Amos N Andy Daily

Amos n Andy - Friendly Loan Company - Listen to hundreds of audiobooks, thousands of short stories, and ambient sounds all ad free! Join us every day for Amos n Andy Daily, where we revisit the humor and social satire that made Amos 'n' Andy a staple of American entertainment. Each episode offers a unique glimpse into the lives of the show’s beloved characters, from the comedic escapades of Amos Jones and Andy Brown to the bustling community of Harlem. Ideal for listeners seeking a blend of laughter and a snapshot of historical societal commentary through timeless radio comedy

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23 Jun 2024
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(whistling) - Hey hand, did you hear that whistle? - Show to Amos, that whistle means rinso white, rinso bright, rinso new. - Yeah, that's right, and it means that this is Sunday, and we was on air for 1950, rinso with sodium. (dramatic music) - The Amos and Andy show, with Jack Benny, Rochester, Lilo and Johnny Lee, Elby Almond, Willard Waterman, Jeff Alexander, his orchestra, and Radio's all time favorites. - Amos and Andy. (audience cheering) - Yes sir, the Amos and Andy show, brought to you by a leader by this company, makers of U-1950 rinso with sodium. The soap that gets your clothes whiter and brighter than new. (whistling) - Rinso white, rinso bright, rinso new. - Happy little wash day song. (dramatic music) (dramatic music) - During the past year, Andy Brown managed to accumulate $450 and had it tucked safely away in his savings account. Yesterday, the king fish found out about it, and today, they're in business with a capital of $450. At the moment, we find them discussing the new venture. - Well, Andy, that's a great name. We got far comin' it down. The super friendly, convenient neighborhood, personal loan company incorporated. (audience laughing) - Well, that show is a pretty long name to have on the door there, ain't it? - Yeah, but the painter managed to get it all on. On the trouble is, when you open the door, the word and the carpet latest stays on the door jam there. (audience laughing) - Ever, you know, king fish, I've been thinkin' about this loan business. I felt a lot safer when my $400 was in the bank, that $450 has drawn pounded up interest, everything. On top of that, my savings was guaranteed by the government too. - Yeah, well, what's so good about that, ain't it? Let's analyze the thing. Who is the government? - The people, and you is the people. - I is, huh? (audience laughing) - In other words, you was guaranteein' your own money and you don't want a deadbeat like yourself responsible for $400? (audience laughing) - No, I sure don't. You know, it's lucky I got out of that bank in time. But come of this, just how you go about runnin' a loan business. - Well, Andy, I don't know ready to put an ad in there of new newspapers, you see? - Yeah, well, that sounds good. Oh, come here, namas, come here. - Hey there, boys, you really all set up in the loan business here, ain't you? - Yeah, he must be goin' do big things here, all right? - Oh yeah, puttin' my money in the loan business is the smartest thing I ever done, Amos. Ain't no point in keepin' in a dangerous place like a bank. (audience laughing) - What do you mean, dangerous, ain't it? - Well, after all, who guarantees your money when it's in the bank, the government? And who is the government, the people? And who is the people, of, who is that, King Thing? (audience laughing) - We as the people. - Oh yeah, I know there was somebody who couldn't trust me, she couldn't have missed it. (audience laughing) - Listen, I ain't got the time or the strength to untangle this mess, but the reason I come back here is 'cause I was in here before you fellas was out the lunch when I was here, you see? - Oh, you was, huh? - Yeah, and the phone rang, and it was some fellow named Rochester, and he was interested in gettin' a loan, and he comin' over here at two o'clock to see you, buddy. - King Fish, we got a customer. - Yeah, yeah, we can take care of him already. We got a work in capital of $450, and we plan to loan it out, and dribs and drabs. Rochester say you want a bar at $400. What'd you think, innit? - Well, with one big grab like that, he gonna dribble us right out of business. (upbeat music) - Well, and it's two o'clock, got a fellow out of B here in a minute, no? - Yeah, he gonna be our first customer. - Yeah, the one nice thing about just, uh-uh, Santa. - What? - Look out the window there. That fellow comin' to cross the street. I wonder if that could be that Rochester fellow. - Boy, he is really dressed up sharp, ain't he? - Oh, yeah, got on black shoes, gray humber, yeah? - Yeah, and look at that top coat he's wearin' there. That is the most beautiful shade of orange I've never seen. (audience laughs) - Quiet, innit, wait a minute, he comin' in here, yeah, yeah. Oh, how do you do, Savannah? Chance, is you Rochester? - That's me! (audience applauds) - Tell me, what can we do for you, Mr. Rochester? - Is this where I come to get my wallet pumped up? (audience laughs) - Yes, uh, uh, this year's the friendly loan company, all right? - Well, I wanna buy 400 books! - Uh, $400, huh, well, uh, I think we might be able to help you. But tell me, Mr. Rochester, is you employed at the present time? - Oh, yeah, I've been workin' for the same fellow as a butler for the past 12 years. - Yeah, well, if you've been workin' for this fellow all that time, how come you need to borrow money? - I said, I've been workin', I didn't say nothin' about gettin' paid. (audience laughs) - Well, as long as you was workin' steady, I guess we could swing it. Now, you see, on all loans, we got liberal terms here. We only charges you 2% interest. - Well, that sounds fine! Is that by the year, by the hour, or by the month? - By the second, that's what it's like. - By the second, that's what it's like. (audience laughs) (audience applauds) - Then, uh, Mr. Rochester, there are some other little fees in there too. Now, there's a $2 filing charge, a $3 handling fee. Then, of course, we have to record the loan. This is the $21 recordin' charge. - Who's gonna record it, John Charles Thomas? (audience laughs) - And now, let's see, I had nothing to do with the whole thing here. We gives you the $400 now, and in two weeks you pay us back to small, to small total of $965.00 and 80 cents. And then, we're our friend of terms. - Family, I can get better terms than that from Joe Stalin! (audience laughs) - But, right now, I ain't got no choice, I'll tell ya. - Yeah, well, I'll tell ya, before we let you have the money, because, Rochester, there's one thing more that we got to know. What do you want the money for, anyhow? - Well, boys, I'll tell ya, I want this money to make a down payment on a little rose covered cottage in the country. - A rose covered cottage, huh? - Yeah, someplace I can call home when my butlerin' days is over and I quit workin' for the whole father time. (audience laughs) - Well, that's a legitimate reason for the loan. All right, give the man the money, innit? - Yeah, let me open up my shirt, and get in my money belt. Now, I'll unbutton my underwear. - Holy smoke, King Fish wears it, I've been robbed. I've been robbed. - No, no, no, no, no, there it is, ain't it? Just don't get in between them rules of blubber there, eh? (audience laughs) - Yeah, there it is, peakin' out the second layer. (audience laughs) - Well, I got a grip on it now. Wait a minute, here's the flap on the pocket and the belt. Let me get this safety pin off here, and pull the scotch tape loose, and get this rivet outta here. (audience laughs) Ah, here it is. Here's the money. You know that's some belt. The fella I worked for has got one just like it. - It is, huh? - Yeah, the only difference is when he unbuttoned his DVDs of Bell Ring. (audience laughs) - Bell Ring? - Yeah, when we put his underwear in the washing machine, it sounds like New Year's Eve. (audience laughs) - Yeah, well, here's the money, Miss Rochester. - Oh, thanks. - And remember now, you're gonna return the money to us within two weeks plus interest in caring children. - Okay, boys. - Yeah, take a care of yourself. We don't want nothing to happen to you between now and then, you know? - Yeah, we'd be in bad shape if you got killed or something. - You got nothing to worry about. The way you boys got me tied up in my corpse will be making payments two years after I'm banned. (dramatic music) - Yeah, looks like this lone business is gonna catch on here. Been in the thing 10 days now, done made two loans already. $400 to that fellow Rochester and $49.25 to myself. (audience laughs) That still leaves the 75 cents to play around, wouldn't it? (phone rings) Hello, friend of the lone, come here. - Hello, this Rochester. - Oh, fine. You ready to pay back the loan, huh? - That's why I called. I ain't gonna be able to pay it back. I ain't got no money. - Ain't got no money. Well, in that case, we're gonna have to foreclose on your collateral. - I ain't got no collateral neither. - Well, what about the rules covered cottage in the country made it down payment on? We ran second solo! (applause) Happy little wash day song! For a wash that's whiter and brighter than new! Rinso washes, Rinso new! Rinso white! Why do the new! Rinso white! Why do the new! Rinso white! Rinso white! Rinso white! Rinso white! Rinso new! Rinso new! It's an amazing fact! 1950 Rinso with soleum gets white, close whiter, washable colors, brighter than new! Rinso new! Even on rainy days, Rinso puts sunshine in your wash! No other soap can make your wash so white, so bright! Because no other soap contains the scientific sunlight ingredient, soleum! 1950 Rinso gets out more dirt! Yes, gets out more dirt than any other type of wash day product! Yet Rinso is so safe for clothes, so kind to your hands! Get Rinso today, see your wash become whiter, brighter than new! Rinso white! Rinso great! Rinso great! Rinso new! Happy little wash day song! Oh me, Rochester done lost and there's four hundred dollars on the horse race! And I was the one that got in this mess! How in the world is I going to break the news to him? Oh, I hear him coming down the hall now! Well, you know he was a beat 'round the bush! I'm going to come right out and tell the boy! Oh, come in brother Hannah, come in! Hello, what a partner, do you make any big other deals today with our capital Zuppus? Oh, Hannah, now someone wants to tell you, pal! Yes, what's that? Hannah, is you over here at all expression that having money brings a fellow nothing but sadness and you ain't ever happy until you get rid of it? Yeah, I was here to that. Well, sit down son, have a good laugh for yourself! Wait a minute, a kingfish is something that'll happen to that four hundred dollars of mine? Yes, and they have to put it as gently as possible to money as done going down the sewer! Rochester done lost your four hundred dollars! Oh, wait a minute, how about closing in on that rose-covered cottage? And a seven-dollar horse has already done that! You mean he bet on a horse? Yeah, and him! And it looked like you had been parigniptual right throughout your four hundred dollars there! Wait, a kingfish sure was responsible for this! You done talked me into going into this loan business, now you done lost my money! Kingfish, put up your dues! Wait a minute, nothing, stand up there, I'm going to knock all your teeth out, then I'm going to work on your gums! Hannah, just take it easy here! Come in short, stand back short, stand back, I just about to beat up the kingfish! Wait a minute, Hannah, you can't beat up a fellow that we as known for a fellow who's always helped us to... a fellow that we learned and loved, and you care how... let's both take a crack at it! (Applause) Hey, look, Hannah, lay off me here, and let's settle this thing like gentlemen! If we just hit the right angle here, we might get back on money! Yeah, well, well, well, well, well, let's just double all the bells, fellas! Well, listen, Shorty, we done went into loan business, and we lent a guy by the name of Rochester four hundred dollars, and now we ain't going to get it back! Now, let's... this fellas worth it! Here's the angle, find out who's working for, you see. Then maybe his boss would advance you the money, and then he could take a little out of Rochester's salary every week to take back. A sort of... a sort of... gone-a-she-a-style, real thing. (Laughter) If Rochester's boss is responsible, a generous person, that might work, you know? But the thing you ought to do first, though, is check up on Rochester's boss's financial standard, and that'll tell you what your chance is here. Yeah, that's a good idea, Shorty. Yeah, you know, we never got it in all this trouble, the Rochester's hadn't lost the money on the horse race. Oh, damn, horse race is a sticky thing! Oh, yeah, I know all about him, 'cause I used to be a jockey! Shorty, you was a jockey? Oh, yeah! (Laughter) Oh, I'll never forget my biggest race. It was like a Kentucky derby. Oh, I was riding a wonderful horse, and just before the race, the train had given me my instructions. He did, huh? Yeah, he'd give me a stopwatch, and you see, when the race begins, to start the watch. That's what he'd say when the race begins, to start the watch, and let the horse break fast, and go full speed for the first 20 seconds. Therefore, the next 35 seconds, just let him stay on the pace. Then, for the last 30 seconds, use the whip and go for a dive and finish. Yeah, well, how did the plan work out, Shorty? I never left the starting deal. I forgot to wind the watch. Well, Andy, retail credit association, give me all the financial information on Rochester's employer. Yeah, you sure got a lot of stuff there, all right? Now, who is the fellow Rochester's working for, and what do we do? Well, he's on the radio, Andy, and his name is Benny. Benny who? No, no, that's his last name, Jack Benny. Oh, oh, yeah, I was here to him. Ain't he one that you got the dummy on his knee? You thinkin' that other fellow that's always on the radio, or the television, or the time, that, uh, Arthur Goofy or somethin' like that. If it just fella Benny, I think it's on the radio doing the daytime. I think he messed up with Aunt Jenny or somethin' like that. Yeah, well, uh, let's get back to this, Mr. Benny's financial report. Yeah, now, well, I don't know where they put in the call to Mr. Benny's bank to see if I can find out something there, you see. They ought to call me back in a minute, they checkin' on it. Yeah, well, in the meantime, let's check this stuff we got from the credit association. Well, no, here's a statement they give me from one of the department stores. Mr. Benny done some business with Stewart's department store. Yeah, what did that say? Say here, January the 5th, 1945, took out one hot water bottle on trial. Well, it was the 2nd, 1948 return hot water bottle. Mm, when he tries somethin' he really give it a whirl, don't he? There's somethin' else there after that, say. Customer claim, bottle leaked in, threatened law, sued for water damage, will ya? Well, and they have to not have fella Benny as I can know Robinhood, is it? Nah, uh-oh, here's somethin' here, kingfish. A report from a party caterer. Mr. Benny give a New Year's Eve party. Boy, dude, let me see this, yeah, this might give a different slang on him. Yeah. Let me see this thing. Boy, this was the big party, all right, look here. 4,000 party napkins, 50 party favors, 50 place cards, six bottles of ginger, and a half a pint of domestic sherry, what is it? Yeah, that must've been a ball, all right. Yeah, that's like the type of affair you wouldn't mind leavin' early, doesn't it? Look, ain't it, let's face the fact, you're up to now. I got a sneakin' suspicion that, uh, this ain't the kind of man who gon' hand over four hundred dollars. Well, what must we do, kingfish? It looked to me like it, uh... Oh, there must be the bank callin' now, didn't I? Oh, hello? Oh, the bank, huh? Yeah, fine. Boy, check on Mr. Benny, how good? Yeah, well, like I told you, we tryin' to get four hundred dollars out of him, and we wonder what our chances were as a gettin' it. He'll pay us when? Oh... Well, it'll be a long time before that freezes over. Yeah. Let me finish this, come on. Uh, well, ain't it? It looked like he was out of luck, yeah boy. Out of luck, nothing, kingfish. You was responsible for me loosing my money, and you're gon' do somethin' 'bout it. Well, I tell ya, ain't it? Well, wait a minute, wait a minute here. Look who's comin' across the street here. It's that fluorescent Jackson, the gala, come up from Georgia last week. Say, kingfish, is she sellin' some boardin' over at your house? Oh, yeah, she's standin' up there, does she find another room for herself? You know, she craves about you, ain't it? Yeah, I know, I'm afraid of that gala. Yeah. I think she's still tryin' to nupch you like me, you know what I mean? Uh, come here and come in. Hello, hello, hello. Hello, hello, hello. Well, hello, Thor, how is ya? Yeah, what is you doin' in this neighborhood? Oh, I just come from the beauty parlor. I want to make myself look presentable. Yeah, too bad they couldn't take ya. Oh, and you're so cute. Isn't he, Mr. Steven? Yeah, he's a cutie already. Oh, you poor boys look trouble. Is he somethin' Bob and my Andy? Oh, it's nothin' you could help us with for usin'. We had a business deal go south. We loaned some money to a fella, and later on we found out he bettered on a horse named Rosebud that lost. Rosebud lost? Well, that's funny. Why, did you know anything about it? Well, uh, the strangest thing happened. Naturally, I don't know the first thing about horse racing. But when I stop by the newsstand to get my woman's home companion, a copy of that other magazine, I think they call it the recent form. Uh, happened to blow open to the fifth in rockin' ham. Just happened to blow open to fifth, huh? Yes, and according to the doof, a rosebud breathes seven furlongs in 125 and then came on to cop the thing by nose. I have a feeling that means she won. Yeah, when I lookin' in there, if that horse won, that means it rots ya. There's gottin' money, and he is pullin' the fast one on us. You said it. We gotta get some legal advice on this right away. Well, I'll be runnin' along now. Goodbye, and do you fat little rest 'cause you... fat little rest 'cause you're so long for lessons. Goodbye, bunny head. You know, King Fish, for a gal I don't know nothin' about racing. I wonder how come she'll know so much about horses. Well, and I guess it's the old saying that takes one to no one's, huh? This is Ken Carpenter, and tonight I've got something unusual to say. As our audience came into the studio, we showed them 12 beautiful Christmas cards. Now, they're colorful prints of winter scenes by famous American artist. The audience, I've got them here in my hand. Aren't they as fine as any Christmas cards you've ever seen? Well, that's what I think, too, but here's a surprise. You can get all 12 of these handsome Christmas cards with envelopes for just 25 cents and a rinsole box top. The address is Rinsole Christmas card club, box 30, New York 8, New York. This offers limited to the continental United States, Alaska, and Hawaii. I think you'll say these cards are at least a dollar value. What's more, you won't have to shop at crowded counters at Christmas time. Now, this is the last time I'll make this announcement. So hurry, send 25 cents at a Rinsole box top to Rinsole Christmas card club, box 30, New York 8, New York. Allow three weeks for delivery. Order these 12 beautiful Christmas cards and envelopes right away. Come on, Andrew, let's get on in here and see if Calhoun, the politician, has got some way. We could get that $400 back from Rochester. Yeah, put that money on the horse and the horse won. He really trying to pull a fast one on us. I hope Calhoun's in. How you doing, that's Emma's Calhoun, can we see you in a minute? Well, I'm settling. Be seated, boys. Be seated. Now, look, Calhoun, we got some big business to it because, will you? Yeah, first, you better have a cigar. Don't mind if I do. Thanks. Yeah, let me give you a light, sir. Yeah, let me puff on the thing. You know, Calhoun, that cigar you're smoking there is two for 50 cents. He is? Well, who got the 48 cents? Look, Calhoun, look, he wears in big trouble, you know what? Well, tell him, boys, what is the trouble that's troubling you? Well, now, here's the thing. We opened up a loon, come and looned $400 to a fellow named Rochester. Now, he bet the money on a horse. Not a horse won, but now he won't pay us back alone. Well, now, if that's the case, legally, you was in the right. The fact for you to do is go down to the courthouse and see your... The challenge! Yeah, I thought for a minute there you was going to come up dry. Now, Calhoun, uh, Calhoun got a good idea, then. Yep, there's lots of ways you can collect from a fellow who's trying to pull a fast one on you. The judge can serve him with an order to pay. Is your rid of indenture? Take a lien on his home, stop payment on his bank account, attach his personal property, or file a charge of intent to defraud. Hey, Calhoun, you really know all the legal angles on collecting money. How you know all that stuff? Boys, I've been sued, eh, over way you think of it. [laughter] [applause] Yeah, well, the clerks say that the judge will see us in a minute, eh? Yeah, the king of Israel, I hope we can get our money back somewhere. Yeah, well, Anna, all we got to do is tell the judge the truth. We ain't got to make up no cock and bull's door, but once in our life, we isn't the right show. Yeah, it's a funny feeling, eh? [laughter] The sense chills up your spine. How do you do? I don't believe I know you, man. Yeah, so well, my name is George Kingfist Stephen, and this is my partner, Andy Brown. Well, what can I do for you? Well, you see, Mr. Judge, we is in the loan business, and we lent a fella four hundred dollars, and he refuses to pay us back. I see, and you gentlemen wish to swear out a complaint against him. Swear out, well, without putting no cuss words in the thing doesn't make it as strong as you can. Yes, well, let me get the facts here. Oh, yes, sir. Well, we'll tell you everything. We're running a legitimate loan company here. We ain't got nothing to hide. Well, that's fine. I presume your license is all in order? Oh, yes, we got... [laughter] Is that a license? Yes, yes, you have to have a license or operate a loan company. Well, we got a license already, just had it renewed. 1949 license in, Mr. Brown. Oh, show, show got the license place on the front of the back of the building. [laughter] Well, if you have a license, I'd like to see it. Like to see it, huh? Well, I'll tell you, Mr.... We've been doing such a big loan business in the past month out of the Fred. We done overdone ourselves and loaned out the license, too. [laughter] Well, let's forget about the license for the time being. Now, about this loan. Well, there's an opening shut thing here. We left this Rochester $400 two weeks ago, and now he refuses to pay us back to $965.80. That's the thing. $965. Are you by any chance guilty of usury? Oh, no, sir. No, sir. We just charge him the regular 30% interest. 30%. Do you realize the legal rate of interest in this state is 10%? Yeah, well, we only use the legal rate, but we use it three times. [laughter] We've done nothing wrong. All we've done was to over-legalize the thing. Well, this is a fine set of affairs. No license to operate a loan company. Excessive interest rates. There happened to be severe penalties for this sort of thing. Just who was in charge of this company? Well, I was the office boy. I was the office boy. [laughter] And you? I was under him. [laughter] Yeah, uh, we are just two innocent office boys. We don't know nothing but nothing. Well, there's no doubt about it. There's some lone sharks involved in this thing somewhere. Well, there ain't nothing shocking about us. We just a couple of sardines. We'll see you again, judge. [laughter] Oh boy, I'm so glad to get out of there. Yeah, how you like that, King Fish? For the first time in our life, we tell somebody the truth and the man jumps all over us. Well, when you're starting messing with that true stuff, we're playing with fire already. [laughter] Well, King Fish, we still ain't got my $400 back now. What must me do? Well, there's only one thing left to do, ain't there? We gotta call Rochester on the phone, tell him man to man that we don't found out about his horse running first. And see if we can't talk him into coming over here and paying us back on money. Yeah, that's right. That's the only chance. You know, King Fish, we ought to have a rule around here. What's that? The next time we jips the customer, we gotta make sure that he ain't smart and weird. [music] You say you finally got Rochester on the phone about an hour ago, huh, King Fish? Oh, yes, and then he says, "For he knew the horse ran second." Oh, this business about the horse winning was as much news to him as it was to us. I told him to get his bookie that took the bet and come over here so we could straighten this thing out. Yeah, that's a funny thing, all right. The bookie telling him to horse run second in the actual wonder thing. Hey, yeah, well, yeah, wait a minute. I think I hear Rochester coming down the hall now. Yeah, I hope we got his bookie with him. And we can find out why the fellow refuses to pay off. Yeah, oh, come in here, Rochester. Oh, they're not gonna meet the bookie that took my bet. Yeah, you like it well. Let him know you're down. [applause] Hello, boys. Mr. Benny, look at that, would you? Well, Mr. Benny, you mean to say that you take bets? Well, a man needs some hobby. [laughter] Well, look, Mr. Benny, you took Rochester's bet here, and you told him the grooves but lost. But in the racing form, they say it played in this day that it was a photo finish and the camera showed that she won by news. Now, what about that? Well, the camera can be wrong, too. See, I made the horn blows at midnight. [applause] [music] [music] And if you go into a store and ask for a soap that the most women you was, what did you get? Well, they were famous on this program. That is a foolish question. Well, the answer, of course, is Rinso. More women use Rinso than any other washday soap in the world. 1950 Rinso with Solium gets clothes, whiter colors, brighter than you. Yes, Rinso knew. Rinso makes the hardest part of dishwashing easier, too. Pots and pans really shine. Get the economical giant size 1950 Rinso with a red Solium label. We'd like to thank Rochester and Jack Benny of the Aunt Jenny Program for being on our show. See you next Sunday. [applause] Lightboy gets skin cleaner, gives you longer all-over protection after your daily bath. Remember, there's not just one or two, but 13 areas of the skin where doctors have found B.O. Lightboy protects you all over, gives you top 24-hour security. Get Lightboy right away. [music] The short list of the Amazon anti-show at the same time next Sunday. Stay tuned for the Edgar-American Charlie McCarthy Show which follows immediately over most of these stations. This is CVS, the Columbia Broadcasting Center. [applause]