Daily Gunsmoke

Gunsmoke - Obie Tater - Listen to hundreds of audiobooks, thousands of short stories, and ambient sounds all ad free! Welcome to Daily Gunsmoke, your go-to podcast for diving into the legendary tales of Marshal Matt Dillon and the untamed landscape of Dodge City from the classic old-time radio series, "Gunsmoke." Join us every day as we explore a unique episode filled with high-stakes gunfights, complex moral issues, and the raw drama that cemented Gunsmoke's place as a cornerstone of American entertainment. Experience the adventures of Dillon, Miss Kitty, Doc Adams, and Chester Proudfoot as they navigate the challenges of life and law on the frontier. Don't miss a moment of these timeless stories—tune into Daily Gunsmoke for your daily dose of the Wild West.

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10 Jul 2024
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The journey to a smoke-free future can be a long and winding road, but if you're ready for a change, consider taking Zinn for a spin. Zinn nicotine pouches offer a fresh way to discover your nicotine satisfaction anywhere, anytime. No smoke, no spit, and no lingering odor. Get in gear with a Zinn 10 challenge and enjoy 10 smoke-free, spit-free days for just $5.95. Order online and start your new journey today. Warning, this product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical. Gun smoke, brought to you by Chesterfield. America's most popular two-way cigarette. What a pair. Chesterfield king's eyes at the new low price, Chesterfield regular. Around God City and in the territory on West, there's just one way to handle the killers in the spoilers, and that's where the U.S. marshal and the smell of gun smoke. Gun smoke, starring William Conrad, a transcribed story of the violence that moved West with young America, and the story of a man who moved with it. I'm that man, Matt Dillon, United States marshal. The first man they look for and the last they want to meet. It's a chancy job, and it makes a man watchful, and a little lonely. Nice little house he's got here, Quid. Fella with all his money can afford a nice house, Mitch. Hey, he's coming out of the barn. Let's go have a little talk with him. He's very big fella. We shouldn't have much trouble now. Hello there. Get on rest of our men. I'll get out. You stay mounted, Mitch. Right, Quid. Why don't you both get down? I got a pot of coffee on the stove in there, and I might scare up a little bacon if you're real empty. We're dead. We camped in and cottonwoods out there last night. Well, we did. Well, why didn't you ride in? I could have slept you in the barn. I don't get much company out here. I know. We've been watching the place. You're alone here, ain't you? I've always been all alone. Obie tater, huh? Obie tater, that's right, Mr. But, uh, how come you knowed my name? Well, everybody's heard of you, Obie. Man, it spends money where you do get kind of famous life. Oh, I don't spend money no more. That was when I first come here. Oh, I'm broke now. Well, that ain't the way we heard it, Obie. We heard you drove mule back in Sacramento, plumb loaded with gold, double eagles. Well, that ain't so. A thousand dollars is all the gold I scratched out of California, and I spent it building this ranch. So, I don't know why people keep talking about how rich I am. They'll quit talking soon enough, Obie. You ain't going to be rich no more. Yeah, no, you sure ain't. What are you talking about? I'm going to ask you real nice, Obie. Where you got that gold head. Oh, wait a minute. What are you fellas up to? You're going to tell us. You come here to rob me, didn't you? Well, there ain't no use. There's nothing to rob. I told you you wouldn't talk weed. We'll have to bounce it out of him. Go ahead, Mitch. Stay down your rope. No, I ain't even armed. You can't hang me. We ain't going to hang, Obie. We're just going to give you a little ride. Feet first. Go on, Mitch. Rope. No, you'll put that rope away. You ain't going to drag me? Yes, we are, Obie. Just what we're going to. Well, looky there. It's Obie tater. Oh, Chester. Uh, Marshall doing. How are you, Obie? Well, what brings you into Dodge? Well, I had to see Doc Adams, Marshall. Well, you are kind of peeked looking, Obie. You been sick? I ain't been sick. Been hurt. Hurt? Well, what happened, Obie? Three weeks ago, Marshall. I like to die. What'd you do? Would you fall off a horse or something? Oh, I didn't. I got drug. What? Well, two fellas. They come by my place and they throw the rope on me and they drug me across the prairie. Well, who did? What for? I never seen them before, Marshall, but one was called Mitch and the other, Quaid. That's all I know about. Well, I never heard of no Mitch near Quaid around here. Well, why did they do it, Obie? Well, Marshall, you know how everybody thinks I come back from California with a lot of gold, doubly goods, and they say I'm rich. Oh, it ain't true, of course, but that don't stop them. They just go right on saying it. Yeah, I've heard the talk. So these two fellas, they wanted to rob me. I told them and I told them that I don't have no gold money, but they wouldn't believe them. That's a wonder they didn't kill you, Obie. Well, they pretty near did, Marshall. I felt awful when they got through. Do you think they'll come back? They said they wasn't done with me yet. They said they'd find a way to open me up. It's a terrible thing. Marshall being treated like that for no reason at all. And especially when you ain't even got no gold money. That's still bad. The rumor got started in the first place, Obie. I've tried to stop it, but you know how I am. I ain't very smart. I can't hardly sign my name, Marshall. This is why I've always got job by any fast talker. It comes long. All my life, it's been like that. Well, we can't stop what people think, Obie, but maybe we can find those two men. Do you think you'd recognize them? Yes, I sure would, Marshall. Okay, they just might be hanging around Dodge. Let's go look the town over, Obie. [Music] Almost 100 years ago, Charles Kingsley wrote that tobacco is a lone man's companion, a bachelor's friend, a hungry man's food, a sad man's cordial, a wakeful man's sleep, and a chilly man's fire. These words describe what Chesterfield means to millions of smokers today. All of us smoked for relaxation, for comfort, for satisfaction, and in the whole wide world, no cigarette satisfies like a Chesterfield. Only Chesterfield has the right combination of the world's best tobacco, highest in quality, low in nicotine, best for you. Buy 'em king's eyes at the new low price, or regular. Get a carton of Chesterfield today. [Music] Marshall Dillon, we must have been in every saloon and gambling house in Dodge. I'm getting put short. Well, there are only a couple more, Obie. We'll try the Texas Trail here at next. Well, what are you going to do if we find a marshy from the jail? I don't know if there's enough left of them when I get through. Now, here we are. Okay, take a good look around, Obie. They painted the bar, and they painted the tables back there. It couldn't be sit down a minute, Marshall. I'm awfully tired. I guess I ain't got my full sprints back. Sure, Obie. We can sit down. Oh, let's go over there with Kitty. I don't know where that other girl is. Oh, I'd like that, Marshall. I ain't heard a woman's voice over half a year. Hello, Matt. Hello, Kitty. Oh, Kitty, this is Obie Tater. Well, I had to know you, Obie. Ma'am, it's Miss Obie. And the same with Ella Miller, Sheriff. And this is Marshall, Bill. How do you do, Ma'am? How do you do? I'm glad to know you. Sit down, sit down. Thank you. That's an awful pretty name, Ella Miller. Thank you, Obie. Ella's new here. She only been in Dodge for a week. I like it, though. Am I even staying wild? Oh, oh, that'd be nice. Sure hope you do, huh? Well, it depends. It depends on what? Oh, people, I suppose. If I meet somebody I like, I'll stay. You will? Sure? Why not? Well, you meet somebody. Pretty girl like you. You're nice, Obie. By the way, how you feeling now? Oh, I'm fine. Doc Adams couldn't find us in real wrong. He just said to take it easy for a while. What's the trouble, Obie? You've been sick? Oh, it's not that couple of, couple of fellows come by my place and treat me kind of rough. I'm okay now. You look fine, Obie. I can't hear the young man like you anyway. I ain't very young no more, not pushing 60, I think. 60? Well, I don't believe it, but you look more like 35 to me. I do. Of course you do. Uh, Ella? Yes? I'd be proud to take you over to the bar and buy you a drink. Any kind of a drink you want. Uh, wait a minute now, Obie. We've got a couple of more places to look at. No, that can wait, Marshall. It ain't important we'll do that tomorrow, sometime. Oh, well, yeah, last one, when he comes. Oh, I'd love to, Obie. And maybe you'll tell me about yourself. Not in California, no. Oh, that ain't nothing. I'd rather hear about you than how you come to talk. That sure didn't take long. Ella millish. What do you know about her, Kitty? I don't know anything, man. Not really. That was a good talker, but he didn't say much about his self. Did she come here alone? Well, I know what she did. She have any friends here? I mean, have you seen her with anyone in particular? No, I don't pay much attention to her. Why, Matt, something wrong? No, not yet, Kitty. But, uh, there's sure gonna be. Oh, good morning, Matt. How about Doc? Come on in. Oh, well, thank you. You found Obie Tater yet? Not yet, Doc, but Chester's out looking for him again. Well, maybe he hadn't tried the right places, man. Oh, we've looked everywhere, Doc. He and that Ella millish just plain disappeared, both of them. Well, I wouldn't worry about it. They'll be back. And I hope so. This is the second day they've been gone. I tried to talk to Obie that first night, but he was acting like a man in a dream. Oh, he loves dream, Matt loves sweet young dream. Doc, Obie Tater will never see 60 again. Oh, age has nothing to do with him. I'm surprised that you don't understand these matters. Oh, why should I always come ask you about him? Anytime, Matt, anytime, be glad to advise you. There's many a pitfall I might save you from, too, if you come to me in time. And you may consider me like a father. Like a father, huh? Certainly. Well, that's mighty nice of you, Doc. Yes, the benefit of my experience is yours, Matt. Just any time. Good, good. Tell me, Doc, how does a man get out of New Orleans with two different husbands gunning for him? Your husband is gunning for him? Well, it's a bit out of New Orleans, huh? Oh, my goodness, I must have been drunk. When did I tell you about that? The same night you told me about how you come to leave Philadelphia? Yeah, I tell, I did. Oh, well, that happened long. Oh, a long time ago. I don't appreciate you remembering that either. Here he is, Mr. Dillon. Well, I found him. Come on in, Obie. Obie, hey, sir. Well, it's about time you showed up again. Well, what's all the fuss about? You think I was a criminal or something? We've been worried about you, Obie. Where you been? Honeymoon. What? Honeymoon. That's a dodge house. I paid the clerk $10, not to tell nobody we was there. I didn't pull up all of it. You mean you're married, Ella Millish? I was loved at first sight, Marshall. I proposed to make her my wife, and I am proud to see she accepted me right off. I never thought you'd go that far. She's a fine girl, Marshall, a fine girl. Yes, she, Obie. Well, I hate to say anything against your wife, but there's something I got to tell you. Your jealous, Marshall, that's what your y'all shame on you. Obie, if I'd known you were going to do this, I'd have made you listen to me the other night. Say it out, Marshall. I've got to get back to my bride. We're leaving for the ranch today. I'm half tempted to let you find out for yourself. I'll find out what we were talking about. Don't you remember the other night when you first met Ella Millish? How she asked you if you were feeling okay again? Now, ain't that just like Ella? All was considering other people, me in particular, I'm happy to say. Well, while you're feeling so happy, tell me something. How come she knew you'd been hurt? You came here straight from Doc's that day and nobody knew anything about what had happened to you except Doc and Chester and me. Now, who told Ella Millish? Well, I don't know what differences you've made. Oh, Obie, listen to me. There's something wrong with Ella. I don't know for sure she's in with those fellas, Mitch, and Quaid, but if she isn't, she's got explaining to do. Marshall Dylan, Ella Millish is now Mrs. Obie tater. She don't have to explain nothing to nobody. Oh, I give up. She's a fine woman, Marshall, and I won't stand for no talk again. Love, sweet young dream, isn't it? It's like being a local, Maddie. Can't hear you or anybody else except that girl. Now, that's no way to talk about me. I thought you were my friend. We are your friends. Not anymore, you're not. You or Doc or Chester, nobody. Well, I got me a wife now and I don't need you. You'll see. Yeah, we'll see. But I hope it isn't too late when we do, Obie. I hope you're still alive to see too. I didn't know how Ella Millish planned to do it, but she was a clever girl. And I was sure she had some way in mind to handle Obie tater. What she didn't know, of course, was that he didn't have any money and that she was wasting her talents on him. And I was afraid that when she failed, Mitch and Quaid had come back and a list time they'd kill Obie. He was still alive about a week later, however, when Chester and I happened to be in the country, not far from his ranch and rode over to have a look. They're at home all right, Mr. Dillon. My greatest aim must be roasting a calf with all that smoke coming out of the chimney. Wait a minute, Chester. Watch that smoke a minute. What? Just watch it. Now there, there you see. All right, it's poppin'. It's startin' and doppin' every now and again. Yeah. Well, maybe if chimney's got somethin' stuffed up in it. Maybe. You know, if you couldn't see the house, you'd think it was Indian single. You're stopping, man. Let's leave our horses here, huh, Chester? Yeah, sure. At Chester, when we get inside, don't say anything about how that smoke looked. Do you mean you think it was a signal, Mr. Dillon? Oh, we'll see. Hello. Anybody home? Who is it? Is that you, Ella? Well, I'm so doin'. What are you doin' out here? Oh, we were nearby, so we thought we'd stop and say hello. Well, that's fine, Marshall. But I can't ask you, and I'm busy cleanin' out. Oh? You'd better come back some other time. I'd love to see you then. Oh, sure, sure. Where's Obie? Obie? Oh, he went off somewhere this morning. I don't expect him back to late. Next time, Marshall, you come see us next time I'll cook your dinner or somethin'. That's okay, Ella. Well, he'll see you another time. Sure. You do that, Marshall. Goodbye. Goodbye. Come on, Chuck. Well, I declare, Mr. Dillon, I never got treated like that in my whole life, not by nobody. She wasn't expecting us just there at her upset. I don't care. That's no excuse for not even offering a man a cup of coffee. She didn't want us in the house. In fact, I don't think she wants us anywhere around here. Hey, where are we going? I want to take a look in the barn. In the phobia's not here, we're going back to the house. Well, but Ella said he took off for somewhere this morning. Ella was kind of nervous just and maybe she didn't mean it. Oh, here we are. Obie? Obie Tater. Scan right where you are. Don't move either of you. Hey, he's got a shotgun. It's Marshall Dillon, Obie and Chester. Oh, sorry, Marshall. I couldn't see it first. I was in the back there and I heard the door open and I seen two men stand here. Can't blame me for being jumpy. That's all right, Obie. But what are you doing in here? Ella told us you weren't around. Ella told him. Well, there's a lot of talk in these days. But what is it, Obie? Something wrong between you two? Something wrong. Marshall Dillon, IOU, an apology. What for? For not listening to you backing dogs. He was right about the whole thing. All that woman married me for was my gold money and I told her and I told her I ain't got none. But she won't listen. All that talk won't hurt you, Obie. But there's something else that might. Well, she does more than talk, Marshall. The woman's a devil. That's what she is. Oh, what do you mean? What's she been doing? This won't feed me for one thing. She won't even boil my coffee. It started the first night we got here, Marshall. As soon as I show her my gold money, she says she'll be a good wife. I tried to tell her the place is hers, what she needs money for, even if I had it. For land's sake, I never heard of a wife that wouldn't cook for a man. Oh, that ain't all, Chester. Where do you think I've been sleeping? Out here in the barn, that's where. I can't even sleep in my own house. She says she'll run off into the prairie if I come anywhere near. Well, oh, Obie, if a woman done that in Texas, you'd have a right to give her back. I don't want to give her back. She's done pretty. And besides, there's something else she ain't going to devil me no more. What? After the night, she said, after the night, it's all over. She said she won't give me no more trouble. After the night, huh? That's what she said, Marshall. Chester, go get our horses and bring them into the barn where they can't be seen. And when you get back, you and Obie and I are going to go into the house and sit down and wait for the night. There are more than 60 million cigarette smokers in America who smoke many brands. In choosing your cigarette, be sure to remember this. You'll like Chesterfield best, because only Chesterfield has the right combination of a world's best tobacco, highest in quality, low in nicotine, best for you. All of us smoke for relaxation, for comfort, for satisfaction, and in the whole wide world, no cigarette satisfies like a Chesterfield. Yes, you'll get the greatest possible pleasure from a cigarette when you choose Chesterfield, the right combination of the world's best tobacco, highest in quality, low in nicotine, therefore best for you. Buy him king's eyes at the new low price or regular. Get a carton of Chesterfield's today. You might as well sit down and let you just wait yourself out walking around, that way. I've got nothing to do with this, I tell you. I never heard of Mitch McQuaid. You shouldn't worry about it, Olive. We'll find out if you know him when they get here. You're awful smart, aren't you, Marshall? I wasn't signaling that nobody needed. He's just trying to put the fire out. Sure. There's some horses coming up outside, Mr. Dillon. It's too dark to tell, but I think there's two of them. All right, Chester. Come on, you and I'll wait in the kitchen. I sure wish I had my gun, Marshall. No, Olive. Now I would have seen to it what you weren't armed, and we'll have them covered, so don't worry. You're making a big mistake, Marshall. Never mind, that, Olive. You just remember what I told you. Give us a way and your friends will die. They're not my friends. Come on, Chester. They're going to be some surprise. Thank you, Mr. Dillon. I hope so, Chester. We better get back out of the light. There to come, Mr. Dillon. Quiet now. He's an obie. Mitch, you remember obie, tated? Sure. You look better than what I last seen him, though. Wait a second, you're making a mistake. Shut up, Ella. It's trouble. He's going to give us no way. He's going to give us no way. All right, that's up, Chester. All right, don't move. He's the one of you. What is this? Who are you? Get your hand away from my gun, Quaid. You're caught now, Quaid. You and Mitch, both. He'll fix you. That's Marshall Dillon from Dodd. Marshall. Ella's double cross, this Quaid. No, I didn't. I tried to tell you. You signaled we was to come in. You know nobody double crosses me, Ella. Nobody. Now, dole, Quaid. All right, Mitch. You're next. I got my hands up, Marshall. I ain't drawn. Quaid, charter, Marshall. You done killed her. Just it. Get Mitch, it's gone. Yes, sir. Come on, give it to me. You get your hand away. Who'd think any man could be low enough to shoot a woman? She double crossed him. That's why I did it. No, Mitch. Ella had nothing to do with the Marshall being here. She signaled us to ride in tonight. That meant she'd given up, but she was going away with us. Give him up. If Ella couldn't find his money, nobody could. You're nothing but an old liar, Obie-chader. You ain't got no money at all. A liar. I told everybody a thousand times I ain't got no money. It doesn't matter now, Obie. Tell us it. Take Mitch outside and tie him up. Yes, sir. Come on, Mitch outside. Get more with him. All right. See you, girl. Roll the tie up with her. All right. She's dead, Marshall. I'm sorry, Obie. I just wasn't fast enough. Mm, it wasn't your fault, Marshall. You know what's happened? What, Obie? Oh, it was awful for me, Ella. Ruining as she treated me. She was a dog, going pretty. And I had told her she just acted like a wife should. That's all she had to do. And my other father could have killed me before I had told him. But I had told Ella. So what are you talking about, Obie? You'd have told Ella what? About my gold money? Your money? It's in the rain barrel outside, Marshall. A whole big sack full of gold, double eagles. What? You mean you had that money all the time? It's true. But you won't tell nobody. Where are you, Marshall? No, Obie. I won't tell anybody. Like I'm filtered? Like I'm king-sized? Then for you, this is it. King-sized L and M filters at the same low price as L and M regular. Both have the miracle tip for the effective filtration you need. Yes, it's the filter that counts. And L and M has the best. You get much more flavor, much less nicotine, a light and mild smoke. By L and M filters, just what the doctor ordered. It's America's highest quality and best filter tip cigarette. Biocotton, king-sized or regular. Both at the same low price. Gun smoke, produced and directed by Norman McDonald, stars William Conrad as Matt Dillon, U.S. Marshall. Tonight's story was specially written for "Gun Smoke" by John Meston, with music composed and conducted by Rex Corring. Featured in the cast were Joseph Curren, Virginia Gregg, Mick Herron, and Barney Phillips. Harley Bear is Chester, Howard McNier is Doc, and Georgia Ellis is kidding. Join us again next week at Matt Dillon, U.S. Marshall, fights to bring law and order out of the wild violence of the West in Gun Smoke. Nine out of ten forest fires are started by carelessness. Obey the forest rule. Build fires only in approved locations after securing a permit. Be sure all cigarettes and matches are dead out. Remember, only you can prevent forest fires. And remember to, next week at this same time, Chesterfield will bring you another transcribed story of the Western Front here on Gun Smoke. This is the CBS Radio Network. Well, it sounds like the tenants at your rental property sure know how to throw a great party. 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You can take Zinn for a spin at a special low price with a Zinn 10 challenge. Go to Warning, this product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.