that I could give the bride and the groom, uh, uh, yeah, that'd help make a better world. Yeah, look here, Jimmy. You and Sally are going to have a wonderful New Year's celebration for your wedding. Now listen, here's a press pass. Both of you go to the best places in Harlem and it won't cost you a single cent. Well, this is great. Back home, four walls by myself. Had to go get so far, I didn't give that press pass away to them kids. I could be dancing with Camilla right now, it's on night club. This ain't a mess. I wish everybody let me alone. Come here. Well, hello there, Andy. Oh, Amos, what you doing here? I thought you and Ruby was at the Charles Jackson Park. Well, we couldn't go, Andy. The woman that was supposed to stay with the turan couldn't come, so me and Ruba stayed home and then Reverend Johnson dropped by and he told us what you'd done and how you'd be all alone tonight. Yeah, I guess I was a sucker. Well, in my New Year's Eve for a couple of strange kids. Reverend Johnson told me to cast my bread on the water and he'd come back to me. I was unhappy, Amos. Unhappy, right? Andy, what you done tonight ought to make you the happiest and proudest man I knew. You see, Andy? Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. We're lying so they're fooling out in the hall here. Yeah, well, take your time, Andy. Go ahead. Hello? Uh, Andy, this is Fred Grendell again. Oh, listen, Fred. I couldn't go to the nightclubs for you, but I got a friend of mine that's going and he'll get you all of the names. Oh, that's great, Andy, because I was going to ask you to change your plans for me anyway. What do you mean? Uh, you know, over at the newspaper, I take care of the theatrical news too, you know? Yeah. Well, uh, a girl that just got the town and she'd been invited to a big private party tonight, and I was wondering if you would go with her, uh, you'd go right to the party, you would have a swell time. Well, who is the gal? Uh, hold your hat, Andy. It's Lena Horne. Lena Horne. She is the best-looking gal in the country. Yeah, well, now, look here. Put on your best clothes. I'll meet you in front of your house at an automobile, and I'll take you over and introduce you. Okay, see you in 10 minutes. So long. Amos, that Reverend Johnson is his right as two rabbits. Oh, what happened? What happened? I don't cast some crumbs of bread on the water, and somebody done sent me a bakery. And now here are Amos and Andy again. How do you do, folks? Hello, everybody. Well, all the time is about to chop off another year, and before the year passes, we want to again tell you folks how much we really appreciate your friendship and loyalty, which you have shown us in the past. Yes, we are very grateful for the way we've listened to our program each week, also for your very nice letters. And we are very grateful for the fact that so many of our friends have tried Rinso through hearing Harlow Wilcox tell about it. Yes, we feel particularly proud of that because we know you have found Rinso to be a great help to you. We're going to try to merit your continued friendship during the coming year by giving you the very best shows that we can possibly give. And now from our hearts, we wish you a very happy new year, hoping that 1945 will bring victory and happiness. That goes for me, too, folks. Good night and happy new year. Be sure to be with us again next Friday evening when the makers of Rinso once again present Amos and Andy with their guest, that shy little funny man of the movies, Victor Moore. This program is broadcast to our armed forces everywhere. This is Harlow Wilcox, and before we say good night, here's an important announcement. You ladies are doing a swell job of saving youth kitchen fats, but you've got to do more than just save them. You've got to turn them into your butcher regularly. The used fats you've got tucked away in your refrigerator aren't doing anybody any good, and since further point rationing has become vitally necessary to ensure a fair share of food supplies for all, you need more than ever the two free red points which you receive for turning in a pound of used fats. Hey, listen, Burns and Allen fans, don't get left behind, tune in on Mondays from now on. George and Gracie have changed their show time. From now on, you'll hear them at 830 Monday. Remember the fun you can have with the Burnses. Remember the new time George Burns and Gracie Allen. Monday night at 830 Eastern War Time. See your paper for station. This is the National Broadcasting Company. An official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. Maybe you can save too. With Medicare's extra help program, my premium is zero and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to Paid for by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. High five casino. High five casino is a social casino with real prizes and big Vegas hits at high five The hottest games right from Vegas and all winnings go straight to your bank account. 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